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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 13

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Of Hurlers Coming Rube Benton To Be Back on Redland Mound. Mitchell, of. Frisco, Is To -Be in LinfcUp. Ktinz, of Sacramento, Is Said To Be Ready. Oakland Owner Refuses To Deal For Arlett, Saying He Sold PinelU, By Jack Ryder.

iai. tutraTea to net-nut. Louisville. Ky December -Tht lied official! without actually doling any deal made such progress in their efforts to secure now ma-ti rial for tht team to-day that it la now practically certain 1 that three pltchera will be added to Manage? Mornn'a liat within a very few raye. The three hurlere who aeera aura to disport themnelvea in Red hoelery next aeaaon are Rube Benton, the veteran southpaw; Mitchell, of tht San Franclaco club, and Kunx, a blrl righthander from tht Sacramento club, of the Pacific Coait League.

Deala for these three pltchera have advanced ao faK that tht fana can practically assured that the trio III be with the Reds at the training imp In March. It via announced In these columns -ume weeks Hgo that Benton waa under consideration and would probably return to the Reds. There arose a objection to him on account thev ritielsm which waa directed him two yeara ago with reference i a tame played In Chicago, which pitched, and on which it was htrged that beta were made by cer-: iln players. Babe I Exonerated. Th" Rube denied positively that haicln ver hnd a thing to do with the laying of on any bull and t.heie is no proof war.

naa aone so, wm.igi Hcuraw, 01 tho umn tor iom Men ton was pitching at the time, uiiys has that he had the ut-mi, confidence in tho Rube's Inteerlty, h- proved thia by trying to pur-, he '-im back from St. I'ttil last 1 iir Phil waa burred ii. ,1,1. nrion tt that time Kelly, cf the Si Club, anxious to win the pen-in" of hie leairue. refused 10 consider tit- offer 'or Kenton, who waa his 1.

pitcher. finished the seison in style nnd was the Uca-t pitcher in the Asscclatlon. This morning President lle'rn'ann "had an -Intervla oith t'timrrUisloner lardia on tha aub-ict-i of Benton's coming back to tho i ig show, and the stated tlmt. In his opinion, thre Is no blot on the I record. Four clubs lmve fyeen trvlng to scene liunton.

including the New York Vuikcts. who mttde a big offer for Mm But the Rube told Manager Kelly lint h- preferred Cincinnati to any city, and Mike has agreed to aell 1- release to the Reds. 8a tha deal 111:1 be considered aa good aa clossd mil the Rube will return to tha club uith which he started hit Major I. career a doaen years go. Pat Talks With Bub.

i mi iter Moran lias had a talk with him mid is convinced thst he can win i shnre of his gtimrs for the team II, year. I'nt will therefore havt im experienced left-handers tn Rlxey ami lienton. both. of whom are expect- il 10 hnve a good year. Ilcrrmnnn Wldrig and Moran sfpenl much time to-dsr in consultation with' vinous club ownera from the Coast The remits of their tmlka Is thst thi- Cincinnati Club Is practlc-illy sure to purchnsie Pitcher Mitchell icni th- San Frnelsco Club and I'i'i her hue from Sacramento.

Mitchell belonged to 'the Reds last and wss sent to the coast in part wiymenf for Jimmy Caveney; He has made ij.iod out there and Manager lurk Miller, of the Frisco team, be- vis tlmt he la ready for faat coup ttv So Jack told Pat Moran this adding that he did not want let th- young hurler go, but would -tand In the way of his advance- Later President 'Strub. ft tha Seals, a price on Mitchell, which la high, 'mi will be met by 'the Cincinnati 'hih. The TVeds have 10 day a option "ii Mitchell and President Herrmann -aid to-night that the club Is almost i-rtaih to buy he player. Kurut Looks Blpe Car, fui inquiry among Const man- magnates and scouts brought the information that Kun. of Sacramento, is Juat about the most promising young: hurler In Callfornla.

I'rpident Herrmann lost no time In -ecu ring first cholno on-him from the owners of the Bncramento Club. Kunx is husky righthander with long future before him provided -he not meet with any Injury. Hit eurd of gamea won and la not -0 Impressive, for he was with a club, but the beat Judges on the "ast declare that ha la ready to go and declare that he.vwlll make rcd in a hurry with a team like the K-ds behind him. In this, rase also. tht purchase price has been agreed upon and tha deal 'H be closed very ahortly.

1 The Red officials) also had a talk 'th Cal Ewlng. owner of the Oakland ''lull, about Pitcher Arlett. who has "en recommended to them for some me Ewlng is still sore because he MIowed Babe Plnelli to get away last In exchange for Pltchera Eller nd Rt-enton, neither of whom "made -otd for hit club. Ht released Kller id season, and euaid to-day that ha V'H -ell Brenton back to the Bed 5. I Airlett Jstgt Stick.

he refused absolutely to deal for vi'lett. who it altrnevd up with him for year, and whom he will keep on ''Is club. Asked If he would consider large offer fof Arlett. Swing aaid: N'o. I will not sell hit release at any i ice.

1 waa badly- stung in the Plntlll 'arte last year, and am taking no more chances 6n letting my good play go. Arlett Is sure to be a winner 'or me. and I think more of winning ''an I do of getting; a big check for uint. Kwlruj tvldenlly meant what ha 'V said. President Herrmann decided that there was no uae In making further efforts to secure this pltcRer, and he! will take MltchelUsand Kuna Instead.

Pitcher Krertf-rJ of Sacramento, waa also.recemrneded to the Red officials, but it was learned that he 1s( and old-timer, who has seen a doien years of service on the Coast, and so Is scarcely a big league prospect No offer will be made for him, "When we have cloaed these deals for Benton, Mitchell and Kun," said President Herorsrhn thia evening; "our pitching staff will look vastly Improved. We all know what Benton do. He had wonderful success last season snd Is In perfect condition. There Is no reason why he should not be a good man for us for a year cr two anyway. Both of the New Tork clubs' were after him.

but we got In ahead of them. Best Men on Coast. "The two young- pitchers from the roast are the best men out there, ac- cording to all our reports. I believe that they will both make good with the club. Jn addition to these men, we -are going to make a proposition at the league meeting In New York next week which may lead to another deal that will give us still another pitcher' At the earnest requTAf of Vanager liefer, of Cubs, Manager Moran Ito-day wnived claim on Outfielder Maisel and Hecond Baseman Klugman.

They had been claimed by the Cincinnati Club for possible use In trades, but Pat decided tha, he could not use either of thenWo advantage and so waived on. them Later In the day. Killefer sold Klugman to the Wichita Falls Club, and 'iiiu c.nci:,:ti, tiiukoDAY, IT'S ONLY HUMAN-NATURE SM- I ilV WHAT kMf A0OOT flkM ll II "rtt 4y os el-sb's he la willing to part with Malael Ifibeen allowed by Mr. McCarthy as! he ran get a good offet for him. by Connie Mack, of the Athletics; Frank, Navln.

af the Detroit Club, and others. The Joint meeting will be held as olglnally scheduled, on December 14, and both leagues Willi be fully represented. The championship season In both leagues will stnrt on April IJi the date agreed upon last fall, which Johnaon later change to April 11. ted t'o That the Reds have picked up one! barring Klepper, Commissioner Lan-young pitcher of some vatlue, was'dls auspended him last spring until proved this evening when Jack Dunn, 1 a. mm of the Baltimore Club, offered the sum of $10,000 for Pitcher Harris, who was drafted from 1 Winston-Salem on the recommendation of Dick Hoblltgell.

Dunn's offer was made in good faith, but was turned down. "If Har. ris ia worth that much money to Dunn." said Manager Moran, "he may be worth even more to us. At any rate, we will hang on to him until I have a chance to look him over at All of the American League club owners here atated to-day that they will be In New York next week to hold their Joint meeting wlh the National League, at which a number of important points are to be decided, Thia meeting waa scheduled as lone ago as last August, with the written agreement of Ban who has more recently Issued a call for hit league to meet in Chicago instead of New Tork. Call To Be Ignored.

Thia 'call will be ignored, according to the statements made here to-day Hecretary Jln Tlerney. of the Oianta, to-night officially corrobo rated the statement in yesterday's Enquirer that the champione will train at San Antonio. They will re baseball against any one Individual. Klepper's expulsion Is the result of alleged false statements concerning tht paid-lot capital stock of the Ta' coma WashjV club, which he organised. Klepper purchased SI per cent of 'the stock and cltlxens of Tacoma tub-scribed the balance.

Klepper claims some of the subscribers failed to advance their money, but he previously had filed a statement with John H. Farrell. Secretary of the National Association, that all of the money had been paid. After expelling Klepper the board awarded Frank "Tealey" Raymond, Manager of the Tacoma Club, $900 In hack salary. Raymond (lied a claim for' this amount, as the Pacific International League, of Tacoma waa a member, disbanded before the close of last season.

The flnanclal affairs of the club, which resulted in Klepper disbarment, were revealed at the board's hearing of Raymond's claim. Xleppner Issues Statement Klepper: and his attorney, G. Moser, to-night Issued a statement declaring; that William H. McCarthy. President of the Pacific Coast League, waa responsible for the action taken against, the Portland Club President, and that he "Inspired the resolution which expelled him.

Attorney Moser said the caae would be carried to the Courts '1 IZ The resolution was inspired by President McCarthy, of the Pacific I Coast Laague, Attorney Moser said, "The matter could only have arisen I becauae of the alleged claims of Frank "Tealey" Raymond against tht Portland Club, which claims have President of the league, and under baseball lawa he really had no Juris-' diction to pass upon them." "The resolution Is wholly beyond the Jurisdiction of the National I Board, as was decision of ltmdte against Klepper, and our club will resort to the'Court for relief and for the protection of our constitu llonal. personal and property rights-' Previous to the action to-day dis- 133 for an alleged attempt to defraud 1 It tt 41I a afMsa a I Kaa, saaara'- the Seattle (Wash Club or tne serv- ices of Manager William Kenworthy. Kenworthy at the same time was sua- i pended la so. far as playing with the Pacific Coast, League was concerned Until II! 4. I ,4 ii Ih.t 9 wr ine private us, m.A.

iviepper, wne was riniuriu ui Seattle Club, had made a agreement with Kenworthy. the man agar of Seattle, declaring him a ree ajent, and two dart lat Iter purchased I th Portland Club, en -wing Kenworthy vj ft a manatfrr. Com I a al oner Landla ruled thero could no private arfmnt to make playera under contract frfe ajrenta. th Detroit Americana to-nicht transferred Danny Dark, a utility player, to the Birmingham Clkb of tbe Southern Association. BED SbX MAT HOVE.

Toronto Sportsmen Said To Angling; For Club. Toronto. December a The Toronto Star published a story to-day assert- Toronto k. h. nii.

laineu i miuiiima ut the American League Baseball Club, and that a proposition to transfer the team to thia city has received the ap proval at Ban Johnson. President of Wednesday. The league constitution provides that no franchise ran be transferred without the consent of all the club owners "As the) situation stands Star says, "a Toronto syndicate hag an option on the Boston Club and franchise' In the American League from tbe owners. "President Qan John-son, of -the Amerlcap League has given his sp-proval to the transfer of the club front Boston to foronloj' the story continues. "A stumbling bolck In the deal, la tha fact that tha -territory at present Is controlled by the Toronto Club of the International League.

Minor league territory, however, according to baaeball officials, can" be secured by major leagues upon, the payment of, a aum satisfactory to Interests controlling the Invaded territory." Excelsior Springs, December i (By the Associated Presa). Ban Johnson, President df tha American Baseball League here to-day characterised as "pure mlA import that a Toronto, Caa-iada. syndicate had obtained an option the franchise of the Boston American League Club. Mr. Johnson says be received 1 1 I port there on March 1.

and will playlth American League. II games with the White Pox on the I a formal application for tiie trans-way north, closing this long series I fer to Toronto of tha Re gog fran-at the Polo Grounds on Saturday and I chlae, the elory ssys. will be made at Sunday, April 14 and 15. the annual meeting of Americas The meeting cloaed to-night club onfr In Chicago next an elaborate banquet, at which Commissioner Landla was the leading speaker. Thn Red deleiatea, '-Messrs.

Herrmann, Wldriir, Moran and Hall, will leave hert at" o'clock to-morrow morning, will spend an hour end a half in Cincinnati, and will then continue on to New York toettertd the big Vmeetinga nest week, at which they expect to pull off anotner aeai or Kleppner Ig Barred. Leouisville'. Ky December (By; Associated Presa). Announcement that the New Tork Glanta, world's champions, would -prepare for' the, 1921 pennant race by engaging the Chicago White Sox In a spring training tour, and the actidn of the Board of Arbitration In barring forever William H. Klepper.

President of the Portland (Ore.) club, were the important developments of the Minor litagtift Convention to-day. jThe action of the Board of Arbitra tion In Barring iviepper trom an participation' In baaeball affalra Is ths moat drastic aver Ukea by organlaed i RACING FORM. JEFFERSON PARK mbbtinq ok the jep- rAitn. Mtw mtucAXH, avejAuaua ik HKr c. a rack fa.

.10274 rlRT RAr--lx fur anas; for three-yaar-elde: ti.tmiss; pars riOO; net ent i iko post p. Si. on at ilia, hid. Hiju-isrs-W is. FP.

at. stamp, jio a Movxi inks. Ut 1 Muiisiy Most. I't -gti kt 41 2J uttre 110.U fc- it 12 7 7 l' rco Kiauay, two a aMtl kern's It 4 4 1 1 huuh jcn, -i lky ax, luH.j 11' Jo' 11 Nsa III? 4 IS JAI1" 11 11 I 11 1 lg 11 raunu, avi Start bad.

Won tartly, place driving. Trainer. A. J. Wuodinan.

I Jners. Jsektya. Maruw L-n oa. Ci. PL a-l alra.

jv. lvlon.i.u,r 4-1 H. Oou aniuvs k-1 1 i W. Uarlux.c&irou Hrl 1-1 -l St. Uoldbi.ti S.1 M.I 1.1 -l a-1 tl i-l a V.

uumM ttwr.Hiim -) OX K. horUnd imrlilr Hi. I 1 I' il ig-1 -j-l luriMir. Untuning w-t U-l i iu Aluo.a rI 1.1 L. Wnli.teil 1.1 w.i s.l 8tamp.

sho1nstni most sp snd a way fsst, moved Into a long lead st once. ana. ihtush tirinc iat in tua str'toi, hk os tans enough under urftna. Vc-stia sAvel rniKh around uunna th utsi guai.r and nnUlwd with a rusk siisr closlnf auou isu. MwB nvlnks bvaa r.ilm sail a mini.

Air Hosts sbu.ed a t4 nun ant h.ij on well, asm trunk, i tao.y bun. as awsy poorly; suBered uir inca In tht early stacks anu a ilg kp uurinr tns lasi nal( mi.e. Km I. nncy ha -l ad tkratchwl: Auil Not Yet, sVKti Last, toitl Herman siembls, Uit Imn. Mm ixiul Mam, awl Consort.

40275 BKCOMU RAOE-One mils arXl a sixteenth: for tferM-ytar-Vias asd UAiwardi ftinnai; purst nvt Value le winwr at, second alio, iblrd uO. re-tknil Wsnt to post a( p. m. Oft st Itid. Hurters-Vt-u.

PP. HI. It 14 a. r. mtoiht Wine, luMi-tvt its A' 1' ttctHI Handiuil, 113., a b4 to" fci k1 swettf Viva Cuba, ljj.

1 i a 1 a 'io aalana, luu a 3, i 4- ifUii uauoe- tar. 1 13 a 4 oi 0 si 4vtk7H'v't i I IM 4VIM Warllks. lou ..10 11 it T' i tvtl Ur. Kae, 1J 1 11 ll HJ7a Urundce. lit iau1u 1.1 -MJtijBka Jr'sid, 2 Hi 10 10 10.

10 Id" bound, HO I It 14 12 11 11' 4 a 12 3671m Pliisni, 110 1 1 -1 Blart tood. Won easily, 'place driving. by Ormondale Frankness. Trainer. O.

il, Juhoion. Lhrht Wine, well handlad, moved up, steasllv and, taking tht lead. Just before, rescuing Ins streicn. uin out in the lieu euthth. Handiuil csnn fiom tar bacs in tilt laac auarter under umiijr 11.

wm in, -1 n. v'lv. i-uba dveloiwJ sood I to day, but was lirtiis (aat in tnt stretcn, wou.u hava befn a uruns tailor with a tood r.dc. Harvest Klnat was done after (tins half mile. ltr.

Kae bvsan saiwiv and Intenrrtc. but shoaeu a. null aitort, Heratcheo; o42 Lhtcf, tuxof tiermoat, 401iJ AtyyiR THIRD HACK Flvs and a kilt for twrf-year-olde-. owanoei; pjrtt 1 iOw; net value to winner second U. rractlunal

0:48. 1:01, int to tha post at 4:10 p. m. Off at 1.1. liid.

Winers W'ts. PP. Rwk Halt, 104. MUM tletier limes. I OS 6 4ului ftunip, 4nlU KficllouA.

llo ..4 40JI4 Uoeat k-iW Pot and Take, iu 1 Uslle, JIO a 4u2l7 IO0 0 at. r. 1 1-1 I'i 1 2 a) tj 7 4 .1 4 i 4' At 8 It i 4 3 7- Start aood. Won easily, driving. Winner.

ebJ 2, by Kock View-Margaret Trainer. B. N. CarrolL I Rock gait broke fast; was hustled into the lead at once and under hard urging held better Times safe in the last eisluh. Batter Times went (orwanlly and prominent for tht entire trip and held on saoiely during ihs stretsh drive, but wss not good enouth.

Htamp. satd much ground for tht emirs trip and aas folng well at the end. FelKUious bens a tiring la the last ellhth. Uutst of Honor oun do better. Le.he was alwsys outrun.

41977 Pol'RTH RACE 8l furljnga; for three-year-oldt and upward: eltlmlng; han-TVfcf I ultai: purse liUo; net value tt winner (o25, second llft, third IVu. PracUonal 1:14. Want to the post st 3:41 p. tn. Oft at Ind.

atarters-W'ts. PP. St. 3il Hadrian, 1104 i A 2- 4C4I Pletrus, lu 6 1 WiM7 Uuv'nor, Ins 4 4H241 Prlnrt Wt.les, 10S 7 2 106 10 It iM 4il7 Whalebont, 1'W .14 3 4r241 Uracil Uold. 115..

3 7 auelJLouli KSi a It II 1, r. 2' it 3'1 A 4 IM ll 8 A' 3 i 14 i' 7 7-l 0" Hi d'llo In' St Il II II I)r S.U'bney.106 11 4U21 1 Copy riant, 2 a 1 Start sood. Won driving, plaot ths isms. Winner, b. by Free Unct-8tm-ptite.

R. WUIIsms. Hadrian, under strong handling, went forwardlv from the start and. Unletting gamely, wore doan Pletrus in the lasc eiAientit. Vietrus also broke fast and, showing eerly speed, cut a.

roes the others st the hair-mlle sround and benefited by It, but began tiring In the stretch. Ouv'nor was well up a I the way. but tired. Prince Welles showed a auod effort. Whalebone quit after gotnc hair a mile.

Ureen Gold luffeied by Interference and was slasys outrun. Louli A In tangle moit of the trip. Scia'ctied 40uea orlova. Af07Q FIFTH RACE-One mtrs knd a jlxteenth: for three-yesr-olde hiA upward; rU0 claiming: purw 7oo: net value to winner I32S. necond 1113, third $00.

Kia-tlonal Tlme-O 1 11. Went to pet st 4:2 p. 111. Oif it 4.03. Ind.

Htartern-W'te. VP. Tnoper. Ill 1 St. Vi A 1 i- of i- 42 13 Hamkln.

I I 3 Thomhedgc. iio 4 3 41 2i 4 14 I' II' I 3i 21 i t' 7 7 ai3 Mvsl- IIH. 3 4' 31 4" 30221 Concentrate, lot ll 1 1 1 Start good. Won driving, place the. same.

Trainer. W. H. Hall. Trooper moved upMeterTTilnediy after the atretrii turn and began tlrtng In tn.

last sn Immense gap in the uv.t ha ana sa ei ground Into me str-tcn; nnlsnei with a rush and waa going ths strongest af the end. took long lesd In the first half, but began tiring theresflrr ana bolted at the stretch turn. On Hlgn went well. Thornhedge had no mtahap4. Mveletious Ulrl was sore going 10 tho post snd quit sfter half a mile.

Aevjft 8IXTII RACE One mile an I a sivteenth: fur thret-yesr-olds snd 'ipwsrl: KjCiQ puiw net taiue to ainenr 1323. aecond 1113. third srio. Time (MfPi. l.KHa, Went 10 poet at 4.

20 Off at Ind. Hlsrttrs W'ta. St. 'j v4 X.

F. 3IH7 Rams, Wo I i' 1- 422o tit. Uonard. no 12 tti'-Hl Plr. McOee.lOfi.ltl in 4H2-JB Brown Hill, MX 2 4 tiCKggprrt'r out.

loan II oio I Hope, 17 3 2 7 Tricks. Ml tt-siochaiienge. Mv 11 I 3' 21 tv 7- 'tt 3' SVa 21 21 4 10' S' 7i 7i a' 1 21 31 Il 11" s' a1 11 ii as. 12 12 11" 'l 7 HI 10 PI 10' 4i Hi II II tt 11 12 12 12 W. a.

Lmm ui -l 1 Winner, by Qrmoodsls "jockeys. Op. CI. Pi. HB.

W. Iewis Laug 4 1 H'U S-5 R. Ki-I lft-1 K-l -l It. MarHeid Moart W-1 -l U. J.

Kroekmll sr.Ateui tl- H. W. Uaraea.MsjeetV: 10-t l.Vl o-l I I 1'. a-l l(i-j u-t J. M.

Organ au b-l 4-1 K. 1. Rogers. Corcoran a-J a O. Wenuet Ailaon so-t I i-l '1'.

liar ton IsJ-t 4-1, K. J. Sj-1 ae-l 11 1 41 nanuea.Howan 3V-1 1--1 tt-1 Owners Jockeys. Op. CI.

PI. 8. Bown.Aorooran 6 1 IM B-S li. Koolswald.M.rU'tt S-J 13 1 1-t L. H.

12-112-1 b-l C. H. tVlnirey.8 l.wood 8-1 4-1 t-i J. Mcpherson P.ol 4-1 7-2 W. IV HIcaey.Tnurber 1 It-1 20-1 b-l J.

D. 4-1 2 1 Y. X. Chalmers 2o-l 40-1 151 Hh.

4 5 1-2 J-A i.l't a 4-1 1-1 1-1 Owners. Jbcktys. Op. CI. PI.

Sh. J. V. Kerrts Pool 6-2 11 1-112 (I I. 11 1 1H-S 7-3 3-6 M.ooldblatt 4-1 -l 3 2 tt-u Haml.ton s-1 10-1 4-12-1 C.

Applaaxte. li-1 30-1 12-1 -l T. K. McCrann 10-1 8-1 41 2-1 fiwslu Bell til a-l 5-2 O. Arrln Tharber 20-1 1M 4-1 2-1 Usniels S-1 121 3-1 6-2 Mrs.

P. Lavln Lang 2o-l Ml-i 12-1 11 1 J. J. Farrell. 20-1 30 1 12-1 si Owners.

W. II. Hall Hivart F. K. Maleun.

rimre Mrs. Mc'larvey. J. M. Co Una Organ l.

Walsh Can oil rip. ci. 2-1 HI Pi. 4 3 HHi 2-. I-l 8-3 3-2 .13 1-3 ln-I 12-1 a 1 2-1 3 1 1 3 7-1" if.

Uruniheller 0-1 4-1 H-o Airs. a. uayton. Miner .1 12-1 Mrs tl-1 Winner, ch. 7.

by Trap Ro.k-Ec tacy. going half mile, but lost ao-ne ground at sixteenth, but Just la Mel. Kamkin cloaei Owners. Jockeys. Op.

''I. Pit ill) 2-1 31 3 I 31 11-1 Sh. 1-1 6 2 8 6 3-2 3-1 K-1 3-f i-l 8 1 6-2 3 2 M. (ki dblatt. o-an S3 Hi Tt.

McKeever ton -l o-l J. CuniSfe Owens 10-1 12-1 H-l "-1 W. Jr McFee Me 10-1 12-1 (1. Foley Sharpe 10 1 13-1 J. Wslah Carroll 30-1 40-1 13- I.

11. 3-1 19 3 -S Mrs. R. 23-1 10-1 Arthur Abel 20-1 23-1 10-1 Ci. Winkle.

Rowan n-l I.V1 3-1 J. Robertson lang lo-l jll-l i-l Cincinnati, were presented. Crook with drew before the first ballot and Kopf, when clderqulst wss chosen oa the nrst test, moved to make the election unanimous, which was done. l.avt.n. r'oniL.

Icenibi X. M-illon-. of Mfmnhl. wii- attr WMst full IrAck on t)i Vale foot I mil team, elated TapUiln of the varntty for iiexi taon at a iin-ctiii(f of tlia tt-ani hen tn-mvht. Mn mill surtpfd aptaln Halrh K.

Jordan, of Batifror. Mt.ii., who will graduated next Ma I lory, a Junior, jijlayed full Ivtfk on the varity for tha taal two iaaotii9. and way full hnrM ou the rbauiplonahtp frenhman team lit lt 20. John Hchoonninki-. of Klnaftmi, N.

elerttfd iimnRger, and" KcrKuaon Burn, of Colorado Hpjrinfca, aaidatant nrntiajrcr. Lexington. 1'ecemher fiell Hnn-sey, of a Junior In the College cf Engineering of the University of Ken- tuck was elected to captain the 1 123 tesm to-lilght st the annuel. Itstnacy has played tackle on the Wildcat team for. three years.

He re--elved Ills early football training at the laiingtou High School. Iieeentlier 6. Ralph enport. Iowa. a.

sopho- ntore. waa Purdue foot ehosen captsin of the 1S23 Purdue fnotltal anuad al a team hannuet iiera to-night. lay pool played center onsi mis yeara eleven. Granville. Ohio.

lecember Erie Cal houn, renter of tht Denlson football tesm. waa elected captain for next year at tht annual banquet to-night, Calhoun'a home la io East Liverpool. Westervllle. Ohio. December J.

(toils, left end of the IV22 Otterbeln foot-bs I team, waa elected Captain, for next season at a meeting to-day. Htnlts, whose homt la in Greenville. I. a sophomore. PLAYERS MUST WEIGH IN.

Innovation Sprung For Footba'l "Clash Between Wiedemann and Northsidc. i An Innovation in football will be made when' the Wiedemann and N'orthstderTootball teams weigh In before playing for the 140-pound championship at Redland Field Sunday. i This was made necessary when the managers of the teams claimed that one out-weighted the other, so the argument was left up to Frank Lane' to decide. Lane then announced that all members and substitutes must meet Saturday afternoon and be) If 4he average wetjrht of either eleven 1s over J40 pounds, lighter men will have to be used In order to make the stipulated weight. This game Sunday will decide a long-standing argument as to which team la the 140-pound champion, of Cincinnati, as a keen rivalry exists between the two outfits, a good game should result.

Thia will be the concluding game of the season. GIANTS AND SOX TO PLAT. arsciAi. msrATca to ts angriaxa. New Tork, Dteember 1.

Tht New Jerk Giants and ths hlcag White Sox will engage In aa exhibition; tsar on their wsy North from their training next spritis. It was announced to-day. Tha tilsnla will train at San Aatsnl next year. na-zing refused tnt invitation to tram on the Pav-l Coast. In tS4.

howtvwr, Uuantt will train at 'restvt, UU. tht i I I Start good. Won handily, place driving. Winner, ch. 4.

by Ballot-Jamma. Trainer. M. llo. dbit t.

Rams, hard urged for the entire Irtp snd saving conlderable ground, continued gamely In the atretch and drew out In th last eighth. Ht. Donard la-gan slow.y and stood hird drive determinedly. Pirate -Gee went mors forwardly than usual in ihe earlv atases and held on well near the end. Bill tired In the stretch sfter mcvlng up fast Into contention.

Sp oucuiarllrl wen1 well. Hope and Chap fsst sfter going three quitters. Scratcned: 40242 Ssgamook. 40112 Pr.elan. 401.

in UaJjs. communication several months ago from a Toronto man. unknown 10 him. inquiring whether some Major league club could be purchased, for Toronto. The American league President, re- Dlled such a purchases was very im b.We.

the deal would have 1 by the Presidents th(! American anrl National Leagues. Hothoron. pitcher of the Cleveland American League l.em wiul to ditv released to the laiols- Amnfnn Aewrlatlon. ac HI- club tjf lurdinir to information rftreiMMl here day from Holhoron citme tl IndiAiiR from tlit. liouis Amflrpn liere tfi 1 tlw two vcam ftgo and piti-hml Tor on- mtn.

Waivers were asked on Ills served le. at tht end or TOLEDO BOY HONORED. Boni Petcoff, Born In Bulgaria, II Lafayette, TCIaypool. of Pave Named Captain of State Team, i I Columbus, Ohio. December 8.

Bonn PetcOff. of Toledo. Ohio, waa chatcn Cn plain of the Ohio State football team He played left tackle thia year. Petcoff is a freshman In the college of medicine. "Petcoff 'was born fn Bulgaria arsr came to' the L'nited States with his ps rents when he was 8 yeara old." At a dinner to-night given by the Columbus Chamber -of Commerce makers Included Governor Davis.

Mayor Thomas, Coach.Wilce, Athletic Director John and Prof. Thomas E. French. Twenty-eight letters were awarded to players. Among these were James Prtchell.

of Batavla. who was a member of the ao.uad for four yeara. although he never participated in a and Eva rf Addison. Columbus, who also was on the squad for four yeara but failed to ptayenough this year to edrn hla Letters were awarded the following men: Kvsrt Addison, CoHimbu; Howard H. Blair.

Mt. Vernon; Nelson Dunlap, Kingston; Edward B. Elgin, Columbus: Constantln Farcaselii, Cleveland; Anthony Florette, Clove-land: Ian Hamilton. Canton; Franit HonaJter, Huntlnrton. W.

Va.t Wllmer Isabel. Columbus; Edwin Judy. Martin's Edward Kaplow. Lorain: Klee. Dayton; Alex.

Klein. Cleveland; Rudy Kutler, Cleveland; Tom Long. Columbus; AJton C. Michaels, Timn: -Louis 4. Morchead, Toledo: Russell Oberlln, Navarre; James PntchelL Batavla? Kenneth Pauley, Toungstown: Bonl Petcoff.

Toledo; Lloyd A. PUIey. Colurnbui; Bernard Schullst. Cleveland; Harr H. Workman.

Huntington, W. Va.t Harry Steele, Fast Sparta; John Wilson, Vttlan: Harold M. Waneon, Columbus; Roberl 8. Watt, Columbus. srarlAt.

oisrm-a Tag atonxia. Washlngton. Penn, December 1. Twenty-one Vanity Letter men voting to-day elected Chester E. Welderqulst, right tarkle.

of Mollne. 111. Captain of the Washington and Jefferson football team for next season, succeeding Waynt Rren- hect. of l-wrolt. Aihes-t Crook, center, ol aad Htrbert Ktipf.

left cad. of I 1 7 1 1-J t-t Vracing HAVANA or THK WINTER MEETINO OP THa ClBA atE 40aioU EAC-P" a4 a halt 1 li tidii is (us ki 1'xJ. aisr.srs Wis. PP. Ht WW a.

Wr4. 103 1-tiiuwnui. 1,4 i 1 i ih oo.iwii.mui, a' aw jsuMf taiu l. uu. i a SA i I fcvVi omtUO.

it Ml1 ftt WU srvtr, 4 I lnJAtt Its 1' I I I jr I The gg aiutueU said: Mariam Wart, stralgnt 14 So. c. TO. abow 2 11-luskHiiat. nee, ae 00.

Oonwllbiia. iulw iu tart wan anting, vt inner, b. (,. by Astraotout-riB V. b.

Fuiutaaa. Marsarei Wars sklipst'tnitugB next ta the rail entering the stretch, but had te be riouvo out at the eud to su.1. ltlu.WB,st. Tnt latter raced sk-k Prater into aubmiaaiao in tat utm au. tMHiwlituin tu rpeaUM, taken up ta tut sail stagt atiA PiuKkea.

ATOfti sJKCuNU BAOK-Flvs aad a kilf furlongs: for an tpward; v-w 1 cin.mi purse t.on, Ch value to winner Siiu. second lou. tnlrd S3U, Frao-noaar t.11 l.v7V Went to tin at a p. as. OB at a ox.

IM. Mtariers-W ta, I P. aient a Or. ltJ 2 W'ua oi 1 -M'Xtu Vul-saeuie, lui ..11 ui Itumiiy. a 2o4 soul Ktatuer, Awning, 10 tt euou Ldy srisMMUi.llu 3 4mt3 Justpftine iv, lot, a 4UV60 MUllS.

I'M 4 M. Aiiauam, 10 30M4 Miry aiunoiu 107. 4 V. tt 2' i'i 1', 4- 4' 4' "1 Kit tt I 4- J4 3 6" it a- t'la 44A104 ll4 7 0' IV a 14 11 i Mutusl Held. Tht nmtusls ptld: Valentine d'Or.

straight a.1 t0. place 12 to. show a ti: v.ind of Ctwnee. plait 3 W. show lot Uli-Alnue.

snowjhjai. Start auud. non dii.ins. pukct eaelor. Winner, (..

3. by Muin-trtTT-talentiat. TraliHjr. etscty. Valent.ns d'or saved grjunl all the wa and wort down tha tiling pacemaker la the ilr-lcn run.

WiTWs Chance ilttJ baolv In tht la-t Muaiter. Lul-Aieme aat Driven Hard to ull llu.npy. Ant uttier closed Ola lap. ncraichtu: 40.43 Mo iy Pun. 40282 THIRD RACE For and upward; claiming: purse 1700; net vaiuc 10 amnr liVH.

third Krsctionai Tlmt 0 Wem to ih. poit at 3.30 p. in. Ind. 8tnrier ts.

I P. Bt. 1IIH 2 auperlor. ilo 0 ii i20i ilolj 1. nam 1 12 2 3 c3 eai i go.

in 4 Mclij tiuiuier.luu 'i '4 1- l't i'i Vi 4' 2' 31 4 4- 0 oi 3'i 2' di t' 2.3 Hatrack. 112 4 MiMti-uoide, 11 324i0 llituurti. lu, 10 10 I' Ti 7 i-i O' U' IH 0" lo 10 10 Vi 10 Mill Aoosta. HO 11 I Tht 12 mutuali paid: Red, straight 912 90, place 114 10, tsow 13 Superior, p.act 34 30. sluiw 7i.

tl-iiden chsnce, 40. Hwrt s' Od. Won uritlng, piacj easily. Winner, ch. by Peep 0 Dsy-Msry Mlcnael.

Trainer. cnevk. Red wss qulcket to set going and set a fsit pace, but had to bt ridden out to stall-off ttuperior. The la it-r broke slowly and was messed about In tnt tr.t Chance iiult in iast lurlong. fr-'ratched: 4Ji3 JacsvlieA.y, 3bt(32 Jsp Muina.

A.fYyfi'i FOPRTH vc'K-SIx furlongs; (or three-rear-olds and upward; claiming; purst ito: net vnUif to winner second llo. third 10. FractionaJ Time 0t4T4. 1:13. Went to the post at 4:03 p.

m. Off at 4:05. Ind. Hliu-lers t. pi.

aum Mad, 101 1 toils Billy Lane. 113... Koran, 10:1 4ICIT4 Cicenailan. los. Stt ltlsriirs.on.

Ion 11 Mailowmot, 11. "1 The Knquirtr. 7 Csnny Ldy. 101. ud flnner, ll.i...

2 i tt I'I 1' 1' 7 tl 4 Y. 1' 2i 2' 2 2t j.t xi a 44 6 64 3 34 a 1" 0' 4 4 1 a tt a Left. The 12 mutual paid: Dad, strslght 112 S. plscs 10 70, show 3d 20; Billy Ijine, lace Ho, iiw 7 20; Koran, show 4 DO. Kutit good for an i ut wnun', easl.y, place driving.

Winner, ch. 3. by Vandergrlff-Oseeten. Tiauier, 8. T.

Haxter. Dad moved up itomiy un the oiitelde In the run down the back stretch and drew swsv Into a rotnirunidinic lead round the isr turn. Billy Lane began very slowly snd gained eteadlly. finish. nx full of ron.

Koran 1H-Ueln was moused snout. Old Hlnner propped wnen the t-roak came. 8 ratched: 4tCtti Co.onel Murphy. 40284 FIFTH mile; for all v.loe to lleiO. aeoond 32 0.

l.l'.'H. 1 Went to the post st 4:27 p. Ind. Startera-W'ta. PP.

HI 4C4 Mponsor.lnl 1 2 Buddie Ke.n. 110 4 4 Bea Prince, 117.1 ir.Vt Hslvo. 7 3 4IU.V1 rroinweil. 110.. 2 1 ii 3' 3" --e 3 3 4" 2' 22 2k 4t 31 1" 5 6 The 12 mutual! 11 Chief gpenoor, niacr to.

start good. Won driving, place the Widow WLe. Trainer, J. A. Parsons.

tOhtf Sponsor set fast pace from the Urt. but was tiring st the finish Ituldie Kean wss blocked when attempted tn come thri-utrh on the Inside ut the lop the home stretch. Hea Prince v.oscd with hla usual determined tush. Halvu quit. 140285 SIXTH RACE-One mile and a purse 1700: net value to winner 1 17.

Went to the Ind. Hturters ta. 1 4H224 Harlork. lm PP. Pt 1, S.

F. I'i I'll I II l't 4ij "a 2 J' 3 3 2" 5" 4H 4' 7 7 7 0' 4' 4't 3' 7 4H2.VI Tne Pirate. 114. 2 1 (H234 Stonewall, lr .1 2 4u34 t'otjeorron. 101.

I 4 W.Turnhow.lliO 3 7 King II, na 7 3 MVM Marie Aug ta.llh 4 6 The 22 mutuals paid: Hsrlock. straight tm 20, place 1 40. show fa 00: Tt Pirate, "nlsce 18 30. show 12 HO: Stonewall, show g-J 80. Start sued.

Won easily, place driving-. Winner, b. 1, by Peep O'Day Benjetta. Traueer. J.

If. Moody. Ilarlock moved up atcoCy on tht ontnlds entering ths back stretch snd hsld his tleld safe for the remainder of the nip. Tne Pirate snd flionewall repeateuly humped sack oilier si through the nut quarter. Tht latter wss on tht outside of ths Pirate for tat entire trip.

Waller Turnbow, began very slowly. Scratched: 4024b Kathleen K. ENTRIES AND WEIGHTS. HAVANA. (Kntries for Frldsy, Peceinber Thursday is Mai-eo Day.

a Cuban day of mourn ing.) First Rwce For maiden two-year-olds; purse VoO: tlveVnd half furlongs: Index. WeTWt. Index. Weights, 41249 Hsppy MO.I0S (0211 Armedee .101 1402.11 8. Cookie.

.106 40J8Nutty ....101 (i)2 Conund m. 105 40231 B. Bern. ...112 Second Race For three-year-olils and 'upward: claiming; purse 1700; five and a jhnlf furtottss: 402(51 Frnkesioi Manncnen ill 26741 It. 40216 Kquator ..111 103 40213 F.

4c Wsr.lll 31160 1 h-spery .10 36112 Jap Mutuant (0233 'Ov Bnou'hio 40211 M. 40211 Josep'e (026 H. Cross. ..114 Third Race For three-year-olds Slid upward: claiming: purse ITul); flvs and a half furlongs: (02(3 W. C.

Tell, ft (02(J Memphis. 109 (H251 Behnlng'n III JxHI Fov 101 40270 M. C'Alths. Ill X7I1 Wedgew'd 101 (0282 M. (iunner.

Ill 40170 K. hea'mlU 2(161 Mi Lane ..114 Fourth Race For three-year-olds snd upward: claiming; purse 170) six fur longs: 3J02OR. HiilW. or Qultlll 40244 Col. Mur'ylOS Giles.

(2il Meb lot (0221 I'sirymsn 111 334 War 3120 Prlmo 111 Klfth Race For all ages: claiming; pandtcap; purse 11.000: mile and a sixteenth: (0220 fl. (02( i romwell. 114 4H273 Wskefleld. 7 10281 H. Keen ..114 40234 Quaker ...10.1 Hlxth Kace or tnree-year-oiua ana r-je, 170.0: on, Th ward: claiming; purse 170.0: one mils and fifty yards t0'4 Article X.

it 40241 Kath. K.I'll Queen. 107 40247 Hloom ton lit 402O Hl-iniati 4021,2 Hl Top. 110 (0252 Cavalier 4i27a H. Hunley.llO 33004 Ii.

Lady (031314. (0:61 El. 40254 N. Vorke .107 40240 Chimera ..107 Apprentna allowance claimed. ENTRIES AND WEIGHTS.

TIA JTJANA. First Raci for ihtee-yssr-olds; purse 1SO0; rlvt anil a hnif furlongac Homea Welgbta Homes. Weights. Virgin 101 Merlon Holltns.101; mma Wllliama.107 Brolaakl 110 Chirk Berkley. .107 Peerless line ,.110 1 Glad News ....107 Al Porter Ill American Maid.

Theresa .113 Meconrt lUere -For maiden two-year-olds; purse 1700; Ava furlongs: Mart Bunch lll.iatdy Lioness. .111 Little Smile ....113 Royal Maid; 111 Endive Ill Bir la-onltl Ill Peac Flag 112 Norton! Honey. intrti rtace tlnimint for thrce vear olds; tlndllna tiOO; flvs snd a half furlongs: ..104 Merry ltas 1137 Florentine Hanover's Tops.ll5 ta- ,,) Plaatagenet 4 I ni Wll. KOOJlclalmlog; Neg Circulate la-ntve -Fourth Hac lit io. lWm e.

olds ami tip1 "I'll U(4sssj govw, aalltj a half furlongs Yorkshire Mald.101 Harry Htarllke 101 Nortli Hhore Choirmaster 107 Block Pat W.G.McClin'ck lit Rhymer 112 Chrome 111 -111 "6 ..111 ..111 Pueblo us 'Fifth Race For fhree-yesr-oltls and up-ward: pnrae S00; six furlonks: Tom Craven IMssolute 1I Romorus 01 Just Right Ill Mo(lie; Hnrnes. HH lau Anns ill gixth Hsre Clslmlng: for three-year-olila and bpward; parse K00; one mile and a sixteenth: IMInh 0S Torsida I Of fllex II lit Cork 110 John Arbor 105 poacher Klreworth 1n Rrgresso 1 1 3 gwanson ...105 Geo. Mistress Polly. .10 Krvenlh Ra. lalmlng-.

for all ITiit: flva furlullgs: ages; Joe July Fly 104 Alledon Locb Leven ...107 Dan Arvl 'P. O. Corley. 1 01 Marlon Zorran I3 Eugenia let Bess Wek-k 104 corncutter lol Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather cloudy.

Track-heavy. 4 TOTTBISTS LEAVE JAPAN. Osaka. December 1 (By Associate Press). The A merles haa ha It team, composed of pis Jot laagua players, left for Shanghai to-day after a tour of Japan In which the visitors lost but one of tbe numerous games played.

In their last earnest tbe Americans defeated ths Kansal Uakuln team. 10 to J. The America ns made 14 hits and 1 errors; the Jap-aocsa, i hits sad 1 errors, form: SlERICAM tarton. for l. claims rsa ua at Owners, yt.

a. siaebelkamp AC C. tie. law noskiie aiabte Dram J. and Ll.

Mtaai. ioektyt. gtr.Ojde. IM oiua a M4U r. M.

J. AJnty 44 2' Owners. ilrsnula J. A. Atiy O.

Foater crtst T. slueiier si. t. bell J. booker Monti ewl mabie W.

iintae M. Atoirtaoa y. B. waters Jockeys. ftr.Odds.

brunner I 3 St tiroaa 4a S3 tw lerri 14sd.ia 24 i3 2i IO.J4 OS Ui so uray a2i layU im 20 Off at 3:33, -Owners. Jockeys. atr.od Is, Hunt s.o 4.1 a Chevk H. Herdel isylor Tsyior otutts 2 0.1 K.

K. XI a lor uu 12 10 h2 40 10 20 71 tiU 37 K. J. Albrubl W. C.

Uaiy, 1 H. A. Cotton C. J. Hurrah 0.

Tuggie Heebet at Frailer. M. Aoosta Kan lord Williams OIIUllVo IJiotners tlcueffel Owners. f. T.

Hunter W. A Mi Kinney Marylsnd tttablt W. IJugan S. McNeil A. Eastman T.

Doyle J. Howell 8. Mlodow Jockeys. glr.Odls. 'I BrutheM 3 03 0 2.i 7 03 3 l.i 33 00 31 lu 37 tw -Jl tttt Beach Clements Oantner Oioss sgei; Orient Hanillcsp; purse 11.300: net third 1100.

Fractional ni. oft st 4 28. Uwners. J. A.

Psrsons W. A. McKlnney. Orient Stable W. K.

Knebelkamp. M. V. Lialy Jockeys. sttr.Odda.

Fields 4 7u 1 "3 Oantner bo Hhluel 5 Hi 4 Ao straight 111 4, place 40; Puddle Keen. eame. Winner, ch. 4, by Hearts of Oak- sixteenth: for three-year-olds and upward; (330, oni 1100. thlid K.

Fractional Ume nost at 4 31 p. m. Oft at 4:31. Ownera. J.

Moodv Roaelsie rttahle w. K. Knebelkamp. M. V.

Daly Jockeys. Slr.Odls. Yerrslt Fielila HchefTel 2 70 1 tst 3 00 17 in XI 1 10 13 S. McNeill Stuns O. Price .1.

Barnes J. B. Rogers Brothers TIA JUANA RESULTS. srrctAi nispATca to taa sxarissg. Tia Juana, Mexico, December I.

Following are results ht Tia Juana lo-day: FIRST RACK Purse 1100; for thret-vear-olds and upward; claiming; five furlongs: Rsrisksne. 103 (Petagoltl) 4 3 10 13 40 Kllk Kox. 101 (Molters) 30 20 Kit Ella Walden. 104 (Fatort 11 tn Time 1:01 H. Scratched: Maudle Wilson, Cuba uml Tou Bet, SECOND RACE Puree JS60: for three-yenr-olds and upward; claiming; five furlongs: Hairy I), III (Hum).

kO 12 10 3 4b It. 100 (Petrgold) 3 10 3 00 Ternette. 101 (Long) 110 Time Scratched: t'roms, Bonne' Belle, Ktnrry Banner snd Cascade. THIRD RACK Purse 1700; for three-year-olds; claiming; rive and a half furlongs: Lit. Florence, lot (Kator) 14 00 13 00 1140 Hr.

Tubus, 101 (I 'ran) 12 40 4 (1 Mi-Owc, Pink. 106 (Ralls) 3 00 Time No scratches. FOCRTH RACK Purse 1600; for two-year-olds; claiming; Ave furlongs: Joella 108, (Kails) 14 4U lilt ti JO Car. Enrique. 114 tHurn) 20 1 4 10 D'k 117 (fontiell) Tlmt 1:00.

scmtcnea. FIFTH RACE One mile snd seventy ysrds; purse 1700; for three-year-olds and upward; claiming: Buckhorn IL (Long) 13.10 13.40 Rajah (Thomas) 4.10 2.10 Frank Fog-arty (Twombly) 1.10 Time No scratches. SIXTH RACE Six furlongs: put-as 1100; claiming: BUI Blackwell (Motor) 13.10 13.40 Honest George i Calls 1 1 2.10 Bittern (Long) 6.20 Time 1:17. Reatched Long Pint, Romulus, John Junior and Rhymer. SRVKVTH RACE One mile end seventy yards; purse JiOt; claiming.

Double Van (Rails) 114.40 .7.10 IS. I laivaga (Ptttolti 1.40 3.10 My Laddie (Motor) 1.20 Tlmt 1:41 4-1. H-ratrhed: Regreso, Deckhand and Mlllcraburg. ENTRIES AND WEIGHTS. JEFFERSON PARK.

First Racte Purse 1700: for two-year-old maiden; flvs snd a half Index. Weights. Index. 11121 F. Hi ll ts.

3it7Hp'dy1 Nan 11 H't 1 2 403S1 D. B. Mo. .112 3107 Fleeting ..111 4lii Reforiimr. Ill .11871 Rupee 17(71 Ormalelgh 111 4V221 Conaulal Hi 40185 Kettlna Muni 13 4U22i H.

11. -40217 Zoona ....111 1731 Admirer ..111 40115 Wrangler, lit 3s73 Fling Boatlli 171 Beauty. Ill tozat joale 1 I i "pvard; six furlongs: 4016; iouned ItitlCA. Byrnelot I "velll 111 40241 Hagsniook lot 40142 Veils 41 40257 Col. Taylorllt 44111 Royal DUklll Hirst Cublit (0i57 Two lit i 40247 A.

Tell.r. 107 Ji77 win eon 1 111 3174 IIS .40114 ...110 Floa.113 4.4a. Wot Vet IiiT 4026 Prom. Topiloi Chicken Tniru Kae Purss t700; rlalmlrg; (or 'our-year-oiria snd upward; alx furlongs! 40IU(eanlalwd 111 .3711 Capers lof 38 1 Artie Klng-lii 422M. JimniMtlot 4DI 20" It.

raid 31020Mary 422Mahnney. Ill 371SS Ht. Just. ..110 JJ Hagasia ..111 SiOOtHafldy li.M. BodlnelD? 37331 Allllrfc ...,1 40f.J.

C'niHellt 1111 Kshoma 402S7Lorarnt 4231 Lura ItT M04 Rivulet ...107 Fourth Race Purse 170; rlsimlns, for 1 three. yamr-olds sad upward; one snd ens eighth miles: 4021 8'hl'ht 111.111 4S2JS Will 800a.HI, 3174 Tlngallng. 11 overtemlt 4t2t7Betty 4IISJareblna. 11 401 21 Hill 4 4tllK. Trojartltt 474 liar.

Kins.lll Blasonry CI275 Granileo 4021Mrtt. LlneilOt 401M Fosestlrro lul 40271 Haven. lot Fifth Have Purss I7W; claiming; for sll ages: Avi futlongs: 1717 11 IMII'Keddam ..111 402H Nordeck 40llMeus 412Hlr Lanfallla 371 Abisxt Hi 4217 Venme ,...101 Sixth Rare Ports 170: claiming; for three-year-olds and upward: on and an sixteenth mil. 4 a 24 7 Bermont 1114 44oonevlllt 111 1AS41 J1SB. 1S 3ll7tFdna 4ti74M Winks.

It! aoi7 rt brnuh III ISUttiadit ..11 4l43'Phlsn Hall.l 'Tulsa I0-II1I. Rnhert.lll .10 .104 ApprtalMw' alltwaacs cUlrrwd. Hijisia zz: By CarpantUr Frovg Ha Trie -I To Knock Out SlkL Parts. l-embar (IT ht Itec v-Praasl. Jartra Carpanlier la ni 1 mterviews to-day added bit prote.t.ix'ii, tt thaaa ef Franeoie liatvaniiis, his nn.i-ater, to the assertions of liattling 4hat tha boiers recent snttting waa 14 aaet bawa framed.

Carpeniitr'a chief argument la kl forte to discredit the atalemetila of ti twneeraiaaw ta ta show his badly kaurklea aad tt X-ray ui ha hands, ukea after the nhi. in. 1 sheet that all tht Inelscarpal lames wen broken. "IWea that look tike a fake flubl queried t'ariMnvier, Ha also uui whether was likely Ihnt he i. a fra me-up for a bout ha waa i aire tf winning thst he sx-tualiy loit I oy tverX-wnndrara. Tha nle thaiiin. aaaerted that aince hie drlaa: in. u. ambition has been la tiu-tt biki agrnH ra-aatabllah hie reputation.

Aa Interesting, -M In ibis lalta spo't. Ing drama was eviaeted sveV4iti nigra hut evening when glkl and In manager. M. llelleia, meeting by ac id' had a heated paaaage of worait otec vharges, tha truth of which Hellera The argument, ithlih took place the preawni-t ol tht astounded auwaii.f siaff. ended where It liegao, Klal aaid that he hnd la yesteiday afternoon at tha Ministry o( Ilia t'olanlea by aii ofbetal who re--onnneiided tn hi in that he return to nvnegal.

ten) did not say If hi inteiidetl ta follow this dvlce. confining himself tv declaring that he planned to abandon boxing, taking seme other octupstloa. srsciALCAai.aTa tag sMvrrasi. ParuA. Iiecemher "If tht charget made hy, glkl art sustained, not anly hit and IVrnantlen licensee will be parma-nently revoked, but ovtryont concerned with that Hgtit will bt barred frasn Hit boting gkiuu forever.

declared Paul Gerard, an otncial of lha rench Boxing Feneration, una afternoon. Meanwhile a literal storm of protest! snd accusations Is scandalising ths ei-orl-Ing world. Following ihe iad of giki, l.oun JeunarU. former lightweight champion, smrtns that "tight out of tvtry tea lights are nsed lieforehand." "It la the custom for champions nowadays" said Jeunard. "tt refuas tt get tint tht ring without an kjtreement for vlctoty or heavy indemnity lor defeat." srrriAi, casi tu Tax xiyciaaa.

London. Iiecembtr 1. A whtlt army of "white hopes" 'inhabit tht country districts of Northers Ireland. Premier Sir James Craig, of flster. It sponsor for the report Issued from Bel-fnat to day that all manner of white hops material txlstt In ister rural communities.

Sir James, whs has Just completed a tour of ths country, la amased at tha giants lit mat. "I cannot conrelv of any portion tf the kingdom." ssys tht Northern Preniisr, "where could Ihi found men of such ex-tiaocJlojuy hstght, brosdtli and thickness." srgi ut oi-r in to ths ler.s Roston. December lljrry lk.1.11 cf Phllailrlphls. won the devlalon In rpunds here lo-iilghf nni Tuny Julian, of Brockton, In one ul tht hardest ant fi'i-est nghta seen here Ui long lliiic. Tns nisrgln wai extremely close.

1 MEET AT POM TO-NIGHT. Tht leaturt of the boxluir show nt PI, Thomas to-night will U- a ten-round go between Klclnlne Kcrrsrls. of tht Fort, and Hilly Hulllvan. 01 the Vnkuni A. Clnrlnnatl.

Next ThureJay night Johnne Haley meats Spider latwla. Ths eemslnder of to-nlaht's progi-ain follows: Nut. is bout tfour rounds), "Horkcy HarUlnr 160 pounds. Ft. Thnma-, vs.

"Ter. Mile I ixeesor. 1.0 nounns, ri. inj.ne4; seeoi.u iioui ttour rounosi. n.10 neroeri, 1 iv pounds, llelkvue Bvllcvue.

vs. Charles Ituch, lit pounds, Clmlnnatl, uhlo; third bout tfour rounue). "Copper' Pence. 113 Hiunds. Rellevue.

vs. "Mlditet" tlutrt'v, HI pounds. Hart A. Viw'iiort; fourth bout 1 flvs rounrsl. "Bozo" Ourst.

114 pounds. Patsey ley. entry. Lntonla. vs.

"Tommy" Snnrka ks. 1 4 neands, Hatsehe entry, (inclnnatl. fllilo; ilfth bout (six rounds), Harry Ll kert. lit pounds, Ft. Thninss, vs.

"Itnland" Beck. lit pounds. Bellevue A. Hellevue) sixth bount (ten round). "Plghtln' Ferraris, 111 pounds, Ft.

Thomas, vs. "Billy" Hulllvan. Ill pounds, Yokum A. C'u-iliinati, Ohio. TROJANS ARE HAPPY.

Loa Angeles! December 1. Both tht student body snd faculty of the University of Mauthern California, axnraaaed I gratification to-day at tht selection yes- i.rnay or tne Trojans ny tne racine coast t'onferencs lo represent the West agalnat the Pennsylvania Htate eleven ia the an- nusl Kast vs. West football game, at Pass ssdena. New Yesr's isy. "Wt will do out beat to typhoid tha West," said university ofrlrlahO The members of Hit football squgd wore variously anoted at saying "hot dog," and "set ut at em." PIRATES GET PLATES.

Seattle, I ecember I. Information waa received hers to-day that Jamet R. Boldt, President of tha Seattle Pavlrm Coast la-ague Baaeball Club, announced from Louisville, that Jack Adams, manager of tha team last season, haa beea traded ta the Plttaburg Nstlensls for Ray Kohwer, outfielder: a pitcher, Blaks, who wss two years with Buffalo tn Hit Inter' national Ltiagua, and another player to bt named. BEZDEZ DECLINES IT. Philadelphia, December Huge Bes-dek, Penn State football coach, to-day rejected tha offer made him by President William Baker to manage tht Phlla-delphla National baaeball team.

''I have decided to remain In college work and, therefore, rsnnot sccept managership, of ths Phillies," stild Besdek's telegram to Baker. OLD COLLEGES TO MEET. Williamsburg, Iteeember America's two oldeat educational Institutions Harvard I'nlveraltx and Williams and Mary Collage will meet on tht baseball diamond at Washington on April 17, it was announced here e- SELECTIONS. Havana. Billy Bern.

Conundrum, Happy Momtuta. Hello Croat, May Rase. Kouator, Bennington, Memphis, Who Csn Tell, lwlrynisn, Col. Murphy. Kay Atkla.

BVlirilK KEAV. Cromwell. Quaker. Lilly Lane, iMAlnty Lady. hlmers.

f'HICAOO FORM HANDICAP. HILLY BERN, gweet Cookie, Happy Momenta. Good Enough, Josephine K. Ruth Wehle. Mi-Lens.

Memphis, Kitty Cheatham. ol. Murphy, Imiryman, Win Or Quit. Quaker, Cromwell, Huddle Kean. Hitrman, Cavalier, l'alnty Lady.

Jefferson Park. Don't Bother Me. Ormalelgh. Royal Crown. Royal TMck.

Ttnntwd. Marhlavtill. Mshonty. May Bodlne, Herald. British Liner, Betty J.

Jacoblna. KIR LatWNFAI, Ktddsm. Hep. Walnat Hall, Bribed Voter. May Roberta, CHICAGO FORM HANDICAP.

First Blush, Rupee, Josls M. Magamook. Heyal IH. lnneconas. May Bodlne, Ma bony.

Arctic King British Liner. King Troten, Jscobiaa. N'KDDAM, Ablate. Sir latwliful. Tulsa, PiK-lsn, Wclnut Hall.

Tit Juana. PEERLESS ONE, Emma Williams, Glad News. Roysl Maid. Little fcmtie, Rlr Lsonld. Oalloy Berry, Circulate, Gadllng.

North Hhore. Puel.lo, Harry U. Iaa Anna, Just Right: Flreworth. Hwenson. Poacher.

July Fly, Beas Welch, Loch larveo. f'HICAOO FflRsi Marlon llollina. Chkk Bstklry, 'Emma WUIIsnis. peace Flag. Royal Mrld.

Mart Bunch, Neg. Circulate, Hulll'lid. Plieldo, (J'bioiiie. Hurry l. Mollle l.ernes, Louatiaa.

lire wort Ii. Poa-hr. let res- Fully. F. J.

Corley. -Carncuttcr. Marlea Zee- rlan. When Yea Gel io a Tight fessl aitnaary to' aaatlvse f4au-nWaaxt aad rstatlvet foe LOAN We advaaaa any a sent eatbstesal at legal rsrtes wHrtaast say asgMtelty whatever, arael taste as, a sebxg is to law raUkawtsvetase sf star tattttta fat ever as yeawa. Pkiltipi Drclhsrs altwetort aaat Castetaawl rsWtisr.

te PuiUttsI B44ak rjaaBMlAtg (At Use Has) at the smaia ataarwaw) ta. at Cts-aa Besetsfk assf Vans ratt..

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