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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • 3

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i 4 4 a i 5th August 1835 4 (gSi Ma l' It I i I iit persons coming amongst us or attemntin a Ik igfcsw the laws of State to be introduced or circu lated therein and by adopting the necessary reg ulations to effect this object 6 Resolved That in the event of no'effectual measuresbeing adopted either by the General or wuciic wvarnments or by ttip people of the hon slaveholdtng States for th suppression of the great and growing evil of which we complain it wilL become the solemn duty of all the States having a common interest with us on this subject to adopt the most decisiveand efficacious meas ures to protect themselves I '7 Resolved That for the) purpose of malting such an earnest appeal to the people of the non slavqholding States as may Convince them nftko true state ofpublic feeling amongst us it would in tne opinion of this meeting be desirable to bring about a cordial co operation hmong all the States having a common interest with useither through a Convention or in any other way best calculated" to embody public sentiment po that the truth may be made known that however we may differ among ourselves on other points we are on this subject united as onemanin the fixed and unalterable de termination to maintain our rights and defend our Pperly against all attacks the consequences what they may Resolved That we have no doubt of the right of eaci State to provide by law against the introduction of a moral pestilence calculated to endanger its existence nnd to give authority to their Courts adequate to the suppression of the evil and we therefore respectfully submit to the Legislature of this State the Propriety of passim Laws (should those now in force not be adequate to the object) commensurate with the means now practised againstps and especially giving autho rity to the Judges by proper warrants to seize and destroy and requiring all persons to deliver up to be destroyed all incendiary nuhlirtinn may be brought into this State calculated to excite domestic insurrecuop or to disturb the tranquillity and safety of the people 9 Resolved That a copy of these Resolutions' oc transmitted by the Chairman of this meeting I 7 rom the Charleston Patriot Aug 10 IMPORTANT PUBLIC MEETING An adjourned meeting of the Citizens took place 4 tins morning City Holl to receive the Report of the Committee of Twenty Oneon the 'S'th inst tO them theineeliDron We have never witnessed as im embtagb combining numbers prop erty intelligence and respectability on any oc casion whatever as this meeting exhibited His Willtain Wa9CiaIcd t0 the Chin and rin it0 Esq acted as Secretary The lent to Uflany ldistinction of SBCt orcreed mvV nduence of their presence which JmtaJnPfeS8re dffnity to tb proceedings ofTwn 08 'brman the Committee the meeting in a speech Wlth and interesting information" and then submitted the subjoined Preamble and Resolutions winch after being read and put sep arately were every one unanimously carried The Committee of Twenty One to whom was referred the impbrtant which the citi zens of Charleston were lately convened beg leave to Report that they have had the matter referred to them'undeHue deliberation and re commend the adoption of the annernd Ronl wmvu JIUUBv ne uomnmtee have purposelyjibstained from any labored argument on the not from any inability to sustain on moral and scrip tural grounds its existence and toleration as now established in South Carolina but from a deep conviction of the fixed resolution of the people of this State to permit no discussion within her limits of Rights which she deems inherent and inseparable from the very existence of the State rights which existed before the Union was form ed' and which were guaranteed' to her by the1 ederal Constitution when as a Sovereign State? she became a member of the The Committee therefore submit the following Reso utions for the adoptiori of the Citizens without further comment Resolved That we hold' it to be an unques tionable truth that the subject slavery as it now OVlold in kx 1 4' aiavviiuiuing oiaies ot this Union is in all Its bearings a jiomestic question belong ing exclusively to the Citizens of these States that the people of no other State have any rio ht to interfere therewith jn any manner whatsoever that such interference is utterly inconsist ent with the ederal compact and cannot be sub mitted to we regard with the utmost indignation and abhorrence the proceedings of those Incendiaries in of our Sister States who under the name Anti Slavery Societies and other specious appellations are endeavoring to undermine our Institutions regardless of the fata consequences which must inevitably result from the prosecution of the nefarious schemes OBii a papers encouraging ine momentous negroes to insurrection Yesterday morning there ubject of slavery and his ucceeding efforts should he wasncn a cureiuiiy yeioea until he acquires a competent stock of: Due wpuld suppose that Dr Roose is nut destitute of 'information binweif otherwise he'woatd not reprove Judge Jay so sharply But ns it is not always venture to make an experiment upon (he erudite author of the He says on" page 91htliat anti slavery' orators are 'excluded frotn every slayeholding Slate in the Now tbisis eith er a blunder' a misrepresentation anerror committed for the want of information dr jimaybe a rhetorical a A i 7 a rt the same may he laid before the Legislature in order that they may take such measures os to them may seem proper: LThat copies be dso transmitted to our fellow citizens in each Judi cial District of this State requesting their ton the sentiments herein expressed 1 hat the Hon the City Council be requested to cause to be'printed at the'public expense 5000 copies bf the foregoing Resolutions for general distribution and that His Honor the Intendant be requested officially to transmit to the Intend? ant or Mayor of each Incorporated City or Town in the 8 a copy thereof and that JsuffiXn" of dJV COrT b6 flrnitbeLto toeSCburinan our tO by transmitted in portion piuuauiy oe disposed to 'Vlb U8 the sentiments herein express 10 Resolved That the Intendant and Wardens be earnestly requested to exeyt their utmost vig ilance in detecting and bringing to punishment all persons who may be in any way engaged in furthering in this State the dangerous schemes of the A nti Slavery Society or other evil dispo sed persons and that if necessary they do All upomthe citizens to aid them in the performance oLdw? thetSItizen8 fere present fdo '11 Resolved That the (titv requested to take the proper measures to secure ta of the duty imposed bp the law upon the Harbor? Master of keeping a correct list of all persons arriving to and deprt mg from this Port and that they also request the President and Directors of the Rail Read Com pany to have correct lists of all persons arriving and departing by that'conveyance whether white ree colored or slaves and that measures be ita ien to have these lists regularly examined to the intent that Incendiaries and other eviLdisposed persons coming amongst us or attempting! to pass through maybe detected and ex pOSCu 14' Resolved That u' by the Chairman and Secretary and published in all the papers of this State and as it is desirable that the sentiments of the people of the Southern btates on this subject should be generally known we respectfully request that the public presses throughout the United States will make their readers acquainted with these which we doubt not contain a faithful expression ot the sentiments of these States without dis tinction of parties 1 iv tier COLCOCK Chairman VV Laurens Secretary 1 1 i 5 rfOfWl hfl RiehtnnTlI li SV Which if successful could not fail to involve the The ncnmona wng Southern States in ruin and produce the utter 'General and the destruction of that class of persons for whose ostmaster Richmond has obligingly welfare they pretend to be so solicitous U9 'Vith a coProf a letter from The statements recently put forth of the exist to Postmaster at Charleston ence at this time of upwards of 20 (Qu 200?) of ir an Paper we lay before the such Societies and the jweekly issue from a sin pU A 7 £17? in lhe city of New York of from 25 to Posl Qffice Department i 50000 copies of these Incendiary Pamphlets and 5th August 1835 0 Paperswithiwhich our Public Mnil ho ir i Sir: Mwipwqln I 5 ll I I 7xw IUVIUIJ Vis OUUJCtr QI I 1 41 P1 kJ Cw: I puimc ly burdened and which are now spreading" their I letter of the 3d inst may be learnt from the I contrary io the spirit of our law and at warwith olol a aM fl at 1 a I at I a i I nn 1 aw avaw 'a a iHuuvuue vurougaouc tne Southern ZJ or a setter to the Postmaster at Almnnifik tic nf thn I Inn rlpefrirt KI 'r taking prompt and decisive measures to avert the Very respectfully yoqr obu servant dire calamities which such proceedings are so MOS KENDALL well calculated to produce? I Edm Anderson i tlese proceedings have Asst Richmond Va brought about a crisis wlufirpakes an eat nest and we trustlit may proye an irresistible 1 Post OfficeDepartment vui i ciiuiv uRUtfiisHnnenon siuve August 4th Xo35 holding States as may disapprove of these Socie Charleston (T 'r 1 AO it rl ftli aim sv Reesai Letters he continues to" deplore Uie want information? exhibited in tbe Inquiry and probably ex pects to charm his reidersiuto the belief that Wm Jayr Qi rr i Irmin ue firtwvi 0M Be ioc 1 hve piper I0(la toth llth msL and a letter from oux comtsnnniLn I howd suppose samZ date 1 of ctBmoa would tnt hi I WM I The first of August was quite a gal day here I Jtreteasitw to among the colored their former owners I ofa or cntic would pm his name to assisting them in a great measures to the tnan fined t0 od hb blunder 1 'i aer should conductih'emselves I DrRei There are however some self righteous here who to cwd and than these' into' kij rcpKZ disapproved of the procession but they were IoUe irst place the' book gives no 'evidence 'either ef neither late owners nor persons ought in I or moral courage and the' reader' eatnas irre fairness to have expressed an opinion on the sub to tlx conclusion that its author hkhi1MT Saturday3astJi vine nce the Dr has not dived to uitor'a w'nrla exprewion ia sereice was performed request of the recent open To h7r hlhZi ly liberated people ot the several Parish fSAXi 1 wa' tfhurehe ll fuL hhS Versary ofs the total emancipation or Slaves I a clulcbero thrpughout the British colonies' As was anhounc ar ona wl astonished at ihi whe ed byadvertisoment in our last Gazette a proces 1 reeHect tba keep la eolo'nisatiooist sion was formed at the Old Court House Hamil ho daro lhal American Sta'vevy is i ton by the people of color of Pembroke and the mTwlera auy a'ympathysfo his de neighboring Parish members of the riend 1 aded' offering and down trodden breihrou ly Union Society? taking the leadwithbanners 1 how chriatiau courage that be ought to show and mottos preceded by a band of the inProclaiminff'n lblr ofiha oppraMor ihat life lib musicians of the party The procession passed er'J and punmit of happiness are the inalienabk rirhts though the iront and Vp the westermost cross wen'f No where Ho seems to have been rov i The Rev Lightbourn after reading the cJs an not best one tomary morning service preached an impressive should be called a la making sermon at the conclusion of whichhe as a Chris 1 rep 'Whjr 'hot 'govern himself by the tian minister and one conscious of the important I naxim hich in his own brok freey liutreyerendly Jnd admonished them as to their future 'livesl The Lei all the end ihou etbe th cnurch was crowded to very many not 4 Truih'sj then if thou falPt being able to procure seats JU! st a blessed 1 en 7 But to pas4on? Oni James G' Rrnvvw 4 reiisinme notice some time since that wSmJto wm 1' baratar of Wm Jay Ap 7 mence the publication of an AntTSlavery paper at kT 'oncou ofuperior worth and ability our Dan vi 11p ufpka i author thnik ht i OI IJIS pro 1 mon vet oi CXpeown ject called out the citizens of Dan ville when a public often bi much as possible bv entar were hfd hel" aDd 8 in Mr of regard Had the Judire ed proposals to publish a paper A this 1 Zldh of the immediate abolition osInvery'Chfeh hten groom! into powderith little remoO in the opinion of this meeting is calculated toimurel Dr concludes it will be 7 the cause of the black man by frustrating all reus cal bn'jn "i onable and sustainable projects for gradual emanci er fanaiiei auotr 'io worlhv Ln1 pAtiODj by fobbing them that temiw rrnmo Afi and in lh fXtipi hirYm mA Ir and to injure tqe community by a disturbance of its nePvi Judge is present repose with the jealousy and disaffection to be excit following characterise' honest regeod and whereas the said James Birney has been aOd wnsible Lfantic yandbgain tbe mistakes addressed by memorial and remonstrance earnestly errors of this worthy? fanatic while Da Bsm uV urged and temperately expressed to forbear the pubJ mora parsimonious of bis praise and eentlv sneaks of hcatioh of mud paper yet persist in his' prolectl Mr inforiuoat lllCftlOru I i 1 vuwisii nia paper sustained as it is by persons unknown to and ata distance from us as a direct attack upon and a wan ton disregard of Our domestic relations 4 wdZeed That we look upon 'the scheme of Mr! JJirney as wild visionary imoracticable imnnliiin find lee a 1 1 1L ft avflv i IJJ the spirit of oar Constitution RtSoltCde nhllt the ilYinrAfiuinn stand has gone abroad that a majority of the people ot this town and vicinity are friendly to Mr visionary and absurd project is in fact and is here by proved to be erroneous and that more than nine! tenths of thid town ond vicinity coincide with tbed opinion expressed in the foregoing ie8olution 1 Vfjlesolved That a Committee ba appointed to pre sent Mr Birney a CODV of the nrpamhl tions and airain remonstrate aominci i ties and the measures calling upon them by Sir In your letter of the 29th ultiust re I On ty and Patriotiam to reived you inform me that by the steamboat mail Mr Birney is unable to go forward with his pa many st that disapprobation not merely by the from New York your office had been filled with perl'ec" printer has refused to fulfil his con expression ot 1 their opinfens but by the most ac pamphlets and tracts upon slavery that the nub tract Me are however printers in Boston who tive zealous and persevering efforts to put down lic mind was highly excited upon the subject t0 taka his provided it is necessa these Assocjrtons and to suppress that fanatical that you doubted the safety of the mail it3 Xnrita imaginary good is of your possession: Jhat you had determined as Tk 1 if ryTT regardless of the fatal consequences which are the wisest course to detain these papers: and IrJc paragraPh Lfrom the Washington I inseparable ev from its continued you now ask instructions from the Department I Wcdnesday morning last which not the least to be lamented would Upon a careful examirmtinn nf lx inan narned Crandall said to be a bi nthor nfii kA TUP am I saiisnea tnat the Postmaster General has no 1 1 nr I rrnl I Qlilies 1 7 'ajwvMiwe newspapers trom the District nixht before uuuer uur ponncai system man nor prommt their carr age or delivery on this citv nnd nni in 1 01 where a nnmhdr of I ihu 2 PP '1s put jail under the charee of cirentoJ wtuveo ai 7 milieu I wvuni vj nieir Lilli racier or TPndPnrv ronl llinrrrnnnan CawfiaAn 0 a mm a 1 a 1 vu vi a 1 iiawii ilj 1 nnnnra a wKCMivr uy a yniien compact Hl a Km ern I nn I SUDDOsed Pvnhnhlv iwflowov a Ji ihto fnr tT mjuumijl atiitf vvb a a aaiaaaaiaa aaaaiw wa aa riu a a a a 111 a A A 111 tt' UI 4 wv uu tijc ijvhu ui an executive department a a or persons around thp I an Union has unquestionable right to expect power over the press which might be peiverted he was to been tried that it wa thought and require (what is indeed the very basis of such and abused Prie prudent not to bring him out for fear that he would a connexion) that no interference whatever shall But I am not prepared to direct you to forward of justice Weare inform take place wifh her domestic policy or pecv or deliver the papers of which you sneak The that th! the justicesas soon as tho rve the kjnd there Wh: kjuxic vxuverii cuca auu an 01 me' United estates and 'x 1 ments or by the people ofuothOr States and it is not to be used as the instrument of their destruct NeC Wel1 under8tood in the imperative duty of each State to prevent bv wn None of the papers detained have iK lhlee aSenta of Abo suitable penalties and provisions their own Citi forwarded to me ndPIPCarinot judge for mySelf of theVtaacte aJt ae the zens from being guilty of any such interference of their character and tender nf k2 and ng the minds any er SteteM that thr the most infiam nts hasn and yi not Dr Re ment nnot ten riv fchh and Jncerid ary and insurrectionary if were found upon him There was a greaf lecture' in a SiatoZ' lUcrii Cannot Consistent! with tno (nnst itntinni tno IHJThpAt i I disnoaitinn I of the and the objects of such an Institu By no act or direction of mine official or pri on hnn which would have been by far the best tion be converted into an instrument for the dis vate could I be induced to aid knowinaly itd 5 would hve put a stop to the1 matter semination of Incendiary pubheations and that it glvinff circulation to papers of this description we7 however persuaded to let him J8 the duty the ederal Government to provide dire Wwe tried in Coart when a few a "Ot 80 which can easi the laws but a higher one to the communities in' martyr Pnsonraent wdl fortune as a ik jt unaI to Mich we live and if the former be perverted to transport by the Public MAiI through the limits destroy the latter it is patriotism to disregard: RS rm rtf fertMa1 by Entertaining thesn views I cnpot afne SUESI? 2" uun mia vnu not condemn the step you have ta 1 elo uuurotnefe ieu ken lers ha fixed a feather in bis And then twh Your justification must be looked for the I a Coioi'atiouists must be vety deti character of the papers detained and the circum very greedy fitftnPOa kirnrkiAk tDaDKlUi fOfiUcil Smflf fstvnru as i trumpeting forth the praises of this triumphant vindica I tiou of their darling' project one would suppose Uhat 1 some modern David had arisen and slain net only 'the I Goliath of abolition but the whole rietTof abolition ists themselves And the courageous auth'orhimself I seems to have had a sort of prophetic view of their total annihilation for in bis first setting out he It is weW perhaps that the party (abolitionists) should bsManrhi ini the present ease lhaf this Goliath in whom l4y theXM UniteTsXb? be encountered by the least among the hosts of our consistent with the character of good citizens nd? SMtothllE Hall oet ever kimAlf I atwnar) I UC neat danger of our rewards are offered for' lie aoauciioa erassasstnattoa of some of our number! I This js our 'treatment end are our perils as American citisens in a laud of vaunted freedom anti eoualitv a professedly Chrietien land because we maintain ibe self evident truth bat liberty is the inalienable right ofevery man irrespective of clitneer color 1 In the raids tof tire mighty commotion that is raging around us great carnival of Tyranny and Persccu or souls in patience and stand prepar X': Srt hrt a I ea vt luuwcnccj iu we Drmneis oi rily and in the majesty of conscious rectitude to encoun er nil the malice and fury of a guilty tyrannous and in fst uated people Wr shall rot yieild am We bH abandon a single principle nor suppress' a single 't PJxLVcsation nor recal a single agent nor dissolve a single society nor relax a single lamenting our past in flcrencejt'sloihfulne'S unbelief and covetousness we v1Tisshall aim hereafter to zealous 'mote 'aeiivcmore jMlieviug and i more liberal for this is ourcondemnation not that we have been too ardent and laborious but thatwe have not remembered those who are in bonds as bound nor put our souls 'in their souls' stead as fully 'as we ought tn have Jone this we are indeed blamc iv We ocknea ltdge no earthly leader God is our strengthand our light anddefenca and under tho banner vi we rrtnee reacu wo rany so tnavwe eannot desertfrom the one nor deny the other We 'are persecuted but notdktnayed easy down but noi destroyed If'ahy of like Stephen shall be cruelly stoned to death by bosewh'a gnash upon us with their teeth land stop their ears and run upon us with one accord we trust that in the agonies of a death his prayer will be Lord Jesus receive my spirit Lay not this sin to their charge If we are beaten with many tribes and thrust Into tbe inner prison we' trust that like Pau! and Silas we shall pray and sing praises unto God! If we are nailed to cross) we pray that the spirit and example of our dy! ing Lordiwill lead us to ather forgive them they know not what they do If tyrants ahd their abet tors shall seize us and condemn us to an ignominious death' with the baiter about our necks we will thunder this truth in their God is against you If they shall cut out' our tongues our pens will write in legible characters for their terrifieJ God is against tod And if theyburn our bodies at the stake a voice from our ashes shall peal this GOJ IS of the ultimate deliverence of all who' are ia bonds and committing our sotils in well doing as unto a faithful Creator we calmly abide the issue of these pbril ous limes Needless provocation we have no wish to ex cile unnecessary hazard wo have no motive to encoun 7 ter We charge ydn'fellow citizens in thefcar nf God not torun with the muhitude to do not to espouse the cause of the oppressor! against his bleeding not to believe the numerous allegations of those who are unbJUSl)infflY CO oneratin with nil thn rnffinhiem iti' La land to protect a system of cruelly and not a bring upon your souls the execration oft the world aiid Xbewrathiof Almighty God whejher passive ly or actively to reduce your own specie! your own countrymen to chains and servitude the Lord Rob not the poor 'cause he is poor 5 neither oppress the afibeted in the gate or the Lord will plead their cause and spoil the soul of those that spoiled Proicris xxii 22 23 judgment iii the mornjiig and deliver him that spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor lest my fury go out like fire and bum that nolle can quench il because of the evil of your Jeremiah xxi 12 lri behalf of Ahc abolitionists of this country generally do" we venture to put forth this Appeal 77 v4 ANEUIL HALL MEETING Yesterday afternoon this building was lurned info worse than Augean stable by the pollutions of a pro hla 'i VA I niAoliAiv ltrtl4 i La A I a uswvstss iroiuivi us lillixx Witlilll II WlMrHDIe walls If a modern Hercules could draw the I vast Allan tic through it he would fail in his attempt to purify it CalLitRo longer tho CnADLE Liberty but the Re 7 or Slavery '7 Amoug the fifteen hundred persons who signed the pe tition in favor of the above meeting we belies there was but due HOWARD maicom of the cderal sircdt Baptist Church We are not sur a prised at aqy lhiag this gentleman says or on the subject of slavery for we well remember his pitiful con duct at an anti slavery meeting held a fev years since in his vestry by odrfriend Benjamin Lundt nt which Mr Malcom nblushhigly maintained that the north to do with southern slavery1 and ought not to meddle with it in any shape that it was abolishing itielf as fastperhaps as was desirable through the hu mane process of one slave State selling out iis stock of human eattle to another I Qcourse Mr is a determined colonizafionut '7 A A I A 4 Lj I i VERBATIM The following Sensible and respectful epistle came 0 us Jhrough lhe Post Office directed tm the Editor of the rdger Paper' Its gentlemanly author enhappily mars his humanity by dealing So largely in'profanity To a despicable Scoundral iii the Absolute shape of an ineendery These remarks are made You rascal know from the bottom of your soiil if you (have any) that of all foul detestable Vilinous nefarious causes you and your damd followers have esposed the worst on earth and there is let us tell youMhal llfo time is hot far distant whenyeu will get your deserts this is told you by 5 Bostonian and one Who has at heart better feelings to wards a Savage anima! than you have toward the slaves South iYou every man of common seose knows iwi notoriety that you aim at and everyAentiinent put'forth in your damnable publication provesit so to all but woyien nndpoor infatuated mexithere is thank God some noble minded men left and ere long' you will fin1 Jo your and your associate Sorrowes 'that vou have gennelery have done) on tbe wrong side be warejsonee more Comic il there is an heur not far distant when your Outrgeos conduct will meet Jwith iti just re ward 1 from Bostonian and abettcr friend lot humanity than you'evef canbe 7r 2 Here is another epistle equally polite but author of mui woru auoui neuer icenngs He is too wodest to boast but be swears a little I 'Montgomery Aug 7tV 1835 4 Mr Garrison i Sir Have you seen any aeccounl in any of the South ern papers relative to thefato ofa set bf rascals (like yourself) who attempted to1 create on lusurrebiion 1 tb'e negroes in Mississippi 1 If you have not seen you had that you may govern yourself ac you ever show yourself tbi side of old Virginia wilt share the same fate for you are more de rvinK 'gallows more than either of those in Mississip P1 Jou to make disturbance do it in your ownHi but dont you interfere with our matters quite1 so 'much have done er we will have you hung up anyhow uu "au luQy Catechism which will teach you to mind your mon and let aihtrf aont Now mihd dout let me hear you talk as you have done or you will Sod the devil? sorry there is no room for my oanc fc2r I1 er8t 2 li is stated that the building for the Canaan Academy has been removed from the town by mob and the least temporarily broken up! No outrage surprises us in this age ef darkness and land of Vandalism We wait for more authentic information 'from soma irwacM mil quarter The spirited and decisive proecedingsTbf our colored fnendsit Salem in relation to the Colonization SocietybeU appear in our next immber'Tkey wjrbc a poser for Mr Crtjrley there is an anti sip very society in that Slato as well as one ortwo other slavebolding States 1 And vet our' ators are excluded from every slaveliolding Slate in tbeA' Union This is a specimen of Dr information' '7 I gious blunders do not appear well in oue professing to I read lessons to others More hereafter 7 sWeare 8 faolsi 1835' Suppressed Newspapers fyc at persons who are desiroua of examining the charac ter of the publications issued'by the American Anti blavery Society and forming a correct judgment of them can receive copies gratuitouslvj bn annlientinn at tbe Office 144 Nassau street Those destroyed at Charleston were principally tjie news paper called the Emanapator for August together with the Jlnti Slavmi Petuntin' er mA Rr riend No' 3" jIt is possible there wr ''C newspaper entitled Human Rights for July Ut is fippmpn nmrai tks uu puHicauon nite oeen sent into the Slave States within the knowledge the committee except to respectable free citizens: nothing will be found in them contrary to A C9 a a a a A flattering himself aud his readers that the parallel 1 £ned excite insurrections among the (throughout will be complete Ji But whether his own vis 1 They address not the slave but hismaster ions have not dceived him or whether in tbe pride of thf Press and tbe IT Mail to biz own self sufficiency he has not mistaken the supposed I fellow citizei who '1W dOD8cience of their reader however of common understanding 'who us' not which the constitution has solemnly guaranteed toWilfully and wickedly blind can fail toperceive the un 1 evety citizen' At the same time' they 'declare' that enviable predicament in which'Dr Reese finds himself I tIey nt Den intend to press their publications wiio signtry mat it not tneir If be does not find himself spitliur to mv the wind in this instance the my vision i very dit tio are quesUTfi the X5id II is not my intention to notice erypaiticulariy' the WIh t1 names and post office address book now under consideration but just to aj wrlttea upon them few of the 'moral deformities 'exhibited onalmost every A of the 't f' page of it So numerous indeed and apparent are these I tSi that with all that charily which 'suflerethlonv and is kind 'I A AS he reader will nevertheless be complied tZ form a cha NcW acterfor David Reese link to be eoveted by so I ambitious of the distinction of Christian philanthropist as Mnt exhausted qndsecbqd edition be appears to be 'The general chai actcr of these Letters PaVe een Put W'PreM would'now give forms a striking contrast with that of the Inquiry to which similar" notice to the citizen of Boston that the they are a reply one too not very creditable ip the bead publications above noticed may be obtained gni er heart of the author Judge Jay rites like a man and tuitously at the Anti Slavery rooms 46 Washing achrisu'anhkeonewhaeesas well as seesj and is not fton Street" and at the Spectator office Nn ft afraid to speak tbj truth wjth sincerity and frankness He ihill 1 is willing to rebuke eounlrymen for tell them that American slavery is a heinous sin and I 7 The tellers of John Pleasants Esq and Jobs Wick Hke every other ought to be immediately' abdoned bam Esq' of Virginie are type for prompt insertion! V' btdnces oy wnich you are surrounded rom tbe Journal of Commerce Editors Can vm inform ktr authority a Post Master tears a wrapper from a at his office directed to an indi vidual especially when both ends of the paper are exposed and wfien he is compelled to break two or three seals in the operation This ques tion arises from the fact that having spent a short time in the country where I was "in the habit of receiving your daily paper from a friend in every instance I had tny paper served in this mannerPlte aJJ my femonstrances to the contrary VX by should not a package so directed be as sa aletier? A SUBSCRIBER Postmaster at New York has refused to send 1 cte bs office the papers and pamphlets ol the Anti Slavery Society He savs in a letter tn Comniittee I entertain for you and 4aeed when considered as of the'' Letters ail JOUr ights everv Sentiment Af resnpct whirl rrlj iwtsn to due I have reflected k' 2 lawsfvhich secure to you the rights you claim also mpose the penalties on those who infringe them I shall assume the responsibility in the case you have f1 mC W1 nd and my superiors will hold myself rS Baltimore Ve are happy to state that the dt st urbances at Baltimore have apparently sub sided A large number of persons have been ar rested for their participation in? the riots It is pretty generally conceded that very large num ber ot the citizens encouraged openly or secret acts of violence which iwill forever be a disgrace to the city and it does not appear finy effectual resistance was attempted till Ipe populace bad destroyed nil the property of the obnoxious individiata 4 i 7 UU uegau lay uieir "fB th 08 upon the property 1 bookf(Very uufortnnate for 1 i AiUUbl A SRIII BO1 hft rhnratod wbk the ing meaning' applying Uie ierinamtffc Jev for Dr Reese has so styled fUbe'i he declares the I members of tbe Rnti sfovcrv society his if a pretty sweeping denunciation but the Dr directly afterwards speaksbf tbe discreet 'mem Ibero of endjblpk tqo 'iberetatktnany such That there are many discreet fanatics among 7he abolitionists 7 very eoriou compound7 inily i to" atialyze which will test eren ibe'metapliyicafaciHnenor Dr Reese himself 'Perhaps however tbe' Dr will es' cape from this puzzling dilemma? by 'declaring that ther expression all is a mere rhetorical tUnrUi 1 1 But let us look aliitle' further and we shall Rad Wtf i jay aresseu rote new charactr Near the commence ment of bis Preface Dr Reese 1 was pained that ib worthy a man should exhibit such evidence of rance of the subject I deplore the MceMity im posed upon me thus to briiig before the readerso fiagrant evidence of want of information? as is furnished on eve' 'x ry page of your page'tThtto throughout 'Dr couuauei ior Uio want of information exhibited in tbe Inquiry and ex 5 nllhnua'h a ttaru i Dwitrirtrt 7 it uvi urvmer oi jnisj "viivBigQou ana wurwr mao'uii noi the niAtutM I 72 erappty to David MReesafoMm'iHr wl uy line nonce oHirpra nr i uidiier or regret that a mere turn lik KI 7 1 should be allowed to publish' a book on the momentous 'J iM4 uillir vur3e or perote around the office MT A WA hr asm a it thought us a 22 WOU1Q wrowres uvitt uiQ viuuers oi hisiif wA rm A Sa At to MivtuiuiUJ 1ns Mn to go before him RXJUX '1 JC re re re ECK 1 hdb XrtW am ea to Cta 1 to to toSVVO IIUI Ul Allis LlUILM WITH AL a r' A' an: 'i i ww a ra vs vas v' 4 'S si 1 72 7 4 'fi 4 'I ML J' I3H to 1 "Azy.

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