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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 6

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
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Site Sfntct5 S)ati DAILY AND JSCNDAT. Kntrred second class matter July ST. lOWt. at ths nnstofllce at Chicago. Illinois, undsr Act of March 3.

187. GEORGE WHEELER HINMAN, editor "and publisher. TERMS OK BIBSCHIPTIOM. BT If AIL, IN ADVANCB. (Outslda of Chicago postage ts prepaid In the t'nired" States and Mexico.) Daily edition, ooa year W.x Daily edition, six 2 Dally edition, -per month 50 Daily and Sunday, one year.

Dally and Sunday, one month 75 Sunday, one year Z.BO Sunday edition, one month 25 BY CARRIER IN CHICAUU. Dally ais daya. par month .35 Daily and Sunday, per month Wt Sunday only, per month 2d If the delivery service Is not prompt and regular notify the circulation department at once by mail or telephone. Hone Office lOB-1 JO Mrar Street, Ihleiss, 111. Teleaaeae Ceatral.

Eastern Office Rooms 619-521 Brunswick bulli-Ine. 225 Fifth avenue. New York. Telephone 522 Madison Square. Washington Office tl Wyatt building.


T. 78 Monroe street. Sir KnUrhtet! You are requested to iw mbl. In the asylum on Tuesday. April 21.

at o'clock, to attend the funeral of our deceased Mir Ktilaht. John Olenn Collins. A O. UH'I'S. Km.

Commander. HENRY S. TIFFANY. Recorder. The Hepburn Bill as It Is.

The Crand Rapids Press appears tobc one of those newspapers that have fallen into the habit accepting benevolent intentions as an adequate excuse for bad lejj-ixlation. Therefore is it surprised by the strong- lanjrnape applied to the Hepburn bill "by organizations and newspapers which," it remarks, "enjoy reputation for sobrietv and moderation." Antony such orpani.n lions it notes "the Council for Industrial Defense, claiming- to represent 90 per cent of the manufacturers of the country." Amony Buch newspapers it mentions especially The Inter Ocean. And then the Grand llapids l'ress remarks of the Hepburn bill: "It appears to touch a very large element in a very tensitive place." That is true. Tt touches every American citizen who realizes what it means In a most sensitive place his freeloni as a free citizen of a free country. "Its purjKjse," further remarks the Press, "seems to have been laudable." That is an inference absolutely false, although those just awakening from a hypnotic sleep can hardly le blamed for making it at first.

So far from being "laudable." tlie primary and fundamental purpose of the Jlepburn bill is enormously and almost Incredibly scandalous. The facts and the proofs of this a re 'beginning to de-Telop, a ere long will be manifest to all. Therefore The Inter Ocean now re-Ieats the words which the Press quotes with surprise: "A more menacing measure has not been brought before Congress in forty years. It is the eminence of infamy in legislation." Dr. Bartlett and Chicago.

In his optimistic review of the higher achievements of Chicago -the Rev. lr. W. A. Itartlett leans rather toward conservatism than extravagance, although doubtless our New York friends will take an exactly opposite view of his remarks.

It may not be generally realized here, but it is true, nevertheless, that the nickname "Windy City" was conferred upon us not so much because high winds prevail here at certain seasons as because our people are supiosed to be inclined to do tall talking about themselves. Xow, it is true that up to a certain point in our history there was no better advertised community in the world than this. It 'is doubtless a fact that Chicago Is known today throughout the world us well as any other city, but it is not known as it used to be, for the reason that at a certain stagp in our history we began to advertise ourselves for our failures rather than our suc-e esses. It was when we won the World's Fair way front XeVv York, purely on our merits, that New York pave us the name of "Windy City," andit was only after the World's Valr had been pronounced by the people of all countries the greatest fair ever conceived, and when Chicago had become known to the people of every tribe and nation as the representative American city, that we began the inglorious work of injuring our prestige, population, and prosperity. Iu the olden time, wherever the Chi-cagoan was found, on land or water, at home or abroad, he could be depended upon to use a large part of his time in "talking; Chicago" and saying the best things be could think of about it.

Later he fell into the subscription league habit of sneering at his city and its ways. Recently he has gone back, or. least, of late he is going back, to the earlier and more natural method, and bis city will be the better for it, in course of time. The truth is, our greatest fault our greatest crime against ourselves during recent years was and is our failure to do the. thing which Dr.

Bartlett has just done, and to do it continually. There is not a great city in the world that does not constantly advertise itself ln every possible way. New York Is everlastingly at it. Her newspapers engage in it habitually, because their renders demand it. If it is not the beauty of Riverside drive, the animation of Broadway, or the congestion of the Brooklyn bridge that demands pages in the Sunday news-, papers of the metropolis, then it cer-.

tainly is theskyliaeof Manhattan. And New York advertising- is imposed upon every reader of every magazine issued from that city. 'Things that have become old stories to us are written and pictured as novelties if they happen to be adopted by New York. And we take in all of this advertising- at our. expense because we have not as yet entirely recovered from the temporary mental aberration of the "solution" years.

Dr. Hart let summarizes our moral and intellectual, oor cultural and artistic, achievements in a few words, and in doing- so proves that we stand as a city at the forefront of modern thought a nd action a ma rvel a mong- the cities of the world. But there is no shouting for him, there are' no huzzas for his utterances, no cheers for the city which could do all this which could rise to all this within an ordinary lifetime. We are not so aelf-contemptuoua as we were three or four years ago, but we are still lacking in the civic enthusiasm which was ours In the olden days and without which we cannot be thrilled. The old spirit is returning, but It is not quite here as yet.

Raymond Robins and the Supreme Court. If tba Supreme court means to be consistent it must decree that organized labor is a conspiracy a restraint of trad. The decision of the court la tba hatters' caee la a part of a scheme to make organised Jabor Uleaal la this country. It la a nonunion court, dominated by property Interests and for nonunion purposes. Raymond Robins to the Chkijo Federation of Labor.

The Inter Ocean apologizes to all intelligent readers, and especially to all intelligent workingmen. for taking as a text the flapdoodle of this professional spouter. There are times, however, when it is well to set forth some extreme in falsehood in order that the truth may be made clearer by contrast. The Supreme court in the hatters' decision was dominated simply by the laws as they areand by the Constitution of the United States as it is. Samuel tioinpers confesses that the court was dominated by the laws as they are.

In the campaign of which the meeting in Chicago was a part, anil which was personally opened by hint in New York on the same day, the demand of Mr. tlompers is that the laws shall be changed because the court has faithfully applied them. To make true the lies of Raymond Robins, we must go through the Constitution, and to every clause guaranteeing the personal and property rights tif the citizen and the equality of citizens before the law we must append some such words as these: "Provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to a labor union desiriug to prosecute a boycott." There are those among us who find the absence of such provisions from the Const it ut ion inconvenient. There are those among us who are willing to purchase peace for their money-makiog by consenting to the classification of American citizens into inequality before the law. There are those among us who are willing to betray the republic to meet their political exigencies and to gratify their lust for personal power.

We can, if we desire, so amend the Constitution. We are the' sovereign people. We may, if we are blind, permit our rights under the Constitution to be filched away by "legislative interpretation" and such use of the appointing power as may finally briog the Supreme court to affirm that the Constitution has been so amended. But let us look 4 he issue squarely in the face and see the truth that the Supreme court is dominated by the laws as they are and by the Constitution a it is, and has enforced the laws and upheld the Constitution. Instead of lying, with the Raymond Kobinses, about the Supreme court, and saying- that the fault for what some of us do not like is there, let us look the truth in the face and see that the fault, if fault it be, is in the Constitution of the United States.

That "Merry Widow" Hat. A "Merry Widow" hat interfered with a woman's leaving a Pullman car in Pittsburg for five minutes on Sunday, thereby delaying a Pennsylvania railroad express train for that length of time. Her hat was too wide for the narrow hallway near the door and for a while she could not be pushed out or pulled back. The problem was solved only wheu she took the hat off. On the other hand, a fire broke out in a St.

Louis church on Sunday last, and if the "Merry Widow" hats in the front rows had not concealed the blaze from the people in the back rows there would have been a Mtnic. These two cases, which have been reported by veracious correspondents, go to show that we should not. be too hasty iu coming to a conclusion regarding the "Merry Widow" hat. It may be a nuisance, to be sure, under certain, circumstances, and then, again, it may prove, under other circumstances, to be one of the most useful of recent inventions. That is to say, we may be called upon to read something like this: A "Merry Widow" bat rime near causing a tun on one of the greatest banks in yesterday.

Just as the wearer, a charming young woman, was rounding the bank corner a crowd of men who were coming the other way stopped, intending, ao doubt, to retreat la order to give her the right of way. The midden stopping la front, however, only served, as It always doea la a large city, to increase the pressure behind, and in a short time the crowd extended across the street and for a block each way. Then somebody started tbe rumor that the bank was In trouble, and if tbe Are department bad not been railed out to quench the excitement there Is no telling what might have happened. As soon as tbe young lady in the "Merry Widow" bat had escaped the crush she went to a shop window to ee If tbe hat was on straight, and, finding that it was, abe tripped away as If nothing unusnal had happened. Or like this: Today as Daisy Miller, one or the prettiest girls In this town, was coming down our principal street ia a "Merry Widow" hat two angry men emerged from a saloon, the foremost shouting for help, the other flourishing a revolver.

The latter had Just taken aim at the former, and another moment would have been fatal, when alias Miller stepped between the two. Before tbe pursuer could walk around tbe hat the pursued had escaped to a place of safety. The former says 'now that he la thankful the "Merry Widow" hat came in his way. because It gave him a chance to cool off, while the latter Is full or gratitude that tt interfered Just in time to save him from aa untimely death. Such incidents as these may not reconcile ns to the "Merry Widow" hat, but they should teach us not 'to be in too great haste to condemn it.

And is more than possible that some of our alleged wits-will take the product of the 5,000,000 feet of gas a day oil well at Mansfield, Ohio, and attempt to make light of it. The white gloves of the Chicago beauty squad may not always be as clean as the regulations require, but what we are mainly interested in is tbe hands inside hero. There never was such a magnificent display of Easter bats in Chicago, and it TUB INTER OCEAN, TUESDAY MORNING, ATOII, 21, 1908. wa a difficult to remember while looking at them that we were taking clearing house certificates when we could get them only a few months ago'. Hash.

The following communication, although intended by tbe writer, perhaps, for another department of this newspaper, has nevertheless fallen into sympathetic hands: To the Editor. Why don't you write an editorial on corned beef hash? A. D. L. Chicago, April 18.

It would be difficult to name any one thing that has entered more largely than hash into the making of American brawn and brain, and yet, strange to say, we can scarcely think of any subject of similar consequence that has received so little serious attention at the hands of encyclopedists and compilers of cookbooks. One searches vainly, indeed, through shelves of reference books for anything which would shed light upon the origin, or would explain scientifically, or would give the exact ingredients, of this distinctively national dish. We know it, as our forefathers have known it, simply as 'hash." Chicken hash, roast beef hash, turkey hash, mutton hash, and so on are spoken of by their full names, but it is only people who have come into tbe full knowledge of the delights of hash a little late in life who give corned beef hash any other name than just plain "hash." It was always Written tr printed "hash" In the old time bill of fare. The hotel waiter of twenty-five years ago always stood behind your chair and alluded to it in 'some such way as this: "Lamb, haul, beef, stew, duck, goose, or hash." The boarding-house waiter up to twenty-five years ago did not need to mention it at all. for it was-served at every meal.

Hence the lines, by some attributed to Poe, by others to Longfellow: I know a boarding-house Not far away. Where they have corned beef hash Three times a day-Ob. how tbe boarders yell When they bear tbe dinner bell Oh. how the boarders yell Three times a day! In our forefathers' days it was familiarly known for many years as "conundrum," because it was difficult at times to guess it, and there was a considerable period when it was known as "mystery." because nobody could make it out. However, as boarders and others began to find buttons, and belt buckles.

anI children's toys, and all sorts of missing articles in it, these names were abandoned because students of hash knew exactly what it contained, and could even guess, according to the boarding-house and the part of tbe country in which it was served, what it was most likely to contain tomorrow or next week. Feeling sometimes became intense over the indisposition of boarders of the old school to eat hash that ran to the same kind of foreign substances for too louga time. For instance, there is a record of a boarding-house lady out in Missouri, who, finding her boarders in revolt one morning, arose at the head of tbe table and made the declaration: "Any man-Jwho refuses to eat my bash is a liar." This, however, was an extreme ease. The boarders generally ate tbe hash, for there was no alternative. Nevertheless, and regardless of the contemptuous manner in which hash has been treated by the encyclopedists and cookbook compilers, it is pleasing to know that the homemade article has been embalmed in lyric" verse in these memorable lines: Ob, dear to my heart is the bash of my childhood (n fond recollection I eat it again; Tbe corned beef tender and lean, which, when boiled would Hash up to perfection if hopped with the grain.

All mixed with potatoes, well mssbed and spiced gently. And baked until crisp in the oven, so true With an egg nicely poached for each dish, and served plent'ly; Ob. tbts was tbe disb that my Joyous years knew The hath tbey served Mondays, And Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, Thursdays. Fridays, and Saturdays, And all tbe week through. A dish that could stir the soul of a true poet to such depths as these must have something more than the ordinary flavor of food to recommend it.

Hash has. Hash is more than a food. It is a stimulant. It is an inspiration. It is.

if we may use a term that has been much abused, an uplift. Xo man can eat hash in the right spirit no man can become an habitual hash ealer and not be a useful and conscientious citizen. "Show me," says a great American philosopher, "lines of hash eaters at the quick lunch counters and I will name the Republican majorities at tbe next election." -The Father of Baseball" Dead. Henry Chadwick, who is dead at his home in Brooklyn, was generally known as "the father of baseball" in the United States, an endearing title that may technically be disputed. It is a fact, that Mr.

Chadwick had for many years he was 63 at the time of his death been active in his Interest over the game. Whether baseball ia a development of the old English game of "rounders," as is the common belief, or purely and simply of American origin, is one of tbe interesting disputes over the national pastime. Mr. Chadwick seemed to cling to its English origin. This may be accounted for.

from tbe fact that he was an Englishman and an ardent cricketer when he came to this country. He at once became an admirer of baseball, and had since been sv most consistent one. 'f It was in IS37 that Mr. Chadwick came to America, and It was about the same time, as be has told In writing about the game, that he engaged in the pastime. He saw greater possibilities in it than did many of that period, and constantly offered suggestions on rules that were valuable.

Many of the rules of the game today are due to him- indeed, he may be said to have fairly revolutionized the sport. It was his idea- thai the simpler the gajne became the better for it and tbe better for its popularity. His life work was to this end. And his contributions on the subject of baseball wer always interesting. Such Investigations as have been made in, to the past of baseball and committee of gentlemen worked on this subject very seriously but year do not I seem to show that any one may be called the "father of baseball" in sofaraa that means the originator," It is extremely doubtful if the game can be traced to any foreign origin.

Even the statement that it was a development of "rounders' is disputed. And it is equally certain that no one person developed baseball into tbe highly scientific sport that it is today. Henry Chadwick did much for it, however, and his title of "tbe father of baseball" will probably be allowed to stand. A fine old gentleman, at any rate, whose was. not at all dimmed by the advance of years.

The railroads that center here, bjrf ailing to encourage excursions of climate ehasera to this city, are losing enough every week to meet all of their fixed charges. One way to solve the Kentucky problem would be to organize another night force with a different purpose in view. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. To the Editor. I note in your paper of March 2 a news Item to tbe effect that one Rev.

Joha Nutting, "secretary of the Utah gospel Is setting Chicago right on the subject of the Mormons of Utah. He tells them, aa you report him; "Tbe greatest evil In connection with the faith ia not polygamy. It Is paganism. Mormons believe la many gods." 'I am Boding no fault with your I- am simply trying to suggest to such of your readers as may do me the honor to follow these lines that there seems to be a persistent determination to pursue tbe Mormons. I really do not believe It la important whether the Mormons believe Id many gods, or one, or none.

The question for American citizens to aak Is: What sort of cttlsens are they? And the answer to thai ts wholly In their favor. There Is a tacit admission in Mr. Nutting's talk that the Mormons have abandoned polygamy; and they have. We of Utah do not try to prescribe their religion for them, or for say one else. We want half a million more residents Just at good as the Mormons are today.

We will not aak whether they are pagans or Presbyterians Every one of them will And hi has come to aa excellent home. LEROY ARMSTRONG. Salt Lake City. X'tah, April 18. Taft Ike aly Hope.

To the Editor. Ia tbe April number of Government, a magazine of economics and applied to politics, published In Boston, there Is a communication from tbe Hon. Samuel L. Powers entitled, "Why should Taft be nominated In which he quotes the following from a statement made recently by a Maasachuaetts Senator, namely: "The next Republican national convention will, without doubt, be the most important convention held since 1864." Although over forty-three years ago. I remember this convention well, and It was under the excitiag conditions which prevailed then that I wrote a thesis, while at the University of Michigan, where I graduated in the law class of 1864.

the sublect of which was "Government," comparing the different forms which had been adopted and showing the superiority of our republican form of government over all others. This was subsequently Indorsed by the war Governor of this state. Richard Yates, and was used by the Republican party as a campaign document in 1864. At that time the administration, headed by President Lincoln, was fighting a desperate battle wfth the.Jave holding power of the South; while now rfhe admlnslratlon. headed by If' waging a strenuous battle with those powerful corporations of the entire country, which are being operated to the detriment of the people.

In opposition to the laws of the United States, both of these opponents being antagonistic to the principles of our republic. Lincoln well illustrated the situation during the civil war when he said that "It Is unwise to undertake to swap horses while swimming across tbe stream." Roosevelt, like Lincoln, stands for the majority of the people of the Ualoa and for the execution of the laws of tbe country and not for a class, controlling great corporations wbich axe increasing their enormous wealth by overriding the rights of the people in opposition to these laws. When the people, rich as well as poor, become sufficiently educated as to the real nature of our republican Institutions they will realize the importance of stamping out all class rule. Roosevelt and Lincoln, both thorough students of our form of understood this self-evident proposition In pursuing their vigorous policy of overpowering the enemy of pur republic. In the event a President Is elected who Is aot ia harmony with the course now being pursued by the administrat Ion.

the battle for the right, being waged now. like that during the civil war. may in the present Instance be hopelessly lost. The visit of Secretary Taft to Chicago nnd the speeches he made while here, have gained for him many additional adherenta. His past record and bis ability and earnest desire to carry out the policy of President Roosevelt -emphasize the fact that he la.

above all other candidates, the safest man to take the place of our preaent President after termination of his term of office. BARTOW A. ULRICH. Chicago. April 20.

Maie. EasiN anal Vote fer Weaiea. To the Editor. Mme. Eames Is quoted to tbe effect that It Is a woman's duty to stay at home.

Wherefore one would respectfully inquire what she Is doing on the concert stage? Since -women "vote through the men." perhaps-Jt would be more logical to have the singing done in the same way. but those of us women who admire the beautiful voice of Mme. Eames trust she will not retire to her "proper sphere" Immediately. If she bad lived In Greek times, some bearded gentleman would have taken the leading feminine role la "La Tosca" for Those were the good old times for which one understands this lady sighs when clubs for "men's rights" were certainly unnecessary. LAURA GRADGRIND.

Chicago. Ill r' April 20. The Ortoaas of Ceraerate Greed. To the Editor: Very few believe that the present panic or business hold-up was caused by politics, or has any political significance, except aa political demagogues sttempt to prejudice the people against the party In power. What, was the real cause of It all? And why is tt continued? It is believed by many that our defective banking system has had much to do with it.

What these defects are It Is difficult to tell. Not even oar "captains of finance" are able to give a comprehensive statement of "w-hat la the matter with our bankine system." or to tell us why the banks of the whole country should be influenced or controlled by the so-called Wall street syndicate a tact that is not even denied by bankers themselves. It ts difficult to see bow this syndicate, this aggregation of stock gambler and manipulators of watered obligations, could be able to bring about a hold-up so quickly and thoroughly as they did laat tall. "But tie re are more ways of killing a dog than choking It to death on butter." And a prominent farmer of our county recently gave ns a pointer that seems to tell its own tale. He went to a certain bank not fifty miles from Mount Vernon about the time the suspension took place a bank with which he had had many dealings and asked for soma money.

Tbe baaJter told him frankly that he had plenty of money in the bank, bo could not let it out. Being pressed for a reason why. be said: "I do not care to let you He then read a letter signed by thia Wall street syndicate, la which it said: "There Is trouble ahead. Keep your money In your vaults sad draw on us for per cent. It will be safer than letting it out In these uncertain times." Being- further Inquired of as to whether the letter wss especially to him.

tbe banker said: "No, there ia not a bank la tbe country but has received tbe same instructions." THE WHIRL OF SOCIETY. A parasol bridge party la tbe latest social affair to be booked for tbe post Lenten season, and a hurried telephonic communication with tbe perpetrators thereof disclosed the fact that thia does not Inaugurate aa eceaaloB wherein the gentle game will be played with tbe Implements, but merely that they will be givea as prizes. By this same tokea. we take It that a great maay fine opportunities have been omitted for naming bridge parties attractively a silk stocking bridge party, for Instance, and a ruffled petticoat bridge party, being within tbe range of possibility, both of these arttclea having constituted the prizes at recent afternoon To be sure, la this parasol affair the name Is derived somewhat from the character of tbe deeoratlone, which are alae ta be of divers atyles aad aatlonalltlee of umbrella, and the Idea could perhaps not have been carried out altogether well la the cases of the other above mentioned articles which were prises on other occasions. The affair of the paraaola, like most other of our very best partiea of the day.

carries the stamp of "for charity" on It. It Is going to take place en April SO In the parlors of the Chicago Beach hotel, aad la given under the auspices of tbe Women's Clubs of Cook county. The players are iavited to form their own tables, and under canopies of parasols they are to play for some of these spectacular out of door toilette accessories, and also for the good of the Woman's Model Lodging-house. The frappe, for tbe consuming of which an hour of Intermission will be granted, will be dispensed by Mrs. Frederick Dickinson, Mrs.

J. F. Olmsted. Mrs. James M.

Hunter, and Mrs. W. A. McGulre. The committee In charge of the entertainment Is as follows: Mrs.

W. N. Mrs. Herbert C. Met-calf.

Mrs. Edward P. Demitig. Mrs. Watson J.

Perry, Mrs. W. B. Conkey, Mrs. Charles Truax, and Mrs.

H. D. Bogardus. Tbe money to be raised might be called a May 1. or a moving fund, but Is not going to be applltd indiscriminately toward that end.

Tbe modlel lodging-house has recently changed its quarters from Eldredge court to 30 40 Calumet avenue, and to help defray the heavy Indebtedness of this move the card party has been arranged. On May 5, 6, 7, and 8 the committee will verve luncheon in tbe rooms of the Chicago Woman's club, to which tbe public la iavited Chauncey Dewey. Chicago, and Miss Elvira Mlllspaugh were married at 7:39 o'clock last night at Grace cathedral. Topeka, Kan. Biabop Frank R.

Millspaugh. fatner of tbe bride, read the full Episcopal wedding service. The bride wore white chiffon over white satin, trimmed In old family lace. Her only ornament was a diamond necklace, the gift of Mr. Dewey.

Her maid of honor. Miss Nellie Mlllspaugh, a. younger sister, wore a white chiffon gown, embroidered In pink. After tbe wedding a reception for a few friends and the relatives wss given at tbe Bishop's residence, and at 9 o'clock tbe bride aad groom left for tbe East, Tbey will sail Saturday for a tour through southern Europe. After June I they will be at borne at the Hotel Metropole.

Chicago. 8. W. Peterson, a eousia of Mr. Dewey, Wheeling.

W. was tbe best man. F. H. Davis.

Omaha. an nncle. gave Miss Millspaugh In marriage. The ushers were Guy Gurnsey and Charles Ailing. Chicago; Paul Walker.

Daniel Ham-matt. Joseph Wilson, aad Clarkaon Millspaugh. Topeka. We are shortly to do homage a a Polish Countess, who will appear before us on the concert stage. Tte Baroness de Markl.

who has been forced by political reasons to lenve her country, has come to the United States after singing la private audience before Kaiser Wtlbelm and the Kaleerln, and also la the Royal opera of Berlin and the Grand opera In Paris. She will alng In Chicago on the afternoon of April 2 in Orchestra hall, and a large and fashionable audience la already booked to listen to her. One of the first Easter weddings waa that yesterday afternoon of Mlaa Edith Hutcbin-ron Marks, daughter of the late Roland P. Marks, to Dr. Charles Edward Pearson, sou of Mr.

and Mrs. John B. Pearson of New York, which waa celebrated at 4 o'clock amid a mass of Easter lilies and palms at St. Peter's Episcopal church in Belmont avenue. The Rev.

Alfred W. Griffin, tbe rector, performed the ceremony. A large number of gueats were asked to the church, but there was only a small re FARM AND GARDEN NOTES. W. F.

Manning. Iowa: Would you tell me bow to overcome tapeworm, Umberneck, soft-ahell eggs, pip. crop bound, and gapea in poultry? Reply One of tbe very common troubles in the flock of laying birds at this time or the year is tapeworm. No doubt injudicious feeding during the winter Is responsible In a large measure. Fast tbe birds for a day, then give twenty drops of male fern.

Follow this in four hours with a teaspoonful or castor oil. If tbis falls to bring relief in two days, repeat the dose. Llmberneck Is simply potomaine poiaoning. Eating decayed flesh, or meat or bone meal which ia tainted, will frequently cause the trouble. It is never safe to feed any kind of decaying feed to the bens, whether that feed be of an animal or vegetable nature.

In case of tbe appearance of the trouble, feed a tew drops of carbolic acid in the soft feed. If the bird refuses to eat make pills of soft feed, putting one drop of carbolic acid In each pill. Give one or these to each bird once a day. Soft-shell eggs usually appear in great aumbers during the late winter and early spring. This trouble Is caused by tbelackof egg forming materials in the daily ration or by some of tbe prepared egg foods which are rich in condiment and contain but little of the necessary mineral matter.

The birds should have plenty of lime. In addition to thia they should have an abundance of grits, especially the shsrp grits, such ss crushed or broken oyster shell. This material may be obtained for a.trifle more than 1 cent per pound from tbe local dealer, or even cheaper tbaa this If ordered in large quantities from the wholesaler. Besides assisting In pulverizing the feed, tbe grit contains some of the elements which are needed to make shell, and a little of these elements are removed and taken Into the system when tbe grit Is In the gizzard. Pip is due to a dryness of tbe mouth and the throat.

The nostrils, for vsrlous reasons, become clogged and tbe bird la forced to breathe through the mouth. This dries the coat of the tongue, causing the formation of the scab' or pip. The most effective remedy Is one or two drops of camphorated oil In each nostril and a drop or two la the mouth. This may be applied with a common sewing machine oil can. Vaseline placed on swab and applied over tbe scab will soften It so It will soon drop off.

Carbolic add and lard la the proportion of one drop of acid to a fourth-of a spoonful of lard will remove the obstruction In tbe nostrils. Heat the lard and carbolic acid till the former melts, then place ia aa oil can and inject into tbe nos-tf lis. Keep the birds In wsrm quarters. Crop compactions are quite general at this time of the year, since there la but little green or succulent feed fed the birds during the winter months. A piece of string or dead graaa many times will cause the obstruction which results in the Impaction.

In this trouble, as in others, prevention is much better So It can be easily seen how quickly and thoroughly the Wall street directorate can stop the business of the whole country when they can benefit themselves by ao doing. They have ocly to press tbe button and tbe wheels stop. Now comes the question: "What are the people going to do about It?" And it's a big question. Because they bsve made tbe mistake of sending bankers snd corporate lawyers to Congress until there is enough of rhem there to block any legislation that may be suggested for tbe relief from this octopus of corporate greed. Where, then, shall the people turn? To whom shall they appeal? By general consent they are turning to President Roosevelt, who Is on the side of the peop'a tvery time the octopus attempts a new grab, and they say: "Stand firm.

Mr. President." Why does the panic continue? Many reasons are assigned. I. tor one, Ihlnk it Is largely because the people are caught and held between the upper and nether millstones of corporate greed and labor dictation. On the one hand the railroads and other corporations have tacitly agreed to held up tbe laboring interests of tbe country by refusing to buy ears and other producta of labor, with the view of raising a tremendous clamor en the part of the laborers that will compel tbe national and state governments to cease prosecuting their unlawful acts and passing raws restraining them from extortion.

In other words, they are punishing the people ia order to have them force conditions tbat will compel the law-making powers to annul the law already enacted and cease passing restraining laws, thus allowing them to fill their coffers to overflowing by greed and extortion. Just ss tbey have done for so many years. Oa tbe other hand, labor unions have exceeded all reason In dictating to all both rich and poor as to how maay hours and at what price men shall labor, regardless of the opinions or Interests of tbe employers, until they have lost the sympathy of the common people. And here we are between these upper and nether millstones, being ground, aa It were, to poverty. Will tbe Inter Ocean kindly suggest a means of escape? JOHN A.

WALL. Mount Vernon. 111., April 18. Hew Pish Ik Aastralla. In a communication to tbe Royal Society of Queensland Douglas Ogllbyr records the discovery of one new genus and seven new specimens of fish.

New, tbst Is- to ssy, for Queensland watera. Among these are slender dog shark, Howe's needle Dsn, long beaked garfish, the comber leather Jacket, and others. The tadyfish (albula macrodonta) Is recorded for tbe first time la Australian waters. than to attempt remedies after tbe trouble has become pronounced. Pour a little sweet oil into the bird's mouth once each week when there Is a tendency toward the derangement.

Feeding aa abundance of green feeds such as green cut cabbage, apple cores, peelings, and the like will afford a sufficient variety to prevent Its appearance In the flock. Gapes usually appear about tbe time the birds are large enough te begin seacbing a little food for themselves. It Is caused by a round, threadlike worm that attachea Itself to the windpipe and obstructs tbe breathing. This worm is found in nearly all un-cleanliness and Is taken into the throat on tbe feed that comes In contact with unclean objects before It Is eaten by the little bird. A feather dipped ia a little coal oil or any of the well advertised disinfectants and this Inserted In the throat will usually remove the Intruding worm.

After this: be food should be given only oa clean feediag floor and the birds should be removed to new quarters If there Is a recurrence of tbe trouble. A drop of turpentine given on a bread crumb is another good remedy to remove the worm in tbe tbroat. Others use a horse hair, twisting It into a loop aad inserting this into the trachea and removing it quickly to dislodge the worm. A pill made of garlic, onions, ssafetida. or aay strong smelling material given twice or three times each day will remove the cause.

Advice abeal Tarker. C. Mattoon. Kindly give me a few polntera on turkey raising. Can egg be profitably set this late In tbe season? Reply Eggs set any time before June li should produce birds that will make a profitable growth.

Experience bas proven to that It is better to set tbe turkey eggs under the chicken hen than under tbe turkey ben. Better results are obtained when tbe egg are placed In tbe Incubator than under either of the fowl named above. Do not set the egg too esrly in the spring. Tbe little poult cannot stead much cold weather and It Is better to postpone tbe incubation so tbe bird will not hatch till the middle or the latter part of May. Then.

too. about that time of the year tbe crop of Insects begins to multiply. This ts an important thing In the production of turkeys, since the greater part of the bird's ration ts made up of insects. The young poults are very delicate, and It It necessary to keep them in close confinement for three or four weeks after they Have hatched. Most raiser advise keeping them with a hen rather than (n an artificial brooder.

This is good advice, especially if there le a little cold weather during the period of tbelr tenderness. It Is essential to keep tbe mother free from vermin. One or two lice on the bead of each poult will keep it puny for weeks after It should be strong and foraging for itself. Any of tbe common Insect powders dusted on tbe wing and fluff feathers or the mother will usually bold the number of lice In check. Allow the poults, after they are weeks of STORIES ABOUT PEOPLE The Habit of a Bear.

WsII street associates of tbe great "bear." James R. Keene. admit almost unanimously that the financier is seldom caught napping. They declare, however, that Mr. Keene Is absent minded occasionally, and tell this story on htm to prove It.

Keene and his fellow "bull baiter," Washington E. Connor, were at the Keene country place outside of New York. It was a beautiful summer evening and Connor proposed a stroll through the magnificent grounds. Though the guest had left all the cares and worries of the street in the city, apparently his host had not. The two started on the walk, but Connor noticed that Keene waa strangely uncommunicative.

Suddenly the full moon appeared above the trees, and Connor regarded lta splendor In silence for a moment. Then he turned to his companion. "Isn't the moon beautiful, Keene?" he asked. "Yep; but It's too high, too high!" was the preoccupied answer, with a sigh. New York Sun.

A Cyale mm Lsve, W. E. Grange, author of the "History of Primitive Love," referred, in the course of a lecture in Boston, to the modern cynical view of love that prevails. "I remember once." said Professor Grange, "hearing two very ordinary mea, a bricklayer and a plumber, discuss love In a smoking car. said the bricklayer, 'that If you are terribly In love the way to cure yourself la to run The plumber shook his head and sneered.

"That will cure he said, 'provided you run away wltb the Hardly Ceaspllaneat. In Dr. Edward Everett Hale's younger days he was about to leave a parish, and a good old lady was bewailing the fact and Insisting that the church would be ruined thereby. Dr. Hale, flattered by her words snd manner, and wishing to console her, said: "But, sister, the man who will succeed me Is a line preacher and a splendid fellow.

You'll soon see tbat everything la all right and get used to It." "No. no; I won't!" she answered tearfully. "I don't get used to this changing. I've seen six changes In preachers now. snd it'a got worse and worse all the time." -Judge Bryaa Csadtases Salaaasta.

William Jennings Brysn hss tried his hand at coadensiug one ef the proverbs of ception afterward for the family at tba bride's spartmeats la the Leasing. Tbe, bride wore a marquesette gowa ever liberty satin and carried shower of valley lilies. She was attended by two bridesmaids her sister. Miss Grace Eleanor Marks, aad Miss Lily Lord Pearson. They wore light embroidered chiffon cloth, with mes saline trimmings and carried long stalks of Easier lilies.

Joseph Wild Pearson served tbe bridegroom as best man and acting as ushers were Thomas Edward Filbert, Eugene Hugh Byrne. Arthur Morris, and Lionel Montrose Parker. Dr. and Mrs. Pearson, after a bridal trip, will be at home.

at Us Stuyvesant-place, Tompkinsville, Ststen Island. N. T. Mrs. James Ward Tborne.

1708 Prairie avenue, has cardi out for a luncheon oa Wednesday. April 29. Mlsa Florence Clark baa returned from a visit to New York and Washington, and Is at tbe Virginia. Mrs. Edward L.

Ryersoo and Mlis Ryersoa, SI Backs street, are home from California. Mrs. Charles P. Kellogg. 1923 Prairie avenue, went to New York on last Saturday ta Join Mrs.

Lois Kellogg. 8he espeets to be gone a week. Mrs. B. Ayer and her daughter, Mias Margaret Ayer, 205 Goethe street, have decided ta go to Europe for tbe summer.

They will tail a week from tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Cramer of Tower court are planning to go to Europe next month. Among the Chicago passenger sailing oa tbe Koenigin Lulte on Saturday from New York for Genoa via Gibraltar and Naples were Colonel and Mrs. W. L. Barnum.

Mrs. C. 8. Pellet, and Miss Pellet. An Interesting announcement is that of tbe engagement of Mis Florence jilcMafcaa, daughter of Mrs.

Anna McMahaa. to Mr. Douglas E. Bonner of Chicago. Miss McMa-han is now In New York, having recently returned from a trip to Europe.

Mr. Bonner I a Princeton graduate and a member of the Saddle and Cycle club. WILLIE DEARBORN. age. to roam at will, provided tbey do not go where there te danger.

The turkey la naturally of a roving disposition, and when this disposition Is catered to the birds grow more rapidly than when they are kept ia confinement. Eaaja la I stew bail era. J. F. Seymour.

Iowa: How often and la what way should egg be turned ia the Incubator? I It necessary to cool the eggs? Reply The egg In tbe Incubator should be turned twice each day early la the morning and late In tbe evening. The hours selected should be such that there will be about twelve hours between turnings. Six o'clock la the morning and tbe same hour ia the evening are good hours to select for this task. It is not necessary to turn the egg Just half way over. This is not natural, since the hen never considers what part of the eggs Is directly opposite to the lowest part wbea the begins tbe process of turning.

Any change la the-position is sufficient. A good way is ta remove tbe two eggs in tbe center of tbe row snd gently push tbe eggs together from either end of the row. placing one of the eggs removed from the center oa either end of the row. This method potseseetbe advantage of cystematically changing the relative position of tbe eggs, thua insuring a more uniform hatch. Cooling the eggs is also Important, and this should be attended tewbea the eggs are being turned.

Do not be afraid to remove the trays from tbe Incubator, and If the air ta the Incubator bouse is very warm, no serious results will be experienced It tbe trays are removed from the room. It Is natural that the eggs be cooled once or twice each day, and unless tbe temperature of tbe outside atmosphere Is extremely cold, there Is little danger of getting the eggs chilled In tbe five or ten minutes necessary to turn them. Cat Beae fer Few la. H. H.

Disko. Should cut bone given excessively to fowls? Hew often aad bow much should be fed? What Is tbe result if too much be given la tbe ration? Reply Cut bone Is good for tbe fowls, but It is not intended as a steady or exclusive diet. The feeding of green cut bone, especially, should be done with moderation. An excess of cut bone or meat In tbe ratloa causes digestive disorders, aad care and Judgment should be exercised in feeding It. Once or twice a week will likely be found often enough to give cut bone to tbe fowls.

One onnce at a time Is enough for each Individual fowl, which caa be mixed with tbe mash or fed separately. By feeding It this way a constant production of egga caa be kept up. and tbe fowls do aot become so deranged that they refuse food altogether. When fowls are fed too much green bone they will soon refuse to eat a masb containing it. and for want of the regular ratloa they suffer and egg production atops.

These who haven't had much experience in caring for fowls are likely to argue that If a little cut bone Is good for them, lots of It Is better, but that Is not the case. Moderation is necessary. Solomon. In a speech before the Legasla-ture of Oklahoma he said: "One proverb I have often quoted ia The wise man forseeth the evil and hideth himself, but tbe foolish psss on aad are It Is a great truth, and beautifully expressed, but I found It did not stick la people's minds, and so I condensed It, and It Is the only effort I have ever made to Improve upon a proverb, and thia Is not aa improvement, tt is merely a condensation. It is not as beautiful aa Solomon'a proverb, but It is more easily remembered.

It meana the same thing in a condensed form: The wise man gets the Idea into his head; the foolish man gets it in the neck." Columbia State. POOR, PISTOL SAVES LIFE. Breasse It Weald Hot Sead Ballet lata iikall, Bayer tielsCash Bark. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. BARABOO.

April 20. Nathan Woods' passion for bargaining Is noted far aad wide. He added to his laurela the other day. He bought a 22 caliber revolver for $3. "Suppose I take this revolver aad It does not answer, will you take It back?" he asked tbe clerk.

"Sure," said the latter, "money back it you are not In a few hours the town heard that Woods had attempted suicide. He had fired a bullet point blank at his brain. The resisting power of his skull wss such that tbe ball bad simply flattened itself against tbe bony structure and had been removed after making a mere scratch. An hour later Woods appeared and produced tbe pistol with the remark tbst It was no good and demanded his money back. The clerk was too astonished to debate the matter.

He gave Woods his $3. HE FIRED WAR'S LAST SHOT. reaaarlvaala Vetera Lrnyrm Clalaa ts Dwabtfal Hoaer. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. POTTSVILLE.

April 20. Joseph Morris, who fired the last shot of the civil war, died here today at the age of 79 years. Ha was Identified with tbe Seventeenth Pennsj vanla cavalry and tbe Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania volunteer Infantry, having a splendid military record, Morris claimed tbat when word came oa the battlefield of Lee's surrender and that the Confederates had laid down their arms one of them savsgely attacked him. A bullet from Morris musket, the last shot of the war, put the foe bors de combat. v--.

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