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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SKIS' BUSIPSS SUITS. was OFFER. WONPAyAY la lerAaafTincrlrg Depirtaeit, Kfttt? In this let of cloths wuj KTiu Cork Scrwi Chock. i fa the was. Perfect and workMh ruar- aateed.

Every aaea cm find splendid bail-l(USoitlIUlll(l goods. CotMUdM L.S.Ayres&Co. jreek will be ooa tinned this week. Ja addition rTabftUopeB another let of Black Jjrfit $1 eaX Jdso, some cboioe things la Imported Jerseys, i r. aTO epea Monday, fan tdtr? Lacs Tt Llale Olov, lOo per pair, worth sao.

Wedding Presents. ARTISTIC7 SHYER, Finey Plesei, tnd SPOONS ud FOHO. FOLISHED BRASS AND BRONZES. aot desirable goods It Bingham Walk's, 13 East Washington Bt i i si A FEW SPECIALTIES FOR SPRING. IADIZS tua Curaoea Kid Button, $3.50.

LaDIES' SpEnUh Curaooa Xld Bottan, with Vary Ufhi flexible soles. LADIX3' Newport Button, 1. XaBrxs Kewport ties, 7Sc lasSBS' Kid Newport Ties, 65c, Kid Opera SUppera, 75o. -CHILDREN'S Onera SUppara, 65c ClNT' Battom. Laoa andCJona-ress, $2.

"OKNTB Calf Shoes, 15 styles, at 12.50. The Rookford 13 Shoe. The W. Douglas fS Shoa. The Famous Occidental Shoo.

tn Ladles' and Gents' Hand-sewed Ehees WS have all the leading aty lea at popular prices. BARNARD'S occiDim Ml Cor. Washington and Illinois 8t Sure You Try Swieet Mixed Pickles- They ate delicious and toothsome, In market, field br all Grocers. i. Christina union In eued Ytadu Behuita for 15,000 daniage, growing oat ol defendant's prosecution of plaintiff for prj John Moore, tndfctod for afceallng hogs from Jacob S.

who Urea near Bright wood, Is on trial io-day In the criminal i court. The grand lodge of Indiana United Order af will hold Ita annual meeting la this city to-morrow morning, lntbe Baldwin block, The suit of the administrators of Judge Toaa'a eatata Cbarlea T. Gulaaore. clalco- tug err- notee ana aaa- uapaia, was Tuebesl Wall Paper. 6EB oub Lnra or Srnnro Patterns.

26 EAST WASHINGTON ST. BEST BOILER SCiLS OS ElRTfl To trv Is to use bo other, P. O.BoxKo 1. J. p.

bch i L.1AJ as. la rear of Bryoe's Bakery ffyrhe News boiler u'ei this article. i BUY YOUR HI RTS iad TTJroriSHIIlO OOOD8 and JSsveyoor LAUKDRY done beat In the SUte at 82 W. Washington sU News building. -t- OrUY- NEW8.

tli.rmtm.wri a. as 1 1 p. at. Tuesdsv. May 2Tth.

wDi beall day et PIACCO. Cn UlU VO-UBJ 1 uuga uvna Aatroniaf band of brass horn tootereare ulatlig about Aha streets, playing and passing the hat "la what -war, ander low; they outrank Ua Itahan and. hla band artraa aot alearly aaan. Tha repnbllcan state central committee wOl meet Thursday evening, but the elee-Uoa of a secretary to fill tbe Tacancy caused by the death of Gen. Terrifl will not be made uatll the Juae met tire.

Isaac Herr, assistant secretary, la a candidate for the position, sad H. Ju Bmack, of Martlnsrllla, has also been aaated. V. 1 'Squire Walpole has committed Morris Mt ml Ulnhrmt tO 1IL to SMef a chareeof embezzlement. It appears! that vi.

JLnin Mirhutl KnlllTn. had saved ttJ in anticipation' of bis marriage and el ft.r warn tn ir BnlllTin of the danzer ftTrmj-rrinff lt around, promised to bank It for Instead of doing so, ha spent for his on use. pon. John t. Henry, of New Torlr the tk.

nt.oii&l kiitl-monoaolv eon- Jentlon btli In Uhlcnto last i and tn.a In this CftT. Mr. Henff ta1 Uu largest owner of proprietary, medl-iclnesln the couniry, and probably tn the world. Ha is firmlv of the opinion that the wisest thins; for tbe democrats to do! is nominate Gen. Butler.

iTbe gardeners had a picnic yesterday te Emerlck'a grora, and towaras ereBinK some HatuthTlUe moldera started a fight, jhinii trmrni tor i fv momenta. rvnathi Reinhold. In attempting to read the riot act, waa seized from behind, overpowered and disarmed, but he afterwards recovered his weapon and to-day having warrants Issued for the-arreet of all parties concerned. i In the Supreme court. The divorce suit of Thomas MeQinty vs.

Martha, has been dlsmUsed. Judgs Adams has granted anew trial In the Lush-Bourne grain case. A was one of the ab- surdities upon the street last evening. CP. Adams, of Crown Point, died of hraln disease, at the hospital, last night.

i The George EL Thomas post, G. will hold an important business meeting to-morrow night, i 1 The Grand Encampment, I. O. O. will meet here to-marrow and the GrandLodfe on Wednecday.

The new state fair premium list has been Issued. It is the handssmest pamphlet ever by the board. Lewis M. Lee is on trial In the federal court for charging an illegal pension fee. Jle balU from Falrland.

Mr. Frank Vonaegut and family are off lor a second trip to Europe, leaving New Jork for Uamburg on the 23d inst. i The mayor had eleven plain idranks to pits upon to-dsy, and he also flned James Turner xor struug Joseph Garrett, Wm. Slmcoo haa been ordered to pay in t50 within ten days, for his wife as defendant In the divorce suit now pending. Subscriptions are being solicited with a view of appealing the case of that infamous -Barrels woman to the supreme court.

TBB THIRD ACT, rimn tm Baorraaiae the Committees m.m.A Hoards of tha CouBcll and SO 1 Break tha CT-Spahr nblaatloa. "The Coy Spahr combu.atlou must hs broken," said a councilman- to a News rbr porter the other day, "and we propose to break it. Under the present organization it impoaalble to traneact municipal business -properly and legitimately, and the taxpayers are certain to suffer unless something Is speedily done. Members are so hampered that they cannot vote their honest convictions, for there 18 centlnuftl trading and buying and selling of influence. It a councilman cannot get tnrougn was uo wants he works with might and iualn to defeat the measures of his colleagues, and then tha business la carried on regardless of the Interests of the lity.

When the democrats desire an ordinance or resolution to pass, Jim Dowling is in the habit of going to see George 8phr and then he strikes his fist savagely on the desk, and, In a threatening voice, ssys: "George, if you imt vota for this, whv we'll break the and Spahr is thereby often fan-Ad to vota is aim his sentiments In or-1 der to remain at the head of his committees and the Ore board an a to retain an muaen-tlal position in council. It is the same way with tha other retmbUcan malcontents, ana. lbs rfnlt Is thai it Is impossible to do anv- thlno- nrxin a business-like di Indole. Un less there is an immediate le-nedy, it wDl be a dlssrace to aerve as a member pi tae The foregoing talk probably meant something, as It was whispered this morning that the' KtsKlon of the council to-night would be an Interesting A new combination has iwn formed, which Includes nine republi cans and four democrats, wno lniena, they can, to' reorganize- the council and elect new official boards. It was their purpose to do all this to-night, and the members tha new committees and boards had been selected, but they were legally advised that the boards couia not ne chaneed.

except by ordinance, and will. therefore, content themselves, ax this time, with a charge of the committees and the Introduction of a proper ordlnanca to abolish the boards. In order to reorganize the boards, there must- be a Joint session of the' aldermen and council-men; of which Spahr was elected permanent chairman the first of the year, and -as he la understood to have pledged himself never to call another Joint session, some trouble' may be experienced In carrying out the nroeram. Messrs. Soshr.

Benja min, Wharton and Rees, who aldtd the democrats In taking the appointing power out of the hands of the niTor. will not belong to the new comblna- tlon, and are not likely to obtain very handsome recognition on the new committees. The four democrats who will affiliate with the republicans in breaking the old combination are southslders, with one exception. By the way, it Is understood teat Dowling has become huffed on account of some action of Spahr and would Just as soon "seen htm ousted from the Fire Board as not. But will vote against the organization.

TUB Ba.IXBOA.D3. i Excellent Conditional the Road Beds of Indianapolis JUaee The Excursion Season. The physical aonditlon of the roadbeds of Bundsj neatly all the Indianapolis lines is not only good, but is being made better. The I. St.

L. road has been virtually rebuilt in the two years past, and that portion of the road between this city and Paris, 111, Is a marvel of inperlor engineering work. Two hvndred car loads of gravel 1 are now being hauled daily from the Terre Haute pits to the weak spots on the west end. The new middle division of the B. A W.

is a rolld and easy riding piece of road and' la undergoing Times do change. Major Emmet formerly of the Vandalla, now Of the N. A. eas: "VandalUls king; but the Au Line between this city and Chicago is in better condition, although new, than that part of the Vandalla between Effiinehaov and St. Louis." fc V.

road, although dead I duck to the operators, bss received very careful attention ol late at the hands of the superintendent of main-talnance of way. Much new solid masonry haa been puti in under weak bridges, aide tracks have been added, and extensions to mines, in contemplation and under way, are destined to add largely to the annual earnings. The Pan Handle Is maintained at the high excellence always enjoyed by it. The H. la being relald with steel rails and is so longer inferior to its big Big Four competitor.

I Lset week 17,490 freight cars were handled at this point, a decrease from the preceed-fng week of 640 ears. -The loaded cars numbered 14,530. Transfers around the Belt road last week numbered 8,187 cars, the largest number In any one week, for many months, i A. 8. Burgess, of tha Union Pacific, Is distributing the 1SS4 number of the U.

P. "Tourist," a guide to the health and pleasure resorts of the Rockies and the Pacific coast region. It la a brilliant presentation, in pan and picture, of these great regions. The I. A St.

L. line to St. Louis could ba shortened ten miles by building that many miles of road from' Irving to Butler, 111, cutting across the mouth of the pocket made by the old tine In running south to Hlllsboro and back north to Butler. The Pennsylvania road and the Grand Trunk are quoting through grain rates to Liverpool at less than xegnlar rates to New York from MontreaL Philadelphia steam-era take grain for Europe at Montreal rates. Both the I.St.

L. C. and the 1L will run excursion from this city to the Cincinnati festival Tuesday next. The round trip fare will include admission to the festival. The general freight agency of the Wabash Wul be abolished June 1, and general freight gent Knight will become commissioner of UiQ ,1 OUu.

uu wiv 4. ywm, Joseph Tucker, formerly traffic manager of the Illinois Central, la now special arbitrator to arrange percentages for the transcontinental money pooL The Big Four, this afteraoon. is running excursion trains to and from the Scheutxeu paik. THE Tha Authorities "Weakea and the Ball riayers are Cn molested la their Sport Tha sheriff iand Dollca authorities, an- even the constables, displayed a pitiful ach of sand. yesUrday, and aereral thousand of the semi-respectable and turbulent element as well, attended the ban game, i The Wabash ran special trains, and that Iqulet and orderly loylng community located near tbe grounds found themselves unprotected from annoyance on what the xaw ana cnn- tlantty classifies as the Bacbatn aay.

snera was no offldsl ijiterferatfca wtts tao piayers or no prosecutions entered to-dsy. Thlihas not only encouraged. tta management to openly advertise another game for" Sunday next, but It has influenced one of the social associations toiset apart the same day for a picnic on the clty'a property, Garleld pars. This reporters called la turn upon the constabulaiy, police ana enona -a (orcea, and also upon the criminal and city courts, and found that nouung naa dona to punish! this flagrant Yiolatioa ol law, nor waa anything contemplated, aovftas aa known. Prosecutor Brown, while express ing himself that there had bee a Ad.

clear violation of the flaw. said it was nc4 his duty to file lnf or matloh. and this was much the same sudm rruge oe hind which all the others were sheltering themselves, tb police going one step farther and saying it was not In their Judsdlc-- tlon. rcrnapa no, out persons wwuk police badge, ana eiotaea witn pouoo paw-ers by the ponce board, acted as conserva tors ol the peace (uoa save mo the game, and it Is the understanding that another specially commissionen iureo ww almUarly employed at the shooting 'park, where shooting, beer drinking, dancing and howling constituted the main attraction of the day.) The sheriff, notwithstanding bis brsye words In that interview of some days ago, when there were no 'lfs" nor "ands" In his speech, has completely weakened, from all appearancea. The ballplayers have retained Billy Herod in case warrants are filed.tand it Is reported that ex-mTitlon from nrosecutlons are claimed on the ground that under a recent decision Dy Judge Baxter ball playing is not an avocation, end hence not an offense aa embraced in section 2000, Revised statutes, which reads.

"Whoever, being over 14 years of age, Is found on the nrst usy oi wo wee. uwj uw V. Quarreling, engsgea rioting, hunting, i fishing, at common labor, or In his usual avocation," shall be fined, etc. In anticipation of arrest yesterday, bonds were prepared, signed by Peter Lleber. Georee Pflngst, A.

J. Treat and other gentlemen, wno, iikb kit, are bottilet the American Sabbath, or are bate-ball enthusiasts to such a degree that it weakens other considerations, inercrowa was principally composed of young men, comparatively orderly, but showing a disposition to go to pieces if anything had rrnsad their TjurDOse. For instance, had the umpire ruled wrongfully, he would have been thrown over the enoe In short orders But few ladles were present, scarcely more than twenty. f. i While pursuing his Inquiries this morning, a News reporter collided with Judge Norton and asked him if the court proposed to take Judicial knowledge of the Tlelatlouad instruct the grand Jury with reference thereto.

The Judge isald no emphatically It was open and notorious, and with as much reason he might as well tell them there was a court house, 't i 1 Death of John Holland. Tho RwJ John W. Holland, for more than half a century a resident of this city, -died on Saturday night at his residence on North Alabama street. Mr. uouana was oom iu Virginia, in 1810, and came to this city at the age of twenty-one.

He was one of the, oldest wholesale grocers in Indianapolis, having years ago been a partner with Benjamin Blithe, a well known early? citizen. Later he Was bead of the firm of Holland, ninnnv Co. He has for a lifetime been a mf tuber of the Methodist from boyhood has been a local preacher for that denominallon. His membership of late ars has been at Roberta Park church. The funeral will take place, on Wednesday mnralna- next, at 10 o'clock.

Xhe deceased leaves eight children, three of whom live In this city, i OBITUARY. Sam Ward. I Blue's Confederate, T. Gordon, alias B. F.

Gardner, who waa Indicted with Arthur 1 aiueiorun- lawtnii Tkaino- the malls, arrived: here In charee of DenutT United States Marshal Hart, nn ftatnrdav evening, and is now lan guishing (in Jail. He was arrested at where he was engaged In real estate business. He claims that TtprtHno-pr agreed to fill I all the orders for twenty-nve cent Daromotera uwr he left, and that the business was not a swindle. I When Gordon first came to Indi anapolis he sought newspaper employment snd said that he had been connected with the Pittsburg press. Judge Woods will probably not try the accused, as Blue la distantly reUtedtoniswue.

CompltmentiBr the Zouaves. Governor Porter to-day received a- letter frcm Governor Ireland, of Texas, who paid the following compliment to the Ktcnara- son Zouaves: "I had the pleasure of seeing the Indianapolis company drill, and to rant them at a social meeting, i can congratu late yon and your state on their bearing as soldiers and their general appearance and conduct while in Texas." Loudon. May 19. Mr. Sam Ward died at Pegll, Italy, to-day.

He passed away peace fully, surrounded by loving friends. Sam Ward was a son Of Samuel Ward, of the once celebrated banking firm of Prime, Ward A- Kin. New York. who. before their faUura.

thirty odd years ago, wera probably the largest private bankers, and of ths highest, credit, of anv in tbe country. Younir Sana waa" very apt and quick to learn from onHdhood: he had before reaching his first teens revealed a mind of superior erder. -His fatMKinrnself finely cultured both In literature and art, took par- tbralar uainii with hla son's education, and his pains Were amply recompensed. When Sam had reached his majority he had an admirably equipped understanding ana remaraaoie talents. He cou'd write very graceful verses: he was an excellent Greek and Latin scholar: he spoke French and German fluently: he was a correct judge of pictures and marbles; he had, to an unusual degree, most of tbe social arts.

Be and hi sister, some years bis Junior, were fllnw atndenta and close companions, and the has sfnee won much literary i reputation as VCmrA llllWA Ward married a daughter of John Jacob Aster the second, who did not long aurvlve the union, and a second matrimonial alliance, with tbe daughter of a well-known English physician, did not wove satisfactory and resulted In separation. Ward was best known as "K'D of tbe Lobby," and as such was noted for toe dinners he gave ins Washington, About a quarter of a century'ngb he published a book of sixty poems, but it now out of print. Ward 'a latest phase was as a and financier, lie was a regular frequenter of the banking Quarter, and often seen as if intent on tho office of leading operators. lie is credited with the possession of $500 010 to $600,030 miade la the last three er four years by lucky speculations. James Keene.

Cha les Osborne, William H-Traver. liuasell Safe. Hal us Hatch, Julius Morgan. George af Pullman, Horace Poner, and many other capitalists and financiers were among- his Intimates, lof whom he had an interminable number Hardly any man alive hts more friends, hi the popular aense. Six years ago Jim Keen.

speculator, going to rJew York wHhotrt friends, found Sum Ward, who seemed to know everybody, and Introduced him aroaad; and it is understood he made tor Ward a respectable nest-erg, enough to secure him with care for Ufa. Be is also re- orted to have tumbled in with YUiard, and to ave mad even mora money than he got from Keen out of the Oregon Navigation company. Ward was over 70 years of sgs. He had a narrow escape from being a man of genius and a treat diplomatist; and what be might have achieved had he been more In harmony with the accepted coda of ethics, and been possessed Of a noble discontent with secular things, it were vain to conjecture. Judge Joshua Tracy.

'v BrnLisOTOW, May 19. Last night, Judge Joshua Tracy, president of the Cedar Ranida. Burlington Northern railroad. died at his residence in this city, after an ill ness of three days. Deceased was born in Belmont county, Ohio.

In 132V O- Wlnans. Nw Tobk, May 19. jWlnans, a few rears ago a sromlnent board! of trade mer chant, in Chicago, died at Brooklyn this morning of Bright 's inane naa latterly occupied an important position on the Erie railway. 1- A GREAT FIRE. I Krirlj Total Drttrnttiei if large Ton-i ii iiii Slair Elmi I Pfrioni Inrnei ti Death.

CoKSTaSTnfOPi.a May 19. At Bel Bazar, a city of Asia Minor, 950 dwelllnga, 544 ware houses and shops, eleven mosques, fit-teen schools, nine khans, and 146 other buOdings, wero burnel Eleven persons perished. ro at Trtoatdswood. Special to Tlis Indlaaapollj SewS-1 Fiox5Jswood, May 19. The barn of Add.

Ballard, at this place, was burned on Friday nieht, together with five head of horses and aeveral cattle 900 bushels of corn, a quantity of hay and oats, and all hla farming Implements. Lose, 13,000 Insured for only It(kv i Kiohed Bla Bralas Oak McKimport, Psi, May 19. In a street flght at Coal Bluff, Saturday night, Wm. Craig knocked Thos. Dswson down and vtov Ma hraina out.

Craig has been arrested. The fight was the. result of an old grudge. 'I" Iadiaaapolis Grain afarkok. Gram to dull and without interest: No.

red nffunul nn Vthuits at tl 0M (. b. Corn to In fair reonest at Quotations: little or rnthinrvm ofTerod on 'chanee: aound oar V1J Kitn Datl itMllT. FlOOT dalL IltJIU aV vaa mm The following w-re bids on 'change to-dar: heat No. 1 Mediterranean.

$tC8; Net Mediterranean, $1.06: No. Mediterranean. at a. nJ at OS. n.

No. rod. no bid. Corn No. whlto, see o.fc: No.S white S64: yeUow.

680: mixed, mixed. Wo; sound ear, 64c; No. 8, 2hc Oats-No. wnlte, 36o, Tauxed, Sto, o. ht mixed, no Md.

Bye 63. Bran $14.00. iiaw rnnma rirnnrnv. bihii Flcmr Paten extra fancy. t.SS 6 T5, fancy.

choloe. 4 y4.60; farnl-; superfine. I3.S5&2.40; fine, foundry. i Xndlanapolia Prorialon Blarkoa, Meats aad lard steady. Jobbing pricea 8.

C. bacon, lllc; shouldera, bVao: oaoon. tleroee, 10c; half barreifl. doth, 7c; In sain 7o. aI IOU Woa nxkots by Teaegrapftv family rendered.

In 10Ho; boloKna. in PHrtAttaxprna. May p. cash and May, Corn, cash and May, toddle; Jane, 6to; Jnly, I Oats, cash and May, 4fttlo; June, Kye, cash, 7. 'ToLxno, May 19 Wheat quiet and lower: No.

red. cash. May, WHc; June. July, KHc; Anirust, 94Ho; No. soft, 1.03; No.

8 red. Corn dull and easier; hUth mlsed, t9c; No. 2oah.May, or June, 67c; July. 58c; rejected. no rrade, SSoT Oats dull and steady; No.

8 cash, or May, sraic! Jnne. seWc asked. Nw To ma. May J9. Flour Becolpts, 21.000 barreU: sales, 7.000 barrels: market dull.

Wheat receipts. 162,550 bushels: market opened IUm lower and dull trading: No. White, noml-ruU: sales, ISO 000 bushels No. 2 red. Jane.

$1.01 218.000 busheU July. S1.03l.O4Vt 40t00 busheis August, 160,000 hnshela HeDtember. ltJ41.04. Corn receipts, 158,400 bushels; market opened lower mixed western spot, futures, CSKHtMo; sales S95.000 bushels. its-reclcU.

9200 buahels: market MHo lower. sales, 2BO.O00 bushels. Bef dull; mess. Pork dull; new meoa, $18.1: old, H7.00. LardduU; steam rendered, rfentterqulet; wertern, 8c; Kgln creamerv, 25a Cheese duU at WVo.

Sugar dull. Molasses quiet. Petroleum firm. i. rvtrrnA dnll.

Freights steady. Tmrantme dull at 822Wo. Rosin quiet at tl.OAl-4. Tallow steady at 1-160. Western eggs dull at Baurntonn, May steadjr and outet; western superfine, extra, J.6 4 68; family, i 4.7V 5.85.

Wheat, western, firmer and dnll; No. winter red. spo Sl.omai.03: May, 1.C2V: July ii 0il.ttl3 tJorn. western, faslenmlxedspo VMiAOiMfi. Oats firm; western white, 4l4lc; nuxedS84'o: PennJlrania.

443j. Kye easier, at 67S9o. Bay firm; prime to ch I mA Mirnrt 15 CO, 17 60. M. waiaipv oa.aioo vhiw Provisions quiet and steady; mess tork old.

117.76: new, 118.60: bulk meats, shoulders and clear rib sides, packed. 7Ki oj bacon shoulders. 8M; olear rib aides. lOKo: hams. western packed, lftaeo; tf i7o.

Egn craret at Petroleum nominal; refined, tide. Coffee dull; rio cargoes ordinary to fair, 9HltBc. Whtoky quiet at $1.16. Frelghu to Liverpool dun: cotton, ll-d; flour. dls: irram, 2i iipta Flour, Darreis; wnoai, lete; corn, 83.000 bushete: oats.

7,000 bushels; rve. XD00Q DOSnelS. pnipmenm nuwn 1 bushels; corn, jy.uuu ouniou. tts nuaw 350,000 bushels; corn, 136,000 bushels. i i I Chicago.

Harkot. J' Furnished by C. Hopkins Co brokers. May 19 i. Corn Oats Pork Lard May.

S.Blbs-May... DeL Jk Lack Denver 4 Elo O. Erie nreferred lODenl'g Highest I .88 MH .67 .81 .81 .82 .29 iy.ha" H'mT 17.50 17.W aoLZ K9L w-a, 7.871 7.10 8.25 8.S7H 8.S7H 8.37H slco 8.10 8. IS 8.17K 8.20 Lowest Panama Vctrt Wavne 1S7 .8544 .87 .89 .57 .81 1 .8656 iris 17.3iW 17 87J 7.85 8.oev 8.17H 8.S7H 8.02 8 HoatT and Stock Market. New Toaa, May 19.

Money, 6 per annum- rruna mercaniue paper, car BUTer, omruun unsettled; bankers advanced posted rated to 4860488; business, 484485 lor long; 4S(34S6 for demand. Governments lower: 4W's dot-lined to 112: registered 4 110; coupon s. 10U. States are quiet. Railways are Orra.

Three's, 112; 4's. Paoino O'a. Adams Express. Allegheny Central. 12 Alton A T.

Uaute. SO preferred 80 American Express. SO C. R. N.btd 60 Canada 89 Central 449 Chicago Alton.

.182 nref erred ..149 C. Kt AN. O. 83 San. A Cleve.

41JJ cieve. uoi.l..... Dtl. 103 11 Dec. 4 Er, se Hannibal A St, Jo.

tW, pref erred Harlem .....195 Houston Texas. 88 Illinois Central 128 Ind. Bloom. 13H Kansas 4 Texas. Lake Erie 4 Wes Lake Lou, 4 Nash 80H Lou.

AN. Albany. 12 liar. 4 Cln. 1st pro 10 6 Hem.

4 Char 81 Michigan Central. 76 Min. 4 1 20 Missouri 70 Mobile 4 VnrriaA ash. 4 WW V.J.. i 78 Northern iPaQlfiO, Vi Northwestern ,1074 preferred.

..,.1 38V4 H. Y. K. ChL 4 St. L.

8 12(4 Ohio 4 Ohio A Mississippi 21 nreierrea sui Ontario 4 10; X.IL 4 N. Ore. Paciflo ataU ltAijst.P. 4 Omaha, TT'8 tun' oi Texas a. S.KxDress Wabaoti.

bt I treferred The largest 73 14H 89 12 1 Reading 31 tl Rook Island ..11 5 st. 4 San Fran, preferred 40J Ut 82) St. Paul preferred i.lOiV st ii IWells AFarro Ex. 91 rwestern 5t Quicksilver. m.

9H preierrea p. P.O. Co loo C. St. L.

4 Faclno B4 si Fairbanks lard caate found at Robertson Perry's. 1 1 Fair play at Judicious economy to aolothlng purchaser takes the lead. The Famous Eag'e extends It. ss economlo business principles are our motto. For polite attention and rock, bottom prices on elegant suits we are' headquarters: at and 7 W.

Waah. st One price. Plain figures. Fashionable millinery bonnots made over, reshaping and modeling In all the latest styles. Mrs.

August Mai. 48 8. Illinois st (alue Kreltlein 4 Schrader, successors to A. O. Ereitleln, sell Fairbanks 4 lard.

Branch house, TO South Meridian street. laf The reason they are busy all the time, be cause they have an endless assortment, their clothing are well trimmed and are at least one-fourth cheaper than those of any other bouse, at Arcade, 10 West Wash, st us i-r PIAN THEO T82 he INDIANAPOLIS NBWB. MONDAY, MAY 19,1884. fetocklMetfsflO.ll TrTT i ML menxcan roe D0UARTER8 FOR 0 and ORGAN jPTJRCIIASEUS, Wholesale and Retail. PFAFFLIN and 84 Nortu FennsylianiaSt For a dozen Clothes- i- For a men Id AND $3 AT "FA Pins, iiloth-pro6f Cedar Chest, TALBQTT'S Wdoi and WiUoware Sto Opposite Tostofflce.

RAWBERRIES. We wil of Alber ceceive regular ship- STEAWBEBRIK3 l0m lqoitog Tennessee this week at AT 0: 9 North Illinois iFRANK SMITH, pjRINTING, SATIONERT AND JUNK BODO, forth Pennsylvania St. 4.4 Wk aaoasl Taw Pi4am- AfMaWslitV. smtMs-tajtV 1 Wa awn Mil ESTATE. We have some special ihargalna tn business.

Irealdenco and vacant property in all parts of the city. It wQl be to tho- tntorosti of buyers jandellers to see us. We can uo you good. tBaria aid Sayles. SOMETHING Ml A Sbnt buy any PAPEH until you hate seen iour ISEW JAPASSEi KAPKUIS t4 a til I 53 I At I eaass.

Vow Took Ooatoat BfarkoS. Wmw TorutMay ia-i-Cotton firm: aalea. 2.548 bales: uplands, it 9-lcCOrleana. 11 13-16o; futures steady. I Co.

18 WEST WASHCIQTON ST. Tourist Excursions and roreiga Exchange, taj At XKBCHAKXB' XATIOHAL BAltK and $15 Casbimere Suits in this City or State can be found at thQ mmmm store. The largest display of CHILDRESS SHORT PANT 8UITS, from $1.50 to 10, in the if vlor State, ba he found at the vr. J-'P, or State, ban he tounaai City WHEN CLOTHING- STOBB JThelar, irest stock ind the greatest yariety of Gents' Surnmer Underwear, in this CitJ over ICO varieties, at prices ranging from 15 cenU to per gar- or Biatej comprisins: bund at 'the Anything In the drug line, Browning A 8toana. Window glaaa, paints, -Browning Sloan's.

PreecrlptiOna oarefuUy compounded. Browning A'Ooan'a. i 'tl toi)iilar MODEL 111 LO I GST RE ioiave money on a giren quantity and quality of OWTHINOor GENTO rUBNIbHIQ GOODS is at the irl 1 Simday Base rSTThe lneaatd volume of our business oyer that of any former year eonfirB1Jg PJXLEY Tho moat; beautiful window anados arorisoaa. in our city hare arrtvod at Carl Mailer's wail paper store. 161 Bast Washington street.

Also, a splendid Je of wan papera. jj Marble uonuments, at less thin cost toi pro-, dnce themi to close them out, at Whitehead's, 181 Maasachuselts avenue. i1 tzJ.m.w. Toilet articles at Brownmg ffloaa'n, Ferfomok fanev roods. Browning A Sloan's.

CAIIBETS, Wall) Papers, Hos. Pr aperies, Jiitc. The several DepartmenU of our Store are replete with new, fresh attractions. Choice designs and shadings and aU the latest effeotain Domestto and Foreign prodno-tions. Tnbriet.wearepreiare4toexMbltthalaTgot stocks and the best and most comprehensive assortment In this market, at the LOWEST PBICKS.

A. L. "WEIGHT Gondeiised and 49 South Meridian INDIAN APOLlSr lilk. i Received, 25 cases EAGLE (GAIL BORDEN) Brand CONDENSED MILK. The price, after this date; will be $2.25 a Dozen, 20o gCan, AT THE STORES OP Ball Is a toplothat Is exciting considerable interest at the present time IS our 00a mnnlty.

The public should not forget, however, we are stul selling a 3 Cur. KM Button Shoe at $2.50. Call and see. iti THE BOSTON SHOIS" COMPANY, 37 East Street. Kuhn's, Tlie Edis6n Liglit St.

A Permanent Offloe naving now been opened by. the undersigned, at Ho. South Meridian street, for the purpose of affording Information to parties outside of this city who may desire to know tte manner of procedure with regard, to the formation of local companies lsewhere and withiegttd totoecort ot lnst planta-L supplying dynamos. etc. Where power oonvenlenUy at hand-wlH confer a favor by addressing me at above number, and our catalogue and any desired hnfermatlon they may require will be promptly furnished.

G. M. V. TAYLOK, 'Agent. Office, No.

21 S. Meridian fetV, Indianapolis," Ind. Excelsior Steam Laiiiidry NOS. 3, 4 AND 5 MASONIC HALT BUILDING, T. -i South Tennessee Street, Indianapolis, Agenis Wanted-Send for Prices.

MAJOR TAYLOR, Proprietor. 1 CITY AGKNCIBS-G8 West Washington atreet, Olaroey's): 14 East Washlngtori sreot parkeis)f 7 feouth Illinois street. (Lon Shaw's): 50 North jennsylvanU street. CCham- ber'x); southwest corner aienaian ana tu-cio uuw. The Fxcelslor work is superior to any work done in the state.

Lace Pf clalty. Work called for ana delivered. i Telephone-849. I HAVE THEM, Byan, THe Hatter, 21 and 23 S. Illinois Has a complete line of Light Colored Stiff Hats, the Straw HaU and Csssbneres.

CF-Money advanced on Personal- Property, Business strictly confidential. Prices I i rnriiah Ttaihrimrsa at SOc worth 75c: Bummer Merino at 50c, worth 65c; Gauze at 25, S5 and 50c; Elegant French Balbrlggan Drawers and bhlrts frem iluo upwaru. Full lines of Jeans Drawers, of all from 33c to LOO; one line of fine All-Linen Drawers, all sizes. HOSIERY. Havlnc receivedr a small invoice of 250 dozen of those 40c Socks, we again sell them at 25c Those whoihave aeon ansae bocks gnowinem to pea rare oargaut.

have a lot of 200 dozen Fancy 8triped nocks, worth 50c, we are selling at 5c, three pair for a dollar, and an excellent British Bock, sold elsewhere at we seU two pairs for 25c At we sell a Bock sold elsewhere at 15c Read SHIRTS. eweier ana jrojer passage Bureau, ED. DUCAS, 115 W. Washington opp; Capitol 00 We sell the best-fitting White Dress Shirts tn the sn have established a trade for them throughout tho entire State, Bosoms, assorted styles, ana wnn eitner uuns or Bsnas. au our White shirts are warranted Linen Bosoms.

We have four (goall. ties of these Bhlrta. We offer these inducements on the foregoing: 75c each, or 3 for $2.13 $1.00 each, or 3 for 2.75 1.25 each, or 3 for 3.38 1.50 each, or 3 for 4,00 Unlsundered White Shirts, extra quality, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Colored and Percale Shirts, Various patterns, 50c to ll.W. 1 CaUco Shirts, 27c each, worth 50c CLOTHING COMPANY.

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