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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8ATUP.DAY, APIilL 23, 1270 1 EEIAHiFGlB EMLVAI IEE T1ELE. i frrmscw. CryctiTATi AcT-Loca aiauoLCInraoi. Itllfl LSATX. AESTT.

jrMt Llss I S20.m. 2 rOO a m. fcoulhera Espr4s p. m- a. c.

Acewtasisdaxoii 12vss. N. Y.N!ti.i press 4Sp. ia. Bojxiay iipr 7:3

SroSs-sn. CurasxATi nit aid Costs' sssrtu-aJ Ex pre I ijcyrea 12:. s. :Up.m. 2 a- i.

c. qi tutx-wat liz. i Fast E-xpreas I Jsvas. Tlatv. AoeocawKUxioq a- aa.

f4Ma.nL Aitr Express p. KUJii Exprea I P- m. 7-V p. av Lsxept boaaays, taP4aa7a. Chicago Expr 2:55 a.

bu ,19:15 a. ma. r. Express r.

tUJulMj Trsis sOas-sa. p-sf. i lOTAArOT.3l, ASD ChICAOO HaTLWAT. ChlrvwMai! I Ae'xLurart'laUon; 12 :15 book, a. ki prm 4 LATATsTTTE RAJX.KOAP.

Fpring5ehl Aecorsmodstioa 1:50 a. as. AccouiiuodaUcta 12 oo a. Chkigo Express p. a.

CifrnijrATr EAfZ.aoAD. 2: 4:15 p. m. Bsftlasors nrvrejis Onrinnatl Mail i a. nv MartisaviUe -Vi p.

ca. jright Express COp. hu i TKKXB HirTB lUrLKOAD. aa. lci Ft.

Lool Express' a. m. Iouij par xprM 7 8 a. ca. Mail i p.

to. Louis Jflgtt fixpress a ViVcx sss Bailsoas. AreonaTso-IatloB Wfthioztoa Actom. ..2:00 p.m. 12 iSnvja- m.

7p.BA. 2:40 a. tau 10:00 a. td. 4 :10 p.

4f4v p. c4 S- 9 CD. CmctssATi Jrnmoi JunaoAD. KMTrtaj Zr ress I Wt 1 1 :1 rp. Mail i 1:13 p.

a. KaabTUU'XceoB). p. m. :43 a.m.

IVDlAKAtUA, A WjLTT'M SaI tW't AfmasaodaUaa I 7:00 a.m. 4:50 p. mi. Mail :00 p.m. 10:00 a.

CITY, sib Phettt hot, anVee, Last nlht g( Froa-Froo. T4 Citj Council to-niRht in th ter hail. KcMiaova fAliing partie lefl the citj this i DkmCa.tioji oi the First PrMhjteriaa church ta-morrow. I A tiftEA? (aaay cmipcraaU are now through the citr. i.

Licisaa to mkrrj was granted this raoraiag to Mahlon Appje and Farah C. Uocl. Six traasfei of real estate were recorded this morning, amounting to $5,307 44. BriLDiKO erhiits of the ralue of $206,307 hare bee iasucd since the j7ll7SirAB was a first of January. lion.

J. 11, Sitaeb was admitted to practice Jn the Court of Common this morning. jCummot of the II At a meetinir bf the Republicans of the first rard last nighit, W. D. Wiles waa nominated for re-election as councilman A kew law firhi is about to be established here, to be of Messrs.

J.tVt Gordon, Judge ILK Lambaad General Tom Brown. i Tu Confederate dead, buried in the rotd grave yard are jto be remored, to make room for the new side-tracks of the Terre Uaute Railroad. i I T-B. Uticsatsfitlie wtll known scenic arti-t, takes benefi at the Academy on Monday We hope to se the house' crowded. It i will botLti liut nighb of the dramatic Sfsoni Wouk on the ptreet railroad on Ptnnsylv4-nia street.

is progressing rapidly. A good deal of swearing Is being done about it, which will beTJOthinc It all though when track layl-i rammrnfvt an Mpridiitn street. 1 i A RrvKrTiox James Kimbn was given to Mr. and Mrs, 1, at General Kimball's house, last nighL -t Umber of friends were in at tendance, and an unusually pleasant time wsls had. i Thb livst of the against Esquire Hick- ActonJ for selling liquor without licence, po -the vatnp meeting ground-s weife di.potod of this' moruitig, the Prosecuting A torney jfentering idle? in three rases.

A uhwikv workman named Simpson, fe ofl the roor of aew building on West Ohio street yeftcrday jafternooa, receiving a com- potndfrnrrure of the leg, a dislocation of the shoulder blad ud other injuries, from the edects of all of whirh he died shortly after ling removed to the Citv Hospital. no. David Davi.s Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, will preside at tlve owning of the nekt terra of the United States PiitrfcV Court, -which cjlnracncea-oae wetlt from Tuesday with Ju3ge Pnimmond of Illinoi. and Judge Gresham, of this district, sitting as Judges! i I Mb. Jous Fucu.

this city, has received i l.y i. a flattering offer from a Kevr York morning paper to resume jaurnallsuc pursuits, and will be off oa ilondAT; to ee aboat. it. Between law and journalism Jihn appreciates the sentiments of the fellow who Jlow happy eoalJ I be vith either Weret'otaerdfArChamietiay. ,1 A.

I The dry. good. trade, which at one time seemed to be going eastward, has now changed its direction, and is returning The removal of Culliny's Emporium to ihe magaif ficent room at o. 72 Wesrt ashmgton street, isaaejiJcace of Mr. Culli'ajj "ex snnl will wobablT be followed by other dealers.

The RmpWmm will I thrown open to the public on Mouiay morning, an-d will "doubtless soon become a favorite r'-ce ot rt- sort 'with the V-' Us-sbt Bawoo a joung mea we? known in this city, anl for the last year or two aeondHCtor on the Icdiar.apolis and St Louis Railrortdy jiied ia the latter city oa Thursday. lie had been ia lad health foi sometime and had just returned from a Tisit fo the Arkansas no: springs, iiu remains arrived here at 2:10 this morniag, and were taken to the, reiene cf his brother-in-law Pisa 'o. 367 Xorth East street; The funeral ill jlake place from the Second" Fresh jUrUn harch to-morrow aheraooa at of of in ha it his mree i jTIIE.COrKTS. Czijuxai CkacriT Cottkt. 1,733 State Patriek Brennaa; aaaaalt ad battery; appeal ei from Esquire Fisher.

The appeal waj di4 mUed oa account of iasaf5ciency of the bond Xolle proaeqai wert.eatred in the foUow4 iog cases: 1,022 SUte T5, Oswald Bates malkiou3 treypa. 4 004-r-State Tfc Eenjamln Clifton; rac4 larteBjr.rf-U Hf Tj)iLL II--! ti. Fredcnck Sclrwartt; rrandi larcenr. i Stale tj. James Winnaas; malrcjoo I 1,613 Sut'e T3.

Joha Drake; obtaining mo-j nej under faUe pretense. 1,645, 1, 643, 1,650. State ts. James Hickman; selling liquor without license. Janjes' Hawthorn 'assault and hafierri hsr 1,665.

5ute ts. William Plommer; larcenj. 1,713. State ts. William Anderson; grand 9 larcenjand receiTinjr stole a goods.

1,733. State ts. George Purcell; grand larcenr. -j I 1,70. State Charles Clark, William Walker and John Darkley; grand larcenj.

1,772. State ts. Edward Brown; grand larcenr! State ts. Kelson Drake; forgery. TuCorfcthe adjonnjedunCl llofciia at cine 6'clock I 7' Cockt of Commos Pleas.

1,526 John O'Conner ts. Timothy Splain and Timothy Sheehan; suit for foreclosure. Judgment by default against 'defendant "in the sum of $741 2i with foreclosure: Thomas If. Dickson ts. William Conner, et suit on note.

Judgment by default against defendant In the son of $741 12. 5,668 Robert Roe' ts. Frank Parish; suit on replerin. Judgment by default in favor of plaintiff for possession of property and one cent damages. 5,637 John Schierllng, et ts.1 'John A.

et suit on note. Judgment by default against defendant for $333 23. 5,703. James D. Smith ts.

Dudley F. Burk and tag! 4Iac ifip tV otka; suj 1 1 note Judgment by default against defendants for $132 24. 14. Claim Docket. Algernon S.

Patterson ts. Garratt DeMott's estate. Claim allowed by administrator for $222 56. 15. Claim Docket.

John Monroe ts. the same estate. allowed by administrator for $73 35.1 The call f-tt docket bf "ca'iwos for trial be gins on Monday morning, with ho. 1,100. Citt Co cut.

Michael Lockland was fined $3 for being drunk and disorderly, but being impecunious, was sent to jail. Thi First Presbyterian church, which will dedicated to-morrow, has been occupied for more than two years, but the dedication has been postponed until the debt could be re- mo red. The aerricef to-morrow will be very impressive and special pains hare. Jxen taken in the preparation 'of the music, some of the finest singers in the, city having volunteered their acrvices. The following is the order of exercises: MOBW1NO HERTICI.

Bonj with one accord." Invocation. Historical Statement By the Pastor, Scripture l'rayer. i 1 Hynm To be sung by-the congregation, standing, Sermon Rer. William Davidson, D. Hamilton, Ohio Anthem "Glory be to God." Benediction.

)() Anthem "Guide me, Thou Great Jehovah." Prarer. Hymn, i HoberUon, Cin-ctniiati, Ohio. Prayer, i flymn. Benediction. The following dedication hymn will be sung at thei morning service The perfect world bj Adam trod Was the first temple built by God; His fiat laitt the eorner-atooe, And heaved lis pillars, one by one.

He vag hi sfarry roof on high--" 51 "The broad Illimitable ky; He Dread its nareinent. trreen and brftrht. i And curtained it with morning light; The mountains to their- places stool 1 ae sea the sky and all was good And wbei its first pur praises rang, i The snoraing star together sang. Ird, 'tis not onrs to make the sea. And earth, and sky, a hmne for Thee1; Hut ia Thy sriffht ur offerine stamls A humbler temple, "utads with hauds." The public is invited to attend.

I Aboit three or four weeks ago United States Assessor Wiles received information that a private distillery was in operation on the premises of Jo. Williams, situated about seven miles from the city, on the Rockville road. Steps were at -once taken to fen-et it out, it being understood that the Id man was verr cautious, ajul.thit it wo a Id he necessary to send a man out there to board to find out where the still was located. This was, not found necessary, however, and after obtaining further information, Pbipps and Strong, of the Revenue Department, started out yesterday to unearth the animal. On ar riving at the house, they at once accused Williams of having rtill iathe house, wh'ch he tacitly" acknowledged by saying that his boy had some sort of an apparatus up stairs that he was always experimenting with.

The officers went op and discovered a small tin affair, with worm and, condenser, capable producing from three to five gallon of liquor per day. They at once took possession it, and brought it into the city; and it is now the Assessor's office, where the curious may see it. The' officer learned that Williams 3 used newdulj go around among his neighbors with a couple of gallons of liqaor, saying that his boy produced with some, sort of a concern at home, and offering to trade it for, -He was at last suspected, and informed on with the above' result. When the grand jury meets, Williams and smart boy will have an opportuaity to ex periraent before Judge Gresham r. Thb grocery trade has been excellent this week, the sales Oftwoof our largest houses, Crosslani, Hanaa and Wiles Br0.

Con averagfng between $3,000 and per day each. Thb State ofScee were provided, this morn-iag with wait paper baskets ot curious pattern, which werw- made and famished by a maimed soldier. jM fJ 1 A TP. kt ing 10 Fai bf and of la Thi will of the late Mrs. Glvaa, which was admitted to prohate this niuraing.

contains the following bequests; The Amencaa Bible Society, Tte Freedniea's Aid Scietr of the M. E- Church. $1,000. i The MisJiomiry Society, N'orth Indiana Con ference. Methodist Episcopal $500.

The Trustees Widows' and Orphan Asjlura the eity of Indianapolis, $5. To her niece, Mrs. Ana Maria Williams, The residue of her estate she gires in equal parts to her E. Wright, Julia H. Goodhart, Marg-aret Caroline Brouse, Anna Belle Manlore and Loretta rierce Thi estate is estimated at about $00,000.

-la- gram Fletcher was appointed executor of the will. -j- Thi baaaers to be used ia illustrating the progress of Indianapolis in the procession on the semi-centennial celebration, are now be ioz prepared br Glessicg. The fact that he superintends their preparation! is a guaranty that they will faithfully represent the iateaded scenes. HOTEL. ARRITALS.

The following are the arrivals at the princi pal hotels during the twenty-four hours ending with twelve o'clock: ir BATXS bocs. Cria, Baffiio? iu McKiDney, L. ITatber, Colo boa iiUn, ritubuga (r KolliDs, Cincinnati Bodn, narenport Ia Cord, ClevcUad Liyiink, ToleUo li Laarv, Cinrianati C8 Louis A Corria Jr.Lafarette Hiram Drova, NY: Colenran, NY i Horn, iorianati John MciJaltrr, Lampe- rioon -L II Campbell, Toledo Ltod Y. A Praiher, Winchester liusaell, ColambuaO HWidner, alionO JIrry lHxias, Columbus Mt. it 11a Kdward Hague, Morris--J l'hillipa, Ciati town 111 ieo Morris, PALMES Ilenrr, Gosport Mrs Scott, Gosport il IitcLell and wife, Crews, i illinor tioaport Horton, liowllpg John Bos well, Kewport Green KJ Wall, Fort Way ae II Fisher, Gallon -C Harmony and wife, Michigan I'eoria, 111.

City i tinoddy, Bemlngtoa JI lM-Srff, Uaioa.O llaggarty, Dora 1 Parks, MartinsTiU Lelc Bloom BeM 1 Jake 01, rMoorafield -A Kimball, Sew York I F. inks, Italtimore "-M II Smith. Salem. A Smith. Salem, It Moor, tfelma, Ala WeOens, Chicago I Lacr.

Fairland A A Anderson, Charles Klletheiuier, Fhiia New York Wiiliams, Lafarette Ly nch, Columbus ton i Vf reters, VQootavtMe WKrpwn.Naw York II Yaadegrift, Louisv'e BPEXCEB B0TSB, II Martupel, KashTiUe Myrwi, Lawrence eo Tenn Hamilton, Greens I Gllman, Ijifayette burgh. II Robison, Ter Haute Thomas, Greenfield A ApplegaM, Conner- Ortrt, Rush villa Fleuner, Hamilton Green, (lereland AM, Cha Lodge, NY i A Willmaa, Fraacls-R Itagxftt, -t Louis rllle A Browa, Canton Miss Liixle Brown, Can-J (iCrew, Ft Wayne- ton Chandler, Ft Wayne Geo Porter, Wlnches-CBurbaok, tSan Francisco ter Pa Faluer, Franklin liulsse. Trenton Miss Fannie Holmes.Tren- Geo Stewart, Marion toaNJ (iordon, Rome Forter, Home SY Neiheiuisr, Phila (i 8 KoMiau, FhiU 1 Wilson, Urbana 8am Gorman, Crbaoa A BCresuuar, Muneie Stanley, St Jobesburg Miss Caston, St Jones-Vermont 1 burg Vt Will Pereell. Westfleld Griffin, Madison Poas StunkrdrTer Haute Win Lane, Terre Haute Frank II Lay and wile Layton, West Union I'tica Geo Goldsbury, Detroit II Moore, Farmer Sarah Carter, Mellener Elisabeth Barrett, Melll- Mary Barrett, Melllner ner My rick, Richmond Ya Grafton, Hamilton Sammons, Chas DeGratr, KUneCIty II Wartoo. OifcaKO- Mo 5 Montgomery and lady A Kokomo Lander, Dixon 111 H8 Forbes, Dixon III Ativan V-" WiUu, DiMt.

Kyeer, Bradford Ktunkard, Ter Haute 8 Rooker, Moorasville' Wa A Jones, Xer llaute Huniphrey, Chicago 11 A lUce, Chicago 1 Butler, iUchavds, l.ifayett Uncenfeiter, tanvtiie snuier, uanvuie Sliulex, laaville fctone, i Jrmerlee.lwubUTK. lmy. cxviuton. Ohio t. i i stereos, Pittsburgh A JacksoaCIncrunaU LtPenington, Indianola, A 11 Bettinvrer.

ayne auss Fort'Wayne Max weir Clevelatsd' Mills, Chicago OT Wilson, Cleveland Fulkenon, Kirklin DoieTi Anderson Mills, Chicago Hinchman, Greenfield A Russell, Cleveland Leidy, Phila Wm Booth. Bufl'alo Oflerett, Bourbon, Kf Eddy, Cleveland Bacon, Lafavette ULchman, Minnorg Sharp; Cincinnati Miller, Canton; RBarrTY Hills A Bond. Taylorsville, 111" -W Kyger, Bradford Faugh-, Bradford Hily, Marion MiteheU, MarttrtsriUr Ben net ty Akron, 4 Tiittle. Akron. McKeam.

'Akron. and wife, Gochenoar: CresUiae, Gallon Mnnu ooruan, Crestline 3 Russell, Itochester, Stage, Bloom field NY A Keith. Columbus Keith, CpTumbus Jones, Columbus, A Blumfield, Y. Dukey, Xenia, Launcy, Baltimore STATtOXAti Whitman. Cleveland Seymour, Pt FauLMinA Samuel Alerton, MassU uram on.

ara. c-isvciana Andrews, wife and Warren, Martinsville daughter. Worthing- Allen, Cleveland ion r. Bradley V. A Thompson.

Thorn- II Murray. Kokomo t.iwn --tiH Slater, Sieubeavifle, Win Ijme.Crawfordsville Ohio 1 McReynolds, Geueva, Thomas, Baltimore 8 Wood, Greenfield I Given. Edinbnre Glvens.Whitestown Asa Klefrr. Trov. Geo Rlngwalt, Troy, II Cbngley, Edinbnrg Jas Iugh, ShelljyviHe A hidev, Coluiubu.t, Wanrby, Auburn, Ohio 1 Y'ork Jas Baird.

Auburn. Wm Jf herry. Antlerfon Peter, Pursel, Lancaster, Kashvllle lUiley. Clntl ra ttsr, -ftiuca. Crt-br.

Massilon. 71" McKee. Day ion Randall, Loaransitort JH Jesup, Cambridge I. stcphrfisoB and lam-- -Citr1 ily, Muncie rj' iTVTtr CI sO'DAY SEHVICES Friends Meeting Hoane, corner 1 ef St. Clair and Delaware strvets.

'X nuraleof accredltelwinxsters fwill be present. Fourth rreshy teriaa Churcheoruer of Delaware nd Market streets. Services to-morrow morning and evening by Rev. W. W.

Sickles. Pews ires. St. Paul's Cathedral Tread well Walden Rsctor. SrTLcea to-morrv at 104 a.

x. and "7 it. Th Eaatsr tTonda-v musle will be repeated at jboth services. 1. 11 Bethlfhem Christian Mission.

Indiana avenue. preaching ot-atorrvW at lOJi A. au juLV, If. hy jElder himtkat heartthf say Fifth PrasbytsrisA Ckuseh, on 5 Blackford street, bear Miebfgan, W. B.

Chamherlaln, ie usual services to-tuorrow 1 (Sabbathy "both rning and evening. All are Invited. Christ Church, and Meridian streets, hev. Ii. Frantlin.

lU-etorIorniD services at 10J p'clock. Sunday school at :30 T. at. Ereaing service TV o'clock. eata free; rT i Meridian StreetTiletholist Episcopal vChorch, -orncr of New York and Meridian streets.

Preach fo-Morrew at 10; a clock ia the morning and 7i o'clock in th evening Eet. C.N. Sims, the jpajtor. 1 "Ejder, W. Black will preach at ChristaiaChapel, forner Delawars and Ohio streets, to-morrow at o'clock.

Subject: "The Trial and Triumph or th:" aUo in the svening'at'T'e'cIock'' the or- tiinaace of baptism will adaaiais4er4 at the close the service. 4,, i First Presbyterian Church, corner of yew Tork PenajylvanU streets. The dedicatory service this eh arch will be held to-morrow. th sermon the ssoniag being preashed. by Bev.

Will Lam DaviiMa, IX. IX, sf Hssailtstt, Ohio, sod that at Wight hy Rev. J. L. Robert soa, D.

Clncia-isati. of or of a "Full assortment of Thomsons gloTe fit ung corsets, now open at new prices, at the Trade jsr- i ae. ational Hotel Billiard rooms are under the watchful eye of Mr. John Busser aao, or course, are in splendid This is just the place for a game of billiards. very- thmg is quiet, clean, neat and tastily adrne -ery cbecrfnt Secure some of the grea bargains in cheap Lress goods, at the Trade Palace to day.

jy The endless Tarietj, and. the durable quality, and the fashionable colors ef fabric atJ. Gramling's wholesale and retail clothing eftablishmeat So'. 35 Eait Washington street, is attracting many thither, and nec essarily the sales are large, This; is one of the houses that march steadily employing first class workmen, and purchasing the best of materia, thereby keeping erery ciistomer they get. Their stock of ready-ma dl clothing is complete.

pB; The "Hip Gore" Corset opened to-day at the Trade Palace. Splendid Quality and rery cheap: Try them j. 3rM.nd now it turns up taat the anxiety manifested in some as to where these styl ish spring saita, svnd the- handeom-neatly fit ting ready made cloth iagcomes jfrom, is all passed away, and those who desired to know are after having gone to Sol Moritz and dressed shetuselves In a most superbly fashionable style, and. after, 'having thereby enabled to get intd a Jolly good hu mor with every bouy, vyou ee-xciaiming eureka, eureka. Linen Suits for ladies -very cheap at the Trade Palace.

jjTThe great name that has gone abroad from the Trade Palace in regard to the unpre-ccxlentedly low price at which thuy sell their goods and the tremendous piles of all the different kinds and varieties they hare received," i3 not the half what might be told. One of the most extensive departments is that of clothing. They have the largest and finest stock of cloths, cassimeTes, cottbnades and linens on exhibition in the' West; Men's and boys' goods of the latest styles. -Messers Re- zin Ferguson and S. W.

Baker hate made this a life-long study and every thingrought in to the house passes under their inspection be fore being Offered for sale. It worthy of note that every piece has prorea what they represented! Men and there for spring suits. cheapest hosiery at the Trade Pal- ace. arrival of Kid color and shade, at "Baldwin's Bazaar." 23-eod3 SrForty thousand Gray's Patent Moulded Collars the best gents' ever made-opened to-day at the Trade Palace. Try a box.

JpSTYou can buy Hosiery at actual gol4 prices for currency, at "Baldwin's'Bazaax." Linens' fdr ladies7 to-day at the Trade ralace. 5sTSixty cents buys trunk sailed, with Gents' Linen Faced "Jteversiblel1 Cuffs, the handsomest thing at Ba zaar." Sold elsewhere for 75 cents. i vj23-eod3 ps3-White Lawn Suits at the Trade Palace, at price that astonish everybody Sets, cheapest at ''Baldwin's uaiaar. zj-eoa pr Black Velvet Ribbons-rthe Very best quality, and at great -reductions irom lormer prices, rto-day at the Trade 3rGentlemen wishing. white striped or checkered Shirts, Spring and Summer Under wear," Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Ties, Buttons, Gloves, etc, can always sare money by buying at "Baldwin's Bizaar.

23-eod3 SParasols and Sun Umbrellas cheapest at the Trade Palace. I i JtiT "Baldwin's Bazaar" Eiiest stock of Travelling Baskets, Fishing Tackle, etc. in the city. The place to buy. i 23-3eod barcains in 8-4 bleacned Linen Table Damask; at the Trade Palace iJE3" Ladies should see the neW and hand- some styles of rjasois, just receivca at Baldwin's Bazaar," 23-3ood Grcnadine.

Beraee and Donna Maria Veiling cheap at the Trade Palacei; as 50 etjles Baby. $4 to $36 each, at Baldwin's Bazaar," 23-3eod. jESS-Bargains in Black Silks at'the Trade Palace. "Stanley," "Latest Collars, lineu. faced, only 30 cents per box, at "Baldwin's Bazaar." 23-3eod JZ3? Cheap Towel3 and napkins to-day at the Trado Palace.

1 3S Nothing in the way of immense piles fabrics, artistic skill in cutting and fitting. accommodation can. check the popularity of N. Cfai As.a merchant, tailor he is an acknowledged success a superior. Erery, one who; has had a suit made there is more than satisfied, and those who hare not wish they had, and hare determined in the future tp utilize the lessons the past.

"Ladies' white Cotton 'from 7 auction Tery cheap at the Trace ralace. ssiss-a a 5The sale of lots in the Southeast Addi tion to Indianapolis, which was begun on last Monday, will be continued on Monday next at tea o'clock a. su These lota are in a' good ocation, high and dry. They are old cheap, an4 are just the place tor suburban residences. The street cars will ran free for all who desire to attend the sale during th'e day.

Do not fail to attend the sale and secure yourself nice lot for a home. y. R. Smith k. Co.

will jpen on Mon day, at the Trade Palace, the cheapest lot of black Alpacas, and real Mohair L'aatres erer offered ia this market. to of i J3y ew Prints and Ginghams the prettiest and cheapest in tawnai the Trade Palace to-day. L'H sTMrs. Myers, a Udy of most excellent taste and long experience mi'Jnerr trade, has opened rooms at "JJToj. 43 Virginia a where she will ievet bf jand ready to eihibit-one of the finest aind; tost complete assortment of fashioaable vever offered to the public JTotafng'i'a the way money labor or care will be spaced to satisfy Customers When one takes pride in excell ing ia their busines'ai Mrs.

Mrfrs always pleas their tome ts and make it a succe. I Ladies' LineaCambri 1 andkerchiefs -he cheapest erer sold i a thi si city at the Trade f-'i 1 Dbt Goons. The Boston Store Nr ill be open this evening until 9 o'clock. Mrs. Deitrich'a Millinery eiUolishiaent.

Please call and examine. CheapS Cheat)! CbeanH! STFigured, corded and satin striped white Piques rery cheap to-qay- at th Trade Pal ace. jtaT-Call at F. ReltzsCUty Bee Garden this evening and enjoy yourself es, ire i ffMancbester, raciUc 'and French; Per. cales beautiful and cheap at the, Trade Pal lot of those handsome Spring I Hats and flowers received this at the Xew JIiilinry Store, Kci.

63 North Illinois street. v-i 'n 'h 22-S U4 -I Woolens for eenta' and bora suits- Save twenty-five per cent, st! the Trade Pal ace. rT What new and beautiful gtiods those are that have Just beca opened by Phipps Brothers, jewelers West jAVashington ashingtc street. Those RingsajidXhaxmi are exqui- 5 A full.iine-jof aelectipnt has iast been Somethio" new In' sverv. thing.

Something magnificent. 22-2t Jy 500 dozen more bf those' chtap' Linen Handkerchiefs," to-day, a the. jTrade Palace. I 'T'Yoxx can get a nier Hat fa less money 1 1 else the 22-2, lT. ir Cheap Trimmings land Buttons for La dies and Children's Dresses, a( the Trade Pal t-U-V the season ia now appronching when every family should puy their bread, we would call their attention jto the Aerated pronounced by eferybo'dy the beet, ea- pecially by scientific the most healthy bread in use.

I I i 20-4 jjr 500 pairs of Paris Kid Glo ki eighty cents per pair, at the Trade Palac. and. Pressing; ddne promptly and satisfactorily, at the -Millinery establish ment of Conaty, o. 42 South Illinois street. i 21-3 Brown and bleached Sheetings, Shirt ings and Pillow Cottony cheap, cheap, cheap, atithe Trade Palace.

bfyTbe Domestfc Sewing Mac hine Rooms are temporarily remprd' Mr jortlt Meridian street to No, 53 North 1 linois street; while improvements are; being! made at -their old stand. J- 18 6 Trade Pal R. Smith at thd ace, are giving the best, bargains in bleached Linen Table-Damask ever offered. In' ihii cityV SrConaty's is determined fe cheapest the beet' as place to buy Millinery gtbds, indj 8ortnient and the latest styles is at o. 42 south Illinois street, 1-31-3 JZiT Bedouins, beautiful 'and try cheap at the Trade Palace to-day -4 siTExamLne the "Glote-fitting dorseis "at the large wholesale and retail 51 ill lisbment of Conaty, 42jSq incry estab- uth Illinois street, i 21-3 Secure' some of; the Silk Sacques and.

Mantles, selling so theap at the Trade Palace. 1 '4r- lU is tlie most fash ionable resort this season. 1 i 1 22-2 ir-Any one desiringMen or Boy' Cloth ing, purchased at thei late declines of gold, should not fail to stop injat the' Arcade," pib. 6 West Washington I street, NOW and latest arrivals. and ee prices lrtL Y-.

l'nu. Mnsle and Pre Lsnth l.ancn I a the Citr Bwr Garden to-niifht. 1" The Billiard to be par ticinted ia by amateurs only, the sbip of Marion county, will roiameocejst Huegele EUliard Saloon, 33 East WaMnjtoa street, ten o'clock Monday morning, April 23, and coat in us each day, morning aad aflcraoonntil the contest is decided. U' I A- Schmidt's buck beer at II beecle's saleoa snd bil liard rooms, 20 East Wsshiatoh stree, to-day. A free lunch will be spread sten o'clock this evening, and at ten o'clock to-morrow morning i 7 llO-n.

J. D. Cox, Secretary tof the in terior, and ex-Governor of Oh aays la letter to Mr. D. Munson, of this city 'It gives me pleasure be sble to certify that in sele-tjng Munson's Patent Copper Lightning Hod, for which you, are agent, as the one to be pat spon the.

ITew Deaf tod Dusib Asylum, at Columbus, Qhio Ij. was assisted by disinterested scientific snd aia fully pissed that the rod is, all things cod tb best these I had the opportunity of Ceatlemen ahonld dress 1 the style thst No. 41 South Illinois strtet, gets up-'- those nobby fsshionahle sails. lie is peer in his business, taking every one who' wrntsj a good! fit, a dnrable article and stylish' colors into his broad realm." I i 1 at the Cily All the new publications Book Store, No. 4 East Washington, Fall many a gem'pf 'purest ray Se rene.

Gems at twenty-five cents per oen, st the beautiful Art Gallery -of Hall's No. 15f East Washington street bears, anil if any Idea blphes sails seen, Hall Uke life-like: purture cheip. True to nsture in hU snd nnderWtsnding not enly the art but the chemical department, Mr. Hsll has become deservedly popular. ThofS whohav rialtsd his room reak ver hlghlyof jhi work.

arsets! Carpets! rarpetaS-Brnamels Carpets, Wall Paper, Winds Shade! i very thlag. Bsdy Brsassls, Tapestry BrmsneU, Yet vets. Three-ply, Trs-Ply, Ingrains, Gill But haves very large Tsristy, both la style and tjeajUly, choaper thaa tea years sgo. 22-1 i t- to make home hannT-hnv Howe fmfly is wrell out a first-class Sewing Machine. The Uowe the best.

Family squalls are lulled to quiet by the melody the Luiies never-changing, ever-constant friend -th Howe Sewing Machine. Gila A Folts, Ko. 21 North Pennsylvania street, are prepared to do good, by Beijing a How. Sewing Machine, thereby making boms happy, i -a i i Ilrsnn and Janes liatv marked their goods down low that they defy competition. They are daily receiving new goods of all sizes and styles They hars Just ops ad a largs arfsatr in all colors, of children's shoes; onfall the styles.

Inquire at No. 17 West Wuhincton street, for inr thltjyott anU7 Uswe it if i yo walk who is smoking, sod you ar a judgs of th quality ot the weed, you ca at once terognlzs, If he be smoking oa of A W. Sharpe's eigars, the presence of something in the scent supcrW to what is found ia cigars gsaerally. Everybody should hunt sp i No, S8 North Pennsylvania street, aad all their pockets for 8undsy. Well, everytKxly does that 5 who has ver been there before, 22 Sesteh Knitt made to Order the very best ef style, at from to t2H.

at the New York One Price Clothing 82-2-1-1 OH. Cloth, f. I Ia all widths, grades and styles), A llarne, Adams I2-6: i'l Honesty 1 the- onlyj true policy. There is os house that desires to say that in the way of making a good at and petting good stock 3 into their work, they only say and try usi 1 Yoa need only to, take our wonl and Judgment ones oa Eastern mad work. This Is -1 Sicrsdorfi-r, No.

41 East "Washington street. 22-2" f. 1 J.lf.T. Smith, City Xlook Store, has a large, nw and well assorted stock of Sunday School Books, Reward Card and Wundsy School RequU lis. can furnish any of th- Sanday School papers on short notice.

He has 100,000 dim-rent hymns, the beat of whlc are to be found in the "NOTES OF JOY. i For which "Mr. Smith Is Spec la A gent and Western i I Straw Matting': I A. full litis of fresh Uftds, all width, plain white, red eheek and fancy etieek, At II a me, Adams fc Co. 22-6 i Smith dc Footer sr may for this i i beantifal weather.

Their Imtaiense'stnck'of Gents Furnishing Goods Is compIetWThey can siisw the 1 liirgeatsssortiuent of Neckwear ih (he State. Every 4 day Is added. This week they have't opened new lots of the and of. Hosiery and Haudkercbiefs. Also, CoiUrs, CuiTs, Jets 2sloye Buttons, 52-2 i i i I I s-l'3 liny Jnr fine Silk l'arasola at the One Iollar Stftre, Ns.

1 West, Walhlngfon street. A splendid 22-2- AH persons ahonld ftare JLasts made tn the form of their feet If they wish for perfectly fitting boots, and for beauty, health, coulbrt and durability. Gentlemen snd Isdios eaa get tha Mc-Combers Last to fit the feet by calling at C9 West Market street. Office hours frosi to p.m. ii 12 Myaterloua Hermit.

In iue Valley among the Spring- field hills, in Union County, New Jersey. stands a straw-thatched hut, so small and mean that it would appear to be the residence of adog ratuertUan that of a human -being. -The hut is built almost entirely of straw, the few pieces of lumber Used in'iU construction being the doors that open on each side. The interior is scarcely spacions epough for a man to turn, but within, it lires a reputed scioa of Prussian nobility, who has spent his days and nights here for the past two -urs. His name has.

not until recently been known to --the people among whom his lot Ms' so strangely cast, out he nas been Known mr ana near as the "German baron." Whether he is rightfully named or not can not be definitely but some papers, ete.ij lately found in his hnt, which bear the tiame of "BarOn Erhardt," give confirmation to be rumor that he i3 the heir of a uoble Fifteen vear3 ago, according the most trustworthy accounts, this remarkable individual canie-to this country.hariu" been exiled from bis home by political difficulties with Prussian government. He ii found through the woods of Union and Spriugtield townships, but Mr. John I. Buyers, upon waore larm bis hut is located, states tnat be nas ner-er been known to beg or steal. His hut Is kept I scrupulously clean herbs, roots, corn constituting his diet.

A black clay pipe, with a rery poor quality of strong1 tobacco, is his 1 only solace, lie roams over Tiill and through li dale, with pipe jn jS.1oww and measured 'steps, head drooping, hands crossed ehiml his bpiaions he is a thorough skeptic, repo-fes no cbufldence in hu- nian'naturc, Uke biilievea be would require a lsntcra ia daylight enable liim to Jij find an bones man. Mr. Dvid Meeker and ihe cnbfrYjrmr'trxthe-ricinity believe hlrn to bean vo-old raiiH -snd are ever resdv to do him an act of kindoc-ds. Acaflemy of JHusicis W. II.

LEAKE; Manager. i Saturday Evening, Jrd, The Sensation of 170, 1 llonday April 23. Farewell C'oinpll. aarr; me si BENEFIT OF T.B.-GLESSING, SCENIC AKTItX e-Anl Last Night of the, Pramjatlc Season. i i I 1: i i '5 -r-- t- -r-y -v 1 AVING ssade permanent arrxnemeots fox thai i.

TT 11 manaecrment of the Kink Ar the Fall and Winter season. It will be open, with asplendid band of ratine, every WEtXESIAY AN1 SAXC'KDAY nixi i or me piesaaai. uu uvuiiiu exercise it EOaaIaEII SKAT1ITO, And EVEIIY AFTERNOON. Lsaies sdmltted fres of charge, except on OaturUaya. rnLXINEHY.

ZIo Virfrlnia AvcaTiO, Would cll sttention of the Lsdies to her, larjte irtmcnt of TTTT.T.TTmHY COODQ. spr23-3m rrvnriXY-rivx: crrr stoiilli TV7EIITY FIVE GEIiT STOEE. ABTIC1.EO, At 73 CsnU each, at jths TmT7 vonir 23 cmiT RTonr. pspr-tt Nrth lllihots Mret. 3 i 1 1 1 ii: I-; i.

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