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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 1 'J. .1 EXTRA. COIUIS, IliD CO, to, I. S. Jlfilil 4 lei iKt, Bold as their Samples of Ladles', Gents', Kisses aad Chudrea'a iJVinter Hosiery, Winter Underwear, -LEGGINGS, MITTENS, GLOVES, NUBIAS, 11 At 50c on the DoHat1.

TOU CAN BUY THEM JIT SAME RATE. K. B. Plenty of CLOAKS of every descrlp-tioa, iron Cloth to Seal. Terrtbls reductions on oca of then.

Will be open Tuesday aad Wednesday Bights TO-MORROW; Is Chiibtmas, and if you -want a Handeome PRESENT for a friend, don't fail to call and examine our magnificent stock THIS AFTERNOON. Bingham fc Walk, JEWELERS, 12 East "Washington St. CVStore open until 9 o'clock. JOS. A.

MOORE, 84 1. Market Interest allowed oa deposits la soma of ISJO Ud upward, Homt to toea oa Improved City and Farm Property In- Indiana and Ohio. City, County and Town Bonds and Furahaa money Note bought and told. No loam made except such aa an secured by first mortgage on real estate, with a large margin of security, or by collateral! havtag a Bkarket value. Foreiglxohange for tale oa all part of the sovid.

Christmas Cards am NOVELTIES. eaaaawsa OATHOART, CO. 1 A XA8T WASHINGTON ST. Store opea at night. i f.m.w A.


Meridian aid Hirjlind BUT TOUR Sbirts and Fafmsfiin Goods And have your Laundry done the boat la the ttteteat RESUME', SS WestWaab-lngton Msm Building. XMAB PKESENTS. Finest stock of Watches. Diamonds. Jewelry and Silverware la the btate.

Oar prions dcty oompetiilon. i M6 Coistock, 23 West Washington St, THE STORES Will be open ThU Evening nntll 10, and To morrow ChrWtmas) usUl noon. th a -H. IL VKB. CITY NEWS.

1 Telephone Calls. Editorial roomi 673 Baalaess 161 Thermometer. 7 a.m.'. 1 nu S3 18 The News will be published to-morrow as usual. The Kctfltr (republican) has reor an lied.

The oId wafe flag was lowered night at 8 o'clock. 1 The supreme court will not reassemble nntll January -State Auditor Bice has gone to Laporte oa official business. It. The -superior court has-cracUeally ad journed until January a. i The Plrle-Corwln attachment suit Is ilDI oa trial la the United States court.

Thomas Howard, alias Brocky, took his usual oote under the vejrrarcy act tad ay. Welhelm 619 Madison avenue, has oetn arreatea ior Tiouuns; liquor law. The Board ot Trade will nold no grain call to-morrow, fcusicess generally will be suspenaea. John C. Brlckmeyer, owner of the Pioneer Brats works.

It is leared is fatally alck wtih DtOEcniai acecuoa. i. There Is a ealherae of Pike township res- ldenU la the circuit court to-dsy oa one of ueir annual road rows. The Iceurance on the exposition budding has been reduced B30.U00 to 25,000, oa account ci tne mcreastu water supply. Captala Socwell has received from his son, Wui ss a Christmas present, a gol t- oeaoa caae, nicely enfirraTSJ, lom 'ill fan) 'a, ew Torsw A rpresentatWe of the o-eineJ Clncln Bstt lnvestmect Co, has been lying around vne uimuv courx xor scTerai days, evidently expecting something to drop.

The poeteffie will be at noon to morrow, ice cajritrs wiu make oce delivery and ore collection trip in the mortdng, uu a couection mp ia ui arcernooa. There was the atual row this mornlno' be Iweea the two rival estabttshmanu on Six stfeet, ana It resulted in Ur. Eberhardt be ing aned uses ul tit xr, EhxhardU The Deilaoa House Is preparlac to eortad THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1884J expetaee $1,300 nxt year, or miriag the bar Into the billiard hall and reattac the room occupied by the former for business purpxsee. 8. DesiST and Jadre Bans wm dlwolve law Dertnership oa Mw Tears, and Denny has serodated W.

8 Elliott wtta him, and will lit up a law odes tn the basement of the court house. There was a meetlsc la the county clerk's cfQce this moraine. Squire Smoek offietatlns; wtta neatness ana dupatea, laeaigaeoa- tractlDg par.les were Wat. A. Shaw and Martha A.

carter, uving near CDtaln Colbert and voate coralledj a party of tramps last night, who have been eosrrecauns; in me court noute oaeemcnx. and among them was a lad named Miller, who seems to have beta stealing for their benefit. The beautiful pictures la oil painting. crayon and water colors, wnica were exhibited at St. John's academy last Mondsy and Tueidsy, ably sustains the wide spread reputation lor art which this contribution erjoys.

Councilman Spahr. In ths fire board to-day asked the general term of the supe-rlorourt to permit the reatralnlcg ordrr to remain la force pending the appeal to th supreme court, but the motion was denied, and he was given twenty days la which to file a bm of exceptions. Bumor has ft that Hr. EL B. Stout anl Alderman James Prltenard, who bv coin-to be regarded ss confirmed bachelors, will shortly make a matrimonial venture to gether.

The prespectlve brides are sattr, and a double wedding will take placs at Laurel, Franklin eouaty. sot later thao spring. POLinOAX OOBSIP. Aa Anonymous Toter Calliag for ITU SS a. Ivvy Oot Hisas Preeldeat of the Senate for Five Days- Job.

a Cavern far Mayor. A bird whispers that there is a fpllt la the deal to divide out the health offlcers, and that the health board does not take kindly to the appointment as made by the council, which Included OiiffiOjKewcomb and Shel-ton. The latest Is that the medical men are disposed to appoint Councilman Hsugh's father. Councilman Nswcomb's son, and a man named Deechler, or some such name. who is a relative of some other councilman.

Billy Griffin is somewhat cut up or cut down over the way the thing is going, but he has demonstrated that he, hlmaeU, is a pretty hard man to down. "I Councilman Wharton is a little uncertain whether he is ia the field for re-election or not, but he opines it is early yet to commence the campaign. Lieutenant governor Hanna will be ths presiding gerlos until the new regime Is in aofturated, which will require five days at least. If there is a parrot and monkey tuns during those few dsys which mark the close of his official career, the lieutenant governor will grieve exceenveiy. alderman.

The reporter had a question to propound. but before he eou'd edge it la lir. Tucker opened his batteries at once, sayior me, ssys ne, mat am not a candidate for mayor. And let me give you a pointer: Joha Csvea will be nominated and elected. I find a deep undercurreat for him among the solid men the kind ot msn that make but llvtle noise.

The $eevy taxpayers heartily favor htm, and he will oe solicited by a strong backing to accept the nomination, i Dear Kr. Hendricks During ths cam paign you told us that every man, woman and child was entitled to eight dollars ol the surplus fund in the United Slates treasury. me democrats nave won. ana aa times are hard I would like to have my bare now. I have a wile and two chudrenfnnd thirty-two dollars would be a grest help to us ia meet-Irg cur Christmas expenses.

Will on pleaie see that the amount Is forwardod." Within the psst few dsys, the vice president tleci. has nct-lvfd mecsages el.ntlsr to the foregoing from thirty or more points la the state, all written on postal cards and bear lug the fame It Is suspectsd that roine Joker (perchance a country postmsstei) conceived ths idea to send the mettegt as a.Christmas offering to the dUtlnfubibtd gentleman. J. U. Henderson, or the koKitno UUds'co.

is a candidate for toe oflicx of collector of Internal revenue for the Eleventh district. The active and tffie'eut services rendered by nis nawrpaper wiil commend him to the cou-gieemrn of the state JJr Edwins said tnat as soon ss It was known that he wrs a candid te for clerk of the house he received seventeen per asy ior places under mm. ills iron frame succumbed to the dally torture. H. Darnell, of Putnam county, candidate for clerk of the house, whose chances am regard as first Class, is In the cty.

W. o. K. Taikinston will tee the supina tion for city treasurer la the soring, provided the office Is not abolished. It Is understood also, that John Browning has similar ambition.

City Clerk Bruealg would like to be bis own successor. i Death of F. O. pamanond. A dispatch to The News! from Mlnnsapolls announces the death of Philip D.

Hammond, a gentleman well-known' here and la many parts of the state. Mr, Hammond was a native of Vermont, and graduating at Mid- dletowu university in 1954, entered the Methcdist ministry. He Joined the illlnots conference and occupied several charges, serving also as chaplain during the war. Subsequently he became editor of a paper at Danville, and lived theteuntU 1ST0 or 1371, when he removed to Lafayette and worked on the Journal. btle toere he was elected a councilman.

In 1S72. when EL F. Keenan took charge of the Sentinel he engaged Mr. Hammond as an assistant, and he was connected with that paper for some tlm. In 1877 he bee a mo tAvellrg agent of The News, remaining five jesrs In that capacltv, when be made aa engagement with the Journal la the same line.

His health broke dotrnj, however, under a disease he had loug suffered from, diabetes, and he was enable to work steadily. He became the public her of 1 w. wodien's ot Early Indiana," and la it spring went to Dakota and entered a farm there, but has sraduallv failed in healUi. Mr. Hammond was a hard aid Intelligent worker, a man ot Cue of Incorruptible Integrity and possessed of much more than ordinary ability.

was always respeced by thote associated wi -h him aad hd the fullest confidence ot his employers. Holiday Retail Trade. The holiday trade yesterday and to day has been tbrkk, and while It fails abort of former experience, retailers are pretty generally eatu-fied with the aggregate ot s.ies. Last evening ought to have been CarUfm eve it wss so typically wlnterj'ke and in harmony with; the traditional I Christmas weather of the Story books. Ths thick folding snow, the hurrying of the hundreds of shoppeis, all displayed under the glare ot the ttreet lamps and the electric lights was a scene to make even aa old'bachelor warm up with the spirit of the occasion.

To-dy snc of buyers are abroad. The prod ace dealer is having a great day of it. Ths f--t-tlve gocse is in no little demand, iceedd only by the lndeeptnuble turkey. The no-har py man who predicted "a green ChrLo mas and a fat grave yard" is being do ncubcid as a horse-thief and a liar. ha German Hal 11 AT "Hello, Mr.

Sheriff, has the new German deputy portedr' ltwaaaNews reporter ta'kJnif to Sheriff Catttr, and came the answer, "He will report after ths holidays Who la he?" The name has jut been handed me. I thltik Oretnstelner." "First namef" That the sheriff didn't knew, but he exhibited a petition signed by Reulban and the beys generally, and the given name Was found to be Joseph. Mr. Grelnsteiner is ordcrstocd to be specially backed by Messrs. Frensd and Lleber.

Cut Kates Oa Coal. The decline in the: retail price of eoal Is followed by mutterlsgs, and threats oa the" ptrt ot dealers not tin" the coal pool to cut etui lower. One i tiler announces that he will reduce the price on anthracite. In which esse the pool will follow suit. "We cm afford to go as low assay body outside ot the organization ot coal dealers," said one of the prominent members of the pool to day and if any body sells below our schedule we Ul promptly meet them," A SLDBBfALK rBOTKSr.

Aa Iadlgaaat Cttlaaa. Hevtag easar arts Laagth, Hals a alawa "I dont believe la Judge Lyneh'a court, save as one at last resort," remarked a citizen who had bruised himself on sidewalk yeeterf sy, "but perhaps we had better hang a councilman cr two. Till some extreme measure Is taken we shall; neved have aa effective sidewalk ordinance. And yet," he contb.ued reflectively, "we elect and psy couacQmea simply for the purpose of having passable streets and clean alleys, and other sanitary and comfortable conditions' of civic existence. I do think that the Cuke of Whan en, and the Marquis of llii, and the Earl ot Coy, aad Spahr, aad Baron Benjamin, might let the politics of the state aad nation slide, as it were, for a few moments, while they engulf their msj uMc Intellects In.

doing what they laiptyers hire them to do. Tne sidewalks are horrible to the sight and dangerous to the foot. A few ashes spread oa them, or a little saw dust, if applied when the enow is damp, would make travel safr. 8a-du however, ia worse than nothing on dry hard ice. The proper thing to do wool be to ec force a rigid observance of an ordinance for tbr absolute cleanang of alleali.

The L'car would enforce It if the cmnsil pass It. Now." pursued the sutf ctIbz ter, ss he pulled up his sock aud down his drawers over an ensanguined solo, "Won't The News beg and Implore and entreat and beseech their illustrious niwe of 'the counsel and btard of aldermen to eve the fire department aad the bridge contract business a rest for a halt hour, and pass a sidewalk ordinance' Prtandly' Ian. Information. Rev. O.

MeCuiloch la addiog to the ca paclty of the Inn forty and mars -beds. He desires the impression corfeced prevailing in police circles, that men without money are not received at the tan. As between a maa with money, and one with ou, but who will work, the preference ot shelter la given to the latter, for the reas in tnat the othtr. having the means wherewith hto pay, will have little difficulty In securing accomodations eisewaere. Kti tne men dislodged last Sunday, they were glvsn opportunity on Saturday to work sufficient for their entertainment, bat refusing to do so.

the managera of the Inn, felt under no obligations to conUnuetheUkeeplng. Claims He Is Not Insane. Thomas Harrison, of 209 Fayette street, "the old blind whose wife endeavored to have his guardian removed on the ground that he is of sound mind, but fa Hen, sends word to The News that he is not In-race, despite the return ot the Jury, wblca never examined him, and that he would have hie freedom were it not for the efforts of Interested parties to obtain possession of his property. Those who doubt his version of the matter are invited to call at his residence and converse with him on any subject. 1 VNATURB ABHORS A VACTJUM." Therefore, she fills some hesds with sawdust.

Revenge makes a hornet respectable, so does a new hat from Ky an. The Hatter, 21 and 23 South Illinois street, makes a man look respectable. Attn high young man, then attraction of gravitation, if nothing eke, may get your ball Into the bull's eve, or sour head into a new hat from Ryan. Tne Hatter. It is not power, but the balance of A power that wins when it wears a Ryaa hat.

WHAT fl 00 WILL BUY. By going to Emtl Mueller's, 200 East Washington street, you can fortl buy tne best coffees at the very lowest prices, and with each tl purchase you Can get a guest and a chance to recMve as -a preeeat valuable, Ash street home. The committee In ctarge will post'lvely decide who gets the house, Januaary 1- All outstanding coffee tickets should be presented for exchange for guess tickets by January I. The Urgent, finest, and best stock ot grocerie in the city. "TEE PLACB OF 1HK TOWN." During the holiday season.

Cap: Charles Glim ore, now sole proprietor of tne popular Zco Theater, is glvla? his friends and paxous a treat In the way ot an unexcelled variety entertainment. The exhibition ot worth of animals is free to all; soa'SJa-e the concerts in the elevated garden, aad from the stsge no stronger variety bill wss ever presented. There will be a grand Christmas matinee COAL AND CORK AT BOTTOH PRICES. Block coal, f3 50 per ton; gas co, 50 per load: crushed coke, 63.00 per load, for calh only. All other eoiln of brst quality and bottom prices.

A. Kchn Co Trlrpbone 13 Virginia avenue. Tar dt: Madison avenue ao) Kty st. PLENTY LEFT. Fine furniture, essy chairs, mairesser, lounges, on easy pavments at a les price than other houses sell for cub, and a present of a pair of drees pillows with every tea dollar purchase, wilt continue to he found at John Clone's, 2u Eaijt Wash.

8u A full assortment of eye-glasses and opera-glasses, ot the finest and" br-t quality. Just the things for a present. T. H. Clspp, 38 W.

Wash. st. 4 Indianapolis Grain ararket- Pricee arv strongly maintained, the arrivals of rraln being so lUUt tlat holders are navinc tltlr own way. No. 2 red wiett held at bOc; Deoember, Corn is firm wUa rejected Uittb mixed offered at Vc Tbe following were bl.

a on 'change: Wheat Ko, 1 Mediterranean, nominal. Mo. Mediterranean, 77c: No. 3 in 75Hc; No. red, 75Hc; No.

red, 64ic; February, no bid. Corn No. 8 whltet 6 white no bid: hljrh mixed, mixed. rejeoted, new. S7c; for white, sound ear, new, Sic; uomer-obantable.

no bid. OaIs white. 874c mixed, 26c; rejected. Bye 4to Bav-Prime timothy, F.our Patent, $4.55 10; extra fancy. 4 00; fancy, 6a.6VA SO:" choice.

fxo4J 6tf; family XXX, XX. SJ t2 8m; x. 2 20; aupuriiue, $1.6 i.W; fine, Indlanaoplia Provision Market. Meats weak; lard steady. Johbicif prices Sner cured bam.

il4llc; Inniily fbonlders. 6Hc; bacon, clear sidet, minium, backs, 7o. di led beef, isc: family clear pora. per baxruU family beef, 3 pjr barrel; bean pork clear, 15: lard, kettle ru-cered. in tieroes, 8t: hlf bairtils.

8c; bo-ic-Kua, in cloth, 6Mc; ui ekin. 7o Markets by Telegraph. PnaaoaLFBia. December 84. 12:50 p.

Wbtat, cash and Deoember. Jmn vy, 7VMd79Vs. Corn. cab and Dtwiiwr Mlc: January. FoUruary.

46c; Oat. ca.h MiASIHe; December. Jacuary. 3J4 Rye. cabb.

65o. Tolxdo. December 21 Wheat quiet atd steady; No. cash, iHvjember and Janaa.y. 94c: May, 76c; No.

soft. "6Vo, Cora, notbliiK doing: No. 8. cash. yeax.

4c; My. 3oc Oiu nominal; No 2, jected. 2510. Clover seed, quiet; prime, Feornary, $1.40, BixTiaoaa, Deoember 23 Flour steady, wl'b a modei ate local dea and: Howard street aad western enpertine. 2 S5; extra, 1.7l& 187; I.

ml y. w. woeat, western, s'a-ly bat Cull: No. 8 winter rd, spot, Deoember, 79U7v4c: January. SUijciAe; February.

SWAtilJio; March, 8134c: May. Corn, Western. firm bat dull: mixed, spat 47-3 irjic: Jin-nary. 4Lc: Februay. stam sr, 45ko.

Oats firm but cull; western white, SS8c: mixed, 1 Bje nonlaal at Ktatdc Bay easy and let ProlH rifl nom lnally steady; mess pork, 61I.75-, bulk meats, sbonlders. dear rib sides, packed, 6a 7c: bacon shoulders. 7ic: clear rib sides. 6K0; hama. UH Lard, refiued.

frtao. Batter steady: western, packed. 1 agile: creamery, 23333. Smks firm at a son. Petroleum noxlnal steaay; re fined.

jajiSTfio. ffee quleURla cargo1, or dinary to 8W49V3 Sngv quiet aud tracy: Coppw, refined, quiet at lOtitAllc Wbtaky quiet at 1.18. 1.19. KrebrhU to Llvcrwoi quiet: ootton ls-esa: nour. is Sd train, firmer at 6Hd- Ke-oeipu Flour, i.COJ bxmld: wteat, 26XOJ bushels; corn." Out) busn- ele; tats, f.0 bubhels ehlpmenu Wheat.

700 bntheis; buiheis; oats, 1,7 JO bush els. 1 i Nrw Yosa. Deoember 84. Flour, receipts. barrels; sales, 13,0 0 barrels: market wltn- out dec iced crarrw.

with a moderate demand. Wbeat, ret-eiDta. tt.OCV bnsbels; market 40 blpber, with very moaerate tradloc; Ho. 1 wtilte. BonjicSliSJirt.

MS.uuu basbals No. 2 red. Js nnary fn 8t ia: e.oco buanala. Fdbruarv. SwHc: 10UO bojheis, March, JfH 40 bi aoels.

AprU. tf7Vsc: tc.oro busbeis. May. 8 4 e9n. Cera, reotluia.

112.000 baabeU; tna-ket Vs lower and da'l; mtved westera. slot. 47(4 Jo; futures, 4b453; sales. 196.000 Mitbela Uat'. irostia.

1..00 nuabeto: markt-t dull: western. S.taarc: sales, SS 9J0 basn ets Beef aule and aschansed. Pork, oulet but held fum: aew mean, i2.5a Lard easier; teem Batter, western. Cbeeae firm as aacar quiet and aa-rtautfyd. MO'seses steady.

Pecoleaia firm. Rtr Inlet aad n.anir-d OoCee steady. Fn-igbts firm. Bpu-tts tarpeotlne steady UlH esu Boela dull at 61 cr.l 7t raUow Laady at Cc WintmstW firm at rPurmsbed by Voore A To brokers. December ri.

rOpenl'g, RlgheetJowest Ooalas; Wbeet-Dea. Feb Cora Dee. TFT 88 -a. 10 07 11 10 11 47 st et s-'a" 5 01 I 7Q 6.8 .714 na .84 1 714(1 Jaf uaxs Feb Folk Jaa May-Lard Jaa Fob 8-RIbe-Deo Jan Feb May U81 10 97 05 11 47 6 17 64 10 97 11 10 11 47 0 67 eV. 10.93 11 05 11 ii ti in 6 B7 ft 96 ro IS 5 67 5 Maw York Haaay and Btoek Market.

Nrw Tobjc, December 84. Money, 1 42 per emu bar Mlver. 107V4 Ktocks wesk sad lower after 11 o'clock, esoeclally Lake Shore, Reacioc and New Jewy Ontrai: Lake Sftora declined to 6lfi, reading to 17 and New Jeny Central to Lake jre weak oh passlnc of dividend. Three's. Kits: Sfej's.

cuinus, 1U-4'a coupon, lffls; Pacific ft of "8 14. Adams N. J. Ontrai S' AlleKbeny 17 Al'on A Ilante. 89 I preferred.

4V4 prtf erred 70 Norta western. American Kxprets 91 I preferred lilt O.RSN 51 'N. Ceatral.K Canada ftou'bern. SI Chi. A St.

L. 4t Ontrai 4 Drefsrred Cbk-aso A Alton. .14 Ha preferred w. 10 I CM Bur. A IWS Ohio aflMlsJlppl lSVtj tref erred 69 cm n.

o. San. Cleve. si Cieve. A Col.

S3 lOn-ai-io ft Weet It o.i k. a 71 Trans. 14U PeL A Hudson. Mau Dol A IJick Ksi Panama 9 lH-n. A KioQrande P.

I) A Eranevllle liV Erie Hib'ltu-burg preterred 8 ItteadlDfC 174 Fort Wayne Rook Island 107 Ban ht. jotepn u. a sn rrsn preferred preferred 89 ll.riem.. isj Houton A Texas SO Illinois ls mtpreierrea St. Paul 7.9a preferred ...101 I B.

A IS St P. A MIn. Si Ka a A Texas Ithitt. Paul A Omaha. 2M LakeB.le A Vert.

10 I preferred. eS'4 Lake 'bore bit Texas 1H Lou. A 8firnljn bou. N. Alriany.

5 et. Kxprens 51 Mnr 1st pre 10 Wb. Bt L. a 2d preferred 5 preferred- 12isi Mem. A Cnar Wolla-FanrO Ex .107 Mich.

t. 55 'Wextern Union t6VS7 Minn. A St. 144 Quicksilver t.referrfd 25H preferred 21 vtsouri Paciao Mobile A Ohio 8t A Morr's A 115 19 Nashville A Chat. Si- Mew Tork Outtoa Market.

Kxw Toax, Deoember 84 Ootton nominal: sales, none; upland 11 MSc; Orleans, 11 5-16c; futures steady. 1 i a HOUDAT GI1T THAT W1IX SB A. JOT rOBBvEB A ticket for one of the Brand soutbern excursions to the sunny south. 1 The picturesque moutitilnj scenes along the Cincinnati Southern railway, the health-gltlng pine lands of Georg'a and Alabama, The delights of the southern sea coast resorts, TheeveraJat'es and oranre groves of Florida, The world's expoet'lon at New Orleans, the delightful transition frtn land of snow to linl of sun. Full inform at lop as to rates, routes, prices at and boarding booses and tickets south via Cincinnati or via Louisville can be had for these and can be secured at the lowest posslb'e rste.

Ey the Kankakee Line bnlycan you avoid tedious transfers at Cincinnati Louisville. Sleeping car berths wll be secured aud b-gpge checked from hotels or any private real-dene In the city. Telephone No. 141, or eaU at 16 North Meridian rtreet. or 1I toulh Illi nois street, or at Union depot.

J. MaaTW, Dlst Pass. Art GtO. KEtn, A8 Pl-t Pass. Art.

th THX LATBT. The tew roller organs and the Hewrag, tie last novelties In musical lustrnments, are now on exhibition at Dollen's music store, 19 North Penn street. Be sura toat yon see them A Iso, everything In the mnslo line. Madame Ada Heine, voice specialist, tsaoner ot singing and piano. 76 g.

New York St. XXCUBSION T1CKBTS to i Florida points and New Orleans! Lower than was ever known: In the history of railroads. For rates, time table, and par ticular Information apply to scent of tne Pennsylvania lines. No. 48 corner Wsshlngton and Illinois streets.

tto roa THB BOUDATS. Bargains nnequalled on elegant (not sholdy) clot bins for men, boys and children. Season Is near at an end; hence prioes no object, elm ply desiring to reduce stock. Famous, Easle One Price, 6" and 7 West Wash. st.

The best holiday rift is Johnson's Cyclopaedia. Hiram Hadley. 1 16 North Pennsylvania st. rz Browning A Sloan, druggists. Fine perfum ery and toilet articles, Lubtn's, Colgate's, Land bore's and Klcksecker's fine extracts, genuine Imported Faruva and German colonge.

Florida and lavecdar waters, fine toilet soaps and sponges, tooth, hair, cioih and nail brushes. and all articles wantt for the to Jet at the lo w- est fignres. 1 KLabs aM liiet iBaTis PIANOS Are among the scknowledged Standards of the No metaP-lo actl'ms are ued In these Instru ments. Our Uolidav assortment is larger tban ever before, end our prices and terms wHbinihe reach of aL Parties wanting Cbiukering Pianos will find an assortment la our warerooms at' very low pneee. THEO.

PfAFFLIM 82 ar.d 81 K. Pennsylvania tl C. H. "WOOD, DRUGS. Toilet Articles, Dressing Cases, Perfumery ana irine Uigars.

11 North Illinois SUeet, tts Opposite Bates Honse. HAIR GOODS. The largest The lowest prioes. All kinds of goods made to order. 3f fcend for price list and catalogue tree.

G. VARIN, W.fa STri W. WssMngtoa St. Our Store will iTQ aate an tnose wno wisn to purcnase CHRISTMAS. DAY WHiilN INDICATIONS.

WEDNESDAY Colder, clearing northerly winds' -i How would a Smoking Jacket or a Dressing Gpwii do for that: Christmas Present? You may have thought of it and" given it up for something less expensive, without knowing that you could get one at the WHENor $4, S6, $7, S8, $9 or S10, or a Batin-lined for S12, with selections from those that are. very low at S14, $15, S18 and S25, when material and trimming are cdnsidered. REMEMBER, you can get a Silk Muffler1 at the WHEN for upwards, and a tweritv-inch. White Silk Hemstitched! Handkerchief with tw6-inch border tor 50 cents and upwards, with probably a thousand differ ent patterns from which to make a selection. The patterns of Silk from which our.

exhibit of JNECKWEAB iai made, are also numbered by the and affords an unequalled opportunity for taste and! judgment goods are marked in plain figures, and any article may be returned after Christmas to be exchanged, or for refundment ot tne money, at tne Merrv 1- 1 -i Remember that we AT As Low We have increased xxiuuaio tu.u I- RUSH OF TRADE To three large Clearance Sale. WALL PAFIKB. Be; BORDERS, fte; Oil Cloths. 25ci per I Btraw Mattiiigs. 20c per yard.

Moquette and Velvtet Carpeta, $1.25 per yard, hod Brussels, $1.15 per yard. Other roods, too numerous to mention, at buslceas. Telephone ail. 72 i SANTA GLAUS'S HEADQUARTERSI DOLL DEPARTMENT. FrfBch, Geiman and English Dolls, Doll Heads, Doll Bodies, Doll Doll Buggies, Furniture, Diahee, Jewelry, iDoll Houses, Kitchens and 8tove3.

I i TOYS AND GAMES i Of ever- discretion, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Chrtetmas and New Tear Cards. i Store open till 9 o'clock every CHARLES MAYER CO 29 and! 31 West Wasnington St. UNDERTAKERS. Fianner Homnio wnt 1 Illinois St a ir1h.uUa(- FOR GOOD COAL Aad Fall, Weight see WELLS, Teliphone 965. I Corner of South street tts- and Kentucky ave.

be kept open until 10:30 to ac0ommo- i I OBIT, we vrill keep optn until 12:30 noon. Christmas to 're Selling Our. Very Best i BOTTOM as tlie our Teams, insuring promptness in accom- Yards, situated in convenient parts of the city. GOAL OFFICES: Pennsylvania 57 West Washington 201 South Delaware 450 North Mississippi 298 Christian Ave. GILTS, lSe; WCfDOW EHaDXS, SOe.

Tapestry Brussels, 60c per yd. Ex. Super Ingrain, 75c per yd. Ingrain, 22 l-2c per yard. Hemps, 12 l-2c per yard.

Lace Curtains from 50c per pair lame proportion, Come and sea us; we mean H- ROLL 30, 32, 34 South Illinois St. B00K8. BOO riot expecting any eastomers for Dress Goods, we have put all onr time and attention to BOOKS, and articles pertaining to a First Class Stationery Stock. Wo sell Books aa cheap aa (they can be bought the city, and have the most complete line we have ever exhibited. Bowen, Stewart Co 18 WaWT WABTfTWOTOW T.

1 Amas uiits at tne KS. 1 il Quality of All Kinds 01 PRICES, SATTS -LIHXD Work Baskets TALBOTT8 Wood and VTillowwara. Sfort, Opp. Postoffioe. GRAND Books for tbe Yoirog, St.

Xk boUs. 1884. vols, 00 Barner's Youna FeoDle. 18S4. ro I 75 Our ttle Ooes.

lt4 Country Cousin (Iprfrnon vuvsireoi tne Vivian a noil PanlMy Flight Aronnd borne (Ha'e) Onr our Folki-r'oephna Mi oiris (Fannie Belle Irving. Hnnnw nRin.iT. t'enriA. We offer to (fsv a beautiful line of FkNCTi Co; 8 IW 90, SO 8 50. 1 60J QXb-A at In Bandkerdblef and Glove Meti a bat in aud rinna Jiauner, and an elegant co fcroldered Totlet bet.

Eltoer of tbese would! make a jiatdnome rrnt Mo a and see them 2 I We have Jnst received a foil line of FrlntredJ nooks, i Also, a large line ol iwouonai Bkke Prices tery low. A ruUorlpMon to the Periodicals for 183C will make a gd prent rvwne for rates. We bare a few sets of tbs Standard Books Emerson, II 119 25; Darwin, 14 lii Tbfrkerar, 10 volt, $10 Cuilstmaa Catalogues free. i YOHN BROTHERS, 13KorthXerldlaaSt. Of ohn's Block.

FIGS FEET boV Fljrs feet Pljrs feet la tbe pot, Nina days old. (Some like 'em hot, Soma like 'em cold I like ARCHDkACOK'S Wherever they are sold. 1SK 1011 GROCER FOR TEES. To hare Fill Weight nd Proaipt DtUrex- OBDEB TQUB Coal and Cok I W. B.

ALIiENtfe H8B Caat Nortri sy Telephone 788 Branch Office, Hew To ttreet and Massachusetts ave. ARCHDEACON'S Fpiced Bontless PisstFeei 4 i 4.

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