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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 7

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

YATERYi PLAIIIIED FOR STATE Promoter" of 'Proposition Outline Crusade of Education to Insure v. Support of Matter When It Comes Before Voters. BOND ISSUE TO BE. THOROUGHLY EXPLAINED Relation Between Nation and Com monwealth to Be Discussed i Lencrth Onlv Oooosition Ex pected From Outside of Valley. A state wide campaign of education In behalf of the proposed constitutional amend ment In aid et the projected lakes to the aulf ship canal through the Illinois water power zone has bee outlined by prominent sun.

sorters of the proposed water way. It Is planned now to carry the campaign Into every hamlet in Illinois and to perfect a live, aggressive organisation in each pre cinct in the state. The general schema bo far as possible, a sort of bipartisan movement. An effort will be made to enlist the support of prominent men of all political beliefs la the work of disseminating information explaining la detail just what the proposed bond iasuo means. Fritsii Work Plow.

While it Is anticipated that the Republican candidates tor state offices this year will talk for the proposition, the real friends of the deep water way and the pioneers in the agitation plan" to conduct a distinct move ment that will have to do with the water way subject only. It Is planned to-open the speaking cam palgn at once. Probably within the month active work In the field will bo on. Congressman William Lo rimer, known as the father of the lakes to the gulf project; Congressman Henry T. Rainey of Carrollten.

Congressman H. M. Snapp of Joliet. Con gressman Joseph V. Graff of Peoria, Represent a tire Cicero J.

Llndly of Greenville, and others associated with tha pioneer movement likely will do the greater part of the hard work on the stump. Members of the Internal Improvement as aociatton will also conduct an educational movement In connection with the separate campaign on the water way subject. Iabam Randolph and Lyman E. Cooler, for the com mission, will be relied npon to furnish the engineering data for the literature that will scattered over the state. Henry Schmoeldt of Beardstown, another member of the stato commission, will spread the water way gos pel In the south end of the state.

Mall Caaapala-n PlaaaeeL, These general plans have been In process of formation for several days. Mr. Llndly, at his home in Greenville, has had a force of stenographers busy for two weeks preparing a mailing list, and from there much of the first round of kwerature will be aent forth He has also secured the names of both Re publican and Democratic chairmen of the county central committees in each of the 102 counties, and the names of all ooat- mastcrs, to whom an appeal will be made to join in forming the nucleus of the general campaign movement. These forces, it Is planned, are to be aug mented by the selection of a committee of five leading Democrats and five leading Re publicans in each precinct throughout the -state. this general committee is to be charged with distributing tne -literature will be sent out from Lb? central head- ijfuariers.

CongretXisr'nd3ff. Llndly heM several conTerences in Springfield last week at which the plan to launch an aggressive campaign at once was outlined. Members of the International Improve-- ment association also were In conference with Governor Deneen during the week, and It was planned that" they should pull their coats and assist In every possible way. ac cording to tne engineers, tne water way. Safe Majority Expected.

The pioneer workers in this cause believe that with a thorough organisation extend Ing over the entire state, the proposed bond issue will Do- supported by a safe majority. Uttle or notrouble la anticipated in the i counties moat-directly, affected by the pro jected canal. All through this tier of coun- ties both Republicans sad Democrats are al ready organizing foi the field work. Mem bers of the Legislature representing districts lying wiibin the so-called valley territory, without regard to party affiliation, are al ready instituting the preliminary cam palgn. It la generally believed by the lead ers that these districts will almost take care Of themselves because of the Intense Inter' est taken In the proposed shin canal.

I- Ont in the other sections of the state, how ever, where the voters are so far removed from the canal tone that it la not a personal matter with them, there will bave to be erne explaining of juat what the bond issue means, and bow it will not bo an added bur am on uic taxpayer. Will Eislala Bud Iuae. la these districts the heavy work will be done. The relation of the state and federal governments In this connection will be fully explained to these voters. They will be shown how the state must first take care of the ship canal through the water-power zone Before congress win appropriate the 1100 000,000 necessary to carry on the work from TJtica south.

They will be shown, also, how the state, by the proposed bond will merely iena its creaituo the undertaking ana urn, in tne ena. not only receive In re-, turn the $20,000,000 pledged, with interest but will hereafter forever enjoy from this -improvement an annual revenue of approxt Congressmen Lorimer and Rainey. rt la now thought, will be called npon to do tho campaigning In these districts and to sot xertn lust what The federal government ex poets of Illinois before it will open up the national strong box in aid of the canal to the gulf. Representative Llndly said yesterday that ha believed the plan of campaign would prove successful, ana toil once tne voters were given a fair statement of tho case there would be a general movement la favor of tie nnaerta.inr. Baaentlon li Kefeawrr.

"But the rural districts of the state, ho said, "muat be They must fully understand "the objects and purposes of tho deep water way and tho manner in which It is to be paid for, so far aa Illinois la con corned. Tho people living In porta of tho state not directly tributary to the proposed canal do' not understand yet how they will bo benefited by it, and they will not vote for tho bond iasuo if they believe that stato money ia to be used in such a manner that it will increaso their f-The $20,000,000 of bonds are to be retired by the earnings from tho canal water power. All this enormous water power that win bo created by tho digging of tha channel from Joliet to Utica will belong, to the state, and the income from this one source alone will bo i sufficient to not only- retire tho bonds and i pay tne interest, even before the bonds are I duo, but to place the state In possession of aa annuai revenue thereafter of several anil lion dollars. "We most show to tho voters of Illinois that this la a correct statement of tho eitua tion. In this conneetioa'we wiU also try to point out the great benefit that would corns to the stato at large from this proposed Inland canal, and at the same time the benefit that would'accrue to the entire middle West, "Then we most make It perfectly plain that this bond issue does not mean an increaso of taxea.

Our plan is to educate tho voters along these lines by literature and newspaper article. I am confident that with auch a campaign tho lake to tho gulf water way will be assured." In Chicago it is planned to put the general campaign in the bands of the leading commercial and civic bodies of the city. The Chicago Association of Commerce and the Him-, llton and Union League clubs win, have charge of the club and publicity campaign THE INTER OCEAN, SUNDAY HORNING, 5, 1CC3. INDIAN COSTUME X7TNS TITLE "REAL AMERICANS" AND CUP FOR COUPLE. Av C- A ori I Casa "2' mt010 fc5? 4 i 1 A i H.

fte I wwm.ww-y' Mr. mm Mrs. Jotaat MR. AND MRS. JOHN CALVIN BROWN, former residents of tho Chicago Beach hotel, who were termed "real Americans' at a fancy dress party given recently by Mrs.

William Crossley. wife of the Member of Parliament, at Manchester, Eng. Of the MARTIAL LAW RULES MOIICIE; 8,000 IDLE Indiana Governor Rushes Troopers to Scene of Strike Troubles, Where Traffic Is Now Being Seri-4 Tously Interrupted by 'W-ya 4r iot' MUScilClndjran. iSlartial law la the controlling force: of Muncle. tonight.

Major General McKee has complete charge of the government of the town. Governor Haaly declared martial law at Tne -proclamation was given to Quartermaster General Powell of tho Indiana national guard, who took It to Muncle and delivered It to General McKee. who la In command of tho statetroops assembled there todsy, consisting of twelve compsnies of infantry and one battery. RaaUao of Martial Law. Tha martial law order covers a radlua of four miles from the Delaware county courthouse and takes in the factory district of.

Muncle. Assistant Attorney General Dowl-Ing waa aent to Muncle by tho Governor to act as legal adviser for Brigadier General McKee. Governor Hanly's action in sending troops to Muncle and the energy displayed today by the authorities and citlsens of that city have resulted in checking the mob spirit, and In consequence there were no outbreaks. Five hundred citlsena. Including some members of the Commercial club of Muncle, have been sworn ia as special officers to preserve the peace.

These' men wll endeavor to control the situation, but will bo backed, up by the soldiers. Mayor Guthrie haa closed al saloons and ordered all women and children to keep off the streets except when necessity compels them to leave their homes. Cawao or Stato CaU. The determination of tho Governor to call out the atato militia followed a riot at Muncle lata Friday afternoon, when eleven persona were hurt and cars, smashed. According to the atate factory Inspector, there are 8,000 Idle men tn Munde.x When the Indiana Union Traction company, which owna the city and Interurbaa lines, refused to renew its contract on Jan.

1 with the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employeatho ninety-six men employed on locsl cara here struck. Other union men out of work In sympathy began taking part in the agitation and resulting disturbances, until the situation got beyond the power of tho Muncle authorities, and Governor Hanly took acHoa. Tho troopa her will number 650 men. KING. ENDS POMPOUS Rales of Swedes Dec-Idea tm Da Away With IsnposlasT Coroaaaalea.

STOCKHOLM. Jan. 4. King Gustavo today made known his intention of abolishing the pompous ceremonies wrth which the Swedith Parliament in the paat has been opened. HI majesty tay these observances are a relic of medievalism and Inappropriate to a modern and progressive nation.

This step, together with tho abolition of the coronation ceremonies recently ordered by the King. Is hailed great appreetatioa throughout Sweden as Initiating a new and democratic era. CARNEGIE MAY HELP RENTERS. AakeaV to BalM Maal Teaeauats to Lease at Law Rate. NEW YORK.

Jan. 4. An attempt to interest Andrew Carnegie in model tenements in New Tork Is one of the results of the rent strike. It ha been proposed that the city nnrcbase a block or two In tha thick lv con. gested East Side, and there build modern" tenements which would be rente at a tow There seem to bo no prospect of the city being able; this, at proaent at least, so leaders.

In, th strike movement will try to get Mr. Carnegie to erect the buildings. ROCKEFELLERjSELLS 32 DEER. Brother of Standardl Oil Head Disposes at All AaJaaala la His Park. GREENWICH, Jan.

4. All the deer In William RockfTelltr'a private park, thirty-two In- been rounded tip and shipped to a Pennsylvania purchaser. Considerable difficulty was- experienced in getting the deer together. of them Injured themselves aad wer killed. I 4i Calvia Brovra, many gorgeous costumes which were worn on that occasion none received more notice than the Indian regalia' of.

tho Browns. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were tho only Americans at the gathering and were presented with a handsome silver loving cup by their hostess. JURY, BAFFLED, DROPS SHOW GIRL TRAGEDY Janesville (Wis.) Investigators Declare in Verdict They Cannot De- cide in What "Manner Madelyn Odell Clayton Met Death.

Special DUpatcb to The Inter Oreaa. Jan. 4. The mysterious death of Madeira Odetl Clayton proved too difficult a problem for a coroner'e jury to solve; After, a two weeka lnveatlgatioo. the Jury decided it did not know whether tne pretty chorus girl whoso body waa found In Rock river committed suicide or was murdered.

It returned- a verdict- today, declaring "the means, persons, weapons, or lnstrurcfents by whieh she came to her death are to the Jury unknown. J. F. Lanauette. the Fond du Lee I poster, went on the stand when the Inquest was resumed In tho morning and declared nonchalantly he had lied when he aaid that he, instead of F.

J. Lanouette, who goes by the name of Frederick Clayton, had married Maude Odell In St. Joseph. Sept. 17.

He admitted the only true part of hie sensa tional story was that his name wa Lanau ette. His motive, he said, for "butting" into the drama with his tale of double Identity at a psychological moment In the Investigation was a thirst for notoriety. Chief Appleby gave him aa hour in which to leave town. He lingered tn the suburb nntit evening, apparently to enjoy the sensation ot being looked at by town boys. Claytaa la Cloaoljr Qanti.ar4.

the clairvoyant husband of the dead woman, waa catechised on the stsnd by District Attorney Fisher. "How long hare yon used the nsme of Clayton tho witness waa aaked. "I don't remember ho replied. "Waa It ten yeara?" "Perhaps throe. "Why did you change your name "I followed a custom of theatrical people: "Did your know yonr real name waa Lanauette." "Tea.

"Did Mrs. McKay, her mother? "No. She knew me only aa Clayton. said he had been with Mrs. Clay ton constantly since last February, never having been out of.

her company for four hours at a time. It would have been Impossible, he said, for her to be In St. Joseph prior to Sept. 17. Ho was aaked If he had any light to throw on the tragedy.

-No." he aaid. "I believe I knew every move my wife tine Had no admirers. Sbeaever west on the streets alone at night. I do not know why she went out alone on the night ahe disappeared. lMacrcaaray Slaawa ta Toettsnaay.

A discrepancy was ahown between Clay ton's testimony on one point and evidence ob tained through a letter written to District Attorney Fisher by Peter M. Esser, a moving picture showman, who once traveled wit a the Claytons. Clayton, under questlona trom the district attorney, aeia no and nts wire had beea In Genoa, Wlson Oct. 15 and la Kirk land. next day.

Esser said In his letter he had left Chicago wltft Mr. and Mrs. otay ton Sept. 24 and that they abowed in Genoa Sept. IS aad went to Klrkland Sept.

27. He eult the couple ia Kirkland because Clayton foaad faalt with hi picture. Clayton explained the discrepancy by aaylng Esser wa mistaken la his date. Clayton informed Chief Appleby he would remain in Janesville to assist In solving the mystery of nts wile deatn. I believe my wife committed suicide," he said to the chief.

"But I think her missing parse contains either a note she wrote herself to explain her deed or a letter from some unknown wnlca made despondent. I am going to devote myself for the next few days to bunting for tne purse." By Chief AppJeby's Instructions Edward Carpenter, an electrician, attached aa dec trio light globe to a live wire, aad with this burning beneath the current the river bot tom was searched a second time. The parse was of beads, with a brass ton, and Ita glitter ander the electric radiance. it la believed, will betray its lodging place. Tare Drowa While Skatlair.

BANGOR. Maine. Jan. 4. Edwin Wad leigh aad Willis Pinkham were drowned in the Penobscot river this afternoon.

The boys, each about 14 years old. were skat ing along the shore when they went Into a bole and disappeared under the ice. At Madison, Maurice 12 years old, wss drowned while skating en the Kennebec liver today. a PCHFCCT Cleanses preserves and beautifies the teeth, and Purifies the breath A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Established ia 1866 by BOMB FIRED Hi DAI1K; 250IIIPERILilOHURT Panic Ensues When Dynamite Blast Wrecks Basement of KansasCity Structure While It Is Crowded With Customers. Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa.

KANSAS CITT. Jan. 4. Ten persons were Injured and 2S0 others, on the verge ot death, were thrown Into a panic today when a dynamite bomb waa mysteriously exoloded ia tbe bstement of the new million dollar marble building ot the First National bank at the corner of Tenth street ana saitt more avenue, in tne neart oi in city. It 1 asserted that the explosion was the work of a weak-minded depositor or tne bank, who sonant vengeance because bo was unable to withdraw bis money during tne financial stringency.

Another theory is thst robbers Bred the tomb intending to loot the bsnk during the excitement, but that their plan miscarried. A piece of believed to have been part of a bomb, waa found tonight ia tne wreckage. Baakt Badly DaaaacesL The force of the exploaioa waa terrific and canted heavy damage to the line bank struc ture. The Injured: BRIGHT WELL, VALJEAX. clerk; cut a head and face.

COLE. R. knocked senseless by concus sioa. DONALDSON. bank clerk; cut by glass.

EVANS. GEORGE member of wholesale drug firm of Smith a Evans; cut by flying missiles while walking on opposite aide ot Baltimore atreet. GRANT. CHARLES, bank, clerk; brniaed. KLAPMEYER.

R. bank clerk; cut on head aad faco. PECH, JOSEPH, carpenter; passing building at time of explosion; teeth knocked ot; face cat. WARD, ELBERT, negro porter; cut and serious. WILSON.

LOGAN, bank clerk; blown acrosa basement; cut; serious. WILSON, J. employe of United States and Mexican Trust company, with offices acrosa the atreet from bank; cut on face. The bank was crowded with customers at the time, and these, together with tba employee, numbered 50 persona. A panic en- sued, and there a as a panic-atricken rush for- the doors, during which many received mlcor injuries.

Joseph Pecb-a Hungarian carpenter of this city, one of the persons injured, was taken to the police station and questioned by the No charge waa preferred agalaat him. He satisfied the police that he had no connection with the affair and waa soon released. Pech said he waa passing the building end was cut by flying glass. Investigation developed the fact that tbe bomb had been placed in a toilet-room in the northwest corner cf the twenty feet from tbe mala The toilet-room waa 1Sx20 feet suare, and waa separated from the adjoining room by a three Inch plaster partition. This partition was supported by a.

ateel post. Pelt All Over City." The bomb struck this post with suck force that It bent It a foot ont of position, wrecked the partition and the plus-btng. and sent a cloud of dust ap the wide stairway leading to the banking-rooms. Half a dozen baaement wiadowa, with the ateel roda protecting them, were blown ont into Baltimore avenue and across the street. The building waa shaken aa if by an earthuake, aad ita force may be appreciated from the fact that It waa felt tn all parts of lift city.

Window panes In the building across the street from the bank were broken. Six ot the injured were hit by flying debris aa they were walkiag along Baltimore avenue. John F. Pelletler, superintendent of the fire Insurance patrol, who waa In the banking-rooms st the time of the explosion, and E. F.

Swinney. president oCthe bank, are authority tor the statement that the explosion was the result of a bomb aet off by some mysterious Vice President Abernathy of the bank la convinced that tho bomb waa placed by a disgruntled depositor, unable to draw hla funds during the recent money panic. Erewltseai Telle Story. Mr. Pelletler, who was standing at the paying teller'a window when the explosion shook the building, ssid: "Following the explosion there waa a great volume ot emoke and dust, which poured-up the stairway Into the banking-room.

The bank waa unusually well filled with people. At the moment of the explosion the crowd turned and rushed for the south door, leading Into Tenth atreet. called out la a loud voice for quiet, shouting that there was no danger, and rushed for the stairway. When I reached It dust and smoke were pouring up the entrance way. I groped my way down the atalra and at the bottom found Ward, the porter.

I carried him upstair where others took care of him, and returned to the where I waa soon able, to make an investigation. Tho smell of powder and the wrecking of the basement made It certain that the explosion had resulted from a bomb. There was no trace of tbe bomb thrower and I have been nnabls to find any tangible dew to the manner la which the missile was placed." Is Blswa TvrewtT Feet. Logan Wilson, one of the Injured, was In the basement at the time ot iho blast. He waa blown clear across the Basement, and probably through tbe partttion.

a distance of twenty feet. When picked up 1m was unconscious. He waa temovod to the Emergency hospital, and so far has been unable to give any account ot what hap- J. Donaldson, another injured bank employe, waa working la his cage in the banking-room. was cut by glass that had fallen from a chandelier.

Harea. ex-chief ot police, who vis ited the scsae. sal the explosion wa un doubtedly cauaed by dynamite. Tni tneory aunnorted by Alexander Henderson, as sistant chief of the Are department. Others advanced the Idea that tho explosion wss a combination of dynamite, gun powder, and nitroglycerin, altbougn no tragment or tne supposed bomb baa been found.

The First National Bank building la one of the most beautiful structures in the city. It was only tin la bed last yesr, and cost $1,000,000. The mala floor is occupied by the bank, which is the largest financial in-atitution in Kansas City. The two upper atorles are occupied principally by real estate and law firms. Stay Great Lakes.


Rear Admiral Bert Roas, who has been retired, is to be retained as commandant of the great lake naval training Admiral Ross connection with the work datea from ita Inceiptlon and he is thoroughly familiar with all its details. CUPID STARTS TRUST BY EUDIUG DUS1I1ESS RIVALRY III MARRIAGE Salesman Meets Fair Competitor and Couple Soon Decide; That Single Life Is Irksome Proposition. The world old problem of hew to abolish a successful business rival without Injur lag yourself has beea solved, and Herbert Scully. 911 Walnut street, who worked It ont. ha proved that hla method ia successful.

To prevent his own relegation to the sell ing plater class, and incidentally because be wa head over heels In lev with her. fee cut the Gordiaa knot of hie difficulties aad made Mis Edith Olsea his wife, thus transforming a formidable competitor late a valuable busi ness ally aad adviser. i When Scully, who Is the manager of a cor set company, found some of bis best cus tomers toiling him taat taey naa eoaciaaea to patronize aa other nouse. nis courage waa sorely tested. When he found, while past SALOONS FREED FOR HEW YEAR'S BREACH Busse Refuses to Prosecute Liquor Men for Selling After Hours, Holding People Should Be at Liberty to Celebrate.

Saloon-keepers who kept open "after hours oa New Tear's eve will be given an "Immunity bath by Mayor Busse. "If Arthur Barrage Farwell thinks I am going- to revoke licenses because of hilarity on New Year's eve. he is mistaken, declared Mayor yesterday. Wwa't Draw Relas Tight "New Tear's only cornea once ia 65 days, and if the people want to have a little extra diversion. I am not going to later fere with them.

Not a maa will lose hla license, aa far as I am concerned, because he took a little liberty with tbe law oa that occasion. "I believe In the people having a good time. In the absence of any serious fights or trouble I believe the 100.0C4 persons who were out New Year's ere had a right to break over the limit." A demand baa beea made by the Law and Order league on the city prosecutor to bring suit sgalnat a score or more saloon-keepers who kept open after 1 o'clock on New Tear'a morning. City Prosecutor White will follow the policy ot the administration la regard to the saloon closing law, and will leave It to the Law and Order league to bring mandamua proceedings In case It decldea to press tbe matter. What ia claimed by the anti-liquor element aa a victory ta see a ia the announcement of live or the best clubs in tbe city that they will refuse to sell liquor on Sunday.

The clubs sre the Chicago, Calumet, Hamilton, Union League, and University. Slat Matcrnlsve Caaei Urn Over. The cases acalnat sixty-one saloon-keep ers and cigar dealers charged with keeping slot machines in their places were continued yesterday by Judge Newcomer unttl Jan. SO. because of tbe failure ot the prosecutors to appear.

Judge Newcomer aaid he thought it strange that H. H. Van Meter and Attorney. Charlea Lloyd Whitman ahould be out of towa waea tbe eases were called. CAIRO "DRY? FOR FIRST TIME.

All Cioaee TiaraHjr la llllaals Special Dispatch to Tho later Oceaa. CAIRO. 111.. Jaa. 5.

The "lid" went on at midnight, aad for the first time la history Cairo will see an absolutely "dry Sundsy. with every saloon-keeper In town pledged to keep his own place closed and to see that the others do the same. This result waa brought about by the proposed vote unjer the local option law next April, and a desire to "be good" In tbe meantime, la order to soften the spirit of antagonism. Cairo haa for a long time been the only oasis la a dry territory of many miles in ex-teat, as all the adjoining counties in Missouri. Kentucky, aad southern Illinois have voted out saloons.

CASTRO DEFIES THE AGITATORS, Preetaeat af Veaesaela Refasee ta Die teSalt Hla Baeaales, CARACAS, Venesaela, Thursday, Jan. 2. Via Wlllemstad. Curacao. Jan.

4. President Caatro appears to have quite recovered from hla recent lllneaa. he held a New Year's reception and read a proclamation to the republic, in which be dwelt upon the exlating peaceful conditions. Referring to his own health, he said It was useless for agttatora to go on- watching his sickbed trusting that fate would remove him from the Presidency. Pimple! Stossccl In 5 Days SB Every Possible Skin Eruption Chiw4 la Marvelously Quick Timo by tbe New Calcium Treatment.

Stni Fir Frtf Siaplt ragtags Tooii. Boll have', been cured Ia daya. and soma of the worst casea of akin diseases have been cured in a week, by the wonderful action of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. These wafera eon-tain as their mala ingredient, the moat thorough, quick, and effective blood cleanser known, calcium sulphide. Moat treatments for the blood and for skin eruptions are miserably -alow In their re- ul is, and besides, many of them are poieoa-ons.

Stuart'a Calcium Wafera contain no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harmless, aad yet do work which cannot fall to surprise you. They are the most powerful blood purifier nnd skin clearer ever discovered, and they never derange the No matter what you suffer from, plmplea, blackheads, acne, red rash, apota. blotches, raab, tetter, or any other akin eruption, yon caa get rid. of them long before other treat-menta can even begin to ahow results. Don't around with a humiliating, dissenting mass of pimples and blackheads oa your face.

A face covered over with these disgusting things makes people torn away from you, and breeds failure in yonr life work. Stop it. Read what an Iowa man said when he woke up one morning aad found he had a new face: "By George, I never saw anything like lt. Thcre I've bea.for three yeara trying to get rid of plmplea and blackheads, aad guesa 1 nsed everything under the sun. I used your Calcium Wafers for Just seven daya.

This morning every blessed pimple Is goae and I can't find a blackhead. I could write you a volume of thanks, I am so grateful to you." You can depend upon tola treatment being a never falling Just send us your nsme and add rets in full, today, and we will send yon a trial package of Stuart'a Calcium Wafers, free to test. After yea have tried the sample and been convinced that all we say la true, you will go to your nearest druggist and get a 60c box and be cured of your facial trouble. They are' in tablet form, and no trouble whatever to take. You go about your work aa usual, and there you are cured and happy.

Send ns your name and address today and we will at once send you by mail a cample package free. Address A. Stuart 175 Stuart, Marshall, Mica. ing the buaiaess Interests of his arm, that buslaes was exceedingly slippery aad difficult to hold, owing to aome mysterious ln-fluenc which he could not grasp, he was bewildered. There were but two remedies that eonld devise, and he waa not at all ur that either could so made to work.

S. The flrat waa to learn the mysterious Influence which wa working agalaat him, and the second was to. when he had discovered It, put his opponent out ot the way. During the investigation which followed be found his most serious c0mpotitor to be a young lady sale ageat for a rival honae. Scully arranged for aa latroductloa.

Olsen Mr. Scully, said the mutual friend. Aad Capid did the real. They were married at the Cathedral of the Holy VOMAHRECORDTHIEF TAKER, QUITS CHASE Fair Detective, Who Has Captured More Shoplifters Than Any Five Resigns After Fifteen Years of Service. Mrs.

Kettle Severn. Chicago' woman eleuth, who has arrested more shoplifter than any five city policemen, ia to retire from the strenuoosness of the thief nabbing game. Yesterday Mrs. Severn, who for fif teen yeara haa been house detective in a State atreet department store, bade fare well to her fellow house detective and waa presented with a gold star as a token of their esteem. Mrs.

Severn became a detective flfteea years ago to atody the habits of criminals. She is retiring beea nee she has accumulated sufficient knowledge of their habits to expect to write a book on crime and criminals. Sbe Is also retiring because a lucky real estate deal has netted her the tidy sum of S7S.000, A Slewtfa far Fia, Shortly before the World's Fair Mrs. Severn took np the work of private detective aa an amusement. After tbe fair she became ao Interested In tbe work tbst she went with the Stnte street firm, and has remained with them ever since.

Dut ing her years as a detective Mr. Severn Is said to bave arrested nearly every well known anopiifter la tn-s country. Her mar velous memory of facea enabled 'her to as sist the regular police time after time, and among her fellow workera of the other stores sbe was knoan as "The Chief." Mrs. Severn. It is said, intends to write a book telling of her adventures as a private detective.

Storiea of the well known society woasea who suffered from temporary At of "kleptomania" while she wss watching them will prove not th least Interesting cart of her book, although Mra. Severn haa aaid that be wilt aot make known the names of any persons arrectea wnere the offend waa al lowed to go with a warning. Many Teaapteel Haar Fell. Of the thousands of persons Mrs. Severn Bas arrested or merely takes to the "office' for a reprimand ahe says that she baa had every aationality and every walk of life ex eept a Roman Catholic prieat.

a nun, or a member of the Salvation army. Ministers ministers' wives. clerks, laayera. physicians, and others of supposed eminent resoectabll ity have all fallen ender tbe watchful eye of Mrs. Severn.

"There have beea many strange atorles hat-came under my observation in tbe fifteen years," said Mrs. Severn. "I bsve had an unrivaled opportunity to study human life at first hand, and I think I have taken ad vantage of it." Aa example of Mra. Severn's marvelous memory for faces is cited in the arrest of a young man laat year. About tea yeara ago Mrs.

Severn detected a boy about 13 year eld taking a pair of gloves from tbe counter On account of hla youth the detective mere ly reprimanded htm and allowed him to go. Laat year ahe aoticed a tall, well dressed maa with a heavy mustache near one of the counters, a he took a amall article from tbe caae Mrs. Severn tapped him on the shoulder, In the office of the atore the man broke down, declared that he had never attempted to steal before, and would have been released had not the detective recognised htm ns the boy of ten yeara before. He was turned over to the police, his record investigated, and it was fonnd that he was a well known pick pocket ia New York aad other Eastern cities. MARCONI TO OPPOSE TREATY ON WIRELESS IN THE SENATE Atteraey foe laeeeUor Will Stato Hi OhJeetlwM Wfanlar Meaee Traasaalttea my TPreoiaeat.

Special Dispatch The Inter Oceaa. WASHINGTON. D. Jan. 4.

The Senate committee on foreign relations on Wednes day will consider the treaty oa wireless teleg raphy, wnich waa recently transmitted to the Senate by the President. It has been ar ranged that John W. Grigga. former Attorney General of tbe United Statea. and at present toe attorney tor aiarconi.

the inventor or one of the wireless systems, shall be heard in opposition to the trtaty. The article of the treaty, which provides that wireless messages shall be exchanged between ships and coastal atatlona. and between ship themselves, regardless of the particular system adopted by such ships and stations, ia not regarded favorably by Mar com. as his attorney wtii set forth. It is understood thst the statement of Admiral H.

N. Maoney, a member of tfla United Statea delegation attending tbe Ber lin wireless the dia puted article, has been obtained by the com mittee. TAFT SEEKS TO SHIELD OFFICERS IN RIDING TEST Reawlta at FmUtat Itoaaevelfe Et aalaatlsa Casta War Secretary Worry atesrardUa; Maay la Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa. WASHINGTON. D.

C. Jan. 4. Next week Secretary Taft expect to bo able to an nounce the diapooltion to bo made of thoae officers of the regular army who for one re a aon or another failed to take the riding test prescribed by tbe President. At the instance of President Roosevelt the reguiatioaa ot tne war Department rovern Ing the examination and appointment of et villans to be Second Lieutenants In the army have been amended so as to prescribe thst all sack applicants ahalLbo examined care fully as to their fltness for mounted service Like tbe cadeta at the United 8tatea Mill tary academy.

tBeae applicanta are to classified by nsme In three groups, a de termined by the result, of the examination GREAT FORTUNE FOR HARVARD College Will Reeelve Several Haaired Tasaiaad Dollars. NEWPORT. R. L. Jan.

4 It baa beea learned that Harvard university is the resi duary legatee under. the will of Frederick Sheldon, who left an estate valued at several hundred thousand dollars. The estate la made a trust under the will, the income to bo paid to Mr. Sheldon's wife during her life and afterward to Mrs. sneiaon sister, ana her daughter.

On their death the entire es tats reverts to Harvard- m. (IvMrtu mnftvl In Dr. Piercae atedicloea greatly earbaaoe the mealciaal prtrportlao which It extract from native, medicinal roots and holds In solution. nucb better than alcohol wouia. sue possesses medicinal propertied of it own, betnc a valuable demulcent, nutritive.

antiseptic sad anUXermeat. It adds greatly to tneemcacy ox tne rtiac uoerry-bark. Blood root, Ootdea Seal root, St no root and Quean' root, -eenUlaed la "Golden Medical Discovery "In subduing chronic, or iingmng cougns, ov-DDuuai, throat and Ions affections, for all of which these aeenta are recommended by stand ard medical aathoritiea. In all cases where there ia a waaUng away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stomach, at ia tne cany stages oi bn, thera can be no doubt that giy-acts a a valuable nutritive and len beat root, oione root, A nwrrrhark In nromuMnf Igestioa sad building np tha flesh ante igta. controlling uie conga and brin about a neaiuiy coaoiuon system.

Of course. It must Ot thO not bee tmA ftAwnrlf mlrfti-M ft will not cur stares. isunrption except in its earlier rill Qfatk hs. l.ronci.ial chrome han rough gtkliii-i. a -4- uith hdarsf'ncs.

Jn acute cmu it in in linger iae- hang-on cough, or those of long taud ing, -even when accompanied by bleeding from tongs, that it haa performed Ita moat marvetoas cures. Prof. Unlev Kliinrwood. m. ii-Of -Ben nett MexL College, says of gly cerine: In venenata Itservas aa excellent pnrposa.

Holding a axed quantity of tbe peroxide ot hydrogen la solution, it is one of tbe best ananaiactatwd prod nets of tbe present time ta He act km upon eareaoteo. anmroereq muttmr acfaa, especially If there is alrerattoa or catarrhal gasuitl (catarrhal InflaaunaUon of tossacali It ta a most efficient preparation, eiyceriae will reileva many cases of pyrosis (beartbam) and excessive gastric tstomacitl -UOiaea saeeica! inseo.i uiuuwa mmm aarilM the btood cwrin biotrhe. oimpiea, era pilosis, scrofuloas swellings and old sore. eend to Dr. R.

V. Pierre, of Buffalo. X. tor free booklet teliln all about tbe native medicinal roots roearosinr tbls woaderfal aaonVina There la ao alcohol ia it. Rate aad Lcatioau ALGONQUIN HOTEL, e-S WEST TU.

KEAfi ITU AV. X4 a day sad up. Suites si aad urn, GILSEY HOUSE, BROADWAT AND TWGNTT-MNTU IT. Rooms turn a day aad ap. Ita eat.

z.Oa' GRENOBLE HOTEL, MTH ST. AMDTTU AV. gl a day aad mm. Bull aad new HOFFMAN HOUSE, BtADlSON SQUARE AXD Z5TH fct. Sum 1-U aad no.

HERALD SQUARE HOTEL gl.eoaay. use or ttatn sz.o with saia. THE TUDSON: WASHINGTON 2 BLOCKS FROM WAT. fet was aou tru Anu. LONG ACRE HOTEL, IM TO I S3 WEST 47TH ST.

Exclusively scskr. Beoto. privata eat, IMaa, LUCERNE HOTEL. IOTH ST. AND AMSTERDAM A V.


$3 SO a day aad ap. Suites aad as. NEW AMSTERDAM HOTEL. 81 8 ST. AND 4TH AV: European plan, tl 00 a day aad aa.


SO rooms. Willi Oaths. S-W ta SS eer day. SOON TO BE STARTED PropositioQ to Be Submitted to City Council to Construct an Underground Railway Within the Loop District to End Congestion. Plana to relieve the congestion of thedow towa anrface line by mean of a subway are to be taken np at once by the council committee on local transportation.

Traction Counsel Walter It. Fisher Is authority for this uuvvuvcuicHt! a as is ea iv a a mm that the city can call on the two atreet rail-road companies, nnder the new franchises, to contribute toward this project. This sum, he says, will be sufficient to begin the work, snd carry out the portion which ta most necessary. The beginning probably will be made with a bore to extend from the Van Buren atreet tunnel, east to Michigan avenue and north to Washington atreet aad west to the aan-ington street tunnel. Connection could then niih throurh the rebuilt Salle atreet tunnel with the North Side lines.

fSaaae Kavora "While nothing definite has been none oa the subway proposition," said Mr. Fisher, "several conferences have been held trom time to time. Mayor Buase haa informed me that he la in favor ot having the work pushed forward as rapidly as possible. "The proposition ia aot up to tbe board of supervising engineers. An ordinance must first be paaaed by tne council before tne board can act.

The traction ordinances require the companion to contribute ti. COS .000 aa their share toward the eooetructioa of the tunnels whenever the city decide to go ahead with the work. Mr. Fisher said that the New Tork plaa of subway could not be naed in Chicago. "Our idea here ia to relieve congestion in the down town district, and the cars should enma ta the surface aa aooo aa they are oat- aide the loop.

The tunsela would only be extended as tbe district enlarge. Provision for Water Mains. "Again, provtalen muat be made for the eooetructioa ot ga Her lea to contain water pipes, aad the mains of tbe oiffereat public utility corporations. Bpece ahould also be made for the sewers and for the over lew from the streets In raiay weather." Mr. Flaher aaid that the matter would soon come op tor considers tioe before the local tranaportation committee.

aad that he would endeavor to have work begun the inbwtys withia the year. Marderer'a Vletln Fsaaa. MILWAUKEE. Jan, 4. The body of Fred Ge bring, about SS year old.

was found today near the street car line, Juat south ot the city limits. He had apparently been murdered. Gebrtng waa formerly a foreman of a Chicago A Northwestern construction gang- Invaloable to speakers pxA singers for tha. voice JVbsolately 00 YliTOV ft SUBWAY ao.

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