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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 3

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WHOLE NO. 1122. yjjE CAUSE IN -NEW BEDFORD AND I left Id Concord last Saturday, to spend tome time in the neighborhood of New Bedford, in the service of CI n. the Massacnusew Anu-oiTvrj oocicty. Aiiett not dusty rid of three arrived here, and vu made welcome to the enjoyment and repose of auch a horn one can find only with the radical reformers ofthiaday of general mammon worship.

I have given my course of four lecture eighteen times aince -this year came in. My experience in new lieaioru has been the plcasantcst, by far, of them all. It is glwaVS a sjrvnv ptniaurv vu mv in aw uiv cuimcu jw- pie doingVell. I know that they are as capable of great and good accomplishments as any other people in the world. The cruel prejudice and oppression of the American policy towards the colored race of this country hare crashed, and still press, millions of our brothers and sisters, under an intolerable burden of justice.

The nominally free, as well as the slaves, are made to drink the bitter cup of social wrongs at our hands. The colored children of Boston are ex eluded from the public schools of that idolatrous city, although their parents are taxed to support these schools. Colored men are outlawed by Constitution and Statute in Indiana and Delaware, and, to a great extent, this is done by public sentiment in all the States of this Union. The Fugitive Slave Law, and the horrible scene of kidnapping which have resulted therefrom, take from the hole coloved population of he Union their just security to life, liberty and happi ticss. So far as this law can do it, four millions of Americana are deprived of protection, and placed in a condition of outlawry.

And this basenes, this national infidelity, is sanctioned and sanctified by the great body of the American churches, through the support they give to the infernal colonization scheme. The great body of the American priesthood stand before the world with the gospel of Christ in their bands, and say to the colored man, You cannot be a max in this Christian land. You are under a terrible burden of reproach and socinl injustice, and shall ever be, so long as yonpersist in dwelling in the land of your fathers. Go, then into exile. Leave the 4 land of your birth, where your affections are all garnered, and seek, a home among the savages of distant pagan Africa.

Once there, we will cease to molest, and oppress, and abuse you. But never hope for justice in your native land. God has made us 1 with a prejudice against you, and when we were regenerated by the Holy Spirit, we were born into increased hostility towards the poor colored man. So you must depart, and find a ome with pagans who have none of this Christian prejudice against your accursed race. The wonder is, that all this terrible injustice meted out ro persistently to the colored people of America, by their stronger and more numerous white neigh- bora, ever aince the aettlement of this continent by Tthe white man, has not utterly checked and ruined "tha colored race.

Look at the men of varied ac-'. eoaiplishments, and of rare mental and moral worth, belong to that race, and estimate, if you can, the cruelty, the utter atrocity of the American prejudice against the people of color. "I was very much gratified to see so many of the colored citizens of New Bedford at our anti-slavery meetings on Sunday and Monday. I was glad to learn that the colored people of this city are so generally prosperous and respected. I should be rejoiced indeed to see them arid their brethren, in this old Commonwealth, less under the control of a sectarian -religion, and more interested in the anti-slavery cause.

They ought to take one hundred copies of the Liberator in this city alone. They ought to be active and earnest in sustaining the anti-slavery cause for it is their hope, their life, their redeemer. The same may be truly said of all the workers of our country, their color. The anti-slavery cause must triumph through their exertions, or they become slaves. Tbis work waits For their aid.

While. they go by on the other side to their sectarian synagogues and pro-slu-'very parties, the chains are being forged for them and their children. If they suffer this great hour to go by Unimproved, the iron of Despotic Power will enter their souls. i The expense of hall hire is here so great, that we held our meeting, on Monday evening, on the steps of the City Hall. A fine audience gathered, and all orderly and attentive.

I had been speaking about twenty minutes, when the city marshal came, 'and ordered me to leave, because there was to be a meeting of the city council, and my speaking would disturb them. We were on the atepa at one end of the building; they were in the third story at the other end. Of course, there could could be no dis turbance from the power of any single pair of lungs. under such circumstances. The thing is simply pre posterous.

So I told the mighty official, that I would not disturb the council. They ahould be allowed to pass in, and come out, unharmed. I begged him to tell them not to be afraid; and I assured him I shou Id go on with my remarks, unless compelled to desist. At this moment, friend Ricketson interpos eil, saying that I was a friend for whose integrity he would vouch, and that I was an Agent of a Society to which he belonged, and proposed that I go on till he could see the Mayor, and get his decision on the question of my right to apeak there. To thia the officer assented, and I proceeded.

Mr. Kicketson ap pealed to the Mayor, his old school-mate, and at the present time a neighbor and ir.timate friend, to pro tret the right of free discussion. But in vain. He decided to sustain and enforce the decision of the marshal. So it was thought best to adjourn to the steps of the Court House, and there, with an audi ence of some five hundred, we finished our meeting on Monday evening.

I expect to apeak here asain to night, and anticipate an interesting and profitable service. 1 1 am informed that a larger number of Liberator eomes to New Bedford thsn to any other place in Maa sachusetu. This is the result of the faithful action of one of the moat faithful abolitionist to be found any where. Thia man, a mechanic, a hard-worker, without wealth, went round last spring, and got thir- ty new subscribers circulated some thirty copies of the ritings of William Lloyd Garrison' and now stand ready, aa he always has done, to put his strong shoulder to the wheel, and roll on the car of Reform. And now, if there was one auch worker in every town is the State, the subscription list of the glorious old liberator would be increased, in one year, to ten thou sand.

Will not some, who read thi, be moved to make a faithful effort to extend the circulation of the Liberator There are men and women, wherever the i -Wfraor Roee, who have leisure and influence, and they ought, I think, to make earnest effort to spresd Uospel of Liberty among the people, by circula ting thi paper. On Monday morning, I atarted out to get subscri-m and collect funds. I wrote, at the head of a aeet, a follow: We, the undersigned, believing we necessity of the constant nreachini? of th s-oa- Pl of deliverance to the people of this land, agree to we sum annexed to our names, in aid of the Mas sachusetu Anti-Slavery Society, to do thia momen a I00 ork' What has been thus obtained, with the cunday collection, amounts to 42 fio. Witk i a remembrance shall I ever turn to thia happy viait "ew Bedford, one of the few cities of our old Com wealth, where the fugitive dares to abide, and hsre the kidnapper dare not ply hi unholy and in- 'On Tuesday evening, I lectured from the steps of voia Congregational Church in Fairhaven, a small "ge on the river opposite New Bedford. I spent Wednesday in calling upon the people.

I found the strolling influences there bitterly pro-slavery. One who is leader in the Orthodox church, de nounced Garrison called him an infidel said he ought to be hung, Jtc On Wednesday evening. I spoke at the same place, as I had done the day be fore. Some Whig Pharisees took mortal offence at what I said of the Whig policy some Orthodox Pha risees at what I aaid of Orthodox policy. The former expressed their feeling by getting up cheer for Scott and the fugitive Slave Law, and by biasing to disturb the meeting.

The latter called out to me, You are a renegade from the Orthodox church. But tho great majority of the five hundred who were pre ent were attentive and orderly, and expressed their disapproval of the conduct of the disturbers so deci dedly, thst they were, -at length, forced to desist. 1 found some very earnest friends of the cause in Fair haven. They were much; pleased with our series of meeting there and I have no doubt good will result. On the last evening, a young man took thi Liberator, and several other expressed a wish to do so as soon as they should be able.

I would suggest to the friends of the cause in Fairhaven, the propriety of making special efforts, from time to time, to 'enlarge the cir culation of the Liberator in that place. This work can be done often to much better purpose by those who live in town, than by agents who know none of thespeople. In Fairhaven, also, I collected $10 98 for the cause, and one man, who contributed $5 00 of thia amount, aaid he had twenty more at the service of the anti-slavery esuse, which he should forward to you in the course of this year. I felt a peculiar interest in Fairhaven, because there my dearest and best frienda had dwelt in fermer rears. May the anti-slavery cause, there and elsewhere, be revived May the unholy and inhuman partiea and churches of our land be broken up by the omnipotence of Truth May this people be associated into a truly democratic party, and into a truly Christian church, and work earnestly, constantly and successfully for the redemption of the world from oppression and superstition, and for the establishment of the universal brotherhood, in which the will of God shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven Yours, fraternally, DANIEL FOSTER.

New Bedford, July 16, 1852. THE BTBTiTi AND THE LIBERATOR. East Bridgewatek, July 18, 1S52. Friend Garrison I regret, exceedingly, that our friend Thomas Galbreath should deprive himself of the inestimable pleasure of the perusal of the Libera-afor, merely because some of its patrons happen to differ from him on the character of the Bible. Now I would say to that friend, I regretted the appearance of that letter of Mr.

Barker, in the Liberator, as much as himself; not because it was in the Liberator, but because the friend wrote it. Now, I have not the least doubt of the benevolent intentions of our fiiend in his assault on the Bible I believe he honestly thinks it sanctions slavery; and if so, who would believe it I do not believe our disaffected friend Gall beath would. I have a high opinion of the Bible, butl think the Liberator is not the place to discuss its good or evil qualities end I should expect a rejection of any opinions of mine, from the columns of the Liberator, for reasons too numerous to mention. I really hope our friend Galbreath will speedily change his mind, and immediately order the Liberator i and continue to profit under its benign influence and the more so, because I feel it to be a great benefit to me, and all others who read it. All its readers know it to be a free paper, and are willing to trust its conductor and if a friend choose to attack the Bible, for the benefit of the oppressed, you will, of course, admit him into your columns.

If I were ever so capable of exposing the abominationa of slavery, and could not be admitted into your columns, would I find fault? No neither would if five hundred such letters as friend Barker'a were admitted. I think friend Barker will find it difficult to convince people, that the Bible is false, or sanctiona slavery and I hope ail friends of freedom, every where, will attack Slavery, and not the Bible. I would say to our Ohio friend, that all the truth which is published in the Liberator is the word of God, as much as any part of the Bible. All truth is from God. Give me the principles held forth in the Liberatnr, or give me death." J.

LEONARD. HENRY CLAY PERSONAL GUILT. Friend Garrison Some of your readers complain of Brother Treat, because he condemns Henry Clay on account of slavery while he lived, making him a free agent and aince his death, making him out a machine, now many such machines would it take to free this land Henry Clay did nothing but curse the country while he lived. If he was a free agent then, he is a free man now if a machine now, he was so when he lived. It is foolish and absurd to blame men for sin that they cannot help, or to justify men for the good they must perform.

And for people to condemn the Bible, because they do not understand its teachings, is extreme arrogance. If one half our reading were Biblo reading, we should be better men and women. Let us lay aside all commentator, except Jesus Christ, ne says, Search the Scriptures, and gives the reasons John v. 39 and then goes on to tell us what the Scriptures are, in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If I find Paul casting with the Evangelists, I do not receive Paul.

The ten commandments are summed up in two Matthew xxii. 37,39 supreme love to God, and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus Christ says, The words that I speak unto you are they are life. John vi. 63, and xv.

10 If ye keep my commandment, ye ahall abide in my love even as I have kept my Fathcr'a commandments, and abide in his love." Thus, by abiding in Christ, we can do what-aoever he commands us. Here is an end of all controversy. I do not wish to hear any man say he does not believo the Scriptures for if I do, I charge it to his ignorance of the same. I am no sectarian. I believe God is no respecter of person but in every land, he that doeth justly and worketh righteousness is accepted of Him.

Nothing but the spirit of Jesus can pro-, duce a reformation in Church or State and to do away Slavery we must have the spirit of Christ. He must be the beginning and the end, the first and the I love your paper, and shall continue to read it but I would like consistency, for it as a jewel. A FRIEND OF PROGRESS. Newburyport, July 18, 1852. NON-RESISTANCE.

Friend Garrison I read in the Liberator of 1 1th mo. 14th, 1851, an article from Edward Search, containing this sentence I feel assured that Henry C. Wright, great advocate as he is of the non-resistance doctrine, could not make out the duty of a slave to surrender himself voluntarily to 'his master and if he cannot make it out to be a duty on the part of the slave, his whole case is gone." Henry has never replied to this, or it has escaped my notice. I hope friend Search will not take it ami, should I make some remarks on his idea of non-resistance. True non-resistsnce is Christianity without adulteration.

Anything ahort of the spirit of non-resistance is just so far ahort of the heavenly mind that breathes peace on earth, and good will to In the first plsce, it is not the duty of any man to call another master in the next, it is not the duty of any man to obey another, when his orders conflict with right. It may aafcly be set down as a rule, that men should always be governed by their own sense of duty, and we should complain of no man when he lives according to the dictates of his own conscience but when he claims to be a Christian, and under a Christian precept or example undertakes to justify LIBER A TO IH.H 119 war, or the use of carnal weapone in shape, we may say, in truth, that he lets down the purity of Jesus to the common level of public opinion. From this it mast appear clear, that if we admit the spirit of war to be right and justifiable, there can be no limit to devastating effects power and perverted judgment being all that is necessary to carry craeliv and oppression to the very verge of human endurance. It would appear simple to undertake to prove that a Christian cannot fight, and almost useless to undertake to establish, by argument, the soundness of tho philosophy of Jesus it is so generally Bat, to the text. A slave is not bound to surrender himself voluntarily to any man, neither is he bound to work without wages; and the truth docs not require that he hide himself from his pursuer, but walk boldly forth as a roan, preaching the gospel, and earning his living by the sweat of his brow; and if tyrants oppress him, it is not his fsult he is not censurable.

He un-i dergoes not more than good men in all ages have done before, and, verily, he will have his A few such examples of true piety and moral heroism among the slaves would disarm the slaveholder more completely than all the rcvolvera Colt ever made. It is a law of nature, that like produces like; and the use of moral power alone can increase the growth of morals. A soft answer turneth away wrath, and angry words stir up strife. War kindles the spirit, of war, and lays low the feeling of peace on earth and good will among men. It is the same with every element of man's mind, whether it be caution, firmness, self-esteem, veneration, benevolence, or reason.

We must appeal to the faculty we wish to enlarge; and by this means the end will be accomplished, as certain as heat and moisture will aid in covering the fields with verdure. MICAJAH T. JOHNSON. South Creek, Harrison Co-, (Ohio,) 16 th of 7th 1352- t3T NINETEENTH NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY BAZAAR, To be held in Boston, dcriko tbz Christ mas Week of 1852. The Managers of the National Anti-Slavery Bazaar feel it unnecessary, on the present occasion, to enter upon any full or detailed exposition of their principles or objects.

These have been avowed and pursued for so many years, and with ao much publicity, as to render such a procedure superfluous. We would not. at the same time, lose sight of the great fact, that there may be many among us, whose consciences and hearts have been but recently aroused to a sense of the importance of this great question, who, though feeling much, may be doing little, and who would gladly welcome a medium by which their exertions will be made effective toward the overthrow of Ameri can Slavery. To such, we would submit the very briefest outline of our principles and aim. J.

We regard the idea of property in man as unparal-elled, whether considered in respect to its atrocity or absurdity consequently, that all legislation based thereon ia in the highest degree criminal. Any other doctrine outrages every intellectual perception and every human instinct. Considering the above self-evident proposition, underlying all religion and all morality, apart from whose recognition the words right, justice, become meaningless, we esteem its opponents, whether slave holders or the apologists of slavcholding, as implicated in guilt of the most fearful description, both against that God who has made of one blood all nations of and against their fellow-men generally, the rights of all being perilled by the enslavement of any. The promulgation of this doctrine is the end and aim of our association. By its presentation to individual hearts and consciences the country through, we would arouse so deep a spirit of personal repentance and self-sacrifice as shall result in a national contrition and reformation.

When this is accomplished, the American slave is free. No obstacles exist now, save those that ambition, and avarice, and cruelty, and kindred vices supply. When the heart of the nation becomes repentant, we may easily trust it to find the best modes of action for the accomplishment of its will. To this result, and this only, our funds are devoted. We have nothing to do with creeds or parties, with political enginery or theological warfare.

In the name of the common Father of all, and in behalf of humanity, in its most Buffering and outraged form, we appeal for help to all of every class, creed, clime or nation. Great as is the work, few and humble as are the laborers, we feel exonerated from all charge of presumption or folly as respects its undertaking. We are working in harmony wi'h agencies vast as inscrutable, and it is not for us to draw back from this field of moral conflict, because to human vision the contending parties are so unequally matched. We entreat that this appeal may be considered a personal one to all whose eyes it shall reach. We conjure ydu, the dwellers throughout this broad country, to recognize an individual responsibility in this matter.

Look beyond the petty emotions and interests of a merely mundane or conventional life, and ask, if the question of your duty to three millions of slaves was not settled for you, by the fact that your birth-place was the United States. This cause has claims on all, but in an especial manner on those who, by the very circumstance of position, must be, if not its opponents, its abettors. We ask your sympathy, your money, your time and influence, and proffer a medium through which all may be successfully employed. Any information necessary to individuals or associations desiring to co-operate with us, may be obtained by application to any member of the undersigned Committee. Donations of money, or article or materials for manufacture, may be sent to any member of the Committee, directed to the Anti-Slavery Office, 21 Corn-hill, Boston, 142 Nassau street.

New York, or to 31 North Fifth street, Philadelphia. Donations for the publication of the Liberty Bell, and communications for the same, may be addressed to A. W. Weston, Weymouth, Mass. s.



SARGENT, ELIZA F. EDDY, 1 MARY H. JACKSON, CP The London Time atyles Kossuth the eloquent l' 1 but unprincipled mounKoana, wnoe pretensions have been so thoroughly unmasked in the United States. ty We are greatly surprised to read a paragraph like the following in a paper usually so clear-sighted and erect as the Lowell American Mr JlonW. We had the pleasure of listening to Mr.

Raiitour speech at Salem on Monday. It was a splendid effort, and was received by the large audience with great approbation. Nearly all of his speech was or aii anti-slavery character, and his opinions npon the Fugitive Law, the Baltimore Platform, and the proceedings of Ben. Hallett and Edmund Burke, were given with a great deal of vigor. Mr.

Rantoul deems it to be his duty not to separate from the Democratic party he did not mention the names of. its candidates, but declared himself in favor of supporting them. Some few or the Free Soil party seem to be disappointed at his taking this course, but we do not see any reason for disappointment, Mr. Kantoul's services to the cause of freedom have been of such vast importance, and his sincerity to manifest, that he must be sustained by the Frre Soilers and re-elected. It will not do to let the slaveholders and doughfaces triumph over freedom by defeating Robert Rantoul, Jr.

Lowell American. The following, from another Free Soil paper, treats the slippery, two-faced Rantoul in a very different but proper manner v. Robert Rantoul gave in his adhesion to the Democratic nominees, at a ratification meeting at Salem, the present We hope he has gone to his own company. We would not wish to retain a Tan of such a craven spirit one who can be wronged with impunity his right taken from him, and he not independence and love for the truth sufficient, to make him repudiate principles which he knows to be wrong the sooner such men leave the better. Let the number of true men be reduced to the number of Uidcon army, but let every traitor and faint heart leave the ranks of anti-slavery.

Hartford Republican. Webtter Movement. The New York Time speaks thus of the Webster sixrlo The whole of this fanciful Webster movement has a fictitious look. Names are at a premium in it; we hare anonymous calls for meetings and conventions anonymous statements of malcontent Whij opinions anonymous programmes of future operations; anonymous denials, by of well-substantiated facts. There appears to be a general disposition among these friends of Mr.

Webster to play the part of Guy Fawkes and whilo using his name most prejudicially to his honor and peace, to keep their own names oat of sight. Why do they not come np to the foot-lights at once, and let us have a look at them 1 This sneaking about in the dark, with cloak and stiletto, is disreputable and 0 The Bee says that Mr. Webster is in the hands of his So he was in the Baltimore Convention, and fared hut little worse than common men do in the hands of their enemies. Time. Old Charles Jared Ingersoll has written a letter to the New York Democrats, with the following sentiment The Rival Party Conventions Competing to vindicate Slavery a part of that American Liberty which the treaty of Independence recognizes, and Jio foreign nation rnnst meddle Ingersoll is worthy to join the Whig party of Massachusetts.

Let Stste street give him a welcome. The Eastport, Me, Sentinel tells the following good one: A sea-captain of tbis port, who recently returned from a short voyage, on seeing the names of Pierce and King' on a flag waving over Leavitt's luildinr. exclaimed to his companion 'Halloa! Pierce and King I they must be tome new folks that hare moved in there since I nave been gone I Ding Dong Bell. Poor Dr. Bell, of the Insane Asy-.

lum, has been, for the last three years, whenever he had a chance to speak, ding-donging upon the subject of Wilson and Aliens bolting from the Philadelphia nominations of 1848. The Common xctaJtK of to-day contains a letter, nine columns long, from Gen. Wilson to Bell, in which the history of the Whig party, on the subject of slavery, for the last few years, is very clearly and beautifully exhibited. We shall not hear much more from Dr. Bell.

His knell is tolled. Lowell American, 14A. Obsequies in Honor of Henry Clay. Newark, July 14th. The funeral services of Henry Clay were celebrated here yesterday.

All business was suspended, and the public buildings and hotela closed from noon to sunset. An eloquent eulogy was delivered by Hon. Tli co. Frclinghuysen. CTThe Boston Journal is authorised to state directly and that there is no truth what-ever in the statement, that Mr.

Webster told F. A. Tallmadge, in New York, that he, Mr. Webster, was willing to give the whig ticket his support. Important Memorial from Boston.

Senator Davis presented in Congress, a few days since, a memorial, signed by about fifty of the most wealthy and influential merchants of this city, representing an aggregate of over ten millions of property, praying a recognition of IInyti as an independent State. Thia they pray, in order that our commerce with that country may be put on an equal footing with that of other independent To show the importance of (hia commerce, the memorialists state, that the American tonnage employed in the trade with Hnyti in 1850, was 74,67 1 tons navigated by 3,504 American aeamen our exports to Ilayti that year were $1,350,188, while to China our exports were only $1,605,270, and employed only one half tho tonnage that Hayti did. The trade with Ilayti ranka the eighth in importance among all the foreign nations with which we have intercourse. She takes about one third as much of our pickled fish as all the rest of the world, and largely of our domestic and other manufactures; and her trade ia from thiee to six times more important to us than that of Cuba. Nor is it of value to New England alone, for Ilayti imports three times as much of our flour as Cuba, and six times as much pork, so that the South and West are alike interested.

It is idle to expect that such a memorial will be heeded while the Slave Power rules this country. The servile, soulless Washington correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, writing in regard to this memorial and Hayti, says mark, the language tW If the U. S. Government should recognize their independence, a commercial treaty would be made with them, thht would be very advantageous to our commerce and navigation. But I have no idea that Congress would listen to such a proposition, even if the alternative was a total loss of the trade.

lne Southern States would consider it, and properly too, as an encouragement to the revolt of the slaves in other islands. It is hoped that no more governments of this sort will arise in America, and there is no necessity for it. for there is room enough in Africa for the whole of the black race. Singular Death by Lighttung. Uunnz a severe thunder storm which passed over Earlville, Madison coun'y, N.

Y-, on Wednesday ot last week, Mr. Warren Skinner, a farmer of that town, while at work in his field, was struck by a thunderbolt, and instantly killed. Mr. Skinner's clothes were tor entirely into fragments, and thrown in different directions more than thirty feet from where he stood, and both his boots were entirely torn off and thrown at least ten feet. There was scarcely a shred of.

any part of his clothing left on him. Blood run from both of his ears, and there were two holes in the top of his head, which appeared to have been made by the electric fluid, and also a hole at the bottom of each boot, and a hole in the ground directly under each foot. Mutilated Remains. The: Troy Time as Mr. D.

Gonley was crossing the Boston Railroad track, opposite Batestown. he discovered a man's hat lying upon the track, and got out of hia carriage to pick it up, when he discovered, at a little distance, a horribly mutilated body. The body was so literally torn in pieces that it was impossible' to tell who it was. He had aandy hair and aandy whiskers, and wore a brown linen coat, boot and cassimere pants. A few shillings was found in hi pocket, together with a black silk handkerchief.

Coroner Defreest held an inquest, and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts. Eastern Railroad. It is with feelings of gratification that the directors ean allude to the fact, that during the past year, there have been carried over the road one million, four thousand, nine hundred and ninety-one passengers, without tho slightest injury to sny one. v- AtBAHY, July 17. Loss of Nine Lives by a Slide of Rocks.

The Toronto Colonist of yesterday, has the following despatch Quebec July 15th. Eight persons were killed and three houses destroyed on Tuesday, at Cape Diamond, by a slide of rock, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Yesterdsy another slide took place at 7 A.

killing one man and crushing some houses. There was also another slide in the afternoon, but without loss of life some house were, however, crushed. Mr. Clay's Obsequies at Lexington. It is estimated that the number ot persona present during the pro-cesion at Lexington, on Saturday last, amounted to between 30 and 40,000 and the horse and carriages present, if put in a line, would have extended a distance of 25 miles.

The Steamship Philadelphia. Capt. McGowan, from Key West Julv 13th, arrived at New York on Sunday afternoon, having made the passage in leas than five days, with ninety-one passengers. The num ber of deaths among the crew and passengers of the Philadelphia, including those at Kev West, was 55 of those, 43 died of cholera, and 12 bilious fever 44 were psseengers and 11 helonired to the vessel. Nine passengers were left at Key West, sick with the Cha grea ferer.

The Steamship Arabia, The Cunard Steamship Arabia, latelv launched from the ship-yard of Messrs. Steele Greenock, is the largest steamer of that line, and will cost, when 'fitted for ses, 110,000. Her engines are of the side lever class, and are rated at 850 horse power, but are expected to work up to 1000. She will probably be the most magninceni steamer afloat, and the English are anticipating a tri umph from her sailing powers. Fatal Result Xe learn that Constable O.

Man chester, of Fall River, who was shot in that town on nday morning, by a robber named James Clough, whom he waa pursuing with the purpose to arrest hinv, died st 2 o'clock the next morning. The deceased waa an estimable man, between forty and fifty years of sge, and leaves a wife and four children. Clough will now, probably, be proceeded against on a charge of murder. Embalming. The body of Mr.

Barnum, who came to hia death a few days since by jumping from the window of a hotel in New York, haa been embalmed by one of the City Physicians, who opened the carotid artery and injected a substance, known only to himself, into it. effect was wonderfuL The body commenced daily to grow harder and harder, and ia now in a condition which, the doctor asserts, neither time nor climate can affect. Madam Goldschmidi's Charities. Madame Otto Goldschmidt haa left London for the Continent. The Stockholm papers report a new act of great munificence on her part.

She has transmitted to the government of Sweden a sum of fifty thousand piasters, (10,000 sterling.) to be employed in the creation ot free primary schools in those local it iea wheiein the number of those establishments is below the wants of the population. Neu Music. Uncle Tom's Glimpse of Glory, words written by Elisa, and dedicated to Mrs. Hi B. Siowe: adapted to a very pretty air composed by Frank Howard, has been published by E.

IL Wade. Terrible Accident. During the celebration of the national anniversary at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, some thirty or forty cartridges, prepared for a aix-pounder. exploded, dreadfully burning sixteen boys who were standing near the gun. It was thought six of them would die, and all were in a deplorable condition.

1 VSTThe Lexington (Me Express has mournful accounts of sickness on the plains. It says A boat passed down on Wednesday, having on board three returning emigrants who report that they are the only survivors of a company of seventeen who set out for the mines. One morning on the plains, all were well and in fine spirits at the time of leaving the encampment. Before sunset, fourteen of the number were dead. The three survivors, panic-struck, left their teams and returned with all possible speed.

There was also on the boat a gentleman in charge of three widows, whose husbands had died on the plains, and who were returning to their friends in the east. i Fatal Epidemic in Virginia. The Farmville (Va.) Journal mentions a rumor that a disease of a most malignant character, somewhat resembling cholera, is prevailing to an alarming extent, in Charlotte, Lu-renburg, Mecklenburg, and other counties south and east of thst place, among the blacks particularly, and that a large number of them have died one gentleman in Charlotte having lost ten, and another in Mecklenburg as many aa forty. Cc" We hear that there is great mortality among the cattle in this portion of the country. They are dying off by scores in every direction, of the disease known as the murrain.

Wc heard of one man losing over forty out of seventy head. Memphis (Tenn.) Enquirer. Louisville, July 14th. Four Negroes Killed Lightning. During a atorm at Lexicon, yesterday, a tree on Mr.

Cunningham's plantation, nnder which a party of seven negroes were eating their dinner, waa struck with lightning, and four of the negroes were instantly killed. CP Mr. Grinnell's yacht Truant, of New York, haa beaten three boats of the Model Yacht Club at Liver pool, coming 16 minutes ahead of the best. The National Anniversary was celebrated hy aome four or five hundred of the 'friends of freedom in Rochester on the 5th. The oration was delivered bv Fred.

Douglass, and the Declaration was read the Rev. R. R. Raymond, of Syracuse. The oration of Douglass was a severe rebuke of the hvpocrtsy and meanness of the American people, for celebrating their own independence, while they keep four millions of blacks in bondage.

Liberated Slaves. We saw yesterday in this city, a company of twelve colored persons from North Carolina, in charge of Dr. Forbes, seeking a place in the free states or' Cannda for their permanent location and home. Ten ot them were slaves of Benjamin Dicken, of Edxecomb county, N. deceased, and liberated by his will, which instrument set apart propertv to the value of 10 to $15,000 for their benefit.

One of the twelve waa a husband purchased by his wife, and one a wife purchased by her husband. These two had been slaves of persons other than Mr. D. They all speak in the highest terms of grateful affection con cerning their lute master. Rochester American.

What it Costs. The Deficiency Bill, now before the United States ben ate, contnins appropriations to the amount ot 94,000,000. Among the items is this For expenses of Court, frc, in sending colored men into slavery, $90,000 Northern men, you pay this blood-stained money. For what? ayel for what? db" A writer in the Boston Daily Advertiser supposes the destructive Fort Hill fire to have been occa sioned ny the careless use ot a cigar or pipe. iJut a gentleman who has taken pains to inquire, informs the Uoston Traveller, that the probability is that firecrackers were the producing cause of that conflagra tion.

1 CP An abolitionist and negro stealer, who was at tempting to run off with some slaves from Woodford county, was caught at Frankfort on Saturday night. tie had started with twenty, but all except two soon left him, returned home, and informed their masters. He was immediately pursued, and was caught, to gether with the two negroes, who came on with him. in a negro house in xrankfort. They were all taken back to Versailles, and after the next Court the negro stealer will probably have a chance to see his brother Jt airbank in the Penitentiary.

Louisville Union, 7tM. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe has sent two girls to Oberlin to be educated. They are the girls who about four years ago were redeemed from Bruin Hill, through the agency of lie v. Henry ard Beecher.

Important Invention. We have been much inter, ested in looking at an invention of Mr. Anthony Sher-mer, of the Northern Liberties, for window blinds for railroad designed not only to prevent dust from enterine. but to blow out what is in the cars. It con sists of vertical slats of glass, placed at an angle of rorty-hre degrees, in a frame-sash, and inclining outwardly.

The draught created by the motion of the train will blow off all dust, and make a current from the interior of the car sufficient to draw out whatever dust or foul air may have entered. The sash in which the glass slats are fixed is made to torn on a pivot, so that it may at once be adapted to a reversed motion of the train. The Pennsyloania Railroad Company are shortly to test the invention on one of their cars. rtuladelpfiia Bulletin. A New Nomination.

Qen. Quitmsn was nominated for President, and Thomas M. Clingman for Vice President, at a barbecue of the Southern Rights party in Barber county, Alabama. A Ship Sunk by a Whale. We learn by the London News, that the French brig Pauline, homeward bound with a eareo of auear from Vnrtn An tVi noon of the 17th of June, in longitude 40 10 W.

of A-ans, ana in latitude 40 SO r-, was struck by a whale upon the bows, and so much damaged that she almost iiuiucuiaictj uueu, ana sunx. xne captain and crew, consisting of ten men inH hoisting out a boat, into.which they stowed a bag of uurcmi. ana nine water, ana men aoanaonea the sinking ship. On the fourth dry they were very for-tunately rescued by the British brig Crusader, treated wtui greatest atnoncss, ana lanaea safely at Cowes. True.

The N. Y. Atlas calls Congress the great nauonai sponge, aosoroing some $4,000 a day from uv Yruyv, maa returning no equivalent- fT -7 Washixotoh, July 15th. Death of Adjutant General Jones. Roger Jones, Adjutant General U.

S. Army, died this evening. Boston Chief of Police. We learn from the Journal that Marshal Tukey has been superseded a the Chief ot roLiceot uoston. under the new Ordinance, the uayor ana Aldermen have appointed Gilbert Notrrse, tne present Assistant uierk at Faneuil Hau Market.

Anti- tSUitery' Demonstration. The gathering of thr old seho! anti-slavery men and women at Abfotoa4-ora the 5U, was Unprecedented in the annals of that Society. I la estimated that over five thousand per-aosMwere present, who listened to the burning ilo- quence of aoch agitator a Garrison Phillip, Quincy, Reraond, and others. The feelum prevailed, and a svwteT-harmony-exuted with othev ami slavery bodies than usual. The great dividing hne between slavery, and freedoni is being drawn, and while the two great parties aft harmonizing on the one side, all true anti-slavery Tfttn are becoming equally harmonious on the other.

Thi is encouraging, for it shows that men are turning their attention more to the great enemy, than to differences of opinion as to the beat tactics by which to be governed. It looks like the approach of an enemy when an army leaves its petty bickering, and personal fenda give place to a rivalry for deeds at valor and in a great contest where every man ia needed at his post, like the present, it is cheering to see such a state of feeling as exists among tho friends of Freedom. r-r. i t-- No movement aince the days of the -Apoatl ever had such moral power, such moral giants, and such determined snd noble champions as this, and. wo to the man or party that shall fall upon it, or on whom it shall fall lFitchburg News.

i The Hounds again Unleashed. A momentary excite mcnt took place in our city yesterdsy, from th an. nouncement that the flesh-mongers were agsia among us. and that a warrant had been issued for one of our fellow-citizens Quick aa the electric flash, the information, which was fully authenticated, was communicated to the faithful band of colored vipiLnts, and the hunted fugitive placed beyond the reach of the dastard man-stcalera. A placard bearing The following words, was also immediately issued and spread abroad, vis 'Fugitive Slaves Attention Slave-hunter is among us! Be on your guard! An arrest is planned for to-night! Be ready to meet them whenever they coma the effect of which was highly salutary.

A meeting of the colored cjjisena waa held in the evening at the Belknap street church, at which suitable addresses were made and action taken. At the hour of going to press, all was a quiet aa usual. Commonwealth of Saturday. WoacESTxa, July 15 th. Destruction of the Catholic CoiUge at Worcester by Fire.

The Catholic College situated about a mile south of this city, took fire yesterday afternoon, and was entirely consumed, with the exception of a Dor- lion of the east wing. The fire commenced in the upper story of the north east corner; from a defect in a chimney. Most of the furniture waa burned or da-atroyed. A large portion of the valuable library waa saved. The loss is estimated at front 40 to $50,000, and no insurance.

There were over, one hundred student in the building, and some of the professors snd tutors have lost their all. The Liquor The new Law haa gone into op eration in this State. There seem to be a very general impression that it will very generally be acquiesced in and enforced. The Rhode Island law went into effect in that Stale, Monday. The Mayor of Providence gives notice, in a circular, that persona having liquors on hsnd, and wishing to send them out of tha State, will be allowed a few day to do so, but no sale of liquor within the State will be permitted NOTICE.

Wendell Phillips' address win be, for the present, Northampton, Mass. MARRIED In New Bedford, 14th instant, by Rev. J. Weiss, Riciubd Chatham to Mis Maxt BOCHAMAM. BUSINESS NOTICE, The subscriber would respectfully inform hi frienda and the public, that he has returned to his former residence in Harwich, and in ten da to carry on the painting business in all its branches, and solicits their patronage, especially of these persons who are building new houses in this and the adjoining towns.


which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his Daxixl. Br Mrs Sophia Littlb. C7For sale at the Anti-Slavery Office, 21 Corn-hill, and at the Bookstore of Bela Marsh, 25 CornhilL Price, bound in cambric, 60 eta. in paper covers, St Cents. This is a work intended to show the practical operations of the odious Fugitive Sieve Law, and is well calculated to excite a deep sympathy for those in bonds.

If it has not the intensely dramatic 'power of Uncle Tom'a it is nevsrtheless of a stirring and melting tendency. IHE WHITE SLATE. Just published, The Whit Slave or. Memoirs of a with eight illustrations by Billings. C- TAPPAN'As WHTTTEMORE, July 23.

-114 Washington street. The Boston Directory FOR TZZS YEAR 185A, EMBRACING the City Record, a General Directory of the Citizens, and a Uusiness Directory, with an Almanac from July, 1852, to July 1854i- Published by George Adams, 91 Washington street, Boston. A large, elegantly printed, much improved, and indispensable volume. The Te-publieation of the first Boston Directory, issued in 1789, is the principal new feature preaented in this volume, and gives to it an additional interest. July 23.

RAMAN'S ST7IIII1TNG BATHS. (established nr 1823,) 1 AT THE FOOT OF CHESNUT STREET, HAVE been completely fitted and put in order. This establishment now comprises upwards of Two HriDED AKD Twijmr-'rrvB Rooms, being' the largest in the United States, with pure Salt Water, and unequalled facilities for outside Bathing. ty THE MILL DAM BATHS have been just added to the Ladies' Department, which haa heretofore been very much crowded. Connected with thi esiaoiisnmeni are aiso WARM OR COLD, FRESH OR SALT WATER TUB BATHS.

Single Bsths 12 1-2 cents, or 10 for a dollar. THE TREMONT BATHS, entrance from Tremont Court, have been refitted, and are now opes from sunrise till 10 o'clock, P. M. July 23. JARVI3 Dl BRAMAX.

J- JOIHT CjtRPJSJYTER, No. 7 Tbavbbsb Stbxxt, cobjtbb oFbxbhx Stbxkt, BOSTON. v- SLATE at Anti-Slavery oSce, 21 Cornhin. Orders left there attended to every dav. The smallest job thankfully received and faithfully "4-i'u t.

He appeals to the publio to give a young mechanio a lair cnance. References Wzxdbu, Phillips, i i K. WAIXCTJT. THE SPIRIT WORLD. TIGHT firom the Spirit World; comprising a Sen) ftf A vtnlAa am tK MnifiAii A ful tk.

Am. eiopment or nuna an tne Ataaimentat ana second. Spheres, being written by the control of Spirits: Rev Charles Hammond, Medium. Price, 63 eta. The Pigrimage of Thomas Paine, and other, to the Seventh Circle in the Spirit World a continuation of Light from the Spirit World, written by the Spirit of Thomas Psine 0 cts.

Voices froowlhe Spirit World being Communica tions trom many spirits, ny tna nana or Isaac l'ost. Medium 50 cts. -r ReichenbacVa Dynamic of Mesmerism, $1 ,25. Night Side of Nature Ghosts and Ghost Seen. By Catharine Crowe 9100 Theology Life in the Spheres deduced from alleged Spiritual Manifestation.

By Owen W. Warren 25 cts. Familiar Spirit and Spiritual Manifestations: being a Series of Articles by Dr. Enoch Pond. Professor in the Bangor Theological Seminary, together with a Reply by Veriphilo Creden 15 cts.

The Spirit Harp compiled by Maria F. Chandler 25 cts. The Clairvoyant Family Physician. By JIw. Tut- The Revelations, the Great Harraomia, and all the) other Work of A.

J. Davis, the Clairvoyant. For sale by RS LA MARSH, V'Y: No. 25 CorahilU July 2 Joi.

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