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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

It COM1USCXMEXT CI th laitluipollt A OuU Tb asdod animal oig rcte of th IndUapoU Iastltau. lor Yduog Ladle wlU hld this rrtoiog at tb Inttiuita building, tier Pooylaola end 8b Jo 4tr lb pro gram for which will Include tb toUowlg. J'rsyer. Plan Due CJleetd). Mr, lyo and Mtag Tbayer.

i 4lttle lttll, MiseCarrl Flamlnt Comp aitioo Beve," Mm F. ochmuck. kaoiUoo Mist Prid Chritia Heitlo Atii," Missslyrti Park. KMitmtKM "Tom LiUlA bior' Ms Bac forae a. nupo itloo rv(nor." Mia Anna Mil ford.

Recitation Grmn). KT AoJergf. CviupcwiUua "Dev ped," Mia (DUO'la, Becittlon TbA Eoyl Priooaat" tfijoattti), Xl i Drnay Lnwm, fiwDMliua of i'rlz. Itoilof Honor. Addrea Re.

Willi Ptt, P. 1 llroo. Beoediciloo. a public closing xrreiura of th Cicl Icboul i I ta held this vulng at thattrand trpera lion. Ih eierca Imtiudlng prytr by s.

A. Uyd. aniinm oo trc ucal adueaiioa by Hoi nc Job M. Coulter, of Wat ah Coting. and tba.

of annual priaaa, honor acho ar hlp, itifk aie and diploma, with mu io by The graduating class include Kayr ond Adam; C. Bright Cauidrn, luJ Natm Arnmd. Kurt Moc Deafer, K.gin Butler, Ind.j 1 ucy Oookio Cmypool; rtrud Mason Lyuoh, a.hlnra, D. C7; Kate FWnher Malott, IlxraU Ltian Moore, Mary Lewie Taylor, toward fcver it ale and kVlwin i'r lielm. Ticlfsl ma Obialued of any member of me school.

The friends C4 the Girls' Claaalcal school HUM tha Enriisn Lutheran Church last evening at tna reading ef tbe armor claaa Mya. 1 eeaayiei and their theme wara: Powtry vs. History, by l.i i Adam; "Keraiauoni of'fcianca," by t. llr'nhl Arnntronr "Tha Knighthood of Ia nocrny by Karoiaaa Arnold; "I ha Humor of ieuriana E. llutlar, "Tha el toa Nluuteanta Caatury," by Kata V.

Malolt; ThaTrpetof Woman." by Vnbornh Uoora. nd Mtihunatical iTtnclpM la Katur and Art." by Mary Uft Taylor. Tha aubjacu wera Hot only particularly frlicuona, but wara handled artlitiMilT and ut Ilia credit of tha ataiylrUi and tha auhouL ach papar wa tbouabtful and. onolarly, marked by Ilia abasnoe of thma Daw of cncnpualii'm which uaually mar almiiar pro docnoiia. Tha younf ladiea wera bandaomeiy remembered by their frieod with gUu of flower, booka or bila of Jewelry.

BASE tha Boaalara Dafestal at Jeraay City by at cmb Ma. At if dajed by It rletoty over tba New Yorker tha prevloua day. tha Hoceicr team collided with a unknown quantity at Jereey City yeaierday. playing an exhibition fame, ana wera given, aeoordina to tha Oiitoatcba. "an awful baaiing," belna deleated by a acora of ar to 4.

Owing to KoTla'a dlaablcmant end Moflatt abaenc. cOatchy waa put la to pitch to ave Shrer and 1 1 airy for Laaaruo game. Young Uailey. tua roughkaepete phanomenoo, a be la called, pitch ad lor the Jereey City Club, and tha Homier could do nothing with him. And It waeanoff day la fielding, for the Jeraey ware in Bmon error eleven lliuea, beaioe aigni oaaea on naiia, uu th Mooni' are credited vfith 17 error, all toid.

It rnnat have hiMiii a eraateama. In tba League rare yeaierday Waihlnrton de fealed the New Yurkera, owing to bad fielding bv tlie latter, particularly Ward and Kwtng hitoev and Tltcomb war tba pitcher, at)d tha winner inada 7 run, 4 bit and 9 error, aint 5 runs, 5 tut and la error A a reaun, tne uianta iinn dmn in fiHirtb. nlace. while the Uoeton ad vanoe a peg and the Chicaanee aUU remain at. tha top, with a lead of Three game.

Tba Aaaoclatkm game xeultad: Brooklyn IL PC Lou ii Atbletic 6. Cindonatl Baltimore 8, 1 riaealand IS. Loulnvllle 4. In tha Htata eamaa. Latarette were beaten by tha Itppna.ot Louisville.

8 to 9, and the Mari ou beat the yendlatun 19 to 0. Baal Eaaata Travasfer. Milea Clifford et al. to Benjamin A. lUchardson, lot 4.

In Robaon Voorbee' ubdiviion, $8,000. 1 namln A. KlchaMaon to Vincent U. Clifford, lotatLa Alvord at lubdlvialon of Butler A Fletcher" addition, lo VKX. Jobu IL Vajen at aL to Augtwt Barodt, lotaus.

la VajeH' aeoood Brook Ida aJdlttoo, 1 JO. Jacob Schneider to Jacob EganolC part of lot At. In Yauer, guardian'a ad duioo. 11.100. Jame IL Baldwin, admtaUtrator, to Mary A.

McAdam. lota 3 ana i Blue' aabdirleioa of block 1. la Hutchtnr A Dr netl' llrookilda edition to Brlebtwood. llTfi. V.W.u.IaIiiia XfnTViv.

nartnf UWa mitA and It lit Jobnenu'tMibdivixlonofbUx'k rn' heir' addition, fl.Aou. Henjamin Uavia to Flora Moor. wet ball ot tot 11. in aqiiare (M. 0U0.

tJhatle a. Urant to Lavtni Uardacre, lot 8, la block IX. of A A. Fletcher. Jr' aortbeaat ad dltlon, I.

7V Tha Equitable Trust Company to fun mourning cvmpaoy, pan oi tot in equara it, Jacob uogianu to touiiuri o. (fienn. loul 4.0 and in Brookr aJUiuon, Francl M. Churchman ct to Martha A. king, lot la In Kxcbanir Land nmunT'i etibdivlaloa of part of outlot Chriatma Hartman to William H.

C. tcuaxil, tart oi toe northeeat quarter or aecuon 'ju, lown a.llo 15 north of ranee 6 eaat, M.Ocri William A. 'Nation to John U. Biack, lot 69 In Yon or atibdi viiioo or oullot 181, H.iWO. volnry 1.

Maintt to Erne) A. Wahrman, lot 5, 7 and In Turner' "antxiivuioii of Jolinson'a heirs' addition. iJ. John R. Elder to Cbarle A.

Wlaa, loU 4, and In Losler A bteven'e aubdivliioa of lot 1 and 2 In John. H. Vajen' (40U: I obert Heutach to Uaatel btewart. lot 11 in Jmei Morri eon' ubdivulon of partof trjeaoutbw.t quarwr ofwetion 4. lovnuhln It north of raaneSeMt, t'i frua WUiim Wailarta.

receiver, to ruteee of the African Exilaoopal Church, lot la tlaxian. Jonae Anlea aouiuon. jx Garfield fark Cemiaiaalna Urgamaea. Tha comtalttea of tha Cbuncil and tba gaweitd eommUaloa of citizen, appointed to upr Intend tba improvement of Oajfield Prk, met yeaierday afternoon and organised. It waa recommended that aarvay of tha park be mad at once, and thia will probably be don by the City Engineer.

A commute waa appointed to aecur the aerylce of a landscape gardener, la accord ance with the term of the city ordluanc. The tmprovvmenta will fellow promptly Upon the adoption of a plan ox action, it na been lug aeetwd that since tna cow. bone and mule ordi nance be come to May, and. aaouetock may lawfully roam at larce, tha park eommittea would wait money bv expanding It avallabl resource In building a fence around in park, no pars can be ma Je ornamental if there taalwayaln eight, from whatever point of observation, a prison fenoa of rourh board such a fenoe aa, at one time, snrroonsted tba park remnanta of whioa auu ooena uie eye. Moating Denaeeratle Central Committee.

Atusiue toeetlng of tha Demoeratlo Stat Central Committee wa called for thia al tern ooa, but at tha noon bour only Charley Jewett. tha Chairman; and Mr. Young, of tha Eleventh District, had reported. Mr. Jewett reached tba city thl morning, en rout homo from to 8u Loult Convention, and ha I utilising much of hi Urn coudemulng the quality of water which St.

Louis ofiered lor slaking tbiisc lt waa moat azeora bla," be cried In hi wrath; wore than the Ohio la It muddiest form, and temperance luliow wt'r put loeotialderab: lnconveniuuce in couta qnenra." 'St' Kheertn also had a similar com filainttomak. Both these eetitlemen expressed nsnvsBlvee well pleaaed with the ticket, a lb 'beet which could be made under tbeclreum gtaaore, and both Kit confidant that it would command the Kreneth of tha party In thl State, PraaaoUng Ut fjosorrtaa; Men. Tha Cltiaena street Car Company ha averted strike by acceding to tha requeat of employe. To drtvara, haanng that to eompany proposed employ a flnvr soma parson not heretofore eonneoted with tM service, held meeting and requested that the conductor te selected from the old driver and that the new men be pot on a driver to work their wy np Id turn. The re quest wa grounded in reaaon, and lb company has, whenever conductors have been needed, prumoud the driver, and promised a eonliotta uoa ot uua civu service regulation.

That Injunotloa Case. Th hiramrnt In the Injunction, involving tha tight of the Moooa to carry American Expree aaattar over toe una leaeeo: aom th Lake sn a western, i atiu in progresa kefor Judg Taylor, but I will oou eluded, and ruling had some tlma thl after svuoo. Chsrleytsmitbaad Ila ry Crawtord, reps. senttng rival In teiean, spoke yecerday altarnoort, and th arguiaeot to day la eouducudb M. H.

11. Muler and Armstrong, th latter af Xucago. I Porter To Kobimm Harrlsam. 3 will phtc General Barrtaon la nomlo. gkn at tha Chic.

go Coaveottoaf" asked a New 'gepev of John N'sw this moraing. "Kx Oovernor roner," Was tha reply, 1 Will 0 Mil." "Aballathaoutlookf "It legrewtug belter for Harrison every day. A prsaaat iou UJtm lot agm WLU DetWOM auia aua Ate. Batldlnf rermlt. Anntad Pbsfer.

tram bouse, near Belmont, charlee k. Fietcbar, fremaeottaga, CUOdrd veaaa. Bear "terung, gS.OOa Hsury R. Marten, frame cteg, Water, neer Siereria, 1 "Di Corae I 'll frtm ooture, Vermont. UVt T.

1. cCel.a. trsme o(isf. Uoyt, t.M K. W.

Mmuc, wa euusga, East Market, tSOa. Th Btendelasoba'a Graad Cancert, Kext Tuealay evening, at Flymo'ith Church. te Society win give (' last grand onr of luoseaaoo. Tblaeoooart will be event 1m) i i reason that the grand ehnru will be gpajulaa by th great tga la lag aaeali tot choroaee from tha "Melah, which, with tna aoloa from tna aama work, will take np one bour of tba proeram. Mra.

L. J. Hammond, Mrs. Heory Schurmann. Mr.

W. H. IaurreU and Mr. Cbarlae Hanaua bare baaa aeaignad tha aoloparta is tna "Mea iao." Toa aeoood part will, aa nan el, ronatet or nna miacallaiiaoua number, ooa of which ie a duet by Daicuen. "soanUh Mom tna ereoaOa." to ue aunt by Mr.

Anna Walker and her aangnter KaiJea. Frofeuor Haul Bhr. tha well known err aoM, and Mr. JulluaP. kohl, planiat.

will be tba efleompaniata. Tna aociety ha clreo a eerie of mod eoocertathl winter, wnich were a credit to ail cooearned, aitnoun laa aooieooea were not aa lante ea tba performance mented. It la to be boped that at thia laat concert of toe aeanon the may be creetad by aa aaaiauco which wui nil Plymouth Church. JOHN 8TUCET CHTJttCIU hm Plomaav Or(anUaUoa of Htw Tatk hull tlma Wiaa rield of Work Te the Editor of The Indiaoapeila Set: Tha oIIdoIdb from Yonr neper aivlng soma ao couut of toe cnurch of which 1 have the to th pastor at thia data upon my table uy due mail. I do not know the correpoudent who thus write In your issue of May 19, but 1 do know tbative write far from the fact in the history af Ibi tlme boooeed church, and wholly misapprehends Uie pus ubililMe ta.a cbun lor evangel lane work In thia areat meuopolitau ciiy.

If you Will allow me space, I will correct soma of statements made by your New p. moan and let say first for myself, I am not lime some a the pastor o( till little jneellug bouv Kaiber, I find mjseir in the midst oi a social in this church uist second i non lii ibis city emng the same detMoiiuation; and, if I were JuOge from the kjiowledo I have of ople wuoia va earn great ioia mi odism, there is an average standard ot in tellectuality qute as blh Joan street amotig th other churches oi tha Oeuom loa ion In tbi city and Brooklyn. There' are a claaa of meu her that rank smotigtlie best bo iues men of the metropolis, sud some oi tbera nave secured competent fortune lor retirement fMtn all seculsr bu iueas, should tby so deteimine. but.tbey remain in the circle of active traue that may live longer and do tter work for the church to th ruureaaiug demand for enlarged coutributloiii to meet the call of Cbnstita be navoleuos; and were your uutaarou readers made ac mstnied wl the great atruggie tnrouxn which Ui ia cburcb has passed to maintain her niana unou tnia verv spot her fur nearly one hundred and twenty hva years tha glad tidiugs of the euepel have tv a aucceetiuiiy pruacnaa, tney wouid ba. dlv conclude, with your correapondent.

tat this church now stands Incongruous in a atteet ot bustitug outne, lmpiyuig toainsaay of usefulness baa trooe. Tbe loya.ty of III mn bars now in the field and their liberal contribu tion to carry ou work do not In dlcata a forlorn Dor will any one who knowa the facta presume to ay tbat tnia enurcu la aa tead aa a miMiinuiit Indeed many stranger who her viaiteu this old historic church during thia Gen eral Cuuiervuoe. iiow la seiiion in New York, bsve stated tnat tney nave louno more oi real vital seal displayed among tbe people la this rhurch in Uieaaciai and tnibira relmioua service than in any otner Methodist Eii copi tinuncn of thl city. Only last oinbl promin nt minuter from the West declare lr with reat eutuiHsin, that ha found "New ork Metbodiam oeaa in all tn churches, and not till lait night bad he struck tne 'nu str ora tnat warmea mm anu movea him toward Heaven." i our currv.uou. lent also wiae on tne tact wben he ssy tnat tnis "part of th city long ago' bt its resident and the lew dwellers who remain are muatly lloman In every portion ot thU city there are many Romau lata lovai to tne cnurcn.

a meet some in nur pastoral 'iiuirt, aul I am alvrav glad to speak a kind wora to them ana bia toeiu uua pu in all that la loral and loving to the State, aud to tbe crow ot Jesus, the Christ. But what 1 th law Ir that ease a now existing ia thl section ot New York City? There are quito a many people living below Canal streat now at twenty year axo, and among them many thousand Protet tans. Within this territory there are at laakt Jfcl.uuO oeop le who look to the ote lant Church a their sanctuary, and would tend their children to the babbatb scbooi Now. auioug ail these thousands of men mentioned there are onlv three Protestant Churches that claim the field; two or mese are cpisuopanan. sua me other "old Jobii strvct" Methodist EpUeop liau.

It I known thr uchout tbi and otAer land, that while tha Episcopalian Church baa to no witn wtnvinuai cnaracier, tne great Methodist tricooJ Cburcb seek witn Ber le culisr evaugul silo' force tbe salvation of tha 'masses." so called, Thl old church la now doing thl kiud of work, and aha is doing it grannlv. to the great Joy of the peopl who seek her san Jry and to all Methodius wno lov to honor the "motbar church. I There Is one other item la thl Itrknge letter from vour "Kinky correnpondent to which I allude. Heybeawthe pa.tortiiaday beiore be wrote blaletuir. anarauruseuumaac wotKinif In Jutnouly amid a dozen earpest brethren.

with verv alight ueouraitenienl as to 1 do not recall th meeting of your beiihsnt cor rpomlent all, nor do 1 memrier vtii of attending a meeting bare wrien, there were ft few present aa a dozen. And taen It would seem tnat the aexton of thl church, whom your kink call "a sentinel." was employed to ki way from to door of our sanctuary "veggsr and swina wno nave oeen iiiiestin tne pUee." And he take occasion to' sample one Clerk, who now baa a bom to tha penitentiary. I have burn Here lu New York uny Jtui4irookiya fur seventeeu rear of my miniatry, and I do not know a spot so fre Irom thia class ot gvar and swimlier a in ana srxu tnis annro i. clurk I have never known, and I aness Tour onrrewondent has lost bv him, arul be dwm tbe wbni nelgb boraood Deotiled with this class of hnmtut ty I will aisure any on from your goo liy city i Indianapolis, who may come thia m(M cordial welcome to our church, a good sermon to ham him or her on Itieir ollcrrmaue homeward and heavenward.and no one w.ll molest them or pick their pock oi. Allow me to say that 1 hav bad tbe great pleasure ox seeing soma of rotir most honored minister and laymen within' th put few iTa.

They hare com to enjoy with the here our raligioua service. Colonel Bay ot your own city, was with ns ysteidsy. and greatly moved all heart aa ha prayed, at the cloea of the morning servloa. while aom were seeking Christ in th pardon of I heir tins. Consult ultn.

and ajyon ixwbo ha recently been this way, and get tmtn them all the confirmation of all I have written. Tne business men's meeting, held dally In this eburch, is regxr ted as the beat of iu kind in all the city. "Come a id Faithfully and truly yours, elle lky w. uowduj, rsjuor. Kew York.

May 28, ISMS, A Woman'a Toth XdTtor ot Th ladlaoapolla Kaww. I with to loin tba rank and file of those who prataat aganutt to (to them) public ruilaanoea. I can sympathiza with those who consider tha trausler car a nuisance (sitnougn ao not per oually consider It so) and thoa who wish to have th laat uov exterminaiea iroat onune ic at ibts smiling eartn. suit i wnn to can tne ear nest andthoughtiul atteation oi tbeattzn of In dlanspolis to tha dally tneftssing habit of flood ing tha sidewalks, steps, ufiice, elevator, atryet cars, eta, with tobacco Juice. I question no man' right to amok or anew, nut i aa question nis riithl of msklug the public lharoiighfre such masses or tilth tbat.wmn can not.

saiaiy naig the streets without being in constant danger of so ling sod ruining their elotbea. Iu tha offices where men predominate, tne ladle are compelled to uo toe their way a rounu. or else make a fran tic clutch at their ssirts to rescue them irom th fl th. I astonishing, after driving rain, to Botic boV dealt and fresn th sidewalks look purified of lb duet, rubbish and tilth. Vhr I there uot a sanitary law, oumpeiling a man.

if he must expectorate, to ao so in tne gutter, ana leav th public walk reasonably clean? It Is aueetioa eoneeraing the health aud comfort of all pedestrian, aua ceriaiiuj is cnutiea to soma alien uon. a UTiikSkss, A to "Uoara." To th Editor of The lndutnapolt Ifaws: In on of onr morning paper there appeared article caning aiieution to "imoking noga." Thia la. to say the least, insolent Open cars la other cities are usually called smoking ears, god tha last two seats are known aa "smoker seat' Xianv a man fiuillaolaoe in smoking a euar after Dreakiast. amuer or supper, ana a iiuunesi nit woo is in a nurry to get aown town 10 in morn ing, and who can sot smoke a clfar in bla store. Is entitled to hi smoke on the pen car, provided be occupies the smokers' seat.

Ladie do. not la other cities occupy th last two sests, any mor tbsn they wouid th sooksog car ou a railroad. 1 do not amoke ou street can, but ao not can a mn a hoc because he happens to moke. If trie open cars are subject to tn asm rule aa th cioaeo cars, let toe company tacg no its rule oa said ears. A man can smoke and still be a rentle mn.

th "hog article" man Included. Try adVHDO the city' Interest, and do not Iruult It private eitiren ana tax payers. aikiciTAT. It Shoalcl Jtet B.FrmIttd. To th Editor of Td ladlahapoll Nwk It seems the Dudley Street Railroad grant per mits th laving or uarirsoa tne Barrow street approaching Jackson Place In front of tba new depot.

This la wrong, and If earned Into effect timt eaua great pub le ineonvouience. The width of the driveway of the streeta la but thirty feet. They are be paved wUh asphalt and should reserved i. ine tue of butrglee aud backs. One of these small streets i to opened at tb erperi of the djaont proo erty at a eoa of about and It would be no belter than robbery lo permit it lo be gobbled by a corporation to the great Injury of tbe abutting property and th public.

Th pudley Company Is now eckiug lor an ameaament pr iceir cnarter i as to permit lb or tb electric motor. When this is done tbaoe street should be exclud ed from tn grant by all means, aa in doing ao groat wrong win bprynur JL, avals It Cp. To th Editor oTT iBdlas polla Kewet Naw that suzwestlona benendal to the city la tere concerning Laat Market ar in orur. mak on tbat think adiy neeaed: That to Council douat on of the old plena of boa noflt for fir one for use la washing tbestreeuof tne market. The garbage that Is allowed to accu mulate leave an lutoierabl stanch.

I be decay ing vegetable matter. can be washed lntoth aswers, wher It will not offend th deilcai no trils of th lady patroas of th market. A llttl leaallneaaarouud a tlo wber food for thoo sauua 1 purxuasea wt oenamiy not a amiss. iV Jiia, 1 boon. it T1JIE DEPARTMENT NOTES.

Aerial Treek. eeled XaturaJ Gaa For Eafla BMtitp The dwoartmaat sow eootalrta several fin anott players, who are ope a for chail age. Cblcairo will ourchase heavier ngine tan tboee now used, and will piece tnera in th lum ber dlstrteuv 1st lata lumber are in tnat city la lb cause many suspicious remarks. Kansas City (till rauea upon the old telephone aystem lor raeeivtng alarm of ore, ana in many instances the Oapartmeu la paaiy nsmperea by excited eltixeu giving th wrong location of fire. Th probabilities are that all of the Engine House will be supplied with natural gas within the next few and several of th ingenious are working impcoyemeaie, 10 tasted its angina heaters, etc, Tbe convention of Chief Fir Engineer, which will meet tn la August, will be on of the largest gathering of the kind ever held, and every city in the country should represented by Uie Chief Eaglnaer: Manufacturers of fire apparatus claim that mo ot the smaller etue in Indiana ax at last providing themselves with some kind of fire pro and there ere good mesons for believing that Indiana's fir losses will materially lea In consequence.

8tn The New fttarted. tna doc as a nrarnan. all in Ore jouroala hsve undertaken to give their resdars a story of the same kind. ThNwgve Msja fine sena oti, but Eavern firemen are eraxver "Nellie" and "Fire The twodog (a repo'ted) oaa assuten tne nrumen in saving uvea. For someHtim Chief sweole, or too Chicago Fir IrertinenL has been working tor give bis men more time off dutv," and last we added aixty aJdit onal nun to the department, and will thus, be able to give each mau part of a day otT very other day, and as the men are permitted to exchange turn with each other, they can, tinder una rule, bay a aay on waeuever tney so desire.

A tet of th Blames coupling wss mad by Chief Webster yesterday morning by having the V) ater Company tela nr preisur na combining two two aqd one haif inch stream of water to a Hue of three inch bone. The test via a declded mioceas and by the introduction of the blame coupling into the department will permit the in row lug Of poaenui ann neavy atraama to in lops ot large building. Tbe absence ol an aerial ladder make such improvements necessity. It to be hoped tbat tbe committees, to whom was reiermd the matter of purchaaiug a hnok and lwider truck, will recommend the ourchase of this much needed piece oi atipariuis I he need of ueh a ladder i beyond all question. Lat riuodar.

at th fir to the drag bouse of D. Stewart, oa South Meridian alreet, the department came near having a repetition ot the Janu ary trouble, lbs pre nee of a stationary tire escape alone pteveutlug, aa by IL presence th firemen had no trouble la reaching the flune One of tha prominent architects of this tv made the statement a lew iuvs suo. vtiul at last tbe idea of making provision lor proper fir protection in busi tiers anu otner large tmiiuuiirx, is, oemg atiopiaa by jno aol the arohiteois, arid will result la making that lmpiant addition to plana one of the moat valuable made ice several veara In inat lutancea the elevators sre protected by sliding Iron door, shutting on eacn noor aa tne elevator ancende or descenus, and leaving all floor com plefclr shut oft at this point when the banding la C.oaed st nichis or Puod tys. As predicted by The News, the firemen were too mucu for the police iu. base balL i be fact of the mailer is.

ins nremen were wmfKiiea to win in order to rest In hereafter, liefora Ibe game wacaled Captain Lowry wa warned by his associates If be came off of the field defeated be wouid not be permitted to come into the engine boUfte. Tbe same warning was given mujoruy of the firemen and they accepted every chance. After tne battle the fireman were received with open arms. The proceeds, amnun'lng to some thinir near taw. wil be given Jacob Kubln.

the tlisoled fire tua and family vf ex Pull cem all Shea. i i 1 TUE MARKET SBWs. Thai New Yorl Mock. Market. tiriecisJ to The Iadianapoli Nwa.j 5ew Y6ke, June 8.

Tbe feeling wss general that the ma ket closed urong, and a higher range of prices was looked lor. it Is known tbat tne leeluiifr iu Kuroue ismorebulil Ulan here, and It is eouildeuliy expected luat it European quota tiotiscuDUiiue come a strong asyesterdsy, the curr, ui win cnaage ana me public here ink baud in making an active, buoyant market There waa sum talk of a new pool in G. uld 'stocks, tut tn luiormaliou could uot ver.fied. dooid lrieiids luMst that he will not enter tha market actively utiiil tho Missouri. Kansas A Texas matter is Dually dtaposed ot.

11 A. si. Ihe stock market opened dull this morning and with dec de ny weak tone, firt price being from below tha final finuros of teir.iy. jue maraei remuvnel uull. ud very lutl proKTeas was made 1h decline daring the first bait' bur.

but atuir tuat time there was a spurt of aulmatiun. accompanied by more de cided weakueta, aua tracuuoal amounu were over the entire list, fauging up to il ter Kansas a icxa i Quisviueot aud et. l'aul les'iing. Cotton oil i again active aud si ron and advauc though a por tiou oi tne L'aiu wa aiierwani toil. 1 aiiL Reading and Colon Pacitie were tbe activetocks, aud tne lant wa very well he d.

he market again bee ime duil and aleauy towini 11 clock and (bowed no nance at tbat lime, i Ian iw muiiev wj ity'T ffli nn, xar ailver 91" i. Tbe dealinira in tua stock market subaidei into the mo intense UtgDation after 11 clock, KesainganatbL raui alone keeping up a amblauce of business. The Hui tuations even in Uuxe tock were confine I within a range ol 1 though a genoraliy firm ton overspread tne ll4. U.4. 4 registered VH Wobil at Ohio do cuuooua.

1 Naaii. Cbat 7 IS. J. Caotrai Adams Northern Haviuc. SiJJ Al.uu.

lerr llauL 47', preferred 76 iNoruiwt rB ltiH4 Aiusrlcaa Ex i.ra...l in Bur. UK. N. Y. Contral li auada Houilirn it i.

Central Paol Ill preferred. 44 Chicago A A luin lii VbloA Ulssisa ppl. tan orelerrad st) Cuic Bur. uoKi i ot ii KlDiarindt Weaua liV Kir. preferred It rur.

av. I ISan. at (Jlava Or. Trana. 53.

i. layeiana uoiu 'a acinc Mail. sis uau Hudaoo. 1" IX tt, Del. Denver A Rio Ur 17 IP P.

n. i Lri. 24 oretarrad 44 Hock Island. Port Wayo Hoeklna Valley liouatoo A Tesa I ilmom wniraL. V.

laloretarrad .1 1 at. fauL HlOoru. Wesi. luV preferrett. Kansas Txaa lis Bt, M.

if. if astern oi. a Lac ashore. ttV preferred. LouiavllleA Nh.

Texas 1'aciflo. Luuiavlll A N. A Union Pacinc. Memnbta A Cbarl'n. 64 siicbls a Ctiur.

77H M. 1 preterrad praferrej. S7 i ell Fsran Minn. A nt. 4 Western Union ii 4utck liver preferred.

Missouri Pclflc Indianapolia tYboiaaalo Stmrkaia. Trad In staple groeerie lair. Coffee firm. with an upward tendency. Sugar steady; yellowH grades relatively high.

General produce active; receipt heavy, block medium in quality. Orange very strong at advanced price. Poultry trad improving. Butler weakAKgg firm, with liberal receipts. Beed' Clover 4.5X4.M) per bnvhel.

timothy f2 8 (a.X blue gran fsnVy fl.lftal 25. extra clean seed oats 70fvred top AkjygOd. Orchard Roasted Levering E. L. 20a Schnull A rag's 8Uudard J)ic.

MoCtiu A Ara blan Uale Champion ic, Arbuckle 0c Moiasses and imps Now Orleans mo lasses, pew crop, anoxic, medium sirups 3.iJlio noic btarcn Kice Caro Coal Oil SUrailc accarains to degree. Lake 6ait In car lot i Beans Navy 4.uu4ji per bushel, medium tl.iiM02.Si, marrowfat (k3.2S. Canned UoousBiadkberriea bean, string aoSc. L.m SUndsrd Sl.COCoiLTO, soaked hJdvisJc, wUortleoerr 1,001.10.

cherries two pounds fl.40!41.6u, oyster one pound U3cil, two pound 1.7lq)l.s.i, lUtbl poUDd oxa7c. two rmnds luctLUo, pche three pouudst2.fiu: 65. seconds three pounds t54U, pi peche I.U)L6Q, six pound pi i.9U3.10, pineapple Itahama 2 MV24 1 7 nnnnl. jjf in iu, imumM si.uu t. iu, soaxeo peas June pea tl.4iKvl.M.

raspberrie tl Vil.40. strawberne U. 10(9 1.25, saiiuot) on pound VLQ0Q1.1 torn' toe thr pound Sl.I0rAi.iO. soaked corn 9oc4 ill.tO. sugsreorn ll.lOrtl.oa foreign runs and Is nan an tt.

Jamaica SO, ng ldibo. crown London Lavar new ll Uiwt .1 Hiuikl. at a H. WUWIV tJp per box. Valencia new per pound, Turkish prunes old S'A'oAe.

newtVo dc. currant 7'Sc for new. Leghoru tltmii 2t(Jbc, almond ikriwii i aaiw, itihi uigiiiv, ua Druu LB niberta llue, wslouu spies 17a, rrencn ins. pecans wesiarn 10411a raw Dnut whitTnnsse6Vi7c, Virginia iVoJia data pine apple l.fao00 per dosen. Leading Drug Morphine 'l7txl go, onlnln ooioiooc, opium cnincouiai im i no borax 1 ltc.

camphor 242c. alcohol lt 1 J. astotuetMl ltxJOc, alum D'c, chloroform 60 4s70o, coopers per barrel i 5a. cream of tartar pure wuc castor 011 fi.u6i to, oil ol bergamot per round rS.3.6u. aoda bicarb aalui Eiwom 4aVa, sulphur 4(5c.

saltpeter uaiSo. turpentine tiDc, glycerine ifxlQc, bromnle ti potash 40 c. whit oil 53oc, linseed oil 6.Vo) 6Ha alum 40SS 60, wbtta lead jo. Iodide of potash t.10ua.S. carbollo acid aoiio? Tinners' Supplies Best brand charcoal tin I iuxi4.

i iu aua I4xu 17, ia 10x14, lzxi. and ltx 20 150, rooting tin IC 14x20 15.50. 20X 8 SU. block 10 pigs 3 ic, la bar 40a. iron J7 27 iron oe, unuua gaivantsea 00 per cent, discount.

aheet sia 7c. copper bottom Sue, planished cop. peraoc, aoiaer 44 Iron and Hardware Bar Iron fl90210. wrought charcoal bar ktllO. Uorseshoe Burden' Perkins's 4.i; Walker's 4 1.

.5, mule shoes to. 26. cut nails rata for tana Iron 4 10. steel nails 4 .15. horse 4.50 per box.

Powders to per 2pound keg. Shot I.t5 a tack. Grocene etirar Hard A s7o. euffea A white extra enrai ftVd yC, guo.1 yellow tJi'ioc, aaiiuou to lair vv cone ttmawi 10 ordinary grad 14', 15c, fair l.V&il&c, rd lSViee, rrim 17VJ trictly prim choie il9 taiicv 0ii.a Gold ya, 212ic, JavaS iV aific Hide, Tallow and tw Dealers' paying prices: Green bide No. 1 cured 60, No.

2 4u, dry fl it Mloc, ait hid otfeo, PlU cheep too 7" 4V WJ 104 is. Kx iai THE HTDIA3TAP0US KITWS, miDAY, TUKE 8. 1888. en 25, bora bides fLZK2.00. Tallow Prime 4 No.

it Grease Brown yellow 2, whit l4c. LITE STOCK MABK.CT. Light Kegel pU mt Cattle ftcipta of 0f About Light SUsewlpt of Sheep. CaahOaS. IKtCKaaa, Era Tardage: Cattle SOe per tat, noes 7c ansae so, Comamiorn Cattle Sue per baa U.

ralve per head, bagauaci dace aa, ooaoi oaoa gia. stieap single oaca fa, oouole ck asad bori wticuuig aader hM pouads of Bo vaiu. na pouuoa anaorr ear poaaa. rrr Bant ws are oocaed pounds eacA stag ao pouida. Feed: Cora 1 per tuaaLl)ay pax pouoaa.

BMirriae Cattls. Reretnt (of AhtDDlnr cattle llaut. Tbe deaad iagood for good well tatUMl cat UBiuioi graaaa dull, weqoote: Extra cbotoa tuGiA 4 4 Oj KutM Oood to stadium to oed air Common to fwr 1 uJ Cows a Mixkd. rtecaiDis et tmlcherr nattie also lighu Good cow and bener la good demaad at tair prie Common stun dull. a.

Ira cnoire Bel lers aa sd Ood te vuo ee simsI 71 stadiam to aaad i i uun4 Fair to medium 2 x.j en Uood to Obulce er.ara (Ol i) Medium good enwa I si.jit 0 Common to medium 1 5x.a sd nans, common ut clioio. tAxai vsai miw i so4 Cowsaad a is aut se fctoos. lUcsii ta of boira lurht Tba. marKet Waa active throughout at Brtcea abont (e blsber ttiao the ruiog price of yesterday. All aold; tog steady.

xirtniiTiTiTi So. Av. Pr. i if It 4 7: 84. 3d.

4 4i 11. 4 ot In7 4 MHai Keeeipta of sheep llgnu There was a good traaod lor good to clinic fat aheeo at price Is lo ceL higher. CommoQ grade duil at uo cDancau prices. noiee lamo la goo oeniana Common lamb very dull. r.xira cnnire sueep Oood lo choir sheeo knot 7i 4 3 Medinm to cood sheep Fair to medium 7.V014 1 IW41 74 tJommoa to fair shep Boring lamb KaM.

1 74 Chic ta 44 mock Market. Csncaao. Jane 8 Hom Rec Ipia njnt Market opened fairly aenveand firm at yesterday', prices but latardesdned yd l.lgb 43 TO Kun. pacalug 4 4 Mixod. i i '4 ii 74 Heavy peckiig son ebtupioic.

4 sv Catlle HaelDla74ul nead. Ataxaet stroua and lse lilguer. 4 4ci4 09 Cows aid ml l.fc. htockers ad feeoers 1 hotai Tetas 2 bUukt 10 Sheen ina hM.1 Mk Common ta OOOM Good to olca 4 tty4 40 St. Lout Lit tok Mark.

Br. 1 Lorrs, Jua A CattleReceipu 2J0 head Market mcber. Ha Ke lpta 1,000 head. Market blrher. Cboice baavy butcnarC aieotloo.

41 syt TJ Pa kinf a V4 Lteht graie. i 4 44 Bbeep Receipts 400 bead. Market firm. Initiannnxslla Oral a At It at, Markets ulumpisb. Wheat dull and dead; No.

2 red at 93c o. t. Cora dull and In no demand; No. 2 mixwl fuo reg. Oau steady; No.

2 mixed held at'ac Total Iiipectioni In: Wheat 3 can, corn 13 car bay oa a. Receipt Flour 873 barrel, wheat 8.C0O bushels, naw .1,000 buahels. rye 26,100 bushels, barley bu hels, hnyi cars. Shipments Flour 1.125 barrel, wheat 1 800 bu ohels, corn 12,600 bushels, oau buahels, rye liono binbe.s. Wlev 1.800, hay 2 can.

Wheat No. 2 red Mc. Wagou Wheat vx'tn. Corn No. 1 white 56o 0.1, Na white o.

No. cl, No, 2 mixed yellow nominal. Wauon Corn 5fks. No. 2 white to rrivo.

No. whit 3040 a Na mixed Sj' c. bran flioa H.y Cholc timothy 17.75, No. 1 timothy 117.50, Na 2 Umothy $13.50. Miaoeilaoeoue rroaaos, DesJerV Soiling Prices atrawbrrrlei quart erata UOdLOd.

blaad (A tXlLO0. Uuose berrie to wer stand. 1 Curraiit 7.0 per staa Cherriee S4 1Xx00 per ataud. Practice, buhl boxes, il.O fancy, i bushel, tl 00. Tomut f2 00 bush'.

Oiikiii Bermudas liOft 2.25 oer box. 14 00 per barrel. $1 So per pusnei. New spn es 5 cper 00'l 0 per barrel. Beaw Sound $1.

perruubel. Pea ti ST 01 50 per b.irrel;. (L50 per bnshei. Ca bae la.OCk per crate. Potatoes Burbsuks 9Sci tl 00 per buahel.

New per barrel, iloney One pound cans. lliqiJuo. Oranee Met siuas 200 sue S.KKav.Sn. jjn site VI 5ix5.0fl per box. Imperial Jft.01 50.

California 4.nWnQ per box. Lemons i. od to choic $4.00150, cooic to fancy t4.5CKs.0ii. tsi avud Coke. AnlhrailK7si7.ou per ton.

PuUbarg f4 01, JackwD coal nut 33.50. Piedmonl and Bloss bum ti.OO, Kaymond S4 rjo. Duirgvy luruptl 0. nut 12 50. KanawhaHOO, Brazil 13 25, Island Citv lumpfJO nutt 75.

crushed coke 14c a bnthel or $3 50 per load, lump coke 13c per buahel or U. 25 load. Etfga, Butter, Poultry ami reathers. ltiyi4 Choice live Poultry Chlckeus7c ben per pound, roosters turkeys 7c, youu. Pima ace 3 mil leaioereo voo per aoren, dUCksoo a pouao.

reamers rnme good S5o a pound. Kags per 100 pounds. i Markets by Telecrapti. TOLEDO. June 8.

Wheat Dull and weak; ran 11 aua June July ea, August b' wwuiwr v.yjo. Krn i ower ana quiet: ca and Juue 5Jc Oats cash Sow Auut bid. Clover eed Firm and cash ra ov, vciouer es.ou uiu. N.w Yokk, June Wheat Unsettled and 1 'ie lower, with leas doing: receipts 104.60H bu ela; So. 2 red reo June Ju.y 2tritsl(s, Septemtr Decoin Aiiirusi 9.

be lower and weak; mixed VYeMeru spot Xv) lUtirre rK't recipU 41,700 bu ln: June iSt.OOO bu ueia. Oat Dull and a shad easier; Weatera receipi 60.000 busbei: sales m.OOo buabeht. Beef Dull; new extra mcas rork bteady and quiet; uew mesa xil .00. old men $14(214 50 Lard Dull and weak: steam rendered tA AS Butter Jn far demand and firm: wesieru 14 iifhir. Llgin creamerv lSVlu.

Cbe se Firm at 1 including lancy new white and colored at gVe, western flat 75,8 skims lTc. nrsr i cruanea oc. powaeiva 7c, granulated ic Mola es S'eadv at IV le CoBee Snot uull; fair Bio 16o. options poluta hieher aiter june. epirit iiirpentin Dull at Suxo.

nwii Chleago rata Markst. Jpira 1 r. st peniiig. i Lowest. 1 Closing.

Wheat Jtine4 8ttt MX juiy. Aw. Pr. ISM C7II TO 77 MI 4 7U rt 7Tf 7 47 V4i. 7 4a 4 74 W3.

S4' Of teut 1 L' 84. KHf 43 3'. MS Si. 27 is rv it 7ff 14 14 tr 'S 14 14 14 10 14 II it 14 so TO n. 7 tO 7 7 7.

toa worn 1 JaneJ sait 44 44 t3 ft 14 10 14 12 14 24 14 A) All. Haul Oat. June Juiyl JkU lept Pork Jdbl. Juiy. Ang.

Beut 14 uua June July, Auc 47 so a 7 57S 7 7 70 SO 4 C7 7 7 70 7 77fi '0 BlbaH June uiyJ 72 7.40 7 3 7 7 81 AUC HeptJ Asked tBId. Iomina). DIED. LANOLKY Little Emmet, bob af Alvla and Kate Lanxley, died Thursday at II o'coc a. aged two year and momb.

Puaaral Bat nraay at o'clock p. m. Frieoos invited. CHURCH MOTICK. RDKR CHObKN FBI ENDS Th analversary Vj sermon will be delivered by Hev.

M. 1 Uaiaea, 1 rira rreaoyreriaa t.uarcn, aoouiweet corner New Yorkr ud Pao nay It sol a atreeta. At sun bar and tbeir Canada will aasemale In balls lo Wbea loca, at p. uoaay, jua 10, aod Baarc tbeeburch. By order BtcmiU4 SOCIETT MCEKTINGS.

K. OP P. Kxoelaler Lodge, No. X4, regaiar meet log IB evening, o'clock. Work la third ran, 1 ailing growers welcome.

hisi W. W. DeTT. K. nf K.

and SONS OVLTkRi8 Attention. Regular meeting ef Camp to night. All brother ax re quested to be pre tot, Important buainesa. By viovr, aiHiiT. i pi omnia in C.

M. Pickka. First xwgeani. o. O.

P. A raa ular maetlna Ollvn Ur.iv Lodge. Mo. 10, iof will be baid to nmrrow (ntrdayvenlu. at clock.

Visiting Dwr are always weioou. Ell a Ltzzist RoBBBTa, Raoardlng nacrelry. MFOKX IN K. of PT soaior lit vlalea', VJ No. II 'All mania of ftcolior Division ar requested te meet at room Court Hoaee, Monday, vaoiug, Jane 11, al a.

to perfect dual arrangauiac. for atlaudlng CincinnaU twnolav Jua 14. Casern L. Hcnann. Capta la.

JW a. wul, wcorgw, AtiPKClAD meatiag of the Indianapolis Caledonia Quottiog Clab will be held to morrow evening, lb sth mat at their hall, (Orel su, at o'aiock prompt. A full aitendaac is requested, aa bual neaa of tmporuaoc will ba brought betor th auviug. order Jogw A. McOaw, President.

(1 A. Attention Cam iiBre aod social at Chap 11, an na it an, ion nd Wasblnatoa turday eva. Juo A An latereating pro gram ba beea arraased. All ooaura'laa. tbir taio file and lb poblio gcoorally ara eardiaUy iBVltad, Laorr body oust, Admlas ion free.

uil aora I. w. oQB Aajnuas WANTED FEUALK HELP. QIRLai ill Park av. A GOOD Ctrl at Mlchlga at.

J. OOOU wsut hand. 14 X. iUloon st. W0 good laoa ry gicla.

If otei aaits MMEUIAT LY, good girl. 1 E. Pr ItT 'OOU waa woman fbr laaadry. National ilouL Tltft glxi lor housework. Waaningwo lJ at LS AHH4.B and crusber iaid.

Ala bmau fVTh ior general wora, at Kayateoe RaUnr ot, I 1U7 Mas ava. iyiu olom room girl at to Ca fbraia Koose, vjjeooin iineoi, ACiOK at Farmers' Exchaage, No. I4S Xast Wasninrtoa at. IMTisT cLas5 ironers. fennmrvill Lauadry, I US Virginia ava.

Soon Oarman girl to do geaeral boaaawork. van 717 Meridian at. 4 SuIm nf. a good girl ta wanted fbr genei ajnousewora. fATU Kft reuevated at IU hi bnseus ava.

I at. F. Duois. Proprietor! 0H) cln to ro short ditanoe la country: I pay. 751 Wssblngton.

good PXfERIE.vuEli irl tnr general ooaaawora; 4 good watea. Cnl I toro dway. tii hotel aad booae girls. Ladies' Parlor, a Circle at AKY bdggiaaea bamnna tamps oa uvmeata 1 or ca JohB none, 49 w. Waablngtonn.

fNTL to go to counirv cblTdren: enod wage Inquire corner Market war, Hataraav morning. Mr. rcott. 1F.T)lATb.t good niwlnie ated ladv te do chamber work and waOiltirt muat come wall recorrmeiioed N'o otbr Beed apply. lU tnia evenine st vF4 r.

waninrxrinau JLJa oai WANTED MALE ELP. yyT HITS, barber, lai Indiaaa ava. JjAkBEH lor biiurday at College ava. AABR wanted at US waahingtoo M. IX rrters oo aevf routes for the Hand Pre good solicitor for mydioiog rjxas.

1JU Illinoia, 1LAcKs tlTH helper. Our. Ninth and Ceatral KtT CLAbB upboiu arera. Ceatral Chair Com pany. I HOT'lO, ruoaer Immediately, at tbe Illinois A VTor larm good pay.

7i ill tntinn. (lERsilN ooy to learn the tin art' Maaa ave. JOY wit aia xi.rlnc, Ui noishoarbar trade. eo 1, YOn'j mtniodrn poultry and drive waoa A il; tvK weil.yj Ataaa. ave.

VXPKtUKNCKD'ufnc man. Qraod Colo Com J7l rdai Bureau. 31 'lrcie at IliCKKt and upnTTlaierer. UrssmCsissL pu men Huraau, kt Circle si Tit Kis stead work. tTtand Colon Em pin, ment Bureau.

IJ Circle st. ACIU.MST, NO. 1 OPEMNO. Grand Uo ion lit kmoormem Hure.u. tl Circle at VJMPkTLNT eollcitors 01 accidanf xood pay to ibt tiartlea.

Addreas new. IUST CLAM4 at kdiaburg, week. Call at 74 Maas cbnaetta ara lsao avoilA A iuunu rasa who can sneak otrmta for 0111 ciar and other ill 00 work. Addi aC e.i Nnrt fiAKPE NTEKH, macbimstii, opholeierer and packera, Uraod Union Kmoiovmeat Bureau. si MAHhtkll man to driv team aad milk: boos and cardan mrn.sned.

Km niovment ai larcie at. WHt run want a pair of paats, dnn'l call on Miles. 7 Illinois, lnooaiity. I ano durability non other compare. SAL.L8MAN paieutad uaotul good asea in every bouaehoid.

L.I era I eoinmtaaioB allowed. On dollar will start yoa In bti lnoea. Ad drea lor particular, witb stamp, Huoter At Kua seil. It Pearl L. rnd Rai ld.

Mich. 1 Bbeiiand Zacatei'a beautl; 11 apottail. sinned, ao. Id coHir; laraest la A martca; rare chance to make monov. tncioe la re It add esie atamped envelope B.

Van ran Boerne. Ijounty Texas. VMDRROW at 7 o'clock. Dttigood lannrars to wore on th Coosuniers' (la 1 rest pine unee lo tbecly: all apolh am for work will report oa Alabama near laevonth: non but nod. flrat eissa larireraana resiiiettta or inaiaoapoua oeea Bupiy.

j. ninney fe unmraciora VOTIOF. TO LABOHS.R OP IN IUaNa PoClH: it We. ime contrail. of tba CnnauiiierV Oa Trust tompanv of Indianapolia hereby aive aoiice that wo will plac open for 1 good, able biMiiad laonrer 10 work on our gas trencher) st tiperdavu 111 Monday morning.

June 11. leA 1 be above will be be i.pen to lahorer of lodlao apoll onlv. If by 7 clock Mondav morning a unicient imh do not a note will thereafter taae oa enough otner laoorer to oom dete iu DtimrHT aa they may atnly, wbeiber ibev corp rn.m lunianapoiui or eiarwnera. triPBev Cot'tracTor. WANTED SITUATIONS.

10 bousswork; small lamiiy. (4 Uoflbrook Yvu aj aa aura; ur ciasa rirac Lordt Til 1 workmmeodae CTE.etXiKAPllY'aud offic C3 ttona. A idress it care 1) boy of axtven In Job rc news office; tbree A year." exnerienc. S. care New.

nl7 Ct, ur and laciory help aio. stria for note a ana I amine 1 Vanoe Block, Virginia av. li a tiaasr: outdoor Job work preferred: re. erenr rarnisneo, jame Aterrywaatiier, Oreencastle, lad. WANTED AGENTS.

MA LK or female; city or country. Apply to Na TO Set ou 1 hut. DoLlCi 1Uli. Horo HenefK, cclaanl, alck aad k'' burial beuanuv srj 31. url war.

'1 1 i.i,,u,i XToVkLTY ihrt la taking hica. xo by norm: a 4iiiui ntcnlc: aver j.uOanld iiara. J. R. Pua y'l.

1. PICHgO, 111. IXiH tha Indlananoli Merald la every town la tbe mate. M. K.

Uywas, publtsbar, SO aa Market Indianapolia I 1 a I DNTIAL ZZDru omeiblng newt eMMlciiors wanted to sell i mrcbau Outfit by isii for 4 rnt poslag aiauip. W. li. aa neeier, upr itiranieaq. aio.

WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LLkmdsof fuTBttara repaired as 4 4'lrgmia ciuuiiia lor aouaejioid gwoas. cow. wasning kj 1011 at. A acoor soap, on ly c.

A wonoar1 wasber. to piaou's for hack and livery wVWaah a inaiuB at. ffO KEN a flying bors machlna. Tt J. care Mvt MAL fhotocraon sailerr.

a J7 Wahtugton jfTATOFHii. tblng: highest pric paid. 117 Maaa, Vava, Mr. Line. CTORAGE from averyoody.

Talbou, 7 bouth PBDaylvaoa t. KnoN, arcldtect, Vialoa Atloak, op poslie postofHce. ft'c Jo a full set of teeth at A roarl's, 1 at tTO W.hiBgton.t. HIGH iji price paid for furniture, carpet, ate, IW W. Waihlnrlon.

paid I agion. aairi ion a nr; 4l MoK toamok a tha Dolphin cigar at alley 149 W. Waablnaton sT (IA. TiFF clothing; iftgne i price paid, lli Ma saebnsatts ave. Mr Line.

tAnl OFPciotnin. vvasblagto Mlg price paid. j. Hudweiisk y. CM ALL property northeast, oa moauUy pay I meaut, jtoorae it care raewa 1 rr WkSftV heap of rood, cpeap larm hortas at auetloB aiaoi, i w.

uiiiriKUS, 1 LA TAT A suburban home, with from IV onldflycxeaa)f grouud. Addreas It A Oar New a good road Dors lor a No. 1 brood A mare or two year old Ally. Addreas A Mew omc. a

a a.a u. A bunoi called for and delivered to all pan theenv j. tl crtei at i rooneior I'M Nan on Uatsrrb Parlor, room 10 and It, A vrle, yaa 4 Ionuaa af each wa for free treatment. FA RTIK aviog a aood bout uTlahl fbr boarding house, centrally located, can find a good tenant by add seeing Caffen. 1 Illinois street, UK boy 4 or room cottave nonbaaat and pay tlo eaab, tbeo pay monthly pay menu anul paid.

wiin per cent jo real enat man neaa apply. 4. care Newa. rooma for wlthla fnur square of Bate House; ma a and wire; 00 chil dren; firm or second noor; rafereBcea glva. Ad drees s.

eare News, Ii Ysingls gentleman, furnished room wltb use of A bath room, wltbln Bv squaresof Circle; Drt vsi family preferred. Befgac Adore with particulars 1, r.awgomee. ITTHI ArBOBA TKA ITO abarth' door It want 01 loe im nous, buys Scan Kvrren gweet cor i Ssc buys 1 can appias. Sac buy 4 caa tomatoes. buys 4 Iba sun dried applaa.

tc buys I can Lust's BarurUjasrA lie borate pumpkin. zouyirao atriug aeaaa. Ti ftflri 1 caa Luek'a waiia abantaB. any I can la'a plums. buy can lima bean.

40c buys! eo ilfnra Kc boys I lbs Califoralg dried grapaA lae buy I lb good. eat na lAc buy I caa freari star Oraad loan as, tnr bar I rood Yoaag Hy ta 40c buy 1 lb roasted HantoscotTaa. pic buys 1 1 greae Ban to coffaa. Sao buys II bar laaadry aoap. the buy 1 lard.

Sac burst eans oil aardiBsa, buys 1 eaa Cailfur nla table 1 Se beys I esa Yarmnulb eora. boys I sun dried peaches, no nuyi 1 gallon flue ulrus. toe buy I railoa Orleans molsssss. se buvs 1 lb all ainds Jelly. 4wt arlcaa oa aurara: com sad eaa.

At 14 W. Wbingto EDUCATIONAL. CtJMsf KRBOHOOL at tha Indlanaaolla Basts I'Biveraily. Wba Block. N.

Paan. M. bpacial low rata: eommodioo and wall WDiUaiad ball; beat Instructor; oatroaaar wnUB el ess, J. Uaab, ciaaa; morning I I 1 rOK KatlfT BOOMS. pCRNISHLD ronma.

74 W. Market sW WOaafvu Bad rooaoa. UsM fiiraisb mi ao 'unR misbad CSKlAXLEI) or a luralshad. SX XaatatT JOANlSlItb front room. 144 Eaat Sew York.

I PWI) or three aanhed rooaoa. 27 Bw A Yerkat. VT 1CK. rurnta roeuu. over WKUIM, X.

i.1 Carter. 1jll i N'T room; first floor; aofurahed, lit Nor Us Mendiaa. 15Vi furalsbed front room. Ill Nerth itew Jeraey street OUfa ru'riilaosd ar run. lab ad.

cnusatisave. FCTiMisH and nnAuraishedrooa Wasbincion at. CO "EfT OUIO. suit Bfurui bad rooms, refer Ual enr reqrjireo. ICKtYVe lUr6 rrer roam, with hath.

A FICKNISHFD room eoumole tw gesuleaaeav IU N. sland'an u. VTCt LnFur Bilbao rooma. centrally located. J.

N. tw Jersey at. XTf 'V and nnf nhd rooms, 1 1 X. Ullnula at. iriCKLY FCR.NIBHKD raxma; aU eoaveala cea.

n. ,4 Walauu rooma, lattice porcn: oluoat everv jreom: Si 1 1 oitmrnuned rooms; very assiraoia. iii. Trnoewea. corner Ohio.

TTF.HY desirable, furniihed froat room. 114 1 an nea ea, corner tinin. PBONT bedroam: riribed: soltab I for two ga tlemen. 14 N'. MerMiao at.

TTiLKiIAN "ieeplng room, taraished or aafur I 4j ni hed. K. N. Y. Reference.

I f)70 KOTtTfrMKBlDl ANTveVy eiebie front Zi'J room. rurnKhed or unfurmihed. I F' r'y 1 a. a. roTlisnm runn, thr two reotlemen, 4 anrt ll par mnotn.

anfurmsbed and one rurainhed room, cea tl tral orlvata family. 81 B. Vermont at. iiE HjOiOOM, near corner loa street 1 and virainla avenue, around floor.

AOareetA. care News. W. Ver mnnt at. Ianulreat Younc Men' Chnailan As si si.

iinnoiast. 4 KW omr aalonal aentlemen can rlnfl pie aosrtmcDts sw siiuarenorib Court House; moe yard, onl i locaf on. bv sddreastnr NewoiTlce. A etiit room. uiini loromce, in tt Jo insnn RnlMlng, II A Eaat Wasnlnstca rreei.

Tula sen the an m. fl or oocnpl hv John NCaven, Bltnon Yande a. and Oi ay pool At Ketcbam. ivauiw vaiiiaiv, .10. u.

Street room tr rent for roan and wife, wltnon' erlldren. Ladv eaa ray rent hv attend tngto lieht office busmesa. Rooms centra ly located and ntcelv fomlsneo: refer ncoa reonlred Call fa nrday. Sunday nr Monday, at Nob Parlors. rooms 10 ana 12, over L.

Ayree A Ob's dry gagd iira, i FOR RENT riOTJSES. JOC8E W. Xw Yr 10 rooms. Cfifc list. 44 Markst sL John u.

boann A IT OCttC, 40 Fletcher av.t piped for natural gma. IoUlt ltooi house: "Baughvllle, No. 24 BTi marrk YTpKOi )M' nose, with three good roomers, lit 4,1 jais issippi at. TTOUSKt ami rooms In Block. Dyer i ss mann.

3 oreie trClTHjKir aoven Kim. 4lll Bellefontain atrool. 11 Inquire at 41 1 Beteieialoe atreet. Of 1 I liiTi lo room and bath, aalural Qt ga flttln? a. Apply door west.

NJHlTRSMvr JKRipYrwarerrr and rar ttaiural pa verv complete. H. wart. FCRN earoeta. U)ve anyihlng von aieed for Hoiiaekeeninr na 1 vmanu nr e4h 4 and 7t West Washington on aquar weal of tranafercar.

Johnfltine. 1 B4, NlXTlTBTREKT, I 00 Doom tnr street a rooma lei 11 no 8 00 ewmao atr or, rooma Ml. Jackson, 7 rooms. 44 Mehuem eenti, spr ronm, A. At TsVLoayA 7 Vlrglpl va.

TROAD RIPPL enromer reaort fbr rent: ra I eonabl ralaa to cood nartiaa. Appiy to la Metzger, AgsaL FOR BENT Officei and Stores. A NfW Uorrroom in Pair Block. laqnlr 114 a tiinnia AMPLE anil mce second floor; nattn beat, Wm. H.

Siuyiba, Oraad Narretanr OTlKi ROO. with living room sad flrat rlaa a attached. Mil Blaka. aornar bakerv oven atiache l. Michivan, Inquire al 1 WaablaaOon.

ENT MISCELLANEOUS TWO large rooms: suitabi. for msnnfaoturlBg. Apply at Bryer's has ery. ')( ACHES of good hloagraaa paarur near Ma lott Farjl. Innulr rv la sell, ss N.

PiANOn and cheaper than any plai the euv. IL Baldwin at Un kk. 07. N01 UlAN'tiH and araahs from tLtu toti aer month aiid the rent apVlled or? rnrc PTn Unal tTnua. a ANNOUNCEMENTS.

JR.BOTNTON. 17 Non A la nam a Tal epboas A RTI5, salt ruing bread, north and of City a Hall. jLTIVAN. daniun. Ka, 44 Last Waabrogto M.

KAZOMd aad acn Honae, Vi Circle aciaasr grouad al Mar oar Bupy Cit. to rplann'e for backs and iivary. I Washington et: lalapnon 84. Tl A KKY M. HICK 4, Ti.

tv. enilt. taa. "Wl XX Waabinaion at over News oftloe. TJTL1.IA MTItANLkY, axperienca nrset II references given.

lletioeoce, 74 Wlltoa St. nRT.v. BBAYToy. lOi NCMerldianrornce bouts IX. to a.

Kawdaaos. aud Washlnc ON aceount nf stckaaas. tnr will ao plealo at Emerick'a Orove buudar. jDue 10. aa ax nonoced.

i. a 'OUK attention, ladle! a.w 1 1 Bvslem an D. W. Moody' Tailor uitlng Laogot at 174 Vlr llnla ave. I Olo tdwirdM.

Van Pelt'. S3 N. Dlawart 1 oppoaii canter Cltv Hall, far all tba bast branda of floor aad read, and all the dlflerent kinds of cereaia FKI NDLY I Hit WOOD YARD. Wood sad kiBdllna. wholaaal and retail: ana Ladaiaes end meal in cent.

Wore; for destitute tr anal aal. Talephona gA rp irKPouria Presbyterian Church will give strawberrr festival Friday, Jan from 4 lo p. After tbe feauval there will an entertainment In tbe audienr room ef th cburcb. Avery ouecordlallv Incited. AUCTION SALES.

le HUNT, Aactlooasr, 41 K. Wash. N. A (I CrSTI aal N. Pk.aY.aucUonrr 44 K.

Maxkat st. CrtTLN A McCCKDY, aactmneariT Wast uington. a CCTION BALE of bouaehold god, I will sell XX. on Monday, Jun II, at 10 o'clock a. at tba raaldeaee, 44 Lanjel at tba full lurnlabinr of a six room bona, eoosleti' g.

of marble top walnut bed room sets, tables. chairs, walaut 'extension labia, carpet, curtain, maltr, I fin cooking range. 1 new gasoline stove, sewing machiae, haagiag lamps, table ware, eut? these are all ale goods; laxe virrinia ave car. n. rerry, Auctioneer.

ATJcf 1ON144XB ot real attaie. 1 wlU sail on turday, June, at o'clook a. on tbe premise, East St. Jo tb two story frame dweillo hooaa or eight room, bath room. table, lot SOxlM) "fee.

Tbi 1 a desiraOla roperty and a deairabl locatioo. Terms: One nlrd eaah: balanc in one and two year with per cent inteteet on ferrd payment, Joseph CL Bmall.anmmiailoaanKdwardOilbart, mood in ion moca: i rerry. Aoctloaear. UCtlO bAliK of hooaa bold gwod. furnluir and caraeia.

I will aail at my roam. No. at Km at Wa biDstoo straet, oa a o'clock. on martil Uip sideboard, marble lopoentar laruea, atand. anony parlor auita, office derK.

oilloa tab la. uphoiatarod chairs, rockr, faaoy chairs, faatber piiow aao Deo, wring, rfimcortt, no wamat bdswdv mtitriwi kitchen a fee, wash "da, loongea, boox sd aacretal wardrobe, aaiiv, rors, china and gla aware, extai ma table, good. bare a. stoves. rood bMoser sewtnr chine, and many other aruclaa.

A. L. Hunt, Au aiuu ar. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. rpHEaannsl meetlag of slack bolder af tb Af 1 w1Ar jl aesai mining ana rasa Aeaoclalloa bel at tb offic of Dr.

J. IL Tavlae. 470 Waahtngtoa st Jbbs 14, at Tdw b. m. Wm.

4wss ton, rreiioani. Oi r.Lu.nuasnii'.aiiK in uoccmi hit hi Tra I Bbrhl. Juaall lMIA at konlhaaat mraar kla bli.a and Moerst eta. BharOiu, due 25 cant weekly, aiaaaai aomaai 11 mbu muuiv. a nil aiam mt or tara loaned.

Preferred rem lam lor loan atop on oa shsre when In dues ar paid, sad so ea aa each t0 ta paid. Iatersat per cent, Doe received at any lime aurlnr bual neaa bour A toa groearv ore of Woody A Toenlng, aoatneaat 00 nav or nerKaaa aao Moms street bv J. JL. IAS. treaaurei, at taa real eatate offlc of EUdrldr dt ng.

worth west ooraer or Waablogioa aad Dela ware sta. J. B. Falr. Prdat.

44. P. Woadv. Becretar. 'I'UIC Araaoai Bulidin and Loan Aasociatloa aavervMsiMlav nla ht at Dr.

I. Tavlor 'a offio, 470 K. waahiagton wl open lis lourth series Jao Is; ebare 4100, BtrBC fe Tse, doe tt per week, exponaee fcc every four weeka; On and premium payable week ly. interest moalbiy. Borrowers bave iba advantage of paying back I hair loan at any time la um equal to one share, thus stopping tba payment or Utereat, premium aad due on lb hare raooeled.

plenty of mooey ow on hand and premium low. Book are now ope and mbactiptior will be received by tb following officer and dire core arm. Hwaoatao. Presdant: rt. w.

Morgaa, Vice Pre deem: lr. Tarlor. at. t. orgaa.

ic rre deenti IT. 1 arl Tree surer; J. B. Bcott, Beretary H. H.

Bevllle, Olllet, Auaiib, i raatr, W. N. Burt, W. Blocker. Jle, A.

FOR TRADE, POLD WATCH and Chain, B. trT. Barmood id drivlnr snnr mevemant, for good horaa; will pay cl Here oca la eaab. W. P.

aia. Ortginal F.arl Clothing Company. I At hub Hair Bar, large bay baroncb or dellv AA ery bora; pair tmporuM Bt. Bernard dora. th re m.

Bernard pop, pair matl(T (UlmrDoa geal, by 1 he new groeer at No. 7 N. mta FOUND. THAT dies ad men1 3 shoe oaa had fbr tl 7A aad all other rood la BraBoxtlna at Jaai Mealier', Mraar al uh and aia, II 4iH Ma a lWa a i a ti A I 1 FOR SALEREAL, ESTATE, I OObB and lota, Dyer A naaamaoa, Ctrcl si. I I KOgSTT; tir "cood street; 41.IXX); ror Ua day oa y.

i i. e. A TRADES for lo good secand ka4 pbsetoo; etaaap. IM broad way. iT.

CLaTk at a hxgla (e day. Cra K. la si i JL be niiful cnuatfs oa Horrlyk ave, VvTil I sale cheap sen an nr botk ate bargain, kiriaad Pewar, I JT Eaat. i aahinctoo at. 4.

Villi Bargain: 1 will avcure It Waalilna lea streat: stnrw and dnului Henry fl. Fajr, S3 Vane Block. t.IVK bniM la Hiigbtwoed. 4 rooms each and I real for eacb: larn kt: must sold. Price 4 m.

a ir i i rwr i.d.,1 iiiiTft iVtuOoit aaeTle rt. aa N. llltBOla aw Twatitv Klrat Bajra aia. Klrland A Power. H.S E.

Vaahlugtoa ALIXMkTZtiElt. Oo of the beat ioemted. lots ta tYuwn Kill Ccmeterv. Ca. XX aecuon will sell half, ee ta wnoi at a raaoabl meet sir.saitti.

t'lV hoOSt saw boo oa Johnson bad oa A half aquare north 4 Washiagton su, wVtri barn; mt iiai. a iroat, tevuie, Vi w. Waablnrtna. nOwJS TtVwJ BARUAlNtwo Mnry frama bona. rooma.

rat, eta4 lot 4uxi Nona Pr.vlaaiat, forV W. Mica A Co. aiaraet O'SA'ot tne best suck hu ut ani anocaed and la good rnaalTg. order wen Would cace a good dairy farm ta pan. pay mBW Addrwss SIX excellent lot oa hmtnna ava, tiht each; at Uann Pen dial on Hike, arh.

KealdMe Sronenty 271 N. New Jereey at. Jame 4L lMthera, i Vance Block. nRIC'lf cottaas oa A Ohio at will sen at a bar ala: small Davment down: balano ne mnatnly raynwnta Klrland at Pewar, X4K 4V. waativnernn at.

room I a week: ao later do taxaa vr until paid fir a few mrir let to aeil la i'T tumuf Miami rtee easy'a ymeott. Uermana MebetdU ii ssm wawn gionvtreet. 4J IX iiree eaat ef Virginia avenue on rmeueot 40 foot rronl Mta.ail Kltrh In la wpmllllleuk per ereoa: 00 In 1 areat; ao laze antll paid lor; 1 4d Bradieyidt Deaay, 34 North De twsrtu HOOMlNtl. booming. Haunhvllle lots on weekly paa meniaof 4140 without luterei; nearly every ana in i iirt a aoniimn, ano we aave oeen eom pelied la pial the ground aojolnter, which la now ee ling rspiolp; secure yon a lot nnica or Vna will Be I en; eluae ta tbe maonfa tarlnw eai ahtidimeota aid tb atreet W.K, Mick A iraeu YMNxUubiirban realdaao lib lliaa rot ofground a.

im pwinii wiin ra. 1 boo rear at airway. ha. I aad rear atalrwav. Iwo rour bay wlnanwa.

mantels and grates, door, sewiv nalnted and nar red. la rr. ami bar and oarriag. boose, gravel drives. 4 cherry trees, 4U grapevine, guv teet arbor, near and ana tree.

ID Snnare aire) ear lla: nrnaartv eauit 1 now onereo ri.r S4.w. rare bargain aa party Is waving dl y. IL H. Bevllla, X.14 W. Waah inytK' I UOATORY frame hooaa.

I rooms. N. West at aa al front, larva lot. dawa Iowa, verv erteap, MaJ. Three couavea oa Smhs Hid lor S2.1i4, whlcn rem fbr par year, and were never ac'caoaa naw outta, room, aoutneaat.

in parfaot order, with eaat aad anath rrast f.r fi.atn. A aeax oo tag, 4 room, on Lack street, wlin goo sed lot, owa abad. and aood aubl lortnuo. A two nory noose, I rooma on corner lot, 47 foal iro'ii, wnnin rour niocaa ar laaiea touaa, Norib rude, for tax Taylor A room 1, Old JOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IJBST cord wood la city. 44Kobiea1 JBUO TOBk In V.

M. 6. A. bulldlo. jYHYstov wood: 44 NTobleal, HY mlil Wood; 1 per load.

44 ii Neble. QAHUOA artte. 44 a. Nobis st JB.Y split wood UC big load, lo? W. 6W GOOD pouy; cbean, MM N.

Mississippi A No. 1 Jtrsay cow aad cai 144 Meek auaet. RV lNDLl.NaJubiulss, ta. 44 Nabla." jOOD dry aummer wood 74 wad. 17 W.

Ohio. 0ounir, abow caa aad deak. 17 Circle at. OOOU'PLA laqulreai 21 Virginia ava" 'J'Ufc Dolpula cgar at ally's, W. Waalu aio TB hickory mill wood.

Big load. 1S7 West yj' I 171 WJwsia rjO for hackaand very. 171 W.W BIAiaj BJh LOK tt A LK PlMitograpi gallery. 7W Ws Ington at. X.I OJ dies dry koadhaa 1, delivered, 137 i n' if.

liri Janav liai, I ealf. afAlXM'iN'r N7Bia'k airt; causa of Bala leO leaving city. Inquire premUea. r.w 1 ago aa. (iH A candy, frail and tc crasm tnd; good trade.

4U Weal Ws ahlnt ton street. rR PR7K)r' cnmbioalinn loca sale: beat max; iwr mau. ouraa jnew omc. VfATC KA LTgas htung Mtblinmeatrbetlo a uon Uon la city; contract Included. Mews trie.

I aau. biiarjad irocr aod meat niarKst; aver htne. month. 1.. Addraee ICBreNeW Ui anaonanea money.iuAKing oakery nd con Jecuonary, alcxaeav Bmlth A 4 ast Waahlerton.

pool labia; billiard ana pool Baiu. aad com plow outfli, cheait, A6 dreaa Sowsoee. A CaXl stock of grocarlas and fixiure. bora aud ti wasria, owel ing, mom wltb tnr room; la aoo. araiagi raear.

A DiIUK 1LN, patent dump: wlthlatorty mile viKji natural nar magnince eppontinliy lor noma live man. Addreas News. new an seeonn aaad. sold ba month Illy payment nral agent tor tb America Vyciaa; aend tamn for ea laiogua. A.

IX John At lot N. Pennsylvania sty T)ICYCLr; itKiTTutor light roadwer on pay If sneniaitiOoash aod th balance llu per month. Peat eqolped repair shop In tbe Was lnalua Bicycle 114 y. Pennar Ivanla at, 1" IA1 lmonrlM et Beraard do 4 Bt, Barnard pniaj; nair Imported eaa tin. tClmer Doneni: large Mall' as'e; large bay baroocha or aellvery hirse, by the New Grocer at N'o.

07 N. Illinois at and prrsooal property of Eourio thl a a vi. nr aaie or irane. a xteB a )p organ aal or trade. Twe frsah 00 wa.

ooa full bloori aey, lor aal ar trade. Pa aasa, JuxtUa Co 44) Laat Market at ABPBEN'DID combination billiard aad pool 1 table, eieianlly boiabed; aoat 7 now; eu rac. patent oau rack, una eu, 1 pool balis.4 billiard balls, pis pool outfit, in fact, evervibin com plate; ean bad for nah J. Ls1ir ba oriai. ooei ciotnmg uo.

KMOVAL SALE Joba Oloo will mrrv stock AV at W. Waahinrtoo (treat to 74 W. Wasblng aoa jqiy taut toe win noae ui at following prices: All wool carnal notion oh. in sac, ootio hemp lAs. nil eloth an yard, pole nraas poiea 7.

inane sml lace eortalaa aue pal ebaina toe pair, rug below coat; also Ian. line of quasnawar aad tinware bought at your own nrloat toll ana S1 A0. bapsina lamna i.r alao full Moe ef rnrvllar aad stove. 4 W. Waao logtna street, one weal of traaafag ear.

Oa payms ta or ca an. FINANCIAL iy OBTOAOB LOA2SH, O. V. Bay la, Jk Co tun Co. 1'A 4 6RT aU 6 N1' Uregory A Appel, A.

A' a Market at. tTmTOA6K L6N Joba mbbu A 60, ifoTtTiji ao LCaI a'4 Peopaylvaola ei. TKGZ and small lo aaat 41 N. fMlsamra tALL and larr loan flashy F. TbompaorT K6Bt7 BfnfDLB "f3, per caot, Lo.

Agenta, ei MaraetM. M0NY. ta UMini par cent, Horace Vder. rooea It. Talbott A New' Black.

ONaY to laoa pertoDai proparty, 1 auinalo IU oll. Blngma. tl fl. Alsbtmtw. ar a.

1 ill 1 10 loss on real asiai or personal prsp erty. F. M. Hay. mom It, a mom 11.

a 14. rin lAUt cny or farm th rvjowass 1 XJrglol WtlUWU rata tt W. Ooraoob. Mur larms or. city property; term raaaooabi.

Thomaa bar A a aa. funds la torn io aujt 'at low raU of I a 11DU bJock. foWKr LOaK oh oft irty; rival nd Jama AL ra, 21 Vaac 1 1 to. I IIUSII llaair Clolblng. roralMr.

ta I 1 Oaoa, 47 W. Wsthlnglaa at, Co ON AY tn loan an real swat or personal pra iU eriy. King Buayoa, room 1, Narut irwinwn IO Improvftd trm .4 eit prprtr ta lm 4 OUo. Jo. A.

1 rm sm xr ItpXKP. 4 W. Wtu illsuWNMMItsisusi Loan lira 01 aa aa tmkh waaainartoa. "IS fel VATt raodaTia um to suit, aa Canst or tv A beopertyilowaat interaat. Btalo A Boott, t4 vaianafa aa.

aaaua WMJCK. LOST. TJiLAnT trold bra4le, Talned mi A tors to 170 Home av. aeward. A BRlLLTNf DraasiiiB: reward.

Laav at 4 A Msdtaon ave. or 7 Bouth As st s. Tt fOS Thy not ordajrinr your in Frank 7Brtnger. Mi buaett ava. CO A FX on Indiaoapoii Nailooal Baaki neiorn nsiess Rewa'd i Mll.ll KRAI Kl.k an.

twe bancleeatiacba tT eietnrn to A. New York liberal reward. ETjKOrtA, with pearl, botweaa aouth and Virginia ava. 'lndr plaaae rwtur tva Laa I Booth H. fX oulh Diwar siraet, a ess of surgical In sminieoi Bat rn to ta North Dwx at.

and get rea ard. NOTlCS 1RKBOFT A JTJDD, plambiag and JY ling N. llllaol.M. 7 Bf jomdd Uanuar. aad 41 entacxy av I vivaona nut A.

MrO OhOCbs remove tn N. ii A at whare sbs full a aaasd a Aa iat I JL I FOR SALE Horast ana V)hlel, OOOD pony Che a. K. Mlaalsslppt, peay. "Wood iOUO aorsa, joong ao dgeatia, laPask avaT a A Ta5T of secoDil asad wagon cheap at A ess Isc'a aportlug wage.

21 aad S7 A Tt A to boy good, eottad work bora. 44 at I. Noble tr 4. FA i boras far oarriag. buggy r.eadale, ii Meiidiaa av gond, gs Ue delivery bora.

oui Aiaoarrta. ASK Voi bo y. never Weea tan. iti 1 CJeareund gl.ock. F.l) Ijwiy's si saddle; state hlad a 4 price.

car Neva. mre Hbeiiand poaie ateommii Dare, w. waaoiarrna a. nrR HT OLAfo PHa I.TO Dearly ne guaraw A 1 lerl: Addreaa 7. ear Mws.i uTIMiSs nod rnrr ireatsd allk at KaaaS ler a big hnrw market, oneoaii e)uu Btiuaa.

AuOOu Baodera atvie pliaetna. aearlv aowt fleaaaa cle a very cheap. 2 feaiiral a emie. 'WKNTV Vic bead ot good onvit ai4 drar boraea at 7 If. Delaware m.

teorg it. tacboeeid, easy payment carriacea, aurreva. pt euias handv waaroasaad buaaa. Jane A island N. Merldiaust.

CtxD family mar, phaeton anil haraeaa: srioe Tfi. Isooth ACrary'aaia bla, 12 li. iiil ear Tnmliasea Hah. tATST jrorir burcv torfl with W.M. Htuiran I rtaa ebiaek.

Taae anna nihar. f. IL Maaa'a Pnarmacr.s Maaa ava. 9 (HiLCWhCxrumaiier surrey ana phaelnuel full liuenfall styl aef (In war retailed a aaay tenaa. Uon.

K. Kchofleld. Fast Mar a at. SPkCTaX aal or bnagie fr in next Iwo weak. tti'Patrtn and iintlng of carriage, aad bngiiea.

J. Flke, 4 andjd kenlorky avenue. FAMtLV carriar. cbeaat ean he at TOC anover's carnage annp. Call at room 11.

tle toa Block, 441, N. Ivaiaasr st. John W. fair. T)k wire and attend tho aucwna'aai of hnrae at I Stl Wast WaaoingtAB street, laaviea Tueadar.

Tbqrxlay and batiirday. Cora so sa en ng 10 a m. tleo Hrooek. Auctioneer. ImV II RohBI.Na A Ctl r7ullv' r.palranl repaint mrriaae.

la stork earrtaaee, phaatana. boggle, surreys and scons, new and sODoa baa ai rearabi price, ti F. ileorvia baroucn ar flefvery horae; larg lie: pair ml Bernard does: I M. Barnard pupa; rir (timer logiren 1: all lauDoriad. by tne Hew Uroc at No.

vr xa. iiitnoia at. fTHr. great trotlng TlTa Tin. No.

1. 1147. and Mark king, kit. will be at Prar7 stable every Friday and Baturday af Jua for lb twcoroniodatlon of Indianapolis breeder. Aj.

Jim rt at til nave a larr aMorimsDi ot a tboroaablv tMltll. atvllah and a an rortmhla Ma rl area. They ar leader In ad qtialnv. If yon want ibe bass, aeatham at aad rt. Uarl.iu hnat.

WA av a real aic new pnaetna lor aal. onr owe wjaka, ebea p. Murrey and aacond hand war alwava In airlnw oa Mr oii i low price. BtthwetkleA Praa s.424aet WluV ingtnn siraet. (xaTi fllAiitUi, bargiea, poaarosa.

aarrey aad everything la ml line. Ouaraatsed for ana year. am trra la raapoaainlo, panto. Wa have mora, trdod la aloe tuna all nor earnpetltor Kt tna axber. Ohio and a.

Bra lay, iioltoa 4 raat Waahlnviea M. M. HACifYjH A coup aad curtain roca a away, drop front ahaeloaa enl unoer ainara baetnna aad brrwmera. ido aar buvglea: veliiole of all kind from the bast makers la America! a better Una ihaa boar a la any rapoaltory la Indiana tn aal act from, ilv a call. Term and price tnai mum nit voo.

It an 14 Ctrnl aL FOR SALE OR TRADE ON Knew top bnrvy, or wonia trad for yooa horse. No I Cieaveiaad Block. FjfX)NttffAN''D bngaie ror ed or horse Joaenb Lev. 17 W. Pearl st PERSON A blood aad aervntr taBs a eenrialt' Dr.

Denke Walter. Eg Washtar a. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 a RAILWAT TIKfg CARDS. TUAVKLKK INDEX. EANKAKEE INE lillO FOUH Ita.ll.L wtyl ITS ONLT 110 MILES To Clncinnatl by tba Big Four, and th train raa it In lb rear boor aad taa mmutaa.

wba you get tnere bv ibl ia yo are away own iCentr al arm. and Third hi: rla hi iha tb Burnet. OH traa from rand Hotel; within a few brocg af ijaoa. sraory an raiace Hexeis. The Big Four rune four train each way daily, gt v.

7,. pt Monday; 1 Bre tralo on oaday. On IheVlh. sstk and lit af Jaua ar. aal I rtata for ga.

round Irln; goad rer aaul aad la la in Inh of Jan Bat wall for tbia Jan 17 nd Ik, ONLY r4u HOUND TRTP. Ticket rood returning uatll and Job It. 'I ha Viluk la. Itth, loth and Into, lb many aitraeilon of tne city at all urns will be sure to draw great crowd. ana ar prepared so Bdi tbaaa In great anr Ola Point Oamfbrt and rat nr on Jane far 417 ta.

good tor days A rarenppnrtnaltv 10 visit Atianue Iran cm a rnoap rata. Th niagnlfloent trip oa tbe continent. Half rate to aaaaa. Meoraaka. IMAtatA.

Ill na. eta and Iowa polai an a Ig, cait ia ana return, 1 Lew rate te Uolorado. rip n. Waablnetoa Territory, pure ratee a tbaa are not liable to mak Ooa aod Vanderbllu of stockholder In ladlanaoolia roads, ear Wall, the rata ar offarai. aud la Tit all tor la with nc TI CARD erwcm a an pivratrrw.

Dee rt. A tarn loA lam Ksoaoa Arrive llot t7pr lopa r. rinainHATi Diviuaa obdav vaaiua PPrt 1 I ra 4 lepas Arnv 11 am 1oudx goiicaa divibiom. Depart i Q6pm lsa 1i Arrive 1 sm in SJupm liuna Pallmaa palace ear: eleeaot recllniae rhaia iegnt reellmag rbair ea Indianapolia, Chloag 1 ana parior oara oetw Onelnnatt, For tie eta, leeelnr car aecommodatlea ad an laformatio call At Colo Depot ar the Modal luik ffloa, corner Washington and Meridian sta. j.

at a it 1 1 fa. Disk Faaa. Art. aaiTiraaia una. twb dib ct amb nrvta Paaaaaa Borrr a 0 Lv tor Pltu for Blot Ma.

m. Arr. Tram 1 11:44 a. as. Arr.

frsBl 4 Mall and TBI ra a eavaiaan aonv 4tT. l.Va foe Plliahueai alaa B. Bs, Bleb at aa aad Oelaabaa. 4 ial a. aa.

1 X. Pitta aa Kaet, hhu a. as. 1 Oole'ba. Blah A asa, ta Mall and arwraaa Man sue par te Pittabarg ao M.

T. csiriaa mvisiaav Its ror tears and ilillass II r. xt tainags an sans 1 aSaTTXt, Lv. for Aolavllle aad th JOaa 4 Obba 4hMS Arr. from 1 ulsvili aad ibew ih.l:44aj tit.

a. a lldoam 7pgg It Opag 0tawt. va. ftv VI noon 1 Ajtt. ram Vlaasaaaa.

Taadalla Umu. woraw aetrr to ot. lovi tn tw wsn. I ralne am aa leave fadlaaa allaaa aWllaeaai Lv. rorHl.

Loala as fla lioupai t.rBoatleaad Terr Haul aooem 4iiyuat Arr. Irom HkAxve I IJAont 4 44 pat 1 acre Haal aa OrnaiH loauav Bleeping, parlor aad root! alar ebalr ears raa aa tb rouab tralea, Farrateaaa lafbrmatlaaaaaiv aa I ticket ageaia of tb eoasoaay wA lis. isa A a lata til Oeneral Paaagr AgOBt onstXbrr. Cllt CTJCW A I CT7MI 07. I Bpoetal limited tral wla H.

u. ave tnoiaaaiioii at a. WedoeadaT. Jana in earl "a CiBdonall: rrand parade at A pwmj Bom gam Blgbt dered. Ticksugood a a OAfLT ft 4 FOR TH AOTJW TBIA TvalBS leave ladianaaollai Wan.

fOeiiyt, ie a. a s. Tralae arrive at ladtaaaaallai 4J0 as U. 44 a. 4A7 nv, A4 p.

m. dally.) W. flHH EK, 0m Agt kUk, Iadia apalU, PiBolhEASTaEdWEST Var 2S" Th ly wtth anild tral a ee a leammrteaaaa ren.wil Throagk Can te priadaal Mlaaamrl Klver pelate 1 several hear tea Has tbaa aa rat bar Una. AM wrong ttiaeplag aad Aaallalag Chair Oar vi Daa viu Cnto ga. asaklag aaqalak urn a lraa ratestBaaaay at aer In Tbe aets need diffeta I a Hal raui aaaa.

nta lek Ual aad Ihraae I ticket prloolpeJ ler el Us at I Ua thaa regular rate. 1. Trains lartianaanWa TTatna Aa Leave, galag 114 aea pes Laava, ag ae deaaa AA pa WNMBaa, Arrive, fraat Kaet eyes am Uia eio aa Arnv. fre WcaM aa ktuw box Daily. All train bav thaflaaMaf RifaSl a.

an aad Raeilala Oaair Car. Por tick eta aa raa la armauoa apply a lBataIUIaU the Ual pepet, iaaiaaaaaii. ar I aay a eat aa taa Ua. eaa I raa. Aac ra aoiuaa ror apeeial seueaaf THB ONLY LINK fcUMNCffj MORNIKa tbsih to emcAoo, axipasTi aaaa t.

Leave ladiaaapoU 1:14 a. m. da lie; returning. Lev narago at iiogaai daily, arriving lodiaaj, polia at AM m. Other iralaa leav a llow For Chioaa.

exrvot Buadar. ltil iomi .,,.1.. tnCblOag at m. For Cbu aro, dally, p. arrive at Cblra Il A sm.

AtoBoa aeoom anodation, dally, p. oa. Puilm a ieeaing and ebatrear aa all linraik Iraiaa Oaiy .11 roan trie to Chics. Tick oitice, tt bouih lluaow n. ClNC NSATt, W1B1IH A MICHK1AN W.

fTh Llkbart Lin.) meeolor and ahaie for Grand la lod'ala 4ius a. Or Kaptos4: a. m. Leav Kapid 11p.m.

amv ind pli lo A a. lu. tvs tbat your tiraei read via in Klkbart le an go Ihroo.h wu chaogA Boat rout for Warsaw. Cedar Leacb e.c Joeeib, Feinekey aod Norther a Vwbirae auaum.r reaoitt. 1 bra ibreagb train earri wavdai.e cepf loay.

between lod'pi aod Marion. Va wao.M. i.uaaa, cua eBUi In HVJoaeph aod Intermedial point. Leav lud 4Jua. llta .4 m.

ss. Arrtv lad'nis P. m. In.llarapoll tira.i eon llepa 1 ith li.laoia av, Aaa 1 ir. I.

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