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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 34

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GRAtID JLMY Faced By Edwards To Account For Spending cf $86,000 For Votes. liepubncansAllKeady For Fall Campaign, And Confident ot Rolling Up 50,000 Majority. Democrats View Majiuf actur-cr's, Expenditure Account Violation Is Allegei Zy Chxrlea Barnstt. eraoiai sMritca vas avgtnsiB. September luA While Bepubloen leaden giving I thatr Attention chiefly to preparation! for beginning In earnest the campaign which- Chairman M.

Z. White predicted to-day would result ia Republican victory of 80,000 majority the November election. Democratic observer tehlr minds off tehir party plana lone enough this week to "view with disgust" the campaign txpens account flled with Secretary f. But Houston O. Teung.

by W. Edwards, of 'Huntington, unsuccess-Nil candidate In the August primary tlectloa for the for United States Senator. no statistician figured tha on Jh aaals of lila aowra atattment it cost Huntington candidal (7,35 (or every vote he obtained. Under the state corrupt practices act, a candidate Is limited to the ei-. pendltur of T5 for tack county ia the state, which would be $4,125 for the entire state.

While Edward certified to a total expenditure of $96,000, the items listed amounted to $9,500 leas than this amount, Bt uat this. it is pointed out, he exceeded the legal limit by $52,875. Tho next move in ten matter will be made at Hnutlagtory where Thomas R. Shepherd, Proeeeutlni Attorney, announced, fallowing receipt from tho Secretary of Stataot report OB the Edwards expense account, that ha would lay the cue before the grand Jury, Ocotber 1 In reporting the matter to the Pros-ocuting Attorney Secretary Teung alseTsent the following letter, in ex- planettca of his course, to Edwards: "I regret very much that on ac count pf expenditures reported, and on account of tho faof that yew showed, expenditures to certain Indl viduala and not designated that the money was expended for any of the purposes mentioned in the corrupt practices act, it become necessary for me to send a copy of the report to the Frosecxilng Attorney of Cabell Beyond listing the names of individuals to whom ho paid money and the amounts glvea. to them.

Edwards, In his report, failed to ItamiM his expenditure as. required by law. Being a large manufacturer of mattresses, the Huntington man was know dar- Ing the campaign as the "mattress king." In the letter transmuting count to Secretary Young, he showed that he is not without a sons of humor. "I think that you will see from the statement," he wrote, "that I appreciate It is batter to be Jn 'bedtlck than 'polities' from, a standpoint o( making and spending money. I bad quite a setlsfaotory experiane in tore directions and anaatlsfactory la others, as to results I hope the next try I which will be two years from now, I will hitvu better results.

This time yen fought me like a man In tho open, aad the aext Uma I hep you light with me. His reference to running strain two years hence, when the term of Sena- tor Davis Elkln expires, Is not taken seriously by politicians her, who have an Uea that his flrst venture ic politics will be his last. Jamas A. Hughes, formef Congressman who receives from, Ed wards, according to th Utter 1 stats- manL was his campaign maaagor. Sherman C.

Denbam, of Clarksburg. Hated as haying received was sab-manager for th First and Third Congressional Districts, It Is aader stood, and tho services of James Slrwart, Ccmmlah-oor of AsrtcaUpre, wbo waa paid tVOOS, aad of William H. Somera, Chief of the Bureau Markers, roolpieat ti.10. srs said hav boon employed for the Second CorgTeslonal District. 'sUsrelinn sous aooouats" of I MM ars were listed.

Following his decision to loeat Republics Stat Headquarter la Charleston, annoucced last Saturday E. Stat Chairman, bat leased six rooms la Ue RaSser Hotel, sag has been busy this week la fur nlahlng them and rttlng la order other details preparatory to opening the campaign ta full blast next week. He expects to aonoaac his bus! wllhla a day two. srsvlM was eeaslyid by the faUir of th Democratic Executive Committee to olect Charleston also as headquarters. Hlnton, Ike hoss of th Chairman, Duolap, was ckooea, aad actlv preparation pre llmlaary ta at artlng th Dsmocratl caajipalga are nadorstood ta be ander way taera, Chalrnvia While profaased tooV deaco io-day.

that "Senator Howard HitkerUad aad the six Bepuhll; Coaa-raoaaaea froan West Vlrglala will be reelected." aad be aaaoooeed that a "Tigoiwoa aad dignified campaign' far the aomlnees would wage. The remit ia Mala yoseiee owr roAd ia the oatroes la West Virginia." ho aaid. The FUpabUeaas carried Mala ia lilt bv a few Ikma ad lea thaa tho party earrlao West Vkgiala. Last Tuesday Main west li'svbllcaa by tad sam basts (ho smrmal ana aad wo believe it will, exceed 90.000. Wo are starting the, campaign with absolute unity prevailing tn the party.

The schism that followed tho primary election campaign of 1920 has boea Lhee ledV- There Is no dissension now and the choice of the Republican voters in tho recent primary election will have the full support of Ih partxC Th following tribute was paia VP Senate Sutherland 1 1 "Senator Sutherland la a prlao vote getter. Ha never has failed to worst tho enemy in every campaign that he has undertaken. Ho la -as much a fa vorit with the voters of West Virginia as Kaute. Nelson in Minnesota, La Toilette in Wisconsin, or Lodge In Maaaa-chuaetu. Tho voters have Implicit faltb and confidence in his honesty of pur poses and thslr.lpyalty to him has been witnessed year after Tho congressional were re ferred to as- being "stalwart Republicans who continuously have sought to represent their constituents In sJl matters of public welfare.

Their record at Washington Is food and they have con tributed to the general results achieved by the present Congress In placing the country oa a' solid, substantial Edwards Is not tho only candidate In tho recent primary election, facing; prosecution as result of alleged failure to comply' with; election, law require ment. Secretary of State Toong has notified- thd proper county authorities of the alius of.W. George, qf Phlllppi, who waa defeated for the Republican nomination for. Congress in the First District, and of Edward M. Conaway.

of BoartJ Tree, unsuccessful Democratic primary election candidate for Congress In the First, to file pest-primary election expense statements' as provided by law. If -further action, Is taken. It win ha bv the countv authori ties, tho Secretary of State's duty th matter ceasing after bo notifies these authorities. The Cabell County. Democratic Execu tive Committee is one ot th first coun- ty political bodies to lift the campaign curtain.

Orover Cleveland Vandeven- der. Chairman, has opened headquar- ter In the Loop Building at Hunting ton, and already has started campaign activltlea. is reported si beig da termlned to wag one of the hottest campaigns seen In the southern part of th stat for a numb of years. i 4 According to roports received "her. th Brook County Republican Com' mitts will meet soon and nominate for Sheriff Thomas Duval, son of th late H.

H. Duval, who waa killed In the Ctlftonville mine battle early In the summer, Young Duval sew is acting Sheriff by virtue of action of th Coun ty Court taken a few hours after I Is father met his death. He has been vigorous In rounding up alleged mem bers of tho armed band that mada the attack on tho mine, and Is said to have given general -the dis charge ot th duties of Sheriff. -o Governor E. F.

Morgan attended the state convention of the American Le gion at Bloeileld thl week, where Fri day be addressed the meeting. John Bond, Stat Auditor, also attended th convention. He a member of ha Legion, having served, with tho army in Franco with the rank of Major. EXPOSITION To Extend Into 1923. BrsiUlaa Affair, Delmd is GetUos Istt Fall Swiss, Expected Dnw lOO.OOf) CtBsUatiy.

'Rio do Janeiro, September If. Al though the Braslllaa officials ar not disposed to postpon any part of th centennial celebratioa. program, which opened according; to sehednl September 1i It new la generally conceded that a considerable part of th big exposition will not get Into Its striae before six weeks of two months that data, Many of th exposition buildings, including tho American parlliooe, will not he ready for occu pancy before October. Work has proceeded, however, to the point where It is obvious that the exposition, will bo well worth seeing. Organised, arranged and constructed with tho art characteristic, of the th group of buildings do Credit to th far famed beauty of Rio do Janeiro.

Th various dllce which boas aad portray (h priacl- pal Industrie aad scleatifle and artistic developments of hsvoouatry re flect ta a remarkable the spirit aad character ot th Br ai Ulan people. All too great nations ar repr seated, and their building, most of which are of permanent construction, form what Is on of tho moat charm' Ing sections of thl capital Each of these buildings contains exhibit of Its country's arts and Industries. The centennial program Indus' th largest military review ever staged la South America, Chosen troope of tho reserve from every Bra allien state will march. There will bo pan-air operas and symphony soacarta; natloaal aad latarmatioaal convontloaa, free motloa picture now a bar a) review, civic parades. Olympic, games, official and unofficial ratertaJaments reoptiotta, a nival aad Sreworks displays.

For tuaee are being apent for special and spectacular lllumlnaflsa effect, It Is anticipated that there will a coastant attepdaece, of from Tt.K to JOO.Ono) peiaens during the entire exposition, which will act doe uatlt Kerch II, CUPID IOaFIKG AGAIN' Laff-e Ncreae Show a Vamher of Woddinf FarU vtrui una ie ienm rarta. September atOfflcieJ flgares lust pubtlahed shew a large decrwtse la marriaaTva. At th MoatmaruaCity llall. which had held th record for the aatnbcr of enuplo. wadded oa get rdaya.

oely VetsMt were granted last week. Instead Of th utoaaary By a otraasT eotaeideace. the same day th rare wer paWlsbed weekly saagaakiw aaaoanead the ralt of a conteat that had beea rgaalad for its yowtea reader. The queetioei put ta tbia "Bofweaa geath ker, ev hie which wau rm Tie aaewao lanaki was "Deeta." aad tn wemra an JoMty la West Virginia thai yar seoaldrVrt ke defease of mea ta f. Tin: knquii.iuiv cjNciiatATi, Iloina Fcr Cilltcu '--V V- rii v.

v- 1 Architects C. and, B. Weber, have just completed plana for the) residence shown herewith, which 1 to be erected ai Riddle road and Clifton. avenue, for Frank Dornsolfer, Northslcje tailor. On th first floor will a large lying room with ornamental tile fireplace ana Dears cemng csnmnm of civUlsation.

a desire to live happlbjr aa a community ot indtvlduale. each respecting the other ana nam. Ath.ra brournt Teasr woiwiw tnent. It eaeouraged the -people to work and develop their holding, sines th -Improvement ana those result la reward to the "To-day a man wno m. itrm ta.

In a.meaaure, owned by li. ki. hm. There ar SO many elements of reapectabllKy that coma to him who Snds permanent shelter for his loved ones. Ho proa- when he has it he tries to mane attractive and hold on to It WW.

1 fnreia for law. since a rorowwi ror uia nroparti lHawanta sraod. sound govern mnA jeeirea to become an ad- vacate of law and order. Ownership makes hire vigilant I think It was Oladatono who said 'property always hss one eye open. But a men can sewora oe p- ernor OY a farm-owner or tne ownw of tha atahlUsera of life until he has been or to tho owner ot a sav ings account.

Do you know uat out 01 neoole In Swltaerland 6M aroTins deposttorst There are In Denmarx 442. In Belgium 887. In Franc 4A In England 302 and In Italy 200 eait Of every 1.000, and. yt In th United States pot saving depositor out every 1,000 Inhabitants. Almost 800 per cent more tn Swltser-land! Does that signify anything as th task the American beaker ha before hlmt Tra know, too, that tenancy in- etead of ownership la growing among our In 1880 th larma wnrcn wer operated by tenant eoneinuwu 28 6 pes eeat of the total number of farms In this country.

By 18UO 88 per cent, or practically four out of every 10 ferme, wer operated ta thl way. "Most Be sTation of Savers." We cannot become stabilised un- less we become a nation or owners. We rannot become a nation of owner until we are nation of savers. How ar to become sever In the flrst plac. we tnuet know now to wore.

We must know how to save. We must Know how to take car ot our sav. Ullginu Lu i -m W. A 1 SUrtlnn SL vounnuea siviu i must know how to ndMletloa in many of th larsar clUea. these aavtaas hack lata circulation.

We moot hav a goal aad a aaS(lsnai that that goal can be reached booaos understand the workings- or co- apmle law which governs our living. ad working and. trading. rjt all coma aacx to eouoauon. have tried many law and many ameliorative to rid our society ot tha Bovortx.

and Ignorance about ua WO hare. mors or loss accepted th saving, the pooralways ye have with Perhaps there is no panacea for poverty, for there always win oe in few Irredeemably lary And the, few who become diecpuragtd aad overwhelmed by misfortune, so that, they either must or do give tp the we, yet; most of tne -poverrr- border-line poverty-or "Bey-by-oay existing, and nothing more" (from among which group coma so much mlsatnderstsndrng and radical actieni Is doe to a lack of knowledge Of thee thing whleh would arg (oyesigai- lack of knowledge as to how to sav tc-dey for a future Idee said, "a bad beginning makes a bedi Ignorance of money matter n4 of the as of financial Instltm Mono are smong the greatest cause of th misfortune, lack of prosperity and misunderstanding among so lanre a mass of our people, doe not warn us of ths need of education la these matters? It means giving the people a knqw'edg of ocpaoml law so that they have a means of working, and acting aad Judging) for themselves. "aUfst? Xa ta XducatUa." "There Is no safety In what may told or, sold to pur people sev I a. education. We do not wish to be leveled down In this country.

Nor, on ths other e4 of the ocele. do destx to tnierat th profiteer, but we do want to level ap to a nation of eubeteatlal mlddle-slass standards owners of beak account and borne. attractive and furnished: owners who food I good aad palatable, and Includee anm dellcacl: whoa clothing caa have variety and be, of good who caa choose their reeea-tloa and their vocation; who caa be Intelligent In (ull democ racy, aad accept the educational sad cultural opportaaltles our oewntry aad the world, to give them art only power, but the enjoyment of thd ee-rndsf ad etaraat value of life, will bring a Uat Intelligent tlectofat which, po strikingly Im4 are either en oee aide of. th. renew or.

th ether, ss It were, fghtlcg th toe Theee factions must needs get aa aaderstaad-Ing of the ether fellow's position, We must get prer the tgUng stag tat tho (tag i conatruetlvely wotktat toward, th achlrvoment of a goal a goal of right living condition for all That caa com but by a realls-tloa that whatever Injure or benedts oad part of this eeuatrr layer or boeelte the whole, aad that rovolu-tleet eaeaet bring earthing which odueetleo cannot bring, and educe-tlo brltite with at bUwdahod and witboat famine. Agala ft meeaa a kwowledg of fuasaeasntala, "ICaawladga bring newer, aad power brlaga wealth. The leek, of with solarium and large terraee, a dining. room. breaJcfas roooa.

kitchen, reception, bedroom and pantry, i Three bedrooms ar on the second floor, with dresainsT rooms and two 11 beghroome, Exterior of thl head-ronee residence wii, be of with half timbers and atucce of English cottage type. The building will 00x35 feet slse. knowledge mskes for much' of th unequal distribution of If are against destruction of by war, must surly be against physical, mental or financial of man whether. It ba on the term. In th workshop or In th Slums.

c. "With th understanding pf the vrorklnga of Industry, of trade, finance, will be no need for largo numbera being deprived, of th neceaaaiaa of life." Thre will come Into equitable wages. reasonable hour of work, reaaoaebl security of life for the worker and for the especially Industrious and ta' tclllgent a share la the future pros. parity of. th There will pome ls competition and mora.

In telligent co-operation," HARDWOOD PRICES FIRM As Broken Stock Art Being" Be- 1W plealahod, 8aya Rerla Chicago, September In Its rsview of th lumbar trad situation Lumber to-morrow will say: "Indications of an expected Increase In th demand for all wood product following a settlement of the, railroad shop crafts strike is seen by the man ufacturers of hardwood la the large number of Inquiries reaching them from Industrial consuming centers In all "sections of the country. In con sequence of an increasing demand, badly broken stocks In the hands of many manufacturers and an Intuf flclent car supply, price on practical ly all Itama of hardwood rr ceptlonally Arm and advancing tn some Instances. "In the meantime th demand for yellow pin and Dougla fir has slowed down during the week, al though prices are strong, with a ten dency for further advances on some of th more staple Items. Ths rea sons glyen for. th quietness devel oping, in the softwood demand ere that the ssaaon ta getting lata for new building operations, labor and material costs are high, and contrac tors ar experiencing great difficulty In aaeembllng such materials aa are required.

There Is still a lot of unfinished work being pushed to com- "Buyer for cay companies and rail roads are not as eager to piaoa or-deri tor material as hey were a short time ago, giving aa reason that eer tela wood-eoneumina; activities ar being slowed down. "Taken aa a whole, the immediate outlook for the entire lumber Indus- try I good. The furxltnr manufae turer ar in th market for oak. gum, birch and om of the other harrdwood. Ths glso la true of th flooring, manufacturer and th automobile manufacturera.T A Fletcher Marsh, Chairman of the Statistical Committee of the American Wholesale Lumber Association, who Is now on the Pacific coaat wires that fir production and order ar steady, but shipments somewhat reduced.

Both rail orders and shipments ars declining, thougn oroers for water shipment specially, domestlo consumption, are Increasing and navel reachedtheir highest point for this year. Among th smaller producing 11s-tricts thr la, ao marked change except an lncreas la ordir for Western pin and an laeraaM In shipment hf both California redwood and North Carolina pine. Bro to Plan Mosee and Jeillos Wolf, who are la the 'hosiery huslnee. x-pact oocapy within the next It day Uafir new it Lottie apartment which ts berni erected oa Burtoa Woods Uae. near CltatoX Spriaga aveaae, ander the supervisloB of Oo-ear Scbwarta, arcbMaet.

Each of the brothers, with hie family, will oeeopr aa apartment St Loo Is Is said ta bo-one of tho Haost badkatnga Of ltd typ la Cincinnati There ar tht room In each apart- gunday, 17, EASYx; Church leased oa Payment of Sod Hoae By lach wnber. "Ia thl modern- world of costly leases and rest It Is hard to eallse that often, tn the good old days, rent yea merely nominal and paid with some curious Jrlfie. hat pootryeould inter Into the sordid real estate orid seem strange, 'yet in Manhelra, Penn, Stands a little house of worship known as the Bed Rose Church," ays a writer Iq 8. W. Straus dt Investor Magaslne.

"It Is leased ta th community on the annual pay-pent of one rod rose to ihe family of WlUlam Henry Spiegel, by each member of the congregation. "In 1TT1, when the lease waa made such was the stipulated price, so very year oa th flrst of June, ths congregation of the church cello at the Spiegel house ana pays It rant In addition to rosea the eongreg-atlon as whole most, pay five shillings in money. That doesn't mean the equivalent la American money; the contract specified (shillings) aad so shilling must be paid. "In England cassa of this sort were quit common at one time, and om such leasee are' la operation to day. On Easter Mondsy moraine la the Fsrl.b of Coleshlll.

In Warwickshire. If tho young men of the parish catch a rabbit before IP o'clock aad take It to the Vicar, they receive, or should receive from him, according to the lease, a calf head and 100 eggs for breakfaat It Is on this condition that he holds his plot of land. "Another freakish tenure Is that of the tenanta at Hampton Bishop, In Hereford County. By their original leasee thay must get every year six horse loada of stake from Hsy Wood, nearby, to mako hurdles for penning shsep at Hereford Fair, whenever they may he required to do a8. One half penny sterling 1 to be paid for eech loed.

"A plot of ground In tendon was once let to the British Admiralty on condition that a ahlp was to be always on the stocks. Falling to do this, th land would revert to Ita former owd-r and In th deed a clause was In serted to this effect "Bury House, in the New Forest Hampshire, remains In the possession of the tenants oa condition that they present to the reigning- monarch when he ot she visits the forest a pair of milk-white greyhounds 'A small farm in Scotland until a generation ago was he Id by Its owner on the simple tenur of presenting to the sovereign of. Scotland, when in the neighborhood, one whit rose. Thl rose waa last paid on tho visit of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort' to the Duke of Roxburghs's estate nearby." BIG GAIN SHOWN In Number of Bealty Document Filed For Record. Trend of the realty and documental market In Hamilton County for the laat four weeks Is depicted In ths fol lowing report prepared by Oeorge K.

Foster, Deputy County Recorder: Week ending gent. BP 8p.14 Deed Mortgage Cancellation. Lend registrations II lit III 174 Ill III til til 171 to til IS II 111 741 14 14 matt.ia Mens I MiseeUaceoua 41 II Plata 1 I AMlsnmarte ..1.. II II 1 11 Car UA.4 ceplea I I 4 Total 1.771 t.lll Lot.

Ind.x.d 117 Ill 1.171 County Recorder Harry Feder- man aanouno that all dteda or mortgages left for record on or be forv September are ready tor de livery. 01 PESJXEEIB USX, V. DuBois, Xxeentive Secretary of tha Oaolnaatl Building Owaars end Asaoolatloni yaeUrday received a letter from Earl Shults, Chicago, President of tha National As! ode tloa of Building Owners end Maaag-era to the eKact that the Fed era! Fuel Commission ha ncknowl- .,4 eia.m of th eocltlou In to a priority coal ratlnr by iuni. a intendment to Service Or- der ft, which places offlco building on th preferred Hit In order to 00- 1. opetato with tho fuel commissioner as much as posslbl Captain M.

Mclatyr. President the Cincinnati association, has appointed a Service Committee to form a schedule tor the use of heat light and service. Hem bars of this are: W. E. Rowland.

O. F. blimp. Charles Srhaen- e-oJd. John H.

Bramts end John HaH. REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES. Crntlnu4'7rom Tut 1, flection 8. Jcooph and Fred Wllk paid $7,900 for the holding. The corner I thron-tory brick with a store aad 11 rooms.

Costly Hciries meat reception room, living dining room, oelarium. butler' try. akfeat iwesav kltcnen, bedroom aad two tne bathe with shew. era. Keen apartment ha a ceater ball, vapor beating system Is Peing lasUUeA bulltHa ferae I la the beesmeat Sorvaats.

aaartera with bath, are a the third Soor. BuS brtck ts bolat awed la the coa. struetlaev. The roof will he red tile, also of the lot I TI by 171 feet. Coot of the apartment Including grease1 end "extras," will apprexlmat I4S.I0A Providoat rr 1 Work ot tearing down the the building' occupied by the Provident Savings Bank and Trust Company at Hamlon venue and- Blue.

Rock street. North-side Is progressing rapidly, according to official of the hank, who any that actual construction work on the new and the other, piece Is a tbr-tory brlok of eight rooms, all on a lot 38 by 90 feet Joseph Panter purchased! th alx-room two-family frame residence. 4110, Thirtieth street Oakley, from Bertha Tretchter for $4,490. The lot I 40 by 140 feet in slse, Sadie Cook made the ale. Fred Tuke A Son sold to Auntln Roth th brick buildings located at 12SS Harrison containing a at or, and 19 rooms.

It Is on a lot 25 by 100 feel and sold for $0,500. Cal Fenner was the seller. William Lewis sold his two-ltory frame residence of sU rooms, 8718 La-elede aven including a douv. gar age to Herman F. Fink for $0,300.

Th lot la SO by 208 feet John C. Thorn A Son negotiated the deal. Mever Trelman aoid tha BronartT at 1440 Main street on a lot 20 by feet to an alley to Shor and Harris Wolf for $0,800. Sale waa completed by the Lynch Realty. Company, O.

McCormlck bought the five-room frame Queen Anne and garage, 826 Pur-cell avenue. Price Hill, from Bichard B. Soulley for $5,600. Slse of the lot la JO by 150 feet. The tale waa mad by the Al Koch Real Estate Company.

Tho Frederick A. Schmidt Company yesterday aold. to Bernard Haermeyer a lot 50 by 120 fecon th south aid of Ros Hill 80u feet et. ot Oreenlee avenue. In th Nurre tract, for $2,000.

Mr, Haermeyer contracted with the Lslbold-Famll Building Company to erect a two-atqry stucco residence on th lot to cost $3,009. Horn builders Weigold A Bens have broken ground at 4744 Loretta, avenue. Price HI1L and are constructing a six-room buff brick residence to cost 500. This mskes the fifteenth house started by the above firm during the last two month. Tftank Mlnnlng.

manager of tho Cin cinnati ofhea of the. Postal Telegraph Company, yesterday announced a lease has been completed for TJO0 equar feet of space on the Brat floor of the Commercial Tribune Building for 15 years with the privllaaja of renewing for ban mora at $11000 a year. It been known for some tlsxt Ue eceweny-hM bean oonkampiatlag tho mora from It present at Fifth aad Main streets. Immediately It -waa stated the newspaper would move to Pioneer street an announcement followed that tha telegraph company prohahly would occupy most of the va cant spaee. France Bohn, tcught the brick St, Loulx $11 Windham avenue, Avon- dale, from Oeorg DIUer for $14,500.

Tho lot I 60 try 110 feet 3. Speckter mad th sale. i Attorney Albert H. Monin, who sola his residence on Klndel avenue, lo Ed. ward P.

Moullner yesterday bought Lot 1 In Holly Lans Park; from Jaroe f. Stephenson in order to provide an entrance to one acre- of ground sJreedy owned by himself. This lot 100 by 580 foot Mr. Morrill wtU build aa Kng-Itsh of residence to cost Werner 4 archltecaa. now ar making plana for a new residence also of English architecture, to be In thl attractive new subdivision by Stephenson for the market.

will enat $30,000, It will be on Lot and will hav tw drives. en -from Holly Lena and th other from Duck Creek road. This park was started tww year ago and hss 11 lota. BXAL ESTATE TBKSPEES. (Tns Inrlicatad la traBafer is sfflxad at the rata uf i raot for every lie ar fraction 4a tetu of peaaavty ooanerod ACME Owe.

B. Flohar ao Albort O. Xaeh, Ita 44, 41 and 44 la Acme H. AaaorlaHoB'a aubdivlalea; 11 (tax 1). ATOKDAl.K Aaaa Xaedaw to Jeeeoh and yeanla lerkar.

40 Inr 1 de af Walaaa aveoae. III (aet, aonh af M-arae aveatja, ta Avewoala; ll (tax 111 II). AVON'riALC WllKaea A Hlawlaa te Alma fiat lea, (art aa aest aau af Loaatng atra.ii (tax CI'tPTUNMiva A Hekllor to AlWt O. Kano, II ar IS (aa aa oarth oa mi Ihimrtk avanoa, I2 teat aast avaawa; II ftas 1). Frwait Im -to -Aafaat h( XUa Kar.

41 ay 11 faat a wwat eiita af Vina atraat, aarta Otaaaaa ry avnraa, hi Cltrtew: li llai tl). COt.IJtaE HILL AYrtao Katiete to J. Caarga ova UV and III In Ohta I sad Imprnv emM Co.rp.av1 eub. rvawaw ai pina vouage niu; fi tav ll aaata, COM men mtcg l.llllaa bmt. te loa la, A-krwa aad Charlaa A Baiter, II by foet on ml ato of Caaa-aaarc.

$1 (tax SS. OORRtVtU Atardaa J. Oidlgas to Frad J. and Aaaa Knar. faat aa aaaa ato 4laeara aveaaa, la Can Ule; It (tax, II DKKR PARK JnHha Walter ta aJevtOaae lataa Lt VIS la Ma J.

aodiuan to Door Parki II (tax II Ml. rVAKSTOX Jaha Kartewiaa to tViaeva Want. by 1 1. fax oa oat a)4a Craaa a aaaa 71 teat wa af atovae aeaa: II (tax ill). FAIRWOV Wavria Ore la Oaaro aad Xraaa Bajaia, a By .1 laat ao waat aMe af Maakiaa tUM, PaU.

mawal; II (tax 111 M). FAlbnOt'K-p Tl'ti tewra to Lewte RlHao- aat4, le ay tie ra aw aawta aa (aril straat, relnaoawi; ll (Us ll U. I HAHTWVU- PX Waa II. KarKl a ay I a4 a aa wart aoa. ta HartwaU: Mda af 11 (taa 111.

KTPX PARK nar Barw ta LaliX boa-l. lot aa htjre Pah Xaat Oiriaiw: It. BVtX PABK wr. OrvSwav to maaar B. X-aa, aaaw (ml, (aa Ill' PAPK Arrta ft.

V'lfKmaja AjUO at, Cafca, ay IT BliiIi'g Ncrlliside branch Is to art In tew weeks. The. new building, snown eonve, will be bullf "entirely of cotta, ami will contain arfout t.Hi square feet ot floor apace. It I designed on tha "square" etyle of architecture, aad will be -modern In all respect. side of Wlchlraa aveaae, la Hyde Parki 11 Max II 18).

MeMICKW Calaa John ejd Maria Kutckar. 25 feat oa McMlck.a'av.; F. Jaeksoa ta Hh-hard and Jeata Wootltor. by 18J feet oa MuUaoa road la Madl-a-dle; tl Max 12). MAIN AND ft.

Taar to th Wooewara Tnt-at-T i.umwjr," i tw fact oa -lartheaat oomar i Ma) aand Webtc- 11 MILfaEEK TOWN8HIP-on Karv Mary bt.vlna, 4 aere land an-foi-r-In avenue, la gectKa IS la MIllCMek Teemaklpi $1 (lax NonW'OOD-Hlmer R- Mrn to samaLot SI lu Iaiewooa wutmnwn -J 1- hORWOOrv-fleorg A. Baker to rimer, lioroe. aame property II (tax 1. KORv'OOr Nlrholas gtagman to Albert an Rlehar Parkw. Ia 474 and 477 la Korvood Claw eubdlvtalon; $1 Has 3) OAKI.BT-Okrrle Biraehley to D.

J. Btarr, 1 yaar leaaa from 8Pm-bar 11. 18 of Lot. C07 and SM O.I-ley Far. aecdivMoa.

Anaaul rant $144. PBSPIJTON TTt RFTT Mary W. KWieue PhUtp Alafekl.r. ti by 70 feet vwat Ma ot PMKllat.a etntei 074 feat aorta of Thirteenth avert; $1 (tax SOc). RACD 8TRSB7P 1 as dore Bluwtrla.

to Anna Heuer, 87 by 10 feet on weat SM at Race atraet; $1 (tax 110). RVIAniNt-JnhB Joseph Oar- sol; 40 by 110 feet on wen coa inira street in Raadlrjr: $1 tS. gT9AMORPl STRUT. NORTH Henry BraKeaaiaca xm aau atun, fret oa aaat aide 4 Syeamore street. Ill feet north of Liberty otreot; $1 (lax MM).

BYCAieOTtS tThgaTT. OlrTH-Antta Braksnrieok. traataa, tp Henry Brakao- alack, aara proparty; 11. THIRD STHXBT. WCST-Tildea Fr.nck to Ohio Creamery and Dairy giipaly CvmpMT, Sva yaors taaa front Janiury Uaji.

of 114 Weat Third straatt aaathly reat $111. TWELFTH STREET. WEOT-Henry I. Mer.r at al to Hanry slahar, I by (eat on north sled al Twelfth 120 feat waat Baoe etreet; $1 StTMt, (tea nun. WALNUT HTLLB-Berry K.

parbawh to Bertha Kramer, II faet an nortk aide at Hucsa avaquei $1 (tax WESTWOOD Chartea Pteffer to XI mar R. Hoena, by 114 faet ao sautk aM of kiln $1 (tax 111, WKPTWOOD-Xlnvar Horn to R. TJab- holt J. II be- 114 feat aa eauin slow KUng sveoae, Westweodj It Mortgag-es Fllei Mable B.

htaphet te Cottage B. and; Co t.lM Anna Neoer te Buckeye L. aad B. Company. I.HI Virginia B.

Elrod to Hamlltoa Coua- Iv 1141 rTbama Oleaaoa to Miami Tews- aolp av ana u. Catharln Wlnt.raohl. te Liberal. aad B.aO Oaaava Wuaat to Burnet Weede aad Co T.lll Brick Provide Character pr. a I DM' i ''r -S TTTVLJl, 3 I I Jj fabric: 'aid ef tb.

1 f.M.. tha seai sats I la 1 1 I h-t Yf-, tr ltnrj and wblcn give. thore; and wblcn Kxtarior of thl bungalow. I very attractive. May par aoa paaalag down tho ereot atop aad take a eeeoed look at It Much of Ita t-traetlvaaao lias la the intoreotlag surfaee ot Ita Solid brick waCa.

Every bomoe eats las mack of Ita character (rem Ue textare of the matortal of which lo-built Thte waauny. as aa Bseasearp to the ap pearance of a bonding as the texture ef a ptore of fabric. -We edmir the boaotlf.1 wa aad or or leas regular d.sposlttoa the tbroado ar Hainan la a a la of cloth, ead Ue rwotj rkarm and depth bt A beautlfay wevea Vault and safety drpoilt boiei be tne isat wore in bank equip Tn nana, to oe caned the oru tiae risen, win occupy the floor ot tho new and second will be rented to dentists and other prof jsslunal ax Benjamin Jacebaoa ta Eagle g. tni Joaeph Backet to aame Floyd D. Krvia ta Hamilton Cuuutyi ty Bank Fred Kalaar to Big Four B.

and Campany. Oeorg. Ballnt to lam. Aaoa to Sycamore a Caropany la. is.

la. (Nil ArWrt O. Koch ta Cln.lnnaii ri- aanc C. Lalkalt to sams tat' Same to aama Dangtiauaen to yim ad L. tWl Floranee 8.

B. and wni swnnt Maraar.l t.ra,... fn, Jacob to Anna Unkr.ut. it. Bertha Kramer ta Cleveland B.

i John P. Thampaon to Entrrprli. B. aad A. Maria Flannary to Home 8avlnn Bank.

Albert Parker to Reading B. an4 Richard K. gimmonda to Miami 8. and Co ju, Joaaph A Duffy to Irl.h B. and Company tu, Alice Coke te Woodward B.

and Co iim Umie Hiltenberte te Baltimore Ave- Due L. and B. Co ti Jtortgigg Canceled. James L. Creager te Cottage and I Co.

tjfl' Jeaapk P. EckholT to Kill I B.and im' R. J. H. Petersoa to Harry I Shafer Margaret Floyd la Fred J.

Ruh, u. Harriet R. Merckal te Clendal. A I aad Co tat Thaaasa Holraaa to Wm. M.

Tvl.r., Anna lleWroa to Ida D. Same to Cotaraln B. and L. Llllle Fray to Apollo and I. C.

Anna M. Olaaseo to Blam.r. B. and Co. Plord F.rvln to Clara M.

tvilrk i tie 11 Patrick Whelen ta Price Hill Eajla B. ana uo. Denxkaueen te First Ward B. aad Co Anna Vorwaldt te Lulu tM t' Mary B. Bilay te Ormond.

UCa B. Jscobaoa 4 W. B. Manti lie' 11.1 Isaa aptevaok ta Provident garlnp Bank Jeha Dallebraegge te Coamopolliaa Hank Annie Kehnep to Wot wood at aad Oy Vh. X.

Hlrafaa ta C. J. DaeMnberk Joan Tmwaemaa te Fladlay and Oa. Charlaa J. Oaaaanbaeh ta earn.

Harry J. Brahm te E.aat Wallet Hill. B. and L. Co Joseph 'Dattllager te Cltliena Baat and Tnavt Robert Black to Marv F.

JarkMa J. H. Petaraoa te FlBdlar B. ao4 Itef t. Co.

No. Barry K. Haraaagh ta Saa Mane B. awl Ce Carets M. Harrlaoa te Oaorr.

Bene IP 'l -a. ''I A 'H, -'I ue uxtore ot ue a. trtrv brick has ths iilfhtlf fral marklag which I' exsaw to tho fire give It; a ubU aratL i ra nw When balldlag Ul t1V th tv downstairs rooms 7 InUhed Srot aad tfc etsx for aiuhttoa Uter ox If bouse Is alshed as var, ova roam caa be PJ" enfortgblys Each room W) slse aad tht well space far tnoroagniy stneiww --rel poeelbl combinaUaei of ia. ivntnar. The CorajaVjei BrVh Mass ifsenw Clove-end.

Ohio, to a.l.a. kx of at a aomlaal fee, and fVj" i aAa.tretnw BOip rn yna.w. known the twea Tit".

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