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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 1

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ir v. 7- r-7Trtu 1 1 "e-- 1 'i1Tg i Hl- (- i i "A SATURDAY MOKINlJNtt, I 1 VOL. XVII. and several other gentlemen came np tn the uur loroes oeiow xomwowa lYnoiAjAJcio. i it 'K i.

i ra II rOBLISHKO DAlLTrBT A. U. CLAPP are stated to be hourly gaining ground, Noth- OFFICa OP THS RECEIVER OP TAXES, Buaklo, April 8th, Ibns. tivw tent IPnnKIHnSTllWFSI r- I- 1 I lngnr hmtranimtiimtherigerJ intr neW has transpired on the river. 1862 SHELL D1VIS, 1862 i i i i i Wasrxkoton.

April 1 1 1 N. 14 Hmtrn turt iMtm Morning tt Mernoon Dispatches. BOOT1H SHOES fUsfftctorr nroof havmtr been liAirnlshed BKDVCES i -4 to the War Department by the publisher of Tribune's Disps AT TUB DNX-PBICI STORE OT THE PHOENtX, with furnltura completsfor. the Philadelphia inquirer that the reoeni puo- prote It CVI. Baker's body on arrirlng at Hmi Francisco, was In an advanced staUs of decomposition.

Dr. Holmes, late of Wil-llanwburr. Long Island, Is the oldept in the Imsiness here, and I am Informed be has iiisdic thhty thousand dollars. Messrs. Brown and Alexander are trying to Beta bill through Congress for the ex-i lusire nght to em 1ml botlies, and to hare Congress authorize a Corps of JCmbalmers for cadi divfslon.

The charges are $.10 lor an officer; and for a private, and I must say the bodies look as lifelike as if they were asleep. THE YOUMG WARRIOR WAAirrsoTON. Aoril 10L Produce Commksion IfferehaBts AND INSURANCE AGENTS, Na. lOCaatral W. T.

3. g. BUZLL. TOWKbECID DAVIS- Stove.l (A Superior Rot-Air ir uuatiua ut uiuiia.1 uimmuuui au fc Daner were made bv him without any wilful DRAPJTIt Sk RATHBUN, or Wood, com Diet THE GOLDEN BRA For Coal Tk BmOTkI Oall Kif rM-l Dolltu to Mull taWrilxw, MjrlU 1 dvnnr-. IMIrd la tbt'lty br AXDRKW BUCBXAHD, at $4 60 pr annum, qnarfrlr In arfraiMW, 16 CCaUa montk, paytbt ta-Tarlabljr la irue.

Tk Trt-WNiBilr KitrmIi MblUhad r- it with furniture intention of violating the order Of the Department, and in full belief that ther were NeV.Sia Haln ttreac, BakTUa, Haw York, i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT have this day received from the City Comptroller the following local Assessment wlilch can tW paid at my office In the City of Ithrnk, lln and Kagle afreets, at any time within six montha. That the aald rolls will be sncmented by the addition ot one per cent, thereto for every month tha aame shall remain.anpald; S618 For ormstmctlvg it plank stdewslk on the west sld of iairara street, between Amhorat street and Hsmlltoa atreet. a61 Kor eonstmctlnr a plank side walk on the eonth- eriy aide of North Division street, between Oros-vrsor street and a point Hutlfeet easterly therefrom S5S0 Kor repatrtac the sidewalk on the westerly side of Hamburgh atreet, between Sandusky street and the New York and Scut Railroad. BS31 Por repairing a ptanh aldewalk aa the north. r-' atreet, between Washington smirsstt at.

asia 1 properly authorized, te'egraph privileges pf rjr oiaw aVar, Tkraa Uollara par unaa, la a4vaaeav oppoalte tha Chnrchea. Clarendoa BVdr, THE aak Stare BarxtlBC Cava ay, fcwDouaVry ClrealaUoa, at Ou Dullax par annua. ia the Market. Cookinr Store Coal Tha Best prices. Thy Nefer ary in Their The Late Fits Jan en tBiiea.

i Woffll ittkm of tha Dally an4 Waoklf papar had by application at Um Coanllnr ituuav Safest ft Cheapest 8ysteM InsarAice WASHINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY 64 Wall Street, N. Y. The funeral of the lte Lieut. Fitz James O'lJitiKirtook place lnf New York on "Wed- The Keep a lull Assortment of -Home- BATBH Of iDTRBTIIINO. TWELVE I.I! KM laaa autka a Hqnara.

Tar oaa Bqaara, ona lnnrllloa, 7 anla. Tot aaca Mbaoqoaat nestiay. 1 Lieut. t)'Brien was on the staff of Gen I An AUtoo wora. igwniim, a ut naa waas, eanta.

THE STEWART. STOVE, Cnsarpasaed among Wood CrJok Stoves. HOC8EFCRNISHINO OOODS, of all kinds) SILVER PLATED WARE, best quality! LAlTIPS, COAL OIL, dcen aVei i On aanara wanka the i'luladclphia inquirer are rawmL By order of the Secretary of War. i Signed i E. a San ford, Military Sup't of Telegraph.

i i 1 Boston, April 11. Gov Andrew has signed the death, warrant of Geo. Hersey, who is to be executed at Dedham jail, August 8th. ITersey was con victed jof poisoning Miss Terrill, some two years ago. 5i A letter from Hamburg, dated Mapch 19th, says that the British steamer Bahama of in port loading with guns and ammunition, to clear for Mat amors Mexico.

The writer has been on board and thinks she is intended aa a privateer. She had the flush deck very heavily laid. i tcr, ano in tue anair or uioomery uap was oValr, Jfissss', 162s-aor rupeinu a plank sidewalk on the south-, erly side of Fulton atreet, between Chicago street. and Ohio Basia rlip. St3 For eoastrnctlug a plaSk crosswalk across nam- lltoa etroet, oa the easterly side of NiagarastreeC SBSt For cwstrncttng a plaiikcrosawalk across 11am- lltoa ftreeCoa the westerly aide of lagara street.

taasFor repairing a plank alee walk on tha aout beast one rf the few who obeyed the word of com Ths Maks oS Mids of Ladiet, CASH 8400,000 CAPITAL, WITH A LARGE SURPLUS. Scrip Dividend 1861 GOPer Cent On aqaara I Ona aqnara 4 Ona aqnara Ona aqnara awmtha. Ona auara Ona aoaara montha. .4 00 koo ng .10 00 i no 1H () teor to order. Boyt and maud, and rushed with the gallant leader r.iKjft the rebels, and achiered a brilliant feat of saccessful daring.

A roconnoi nance was call a'hd examine, at Plea mrSt HAD LEY A HUSTKD'S, Ona aqnara It montha. Bids or uetargia street, neiweeu westerly from afth etree sad a point SS feet wee. 1. Sm Manjut nolnt- made by a part of cavalry; snddeuly they They sell all kinds jf hotna-mada work as low as can Secretary Seward is not going; to Corinth, or the scene of any other Western victories. Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, wil elected United States Senator from that State, lie goea to Yorktown to-morrow.

The Connecticut men here report Senator Dixon's re-election as certain. There ia no opposition to him. I Minister Randall leaves for Rome by next steamer. New 'York, April 11. An explosion occurred ina kerosene oil factory in Smith street, near Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, last evening, causing the instant death of three workmen, and dreadfully injuring- another, i The Academy of Music Was crowded last evening to welcome the returned officers and men of the Cumberland andj Congress.

The gathering was ona of the in tensest 1 interest. Addresses were flittered by Mr. Bancroft, Mr. William Evarte, Djr. Hitchcock and W.

E. Dodg The audience numbered 4,000. Time Dispatch. Washington, April 10. The President sent a message to the Senate to-day concerning a treittyl recently agreed upon by Lord Lyons and Mr.

Seward, and the correspondence had by these gentlemen, the whole relating! to the subject of the AfrA can; slave trade. The President, without ex-. pressing any! opinion on the Subject, transmits the papers to Vhe Senats for Its ratilication or rejectin. If ratified, thej gprernment' of Great Britain will pass upon! the subject If the treaty, as now drawn upj by the ministers of the two governments, is finally agreed upon Noel tl7 lit Main street. Noai i TaAai.r AnraarriafMa, 40 pr annnm tha apnea tlma.

Da nongat uus or any ounr marae Meoilad hot atxmHHl two aftnaraa at any ona I i IAX, Two UVeatera New York. wna aqaara. harirhla niiartarly tf Ooalraa, COAL! COAL CO tcASFor repairing the sidewslk oa the west bide of Niagara Vtreei, betwaea Hamlltoa and Auatla tWPwrepalriag a plank aldewalk on the waeterly Sine Uxm an overpowering force of the enemy. The rebel officer, confused by the iudden apparition, did not know whether the men before him belonged to his own side or KiauM Ka'a additional aqnara (IB. I Kama ADTaarwaaairra will ba eharga4 BOpareaat, el for AU aid or Mlcaory trOH sbsssi siiiisisshi Tata Boat They eaU all Usd) of Baatora work very cheap far that of the United States, lie rode up with MILITARY.

tm aoaiuon ni raajataa raiaa. Amniai. Konnaa tan eanta par Una far aarh inaar-tlonj bat no a4TartlaamanU UI ba Inaartad Baaona thaactal Nolloaa tor laaa thaa ona 4olit kx a alngla laatanoe, read achecule of price below I id ChciaM Pi RACITB COAL ANTHRACITE ion an aet SSSS For repairing plank aide walk tin the north ie speaking distance and said, "Whoee troops sre; you Lieut. O'Brien, ever vigilant at east aide 01 ninta eves. Between Dkl. I Ladtea' 811k Qore, filck aole Heel Qaiter (1 00 rriHB Adwtlaamauta tor Iiinmon, Ooomrra. a fur For repairing plank sidewalk on tka north- do do IBS of Pennsylvania, to insure, at all tlmea, a permanent supply of their Celebrated COALS, have leased. $10Q BOXJISTTY WANTED FOB. THE UNITED STATES ARMY, able-bodied, sober men, between the ages of IR and SS years. Term of service years.

Par from SIS to 2S per month. Subsistence. Cloth saateny aide 01 ninta street, wiwwb iw a Vmmah mi. I Mr otnar parpoaaa. which ara raqnlrad laltoraly to bakaptta aay apacliad pLaoa, will ahaTad aa vwi4 afMfWt'44MrStal wove; do wa ao aa ia kid heel tol to do 1 SS calf and 15 Split Boota 1 88 for a term of years, a large yard at tha gKSOFor repairing a plank sidewalk oa the sonth- Ail Tnaataat AdTartlaaatanU to ba paid br In ad- Foot of Genesee St-, Erie Basin, do do GanU' do do do 1 AO erly slus or axenovia isrrwoa, anwan saws, aaa tl Whole leateT, thick boot ing and Modical Attendaaee furnished to the Soldier he' post or danger, answereu nion.

I wo i-haU were heard; the one carried death to tfie rebel offlctr, the other has placed Lieut. O'Brien in an eiTTy tomb. Ills sufferings front the wound which at length proved fatal nre thus described by himself in a letter written in the midst of his agonies to a friend I I have nothing to write atiout excjupt myself, a rather one-sided subject. Still oo, a 5o SMIFor repairing a plank slds walkon the orth Kip Boot Calf facilities, where ther 00 to oo And fitted It up with auperlor have for aale, at wholeaala and west si us 01 unaaoa mm retail, tha Largest and (., i Thick Broefina and Oxford Tiea. n-e or cnanre.

ni. iuu pay ts couuiiuru wnna sick. A bounty of $100 is paid to him when be isdls-chareed. The door to promotion to the rank of com-miseloned ellicer 1 open to meritorious men 4 do 1 (JO, I -B MORNING EXPRESS. Beat Stock of 1 OO to'l 60 S5SS-For repairing a plank! sidewalk on thewesterly r.j iH.n.

iruu Youth 'a Boota front! Children's Shoes CrAta INAl'HES BUILDINGS, Merceaudloe, Farnl tare' hlenta, Leaaan, Carvoea, and other Inanrahle )ropeTty, arinat Loaa or Daosage by Fire sod Marina Inland Navigation, oa tha Lakea, Klver and C'a-naia. C'aak Capital feris Partlelpatlaa. PoiUp BoidMrt FarilHpal in ih4 Prrtftt without Incurring any Liability. CEO. C.

IATTEBLEE, President. DIRSCTOBS: ClEO. C. SATERI.EE Le MercbSTit UKN'RY L. FIKRbOX Of Pteraon Jb Co JAMKH Prealdent Commlaaionera of Police WM.

OOTHOL'T Of Wm. Out hoot A Brother JOHN H. TAI.MAN Lata Merchant I.K IH. B. BKOWN 1 Of Iwla B.

Brown Co HI HHEL MTSBKINM Merchant KRKDK. II. WOIX'OTT LateMerceant AI.BKRT (J. Coffin, Brace, Biahop A Co H. KEAdI Of U.C.

Beach A Cn PHILLIP K. KKAKNET Seer N. Y. Life Traat Co B. HATTKRI.KE...

Of Satterlee Banker HKNKY XTHH'T Of Wm. Ootbont Brother RICHARD P. CARMAN Late Bnilder HKNKY I-aUj Merchant RI.IIKKT LANE I-ate Merchant Al'ill STI IV KlerUra VAX JJt'NKSi MAIKH Of David Dowa Co K. HIERHON. Far.

A Mech. Bank. Buffalo. HON. HUGH T.

DICKEY. Chicago, 111 HENRY WKSTON, Vice PreaideuU M. K. LOTHROP, Secretsry. Bl'ELL DAVIS, Agents, NO.

10 CENTRAL WHARF, BUFFALO. JOHN A. HpRV, Marine Inapector. 76c to 1' So For further laformatioa apply at the Kacrulttnc jn LO U.I. tl Tfn.Al ttnllAI No.

Main atree sldeoruray atreet, DStwaau Wilkesbarre, Opaalaar tha Cbiaanol Ikranih tit Naaa Scranton, Pittston, Rendesvoua, 81 Inir. ID BALL, too numerous to mention. klnd Many other o3Kor repairing a pUnk aldewalk on thseaat slde JVfadrld A aplaudld flcca of Haarcr i ntust write or die. 1 have not yet told you eiy sufferings and did not intend to; but iliefit is on me, and 1 must harrow vou a lit uffalo, N.Y, April 1, ISSS.

Capt. U. S. Army, SHAinOKIN AND LKHIOH COALS, Racrnltlng apl-tf jvecntiuna udk Ofl work. Corraapondant of N.

Y. Tlmsa. Ever offered In thla Market. I hope to Oodsyou never will have logo and becomes law, it. is believed that by a thorough compliance with itai provisions the slave trade will cease to exist in less than ten For the City Trade, our coal la securely aiowea tn a Soon after our fleet reached thia place, it was Ton nt tliut tha work of reiliuinif thla Having become aatlr fled by experience that It Is far better for oar patrulia to trade at a One-Price Roaae, than to mn-the (rtnotlH of half-a-doren prices, I we have been Inducre to eKUthllshthe one-price ayatem.

to which we ahaU KIU1DLY adhere. Thankful fur paft patronage, we aollcit a oouUnu-aaca of the aame, aad cordially invite ALL to Call and Exanlne our Good and Prices I ntroDKhohJ would fo one, whieh; Jf lM-nd-rut hpon Urn naval force alone, would lake pet-hap month. The position choaen by the relx lH, and the dlnnoallion of their work, to tiireugb what i have experienced, and what I um liable to. For the first week of my wound nothing but enormous doses of morphine kept tue from going crazy with ''pain. I had to be Kept all (lay In a laey, half-slumberous condition in which I felt like a Jtind of hot-house plant, dozing and living, and that's all.

it was at this period I conceived that prejudice against my left arm, which has since lipened into hnte. I cannot express the leel-iiiirs with which I' now reirard that limb. I Peoples1 EUsworth Regiment. In the Grand Army of the Potomae. ACTIVE ABE.

K-B ODIBXt- YOCTO MSN, between tha age of 18 and SS yeara, can now he enlisted Into thla Regiment, (or three rears or during the war. AppllcanU must be at least flvt feet ana seven Inches In height, unmarried, and of good moral abar-acter. The pay will be from I $1 3 to 1 Per Itlonttt-lioo Bantatjr. Pay and rati ona to common from date of enlistment. Recruits will redeavona In Rochester.

Plret-claea board and 'lodging will be furnished free, at the American Hotel. Bquada of ara will ba taken to Albany, and uniformed, and quipped, aad forwarded to MAMMOTH SHED, from which It will ba deuverea to our Cuatomera, nicely Screened, dry and la perfect order. Dealer and Consumer are invited to examine our Stock and Llat of Prices, whln are Very Low (leea than the former coat of rie and Cleveland Soft Coala.) AU orders will receive prompt attention. Propellers sod Tngt suppled promptly, and wiui dispatch. i I ORDERS' WILL BK RnXXVID FOR SOFT COAL.

xa7T.rmi Btrlctly Cah, when Ordered. 6BO. DAK.IN, AVaramt. W. R.

STORKS, General Saleamaa. Bnllalo, July S8tL 1861. JjMtf a to command by uemendona croiw-flrei evtry approaclji froin above, Indicated that their movement had boon decided by an giaeertng aklll aoooud to non In the country. DHAI APER Ac RATHBUN, of waiaut street. Between snwuur.

aia. the plank roao la Swsastreet, between the eaaterly tanmlnatloa of tha pavement ta Swan street and the intersection of toe pavement on Seneca street. 5Sb For repairing Flftk atreet, between Tork and Connecticut streets. I Kas For repairing Hamburgh atreet, from the north- erly line of Perry atreet to the northerly Una of Klk atreet HUT For repairing Van Ransselser street, JVom Kit street to a point feet northerly from Elk street, 9638 For reconstructing a wood culvert across Var, mont street, on the easterly side of Sixth street. 8689 For constructing a Calvert Soros Thompson atreet on tha southerly slds of Austin tret.

640 For. repairing tha bridge across Srle Slip NO. on Hirer street. I toil For constructing and maintaining the public well and pump located at or near the oornsr of Peacock and Krant ttreeU. t54l-For sxtendlng ths Lamp District for 1861, and for gas consumed and IlgbUni to April 1st, ISO 4t8-For ths purpoaa of psymSnt for tan- purohsaea In School District No.

8S, snd ths building, fur-slslilng and repairs of th School Bouse tharaln, and tha appurtenance thereto, apv-st J. DOMADION. Receiver of Taxes. felt tCS Main Street. That the batterio could be taken by a direct 206 Wain Street! 255 Main Street.

255 I long! to cast It off, to disinherit It, to cut it oft the Regtment in th field. "II The blub military reputation, and tha Btanp tlons from among its members for offleers la other Kgtmtnu, maxa it a daalrsble oas tor antarprUiag IStN-' L. C. WOODRUFF, PAPER MANUFACTURER AND DEALER, 94 ana SO Pearl BaflaJa. Pays fash for Ras and Paper Stock.

OTIS MoCOLLUM, L. C. WOODRITFF. jAsuaJtr, lata. talent.

Rendaavona No. SO, State atreet, I Addra. C. A. WOODWOHTH.


Recruiting Offlear, 44th N. Y. 8. Peoplaa' awortoltogimenU fe6-tf Rochester, iN.T. 1 years.

i .1 Baltimore, Apiil 6 A letter to the New Yort Herald says The accounts, of the progress of aflttn-s at this city thro' channels believed to be reliable, di.Tcr mafr rially from the accounts fiurnlshed by tiic government. It 'was known 'at Richmond when the balance of the Union army of the Potomac moved from, Manassas to Washington it was known there when the corps oe armee had landed and were assembled at Fort Monroe it was known there when General McClellan and staff had arrived at the Fortress, arid It was known there when the march on Yorktown commenced, and what number of troops Gen. McClellan had wherewith to make the attack. These facts convinced the Confederate Government at Richmond that their hour had come, unless Ithey took instant measures to arrest the Inarch of Qcn. McClellan.

The fortifications of Yorktown, wliirhxI I have minutely described ip former letters, were all that could be desired, both as to strength and armament, but Magnifier had as -yet "only 85,000 troops. The withdrawal, of stiich a large niumljer of Union troops from Manassas rendered it unnecessary to keep the main body of the army of the Rappahannock along tliitt streani, und from that army, accordingly, Geft. Magruder has been largely reinforced. Troops have Ix-en arriving at Yorktown front Richmond and Gordonsville every day for ihe last week. It is' believed that Gen.

Johnston and Jeff. Davis are both at Yorktown, and that General Johnston is in command, The number of rebel troops there cannot be less than 100,000. Herald's Dispstich. Manassas, April 10. Notwithstanding the terrible storm of the last three days, the health of the troops in the Department of the Rappahannock is unusually good.

i A few are snfferiner from colds, but other U. S. Army and Navy Supply Ajfoacy, And Camp Expres. iQ TO ANtfFJtCTTr-rera and Inventors, and to those wishing to forward packaee and goodato any of the camps of the army. Iiaviiif secured especial privileges ftlr-vlaitlng all the Departments of the army and the camps of the vmHaii.

mUltArv statlona. and the naval stations of tha Tha flabacrlber having taken charge of the above entablUhmeut, would roapectfully solicit a- continuance of tha generoua patronage heretofore received. C1I AS. R. WALKER, Aa-'ent, Mueeeaior to A.

I. Matliewa. PRINTING PAPER, WRrroia paper; FLAT PAPER, WRAPPING PAPER, STRAW AND JUNK BOARDS, ENVELOPES, PAPER RAGS. A General Assortment constantly on hand, and for sale at MILL PRICES' st Wholesale or retail by L. C.

WOODRUFF. 84 and 36 Pearl Ht. Buffalo, JsnJ Sd, 1665. Js3-tl entire coast for the purpose of introducing and selling: to Military (Storekeepers, Commisloners, Qnartermaa- Sutlers, Officers and Soldiers, and also avai Airents and Paymasters of the Navy, all articlee re it hi it (Hiinrp) sntMing, anu tnrust it out upon the to beg. Its hand at present-is fit lor mo higher occupation than to clutch pennies, While highly morphinixed, and In a Kentl-tponaclout state, I formed the Idea ihat Hie aggravating limb did not belong tome, but wjis a vagabond and malicious arm that li.ii) n(ttiicliel itself to me for the purpuae of prevejjiling my being Commander-in-Chief, liicli I was to.

bo as soon as I had fought Ileaurrgard in the Collisscum wKh a trident a oliritnp net. All my arrantreiucuU had iTiivl.c. I loth armies of tite Potomac were tin assist at the spectnclu, when, during, tny slrtep, a rebel spy took awny the arm on which! I depended lor using the shrimp-net, and left me a mutilated memler instead. This the. true history of the case, although prejudiced persons might bo apt to cajl it a morphine hallucination.

''I hjft off morphine completely four weeks vf. jit wiis a Imrd struggle to part with the irreat but I gave it up and took tn tiliindy. They gave" me a good deal of this in vgg-no niid milk-punch to nualaia my (allyj wasted frame. Imagine the pounil yoiimj man you knew, down to alHitit 120, and weak thnt the fulling of a book startles him a If it were the burst ing of a shell. I wish were here to sketch me as I nn eilneered out of lied binbig'Chair, with haggard face, limits, and body fuirly rontrjicted with the pain or moving.

The day alter to-morrow 1 am to bave'a prble put tlvju wound and shoved sown as far as my ellioW," after which they will 'cut-, the 'flesh of the fjre-arm oWm to the lKne for six Inches in length. Bo you we I have (puite a pleasing prospect lwfore nie." A Foil and Complete Assortment Oral) tha reliable Patent and-Family Medicines In uaa, warranted gennlne, Jut sale st WALKER'S, Sfjfi Main street. quired for the use, convenience, comfort and taecaaaltj' both of the army sod navy. We have organised the headquarter of general pffiot located in Warrington-Under this organization entirely complete antVextend-ing through all the Department both of the Army and Tl.n nft.r nnMniiallad adrantaire to ananu- CITY ASSRSBOR'S OFFIOB, I Bcrrabo, April lsflS. I THE UNDER8H3NKD ASSESSORS OF the City of Buffalo, would hereby give notice that.

In pursuance of ths directions of ths Common Council of said city, we have made, the following assess menu for the amounts and purposes herelnsftcr meti tioned, open the property deemed benefitted by the Improvements hereinafter iapectfled, and that said aa-sessment rolls will remain in tha offlrn of the Board of Assessors, for the term: of twelve; days subject to examination ad revjw by any person or persona intareated therein), via 1 sm waiki. For repairing the plank sidewalk on ths sonth side of Bugle street, between jCtdar and Hickory streets For repairing the plank sldswslk on the easterly aide of Fourth atreet, between Georgia and Carolina streets 1 98. Culvert. For deficiency in a former aaseasment for construct-Ing brirk and stone cnlvert scro. Clinton street at a ravine between Bond atreet and the New York Cen-tral Railroad $1J 4.

BtfMt. For repairing Hsmbnrgn street, from tlis sontherlr line of Perry street to theiditoh at the eaaterly termination of the Mala and Hamburgh Street Caual $81 4. I WU and Pump, For repairing and maintaining the pnhllc well and pump No. ISi, located nn Ithe north side of South Division street, between Spring and Jefferson streots JOB 00FT0N. i FAYKTTK RCMHRT, Assessors.

JOHN HBIDWBIX, Office In ths City Bunding, comer of Franklin aad Eagle streets. apl facturers, merchant and inventors in readiness of aaaaalt, DO on doubtd bat It would hve been at an expanae of Ufo and mean that would by ho nw'itn bare Jumlfled the result, unlea It hbuld be aacerUlned that the reduction by 1m cotly nieaauret wai Iropo. Uilo. Oae of the plant (UKKMled Wa that Oea. Popo, who bold the river New Mfid-rhi, ahould eroaa a imi liit force to the-Ten-uraane aide, by which the only remaining lint; of comtnunlcatibn Of the relnjla would be cut oir, ami hence their mn-edy mirrender intuit) a iimtler of (Jen.

I'ojM', b)wi'vor, hud no trHti-tportH-Hi while the awiftueiM. of the and the pOHHemLon 4f the opp.wito ahoro-f by strong litrcea of ihft enemy, made acrosnlnn by rafU luiMMMible.j It waa at thia time, that 1, when it waa found to bo impoaalble to resell the other fthorefby any iiiuterial in the poaseiwioh of (Jen. f'ipu that Col. Ivll iimre the visit to the Hitj to which almnlon whs made" in a fonner letter. After nn Interview, with Kl iir Olllce Komtii, it wai Alecideil to adopt and carry ojut it'snwiflon, advanced by Col.

llisaell, to the elfiM viiy might be found to enable trunaports to' puhh from alxivr New Madrid below. Col. Bjisll Inimedlaiely went at it, with that rigor which so re eminently cliMt in: Kiiluhe hlnj tile snme vijor it It wbicji he sothp huvy guns at Cairoami thirty five hours after had tmnstjiorted them, over th mrtrt execrable roads In existence, erected fortlrtcnUoti, tmumted them, and had thorn playing upon thu aatounded enemy at New Madrid. With a corps of amistant, he launched a Hect jof canoes and skid's, and dis-trlbuted tiem all over the country between our position here and that at New Mail rid, with a rleW to finding the most available route. In a day! or two be bud dccMed'upon the route, and the tmhsport Terry was detailed to attempt the paswie.

Alxiut four-miles, alsjye here is a slouirh, which runs Inhuid IhroiiKh the woods till, at a -distance of some Ave or six miles from the river. It opened Into a sort lake or basin, formed by aa curtlimmke tlmtbook this vicinity like an sifie tlt 'some forty years ago. Cnmsing this. lake, one reaches Chlpousa nyoi, a creek which leads from the laae to the rirr, at a point Just above New Madrid. It waa by this rotate that Col.

Itlsscl proposed reach Oen. Pdpe a route whose dllllcul-. ties would bare deterred almost any other fe. IVlATTISON'S Gentlemen's Furnishing Store ia Birr rLAcn to ear SHIRTS AIVD COLLARS DOSE UP, In. ths BEST STHbC for TWO 8IIILLbas PER IrOZRN, and on tli shortest notice.

2ff Remember Jhe number, i Jfaln Street, over Ilamlm A Mendrei's. lwi ule, savlua of time and the many expeni Core jour Coughs and Colds. Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, Hall's BalMkm, Jayne'a Expectorant, BriiU.ra Balaam Hoarhound, Rodent4 Liverwort and Tar, Andernon'a Cooijh, Down's Elixir, and all other approved remedies, may be found atj WALKER'S FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, Opposite theChnrchew. ensea aaaToiaa-Campf through PUKK XiiVlCIi ice; Taken from Outside the Breakwater. THE QUEEN CITY ICE COMPANY are now prepared to furnish, through the seaon.

Families, Hotels, Steamboats, Propellers, Markets, Saloons and all others in wsnt of Ice, st low prices. Ice sold at tile Ice House In lare or small quantities. IW Office 170 Main street, corner of Seneca. Also. ble In reaching the Departmenta and Ihp nrdinarv rhannela ofaale.b Those wishing- to avail themselves of the advantages of thlfr thorough nd extensively organized system of oka do ao by forwarding aerolites 1 ineir agepcy, t4.wids at Ice House, floot of Erie street.

to our address Vf jcxpreaa, ana vperm ana ernlanatlona h. letter. All for camp Delivery Bronchitis and Hoarseness. CLARK WATERMAN. scxagee l( nackarea 1 Buffalo.

March ISth, 188. mrl7-4mi RESTORITIVE EFFECTS or OarMner's Componnd marked to our address, Washington, O. Ml goods ordered by this agency will be paid for on(delivery. Letter of enquiry will meet with prompt attention. Oood agents, well refered with some maii can Unit tnihls onrantxatlon nrofltahle emrjlorment.

A few SAFES i DAVIDSON'S wise none have been afflicted. The news Of are wanted. Office 3f(o. 811 Pennsylvania 1 Avenue, DAVIDSON'S SAFES DAVIDSON'S SAFES DAVIDSON'S SAFES I Brown'a Bronchial Sawyer'a American Paatllea, Bpaldirig'S Throat Confcctlona, and a variety of other Valnahle Preparaflona, for aale at WALKER Clarendon Block. rnrlfy the Blood.

Ayer'a, Sand'a and TowAecnd'e Saraa-parilla, Braut'a Blood Purifier, hiinody'e Medical DlacoTery, and Peruvian Syrnp. at WALK KlfH, SSSMain atreet. Washington. NOltTH A CHA8S, 1 J.H. TAOART.

IS ALKXANDKR CTrafMTNGS, Phlladalphla, the capture of Island No. 10 and victory at Pittsburg was read to theteveral brigades, exciting intense enthusiasm, particularly in the brigade composed principally of Western men. The country between Manassas and BUFFALO SAI)E WORKS. COMPTROLLER'S OFpiCJB, I 3 i1 Bunalo, Feb. 18, 18BS.

GEO. JOJYF.S, Warrenton has been effectually cleared of Oaoaan Law. 1- Ansae Rxrassa Co. OTICB IS HEREBY CIITEN, THAT New York. i-' IN Manufacturer of Fire Proof Safe M.

H. Obbkmix, Ststrbx TfllK liKBKI. FollCK AT Henii-ltebeln In Baltimore nay that Generals l.cci Magnifier, and Huger are all at and that the National army cannot i imtpier them. Hat they admit that a defeat thefts would le disastrous. Union officers li-oiit Ynrktown estimate the Itehcl forces at to KMl.fMHI, but add that they.are Wtuliinyton CorrtupomUnre JV.

Y. Truomf. an person naixqt urtri unpniu, um sum vo tn 4 osW ssdreni ar 1: the Sn.t vrTT wv Perfumery and Toilet Articles. A choice aaaortment of Lnbin's and other Pernimea, Jbanv. Krastus Cokkiko, All of June next, at the rate ut seven per cant, intar Warranted to be equal In all respects to any.

Haft. made. Hehatok Wilson, Massachi T-ao" est trom the aay or sale, ana paying an taxea ins cny (lennlna French Pomade, Toilet Soaps, Brnihes, Arams Kxrasss. Boston. Also, BURGLAR PROOF SAFES AND BANj.

rebel scouts, rendering foraging much less hazardous. A great amount of hay, grain and straw has foundj through Prince William county, which thie army is taking possession of, receipting forj the same in due form. Brentsville is occupied by our forces. Many of the inhabitants remain, but ajjpear indifferent to the advance of the Union army. The rebels are reported to be intrenching themselves on the south bank of the Rappa aaa agai net their property.

fcajtjol P. M. VOSBURQH, Comptroii? Rioas A CBaakaraJ Wsshrs; alwaya on band, st VAULT DOOKS, made from I Boiler iron ana xet Jans-u. WALKER'S Oppoelte the Churches. mrl-TuTbAlyB perd Steel combined, the doors secured with most approved Burirlar aud Pdwder Proof Locks.

A sample of thia UinUol Safe and Lock, of my m. LEGAL OTlCliSs SPUING CLOTHING FijcNb Importations for January. may De seen at in. u.rie Mium; oaring wuim. Fire Proof Safes constantly on hand, and niade aaV order.

Old Safes and locks" repaired. '7 ufiXQIEtD'S SCPRElflB COURT ERIR RaaselU. Ueywqod, plalntllf, aialnat Aatil I Cotter and Joasns B. Cutter, his wife, rWamyler Coys, Erastnt B. Brown, Samuel Csry, The Marine Bank of a-V BALTIMORE.

ApfU 1 Very sick Indcid with Rhenmatlrra hot expected to Bva: riven opMjv tits Physicians ss a hopeleea man In existence. The first step was to men and boys nAHNVlfl OFFERS, OF HIS OWN Importation, that hava arrived, since the flrat In- case 1 I afMOld Point boat Baa armed. The fol Also, contiuues to manutactsre, as nsuai, -i IRON FENCES, DALCONT RAILIN.s And all kind of Iroa Work liartalninsBallaUngal tW" Apply st th Work, eoraor-of Terrace and Henry Street, oppoalta tha Conrter Honae. fe7-nt iust: RAILWAT COAL BURNER CLARK eSc STORMS' 14 By taking two ibottlee of GABDINSJCS RHXU-MAT1C COMPOUVb I am entirely cured, and able to Herlla WentMn, of all tha dmlrahle absdea, two, four, and eiihl-fotd Shetland and taiiea- attena to my onsusaa aa naaai. IbVRdTnsKrs deepen the slough for the distance of three-fourths of a mile across a cornfield, to an extent that would admit the pawage of the Tet-ry.

This done, after laboring several days. tha real difllcultiea of the taak commenced at the point where the slough entered the tlmlier. i It la not neasry to particularize further than to aar. that the obstacles met and over 308 Main Buffalo, AMERICAN HOTEL BLOCK. tW Branch of Axaoa Clark's CkAhlnc WsrehooaaV trS worwtda.

Cashmere, Angola, German and Shaker. Woollen Yarn ordinary yarna, for knitting. Kkl rt threa caaea, IMS doaen, wilack, brffwn and aaaorted colore. In Sre and aia yard piece. Party Fan, new atylca and eolora.

Newatylea 4 4,." LFTTLEFIELD'S PARLOR FURNACE. Rheanauci and Seoralia Conponad New Vessel Signal Lamp FELTHOCSEN'S PATENT. 7) Maaufactured Felthonsea Rassell hell and gld, let, ateel, and pearl broochea, aiaa, -far Is a nositlve. safe. And nermaneiit ears for Rhum- nunaio, Wallace eoaoaon, uenrge uissei, JDS Franklin Beak of ZaneavUle.Jabes B.

Bull, Oeorgs Palmar, David B. Beanat, The Intaraatioaal UmV, Addison O. Wllliama, aa President of the WMtsrn KU -eratlag Ceanpaay, aad Cbarlott A. Cat tar, dafond-S ant. To th ahor named defendant, and each of them Ton are hereby aammoned aad reeatred to answer, the complaint of tha above named plaintiff In an ao- tion sgslaat you, ta the Sspreme Court of th State of New York, which complaint was filed la the efflcs of th Clerk of the County of Kris, en the tenth day of January, lsfia, st the city ot BiuTslOv State of New York, snd to serve Copy of your answer upon me.

at tha city of Buffalo, with In twenty days After service 1 hereof upon yon, exclusive of the day of service and take notice, that If yon fail to answer aald com- plaint in twenty day aa aforesaid, the aald plaintiff,) anil apply to the Coart for, tha relief demanded la said complaint. tism, Nenrsltrla, sd Salt Rhenra. It Uan mrsasax atsda, bracalata, asMropa, bockjea, all Ut rsga InjParta. atos: rP ale At knhawl, Trench and doaea tic, rVeia SI to S1U, iaat opasad Ina beat gonde offered New Tork City. WK hats 'ivnr 'biciitkd' a aplendid aaaortment of RS AMY-MADS CLOTH-rrjO, of the latest New York Spring Stylee, and of the beat quality and make, equal to custom made gar nenta.

and at low price. We ar now eelllng off oar Wtpter Overeosts IIS MAIN STREET BUFFALO, THE ONLY PERPETUAL come thereafter; were of the most gigantic A road had to literal made tliia aaaaoa. Alap, etereoacopie plates, -new aaaort- WITH PATENT GLASS fiEPLECTOH, FRENCH PATENT LENS, I remedy, an nag oh ana entirely eraaicatmR tne oi. eaae, reqniitiiur nlj Champa la diet "or -boainaaa, and may ba taken by djiildrea and perma of the meet delicate eonetltnttonswlth perfect wifety. Teatlmonlala hundred of then can ba obtained from persona well-known, who pecly give their teitimeny In It behalf.

yor Sale, wholeeKle retnll by i O. H. P. CHAMPLIN, iy Malo atreet. Araui Bulldlnr.

i sa constantly reeeivinat new anppnea i tha beat Hkatee In America, from ail tha different maker, and am aelllna than st lower' orlcea thaa any iee loan eoet. i verglv- mA IK. felldwlnff Ifal AT nrlr? And nnl vemally ackxtoWladgad by all watt ea them a trial, to be Par White, Red aa4 Oraea LlcMts, Most aoDroved Burner for Kerosene or Coal OllaC Other dealer. SPRINa OVERCOATS. si Fin Cssslmara Ca(a Coata, from Nn to 10 00 Superior to say Slgaal Lamp lever before offered ta Dated at tn city 01 xramuo, mis tents any or Jan, THE t3TQy jn Hilary, renlatioa sworda, eaita, aaahes, iwit-tans, and thoalder strns made to order.

Rnbber hlankela, revel vara, sevenvahootars, nurtouts to low iu. puuiiv. srv. 1S. Sola A (rent? for the city of Buffalo and vicinity.

1. uuu. b. -i Attorney for lnalaUaf. .1 A Urge assortment of Lumps, for Petroleum and lurl-oawowS 8 00 8 00 ryuneof N.

Noa gennfaa anless bearing the 1 Sacks. lito Melton and Water Proof 8 00 to BLACK FROCK: COATS. 2Th read a 10,000 doaenCU', Black's, Brooks'. .1 i 1 i Mda.J titer oils constantly on band Buffalo, January ilth, Ha. JaS5-m through the dense woods fof the passage of the boat, which included cutting off immense trees at a sufficient distance below the Water's surface to 'clear the keel, the removal of overhanging branches that disputed the passage of the smoke-stacks, and the removal of acre of driftwood that had, for a quarter of a century, been gathering and solidifying in rafU And piles, and which waa Jammed in every conceivable position along the narrow slough.

Two weeks were spent In clearing out these obstructions, at the end of which lime, the. Terry poked her noee into the mouth of Chlpousa Baron. A proud set of men were all who partiiiprtted in this enterprise, as they saw the broad Mississippi rolling Oulfward ERASTTJS CORNINO.dt CO and machine Miranda, machine alike and needle at Good Cloth Frocks from BO to DODGE'S PATENT GRATES, No. 80 aad Peas) new ore pnrea. i leatlea Star TTwtaaa an fS 00 an lo no 14 oo Flna INIO Rxtra Fine.

Silk Lining 8 60 to BupeTan French and EnKllah Cloth. 10 00 to ft Slaea, S.IIUI iha, at loweet m-vhet rau. DODGE'S PATENT STOVH8, LTTTLEFIELD'S FURNACES. UTTLKFIELD'H STOVES. BUSINESS COATS.

I VaakM Natlanatotha TradalD qaaatiuaasaa drlcea to salt sacs awyera. We -fVTOTICR TO 7 ant to aa order of Charles C. Severance, Hnrrogate of Kiie Cniaty aotiee ia heroby gtraa to. all peraona having claim or demands airslnst Franklin F. Fat man, late of ths City of Bnns.luln aald county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the aame, with th voucher thereof, lo Jarad P.

Fair- man, one of tbeexecntwa of the last will and testa- ment of the aald deceased, at the Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, tn tha city of Boflala, la said county, cm or before ta 15th dsy of May, 1H2. Dated tha Tth day of November, luKi: MATILDA AIRMAN, efer you to the toUo-vlog persons bO have of them In nee: refer $1 B0 one or more Buslneae Sacks from $3 60 to i DAVTUSON'S! SAFES. jaia n. v. MJtn us, lu asia st.

(rood Union Cseeimere Backs ana Manchester A Rich, corner Mali) and Seneca streets. BnOklo Trust Com pas corn er Main and Swaa sta. Frocks from sOOto 6 00 i BUFFALO SCALES. J. I PARLOR "THS INDEPENDENT" COAL COOKING STOVE.

New etylea Fancy Caasimerea from. 6 00 to 8 0U r. uiiams, corner ueiaware aaa modswk ate. JDe Vine Brother, Maaafactarars of tha Newly Improved Oraratrung u. a.

axpra company, aoraer Deneca aab i-eart PANTS. lust before them, and reflected that one of Oood Heavy Pan ta from $160 to Sole Agency for Kxeenuuv JndgeHalU I Charles O. Irish, 110 Kagle street. Jeeaa Ketehoja. North street- GRAND SQUARE PIANOS JARKD P.

TAIRMAN, jrancy from to oo nivknmaklahtn SB to 8 79 Brown Hale's Paper Mill Ftaa French Black Uockin aOOto 600 rfajaao x. jraxitmaji, -j jExacutors. Cap, Letter and Note Paper. Also, Plat Paper, tjjr noaeawSiaS A. J.

C. Ooehraaa, ST Kaat Aagle street, Judge Conklln. FACTORY UXO SALES ROOMS i rruuen ana xttnaera, at aun r-noea. lefwing Are the makrprimta of a letter from the Ajnencan's special correspondent i' FoBTRKaa MotraoB, April 10. 1 The storm has at length broke, and the sua shines brightly this afternoon, though the wind is still blowing.

Nothing has been seen or heard of the Merrimac to-day, and in view of the recent terrible reverses to the rebels In the Westt is doubted whether they will have the courage to attempt offensive operations even with their iron-plated monster. "Still, desperate circumstances require desperate remedies, and their desperate strait may induce attempts at something in this way. If she ever does come she will probably come to-morrow. Parties who come In froni the army report no special change in aflairs. Continual skirmishing is going on a brilliant little affair occrjrred on Monday, in which Griffin's battery participated with marked effect, killing and wounding twenty-seven rebels.

The rebel position extends across the Peninsula from Yorktown to Warwick-- near James River, a short distance "above Mulberry Point The conformation of the land and the making in of the creek! from James river shortens their line of defense and enables them to command with their fortifications all the roads up the Peninsula. Generals Lee and Johnston are bothj-f-ported with the rebel forpe here, one commanding at Yorktown andjthe other at Warwick, Magruder, holding a subordinate command, is with the reserves at Williamsburg. According to reports of deserters, the rebel force numbers about of whom 30,000 are reinforcement recently drawn from the line of the Rappahannock and about Norfolk. Despite the weather and bad roads our Generals are pushing forward preparations for the assault upon -the enemy's! work, and not many day will elaps before Yorktown will be ours, and Richmond The glorious news from the West is acting as an expedient stimulant for ou army, andgreat-ly encouraged the troops under their present hardships to Btrive to win ecpial honors. Berdan's sltarp shooters tire good acconnt of themselves? They hold an adranced position under the rebel batteries, from which they constantly harrass the enemy.

A head above the parapet becomes an instant mark for! naif a dozen rifles, which at 1000 yards distance, rarely fail to bit their mark. One sharp shooter belonging to the California regiment, has almost wholly prevented the rebels from using a large gup in an Important position. From a well selected rifle pit he keeps A constant aim upon jthe gun, and hardly an attempt been made tor two days to fire it without the rebels losing one or two men from his deadly aim. I M. C.

BROWN, VESTS. Fancy Silk Veets from $1 75 to 3 00 Superior Grenadine from 8 00 to 8 75 Fancy Check, Htripea, from 1 00 to 00 comer of 5Iag ara and Irfarylaad Sts. Robert Ovens, 84 Beat Seneea Street. i John Newwiaa, 6S Delaware trA. 1 John i.

Sid way, corner Mala aad Baron Itt'Seta, 811 Main Sireet, Buffalo'! Mats v. 14. npnaine, on wen aonawa street. BUFFALO, N. T.

tjamimeree irom. i wm aw Boylq'k Malt Wlii-ske the most arduous tasks ever undertaken, was so nearly and so handsomely completed. But their Joywsis short-llred, for they" bad scarcely caught sight of New Madrid, mile or so below them, scarcely ha4 made ready to give a rigorous cheer or honest gratulatlon as the boat should enter the river, when they were saluted by ai perfect torrent of iron- hail. from a battery which the rebels bail erected and maaked, a rlew of meeting this very 1 With ereditableicelerlty the machinery was rerersed, and the Terry' backed Into the woods, berond the reach of these unexpected tW A large sod well selected stork of GENTS WK woctn rALE. Tiff? AT I) KNISU INU (rOOUl constantly ou hand, and for aleatreaaonahleratea.

Aleo, BOYS' AND CILLU tentl.D of tha Pnbllc to oar NKW CIK- torre Kiehardson, SS Carroll street. T. 8. Perkins, S4S Washington street, LeGrand Marvin, 17 Oak street. D.

O. Goodwin. Waahlagtoa atreet. K. P.

nsyes, IBS Pearl atreet. Oeorcre P. Stevenson, ass Mala street. liH'LAR SCAI.B 7 A 7W Oetava IRON Pit A MR PIAWOH. with Uraretmna DK.KN'S C'LOTUING, to anit all aaa.

MANUFACI'URED AT tig, $21 AND per doatrt, or by the half dosea4 Also, gist-tlemen's Collars, Jof all descriptions, constantly on hand and made order, from $1 to (t per dozen. All linen shirt frn 68 to $3 69 eachj aha cheap-eat place to bay Liien Bosom ia at MATTI80N, feJT-tf Mala atreet. Up BUtra. rTIMlS It A THOROUGHLY CENIJINK A. Liquor, beini? manufactured entirely from th best quality of Barley Malt, and infinitely purer fh4 ttMe conipoundfl sold imported Scotch.

ad.l havinjr frtHuei.tly been tst by some of the most respectable Physicians of 'Buflklo, who recommend It ose to those patients reuulrint stimulants, and ia not ray We ahaU remote, on the let of Mav. to ISO Maia SCPREME COITRT ERIE COCWTT Klbriilgs O. Spaalding, plaintiff, agalsat aleorge J. Schmidt, Id, and John 6. Hcbialdt, survivors of themselves and John V.

Schmidt, fJeorge 4. Schmidt and Anns K. Schmidt, deceased. Christina Schmidt, wife of Oeorre J. Schmldt.iSd, Michael Ilaensel and John C.

H. Koetrel. To the lefeadaata-Yoii are hereby snmoaoned to answer the eoasphunt In thia action, and erre a copy of your answer on me, st the city of Batv twenty day after tha scrrlc hereof.ezcla sire of th day of such service: and If you fail to answer tha complaint a aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tha relief demajidi-d in the said complaint Whirh said crsnplslnt was filed In tbe ofllc of the Clerk af the cochty of Erie, ea tbs Uth day of October, ISSl. Dated October llth. 1SS1, T'v A.

A. BLANOHARr sor-oawwS Plaintiff's Art Buffalo, n. T. St. Tylr, 101 Bast Swan street.

Allen W. Morton. Ztfl Booth CMeiakan alraot atreet, a lanrer and more eommodioue atore. our prea-ent oaa being too email for our Increneinjr bnaineaa. a rr a.

sj rtsy wt ta J. P. Shoeeraft. 140 Pearl sweat odTtT 'Bnaa, Onade evpreealy ft retail trade) embrarlna' ererv known Imprnvemeiit of VALVK, in highly Sn-lahed and etemnl Roaewood Caaea. of vsrloaa etjrlee which wa will sell at resaonshla price.

These Inatrnments, from their peculiar eonatrao-tlnn, have a rich mellow tone, entirely free from tha metallic aonnd an common to moat Iron-frame Pianoa L.AIiV I nrll Main vtreet, Boffnio. sold until matured by sQfficl not age. It can be obi fairors and there she remained till tome steps STOVES! The IadepaitdeBt" Coal CoeklntlSteTc Tata InAapsdeat" CeaJ Coahinc Stare Tka Iadepsidaat" Coal Coaatlafc Stare fcTTia ladepedenfToal Caaajlaa; Wtara tamed in Its proper stare st u. m. r.

i tiAsru. ij 0 Main street: R. JENNKK, 800 Main Am. Hai tel Block W. H.

Pea body, SSl and alii Main street, at various Liquor Dealers, and at the Distillery in the Star Brewer. Be Paul atreet, above North, in quantities to suit j-the tom-h I Arm and rlaetle, and every precaution ft. taken Ut make them enhatantiai and dnrable. We STOVES I i 8TOVE8tr could be taken to meet tins uniooaeii lor uii-flcnlty. Thia occurred laat Wednesday morning before night, Ool.

Blsnell had reported the Issue of the undertaking to Commodore itre'di'termlned to make none bat FlKHT CLAMS IN- rt fMI MKN-PM. aui will wKrraut tbeaa to he aqoM to any New York or Boa to make. Old piano taken in sine and Comfort of your Improve the axrhaiifc-a. Horses! Davis' Masmette Powder, YMR THE DESTRUCTION OP COCKr RUACUES. Bedbuira.

Aula, and all kinds of IS. Infer that the Programme concerted was. In ease CoL Illssell should be surcessflil I.A KUTG'S DRUG STORE. EK SON'S T3ROF. PATENT, md lameness-of the and wa win eonunaa to TUNE AND REP ArR PIANOS In tha beat manner, aa heretoforo.

tt" Order left at the Partner, ar at tha BOOK contraction 1 cure or orev warranted satisfactory fit the taors sects. House, Hotels i and Public Buildings clearej by contract. f.wward limbs, air' THE CONQUEST It ST 6 AJI EVTIttE WE PATX1UIIW Of owm Isaawratxara. A A NTS IV led to all horses, at tha corner of and owner. A Jn getting A boat through, the Commodore agreed to send a gunboat, without which a transport would be useless.

The opposite shores are lined with light reltel batteries, ao-alnst which It w'onld be insanity to attempt STORE Oir MARTIN TAYLOR, TM Maia atreet, will N. BRITTON, PJUCTICAL COPPERSMITH, Hancvac-rPBaR jtaDx.Bauta im Copper, Tin and Sheet Jxqji Ware, BT0VES, LAMPS, OILS, AO, AO, Na I CoaanaerelaJ Street, Junction of Pearl Granite Bonding. FOR THE SPRING TRADR A seneral aaawtmant of Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, Coal Oil Lam pa, la 44reat Variety, which are offered ait Reduced Pricea, FOR CASH. Keroaeaa Oil, at 0c per callon. JOB WORK and REPAIRING executed with seat- naaa and diepatch.

V. BRTTTON. P. S. Old Coma, Baass, Barrinni and La ad, taken ia trade.

mi-Si-M WAP-lmB km. PAvia, orean snd Court sis. streets. 11 Eaglaaad wiLa proean attemion. anany THE OLDEST DBTJO AND nEDICINaa a a 1 1 1 1 si's, lSTo S4wO TwTnLln Street V- rT Orders raeeived, also, ht T.

8, Conry'a, No. 1 iWoaunendatloDa to tha horaee and tl East Seneca street. Ten-f Te Photographers and Others. felS "to land troops. With a'gun1oat to corer the troope and silence) the batteries, the landing A ARTIST -WHO 19 PBRFKCTLY Deeus.

oeeaSa seeas. iV acauainted with, and haa had a lone exaertence rro Aiar pi thx harkitxii Darner ot SoelADlvlatoa. la tha ALBUMEN kavniff worked In aev-eral of tha laryeet New York eatabliahmenta, wiahea would be a matter oi no great uimcuny-, uence tt waa probably determined to send down a boat as soon aa the transport should succeed I CecabtsdiiceiltM BEST litirROTEMCtSTS. PHOTOGRAPHS AMBROTYPES a permanent aitnauon a moa prate aaiary. wui warrant hia ptcturea eqaal to any la tha country, la nnl tn9 IrkfM.

and Snlaii. la retting througn 10 ina nrar. Wha- tha Carondelet wan selected particv IS NOW AND Villi CONTINUE TO BR filled with the most eoaopist and wall aelected stock of wood Us Una to be fooad the city of I HAVE ON HAND AND A Iff RECEITO In a larva Snd complete stork of GARDEN, F1ELU and FLOWER 8EEDS all kinda of Plaau and BaX bona RootarPaneiea and Varhenas. Also, Implement for Garden and Farm purposes. A choice collect; iy of twenty paper of Flower; Seeds, Including the very beetFreoch and German Asters; also, a package of double Zinnia, aent by mail or otherwise, oa ret eeiptof one dollar.

Persona I wishing them aent by mall will encloaa twelve cental la atamo. for navxaent Of. will take a roan man aa partner, with a email NTW GALLEBT, IN 4 fnr thla nkterrnrise I do not know. Some capital. Ona who would Ilka to viait tha Campa arm Ik thfa Sprtns, preferred.

Thla la a rare chance tor a ,1 WM. O. FOSTER CO, if. DROOS, MID1CTNES, TZSrWSStri No. 257 Main Street.

Buffalo. One of the on dit of thej day is that one of had to go, and Capt. Walke, leing neariy ti, AiitMot omcer In the and having on yotahg man to sain a kaowledce or tha art and enxar In a rlaylns boainaaav No chars wiU be mad lor la- HATR fULS. POMADES AND EXTRACTS. Skipping and Commission Mercnaats.

iXSTfON BLOCKS cxaajarj? atrnction. A Great Variety of gtores for aD Tsef Timrn mem of Postaee. COMBS, HAIR BBUSKES, AC.ACL, OFFICKitO CENTRAL WHARF, BUFFALO, K.T. Aar JasaseaaT kaiymmttd Or, would Aimlslttna raqnislta apparatus, and join. Aw a net'centaim.

an Amhrntvner alrealv eelahllhed. all occasions performed excellent was dUoatched for th( enterprise. The exdtinf pArtlcnlara of the adrenturoue zss asm snreet, xianaio, n. i Nearly Opposite tha American Hotel, aNaOTH AND NAIL BKUSHXS, um iH.r nil kiwi-A Wtman mirrmtvmmr wcJ' xaH-tm XLKtlUr tk tM Bom, wAam At wifl our mvisions has aecnretrn important position, the holding of which will lead to the eventual forcing of the rebel line of defence-Much Important preUrninary work haa been performed by our troops, and With the return Of good weather more active operations will who would like to Introduce the VmfU IM VUiU, uaav a XAo Jts-A dSAs Ar juwa vautuiw, viiattee. AW firrt claa.

reference alven In conectloa with Rretclaa propellers and vmeela oa the Lake. Will receive and ahlp Ooods, Ware awd Merchaadlaa, to aU point ead plao lathe United Seed Seed. Seed. 1 by the Carondelet past the rebel batteries yta tnhn parucniara. addreaa R.

artist, this run Haa. axUtlst ataksli I dk a-AF BUSS-U ris tm-'Atm ohly bauery op THIR particular, Ac. aAoa, elating EON HASH AND FOR SALE and down to New Madrid hare been giren CANADA EREIGIIT. or iU-vtv ''ciBO. BATI.I.

Ac CO. A few hundred bnahela of Mediam and Large do. wher Sky and Hid Ll(rhts Isa kind la Cam ntaco. Tlmothv Seed. aanAij j.w....

wj uaj auv HWS before General McClellan-r-the reduction of Belgia ara eitnaion ara airoa In eonnectioa wi ih all' his ih all hia MARTIN COMSTOCr." CetS-taa towexb, baib owru a 8TkAPg, 9 FAJeCF SOAPS, U7BTXCS aad othar BXTRACTB, OOC041KXS, GERMAN AND FRENCH, EAT -WBsV. LA VEND ES WATER, AO, 'mH''H WATER, FRESH. LEECHES, T. tmtiMm fr. I DBZtTAL AMDSOXaiCSX AH.

Pvpalar PateraS Heetkaavsa. Ia eonnectloa with the London and Port Stanley Railroad, and Steam and Sail Veaaela. i BRIOGS HOUSE 'CHICAGO, ill. other rooo taat ia) nn bat ona pair of stairs, trass LUa ar other A oa tha arst oor, th PhotoKrapaa ia OU, ni, 1 F. rrank, wm ai swrrarvtar atunexm to Kecelvlnr and Rhlpplnir Ooodaad Ware to all Lake Porta and pla- iJ Howes omciriAL SEWING IJCAOHmE Pull lenrth tPAH ki aoacn ndSf PhotoKTaoha taken at Haw York TklRESTaTS HIS PROFESSIONAL AT- Tit ft VNVRRtlaSRD RESPECT rVLLY annoane to their frlenda, aaimaa and tha tanliM naMle reejerallv.

that ewina to Ike etiin- Mr leauoa rwutwnj CIIFIIH of toe IIKS fW St.vr.ire at Chequered Warebrwae. mrtl-MAWuTB W. c. FOSTER A OO. sCnea at all orteea.

I I i aeWtf price. Ambroti AMD aaa, aaa penmate taa -r- eeacy Of the time, they hava r.iac.d tha price of aMaitiMaf Tor maurafacturing and latxdly nse has sarperior; aad, with Ms "VVosteAi DElevati4ff Co. liaaklxBaadlM. ry artlcta aald wftl Ve warranted para ttl sold at the LOWBHT FUsURE. var mrmn sr.

Vt4 jmapewa arssLNn var street, tat N. T. Sara twu uvluu pe on. Thankmt Sir the patroaaare a lieereJry baatoai aa thaai. they raanectfully aak for a enatinnanca of the aMrtu their oatrona that the BKIOOS" wiU i English Caustio Soda, TtTEf ABE NOW PREPARES TO rati aisa eotwaaaar with Eujrliah Mn Soda of a tea W.

IS, CaaitraJ wisaxC it Mlfala street, eoc. South Df vlaioavj vil .1 nperHw n.iii it airact froat taa Ko.Sw8.arsl Fan Fara I 388. rTTITB UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR thia season, a very lanre Bad aplendid aaebrtmeat of Paabiooabie Ladiea' aad Gentiemea'a Putsl sack a be eimdnctedoaUeame liberal plaa that haa bani lore charactartaad tbatf aatahllahment. WM. r.

Tucaos At OO. BUiHueia, cu amwa it aa low aa it eaa JSagle IBrass Jyoxva.dxy0 ad iaMewXarc ft te pfced fa atrwao I of atorure days et, norbaea illdated form. 1 RECENT IHPROTKICENTS, ta the beat Sewfae; Machine In the market. Gage and Heanaaer aad everything ie complete with aaca Ma-chtna. 1 Th Bsaaaser ta thaltowa Machine aaa all width' This no other aaaehiaie-ooas.

ToaBowaMa-chiae aerer ret oat of order, and wi ll last a life time. Thinking that a good Sewing Machine is desirable, aad a poor oa a peat, aad to be avoided, I would la-vita everyoae to eaU at No. to Mala Street, aver Messrs. Hamlla A Mendsen'a Drr Oood Scom lm tw. aam wain la 11 Mr i rt or.

saora Alkali thaa tha atrosureat Soda Aaa, kaacelta Lde Mink Collara. latest stl. ladle Mink Capes, Victor! nes, MnSS and Cnfls, Ladles Pitch Cape. Vio- fortified entrenchments is that for which he is held specially qualified, and the result is not doubtful. i -I St.

Locis, April 10.1. The Police of this city, yesterday broke up aa extenaire conn trrfeitmg establishment and seized about $35,000 in bogus U. a Treasury notes and some $10,060 in counterfeit notes on the State bank of Indiana, together with eleven bank not) plates and an assortment of implements and materials Used by bank note engraver. Jn adroit counterfeit note engraver named Harvey, alia Hill, and a.nnnv ber of suspicious character residing here, aad ad known to habe been heretofore engaged in the aale or passing of counterfeit aneated. 1 WAsarifOTOir, April 11.1.

The steamer Kmg Phillip arrived at the. Nary Yard at 8:30 this morning, having left Ship Point, York river, near Yorktown, at o'clock yesterday afternoon. Capt Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Nary, Senator Oricoea, Hon. Mr. Sedgwick, of New York, t-raat adraaua where exprnaa trenail htVooeid- Storar second e.

per beak additional atojraaaea saoeding 10 days, Jct. par basAsAd- All raosipes Irigrsia wOI Vs wivaJSj try tha Satratary. arahio. and the glorious sequel of the achiereinent Is jell understood. aamSMUawliMrSliS JDa A Washington correspondent gives the folio wing eeconat of the process of mnbalmlng adopted there.

-j The body Is placed on an Inclined platform, the mouth, eart, nose, ike, are stopped with cotton If Wounded, cotton Is pnt la the wound. phtster Is put on an Incislonris made, in the wrist, the attachment ia made frotrvsi and fluid injected from jBsTiiiifV- Tu wound It then sewed op and the lf boh nP to dry. To sere sinking In wax fa put under thm eve hair I found to come out Terr but fw no7be rcWored Jh areraga about cf quarts. tuA on band some had been irV'' rWr sar In four wl aolidlfledlike taontLa tk txxly win ii to putrble, but no chanc? tlea f. torinea.

ana aaa inx; (oeetnar wna the tower rede ta this line. Also, Childrena Para of every grades ta una one. Also, Childrena rare or every DODGE'S PATENT URATES 1 1 DODS3ITS PATENT ORATatS I DODGE'S PATENT CRATES 1 BwDOBt PATKITY ORATES I MACHYNItT Aisia nsnijraCTirBER -t of roctaM Steam stnjrlne, Palmer Rotary 11 fell-4Bt Ko. la, tO and Ltovd streC description. Gentlemen Far Caps, Mara era aad aaa an rgaresoTTaianatoetoniiiaiM --aah sad Marine mmpe, neer ana cider Pumps.

SaeW aad Die. i-aWTlWla Moulds, MnH Mili OS au saaas, at very reaonate pneea. THE UNION OAS BTJRNER," Shirt Bstahlishmeat of Mr. X. Mattisoa, and i-tb How Maetonavaad se.

tt work jut taa caargee maat aa raiso ran ba oeliresad. Its. Main street. RelrSio. A aaw aaa vary eawtwrnupea nop uaaj atovo.

A. q-WnHtSs, Presto 1 "r'fgrt. agaaij TeopwCaataiga.alsarit D. S. Aiiaita, Svpt.

M. B. Garraara, Sey, ssytutf. WsuntecU i CortrrY ordkr to the ahoitnt of aiAOOO Will ba aoaht at tha earrant rataa, by eAVU MOON BY, TA Tax Aa-anta. Noll Aiasaa atoUdiaaj, op.

A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR TS 11 KZLLOQa BONNELL. rwtti repalrlag dona si Short 1- r-vi'ti Shop ot eoraer af Waihingtoa dad Parry atreeta, JJL. oaa of aarare' YKWETPf WATER FI LTKRt Are i rifta, and ta pnaei is King's Castorlne; tt will ainr Soft, siueay ana asm, ase 1 i xoriuu prant to Aasrlma Hitol. ra-ua T.ixons rrors POLISH SOIOs TO ta feaar ta retain the moat Imatirnl earL Aw a aj great demanl Thy are a aare reaort ia th pre-saanTfaftaVT? ofrtn iixr Water. Sold only by Ua LUSK RBDVCKB BY SAILINO SAAXPAl Prlea tn eeaot.

Hold only by i I 1 TNS BB009I CORN ON IR a. aa xraaa new xorm to LI JLJ Daalais at as SO per i JEWkTT8 Hi RAAA C4MA1N RAGS AAA It AS, AMD laV.M IToard, WxarcoktB aotx pssrtr KsaTtporTtnai, PICaUOONa OTTO, TH'C JS 1 tiS MalaaTTal Howtt i SS and SS Ohio Btareet, S7.

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