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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 5 It A but S3 ble VOL SAfrLRpAY JANUARY 1835 1 T( I 5 it their lip in his behalf is really pat en i Lam aware of the exceedingly provoking they Jy But no treatment which it may receive Pat' the hands of the Anti Slavery Society 1 3 i HORa AMAMEr but surclydoes' not become those Society and particularly do remember that it began its existence with a declara tion of war against the Colonization Society! OUR OUNTRY IS THP WOHLD OUR UNTRYMEAREAIiliMANKIND NO 4 ile connexion between the ane in this case are derit the public tail to per least of his ipwn anteie mpntK 1 i which Mr BiV rery influences! of )mx up in one huge 'Society opposition to intemperance to lotteries to slavery to in fidelityarid to other evils Because a so ciety does not undertake to accomplish every good thing they conceive it to begood for nothing The injury which such persons unwittingly diKto the cause of benevolence afid the pain which they ns unwittingly in 1 the discreet fnehds of that cause need not be descriheH Imre Tnnt the Colo nization Society may never be tempted to violate the neutrality to which I have refer red is most devoutly to birwishe In the language addressed to thelasKannual meet ing of the society and which iKit be vani ly it will be no plagiarism in th eXwriter to use: We ask that the society mavadhere to its professed its Constitutional neutrality on mis suoject anu mat on me one narw wjjiist it snan not denounce slavery so the other Jt shall not denounce not even the wildest forms of' opposition tojt Such is or rather such should be the neu trality of our society on the subject of sla very that its members maybe free on the one hand to be slaveholders and on the oth er to join the A nti Slavery Society without doing violence to their connectibn with the Colonization Let the Coloniza tion Society evince the impartiality which has ever been so happily maintained by the Temperance Society and let it allow its members to differ as widely tfB they please on al) other subjects than that one pointed out in its Constitution and on which' they have agreed to act unitedly The political economist joins the Temperance Society because he sees that it is drying up the most prolific sources of Ijis impoverish ment The moralist? joins it having perhaps no other view of? its utility than the con tracted one of' its promotion of sobriety The Christian joins'it not merely from his appreciation of it's direct and more imme diate results but because he is persuaded that it will subserve the infinitely higheranclmore comprehensive object of Christian ity The Colonization Society has ns liftlq as the Society tn do with the creeds of its and with the variety of views which moved them to join it It is not competent for the society to question otssjavcholding members whether their ob ject in ioinimr it was to nromote slavery mor question other rn be riwh ether was to abolish' slavery The writer of these joined the Colonization So ciety in the spirit and with the objects of an abolitionist In that spirit and with those objects he continues his connection with it In that connection no more than in the Temperance Society has he any difference with the slaveholder A few a very few have joined the society believing that the tendency of the institution is to the protec tion of slavery I allow them to entertain their view of the influences ojj the society on slavery and they allow me to entertain mine which is diametrically opposite to their own They perhaps laugh in their sleeve at see ing Northern abolitionists gulled into the support of a pro slaverygociety whilst I on the other hand looking on it to be in effect an Anti Slavery Society would be quite as well pleased to sqe all the slave holders in the land at work in filling up its treasury 1 But not to mention other evidences of theanti slavery influences of the Colonization society there is one witness 1 would call to the stand whose credibility its Northern enemies at least will not impeach This witness is none other than the Anti Slavery Society the Colonization ofvn disowning and scorning its pa rentage it is true and in its turn often stigmatized as a fungous instead of a heal thy production of the Colonization Society bpt nevertheless and in spite of all their railing at each other" thq own child Take the foremost man in the Anti Slavery Society William Lloyd Garrison I would speak kindly of him for with all his faults I love the man who counts tears ofuch as are oppressed and have no Where did he learn to abhor slavery where but in the school of the Loll not misinformed his eloquence has urged! upon the public assembly? Or if it be true as I have somewhere read that a hand planted the principles: of anti slavery in his youthful breast how honorable nev ertheless is tq the Colonization Society that he should have chose nto cherish that sacred germ and cultivate its growth amjdst the genial influences of this noble institu tion! So also the excellent gentleman who presides over the American Anti Slavery Society was not only a munificent patron but as is now evident an apt pupil of the same school which lent its agency to fash ion the champion of the Anti SlavOry Soci ety And what Colonizationist can be so ungenerous as to quarrel with William Goodell the Editor of the Anti Slavery So ciety when he calls to mind that during ten times the period he has labored forthat Society his editorial talents were at the ser vice of the Colonization cause: and in his devotion to this cause he probably ac quired much of the interest which he has now transferred to another but kindred 'cause? Tell me indeed of a single leader in the Anti Slavery Society "who has no't been a member of thissnmu'despised school and then tell me of any one of them who before he camo tinder the instruction and ihfluences of this' school ever manifested! any considerable regard for the African race! If in this made more rapid pro gress than did their fellow pupils it is to their praise but do nnt gratitude and honor 'forbid that they should look down with scorn upon the humble steps by whose help they1 have attained to their present superior ele vation? 2 I have read in Emancipator? a very long editorial' article about and I birth of the roddbM who thq interest aud vHigauon tetomtml iteliv from the brain of Jupiter: fo uo scheme ef abolition coneiaees me of BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS A ESSE election of a Senator "of the Uuhd Sintei io take place at the present eetsiou'of ihe Massa chusetts Legislature What is the duty oK Aboli tionists who ate members of that body Tktstip 1 portnone but such ainan as win oet tavor otthe loonuoii oi slavery in ino uistrm vi wiumuiaa the Territories Is such a man likely to be notnin aed by any political party at present I am afraid not 1 venture therefore through your paper to recommend 4 UilBB of this place as a candidate for the office He be depended on as a thorough pbolitionist flut he is in other respects well qualified for the office If we look far a man welf skilled in national politics manly and indepejtdcnNn his opinions fearless and eloouent in avowihr and suooortintr them has clear correct and lionest purposes and sound and settled principles of action on suchisubjects as will come before the Senate where shali wc find a better Senator than David Lee Child What think you Mr Editor try Society is right in nizaiion Society according to practi Ill quarter to imagine inarxa ntsriaimcr tano some mine more than an abstract disclaimer of all aboli inhim is demanded of the Society at this luneture can ever justify the Colonization Society in departing fromJtsown Constitutional ground to retaliate on the Anti Slavery Society Hence to those who ardently desire that the Colonization Society should keep within its proper limits it is very painful to see the pages of its periodical 'eontiruingfrom month to month to abound in the denuncia tion and ridicule of? emancipa and of other doctrines of thefAnti Slavery Society I put the question to the gen tlemen who control itbis periodical What has the Colonization Society to do with im mediate or emanci pation a word what has it to' do4 but to mind its own busihess and to cease en tirely and forever from the offensive imper tinence of meddling with that of others If the Colonization Society should correct this grievous fault in itself I should not de spair of seeing even the AntUSlaverji Soci ety reconciled to its existence The Anti I In this latter respertthe Anti Slavery Socle ty beats even Hannibal himself for he Wa nine year old before he 'swore eternal bntredagainst the' Had it but been the ptwvr instead of iiJuvuijjcjfuwTs to ucsiroy wun wniru me born its jorigin would have borno ao mean semnianee to the splendKr birth ot toegooaeM wtw A 1W A A A a a i BUIUUK SU HCkl Ik llllf VI See the paragraph in the Declaration of the Anti Slavcey Society referring obviously to the (Coloni zation Society and stigmatising tba voluntary emi gration which it promotes by so honorable a oaity and self denial as a gtroas scheme of expatriation hpg that its principles ore beturtlun i LonMution tnsn iu rnea here let me add thst in my tnent the Anti Slavery Suciety is bound i nnnmiriftn tty until it shall have1 corncted thie Itgcnl and temperate wnd an aliened by the Yeccntly increased severity of the slave code in Virginia AVill it be said that the further oppression of the slave was the tfc sign of that insurrection that the spir it of the was inlllcrwshipiwith the spirit of slavery? As well however may this besaid as that the new legislative rigors which the slave suffers in' several ofthe States and of which the Colonization Society pnay to no small extent! have been the occasion prove that the society and sla very go hand in hand It is greatly to be feared thkt it will be the policy of rnqst of the slave states to tighten the bands of the stive in proportion as the Anti Slavery So ciety succeeds In disseminating its princi ples and extending its influence Indeed the society ig already and frequently con jured by its love of the slave and in view of the additionally severe treatment to which it is exposing him to eeae "altogether fromits labors But although' it phoultl be occasion ofnew sufferings totlre slave would criminality necessarily att'ach'to it foibeing so and would these Incidental sufferings deeply Teg retted on their own account be of such comparative' moment as to justify the society in self alhnihilation and in the sacri fice of the greit objects which called it into existence? Ad affirmative unsw'er to this interrogatory involves a doctrine which would stop the wheels as well of divineKasof human benevolence for in either case(and how plainly does this show that we live in a sin derrtnged wtirld 1) the revolution is attended with damage to some The Anti Slavery Society is not tobe'blamed there fore if it shall ps we have supposed it may become the innocent occasion of suf Ksrings to some of the objects of its benevo lent solicitude Nor if trie Colonization So ciety has been the occasion of a fresh infu sion qf severity into any of our slavecodcs does it merit blame for it any moA than the Anti Society would for a ef fect of operations One thing is certain: if the Society has been designedly nr in effect on the slavery the thorough friends of slavery bnve not thought it to bo so 'John Randolph that remarkably tenncioii's holder of slaves that unflinching advocate of slavery through evil as well ns good and' who could pronounce the Declaration hf "Indepen ftnsserts the Udctrtne nf equal rights a fanfaronade of took a prominent pnfrt in forming the Colo Society Why did he and others of his sentiments on the subject of shivery so soon fall awny from the society and de nounce it? Because they so soon discov ered that the moral influences of the socie ty were hostile to the institution of slavery And why do we find the representatives in' Congress fromthose states most attachedto slavery voting annually against granting the use of their hall for the anniversary' meetings'of the Colonization Society Why do wic find' them continuing to vote so even amidst the abundant declarations made the past winter' by the Anti Slavery Society have defrayed the expense of colonizing that the Colonization Society is a mighty rugiiie io pruuioie slavery vv ny vise uui that they see and feel (though Mr Birney cannot see and feel it) ttyatthe Colonization Society is the foe and nbt thrt friend of sla very But there are many passages in the publications of the society which are refer red to by its enemies to provp that it has all along beemon the side of slavery These passages'disclaitri for the society any pur pose on its part of promoting tion? May wo thence argue that the influ ences of the society are hostjle to emanci pation Certainly not on the other hand may wey not argue friyn them confi dently if not that those influences are felt to be so strongly and ex clusively in favor thatthey are liable to be mistake: for a purpose on the part of the society to promote eman cioation? A nassare is ofteh oubted from the'speech of Mr Harrison of Virginia to' show that the Colonization Society is the tally of slavery In this passage Mr Harri son supposes that the would in or der to show that itis not itself an Abolition Society go even so far as tel pass a cen sure on Abolition Societies?) But does this passage justify or in the least degree favor (the construction put upon it? So far from Ithat does it not'show most qlearly that the (influences of the society were of a charac ter to awaken the suspicion of its cherishing the design emancipation a suspicion tjm so general and so confident as might i make it necessary in Mr judg ment to resort to the strong measure jsug gested by himself for banishing it? And even if the society had adopted this mea sure it would not yet have given any evi uence mat its influences were luvoraiw to slavery On the contrary the adoption of the measure would have argued more strong ly than the bare suggestion bf itj that those influences were adverse to slavery It is true that the adoption of it would have shown one thing more and that is vthe ri dicuSlotis altitude of the in striving td'tole doion a spirit whichfrom its very na ture it is inevitably acting vp to check with a few futile words the) irresistible and tendencies of the institution sLet any cndid'and sensiple take up the publications of the Colonization Socie ty previous to the last two years and he will'not fail of coming to the' conclusion that it had been an anxious and continual labor of the society from its very origin allay the suspicion arising out of its palpa ble anti slavery influences that it had inre spect to the question of slaverydcpartrd froth the neutrality1 of its Constitution 'I am well awarehowever that this imutrajity is a crime in the eyes of many and that the society is oftentimes publicly denounced on account of it Bnt the persons tp whom the society is obnoxious in this point of view are generally the same as those who would IMMEDIATE EMANCIPATION AAN TI SLAVERT COLO NIZATION SOCIETY 'f 'No JIJ It is now some eighteen or twenty years sincesuch men as inley Mills and Cald well names ver dear to philanthropy began to inquire what could be done'for Africa and the children which had been torn from her The dpots which civilization had redeemed i Mrom her vast moral wastes were fewer and scarcely larger than the Oases of: her des erts Nor could survey the iV i condition of the African aby: where else but a bleeding heart In South America jn the West Indies in the United States he was still in i chains Indeed as to our i own land there had never Been greater nor more successful efforts made lhan were1 i then making to extend and perpetuate the i 'fi'vdak and cruel empire of slavery and notwithstanding all the opposition to it as well that of Mahumission Societies as of individuals These inquirers for relief to the wretched objects of their solicitude were led' by Prov idence to project the American Colonization Society: and Jong continued but un 1 wearied exertions tor tins eno they suc ceeded jn interesting in their views 'persons to form the Society It is surely no slight commendation of the wisdom of its plan that before the Institution had been in operation half a dozen years the eyes of the wise and good every where were turnedAto itj as the harbinger and chief instrument of deliverance to the down trodden African race rom the first the Society continued 7 to advance with but rare and unimportant interruptions of its prosperity God smiled Colonists: He boyered their heads in the day of battle? when the infuriated na tives rushed against them with thirty fold their number and after all which has been I said and much of it justly of the desolating diseases of Western Africa where in a i the annals of modern colonization do we that the foundations of a State were 'laid with less sacrifice of life than iiti Li6e ria The prosperity of the Colony wnken i ed up throughout our land a fresh interest yin tle African racy Tenfold more interest' than before was how taken by us in thej i hundred millions of unhappy A fricn and the fueling came to ba strong in ur that it was eminently the duty of the people of the United States to' instruinentnl jin regenerating her Abwv nll the sentimejit' tb it the negro slave is capable of freedom and is entitled to it was now spreading rnp fidly Even nt the South the long undid seal of silence on the 'subject of sla very was'broken and the subject was disJ cussed not in the confidence of the fire side and in the "whispers of secret places (only but in the public prints arid the tdjuse tops? A spirit of manumission began i' to run through the ranks of our slaveholders Some of them liberated all their slaves and thefe were instances in which tire slave holder not gave tip 'his slaves but also' furnished the partial or entire means for re tnnvlmr thorn A thousand slaves were given to the Society and I could it i' them th more would have been abits' 'J service A spirit of alarm also bpganto run Through the ranks of ouif slaveholders as was evident by the enactment of new laws to secure' the slavie and prolong But here I must turn from my enumeration of the beneficial effects the Colonization' Society! to defend it: for some jninds Id ws which I have set down the praise of the Society pass to its discredit ven Mr Birney the recent productions of whosBpoljshed mind so justly endear him to the jjiends slave brings up hi rilrhrntrd letter to the Secrntnrv of 7 the Kentucky Colonization Society the in creased of the slavery system since the organization of the Society as matter of accusation I will agree with him if he wishes me that the Sqciety casioned a part or even the whole of these rigbrs but then Lwill claim for thecredil of it that which is in ns view its reprqaeh Just as reasonable is it to lax truth with the sin ofi the braying hirnself Against it as it is to hold the Colonization 'Society responsible' for the sin of these new rjneasures'foroppressing the slave and con firming slavery rand just as well may the occasion of the sin in the one case be pro jiouncel criminal as the occasion of it in the other That these new measures were notaccordant with the spirit and tendency of he Colonization Society but that 'they were occasioned by it so at all through the dread of and in opposition to that Anti i Slavery feeling which we have creditedtthe Society with promoting acquires no Ifttlei probability from the fact that these measures were adopted by such of thcslaVe States as Iwid nil nlnncr been foamin2 out their hatred against the Society instead of such as had ever regarded it with favor In sand Kentucky' for instance where thp Colo nization scheme had from its origin been very popular the public mind was purposing the abolition instead of the prolongation slavery Virginia: too where that scheme' had been rapidly gaining favor was found a few years agowell nfgli prepared to Te solve on bogng a free State: whilst on the I other hajid in South Carolina and Georgia I where no man could ever freely and fully advocated the cause Colonization without pyril of hi life no new measures awaited the condition of thewretched sKye save those which multiplied his claims fin creased his darkness and deepened l)is de spair Who can find in these facts any' ground for the often repeated charge that the Colonization Society and slavery go hand in hand? And who will pretend that the Society acquired its hold on the affections of the free States otherwise than as it coin mehded itself to the dislike of slavery and desire for universal freedom which pre ail there The Southhampton insurrec tion was doubtless the proximate caue WOK i cat haracter rather ths frnd it tft lint Soci ety to attempt to vindicate itself by pies mpg mat its uracltce its 1 surei judsli to maintain an 8oc grievous fault this opposition must be intelligent and temperate end an atoned by the ause hero stated or feme other cient cause It must null be such an oppo stion as is now waged against the Coloni zation 4 will nutssy by the AMi Slavery Society but by so out of its mejnbere onein which reason has indeed a shire but 'the spirit of ignorance and tanatkiim and malignant hatred a so much greater shaie as to make the opposition unreasona ble boundless violent and implacable' There is another and still greater faultwhi I must charge: upon the Colonizfttionli Society To a very great extent it and althonlAit has undergone hppy chnngeii the lash year 'still it hu dot begun to regain that love? Mr Birney says It will be admitted I think by evej one acquainted with the Society that nncnnnted in frelin's of kindness towards the 'Colored people? But this' kindness which inley hud associates laidtho foundations of the Society this kindness whiph fifled young pure and gene romi bosom and under the'1 impulses wlnqh Ahc beloved Ashmnn sacrificed one of the (noblest fives ever offered upon the altar of benevolence this kindness ceased in a great measure to influence tho counsels and to characterize the spirit of the Colonr zatinn Society Statesmen whose charac' ter had been formed upon prudentinf'inax cold lessons of political econo' my I slaveholdersvhorf thought hi mudh of the profits ofslave labor as of the obligations they were under tn race considerable numbers of such per I sons had come to Interest themselves in the Society and thdtambitions spirit in So ciety for which I have in some ineasure ac cou it tv oi coupiv vvur: the favor and accession of this description of persons No wonder then under their influence and under thb influence Which the Sodietyemployed to enl jst themits original benevolence was found tt give way to a pel icy which studied the of the whites and tho political and economical iu terqsts of the nation rather than the welfare of the poor negro I will hot say thatlt was a policy which sacrificed the negro but 1 will' say that in this policy hrs interests? made secondary and to the nruniotion of other dbiecta and I wi! saylthatf inasmuch as the Society vrasjnA slitutea to do good to tne it was treachery torn to give to this policy I have thus admitted another substantial' jrroihd ofc'otnnlaint arrainst the Colonization Society and I recollect no other reasons for making war upon it which aru frivblous or unfounded Those among them which are most plausible and on which most stress is now be brought into view Society favors or is indifferent to the crime qf rum drinking ih its Colony? Great usej hug been made ut this groundlesseharge to excite the publie indignation against the jZ3 Al ISci a li as lAtA SV A VWtfl A i vs ii vun utuivtc int ihv tev and good men who direct the of the StrstfMtatv nn hnuA nnv Iran intarfttf a to see its Colony otherwise than advancing:" in temperance and every other virtue? The Colonization Society is' opposed on the ground that members arepreju diced against the colored people of thia country? admit that they are thus pr ju diced wickedly prejudiced is this prejudice peculiar tothem 2 Have they more of it than their countrymen generally have It is even alleged that nhe Society was founded in prejudice I am glad that Mr! Birney" testifies to tht contrary That the dear men who projected theCoJpniza tion Society were actuated to do 6Oy their nrpliiflirA nn ninat mir sifUnrAri nunnlfl inaf Aid i of the purest benevolence towards them is for those to believe who have the effrontery to assert it is alleged too that the So ciety has on from the firsts in the spirit' of this prejudice and impliedly that it is indebted to the promptings of this firejudice for the tens of thousands of dol arsand the hundreds of thousands of praters which devoted chribtians have giv en it The bare statement of this charge is enough to convince pood minds of itsfal sitl and bac eness That the membcra'of the Cl a II aa I lira OS HHir VvUIJirjftlJVIlj ll nW ihiA prejudice against the man pf color I have already admitted But to have it said that this prejudice moved them toynake their generous an account: and so many w(ib never contributed a 'penny nor until they joined in the modern chorus against the Colonization Society ever open ed their lips in his behalf is really past en du anec I may confess fur myself that I prejudice against the loathsome drunkard who lies perishing by the way sid but it' not become those who pass him by with callous hearts to as cribe to prejudice in me tjie kindness inwhich I give him a pallet of straw in my v'5'v 'J 2 No person understand? Krtier than does lhe RuV Baeon the true constitutional ground ana character of iha Colonization Society and ilia following language in bis letter published in the Af rican Repository uecemner ttx is sucn as nugni iiaye been expected frum bis pen iyl hope therefore that no effort ill be made bring the Society to any new position as it respects slavery Tbe numbers of the Society'ftrej ofcourie at liberty and hve always felt themselves at liber ty nut only id adopt and express any opinions ma slavery winch to tbein seem reasonable but to cm plqy whatever measures are lawful Slid expedient fbrtaecelerttting the abolition of slavery Oftbat liberty I as an individual sbAll continua Io avail myself 1 ask not ibe Colonizaiiou Society to be cone responsible for1 my opinions nor can I be lieve that it ought to bo responsible lor an opinions whatever in relation to such a subject 1 say any opinions whatever forwbile 1 bare nad tn view mjre particularly in the course of these remarks that class of our friends who wish see a little ntorw anii slavery written on the front of olur proceediugs I hlavo also had in view those who perhaps may Lo desirous of leading the Society tu condemn by a solemn resolution ihpriiiciplcs ofcartain abolition ist The reeeiit attacks of some polilL eians mays influence some of our friends tn I that quarter to imagine that a disclaimer and soma 1 A lionisnb demanded ni ine oociciv at ibis juncture I Jt me then! in elosinr this communication re cod my serious conviction that the dignity and oe fulness of the Society requiro' it to stand entirely aloof from all opinions about the mode of extinguish in slavery Members and contributors mty'porsoe what course they please the Society takes no eog nizance of their principles their moti ves or their ae tions The same argument which eniaces ma of siatwl as ir1 mI ilolf rwT ow asiiSHtt V' a 1 1 VII) VlU "a interest and obligatron to commit itaeirwafwftione It (would be as right on tbepart ofihe Society and as fyisc and as magnanimous to yield to the awng gering of $be Uberator an it would be to ba awed mtb a protect by Ahafanuikism efha aju tery not jhave been puffed iqiby it Nb matter if 'the whole public sympathy lorour colored people sought this channel thelso cietv should have had modesty dnd firmness enough not to consent engross it It Should at least nave had fidelity enough to it's Constitution' not to suffer itself tobts drwn into the occupation of ground which that instrument dues nut give it Su i far fromhis however we find the society (if the language of its advocates and the "pages ofits periodical may be taken for proof) as soon as its success and the1 public voice in spired itwitli confidence to make the preten setting itself up not only as the exclu sively fit means of promoting the interests of our free colored population but evefi as the only mearf which could be rightfully employed to deliver this land from the curse of slavery Hence was it that when recent ly a scheme of direct action for the abolition of slavlery'was' adopted by large numbers of our estlimable citizejns it was frowned by the Colonization iociety not so much because the leading principles of the scheme are exceptionable to the friends of the soci ety for in truth they are approved of by no stpall proportion of but far more because tlie Society lookefiuporii'the scheme as presumptuously interfering with its own work To such a 'measure ofi vanity tend sufficiency had the Colonization Society attained that it could tolerate no enterprise in i behalf of sour colored population bond or free unless conducted under its ownmispices i The character of marty ofthe Colonization meetings hqld in New York and Philadelphia and elsewhere within the lastyearand a half shows very plainly how the society had become wfththis spirit which I have imputed: to it' I Will not take the pains to" distinguish the meet ings of its Auxiliaries from those of the pa rent society The snme spirit generally characterizes both and for a similar reason I made no distinction' in my second essay between the Anti Slatery Society andj its Auxiliaries Not a few of the nieetingsl to which 1 refer yere got up obviously pose anti slavery measures and the spirit which characterized them all was tha of intolerance towards any action in relation to oil colored people other than that of the Colonization Societyle I a tn far from deny ing 4bftt the right of defending' itself against misrepre sentation of its acts and character come lhat misrepresentation from what source it prill 1 do solemnly deny that ithas the rfght of assailing any inode whatever which piay be suggested or adopted for the abolition of slavery I do solemnly it nver meddles with the question of slavery with out violating its Constitution If the socie ty unless it do meddle with this exciting question be as many both of itsfriends(and foes think it too cold and too bar ren of interest to gain the public attention and support then let'it die for the lack of thatattention and support An honest dpath will be a thousand fold better for it thqn a life of fraud' single Constitutional business of the Colonization Society is to promote the emigration to another country of such of our free colored people as push to be the subjects of this emigration ar 'am I from taking the ground that the Con stitution does not admit the sensibility of the society to the moral influence which itiex erts If it sees in the successful prosecu tion of its object a tendency to the abolition of slavery it has a perfectright to rejoice in thattendencj' and to draw from it fresh mo tives for the tn'ore vigorous prosecution of its object' It has neither more nor less lib erty in this respect than other Benevolent Societies have though its peculiar circum stances require a more' prudent and deliteate exercise jof that liberty The Bible Society for instance "cannot without violating its Constitution adopt a single lor promoting the distribution ol the publications of the American Tract Society yet itmay rejoice in the fact that from the affinity of these Heaven success some of the good effects of the Colonization is promotive of that of the Tract Society i am aware or ine exceeuinniv tiruvoKuiir onization Society whose merits if I am increased severity of the slave'code in s'dme character of many of the assaults of the aPPy Anti Slavery Society on tne colonization I ifc ju BtH uviiy mi vHoriS'Uii mv I ii auovtJ an lU iHivt! Liiit waiuuy many w(i6 never contributed a penny? SLAVES HORSES otwew enr events designed to show the responsibility ot the Colonization Bociqty for the scefiete' of violence enacted in we city of New York last July AWow ineltp commend: tftheattention of the truly worthy Editor of ttet newspaper the? antecedent? and events to which 1 have just now adverted The antecedent? event is that at time when1 there was not in tins nation anything like afgeneral orsystemtet ic'opppsitiofi to slavery) buf when on the contrary there was a very general quietness and jndifference about rt the American Cpl omzauon oociety was rortnea 1 ne qtienl eveat is that this Society had Iot been in actual operation fifteen years beftjre a strong tanti slavery sentiment had spread over more than half the land and some lof the most prominent members of thatSocle ty hud become so full of zeal for the abqli jpn slavery as to flout at the tameness ot alrqndirect'effbrts towards effecting it I If the Editor of the Emancipator be blinds to the pa cedent must ceivc the fancYhil and ilnreal connexion tween a portion dents and is one ground nev maintains the rirnl the Colonization Societyj'qvhich I must hot pass over for there is enoVtgb of plausibil ity in it to give it effect on siqtefficiiil rninls Mr Birney says substaniially tnat In Mex ico in Colombia in Guatemala in fine in all the Republics of the where there has been no Colonization Society slavery has been abolished whilst' in our own coun try where there is suth a Society it sjill exists His inference of course is that the Colonization Society makes all the differ ence' The longcontinued and bloody reso lutions in 11)080 regions and the furious of anarchy which repeatedly swept over them: whilst they pfostrated' other In stitutions had in Mr judgment jno effect on that hue which was interwoven them all Having withstood this migfcty power slavery then died merely because there wassno ColonizationSociety thejre Why the iron sided monster after having covered hirnself with glory in his matchless resista nce oft all the elements tf war and "eorifusiftnf wrflnthl have'becn nsharhed to die for the lack of the petty nourishment 4of a Colonization Society It was even meunier thanfor the great Ctesar to cry igive me some drink Titinius like a sick girl? No Mr Birney before our credulity can tewalljbw your inference you must at least show jus that there is (ourColopizationSociety oujof view) a striking similarity in the condition of this country and that of the countries In ferred to This however you will notatterippt' to do you are well aware that humbpr less causes have operated to remodel socie ty there which have no existence here It is deeply to be regretted that Mr Birr ey has so often in the course of bis eloquent letter as in the instance under considera tion substituted specious declamation'for the vigorous and exact reasoning of which I will not doubt that he is capable Ifiihe does not write jnore carefully in future jhis generous eulogist will be thought extrava gant in saying that A Birney has shaken' the continent by putting down his loot fnd hisfame will be envied before histargumeints are answered or their force Torgotten? When I tead this passage in Dr let ter of the 17th inst to the Editor of Ihe New York Evangelist I was forcibly remihd ed of an infirmity which seems to be some what pecnliar to a certain class of anti sla very gentlemen and a very striking exam ple of which: was furnished by the Conven tion that assembled in Philadelphia tojor giinize the American Anti Slavery Society To judge by the published proceedings of that Convention no smSill share of its time was consumed in the ajothepsis of Mr Gar risen" A I will not now return to the point whepce I was drawn off from my enumeration! of i Society to defend the position that even the of our Slates argues in favor of the happy influences of the Society I might hpve added when defending the that this severity so far from indicating a grw insr sentiment in favor or slavery as maintain it does who are interested to stl all the influences of the Society to be onihe side of slavery is in fact a measure of he alarmed slaveholders for shoring up the en dangered and tottering system of slavery But although I will not now extend this enu meration of the good effects of the society some more of its merits will be brought into view before this essay is closed Twill for the present look at the great error which these very effects anil the rapid of the society were the occasion of producing in the public mind I So much good had the society alreadyjjac complished and so increasingly bright were the prospects'of its beneficence to the Afri can race and so rapidly wlthaT were jthe other schemes for benefitting this racefal ling into disrepute amongst' us thatjthe conviction unhappily became general hnd strong that the Colonization Society afford ed the only channel of doing good eitheT to Africa or to the colored population of this land No wpnder that the prevailing delu sion reached the society also Let those however who judge it harshly therefore! re member that itdid but share in this delusion with nearly the whole country and thatthe fault which in this respect' is impute to the Colonization Society exclusively Was alike the fault of the country the fault indeed of most if not of all of those ieiy who are now foremost to blazon it But I would hot have the Society acquitted of blame because others are also deserving it It should have reaisted the public' lat ill 'lull i I I I J''!" i 'I aL "A I vt 5 JI1 Ul JIJTJTK i JAaa a is a '4 I ns TTffl i a a A ''i'v 1 1 aKSMil A 1 1 IhWsrs waates 'wnsasEESsi mi ii A i A' I.

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