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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 21

Buffalo, New York
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TWENTY-EIGHT PA'GES. The Holiday Express. PART-3. PAGES 1 1 -TO 18; Vol'XVl: 6. 13.

BUFFALO. N. Y. LPRICE.F1VE CENTS. Christmas the most widely known wo the gallery.

Mr. Powsrt fuve much of hi time and thought to hu magnificent coilectloo of pletunw, which tm worth sa Ana When THE ajs)sjsaaSawiasil which tha CSiarlty Orgaairtlo Society, of Buffalo- staada too troportaet to be sisghted; too promhaag sot to he Improved. There is immediate' need of a eampaiga of ooanomia eduoaUoA thai shall GREATf 1 FAHURKEYS- Grown to Perfection Ozly on Block Island. Will Becozno -0 "vVTr-H UTTUt BFFORT AND HOT M.rCH.EXPESSS OVS CAS HAYJt AU. THS DUOORATKJN8 NK8DKQ.

Perbaps te tvrgra Is so widely used and so olosely 4dentlfid with this merry holiday eeatosi ss th beautiful. ChrUtmas tolly. So popular haa this heoua thai It might be called an emblem of Christmas, This plant differ much from season, to eaeoo, Llk" nut tret It ia ft having either aa bundane of berries or eon alt Last yor there were very few brrlea. Thia year thsr 1 aa abundant crop and extra amount of fullag. With holly may be menikmed the ao-oallrd.

ground ptae, which fioriots are how selling grwat quantiUca. This popular Christmas emblem com from the aorthsramnat rrgloni The farmer gather tt. tt tt ap la bunqhe and carry it to the nearest Ul.wk IslnO. -markets, whene it I dlatrlouted to all THough Block teland' tt obly 0 ml ice ot aotb't at tea-omnpj. Another popular the Rood Island eoast, and Uh ainuiet evergreen vtnft la the wild smtlax, grown nvljuwy tetweea Mopiauk Point and Puiot he died ft was of courts supposed Hut he oaa jnaa provision forth matnteaaaoe a the artery.

But this, seems, tor soma reason, he did not do. Rochester, therefor confronted with tbi problem of what to do to un 1 most famous pos-esslos, It If qujtft likely-semothsag will be done, asd Initial step It Is suggested that a committee of citizens be appointed to confer with the Mr to learn their Since the development of natural gas at Baldwtnsville has wacbed good proportions, there haa been talk Of piping It te- the Syracuse Steam-heat ft Power Company haa aakeo lor a franchise tor this purpose. The price to be charged for natural gaa is sot stipulated la the franchise. present -Thw-ueetten qt rates, the offlclala say. will be discussed after the corporation counsel haa submitted his report It 1 wUil the rate for natural gas will probably be fixed at SO centi per 1,008 cubic feeC This la twice what Buffalo pays net The company.

If granted franchise It Is aald, will employ the pipes now la use tor conveying etram through the streets. The biggest beet-eugir projeot In the State la reported from Leicester, where. It la aald. capitalists are titnklna of locaiinr a plant that will oost el.OOO.OOO.. They will require gt least 8,000 or g.OOO acres of land and will bring with them 200 German families as laborers In the plant There Is no, loality In this Bute where the soil is better adapted to the raising ot augar beeta than in the Genesee Valley.

The company would like. If posatMe, to secure under contract for three years 30,000 acres of laod tot bee nueung, zi, Rochester now has a Liberal club, tor pur nee ot discussing live topics. Once month some man distinguished In his particular field will address the -club. It la likely that Hter "If pattern after the famous Liberal C3ub" of Buffalo, which combines a dinner with its discus sions. Stories of Daudet.

JAMES'S DESCRIPTION OF HIS STYLE MMB. DAUDET AMD HEM SON THE -NOVELISTS KINDNESS OF HRVRT. Alphoose Daudet's exidden death on Thurs day took awsy the beat-liked of oantem. ponry French novelists. The affection for him wt due to bis personal character, as BMrt as to his books.

Zola la widely read but one thinks of Zola as of a morose, crabbed gladiator, fighting against a fate not wholly undeserved. Daudet, on the con trary, was always the eustny-hcarted Pro- vencal, with a nature as innocent and as weet as a child'. If any one unacquainted with Daudet were to ask where to begin reading him, the Letters from My Mill" is the book which would be rsoommended, fcr it Is the one which give the best idea of his great var iety, hia tenderness and, his delicacy of style, Henry James-says -of "It Is difll cult to give an idea, by any genera! of Daudet'e style atyle which defies ronventkm, tradition, homogeneity, pre aeace, and sometimes evco synsax, gathers up every patch of color, every eoloquial note that will help to illustrate and moves eager ly, lightly, triumphantly along, tike clever woman in the costume of an eclectic Daudet's widow. It is mtereetlng now to reoall, is heraelf a literary woman. He married her in 1867, at which time the had already published a volume of verse.

In JSC7 it would have been difficult to And in the whole of Paris a more eoafirmed and hardened Bohemian than the creator of Tartarln. He had often declared that If ever be married and no doubt he put a sneering empbeala on the "if" he would take good care sot to choose a wife with any literary aspiration. 1 But sometimes, the best-laid aohemes of men and mice very often come to nothing. Mme. Daudet -has one eon Leon, who has already mad his mark in the world of literature.

It is an opes secret that Mme, Daudet haa helped her husband la many of hia novels. aw. Some stories of Daudet were told recently by a contributor of the Bookman. One waa as follows: "One morning- last month, as I buret In on him, he waa fumbling over some books and papers pa hie desk, and waa aa ptektd up a little volume at hia right hand, and said; you aee tel roa what it Is. It waa sent to roe by the author.

Who he Is I haven't the slightest idem. But see; the text Is only printed "i ncu pmgB, loai lucres I .1 each able of the type. I -use it for writing memoranda. Look how I've written data all over lta leaveevery convenient I every day for my notes. I call that book a practical example of the aesthetic Spirit', 'But the poor authorr hiirted.

'Oh, as for the author, I have written him thanking hia for thinking of me, and told turn that his book is always on my desk It never quits my Another "btory Is as "Let your fancy witness the following lrttle afne I wnico nappeneu one ounoar morning ween In. V. Daudet eyed the signature and skirmished over lta contents, tnumbllngiy quoting the phraata: My misery is about ta end' "At last hope gilds the future' 'I need but five Daudet turned to us. saying Uh! If we could, be sure that his story 1 He altpped a five-franc piece in an envelope, sealed tt (remark the -tender charm of tho act!) and sent It oat" The Interest in Daudet has led to tha preparation at the Public Library of a reading Itot of Daudet's work and of matter concerning hkn, which, Interested inquirers will find helpful. HEW MAN Af TOWy- From the Atlanta Coostiruilon.

A Georgia drummer stopped at rhe town of Gctiy rhe other day, and by the negro porter of the hotel, and The following converRatloB tbp rtult: "Boe. you gwlne to a hotel?" "Yes, where le the bues?" "Busst We don't hare "Well, where Is the tnK car car! We dou' bave drai Dufber." "Well, how am I going to get up town, do yon sutipoeeT" "Up Boaa rnn'j iro town. arta ais is it ngra Dere. And then the porter turned to corn pen ion slid wbispered: "lis man come fnm a far ware; be dea doaa know nuflln!" Doa'tfail to read rates In Hotel Empire adTKfUttBieDt todajaajtaxcU. Poor-Rellel Work by.

Or- ganlzett Districts; ON THE WHOLE SUCCEEDS REPORT OF THE COMMITTTEK OJJ 00- 0PJ2UTIQN. MADE AT THE RECENT AJWCAL MEETING OF THE CHARITY DROAN1ZATTOS BOCIsTTY. At annual meeting of the Buffalo CharKy Organlaarion Society, held on the evening of the IStfc tha following tn-toreaang report waa jnade of tha year's work of tiie "coram on eo-opetwUoa." It- aaowa the rewiMa thn far attained by tbe crty-di strict plan of poor relief. In fit appended report from the several ohurcaea aad socetxlea co-operwtiag In the Buffalo oitydSatriottnc plan, will be found a fairly accurate autumary of the year's work, a tar as your oommUe has any knowledge of it On the whole, the plan haa proved aa suc cessful In operation as tha most sanguine probably dored hope. It has wrought ta ewmomte haa tt uabered In any municipal mllleniutn; but then nobody with expurienoe In suoh masiwa suniwevd that it would.

The pUn. la, howevi. as your committee believes, a stop In the rigl i jixkm. Ainwly tt elit! a very conelderaWo amount of aoth'e; co-operation, has called lata exen a (ttKxl deal of hitherto tetout mrgy, and has in sured to many deeorvlng poor a saw and sympathtnic aari stance, So far as tried, ft appears to be workable, and rich In ihora results wWoh organised rtvarttiea are every- where seeking to prooxte. Yet the prosent llmiitatlons of our Buffalo plan ouglJt, in all candor, to be amttd.

G.cojpraphk'ally only.about one half of the. u.y is oarva ii uj uie churches; for, aHbough our dirt rifts reach out to tike city lknea, ntany of them remain uataken. While ot tha total Buuibtr of caM's requiring awisumcc, a very much poroeuttage have actually been referred uudr the plan. Tha exact figure reported by Que Suerattry are as During tioe year, the Chart ty Organlzx-tion Society be oome into eonbact, throtwih the Poor Ofllee and otberwtae, with 1,721 famtflea. Of this number.

were Poles, who are unlikely for, aome time to come, by reaaon of the barrier of Jaoguage, to be Included In our pain. Of the remaining 3,178, fully one third have been found to be In atK-h. dToumetanoM aa to require no reference. From aiiuong the 2,000 and odd other fanalies really needing aeeiett-atwse, only 81 have bten referred ta our oburchea and churitable aoclctUa. A number of thuse famiUn, 117 In all, bave been referred to S3 whch iwve not made bhemwlves apot eibie for a district.

Your cotii.trUKce desire at thia poml to 'make fta grateful aoiuiole(lguienta to tbene churchca for their very valuable co-operation wltb the Ctiartty Organization Bocie-ty ta tie general wotk, yot to express re gret that they, have not aeeo their fy tftear to co-opera mar; specifically with the city-districting pl-- Of the faroJllp actuKliy referred undtT our plun, there is rcaso.t to boUave that a very targe proportion have been judtmouM- ly eaeurted, not merely vlttt alme. but with friendship. In some instances, how- ever, t2iuroh.a hargM care Of diatrtota bave been la their co-operation; while, 'In scow Vhera there bave been evidenced pf utrwledom sad of Ignorance aa to practical methods which i hoped may be corrected ia time. To lncreaae the efficiency of the work, your commtt-tee eonduoted a seriea of dis trict eoaferencoa thrmigh the "winter and sprmg, wwea resuntea, as we beueve, in some corldciubl good; but wlkh also failed to reach and intereet many churchf much in heed of and auggestion as to metboda. Thus far this tall, no eon ferances have eeh Ji.eld; but tt la our pur pose to Inaugurates-another seriea for the coming winter, wbwh shall Include puis taa on fundamental economic prlnciptea, aa well aa reports from at the districts comprised In our plan.

Upon the success of iheee goofaneneea much of our eueeeea In quickening intereat and In Increasing effioieocy of oo-opett5on ia likely to de pend. 1 Aa Important step haa recently bees taken Vy the committee on dtetriot work, puiwuaoi. io reconuneudaHion The. appointment of the heaaworkera. In eertato dealgaated A-dls trlcta, to act a special agents of tha Charity Organization Society.

Thia action Is embwfled h) the following: rule, adopt ed October 27t6i i "Uir-vitTrTa'wpecaHd designated by the comaiitlee. oa co-operation, the Charity Organlxatton Society ahaiU make no vIsRs for but after the 'fimt ihrestigattoa accept the headworker of the cnatrict aa its agent Jto, lh flrat liiyejsigaitlQn the 4-atrlct agwrt, hU oopsult the-bead In auch dlatrlotaf IBe head-MIter isall port h- Charity Organization Boeiecr in Tegard to all (emHia referred by It, using the.aama forma and making the same sjrt ef resorts aa the regular agenrta of the Charity Organteatton Society. Theae re-- pdrta must made within two weeka wrac, tSor ortgtaal or recti rretrt, and at least once year in case of families rwejriag cootlnuoua eHy aid. The head-wrker shall also be a member of the cawtrlct committee of the Charity Orgnfixatioa Society and hall aiteud lta mecftngs at leuat once month." It ia a'pleaaura to your ccmmJttbee to report that, of the 74 co-operating churchca, twelve have opened special quartert for the more efficient proeeeutioo of their work aod-aa at local tt etntionai, ethical, eoclal and clVic lines. The aettlemem, Idea A growing in Buffalo, and is finding practical exjMessloB in ways that are wiee and pra-nleing.

It was the Intent of those responsible for the City. districting plan, that tt should stand tor more than merely a temporary physical relief; that It should make some distinct contribution to the mental, moral and social life of the Individual and of the municipality. Hence it is the ocnaeioit of consider able satiafactioa to find that many of the churchca and societies, ee-operatiag under the plan. nav come to realise that tbetr mission Is not altogether eteemaaynary, and bave determined do their work on larger tinea. In conclusion, we believe that, while the record of, th.iiift twelve moivtha ta, (nUJ main, satisfactory, there la' need of further hard, persistent work through a arriea of roars, on tho part of this oommitts.

bow- ever, it may be personally eenaUtuted. Ho plan will work lUeU, There most be push behind It, If there la to be power ia it Tiua particular phase ot work, to In the of ta by or a the nrat pUo. inareaae the efaclency of wore: already undertaken by thorn affiliated with tha pUa; and that ahaH, In the second pusca, fecura a nor gonial tha churches wftloa have the ability ta aasisV.but whlo. has Bwt yet saused tha reapoaaUalUy of districts. It was stated la erur last report, that esthuglaant at the atari is not always power tha end, and that bxKial impulse ran so eaeanai always be trusted; but your eaensulttee ts ooavUwrd that thus tar there are ao lodicatiorjs thai the wathuijta Brat suggested tha plan has apent Itaelf, that tlsa Unpulaes which put it ta opera tion have sensibly weakened.

We re-l the past with pride, and look Into the future w-jthr hopefulness. -8ASIUEL VAN VftANKEN HCKJJES. Chalnaui Embezzliag a Christmas Turkey. W. 8.

Gtdley In Harper's Routid Table. "My first fee, eh uiuwd the veteran lawyer. suppose every lawyer has right to be proud of his first fee. esneelxl. ly whew It comes to htm.

as sort of Christ mss surprise, a mine did. Bnt there were one or two little clrcumsiawe connected whh the earning of my Initial fee wtilca were not exactly fiaMering to aiy mental acutenwa, and It a lung time befoiv did any boasting about it. Thrmiga the perepecuve or so years ma see the BH-muruua aide of the vase, aud enjoy It a will as anybody. "It was the day before rhriatmaa. In irf, I remember right: that mv first client dawned ou me in my little 10x12 office lu prostwrous Woetera village.

I was seated lit my dek, it nmiMr watttng Mr he cute of bunlnes to brfin settiua in my direction, when the door caHttouy oien about a foot, and the eoiUms eonntenance of Sam Johnson a genu- sua at African Uaeag. who was a of bappy- and ')Rjjerr 'ctT Boy atmnt the rowa appeared In the opemng and a soft, meiomoa raise drawled: 'Good af lerneon, Mtstsh lawyer. I'd like to see yo' oq a little business inattsfr, sat), if yo' got lime to 'tend te of time. Walk right In, Mr. Johnson, and fake a orgHi 1.

delight- ed at obtalBing a eostomer of sums surt at, In compliance with this cordial Invt- tatiun, air. Johnson venromt the rest of rlie way iitee rhr Toawv ep In- and-esre- fully sea ting himself on the extreme edf i at the chair reeerred for callers, glanced hyly around, as if to assure dimwit test we -were alone, and the begaat Well, itr -Utvnt U's die way. will s'posln' a case, v- 'poaln' a- 'pnsson bnys a eighteen-pound turkey, an' gibe a quarter to a mrled symnuiti to eecoltt do buhd home foil am; a s'pusln a ptwa 'The suppusluoua getriieman ot co.or abfent mlndedly conveys the suppositious tirkey to his own nwltlence Insuukd ot to the abode of the party who purchased, the fowl and employed said supposititious color ed gentleman to deliver it Is that the point yon are driving at, Mr. Jofcnson, Inter puu. thiufclng.

to beip aim out xem. auh; dat presaily de put I was tryri' to arrive he exclaimed, smilingly golly; buss, de way jo' nun mtUe off dro big words I s'pects ye' must be, a migittir uiart lawyer, an now, de Bu.itwa. we're bin Ui 'boot secure a turkey In dat ar way, would he hatter go to jar. fob It, or could yo git nun rT CcrUilnly I cjuld cler him. I answer ed.

Jokingly; pane of that kind would com amler the head of eavbeaaiemeut or breach of Uwtrsd larct-ny, It is not only uiicuBHtHiithmal, but a viola tion of the writ: of habeas onrpns to toe a Biim-up simply for rmbexuing a Mighty-tickled to hear It ash," chuc-Kled. 'Here it a quarter fob Infor mation, sab, an' I disgagee yo' fob my lawyer trout dU time on. Good-dsy, ma. mi' any time I glr in trouble dat way in depend on you te help me out." Aud before I could utter a word ot protest or rUp him, my grinning caller had dropped the quarter on my writing-tame and hastily bowed Jilmseif from the room. This is a-fin Joke on me.

Wonder It the black rascal thought I was la earnrstr muttered I to myself, picking up the liberal fee which, my first client had left behind him. The coin was of au ancient date, and somewhat battered, though not sufficiently Injured to depredate its value as cir culating medium. I wss still examining It, and wintering if it scuid prove a mascot or otherwise, when my wife came In from her Cbrirtmaa shopping, nandtnr It her, I proudly rcinarked: "There 1 my Br Tee, my dear. T6a may have- It fnr'a keepsnk -tf -ftm 'Why, Heuryt" she erled, wbers 4 4 yea get this quarter) I am positive that it the very one I gave to Hum Johnson down at tha this ation waea I enKared hiui to bring bom nr Ofcrlstmas I dldn auk tor tn amaavn, ooncumvii the vetersa iewyer, with a "1 got the wltiteas off the stand as soon is court and then went 9 of fresh sir and Mr, Johnson. f-fowndiilrnrtord--iitm--id-wer-h penitentiary if be ever breathed a word of tbe affair; then I purchased a duplicate of the emlx'ixled turkey and sent fc-i with It (to aiy home, I mesn), to-tmrlns elons behind hira to see thlrt aa honestly earned 1 quarter this tlnwi tt was fully a year later, when pMspenty briran anitunr ttiMn my errnrrs at ts, ts I pjutiad up uaiUvnt CiTOrage fo trtr ln story of my tee, even to my wife." WILL.

From the Detroit Journal. conrsef" observed" Xrrxeav the king, mt will Ta law." "DotfKtew," tiwred the wtae maw of tls. "That Is to say, if your majesty dooa't leave too targe an ncaie. For even In those erode oid dsys, ere yet lurisprodwwc had beeome tbe positive sctenee it wrw 1, there was uocalag eertsta a4ot any will which devised more than a BnfHOn, WARNED IIS A DREAM. Front the Atlanta Ooostkutsxx James Keely.

a promukenc yoong man Uv, Tag-to AsbrirM suicoe lua Tiosoe yrmsvj inw tj-- v---1 booaose bM sweetheart bad rejected htm nim the wwrnmg of he dead roomer. IB a dream the you lady waa liavtog her mma made. One sight recently etae saw the spirit of her mother ra her dreams and she tuid aer aaoer etrcsm- saoces to marry. OOOD BAD LVCK. Fstaa Grw (Ky-) Xewa.

KOKar Jim gintfh of cbe Muarm (Marty News bats been a cripple for Hie last fir of six years. ever siw rW Sock Bitnge gang bet him nearly to asatii for anvsttng one of tJvetr ntrmber, but esis morning Isst week he fii dowa she atsrinray to and brot wmant ap so that ar now able tn bend bis kseea tor the first time Jn Tmrm- FATAL TO FAME. From the syracase Herald. Friend-Vo' 'I "ever be called a great poet sfler )u're dead. Poet Why not FricM You're making too macb mosey at 45ie.


Few rick tnea ever made a better choice irheu asked by Prosperity to decide upon some enjoyment, some particular fad. than did Daniel W. Power, when he ebose to found an art gsilery. sad one that, the puhilo should enjoy as well aa himself. What yacht and horses, palatial residences abroad, unceasing vagabondage In strange lands, the climbing of court tedders, or pi mountain peaks, is to many millionaire, the Powers Art Gallery wa to the ma who found In It onfulling satisfaction- Just the very thing to make him forget life's worries and fret, banking and polities and legal litigmtions; It became world Id which he could hide from annoyance, andevade the pursuit of those forever at the rich men's tha perfect ion 0 o( places tor mcctmg his friends and showing them the treasures of which he was so proud.

In the Art Gallery. Mr. Powers was te be found as a rule, every day soon after noon, leaving with his systematic regularity at five. Not until tbe last few years of hia life was often, absent when the gallery wa scull-weekly, In the evening. Thru he was ever the cordial host, with a cheerful greeting for all and most delighted la conducting stranger through the labyrinth of salons to some favorite or newly-purchased.

canvas, quirk to dlfteern genuine appreciation of art no matter sear vdoeklvate tt ttlgtit "fee. Hi happiest hours in tbe gallery perhaps, were in the afternoons when visitors were tew, owing ts stormy weather. Then he would stroll -from on favorite seat to another, and enjoy ft series of pleasant chats with the custodians of hia pictures, intelligent, carefully acleetod women who gratefully made it their first-duty to sea that the time he spent tn this gallery was a pleasant a they could made it HI generous" kindness towards the employee of the gallery eras that of a father; bis thoughtfulnesa of their comfort unfailing. There was ever ft long list of walling ap plica nts for places, but seldom a change la the ample force for other onus than death. Rochester without the Fowera Art Gallery will be otuoihlng like the iphynx lacking a nosa, How Rot-hit-ter it to keep its most famous and attractive feature hi a serious question.

Tha gallery never anything The ad- mission fee of 35 coots (tlre were some 40,000 visitors fttuiually) waa a petty sum to what Mr. owetw spent for Its miluUloence and lncmasa. At some ef the door-ways tbe portieres cost $250 each! there are rugs coating 11,000. bung up fur view aa ptcutres. er uoastriue arerrara vajwo, a fortuna in h-wneelves; rarer clock's, a still terror fortune; and what an ittra the fratntng of th picture alone! The eost of the cut-glass ttaV.ltors the average vlwltor would be atitatcd at, and that of the several -onibosvik the tergxr ne ooeting fSO.OOO, the other in propor-tkrn, "I aeldom par lee than SS.ftOO for ft can vas," Mr, Powam said not roany year He has paid far mora for many of bis treutTes ft eolleetiorl trie leading modern painter in their best work, True, there are maoy picture la, the pallerywwoiiiilesai ones purcfaaiww maJa whew Mr.

Powers was tyro tn picture- buywjs -aod. ss in many such- collections, the poor plot urea are often tba favorites of the general public What wlU. Roohsster do without -tbe art gallorr when is the future It would give a grand reception to ft dlstlnguisjej That Mr power would freely, and often to "throw open the gallery," upost such oofalme, and pay all tha expenses, has been taken a matter of course; Tnfly, "bleeWngs brighten when thiey take their It has beett eitd never ftpprecjahrd lta upon els fellow ctllien for Its patrwae It would have been lonely place, saving when he "threw open" lis door for tb entertainment of ft public gveat, or gave the privilege holding reoepttoos la bis -paltttlftl The 'Tide vt visitor was from ous1'l of Rocaeater, If Daniel W. Power had hi opinion of this be kept ft to hhnselt. When asked.

a he frequently wis, to the future of the art gallery, he was sil-'Qt Bnt-hw-did -trot-crismre-thstrnirrti- c-tb great eomtrMrctel building which It occu pied Into an art gallery proper, the up per floors remained a serif of mull rooms which some day mtttt be used for business purposes. It signified much that he did not convert these 30 room an3 more Into a few Urgft "properly' lifihteat art-sa- Joans an "Ideal gsilery. Hal he Intended to give the collect loo to toe he would bave done so. --i Now, Rorfiester la to keep the art gftllury; tt ntnist ndt ony buy tier collec tion, or aa much of ft a ft wttws or can afford, but tt rmuA provide a suitable build fag. Where la the-masKsy-'Ui come from Why Isn't this tSe-traud opiJortubtty for the actualization of 4mt was promised marly a year ago, when the Spiritualist cowvened this city th cfty made mem orable by the-fir-, mpptngs, and favor-1 ably corjsidcroi, after serious discussion.

the buUdtng In Rochester af a Fox Metno- rtel spiritual museum," to quota from aa advwosM of the measure, "where ail the vsrtous maniff-st Us: ana rroetved from the sph-tt world, ths historical things indl-eatlng tlw gra-w of liiw mewetmeM, wotrid be collected a college an atonuaj meeting place," What, but some supennrturai agency like this, soma rwgtous power la ftocompliah Ing the soeraingly tmeoeaSbto, will give to Rochcafter aa a pmnanfol poasesakw the powers Ant Gallery? That would be memorial of tb trayvetaetsl worth while. Hard dollars and pieoty of then etighg to pour at freely frren such a source, tf. as soma soikw WOll douibt, ghostly knuckles dtd ones raj (RKlneUy llliee and rosea havs (anew-from nothing Into one's lap and gufcsrs and baDjoa not only msterrallse from nothing bat play aef- dles wsthotit, hsjida tf all this, and much mors esa be does for our le-si-rhy not ask, who would keep the Art Gsilery In Roobesfter and sea no tnortsj way how to oo" ft-Vtiy 'hot sjttiw gsS this tnemorUI idee, and to (if ft tH pot), tha rapper will sot hart rapped in Tata. LIEBIO COlU'ANY'ft EXTRACT OF BEET tVowmtatUly ptwrtdts ssssftttete ef good co9kei7 of SCENES AT; THE HARVEST. THS BIDS ARB DRTYSX IX Car 17 FLOCKS TO MARXJCT.

GOOD PRICES-CARS AND ATTENTION ARB PIMPLY LAVISH JTJ ON THS PAMPERED FOWL. Atno-g all tb) quser feature of queer toi'uatrkf carried, oo ta queer eot-ef-cbe-way plictft It Wwuld be hard to fia4 ftn thinr oww picturesque ttwa Ot barve Ju mh. the Imtireeskt, that It make visitor 1 that of Mng tar rsruu-d from evwy other part of the oounu-y. It la the. Beau of fog; and wind and dashing Opray.

I.ft to rsesot year tt was arl-n vUttod by strangers, but tt Vaa ba "ittscoveiwd'V the iummer visitor, -sxl from rorttact wth this Uvsiter Its pecgi'is are leas guHelena lhaa they used to be. They are quaint folk stilt, nmsi of 0Mm ftshjprawa, and on tend tbry carry -on the Industry whlrtt hat brought th Island much renown, and which, at tin season, peclaJly, give it a strong claim on th affT-tioos of th Anwrioaa peopla Thift unique businrss la tha Marine of th festive and succulent turkey. Hbode Island turkey bas fame as farwprwai.rg as that Of Philadelnhte chicken or Mary. tend terrapin. Tho turkey sxpsrl tell ut.

loo, Uiat ths particular brand of the ucMs American bird- produced In this quft'nt ocean oasift stands in the ssms ut rhe ordln-arr RTioile Islander as that oris- tocraa? Wrd'tkir to Jit less 6fu-M-n v-J feilowa In York State, Jersey and th Want, To the block Ulander. turkey are whM 1tts cattle are to (foe native of Holsteia or th 1st of Jereey the objeot of Vis eon corn and When one has bees long enough on tbe attend to be fjnlur with tb oar and. attention mat an i. v. Whed on Its.

tarkvy thers la U-nr any wonder, thai the) Block Ialan4 Is th most arrogant bird on earth that when turkey te quoted ftt JO the Block Tland brand briag 35, Vot ef tha'btrds, tt may be remarlred, go to ftus-too and New-York, whew theer rtulftUc te know ftftd ttwlr fin qualltloa arpr Oteted. Sine every little farm or plot on lh Island has Its flock of turkey, and th growing of th bird I th prbwial )st occupation ot the place, tba ttarvret ha been on for soma time. Some of The cones that era to be met with are worthy th brush of MUM, On days wtoeo ttu steamer ylriu tha place a stroll of ft coupi of tnttet from tb town will bring on across ft doacu grssA Book of turitey silos; In droves. Ilka cattle, toward th harbor. They are drives by women ta atitirt skirts, heavy shoos, woolen atoeklnc -i w4th queer little sunboontK on ts? taos, or by tn nondescript cow bids boots and sotuhwuetors, tie p.n vailing maid antra, The drlverw stroll along silently except for tba "cluck, elt; wrth wbmh they stir up straggler or hattea their flock.

Th bird taareh ftlrng as sedately as their master, and give to tetter Httte trouUa, for they, arw well fed and teay and en can almost as lit roll of tthetr fat Ids bth tha feaUter, At ths landing ths snen ia so that for ptoturraqueoess outdoes trea -ft BavaTUt goose marlurt. Ths bird stood 1 1 compact patch of glistenlttc euiur, -qucstred frotn, Clocks by guarding drivers. Th buyers taovw from oa group to another axaminlcg ths turkey or haggling with their owivs tithe price to bo paid. TV burn of te now sod then drowned by th "Bobble, gobble, gobble," ot aotns) maJor-uVimo or puactuatad by ttu harp 'quit, qutt." of ft fright eiwri b-u Thsr te pteasant strtsf life ami chatter about all that Is wt ofl by ta Mask axpaiuss of as ill ftbotst A few turkeys are killed tod dressed od th telaniL-but most of them ar driven ro beard 4h steamer and carrUd tmH a tbe mainland cackling, elucking Where they pass through a poultry fsiiory and eoma out ready to adoni thw um Soma of th fines. In ch -v ft ''as Jkept-through th winter for tb next -son's breeiitog, -for tb turkey tanner 4 careful sot to 1st th quality of their dotoriorato.

"How hi It thftt your turkey arw ftlway ao large gn4 faked of sn oi farmer who was counting over th tut rail sf bill be bad st received from ths bur-r for his aeasoa's work, "Care, care and know bow, that' the hull story. folk over ker has been raiW turkeys for a eooaiderabi time and I gin- know most all- they te to It" "Na dutbi yon do, That's just ih r-' 't was-drlvlng at" "Wall, eara 'oil do It ta turkeys ym in iverjtJilng if I do say It, ws take p'ttculftr emre of our blrdA. Yoa cn't keep turkey up to the mark by any kttd wf every few asias bring in ft lot of wild Tom and turn 'm keeps- tip- the -quftuKy ftna fujr. All rout of th secret is Just tt good ear. After th 'young turo I hauled out lettn ma around to tsr-fl-selves so'a to 'eat get big, slrorg frames, Tha long about eoid-SwitsnVr cr firs, of Oewber we shut 'n up ta yards ftir ty- an' ted em ea eon cal an' grain.

Ton swa, they eaa'a 'ran all t-i' moat elf, that way ant thay Uka oa powerful fast 1 "There Is one thing sbeut ft, cootlnoed Ih old ma beginning a rain count his "We fellers do have cm an' that I theyw ft fowerru lot of grasshopper wa this her to'iand, and turkeys) seem to take to hopper net wall." 'Orashofprar I queried, saatsr hhnk- ly out across tha water. "How t''r get thsnf Ths old maa laughed, That' what svsrySody hw tlA "an" don't set up for ta answer, ale't a (rrat gwlauueia, ax' it's a llute far tor a hep, step and jump, so I reckea they Just Moved oven seeia' It was ths finrst plana on yerMh, thwy ftt settled dawa 'vo stay nt i us. But they're tolgbty gwd turkey fesd, bow. gjiueeert they some wt doot bear tto gruds," and th eld tcaa el agate as ha thrust hi roll ot bin liro A HAXDSOMK CHBlaTMAS PRKSTrT. Th IllBStra'ted Bufals Rrprres br r-t one rest liw), mosUia (Lj, ft suo.ta i The Syracuse Carpenter and His Perpetual-Motion -Machine That I AH Right" REVEALED TO HIH IN SLEEP.

Oecrf BMr drafts a Bill' to Mike Kor Effective tha En--or cement ot Labor Laws. Think of tt! Here Is a man who claims secret ha been reveakd to him for which the world baa labored In vain tor cisurl. And i dream, too ht secret te oo leas perpetual motion. Mans a man baa solved that problem only to -wake up and And hia solution was faulty. Machine havs been devised that will run a long time ot 'ftedr own coord, tut they have been mora toy.

without commercial value because their power was sufficient only for themselves; When will 1hi dreamer awake to bitter disappointment'! If he has anything at all. probably awakening will come when be trie to make practical ap-plication of hit dreamland discovery. Thia man la S- 8. Roger, a carpenter of Syracuse. As tba pa pen have announced, be haa made a machine which goes and heepe going, apparently, without requiring any outside power to start tt- or propel tt.

He can regulate Its speed and and control tt as easily as any machine run by steam. He does not know from actual experience how ib. Mtisfe4v'jHi lesraft hia maohlna will run until it Is woraout He has kept tt running for three dty and nights without and there is no apparent" reason wny oaya ana nurjita tn-numerabl could not be added to tha number. The most striking feature of the machine Is Its simplicity. It la onftnicted In a manner that would not puzzle any person accustomed to me use ot carpenters' For thia reason' the public cannot laarn'" at present the' details of the Invention.

Rogers te a carpenter who has worked hard. Ha has ne'er posed a an Inventor and says he ha never worted his brains about perpetual motion. Nor dof'S he believe In dream as being made of any real stuff, but the fact remains that his Invention la tha remit of a dream. It was about at wh ago that Mr. Rogers bad the vision.

He awoke, called his wife and told her that be had dtocov-ered nerpetual motion. had only rei reived the "Idea" In a general" way," Vat' his wife laughed at It Mr. toon fell aaleep again and dreamed about the machine In detail. He Is always an early riser, getting up at o'clock In the morning. That morning, he failed to awaka until o'clock, sanjothing unknown- before in hia long career, for he is fairly well advanced in year.

The vision waa so dear that tha dreamer wtu abio to sw every part of the machine. Ha made his conMruction according ho in It, and the result to supposed to be perpetual motion. Then the Legislature assembles on Jan uary 6th, a hill drawn by George Blair for the more effectivt enforcement of labor laws will be presented. Following are Its provialontt Bee. 1 After the of this act the Titrtct AtHorneya In the counties of rue Hint? denlgnated In Section 2 of this act.

are directed to a competent prn wiiae duty li ahaii be to Investigate ail vlo-IhMoo of labor laws, to wit: The elffht-hnnr law. The ml! wad ten-hour law. The lelurdy half-holiday law. The life awl limb raw. The mechanics' li? law.

The factory acta relating to lnnctlm swvat abli bnkerle. end all matters covered by the factory laws of the state. The dtlaena' labor and wages act. And all other acts relating to labor which new of may hereafter become laws of the Star. See.

3 The District Attorneys in the eoonttea oemed In this sectlim (hall appoint a pem who shall be known aa. the "latwr-isws enforcement lnecmr; hall hold office dnrtng the will of the Atiocnev, and abaft have power to ap-pntot astlint In the lWkiwtng eouoBea: Jicw-Tork Ove perxona: in the Ornmty of King, two; In Ownge Ooanty, one; the County of Queens, one; in the fVmnty of Rchmtnd. the tloanty of Erie, two; In the tVmnty of fflwr JLh Oennty- of oet the County of Oneida, one; In the Comity ot Rensselaer one: in tb Conniy Albany, one; In the County of Dutches, one; In tJie County of Weutcheeter, two. The salary of he -chief offleer ahsll be and me na'nry or tne ent nt r-M tt, th. Mm manner a tho rtald.

and shell be oro-lded for In the an mial reqaisltlons srUch most Include the expense of this department. The dntlea nrwvtded for hi this art ohaH be performed by the chief officer provided for 'In the irst WWVm of this ac. See. 3 It ahaH be the duty of the clilet Jnspestor noon hia appointment, tu eiamine every labor, act nw upon the statutes ot the Kate of New-Tork. and ascertain wheeeta aald acta are defective.

or need lin- pravemanu la order to carry not the luitsit of the XiegWature more clearly: and fur-iIht to Invite ail intereated to appear be-t-frv him and show where the taw are violate, and It aome technical objection ap-to-ars to any labor then the same shall be corrected. ffe-iat! bare pwer tn-aend -for pcrw a4 tn wttiieeaew 'mwt-h t-oon all maftera relating to the violation of what are known as labor la we; and upon recnmmendaUon. tha DlsTjrict Attorney fhail proceed at once to nae all the p.jwer ot He ta poaseaeed to Bring atl vio-hi-xt of fcityvr laws to Jnetlce. Sec This act shall take- effect Imme- niatrtv. All acta or parts of acts Incon awtent with this act are hereby repealed.

There Is sow a likelihood that the Na tional Guard will be reorganized to cos form to the organization of the United States army. For years there baa "been a. sentiment in favor of In the Guard and at last Adjt-Gen. Tilllnghast has ap tainted a commUsion to meet in Albany oo Monday afternoon to receive suggestions and embody them in a bill to be approved by the Governor and then submitted to the Legislature. The cSmmtesioB consists of Col.

Frederick Phiaterer, Assistant Adju tant General; Cot Samuel M. Welch of the 3ta Regiment of Buffalo; Col. Daniel Appletoa of the 7th Regiment, New-lork; C-ol. W. W.

Ladd. of Brooklyn, Aa elstant Judge Advocate General; CoL Me-Cwkry Butt, ISth ReBimenU New-York; Capt "Jacob W. MUler of the Naval Mill-'a. i. Eire of the iSd Regmejit, Brooklyn: MaJ.

C. F. Roe of Squadron A of New-Tork. and Capt. K.

ttxHtcrf-H'ti XofJatai mffl' The Adjutant General will submit a pro-Posed form of organlutlcn which the remmlsaion will consider. Daniel W. Powers msde Rochester famous la many ware. First there sa the Powers Block, then the rowers Art Gallery the the Powers Hotel. Of il these I in the South.

This te en ot in moat useful of the decomtlona used lit fiwtivsl aeaaons, All that la fterssaary, la la hang few spray over the windows and door, or ever the pleaure and mirrors, and tha worst ton -of the room Is eomplets, Ths mWletoe, otherwise known at the DtM'd's brand, found ta rich abundaxc this year. The legend which tells how kissing under the mistletoe earns to be regarded ft an espeoisi- privilege- has aa appropriate alguKkoaBce' for the glad Christ to the Bcandl-navian myth, the wicked eplrtt; Lokt hated Balder, the favortts of-the god. Mtkinf an arrow of mistletoe, he gave it to Hadta, the gjd at darknesa, to be tested. Then heahot the arrow and killed Balder. Th tetter was restored to life, and tha mistletoe waa given to the goddess ol Jove to keep.

Everyone who passed under It received kiss as a proof that it was aa emblem of lore, and not ot death. Tb m- ojila 1 eo of the most beautiful of vr- brsorsies beiBSf swrtlcwlar ly dlrbl tor decoration. They can a man god Into beautiful wreath, brighten ed up -with ft few sprays of holley or Hex oasslals, wllh charming (fect Several var ieties ef palm crowns and leaves ar sold during the Christmas month. Palm crows are plants with tha roots renuwed make them lighter In handling for decor- tlona. When placed la pot or eases with wet sphagnum moss or sand they can scarcely be distinguished froaa Hitural- grosring A new evergreen I the net ctattlalt, or the Alabama ooral tree.

This ptent fill want that ha long bees felt in ever, green ornament floua, WHh It bright red berrtea tt reUevei the "N-gren" appear ftnee of tb ordinary holiday decoraUona, The Ilex caaslots 1 a tree that bnr ft great profusion of small, dark greea leave, thickly set oo the brehche and aluddrd whh bright red berrtea. It la called Ate. boats coral tree beoaut of its itemblanc to piece of ooral with green leaves The famirter Christmas tree, which af fords so much delight to the littls ones. both rick and poor, ia no longer dealt In to anyexteot by the florists. It ha become so great ft seller that butchers, grocers and commission men In general tavq.

found tt profitable to lay In large gtocka of the tree during the month of Deoambrr. To those who. love to, ploc these emblem brilliantly lighted, in the window of their homes god tn their church on Christmas night ft may be Interesting to know where mey como from. Their borne te la ths North. NEW RIVES MOTOR.

A MECHANICAL SWAN DRAWS A THAMES PLBA8URB i BOAT AND DOES IT WELU A new motor for ft Thame pleasure boat In ftppearanoft te Ilk swan. It Is rather large for ft swanan able-bodied ostrich will giro better Idua of It stew-Md tt Domains enough motlrw power to pull boat warn six or aevaa person to tt. Th Nyniph is capable of being attached to any small boat: it la regulated and controlled strtirely from the passenger boat and by the lmt axpedtoot of touobAnc ft small lever will start, go halt-apesd ah4, full speed ahead, stop, half speed ftstrrti, or full speed astern; tn ghort, ia all essential paittoursr It wilt comport ttsetf Wfth th proprlsty ot ft txtwiy steamboat A tedy can guide It, eoenrolllwt by. ft pair ot reins llks an ordinary horse, and guiding la any dirertion so that tho teay people in skiff aad aaaoas who may have suffered SfSttsthsag from: ladies' itesrtas; ta ths past, bar stai sommthlng to look forward to. 'c CHILDREN AT CHRISTMAS.

Tnr.m joy and uiuth bhovm) iit tNREtTBAIXlCD OS TIH8 DAY or It there te day IS the year whirs rtphtly be'onaa to tbe young, tt I Cltrlxt- tns da tr Wrtiss Bi ia ta Christmas Ladies', Home Journal, "it should be glfeo. orrlT to' ihmn. without stint of resensrlon. And i tnln eometrmre parents do not alwax on derstand this. It la right sod ali-esseottal that restriction upon rhwmoemuts ot the young should prcvatl.

Itk every born. But brtttns day i the one aay snta these harries ought be rifted, and tb ytmng ttw ttbsn erty.nor teduigence ihotild be withheld trim I bey or g'r! en that day. What of It, my dear friend. If suck liberties da mean a tear her, or ft broken chair there 'suppose tbe boy is particularly noisy oa What of It Tell me. If you raa, better slga of tro young health than tbe nolo from ft boys lungs! 8upp'ise he does throw himself.

even jump or stand. your heat-lounge, and soil or rumple your pet tidy! Pas over tt. doa't nouce It, but Jet the boy bare his Christmsa day. Awd-lf- th- IWHs- girt- dws insist wpew pntttttg bar sticky randy tngeiw Wa yoar dree. What of It! Let her romp and tear ail eve the boos.

Olv her the Joy ot reetlrg that tor one day ths boss Is hers In every ook and comer of It Let ser put her smntchy little hands ea the wait paint of door or wall, I know a bora, my deaf woman, where the marks of tour Uttte, smutchy fingers may be seen aay day oo fs white patst' of a door, and taey ar treasured atwve the costliest ernameots ta that sense. Nothing eon Id Induce tke mother of that aoaie to wipe oft too anger marks, snd gsyly woaid her heart sing it the little finyrr that pot them there cunid make others at: ever the doer and windows of that souse, Let each one of at was can glrs freedom and st to the deareet tressnrc ef tbe Chrltaarl4e the yeang. barbarians -of ear Some, uea bless them, I ssy. May each caild to tou. tend of have a Ohrisrmss day tni sts Sreetosjsd after It ewft seen." CHRISTMAS EVB.

Of thing te vary Amosg the soost etiie, Ti'Vii bant Be bKtvn tttey sAvva't (rh.

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