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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 6

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i EVANGELIST CHORUS SIIIGS III HEW YEAR Twelve Thousand Persons in Att tendance at Moody Revival Meeting Join Great Choir in Singing Songs of Praise, MANY STAND AND CRY ALOUD JN 'AVOWALS "Of REPENTENCE jpeakejarExpress Determination iftweep the Country With Spirit of ReligionTell of Progress Al ready Made. r- -Bowing their heads lo silent prayer, and (then, ar the tolling of the bells marked the passing el old year; Bursting into the singles; of the long meter doxology. 12.000 persons last night welcomed the coming-a the new year at the Coliseum. It was a grand festlTal of gospel song, trained choir of J.000 volets, under the leadership of Dr. D.

B. Towner, led the rast a si em-fclage in aong. World famous evangelists exhorted sinners to repent of their sins before the passing of the old year In order to btgln the new year aright. Touched by the fervent appeals of the elo quent, speakers, moved by the singing of the mighty chorus, softened by the power of the vast assemblage of praying people, men and women rose tn their seats and cried aloud their repchtence, The spirit of revival wss In the air. and an of aggressiTe evangelism ran Ihraagh the -address of every speaker.

Dr. j. Wilbur Chapman was the principal speaker. Not less prominent men who addressed the gathering were Dr. L.

W. Mun-hll. Germantown. Dr. William E.

Bie-derwolf. Mootlcello, Dr. A. C. Dixon, ad a number of other pastors of Chicago churches.

sratet Great Revival. Predictions or a great revival that, like 1b old Moody and Saakey meetings, woald weep around the world were freely made at the Christian workers' conference yesterday -atit-jrnoon. The old Moody church. Chicago and La Salle avenues, was crowded with men and women identified with religious movements and institutions tn various parts of the country, for the dosing session at 4 o'clock. A spirit of optimism pervaded the assemblage.

Indicating that the evangelistic eplrlt Is in the ascendancy, and that the time 111 soon be ripe for a repetition of the old time revival services. This was the feeling that permeated speaker and auditor and found frequent expression in fervent aniens. The last speaker of the conference was Dr. William K. Biederwolf.

who has Just closed a six weeks' evangelistic campaign through jSahVasT'asSfetrd. by thirty evangelists and aearly all otvhe evangelical pastors ot the slate. Fire Will rea. ''The Kansas forward movement was a child of the "Welsh revival," said Dr. Bleder-wolf.

"One revival will kindle another, and are hope that the fire that has touched Kansas will Jump over the borders of the state and spread throughout the country. We did not Jump Into the movement there. Everything was carefully thought out and planned after earnest prayer. Letters were sent to 10.000 people telling of the vno.v-ment 40,000 advertising tracts were was spent in prepara-Vjevery county, township, and municlpal-Or state wss organised; pastors and i banned together to advance. She' cans.

family altar league was or- eantied to once more into the Jaomes of the ntfe- not try op sanise a revival, bunhn we tne revival coming we mar-hal our forces so aa todet'fS? lrom it the a.reatst good for the OnttalMIr optimistic 'for the future. I iifj, iVB1rtcf 1 will receive a great trmed 'old time Boyle, pastor of the Pres- pU the sign. oi5 He sld that erld was la a recelSuL' hoVl that elcome a movrment thti 4J ould keart. ot l.tsr4 lyih and turn them toThri.t BQ'm The morning session of the contenw. to aqdresses on rural evaniun by H.

Vf. Pops. E. Buchanan. H.

H. VlZ nan. ana otners. and to a Bible study hour ruuuucivu uj ur. a.

t. Htmpson and Dr. "i- uray. aean ot the Moodv i. SLAYS BROTHER FOR CURSING.

Oklahaata Maa aaa laataatly Klllea by Belatlvo. MUSKOCEE, Dec. 31. Because he Sfore around the house, Le Marshbanks, living Ave miles east ot Catoosa. shot and Instantly killed his brother John yesterlay.

"The'alayer Is. deeply religious and baa always porne a good reputation, i- -r- gQCKPatP A. P. 1TXO V-r-V: UMTED STATES SXANCI SlIStrceUkwYoirk 4. J.

GbBc. Maaaoer. k. M. ThorWa, See.

The Editorial Page Will I Be Found on Page 8t of Part Two. SlAYlflG FOLLOWS WEDDING BRIDEGROOM KILLS FATHER AND i BROTHER OF BRIDE. Strict Dael After Haatlala aaa la Deat for Three Male Mtaktn i' Kaasltlee Xaaar at Owte. af Spooisj inspateh to The IswcOnsa. DA LLAS.

Texas, Dec' A wedding took place today in tha village ot Prairie Let. Texas, between members of two families, the beads of which have been at oats. Kdward Booth, the bridegroom; Henry Goals, father of the bride, an4 Younger Goals, brother of the bride, are now all dead. Dl tw Street. The male members of the families met tn the street soon after the marriage ceremony.

Boothe, the bridegroom, saw that the' elder Goals was drawing his pistol, and in self-defense fired at the- same Instant that Goals discharged hie weapon. Goals fell dead and hia son-in-law fell wounded. Alt Three Dm a. The younger Goal rushed up. and he and Booths Bred almost simultaneously, Boothe having to raise himself on one sJbow to lire.

Both bullets took effect, and neither man lived snore than a minute. The three men Were well-to-do-farmers. STATE TEACHERS TAKE NO ACTION ON SCHOOL UNIT Caa veatloa Aajoaraa After Ceatlaaf aa-Caatmltlee to' Warlc la Caaja'aetlaa With Baaeatfaaal Caaiaalaalaa. Special Dispatch to The later Ocean. SPRIJfOFIKLD.

Dee. Xl The HH-nois SUte Teachers' association adopted no resolutions on the propositions recommended by the Illinois educational commission regarding a state board of education and making the township the unit for schools, but the association continued the committee of 100 to work with the Legislature for the passage of the bills which the commission will Introduce. The association elected the following officers: President. C. M.

Bardwell of Aurora; first vice president, A. H. Htatt of Peoria; second vice president. Miss Marietta ot Charleston: third vice president. G.

W. Meeker of Canton; secretary. Mlas Carolina Grote ot Macomb; treasurer, Charles Mor-tet of Belleville; railroad secretary, George E. Roseeter ot Chicago; member of executive committee. John E.

Miller of East St. Louis; board directors. Charles H. Watta of Urbana. W.

S. Booth of Mount Carmel. Mtsa Lois A. Barbre of Taylorvtlle. B.

C. Richardson of Alton, and Furr of Jacksonville. The association. In the resolutions adopted, commended the executive committee for its 'wisdom in 'reporting to the association an exhaustive presentation ot the work of tha Illinois educational commission favoring specific Instruction on the subject of tem perance In all schools or tne state. Tne association will meet In this city next year.

FIRE RAGING IN SHAFT Of SPRING VALLEY COAL MINE Oae TkH Hci Oat Wrk aa Re-salt af Blase Which Caaeee a Bla-taaa. Bporlal Dispatch to Tha Inter Ocean. SPRING VALLEY. 111.. Dec SI.

Plre oon-sumed the tipple and workings of the No. 2 abaft of the Spring Valley Coal company this morning, involving a loss ot $75,000. The flames were discovered at 5 o'clock in one of the mule stables below, and when the miners had assembled for work the shaft waa a roaring torrent of flames. The steel tower fell over the mouth ot the shaft three hours afterward. Nineteen males suffocated or burned to death.

hundred miners are thrown out of work inthls shaft, and 600 more will be compelled tbsyemaln Idle 1 mine, aa No. was usedL as the escape for No. l's miners. The Ore Ts still raging below, and it Is fesred great damage to the timbering will result. MANY TRIPS FOR MAIL WAGONS.

Restart ta Past Master thaws Reesr Brakes. t- report sabmltted to Postmaater Daniel A. Campbell yesterday by Seger A Meckel. Cnlted States mall contractors. It is stated that during the laat six months the handling malls.

b. 190.600 hi.T!L weord la unparalleled In the I Tb7, arm Ptofflce. ywTf rnmt Tb etraci with the I rallrwad to the various ailtute. i tonr year contract. under a No evening session ot the conference wss 1 statement abowod that fceld.

All of the worker, went" rTW1 T-aeven um to attend the great festival ot goapel I were made. 17 asven tinder the auspices of a committee ot local 1 IrlfcMfcR TICKETS lllT pastors, of which Dr. A. C. Dixon, naslor of I wuac "lT.

Ioody church, is chairman. Attaeaaaear Aettom let pal Seatesi Caaiieta Morrla, sma. Acalaat An attachment suit iIM Mil- 1." I nat unoer wnoae din ractioa I VZZll.t ocotiisn comedian. Is A Painwn in tbe srlt. Her- vnuBninitr.

a aeaier in theater Uck- management-for 11.200. as serung mat ne gave them that amouat tor tickets, which were irM delivered to him. munuur i nomas ureneatrat assocla uamca as garaisnee in tbe case. Two TO Tlin JXTER OCKAX SUNDAY MORXIXG JAXITAHVl TV: 1 000. MA YOR TOUCHED BY W0HWS PLEA FOR HUSBAND AUD REPRIEVES' HUA Wife.

Tells He of Invalid Husband's Arrest4 Because Was 111, and Bridewell Sentence Is Suspended. She had come to see the mayor. he said, and when-the big policeman in the outer office told her that the mayor was very, very busy tear welled inte her ryes and coursed down her pale, sad facer She was a young woman, and pretty, and ber dreas was plain. Why she sorrowed the big policeman hesitated to ask. but he was moved by berjtears.

and she looked pitifully forlorn. He "went ack into the mayor's Inner office. When be came out he amiledV "He will see you." he said. The woman's taca brightened. She went In.

Then she told the mayor why she had come. Her husband, she aald, was the sole support of her and fata widowed mother. He was subject to epilepsy and laat Saturday he ran from the house IB his delirium. A police ambulance was called and took him to the county hospital. He was refused ad-, The policeman la charge of the took the man to the Hudson Avenue station.

"fair mm Will I HT LO VKLETTERS Actress Is' Busy Arranging for thft PtibUcation of Two Volumes4 of Missives, One to Be Grave; the Other! Gay. 8pertai Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. NEW YORK. Dec. 3l Ullian Russell has another surprise tn store for her friends and the public She baa Just announced that the love letters which she has receive during her long and wonderful stage career will be published within a short time.

Miss Russell Is busy arranging the letters for publication. Their number 4a legion, and already the beautiful actress baa decided to divide tbe epistles Into two volumes, one of a serious nature, Noel the other of a humorous turn. By the publishing or tnese jesters me octrees will' give the public a knowledge of ber love the number and fervency of which have kept the world gaplngioT many a year. vV Haa Savea. AH Letter.

"Ever since I first, went -on the stage I've saved all the" letters "that were written to me." Miss Rnssell ssld. In explaining her purpoae. 'i-rZ "I'm going to publish many of the beat in two volumes. One volume will be devoted to the serious ones, tie other to the out rageously funny Of course, there are some I can't publish. People-would be absolutely astound at- -tbe bnsbelS of perfectly absurd letters I haverecelved.

one young man. badly smit ten, out In Kansas, wrote mf; 4artng his bleeding heart and declaring that If I'd ha. his I should have every cent be earned. Post script: He earned $25 a week! But there were Cksst la (llUi" lhMluM "Another man. Buffalo this time, wrote that he ran a butter and egg store: that It was' a 'nice, clean.

if I'd set tle, down with him mlfthtjnspir to became co-kaaaaa'er of his "fleas' bttsittees.aad thus be' rescued' from a very different one on the stage. He really and- sincerely was out to aavo me from 'the hell of the siege I 'A Fittsburger gave me a augh a week ago. He begged my kind attention to bla need, said he was married, in bad health, and about to lose his Job. He wanted a vacation, and wrote; 'Pleats send me $40 for three weeka. and I can get a vacation.

Send mo $65. snd 1 can also get my teeth Used. Tbey are very baa. "But I have alao received thouaands of beautiful letters from groat and distinguished persons, who have been kind enough to write and say. how they liked my single and acting, and- She didn't say her beauty, but abe meant It.

1 Miss Russell Is refreshingly modest. Mrs.Shaffner Sued by Landlord for Six Mojitos' Rent Hardly was the ink on' the court records dry in the report of the divorce 01 Mrs. Lil lys Sbatfner. from her husband, which was granted Wednesday, when "she made a defendant In aa attachment suit. 8.

8. Whitehonse, 3966 Ellis a venue, declares Mra. Shaft ner haa not paid the rent on her at at 0 Bnena place for six months. There- wnts 1ST.S0, the amount of the rent. asserts trsV Shaffner owes him oaea rent on tb mnnti.

anorbia8i' M. Ehaffner. aUhees raaoe l-CDINGTOIi. MteH -t00- the nrfe wl The loss on stranded at Bla Pol. yeaterday.

will probably r. big steamship now lies hlgk oron SJI'v1 her" crew? OF LONDON r. T. Kelsey, AssL Mgr. I OF ACTUAt BUSINESS EXISTENCE The MSUN Is the only Insurance Company theworld tnat has transacted business 'continuously for i rkrorin ittci A TVTnr? rAT TO A TfiV 1TVT IN a WESTEtJH, DEfAtTMENT 171 La SaDrStreef, Ckicagt -I.

N. EeJsey. Mot. fACOTC COAST DEPAKTMEVT In TThTT tTai II Sajuoae ana Sacramaito Su Francisco A. IEN1Y CO, Gcsernl Ageats CHICAGO LOCAL AGENTS: RICHIE C0 159 la Sana.Strcct mkM AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS He was on a charge of cisorerly conduct.

He vu brought before Judge soon afterward. A fine of J75 and costs was Imposed. Te man couldn't pay. He was sent the bridewell. -He didn't do anything wrong;" the sad little woman told tha mayor.

He's the best husband in the world. -All- the money he earns he gives to bis mother and me. He doesn't drink. Won't you please let him Come home?" The mayor's heart was He ordered the evidence lathe case broucht before him-. WhUe the 'woman waited he looked through rC Then he spoke.

"It rooks as If there has been' a mistake here," he said. "He will be released at once, and I wish yon and your husband a happy New Tear." It was late in the afternoon too late for the man to te liberated last nlgbt. But will walk from the bridewell this morning free.v- v- He la Walter Olshack, aged 2S. He Uvea at 474 Larrabee atreetv -r-'r'' PAREIJTS EIID LIVES WHEIl DAUGHTER DIES Prof essorjGof dy and WiCe, Grieved at Loss of -Their pnlyJOaaghter, Who Succumbs Attack of Pneumonia, Comrrut Suicide." hours before-the I death of their daughter. Owendoiyn.

IS years old. Professor 3 Oordy and. wife of New York telegraphed Mrs. Jessie D. Stoddard.

J7 West Monroe street, sister -of -Mrs. Gordy, to come at once to their home, if she wanted to see the girl, alive. Mrs. Stoddard left late Wednesday night for New York. While she was on a train hurrying to the bedside of her niece tbe girl died, and Oordy and his wife committed suicide rather than live without their child.

At o'clock last night Mrs. Stoddard ar- rivd in New York, unaware of the death of any of tbe family, only to find that the dead bodies of father, mother, and daughter awaited her. Tbe professor and bis wife Uft a letter to her. la which they explained their cause for killing themselves. Dosens of teles-rams were addressed to Mrs.

Stoddard both, la ah Is rlty and slona aw the line of travel. In an attempt to rtb her I located. te- v' Paranaila Takes 4lrl. The double- suit-lde came as a climax to a illness of Owradolya Uordy. who was stricken with brbnrbial pneumonia on.

the day berore cnriitmns. Friends of the couple that they were devoted to thtir daughter, a prrtly nd talented young girl, and that when she sue cumbed to -her illness ibey were nrtef-strlckefi. Derltntng alf'proffers of aid from kympatbetle neighbors, they went into the bedropm of Ihelr apartment, and. with tbelr arms about each other. Inhaled the druarthey apparently hoped would unite them with their daughter, It waa In this position thai friends found them, when.

-worried' by their long they entered the.elf eplog J-An empty chloroform bottle an the Boor beside the bed gave mute, testimony to the method which bait been employed la giving up their livee. -f Well' Professor Oordy was one of tbe beat liked men connected with the. New York university. He came to.thenstltutlon in 1301 and waa dean ot tfeV'sAool ot pedagogy (or two yearn, giving, up that pbsftioo to take a professorship of history tn the-same school. The only psper left Jy Professor Oordy waa a letter addressed to Mrs.

Stoddard. Besides being weir knon" la educational circles. Professor'. Oordy bad an extended tlterarr acquaintance. He waa the author of palUlcai history of the Vnlt-4 States and had contributed to many scientific our-nals, i Prbtessor Gordy wss born In Maryland la ItSl; After aa academic education he went 1 to the of Ieinslc.

rraduatlna (rata there Ho was a'profeaaor af educatlow in Ohio university from W8 to csnj to Jfcw York In JSOL Among, i'orks as an author sre.rThe Orowtb snd Nortnsl School. Mcs ia tbeA'nited tates.5 a textbook paychatory. and a history of politic paxtlea in the Cnlted States. Twe volumes of the latter have already been pabiiehed and the professocjraa working on two others thaf to follow when his daughter died. DORA.

M'ObN ALD AS GUARD1AN: Dora McDonald, widow ef the late Michael C. McDonald, waa appointed guardian of the estate of ber son, Hsrold A. McDonald, yes terday by Nlnian H. Welch, assistant to Probate. Judge Charles 8.

Cutting. A bond ot t71.00ft.wasr offered by MrsMcDoaald and a surety company Mrs. McDonald succeeds Benjamin Bricga Goodrich, her son's former guardian; Goodrich waa arrested several weeks ago on com plaint of Mrs. MrDoosld. who charged him with having misappropriated $5,000 belonging to rer trnder'the will of McDonald, who adopted Harold tiler nls marriage to the boy'a moth rr.

be will receive $100 monthly for fifteen years. Rub rklr liinlW. JEKPBRSON CITY. Leczf-Roy Bane, cashier of the People's Bank of Ttptoa was arrested at Tloton today on complaint of the state banking department on the charge of embezxling $21,000 of the funds ot tbe bank. The Colonel Says: lAy the Newr Year; sah, be good to you.

-May your way be bright -and your friends be true. May Fortune smile with the smile of wealth. May joy be yours and sturdy health. And more than that, through tbe coming year fT 'V'ACl As you well deserve, with the gladdening cheer Of the World's one best HENDERSON BOURBON SoM over all flnt-elasa bars, at tbe bast eiabeaae eafaa. and by all thai tec dealers tor gLSS a call overt aever for teas; Ha eaalUr won't ailaw M.

BREEN KENNEDY. CHICAGO CAM PiUE STT The Following Imp D. ifcJanUa. ort ant Begin Tomorro January Second The announcement- of tliesK events the consummation of a most deavor on the Dart of our marks nation to make our 1909 Tanuarv Sales en- the most-notew "as 4 in tne magmraae 01 xne sented iaiid in wealth of values -V J-Jr'-V presented Sheets and FiHow Cases and Sheetings -ymmrmy Einbroideries' frhfSfl uorseiv repre- 42nd SALE OF HOUSEHOLD LHJEITS 42nd AITHU AL SALE OF WASH FABRICS The AUHTTAL SALE OF WASHABLE WAISTS m0l Stamped -Linens 'I'SIK Women's Et Underwear r-Women's," insses "aiiTT -Wnmpr, T7nCMflTT Lingerie presses 11 Va-MVM II MrWaVLUUJLW isiVUw a Hen's White Shirts; PajMa Infants Colored Wash Dressdst gn Colored Tashable Petticoats v. Shirts -r- i-r.


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