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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 if i 1 1 't to ia I la I VOL. xn KO I VflOI KO .,77 vinmrnmxTiL to secure lnsertton npoa fh 88X0 day. must to room betoweniW WAITED. XfTA srr ED Victor, atad a. k.

Jr." cu at a wee jnotu nTABTU l). 1 bkrWr; 171 Booth IUiaois aC AKTfcD Three girls at 71 North Alabama st, TirAJTlU iood TMt maker; 68. Charles II MOM. X7AlTU WUlt girl Ao aoueewprK, at unron s. XV ATfcD aerVBOcy to boy bird eifM the 11 Dollar More.

a JSTFT ta Saw York gallery (or Soe A rood girl do light house work, at 'J0 Park ave. VjAJnED Imuediaely, Arst cUss barter; if l7 Vtrginissve. AMTXD Te aeU stoves cheaper aay body. at Msas, ave. AJTKD Ererybod to bo mapaat tha aap 'tt7ATKl Two firu claw waller Immedia'el' If a in wnt wanniDfion nv.

YIT AjtTKI ft lor a full ae ol VeaU a ar ick K. WaahllLrtOQ at. WTgl EDQtrt rout ba good onok Jnr tar4 era 71 Itorta Kaw Jeraey at. TTT AKTM Oiri or year 14, care lor ff childrea, at SM Brookalde are. oatl Ttf AJttiCD ifiOO old haU made aa food aa Daw by Wm.Joaaa.aa yihut.

tas r'TIT' ASl'KO Ulrl to do hooaework waahiog, it Apply at loi wi mnt TT AH Til A (rood tecood hand parlor and bed room aei. aoanai ATlkX A girl torfeoeral houaework at 442 fvortn ati a. wnuii prt in irA i in vocal molc 0e per Addreaa S. Jwwrtomw. oati rTATKl Oirt to do reaeral booaework lor 1 atnail lamuy, at rorn iiumw for ffenaral hoasa ork In amaU family EaataL oath Bteady amployment.

w. Arcbdaaeod 4 IT W. Waah DOC Willi kl A small girl to aromi In bouaewnrs at 451 N. Illinois at. reference req aired, tr 1 1 A3tltl Competent TBt maker to wnrk on at anarea; tot parectnara anqrwi n.

v. News. 1 WiMlil auUa ni hiBdxuiii furnluiea rot. ma, oejitral. Good Hoae, New ofuce.

1 TTT a Sftlv. PnrehaMr for sen olarahlp In Ind If Buataeaa jcoUafa price 1S r. M. O. lu, Naws.

UB1 A KTBJ A aod oook and naraegirl: pa; aooa waaea appiy unmeaiaieiy a trtt i xxt iKT: an experienced cook aad a UcBdreaa, at 4MS. Meridian it. (Mrmta pref erred. OB iiriNTUj jBmill chepo booaesin any rood 10 ff calitr A Market. TIT AlTu To buy drur aioreindty or noma ff rood rood country towc.

Chaa. Wataoo. 44 rayetteau teal WJ AT1L1 Toexchan((a Wooda parlor organ for bed room (ortutura. 1 noa. Burk, netchr are.

WASTdt Eim log or roc dlanapclla Chair K'lg. ood quality, at In No. W. oax KawTorkau TlfAlrTKIV To boy a second hand furniture IT store stock from HtM to BSUU. Address J.

L. Kewa oflioe. tr STKD Bmokera. a raa ulna Key West cigar lor sc. at central rasmiacr.

a vr. waan. st. fatter at Brosra. Tir ATH1 A woman to do laundry work must be flrat claaa.

with rood references vaw xnorui aienaian at. oas WAATil Tpa to get your door platea, rub ber, stamp, seal and stencil at H. Bteg jDftxii. aa w. ataraet at.

11 WJ A A 7 KD Owner of good portable saw mill 11 ta more eoutn bjmi cut wainab 11. j. Xong, east end Mam. are. tr tl "IIT AJiTEl Arent In every town In the Ktate II for the "Ootd lAist" cigar, "Wcila, 4 Korth iuiaois au Address E.

LL Us TIT AhiTaVU ArenU for Balch Ufa and Public If errlcrt of reatdent UarBeld. A. bhort rldgt Vance block. ty "TirAKTKl Tobny a garden pi aoe containing i urea toirvo acreawiui 1 Calx at room 7 Thorpe block. amall hooaa, for cwn.

a WAKTKD "Zip yon take iCcurea toothache "sure pop," Central Pharmacy, Z2 i an. st. nuuer itrown. nri AkTKl Sutta to make good atyle, best of work. Tor ti.

at Mrs. Ida SeiDarfs, "West Weahiagton sU, room 7, tT TIT AK1 KD Girl for reneral boose work In If amall family; wages fXoO per week. Apply raora Pabilshlng bouse. 1 T7 ANThO A aitaalioa by a thorough macnio if 1st la all branches: prefer oas! A5THt man witk 1.20D to take chaw of the ti nances of a basin ea will psy him KOper week. J.

tbia office. oa WAKTIU 6aooDd kand sitting dear, flat top with drawers balow. at oaoa. Tha How Machine cor. Pens, and Ohio in.

ta WA511 Lad tea ta sea tha elegant portman 1 lea, card and latter cases at Central Phr ay. at W. Waah. at. Bo tier A Brown, bts ri7A15TKI A girl for general housework a II 48 N.

Tenneaaea st. small lamll. Call ba tween 1 aad p. aa. Kcferencarequlrod.

trot AK ll Yoa to get Oilroy patent curtain I Btretcbera. and the beat patent Ironing ataad, at wooden ware store, Korlh IJJaoU st. tts AS If House, aboat 4 or 7 rooms, within to 10 bkrks ef Bates booae low rent. Ad dreaa Ed White, Marcys Jewelry stora. ,1 WAS TX1 Desirable residence property, large and small.

1 have aeveral customers I can toot stoat, O. Wadworth, Circle st. th VU'ATU Kiarybody ta tha Avon 11 regent 1 baaa hnraars atParaaU at Uadaker'a, as Ulinou ibtoiaa blacked and set up. 00 a WAN? KI for reneral booaework, cooks and nurse girls, Employ ment ageeey. Fly, anouth cliarch bu tiding, cut.

Circle ana Meridian, til WA TK1 Property owners to aava a per est, by havlDg tnair vaaluaod sinks clean by tha O. York Odorless Co X. oa TirAHTKl Canary birds and mockers ta eat' ebepard's bird food cxi. seed, aod bird graral.

W. Wash, sb, Sutler av Central pharmacy, iowb. WAHTXlvAli kinds of aewiSg saaeMaaa to repair. 8atWactioa giyaa or ao charge. vimnlaaTa.

Jk jLurowa, aaraatior isent mproTa vtcior, wis WANTED Judges af clothing to see prioes on analltiea. only each as are displayed ahd vtesr oa sals at 8 and? W. Wash at tha Famous jvagla. Oaeprtca. MS ANTED A first class man 40 drive a team If also willing to make himself bandy about tbeaoass.

uooa rererenoea reqoiraa. Appiy to A av a ytvw, aassyvet TIT ANTED We want to tell yon that the new if leaigna In odor seta are prettier and cheaper uaa evw oerore, at vantrat narmacy, si west Wash. at. BaUer At Brown. tso TU ANTED Free seals for the ladies, and free iv exbiMuoa or elegant odor seta, dreaslag sets and flao nerfnaiarlea.

at Oeatral Phar rnai too macy. W. Wash. at. Batier Brows WANTED Everybody to ask their trocar for Hoffman's cakes tbakerv 87 Christian sjrhera ws keep tha largest and beat assortment Of cakes 01 au ainoa ever seen ta tnis city.

toi WANTXD A position to sew In a private fam Hji can do all kinds of fancy work. Address, or call at I 44 Narth West atM." W'fa? ANTED qst opened, offic tor tha Maw Victor aewlar machine. Doat buy bnUl yon see the lataat and beat machine of heday. Virginia ava. K.

Brawa. art, nls Yoa ta learn that yoa can do worse than ra to Kn field's for dry roods and ao Cloaa. a don 1 try tdnpllcatoothersJ vi hwi gv simjw 1 aam 1 wrsw Alabama at. est Wash, st, Butler A Broa n. AMI ED Agents.

Several good agents to can rasa Indianapolis thoroughly for Judge Toargeet lataat book. "A Royal Gentlamaa." xTOm to sio paroay maaeeswiy. saanwimr' lass Brca. A Pay aft W. 8th Cincinnati, oa VlT ANT ED It kaowa that Dr.

r. W. Kose, ff spertahst, bas rewoved his offloe to No I BalcroB bkMk, corner Delaware and Maw York sis a hers ha ts prepared 10 treat all forms of chronic is east, la tha treatment of which ha has pas tainy nve years' axperteaca. tvit WANTED To reat a. furnished house, cea i ally located, with six to tea rooma, for a faxoily cf tbrwaawsaoas.

Will take especial cars af hoaas and fo ml lure, aad will pay. what, tha prcsarly Is worth. MSI nA wo awin Sfc. WASTED W. A.

Blddall, formarly with J. By aa and CToWand A Co would be plaasad' have all of his friends to call on him at his new Barters, where ha will pay tha bast of attanttoa ihir wants la tha reneral grocery aod tea Una. Raa be foaad at Harry A. Oroaaianda, 100 North auinols street, corner Ohio htTTAKTEl I will commence aa eveninr class ff Oct. IBS1, st room No.

2, over T7K. Market (atreet. tstadents destrlnv a any aad practical kBowMraaf aook kaeptur eaa no aocommoaa tad. and sra advised to apply early as 1 can recalva OB nmiiao nam oar. orwnH wwi a CbaAPctaraoa.

usl TTTATU PsUenta at tha Iadlaaa Deatal aga. Gold and Silvar flluags, and sots of ortlfcaai tawthat enatttha bast material only A aorps of cosopataat danUats always cbarra, if art a food opportonliy for peopla MiiS AABa kkak 1.. fCoart strest. I hm eoUara snrlim will barta Ooa. AM ED Indies dont want them they are If for genu this time; elegant toilet case shaving Bets, Ivory aad celluloid would "tickle a man out of his boots i Central Pharmacy.

22 West teo batorday, as Waited. TXT AJTTXIV Two boys of 14, at 80 sooth Pean ff syiranlast. I WATK1 Hooaa painter by the K. Tennteeeest, 1 A91XI A rood girl for general hoase work. APtlyat4CAshat.

teo WANTED Be aore and boy your shingles of. X. H. Kldridgedt Co. te TIT A Il Oood rlrt na who can waah and Iroa 171 Worts MJaanaippi st.

oasi lf AJil i Vl to do light booaawork good I ware, at East Mccarty si. 1 oat! AJNTlVD Olrt to do general housework. Call at o. Hsnn Tenn st. I AJU TKJLBmall or medium size fire proof ff safe.

Address P. Hsws omca. te 01 T1TA1TK1 Oirllor general housawork ta fam "7 without childrea wv Monaiaa. oati WAlKl Threa rooms for light housekeep log by man and wife, H. giews offlce.

1 TT AJi TlU To take care of hones and carriage and do reneral work 1 best 01 reiereDcea. I TlTlVTltn i mk. wuhrr and lroner who can If do strictly first eiass work no other kind wanted; 164 Sorth Tenniaaee st. XJLJ AMTX1Te borrow BtiTOO I re years, at per 1 1 bo eoosmtmioa securea oy mon fag. John Johnson, Mews office.

oao rlTAMTll SBo for 1 nound Youne pound If srw for 1 Dound roaated Rio coffee. Goods delivered to any part of city. Order by TeleDhoae. Uao J. Hammel.

tas 110 and 111 Mass. are. FOX KEXI. BXNT "Silver." A BtB BXST Mlce house. rooms, 211 K.

Ht. Clair st. tv tl REM1 Farnished rooms at 113 East Mew fork st oao; "rjOR BXMT Klcely furnished rooms over N. Illinois St. UDB TJGB Furnished rooms, private family, central 1 E.

Mew York st. tv RKXT 1 or I rooms suitable for light A housekeeping 461 ft. ast st. tV I OB BXMT Pleasant furnished front room In private family 178 Mass. ave.

oa tt rjORRXMT Furnished room for gentleman or transient M. Mew Jersey tut? 1 room furnished In first class style to gmtlemen only si w. unio st. TOB REMT or 4 rooms for housekeeping water on same tloor; 134 Ohio st. RKrlT Two story brick house 6 rooms and small stable.

477 Meridian st. te TOR RENT Nicely front rooms.173 K. Pennsylvania n. ew ork. oa 1 1 FOR REM'i' 1 rooms, unfurnished, N.

Illinois st. near Tinker; 7. Z. Mews office, oa 1 1 BEJil' Fcrnlsbed front and sleeping rooms, private family East Ob lost. FOR KEMT To one or two gentlemen, a pleasant furnished front room 3B7 M.

Tenn. us! 17OR REST Two verv furnished, with board desirable rooms nicely 137 E. Mew York, tv I 71OR REMT pleasant unfurnished 1 floor, hall entrance. 155 M. Tenn.

front tvol KEMT Famished rooios for gentlemen, central, 28 new York, laooreast 01 iti. KEMT Nicely furnished or unfurnished rooms locauon very best is ft. Delaware. I TXRREMT zpleasantunfurninhed front rooms. suiuble for gent and wife 10 E.

Mich. st. I REM1 A desirable suite of unfurnished parlors also nicely furnished room 1Z M. trial an at. XiHJH KXMT nnfurnlshed rooms for ligbt A housekeeping, south east cor i enn.

ana Ceventhsts. tv ol FOR REMl' Nicely furnished rooms with or wttboat board 76 K. Mew York st. enosa required, on KENT New house of 6 rooms northeast all conveniences. Mo.

40 Plum st. Imjulre 152 N. Meridian st. oat; FOR RENT House, and furniture for sale; a splendid location tor boarding house. Address J.

w. News office usl FOR RENT Two unfurnished front rooms np stairs. Mo cooking. Also room mate for gen tieman. Mo.

24 Me York St. oat! OR BENT House No. E. Vermont st, 12 rooms. 835 per month oer month.

Inuulre at so E. HL Clair or City Marshall's efficej te 1 OB RENT Handsome front room, furnished or nnfurnlshed to one or two gentlemen. Ad dress. Arsenal Avenue, this oftieo. te TXR RENT Elegant room brick bouse with A nice front lawn 30 per month.

References req a' red. Walter nivers, agent, room 4 Blackford DIOCk. ter tMR RKN1' I have a nice brick house No. 201 W. Mew York street, containing 7 rooms for rem aooui ine nrsi 01 October.

Inuulre Charier eiwjg to RENT Elegant 9 room brick house with jl nice iron 1 lawn. 8 Virginia ave. per month. References required, agent, room 4 Blackford block. Walter Rivers, tv a FOR RENT An excellent snit of mot rooms) but clothes: time Dernetual: nri re reason able, quality considering, at and 7 West Wash ibgtonst.

The Famous Eagle; One price. FOB KAMI1 New house, seven rooms, cellar, well, cistern, stable, earn are house, wood shed, large yard Mo. 27 Yandes st. 130 per monio. 1 uooawin, a 1 norpe oiocc.

oa 1 TTOR RENT nwxixiNoa. 870 N. Meridian, 12 rooms, stable 60 00 i Vermont, 10 rooms. 00 1X7 B. North.

8 rooms, bath room aj 00 87 n. jiaw Jersey, rooms, second floor 1500 These houses are In first class order and will not be rented for boarding bonnes. Barnard A Bayles, 75 and 77 K. Market st tv E0BSE8 1BD VEHICLES, OOB SALE Piano box top buggy at Bchover's A1 stable. te TXR SALE 1 hack, cheap, 1 buggy.

XL West st. v. 115 750 thsl FeR 6AU8 A Mo. 1 plane box cheap. 2S Urcle st.

bed baggy. ts VfT ANTED Good, sound, heavy horse for dray 11 norm linnets si. tts TXB BALK Cheap, a new open aide bar buggy. uuisiaiw.rHnn, tl T7HJR BAXJE Ught nde spring, covered wagon, cheap, 82, at bcudders stable. tas fA TX)R BALK Mica bay horse, years old, for TO.

jl. rawerson unn atraes aiaoia. ns 1 TOR BALE Heavy spring wagon for one or two horses. 853 I Belief ontaiue st. tv jiOR BALK First class horse, cheap.

474 Belle lonuune sra nousen. 01 vtu St. oa 1 1 rrsHOSE wan tin their ouggiea or carriages re A paired to call at Mo. 434 it wi Washington st. to TX)R KALE Cheap A lot of Bloa family horses at Mos, XL.

and 28 Is TTT AM TED Every body to bay new and second ii 1 hand burrtes aad carrtaras at Sohwalkia A Arange cm iw waaaington at. ni "ITOK BAaJB A number of good young horses, cheap, at W. Market at. nt OOB I Xalso BA LK Home good second hand baggies Iso Phaetona, kellogfa and carriages oTodr own maxa, ocnwexia jl. waaa ington st.

ras WANTED To buy a good Jwras, buggy ax harness ho raa mast begecila for lady i drive must bo cheap. V. K. Morris, Ks' and to st MarketsU tvo FOR BALX Horse, Ida bar top buggy and aar ness horse gentle, lady can drive him any, where; a roadster with speed will not take the OUSS. Ki, ja.

av. IVOR BALK AU tha fine carnage, pnaetons and buggies, which obtained the first and ealy premium given at the state fair, by Bobbins A Garrard, K. Georgia st. TT1 OR BA LX We are again atooked up with a A nne lot or vemciea or tne moat approved styles, made from the beat material, and as well made, aa we know how to build tbem. and for sale as low as real genuine carriages and buggies oan be bought, la this or any other market.

Shaw, jtacaas at sjo a ano ts wcie at. to nt FIB BALK Three eew phaeton boggtes, one two aeated Eureka carnage, one piano box top boggy, one ell eg carriage, one family carriage, as good as sew plauorm and spring wagons. au to oa sota oai at cost. I John M. Bohmle A teo 4 8.

Mew Jersey st. COB will offer for sale at deoided low A the fair week. 1 new Tlmnken aide bar. 1 end spring. Phaetons, sportlag wagon nd a good spring wagon also 1 second hand el log, 1 open side bar, 1 end spring and 8 top bug Ges at half prlee.

Come and aee them before you ty elsewhere, 211 and 218 E. Market street, f. J. Kramer. tv" TX)R BALK Bobbins A Garrard, K.

Georgia at. Indlsnapoi la. challenge all manufacturers to present as fine and meritorious a display of car rlarea. phaetona and bprglea. as they show i week si the state fair.

We guarantee our work to be made of the very beat selected materials knows la the world, aad that the combination of waod. Iron, steel, pal at and trimmings is as a ear perfect aa experience, taste, mechanical skill and patleat spplloatloa can accomplish. We warrant oar vehicles to last as Mag, carry as much, ride as easy aod passes the eye aa well aa the product of the moat pretentious names of other dties, aad to mack exoell the snachlae work sold by our city daaltra. All who desire to build Bp home manufactures can ra this line accomplish there wishes, and receive the full worth of their money, te founx FDTJND The best stoves for the mony, at No. Maeonlo Temple.

oas YOCND Chaa neat copaaauoers and plates, at Novelty Dollar btore. YxiCKD The best and largest assortment of cakes at retail aad wholesale, bakery. V7 ChrtaUin ave. Hoffman's tu IXR Bill bobka. letter eases, card cases, I a beauUtBldeaigns.atCentnIPhArmacy.22W.

Washington at. Butler At Brown. too ML'6CMD ews ck of botua kids at 73c, Also, wear aad corse ta, saxony, Oee ind knltUng yarn, at Plumb A dlaa st. to f.m.w,f fX, beatery, andel maptown aepbyrs i 1 North Mer H1 E1LB Ox TXadB. FOB BALX OB TRAD Dwelling also kust ness room good street: Ylrgtoia are.

POB INDIANAPOLIS, FOB BILL, FOB 8AXJL H. t. to FOR SALft Bakery and confectionery, 104 S. IUlnotast, tehl BALK At Mew York gallery, good photos. a si per aoseo.

tas F)K BALft Sgood pool tables. Inooira at M7 California su tTtl BALX Old papers, 48 cents huadred, A. The Kews office. FA 8AUS Bakery, r. C.

Btraogemaan. afaagachoaetta aveT oatl FOB BALK Saloon in good location, Call at Mo. 1 Mew Tork at. cheap. ni FOB BALhi 1 fonr boraa power angina and boll or with wood working machinery 46 Mas sachusetts ave.

ni a FOB BALX Large elliptical office table, or will escban'reforasroallrana. Oeot Prrln. 17 aad It Baldwin Mock. oatl TXB BALK 2 haadaoma mirrors, 1 wardrobe 1 sewing machine; also other honaenold goods, at Ma 40H B. IlllnoU st.

te ni FOB BALK first class second hand sewing machines of all makes, from fs to Vir ginia sre. K. K. Brown agent. BALK Boarding house, aheap.

old stand. A good locauon. iteasoos rood location. for sal llag. parties svfng the the city, a East st.

tvt' FOB BALK GO good second hand engine outfits oorner Teanessn aad Ueorgla ataj no a T701i HALX Bnbstantlal and thorourhly relta ble cloihlnr for men and boys, at Sand 7 W. 7 tsl Waah. the Famous Eagle. One price. ts 17IOR SALlfi First dam reatauraat, pay tag busi nmm J.

nntn frit, trmiA' A Vinl at 191 W. Vashlngton si. K4 WlUlamaon. 1 X70B BaLIg Good bargaihs, inaproTsd and Ta A cant real estate, ctty ana country. ta no.

Bank of Commerce. BALX Elegant bulldlag lota oa X. Wash A logton east 01 st logton east of engine house, cheap, and on easy terms. Drew ax jtarunaaie Dioca. PUk BA V.Tfy Lumber, laths and shingles, by tha A car load aLlppeo direct irum min to ail points.

E. II. ElC ridge A and Maryland street tes HA LK Cull boards at 110: rood shlnrli at an. Every kind of mill work at bottom prion. ee mva I'laning aiui, 78 Pendleton avenue.

UVB BALE Two story frame house of 9 rooms, on M. lllnoia south of First at.1: pnoe, f3.E00, cash and a year. C. Wasson, room 1 aioott diock. te FOR BALE Business, a line chance lor a blacksmith and machinist to go In together and make some money.

Address, tv 11 E.C., this office. FOR BALE 1 will sell all the property I own, in and t.ear Indianapolis; at a great bargain. Hodnon. ns 1 87 West Waahlngton street. TXB SAliX A nice two story frame dwelling, A 61 618 K.

Market or 10 rooms, water in house. bath room and other conveniences, very cheap. com Drew and on easy terms. ueanelt, Marunaaie block. FOR BALE A fine large two story house of 9 rooms, not qu lie finished, lot 40 by 14M, east front good location, startle ror arent est bargain yet.

V. K. Morris, 54 East Market tv street BALE Two story frame dwelling No. 456 A M. East corner of Oregg sU.

lot 4u feet front by 150 deep, rood house, thorough repair will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Drew 4 Bennett, Martinaaie diocjc FOR BALK Chamber sets, parlor seta, stoves, ran res. extension lounges. Queens ware and table cutlery. In fact, everything to commence house keeping with, oh monthly and weekly pay ments.

Benson. 68 Waah. at. una FOR BALE Drug store, small stock, eany payments reason for selling given sales good will sell or rent buildings, W. Moore, La Fontaine, Ind.

tvel FOR BALE Honse 8 rooms, Brookside At 11 Peru 7 rooms. II JttiQ Douglass 8 rooms. I1.40U; houave, Greer sU, llMO each; 8 room house, Chatam 11,660. AH bargains. J.

Brown, 87 E. Market sU, 10 Thorpe block, tv FOB BALX House, 179 Mass. rooms, 2 balls, cellar, lot S3 feet front, driven well, cis tern ana pump in kitcnen. alley in rear, wood aod coal house and good title. Owner will sell reason able for cash, or on time.

W. Alexander. to 1 88 K. Market st. lOR HALE Real estate We will sell the house at Mo.

434 N. Delaware for 86.500. II (J0 cash. balance In annual payments of 11,000 each. The house is In good condition, has a large stable, and is a very desirable home.

We will also sell the house at No. 264 Railroad for 81 .409, fffo in cash, the balance an any reas onaoie umc xiuc warrantee Ciaypool A Ketcham. no 71 East Washington bU Ij'OR BALE Ix)w, on moulhly paymenis. at 8 per cent. Interest, (mini to niv con tinned tu health.

I will sell. low. the following described real estate No. 1. 8 room cottage 6n Pratt st.

1 Ma 1 8 room cottage on Virginia ave. No. I. A beautlfnl rarden farm of 15 acrea. rood bouse and lar re barn, near ML.

Jackson on Na tional road. I Mo. 4. one of the best pavlnr stables of SO stalls in the city, or will lease the stable to a satisfactory party apply at Opera House to KALE The following desert Se! property's taken on foreolosnre of mortrareawlll be sold at bargains ISO Ash si 9 room frame dwelling.

13 Broadway sU. 8 room frame dwellinr. and 280 W. Ohio st 10 room frame dwelling. 151 N.

Mew Jersey 8 room frame dwelling. 15SN. New Jersey 4 room frame dwellinr. 43 Bellefdhtalne 8 room frame dwelling. large lot.

Large frame dwellinr, east of Woodruff Place. Bellefentalne nu. 8 room frame dwellinr. 77 W. North sL, 10 room frame dwelling.

80 Collere 10 room brick dwelling. 187 W. Fifth 4 room brick dwellinr. 214 Douglass 8 room frame dwelling. 160 Howard 8 room frame dwelling.

t31 8. Meridian st, 8 room trams dwelling. 8. Meridian 6 room frame dwelling. 884 Rohampton sU, 8 room trams dwelling.

lf7 Pendleton pike. 4 room frame dwelling. Fine Urge brick residence, 2 acres, Irving ton, IflO acre farm, 8 miles north. Vacant lota, ror prices see tin Bash a bp A BaTma. 75 E.

Market st. TO LOAl. TO LOAM Money at six per cent, on dtr prop erty. Ciaypool At Utoddard. hi TO LOAM Money at I per cent, on satisfactory security.

Barnard A Bayles. Us npo LOAM Money on all articles of value, at 28 A B. IHinoia sU Joseph Bolomon. tt TO LOAN On first mortgage, sums 8200 upward. M.

E. Vinton A Vinton block, tea rpo LOAM Money at 8 per city or farm A property. E. B. Marilndals A Sons.

nvs TO LOAN 8Mnion city or lowest rates CLW. Gorsuc farms. The very Oorsuch. 18 Vs. are, Ull rpo LOAN We have some money to loan at a a iow rat 01 interest, jona a.

bpann uo. ta rpo LOAN Money at ones, any amount, lowest A rate. Horace McKay, 1 Odd Fellows hall, a qx LOAM At six per cent, i. Francis Bmlth, Vance block. ri0 LOAN Money at I per mortgage se 1 rarity.

W. E. Mick A 88 E. MarkeCus oal rpOLOAN Private fund In aums to suit, farm A or city, J. jl.

Scott, over First Nattanai bank, tes TO LOAM Home money at lowest rates, without commission, middleman or red tana. Wm. H. English. nu LOST.

LOST Bundle containing white sash. Please leave at 77 K. Walnut and get reward. OHT Money, by not having your stoves re Aj paired at 88 Mass. ave.

Crompton. () uh ta OST Money, to every buyer In uyer in Washington, the AJ less you call at and 7 Famous Eagle. E06T A lady's striped sacque with bright colors. Tha tinder will leave It at Smith "a Dra works, Mo. 8 MartindaJs's block, and get reward.

tn a EOBT A child's gold chain with two crosses attached, on Booth street between Virginia avenue aaa rcooie street, inenoaer wm. pie return to uoooutn jsenaian atreet. OST Monev. out of old dilapidated oockeU books, but never out of the Russia calf and seal skin books, at Central Pharmacy, 23 Washington street. Butler A Brown.

te IOfiT 5 00 reward for tbe return of an lish Pointer Hnanlel. about 7 months old. with white breast and feet. When last seen bad on a white celluloid collar. Return to the "Mil waukee Boiling corner Pennsylvania and ueorgla streets.

oa MTSCELLAIEOTja. THE beat and latest patent triple bed lounge. In twelve different styles, at Geo. K. Krausel factory, cor, Waah.

and Alabama sta, up stairs. X7 have a large stock ol ail kinds of flooring. I aiding, barn boards, etc. Prices as low as ai any first class yard. X.

Eldrldge A Ala bam a and Maryland St. tes fOlTxUJE. TXR TRADE Horse. phaeton, and cash for small stock of notions. an nuron su iv i OR TRADE A bay aiere, 8 years old.

good mover and looker, for a pacer that oan ro In 60 or better. Will pay cash difference if any. John Hyiand. oa 842 North Mississippi street. FOR gCHAIQE.

FOB EXCHANGE 190 acres corn and meadow land lathis state, within 8 miles of Chicago on Trunk line n. for a neat cottage home in Address at Mews ofllce, TsAiia this city or lrrlngton. os or lAXEl ut. TAKEN CP In' compact form, leather caaea card cases at (antral Pharmacy. 22 W.

Waah tnrten street Bstlef A Brown. teo ADCTIOI filLS. HUNT A McCTJRDT, real estate and general auctioneers. No. 86 B.

Washington st. as FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 30, 1881. inouToramrra. BRILL'S dye works, tha best and cheapest, 40 Massachusetts ave.

ul tut J. A. COMPTOM, aomcBopatniat, 40 Ohio at. Telephonic connecUomi. tn TTMBRE and parasols made and repaired at 84 Virginia ave.

P. Harlty.t tl a HANCll KIT'S Dramatic CoHege and Indl ana Hrtiool of Oratorv. lax mn. at. Jbe tablished Tl.

UaaTI OTA TIC FAIR Rnv voor cakes, both great and small, at retail and wholesale; at Hoffman's bakery, 87 Christian ave. ta JW. WATSON, merchant Ullor, K. Market has received first invoice of new fall goods. and tha new fashion plate.

PA KTIE8 about to build will find it to their advantage to call on us before buying their lum ber, lath or shinglea. K. H. Kldridge ds Co. AKOEHT stock In the city of sash, doors, at lowest nvar 1 a blinds, window frames, etc.

ket prices. K. U. Eldiidge, cor. Alabama and Maryland sta.

te 1 FOR ADOPTION 1 In good family, a first class boy baby, four months old. Apply Saturday and Monday mornings, between the hours of 10 and II, at 28 E. Vermont St. AMlhe manufacturer's agent for the celebrated Kruse hat air nrnacea, made of wrought iron, and can sell you a furnace cheaper than any man in the city. Renal ring done on all kinds heaters.

Eatlmatea tree of charge. II. HTi srr, Practical Furnace Setter, tv tt Indiana ave. R. JORDAN, the well known throat and lung If physician.

Is permanently located at llt W. Washington st. (Iron block), between Illinois and. Meridian. Indiaaapolls, Ind.

Dr. Jordan's lling reoorvator. Champion liniment and catarr)i remedy la for sale by all druggists. tv THE CITIZEN'S ODORLEHS Office, room 6, Baldwin block, corner Market and Delaware streeta. Vaults, sinks, Stc, cleaned by their improved ahd odorless apparatus.

Orders by postal card promptly attended to. All places cleaned by this company disinfected free of ohargea. ns rfHE advance In tallow compels us to advance 1 the price on Best on Earth soap to 6 cents per rake at retail. Use Best on Earth soap according to direction, as printed on wrappers, ami save all the labor and wear and tear of the wash board. Your clothes are worn out Uve times as much on the wash board as they areln wearing theclot ties.

Beet on Earth soap can be made only of the best and purest tallow. Yours truly, thi J. A. Hrry r. OHN CARTER, the well known real estate dealer, has recently entered my real estate agency as salesman, where he will be pleased to see all his old friends and customers and as many new ones as desire bargains in our line.

I will say, also, tbat Thomas W. Hood Is not now. and has not been for several months, con necied with my ofllce In any capacity whatever. UHABJLE8 UOKriN, tss Real KHtate Rrokf r. fESSOIAL.

PERSONAL More rubber circulars Novelty Dollar store. at the tl PERSONAL Your stove can be Tepaireii bv calling on Cromplon. SB Mass, ave. fsMih ts PERSONAL Just received, six earn of shingles for state fair customers. Call and see them.

E. H. Eldrldge fc Co. te 1 PERSONAL Inventors' patents obtained oy Indianapolis Patent and Copy Right 88 and 67 Vance block. "sa ERSONAL If she don't say yes immediately, or refer the matter to pa.

get her an eU sint odor or dressing case set, and you'll win the whole family. Try It. at Central Pharmacy, 22 W. Wasn Inglon st. te PERSONAL P.

tv Our washerwoman niys your Best on Kartbsoap Is the lHt aho ever used, and wonders you do not sell It In Clticinnnti, where she thinks such soap would he appreciated, th I Imnjjav. TkERSONALThe best line of shoes for gents, ladles, children and babies to be found is the city, 22 K. Washington st. tei's)ts W. Tutewiler A Co.

PERSONAl Yourself and your family can do a little better at C. W. TuU ilef A Co's, in the way of shoes, tent 22 E. Washington st. BOCIETT MEETDraSi MASONIC Called meeting of Oriental lodre, No.

500, F. and A. this 1 Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work First degree. Damikl W.

Howb, W. M. Johji M. Bra WELL. Sec.

I ORDER CHOSEN FRI ENDS Member of Cresceht Council No. 8. Friday evening, Hept. 80, 1681, being the last night for paying quarterly dues, ou are all expected to be prenent there i also otber important business to transact. I.

not forget this bister councils cordially Invluvl. ('. O. K. TryFAMT, Recorder.

tv DIED. LA I'GH LIN Jennie a Laugblln. Wednesday morning, at tbe residence of her brother in law, J. A. 81ms, 515 Broadway, Indianapolis, i will take place at Zionsvtlle, on Friday, the 3uth Inst.

Friends are Invited to attend. tv tl Dr. Power on the Physicians. rWashlngton dispatch. According to tae Critic, Rev.

Mr. Power, pastor of tne Christian church, npon his return from Cleveland, having had his attention called to the sermon of Dr. Butler, of the Lutheran Memorial church, on Sunday last, in which he criticized the physicians of President Garfield in not allowing Mr. Power to see the president daring his illness, said that he had made no complaint about the matter, aad would not make any. He said that being out of the city the day the president wag shot, he did not call at tne White house until Sunday evening.

He then asked Dr. Bliss when the president's friends would be allowed to see him. Dr. Bliss replied that as soon as the president recovered a little from the shock he would not have any objections to allowing his friends to enter the sick room, but he did not think it prudent to allow any one outside the family, physicians and nurses into the sick room until the president had rallied considerably. Mr.

Power said he concurred in this decision. Mrs. Garfield told him the same thing soon afterward. Mr. Power saw Mrs.

Garfield very frequently during the president's illness, ana tbe understanding was that he was to see him as soon as he improved, but was to be railed in case he failed and was likely to die. Mr. Power said that Mrs, Garfield bad told him since the death of the president that she was sorry the president's friends were not admitted to see him, and tbat they would have been allowed that privilege had the physicians not thought that the president would have become that he would be better able to see his friends. Mr. Power said he never had any doubt of the Christian character of the president, and believed that he fully prepared himself for death, and that while it would have been a great satisfaction for him to have spoken to the president on spiritual matters, he had no complaint whatever to make against any one because the opportunity did not offer.

Xew York Politics. IGathi special. In the rural districts this well screwed up machine can not operate at all, and the countrymen are more excited against Conkling now than they were two months ago. His audacity in trying to control the state convention of their party during Garfield's last hours, and following his death, has produced the wildest inflammation. But for.

Conkling there would be very general levalty to Arthur at Washington; but there is A fear next to universal that he will control Arthur, unless, happily, Arthur should fail to do some one little thing out the many Conkling asks, when the great chief will sulk and roar against him as he did against Gen. Sharpe, who is said to be at Arthur's side in Washington now. Explaining; the Scriptures. Reedsvlile (M. Times.

At A colored baptizing near Milton, last week, the preacher was talking about John tbe Baptist in the wilderness. lie said there was a difference between ''the locusts and the locusaes. "The locust was these little pods that growed on trees, but the locusses was living insects, and tharfore John the Baptist lived en Living insects, and the honey was called wild because the bees tbat made it was wild." His elucidation of the subject was attentively received, i Stumors af Lome's Lea Beptember 30. A special cable to the Glob says: Well founded rumors are going about that the Marquis of Lorne will return to England after the close of tha coming session of the Canadian parliament. And will then be called to the house of lords.

fcs ly Tel en D05T FEEL E18T. Smmlfta As to Aithur'i Conrg axd Iaflneacfs. frTew Tork special OacrvnaU Enquirer. Ax acquaintance of General Arthur in Washington, who has seen very recently, gave me some conjectures of his own to day about the president's probable political course. "As far as his cabinet is concerned," said this caEer, "Arthur has scarcely any knowledge himself.

He said that he would hear no applications for office until tie crape was taken down down (meaning the mourning for Garfield, which is a matter of thirty days). The only ease which has been brought before him of indecent begging for a cabinet place while bs was bardly buried, the president spoke of with contempt'' "What is tbe president' manner 7" said "He behaves like a man filling an office he does not like, and is afraid he never will like," said my informant "He is by no means cozy in the office, though he is as friendly aa ever with those who know him. But he will not discuss politics, the cabinet or appointments. His whole conduct is that of a man who has come into a position a'iojether too prominent and too restraining for his widower ideas df independence and his love of unrestrained company. While he is a man of respectable courage, is not unaware that the community is filled with cranks folks with missions, and excited and unreflective people.

Some of his friends have been at too much pains to send detectives and other annoying protectors to him, thus keeping in his mind the idea that he is in danger. He doesa't jsay any thing on that score, but I think the recent assassination has by no means improved the comfort of the presidency." apprehend that liosooe Conkling! is swing into the cabinet?" "ijTo, 1 have no more idea that Conkling can get into Arthur's cabinet than that you or I can. What I said about the president's constraints shows you that he is going to do no desperate thing like that, which would be a flat challenge to publio opinion. President Arthur is not a fool. Wliile he and Conkling were fellovpolitic'ans in New Yok they V.orked together.

occupies a different position now, and 1 don't believe he is halt interested in New York politics. lie. would like the state to go republican, but perceives the condition of bad blood that he unfortunately can do nothing to check, because ne was recently an acv. partisan lniflenKui, ''llave you formed any belief as to what nis caDinet course win De. i1 "Yes.

I think it will be a freeze out, but not a turn out that is to say, importan office holders whom he does not bk0 and who will not resign, will find that, though they keep their offices, they have littl power with them. Take Bobertson, for in stance, the collector of the port I don't believe his resignation will be asked for if he wants to stay; but no appointment that he desires to have made will be at tended to. The collector can not make Lominations for office, but has to suggest them to the secretary oi the treasury. An cipating that course, Kobertson may re sign and run lor the state senate again. Another Kind of it Story.

Washington special Cincinnati Commercial, MacVeagh, Brewster and B'iss held a conference to night, at which it was agreed tbat hall a dozen cases could safely be presented to the grand jury, but it wa far tner agreed that tneir ultimate late was extremely problematical. It is ventured so by the fact that President Arthur has not announced his present pojit'on w'th respect to the investigation. Tniil he states in definite terms that he is in full sympathy with the investigate and that his wish is that every star route should be indicted, convicted and punished, nothin? can be done. His approval yesterday of the dismissal of a self con fessed rascal from a Dakota post office is not taken to be conclusive evidence, of his intention to pursue the course in regard to the investigation adopted by Garfield. He could not very well say to the investigators to retain in omce a man proven a rogue by bis own confession.

But he can without actual transgression of law retain Corkhill, the Star route thieves' friend in the district attorney's office, and permit Gorham, the Star route thieves' creature, to proclaim his paper the organ of the administration. Until he breaks with Gorham in an emphatic manner, bounces Corkhill and announces distinctly that he is the enemy of the star route thieves and wants every rascal hunted down, the gentlemen continuing the star route investigation will feel no hope of ultimate success. The Statistics of Failures. New York, September 30. jl'he failures for the nine months ending Sept 30tb, 1881, are reported by Dun, Wimaa 4 Co.

as 3,890 as compared with 3,476 in tie corresponding period of 1880. Liabilities for three quarters of the present year 000 as compared with $45,000000 in the same period of 1880. The failures of the last three months have been 1,024 with, liabilities of ten millions, while in the third quarter of 1880 they were 979, with liabilities of twelve millions. The geographical distribution of failures show that the southern states suffered somewhat, inasmuch as the figures indicate liabilities for the first three months of 1880 were only $8 3,000, aa against $1,054,000 in the present quarter. On the other hand for the western states the liabilities show a decline of $650,000 in favor of this quarter.

In the middle states the liabilities are about one million leas in amount than in the corresponding period ot 1880. In the eastern and Pacific states the liabilities are but little from those of last vear. In Canada an exceptionally good condition of affairs has prevailed, the failures for the past three months having been but 130, with liabilities of $787,000. This is a better show ing than bas been made in the Dominion for any quarter of the past six years. Tbe French Cablnet'e Position.

Londom, September 30. A Paris: dispatch says: Premier Ferry has returned Irom a visit to President Greyy. The ministers will meet to day to deliberate on the subject el convening the chambers. President Grevy will return October 6th to hear the result when definite resolutions will be adopted; The ministers will doubtless tender their resignations on the day when the summons convening the chambers is issued, in order to leave Grevy full freedom of action, but Grevy will refuse to accept the resignations because he thinks the new chamber is still unknown and that the proper course is to see whether the present cabinet has its confidence. The cabinet will therefore; present itself before the chambers and await the opportunity to ascertain its opinion.

That opportunity will soon arise on the interpellation ox the Tunis question which will decide the fate of the cabinet Malley AlibL Nsw Haves, September 30. Witnesses to day have been examined for the dWepse to prove that James Malley was at the store Thursday fnd William Charles Mountain, a clerk, testified that his counter was opposite that of James. He siw James at the counter Thursday, August 4th ait 8 a. nd when he went to dinner; At noon; saw him In the store at and 2:30, aad between 4 and A lady then called and spoke to James about her daughter. James said, "I haven't seen her, but if; I do see her, IU tell her yoa want her." (It Is understood the lady was Mrs.

Cramer. James left the store about 6 o'clock. saw James behind his counter Aagugust 5, Friday, at 8 a.m. Saw him there At tH5 and between 5 and 6. i I A Fatal Storm.

Lucour, Mo September 30. A report comes from Madison county of terriio storm which passed over that section Of the state yesterday. The town of Madison, was shaken up considerably, many buildings unroofed and the depot building and water tank destroyed. By the falling of the depot building iwo were killed out rig hit and another badly injured. At Lincoln there was considerable rain, but scarcely any wind.

A great deal of rain has fallen here within the last twenty foir hours. The Debt Reduction. fWashinrton special. 1 The reduction of the public debt this month is already over twelve millions, add the total reduction since the beginning of the current fiscal year has been over thirty six millions. This showing for three months is unprecedented in the hisiory of the government Should the same rate of reduction continue throughout the fiscal year, the reduction for the year would reach the enormous sum of between $140, 000,000 and $150,000,000.

Affairs In Tunis. LOXDOW, September 30. A dispatch from Cogiiari says: Early this morning (Thursday) French troops from Carthage and GaJletta marched inf a ndr leaving only a few men in the encampments. Roads on the road from Gallette to Tunis has been occupied. An important movement from Manouba on Labmedia will be made Friday.

The rains, however, are not yet sufficient to replenish the wells so as to enable the troops to pushj on to Kairwan. lodleemons. WAHHTHGTOH, September 30. Ohio valley and Tennessee, fa'r weather, followed by local rains, in northern portions southerly winds, becoming variable higher barometer, stationary or lower temperature. Lower lake region, fair weather, followed by lacal rains, south to west winds, falling, followed by rising barometer, stationary or lower temperature.

A Disastrous Buuaor. WaSHINwTO. September 30. The report comes from New York that Arthur has tendered a pi ice iu bis cabinet to Judge the new senator from New York. This would leave to Gov.

Cornell the opportunity to call ft special session to elect a senator 1 opening me way vuauigf. A Large Fire. BradfOED, September 30 A fire broke out in Boberts opera house block Eldredtown, twelve miles northeast of Bradford. Before the fire was (rotten un der control sixty buildings were burned in the business center of it he town. The lots is estimated at $100,0001 Insurance, $50, COO.

I A Searching; Order. New York, September 30. Judge West Drooit nas issued an order to show cause why he should not issue an order to deliver the Hetropolitain and New York elevated roads to their respective companies. The Bulletins Condemned. 1xKdos, September 30.

The Lancet condemns the attending surgeons for making the best of Garfield case in their bulletins, and says a bulletin should be the truth and nothing but truth. Arthur's Callers. New York, September 30. United States Senators Logan and Cameron. E.

W. Police Commissioner French called upon President Arthur at his residence this morning. i CURRENT news COXDKXSED. I i Domestic. Little Brown Jug paced a mile in at Louisville yesterday.

J. M. Robinson Son's furniture warehouse at Elmira, N. has burned. Loss $100,000.

An excursion train collided with a freight near Aylroer, Ontario, yesterday, and killed seven persons. The schooner Guy Cunningham, oi Gloucester, with fourteen fishermen oa board, is supposed to be lost A. P. Rogers, of Aurora, ILL, whose wife had left him on account of drunkenness, bunted her up. fatally shot her and then killed himself.

Base Ball: Boston Clevelands 4. Bos tons Providence Baffalos 9, Providence Troy Detroita 4, Troys 3: Worcester Worcejsters 12, Chicagos 4. Solomon Starr, the removed Deadwood postmaster, has made a written confession that for several years he has been making out false certificates of service. Rev. W.

M. Blackburn, late professor of church history in the Chicago Preabyterisn seminary, has been called to the pulpit of the Central Presbyterian church of Cincinnati. John Boyd, a middle aired man. who was bitten by a spitx dog some months ago in Chicago, was seized witli hydrophobia of the most malignant type, and Wednesday died ia great agony. The stock firm of Earner.

Steward A Bumsides. of St Louis, has suspended. The suspension is the result of the rascal ity ot the senior member of the firm, who checked the firm's monev out of baas: and absconded. A special from CentraUa. Kansas, savs Mr.

De Wales's house, six miles south of Centralis, was blown down yesterday, and himself, wife and four children buried i a the ruins. One child was killed and another fatally injured. The ruins caught fire but were extinguished by the neighbors. Forelra. Earl Derby thinks England is at the be ginning of aa Irish struggle.

Foxball is backed to win aa immense strke on the race for the czarwitch stakes snd is A certain starter. Fordham prob bly wiL ride him. Father Sheehv. speaking at Killmallock yesterday, said he had come out ol prison with the same spirit as he had entered it Alderman John Whittaker Ellis, a Broad street land agent aad surveyor, has been elected Lord mayor of London. He is a conservative and a Freemaaon.

Laieii details concerning the attempt to blow up the residence of Capt Lloyd at Pallas Green, show that a cask containing twenty five pounds of powder was placed immeoijately behind the room which Capt Lloyd usually occupies. The explosion occurred at 3 o'clock in the morhine. It shattered the outer wall and three inside walla and the roof. Two occupants of the house were injured but will recover. Miss Auretta Hoyt addresses a temper a nee rally at Samaria to morrow, and M.

E. Shit), editor of tjhe Monitor Journal, will organize a temperance council at Sheldon on Sunday. William G. Lemon's horse ran a war last night at the corner of New Jersey aad Seventh streets. thro.winr the family from the.

carriage and causing alight The doctors have decided to amputate voung Cromptoa's arm which was mutilated a rail read accident a lew days ago. 1 1 15. Sf tV PHTfT TWO CEJTTS. intX DOLLARS PSa YEAR. rOTJKv O'GLO sassgatseisasjsaaH FIEST BLOOD.

Toe Freseentloi of thV SUr Case Ifegasv WASHTjrcTOir, 8eptombef 0V CoL tree Bliss, Hon. as counsel for the'gorernmeninsJArjroute eases, filed in court this' morning loag information against Ex Assistant Postmaster General Brady and others, and the following order was issued: .1 t'nited States supreme court, district 'of Columbia, holding, term. June terra, 181, and now to wit. September SOtb, Xlil Oa reading the affidavit of Thomas L. James, aad P.

Henry Woodward, and on motion of Geo. B. CorkalU, United State attorney for the district of Columbia, and Wm. A. 'Cook, special assistant attorney for tbe United gtatea.

It is ordered that the information annexed to affidavit be exhibited against Thomas Brady. Jo ha L. French, Wm. H.Turner. Geo.

L. MeDonough. aad eamnel p. Brown, for conspiracy to defrsa the United 8tates, and that the same be filed and that warrants be issued in ordinary form as prayed, lor, Waitks 8. Cox, Justice, This' is the first instance in (his district that proceedings of this character have been begun by informAtion, bat the adjournment of the grand jury until October 3d, and the operation of the statute of.

limitations rendered this step necessary. fThe information sets forth in effect that ea the first day of October, 16731 thejeity of Washington, and within the jurisdiction of the court Thos. J. Brady, secoad as sisfant post master general, John' L. French, chief clerk, Wm.

H. laraer. cJerk in the contract office, together with Geo. L. MeDonough, Samuel P.

Brown, land certain other persons knowingly, willingly, unlAwfuUy, fraudulently and corruptly, etc, did conspire, combine and agree together te defraud the United States oil of large sums of money in causing and procuring unnecessary and improper and extravagant; additional compensation to be paid by the United States for additional service in carry in st, mails. The general charge set up in the document is of conspiracy to the government, and an attempt is. snadoto show the fraudulent proceedings of the alleged conspirators intnajiipoiations of eontracts for carying mails on routes betwien Pres cott, inzona, and Santa Fe, Newj Mexico, a disianoe of 460 miles. I The document charges the alleged conspirators with defrauding the government out $350,000 in manipulating contracts)' for mail service on the particular foutej between Jojj iS7, and June 30, 1830. One of the counsel for the referring to the coi ttmplated action against other persons than those mentioned in the document pn seated tos day, said the paper! are in activ (preparation to be presented Agrihti ei Senator Dorsey and several other pecsns, who have held office under the government and that the counsel engaged in the prosecution et Star route cases intend to proceed against them just as fast as formai papers can be got ready.

Mfiobody, ex District Atttorney said, to day, connected with the Star route fraud is to escape prosecution, except strch per sons as may choose to appear I and give testimony against others. Warrants I are said to have been Issued for the I arrest of all persons charged with conspire ijy in the document presented to davexeepUnx Gen eral Brady. Ill a aim ate aorstr, iih Detroit, September 30 TheJ jfccitJ ident on the Grand Western railway between Aylmer and Orwell, reported yes erday 'appears to hare been worse than iidicaied by first reports and altogether anaocoeata ble. Conductor Maxwell of the carsion train had orders to mee the freight train at Aylmer but! being ten minutes ahead rof time, Howell went on, intenaing to meet tne ireignt at urweiL I he engiaeer of the latter saw tbe excursion off, blew the train approaching; blacked wnistie lor several tain utes, and had his train almost at a stand still. The of the excursion kept forrin regardless of the freight which have seen for more than two null never blew the whistle or gave the indication that tne road was no He kept on at full speed, and eol terrific force with the freight.

Fi excursion coaches were telescoped Walmslev and his son. the fireman. Crushed beneath the engine. About twenty were severely wounded and a mat uunr i ears are entertained tnat moreiooaies are underneath the debris. The hulkjof the passengers were fortunately ia the rear end of the excursioa train, otherwise the effect of the collision must hare been much more serious.

The damage to the toad! ia very heavy, six passenger coaches, two engines ana several freight carat being piled upon each other in the ditohf alongside the track. Conductor Maxwell, who takes all the blame npon himself, fan Aot be found. The conduct of the earineer driving straight on to his own and ethers death whea the freight. was plainly seen for two miles, is wholly tinexolicable. and as he is dead, mast probably forever re main Werry Hysterlous.M Evening Post's TJUca special.) New Yoke.

September 30. Senator Jones, of Nevada, who has been closeted wita isonsuing siuce neuaesuay nurui Bb the residence of the latter, in this city. has left for New York He was accom panied to the station by Conkllnfr, who boarded the train, and rtmAined in the cat till it was ready to start. A large delegation of leading stalwarts, of TJtica, escorted the senator from his carriage (to the train. Some local iariudfn Conkling's private' secretary, left on the same train with Jones.

It was said this morning oa trustworthy authority, that the conference has been carried on witb great care, a stenographer being present most of the time to make fall and complete reports. It is bow generally believed the result of the conference will have an early and important bearing pn affairs at Washington. Those whtjj haye been permitted to hear most from the inner walla of Conkling's residence the last few days, express thenoelvee with great confidence respecting the ex senator's immediate future. It said, that the fight of the Conkling men for supremacy ia the state convention will net be continued with more than a 'show of persistence, and it is Also intimAted fco dAy by those near to the ex senator: that he does not care to hare a seat in the conven tion. Lome's DlspeUeli.

WA8HUIGT03T. September Sflt Thei Ute department has received a messages of con dolence and sympathy from A. Chapleaa, premier of Quebec, and The. Eobbitaille, lieutenant governor of Quebec, and front F. Heath Haviland.

lieutenant governor of Prince Edward's Island, also the following; To Blame, Secretary: "iJH'H "On reaching mob tana we near, with deep sorrow. tnat cur nopes are enaeo. oy aeeta which all Canada will nave deplored wita yoa. Money. i Ottawa, Okt September 30t American bargemen now here are on a strike for an advance of They eontemt that low water and consequently reduced load render the carrying At the rates hithtrte, paid anremaaerative.

Li 1,4 IP Latest fiFiTele Belt Tt' engineer rr aneaa he mast es, and slightest clear. Lkfied with tl Af.

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