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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 2

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

venue. She talked freely of her daughter's death and expressed the opinion that sirs, Clayton was murdered. "I cannot understand how Madalyn could have climbed the railing of the bridge." aald McKay. "It is higher than- her head, nd it does not seem possible -to me that a woman could get over it. "We cannot think of any motive for murder, however.

The story that an actor had followed my daughter from place to place. her marriage Is absolutely false. I am cure she had no entanglements of any kind. Before her marriage she had many sweethearts, but after she became a married woman she forgot tbem all and neither Mr.Clay- ten nor iuyaelf credit the theory that an actor may have kilted her. "Of course, in a mysterious case of this kind suspicion turns everywhere, but I have net the faintest idea that Mr.

Clayton knows anything of Madalya's death. He arrived In Janes ville this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and explained that ne was late because he had overslept at his hotel in Michigan City. -He id all broken up and la spending all the money he has to clear up the mystery. "Mrs. Jsckman tells me that Madelyn and Mr.

Clayton seemed perfectly happy to-, rether. not on the last day of her life, but Curing their enttre stay at the house." Ilnd- Loas Vaallseovered. Mrs. McKay said she believed her daughter's body had laid for three weeks practically In the center of the city of JanesvMle. within 200 feet of one the main bridges in the city, and in water so shallow that it was partly exposed all the time.

She said that thousands of persons had passed so near It that if they had looked in the direction in which it lay they eould hardlv have missed seeing it. Another mysterious feature of the case is Mrs. McKay's positive denial mat at me lime the advertisement was inserted for Maud Odell there were any papers for Mrs. Clayton to sign in connection with an Inheritance. Mrs.

Kred J. McEldowney, 44S8 Champlaln avenue. Mrs. Clayton's sister. Inserted the advertisement.

In which she said "Maud'a" mother was dying. Later Mrs. McEldowney Eald she wanted to find her sister to have her Eign the papers in the Inheritance from an uncle. Sister Iarnoraat of Death. Mrs.

McEldowney Is in delicate health and has not been Informed of the finding of her sister's body. She still believes the search is being continued and expects every day to receive news that Mrs. Clayton has been found alive and will return to her home in Chicago. Mrs. Clayton's father Is L.

J. Odell of Los from whom Mrs. McKay was divorced several years ago. A telegram was sent him yesterday notifying htm of his daughter's death. 10,000,000 MAIL ERRORS HUGE NUMBER OF LETTERS MISDIRECTED IN CHICAGO.

(nerlatradeat Say Three Mistakes Were Detected la Addressee DarlasT Tear at Local Postoffice. Ten million mistakes in the addresses of letters were made during the past year by persons whose mall was handled by the mailing division of the Chicago postoffice. This Is an average of one mistake for every 134 pieces of mall. The figures were complleI by F. H.

Galbraith, superintendent of mails, and presented to Postmaster Daniel A. Campbell yesterday. The increase In the money order business the Chicago postoffice during the year 1307 hows a smaller increase than In any recent year, because of the financial stringency, according to federal statistics recently completed. It is only 3.6 per cent this year, as against an increase in general business In i' Af ahiuit a oak. tent.

The receipts of the postoffice, as shown by the figures in the cashier's 'report, amounted to 114.585,582.77. an increase of 8.S per cent over 1906. One hundred and thirty-nine million pounds of mail-were handled during the year, an Increase of 11.000,000 pounds over 1J06. In the registry 3,674.415 articles were handled, as against 7,938,618 for 1U0S. Sabstaaee of Work Doae.

The following figures show in substance the work done by the delivery division of the poatofflce, as shown by reports submitted to the postmaster: Total number of money orders issued, Total number of money orders, pa Id. Total number pieces ordinary mail delivered. 616.31.C10. Special letters 8.393. Special letters dispatched.

342.805. Total number of pieces of mail given to City directory service, 6.6OS.70J. Stamps sold ordinary, 5.096.568.43; due tamps. $76,474.10. Number pieces registered, 828,354.

Number registered pieces delivered, 91.U37 Fossa Loose la Malls. Carelessness in sendlag money through the Dial's is revelled in the following figures: Moneys found loose in the malls, $1,637.29. Moneys found loose in the malls delivered. $733.56. Moneys found loose In the mails sent to division of dead letters.

$642.05. Moneys found loose in the mails on hand. 5261 68. The office also recovered from wrecks and delivered 3.323 pieces of mail In the yenr. CITY COURTS REDUCE NUMBER OF SUPERIOR COURT SUITS Only 2.S2I Aetloas Filed fa 1SOT, as Compared With 4,91 Dsrlas Pre-ceediae; Year.

Charles v. Vail, clerk of the Superior court, in his annual report says that the Municipal courts have reduced the lawsuit cases to a minimum, and that whereas In 1906 there were 4.961 lawsuits fried, orrfy 2,821 lawsuits were filed in 1907. Chancery suits, however, were Increased In 1907 from 9,061 of the previous year to 3.118. Notwithstanding the anti-race suicide agitation the school reports that have been completed for 1907 show that there have been less than 600 additional new pupils enrolled in the Chicago public schools during the past year. The school architect went ahead ac- cording to "form" and put in 22,000 new seats for the expected Increase which did not materialize.

V. L. Bodine. superintendent of compulsory education, reports that he prosecuted the parents of-129 children and he had habitual Incorrlgibles. There were, however, 745 fewer habitual, truants in the schools during 1907 than in 1908.

MRS. M'DONALD WILL FACE TRIAL FOR LIFE TUESDAY Ko Farther Deters to Be Asked aad tha tl'tasa Shows hat Little Iaterest la Case. No further delay Is to be asked in the case of Mrs. Dora McDonald, who Is to be tried Tuesday on a charge of having murdered Webster Guerln. It is claimed that one of -the witnesses to be called will swear that "Mike" McDonald, the husband, knew of her plan to kill Guerln, and approved Attorney Patrick O'Denoell has been retained to co-operate with Colonel James Hamilton Lewis in the defense.

Mrs. McDonald takes no iaterest in her coming trial. She discusses it as calmly as If it were snot her person to be tried far her life instead of herself. Trala Wreek Caaaei Death. DUNCAN, Dee.

28. Henry White, engineer, was killed and two mail clerks cad two express messengers injured when Rock Island ptssenger train No. 23. a doable header, was wrecked near here this afternoon. Otto Koonty of Kansas City, assistant bag-Cagematj.

may die. LOVE SUIT DEFENDANT WEDS DESPITETHREAT John T. Noake Ignores $10,000 Breach of Promise Action Filed by Sister-in-Law and Makes 19-Year-Old Girl His Bride. (Continued From First Page.) Episcopal church, who was to perform the ceremony, informing him of the reasons why he should not do so. But during the evening she remained at her home, 3227 Maiden avenue, Sheridan Park.

The police were there in case of emergency nevertheless. The Rev. Mr. Quayle arrived in a carriage shortly sfter 6 o'clock and departed at 7. He acknowledged that he had performed the ceremony, and said that he had had no letter from any woman concerning the matter.

Although it was denied at the house that Miss Wallace was at home, or that there was to be any wedding, the couple left the house in a closed carriage at 10 o'clock and drove to a down town hotel. Bride Is a Steaocrapaer. The bride was a stenographer employed by the American Trust and Savings bank. She is 19 years old and very pretty. Noake went there to deposit morfey which he had made In business ventures with Mrs.

Noake, the widow of his brother. He saw the pretty stenographer, and from that time, according to Mrs. Maude A. Noake. his affection tor her began to wane, and his business dealings ceased to be as punctilious as before.

Mrs. Maude Noake alleges in her suit that Noake made love to her shortly after her husband's death, and that In some of the 400 letters In her possession he asserts that he loved her more than any other woman he had ever known. This she considered rather flattering, in view of the fact that he had been married before. The letters were written, however, before he saw the pretty stenographer In the bank where he went to deposit the money which she had helped him to make. She charges that Noake attempted to get possession forcibly of the 400 love letters which she depends upon In her suit, but that he failed to dp so.

Is ssld that Harry Noake, a son of the bridegroom, was sued for breach of promise five years ago by Miss Mildred Strong; who asked damages of $10,000. Patrick H. O'Donnell Is attorney for the plaintiff. SERVICE FOR IROQUOIS FIRE VICTIMS TO BE HELD TODAY Flana forMeaierlalHopwItalaaaMeaa-; sweat to Be Aaaoaayeeel at Gatkerlac la Wlllari HatL The fourthlmetbortaJis'ervlce for the victims of the Iroquois fire will be held in WIN lard hall by the Iroquois Memorial association this afternoon. Dr.

George T. Tobias will be chairman. Those who have the work In charge will announce the plans that have been made for memorial hospital to be erected In the down town district; also the plaas that have been mad for a monument to be erected at the entrance to Montrose cemetery for the unidentified dead. The Rev. Jenkln Lloyd Jones will deliver the invocation, and addresses will be made by J.

KrO. Prldmore, the Rev. Frank Smith, Dr. Tmil G. Hlrsch, and R.

T. Crane, President William Busse of the county board said yesterday he believed the best plan for the Iroquois hospital project would be to install modern emergency departments in some of the hospitals already built, the bills for the emergency cases to be paid by the city, exceot In cases where patients are able to pay their own bills. Maa -Kills Stepfather. LEAVENWORTH. Dee.

28. J. A. Ehman. a plumber, today was shot and killed by Frank Ulrlch.

his stepson. Ulrich was arrested. In Jail he said that he had shot Ehman la defense of his mother's life. Mrs. Maaalym Odell Clr CASHvFOR EX-PRESIDEHTS CLEVELAND SAYS U.

S. SHOULD PROVIDE FOR RETIRED CHIEFS. Olaalty of the Coaatry, Declares, Dtaaaai Thai They Be Flaeod Bo- yoad the Rearhf Waat. Special Dtapatch to Tha Inter Ocean. NEW YORK.

Dec. 23. Former President Grover Cleveland, under the title of "Our People and Their Ex-Presidents," has contributed an Interesting article to a weekly magazine. Referring to the poverty of Jefferson after he left the Presidency as a blow to national pride, Mr. Cleveland declares definite and generous provision should be made for the maintenance of chief magistrates at the end of their terms.

He deals with the subject at length and explains that he feels he csn do so without his sincerity being questioned, since he is beyond the need of aid from the public treasury. Coadltloa la Kot Met. "The condition Is by no means met. Mr. Cleveland writes, "by the meager and spasmodic relief occasionally furnished under the guise of a military pension or some other pretext; nor would it be best met by making compensation dependent upon the discharge of senatorial or other duty.

Our people ought to make a definite and generous provision for all cases alike, based on motives of justice and fairness and adequate to the situation. Mr. Cleveland describes the limitations that his former high office place on a retired President in his choice of occupation and means of livelihood, and how popular conception of him as a repository of national dignity enforces a scale of living that may not be 'within bis private means. Mast Preserve lira it r. "There is a rort of vague, but none the less imperative, feeling abroad in the land," says Mr.

Cleveland, "that one who has occupied the great office of Preaident holds in trust for his fellow citixens a certain dignity which in his conduct and manner of life he is bound to protect against loss or deterioration. "Obedience to this obligation prescribes for him only such work as in popular Judgment is cot undignified. This suggests without argument a reciprocal connection between the curtailment of opportunities and a reasonable obligation of indemnification on the other. CONGRESS TO DEBATE MINE BjLL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS Heasare Speadlag for lOOT Lava; Be qalrlasr SIOO Worth of Labor oa Claims to Be Coasldered. Special Dtapatch to The Inter Ocean.

WASHINGTON. D. C. Dee. 28.

Congress will consider shortly after the holiday adjournment the bill suspending for the year 1907 the requirement that 9100 worth of labor shall be done on mining claims in the course of being perfected in the states of Colorado, California. Oregon, South Dakota, and Idaho. This bill, came up for discussion in the Senate Dec. IS. but because of certain objections by Senator Carter of Montana it was allowed to go over Saturday last when, the bill having been amended.

Senator Carter withdrew his objections and the bill was passed. In the amended form the bill provides that the provisions of section 232 of the revised statutes shall be suspended for the year 1907 in the states named so that no mining claim which has been regularly located and recorded shall be subject to forfeiture for nonperformance of the annual assessment. Ktaadard Cooper Shop Baraed. BprciaJ" Dtapatch lo The Inter Ocean. CLEVELAND, Ohio.

Dee. 28. Fire destroyed the cooper chop of the Standard Oil core any at Broadway and East Thirty-Fourth street today, and for a time threatened the great field of oil tanks In the vallty adjacent. The loss is $75,660. r- i '0 i CHICAGO WOMAN WHOSE MYSTERIOUS DEATH AT JANES VILLE, BAFFLES ALL ATTEMPTS TO DISCOVER CAUSE.

CO, REOPENS ITS PLANT Announcement Is Made That. Big Mills at Johnstown, Pa-, Will Resume Similar Action Taken at Union Switch and Signal Works. (Continued From First Page.) payment of January Interest, have organised a bondholders' protective committee. The commutes Includes Alvln W. -Krech.

president of the Equitable Trust company of New York, chairman; William T. Cobb. Governor of Maine: Henry Hornblower of Hornblower 4s Weeks. William H. Gran be ry of William H.

Oranbery and Galen L. Stone of Hayden. Stone A Co. Oae of Mane's Ceaeeras. The Consolidated waa one of Charles W.

Morse's creations, but he Is no longer connected with the company. About $60,000,000. par valu, of the bonds were issued, aero red by a like amount of shares la the Clyde, at alio ry, Tork 4k Cuba Mall, New York Porto Hlco. Metropolitan and- Eastern Steamship companies. The July 1.

1907, coupon was paid. The bonds sold aa high as 31 on the curb anU aa low as 7 during the recent panic They aald at 10 today. The committer expects to prepare a reorganisation. pUs that will pre rent the disintegration of the Consolidated Steamship company. A call for the deposit of bonds with the committee be Issued Monday.

The depositaries will be the Equitable Trust company New York and the Old Colony Trust company -of Boston. Steele Llstlasrs Deellae. During 1907 there was Ilstel on the New York stock exchange securities smounting in value to a little less than This total of 9980.8S7.950 waa comprised of JaS7.2S7.950 stock snd bonds, and compares with $1,234.67,50 for 1909 and $1,513,461,550 in 19D5. The value of stock listed this year was about $75,000,000 less thsn in the preceding year and the amount of 1onds listed was $178,000,000 less than in 1906.

The conditton of, the money market precluded the possibility of any great flotation of bonds, and those to whom financing was necessary had in'some Instances to rely on an issue of stock which obviously was not ss effective for their purposes aa in the preceding year. The following table gives a comparison of the listings for the past few years: Stocks. Booda. Total. WOT tS7.

27.950 8S03.OO0.000 8OS0.6S7.&.-.0 llX e12.7fl9.4.-.0 JS71.8!i.&00 1.134.0r7.!O 9S0.026.67O 1.513.461.SM 175.KM.NOO oH3.078.OtlO T10.M4.t00 42U.a0.2!5 1.0O8J79.O93 ts2 7.twa.5tt5 :i3.51.3O0 1.31T?531.Sti lwil 1.642.013.715 923.010.100 8.5OS.02.1.81S 1I0 S2U.U46.OO0-. 443.713.000 1.OO4.G48.00O It will be seen that, with the exception of 1904 the listings during the past year were smaller than la any year shown, and It Is necessary to go back in the records to 1897 to find a year with a smaller volume of listings. Stocks Rhrlak Two Btllloas. According to' statistics the srlnkage In stocks alone for the last twelve months has been $2,669,552,825 on the stock exchange alone. The decrease in bond values hss been fully a billion more, and James R.

Keeneand other financial experts estimate that the total shrinkage has been, not less than an amount between $4,600,000,000 and This would mean, a curtailment of the harrowing capacity of the country to an amount between $3,600,000,000 and based on the credit practices of the New Yorkr CAMBRIA STEEL PROMINENT MEN TO DISCUSS MONEY CRISISATMANDEL HALL An Important gathering In connection with the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science wilt be held next Wednesday morning -at iO o'clock in Mandel hall. Chicago university. The general announcement, under which UMft MlTSf 'rif the meeting will be held. Is entitled "A symposium on the'financial crisis of 1907." Charles M. fowler, chairman of the committee on banking and currency of the House of.

will speak (on "The Financial Crisis aad the Remedy'. Byron HolTflt edltorf Moody's-Magtxtnej will do-liver an address on "The Economic Elects of Gold Depreciation In Relation to the Present Financial Crista." Theodore F. Burton, member of the committee on banking and currency -of the of Representative; will read a. paper oa "Causes of the Flnan elal-OvIetsof l9o7.r ''Remedies for Certain Financial Condition Now Present" will be, (fie subject of "an address by M.TKeyes, editor of World's Work -and formerly editor, of the Walt street At the close of the set addresses a general discussion 'will be held. In which the following men will participate: Oeorge E.

Roberts, former director of the mint: Charles A. Conant of New Professor John Clark of Columbia university, and James B. Forgan, president p( th Frst National bank of Chicago. VT i-i MILLS IN WHEELING (W. VA.) DISTRICT, TO REOPEN JAN.16 BpociaJ TOfeBnatcb to The inter Ocean.

WHEELING, W. Dee. 28. Six mills of the. Aetna.

Standard plant at Bridgeport; Ohio, near here, which have been Idle for several weeks; owing to the buslnes depression, will resume operations the first week In January. It is also 'unofficially reported thai the Riverside plant of the National Tube contpany, at Ben wood. W. on of the largest plants In this district and employing 4.000 persons, will start work in full in all departments on Jsn. 9.

The resumption of these plants and the twenty-three mill of the Laughlln Tin Plate company, at Martin's Ferry. Ohio, which will be in operation the first week In January. 'will give employment to 80 per cent of the men in the Wheeling district who have been idle daring; December. Receiver for Stove Works. DETROIT.

Doe. 18. The Detroit Trust company was this afternoon appointed receiver of the Chelsea stove works, of which State Treasurer Glasier is at the head. Tha trust' company immediately filed a trust mortgage of $425,000 to cover liabilities. It is estimated that the plant, with buildings, material, equipment, and patents.

Is worth $759,000. I Railroad Mea Waat More Par. NEW HAVEN. Dec. 29.

The engineers aad firemen upon the New York. New Haven aV Hartford railroad have asked for an Increase In pay reported as 10 per cent. The passenger engineers of the company havo been receiving 984 easts aa hour, the Bremen 226 cents aa hour, and freight engineers and firemen slightly larger Daloth Flrsa Sass-eada. DCLCTH. Doe.

28- The M. Wright company haa made an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. This concern came here recently from Minneapolla. where It were. expelled from the Minneapolis chamber' of commerce for unprofessional conduct.

It is not known how heavy the company is involved, bat so far as known its business has not been large of lata and no great amount is supposed to be outstanding. Coltoa Mills Close. TJNCASVTLLE. Dec 28. Notices were posted today in the cotton mills of the UncasvtUe Manufacturing company, within Mont ville and Versailles, announcing tho mills would close today until Jan.

8 to relieve conditions in the cloth market. This, it is stated. Is the first time in twenty years that the company has curtailed production on account of depression. About 500 men are employed in both concerns. Cottoa Mill Closes for Week.

NORTH BRIDGE. Dee. 28 The Paul Whitia Manufacturing company' shut down Its cotton mill todsy for a week to curtail production. This affects 506 employes. EDITOR PRESENTS REMEDY MF0R THE FINANCIAL PANIC jr.

Mooaer Before Irish) FMtowshlf Claa Ad vacates Passage at Laws to Stop Bask Specalatloa. Remedies to end the present financial panic and prevent Its repetition were offered yesterday, afternoon byJC P. J. Moocey, managing editor of William R. Hearst's Chicago Examiner, in aft address before' the Irish Fellowship He ridiculed Bryan's idea to have the government guarantee the soundness of banks and declared that laws should be passed to take the speculators out of the banka and the banks out of He also asked laws to limit the dividends of banks, to restrict the business In which various kinds of banks can engage, to stop the watering of stocks, and to have the government supervise- the interstate commerce corporations.

"The present outlook In Congress Is that the Republican members will spend the session trying to find out. which band wagon Is going to the White House, and to climb in." he said. "The Democrats will do nothing but fight on the floor and try to prove that each Is the original Bryan man." Fred Sterling of Rockford. candidate for the Republican nomination for Secretary of State, also spoke. REAL NEWS STORY GOES TO PRESS CLUB ROOMS Alert Meaaera ablated Over Fact That "Item Cam to Tfcesn la Saaae of Fire la Lower Fart of BalldlaaT.

Alert members of the Chicago Press club were met'by-a "news" story last night. It literally came up and shook hands with them, thus proving itself more accommodating than most other "stories' for which newspaper men have been known to brave cold and wet and danger. Still, like other newspaper "stunts." the story was attended with considerable danger, aa newspaper clubmen might have been cremated if firemen had not ascended to the sacred precincts of their aerie, on the top floor of the Mussey building, at 106 Madison street, and informed them that the building was on fire. Intense excitement prevailed for a minute or two, but finally the club members learned that the fire had been extinguished before any one had remembered them. Then they were sorry to have missed tho fun.

JAHN BUST FOR A CITY SCHOOL Taraers Will Make 431ft to One of the New Iastltatloas. Turners of Chicago. In appreciation of the recognition accorded them by the school board in naming one of the new city schools srter Frlederlch Ludwlg Jahn. the "father of the German system of physical culture will present the school with a life slsed bronxe bust and a crayon portrait of Jahn. The new Frlederlch Ludwlg Jahn school Is at Belmont avenue and North Lincoln street.

It Is Dlanned to have th irlinAl enpancy Jan. 8. RHEUUATISn QUICKLY CURED We have cheering news for those who are victims of rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles, and have found little or ne relief from advertised patent medicines. We have Just verified in several instances one of the most simple and eflective remedies that has ever been recommended to the suffering public We are glad to recommend tbia prescription because we have investigated it thoroughly snd believe to be the best prescription- for. these ailments ever It was written by a retired noted Here Is the' prescription In full.

Go- to any tell him to put up one ounce of Ionian Compound, one-third ounce Iodide of potassium, and three ounces compound syrup of aarsapariira. Adults, one teaspooolul in two tableapoonfuls of water, after eating. Children. to teaspooafuJ tn two tablespoonfula of after eating. You can get thetn in separate bottles and mix tbem at home.

When cured, hand this prescription to some for humanity's sake. GLASS BLOWERS III MILK- CONTROVERSY Contract Between Bottle Manufac-lj turers and Union to Be Brought in as Important Defense for Short Measure Bottles. CITY ORDINANCE: ATTACKED i AS ABSURD AND FOOLISH If City Sealer Kjellander Carries Out Announced Intention to Enforce It to the Letter, Housewives Declared to Be Liable to Arrest. 1 t2- An attempt to introduce rflcjfepce of a contract between the Glassblowers union and the manufacturers of glass, b'ottles will be made by the defense in the; trlsl of one of the prominent milk deklifs accused or selling short measure, next Monday before Judge Scovel. j.

i A previous attempt to bring- In this con tract and to show Its bearing upon the question, of alleged short measure of capacity in milk bottles was ruled out peremptorily. The defense of the milk dealers soeused of telling milk In bottles below the standard capacity Is that they "have so control over the condition of exact measure of capacity In the bottles. The contract between the manufacturers of (lass bottles and the Glass Blowers union provides that the blowers shall be allowed oae ounce weight leeway either above or below the prescribed twenty-six ounces weight, which Is thirty-two ounces fluid weight for each bottle. "On account-of the difficulty of measuring exactly twenty-six, ounces of glass at 1.900 degrees temperature by means of a long-steel rod thrust Into the molten mass, the glass blowers have forced the mannfacturera to a contract aUowlsg that all bottles weigh-ins; either not below twenty-five ounces or not above tweaty-eeven ounces shall be accepted. About 10 per cent of the bottles blown are under the standard measure, about 60 per cent are over and About 20 per cent are exactly Blaaer Prices or Ho Bottles.

Either Chicago will have to pass an ordinance which will protect the labor unions, the glass manufacturers, and the milk dealers who sell the milk In bottles, or the city will hsve to return to the dirty old tin caas. unless it Is willing to pay aa advance In price that will insure bottles of exact capacity, since 70 pef cent 60 per cent over measure and 10 per cent under measure of the bottles manufactured will be worthless, and the. market price of the remaining 30 per cent will go soaring skyward. The big wholesale dealers of milk in Chicago are insisting on the protection of the labor unions. They realjxe -the difficulties of the glass blowers and of" tfie manufacturers.

They declare that Impossible for the most expert rfass blower Is the country to make exact estimates of weight. The-, glass blowers axe the most skilled workmen In the substitu tion for them is declared to and aa expert glass blower roetves the right dictate the terms udef. he will work, i- 'it The XTIicago dealers, who purchase milk bottled: from the.maaatactureri been paying 75 cents a gross over the nausl price of the-bottles in order to. secure bottles aa near as possible to the standard of capacity. If only; thoss -bottles which are absolutely perfect ar accepted byth dealers the manufacturers will have to advance 'the price at least SO per since 70 cent of their goods are thrown on their hands.

For this advance Chicago will have to pay proportionately If she wants the cleanliness of milk bottled at the plants. The Borden company aleae spends hun dreds of thousands of dollars every yesr on the item of milk bottles. '-An advance In price demanded by the glass manufacturers would mean added thousands of dollars. HawBottlea Are Blowra. The system of glass blowing makes exact measurement almost an -impossibility.

The glass worker has to fetch twenty-six ounces of glata by means' of a blowpipe from a tank where the glass lies at a temperature of 1,900 degrees. The man who can come within an ounce either way Is considered one of the experts of the trsde. Even the antomatic machines, for which it was claimed that they could measure to the exact fraction of aa ounce, have not been able to do any better than that, the workers declare. The glass is then Into steel molds, each standing nine' and one-eighth Inches high for quart bottles. The glass is allowed the, margin of one-eighth of an Inch -to settle, as the bottle is to be nine Inches high.

If when completed the bottle weighs sot Jess than twenty-five or more than twenty-seven ounces, the manufacturer has to accept it. Otherwise It is worthless. It was only after a long struggle that the glass blowers succeeded In making the manufacturers see the Justice of their position that this leeway be allowed them. The Chicago milk dealers appreciate the difficulty of blowing the glass to the accurate measure of capacity demanded by the Chicago ordinances. realise that the difference of four drachms occurs once In ten times underweight, while it hsppens six out of ten times overweight.

The dealers who put up the milk in the bottling plants put four drams of milk over in the bottles sixty times for every ten. they pat In four drains underweight. But they Understand the position of the labor unions on' the question, and have always been willing to concede it. Orslaaaees 1st Other Cities. Many cities nave legislated to protect the sanitary milk and attorneys for the defense of dealers of selling milk Id bouls1ofj4ess than the standard capacity wtil introduce if they are permitted extracts' from sonre of these municipal Boston provides for her milk dealers as fonowsf" "Glass bottles Jrr for the distribution of milk or cream to.

consumers, that hold, when filled to level with the bottom of the cap or stopple, not less than seven ounces end six drams, and not over eight ounces and two drams; not less than thirty-one ounces and four drams, and' not over thirty-two ounces and four drams; not less than forty-seven ounces and three drams, and not over forty-eight ounces' and five cot less than sixty-three ounces and two drams, and not over sixty-four ounces and six drams, shall be sealed as measures under the provisions of chapter 939 of the acts et the year 1900, and of chapter 65 of the pub-lie statutes; and all dealers In milk or cream who nae glass bottles or Jars for the distribution of milk or cream to consumers shall bring in such bottles or Jars to the office of the sealer of weights and measures in their respective cities and be sealed as aforesaid, and no fee shall. In any case be charged or received for sealing the same. When a bottle or Jsr has once been sealed by the sealer of weights and measures it shall not In any case be necessary to have it sealed again at any time while is used for the distribution of milk or cream to consumers. "Glass bottles or Jars sealed under the provisions of this act shaU net be legal measures except for the. distribution of iallk or cream.

to consumers." Extracts from the municipal codes of an-othtr city, Detroit. show that legislation has been passed to protect the sanitary milk business In that state. George F. Austin, city scaler of Detroit, ssts: "There is no ordinance In Detroit: which has speelsl bearing on the capacity of milk bot- ties. The general ordinance provides tbat' all measures used In theo.iy.?f Deteejt-for' the purpose of buying and in- spected snd approved bj the sealer of weight's' and must conform to the stsndsrds kept In his office.

"These standards," continued Mr. Austin, 1 "conform to the state standards at Lansing and also to the United States standards at IVarhlngton. D. C. I have assumed the responsibility for allowing a liberal variation on milk bottles say three drams short oi three drams oversize provided they are not aU small or all overlarge." Geveranaeat Test Hethoa.

The dealers contend that the test given the -measure of the bottles by Chicago city sealer in no way bears comparison with the test of bottles conducted by the government of the United States. The federal appraisers in their examination of the measure of ca pacity of the bottles for the goods bottled in bond take 100 bottles and 100 quarta of spir-its for general measure. If the. 100. quarts I measure into the 100 bottles the messure is approved.

The milk dealers assert that If thla method had been adopted by the city aeater he would have found that the measure waa overcapacity. Instead of undereapaclty. A bottle whose weight is ounces a capacity of thirty-two fluid ounces. Since the larger bottles have a cor-. respondingly larger capacity it follows that in the majority of cases the of a bottle of milk secures more than the standard measure of milk.

It is the contention of one of the large dealers whom the city sealer has charged with selling bottles, of less than standard capacity that out of the 750.000 bot-ties that ho haa In dally circulation the city -aealer examined only one. -According to tho i manner of examination conducted by tho federal government, tho dealer thinks the' municipal method Is decidedly unfair. At least 100 bottles should be examined before the decision coneeraiag the general measure could bo given. Hoase wives Liable to Arrest. The necessity of a new ordinance In re-gsrd to the measure of milk is being discussed by aldermen.

Several of the city fathers say the need for this new law is evident from a perusal of the revised municipal code, which provides that any person or corpora- tloa found with a milk bottle whose measure is less thsn that demanded by the law Us- ble to punishment. The city sealer avers that he haa tried to enforce this lsw to the I letter. The enforcement of this law to tho 4 letter would mean that any housewife who -happened to have in her possession a milk bottle of less capacity than' that which it. purports to be is liable to a fine. What eon- sternaiion there will be In Chicago if City Sealer Kjellander in hla sesl carries out this law to the letter is esslly lmsglned.

The al- dermen say their constituents would be in a 1 panic concerning the exact capacity of their milk bottles every time they saw the pollcer men coming down the street. t'hirasro Oraiaaaee Deasaaees. It is the contention of the opponents of the present ordinance that ntarly every olh- i er large city in the United States provides a certain leeway for the-capacity of silk bottles because of knowledge" of the conditions under whichhe bottles are made. Sev- cral other cfTTes are covered by sections of the state laws similar to the law of Massachusetts on the subject. The Chicago ordinance is declared to be not onlj vntatlsfac-' tory." but also, because of US-ambiguoirS 1 wording, absurd.

The contention of the deal- era Tor an ordinance similar to that of sachusetts Is dtelsrfd to he receiving con' sideratloc among the aldermen." The of one of the largest glass manufacturing firncs. whose: offices are. in Chicago, yerlcrday that-the contract between the ma.ufacturrrs snd the glass, blowers' union Is on: that made arbitrary by the conditions of glass matufaeture; "The glasa blowf r. he said, "has to meas- are the twenty-six ounces of glass required to make a bottle of thirty-two ounces cspacl- ty by means of hlaeense of touch. The most expert man in the trade cannot measure to absolute perfection.

Even the automatie machines are unreliable and less of a facility than the expert worker. "The glass bloaer works in front 'of a tank where the molten glass lies. On account of the Intense heat of the glass It ls raised to temperature of 1,900 degrees rhe must take out the glass from a considerable dis- tance. He does this by means of a long steel or iron blowpipe, twirling the measured glass around it rapidly and dropping it into the mold, where it assumes the form de- sired. "When the bottles have formed and cooled -they are measured on the scales.

One scale Is for twenty-five ounces, the other Is for twenty-seven. If the bottle Is below the lower number or above the higher. It Is rejected. Valoa Fawn Coatraet. "There waa a time when all bottles not of exact measurement" were rejected.

At least 70 per cent, perhaps 75 per cent, of the work of the glass blower was thrown out by this system, and we had to accept a contract with the union providing the allowance of an ounce leeway Jn either scale. Moat of -the bottles are overweight and overcapacity. The Chicago milk dealers who bottle milk In large quantttiea a higher. price for accurate measure by which we have to mean as near to twenty-six ounces for a quart bot- tie as may be manufactured Id large quantities thsn do other, customers. .1 should say that they were doing all they could to Insure exact measure.

Our customers in -other cities and statea are bound by no such rigid ordinance, for most of the other cities have understood the conditions of manufac- turlng the glass. "I do not believe the public understands how much milk Is given away every year by tho overcapacity of the bottles used by the Chicago retail milk dealers. Any housewife taking milk by the month will find that the averagea much more than thirty quarts in one month: When we measure up bottles la our factory we do not take, one bottle: we -measure from the atandard of 100 or 1,000. It seems very unjust to a milk dealer whaThas 750.000 bottles in circulation to single' out one bottle and uae that as a standard measure -for theV rest, considering- the restrictions '--which are put on the bottle dealers by the glass-blowers' union. If the city council does not come to the rescue of the retail milk dealer and bottle manufacturers in this situation, Chicago will feel a sharp advance in the price of bottled milk or revert to the old tin eanmethods.

"The general public encouraged the sale of sanitary milk, and It doea not seem bossible that the city of Chicago will con- sent to go back to the old way of delivering It." Ordlaaaee May Be Attaekee. There is possibility that the ordinance may be attacked on' the point of Its constitutionality in the defente of the dealers charged with undermeasure. The attack will be made on the ground that it provides concerning the tale of ml'ik and cream in battles, thereby eomlcr under the charge of being class legis- nation, as it does not provide for the measure of milk sold in receptacles otner man bottles. The revision of "the ordinance appears quite likely at the present time. The most probable changes will be allowing for the U-cway granted by the glass manufacturers to the glassblowers' union, but giving the city a measure as correct as that enforced anywhere else In the country and in actu-.

ally 60 per cent of. the cases a messure really -vV larger than the rigid ttandard. Should the changes not be made, the dealers declare they will have to refuse any but the twenty six ounce the manufacturers say they will lose on 70 per cent of their product. and the ultimate result will be that the consumer will pay the tort in higher price for milk or return to the old regime that science and health long ago discarded..

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