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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 5 1 7 5 i' I. 7 i -J. if 1 JUST IN! 25 White Dresses, Which We Shall Offer for a Few Days a ad tbe maAlag alone to wort red white Wf i VL1.1 SbOoldseetbASO. DOST. at tkSf Wlllf quick.

V7E SHOWV'ALSO, Thl Urgut Stock if Ifeiinm and Fine i Whit Druses la thi SUtt. SOLI SZVUSQ AGKfTS fat this City for Wlxfet-pu A Co masnfectorers Ladles, Kisses aad Cbldren's Drsesea. SOU mxniO AGXXT ta tfcls CJy for Slmea norm A of Ladies' Muslin and Cmabtio Uaderwear. I. S.

ATMS CO. lH i cilyei, fucr rum, ui mpm rnvr tl VMMV mils IWUIMM mmimnmmm. WTW UTO DIsnUBLB OOODfl AT Bingham Walk's, I li East Washington Bt AUCTION Oa WEDNXSD IT. Job ti. ISM, at 10 o'olook a.

SO Lota la Betty's Addition wtU fee sol without reecrra. This Addition Ilea be- twees Shelby and last streets, oa both rides of Us BIt Ballroad. Sals potJtlTO, Title perfect For fall partis tiara, cellos Alix. Metzgeb, Ag't, 7 ODD FELLOWS II ALL. as New Medical Books.

Medical Eleotrletty WatterlUe-td Practical Hint and formalaa 1.09 The German Pertnaoopele td ed I SO JHant Analysts Draalortr lf 8 75 Brain Kihaostloa Coral ng 8 09 SarBr oa reoelpt of pries. Cathcart, Cleland INDLVXAPOIJS. BUY YOUR SHIRTS AB4 n'PtlMim ecODS and yrmi LACND 1 doM kMMt tha taU RXACU'S S3 W. Wsshlaxtoa st. Vows bsUdinc PITY NEWS.

V' 7 A. tflll F. 78.. Ths county eommlMlonert to-day Wsro paaalng upon 140 liquor Ilcenaoa. A mualcal and lHerary sntsrtatnment ot Unusual ezcellenc Is to bs giren lit ths TUtk church this STenlng.

Ths Union Dspot Barings and Loan Association, capital $100,000, was Incorporated today. Chris. Waterman is president. Beory, of 0 won county, bat tn- urea ins race ior ue repuoucaa nomiaanon for Tics president. He has a soldiers' record.

i Ths names were mlzedjesterday In ipeak-, lag of ths 35th ward Imbroglio. It was Councilman Curry, sot Wolfe, who was in-- tsrsstsd. 'The Board of Trade to-day received no Chicago marketa, in accordance with ths orders given by ths Chicago board to the Western Union. -Martha E. Xoors was to-day dlro.eed from William on ths usual grounds, with a i prohibition aalnat remarrying within two years.

Divorce proceedings of Michael Dol-' man against Koas wsrt dismlajed. The tuprear' Judge, Clerk Sheeran, ez-Senator McDonald, Uon. Oscar B. Hord and other Indlanapolttana attended the funeral of ths lata Judge Worden, at Fort Wayne, yesterday. They returned last night.

Ths Herdlc Phaeton company to-day lied with ths county recorder a deed of assign-, meat toWlllfamA. Khodst, eonTeying all vshiclcs, horses, etc to him. As heretofore stated, there will bs a Urge surplus alter all 4ebte ars paid. Ths eleventh annual convention of the In-" dtaaa County SupertntendenU' association will begin In ths tupreme court room next Tuesday, and continue three days. J.

W. Hoi com be, president of the assoclstlon, will deliver the opening address. M'-' Ins Boblasom letter a rorgsrj. The letter alleged to have been written by Lllile M. Bpurgen to Frank Robinson, who Is serving a term in jail for maktng a felonious attack upon her, was delivered to Jadge Morton, last night, and ha summoned Miss Spurgen before nlm and questioned her closely under oath this morning.

She positively denied ths authorship of It, and aald aha had never written him a lino or authorized any ons to do so for her lines his arrest. The writing waasramlned and found not to resemble MIm Spurgen'si and It was also discovered that her same was spelled incorrectly at ths doss of ths letter. Efforts will be mde to ascertain who is ths real author, and the matter will probabW bs iavestlgated by the grand jury. The following card is szplana-lory: 4 Ts tss Kdltor ot The ladlanapoMi swk The Item In yesterday! Nw nnier the head The Roblnaoa Caaa," In whtoSastAtement mad a that I hare written a letter to RoOUt-on, oonlenlnx that I waa wrong In lnstiKattng the prosecution sralast him, Uta'se. If Bob-Innon has say auuh lottar It la a orgvy and bat a part ot hta attempt to lajare lain fceeptng with the nasMrons anonrmoas letters and threats sent to ms by him or his over seal.

ons friends bofore ths trial to intimidate me from proeteotins hha. I was not lnflneaoed by any beade." as the Item atataa, bat I laid toe matter before the proaeoutinjr attor er before I had tnformAd any see of the ont- rac.scept nv two nearest friends girt my own age Akses Appleeats and Bowers. 1 Ltll M. 6ruaix. Jadgs Xlblack tor Yleo FrMldeat.

The events at Chicago have not wholly ab torbed ths lntersst In the approaching dem- ocratlcnatlonal convention. Ths seemingly authoritative atstement that Tllden wOl aend a letter to ths New York atate convention, absolutely declining to again make ths race for president, has been lnstrumsntai In resurrecting what remains of ths McDonald boom, but cool headed democrata are freely admitting that ths cholcs will 1a probability fall to an eastern nan. Hen- dricks. It ia generally believed, will quickly drop out of sight If ths old ticket can not bs renominated. A News reporter waa present during a conversation la ths secretary ot state's office this mora tug, when Captain Myers szpresssd ths opinion that McDonald, while not desiring the nomination for vice resident, would not refute It If he thougnt could subssrra ths Interests ot tht party.

Ths convention will doubtless sss that It Is essential to rive Indiana a place on ths remarked Hon. 81 Sheeran, "and there is a man not now prominently mentioned with ths vice presidency who would be exceptionally strong. I refer lo Judge W. E. Klblack, of the tupreme hoss admirers may be counted by the thousands Indiana.

Indeed he would be i Msndld timber for ths presidency." There was reaeral acquiescence In what Mr. Sheeran said. T. St. O.

A. Notes. The unim teachers' meeting for ths study of ths Sunday achool lesson, wiU bs held as jmusI to-morrow noon. Ut.C P. Jacobs U1 hare charge during the month of June.

i Mr. Waaamaker recently delivered aa address at ths snntvaraarv ot tha Pottityw. nssoclation, la which hs presented ths following telegram received that day from a Chicsgo merchant: ffsJoha Wanaauker. Keo.Uo twenty yesrs erperience ta Young work prove that hM ao produoUve of "A ths money 9 KAVlTnWIn Wedding Presents. A TCIXXBUE AJ7KAT.

A LBg-Staadlag Wmm Cnlsatnates ta a B1W7 StaeowatsrWssiai Bridges r-tally assess jraaass BarmMS aad 4m SUnaself Ssvwiolr Haadlsd-arjra. Bar- avatt flsrs rraetmroel Stroll. The TomUnsow-Brld gee-Barn tt feud, which has been stirring the neigbborhood vest of ths Lotans asylum, la Wayne town-ahlp, for ssTsral years, culminated this mora-lng ta a desperate enccmstsr between John 2(riJges and James Barsett, ta which their respect Irs wives also figured. Baraett Is a atoae-eutteT, eaployed upon the new state house, and living upon a Little plat of ground ons mils northwest ot ths asymm. Bridges is gardener, and bis immediate neighbor.

Tke two families nave been at out tor a longtime. Bemstt's work la ths city ns-cesalUted aa early start; hence thit morning fire o'clock found turn doing bis chores, aetr ths edge Of the woods ordering upon bis ground. Hit story Is, that While strapping a kicking better, so that she could be milked. Bridges appeared upon the scene and fired upon him through the crack of the fence, the bullet missing its mark. He retreated to a tree.

Bridges Jumping the fence and following aim up, and after the second shot returned the fire. The two men exhausted their wsapons and cllcehed, and while they were struggling, Mrs. Bridgea appeared upon the scene, aa Burnett claims, armed with a fresh revolver. Mrs. Barnstt also arrived and there was a scuffle between the two women, ending with Mr.

Bridges coming to ths std of -his wife, using a hoe for a club, and felling Mra. Barnett to the ground with a blow upon the head which fractured her akulL Altogether she waa struck three times. In the fight with Barnett the advantage lay with Bridges, for the former i was shot twice, one of the bullets striking Just above the breast bone, grazing ths carotid and subclavian arteries, ranging upward and passing out near the clavicle, while the other lodged to the left shoulder. The first is an exceedingly dan-geroua, and probably fatal wound. He was also struck upon ths head with the hoe.

In itself a eve re Injury. Mrs. Bridges hsd her ace bruised in the encounter with Mrs. Barnett, who is her superior la strength, and Mr. Bridges, from what can be learned, was struck In ths head with a bullet, making a severe scalp wound, besides which he was cut and hammered more or less with the weapon which Barnett Rsed aa a elub when the two men elmched.

His Injuries were not sufficient, however, to preveut his immediate flight, and at Last account! the authorities bad not succeeded in accomplishing bit-arrest, Ths sheriff and police superintendent drove out -immediately upon receipt ot the news, sad at once organised a pursuit. Mra. Bridget was placed under arrest for her share of the battle, but according to Mr. Barnett's statement she committed no overt act, save coming upon the scene armed with a revolver. This ahe earnestly A News reporter Interviewed the principals this afternoon, but waa unable to get a very intelligible atatement, eave fiom Mra.

Bridges, i Mr. Barnett claimed that the trouble bad Its origin over a line fence, but It really dated back eleven years, when be discovered Bob Tomlinson, bit brother-in-law, mousing his wife and called him to account. Bob, Frank and Milton Tomlinson espoused Bridges's side, while Perry and Amos Tomlinson were friendly to him. Originally he (Barnett) faeldslx acres of ground, which be sold to Frank Tomlinson, and then be re-told to Bridges, and when a dispute arose over the line they urged on the trouble. Numerous times Bridges hsd threat, ened his life, end about six weeks ago be and George McDowell, who works for Bob Tomlinson, lay la wait and attempted to hoot him.

It la known that the famlllea have been warring oryeara, and the peace justices of this and Wayne township have tried numerous cases of assaults, provokss, pesce sureties, etc, in which some one of the factions were the aggressor. It was also learned that both Bridges and Barnett have long been anticipating a bloody culmination of their fued and each has prepared himself for the worst by going armed whenever stepping outside the house. Dr. IL F. Barnes, who is the family physician, reports that both tbeBir-aetts are very dangerously injured, and be regarda Mr.

Barnett's chances ior recovery aa vert sljrat. While the Newa representative waa at the house, a brother ot the injured mai 2 arrived, bringing with him Dr. J. K. Blgeiow, who made a curjory examini I and Is locUntd to believe that three bullets altogether took effect.

jl reporter aaw Mrs. Bridges at the police' station before her attorneys had. arrived, and ahe talked freely about the fight and the causes leading to it. "For years," she said, "Bridges and Barnett hare bee at outs; the difference originated over the purchase of a piece of land by my husband, which Mrs. Barnett had inherited, but which bad passed to the possession of one of the Tomllnsons.

Barnett pastured his cattle oo our meadow, and for a longtime declined to unite in bulMlng a partition fence. From that time to this Barnett has been lawiug Bridges, and one time shot at him. He wou'd aggravate me by whistling at me whenever I wit alone, and be told bad stories about me; Mra. Barnett and however, have been neighborly. This morning I was going out for kindling! when I heard a pistol shot.

I thought Barnett was eaulrrel lour or nve snots followed rapidly. ItheoJ ran to the spot; heard Barnett call for bis1 wife, and asw bit arm pointing a pistol from behind a tree, 1 1 told him not to shoot, but hs fired, and my husband then jumped over the fence that waa between them and the two men came together. I ran up and caught my husband around ths neck and tried to pull him away. I took his revolver away and threw it over the fence. There waa a hole in Bridges's bead, and blood was flowing from it and from Barnett's breast.

It waa in trying to separate them that I got all this blood on me. Bridges got up and waa going away when Barnett struck him sgaln with the milk pall. Taen for the first time I aaw Mas. Barnett. 8 he me and aVuck ma here on the bead, raising this lamp.

She broke the hoe over Bridget, too." The reporter asked Mra. Bridgea new it ban-pened that Mrs. Barnett was badly cut about the head with a hoe, or other blunt instrument. "If Bridges struck her I do rnot know it. They ssy I brought a revolver from 'the house, but aa.

God is my judge I did not go back to the house after hearing the first shot, and I bad no revolver at all." Mra. Bridges' a (countenance showed a marked change when the reporter told her that Barnett and wife probably In a dying condition. She aald ttst ahe saw them walk back their and seemed Incredulous that the injury sustained by them was so serious. Beyond a subdued excitement, manifested chiefly by the rapidity of her speech, she showed no great one, when she exclaimed, "And they have arrested: me, who did nothing only at a peacemaker, and who wis an Innocent witness of the affa'r." She explained the fact that her husband went armed by saying thit he huckstered through the country and was out much at night. Among ibe neighbors gathered by the tragedy ihle morning the sympathy Lay with the Barnett, and Bridges waa severely critic lied at a dangerous and turbulent man.

It was stated that he bad made' several attempts to do the Barnetts Injury, and that yesterday he lay la wait' for Lews Groves, a neighbor, because he bad once appeared as a ltaeet against him in a suit wherein Barnett waa tbe complainan Still then were a few who condemned the course of both men, and characterized them as quick of speech and temper, and more ready to resent a fancied alight than to extend the olive branch. Mra. Bridges la a woman of frail phyalqus and, modest speech, and the reporter was struck with ber mournful msnner when the alludsd to the degradation of ber arrest, and the troubled life ahe bad experienced while a resident la that neighborhood. TTaa Baltrwada. Th most gorgeous and expensive adver-tuement of the season la a parody oa Iolanth, issued by A.

D. Perry, agento the Chicago A Alton. The Louisville A Nashville road I acknowledged to be- badly ta need of more money than it at its command. The directors are In session In Mew York and Important measures, Including a call for resignations are said to be pending. Yesterday, in the presence of an old A official, K.

H. Wade, superintendent of traasportatioa ot the Wabash, Said that it ia not the purpose of the Wabash to cease to operate the P. A division. Mr. Wade seemed to know, but the public has been led to believe that only Gould himself and his little coterie' of generalissimos are possessed Of the intentions of the Wabash manipulators.

If the Wabash makea no more improvements on the F. AC, than during the past two years, it will become equal to theblnsyor Illinois Midland la wretched-sees. i Deaxfe of Jehm atllaer. Jehu MiLser, age sixty-five years, the well known attorney, died at the residence of bis son on Dougherty street yesterday evening of paralysis. He was favorably known to all the attorneys ot the city, and the county bar association met this morning in superior court room No.

1, to take actloa relative to bla death. Jacob B. Julian was called to ths chair, and the following committee waa appointed to preface resolutions to be presented at a meeting of the bar tomorrow morning at the asms place: George Carter, Bobert Denny, V. K. Partlow, W.

D. Tobln and Bobert 2C.Lange. tke Free Kindergartens, Tbe entertainment for the benefit of the free klndergartent will take place at English's opera bouse this evening. It promises to be a very elegant affair. Mies Cora S.

Brown, of Terrs Haute, will appear In two piano solos. Mr. T. J. McAvoy la two lumbers, Master Bertie Felblemaa a THE INDIAH AFOLIS TXUUB.

FRIDAY, JUNE declamation. Mist Lola Eobloaon ta a dra- school in amualng and pathetic selections. u. ttugoni eoraet soia, sua las ecott in a vocal solo. The price of admiesloa la low and the object ia worthy.

Tbereahoald be a crowded house. i Tne rutlii is atadttla, Agmlm. Aa affidavit waa filed before Jadge Howe, ttia afternoon, charting Charles B. Fleble-man with contempt of court la keeping openaa office as justice of the peace in this efty. When the decree waa entered by the supreme court, fa general term, that Fleblemaa could not legally do business here, he removed to West Indianapolis, for wfclch town he waa elected.

Pending the decision of the tupreme court, however, he retained his office ia the i city and kept it open to receive business, iln this way, the emohinieviU of the justiceship hsvs not been materially decreased. All Judgments have been formally entered at West Indianapolis to make them binding. There seem to nave been a clear evasion of the law oa his part. The matter will be inquired into, whln a few days, i The following eases were decided by the supreme court to-day: Olivia HutcMsson vs. J.

Aagustae Lemcke, C. C. Sabmlssloa set adae and cans continued for prooma.t MS69. Joan Roller vs. Elizabeth Blair ot aL Miami C.

C. Affirmed, Elliott, C. J. 11158 James Gordon rs. i Annoa Gordon.

XadwoaC AOrmed. 11248 Henry Becker vs. Solomon Becker et aL Shelby C. Affirmed. Bowk.

1123S John M. Maxwell vtr William K. Vaught. Shelby C.C. Kerersed.

Biukaeli. W09. City of Terre Haute et al vs. Harriet O. BeaebetaL VljoC Petition for rabear-lne OTorrnled.

Elliott, J. I 11M5. George PoweUu ex reL Hannah A. Sal yen War tan Petition for rehearing over-ruled. Factory Burned 'Y The band, boop and trunk slat factory, on East Michigan street; near Pogue's run, operated by C.

E. Harris was badly wrecked by fire early thla morning, the work of an incendiary. The loss Is very near total. There waa an Insurance of $5,850 on the concern. $1,000 each in the London A Provincial, Firemen's, of New Jersey, and Farmer's, few To la the City ot London, and $750 In the Citizens, of Of this mount, $4,500 was on building and machinery, and $730 on stock.

Bed blanketed Indfant, said to belong to Buffalo Bill's troupe, line the Big Four road from Shelby vllie to this and four of them have armed. They entertain large crow as ana turn a few anetters by bun-eyeing nickels with a.bow and arrow at fifty COWDEWSKO NEWS. Domeatle. Hecelpts ot boge at Chicagoto-day, of cattle. 7,400.

5 The Palisade Mountain house, ten mOes north of New York city, has been destroyed by fire. The loss la about $300,000. At Cincinnati, last night, Muldoonwona wrestling match with Charles Marti oo, the SpaniEb athlete, wbo bad sever before been thrown. den. O.

E. Babcock was appointed to West Point by Mr. 8abin, then a congressman from now a r-ident of Sycamore, 111., and in hie ninety-first year. For many years the General has sent Mr. Sab in a Christmas present of 100.

G. T. Foster A wholesale milliners, of Detroit, have asslgred. The assets are placed at $3,275, with $3,231 bad and doubtful debtj. Liabilities, $45.000,.

of which $6,000 Is Secured by chattel mortgage. The principal creditors are In New York. The Commercial Bulletin gives details of fires in May, ahowlng ths aggregate losses to have been $9,300,000. Of thla amount, waa burned by 185 fires. No such fire waste has been known in May since 1S75.

For the five months of the present year the fixe loss will be $16,750. Forolgn. Prof. Renaud, of Heldelburg, University, is desd. i London Truth asys Minister Lowell's retirement will be much regretted by the English people.

Parnellhai selected Justin McCarthy, to contest the parliamentary election for Atblone la the interest ot the national pwty. The will ot the late Henry 3. Byron, the dramatist, disposes of property valued at $100,000. The estate disposed of by the Will of Charles Beade amounts to $275,000. It is stated that Mr.

J. Hammond, the owner ot the Derby winner Bt. Gatlen, has won on the turf the past few years not less than 80,000 exclusive of the 30,000 which be landed on the. Derby. The custom of hiring special cars Is becoming a favorite one among wealthy Mexicans.

Pablo Escandore left Monday nleht with bis family for Europe by way of New iorx, niringa car from tne Mexican central to New York, paying between $7,000 and $8,000. The centenary of John Wesley's "deed of reposing the government of the Methodists in a conference of 100 preachers and their successors forever, was observed in England yesterday, and also the cen ten nary ot the organization of the Methodist Episcopal church in America, which occurred In 1784. j. testable Ooadltloa of exloe. ArsTiif, Texas, John S.

Ford, the former commander of the Texaa rangers, writes from Mexico to a friend at follows: 'The tales about. the arrest of Gen. Trevino are untrue, but I doubt the stability of things lu Mexico. It is certain I that arms were crossed not long since, and it ia asserted that aider and Falcon have established a crossing for contraband articles not far from Del These statements are trustworthy. The Intention ot Gone alee to resign is considered certain, making Ru-bio.

President Diaz's father-in-law, president ad. Interim, Thja move. It is will be pronounced against, and DIaa la reported as not averse to anything that will cut him off from the presidency, because he finds it impossible to carry out his promises to the railroad men. The revolutionary leaders were receiving monthly stipends from some quarters, 'J the tupreme government or Diaz, but these have been suspended for lack of funds. It is afflcrned that the railways in Mexico have failed to pay as much as waa expected- I am sure that the rank and file of the liberal party are opposed to revolutionary measures, but should any leading liberal sell out to the reactionists and a revolution ensue the railroad and telegraph lines In Mexico would be smashed." Wabaab Railway Dakta.

St. Lotjis, baa been filed In the United 8tates circuit court by the receivers of the Wabash railroad setting forth the approximate amounts due by the company for labor, supplies, mechaalca' liens, and taxes, asking the court to decide what amount of recelrer'a certificates it would authorize them to Issue. The smount due for labor la stated at over for materials and supplies over $750, 000, taxes over $200,000, mechanic's liens over $35,000, or, in round numbers, $2,000,000. cerificatea are to run not less than ons nor more than two years, bear 7 per cent' Interest, and be Issued in denominations of fire, ten, and twenty thousand dollars each; they are to be disposed of at Sar and used as collateral for raising maney pay the company's debts la the direction tmed above. i.

Death or College Athlete Bos tow, June 6. Aaron Roger Crane, a Harvard senior, the strongest man and best feneral athlete ia the college, was found ead in his room. No. 59 Mattbew'a hall. The inquest snows that his death waa due to heart disease, and was brought oa by over exertion lathe gymnasium.

He has always been prominent in athletics, being a mem-ber of last year's 'Varsity foot ball team. He was one ot the Harvard four who recently won the cup at the intercollegiate games in New York. This Is the fifth fatality that baa occurred among Harvard students since the beginning of the The others were suicide for love, of young Brown, a freshman; the death, from overwork, of Layering, of '84; the death, from apoplexy, jot a ton of Joseph H. Cboate. The afoirww Gaag.

-Cj-sjREsvirxa, June ft. At the preliminary examlaatlon of Ransom Morrow sad others of the party of outlaws arrested Monday, the sute examined only a few of lta witnesses. The justice committed the prisoners without baD. Williams, an outlaw, and Andrew Hambrick testified to Bill Morrow's confession that they helped kill John Browa and Dick Hambrick la Bill Morrow'a father in law. testimony of witnesses was fun of the most blood-curdl' ling details.

All said they bad been threatened by death by the gaag it they revealed anything. Some had been run out of the country. It was shown that a man earned Sleigh had been killed for hinting at the knowledge of Brown's death. IadlaaapelU Grata Market. Wheat ia lower, weak, and doll.

Corn is steady, and there Is eomo demand for beat rradee. eaiea ot mixed oats were made i oa Vbanae at 13a. i Wheat-No. 1 Mediterranean, S1.03; No. Mediterranean, No Mediterranean, nominal; No.

8 red. too; No. red, 93e aked Corn No. white, 6e; No. 8 white, nominal; yellow, 68c: mixed, 61c: rejected, 9c; high mixed, So; sonnd ear.

nominal; No. too. i Ho, noiied. 33o light mixed, bo bid. i i i -ltye-6c.

Ifsy Prime timothy. Slioo. J'loar-Pstent, extra ofa a 58; I1UW ri superfine, $iS6it0; fine, i eTATBNJWS. An EvansvEs printer named Walter Baker, feU from a third-story window of the Tribune office, Wednesday night, and was seriously njured. i The resldeaee Of Dennis Murphy, of Jeff er-son-TiEe, waa robbed Tueeday night.

The thieves got away with $123 gold watch and tome small change. The report that the steamer Boss BeCe, plying oa White river, between Haxietoa abd points above, bad exploded, killing all onboard. Is false. No accident occurred. M.

B. Stouffer, wbo la viafUor Elkhart, bad $2,000 stolen from blm at Goshen Wednesday nlcht. Hs placed ft under hla pHlow when be went to bed, and when be came to look for tt, it was gone. Thomas Dukes, the young Hooeler waa unjustly suspected of having some connec tion with the murder ot Znra Burns, married last week to Miss Elizabeth Freel, the young lady be was with the night of the murder. CoL Tom Buford, the murderer of Judge Elliott, who has been residing at Jsffersoa-vllle.

baa become much worse, poverty stricken, has been returned to theJ Central Kentucky Lunatic Asylum, from which he escaped over a year ago, A six-Tear old boy named Joseph Lyons accldentfy feU Into Crooked creek, which runs through the north aide ot Madtson, yesterday afternoon, and waa drowned. He was playmg oa the bank with a sister, younger, when the accident occurred. The fruit crop win not be aa entire failure Harrison county, although it will not be half as large as last year. There will be no peaches and but a email crop ot cherries-and ether small trulta. Indications are that thers will be an average crop of apples.

Eight yeuogmen and four young women graduated at Purdue University yesterday, among them being Albert P. Porter, eon ot Governor Porter. The 'exercises were attended by a large crowd. Governor Porter, Hon. T.

A. Hendricks and wife, and other dlstltgulahed guests were present. Miss Cora Peters, a young lady of twenty-two, ia missing from her home at Vevay, and has not been seen since Saturday morning. She was sent by her mother for some groceries and never returned. Her absence is Involved In great mystery and her parents are nearly distracted.

They think ahe baa been abducted or baa committed suicide. A man named J. T. FarreL claiming to be from Covington, was arrested in Vevay yesrerusy morning, cnargea wixa ioi lie got a cnecg ior nve aoiiart, signed by George B. cashed at Plsw A Glrard's saloon.

The check waa on the First National bank of Vevay, and on Invest tigatloait waa found to be a forgery. He waa arrested while getting on board the ferry-boat for Kentucky. A similar check for $100 was found in his pocket. Archibald Miller, an old citizen of Floyd township, Putnam county, came to his death on Wednesday under peculiarly distressing circumstances. It was about the hour of noon when hla two daughters beard there-port of a gua la ths house, and going to the room where he kept It, found him wltA life extinct.

It waa first supposed that he had taken his life, but the circumstances surrounding the case all tended to dlsa prove It, and to warrant the concluslen that death waa accidental. It is that be bad taken the gun down to clean or repair it in some way, and it la supposed that while he waa in the act of blowine: in it the gun waa discharged, sending the bullet' through hla month into the brain. A novel procession, and one which meant something more than mere dress parade, passed along our streets this morning, eliciting considerable attention and inquiry. It consisted of a line of steam engines and threshing machines of the latest approved pat teres, headed for one of the rich agricultural districts of Boone county. Inquiry developed the fact that a neighborhood of the enterprising farmers of Boone had clubbed together Lu order to secure, If possible, both the best In quality and price that could be had, and the best Item of ail la that after thorough Investigations and tests the choice fell upon Indianapolis for the best and the Eagle machine works waa the lucky manufacturer.

The names ot the purchasers in tbe procession aa given to aa attache of The News, waa R. J7 Conrad, an Oscillator thresher; Messrs. Newcomer, Johns A Johns, aa Oscillator thresher, S. F. A J.

Btohl, an engine and Oscillator thresher and L. A 8. R. Paddock an engine and Oscillator thresher. This at-1 tractive and shining procession waa beaded by Mr.

L. V. Bed wick, also of Boone county, who waa enthusiastic In his confidence that the machinery in that line was tbe bast for the different purposes that science and invention has yet produced, and this was not a "run and jump" conclusion either, aa the Oscillator separator bad been tested the previous seasons. A call at the Eagle Machine works afterwards found the figure heads of that concern as calm and complacent as though no victory over giant competitors had been scored. In fact, all hands were too busy to stop to crow, icompletugtfther shipments ot this date by railroad, which reads as follows by actual names and items: To IL V.

Hughes, Montgomery county, Indiana, a 85-horse power engine and saw-mill, an engine. Oscillator and Eagle! stacker, to EllMangus, Delaware county, OhloT'one lot' of Eagle suckers to Ksnsss, another lot of Eagle stackers to Kentucky, two Eagle stackers to Delaware county, two Eagle stackers to Hancock county, two Eagle stackers to Eamilton one Eagle stacker to Howard county, two Eagle stackers to Madison county, Ind. All of which seemed to be a very fair for one day for one concern. The Eagle Machine Works bare passed the period that marks one-third of a century of their existence, during whl time they have paid out over three mUlions fire hundred thousand dollars in wages. After all there la nothing of suchvltal Importance and value to a city aa her live manufacturea.

IxniASA rous, June 18M. J. W. Dean, Gen. Manager New York Life in-; tra ranee Indianapolis, Dew Sir I have thit day received through you, the sum of tea thousand and forty-two dollars and seventy-four cents.

In full of policy No. 150,869, for $10,000. on the Life of my late husband, John H. Vajen, who died May 25, only twelve days since. His policy being only three years old, such prompt fiejment la especially commendable.

My at her, M. Ai Downing, baa always been a warm advocate of the company, and Its prompt action in thla matter certainly justifies hla warmest commendations. Respectfully yours. Sauiu D. Vaim.

Tbe New Yoik Life Insurance company! a now In its fortieth year, and la one of the oldest and strongest financial institutions In the It paya the Largest proflta to Its-living members of -any company In thiacoun-tiy. Ita policieaave free from burdeneome conditions, and are aa safe for tne policy hold, as they can be made. To those who wish tbe safest and the moat profitable in-turaace that can be bad, we would advise tbrmtogo to the office of the New York Life in this i Nos. 9 and 10 Tslbott block, and carefully examine for thtmselvea i the many settlements that are now being made with living policy boldera. In these times of failures of bsi.ks.

firms sod other financial institutions, mnnjlprudent men in this State are looking for scmethlngthstls absolutely safe, aome plsce where defalcations and failures are unknown, and in the old New York Life they find It, and are taking Bolides that run aU the way mm one thousand to fifty thousand dollars. The safest and the best investment that a man can make, either young or old. Is sn endowment policy la the New York Life Insurance company. i 1 KEILXHXB A I ALTON; Buy your next bat ot KeUeher A DaKdu, the leading South Meridian street. HATS FOB MEN AND BOYS, Cheapest at Beatoa't bat store, 25 North Pennsylvania street.

ho Prof. Browu.profeeslonal on ladies' bangs, baa quit 57 North Penney lvania street. Gent's summer underwear at Paul H. Krauss's, 20 and 23 N. Pennsylvania ansrkete by PurLaoaxniA, June 6, tlM a.

m. Wheat, cash and Jane, July, $1.03 Wi3 IMH; August, flBikl.CJ Corn, Jane, 6U 61Wr, July, Angust, etiMSSo. Oata. "fi. ssOcvJune, SiK5c; July.

aMd40e. fouM, June Wheat doll and firmen No! red, cash, N48fJo: Jane. 95 bid; July, Mo bid; ApgMt, 97c; No. sort tl-OS; No. I red, B6MkC Corn dull and firm: oaab or June, July, Wc; Aujrast.

BSo: rejected. no grade, 44490. Oats quiet and firm; No, white, tea ttttc; No. eash or June, W4e; JalyVMVao; Angust, too asked: September, 2o. Bsw Yonn.

Jane PVeBeeerpta. 16 tot barrels: sales, 8,008 barrels: market doU. Wheat reoelpta. 79,000 busbeia; market opened weak ana HHo lower, but later strongly recovered, very qnlet trading; No. 1 white, nominal; eaiea, 180,000 kuahela STo.

I red. Jaly, m.000 buahela Anxust, 4M bushels beptomber; l.tt1.0t: 82,000 basheU October, $1.07: 8.C00 bushels November, tlJOnix 40.000 busaels Beember, $1 OOWUO: Oora reoelpta, 000 bushels; opened afterwards recovered from decline; mixed western spot, futures. eaHe; sales basb-ela. Oats reoelpta bushels: market opened 4 Ho better; western. sales, 1.000 buihela.

Beef new extra, $18 00. Pork unchanged. Lard dull; steam rendered. $M6. Butter quiet: western, Elgin ereamery, la)c Cheese daU at antOKo, Bnjrar duU.

Molasser unchanged. Pecrolenm firm. Kloe atilet. Coffee doU. PreUthts firm.

Turpentine uli at too. Bosia qnietat Tallow steady -lfr itao. Western eggs, firm, at 17u BAtrmoaa. June 1 Flour quiet and steady western superfine, extra, 4J0; family, tlSftAATS. Wheat.

Western easy and dull; No. 8 winter red. spot, Jane, July, 10U2Aagust, tUrLOSH. Cora. western giUl spot, ti 63k JaUobtf; July, Oata birhee and firm: Penrrrlvania, tTCeJc; i wa era white, I- 41c; mixed, Stltre-Bre quiet at Oio.

Hay quiet end easn rime to ebcire. Pennsylvania and Varylaad, 14.Xlft.00 Provblons quiet; prices aomlaai; mesa pork. $18; bulk Beats, aboulders and easar rlb-ea. packed, 7H yai baooa (Vmidr raao; cWr rib awlea. IOto; huM.

lia Ua. Lard. raaaed. $ie. Batter lower; pecxea.

B316CJ ereameiT, nasoo. Errs firm at lSIHtii troleoa qalet: -renned. 7To. Coffee lower; Bio eargoea ordtnary to fair, OHSio- i Bagar lower; a soft, eo. Whisky steady at $1.

law Frelghta to Iiverpoot steady and aaoderate inquiry: cotton, 1 i-ad4 flour, ls; grain, hisher at SHi3id. Seostpts Floor. IJi barrels; wheat. SSJOue baaheta: corn. M.000 bosbala: oata.

4. Out bwbels: rve. A S00 tmahela. suue aoaneis; corn, ooaneta. aiae Wheat, MOO bethels; oora, lxjQO i caUenco MarfceS.

by L. O. Hopktes A- Co brokers. June I Closing Sep Corn Jouom. Sep Oats Pork .87 .89 "81J 1 r--55Hl .5014, i .34 .34 so 19.80 19.

s'bs' 19.20 19. 0 8 OS IN ,8.38 .8.90 8 40 S.80 19. SO 19.80 19,80 res" Lard Sep S.Ribs-June 8.18 8.17KI 8.39 i'to B.W 8.80 8.S4t s.m Sep Meeiay Ml Stack Starke. ftww 'Teas, June a. noon.

joey. SS4 per cent, per annum. Prime mercantile paper, fr'M per- cent. Bar stiver, 1VJ4. Exohanre firm at 46tM34MH toe long and4iM-46H for short.

Governments weak. Ballwaya (Stocks weaker: under the leadership of Lake Shore and Laokawanna prices declined. M94V but at midday was firmer. Three's, sJa's 1114; 4'a. l4t Pacific tisa.

Adazea Kit ..128 'New Jersey Cen SJt Alleghney Central. 18 Alton A T. Haute. SS cref erred pioruern ia ore 48U North 09 1 I preferred. PJew York Cen American Expres.

98 A bid Central Paedfio, preferred ....1. 18 Chioafo A phio 9 l'lX La ZK i mtral.l 9 i prexerreu 148 C. B. a preferred C.S.LSN. 81 TOntario A Ctn.

San. K. A 1 74 ana 14 41 90 soA OH Cleveland a rore. Trans. Delaware A 9St4fPaoiflo Del.

A Lack Erie. SliiReadlnf gs ran ayne lau piocK Ban. A St. Joseph. SStit.

L. A Saa.Fran. 19 bbm am Harlem ...194 I 1st preferred 81 Houston A Texas. 85 1st, Paul 78 Illinois Central. ..117 I .104 Ind Bloom A 10taSCPaoL M.

A 88 Kansas A lWiSt. Paul A Omaha. ST umaaa. xt 100.... 11 4S; 48 lAae jsne west.

10 i preierrea 4.. ee Lake Shore. B3-fTexaa'Paot0o Louisville A Nash. 8844 Union Paclfio, Ltu. A N.

Albany 13 iU. S. Express, Mar. A Cla. 1st pre 10 Wabash, St.

LA P. 6T1 8 fpreferred 1.. It Mem. A SS wells Farsro EX.J08 Michigan 07 Western Vf. Kiss.

A Bt. preferred 19 MtssonrW Pacific. 83 MobUrAOhio 8 Morris A ..131 Oaab. A Chat. 88 P.

P. C. KJ. St. A Pso BTew Tork Cotton Market.

Knw York, June 8. Cotton steady; sales, naiee; npianas. iiv-is; urieans. la-io; tnrea steady: Jane. 11.55: July.

11.74: 11. 88: September, 1L71; October, 11.25; Novemr oer, ium. tmaaaB or nxs, via I LouIsvOle, New Albany A Chicago. (MononLlne). Cn and after Monday, Jane 9th, trains wd leave and arrive at Indianapolis Union depot as follows: i Leave Michigan City and Grand Rapid ex prea.

121, noon; Monon accommodation, 5 p. local freight. 9:30 a. m. Arrive Monoa.

accommodation, it a. nk; Michigan City and Grand Bapida express, 11:48 nu; local frelrbt. p. m. Local freUht will arrive and depart from freight yard Alabama street, and Massachusetts avenue depot.

The 18:01, noon, train rnna through to Michigan City and iGraai Rapids, 'without change of cars, your tourist tickets via this line. I Bob't. EaaxTT, district passenger agent. tO A congrecatkmal meetlna: of the First Presbyterian church will be held in the lecture room Saturday evening, at 7:41 o'clock, for the pun-pdee of electing a pastor. A fail attendance la requested.

Ladles' hand sewed, turned French kid buu ton shoes, some elegant styles just received at IX. N. Perms lraula st. CFarsoacx. 3 oh The way times are patronize bouses, for the sake of economy, who exercise tt to the fullest extent, for well made and elegant clothing! the Famous Eagle.

Oca Prior, stands unequalled here; 3 and 7 W. Wash. st. Mark plain figures! i f- Marbls monuments, at lees than cost to pro once tnem, to close them out, at Whitehead' 101 Maaaachusetts avenue. taXin.w.

11 1 Toilet srUoles at Browning A BToaat. xrfumea.tanaTgooda.BTOwnlnxASloenX Anything ta tbe drug line. Browning A Sloan's. window sisss, palnta. Browning A Skwa'ar- PreaeripUona eazefally oompcuuisd.

Browning ssBioaaa. iui Fashionable millinery bonnets madsoveri reshaping and modeling in ail the lateat sty lea, Mra. August Mat, 43 A Illinois at (a)ue 1 Tbe moat beaatUal Window shades ever aeea In our city have arrived at Cart MoUert wall paper rrtom 181 East Wasiungton street. a solendtd IJae of wall Daoers. laws wa OUR ISSORTIEn OF FIRST-CUSS PIANOS AND ORGANS Is the most oompletoVn the Stats.

Our terms easy; our prices beyond competition, i THEO. PFAFfLIN 4 jCO. 82 and 84 Korth PenntylTaniasL Decker ft Son, Hallet A Da via and other firtt-ciass pianos. i story A Clark, Ithaca, and Mason Hamlta ORAANS- i BOSSES AND VEHICLES. i "tXK BALK Phaetoa boagv.

CaU at ta) Nortk JC Xliafppl meat. tea MlHar-pyl itreay BALK A No. 1 largei work-horse, Dries tv. No 131 Fern street. Iioit SAAJl A i loa dr leg pouj.

aaraets sod can, chip. Balfton Co. i tt ANTKIT hire horaaaad busgjr for tiaoallu. ABUfTW ,1, JEW, OIIILg. 1 aaLK A 11 dc trolte-.

No. 1 carriage marejj-' ailBiitaralt. Bl-toa SOn I.X)H SALK- Flna ca -nitga horae and gave Sbaetoiia Call at West Maryland street. tai bujfgT, aewlr palDted, wort for 5. Vaaeejlk.TlrglBlasTe.

to-mw iB BAT a Cheap, good worktorae, la good order. But lama. SS Kortn Alabama acrest. ta a A1TK1 Every lover ot Snebertea Wees our inrpee aouie naiuona. ttaiaioe a uo.

a FH 8 Al Splendid saddle boae. lauuireat A. B. yoaters stable, Xi3 Ktat Waahlngtoa St. il DOH SALK Tea analKM 6h llaad poay la the IXK SAL A good ecood-baoa leather top, 4-Inch prlog.

slee-bar buggy, la sice order, at BJeroirs, 240 East Vrarl amutf ia. iir, pice io anwm or nop. I WAkiTkU To trade groceries for a rooa borxg lulimlile or a drllTery wagoa. AJilrai J. jj.

gayle.51 Korta IlllBbhiairee. tjl OK8ALK A haodaome new carriage, alao 1 aaw 48 sad 5S Kentucky aveooe. J. TTUe. as is JACKSON faTABtli, ail Weal Waablnatoa street, par-loaa of lodlaa poo let, phaetons and buggies, baiea sjlIIt, ao cbarra forming.

a uai UVt 1 BK uaarored white sswtig achlae. I 3 1,. 9 Bepeirlng a tpeeiaiiy. TlI DErv TU BTATB to ahow a better bred keree tbaa oar LaztBgtba (talUoa. araaaer aeaiy draft hone thaa oar Pereberoa Xarau, r-calet or the Imported Ciydeadale BaUteeA T.

rrt, ift, ail and Kaat Waablngron street, a EKAif THIb ror me sen two weeks wa wui aU ear taa earrlagea. phaetons, box baggies, and one maa wagons tor leas monerthaa any finvelaas factory ta Ui United Btatee. We hare, alao, ane-end-haBd earrlagea of all klads we will sail at yoar own wwm wwnra, aa jaw waorgia aw aal latform sanag vtauusg, sTOa TAAIiSb Fi. i4aaajaawaiaaal tkaiib a aaaiBeai or a year; aaaf an I I I ahAaiC mV abb Mills, Cleayeiaad A DaraeUTaio. g.

MarketatVb hf IXM TKAUK-B 4 boy tae imaroTed Wbl aswlog machlae. 17 BBd IS Maaa. are. a Kepamng a rpeelaitr. ViOK TKAUS corsrr lot OB Bruadwar.

kmilE of acTeaih street, Hi sad caaa, for a aimav bnr one hooaa and lot aorta or aortbeaat. Om aad aee tne. tiea. W. Empey, room 81 Weat Waahmg-tna afreet EXCOE3ION3.

Bt BUT THE i i liapror aad It Maaa. er. a a Kenalrmg a tvelaly. L08T OS STRAYED. OtiT (U btltATKO A lam red now.

wim bla.k Ju Boo'b. the tips of the horns eat off, will soot he freak, iletare to Hf. Mattbewt la qsagtUTtHe. fOH SALK la order to mass room tor ear aorsag work.wewulseUaUoar ready-made ml earrlagea, pbaetona. bagalea, eoBiUtlng sou aaw ead saoond-aaad.

vary cneaa. i Wa bare alao iaan 4 aaad open delivery wagoas; also, one pj a vj'va iiwwa 3 6, 1S3-2. pe4MeSHbeSt PEI03S Inconsequence of our liaring received an Immense line of coocLs from our Rochester Factorr. sent tons with instTOCtions to sell the slightest margin above the cost of manufacture to close out the remainder of the season's production, we are enabled to otter greater bargains than this city or State has ever known. Tve to-day advertise a Special Sale of 600 Men's Tip-Top Casslmere Suits, every one cheap at $12, on which our price for this Sale is $8.

Bear in mind that for a present to all purchasers of $121 and upwards, choice of dial of 'which can be seen day) or a oTh i 'fr i t' To accommodate tHo working: people of tnis i city, we nave changed the hour holding-: our open airji concerts fin University park to 6:80 in the evening. At that hour, to-mor- row evening, theMod- el ClothingCompany's hand, the fljiest mu- sical organization in i Indiana, under the leadership of Profess or Beissenherz, will give the second open air concert of the season. OlotlliBg ConiparLy.i tHM-(M ittlfIHMlt(4Miiltla-l4ii -i-i F- -v -j I -) -7. i SPECIAL i -1 i i LACE y(e are offering Great Bargains in NOTTINGHAM LACE, APPLIQUE and TAMBOUR NET CURTAINS. Fiill line of Curtain Poles, lngs and Chains.

IT OUR LARGE AJTD ELEGAHT, ASSOSTXSXT 7 liatties is attracting a great deal of attention. They ardune-qualed for their superior and fit. 7 and see our splendid stock of Ladies' Mus- lin Underwear, Infants' Dresses, arid Lace and Embroi i1prp1 PrtTiff HlP.WassoncScOo. 7 ill: r-' Straw Our display ot bright, fresh, new foods for this season's trade comprises aU descriptions, kinds, trades aad styles of Hattlnxs la tke greatest Tariety of desirable patterns. Among the attractions Jut added, to ov assortment are lares receipts of rancy Jofntleas Jfattlnct ta noral and handsome patterns.

Also, a-Ane line of Jfattinxs ta Wue-a deotdeeSy attoaettre noTeity. I L. WEIG-HT Nos. 47 and 49 South llleridian Street, iMoi ANArbi.18. WHEM IT COMES TO THE Baking Don't" forget that LEE'S BAKING POWDER has been before the public 24 years has never failed, is guaranteed a Bore Cream Tartar Baking Powder, and is 20 per cent, cheaper in price than tne stores of H.

a 21 and 23 S. Ryan, Tlie Hatter, VentHated Hats in Light Colors. 7 i' 7 1 Correct Styles. Popular Prices. Excelsior Steaih Laundry NOS.

3, 4 AND 5 MASONIC HALL i i Aeafa Wanted Bend for Priees. Waahtatton atraet, Otareerrt): 14 last Washington street, (Parker's); 7 feonth Illinois street, (Loa Bbaws; StjfortA reanaTlTaaia tueet. (Cham fcsr; aoaUtweatoorner Meridian and Circle streets. (Alford'aV ta superior to any vork done ta Jmm state. Iee Cnrtaat a gpe-eialty.

Work oalled for aad delireged. i Telephooe-4a. W.f.Tl Try Bryce's Patent Machine Bread. i A FINE ASSORTMENT OF 17 Jv Aim Atx trans or Irtffs, Rings, Pins, jewelry ts Aa, aa ytim W) its w. fim short period longer we will Our finer (Trades of Suits, at LUMINOUS CLOCK (the I at night as clearly- as by Stem-winding Waterbury SALE OF.

hite Siiits 7 i i lngs. Ml 1 1 i il COMPARATIVE OF i any other. Sold only -at LBB, Illinois fionth Tonne Street, ladlaaapoia. XAJOK TATLOB. rroprletor.

RECEIVED DAILY AT POWER'S, i rV7 80 N. Perm. St. warn ani. uuuaaU 1 OTJETAINS.

Matt ii Powders i eu 0pp9.1t cspitoi i When Ingestions. 1 A Ligbt local ralas, partly oloaJr wesiher, east to south winds, satht cbiaira iay temrersturf. i BIG3 Colts. Vhat style cf rr.rrculison- for summer scrvic3 1:.3 co vrila ararocf cad propriety aa a Blue Flannel Gait? While a suit cf another given descrip- "just the thin' in a' txiven case, what ia so LIKELY to "fill the bill" as a Blua Flannel Gait?" It pays to getaood on while you'ero; about it, for it3 rreatT ccct, rj compared withtnatcf a cheaper article, is more than compensated for by ita superior "staying qualities." We have them in the fullest variety of fabrics, from the cheapest to the besv -and in all the stylish shapes the Cutaway Frock, ull-linrxl and half-lined 8acaues, the Q. A.

Blouse. While the cheapest grade shown by us ii not -all-wool i the tolor of "every. Flannel in our house ia war-V ranted indigo i dye and This year there are some Flannels that will not be found in. every clothing those who are interested id this class of suits will' find our assortment surpassingly comprehensive. As for-the values we offer at the prices we name, it is sufficient to sayi -that we save you one profit on: every garment bought of ug.

by! Retailing at Wholesale Prices in every Department of the Clothing fftore- 100 Dozen Lunch Baskets s-- 7. fVBX 'EECSrVED. WIU be told at WUca Is leas than cost of BaUag then. TALBOTT'3 TOU 1213, Opposite Postoffloe. FOB BAIiB RBAIa E3TATH.

BALE Hew feooae, laqulra- as) am IfVH SALK-j Uouafla aa4 Mi4 la ail aacia el Uaaujrl BarnarS A Karlxa. SAL Uouana and lota in aU parvs ol luacu-f. A. Moore, S4 East Markat atrw. mi fOH BALS Doobla rraraa hOBaa, one story aa a tttunii rtna atrart.

JoaTAMoort, a If OU aaLK-a-reaia hoiui aa felwUia auani, rmt.f at SS per month, tor fun. H. H. BeTllla, Korta PentmytrmBta Tt. -x Oli SALK Ma iut Mil at onca, (ag Jyjj aal tbrea booaas.

aortb: Diina. ii. W. tmpar, room W( WaahTaa St. tXXH BAL-Bal estate.

UU a'-eoa. UJw tor Btuatae Uak c. u. a x. -1 ituprorea tilra aawlnc aiacklas, 17 and ltaiaaa.

ara. pniiH TTOB SALK fc-rooio liuu ofl ort crt-X lr, well, clatera and Broodboaao; ptlra, tLtuS. but gill take a groat deal lean we wast aa oflir. M. H.

BwYllIa. North PennnrlTanlaatw. Aj'OH BA-u Lot on l'ark (ur aiarued -a IVf) for tax; glre oa aa oner, wa moat aail; tiM, lotea Nona Uelaware atrwnt; prica, tl. i i far tax at SIUl, tMit muat sell aaS vast aa olTar: xia aad see sm at oace. H.

IL Brtua, tWertli fwn.ylvaw'a rft. Ato.tiliiraT street, a yerjr chou-s I room couaga frame heaaa oa Ctirlatlaa to good eoadltlos, wiu cellar, cla-JrBjWell, woodliouae, stable, gas. coraer lot; price. epiBdM banding lot oa Brnedway.Jost aortheC EUttilli straet. seat aide: prtoe.

1 7M. Aa eleganetgvdea fana of its arrra, sear Crewa Hill; at a great bargala. We are tnatrovtad to take small honaca ta baynient et tbe tardea farm. Wa are ogorlna; choice famine bow. eagggggg aa FOB 8AIJ5 MISCELLANEOUS.

OH aALa-Captavl Utg cigar. to bAUi WbaitTer job waau Kalatoa (ST VH B4LK-treaa cow aai Ueai street. sal T70R SALB Stcffeas Mfliut" as cigars, uruw4 Ji ahsotntaly aera, US ittit. rtnlnj fir liiiiiiiia. fi AT Weat Waahlngtoa tifyt.

I VOil BALK A Ilail'a eotnblnaUua luck aaie, ekeatC A at S-0 Norte Delaware atract. TTOj BALlt-IloufKtiold good ot Mia. Xr A prlrate aala. ta adlaoB ara. a st if T'tnM ,7 tA' lt, Honli IV'vt t'rwt.

tl LViflkAl jT lag uli wfTirBA! fa? A to ajLLar a-iiorae vwere auaauuar.caoaa, lrerwm I nn. eel AL Krfc uora, ticlal etinaa aa aA WsoaZ ATMtoe P-hoe Morn. ara. ta tjCa BALii Lrge iu or jA rogwnu r- bvm. rum tu.

ti vano. at LtOil SALS btarch feed oa aadafutf St fy comer I- B. Si W. yard. Wki etrect.

a fUH BALK Oar mrn'l low cat itioc far Kc tl 1 1 no yun, a ruTTPTi it) Virginia are. li Lui BALifc Meoical proljhloa, a aew oparauag lama, cheap, at 81 Wet Varylina tt-reet. Us X)K 8ALK Ktalauraut and oy.ter bonaa, la ba Bart eltr-. baraaln. AnnltSS.

Mntiiiuu. ftttlt bALAVSaa, a Uoalar A kakjaaa. t- lnqolra st Jl Weat WaablnKtoo ilml, a ti lN)H BAT fc Tae Aacat Ice cbsats la toe city. Kaiatna A Ra. 11 BALK Bit tela.

48 IncJl. b.ll al.r-d.rj- Colambta. w. H. Baas.

4(3 n. at. i ttR tALk Grocery A freh cieao, siocg of gro. eenea, to tals city. A.

ban. jaougor, jaa g-aiwwa aa a TZUK SALK 10-borae oownr DorLanla aulna. la portable aQflna. A good ruaalag order, au caab. laqulra Circle "yt.

ot tVH fiALB Fiuoliora of 7 roouu, coiBiiete, will 'AVrtrate Uit bouse to pwebaser. Adiirees A rfr oflca. a illlC SALR-25 firatiaaa machnM. In DrfiM.lardMr JF from SS to S10. at WMta aewlaa? maelilaa alHea.

1 FaaaerbOMtu are. it lit BALK A good grocery, Solog good. bLulawu Writ lavolfa about S40 iu. ror mienuauoo, cau at ii Dipaa etreoc. sol LVii BALaV-Dry beading at Barouui'e 333 A.

wd coal yard. 47S aat aUdUgaa aad ISt kiartet itirt. Telt-obooe 6n. tss LXJU BALK Cbeap, ead aad regular al doora mag hllnda. HlldVnaad a Vama.

or BS 6outb Mwidlan bumA XH BALK Brick inakera, atleatloa, IM com of wooa. Bear noiaxa. hiat 100, Hooaa eoaair, lad will loaOua car. acirr Jaly Addreee J.M. Thoua-soe, LebniB,

1 11 "pOaSALB 4 boy (i lb Jl loiproyed Wnlre rwing atachlas. 17 SBd If MM. lit. SO Rapalrlnga specialty. 4jk liXK Jaat arrived, from CuaarcUcul, Al A7 hea Jeraey cow and betfera.

good wlacUoa of tbayerybeet aullkera: will tell prlra eaaia. laaulre 1JU Kaat Cltlr uirrt. J. ti. Wlbrgth.

eat TOKAUt lirocerlea, laiooas, raaiaaraata, low. aaa ooanung soates, besuus rar'akt am frtnur Mishiliheifnatlnos' a l'n mi na arnpMi 1 a A l-o bALK BwAiau-iiaod aewli.a is iiiuna. A Bfioimdianri macalaea. to 1 Aiao, 8-foot counter, good aa aaw rheaa. Large vat K.

com oK tor 4. Vaaca blor.t. Virgil's rpOB BALK At nno.iiiiM trwlug ibbi aia-iT t9 ataoblon, complete, for lUeaek., 1 afostbaaold latreesy. Kseelea.

altatyiea, bba pkga, )tor -Ott-tiAH docea piano atooia, aaw, for Tic Attacbmaats ur all macblaea Iraa thaa coat, )5 Vanoa biora, Virxw'a ara. FINANCIAL, jxjxaji tiasua. CeflUA T7 LOAH alurtataga luaaa, ttj ACA, Ka04f7 aes lp J. TL kouik. tJUili kl.ic rim LUAl7-yuoTtoloaaeaaliorttiiua.

Asima A J. Ka wa oitv-a. rX at iwr cahk W.Lt.lS jl vk, ae gaat r-vifi arw. aa rpo oa cli at Weaat X. V.

Carton. 1 aeea biocg. ta aX LOA H.j0 oa real eeiue at low ravaA Ja. Sab Jniaon. 4 B.

Waaa. at. fP IXIAS-lTivafuuU A Ctril- ha Pvt'm. M. Fpitn.

h. aa npoLOAs- sat rau. ToTC- Ta t-7Z rataa. tl W. eomck.

11 a. t. ai MX buy aotea. niort. raal aa- tata.

Mra. Feraoaeim. gaat at. I flX) LATAji Uoney at low raM-a 00 a "p-M-ua, nam A erry. Voa.

aiayer Ill S. 1 -t a qX) LOA Uoccy at lie lu at r.a tf I -ao-w J. A W. V. lHlaine a I 4 I tlHi LOAJi Jdiiej oa lr.i iut "1 a.

I Ca JL airat.m. John Klrtd, Id and iJl br.ti TO LOASUoii-t. ia aun a 0 A L6AK UoBfT. ta aun.a of 'J. at Sl.ULU na mJ IL BaruW 1 Ki 35c, 4 Bod A.

I Perm. at. ta a fVO St reanUie rata of trat irnUiit Boarpei ikx tfv EoAh iaiarmaorclty proper. prlrlWeoi A. prenafBt.

tennt raaaooabla, Ikoa. U. L.r Fat la' ft a'r. eg tos eo? IH LOAN I'iTvbm iioi la au'u to at a I JL rate of lntnet. ana or eliy property, btaaaaa fToTxA; 7 oa cur aui iw.a H'U a.oTB4 aaw.

ix H. o- 1. at CiIa A iinpruTf i V. bite aewiac inacMat. 11 ana ta aiaaa.

aa. Uepsuipja 4.

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