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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
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iMWll woww 7 X'Z5XZS NO UNION WITH SLAVEHOLDERS 4 Robert Wallcut General Agent flATirm VV LLOYD GARRISON EDITOR OUR COUNTRY IS THE OUR COUNTRYMEN ARE ALL MANKIND VOL XXL NO 4 5 RIDAY JANUARY 2 inancial Committee rancis Jackson Ellis Gjtkr Loring Edmund Quinct Samui Philbrick Wbndbld Phillips This Committee is responsible only Cor the financial economy of the paper not for any of its debts i Xiw mst erms $2 50 per annum in advance All remittances are to be made and nil letters elating to the pecuniary concerns of the paper are to be directed (post paid) to the General Agent rcT ive copies will be sent to one address for ten dollars if payment bo made in advance f5T Advertisements making less than squnro in erted three times for 75 ctsone square for $1 00 The Agents of the' American Massachusetts Pennsylvania and Ohio Anti Slavery Societies are au thorised to receivc subscriptions for the Liberator WHOLE NO 1046 IS PUBLISHED EVERY RIDAY MORNING A aj 4 a i Ar 1 ANTI SLAVERY OICE 21 CORXRILL tkb tn 1 covxxaxt with an aqrekmknt with uiuf Ei Yes denird tho slavehoWing lords of tho Sooth prescribed asa (condition of their assent to the Constitution throe specialprovisions: to sectire' the perpetuity 'of their f'dominion their slaves The first was the immunity for' twenty years of preserving the African slave trade (the second wa: the stipulation to surrender fugitive slayes an en gn gem ent prohibited by the lawsof God delivered from Sinai 'and' thirdly' the exaction1 fatal to the principles of popular representation of a repre sentation for for articles of merchandise under the name of persons To call government thus con stituted a democracy is to insult the understanding of mankind It is doubly taintedyrith the infection of riches and slavery Its reciprocal operation upon'the government of the nation ia to establish? an artificial majority in the slave representation over tho free people in the American Congress and thereby to make the PRESERVATION PRORAGATION AND PERPETUATION SLAVERY THE VI TAL AND ANIMATING SPIRIT TIIE NA'i TIONAL John QvincY Adams a 4 rr sr 1 ZY jf a jaw R1 sarr I fl 4 J44 'T'W'tfeaw iBwwaw ri1 T4U 7T Jj YE 1 85 1 Ucfujc of (Oppression rom tho Richmond Enquirer TTIE SLAVE HENRY LONG The suggestions of the following letter from a friend in Congress but not from Virginia will be fonnd to have high merit They meet our own views exactly We have not heard of the future destina tion of Henry Long but are led to believe that the course traced out in the following letter will be pur sued In New York the true friends of the slave not the abolitionists but the Union men offered to purchase Long but the agents of the claimant very properly declined to accept the offer desiring to make a warning example against further escapes of slaves from the South House of Representatives? Washington Jan 10 To the Editors of the Enquirer Gentlemen The fugitive Henry Long having been restored to his master propositions will be made by Northern abolitionists to purchase his freedom with a view to his return to New York Nothing it seems to me can be more unfortunate than the return of this man to the North by the means proposed One and to my mind the chief good which slaveholders may expect realize from the passage of the ugitive Slave is the ef fect it will have upon slaves in the Southern States in preventing their attempted escape from their mas ters They will be less disposed to make this at tempt attended as it must be with risk and danger and difficulty if it is found that by virtue of the provisions of the late law he may be recovered But if it is found out that when the slave shall have been brought back in opposition to Northern senti ment and in spite of the vexatious difficulties and delays thrown in the way of the execution of the law by abolitionists money is to be advanced by the enemies of the1 South to purchase his freedom the inducement to the slave to abscond will be the same as under the old law Slaves who escape into the free States are usu ally the property of the most indulgent masters They are allowed unusual liberties and thus have greater facilities to escape and are more exposed to the tempting influences of those who would per suade them to run away from a kind master Let it be known that such fugitives when recaptured shall be sent summarily to the extreme South and they will be less inclined to leave the certain advantage of servitude under a kind master for the doubtful benefit of freedom in one of the Northern States It seems to me therefore' that every effort should be made to prevent the owner of Henry from selling him into the hands of Abolitionists and to persuade him to send him forth with tot the South An editorial suggestion or recommendation in your paper will have as much influence ns from any other source Is this not a proper case for the con sideration of the Rights There are many good negroes in Richmond held in slavery whom you and others would like to see liberated Suggest to the Abolitionists to apply the funds provided for Henry to the liberation of such In haste yours respectfully 1 A Slaveholder in connection with this subject we ask attention the following statement from Dr VV Parker: A CARD Contradictory statements having been made in re gard to the case of the fugitive slave recently re turned to our city it has been thought proper to rec oncile these statements as well as may be The tedious delay and heavy expense attending the case were rather accidental Had it been prac ticable to have carried the fugitive on the day of his arrest before Judge Betts or Judge Judson or before some experienced Commissioner the case would most probably have been disposed of in a few hours cer tainly during the first or second day The conduct of the officers of Government con cerned in this prosecution was highly commendable They performed their duty with much marked promptness and courtesy The course taken by the Union Safety Committee was eminently praiseworthy The expenses borne by the Committee exceeded while the costs incurred by the claimant amounted to about $300 which sum would also perhaps have been paid by the Committee had it been deemed proper by the claimant to have made it known There was also manifested much personal kindness towards the agcntby several members of this Committee to gether with other citizens of New York which he will long remember with the liveliest gratitude And in conclusion he desires to say that he un dertook this agency from no wish to test the act of Congress nor the sincerity of the professed North ern Union men nor from any personal interest what ever but wholly from a sense of high and very pe culiar obligations to Dr Smith and that now in re viewing calmly the whole proceeding in the case be can find no word of complaint against the con duct or bearing towards himself of any respectable man with whom he came in contact while in New York WM WPARKER'S Richmond Jan 13 1851 GRAND JURY ROOM District Court for the District of Illinois December Term 1850 Resolved That we approve of the several com promise measures passed into laws nt the last session of Congress that we consider these measures as settling the questions in controversy in relation to slavery in the Territories and the States and that they ought to be sustained now and hereafter by the Representatives of the people Congress and their constituents throughout the Union Resolved That we deem it the duty of all Grand Juries assembled under the authority of the United States to take notice of and present all persons who shall when requested neglect or refuse to aid or assist the proper officers of government in exe cuting each and every one of these several laws Resolved That the foregoing resolutions be sign ed bv the oreman and Secretory and published in the papers of this city and the papers of Washing ton city The foregoing resolutions were unanimously adopted WM BUTLER oreman of the Grand Jury A true copy Attest: Rockwell Secretary RIGHTUL 1 The following preamble and resolutions were introduced into the Legislature of South Carolina by Perry Esq House of Representatives Nov 29 1850 Vyheras the recent legislation of Congress on the subiect of slavery and the continued aggressions of the North on the rights of the South render it thkt 'all the 'should take common counsel and action for their own se curity and honor and whereas the Nashville Con vention have recommended a Southern Congress for the purpose of considering our grievances and prescribing the mode and measure of redress Be it therefore Resolved That this Legislature do hereby heartily concur in the proposition to con vene a Congress of the Southern States for the purpose of obtaining security for the future as well as indemnity for the past and the committee on the Judiciary are hereby instructed to report a bill for the election of representatives on the part of South Carolina to such Congress Be it further Resolved That in case any of the Southern States should refuse or neglect to appoint delegates to a Southern Congress then it shall be the duty of his Excellency the Governor to send dele gates to such States to urge the people and the Le gislatures thereof to unite with the other Southern States in a Congress of the whole South LUDICROUS AND PITIABLE 1 Mr Ritchie (the Satanic Editor of the Washing ton Union) having heard that Jenny Lind had given $1000 to the Abolition Society wrote to Mr Barnum to inquire whether this was so Mr Bar num replies as follows: Hotel Baltimore December 14 1850 Dear Sir In reply to your letter of yesterday inquiring whether there is any truth in the report that Jenny Lind has given a donation to an association of abolitionists beg to state most emphatically that there is not the slightest foundation for such a state ment 1 feel no hesitation in saying that this lady never gave a farthing for any such purpose and that her oft expressed admiration for our noble system of government convinces me that she prizes too dear the glorious institutions of our country to lend the slightest sanction to any attack upon the union of these States I have the honor to remain your obedient servant 'P BARNUM Mr Ritchie says that lie was determined to set that lady right with the sunny South which she was about to visit and that in addition to Air denial he also had it from the lips of Jenny Lind herself that she had never given any money to the abolitionists and never meant to give Would he ejaculates would that we could im part to this paper the charming naivete with which she expressed herself on this subject 1 Selectiuus rpm the Albany Atlas IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE THE UNION SAVED We had yesterday the inexpressible felicity of laying before our readers a correspondence between Thos Ritchie of Washington who (breaking through all the restraints of a narrow conventionalism and mere delicacy) boldly alluded to the and in sidious which attributed to Aliss Jenny Lind a connivance in certain alarming and detestable and Mr Barnum who assured the venera ble editor that he felt convinced that Aliss had no intention lend the slightest sanction to any attack upon the Union of the The correspondence an enduring memorial of that vigilance which is the salvation of all repub lics not end here If the re ally intended to attack the Union of the States she was effectually foiled by our native onr a bird that has a second time by a timely warning saved a republic But the supplementa ry correspondence which we supply shows that the vigilance of our faithful sentinel at the capital was not exhausted by a single effort Ritchie to Barnum No 2 Washington Dec 12 1850 Dear Sir I understand that there is an insidi ous report in secret circulation calculated if not de signed to injure you in the estimation of the peo ple of the city and of the South and to cast a doubt upon the reputation of an ancient and venerable female once associated with you It is understood that the late Aliss Joice Heath was a fugitive from and that the favor with which she was re ceived at the North was due less to her intrinsic merits as a woman (and I ain proud to say a Virgin ian) than to the alarming and detestable enmity which the abolitionists of the North have felt and manifested towards the fugitive bill of the prin ciples of 1)8 and the compromises of the Constitu tion Do me the favor to say whether this report is not without the slightest foundation With sentiments ot high consideration Thomas Ritchie To Barnum Mr Barnum to Mr No 2 Washington Dec 12 1850 Venerable and Dear Sir Permit me to thank you for the promptitude with which you have unfolded to me the insidious reports which have attributed alarming and detestable projects against the Union to the late Joice Heath and which if true would ne cessarily involve an imputation upon my devotion to the Constitution Let me assure yon that tiom my intercourse with the late II I have no hesitation in saying that that excellent lady would never have sanctioned at any time during her prolonged life any attack upon the Union of the that she was sympathetically attached to the principles of 1)8 and the compromises of the Constitution and the pe culiar institutions of the South and 1 am sure would if either had been endangered have been the first to rally to your side to fight bleed and die tn the defence As to inysetr let me assure you tnat the memories of the compromisers of the Constitu tion and the principles of D8 and of yourself their defender will occupy a place in iny mind hence forth side by side with that of that venerable and estimable woman your compatriot whose fame you have thus enabled me to defend Barnum To Thomas Ritchie Ritchie to Barnum No 3 Washington Dec 12 1850 Dear An insidious report has just been put secretly in circulation that you daily exhibit to the abolitionists of the North a black man in the process of turning white with the intention of re flecting upon the peculiar institutions of the South The public mind is in such an excitable state and the Union is in such danger of dissolution that I feel it my duty to call upon you to disabuse tho citi zens of the South on this subject Yours in haste Thomas Ritchie 5 To Barnum liarnum to Ritchie 3 Washington Dec 12 1850 Dear Sir It is true that I did exhibit at my Museum in New York a negro of spotted color but it is false that I intended either to reflect upon your peculiar institutions or upon the public men in this city who are said to have reversed the process and to have changed their complexion in an opposite direction Let me enable you also to appease a pub lic feeling that may have been excited on this matter by assuring you that upon the passage of the Com promise as a finality I immediately arrested the pro cess of bleaching to which the negro was subjected and that upon reading the letter of Mr Webster he so far conquered his as to consent to pre serve his complexion half black and half white rather than by inclining to either side to disturb the balance of the Union and precipitate our institutions into the gulf which as yon have repeatedly observed in your paper and have impressed upon your read ers That patriotic negro sir a Virginian like yourself and the late Mrs Heath now stands a living and walking impersonation of the spirit of concession conciliation and compro mise With profound respect Barnum To Thomas Ritchie Ritchie to Barnum No 4 Washington Dec 12 1850 Dear Another secret and insidious report has just been started it is that in the ejee Aler maid you have intended to satirize the recent coali tion (so called) upon the Compromise bill between my friend Gen oote of Alississippi (impudently typified by the monkey head of tho ejee monster aforesaid) and the distinguished Secretary of State Daniel Webster of Massachusetts who is said to be personated by the Codfish in which the ingenious fabrication alluded to terminates I need hardly tell you how much such a report is calculated to alarm and irritate the recent friends of the Compromise and particularly the city of the South Enable me to contradict the aspersion if false Yours Thomas Ritchie To Barnum Barnum to Ritchie 4 Washington Dec 12 1850 Dear Permit rne to give you my solemn assurance that I intended to point no such moral as you have alluded to while adorning the tail of the Mermaid for my Aluseum You style that work an ingenious Such praise from one so ex perienced is high indeed But permit me to add that it is not only ingenious but patriotic The Aler maid is the type of the conjunction of interests of the two sections of the country Strike off the head and is it? Cutoff the tail and what is the mutilated remainder? Sir I stand by the Alermaid as it is! Touch the Alertnaid and what becomes of our property our contracts our institutions and the hopes of tiie world Gone Sir gone! With deep feeling yours Barnum To Thomas Ritchie Ritchie to Barnum No 5 Washington Dec 12 Midnight Dear Sir I have just been aroused from a brief repose after the exhaustion of continual watching over the Union of the States (at every moment in danger of being dissolved) by Gen oote of Aliss who informs me that innumerable muskets have been ordered and that as soon as a loan can be effected at the State Bank for the purpose of buying powder the confederacy already' undermined will be blown up Gen informs me that Gen Quattlebum has taken command that hostilities if commenced will not stop short of victory or the utter annihilation of the ardent and chivalrous sons of the South always anxious to die for their country These preparations have been made upon hearing that Gen Stratton otherwise called Gen Thomas Thumb has been approaching the South with the intention of crossing the Potomac That Gen is a Northern inan I believe is admitted that he entertains Northern feelings it is natural for us to apprehend It is alleged even that like the notorious Thompson he is an emissary of England and rance bribed with foreign gold to break up the Union ot the States If Northern military chieftains are thus to invade the South with impunity I need not say that I too feel my apprehension for the destruction of the Republic I say that in that case the crisis has arrived and that Virginia must again assume the task of saving the Union (pretermitting secession) by re enacting the resolutions of Permit me to conclude by assuring you that while I myself and Gen oote would be willing to meet you and the military commander your associate as friends we are nevertheless prepared to encounter you like pat riotic sons of the South in deadly combat upon its sunny fields With such sentiments as the hope of the charac ter of your answer may permit me to indulge I re main Thomas Ritchie To Barnum Barnum to Ritchie No 5 Washington Dec 13 3 A AL Dear Sir I have just been aroused to receive your startling epistle Anticipating the fears which might naturally be excited by the march of a mili tary commander to'vards the Southern States I secur ed from General Thumb the promise not to cross the Potomac Gen is ambitious he has held acquaintance with Kings and Queens he might as pire to distinguish himself in a crisis like this for which he feels himself fitted and upon fields where he is sure of distinction But Gen is no Caesar He will not cross the Rubicon! He has no design at present upon the Union of the States if he ever had his guilty ambition would be chastened by the contemplation of the disorder and panic which even rumors ot hostile designs have created and by tbose exhortations in favor of the Constitution (and its Compromises) which have flowed from your eloquent pen I beg you to re assure your ardent and chivalrous friends at the South and particularly Gen oote whom my friend General Thumb holds in high esti mation that the alarm in this matter is without foun dation Barnum To Thomas Ritchie Thus closed a correspondence copies of which and of the letters about Miss Lind previously pub lished were immediately forwarded to the Gov ernors of the Southern States and to the Legisla ture of South Carolina The effect has been most happy South Carolina has abandoned her armament Quattlebum has sheathed his sword Order reigns at Washington and Mr Ritchie who has been absorb ed in a long vigil in behalf of the Union can now tufn his attention to his printing contracts and those little jobs with which patriots after a crisis occa sionally regale and reward themselves sa JTrom tnc Syracuse Party Paper a RECEPTION CHAPLIN AT THE CITY SYRACUSE The Congregational Church wasfilled to a jaan aisles and all at an early hour' About half past six the noise of applause at" the entrance begun and soon passed over the assembly hkea boisterous wave and May was making way through the crowd followed by Gen Chaplin Hathway and Smith An anthem to Liberty was chanted in the gallery after which Air May in an appropriate speech introduced Mr Chaplin to the assembly He rose in the midst of great applause So soon as the introductory ceremony was con cluded Loguen of this city came and addressed him as follows: Gen Chaplin I am a colored man and a fugitive slave In behalf of the colored men and fugitive slaves of my country I wish to address you I arise Sir as their organ to express the gratitude of our" souls that you have escaped from the cruel prison and have come among us that we may look upon you and indulge the unutterable feelings of grati tude for the self sacrificing kindness you have shown us in our prostrate and suffering condition Sir we give you our thanks We know your labors your devotion and your sacrifices in our be half and from our inmost souls we thank you We thank God that you have that he has given to the world such a man to be our deliverer our com forter a self sacrificing fearless benefactor I can see around here and there in this vast assembly many faces turned to you lighted up with expres sions of unutterable thankfulness They are per sons Sir that owe their comforts their families and their liberties to your noble daring and great heart ed philanthropy They look to you as their deliverer from the infernal prison house Sir the black man has many friends but they are not all of that kind who are ready to go down and meet us at the spot where American tyranny has placed us and there where help is most needed and its proffer most grateful to offer themselves as our deliverers There is where the slave wants help Had he sufficient aid at that point his chains would be broken in a thousand fragments and he would in stantly rejoice in freedom Sir your name will dwell on the lips of the colored man forever Our children to the latest time will repeat your name with gratitude and dwell on it with delight When shut up in the prison we have prayed for you Wo asked God in the fervor of our souls as the faithful prayed for Peter to deliver you from your dungeon that we might see your face and that your voice might fall upon our fami lies and be heard on our hills and valleys where you formerly so ably and at such great sacrifice pleaded for the slave We prayed that you might be spared to continue your labors of love and that God would still make you instrumental in delivering our fathers and and sisters and brothers from the cruel clutches of slavery May God bless you and deliver yon from the hand of the wicked and make you still a glorious instru ment of mercy to the poor Imotn tne Evening Post LETTER ROM JOHN BROWN THE ER RYMAN TO THE EVENING POST Jersey erry Dec 27 185oZJ Webster has been on to dine with the New Eng land Society and I perceive by your paper has beer making one of his evangelical speeches again The moment I read the report of it I knew the old sin ner had been cutting up for it is his way whenever he has been giving his propensities an airing to go somewhere and make a pious speech In the short ex tract which you give from his exordium of about twenty lines I find the name of God used six times and the last time in the following connection Would to said he we possessed and I hope we do possess the resolution which they pos sessed referring to the Pilgrims in 1620 stronger than bars of brass or iron and above all that faith that original faith which with its eye fast fixed on Heaven tramples all things earthly beneath its trium phant feet' I was curious to known what the old man had been doing that made it necessary for him to go as your reporter says twenty seven hours without sleep in order to evangelize the members of the New England Society just at this time il asked every one that crossed the ferry from Washington but I could hear nothing till last night when who came on to New York with Webster Uold me all about it It seemed from the story that Webster was present at Jenny last concert in Washington While she was singing one of her popular pieces my in formant could not tell me the name Webster began to accompany her with his voice keeping time with his head Airs Webster checked him several times having observed that his music and motions were attracting the attention of his neighbors but he would not stay checked He was soon observed by Jenny who seemed to be flattered at having such distinguished assistance at her concert and recognis ed her obligations by a bow as she supposed in re sponse to the bows of the Secretary The Secretary did not observe her obeisance however at first but kept on singing louder and louder and marking the tune by bowing lower and lower while the Night ingale oppressed by the condescension bowed and bowed again Thus they went on bob bing their heads towards each other like two Man darins in a grocery window till the Secretary dis covered that he was the object of compli mentary notice when he rose from his seat with all the promptitude which the circumstances of the case admitted of stepped out into the aisle and made her three most profound bows The occasion of this most extraordinary exhibition was not known until some one remarked that he had dined that day with Webster at The whole thing was then intelligible for the distinguished champion of the Bible and the Union has never yet been known to dine with the Russian Minister without going home tight This I believe though was his first ap pearance as a public singer and the inevitable inference is that he must have been more exhil arated either by the wine or the musjc than he had ever been before on any public occasion Jenny left next day highly elated with her tri umph little dreaming that the glory of it was to be shared with Air Burgundy When Air Webster awoke the next day and learned from his wife what an exhibition he had been making of himself the night before the old man ruminated a few moments and then said that if Cass would move to terminate all diplomatic rela tions with Russia he 4ould be delighted and would make it an administration measure for as long as Bodisco was in Washington he found it impossible to maintain his virtue unless like Cato he warmed it frequently with wine continued he will be all over Washington in a few days so I must go some where and make an evangelical speech or the people in the country may get hold of it ind believe Such I learn to have been the exigency which drove the Secre tary to New York to undergo his purgation before the New England Society or the past three weeks Webster has been up to his eyes in an intrigue to defeat the choice of Charles Sumner as a United States Senator to succeed Mr Winthrop He cannot bring himself to contemplate with any composure the mortifying rebuke which election would at this time inflict upon him and he has had Caleb Cush ing on at Washington to assist him in averting such a calamity which it is proposed that he shall do in this wise: Caleb has been to the Legislature of Alassachusetts and it is agreed that the cotton Whigs shall support him as a candidate for the Senate provided he will secure the support of enough Democrats to defeat Sumner and on the other hand Cushing and his friends are to vote for Samuel Eliot if that course shall be found more effectual Cushing has gone home and is now counting noses to see what can be done The knowing ones say that in this intrigue the Secretary is to sustain another defeat Yours JOHN BROWN erryman CAPTAIN DRAYTON5 Chaplin has bought a respite from his persecutors for $19000 and we see bis face again is Drayton Chained yes literally in chains in a dungeon at the capital in the prison His liberty is limited to the length of his chains in his granite cell Thai dark uncomfortable solitary cell encloses one of the greatest hearts that ever beat in the human bosom or more than two years has Drayton been ironed up incessantly im the stench of his infernahprison under Mr illmore and his predecessors and not one groan has escaped his noble soul His dreadful persecution which is to The Liberty Party Paper in the course of its ac count of the proceedings of a Convention held at Sy racusc on the 7th and 8th instant in opposi tion to the ugitive Slave Bill We witnessed here one of the most thrilling and melting scenes we ever did witness The inancial Committee reported that they must raise the enormous sum of $19000 and save the generous men some of whom had obligated themselvfis to the amount of their entire estates and save tho noble Chaplin also from returning and giving his life to his murderers as the means of saving those estates? The report was accepted and the contributions were flowing in from the immense assembly to make the sum of $1000 the amount assessed upon it During this scene Chap lin sat by our side with his arm resting on the table and his hand covering a part of his forehead and eyes in a vain attempt to conceal the emotion of his swelling bosom To one who knew him as well aswe do these emotions were apparent A voice from the extreme part of the house called let us see Air Chaplin Louder and louder still came the call from the vast assembly His feelings held him to his seat and we took him by the arm and led him with a modesty and sensibility which such an occasion only could affect and which for the mo ment seemed to choke his utterance He stood be fore the great assembly but could not speak' Such a tempest of applause was soon raised as never before shook the City Hall Long and continued the shout went up men swung their hats and shouted God bless for Hurrah upon hurrah rolled up for not a particle of dust that had been deposited on the floor but floated in the air Women and youth and men shouted and wept We saw men and women whose limbs were stiff with age and whose appearance tes tified that they were present to witness the conduct of their posterity on a great occasion we saw them looking with swimming eyes upon the erect person and manly frame of the hero We thought of those lines betide a nation when she sees the tears of beard ed It was a scene that eclipsed any pageant that we ever read of congratulation that kings and con querors might envy but not enjoy We would rather merit the gush of popular gratitude and thankful ness that flowed upon onr brother than all the honor and empire that the conquerors of the earth attained When the applause had died away General Chap lin said if he thought the contributions were mak i ng for him and no great principles were involved he would arrest them and go back to a Maryland prison and suffer and die as others suffer He was willing to identify himself with the poor Im prisonment said he in a Maryland penitentiary is a great but not the greatest calamity He might die there but in his opinion also there wasia ca lamity greater still than death it is the accusing withering killing consciousness that you 'have left the poor to perish when they have stretched their hands to you for mercy and deliverance But we report his speech I A lady said to us that the applause of that occa sion seemed like an offering of hearts on the altar of freedom and that a response was echoed from Heaven We never witnessed a sublimer effect have no end has not abated one iota of his Irbh hearted courage There lies tno horoid Drayton? and there' he will lie until death comes to his rescue erene pays him self or consents thnt his friends shall pay one cent of the $17000 which5 the infernal villany 7 of thd courts have put upon himastho means of putting him into the hands of the most unrelenting tyrants that ever gloated over suffering innocence His crime' was anchoring' in 'tHo mouth of the Chesapeake eighty persons'who had come on board his vessel as passengers to Philadelphia who! turned out to be slaves seeking liberty? at the North 'but which was unknown to him when they came aboard? That is the crime for which he thus imprisoned It is the crime of Kossuth and not Kossuth or any other hero that ever lived bore his per secution more like a and a martyr br deserved it less of America 4 We may not longer contem plate in peace and quiet this diabolical torture of just and merciful benefactor If there 'is not energy and ability in this country to freedom to this man let us invoke the kingdoms of 'Europe us appeal to the crowned heads of Christendom and? Heathendom Let us publish this satanic tyranny in the different languages of mankind in an appeal in his Hid I LIE IN NORTH CAROLINA Rev Wm Balch? of New York just been down in North Carolina preaching and has Ivritteh 5 home to the Christian Messenger some notes of his travels The following' is his account of hlsfirst wheeling through the heart of the? State fafterM leaving the Railroad at Goldsborough i After breakfast I started in ah open buggy ior Kins ton: I saw by the map it lay in the line to this place No body at nor the conductor or super intendent of the railroad who was along could tell a me the distance nor the way to get here So I hadr to start at a hazard with a means here a slave and a small miserable looking has a little Court House and a dozen or two dwellings and slave hutsscattered famongjuthei pine trees in the wildest imaginable cQnfqsioni'V little way out I saw a small dingy the said it was a school house 9 passed on and shell a road and such a country and such houses and such' people and such a day! Oh! heavens I did not expect to see all this in the sunny and chivalrous These" scattered plantations withkl a few7 wretched log down in the edge? of the woods all open and dirty and comfortlesspabinp 1 Ireland! why Irish mud hovels are palaces oCcomy fort compared with many of them for they are diy and Their'thick" walls thatched roofsSi protect the starved inmates from the chill night and drenching rains These do neither But these are negroes No not all i of them for I saw some whites in as wretched plights as I ever? saw in Ire land or Italy one family a few miles out from Golds which for destitution surpassed anything! beheld or dreamed of in my life iThe 1 stop! ped to water his horse or an excuse stepped to the door to borrows 1 for some drink Twos flaxen haired boys about the door 4onoiit might be' five the other with what were shirts oncft: hanging on their shoulders and stringing in rags 4 down to their hips constituted all thir clothing and i the day was chill and wet an': infant eight or nine 'months old dressed as Ithe others and lying on the nasty floor On the bench of at loom i standing near the fire was sitting the tall figure or rather shadow of a woman She left her loom and went to the dresser and took down tho only tea cup')? and hpndcd it to me I regarded her pale cadaverous visage as she lifted her sunken eyes to me for an instant with a shudder of horror as when ono sees' unexpectedly a human skeleton stand up beforehim and I shrunk from her with similar feelings I could: not speak 1 took the cup from her attenuated' fin gers and went to the well a hole dugin the ground six or eight feet dcep with no stick or stone th curb ha it except above the ground As returned sit noticed a young woman sitting in the cornerr of thei) fire place close down to the fire as if shaking with the ague Such a picture of destitution and misery 1 did not seo in Kerry Clare' orGol way The nearest approach to it I saw in Tivoli near Rome I have not time to describe mother scenes but on through holes of shallow mud from one to ten4 rods long ford small streams meeting once in alongjw distance some pale sickly ragged wretched looking man andnow and then fi negro sdmo on the backs ofiMS small poor horses which are harnessed ihtooldcarta a botched up of round pinetstickson which are single barrels of pitch In some cases I met similar carts with a single ox harnessed not cows as are seenw in Germany In a few cases I saw men on horse back but met buttwo carriages and the stage with one passenger in it in a day and a journey of thirty four A UGITIVE OMDEliALS ather Hexson Before the passage ofthe gitive Slave Law this devoted friend of Jiisirace jd whose executive talents Could collect and 41 control a colony of fugitive slaves and inape out qf such crude materials a virtuous intelligent reud spccting community was in the habit of visiting Boston occasionally and he sometimes selected secured too the aid of the wealthy men of that city es in his arduous work sEven Samuel A Eliot tha Haynau of Massachusetts did not withhold his hand 3 but gave of his abundance to aid the infant colony of free blacks who had settled in the inhospitable climate of western Canada But when the ugitive Slave Law was passed ather Henson dared inot visit Boston more He knew that the man who had sheltered him under his roof who had written his Biography and commended his example to the youngs people of America had proved a traitor to reedom in the hour of trial and had by Kia? vote consigned him as far as his vote could do it to all the horrors! of He kneiv that in Boston he was not safe for an that in allNew: England with herJcu thousands of warm hearts beating in sympathy IbriBV the slave whether toiling under4 lash or struggling with the poverty and scorn of tbeiuw world elsewhere there wasna of God? foils? him No temple so sacred no home so inviolate butzsur that he could be dragged from it in asummary and consigned to all the torments and suf ferings incident to the life of a slave and so hal turned his face eastward to seek from the loyal sub jects of a monarchy that aid and assistance' which he did not dare to ask for in person in this land of the free and homq of the brave' Mu 'As an introduction to those to whom he to appeal in Great Britain the old man carried with him testimonials froin the highest officers of the Canadian Government i and among them oned which in i ts statement of a single simple fact in they history of this good life passed tv higher logical upon his moral worth and his character as man and Christian than was ever before paid in the? loftiest strains eloquence or by the most giftediuU bards to any human being It was the certificate oL thd Sheriff ofdthe County in Caqada where athered Henson resides who teshfiesihat during fifteen is another article from the pen of the quaint and racy writer A drv goods clerk in Jersey City told me a good story day or two since about the Editors of the Day Book Stimpson oster which may interest you if you have taken notice of the solicitude recent ly exhibited by them to gain notoriety at the South as the champions of slavery That feature of their pa per indeed from all I can learn it has no other is specially commended by Cass and Dickinson in a certificate appended to a printed circular which has been sent all through the Southern States Well! my Jersey City friend tells roe that both Stimpson and oster were clerks of Arthur Tappan during the famous abolition riots some twelve or fifteen years ago and one or both used to carry food to George Thompson the Abolition lecturer from Eng land who had provoked the riots and who had found a shelter from the fury of the mob in one of the lofts of Mr store There were other cir cumstances mentioned to me calculated to confirm the impression that these men have but recently be come aware of the beneficence of slavery It seems that within a year they have sought to merge their paper into the Tribune and were only unsuccessful 1 believe because Air Greeley did not desire to have them associated with him nor did he estimate the value of their property or their services as high as they did whence instead of preaching anti slavery from the columns of the Tribune they are now preaching slavery in the Day Book in the hope of attracting the favorable notice of the South by their noise It deserves also to be borne in mind that oster was a year or two one of the assistant editors of the Tribune during which period he doubtless exhausted the availability of those precepts which he imbibed under the tuition of Arthur Tappan More anon from I Your faithful correspondent kc JOHN BROWN erryman? I I.

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