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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 82

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, HCTT02 rivm Louise Rob. Vn. Laara Randall and Mr. Hlrnard Yeatman. Th Rovers met with Misses JacksoB RUa ths club's Clilmmu bom.

Thsjnsm-r pram I were: Mr. Clifford wood-, ud, Mrs. Dwlght Sapp. Mra Harr Sawyer, Mr. Frederick CiarW.

Miss Loulas hatstsd. Mra. Olibart Smooa ul Miss HtHn Merrill. Tha Kindergarten Mothrs Club mat Wsdnssday at the Lyceum. HIM Abu Fry spoke an "Tha Imagination la Those praaent wer: Mra.

Bow Rogaa. Mi kobert Allaa. Mra. Sam Thompson, Mra. Bruce Brown, Mra Ralph Oaboraa.

Mra Jack Ml, Mra. Herman Lackman, Mra. Edgar Muer. Mra, Stanley Allen and Mra. Mariton Allan.

Mra. John Tltua of aKnsas City was tha (ileal of her slner-ln-law, Mis. Maiaxat Titus, for a faw day laat week. Mr. Andrew Llppelmaa IB rane to pan Chrurtma with bla wlfa and rhlldran.

Tha Neighborhood Luncheoa Club met Friday with Mra. Edar Moeatr. Thaa praaent ware: Mra WlllUm Merrill. Mra Jamas Cleveland. Mra John Chllde, Mra Nelson Worka Mra.

Hamr 8ayer. Mra; Robert Allen and Mlaa Marin MsrrUl. Mr. and Mra Chaxlea McLssn and Ml" HnHri "Shsdslawn and are at tha Orand Hotst Mlaa McLean will leave ahortly for Los Aeles. wbsrs Mr.

and Mra McLean will Join her altr tha holidaya i airhmrAmnn Mlaa An nla Coo be Wchardaon and Mra Lwl ford returned Monday vuuig Ar fallnrnla The Parent-Teacher AaaoclatloB hald a ocreaaful erenlnit meeting Tuesday. Mlaa Clark read and Dr. I'nimpaou iTh. rnmmunltv Sulrlt. AB In formal reception was held after ward a About 100 were prnt.

Mlaa fclanor Wright la passing a faw I. PnrtBinAlllh. ui. Elizabeth Matthsws pasaad tha in New York attending commu te meeting! at tha Church Missions Hoaae. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS.

lira. c. Davis waa hoeteaa sf tha Neigh borhood Club Wednesday. A lunch was Barred to Meadamea: Orth. Rutherford.

Hrouka llatidal, Hall, Jenkins, Kauffman, Xutchlns, McKay, Howard. Davis and Larry. Mr. and Mra Albert unman water-talned the A. A.

Club at dinner Saturday. Mlaa Irene Wolfe, of Washington. D. C. la passing tha month with bar parsnta Mr.

and Mra Churle Wolfe. Mr. and Mra Albert Handal passed with relalivea In Oakley. Mra E. Kilmyer, of Pries Hill, was the gueat or Mra William Huiiard wsanssasy.

r- Mr. N. Thempeoa la ths guest of Mr. ud Mra Preaton Thompson. Mlaa Laura Helua of Loveland, was ths guest of Mra William Ooul.mnier Monday.

MASON. Mr. and Mra II. 0. Mosateller ars passing ths wvtk at tb State Grange In Columbus.

Mr. and Mra Will McCampy and sen. Ralph, left Thursday to pas ths winter months In Florida Mra K. O. fitonebraksr was hostess to ths Social Needle Workers Tuesday.

Ths guests were Mra Bryson and Mra Charle Blonebraker. Mr. and Mra Charles Hoff, Mr. and Mra Fred Osborne, Mr. and Mra Lawrence Voorhls an 1 Mra Ellaabeth Veorhls wars runts of Mr.

and Mra Clifford Btltt Bun-day. Mr. and Mra. Lewis Clawson and Mra Beatty left Saturday to pan tha winter In Manatee. Florida Mra.

Ellaaheth Oiboros entertained ths Vnlou of Willing Workers Thursday. Mis Florence Moasteller 1 visiting with Mra Ltda Mosateller. SHAB0N7ILLE. Mra Robert Floyd entertained ner at tne u. L.

Annc-x Saturdi A tbentcr party waa enjoyed I with uncneon and cards. Ths Daughters of Rebecca gavs a din COVDTGTOlf. The Ladles Autlltary of Osvlngtna Command ary No. hold It. all-day monthly meeting Thursday at Masonic Tempi.

A boob luncheon waa served hv Mra Evening 'Mr TKr.l.y. Mr. N. R. White, Mr.

ohn by Ml-ia Jordon. Mlsse Marie and Margucri Katherlne Brell. Don. Brell, Agatha Muotu, Leah Art man.

Violet Kinder, Estello Lee and Luella Flaher, Meeara Kay IturK. Andrew lirogan, timer Hickman. Paul O'Brien and Howard burk. Mr. Fred Heard Is entertaining bar slater from Cleveland.

Ohio. Tb Junior Hiking Club enjoyed a marsh-mailow luuat Saturday afternoon. Mra Frlti Honelah is home from a visit with Mra George Barry, of Middletown, Ohio. Ths annual baiaar and sli-s'clock dinner waa given by ths Prsabyterlan ladies (Saturday evening. Mr.

and Mra. Earl Whltaker, of Mason. Ohio, ars vtaittng Mr. and Mra John Whlt- aaer, Mra Georxe Knaaman la In MiiMlawi Ohio. LAWEENCEBinCf.

Mra Etorrs Is entertaining Mra Thomas Winegardner. sf Indlanapotla Mra Louis bVhustermann la sntsrtaln-Ing hsr dsugliter, Mra Dennis LeVina of Madison, Ind. Mra Harry F. Klaustng, aaslatsd by Mra Cyrus liemare and Mra Ueorge W. Mc-Oraualian, entertamod with a luncheon on Tuneday evening.

Mra Frank A. Ludlow ha as hsr guest. Mra Harry S. Pro base of Chattanooga ii ajv. Judge and Mra Charles A.

Lows sntsr- tslned a six o'clock dinner on last Sundsy svenlng. Mra Prof, il.orire C. Col. was ths rs-cenl guest of Mr. Harry o.

Canfleld and Mra Onier Elder. In Uateavllle, nd. Mr. Dr. Harry H.

Dwyer la passing a fortnight with frti-nd. In Dillaboro. as Florence Junker wa. ths recent gutet of Mra Clarenc J. Hastings In Rising Sun.

Mra Rlchsrd C. Frsnk. nf Cincinnati, visiting her mother. Mrs. Henry C.

Harper. Ml Hilda Wrlrht and Mis Cullle Fish recently visited relative, in Conn.rsvllla lnd ana. Mrs. Hall', gtandrlf? was tin-tea, to th Aid ftnrlety of thf First Christian Clnirch on Titesday sft, The Rev. snd Mra.

Gore, H. Mitchell, of llarrtwin. Ohio. ere gueata of the Rev. and Mrs.

Forest i Taylor, nt the manse of the First Presbyterian Church on Wednesday. Mm Wltllan and two children, of Cincinnati, are hetng entertained by her al-ters. Mra FJstella Crouch and Miss Amy Weaver Mrs. Henry Zlnns and danrhter Hilda ar, sntnrtalned by relatlvea In In dia nano'a. ilrr Jlattle Avers Is he'ng entertained by relrifiv-s in Pearling.

Ohio. Mr.Tlll!e Ludlow. bv Mlas Mary A. Plorarh. entertained with a six o'clock dinner last Sunday evening.

Edward O. runiKlT has as her gue-t he, daughter. Mra Mary J. Ott, of Inrtt.naonlla Mn. Clifford niehl entertained with a luncheon.

In compliment of the Jolly Ten. on Tne-dav afternoon. Vr-, Male entertained Wth a. six clock dinner feet even'ns In hnror of her daue-hter. the Rev Mra Allen Brown of Mrs.

Mahlon McK'nnev entertafned w'th A s'x o'clock dinner even'ie In compliment to her danrhter. Mra Roland E. Corning, of Kingston. N. J.

Mr. and Mra Chart Phleeter, Anna' and Cora Miss Callls Kaawebanm has retnmsd to HuBrts after a virt w'th her parenuTMr and Mr. F. W. Kaasehaum.

Mr. John Ranford. Mlaa Mildred Sanfsrd and Mr. Harry Botta of B.llvi,w. wsr guests ef Mrs Hattls BoVa 21 ir mn Hlldsbraadt Isft Sunday for Tampa, Fla.

Miss Ellxsbeth Kerr, of Oreenfleld. was wrHTerr' M-Mra Elms Nutty, of Oonnerevlll was a ruest of Mr. snd Mra J. Fowler of visiting Mlas Bell Garner. Mra Ella Bndxell has returned from flrsensburx.

whers she was ths gusst at Mr. and Mra John Mr. and Mra WaKer Enrla fNew Tork, wsr guest of Mr. and Mra William Hasklna Etnmona sasieted by Mrs Alice Mra croningsr, aara w. w.

Crout, Mra J. T. Coleman. Mra T. Carroll, Mra Ooorg.

Johrmaa. Mra W. Drew, Mra Km -at frunkle. Mrs. Josenh Dunkla Mra C.

W. Dunvhaut. Mra Thomaa Dunn, fra Chsrle Fisher, Mra Morrl Pery. Mra W. Bert Floyd, Vine Mattl Evans and AIlc Davla Mlsa Saa Bedford 'a leaving this wee It ts pes th holidays with relatlv la Winchester, Th annual Chriatma party ot th Km-tucky MacDowell Society I being celebrated thl afternoon at th residence of Mra L.

K. Wei sated er. Presldsnt of th society, from 1 to i o'clock. Mra J. T.

Davis entertained th of her card club delishtfullv with carda followed by a charmingly Informs) tea, Monday sfternoon at her horn on East Nineteen')) street. The attractive tallies bore th name Mra George Lloyd. Mra Jams K. Alexander, Mra J. Armstrong.

Mrs H. Jordon. Mra Joha Mra, William Or berry. Mra Maaoa Howk and Mrs. Dsvlea Mra Mason Howk win etitsrtala ths members of ths Covlngloa Woman's Club with a party at hsr horn oa Ureenap street Monday afternoon.

Mlaa Jan Burton of th faculty (Ba public chool. ef thl eity. I leering Friday fsr Ntshvtn, Tsaa, pass th hall-day with frtenda Pro, and Mra PL 8. rosea aad family leaving thi. woeh for Cumberland Oap ta pas the holiday sauna with Mr.

aad Mra J. T. Pusoa. Mlas Ellaabeth Smith, sf ths Cast Msr-taaaa. Is leaving ttvs latter part sf this week fsr a 1U with hsr parssua la Lag.

Osford. Ohls. and Mr, Muiry Rich, whs ia I Mrs. Arthur Klein. Mra U.

a Parker, a student at Centre College, banvllla I Mra Raymond Yatea Mlassa Alma Hart en Mies Maude Wilson, of ftrott a treat- la I and Olivia Olefin and Mr. and alra Camn- n-mwtuw mie weea lor awivina to ue wiia 1 Mr. and Mra Joha Hill for ths bolldaya Mr, and Mra Alex Dudley, of Oarrard street bavs returned from a visit with Mr. I'udleye father Mr. N.

S. Dudley of Flemlngsborg. Mr. and Mra O. L.

Boyos entertained at their hems Sunday with a dinner of Id covers Their guests were Mr. and Mra Clarence Bandera Misses Louise, Ruth. Ann, and Mr tHussell Bandera Mra Caroline Denoara Mra May Bandera Miss Lulu Bandera Mra Elbert Benour. Mra Philip Klein. Miss Lulu Mas- Kiein sod Mra Guy Colllna Mra Kenneth Hughes, of Oarrard street, left a few days ago for Wilmington, N.

to reside permanently, Mra N. Btephsna of East Nineteenth street, has returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs Willi Grant, of Gunpowder. Mra Norah B. Taylor, sf Lexington, stopped off Friday for a few days' stay la Covington SB routs from hlladeiphla, where aha attended the international convention of ths Woman's Christian Temperance Union which convened there.

Mra Theodora Ross, of FL Mitchell en tertained the ladles of ths Bcott Street Methodist Church delightfully Friday with a soon luncheon, followed by an Interesting program and social hour. An sngagsment that has been announced' that Is of much Interest Is that of Miss Virginia 'Norman, ths youngest daughter of and Mra Benjamlne Norman, of Rylaod, to Mr. AJ. Meyer, son of Mr. Louis Meyer, of Ryland and Cincinnati.

No data has been set for ths wedding. Bast for ths past year. Is expected to return to this city acxt week and will be with Miss Nannls Bullock, of Greenup street Bhs has been passing ths month of Daoomber with her niece. Miss Kalherala Goodwin, la New York. Mra Louies Ueschler.

of Woodburn avenue. Is In Toledo, where shs was called by tb death of her niece. Mra William Erlsn. Mra Robert Coppla, of Wallace placs), entertained Tuesday svenlng la compliment to Mra J. Bchustsr, Mra Leonard Hill.

Mra Chaxlea Leonard and Mra Harry Beeta Ths girls of tb Girls' Friendly Society of Trinity Church will give a Christmas 5 arty for their parents Tuesday evening, snuary In Trinity Guild parlora Mis Minnie Banford arrived horn Satur-Hay from Lexington, where she Is attend-Ing Ui Kentucky 8tat University, to pass the holidays with her parenta Mr. and Mra William Bandford, of Garrard street. Bhs will havs forh er guest neit week Mlas May Denney, of Somerset. Miss Elisabeth Bllllter, of Wllllamstowa. will arrive to-day to visit hsr father, Mr.

Blmoa Bllllter, and her aunt. Mra J. T. Wilson, of Oarrard street. Mra Selmer Wscha of Wallace place, has returned from Lexington, whers shs passad a week with Mr.

and Mra Frederick Wacha Mra Lulu Tarvln. after a visit with friend la this city, ha Joined hsr daughter, Mra John Kanahaw, la Tampa, for ths winter. Mis Msrls Burkraeyer entertained tha members of ths Covington Card Club with a ono-o'clock luncheon Wednesday at her horns on Pries Hill. Covers were placed for Misses Florenrs and Virginia Craig, Mra William Macklln. Mra Joseph Kueven.

Mra Harding Chamberlain and Mra Wlatt Weaby. Ths musical comedy. "Ths Microbe of Love," given rrlday svenlng at Holmes High School auditorium. under the auspices of ths Covington Woman's Club, was a decided success. Miss Cecelia Atlanta, was the director.

Ths procssds of ths play will go toward the clubhouse fund. Those taking part uia Marv Elizabeth Green. Miss Covington x7. ef her Ave hundred ribith i.rrf. lunch-on at her homo on Ipper Ka nM 'Wik.

mm'cSaS Freeland, of Atl.nta. who has been In this city week directing ths musical comedy The MrobTif ove," returned Ssturday to Atlanta. LUDLOW. KY. Mra Burta Conly, of Kennar strset, gav a luncheon followed by cards Tu.aday for Mra Edward Marglleth.

Mra Henry Boutet, Mra Michael McCarty. Mra Jerry (ialney. Mra Thoma. Qulnland. Mra Jam.

Haney nd ra John BulllvaB. Th officer of th Ludlow Saving Bank resented their President, Mr. John Pres-a Ernst, with a bunch of "1 American beauties snd a pair of diamond set cuff links for his blrthdsy Wsdnesday. Mr and Mra Hodman Toung havs removed from Altsmont road to Somerset. Miss Ellaabeth Price, of ths Highway, has aa hsr guest Miss Aggls Pries, of Lswrsnceburg.

Mra Jams! Telton. of ths Highway, Is ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. I si ton Gain as D.ll.-tnn a T. Mra William nilmars fltlhaeS aad daughter, Mlaa 8unbeam B.

Banks, were guests ths nrst sf ths week of Mra Herbert Belton. of Madison avsnaa Ma and Mrs, Clifford Mills aad family, of Ertangsr, were guests at a loner given by Mrs. Mills' father. Mr. George Morrta Mr.

aad Mrs. Raymond Tatsa returned this put week from a visit with Mra Joha Hall, sf southern Kentucky. Mra D. A. Glee a had as guests last Sunday Mr.

and Mra Georgs Dudley Glean, of ML Auburn, and Mr. aad Mrs, A. P. Hoes, of Covington. Mr.

snd Mrs. W. B. Moors, of Ds-eoursey avenue, hava as. guests Mra Lester Jump and son, of Philadelphia.

jsias uorainy vnort entertained bar card KStber HOW man ra rVaaham a ii.t 1 Mra A'ard Millar. Mr. and Mrs. T. Whit wars guests last Sunday of Mr.

and Mra William Pye, at Rvlande. lanser road Mr. and Mr. Herbert Jackson and children, of Rlgga avenue, -were guest laat nt VI r. brother.

Mr. L. R. CeM-laM. Julia Gottschalk, Mini isuun mono.

i Haiel Bteffen, Mlas Julia uotiscnaia, Edith Stone, trie L'l-man. Mra Ed Pugh, of Kansas City, is th CMaWe "kW'-uST WfAnto Center r.t, Kruu. Mra. t.ayle kim i. lve houae-warmlng and ahower i HH C.ayle Kendall, Mlaa rlein and shower Lee, Mra uoromy i saturdar afternoon I 1 Hn Louis.

Hd, lr Charlei "chlpman. of th DliieHIgh-1 kt Earl Butler. Mr. Howard robert Mr. Ker at luncheon Friday for pre i vi rrhariaa Mall

Fern Bryson. Edith Northcutt. Ruth McMillan, Blanche Logan. Mary Ellaabeth Frulth, Mary Mitchell, Ruth Jett. Alma Boyer.

Helen Hllker, Virginia Hennessy. Dolll Sawyer. Mary Fiher. Viola Martin, Hilda Resnlck. Josephine Grlm.berg, Eunice Bllv.rglade, Evely Chandler.

M. Greenberg. Dr. and Mra Huffman and son Bryan, of the Marxella, la lesvlng this jsk for Florida to pass tha remainder of the wln- Ths member, of th. Covington lUw la th.

were gueois Uariella Monday, after which they attended a meeting of ths civic department of ths Covington Art Club to hear M's Mary Ebell Rlchsrdson read a moat Interesting paper on ths "Origin of the Newap.Jer.nd Her Experience, as a Re- The member, of th. Curr.nt Event. Club enjoyed a theat.r party Wednesday MrBOand Mra Leo E. Keller of Eighteenth left Friday svenlng for a stay of several week at Blloxl and New Mra James Ryan, of Wallace placa and Mr. and Mra Hardin, Chamher-faln.

of Garrard returned Monday from a motor trip and week-end stay In MrVaad Mr. Clarenc Owlnner and son John, of Danvllla III-, were the gut. tha of Mra C. L. K.ndall.

of Eat waek of Mra C. past iTi. MMWtt. of Marvland avenu ha. from Canton.

Ohio, -her. attended th. marriage of Mlsa Ann Ca-aack and Mr. f'herle. Regan, of Port Jefferson, of Long I.

and. Mra I). Diamond. Lima, Ohio, who mi th aue.t of Mra 0. Llnnem.n.

of r.reer avenue, returned home Monday. VZSI. h.V- Aav was th honored Mra. M. Clatterbuck.

of Cleveland, Ohio Mra. L. Grossman, ot aMa Mlsa Henrietta Pldlng. of Washington. D.

t. I. visiting her Mlas Frances Hiding, of Stevenson road. Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Conney and Messrs. Charle. Balrd and George Connley, of Bellevue, passed th. week end with Mr. W.

F. Connley, of th. Dixie Highway. NEWTOBT. Dr.

and Mra John Pythian, of East Sixth street, hsve returned from a with Mra Mollis Rosch, of Paris Mra John Orr Stewart and little) daughter Joan, of Richmond, havs returned bom. sfter a visit with her parenta Mr. and Mra Carl Burke, of York street. Mra Bert Richardson, of Farnklln, ralnriari hnm after a tWO Cold Springs, hav returned to their homes. A dinner dancs will be given under the euapice of ths A.

C. Club Saturvlay evening, Dscsmber 23, at ths Hotel ilav-lin. Ths Omega Delta Sorority wa charmingly entertained by Mia Dorothy Stuck-wisch at th Claremont with a dance Friday evening. Mra James T. Scott and Mra Geotgs fituckwlsch chsperoned the young people-Mr.

aad Mra Edwin Managua, of Indl-anapolla and daughter. Mi. Silva Maria and son, Mr. Edwin will srrlve this work to pass th. holiday, with Mra Albert Hllva, of Overton street.

Mr. Maurice 8tsmbscb entertained the member, ot th. Doubl Trlsngls Society at hi. home on Park avenus with a dinner, followed by a theater party st Keiths. Hi.

guests were Messra Max St.ln. Harry Gsrah.n. P. B. Zemeky, I.

Dordek, Nathan Tulch, A. Col ker, Maurios Klarner, Cadore Schwart. and Benjamin Hyman. Mlasss Marcslla and Luclle Herold, of Clifton, have returned from a visit with relatives In Pacta Ky, Mra George tlrei.l will entertain ths members of ths Houthgats Literary Club with a Christmas party Saturday aftsr noon, Lieceanoei 19, st ner noma Ura. Russell Shaw, of New oneana was a moat en lovable event of Uond.v the dinner guest of Miss Davla, of Henley n( the affair given by the Gertrude place weoneeosy.

-Mlas Mary Cabell Richardson has been Invited to glvs hsr tslk oa "N.wpapers" before a Ludlow audisncs ths week aftar Chrlstmsa Mra Edward Ehrllch waa a guest at the musical and luncheon given by ths Woman's Club Tussusy. Mra Frank Shattuck entertained with a luncheon of 1 cover aftar the matinee musical Tuesday. Mkw Jennie Armstrong, of Alberta strset, has aa her guest Miss Matilda Anns Bprsgus, of Akron. Ohio. Mra Rlchsrd Beetson Carran waa a guast at the bridge luncheon given by Mra Frank Criglar In Ft- Mitchell Tuesday, Mra Carran will glvs a dinner la her hsndsom saw horns during Chiist-maa week.

Mra Joha Keller, ef Rlvsr road, entertained with brldgs and a buffet supper Wednesday la honor of her house guests, Mr. and Mra Patrick Meshsn. of Rugby, Tina Other guests were: Mr. and Mra Herman Lamps, Mr. and Mra Burton Rodger.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolpb Struebbe. Mlaa May Rodger. Messra Charle QUI- Borst and Wendet Thomaa Mr.

and Mra George Beach and children, sf Csvingtoa, will pass ths holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Edward MarglUUv, amnrr arraei. Rath Shattuck. Chairman for tb day.

gav th most artlstlo program before tb Woman' Club Tuesday svsr gives la Norther Kentucky. She baa been sskd to rtpeat tt in Covington, Newport aad Dayton. Ohio. Mra Robert Oeenen, sf Euclid avenue, sntertalned 1 frlands with aa Informal upper Thursday evening. Mia Minn! Connolly, of Kmner strset.

entertained hr card ciuh fhurala. Mr. and Mrs. Oeargs Ores ham. of Mont Clair avsnus, has as her guest Miss ivath-lsen Mubsob.

of Falmouth. Mr. and Mra Jam. Goodlo. sf Elm street, havs aa tbsir guest Vr and Mna ksntoa Oosdloa of Nlcbolasvllla Mra.

Acklsnd Rlgga ef Oak strset. en. tertaind mformaliy Tuesday Tr Mra John J. Allison. Mra jieu.

Mra Hiry Sanders. VI ra Sriest Pettlbona Mra Amelia MrCana Mrs. Crittenden, Miss Agaas Dsvlea. Mra Wii! Ham Robertson. Mrs.

Oeorg Vegsldawta. Mra August Thomaa Mra UatnnL Lahanaa. Mra Nick Bodkia, Mra Deiu Harding, Mra Samuel Fergssoa, Mra Paul Clors aad Mra. aloha Thojtpaa, LAT0N1A. Ob Tuesday aftarnoon a heusewarmlng surprlss was tendered Mna ML O.

Parker st her horns so Huntington avenua. Tb guests were Meed a me Stewart Shart, Heary CsrrsIL Frank Carroll, p. Raagaa. Philip Harten. Burton HsBdrisV son, H.

B. Curry. Waltsr Wolfa Arthur Klsla. R. Lee Bird.

B. R. Emley. E. Hutchmaoa.

H. B. Beck. J. C.

Metcalfe, K. Whlta latiwraac Nuttw. Raymond Tate Ragtna Rothsrt aad Oeorgs Roth eft. Mr. aad Mra Kobert P.

Ollham. sf nr. toa, wers guests Sunday sf Mra WlUiasa r. (itinasa. or uieaa avssws.

Friday STsaiag Mr. aaa Mra Larvwrett Mr. and Mra Joha Rich, sf Oarrard D. Campbell ssHartaUnsd tkeir brtdgo slab, will hava with them for the) Chita. Thaaw piaytag were Dr.

aad Mra K. Lsa uteir aaaaniar, miss Martary at.rd. Mr. aad Mra F. CelwelL Mr.

holiday. Chapter No. 19, Order of Eastern Star, in compliment to Mra Clara Henrtch. officer IB the General Orand Chapter, Order ef ths Eastern Star of ths World. An Interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of a basket filled with pink roae.

to Mra Henrlch. Mr. snd Mra Ed Dougaa havs returned home sfter a visit with Mr. William Millar, of Ripley, Ohio. Mr.

and Mra James King and daughter Marlon, ot Toledo, Ohio, wers ths weekend guests of Mr, and Mra Joseph Kelly, of West Third street. Mra Norah B. Taylor, of Lexington, addressed a largs assemblage of women Friday at Ontral Christian Church in the Interest of tb Women's Christian Temperance Union. She waa th guest of honor at a o'clock dinner served st ths church for members of ths Northern Kentucky orgentiation of ths W. T.

U. Mra Tsy-Isr, who is ths Stats President of ths or-sanitation, has just returned from Phlla. delphla. where ah attended th. International Convention of ths W.

C. T. V. Ths marrtag. of Mlsa Bertha Ch.llff nd Oscar H.

Rosen wa celebrated Sunday st ths horns of th bride's parenta Mr. snd Mra David Challff, oa Mapls avenue. In the presence 0f relative and fri-ads by Rabbi Louis Felnberg. of Cincinnati. Mra M.

FtgalmaB wa matron of honor, Mlas Dolly Rosen waa th maid ef honor and Mr. Oeorg Rosen wa th but man. A handaom wedding supper, which was served ts asms 10 guests who attended the ceremony, was followed to ths evening by a beautiful reception when soms 10 guests called sstnd oongrtultlon th brid and groom. Mr. and Mra Rosen, who ars enjoying their bridal trip through ths South, will return for ths holidays aaj reside in this city.

Mra Pag Wolford entertained ths Grand Officers' Club sf the Pythisa Sisters sf Northern Kentucky Wednewdsy evening her residence oa Nineteenth street. Mr. aad Mra Beth Hoaglaad, of th Colonial Apartmaata ra Kast Third street, returned Monday from a stay of several week in Tlda i Mra Waltsr Brown entertained th mem- 1 brr of tha Taantg Women' Club wiia moat enjoyable evening Thursday at hen boms an Mast Ninth str. Mia Josephine1 Tyler, th President, presided mYmr lb( business session that waa fsllswsd by a Merry Christmas party. Mra J.

Radley Caldwell, Chairmen of th program, cn-darted aa Interesting parliamentary Aril daring th evening. Mr. aad Mra Frsd Otts aad family, jaa Ltlliaa aad Jualor, hava returned is their heme en Tork street after a visit with i rslauvss ta New Richmond. Ohio. Mr.

aad Mra Tocher and daughter, of 1 Lexlagjow, aad Mr. aad Mra Ogdsn. Mevtphl. are parted ts pas th holldav with their sJoanveopla Mr. aad Mra rwer ty ettiaaghBssry, of Tork strset.

'laasar C. RstnollB. of East Fourth street, and Mr. aad Mrs, Marshall Resaelia hav rMsuned from a stay at Milan, ind. Mr.

aad Mra Heary Heat farnverly Mlas Mauds Knlp, wsrs given a pleaaamt JPJrtF and shawwr by a Bsmbsr of their friend fraa tlvta elt. at ,1.1. Is Avsadsea "iaa Irma ICustar. a atudsat at th I Wrd-tManMt ta NasstwIlM, Teas, arrived bests "atursay ta was. tha Utrisnas saw is ausemiag nastara CJaUsra at aad Mrs.

Martasa Hariri rit ana Mr at i GUI la Ripley, Ohio, for ths holiday season. Mr. and Mra N. A. Johnston, sf Ninth snd Monmouth streets, are visiting la Dea Molnea lows, and Molina, 111 where tbey will be Joined by Mr.

Mollne parent wbo will arrive there from Mesttls. Waa, to remain until after tha holidaya Evelya Otto entertained ths mem-bsrs of ths Alpha Sigma Gamma Sorority at her bom on Maple avenue delightfully tlm decided ts nil tea Christmas baskets for distribution smsng the Beedy. Thoa, present were Verb times, Ruth Red dick. Thelitis Alltngtoa. Joan Bauer, Kathrya Mana-2.

Bremer, Ruth Croak and Stella Bauer. attractlvs brldsa Mra Walter Adsr, card party given by Miss Ruth Davla and club Tuesday svenlng. Those playing ueJt were Misses Bus Ma Carleton. Anna May pT "-Ai'r' Alkn' M1 Norma Wslfs. Annett, nIu AM ls BELIE VITZ, KY.

Mra Roy Francis entertained members Tee Mr. and Mra A. W. Carlton, of Park 'of DAYTON, KY. A very Interesting ChrHtmas entertain-mejnt will be given by the young people of 8u John's Episcopal Sunday School Saturday evening, December 23.

at the St. John'a Pariah House on McKinney avenue. a ch entitled "The Fallen Idol" will bs presented by ths following young ladiea: Mlaaos Jeannetts Thomson, ll.len Werry. Hnrlnua: Allrs Elliott snd Charlotte Knoke. Several Mra K.

Cletterbuck, of Florence, and Mra I muelcal selection, and reading, have been L. A. Balrd. 1 arranged by other pupil, of the Sunday Reverend and W. A.

M. ooo, or Ilomeatead, entertained at dinner on Sun- Mra Burt Bpauldlng, assisted by Mra day for Mr. and Mra Edgar Morten, of Harry Jonea entertained the M-f'ovlngton. i aionary Society of th. l'reaby terlan Church Mr.

and Mra Clifford, of Clay street, I Thursday sfternoon. gave a dinner Sunday. Covers war. placed I Mrs W. B.

Young will be hostess of for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valker. Mlas Flor- the Monday Club Monday afternoon at snce Knoll, Mr. Georxa Kchaller.

of Cov- residence In Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, tnkton; Miss Haxel Layman and Mr. Ohio. The program will be aa Meikaner. of Hyde Park. Ohio.

Roll call, "Chriatma Carol of Variou Mrs. Ida Wolfe, of South Wanatah, Untrlea" Mra J. M. McArthur, and guest of her daughter, Mr. Harrr letter from correponding and Mr.

Kushbaum, of South- week', with relative and frl.nd. In I Mescher, prelate; Fred Wolfa Keeper of this city. A sliver tea will given Thursasy afternoon, December 21, by the members of the Ladies' Aid Society of ths Taylor Street Methodist Church. Th Japanese baxaar and tea given by th. Aid Society Friday afternoon waa a delightful affair and netted a goodly Mra Guy Walker was th.

Chairman, assisted by Mra. J. H. Nuchola Mra Arthur H. liavlea Mra John Slple.

Mra at a narty given by Mra Llnnlman. I Edmund Robertson and Mra David Miller. Mr James Howell Richmond. Governor Mr Thomas North, of Wlsrhencr. ths Twenty-third Rotanan District of vra Leonard Echert, of Hamilton.

ir.nn.MM was an honored I i afho h- death guest Tuesday at the dinner given by the father. Mr. Dsvld F. Northern, of A series of lectures on Vitsl Chris tianity snd Applied Psychology," given by Gerald B. Win rod.

of Columbua Ohio, under ths suspire, of St. Paul's Evangelical Church, wa. attended by a large audience from th. various churches in the vicinity. Mra J.

Uirklry entertained the Mothers' Club of St. John's P. E. Church Thursday afternosn. A business meeting of ths Epworth League of Tower M.

E. Church was held at ths horns of Mia. Cecilia Thomas Mrs. H. L.

Kinney and Mis. J. B. Vaughn were hostesses of the Lad Aid snd Missionary Societies of the First Baptist Church Wednesdsy sfternoon. Uulding star Lodge No.

45. Kmxnts or Pythias, elected the following officers: Daniel Casson. Chancellor Commander; Edward Becht, Vice Chancellor; Fred Kecorda and Heals: P. T. Kalghn.

Master of Finance; Charles T. Shoup, Master of Exchequer; Charles A. Vol. Mnter at Arms: William R. Smith.

Master at Work; George Thurston, inside Guard; Lew Har-naon. Outside Guard. Mr. and Mrs. James Besvan, of Sterling avenue.

Ft. Thomaa Ky, havs had aa their gueat Mra A. O. Lindsay, of North Madison, Ind. Mrs.

Elmer Hollmeyer entertalnsd members of the Amona Club Wednesday eve-gin n. Special Christmas music will be rendered by the choir of St. John'. P. E.

Church Sundsy morning. December CL1TT0N, KY. Th Afternoon Embroidery Club met Thursday with Mr. ('. J.

Huenefeld at her home on Hooper street. Mtdam. Conrad Sitfiarf. Albert Heilman, Frank 8c tor-le, OHhert Ney. Oliver Hunter.

David Big-by, Louis Knsweiler, Ralph Wischmeyer, William Schlake and Miss Anna Buchert wers present. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Huenefeld entertained Saturday evening the members of their card club, Mr. and Mrs.

Gnbeit Ney, Mr. and Mrs. Aiuvrt Heilman and Mr. and Mra Conrad Scnarf. Mr.

and Mra Clifford Smith, of Hooper street, entertained st dinner Mr. and Mra Henry Koala and Mr. Charles Kosln, of Covington. Ky. Messrs J.

Smith snd Ward Heath, of Hooper street, psssed ths week-end la Greenville, Ohio. Miss Julia Wenxel, of Ft. Mitchell. was ths guest of ths Misses Llndsey, of Mayo avenua SOUTHGATE. KY.

Mra. Clayton W. Shaw, of Alexandria, passed the week with Mr. aad Mra J. F.

Shaw, of Linden avenua Mra Robert Glter entertained with luncheon and cards Thursdsy afternoon. her gueat numbering Mesdames Edward Nlemillsr, John Berth. Benlamin Falser, Joseph Kreckler, Andrew- Yung, Georg B. Moock, Chtrle Haack. Ella Cameron, Georgs Yung, Peter Yung Katherlne Gil.eaple.

Rlanrha Brooks had as her guests for ths week-end Mra Russell Shaw (Esther Neyman). of New Orleans. La. house guest, of her parenta Mr. and Mra James C.

Neyman. of Rhlgeway avenus. snd Miss Ernestine Hopf, of Cincinnati. Mra Thomas Kelrh. of N'orthslde.

passed ths week with her daughter. Mra Edward Meesmer. of Walnut street. Mlsa Lillian Greilkh entertained Tuesdsy evening for Mlsae. Margaret Hoffman.

Anna Loehr. Edna and Lillian Brack.r and Elisabeth Greillrh. Mrs. Frank Kankln enfartalnaH a-lh dinner and cards Saturday evening for mr, ana sirs, uui weltnorn. or Tusculum; Mr.

and. Mra Oliver Thomaa of Dayton. and Mr. aad Mra Ray Bernhardt, of Southgat, Mra John Herrman has returned bom srrer a vmi wttn her brother, Mr. William Cunny and famllv.

of lninn Ti.a Mra Margsrst Ringwsld arrived Oednes- oay tram inineotBe to pass lbs winter wun ner oaunnter, Mra George I. BreleL Mr. and Mra Herbert Rehson had aa MPLES ON FACE FIVE MONTHS HaffJ, Urge and Festered. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Heals.

My troobla was caosexi by eaUn. too much gweat food. Myfacahroka with hard, krg. ad ptmpu. that festarad ovar.

Tbtr wars rrrd ail oreg rxry tacaand Itched and txuved pvat deal. Tha troubia sasasd four eg Bva amttha befera I befaa Blnj Cotlcara Soap and Olat-ttwmL Aits a few days tbry affegded ttlitt, aod when I bad uaed en caka of Ctxticara Soap aad eaa bos of Cmiorra Oimrnent I waa bata4.a (Sised) Anbug K. rtn. ttlt Jaohsoa Avet, Ckrasaad, Obiav Fab. U2X CsKitxjra Soap, Otetnatrt and Tkl.

im protrsote aod niaimaiii akha iltjr. akltt ODcnfort aod akla baaka owbi wbco aO ale tails. at SW. OaaasliaMBt 'UmLTbT tin1 I' naViltTr their guest this week Mr. Jama WUllama of Kaoxville, Tenn.

Mr. and Mra. Russell English aad Mis Ruth English, of Walnut Hilla were guests mis weea er Jar. ana mra William Kng-llsh. of North street-Mr.

and Mra George H. Bsrasr. of Walnut street, wars guests this week of Mr. Berner's parsnta Mr. and Mrs.

Joha Bsra-r. of Cummlnavllla Mas Margaret Hsrrmaa passed ths week-sad with her cousin. Mis Nolle Cunny, of Newport. Mrs. Georgs Brsls (sft this week for visits In Lexington and Winchester, Ey.

Captain and Mra William English wars guests this week sf Mr. aad Mra Joha Bradford, of Ballsvos, Mr. and Mra Eugene Wllllsm snd Miss and Mra William Aik.n ih. 'raucls I II lams ware gueat the p- gueu of honor at a nrettv and! we of Mrm- Clara Barstt. of Dayt Ohio.

Mra Edward Hlcka of Charleston. W. Va, Is -visiting hsr daughtsr, Mra Chaa Mortn, of Linden venue, i COTE BH.TT.T.TANTE, KY. Mr. and Mra Edward Nledor havs returned to their horns la Dayton after a visit with their uaukhtor.

Mra J. A. u.uJ luncheon, rovsr being placed fur the fol- Winkler, of Cot Brllllanta Mr. a. ana amusaier uoroiny, lowing: sirs.

Vernon r. A hrlstrossntata entitled Whea I family, of Chicago. Fidav SIZE'S: SSLSST. "Ih.r"'f-""'"f. h.

ffjff rriaay afternoon by Meadamea Hen- vn Junior Thursday afternoon. Mra Josenh Grains. sasas. gs. uuiu.

uiu aviuur ciiuirs 01 mm siivai rittft and Otto Knumsl. at V.Arle. ivsnns i and Senior choirs of the Calvary Mis. Levina C.rr'arrlvsd from Miami ,4 at the church Jturoar, to Mra William Huhn and Mra O. Klrch- li.

Mr' no Urt-1 hoff entertained th Dorca Club Thursday Leroy carr. arnrxin Mlas Anna Mas Wolfa of Huntlnstoa ii rv- ha.J ji a. awa I "BUI inawjasjasjuicriBincvj wwNisssar- afternoon In celebration of her birth- ERT.ANGE3L lrm .1 tYi C'A ir day anniversary. The following guests wers present: Mra Julia Wlttkampar, Mra Harry Davla Mra Charles Mosby, Mra Robert Hall, Mra Frank Farmer, Mra J. Rath.

Mra James Goodwin, Mra entertained at tsV Wednssdav for m5 Thonuu Lund, Mra William Kelley. Mra uuckner, Mrs. Clara T. Shearer, Mra iilii lghtmaa Reid and Mra Henry F. Child- I nd.

aV if1? rela Mra Eugene Helfferlck. of Ward ave- Mra Merls Hamilton and eon Jack of nue- entetalned ths Ladles' Committee- of Indmnpdndtn.wk Church, of Mt. Aubura, Clncln- wlth. Mra Hamilton's siatsr. Mra Richard Ohio, with a luncheon ednesday rtlif; Mix Thlen.

of "yd. Park On-glnla Gaines wers guests Tuesday at a I dnnatl. Ohio, entertained In honor of her luncheon given by Mra Herbert Cropper, Kuest. Mlaa Mabel sngelklng. of New or-of Burlington.

leana La. Reverand and Mr. Wads H. Cardwell. I Mr.

atid Mra Herman Douglaaa of Laks of Walton, passed th week-end with Mr. treet, have had aa their ret and Mr. Stanley Crouch, of Locuat mreat. faret Douglaas and Ml MerUa Douglaaa Mra Harrison Clova of Commonwealth of Parkershurg. avenue, Is home from a visit with her I The Semper Fldell.

clas of Calvary M. brother, Mr. J. c. hanklna nd Mra Hank-) p.

Church met Thuraday evening at th Ins. of Hebron, horns of Miss Mildred Brown. Mr. and Mra Clifford Mills and children. I The Ladles' Aid Society of Calvary M.

B. of Commonwealth avenue, wers guests Church met Thursday afternoon at the Sunday at a dinner given by Mra. Mills's, norns. of Mrs. A.

J. Pahat. father, Mr. George Morrla of Covington. Mra Frank Straas wlU, Mr.

and Mrs. William L. Ourney, of Chi- br of her literary club Thursday venlng cago, passed the week-end with the Mtaaeawltli a Chriatma. narty. Gurny.

of Gurney placs, upper Ertangsr Mr. Eugene He.ffeilch, rd sin anus. ntertalm-u ths luii.a commUies or m. Mr. and Mr.

L. L. Chlldres; of Grave John's church of Mt. Auburn with a avenue, entertained at dinner Sunday, luncheon. Those present Cover, were laid for Mr.

and Mra B. F. Praaae. Loth. Heman.

-Brlstow, Mr. and Mra Howard Faeln and mer. Llndeman. son Howard. Mr.

and Mra Jame.W. 8fh. Toung. Engleky. Hsrthsl.

tow and Miss Stella Ell.alwth Miller. 8fhhj AK H.Tch' Mlaaea Lottie and Martha ElUaheth Wll- bode. Jungklnd int ilur llama of Covington, and Mr. Jack Corbln. Th Eighth venu.

of Cincinnati, passed th week-end with have Ita Chrlstmss entertainment Friday Mr. and Mra Lane Rlgga of Upper Er- tresa, has arranged an Interesting Mrs. inwuvra i.eicr, aara, imam ew man, Mra Henry Hcihman. Mra Frank Marx. Mra William Cooper, Mra C.

H. Morrison, Mrs. William Gehrlng. Mra Charles Bchusrmann. Mra William Staa-hoi and Mra Katherln Gleas.

Mlas Aana Schuermana entertained her svsnlng card club with a Christinas party at her horns on Park avsnus Thursday evening. Mra R. Pyna entertained Saturday afternoon for Meadamss Louis Woesta of Mt. Washington; Dutton Hewetson, of Walnut Hills; P. Kummell and wnilam rltembel, of Newport; Jamas Neyman, torge Brelet, William Schulte, Georgs B.

Moock, Richard Weber, and ths Mlsss Laura and Bert Schulte, of Southgat. Mr. and Mrs. John Stslmors and daughter, Mra Frank Evans, of Columbus, Oh Is, ars guests of Mr. and Mra Harold Ferguson, of East Tenth street.

FT. THOMAS, KY. Plsnsand preparatlou for ths community Christmas tres ars continuing to grow, me iree is to os Diacea in tns entirely prepared by the Dupll. of ths irsi ana ina sixtn ot tn Ft, Thorn, public achoola Th music 1 under the direction of Mr. Barnea, auper-vlsor of music in ths schools, assisted by the high schoolo reheat rs.

Admission 1 iree, Mra Fred Hall waa hosts. Thursday aftsrnoon to her tournament bridge club, ths players present numbering Meadamea Newman Samuel. J. P. Sandlfer, Will Smith, Andrew Donaldson, Arthur Wads-worth, John Gregg, John Eyrs, Edward Anachutx, Will Fleming.

Gibson Roae, Lee Kssson, Frank Marty. Roy Beckett, Parker Sanford and Ualne. Sebree. A meeting; of, the Department of American Cltlzenahlp of ths Ft. Thomas Woman's Club will not bs held Tuesdsy, December It, a previously announced.

Ths meeting has been postponed until Tuesday, January 16. Mia. Minerva Powell, of Bivouac place, has aa her guest Mlsa Suaaa Thompson, of Mayavilie. Ky. Mra Uuasle How was ths guest thl week of her niece, Mra Charle A.

Thomas, of Briar Cliff. Mr. and Mra William F. Smith, of Briar havs as their guest during th holidays their son, Mr. Hudson Smith, of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

Miss Matilda Stapp, of Tower place, entertained her auction bridge club with a noon luncheon Thursdsy. IradjatoyFexcjiBHen savs fr3 to Mentho-Laxena I gladly recommend It to anyune suffering from catarrh, cough and colua." 'Mentho-Laxene Wonderful Medicine" Mra Lawrence Klaeser. 13 Queen N. S. Pittsburgh, writes: "I bad such bad cold, was very hoarse snd had a queer whistling cough.

Your M-ntli'-Laxeii gav me Tompt and certain tel.ef. 1 can never get done talking and writing alout what wonderful good thl medicin has dons for all of ua I. 1 -ut -L ,1 A thoughtful nurse write: Almost magical results are se cured In acuta and stubborn Coughs and Colds. Tb fsry lidose tends to stop the sneering and snaffling, check the tickle or spasm that causes sere coughing, 'loosen the ca tarrhal phlegm aod stop the 'run ning' seayetloos of nostrils and son, lnL. will arrive this week for a whwt with Mra Fsrgusoa's parsnta Mr.

aad Mra Charles McVay, of Uurast Rig Mr. aad Mra Kaox Rosa of Tretaoal avsaua, satsrtalasd with a alx clock tua-Br Thursday svsnlng. Mr. and Mra Joha It Irty. of Tower place, sailed Saturday from New Xsrk for a winter IB Europe.

Mra H. V. WyatL Ashevtlls. N. C.

is ths guest of hsr parents Mr. aad Mra William Putman. sf Mt Pleasant avenue. Mlas Norma Tart so, of Lsslngtoa. Is ths guewt of Mrs.

WUllana Hint, of Dial placs. 1 COLDSPEINOS, KT. A meeting of ths Coldspring Woman' Club waa held at th bank hall Friday. Mra Wllltam Willlanuwa presided snd ths program for ths day waa devoted Id "Jsm Whiieamk aus auw, Kawii Mr. and Mra ciarenes spav paaaaa ua week la Hamilton.

Ohio. A dance was (Ives at Beoevelant Hall Saturday. December Is. by th member, of th Coldspring AtblstM Cluo. ths holidaya and thera will be savers! Mrs.

Virginia P.dmmer; Represenutlva Mra Interesting evening program, glvsn. Ths military band from ths post i to tak part. Mrs. William F. Smith, of Briar Cliff, I Unral Chairman, and Mr.

Ro land R. Pyn. Ft. Thoma City Manager, la Financial Chairman. I Mr.

and Mra A. V. Fuhrman, of Blvouao Clace, will bavs as thslr guest during ths olldays their son, Mr. Frank Fuhrman, of Knoxvil.e. Tenn, i Mra Darwin tStapp and aunt, Mra Irving Halsey, wers fruests Thursday og Mra D.

Linn Gooch and Mra Clifton Kai-per, of Covington. A Christmas pageant. The First Christmas," will given Wednesday, December so, at at Ruth Ransom; alternate. Mrs. J.

E. Plngasly; Deputy, Mrs. jonn rater uiaaa urton. ha nit. Mr.

and Mra Theodora F. Bannering, of Middletown. Ohio, la visiting with Mrs. David Barbour, of ths Rlvsr road. OHIO HAMILTON.

ISS JEANETTB LOGSDON was Clvsa a surprlss shower Saturday svenlng In honor of hsr spproaohlng marriage to Mr. Roy Cornwall. Mr. and Mra Charles Hsl- defer entertained Informally Saturday evening. Card hav been received her announcing th marriage on Saturday, In Dayton, of a former Hamilton girl.

Mis. Ethel Kimble, and Mr. Charles Edwsrd Whits. Mra M. Reel, of Eston, Ohio, on Saturday afternoon, assisted by her daughter, Mra Lucille Pryor, entertained the following Hamilton ladles at a dinner, followed by cards: Mra Emma Bersch, Mra C.

O. Mra John Henea. Mra Ftts Wlrts. Mra Btsv Kirk. Mra Will Reloh.L1 most attractive Mra Joe Wlttinaa and Mra Will stunner; Bonn.

'active rit. AUguatlns. FIs. I Miaa ll.i. Mra Barbara Wageaflsld.

at a dlnasr a V. a.r,w,, sxrty at ner home Saturday svobibb. aa- Th Miss Lllltaa Cenri. brlds of Mr. Kriwanl Arthur at ths Lladsawald M.

B. parsonage, Rsv. a M. Langerbau officiating. nay werw atteaasa oy str.

ana Mra Dennis Amy. A wedding supper was ssrvsd at ths horn sf ths bride-, parsnta aftsr which Mr. sad Mrs. Arthur left for honeymoon trip. Mr.

aad Mrs. Clyde Orsy, sf Dajrtoa, ars uests sf Mr. aad Mra Marry Gray. Mra Joseph Becksr vlaltlng hsr daughter la Akron. Miss Msrls Latua satsrtalasd at IM Monday aiteraooa.

Mioses Cora and Oamllls Freeh tllng gavs a dlnasr party Monday svsnlng to romull-hjent Mr. and Mra. Howard Saxl.y. of Clnclnaatl, Mr. and Mra, Fred Orans, whs hava Sawln.

Class rTT aorwaa. wtu r- mTt Thursday afternoon at ths horn of tZZ Mra Wlllard Mayer. birthday, hsr adm.Th HZZ MIs Nancy Oonway, of Detroit, la ths gusst fhsr aaater, Mrs. Leon Acalsy. sf ths Alaisndrta plka SILVER QEOVE, KT.

silver Star Council No. t. Da ugh tars of America, In annual session Tuesday at Sil ver Orovs. elected ths following offtcsr for in year iwzj: councilor, airs a. a-, ringu-ley, of Melbourne, Asaoclat Counci.or, Mrs.

Anns Jones; Vies Councl sr. Miss Elss Flllhardt: Assoclsts Vlos Councilor, Mra I.ula btaten: Recording Sscretary. Miss Ida Flllhardt: Trtasursr. Mra John Peter Glass; Financial BeCKtary. Mra rranoes Glass; Conduct rees.

Mra Eleanor Belle Warden. Conductress bark aHlolnin. tha f'U- aHrina, t'rswa entertained her llttl frlsoda Mon-Sfr' Ja. yrr. foUr 'f rty at ths Bluebird Inn, followed by tbsatsr party to th Palao Theater, a VVhltmors, Mr.

Joseph r' UrM- Olaytsa Loiter aad Misses Florence and Margaret Zllllox are Zllllox, of Akron. Ohio. MJJMJ J- Albert Fair ars guea Mr rarmaa. sf Msns- Captain and Mra A ff a--. and Mra W.ll Margadant aad Cart 6ath-srlns and James Margadant hava reluiaad from a week-end visit In Indtaaapslig wiU Mr.

and Mra Romsr Peters B4n.m ntertaJned at Ir hundred Monday afternoon. Monday svenlng Mr. and Mra. Joha Mra Edward T. Morris and Mlaa RsmstM entertained at a six-Vclock Mortis passed ths week with Mr.

aad Mra I their daugbtsr. Mra Bewail O. Walta of Silver Qrove. I who Is leaving sooa to Jola A Cbriwmas sntsrtslnment will gtvsa b.u,b""J San Pedro, CaL In the Silver Orovs Baptist Church for ths Mr- Ellaabsth Bird sail Is announcing young people. The committee la ehargs nam- jns engagement of hsr daughter Elisabeth her Mrs Joha Becxel, mum uslea Short n.

nan, son of Mr. and Mra and Mra Lou Colbert. Mra Alfred R. Smith, of ths Lower River rosd. left Thursday for Cynthlana, Is visiting at th bom of Mr.

and Mra Kobert la La ThomnaoD- at T1 ntnn I. irhA ding will tsks placs early la ths wlntsr. Miss Mildred Jeffrlea daughter of Mr. and Mra Henry Jeffries snd Archls Payne, saa of Mr. and Mra Frank Payne, sur- Mr.

and Mra Earl P. Glass save a dinner Prised thslr friends fcv ratnm fa llMMri Tuesdsy svenlng for Mr. snd Mra Joha Monday, whsre they were married. o'clock. In tha Hlirhlan.l reter Uiaaa.

Mr. ana lira. Abner Jewell, Mil hoof Th. r.nt ha. teen unJt Frans FUi Mlas rays Hruy.r BtrtalBsd hsr after.

Boob club and several lablea of gusst at a pretty brldgs party an Tuesday afternoon, Th Currant Literary Club bald a very enjoyahl meeting Tuesday afternoon at th horn of Ml Lucille Sharkey oa Day-tea atreet, with Mra Herman Kuttr assisting hostesa Mr. and Mra Andrew Green gav a miscellaneous showsr Tussday vening, honoring a recent hrld. Mra Albert Pod aria (Oladys Ssmon). Mr. snd Mra Edward Buna sntertalned rslatlve.

at a dinner party on Tuesday svsnlng In honor of their llttl daughter, Edith Msrjorls' birthday. Th club of women teacher met la th T. W. A. clubroom on Tuesdsy evening and an enjoyahl program mas given.

Mr. and Mra 8tanley L. Becker, of Rochester, N. are guest of Mr. Decker parenta Mr.

and Mra Louie Becker. Ml Ethel nd Lillian Huntey were pleasantly aurprtMd Tuesday avcnlng. the occasion being theer birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mra J.

Sherlock entertained at a dinner party on Wednesdsy evening In honor of Mr. and Mra Hubert Farmer, a bride and groom of recent date. Mra Herman Kutter charmingly entertained the Monday Club at her home oa East Daytoa street at a luncheon party, followed by an aftsrnoon of brldgs oa ssesasy srtsmoon. rnr7an ry t7 Double Action on Bad Coughs Listen Learn Profit BEFORE a wise doctor and chemists perfected essence Mentho-Laxene with which to make "home-made cough syrup" there existed myriads of "cough syrups" sold In tiny bottles at 25c to 50c. Some container, opiates cniorororm.

heroin, opium, or the like, and they were i-rvra. ycuyic uuuguiaozeus or jDotties in a season. MENTHO-LAXENE, Guaranteed Pure Mentho-Laxene does not contain any opium, heroin, morphine, OhlAPAfAaim atsa il a a au, uaicuuo or naou-iorming drugs whatsoerer. It Is sivua luai wages its emciency. Those who make rn IT Qvril gs ttAMA M.a...

fn' and wl11' teU yu thl Mentho-Uxene "uujcu mucous linings; A.NJJ IN ADDITION, the cause and .1 Hn. 'UUB. enulBK misery, and re- i ueaun quicsiy. Mentho-Laxene Is, therefore, both acTnt" TSC "By'tem Ce." that'. Why it toijX acung and growlna: In popularity by leaps and bounds.

sugar Uk'n 'B 1'lr0P doee8' you bujr Uor A Bottle of Mentho-Laxene Make a Full Pint of Quickly-Effective Cough Syrup all' ltlAaVih0'lf "ne ugar Byrup' hone3r or molasses, that's I flaTor; It is laxative mildly so It is expectorant "il? Cnchll1.n?,,K Pn S0the SKlfiw? Old people who hare "tried ene vmEL tl 18 nothlns pnmpt nd 8Ur MenUio-Lax-andhe othe?" wrried. them8elTe trying "this, that, wrlrtlMu tUJr" Menth-Ln ares'about $3.00. And 13.00 is worth while saving even for rich folks In this day and age. How You Save $3.00 Ordinary cough srrnDs coat from 9K en- A plnt of Mentho-Laxene would fill to lr.uch the manufacturer purchase price It kLP f' guaranteed and In twelve years lea. th gi 'V bn thu refund of monv although lVnnr'J.

kei laa dlrf.nn. for oougnt ju Every has directions for making bottle and using moSt Company hereb a Keward of 1,000 if everv Utt, i- a Mt riven without of any kind. "Meniho-Laxene Stopped the Cough." 1 bsv had broBehltls fsr tha last tweatv-avw rsars, and hav takaa tons' medicine, kst avr had aor ralisf or car. Wha I seed ts dowa at aicbt I would amsUiar aad cough, ceurh, eouru. But bow whsa I take Mentho-Lazea 1 cao slsep aod Dever eouck.

it also helps my ssthraa. belisv la let tin ppl Sd reme irr." writes Mr. Fred McCabe, Sbawmot Ara. Boatoo. Mass.

Mentho-Laxene Relieved Cough. dr 71 rears sld aad have asea troubled with a bad aoush aad asia- ZlJ. 1 bv had has taksa aU my vital- I a nave assd Months-Lss-ws fJaiii atraaath aad feel as mars s- BL WSlatST. 112 Mra Matt B. 1 fatter, writ) I VlrciBiB A raw Oraiiaau.

tmmm er the Gassed in France-Coughed Two Years "IurlB tha World Was 1 was twice 1 hav suffered with a eossh fa. jLh cur ihr 'ailed saas Ma mu gun grt Him. lo Orurrs. sua boueht it or and DIS boftja ier taauoa the Srat eouirh eat much better, snd troubled with a eousa for ml- o'rht (old to "Found It the Beat." B. rsrtner.

CIrmoiit Avs, l' ttlrh. a assd rsnr Menthv-lauena tar tha rrr th hast ram an fur mim ssd mil. Iltnant to Mlas viunaui to Mlaa 3 meat sf asr aauguter, tloa met W.jn,fc.:: Atrar, 1 Wilhelmln. to Mr. Frsaois Schmim.

of of Mra u. Wj ClaciuBati. Ths wedding lUtah placs mmr IB January. Wiakler Ivi A auiet wedding teek place Saturday 'and Mra Wiim. 7 svsnlBg at ths horns of Mr.

aad Mia A Th aanoun Vm 4 4 Vettsr. when her Mra Lena C. Miis Ma7y Jt 1 Belt, became th bride of Mr. John Anna bitw 7 Sohorrsr, of ciaelnnatt, hv. a U.

Langer- ms as 1 ha us performing tha oeremeay. i. th, i A bsautlful wsudlag diansr was glvsa moa'y la th. 11 Saturday ham sf Mr aod uin T.J ST Mra Charles Morton la honor sf Mr. and Mra itsia Mra CsBfad Ottsndsd.

of Klchmoi iI3 Uw, Tl read a paper oa "ths Ufs of Riley;" Mlas Mrs. Will Anderson. Mra Lee Parnab ana Helsa Macht gavs a song from Rliey; Miss Miss Stella Bast wars charming hostssses Haiea Steflea gave a number hi enl at a dslglntful sas-o'clock luncheon, oa hood rhymes, and Mia Charts Wm Saturday, at th Hamilton Club. Ths read a dsllghttul original poem, written oy guests war tha members of th Kevlewara1 mis aiary caoaii i and read la IndianasuU oa "Rllsy October T. lBla.

Miss Sarah CuUottgh had ehsrgs of ths musical program. Mr. and Mra 'John Valor, sf Grant'a Lick, wars sua. ta last week sf Mr. and Mrs, Joha Dean, of Wsavsr laaa Ml Carolina Straunan, of Miami University.

Oxford. Ohio. Is visiting ker parenta Wl -s Major ana -a Thomas, war guest last wash of us MaJ.r a parenta Mr. and Mra Thomas J. McDouald, of ths Rlvsr road.

An Intsrsstlng meeting er Junior Agricultural Society was hold at hank at 11 Thursday svsnlng. Bey becams ths a brlds and greom of recant data mJV Mr. and Mra Bentea Urmstoa satsr- kl 1 tsiosd kinsfolk at a Jolly dinner party at I Zri Eit- Juda vanuernoa, Mr. and iZ Satutday arts: hi' Ths 1 a intsreating wl Mra tit IJ enwald. vs huudr.d ou It.

0 Mr and Mr. ci.uj- rs vlaltlng th. (, Miss l.yu,. si; cs.rt. proved Ham, aj he U.

a ciut, at Si S- II! 1 1 ana uoio Home-Made Medicine Creates Sensation! Checks Stops Cough Attacks Eliminates Cause and Quick Recovery Follows and Every Family Invited and Urged To Um Very Inexpensive. Too. Better By Far Than Pine or Over 150,000 Bottles Sold in Cincinnati 'Tickling Catarrh of Throat for Years" "Had To Lay off My Job for Three Months" "Drugg-ist Advised Me To Try Mentho-Laxene" "Have Now Started To Work." Another letter that proves Mentho-Lassn Is both th best Cough Syrup and "System Cleanser." too. Mr. Wm.

Jonea Hit W. Monro Chicago, 111a. write: "For year I haw been troubled with a tickling catarrh of the throat that caused a constant annoying cough that so weakened that about thre month ao 1 bad to lay off my Job. So my druggist adviged to try Mentho- Laxene, which I did. It Died up so quickly that I hava now started to work at my old Job as st.amfltter.

I am (A years old. had I feel better than I ever did In my Ufa and a I owa It all Tar. "My Husband Had Bi Coughing for Fo Years." "For My Child Then Nothing Better in World Than Menth Laxene." lira A. Jsnnlnra. Kit Armitin 4 leaving Hamilton e.

In Daytoa THal iltTV sn'a a. afternuoa at the',J Hsrisa ina marnsI( Mr. rry. Urt.T jl Wednesday afternoon Rev. Emll llaumann MtlSi" 1 moay.

A receptioa ths ceremony laad A meat brilliant enci.t, I day au ta. 'sf llton Club of Mlaa Maiuo J.t' of Mr. and Mr. cw, i ma room at tha club ira.n;grBar" bower ef beauty rrl.aa. nnllsa festoon In a Hommadt Rttmiy Stop Coughi Quirty Ths seat rsegk waAHaa seed A family aaaT (sickly made, batri Ueafc tttttttltt To to id hi be lurnriMg V.

that th. beat thing you cu a MTerg couch, a rtat is daaily prepared at boa a a ftw motnriiu. It i cheap i prompt results It beau ibti'ssm woo mr tried, itnJ hour. Tsatea plttaant, uii iv aim it i. pur.

aoi root Pour 2 V'a onncea of pint bottle; then up s.Uar! granulated auiiar itniD. Oru.ri tied molaaaea, homy, or eon eJ instead of uear trniii if ll Thua you make a full lui gupptj uui coaiiDn no mora uaj mall bottle of ifidj m4 sJ sjrup. And it roiib medicin. tsn really nothing better to to ksi any price. It gout nuht to lit, and (fire quick, lasting reLtf.

promptly heal the iO'Umtd branea that line the throat im i Daaaagei. atop the annoriu ti-. iicklg, 1oodi the phem, ui your eouifh atopt lor bronchitis, croup, hoarineHa bronchial asthma I Pioex ii a highly eoneentritslaf pound or isorwar pdi fanioua for hraling the nembrtau To avoid diaappointmcnt nt nl dniMiat for iVi ounce, of Pm with directions and don't ifcertsj fhinm else (iuaranteed tofinisl nrrm.ii entertaining aallliaction of money PMnaa Miss Jersomlna Bt.ln. of Nsshvliia FL W.vm ULl ind In her honor Mrs Rnhert Flaher gars ileX Chlcaro, Ilia, writes "I I tit ul Hal l-eris about two j. -a asd would sot ts a tin My husband ha.l ru -f for four yeara.

c. or all th. iiaitiii, t.n u.1 until he took Un cured of It and r-. I' child I think i.l wiw th. world for a co.d D.lp at enra" "No Relief Until MentM Laxene Was Mra E.

N. Klrkitr.clL 1 Ava. E. Pltubursh. wiltei was ss bad that 1 cctifa and could not II.

0d at if-- to bs prupped up hsd such a coid aiem tie' I could set no r-. WMtn ot a bottle of -n Ood vrjr mitlit. r. I vr mglit v. it i.u'.i "Wonderful for WrofC Cough and Croup Mra rav Calvert.

"1 Iret laamad of MeMl.i Lali 1 lor rp' purcnas.u a j. couth, and found vtr tng th cough. Th I rtLJ 0. be Die. wno nsn tfg csnainir aoeo m.

saa it and ear 'tUl lag cnugb. Children, Glaiiy MAKtS I COUGH I ObUin Mentho-Ux1 Dow Drug Storci and all drufrtt.

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