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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • 6

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hl 136 THsE fill RAT OR REORMAT DRY are '44 j5a jvut vvv euipjov iigeiim he proceedings were of an interesting petition the state and national le tliJ nrvt Jnu tln I I KBK3 1 9 a gnnizing its I Connecticut seem most Breslau Hospital wns 184 of whom only two died 0001 1783 to 1824 of the number admitted into lite hospital at Zurich 223 persons were bitten by different animals (182 by dogs) of whom only 4lied 'S irmly relying upon the final triumph of the Right and the True we do this day affix our sig natures to this declaration More than tin hundred names were subscribed to the above instrument THE QUEEN ENGLAND The income of the Queen of England is half a ilion pounds sterling rom this CONVENTION evening The attendance was lighlv respectable 50 2 00 2 25 3 00 i(U BIRTH REEDOM jjy wlttliM WALLAC 'If Ye freedom! Tyrants date thy splendid birth £Wilh' those upriing in the bloody Past When all the lion hearted of theearlh UnfurlM Uiejr'rebel banner to the blast And from thpirjimb the dungeon letterc! But thou Oh idofcof the brave I wsl born I full grown majesty upon that morn When all the stara together sang and forms pf wondrous beauty suns of dazzling light lamed from tho bosoin of those primal storms lashed the rivers of chaotrc night And somowotiid drive thee frotiour gloomy sod Vainly thcy yrar jvith such blasphemous might lj UI biAjVivr IwCUPuA vrtti lUvuCftTt 01 UvUii such iis Alie Lord Chamberlain ie Queen has seven or eight palaces When the Queen goes in state the procession consists of the Life Guards in half armor three of the Royal carriages with four horses each' having the great officers of state in them then the corps of Yeomen of the Guard dressed in the costume of the time of King Henry the Eighth with long hal berts in their hands after these are forty footmen in liveries of red I terally covered with gold then the marshal porters also gaudily dressed The state ettrraige is drawn by eight cream colored horses in scarlet morocco leather harness thickly studded with gold The Qneeit is generally ac companied by Prince Albert the principal lady of tlij bed chamber nnd theDuke of Wellington car rying the sword of state She wears upon this oc casiona coronet of brilliants and diamonds of im mense value upon her dress which is of the rich est materials and over her shoulders she has a crimson velvet mantle lined with ermine nnd richly embroidered with gold The Queen has 320 domestic servants one hun dred and ten of horn wear the royal livery of scarlet nnd gold At a royal hanqut the whole dinner service is of gold Minister Drowned Andrew Jackson a colored man and an anti slavery lecturer was drowned in i iver at rtilney on Monday the 7th in stant while bathing He formerly resided in Ken tucky escaped from slavery a few years since and for some time past has been lecturing in Pennsylva nia New York and Vermont The body has not yet been found Brattleboro' Eagle Book Donation i The publisher of Dr Chan works has been directed by a gentleman of I Boston to furnish a copy gratuitously to all such colleges and theological schools in the United States as have not in their libraries the writings of Rev Dr I Channing ortunate A engine No 18 was to the fire in Charles on Saturday evening in descending Mount Vernon street the men were obliged to leave the rope (such was the impetus which the bnd gained) and let it run on its own hook until it brought up against a tree Neither the engine nor men were injured Two Bitters make a It has been discover ed that rnixture of nitrate of silver with hypo sulphate of soda both of which are remarkably bit ter will produce the sweetest known substance Large Premium A prize of it is stated in an Edinburgh paperhtbeeni offered to the stu dents of the Scottish Universities for the best essay on Natural Theology 7 The first experiment of crossing the Niagara sin i pension bridge with horses and carriages has beer sucessfully made Mr Ellet was the driver of thi carriage The scene was very exciting LIE DR? II A IN "MEDICATED INHALATION IN PULMONARY COM EAINTS BRONCHITIS asthma chronic affections AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS We learn from a gentleman who arrived here yesterday from Memphis that a murder wm committed in Evansville on riday evening last on board the General Scott which was lying at the wharf The Were abbot these The boat hands "Were at supper and two of them named Joseph Curry and Josephs Brown gat into a quarrel about some slight matter Hard words passed be tween them and Brown seizing the carving knife seized Curry with his left' hand nd plunged the knife inthim severing the heart Brown was im mediately arrested and committed for trial Curry was nn Irishman who made his home in this city where he has a sister Both 'were hands on the Scott ie V' it J' The Murder in Point a Coupee have nlrsdy casually noticed a tragical occurrence which look placteatjr ball room in the neighborhood of Pointe Coupeea few dayingoi In 'Concordia (La) Intelligencer we find the following tnorejniuute de tails of this affair The two gantleuien Elijah Adams and Rowland Robertson met in a ball room and" to the astonish nienvof all those present who were a ware lhatsthey had allowed a dipuie about property to interfere were tneir feelingS'of friendship for each other tney linked arms walked together ah onoccnpied corner'ofthe apartment' Scarcely had they ranch ed the desired position where their conversation when itoherlaon was seen to strike Adams a violent blow in the face" Adams ere with a revolver he NEW AND IMPORTANT WORKjlTAN MlDWlERY EXPOSED? and the i LvJL uention and Employ merit of Mid wives Acivo cated 'By Samuel Gregory A ifty large oc lavo pages price 25 cts or sale al 25 Cornnill' fc i rom the Seneca ulls (N Courier uly 21 RIGHTS This meeting adjourned finally I alter a sersion ot two days respectable in numbers and diameter i 1HUIJIU VHI me nrsi aav the lords ot creation were excluded and we can only speak of the ex civiscs iioiii nearsayi vve learn trial they consist III lirun ii'Hf ivna 1 I a Cl I II'I'O IU lliu IlJUIU i i iai i rrnn tn iiim vim i zii trio i amending of a Declaration of Sentiments and consulting as to the resolutions which should be proposed On the evening of the fi Wesleyan Chapel the building in vv i i lie and at the time appointed lor the commence merit of business was filled with an intelligent and respectful audience he chief speaker was Lucretia Mott of Philadelphia This lady is so i well known us a'pleasing nnd eloquent orator that a description ol her manner would be a work of supererogation Her discourse on ihat evening whatever may be thought of its doctrines was i eminently benutifid and instructive Her theme I was the Progress of Reforms In illustrating her I subject she described the gradual advancement of the cutises of Temperance Ami Slavery Pence but in ir not and impress! vn style' She then alluded to the ocension hich hud lirotight the audience gltmcril tit the rights ami wronjjs of umi expressed iho hope and belief tlmt the movemem in which she wuh then participating would soon assume grandeur ami dignity worthy of' its importance She concluded by urging some of the gentlemen to let their voices i be heard on the great subject im itation met with no response except a brief and luimoroiis apology from Ur Douglass of the Nonh Star On Thursday ihe second day three meetings were held We learn that in the mortiitig the Declara tion of Semirnents wns rend and adopted' It was then signed hv many persons present This in strument is constructed after tin plan ofihe Ameri £200000 is taken to pay what is called the house can Declaration of Independence It is well drawn hold which consists of the great offices of state ana comums a succinct statement of alleged grievances As far as practicable it adopts the language of its model We were present during a part of the afternoon meeting 'lic chairman was James Mott of Philadelphia the secretaries Miss Mary Ann jr of Waterloo and Mrs Stanton of Seneca alls Spirited and spicy resolutions were read and after some remarks from Mrs Mott Thomas rederick Douglass Airs Stanton and George Pryor were passed no one expressing ilissent To all persons ho disapproved of the doctrines of the resolutions repeated opportunities for reply offered but no one responded to them Airs Stanton read an extract from a letter of Win written soon after the exclusion ofihe femtile delegates from the Convention of 1840 We have not re ceived any report of the proceedings in the evett L'g 'Phis convention wns novel in its character and the doctrines broached in it tire startling to those who are wedded Io the present usagesand laws of society The resolutions are of the kind called radical Some of the speeches were very able nil the exercises were marked by great order ami decorum The following is the Declaration of Sentiments made at the Rights Convention held in this place on the 19th nmi 20th inst A Memphis paper gives tle fIlowingparticulars of a most diabolical attempt at murder last week some twelve tn les below Cla ksville by a' young man named Wynn son ofa widow lady of that coun ty Wynn had stolen off two of Ins mother's tie 1 groes and sold them in On returning Iront Vicksburg he formed an acquaintance and friendship with a young man from Ohio nr Pennsyl vania whose name our informant did not'recoilect? At the mouth the CuuiberiandWy nn induced this young man lo go up home with him by promis ing to go on with him to Ohio or Pennsylvania in a short time Some 12 miles below Clarksville they both landed Wynn stating that he would take a by path a near way to hs mother's bouse had proceeded but a short distance when Wynn the other young man being in advance drew a pistol and shot the young man in the neck The wound though it only grazed the neck passing through the hair brought him to the then beat him over the head with the pistol nnd to make still surer work took out his knite and drew it across his neck on both sides cutting through his cravat' and inflicting deep gashes though (without cutting the arteries Wynn1 then rifled hl" pockets taking a considerable sum ofmrmey from about his person He then rifled his and alter sat isfying himself by turning over the body and calling to him by nqme that he was dead he returned to the river and crossed over to Palmyra to lake an Ohio river boat then lying there When he was gone the young man sofar recov ered as to be able to reach the river wherehe de tailed the facts above given deacribingsthes monev taken from him and the clothes taken out of 'his trunk by Wynn? Pursuit was made and Wynrr was arrested al Palmyra the money fopnd in his posse sion and in short a full and perfect corroboration es tablished ofihe young man's narrative Wynn wa taken before an examining magistrate and commit ted to prison He is not more than 18 or 19 years oi day the I all flip meetings were held was thrown open to the pub 1 li4 tll fit a 1 1 STEAM PRESS PRINTING LL kinds of Book Jdb'and Newspaper Work1 xx executed with neatnesaand despatch at Steam Printing Houae No 1 1 2 Water st Boston Jr Particular attention paid to Card Printing'? i OR REORMERS DHE subscriber has removed to thaVneal conve centraU boarding house? 1 2 CxxItkxl Court where he willbe most happy welcome some of the riends' of Reformist reason" hie wishes his 'house to be the place in Boston where the friends of Temperance' Peace Purity reedomthe rispjif (Jtcrpay mee together and enjoy a comfortable and quiftbopie i CesTRAL Court 'opens at 238 Washington street Boston June GENTEEL BOARDING HOUSE 'MISSES HAYDEN No 106 WestCxdar St! TTTOULD respectfully inforny the public that they have opened the above house for the ac commodation of those' who may them with their patronage and pledge themselves that nn paitis will besp irpd to render it a pleasant and agreeable house Teimsmoderate July 28 iff Having deprived her of this first right of a cit izen the elective franchise thereby teaying her without'representation in the halls of legislation he has oppressed her on nil sides r'r IlehnsiHndo her if married in the eye of the law civilly dead He has taken from her all right in property even to he wn ges she earns I le Ims tnnde her morally an irresponsible being Its she rnn commit niany crimes with impunity provided they te done in the presence of her hus band hi covenant of marriage she is com pelled to to her htisband he be coming to all iiitcnta and purpo her master the hivv givipg him power to deprive her of her liberty and to administer chastisement He has bo framed the laws of divorce ns to what shall be proper causes of divorce in case of separation to whom the guardianship of the child ren shall be given as to he wholly unjust nnd re' gnrdless of the happiness of wmnnn the law in all cases going upon the false supposition of the su premacy ofinanand givingall power intoliis hands After depriving her of all righis as married woman if single and the owner of propertv he has taxed her to support government1 which re cognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to it He has monopolized' nearly all the 'means of profitabl employment imd from those she is permined tq follow she receives but a scanty remune ration He closes against her nil the avenues to wealth and distinction which he considers most honorable to himself As a teacher of theology medicine or law she is not known He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough all colleges being closed against her He allows her in church ns well ns state but a subordinate position claiming apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry and with some exceptions from any public participation in the aff'aiis of the church He Ims created a false public sentiment ly giving to the world a different code of morals for men and women by which mornL delinquencies which exclude woman from society are not only tolera ted but deemed of liule account in rrinn' He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah him self claiming it as his right to assign for' her a sphere of action when that belongs to her con science and her God He has endeavored in every way that he could to destroy her confidence in her own powers to lessen her self respect and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life Now in view of this entire disfranchisement of one half the people of this country their social and religious degradation in view of the unjust laws above mentioned and because women do feel themselves aggrieved oppressed and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights we insist that they have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of these United Slates In entering upon the great work? before us we anticipate no small amount of misconception inis I representation and ridicule hut we shall use every I instrumentality within our to effect onr oh IPCt film 1 1 Pirtlllnv Ji trputa ri rri i In IrnnK UL'islauirea nnd cn (leaver to enlist the pulpit and the preNH in our he li ir tv I i r11 I 1 1 1 it ii i i ih it i ti tv tii no intinii on i by a series of conventions embracing every Dart of iniDortniir ti 1 tlJl' UlliHI I i reading and' irrnlv rnlvinir imnn flip ffruil Irinmnlinf (ho CAM BE CONSULTED BT PATIENTS AT HIS OICI Cambridge Strec oston he treats the above Complaints by VV new and decided improved method' by a hich the Patient is principallireleaiedfof 1 he nau'atirig effects of continued taking ot naiGBjbut receive his unedicine by 1 HALATION to the parts affected so that tli? healthy parts of the fiyntern need not be af? by the curative remedy thus giving a practical remedy the diaease and leaving nature to pursue jta true course Patients out of the city are requested to be'as minute' as possible in the a detail of lheircases as to therdurnlion of plaints the symptoms agehabits of living oceujij lion Address Post Pa advice gratis 'Note iThe most prevalent? alfdisenses incident to our cliinate CONS UM PT1 may generally be traced to a slight 'By'an estimate since made itappears that upwardsof on buhre1 Asiim THowAup die1 annually of Complaints DELAYS A RE DANGEROUS novlO' MEMOIR WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING extracts from hisCorrcspondeiice'and Matiu i scripts EDITED by his nepn( wfVVilliam Henry Chau rung comprised in three volumes of from four hundred and fifty to fiye hundred pages uni form with the best edition of the works Two very superior Portraits of Dr Channing appear in thevoi uiues one from a painlingdy Allston theolheby Gambirdelia irst: Parentage and Birth Boyhood Col lege Life Rich mon St(idiesandiSeiileinent'B Part Second Early Spiritual The Unitarian Controversy Middle age Ministry European Journey (Part Third The Ministry and Reli gion and Social iRe Thei Anti's Slavery Movement riends Home Lifei Notes' Published by CROSBY NICHOLS JI Washington street Boston t' Jaiy jtr THE LARGEST PAINTING IN THE WORLD! AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE TREMONT ST HUfcl'l i i Grand Classical Panorama SEAS A ND SHORES THE MEDITERRANEAN Executed from draw ings made by A during his voyages in the Mediterranean and his travels Spaih rance and Italy Open every evening! at i 7commencing U8 clock also Wednesday and Saturday afternoons Tickets 50 cents to be had at the door from 10 to 12 A'M and from 7 to 9 under 12 years half ci' '7 Liberal arrangements madecwith schools and parlies from the country Copyright ot the Panorama secured according io law or particulars' seef bills' and 'descriptive amphlels July 7q I I A A CAL AV Removed from Not 20 Butdlpk street: to No 512 i 'kunp streetnear Cambridgestreet: 'Z would respectfully inform the public that has fitted U'p aud openedhis house to accoinmo date with Boardiand Lodging (those who may' favor hint with their patronage He respectfully solicit a hare( No pains will be spareJ to render it inevery way a pleasant and agreeable house mod A 1'7 'it! beA n6 WTW LEGENDS LOWERS tThe following linesvby the late Lucy Hooper re fer to Sohieof theold fanciful ideas attached to the In the Rornisli church such events were carefully noted down and every flower blossoming on a day was conaidered to bloom ia 'honor of that saint iWi I'lii'i' iOh I gorgeous tale In dnysnf old Were Jinked with opening flowers if in theyt'ruy' utn of gold r' Beat human heails like ours The nuns in their cloister "sad and 'pale '4 watched soft buds expand On their glowing petals traced a tale OrJegend of holy land Brightly to them did thy snowy leaves 1 or the winted Mary shine As they twined for her forehead vestal wreaths Of thy white buds Cardamine 'Jfi 1 "iK The Crocus shone when the fields were bare'Wilh'a gay rejoicing smile But the hearts that answered tender prayer Grew brightened with joy the while Of the coining spring and light others that flower might say But the lover welcomed the herald bright ZZ Of glad St Valentine's jThe Crocus 'was hailed as a happy flower And the holy saint that day on the Earth their golden shower To light way rOn the dayrof St George the brave St George To merry' England dear By field and by fell and by mountain gorge rn Shone Hyacinths blue and clear 'Lovely and prized was their purple light And jlwas said in ancient story That their fairy bells rung out at night peal to'bldEngland'H glory And sages read in' the azprehuc Of the flowers so widely known That by white sail blue list Should the Empire! right beohown And fliou of faithful (memory Zb St Jahn thou shining Bru ms not a burning torch for thee ss The sesrlet Lychnis bright bite holy Mary at thy shrine Anqtber pure flower bloonis Welcome to thee with news L' Th'e faint perfumes its" stately head it rears Arrayed in virgin whittjp So Trulhamid a world of tears jif Doth shine with vestal light And fLou whose opening bud were shown cross beside We hail Passion lower alone A' 'a'1 a 1 I Stcredjo Christ who died Nd image of a mortal love May thy bright blossom be with a'pfs'ioD far A Saviorqgony A11 other flowers are pale and dim other gift aye loss We twine matchless buds for him Who djed on holy Cross a I go 5 vThc Lily blootus'about Annunciation day Judgment President James Polk in criminal disregard of national law both human nd di vine ordered the in vasion of Meticah territory not conquered by the exana thus making war by the usurpation of pow er nnt conferred by the Consul tn ion the ederalGovernment for a declaration of war should precedejtlie making of war And did Congress impeach and try the usurper? No The members with a few iiotfoiiA BLR exceptions' became accomplices by avote of men and money to sustain the onset to suh xftie the Mexicans shouldering the responsibility as sumed bv the President 1 To kill without is murder The sen jtence death Gen ix In national sltimrhterthe sentence is executed by national authority de lrivd from above Vengeance belongeili to God land when a nation usurps authority and engages in war offensive illie members in the lead and the members who approve and sustain the lead Jguilly of the bloodsbed on the soil of the invaded nation They ore legion murderers The President by making war without authority became a legion murderer the members of Co tigressby sustaining llie President in the war became legion 'mtrderers The ederal Judges (one exception) by approving of the war nnd consenting to the crime partook with the co ordinate departments inthe crime of legion murder in the destruction of ithe old and the young the male and the female the saint and the tfngel in the cities and fields of Mex ico Therefore be it known to all the inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth that the ed ejalr Go vernment in its several departments in itsleading' is dead dead dead tried and fotind guilty as aforesaid' nd be it ths remnant of the American people who are ebnt are not responsible for th xontracts debts bdnds and liabilities of the aforesaid criminal gov ernment And let it also be further known that in all things the property of the Lord is promised as an inheritance together with the sovereign authority of both the ather nnd the Son Ho rule the nations the conditions complied with The overcoming and keeping of the works of (the Son of Man unto the end as a reward for Mexican slaughter will prove worthless hen tested by authority of Him' whose right it is to rule The Lord's Servant THE BRANCH Rees Price Mount Zion July 12 1848 DECLARATION SENTIMENTS When in the course of human events it be comes necessary lor one portion of the family of man to Hssume iimong the people of earth a po sition different from tlmt which they have hitherto occupied hut one to which the laws of niiiure nnd of God entitle them decent respect to the opinions of mnnkiud requires that they should declare the onuses tlmt impel them to such course We hold these truths to be self evident that nil mennnd women are created equal that they following are the results of this treatment rom are endowed by their Creator with certain inalien i 1810 to 1824 the number of persons admitted into nme rigius inai nmong uiese arc ine nuerty ana the pursuit ot' that to secure these rights governments are instituted deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed Whenever any form of government becomes de structive of these ends it is the right ot those who suffer from it to ref'uso allegiance to it and insist upon the institution of new government lajing Its foundation on such principles and oi Bowers in such form ns lo them sli ill likely to effect their safety nnd happiness Pru dence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light tnd transient causes and acrordiugly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable limn to right them selves by abolishing the forms to hich they are accustomed: but when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same ol ject evinces a design to reduce them under abso lute despotism it is their right it is their duty to ihrow otT such government and io provide new guards tor their future security Such lets been the patient sufferance of the women under this government and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equid station to which they are entitled The history of mankind is a history of repealed injuries and usurpations on the part of man to ward woman having in direct object the establish mentof an absolute tyranny? over her To prove this let facts be submitted to a candid world He baa never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right tothe elective franchise I lie hns compelled her to submit to laws in the formntion of which she hns had no voice He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men both na tives and foreigner ORIGINxkL TEA STORE the chin a'Tea No Washington street 1 AVE now been established six year they deal fil only in Tea and Coffee keep every variety al Black and Green Tea imported into thiacountry and deal for Cash only 5 The success which has attended their efforts dur ing this time is without a parallel They now'offer for the inspection of Dealers one of th largest and most varied stocks in the conntry st their principal warehouse 498 ON STREET and solicit country traders before purchasing their sup' plies to cal) at this Great Tea Warehouse ft yat the same time to accommodate families "and hotel they offer IVE aslollows 5 lbs Ningyong Oolong an extra black 1 1 for 5 Young Hyson 5 lbs Young Hyson delicious flavor 5 Bis super Old 5 lbs Souchong (sold elsewhere SO cts i 25 10 lbs good ground Coffee' 00 An experienced and native China man superm tends Ihe Tea department Money can be snt by inaii by friends coming to the: city nr by Express men mid the package will be sent by return No travelling agent is employed the Company Strangers visiting the city are in viled to call are appointed in every town upon applica tion post paid to the proprietor? lo whom: is given THE GREATEST ADVANTAGE IN PRICEt AND EVERY SECURITY AS TO QUALITY In consequence of the great reduction in the price ive WM BROWN! A UG1THE SLAVE IOR sale nt this Office a Lecture delivered before the emale Anti Slavery Society of Salem el Lyceum Hull Nov 14 1847 by Win Brown ugitive Sin 5 cents single 50 cents $3 50 a hundred tf i SCENES BLOOD AT THE SOUTH BEAD £HJS CATALOGUE vi'i? Z' Al It is seldom that our eye rests upon a record of such cold bloodedness and brutality as this fromdhe Plaquemine Ibervillian We are informed that a cold blooded ''end brutal murder was committed on Bayou Maringomin in this parish on Wednesday: last A man named Jack Cross deliberately shot man John Daniel generally known as' Hoosier The fiend after commit ting the horridideed i made hi escape wns in the employ of Cross and Bill Quinn (brothers in law) and was a harmless nnd inoffensive individ ual made lo arrest the murderer though he boasted that he bad slntn his victim 1 Our informant also states ithati the: Coroner was sent for to hold an on the body of the murdered man but his attendance could not be procured and the body ofthe unfortunate deceased wns consigned tn the without even dhe usual formalities of an jncmesl! ihe ermiltonville (Ln Impartial of the 27th nit says: An individual by the name of Napoleon Plai sance was killed on Sunday last in this parish" by Emanuel Dominguez his father in lawon the plan tation of the jier Dominguez immediately deliv ered liimelfto the' and furnished security for bis appearance before our District Court The details ot this affair which are circulating among is might be strictly private mv uuuiic air 1 1 a i cior na i we reirain rrotn i making nnv comment up in the subject until the case i UWii'fotilhs blow shall have been investigated by the proper sbol Robinson through ihe body' The effect may he Plaisance enjoyed here a veiy bad reputation and imagined Confusion consternation shrieks' and had had several difficulties with his i the most melancholy excitement wallowed up I with the power of magic all the happiness ofihe 1 Horrid Murder A murder of the deepest dye' was 'The lift ieldin fofrh of Rob committed in 'Madison county Ky at a battalion prison in the tragedy was now the only remaining muster on the 2Gth ult The particulars furnished feature in the festival i by the Richmond Chronicle are about these: A The senses of the whole people of the parish were man named Barnes got into a quarrel wilhanother stunned with the intelligence The two men 'who man a Mr Isaac Agee attempted to settle the dif had 'given' such a fearful finale lo'this occasionof Acuity between them and make peace Shndracb festivitv were (well related and of personal narnrH a uriurr i i nc ntr jijritgru Hi Afir qnarm 'stepped up caught Agee around the neck with his left arm deliberately drew his bead back and made a cut across his throat wiih a knife that caused his death about an hour Barnes then inflicted a severe wound upon his own brother (the one we suppose that wns engaged in the quarrel though not so in formed by the Chronicle) from whichit is doubtful if be recovers He then cut a third man across the back of the hand" and a fourth across the abdomen mumtcinneiHnrr nni in i cr i ftp tr i uritnnnt ttn mv ing any material damage Agee a week be 1 fore the difficulty occurred that he was afraid Barnes would kill him and had threatened about half nn hour before he murdered Agee and perhaps his brother that he intended to kill his brother and (attempted to raise'a difficulty with him which his (brother avoided atal Affray The Kosciusko (Miss) Chronicle of the 2d inst publishes the following: By a gentleman from we learn that an affray occurred in Neshoba county on Sunday last between some young men named Coglin tn and others named Morrow of Leoke county: somewhat after the following manner One of the Coglins and one of the Morrows were attending the same school in Neshoba Morrow told something of a third person Coglin asked an explanation Mor row acknowledged that he had told it but denied meaning any harm by it this did not satisfy Coglin nnd a fight ensued in which Morrow got the better threats passed and on Sunday young Morrow and three of his brothers went to (lhe father of I he young men) house to settle the affair as usual in such cases they made the matter worse and a fight ensued bet ween one of the Coglins and one of 1 11 Morrows in which Coglin was about lo use a bowie knife on Morrow tn prevent which one of Morrow brothers stepped up and discharged a pistol at the head of Coglin killing him instantly the others now interfered the result of which was that one of the Morrows received a has ere tins pro bably proved mortal and one ofihe Coglins a severe stab but of which it is thought he will recover Tragical Affair Extract of a letter dated Biloxi (Miss June 3d 1848 Quite a tragical affair came off this morning in which Mr Vaught a relative of VV Vaught of New York was one of the principals Six shots were fired by him at a persow named Baylis some of them taking effect but did not kill him The phy sician who attends him did not think him mortally wounded it appears that the difficulty arose from a lawsuit that wns not sntilnrtory to one of the parties the suit being about rrnttf property Yesterday Bay lis ordered Vaught off' the disputed premises but the latter tin! obeying the funner went into (lie house nnd returned with a double barrelled gun and shot nt Vaught slightly wounding him The puriies met this morning nod Ihe result was ns above staled Vaught delivered himself up to the officer and was nd i 1 1 1 ed tn bail in the sum ol $2000 fur htS' appear once at the September A very Tragical Affair which occurred near Natchez a few days ago is mentioned in the New Orleans Delta Mr Charles Jones who was orig inally from Red River and has practised lawin Louisiana wns shot at his residence on Black River near Natchez by a highly respectable Indy said to be aelative of his It is stated Inal the lady drove in a Carriage to residence and called him out As he approached tfie carringe she fired a re volver at him the ball taking effect in his abdomen As lie bent down under trie effect of the wound she fired two more barrels the balls from which took effect upon his head At the last accounts Jones was lying in a hopeless condition but not quite dead The St Louis Republican of the 5th gives the fol lowing accounts of several slabbing affrays in that vicinity: A difficulty occurred upon the steamer Grand Turk during her last trip from New Orleans be tween an Irish woman named Duffy and a German woman named (Dittman which resulted in the former drawing dirtt knife and stabbing the latter in the back immediatelyfeb' iow the right shoulder blade The wound is not considered dangerous About 12 Saturday night a Spaniard nntne unknown was discovered near the corner of Morgan street on the Levee bleeding profusely from the breast Upon being questioned' as to hi's condition he remarked' had been done The watchman upon jroing above found another Spaniard also unknown by name lying in front of a groggery called the Napoleotr House with nn nwful wound in his side and abdotnen from which his bow els were protruding: They were both taken to the Calaboose nnd yesterday morning removed to the ospitnl since hich lime the last mentioned 'has died Under whnt circumstances meh were wounded we were unable to learn In the same neighborhood on yesterday afternoon about three o'clock a man named Win a cooper by trade had some difficulty with a man named Hugh Lawler at a grogshop kept by iMrs shehan Lawler drew a lerge butcher knife and struck across the throat with it inflicting a severe wound McCarty died in two hours thereaf ter Lawler has not been arrested A A few minutes after this occurrence a man name unknown issued from the Neapolitan House knife in hand swearing vengeance upon every body but more especially the keeper of the above house After some difficulty he was ane ted and taken to the Calaboose' ISAAC II) S1OtWDEN Niwqptiper find tyncy Job Briiiler 'v (12 Water StJJoston OJ All order promptly at tended to and neatly1 1 i'Cl iJlvt 7 usyiiilh iiWSK vniiiNsinwXtKr jH OOMS IN CAMBRIDGEPORT A jLv nnd or Chamber alone to let in a pleasant location (not far from the City Hall) in iCambridgeportto a gentleman nnd wife or single gentleman wilii or without board Address Locke ibox No 5 Boston Post Office 1 May Cure for Hydrophobia The following is snid to be preventive of hydrophobia as discovered by rench physician Crossar Take two table spoonsful of fresh chloride of lime in powder mix it with half a pint of water and ith this wash keep the woitnd constantly bathed and frequently renewed The chloride of lime possess es the power of decomposing this tremendous poi son and tnild nrd harmless that venom against whose resistless attacks the medical science bus been so long directed in vain Il is necessary to add that this wash should be applied as soon ns possible after the infliction of the bite The A LETTER ROM ATHER MATHEW The proprietor of the Hotel having tendered to ather Mathew its hospitalities the following reply has just been received Cork 2)th July 1848 My Dear riend Yonr honored invitation to be gut's! nt the Marlboro Hotel I highly prize and slinll with grntil title nvuil myself of your kindness on the occasion of my intended visit to Boston The Marlboro' being the oldest tempenincu hotel in the country will be nn mid il ionu I inducement to take up my abode in il My physicians have not ns yet decided on allowing me to lake my depar ture in August My health continues thank God to improve I nm deeply crutehil to my friends in Boston for their solicitude about me and remain with high respect Yours devotedly THEOBALD MA'flIEW Dlt' JONAS' WJcnmtAN? S' onrivalfod reputation a THOMSON IAN i PHYSICIAN in tbi city jrnsy be consulted daily at hi office Temple street second door fr Cambridge street i Dr having been many year associated with 3 DrSamuel Thomson the discoverer and" foutiocr vj vuv wysiriiiui iic uiva yi ausivc ti 9 itt9 iniuw has hadsignal opportunities of perfecting himself in' this important and popular science onditnvvt ulleitdiitg physician in many familieain which Dr Thomson 'introduced his priltciplea undprac ice of medicine from twenty to forty yeaiwaincev' Daring bis long' experience 7a Dr han be calh'd to attend many case tieh hsdbtHed the skill of the moat eminent physicians of tbeOZd School ml numerous patients can becon suited oti application nt the Midwifery is peculiarly successful under tin treatment and the mother that has been treated un der the old and tbe new Bystems always resdy fto give her testimony in favor of the new and against the old mineral practice tar 4l THE NEW MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT at the corner of Cambridge and Temple streets la constantly supplied with all the vegetable remedies' which are contained in Thtnnsen'f Moteria Medic The ANTI SCORBUTIC SYRUp lorscrotulou affection The RENOVAT1NG PILLS fornervoosjieas dizziness and cost! venes and The "'VEGETABLE RESTORATIVE for indi gestion ww I medicines that need but a aingle tnal to tablish their value Office recollect is at the of Cambridge a nd Temple strttis'' JJan 24 f' of Pittsliurrh in which the latter was stabbed in a dantrerous it not lata I manner 1 i 4 b' We have just been informed says the Point Coupe (La) Echo that on Tuesday last at 1 milted on the person ot Mr Routh by another named John James shooting him with a gun sixteen buck shot entering his breast which caused instant death James has made his eScape i 34 The Victoria Advocate Jearns lhat difficulty oc curred nt Sun Patricio on the 21st ult between two men named Moure and Rose i Shota were ex changed wlivn the biller received ball in the left bieuat which killed him instantly I i 1 1 On Turdny Inst in an nfirny between Mr Mo coy of Lexington Ky nnd Mr IL Snell of Scott county the former shot the Inlier with a pis tol The bail lodged in Mr thigh and Hip wound is thought dangerous Mr McCoy nfiet ex amination wns held to bail in the sum of $1001) which he gave A personal rencontre1 place on the 20th in stant near Green Spring in rederick county Vo between George Swhier Jr and an old gentle man named Aiken in which the Inner was so se verely injured by blows on the head froin'n hoe that his life has since been despaired of Swhier it in jail i The Glasgow Mo News' the particulars of an affray between Willes and ielding Powell two brothers in which the former killed the latter Wil les after a judicial examination was acquitted ei A 1 t1 'theVNation JAhtidivery Standard XnhV'ALAS THE CHURCHES! AlasThe chufohed Christthy' name And nt itahnentibn burning shame Stamp it red brand mark on myjace Alas lhe churches hearly all 11 of solemn mockery stand Shrines of hypocrisy that call A "or Heaven own judgment on the land 1 Christian! that namedid once denote All that i purest wisest best Erg Twas by vile pretenders brought be the common 'jest Ere lust of power and thirst of gold Had evil influences nurst avarice religion'sold' hallow'deeds by God accurst a foul ahd hideoui blot Si i i Stains the while banner of lhe croas The ore of truth is mixed with what its pure metal into dross i'The stream ofolife pollute'd flows 1 Ml 't scandal to the fountain head weeds beside it grow a Arid taint with death the' living bread wr Talk noji qf Hinnom'e vale of fire cruel bluody fane Of ritual dire Its 111 tier'd eat hi a nd lingering tT Though the Bark places of the earth still replete ar blacker horrors spring to birth mumsOtersbadowed by Love's mercy seat Not voice or I Aincy or truth has power to tell Of real or imaginedwrong 1 1 Aught or excel" which spenk With trumpet voice from Slavery's page fAnd with their vast abundance wake a The heart to pity shame and gage 1 Witness this truth my eyes "Which saw the miseries of the thrall Witness my ears that heard their cries oft in vain for pity call 8 S' VVitness ye wretched beings Beneath the weight of yoke voice at last is And man to beast of burden broke Rejoice Hell thy horrid fires Are mingled with the blaze )r Thy sulphury smoke to heaven aspires 1 ni doth its incense raise i The lash around the crosier clings Its knotted thongs all thick with gore And light its dazzling radiance flings Byt serve to guide aright no more Good thy power recall Come forth in thy resistless might! Teach inan renewed for man to feel And power ond knowledge aid the right! Purge thou the churches every where romits pollutions cleanse the sod rAhd' true repentance teach to rea'r Eure altars to the Savior God james stillman NEW BOOKS xa SOME Thoughts ph the most Christian use of A Sermon preached at the Melodeon onSunday by Parker' 15 cents uW1! Pious raud or lhe admissions of the Church against lhe inspi ation of llio Bible By Parker Pillsbury'Price 10 centai Narrative 'of Henry! Watson Mi Slave written by himself' Price42 2cents'rw I Just published and forsale by Bel Marh No 25 Cornbill wher mayt ajsobe had Mr ex cellent work on the History of the Bible' April I 'NEAViBOOK ITJIOR SA LE at the Anti Slavery Depositqry 21 'ihe Jjioertyueii tor 1340 A lew copies remain I Life of Bro n2nd Edition wii 'addition al matter and new engravingsc Price '37 r412 cts in paper ciJYers Mr Shackfod's Appeal in regard to the Warlwith 1 2 ctrf Dick Crowninshield the' Assassin "and Zaehiry Tiy 4or the Soldier pTheADifference between theriiByAV DanryC 3ciipgle 25 per dozy Six Months at Graefenberg By DenytC( Wrightq j' respectability They had been brothers in lawj Ad ams was a widower having been the husband of sister Tfie unfortunate Robertson at tlie'timc of the ca tastrophe had scarcely realized the passing nwav of his honeymoon and his young and unsuspecting bride was jniingling happilyjn Ihe ball room when Ihere portuf in the 'room adjacent staggered the senses of ail: 'Robertson expired on the succeed ing evening Aduns i surrendered himself' in: open court on Saturday morning and claimed to admit ted to bail he District Alterney A A Hoy tsq having been appris of his intention" was prepared with witnesses tor the State The court' rfler full hearing of witnesses uni Iged the case one of manslaughter and held Adams to bail in Jhe sum of 5000 dollars This he gave on the spot ft Eugene Petitpain was on Monday the 5lh inst arrested charged with an intent to light a duel with: Leon Dupene Petitpain entered into a bond for $1000 to keep the peace and was released Late on evening Claude Samofy 'who signed the the aforesaid bnd made affidavit before Recor der Gennis that trorn information received he had good reasons to believe that Petitpain was determined to fight the duel and therefore prayed leave to with draw his bond 'Another warrant was issued and' Petitpain againarreste! He was brought before lhe Recorder and not being able to give security in the: sum of $3000 was committed for further considers tion upeire is not to be found: L'C 3 ''T Brutal Atrocity A valuable negro man belongs ing to Blankenbaker and Chrisler was shot down on Saturday 24'h nil near tlie farm of his masters' Three men were engaged in the atrocity the ne gro does not know either of them and soon after the deed they galloped off in the direction to Louis ville fLouisville Examiner A reepntre occurred at StcLouis on the 1st instf between Mr A Seileck a resident oflhit city of Teas and Coffees we are enabled to give and Perry Harbaugh a house carpenter formerly yp I 1 I i ft so for the old prices and it is acknowledged by many persons UiUl iney uiuuiui evi sir: iism any kind'' PAY WHAT PRICE THEY MAY f' the mouth of the Atchafalaya a murder wns com n9 tf)e Youn Hyson nt 59 cents and the Ningyong Hia A ft 1 Oolong at 40 cvnu wiwen 198 Washington street 1 PRp IlIVTORN Mdy 2G REDDING CO.

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