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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EXPRE Twelve Pages. Patres 3 to 10. fc AFFEAY AT SAE.STA. lames, ttertgeter S. Co.


Taylor la tbe I -end Notes. THE HOUSE TARIFF DEBATE IS TO BE PROLONGED THREE DAYS. Judge Kellejr Telia of Gen. Garfield' Conversion 10 Protection A Convict-Labor Bill Capital CbaU Washington, May 12. The Democratic member the House Committee on Ways and Means have decided to consent to an extension of the general debate evs the Wednesday next, the following Saturday.

Thi jwftWr'was'arr caoscWrtfg'anet- tion with leading Rupubhcan members, and the so wouio not result in any postponement a-srvai VII U1C UUl. Tne House Committee on Military Affairs ha ordered a favorable report on a bill appropriating $25,000 to defray th expenses ot the anniversary celebration, of the battle of Gettysburg next July, fie rTesident ts expected to be present at tn cete- i oration and according to the present programme, ne wilt read Uie speech delivered by President Lincoln on tne battlefield as an introduction to hts-own. remarks. The bond offerings totmy aggregated' $045,700. The Secretary accepted $111, 700.

THE SAME OLD DEBATE. Set' Hansen' Tariff Bitt- a rf A-rt th Labor Question. WrsHisqioj, May ia.T-In. the House to-day Mr. Hopkins of Virginia introduced a bill to prevent convict labor competing with organised labor.

Referred. The House went into commute on the Tariff bill. Mr. -Haugen of Wisconsin Trondnded hit speech tn opposition to the bill, He addressed limself espeo-'lattr W'vyltsvuVsnTvt swsteMaV: Tariff and argued that the comfort which the work- mgmen of America enjoyed were attributable to the Protective system. He was proud of a country whose farmers and mechanics could boast of luxuries which were not possessed by their European competi tors, and he was unwilling to abandon a policy which had mad the enjoyment of those iuxuries possible.

He criticized the. bill as being political in its features in mat it but slighly interfered with the Democratic sugar, nce, iron, coal, and whisky, white it selected Republican wool, lumber, aad garden products upon which to try the experiment of ree 1 rade. Mr. iownsiiona ot Illinois sooie In support ot tne bill. The issue presented by it, he said, had often been misstated in.

The issue was not be tween Protection and ree Trade. No one insisted that this was the issue except some desperate West. era Republicans, who were lor cert Dy tne party lash to betray their constituents by opposing measure which would bring relief to the people from the curse of unjust and excessive taxation. hill didnot go far enough. did not.

go so far as the President indicated it should go, nor so far as rnator Sherman had declared might safely go, yet it gaverelief to" an overtaxed people and would nave nis ceroial stippurt. Mr. Keller of Pennsylvania said that tbe bill did in a roundabout but effectual way put coal and iron ore on the free list. Coal and iron ore were crude minerals unwrought, and the bill put crude minerals unwrought on the tree list. Mr.

Townshend replied that ne nad Been informed that if the bill was equi-ocat on that point, it would be amended. But even if the bill did put coal oh the free list, was that a crime -f-when gentlemen who were among the most potent of the Republican lead ers had demanded that cearhouid go on the free list at a time when the rate of taxation was less man it was to-day. In 18T1 Gen. Garfield had voted put coal and salt on the free list, and so had Messrs. rye.

Hale, and Dawes. Mr, helley desired to say a word In regard to Gar field. He (Keiley) had feftfsed to vote lor GaTfield lor speaker wnen ne was nominatea mr tne Keouo- lican caucus on account ot his lack ot laitn in Protection doctrine. But sfter the visiting statesmen I ol whom he was one and txarneld an other! went to New-Orleans and visited Lawrence sugar plantation, ne never oouoteo SettS'iHtsimTiiet tegenerattonr from th sin of the LITTLEWOOD WINS THE WALKING MATCH TEN MILES BEHIND THE RECORD. Mexican Take Second Money Hughe Drops Oat of tbe Race Tbe Winner in Terrible Condition.

Ktw-YoRK, May 11 Madison-square Garden packed to-night to witness the dote of the six-day go-as-you-please contest. Of the 48 men that started on Monday morning only seven remained on l. i.rl. A UniamM Early in the evening it became evident that Little-wood would not be able to break the record, tSl trudging slowly around the track and limped painfully. He put bit right foot 7 down gingerly, and it was evident that that member Was a bad -shape.

His trainer, when asked what the trouble was said that the but three day Little wood, had been suffering with a spilt toe which had become to bad that th boos struck th bottom hi shoe every tins stepped on it. At half past six o'clock a fore of 1 rjoHeeinen arrived and were stationed around the garden by Capt. Reilly, who was in command. Their pratcne hardly necessary, as th crowd was disorderly'. -W Champion A-ibert and his wife were the garden evening.

1 he champion said he would like to Lutiewood go further than he Albert) did" in order to get up a la the falL Hughes went off the track at S.ioJ P. although tt was said that he wis not out of the race officially but practically such was the case. His failure is said to due to rheumatism. Campana has made between J.TOO and out of (be race, rivee him by frinds. Wheai fcftUeWoi' nta hit people were in th garden, and much enthusiasm was yoked, Js.

Bromlev, Littlewood't backer, said to-night that Bis man had only a week 'straining and weighed pounds too. much and never would have made so good a showing but for his grit snd patience. Littlewood ran lap just before nine o'clock, but could not maintain the pace and left the track. Golden returned at 8.30 Lilriewood came back at 9.34 r. St.

to stsy to 0e finish, it was announced, but mad only one lap and retired. Old sport Campana came on 0.35 P. M. in street costum to say good-bye. was cheered.

Hit score was 8S0; miles. wood tried it again at 9.40 p. but was sa badly broken up that Guerrero helped him around Uia trick. The winner was presented with a horseshoe of flowers, which Champion Albert carried around the ttack beside him. Then Littlewood left the track tor good.

Guerrero carried a American flagaround th track, and Herty an lush flag, which caused a great burst of applause; They left the tract together at 9.17 P. aa foremen and Golden followed them soon after. tosii o'clock this evening the receipts of the week wer $14,1115. Th esumated receipt for th evening wi 1 an tn gross is lu oe tuviueci amosig tiie men making 523 miles, and assuming the total to be Littlewood will have Guerrero 11,869, Herty $1,402, ore mac Golden S4t'7. The official time of each man on and off the track, given by Chief-scorer Flummer, was as follows: tu miles uu yarns, in 11 sour minutes, resting 22 hours, 7 minutes, 4T seconds.

Guerrera BaSI! jnuesJSt yants 14i hours 4 minutes, resting 24 hours, 25 minutes, Herty milet 1130 yards 141 Bours 4H minutes, resting 'i hours 21 minutes. Noremac 5.CI miles 479 yards in 141 bout 58 mine utes, resting 25 hours 44 minutes, Golden.5'9 miles 250 yards in. 141 hours 43 utes, resting 21 hours minutes 80 seconds. -Hughes 495 miles 8S0 yards ia. 140.

9 Uv ntes, resting 30 hours. At ten o'clock Referee O'Brien declared th race officially closed and in five minutes the garden was -deserted. Convention GoMiB-Drinooratfo Strife- A Canal Grievance Persona) Points, Lockport, May 12. Politics are th principal theme. Tbe only convention left that hat a local btarinf is the R-pnbtican 83d Cortgrevaional to bt Cttuadosftsntsv A Former BnfTalonlan Mixed Vp In A Mis-ring Lecturer.

frctti ro nt tufftiotxpness London, May 12. A special correspondent write a graphic description of an affray in Sarnia Thursday nijht in which Mr. F. G. Hall, formerly a well-known Buffalo business-man, took the leading part.

Mr. Hallwu president of the Alpha Oil Company, lately disintegrated, and is the owner of a new and unused banking building on Front Street, Sarnia. Andrew Barron was employed by the Alpha Company as secretary previous to its rrO'Cg mto liquidation and lived in the second story of the bask. 1 he company has of late had considerable litigation, in which Barron figured as a prominent witness agaiirtt-rt. On jil thalhtad of an organized Oodv of men, undertook to break into the alleged get possession of some damaging documents.

Battermr rams. axes, and levers were brought nifti, ete rife. Barron became thoroughly alarmed and opened a fusilade from the inside. Seven builett more were shot through the door at those on the outside but, strange 10 say, so one was hurt, although operation were not discontinued, Tha police were on the seeneTin a few minute, but wre unable to check the mob. Bv the time an entrance was forced large crowd lad gathered and Barroa made good his escape to a private house where hi friends guarded him Ummch the night.

Hairs men. after getting possession pat a strong guard around the building axd tnen proceeded to paint the town. In this operation they were successful and in the course of their caieer they managed to blacken the eyes of several prominent business-men and otherwise maltreated them. wttM'TittrttWvBr'whitsj, EocBEitvilay Hon, J. E.

Vinton, tbe veteran temperance lecturer, and known years ago Diilchman has myiteriousiy disappeared. 1 wo weeks a he one from Wisconsin and called on his old friend the Rev. A. P. Burgess at Newark, N.

and subsequently went to Uar ion in the same county Wayne) hoping to get engagement to lecture, He put up at Sweesey' rioiei ana was were taken sic, lie received kina ca, and by. and Sweesey and. trom ttrne to time spoke ot his intention ot returatng borne to Wisconsin at toon as a remittance from hui son arrived. Finally the letter came, and it was arranged that on Wednesday last he should get a draft cashed, pay bis bills, and start on his westward journey. He did not appear mat however, and has not been seen since, 1 Re most thorough search has tailed to furnish any clew to his whereabouts, and it Is feared that he has met death either by accident, or hit own design.

Mr. Vinton hat been man of prominence on the platform and in politics. He it advanced in year. although somewhat impaired in ohysical and mental vigor made many warm friends in ajnc Coonty. Hnrleil Down a Precipice.

Wheeling, May 13. Near Bloomington last evening James Boughner, a well-known ciiicen Garrett County, was thrown over a cliff 123 feet high by Pat rarley and killed. The men were walk ing; together whe Failey. wbo bad, been suffering trom temporary aberration ot mind, suddenly grew violent a ad seised bis companion near the -verge of the precipice. The two men engaged hr terrible raB8S aatl Boujran uuown ntw rlaiw hats ha.a AmirmH nf HI lt tail over, arley has been secured and it in jaiu Fnalahsneat ia 01d-Fawhlone4 Deiawar.

Wrn.MiNOiO!t, May 11 Three white and two black convicts were lashed at New-Castle this morning. Four of the number, for- petit larcenies. took ove lashes fifth, jhn Pierorf white eonvsctedf burglary, took tehe and stood one hour in the piltory. Harry L. Haines white for forgenr stood ih the fheif -punuhment.

uncomplainingly, A Craxy Woman's Bloo4y Werk. sHptm to ne nurtuo expgesa. Inbjanapqlis, May 12. Thomas Jordan, a gTain-dmler awose this ruoming to hud hit wile, Ida, dead in a blood pool by her aide, and a four-year-old adst in," a. wife (vd poisonecl tbeVhild and committed suicide with a razor.

She hadvbeen interested in the magnetic aad Christian sciejicesand was undoubtedly, A CblcsfeA Keto Haniced. hicaoo, stay Uavli, colored, was bsnwea mning tn raorder of afiEti tjangrian, a srntte girt ia year ot age. ABOVE THE DANGEU LINE. The Mississippi oa a Rarnpags Many raraCitle gutTerin pamage-X-jj PavsnfoiiT. May The Mississippi Ri has been above the danger line.for four days, and steadily risiop.

At midnight the water was within nroa inches of the highest mark recorded, which was in the great freshet of 1880. Several manufacturing establishments have been compelled to close, and many families living in the lower part of the aty are moving as rapidly as possible. -The damage caused directly and indirectly by the giving way yesterday of the uovernmeut water- power dam. is placed at over SOO.000. The.

Missis sippi now divides at -the head Arsenal- Island, at Rock Island, and current of ten" miles -an hour carries the water downward, endangering business blocks here and on Rock Island. Reports from Galena, Dubuque, and Quincy show considerable losses already at muse points. Keoklk, May 12. The levee at Alexandria broke shortly before noon to day and that town is flooded. Muscatine, May 12.

The river here Is within 5S inches of high-water mark. No special damage has yet been done. Bin; Business Failures. Brooklyn, May 11 Daniel J. Laverv.

pork- packer, who for many years has carried on business at No. 150 Columbia Street under the name of Gor man made an assignment to-day with liabili ties estimated at 1 he assets are not known. San Francisco, May 12. I. Luske opera ting a large establishment for canning fruits and vegetables, have assigned, William T.

Colemanjs the principal creditor. He was interested in these cauneries. The liabilities are estimated at QUO. The Luske cannery is said to be th largest in the worrcft "e- r- New-York, May 12. Mr.

Fanni D. Whitfield of th late firm of Whitfield, Powers whole sale dealer 10 notions, formerly at No. 477 Broad- way, made an assignment to-day for the benefit of the creditors. A lew years ago th firm claimed to be worth Ran Down a Street-car. Chicago, May 12.

A Wentworth-avenu street car was run into by Rock Island switch-engine at 14th street last night ana several persons were seri ously injured. The conductor claims that the cross- ing-switcnman stgnaieo tnat uie track was clear. and to come ahead, aad be signaled the driver. Just as the horse crossed th trac the switch-engine. which was backing up at a rapid fate of speed, struct the front of the car.

The car was thrown from the track, tbe front platform torn away, and Uie car Th driver's injuries may prove fataL Mrs Annie Smith, William Bulger, and E. F. RusselL pas- seogersv were seriously brwiaerl ami inur-d interne it v. 1 other passengers escaped with a severe shaking up. Th engineer says he received the customary signal at the crossing, and blames tb street-car conductor.

G. A. II. Objection to Gen. Johnston.

Chicaoo, May 12. Measure were adopted in Georg H. Thomas Post No. 5 G. A.

R. here last evening to procure a decision from Commander-in- Chief Rea on the action of L. D. Baker Post, Philadelphia, admitting the Confederal General Joe Johnstov to- coatrtbtttory The question is raised that there can be no contributory or other than regular membership, but that if such a membership can be. established, by those who bore arms against the United Ststes are ineligible thereto, as in the case of regular membership.

This action may lead to proceedings against the Philadelphia Pest for violating tbe rule of the G.A.R. Steamer Arrivals. New-York. Mty 12. Arrived: The Chester and Celtic, from Liverpool.

City of Liverpool, May 12. Arrived: The Anraait, from New-York. Amsterdam, May 12. Arrived Tht Edam, from New-York. PtywotfTK, May 13.

Arrived Tb Wietaod, from New-York. Antwerp, May li Arrived: To Noordlaad, from Mew-York, William Sncceasor, Ai rs-NT, Mav 12 Gov. Hill io-dav ppointed A. If. tWlett' of New-York at Judge Advo- cat General 6a hit military staff.

Gen. Bartlett it at present ait ior of the rath Regiment National Guard and am aa tide oa the staffs of Govs, Tilden and Robaasea frets 187 10 la.Ti. of THAT IS WHY LORD WOLSELEY IS. TO RESIGN. Perhaps Pope' It' All Tory Scheme The Objection! to the Plin of Campaign Foreign Gossip.

Cpyrigkt. London, Mav Will Lord Wolseley resign lb universal question, which ur to a Uie hour this afternoon remained undecided. Wilrie no an will take this step as an answer to the rebuke of ,1. 1. i IrH 1 .11 I lAnb.

iidinaiivu Hwmij mv is reuriilv con. demhed, even outside Government circles. The 7ii says that the Premier's rebuke to Lord WoUeley in the House of Lords yesterday was deserved and that his recent language is calculated to do serious mischief. The Djily Atwi says that it is mischievous to employ phrases that con-yey panic in their meaning, and not to give details. one cannot tall the whole truth he should hold bis On the whole of the military party aid numtwt of cnairaart back Lord Woke-ley in his They believe-that be has taken the only course that will arouse the Government to a true scn-e of the condition of the country's defenses.

Gen. Sir E. B. Haralay, the author of "Tb atehtmfrib Lea Wolseley, holds the same views the latter regard-ing-the army-. He beiieves that the country is in a ioudiuuo dangeti5 laMcutity and coii6i4ers lie voiuoteer ierrra- tneffective.

It it hmted that, tust possfble tbaf the whole affair ia a weli-Dlaced Tory scheme, concocted to distract public alien lion from other matters and to make it easier to raise money for army estimates, Mr. Gladslone and Mr. John Morley were In con-uluti to-day abwut the sentences of Mr. Dtilon. A adjaorti rnent of probably be 'moved oa Monday night in order to call attention to this matter, Mr.

Dilion has been convicted chiefly on account of speeches which he delive.ed before the proroise to the contrary. ine uouse ot commons will- probably rise on Thursday, the 17th instant, for the Wrhttsun recess. After tbe holidays, most of the new rules for the ad mission of strangers inter the gallery- ot -the "Hons will be put into fleet, Ur. Gladstone has recovered from hit attack of lumbago, and is as strong as ever. i wv report wai vneen Matafie of Senrta will re-lirn to Belgrade is doubted, as her flense can be grayed by documents.

There, is. no doubt that she inspiring to denose Milan, her roval snouse. is favor of her herself as Regent, antU Prince Alexander, who is now twelv years of ace, comes to bin The Queen ha a large following, both among the army and the populace, to whonvshe is endeared. Her return would certainly mean the dethronement -of King Milan and the throwing of Servia into the hands of Russian agents who stand ready for such a goioen opportunity. There is now Hate torXofihelEmBeror Pom rearo recovery, hi strong constitution Is gone, as I the present attack it a complicated one of long-sun d- diabetes.

Emperor Frederick continues to uiorore he will oe removed to fotsdam at the end or-ahit month. after Princ iienry't wedding, andDrisMackeniie will then avail himself of the. opportunity isd nuke a visu 01 a wee 10 linaon. The troubrenrf the Ame-AfghBEitan: amini: creasing. It is reported that the Dhegshds living between Herat and Kusskb have revolted and have al ready met the Ameer troops in battle, many bain; killed1 on botn tides.

The. polling at the Parliamentary division of Stephens Green has been jrery spirited. The result wiil be declared on Monday, IRELAND, Th Papal Rescript Meant No Barn te Ir- Ib4 Jona Dillon's Ken ten eve. Niw-York, May 12. The Cat ho Kiwi received i eabtegranttreBt OT.

rttwch Stephefts tt Rome this afternoon, saying that the recent rescript of the Holy father on the Irish Plan of Campaign is an indication of the Papal policy to be pursued with respect to the agitation now being carried on in the Emerald Isle. The Holy Father, the Doctor says, has in-tormed the English Government that he exoects them 10 do something for th Irish tenant farmers 1 his was ttsststrtt won by the rapar secretary of State in his conference with the Duke of Norfolk. It is rumored that Mr. I'araeil was oppceed to the Plan of Campaign and has never taken part in it. It is beneved in Rome that tbe "interests- of Ireland can be best served by meahs that wiU not antagonise public sentiment, and bring tbe Irish cause into disfavor.

Dubum, May 12. The trial of John Dillon on a second charge of offending under the Crimes Act was concluded to-day and he was convicted. He was again sentenced to six months' imprisonment without hard labor, as he was on account of the first charge. The sentences, however, wilt run concurrently, sir. also appealed from the sentence imposed to-day.

i London, May 12. It is announced that Mr. Mitchell Henry, a Unionist, will contest the central division of Bradford against Mr, Shaw-Lefevre (GladstonUn liberal at tbe next election. Vienna, May 12. A dispatch from Rome to th Political i.

orrtspedenci says that the Irish bishops have informed the Vatican of their entire and unconditional submission to the Papal rescript regarding Ireland, EKPEROR FREDERICK WORSE. A Deaf Mute Offers to Sacrirlc pis Larysx for the Kaiser's Berlin, May 12. The Emperor was worse this He is suffering from an inflamed swelling of the uvula, A deaf mute living in Silesia recently wrote te Mackentie offering to sacrifice his larynx if it be possible to transfer it to the Em per-er's thv0V.Jr -W- replied, to the mss the loss of bis life would neither help the Emperor nor benefit science. Dr. Mackentie yesterday re-examined tbe Emperor's throat He found that the local disease was stationary, A SOULANGER BANQUET.

Th 07 Geoeral Pretests AaTlat th Gov rnment'a Brutality Motes. Paris, May la. A large crowd assembled at tbe railway station at Dunkirk yesterday to see Gen. Boulanger. Upon alighting from the train he was received by- btt friend and greeted with thottt of Vive Boulanger 1 while others in the crowd sooted vigorously.

A banquet was given in the evening ia honor of tbe General. In replying to a toast to his health he protested against the "brutality" shown bv the rovernment in depriving him of his sword. which he had eo thought of wing except to safeguard the honor of his country. Without bragging," be said, we know how to present to Europe the apec- t-tscie a nation tosttie ut ivxxt. IS.

linear Canferance. London, May 11 Th Suear Conference has concluded its work. To-day the delegates signed the final protocol with the drtit of a proposed coeven- fii 1 .1 r. .1 tton. 1 ne aeiegaics wm iwwn ui treaty with their reservations to their respective governments, who will communicate their views thereon to tbe English Government by th 5th of July.

Th nlenicot-ntianes will be invited to meet aisVn en August ItSih at the latest for the puipos of signing a treaty. T. M. C. Iiuraitl la Fmnoe.

PaBIS. May A meeting of representatives of various Young Mens Christian atsociatiout was held her yesterday. Mr. Gaylord, a delegate from the American association, delivered so aodress. It was anwDunced that 1 wealthy.

American had offered a larre sum of money to ersct an institution oa a seal undreamed ot in Franc. Raaala'a View at th English Armsmeat. St. Petersburg. May IS.

The Asrvri' says the obiect in strengthening the English armaments is vid-ntly not solelv tote prepared to indirectly partake in an eventual continental war. but also 10 enable Lozlsnd to pursue with armed hand policy maniiUy aggressive. ItUNotBest to always belief every Wng' that a perion tells yen. i tnat ih best blood purmer Bui. nhar Brtterv, you cm helievs for they cured me sever ease ot Wood potsoaing A.

IHtiltLftltew. York Otf. DiH.r IXPKESS? If why iii shouUi Uke tne 5uiay li- tioa well twesiKk see 11 ca he gratmed b. ubscoptoa ih daily. whK-h it a thorough th merchant, tb mother th farmer.

Ih iaa- tier, lb reformer, aad ta genera iw. on Oil or srrcH ro bufhlo cxprcss. Nashville, Way 13. The State Democratic Coaveotkn ha not as yet anmintled candidate for Governor. The 29tb vote at live o'clock tonight resulted Taylor 685, Tronsdale WU, McCoo-neil 79.

Strews: for Depew, Albany, N. May 12. The Republican of the 19th Congressional District elected delegate to Chicago to-day. A resolution was adopted declaring that business principles should be applied to the conduct of the affairs of the Nation and favoring the nomination for President of that staunch Republican, mat able defender of the American principle ol rejection. that ran of luoerb ex em' ive Bowers, of unquestioned integtytcapatityiV and HonQhauncey friendly to Depew.

I no convention was unuauaiiy harmonious, the old factions haying agreed to. unite He.driek'.lneT. eavfaw Syracuse, May 12. The 25th Congressional Dis trict Republican Convention this afternoon sent Francis Hendrickt of Qnoadaga at a delegate to Chicago by a vote of 101 to S3 fur Howard G. White.

1 he other delegate tawaro nestor 01 iorriana. chosen withow opposition. Blaine and Protective resolution were adopted. Compromised Ceo. Alger.

tPrcm rt wmlo txntsx Nashville," May K. Gen. Rwsell A. Alger of Michigan was made the choic for the Presidency by the LiavKisoo-couniy Aepubiicaa t-oo- vention here to-day. he Blame and Sherman men being equally divided, they compromised on Alger.

ANXIOUS TO EE BISHOPS. Tbe MethrvdtRb Conference KntbastVawm for Bishop Tatvlor-rBi Report. New-York, Mty 12. Th eleventh day session of th Methodist Episcopal Conference opened, with prayer by the Kef, 4Me-5Mder Mwn, iiishoj Fos ter presided. The members are looting forward with considera ble expectancy to the report of the committee on episcopacy upon the number of new bishop to be tne committee wtu prooaoiy report in lavor of electing four bishops.

This will cause a long de bate, as there are a large number of the delegates who believe that there should be at least six or seven more bitheps. The candidates who have the bishopric be la their bonnet are working hhrd. Among those who want the office are The Rev. J. r-itsgerald of pew Jersey 1 C.

Cranatoo. Colorado; IL Vincent, Rock Kiver D. A. Ooodsell, J. K.

Day, Lnancelior Sims, L. B. M. Buckley, editor of the CtrtstiM Aitvocatt. and J.

King, allot M' I UT 11 Di nnrA I W. Joyce, H. Paine, and. J. M.

tiaylis 01 unto. Tbe Rev. Dr. A. Kinnett, secretary of the Church Extension society, is also mentioned as being an available candidate.

It is almost certain that the Re. Filigerald and the Re. Dr. J. H.

Vin cent will be elected. The Rev. Dr. Hunter of Illinois moved to suspend the ruleu and take up the order of th day, tbe read- in of Bishop TayfoT Tetwrc of his work it Africai Agreed to. When the Bishop stepped to tbe front of the stage, the house, which was packed with peo ple, tairly arose and applauded for several minutes.

rmhop laylor, in opening hit report, said tnat when he went to Africa he was well received by the Liberia conference, and his success was wonder ful. He said the Libcrians were getting thrifty. The coffee trade has been good there, very many mills haring been introduced. The people live com- lortahly and dress well on Sundays, 1 ne Misiiop read a statement comparing the state of affairs in Liberia in Isjvi and Schools, scholars, teachers, and ministers have increased in numbers. The liquor traffic has grown less and is now confined entirely to the Dutch settlers.

The suppression of the vice is due to the work of Miss Amanda Smith. The Bishop took a long time to explain his position toward the General Confeteoce, it being claimed he was not entitled to a seat among the bishops. The gist, of his remarks was that be had not been guilty of any disloyally and was entitled to a voice In the body. Bishop Taylor furnished' an exhibit of statistics Stfowmgtftt growthr -rat att -mtrtsw toottearited with his mission ia Liberia. said-ii it should, be th ple.asyre of him, he wonld be ready at an early day to resume work.

The conference resolved that that part of th report which considers the question of mission should be to the committee on missions and the rest to th committee on tee on judiciary was requested to report whether the discipline can be so chanced that bishops can be assigned to conference districts. The Rev. Charles C. iicLnaa of- St. John's-Rlvr offered a resolution that no one should be elected or consecrated bishop until he' had taken a cast-iron oath to abstain from the use of tobacco.

Rejected. A number of resolutions and memorials were presented and referred to the appropriate committees. OHIO OIL AS FUEL. What-ei-Mayof" Sowers of OH Ctt Savjs of its Use Interesting Facts. Lima, 0., May 13.

Isaac M. Sowers, ex-Mayor of Oil City, wat seen to-day by a correspondent in reference to the- progress being made in introducing Ohio btt as fuet" f. Sowers had just returned from Chicago where he had been operating for some months, Me said the Insurance companies had given them trouble, but the oil people were able to demonstrate that oil fuel did not increase the risk. and they expected in good tiirt to overcome kthe prejudice. They were meeting with about th siine opposition in this particular that had confront ed the electnc-iight companies.

Ihe Board of Underwriters ol Chicago are now Investigating the mat ter, andHuv promised to report by to-day. They bsve made-a very careful Investigation, and he had hopes from thjs (act that their report would be favorable. In case ft. ia favorable several large concerns will at once begin to use oil for fuel instead of coal. among them tbe Leland House.

The Leland had used it, hut had been Hepped, by the insurance com panies. 1 he largest concern now using Lima oil as luel it the Union Steel Works of Chicago. It is one of the largest works of the kind th world." They are using LfXJO barrels of oil a day, where they tor- mertrosea torn ef ccal. They It not entirely abandoned th use of coal but It bat althoet been sup planted, la ineir work it requires men less to do the work than with coaL This laving of utbor is ia firing, hauling ashes, etc. The item of ashes iavouite important to such a large concern, at they removed them outside the city.

Mr. Sowers could not gie ny figures on the relative coat of coal and oil, as fuel based on actual experience. The Chicago Steel Works ind other large establishments, from whom such figures wonld be important, have refused to furnish them. Th Lelancd House bad need 18 barrels of oil a day at a cost ol $5 less par-day than coal. Mr.

Sowers said they had met with more success in using oil in burning brick than in ny other industry. He thought the saving was greater in this than In anything els in which test have been He gave the names of tht following Chicago firms )o are awrsttog brick with oil i af Put. ringtoa Kendall Brick Company, W. IX Owen, B. Legoaw, and American Terra-Cotta Company, The Patiotaa Palace -Car Company it among the Chicago manufacturers who have adopted the new Inel.

Within the last few wee It hat been used successfully in burning lime. Many ei-penments have been made, only to result ia failure, until nicker Brothers of Drucker, Wisconsin, by a a home-made burner of their own construction, have applied it successfuUy to their kilns, They are not only using it in burning their lime, but have also applied it to a boiler aad engine used in the quarry. The Ohio fields are at present producing about barrels of oil a day, and tht amount of oil ia iroa tasks oa the first of the month was 6,300.000 barrels. Literary Note. Edward Everett Hale I inclined to believe that, to from America having takes lit same from Ameri-cut Vespucins, the reaowaed navigator was named for America.

Why be inclines to this belief he seta forth tt soma length ia th leading articis ia tb Crair of May 12th. The June number of Harptt't Magtxtn will oon-tain the first chapters of Mr. Howells's new jiovel "Annie Kilburn," The story it said to be of a popular character andV without 'being io aay way didactic, touches the social problem in-many of Ha phases, but especially la connection with das prejudice. It it not a soda istic argument, but an intcretlisg social drama, embodying, ia serious and humorous peraonalioos, tht philanthropic aspirations, tb impulses nob) or ignoble aad ta prejudices which determine the tonal activrties of a New-England town, of to-day. This chronicle of Hatboro' is at mustng and piquant as it is A'it a'aVsWw, who ttanda In the center of these activities, and whose romance is intimately ss toctated wiik theas, is declared 0 of the most inter-estitig of Howeirt" heroines, an aspiring but -by ae means angelic young worms, wnose oeavenly impulses art ia fair proportioa tempered by tbe earthly A creatur not toe bright or good For human nature i tally 11 The was .1..

was for bar he was all see be a at 21C MAIN STREET 21G Buffalx-May 12. "i .1 if. tennis cloths, alpacas, albatross, I nne ana tne roses in tneir 1 I i very looks. Summer dress goods; thoughts of sunshine, like summer skies, taking their color from every '5oajf5e Light weight. widc-ie -quisitely- the wit and work of spin ners, weavers, dyers, and women White-eaoped -chalhes, shim- merreg HrV i Hprsori's tennis cloth each tn- umphs ofthe maker's1 art.

You knoto. Anderson ginghams; his tennis clch. bears, the same royal stamp, 33.nches wide, fast colors in combinations, stripes, and plaids to mate i V6S.V?i 1 its comfort for morning or house gowns. All wool goes to recommend it for Iatirdry purposes no shrinking. u.u: Dnnianiiiic tuaiucs-rigxircs un white and ecru grounds, scattered with twigs and bits of vine and blossom.

Light as gossamer, but not slimpsy. French challies look to be worth half as much again as you'll pay for them soft, coal drape well, hold the welt rough dry in the sun. The pnnhnrrs arc by Dollfus, Miec who paint the finest French sateens worthy to retail at7Jc a yard. That's guarantee enough-. Piain cream tennis clot ht" all wooV 50c to U2j aandineh- albatross--always popular.

"La Gloria" fabric, a cream crepe effect Cream serge. Beatrice and armures. Enough told to represent the glories of the untold rs i A Cij iTitsccIlarteous. NAlM ST. BALDWIN! MAIN ST, tt Shirts to order1 6 Shine to order for.

fi.Od 6 Shlri to order lu.oO thirti to order for 12,00 IW Send rottat and will CM) end fake Xearere. fj Furs Taken on Storage, And Seal Saoqu to be re-dyed aro now 32 1 MAIN STREET CAPABLE and RELI ABLE OFFICE ASSISTANTS Ca tie secured without trouble or delay at the Bryant Stratton rJRE.PriQQF EJJ I L. I LM BcrraLO, K. Y. During th pest 3 3 years this College has made sstciaJtv of rratnino YOU.Nli 31 tS and WOMK.N for rracoeal binlness adair.

Its methods have proved btfhir auccesetul nd many busineM tlrms mae 11 a rracuM te apvjy at tb uoueg wiwn ire or booi-Wpers, htenograiihera, or office help ot any kiad. rare is takea te recorhmend onlv those who re capable, and they generally rive perfect satisfaction. A'o rftarpet to riiher party AppUrvtion entinted. hpnng Iwm now open This it th best season to enter, at there ia no bummer Varauon. STAFFORD FAUL.

285 3IAIN (Second door abov Swan) Will receive Furs oa stwagtv. also take kinds of repair work. 5eal bacques to be re-dyed are shipped to the dyers every ten days. ur 827 Waahlngton St XJewstt Blockl, Cffer superior advantages to young men and women i Kqumng a practical business eCucatioa. One important advantage students attending this College have it the daily interchange of business with our College at Erlei Pa.

Call or address for catalogue or full particulars, CLARK i'ERRIN, P-ops. C. M. MORSE, Giiariical-Engineer, 227 PEAKL STREET 22T MRS. J.

H. REED, Tiff Houm Biock, Buolo, Jf. Y. scT ro w. Demorest's Retiabk Pattern? CSimnAb pas- star) r'wrwriT-aWuaSattet is- ia.

Lu.f a Deaiai SDouili. OStu. 4a srv ttsawwe. Amaotei an stow wore. Mi kmH of ai wort Wver.

raooar. wi. Tew au4 WH (M1, fo Hainiim, surer, aastataisah is I If held at Niagara Falla at th Orpheus Theater, next Tuesday at-two-o'eloeki This convention i held to elect two delegates and two alternates to represent this district at the National Convention in Chicago. The State Convention 10 ae held at Buffalo next week will have a Urge contingent, from here. Both Erie and Central have adopted a 75-cent round-trip rate.

The Republicans are all harmonious and th feeling is all one way either Blame or Depew la Niagara County. There it a local strife going on among the ranlc and file of the Democracy. In fact, the war since federal offices hereabouts have been filled with Democrats has been surprising, Tb district conveationt developed the fact Chveland does not stand much show among th delegates from this countr. In the first district two out of three are for Hill and fhe convention was controlled wholly by Hill the canal appointment have a strong political flavor and this year the Hill wr- ignored and such ward rulers as Tom Glynn, who is a delegate to the but Convention, art mad because tney are not con sulted regarding tbe appointments. Gl' no and his followers will work tooth and nail for Hill.

Miss Emma Schoifieid took poison by mistak this week and cam sear dying, A Miss Phil pott a former lagan-county girl has bjought suit against in ex-ma tor of Detroit for $50,000 for breach of promia to marry her. A third sensation was the annonace-meat that Joseph S. Barron had killed his son-in-law, Harry Higgiaa, ia a quarrel over a at Denver, Col. Mr, Barron it father of J. XV.

iiaiToa of this city and went West about twelve yea.a ago with Higgins iQ go into th sheep-raising bu iuess. lakphti is essestislly a sssa! i much It revenue, especially ia East Lock port, is derived from the canal. Merchants look blue there and complain bitterly concerning tht action of th elevator men at Buffalo. Only a tew boats have passed eastward loaded with grain. Several boats have been launched this spring, and there are a number moreooth' stay.

The First Congregational Church will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Thursday, June 7th. Lockoortians are anticipating tne ot th Paddock ball, which will give at a public building her. The Emtrt fi'out Ctob, a social organ iiatioa which After the visit to the sugar plantation Garfield and he were dming.together with 20 or 30 other gentlemen. When it came to Garfield's turn to respond to a sentiment, he said: I know one who will be greatly surprised at what I am about to say, for I am prepared to avow myself as a humble dis- rrotecuve system. Hencetortn.

1 am air. tieuey disciple on the question of economy in connection with the revenues of our Government. 1 am. with rVilliam D. Kclley of Pennsylvania, a Protectionist heocelorth." Therefore he Keller) had voted for President for man tor whom he had refused to yote lor speaker.

Mr. Townshend inquired the date of that speech of Garneld's, Mr. Kclleyplied that it was in the fall of ISTf. Mr. Towoshebd said that the gentleman's memory roust be treacherous, for he had stated that he vote against Garfield forXspeaker because he believed Gtrfreld to be aX Free" Tier, ad --now he said that Garfield Nbad changed his opinion a year before he Vas renominated for Speaker.

A year after Garfield had convinced the gentleman that he was no longeKa Free Trader the gentleman refused to obey the dictates of tile caucus to vote for Garheid for speaker, Mr. Keiley remarked that whatever might have been his deviation from party discipline, the faetremained that in 1876 he had seen the avowed andabsolute conversion of James A. Garheid. Mr. Townshend What was your reason for obeying the action of the Republican caucus a yei after oartield conversion What right have you te interrogate me as to my personal relations and personal reasons Iftere are other questions than the Tariff in the world." Mr.

Townshend disclaimed any Intention of desiring to probe into Mr. Kelley's personal sentiment. COLD WATER TENTING. A Novel Campaign to lie Crrried on by the EnterprlslBC Prohibitionists. Hornellsville, May 12.

The Prohibitionists of this city arehbfhing" if not enterprising. Last year they tried oa a small scal4a this county the plan of conducting tent meetings in different towns. A wagon was equipped. A canvas tent capable of hold ing 200 or 30) people, 300 or 800 folding camp stools, poles, ropes, and necessary tools for putting up tent, were packed into the wagon, and with two men, one a singer of wagon, and with two men, one a singer of ttrong voice and the other, a Prohibition exporter, completed the outfit. This wagon toad went front town to town, Tbe novelty of the thing served aa a tntficient advertisement, and in every hamlet where the tent wat pitched it was filled with a curious people.

Part of the work of the scheme consisted in forming Prohibition clubs. The leaders of the parly were very well pletsed with tb success of the project. The plan and its success wa advertised. and Uie ieadejs. of -the movement her went soon applied to from Prohibi tion centers all over the country for particulars of the cost of aa.

outfit aad th method of coaducuiag -ht novel campaign. 1 he originator ot tbe scheme, Mr, U. A. Turtle of this dry, a shrewd dry-goods dealer of Main Street, taw in this demand a business opportunity. He made contract with Austin, Tomhnso Webber of Jackson, for wagons at wholesale prices; hired a tent maker with a force of women to prepare tht canvas, aad get together th complete outfit.

He hired lb old Alcaaar. Rink oa Canisteo Street, and therein it now conducted a business which. peraaps.aot a doaea individuals ia the city outside of the leading Prohibitionists know lets, and which has grown to large dimensions. At present 35 wagons are being fitted up, and order have been received from Ohio, Michigan, and Cai tornia. Btrnck a liandalide.

Bath, May 12. Thai afternoon a train on th Maine Central Railroad ran into a landslide at Sewall'a Cut, two miles out, wrecking tbe tender ami aaioog car ana aerauing me tmoser ana passenger ear. The engineer aad fireman were slightly injured. A wrecking craw it clearing trace, bat trains cannot pass until late to-morrerw. 2 Dorby, I'm showing the most complete he la the city of tht popnitaT-priced hat, la all th twhinaarn atsadea.

aAJUtlf SHITHj S17 Maia epp. church. Ladles Who Bloat. Tf ht 4 trreat number there at how uncomfort able tt make thee ft ia almost impo sibl for thoa afflicted 1 noy life, la my prrrai actio I have alwart oaad tu pbur Bitten te the beat remedr. Alt who are taut troubled mould use ft.

MBS. Hit. CHILbS, boston. tt yoar blood It vitiated, cleans without delay by tb us er Aytrl Saaeaparlli. grven such -deiightfut dance at trie dub -halt have elected oChcers for th ensuing year at follows President, Drue Oliver rice presioent, tv.

ft. tsnm secretary, C. ri. Wendell treasurer, red stoma 5 steward, tilts McBrtde social committee, Messrs, Willis McBndCx Bruce Oliver, Georg Stahlar, i. I I Lock port will be presented at the annual meet- tng of the lower Ltl Association at Roches ter on May 15th.

at the state convention of loan as- x7th annual reunion nt in vtn Keguneat 1. held at Medina on Mar S2d Inst. Sprout Post will celebrate Memorial Day at Central Had in this Qj Th Hon. Richard Crowley will he th orator. Th American District Steam Company hat secured a contract to operate la Rochester and will immediately begin laying pipes.

A branch of the order of Brotherhood of St. Andrew ha been formed at Grac Episcopal Church In this city by the young gentlemen of tnat body. The graduating class of the Cwon school numbers twelve this year. Miss May HowelLhas been appointed insurance Stamp cierx ior'ioctpun ana on 1 era upon net ouiie on Monday next, Mr. W.

J. ack man, riroprietor of Th Niagara and ea-coaducsor oa the Erie, aa -been at Toronto this week, us attendance at th Grand Divnuoa of th Order of Railway Conductors. alas Liuiua imriMB vi miuai. sa uac gweH ot Miss Alii Montgomery of Locust Street. Miss Margaret Gordon of Knoxvill.

th guest of ber brother, th Hon. P. Gordon ot this city. Mrs. J.

D. Ames hat returned to her horn is this city aucr ihvmmu. unci avjcmru an lew-iorx. and with her daughter ia Cincinnati. Mr.

and Mrs, J. K. Grid ley, who have been oassinr tb winter at St. Augustine, Fia- have returned home. Mr.

Sidney J. Loch net of thit city stands seventh point of scholarship ia th Sophomore Class at University of Rochester, and is one of th speakers for the Davey Prix declamation 00 tht Soph Es at the coming examination, Zola it at last to peblish a story of purity and idyllic delicacy 1 The heroin it aa embroiderer of clerical vestments, and Zola, who is aothiag if aot realistic bat been devoting a world of paueac to the study of tb symbolical meaning of every article of a priestly wararob. We should expect yirtaout iola hook to tat failure..

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