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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 8

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 THE ANNUAL Display and tale specially 'pertinent; i extra 'qMUtr. Btoek Dom, tfoabto rp ic? laen sole, neei aaa oe, wo to er kjM lees haa regolar mad 1 est Black Ud Jalbrieran Hom et 2 pair for 2SC. Gonueinen's'extrn quality of Ko.aed Jlose atSbe. CTi lid ren's ribbed, sat black, sea miens Hom at lien pair. Ladies fsncy till Vent, low sack and aleereless.

lcC Ivies' Ut)ThnAThtKckjii. Ladies Unto 7 Cboiee of end fl 25 Gentlemen's: 4m lanndered, fancy Front shirts ie. (100 doreo of Soede Moeqoetalre GIotcs 'leek, tar grer. brown eud erU at We a jAlr; are re ilar o.Uty. .5.

M'S CP Weareaentsfortte aelf wlhrtlaa asva lust receive a etoea of tBese which wu lotail te pi.bllc,eatio'ui to. Taey Clock, and we rill run for Mire fears whdoii fear whdoii i A Lne at tbee eloen can be seen to unr reading; Jewelers, 12 E. Waabingtoo 8t foe tbe Petek. Fblllppe A Vaobeion A censfentla, aodXkegren eelabratad alas Watches, 'i The crowds continue to pour in. Kew hou5Ci by thr pro 'iidid lot now thei purchases laid iwajruntil the housdst are VVORTII WALL PAPERS, draperies.

i a i Price no objt frwe are after The marvebus sale of the time! tariy tnte "day BCIILETCITEB. CARPET, f)B APERIES. WALL PAPER. 'VlUE iMBT MSS IK THE STATE. ilOSTON GOODS CO.

HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES. tore open intil 10 odock. ia6 and aS West Washington St. 1 4 Buttons! 65Cand up, Moxisquetair Suedes 75c "Mousouetair Suedes; 98c ilousueairft Suedes ilo.usquetaire Suedes $1 59 See these Gloves. 6.LOV1E STORE, 10 East Waaala'stoa Si, msfasm clocks i JVTTEjND OUR "TO NIGHT.

NEW 6LWES ii v. aaa i r. IXDiAKAEOLIS SATURDAY, APRIL 2. .1692. 1 i.

1 i rUNERAi DIRECTORS, 1 lU.Korta Talawar Street jfraa'Ambftlaboej. TtlepbOBt 56. GOOD and 33 oiiin a .1 iowc ieit goods.1 owest Prices. i DD YOU WANT A 'r Go to 3 i acilce Halted toTaaoat and wcaa, 129. Pil'H? If o.e.

tedav at The Sowen Xterrlll; ai hy a ax (9t; sheeu and eai i 10 GETS. LIBRARIAN, 8UPEBIXTX2EXTf School CommUflontra Defeat tbs. aod KJect Join nl BTerlIye. Ccarlee Beans last alghi hild of re election as city librarian. Tha library.eoiamUtc co ported in bis favor, tba motion, of Bcbool Cornmietioacr Frenael to concur In the report wMloert bratieeeteof (to Commissioner I of board pwld tbt if somisM or tnll3rry commute 01 omo tk at the Crtt Taaetiag April.

tb eomait io bhQ nako otbr' nonilnationa to pro MntdTai. occoadipf nectiaolof tbe board until fbrariaa ia ietd. Th notion Co cooear ii the nomiaalioB Of Mr. Eraas waa loat by the following I vote: A Tea Froazel, Oalrla, JIoepr, Scott. Voaaeyut.

Baker, Baddeabaam, Coosar, Garrer, WUlv iame. i i After jtbia. the reeoaveaeBOatioa of the brary conmittea, that tbeaaaiatant librarian mad aoperiatettdeat of the library rooma and attendant, eamo bp tor dispoaaL Aa tkir proTMioa bad been entreated by Mr. irm'm frieada aa a aortof eoaeeaewB to. tboa oppoeiar bU re election and aa tbeae op ponestebad bow defirated Mr.

Eeana. there waa a rtneral feelicc that the recommenla tioa waa aaaeoaaeary. Accordiaely. Mr.WLIl iama mprad to lBdeflait4y poetpoae action bpob ltaadtbea accepted Mr. Freaael'e anb ticate to BCD concur in th recommend at' 011.

Tba 'fioa waa only Meaara Conner asd'XbUecBtoppoaiBt Mr. Conner said be belieTed the crowtb aadtexpasaioB of tbe library 1b tbe oew baildia will make a en per inteadent diattnet from tbe librarian a deair abletlaoe. bo matter wbo may be librarian, 1 aod tor tbat reaaoa be Oppoaed tbe iin mary a press ion of tbe plan. Jia aaiddlr. Eraaa himself waa notaateconleticito thj tdea.

A tbe eaperiBterident of acboolej ia elected at tbe nret meeting In AprJ each year, tbat matter came Bp. Mr. Williams moved that tbe secretary be instructed to caat tbe nnaoi moosTote of tbe board for tbe re election of LewisiH. ionea. To tbia Mr.

Freszel objected, aad tbe vote was taken in "tbe fcsual way by aecret ballot. Wbenbe count waa made iberw were eijrbt votea for Mr. Joaea aad two blank votoaj A wbieper laf iaqpirt went ronad as to tbe connection between Mr. Frentel'i opposition U. tbe secretary caeting tbe vote of tbe beard ana tbe two blank beilota.

Tho hafkrd ba been witbout an attorney ibcel Ml. J. E. Hcott resitmed several weeks ago. i'Wiibont any preiimiaary nominations, tbe board next took op tbe election of an attorney.

Tbe first ballot, on being analyzed, showed': A. J. Bevendge. 4 votes; Cbadee Urjef. I W.

Harvey. 2, and 1 sic Master, A 0 votes were aeeesearv to an election, a second ballot waa taken. Tais rave Bever ides (votes add Irrer 3, and tbe former was declared elected place wUi pay about oooayear. It was reconymeBded tbat the school board boy drawMia books or tbe schools at wbole aale prices ad sell tbem to the pupils at coet, the lame as dtne with the text books. Tbe prices won.d thai be reduced from 20 to 16 rente nod 10 "to 4 cents.

Tbe matter went over till (be next meeting. Dr Oarver, of tbe library committee. reported tbat777 of tbe 1,200 books ofUerman literatnre ordered have been reccjved, and lit vol roes of French litera. turei There are now 60,702 volnmes in tbe library. YOUXO WOMAN A'P CUILDKENV Work of tbe.

American Educational Aid. Association. With this month of April opens the work of Indiana auxiliary of tbe American Educa tional Aid Association, incorporated nnder tbe taws of Illinois, and with its headquarters at Chlcar o. Dr. J.

8. Jsnckes is the State so per intendent forlndiana, with Ohio aod Kentucky aUafhed. His office at present is located at Bl East Market street, Bev. Willis D. Engle, of tbiscity.

Is tbe. district superintendent for tblsjetate, and either beor Dr. Jenckee may be tbund fronvlO to 12 a. rri. and 3 to 4 p.

m. daily, to answer questions and to promote tbe humane work of this society. Its object are two jiold. (1) It will aid utedy add deserving i young women, who are well recopJ mended, id aecnnng a business edudaun which kbal make them aell sup porung, such as a knowledge ot typewriting, ooof keei'iur, snonnano. etc.

izi it wiu search outaU peaaent little children, who are ot cbod hwM0 nd average i retell ig en ce, and place tbeifi 5b com ibrtable homes, where they wiil bs brought up to be honest, sober, indus tnoua 1 nd taaelui members ot society; thus ceacuibi them Irom tbe snares aod dangers to which, through lack of ae aud experience, thelyonng are pecnllarJy liable. To correct mistakes bo 'made in placing must somelimea a local advisory board wl'l be appointed in every neighborhood wheAr a child shall be settled, to see that the adopted oa rents tulflil in all respects a parent's part by tbem. Upon 1 allure thereof, and' a rejort to tbe central offiocl any caild so mistreated, will be replaced amid better. enviroamema. The society, aad its dillerent reoreeentatives have alreaoy placed over fonr tbonsaud children in coniicrtable homes, and almost every one of them baa grown np, or la growing up to call Its ene.aciors blessed.

Sevan btates are already organised for the prosecution of this work, namely Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wiaoonaio, Minnesota, Caitorniaand Iowa. Hon. John Ferris, of Just accepted the saper intendency for that buie, together with (ieoirgia and Alabama, and be and Dr. Jenckes will hope to add at aotdistant day, six more States to the 'seven already organized. Tbo ioilowing persons have 1 been appointed nod! agreed to serve at a State board of directors ior to aid the superintend enU in promoting: tbe work and interests off snia vuuurec avmi swmij; nra.

uin Wotiev KliettsvUle. a member of the Indi ana Commission of tbe World's Colambian Exposition; Mrs. 8. E. Moras, Mr.

Worsuch, H. Bamberger, Hon. W. A. Woods.

Hon. B. LHioit, Hon. W. V.

Fish back. Hilton IT. Browa, Pror. Phojrtridge, Bomos O. Hawkins, Bwuben Myrick, of Richmond; Mrs.

J. S. Jenckes, W. Im Carnahan, of Fl.vWayne, and others, wbo will be announced later. The association will ex pe to appeal to tbe liberality of all kindle disposed persons for the means necessary to carry on ita work pf betriendiog those members of the community vho are least able to help themselves.

I 7 I THE DEMOni)? Contest ot the, Colored Tbuttt Other Happenlnge Araoag Colored Feopla. I Te fourth of tbe Demorest oratorical con testa at held last night at Allen Chapel, A. E. church, 00 Broadway, under the direction! of tbe Meridian W. a T.

U. The progress consisted of various selections by the ooldred youth of aba city on the question of national problbUion. After musio and prayer tbe exercises proper were begun, by Miss Hattie Pickett reciting "Tbe Martyred Mother," a rather patbetlo Botaber, although young, the reader made a favorable. Impression. vProbi6ition tbe UUimaium." was began by Homer Lake, but! lorg ettlag his fine be sat aowrramid applause.

Mies LUlie HiU won second honors in' bar recitation of "Prohibition the Hope of Our County." Mias Effie White recited "Be America's War Cry," by Taylor Jackson, waa heartily applauded. UK unariiuii wsvii iusi iwiucuu my peal. A OBCe rom the Poor House." was awarded the medal. Johnson Benson save "Alcoholic Slavery." A iter coaaiderebla diaenssloa amonr the jndgee, tbe prues were awarded as iadl caiea, ua stox. aarvey i ounr prcsecica tne pnrea wun a cn speech, 'ihe next con ten will be composed of a class from tbe high school.

t' 1 i 1 1 SUsa Base Mist Celia Bass, colored, tba oang lady by her lover, Oscar Abbott, on tbe night of March XI, baa almost recovered. The ballet, which entered the left cheek, pass ing through the jaw bona, baa never been lo cated. The attending physieiaa says no'eerU ona reeults can accrue from the bullet. Mias Baas wtu leave for oar home la ConnertTLUe next Tuesday. Color Maslcal Feati val.

ArtasgemenU iarej belnr made for'; the second annual musical test i val by the prpmi oeat colored uaical people. Th sncoess last year was ompleta, and an axcelleut cnality of talent is beina secured for tbe com' lag all air. Messrs. W. Mutoa Lewiaaad G.

L. Jonca are managers. 1 j. Bapdsmai Ceremonies. I.

Ref. J. M. Martin, of tbaAatiocn Baptist canrtb, will baptize at the Sixth etreet bridge and canai to morrow at o'clock. koAD IX BAD COX DITIOX; Parties Llrlnx On the Xattonal Itoad jiaat ax t'ho Clty I 1 1 tioaai road are coki plaining much of the condition ta wtiicb the road fcr about two.

isarrs east of State street baa be a left by the cijty aafeoritiea. Entrance Into Indiaaap olts by onf of tbe in oat traveled roads Into the cltr la made almost impossible by the condition of, these two equaraai end there are aa bleach aroada by which tbe place caa eonvaJiieatljf Vbe avoided. 'Tfce road plowed ap 7leat November and. i oh 1 ac rooatef thewinter'weather, has been heft in this coaditjoti eter aiaee. At Ximee the mod has reached fully an te tbe horses' knees aad tbeaaimala eouli scarcely be gottoaj Oat of aiatuaes.

ia ukjrcUy la tula toot i i. 1 deep. It is Very difflcalt for a lighb carriage to pass and heavily loaded warOna are daily stock ia the mire aad have td onload. Slocb bnildina ia aoiaar oa east of the city aad it is hard to get building material te iU destination The antaoritiee.tb cow piaiaers think, are very alow ia making np their mi ad about the improvement ot tbia street. Temporary! reiieXU leant naked bj those affected: TIIA.VZLIXO ISTDLaIJaaL i rr Cltlzana of tbe State Sojoarnlnsr is Other Part of the Country.

'v 1 J. J. and Mrs. Cooper, aad Mies Cooper, of Indianapolia, spent a portioa of the week at th Peace St. AngnstlneX jLater tbey registered at the 7inda0r, Jackaootill.

Charles Dnemdlicr, of Ft. Wayne, Ua stem bar of tbe Aaaencaa colony ia Komsv I Joha W.i Leaek. of Madiaoa, tec ister ad at WiUiard'a, Waablagtoa, tbia weekj ii Among the Indian people at Pbiladelbhia this week were: B. Shalert Of it eaatl? Vf Til Knhrt dJ UiHnn 1 1 ot Terra HaaU; T. 8.

Cnln, eIndianai 4. F. coatee, of "Indiana Tbe Indiana people ia 1 JackaonriHe week, Mrs. A. B.

Cox. Iis Eogan, Mrs. A. F. BankK nurse and to children.

Mrs. C. f. Ackarta. Fred Ackerta.

A1F. Bank. Mrs. A. M.

Kramer. 'MrsC T. E. Kremer, ell of Marahalltowa; (Mr. aad Mrs.

C. B. Stuart, of LalayetU: Mr. and Mrs. A.

C. Torts, of Bradford Mr. aad Mrs. A. If.

Dukes, sMrs. J. V. elc Fern: Wo. Mack, of Terre Haute; Mrs.M.

Dole, of Ft. Warns Harry S. Hfeki Indianapolia; U. X. Voiarb, of "Indiana Tbe following Indianapolis people tared at Xew York hotels this CJ Fairbanks, Grand: Mtas M.

B. Graham. K. Mullen, t. Denis: A.

B. Parker. Gedaej L. H. Jones.

Albert Gall. A. E. Metzger. B.

I Williams, Uilsev; D. E. Btenn. H. S.

Ktely, Grand Union F. 1 H.Wiley, C. H. Spencer, rturtevant; t. w.

Holland; U4 V. Griffith, Fifth avenne. From Seymour, L4 A. Camp. Earles; A.

R. Bropby, W. R. Bnrsy, a array mil. i rom vayne, 8.

Knrtht, n. u. pauznom u. xi 1 1 muuuu, jacirupoie; s.usranir, voicuisd roai lerre Haute, Mrs. McKeen, Uienham J.

I. ester. Cosmooolitan. rom GoabenJ W. W.

Norton. St. Denis: M. A. Goldberg.

Earles: Mrs. Phillips, Everett; W. King, Cosmopoli tan, rrom Pouth Bend. a. Con ax.

Union Bquare. From Greencastle. A. Heirt, Ealiles, From Valparaiso, M. Da Motte.

Astor.1 Fliom "Indiana' Gen. George D. Williams, BJ J. Bright. Gilsey.

TarBvorcin's rtilbitlon Sunday lghK. An interesting educational exhibition lias been arranged for Sunday evening at English's Opera House by the Independent Turnvercin, of this city. This organization, maintains thst tbe idea tbat education ought to take care of tbe physical aa well as mental 001 en ia rapidly gaining ground. The vari ous societies are trying to work out tbe practical results of this The Independent! Turnverein. whichever elncejite organization thirteeh years ago, haa main tained that rihysical as well as mental education push tao be kept clear or politics, will exhibit its lairge and well trained classes, "beginning witty aix old bovs and girts, and including tbe ladier and membera, to show what progresa has been made during the last year.

Tbe prpgram is varied, and designees to be both enteittaining and educational. It ia to be as follows: i FIRST FAST. Overture urcbestra Grand March with Hong: "Tbe Bed, White and Blue," Scholars and Active Memb 'rs March, ilistfhenics By Class Iof the Boys and Girls, 610 ye ira Dnmb Jiell Exercises j. By Class II of Boys, 10 yenrs March and Iron Wand Exercises Young Men's Qlass, 1418 yei rs March and Indian Club Exerciaea In Oroops Ladies Cluss Oronp Exercises on Parallel Members Ladder Pyramids II, Class of Bdys jj SECOND PAST, Overtnre 'Orchesl ra Homage t0 the Science ot Physical De sbJopment 'Granaarch and Wand Exercises in three Ladies' and II Girls' Class Tactics and Reigen with iron Wand Active Mem bars Climbing and Tiling Games. I of Boys and Gii Is Sons "Reiaen.

Lorelei" Girls of Clasa II Vaulting and Exercises on Horse and Parallel Bars Young Men's Caas Projrressive Exercises oo four Horironal Bars Active Members Mrs. Mndtngs Cooain'a; BohooL Tbe school of hygienic cooking, under the direction of Mrs. Nailing, yeiterditf considered tbe preparation of meata for tbe table. Swiss steak, baked mutton chop, roast beet and patv broiled steak were prepared. A gen eral request nas oeen made oy tne school tpr an extra lesson on soups, and it will probabl be given on Wednesday.

ProL Paul Bahr, one of thelnost popnlx anq beit koown teacoers ot the piaoo lone ia' tbia city, yesterday placed his order wit r. iiryant Co. for a parlor grai CbicKering piano, nnisbed tn sanXomingo mahogany. i 1 i. LThe only strictly first ciass ladles' halr drssaifg parlors in tbe city.

UlVe as a trial. BnoaVs "Eouah Kure" at all druggists. i i ea.of Of nLisw MISS 88 Irfsbjoaeat Com PetiOaa. Someonscrnpuloos laanrinde solicitors. una ble to compete by fair aad jbonf fable means, are tating aa ancmymoes bubUcauon against tbe Obto Farmers' lasuraaee Uom tanvJ reputa bla'maa would eonnteaaace sacb a dishonora ble method.

Tbeagaauot the Oblof Farmers' Company are too busy writing insurance to pay aaythfag more tbaa a paasiag bouc to aacb op posiUon. lo other Cr ibsoraBcat com pan maces as large a gala lu new busiaaesn this State. Only one other flro company payaaa iqoeb tax into tbe Btae kreaasry. Intbe rood apple trees la where the elnbe are found. hen wa step oa the toes of JealOus.

rivals tbey ednlrmi Tbe Okie Farmers' paid mere than a ball 111 1 tea dollars la ioeees U4t veer, aad sou added over oae hundred aad twenty thousand doilare Mita ataeta. W. Oakes. tenersl taa Markst street. IndiaaapolUti Telepnjaae 1141.

To Chicago By tba Ever Fopadar Mosiasi Tbe only line mnning diatng dianer far 7ae. ITba only line running gullmea veetibn trataa. heated or ateam and Ughtea with elee 1 trieity. As elaraat Pullman sleeper very algbt fori Chicago the aemejstaade at west end of t'aioa be fakea at JJp. n.

Fast vestibBled limitedi witn; dininacar at aacbe4.leavesaiilast,sa.: arrttae at Chicago Ou p. an. Iigbt express jrestaulee limited leavee at 1240a.m. arrtvea at taileagB at Jas a. Cbicaco termiaal.

DearoorojstauonL Folk street two blocas from the Aad3tortum.Graod FaclBc, Board of Tiade. Tbe only Uae landing you In the heart ot the city. Ticket offieaa outb Illinois street, vn'on station aad ataasaebusetts avenue. P. Juujvrnr, D.

r. a. Of all good things there are three the. old sar lne goes. This Is certainly tbe ase triib icUmldi's eeieorated brands of beer: Wiener.

Salvator aod Badweiser. A magniAeent trio which te fully appreciated by connoisseurs of goad pure mail products. I "Koyal Kubj" Port Wrne. Irs leading efaaracterlstica are: Age, purity aad strength Important Items in these days of Imitation and adulteration. Kbtblng better can be used to.

promote health, to stimulate aad In vigorate the system, tone the stomach, aid di gestion and ereate au appetite smooth and rich to tne taste, a granu ionic or conva.esenu, tea aged, nursing mothers, ad those reduced and IMmand Royal Kuby" of your Cruerlst or dealer. Pint bottles 60 cents. Quarts fl. Accept oo substitute "Just good. imyl Lvarixr, tsxsro.

Bold and ruaranierd br Geo. W. b'osn. lead ing aruggtst. broke up," colas by cure.

A son throat or codgb, if suffered to progress. often results In an incurable throat or lung trouble. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" give in stant reliet. .93.65 Is Chicago, 9X05, Via tbe Pennsylvania LJne from Indianapolia Qukd opening of fine millinery. Including French patterns, bwiss novelties and ail the! latest Importations, beginning Monday 2 p.

m. and continuing through the wees. Mna. M. X.

Fieo, 40 Xorth IlUnols. 3.65 To Chicago, 3. 65, Via tbe Pennsylvania atnefrom Indianapolia. "sloan's Cod UverOll and Ilypopbospbites" la made otj the best materials and ia always 3.65 To Chicago, 93.65. Via the PennsylvsBe Line from Indianapolia.

Cheap Railroad Ticaeta. 1 a ahnlo. nf rnnlu iuI.h V. V. TV Bast, West.

Korthi and South. Webb's cut rate ticket office. 6 Boufch IlUnols street and 12s bouth lUlnols stf eet. Original Sin Is a topic on which a great deal has been said and written. But still more Is mentioned of the original Uudweiser Beer, brewed by the Ah beuser uusch Association on account Ot itsluvlgeratingand wbolesome4)uaililes.

Bot tled by their local branch. Telephone 1637. L. Bieter, managei i 3.65 Chicago, 3.63J. Indianapolia, Wedding rresent.

Kew line, new styles, favors; banquet lamps andshades. F. fclmlth North IlUnols etreet. 3.65. To tnicago.

83.65. 'Until farther notice, tne rate from Indianap oils to Chicago will be tJ.65 by the Pennsylvania xJne. Pullman buffet parlor car on day trains ad Pullman sleetilng car on night trains Enrwpe. Tor a trip to Europe, engage your berths and state rooms without extra charge at the Alex. ntotsgeifBteamshlp Agency.

Odd Fellows Sail. 3.65, To Chicago, 93.60, Via the Pennsylvania Line from ndlanapolla. Have Yon tne Uriv? i Ths beit thing 1 ever used for clearing my bead pf cold and acbea. We can recommend It. That Is tbe verdict ot the people who bave used The Welch Inhaler.

For sale at Harold's drag store, northeast corner Alabama and" Washing. ton streeta. 7. 1 i i. 1 i' 1 i Okbaa copper plate printed and i engraved wsUdlng and calling cards of W.

Burford Indianapolia. ttecelver'aiiale. Br order of court 1 am selllrtq at cost, wood and 'slate mantels ranges staves atld bows furnishing goods of William Bennett, South Meridian street For bargains call at Coce. H. Myers, receiver.

1 i JgSTKf IS SJear 5 If have not placed order for your Spring Suit, do so, now. We prepare for several thousand extra orcjers about Easter time, and would be pleased have them as irJicli in advance as possible. We are 'prepared to give each, and every order thd desjired careful attention and guarantee tp please all spend ng 5 or 5 with us. Oujr assortment comprises oVeir one thousand tirely new stvies home arid forei iew, 11 any Su ts rwell selected fromilbest 1 mills arid! we feel can offer equal yaluer; and Overcoats' to order Tpr as little or as much for as little cr as muoh 1 tailoring plenty of Trousers to ptisiness is pur way, therq is none' better Broadgaiige 'PENYER CINCINNATI UTASHIrsSTDN IMDIANAP0US, sf ia lare a Ndi MO way Samples aid Fashions Free. TAfLbR i I a i i Via.

World's air xtonta, fCSone way. t'Orooad trin. 1 KoLna knred by HbortVougb Kara." Wbea Baby waa srea, we gave aerCastorla. Wbea she was a Cbild.aks cried for CaatoriaJ When abe became clung to Cutoria. Wbea aha bad Cnlldrea.ahe gave tbeai'Caaterta HANDKERCHIEFS Gents' all Linen He stitched, a big 25c' value, or Gents Colored hemstitched at 5c each.

Ladies Scolloped edge; and 1 1 emDroiaerea ipe; wortn more i i Ulan ClOUIjtne pJTlCe nampQ Another lot Ladies' Jersey i a Ribbedf Vests, ribbon neck and arms, i2xAcv thev were good sellers ten days ago at 'double the price. i GENTS! FUlNISHiNGS. A grand display of newness in tnisraepartment. i rieadquarters. ior nne Neckwear.

I 1 Center cotinter attractions, Easter Novelties; The ideal home made, a comract, closely 'grained loaf, light in texture. the loaf and compare with. other loaves as to weight. It will Temirid you of that 'Mother use to Ask your grocer for .1 Parrott rTaggarf 4Homejmade.w yfTh largest sjid finest Ua of Mantels and Ttlea in tho city, All work first class. Call and see jSt and 63 West Washington Street, Y.H.

LOOK WOOD, CORPORATION 00 East Market bt. UBirivs, DYE WORKS. STEAM! Cleaning, 'Dyeing' and Repairing. Work: strictly nrst clsis, and Massachusetts Ave, North 1111 nuf Indianapolis. 7 1 eh certain as as as fS as 14 goods i little I.

ii and 35 S. 'Illinois Indianapolis UiSSOjNf'S SATORIfll EVENING i 1 34 WEr.lVAMllNGT.S f. Get Out To get pf I Canned Goods be fore hot we have made ref duction arid prices that will sooa.cTbse them out, Leave your orders ior California Canned Fruits and! Vegetables at the stores or H. U. LEE a Si si 9m Xelaxvoxxtt Li iiO.

S50 tS I A AT EXIT i I i mi TO THE PUBLIC: Ana ao not De aeceived py Duying a a Hand me down, common, Eacrn lactory made twiotning for the gen Misfits. TThcre is' but one In.e cityY. Building and they can show you MJsfits and unpilled for Suits from the best taiors In Indianapolis, and contracts and the hills from the best tailors in the United States. i And the only Misfit Parlor em ploying bunion salesraen. j' Be sure ycu are in.

the right place. 1 35 life :Y.IV A. BUILDING. tt GRAND HOTEL LOBBY. I bave clways la stock a complete iin of fine Imported Key West and Domestic trade a special feature and pricee as low at any1 place la the cltr WaXmil i B.

Miuntet's latest aovel en vi'lorida iin cbantment." i TO WAIT Beware of Imitators! ORIGINAL ill PARLOR The opportunity of your lie time to fill your home with' fino FURNITURE. 'v'' forty year will ell evferyithin in our aft; LITERAL BARGAIN PRICES. Parlor and Bedroom Kitchen fine Eoldino; Beds, fine Folding Lounges, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Fancy Chairs, iWork Tables Desks, Stands, Center Tables, Hall Trees" and all else which constitutes a complete stock of'lFurpitureu Our building has been and rwe must vacate. Cpme early to the old, furniture houses of TECOM.S (Ss hi 71 arid 75 1 West VasJiington Street, and Hi FRANK 1.1 5 YsoF 14V inaiiW X.V 9S9. ACME" LAWN Iberfectly Pntup in M.

JO and 40 ponnd bftra. 6c per pound, FIi mlitore for evergreen, earpct liie lawTi. HTJNTESTGTON'S Sfo2E78 nd; 8trt' 111 a6t rated and descriptive cataiog ue free. P. 0AGQETT.

tDAGpETT i 28 32 Marion oca. corner Meridian Jake tbe electrfc elevator: BUY YO GAS Special prices before vs go 0 our oew Ohio streets. i ANEHAENSEL (Successor Asethaessel 4 Strong.) MILL The latent 'N'ovoltlea to "be found at 23 South here's 1 a ueai .0 has the lacguage. The proof of a padding is ia the Before buying CARPETS, WALL PAPERS, DIIAP ERIES, tc, come ALBERT and Oers, and compare prices and qualities. 17 unci 19 West JLxescjr Ir S.

C. JiiLhsji's I'ariCilrj FiJorici TOU GET A. FOR 'I Why not buy it? find them at the You will Only ikt newest aiid latest WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS landing Fiaest FRINGED WINDOW SHADES, AT THE LOWEST E0CK PRICZa. CX.Zt'L. kXOXilLEIl, 161 Em Wehlngton Street.

IS TO LOSE. career as retail and Furniture, Dinfe Room and ii7East Washington St. co: COiL AND LIME. frlUXCIL OFFICE. 2 East Af.

Whlnasgton Street FERTILIZER. DOELESS! delivered. i B. LI2IU3. and Ohio streets, Indianapoliij Ind.

Teleplxor 61X FIXTURES KOWl store, JXarioa Elock, corner JTorth Clatter About Bargains." come to be the most used vrcrJ tn see what GALL "SVasMnrrton ss i Jiitrt, i 13 $1 AUif( a i.

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