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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 56

Cincinnati, Ohio
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section ul Miss Habsoca ClaybsMk ara at At- IahILs. Mrs; Elisabeth Powsr la haras aftsr spending a few in Texas Mrs, A. Keepee. of LsxlngtaB, is th UMt mt Mrs D. E.

Ur.i Kenneth P. Clark aad family, af Clnclnnair. ara visitant? relatives kara and at Aberdeen. Mrs. a.

strsos ia dua ta arrlva koma train Xurope Saturday. Mrs Oeose rBarboar la rtaUias la Clnclnnstl. Miss Margaret Schwaru 'la visiting In Mra Rhods T. Whits aad Mr. Charlaa P.

Wlthanr, Cincinnati, wera marrtad kara Monday. Mlaa Jennie Debold and Mr. Robert William, ol thla elty. wera wadded at Ru-' ale's camp Mr. and Mra.

William Porter, of- In. dlanapolia, ware guests 'Of triaada here tkla week. Mre. Robert Flcklla la visiting her daughter, Mra. R.

l. Ross, at l't- Thomas. mt. sTZEinrd. Mrs.

Will Enoch entertained with tarda Tuesday morning. Mra. Joe Jirown will entertain with bridge Vt e'lnesday atlernoon. Misa Carolyn Bowno waa hostess at an in- 1 nartv Thursday morntnx. Judge and Mre.

Lewie Apperaun, Miss Eluabelh Apperson. Mr. and Mrs v. Willi returned Friday from Atlantic City. Mlaa Ada McKee, of Danville.

W. A Is I he guest of ner crand parenu. Mr. and J. W.

Hedden. Br. Mr. end Mra. Tom MoF-Howney Tlaltrd Mr.

and Mra. Bruce Trimble the paat week. Mre. Fannie Uoodpaster has returned irom Tyler' end Mlaa Porothy Tyler will leave thbi week to Jola Mra. Tyler 'at Mt.

Clemons, Mich. Mre Billle MeWlltlsms. of Memphis. la the gueat of MIh taster Wilson. OWINGSVILLE.

1 Mr and tin. J. B. Ooodpaaler left Thursday for a tay at Ludlngton. Mich.

Mlaa Hue Haevom haa returned to Mil-lerahurx. after a vlalt to Mr. and Mrs. jr. owsiey.

Mies Mauil Mr.Oinety, after a visit to her Mlae Vlrgaleeu Byron, haa returned to Indianspolis Miaa Christine Andersen haa gene for a vlalt to her aunt. Mre. Jerry Anderaon, at Seymour. InU. Mlas I'aullne Stewart, of Tsylorsvllls, le vlaltlnK Iter aunts, tire.

James Steele, Mra. Reese Wells und.Mm. William Welle. Mlaa t'onatanee Botte. lata visitor to her Bister.

Mre. f. Wycoff. of Winchester, returned hnme. ncr-ornpanied by Mies Margaret Eululla Wycoff.

PAHIS." Mr. anil Mie. John Woodford gave a dinner dance Monday evening In honor of Mr. John Van Meter Woodford. Mrs.

Watson Judy and sister. Mies Francis Boone, have gone to Camp Daniel lloono for a short stay. Miaa Kllcabeth Jasper and Mr. William Myull have gone to Chicago to visit Mr. mid Mra.

Jrvlne Keller. Mr. tind Mra logan Howard have turned from a vlait In Carlisle. Mra. I Wiggins Is the guest of Mrs.

J-Uittund Jlllson in hava retarnsd frosa a visit with Mr. aad Mrs. Baird at Bast uvarpeai. onio. SH KPH KSPS7TXLE.

Mrs. A. X. Wright, of Louisville, la a rue at of Mrs. D.

J. WriahL Mra Lsorls Briers, of Now York, la a siwn vi sara. naocy 1 yiwr. Mies Ruth Tutt. of Taylorevllle, soent last wsek wltk Mra.

Jonaa Gentry. Mra. Roy Motaerbead la a guest of Mra Bert nail. Mra. Mlka is a guest of Mrs.

xuaa roster. Winchester! The Elks Cotelllon Club gave ons of their enjoyable dances at their ballroom on Monday evening. The ehaperones were Mr. end Mrs. Frank McCanntck, Colonel and Mra Lucius Berkner.

Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Thomu-aon.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baewell.

Mr. and Mra. Heth Botta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen Bradley.

Mr. and Mrs. William Rabb, Mrs. Nettie Ballard aad Miss Sue HcrlnMr, Miss Marie Warren Bealmer entertained aith an Intermission party for her bouae suests at the dance on Monday evening. Miss Martha McKee Scoliee was bostses for the bridge club.

Mlaa Emily Prewltt had as her guests for the danca Monday evening Miss Margaret Cools, of Danville: Chartiene Bprsgue, Duuia-vllle; Sarah Frances Hamilton, of Mt. Bterl-ln: Martha Talbott and Clinlta In ton. of Paris. Miss Elisabeth Bellaner Is the guest of Mr. and Mra H.

D. Rabb at the Ogdon Cottage at Boonsburro Beach. Among those Invited for Mies Marie Beck-nus's house party for the daSce on Monday evening were aliases t-aruiyn auu i Barclay Phllllpa. of Flemlngsburg: Mildred Oatowood. of Mt.

Sterling: Wily Cecil. Taylor Carlisle: Messrs. Hambleton Tspp siid Ham Naa. of ftprtnglleld; Robert Welter Davis and Charles Cecil. of Danville.

WEST VIRGINIA ORDER BY MAIL WHEELING. R8." J. C. WILLIAMSON entertained with a dinner party Monday complimentary to Mrs. L.

B. Moors of Huntington, West Virginia. Mrs. Charles R. McVey gave a linen sbowsr Monday evening compli mentary to Miss Nellie M.

Smith, whose angagemert to Mr. Paul J. Elcesser, cf Wei labor g. W. Va.a haa bean announced.

Mtaaea Dorothy. Jans snd Clara Ru.h Campbell entertained Monday evening In honor of helr guest. Miss Julia Vpu-graff. of Swlftadale, I'enn. Mlaa Cecelia Clare Zltzmaq and Mr.

Herbert Frances Agar were married Wednesday morning at Ht. Alphonsus Church, Rev. Father Bonaventure officiating. Misses Dorothy and Elizabeth Beans entertained a party of friends Monday eve- UillK. Mrs.

W. B. Hiss-Ins entertained at din ner Tuesdsy complimentary to her guet, miss Louise Martin naa returned rem lira. w. A.

Parrlah. of Pittsburg, ivnn. visit to Mlaaes Ruth Kath-, t-wll A. Robinson entertained with sen r-aiiner in immiiviiir. a nlnner party Tuewluy complimentary ruimiii, vi MM.

It. tuem oi ana sirs. in pauer. Mr. Charles left Tuesday for New, York.

City, where he waa married to Mes Katherlno Kvans. Mrs. J. Hart. of Illinois.

Is the KUest of her son. Dr. J. C. Hurt, at CHn-tonvflle.

Mrs. Knnl Fillilsn. of Charleston. W. Is a KiieHt of Mr.

and Mra Harry Jrent Pllhian. Mrs. Alex. I hike and Mlaa Mattlo T.I I lesion havo returned from Lake t'hautau-que, N. Y.

Mrs. Sidney Ardery, and daughter nt.Ttainr-.t Tuewluy in honor oC Mr i tarl Hvihurt. a rt-ent brtil. Mr H. V.

TylT ontfrtainvd at brfdg OPEN SATURDAYS. Go Uptown to JAPP'S, This Week For Wonderful Values Reliable Switches, Transforma tions, Wigs, etc. The Store in Cincinnati that Sells the Fincut Quality Hair Goods at Reasonable Prices is Japp's. Our large manufacturing faclU-tlpe'roake this possible. We also guarantee you a perfect rnatctt In shade, because In our enormous slock, is found every shade from raren black to ash blonde, with every gradation of gray.

Send in your mail order if you can't call. leOXG, WAVY 8WITCHK8 Of tll3 best natural hair; 3 nhort stems; good size for the latest ha ird resting; worth $9 and HO. fr Great Special I.AHGE ItKAIDS Selected natural hair; the ownership' of one of thesis will delight you; worth $18 A and $20. Extra Special PlU SWITCHES All lengths and styles. tQT0t 10 Special Pe) tj10 ALL-AROUND TRANSFORMATIONS A complete headdress that covers all of your own tresses; a wonderful convenience for the busy woman; best wavy hair; easy to adjust; worth $25 ir "and $30.

Great Special PANTED TRANSFORMATIONS Same as above, but have natural- looking parting in center or to either side; finest quality; worth $30. Great Special $16 HALF TRANSFORMATIONS Extend from ear to ear; Just thi thing if you are graying at the temples; best wavy hsir; worth $12 and $15. f7 Special I LADIES' WIGS Japp's wigs hare grown fast in popularity because of their beauty and simplicity; 'they slip on like a cap an1 fit like a glove; every lady with thin hair should have one; worth $35 (OC Special Also Special Reductions in Ear Puffs, All-Around Bobs, Pin Curls, Neck CurH, Bangs, Waves, Men's Toupees, Wigs and Bald-Spot patches. For 25 years we have been pleasing- folks throughput the United States with Hair Goods. Just send us a sample of your tresses for color and order one of these speclsls.

Tou'Il And our prices much- lower than Chicago or New York and the quality, of our Roods cannot be Or write for our Larue Illustrated Catalogue of Switches. Transformations. Ladles' Wigs, Men's Toupees, Men's Wigs, etc. It's freo and worth having. Japp's Permanent Waving Has no equal for Lasting Qualities or Beauty.

We put this wave Into th Straigbtest tresses In one sitting of two hours; lasts 5 or 6 months; just fine for your vacation qr hot weather. Prompt service wlthouttappointments! 50c a curl Write for Free Descriptive Circular. Pleasing Service ShaasBsslac Mn Ilalrwresslas: Sue) Maaleariss; 73e rarlsl- Masasuge 5Se Children's Hair Cattlnar Brass Rlaae SI Hair fttalalasr, ST Hair MleaebUiu S3 ts SJ Asnlrlnx French Henan. S3 is ST Kyehrew Are hiss .1 Me SIsLsrelas: JAPP'S STORK IS OPEJT SATTRDAVS 1STIL P. M.

1 smw mm VaBgrAJ MAIN ST. OPP. TWXLFT1I ss IJaAOlTaTa'SsV-t A O. teHI Ukr Owe Caejrlewaa Seer lee. PAEKERS3UE.G THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1921 Wednesday In honor of her sister, Mra O.

W. at Find lay, Ohio. BIIJE1TELD. Mr. and 'Mrs.

T. M. Archer left for a Tlslt to Atlantic City. Mra. R.

Jc. Msswell. of Texarkana. lata a ruest of ker parents. Mr.

and Mra P. W. Poff, has cons to Rlckmond, to rlslt fVeada Miss Lula Doks and Kathleen snd Elisabeth Powers have gons to Bristol, to visit. Mrs. B.

Lsnnett have returned from a sojourn In Ocesn View, Va. Miss Ruby Richardson, of Danville, is a guest of Miss Virginia Perns. Mra Vliglnia Lawrence, of Craydon, Is vlsltins ker brother, Mr. John R. CHARLESTON.

Miss Esther Brswley and Mr. Virgil Prlzsell, wars married Wednesday morning at the Sent hern M. E. Church. Rev.

Dr. Taylor officiating. Miss MHi-Jorle Barnes left to joia friends at Belgrade Lakes, Mains. Mrs. L.

E. Peel, of Portsmouth. Ohio. Is a giiest of her sister, Mrs. E.

B. Elliott. Mr. snd Mrs. J.

E. Miller left for a visit to Detroit Snd Canadian points. MrA K. Barrel! and Miss Pearl Red-. dlngton hava returned from Virginia Beach.

Va, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Agnew left for a csmplng trip st Camp Teutonla, Ky. sir. ana ilrs.

a. It. Boyd left lor At-lantie City Mr. and Mra Richard Fraln. of Phlla- UMt Mr- Mrt CEDAR POINT, OJJ-IAKE-ERIE.

Mrs. William R. Lane and Mlsss Maiy The Ohio Checker Society's annual tour- w. os Lzingtori. are visiting am; ltlchls Ethelyn Lane.

I Miss Frances Robinson entertained with a luncheon at the Country Club Tuesday, complimentary to Mlsss Maude Halll, Robinson and. Miss Irene Knox, of Dallas. Texas Mrs. Prudle Stcpther. has returned from visit wl her son, YV.

A. Strother, In Cumberland, Md. FAIRMONT. Miss Hcen Asron. who wss a.

guest of Misses Mona and Nina Simon, has returned to Altoona, Penn. 'Minx Florence Hutchinson entertained Miss Lois Hull was the hostess Wednea- Mra M. B. Gibons entertained with bridge-luncheon Wednesday at the Country Club. Mrs.

J. Mentor Caldwell, of Ft. Worth. Texas, was honor guest at a party givsi Tuesday by Mrs. C.

Matthew Mayhugh. Mrs. W. C. Plumb is at Mountain Lake Park.

Mrs Herbert Smith, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Henry J. Simmons, of Spencer. W. Va, are guests of Mrs.

M. L. Gibbons. Mr. and Mra J.

T. Peadro have returned from Atlantic City. Dr. and Mrs. O.

D. Baker left Wednesday for Manitowaning, Ontario. SISTEjISVILLE. Mrs. Frank PVank tauqua IKHOXVILLE.

Mr. snd Mra Powell Msy are entertaining a large house party at Half-A-HIII. In Wonderland Park, In honor of Dr. and Mrs. P.

M. Ogle, Mr. and Mrs Roscoe Copeland. Miss Daisy Hammer, Miss Trula Smith and Mr. Robert Privette.

The bride-to-be. Miss Edith Late! la Edelen, was complimented early In the week by Mrs. G. H. Baker, who gave a buffet luncheon and miscellaneous shower In her honor.

Among the out-of-town guests were Miaa Katharine Townes, of Minneapolis. Miss Helen Bonham, of Washington, D. snd Mrs R. A. Plnkston.

of Covington. Ky. Miss Msrgsret Ualnea was Iiostess st a buffet luncheon to compliment her house guest. Miss Ruth Council, of Americas. Os.

Mrs. Howard Edelen entertained with sn afternoon reception in honor of her niece, the bride-to-be. Miss Edith Estrlla Edelen, and her guest. Miss Katharine Townes, of Minnespolls. Miss Edith Estells Kdelen, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Edelen. and Mr.

Paul Blddle Dobaoh were married Tuesday evening at the Trinity Methodist Church, at-taiided by Isrge bridal party. lr. and Mrs. J. Kmest Brlscoe enter- i tsined at dinner recently at the Cherokee i country ciuo iti nonor or tneir niece and house guest for August.

Miss Juliet calfe, nf Memphis Sharing the honor with Miss Metcalfw wss Miss Inman. nf At. HASHYIXLE. I V.I waa- social imeresr 18 Tne srmouncS- neni ni.oi dj sir. niiu an.

ara IB leniaoo- tag saarrlags af their daughter, Anns Warner, and Mr. William Wesley DUiea. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wealay Dilioa.

Dr. and Mrs. Matkaw Uardnar Buckaer have declared the engagement of their daughter, Mary Hardihg. aad Mr. Stuart Rs gland, of Richmond.

Vs. Mr. sad Mra George Blyths Bond have affirmed the sngagemant of their daughter, Louisa Willie, and Mr. Miliar Murray Oregon, of Huston. La.

Mr. and Mra Bsmual "Richard Banford have made known the bethrothal of their daughter- Mary and Captain Campbell Holley Brown. U. 8. M.

C. Mrs. Don Carlos Buell and her daughters. Misses Rochette and Carolyn, are entertaining a large house party at their country homo on the N'olensville road la honor of Miss Burnett, of Tuscaloosa, Alas Miss Martha Norton, of Rome. Ul; Mr.

Alonso Leath. of Messrs Wallace Grant and Dennlaon Hull, of Roma. Miss Nellie Alexander aad Mr. Holland Alexander, of Dixon springs, snd Mr. Norman Stone, of Roanoke, Virgiais.

Mrs Edward Rasas Turner waa hostess st a card party to compliment Mra. Hubbard aV Hinder of Loa Angelo, Texas The prises wera won by Mrs. Charles Booth, Miss Clara Rundle and Mrs H. K. Hinds.

AT RESORTS nament. the annual reunion and outing of the officials and a Ben la of the Cleveland," aianuiaciurers Association ana tne snnuai place H.dneJ.yvenlng Sharing, honor. of th" 0yr0r with Mias HaliSJare Miaa Irene Jftiox. ni ul of America were the attractions of, Dallas, Texas; Miss Fay Huntley, of Win- the week at Cedar Point. On-Lake-.

ston-Balem. and M.iss atetiger. or Baltimore, Md. and Mrs. T.

J. Flannagan have re-turned from a vlalt to Montreal. Mr. ana Mrs D. F.

House left for a trip to Nrw York and New England-Mis. Nlr.a Ration has returned from a visit In Detroit. Mich. Miss Olive Ceougli has gons to Limestone, N. to vtslt lier grandmother, Mra Margaret Quintan.

Mr. and Mrs Frank W. Thompson, of Jeanette. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Hugh Thompson. O. Dlebl. Frank McEwen, Wllbert Ham Miss lureiice. Berry entertained Monday mond.

Earl Mel lintock and Paul Nye. In honor of Miss Maude Hall, Miss rancee j- Among the residents of One utbs registered were the following with a I ridge-luncbeon at the Country r.i!.-inff. 'un guet.T Columbus Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Wllster. -jucsany complimentary io ner rinmhiw i-iuii Miss Ellzsbeth Sinsrt, of I'hlladeiphiaJ Pennsylvania. JJr- Mr. and Mnt Ernest McCoy.

Miss Sallls Csmphell and Mr. H. W. I McCoy and Mr. Charles McDonald have Campbell.

of Komney. W. ind Mri. K. Irnim and Mis 'Hu Irons, nf Wntrhaftn.

KU who are gueutH of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Mnt hew. Mr. unc Mth.

Marry IMrky. of Bay City, art ffurot of Mr. and Mn. J. K.

Aniiatronff. Mra. 11. Kwlna; haa returned from Wanhington, where sho waa a kuv of Mri. W.

If. RlnKliam. MiHH I.lttio and Adda Thompn returned from Nlurara Kails and ('ana Mrs. M. rths ials has ro.turned from a trip to New York ami Washington.

Mr. unr Mrs. Pred Fleming- left for a vlalt to Atlantic. City. Mra A B.

Rlchurdisin. of Mint. are guest of Mr. and Mra James T. Kast-nian.

Judire and Mrs. W. S. Meredith have returned Trim Mt. t'lemene.

Mlrh. Mrs. A. Bion Hoicks, of Ben Avon. Tenn riion noicaa.

01 Men returned in 'umieravllle. Ind. I Mi mm Ceryl entertained with a i dinner Monday evnilne; In honor rt ner I viiinr. A inn Knima Huff and Mla fluth I Bradley, of liarlrton, W. Va.

Mr. nnt Mra. P. Htevenson and Mlm Ltnrothy Oarrlaon have kouq to Bout on, I Mra. Rltter and Mm.

M- Go'icn 1 are at I-ak rhautnuqua, N. V. Ml lA.ry Booth, late a frueflt of Mra, Phfl 7. nner. haa r-turned to KnoxTille.

Tennegrtee. I M(ra Mary Him te at Knnirville' virltlrig her enuHiti. Mian Kthel Ciatner. I Mn. Vandyke f'tm-k hae aTne to Pitts-' nura.

to viair. Mathetde Wood, of Charleston, W. fa a curat of her aunt. Mra. J.

I. I Hehon. entertained with a theater party Wednesday afternoon. (M0EQANT0WN. Miss Rlsie M'lnters returned home sfrr a ietJo.irn with a camping party at Otiw-pyle.

Penn. Mrs. Mary Irwin has sons to Brownsville. to visit her daughter, Mrs. lieriruuo I Mr.

H. H. Ware, of Washington, D. are viaitinr Mra A. 1 1.

Miller. Mia W. VV. Reese and Miss Helen Reese. of llarrlnburj, are gueats of Mrs W.

H. Ball. Mr. und Mrs. P.

Walarh are gueats I Mr. and Mrs. J. Glnssmsn. Mrs.

ten Oreen left for Atlantic City. Mrs. Hnnnnah Walters, of Unlontown, Is a suest of Mra A. J. liarlon-.

311SS isoya text ror enraska for HitlMtMiro air. and Mrs. C. Kerns. Newurk Mr.

and Mrs. M. Miss Ksnny Klllott and Miss Hasel Kirk. Kteubenvlllc 11. M.

Carpenter and family, lronton Panlel o. Jones and famiy Portsmouth Mr. and Mrs. A. M.

Reusclu Nlles tieorse U. Kilby. PETOSEEY. Wllllnm Kvalt. of r.SIJ Bevls avenue, Kvanaton.

Cincinnati, and Burt lielelson, 21 Haddon Hall, Cincinnati, are at the Evatt cotlane. 1 lr. .1. K. I.utiarder and- family, of BlnomltiRton.

Ind snd Miss Jennie R. Smith and Miss Florence B. 1-rench. of Indianapolis, are st the Terrare Mr. snd Mr.

R. K. Hill, of Somerset. a visit with her slaler. Mra P.

M. Stewart, i aVe with their mother, Mrs. J. u. nin.

r- I t- nf Hvde Park. Shaw, of Richmond. sre sucats bf Cincinnati, hss been enjoyins Northern Mr. snd Mrs R. K.

Gum. Mlchifan resorts, with Petoskey as hesd- quarters. Registered at hotels are: Cushmnn Richard J. Mark, Cincinnati: Ml Umnb, Tnledn. Ohio.

MISS day afterroon at a tea, complimentary to Margaret Heeamlller. Miss Meta Heegmiller, several young matrons marrlnd during tee Mr and Mrs B. A. Worthlngton, Mr. and past yenr.

They were Mra William Mrs John Rellley, Mrs. Benjamin Hits. O. Straus Mrs. Kdwln Thorn and her guest.

ji tt a Klls. H. E. Hpaan. Mrs.

H. H. Miss Betty Alherts. of Washington. Mr and Mrs.

1'. B. t'enda. Mr. and Mra rreltng of New York, till i u- William Horn.

Indlanapolia. Mr. and Mrs. Swart, of Erie. Penn.

i Mr- j0in j. Haws. Miss Josephine Ureene. Honoring her guests. Mra Herbert Lowne I Vonsville Mr.

and Mrs H. J. Andrews Smith, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Harvey uobe. Kt.

Wavne. Mrs daughter. Clinton. Josepn m. mci ormaia, BOSTON, MASS.

Society to the number of 150 er mere were Invited to greet Marches Ferrante li Rulfsno. the new Royal Italian Consul to Boston, and the Marchess, formerly he sddressed the snnunl meeting of the lu.llans State Bar Assoclstlon. Mra Gcorgv Howard, of Washington, formerly Mrs. CllrTord Perln, of Cincinnati, It. vlsltlf.p hor son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mra Francis I. Armory, st Bov-erl I'nrn Mr. und Edgar M. Johnson, of Cin cinnati guests for many years at lanta. ths house guest of Mr.

and Mrs. 'handler, umnae. N. J. Hriscoe.

'Waelder. of New York. Judge and 'Mrs Richard H. Ransom Mrs. Walter A.

Draper, entertained at a. banquet at the Cherokee Country Club In honor of the Juetlces of the Court snd their wives Mra A. P. Pnmnaa aad alias Bertha Pnrr- Mr. aad sirs.

W. P. Robertson, of Clo-otanatL are August guests at tks Ocean-side, Magaolle Mr. and Mrs. Province "Law Pogue.

of New York, are spindlng tks late season wltk Mrs. Stanley Babel, whs haa the Law summer place. Lawrlstoa-by-tke-Ses. at Roekport. Caps Ann.

Mr. and Mra Edward F. Strong and Miss Norma Strong, of Cincinnati, were among the week's srrivsls st the Poland Spring House. Poland Spring, Maine. Miss Emma Msndenhall, of Cincinnati, who haa spent tbs early summer st Booth-bay Harbor.

Maine, haa gone to Peterboro. N. where shs will os ths guest of Miss Dixie Selden during ths music festival. Mra Mattls Wheiton. of Cincinnati, Is ths guest of friends at Paaaadumkeag, Maine.

Ths wadding of Miss Evelyn Hope Flan-dera of Boston, to bnellina Salter Robinson, son of Mr. and Mra Charles S. Robinson, of Youagstown, will tske place an August at Bt. Margaret's Chspel. Bel-fnst, Maine, followed ay a reception at Cevar Had gee.

the summer home of ths Iljnders at No'thport. Mains Dr. and Mrs A. C. Pauley, of Cincinnati, ara late arrivals st Bparbawk Hall, Ogua-qult, Maine.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Law. of Cincinnati, are spending the lata season at the Mt. Washington.

Bretlon Woods. N. H. June Rosier, of Cincinnati. Is spending Auiraat In a camp at Becket.

Mass. Mrs. Telford roe a heck, of Cincinnati, wbo for soveim years haa been of ths summer colony raakmic the Equinox Hotel. Manchester. ihtlr headquarters, sail in.iimnoiii- li ra t-iiiahaih Hnbev.

Win among Uie wtl" rf e. dinner given re-1 Chester; Mr. and Mra L. P. Slmma and rently by Mrs.

Thomas F. Bowles at the hotel. Mrs. Marion Towla and children, of fincinnftH. ere at Inn.

Kar- i rarnsett 1 mention of the Dentists. Asso- on i. of Lsng elation of Ohio, tha annual business see- soun'l slons of the Rational Hickory Products i LAKE CHATJTATjaTJA, JT. T. Chautauqua's birthday party was celebrated Tuesday night in tha Ampltheater Among the Cinclnnatlans registered at with ths large crowd of enthusiasts wto Cedar Point hotels during (he week were ltllld.

nrrt Blrht the erom-nlng feature Mr. and Mrs. William Kslifer. Mr. and of the aeason.

Representatives from Ohio j-from stjdv were laid aside." Mr. Din Newport, Ky. Mr. and Mra Jsmea B. w.

Cole, of Clnclnnstl. had charge of Mra Brown and child. WIgsVs Cabbage Patch. Covington. Ky.

Mrs. Elisabeth F. Rich- During the month of -August the cottage ards and daughters of Mr. and Mra William Park on Hcott Ft. Thomas.

Ky. Mr. snd Mrs. Cisude uvenue being occupied by Mrs William Walker and little dsughter snd Mr. and H.

Whltehouse and daughter Susan. Miss Mra Edwin MacLouth Edna Par and Miss. Grace Jeanette Ha i- fcawln ford, of covlnaton. who later will ht air. Sletser.

or IJlllltmore, Knima Hnrria. Mrs. M. Wood. MlM Ku- Alice Kelsey.

Mlas Inrx Kelsey. of Pnw-g. nia tilwurda Harry S. Ivy and Corn Hi fordsville on.l Miss Kvelyn Poston, if llalnes MartinavP's, are at the Spencer col- Toutlgstown Mrs. li.

M. i nompson. F'rTnc'r Mlt" Iren' wSmK Mrs. I. O.

Patterson Mrs. P. Mlas Ann. MrTIue and r. arnl Miy Ii.

K. UeM. Xenlu Mr. and Mrs. H.

Vn. Sliarpley. t'hilllcoihe Mr. anil Mrs. .1.

Miss Frances was Joined hy for the month Mr. and Mre Jefferson Simmons, of Spencer, W. Webster. Jilrs. H.

KchofT and Gregg, of I'rbans, Ohli. her aunt, Mra Bruce Fulton, of A. n. Moorenouse ana use aro uere irom were presented on ThSrsdny evening In the Amphitheater by the I'ra- mauc i.oinmiiiee "i im. wlih Margaret Kennedy, of Youugstown.

Ohio, ussi-tlrig In the management. Mrs. Clara Ross Stull, bf Fremont, Ohio, Wis In the cait. Mra K'la-O. Si-atterday, of ColumbuJ, Ohio, is at Gleason collage.

Miss Dumont Ursut and Miss NaicJ Rummers, of Cleveland, Ohio, are at His Muncie cotlajo. Mra Mary K. Holllday. of Wheeling. W.

Is a guest at the Colonnade. Miss Pearl A. M. Htahl. of Kostorla, Ohio, Is a guest at the siuncie cottage, D.

McCoy Is home from Chau-1 daughter. Miss Nettle Mueller. Mrs. Louisville. H.

Swain Lake. K. with her daughter. Mrs. I W'llley.

Miss Lsurs llley Mr. and Mrs daughter. Mrs. W. Neely.

Muncie; M. Anderson, of Washington. Penn. I l. Jones C.

D. Jones. Miss Annie rjonurd. Wlnvhester. Ind.

iur a Tien. Mr. stid sirs.1 John P. Flynn snd Mrs. Theodore Hoisibrook.

of Pittsburg. who is guest here, have returned home Mr. snd Mrs. J. H.

Tlpplns hkve eons to Rlnard's Mills. Ohio, to visit friends. ST. ALBAKS. Mr.

snd Mrs. JO. Box ler left Monday to visit In Virginia. Mr. and Mrs.

J. R. Skinner are tour ing New England. Mr. and Mra.

L. 8. Jarrett are visit Inr in Huntington. Miss Margaret urey left Tuesdsy for Lo- I gan. Mrs.

Fennlmore snd fsmlly sre touring snd csmplng through New York and Canada. Mrs. Alcorn, of Huntington, is a guest her daughter. Mrs. Frank Uodglns.

Mr. and Mrs. Arbuckle Brown visited their mother In Buffalo. N. Y.

Mrs. Lewis Gillespie has as her guest Mrs. A. J. Gillespie, ot Huntington.

TENNESSEE c. A. Jensen. l.a Harlan. Lafayette.e s.

s. Dee. Newcastle. Ind. Mrs.

P. R. Harrover, Newport. Mr. and Mra George A.

Hunt. Lexington. Ky. Ierrv Mr. and Mrs.

8. Hoenlg. Cincinnati. Mr. and Mra Z.

M. Beall. P. C. Hansen.

F. A. Kelsey, A. M. Inglls, Toledo.

K. L. Baker. Springfield. H.

E. Baylor. Akron. Miss Emily Bchono. Columbus, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Hebler, J.

A. u' lilckena A. Irreaiem. F. Barnard.

Indianapolis. Mr. amf Mrs J. l. v.rmilllon.

J. F. McClure. Anderson. R.

Ohio. Is at the Glenn cottage. Mrs. Samuel Frledmsn. Cincinnati: K.

A Block. Indlanapolia; Mr. and Mra C. A. Royce.

Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mr. and Mrs Carl Wolf. Terre Haute. Ind.

Mr. and Mra I Ben Wile, Owensboro. Miss Gene Bain, ronton; Mr. and Mrs F. Ach, Dayton, Ohio.

Hallett's Inn-Mrs. E. C. Wehmer, Mrs. J.

H. Voss. Wesley Kmeraon. Cincinnati; Mrs. J.

B. Tytns. Middletown: Dr. and Mrs. B.

Livingston, Ashland; and Mrs H. H. White. A. W.

Smalley. Cleveland; Mr. and Mra H. M. Ha-den.

Toledo. OhiofMIss Eva--llne B. l.and, Indianapolis: Arthur I. Everett. Mlae Grace M.

Everett. Miaa Cornelia K. Everett; Terre name: air. ana eira. j.

M. Indenbaugh. Mlaa Marie Landenbaugll. Miss Virginia MacVeagll, daushter of i Ft. Wayne: Mrs.

M. J. Bryan, Mrs. H. A.

Wavne MacVeash. of New York, on Sat. urdav afternoon at a reception given by Mr. ami Mrs. George Lee.

of Braokllne, at their summer home at Beverly Farms. Mrs' Lee Is an Italian toy birth, and did much Important work for her country durina tne war. mm Walter Charlevoix Mrs. L. J.

Tlmmons and son. Mrs J. Farbsoh. Miss Emma Ktchanla i Cincinnati; Mr. snd Mrs.

Oeorge H. Bunton. George H. Bunton. Day Ion; M.

I- Wolff. Klorenee uenevre Among those Clark, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. snd Mrs. Mitchell" of itavi L. Hymsn.

Lexington; J. J. Salinger. Shelby vtlle, Ky l'lVntta Beverldes. of Indlsnan-i Russet Inn-Joseph R.

Irnonston Mr. end t-i Mitwrmit. Jifuier rjuKcn n. oils, has returned io nis summer nome at r. Henry C.

Exeklel. Beierly Farms from a trip west, wnere Brtmhoff Mre. Robert Bmvlhe- Wydman, Edwsrd Klcnsrd vtyainsn. jars. Duttenhoffer.

Mrs. Kooxs-UDer, i.incin-nstl. Ohio; Mr. snd Mrs. H.

H. Medley. Mrs Mary Coble. Mr. and Mrs.

T.iomas Kwa'ln A. H. Yaldrteln. Indianapolis Mrs. Ed swain, John Riley.

Sbelbyvllle; Miss Audrev Wertx. Miss Msry Frances Wertx, EvansVllle- Mr. and Mrs! I. M. Butler.

an Mrs. 3 W. Weinberg. the OceanBida. Magnolia, have returned to Morris Weinberg, Mrs.

A. A. Brent. Mlas llic hotel for th- rest of the season. i Armatrong.

Mlas Gertrude Webb, Miss Mr. snd Mra Maurice Josephs, of Cincin nati, sesaon gueats at the Oceanside. Mag-nolle, entertained a dinner party of four Saturday evening. Mr. and sere, r.nsar j.

siaca. oi vincin- Klmmona, nntl. were at the New Ocean House, vll Ky. BWtlllipscoil. uurtiis Mrs.

Robert F. Flcks snd family Edward 8. Ellbert, of Cincinnati, are re-cent arrival a. the Hotel Preston. Beach Blfff.

lira. SsmiH-l Pogue snd niece. Miss Mary If. Smltli, nt lincinnatl, a'ere guests nt the llutil Priston. Beach BlulT.

last weefc. and Mrs Edward B. Chandler, nf Clnciii.a! are entertaining at their sum- mer reine at Bass stocks lira. Arthur li. Ids Brewster.

Miss Lucy Bristol, Mrs. FWr-1 mice Stephens. Mlrs Mildred Hems. Mrs. B.

Stanley. Thomas Stanley. Louisville: Miss Booth, Princeton: Mr. snd Mrs. i HllMt Mrs.

F. O. Huntington. Misses Frances snd Helen Huntington. On-, clrnatl' Mr.

and Mra. H. Thotupaon. Mr. nil litre N.

MaOoy and n. Middletown: Mrs. J. W. t'uirk.

IlefUnce. Nell L. Meyers. Columbus, Ohio. BAY VIEW, MICH.

i-nrtlella De Vol. of Lebattoti. and Miss Kmlly' defeated Mlas Sam Visiter, of Indianapolis. the ladles' slnsles for the Bay Vlen- of Clnclnnstl. lennis enum "''h.

er st Wonss- are no bslns anions the Womu rs'n. P'- is spendln, th. ssmm.r quam Lodge. Annlequam, entertained a number of her friends with vocal selections In the music room of the hotel the oti er evenins. A Clnotnusrl -psrty at the Rocks war.

rt 1. 1 Mrs. W. H. Klrechnieler.

Carl Klrsch-1 ot Noeiloa, of Ihe beuoloal aad approaca- aasier. Oda kt. Spsidsl, dna M. Hsckar. elnxl Robert 8.

Wydmsn. Clnclnnstl; Charles Benton. ClSTSIsnd! Dertsht Jones, Jock- Additional Indiana Bandom Notes i in News ssav Ohio: R. W. Csader.

R. Orssn. El mer Bv Africa, Indlanapolia Homer tarsia acBsus aaiae. jena v. ataioas Louisville.

Ky. Registered tkla wask at tks information office are Mra T. L. Wrenn. W.

N. Allen, Mr. and Mra. A. K.

Andsrson. Cincinnati; T. J. Ooodsoll. Miss Katherlns Tiedtks.

Miss Justlna Tledtke. Harry Tledtks. Tolede; Mrs. J. Love.

Piqus: Mr. and Mrs A. OrlnnslK Dayton. Ohio; Mra Eu gens' 8. Fisher.

Mra S. B. Fox. Miss Ruth M. Fax.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gillespie.

Mr. and Mrs H. W. Hits. Mra.

8. K. McNeil. Miss Hal lie McNeil, May E. Moran.

Indianapolis; Miss Dorothy Rldgewsy, Am boy: Mrs. W. T. Thompson, Edinberg; Mra tt. Thompson.

Miss Frances Thompson. Frankfort; Mrs. Flora P. Vickary. Misses Christine and Roaanna Vlckery, Sheridan: Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Keller, Miss Ruth KsUer, Mm Naanle Keller, Corydon; Mrs H. Hassmeyer, Misses Marguerits snd Elisabeth- Hose-meyer, Richmond; Mrs.

Cora Wade. Charles Wads, Armond Wsde. Indlanapolia: Miss Cora I. Mitchell. Ruehvllle: Miss Qlsdye Amerine, Vlncennes, Miss L.

B. Arro-J strong. Mr. and Mra T. J.

ciaacsy, airs John H. Metcalfe. Mrs Julian Hall. E. L.

McMillan. Misses Margaret and Mildred McMillan. Mrs. D. F.

King, Louisville. Ky. Bay Viaw House Miss Fannie Conley. Miss Mary E. Tibbies, Miss Emma T.

Tibbies, Msry. Oerghegan. Mra M. O. Redd.

MrsJH. B. Foots, Cincinnati; Mr. and Mra C. O.

Bonton, Cleveland; Mrs. William Dixon. Miaa Catherine Dixon, I'r-bana. Ohio; Mra Sarah E. McNeil.

Mies Hsllls McNeil. Mr. snd Mrs w. l. rfsrae.

daughter, Rldgevllle: Miss Lucille Blsgers-In ft. Kvansvllje; Mrs Myron Ives, Delphi: Mr. and Mrs. C. S.

Butterneid, Evansvllle; Dr. and Mra Charles L. Hmuller, Ruah-vllle. J. H.

Settle. Master Billy Kiltie. Mra W. H. Grady and daughter, Mrs John H.

-Buecbenieyer, Jonn tsyrns Buscne meyer. Charles and William Buecbenieyer, Louisville. Mrs. H. F.

Shier, Clsrks- ville, Tenn. Howard Miss Grace Cowgill, Wilmington; W. C. Conkle. Cleveland; Philip Buld-win.

F. E. Bullard. O. Bui lard.

B. A. Hullard. Toledo, Ohio; Miss Lor.tta E. Hulllvan, Miss May E.

Moran. Indianapolis; Mr. and Mra Willis Hiokam, Willis Hickk-am. Spencer: Mary E. Wade, Oreen-castle; Dr.

W. R. Mofflt and daughter. Lafayette; Mr. ami Mra R.

L. Tompkins r. severs anu ciuioreu. air. nmt loot part cn tDt nromm wera Hill.

7 Mrs. 8. E. Bedlnger. Mrs Anthony Per- Jane Vance.

Vance Freed. Phoebe ia-d. .5 Jane Vance. Vance Freed. Phoeue ia-d.

whltnell rone, airs. Aiuert aiuacn, w. it. junior moner. oeorge toner, uiiu Wit on- Mr and Mrs Georae Hughes and children.

Mrs. J. T. Friedman Squires. Paa Hammond and Martha Pot-1 vmis Hlckain.

WllsHlca- and son. Mrs. Anna Xeal and dauKhter. ter. of West Virginia.

George E. Burk. Mlae Lucille Miss Helen Bljach. Miss Florence Fried-- Tho Cointry Fall- was another form of Mis Ella O'Connor. Louisville.

Ky. man. Miss Esther Friedman. Miss Mnry E. i Rueaet Inn Mr.

and Mrs Oliver Brown, to the'fuii-lovlng public, and was called a Ayiward. MIks Anna Pearl. Philip tlalin, i.Z i. E- Brunlioil, mi i ivrann, community Joy afternoon "when all cars McCarthy of Cincinnati, and Miss CI L-lnnall sub- B1.hop ot Marietta. Ohio, participated st 'n: the athletic snd doll shows, while Mrs.

J. i if'" i orul E. Hurn. P. lira Jnhii Southern- rlnlnil.ll!'lnL Hurn.

sues ia Hurn. Miss uienuaie alias nmena DBirimaini.Kiiu Ur- Hnrf Miss Anna Miss Genevieve Sprout. I J'wd Mrs. R. O.

McCutchsn. Greencsstle Aluncie: miss Anna uicon. children. Howard, ar on Anionic other Oh loans registered wore l.oveland. Ohio; Mrs L.

R. O'Hklre. Mrs. W. H.

Becker, Mra Mary Pearce, Mra H. N. McClelland, Mr. and Mra Karl R. fonder, Robert W.

Conder, Indianapolis: Dr. and Mra WIIILun Bogle, Vlncennes; Mim Tlnenthv If. Liberty: Mrs. W. Neely, Mra Earl and daughter, Mn two na.

-Bend. Miss Park and Mrs. Allen uooue, oi tue saino Ml oravea 'c'iptsin and A Johnm John fitffe.OT i. cahiu. Louisvine: Mra a.

j. sutcneu, itonn nuer a vim 10 mr. .1 i Mitchell Mrs. A. 8.

arltnn. Miss It. Busxer. Mr. una Mrs.

Klmer T. toyle. their summer cottaae on Hcott avenue. mutoro" Mrl R. Ander- Mr.

snd Mrs. v. o. Wallace. Mr.

and Rev. and Ms. Ralph Collon Jones, of rif! i 1 'iJT Roa-ersT Uxlne- Mra Meyer Keyaer, Mr. and Mrs. M.

A. Plndlay Ohio are here ton' A t' Snyder. Mlddlesboro: Mrs. Anne Bella, Mr. and Mrs.

H. B. Van Attn. Mr. Mrs.

K. Pearee, of Evanslon, Clneln- Jjw Stanley A. Miller, Padncah. Ky. und Mrs.

J. w. tlilmore, Mrs. James nim. i- -i 1.i1.,n I.

vlauin, her -on. Mr. Iawrenra O. Hoskh. Z-irna Mrs.

II snd Mrs. HUNTINGTON. Mr. and Mrs. I'ro Jtmernon hava rone to A.ldiaon.

N. to vitt Mra. Aloert Iio, reront a-ueifta of Mra. BoH' brother. Mr.

H. V. Ntwhoum. have and fhapman. of Urbna.

Minn Hlen Plood. Katherin Hoot I. Mr(; r)arIffl A7 raprHler, of Colum- K. ly. K.

H. I-ane, J. II. nn bUHa oblo, ia flpndiag the month of Aug-uiit ienrmm, min lirr1. riarrv jonn- rirumhlev and Mtss HII7.H aisineier, son, Mr.

and Mrs. Kugene J. Schaefer. Mr. ixi.iisville, are at the Hotel Anthen-and Mra Ollle V.

and iluusli- avum. ter Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Horn.

Mr. und Mies Kaihcrlne. J. Mi-Elhlnney, or 1-ex- Mra "sns 7. tl MMnrX Moulds Hurst snd Hume.

Hiprlngfleld Mr. snd Mra R. E. Mr-ImnirlH and rhlld, Mr. and Mrs.

t'llrTord hlthrdKe, W. P. Stevens snd family, II. Wllev and family. P.

K. Bsliner and famllv. Mra KMher K. Ilrown and clilhl. Mrs.

B. K. Adams, Mrs. X. Harris, lAnnln.

ul Hotel Alit henseUlTt. Mrs. 8. J. Brownlna.

Miss Ixjulae snd llrnwnlnir ami Visn l.ucy Beall. of Russellvllle, nrc at the Colonnade. Mrs. II A. froeslnttd, of lndlanuioUr, is at the Anthenaeum.

B. A. Randull, MIsh Helen Randall. Mrs. U.

lie Uriel, i levrianu. imio, l. W. Thanasson. Terra Haute: Lawrence White.

Richmond, Ind.i Mrs J. C. Hall, and children: Miss Anna Belllonroe, 1 Johnston, N. J. Johnson, IxmiIs-ville: Mra C.

tl. Callaway. Coleman H. Cullaway, Katherlne Callaway, Ii-xlng- KHworth Mra C. A.

Wellcr. Mra A. W. Stiydor. Mrs.

D. Sutton, ourle M. button, Indianapolis. Ind. INDIANA nroiANAPoiis.

RS. TARKINQTON BAKER, of New York, Is an August visitor with her mother, Mra Louise M. Cloaser. Announcement has been made of the msrrlsge of Miss Gwendolyn Robinson, dsughter of Mr. snd Mrs.

O. C. Robinson, and Millard Y. Ollar. August 4.

Mrs. Edward J. Kershaw and daughters. Miss Clura sr.d Miss Kdna Kershaw, of Frankfort, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Kershaw and Mra M. Kershaw. Mr. and Mrs. John W.

Grsy. of Loa Angeles, bsvs announced ths engagement of their daughter, Miss Doris Winifred Gray, ami V'. Warner Seabury, of Indianapolis The wedding will take place I- early In September. Mrs. W.

C. Stockwell, of Garrettsvllle, Mra S. E. McNeill has gone to to Vlew, to stay during August. Bay Sh.nw.rren: Frsnk Wlllismi.

Mrs Evalin Hayes has announced the A. J. Weichman, Mrs. Edward A. Smitn, marriage of her daughter.

Miss Edlrh Mss Mabel E. linndsll. Carl Pathoff, Mrs Hayes, -and Frank Duuer, which took Mrs. James E. Ohl.

Youngsi-wn: Miss Annie i Armstrong. Mra M. E. Bell, George Boal. Fred C.

Brown Edwin Burrows, Mrs. George j. Carew ni L. U. Hulln.

Middletown: R. H. Long, Newark: Miss Clara Llsey, Mrs. Oeorge D. Oorr.

Philadelphia: Mrs William KuenxLr. Mrs. Mra R. A. Metxger, Mra Ella Mlnnes, Miss Marsaret Has, h.

Mra E. C. Schwelt-xer and dauahters Elisabeth and Clara. Portsmouth: Miss Emily Ball. Miss M.

Blaks Mrs James A. Hager, Margaret Ball. Cothorton: C. B. Hunt.

Mies Alice Hunt, Mrs Elizabeth J. Filling snd Mra George W. Richie. CHAELEV0IX, MICH. W.

R. Woodford, of Cincinnati, has rejoined his family at the Belvedere. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lafrlnlerre.

of Frankfort, sre gueats of Mr. and Mra Nelson La-tylnlerre. Registered at hotels are the following: Belvedere Mra Ira Holden, A Frederick Rust. Hubbard S. Rust.

Mr. and Mra Harold Simpson, Cincinnati; Dr. and Mrs. L. A.

Iilaenkemner uiuu; jnr. auu sirs, BoaweU. rt. ayne. Jos.

ph M. Fletcher. M. Fletcher. Frank W.

Terre lluute. I Fletcher, John Fletcher. Mrs. Henry Howe Mr nn.l- Mrs. L.

B. Ind. Mr. and Mra i' "tZT' I 'end daughters, Mlas Bene Baxter, Lawrenoe Nathaniel Holnlng and HoKlirai xaahvllle. Dr.

Carl Weidner. of- the weddlne of Mlaa Naomi rH -I Johnson, sir. anu sirs. leapie and John Buck In Parker sourg came I Louisville. Ky.

as a surprise to friends here. Park Miss Margaret Mumford. Colum- Mrs. h.lmer Krug has gone to Wellsburg. bus.

F. 1). Gaston, Cincinnati. Joseph end Miss ai Ml irr. ana Allien si.

rreiDerg, i Mrs. Milton Oclis. Miss Cora Ochs. B. H.

Melas. Harden Rels. L. L. Llebman.

Mra. IJ.hnmn IT.HwIn riuthmun llvrnn James, Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. J. T.

Grace. Wolf, Mlaa Ellth- M. Mack. Joseph A. Frel- Richmond.

C. R. Pulmer. Rush-ille. J.

E. berg, David B. Jo.esih, Daniel Segal, i Phlnnery. Ft. Wayne, Ind.

A. 8. Jlelden- Mrs. S. B.

Wolf. Mlas Louise Wolf, J. S. hero-. Plitshura.

Penn. Roberts. Mrs. R. bonttieimer.

Cincinnati; from Clarksburg, W. Va. Clark's Tavern Mr. and Mrs. O.

Gil- luls Kalaer, Mr. and Mra. A. B. Stophelt, Mrs.

C. N. Royce has returned to East pin A Anderson, Columbus. Ohio. Miss Fred Munxeahier, Tuledo; Mr.

and Mrs. Brady, after a visit with her itine Corwin. Miss Ella F. Corwln, Elk- Dalllngrr. Mlaa Adelaide Ballluger.

Ben Mra. Young. h.r, (r. (. Madlaon.

Brlmfleld. Ind. I Straus. Hanillion. Ohio; Mr.

an! Mra. Isl- Pltrte Flora astllio- oorneeo, inuiin- uramu, ri, vayne; teane 'aejer, mirw anolls Ind. Mr. and Mra O. W.

Dollman, Fannie Meyer, Mr. and Mra C. Louisville Ky Mary T. Jones, Indianapolis: Mr. and Mr.

Slocum Mrs. Benjamin Knlsejy. Terre N. W. r-iencer.

Frankfort: Dr. W. R. Moltll Haute. Arthur J.

Folsotn. Ft. Wsyne, Ind. and daughters, Lafayette. Mr.

and Mrs. i- neir' i'Avinston k'v. A. D.1 Taylor, A. I.

B. Low-, King-Mri: Benjamin Howard, Miss I enstclh. Memphis. Bernard W. Helen HowardT Indianapolis.

Ind. ri rN.h A. i.rover. invios. unio.

Mr. Karl H. Carr, son of Mr. snd Mrs. R.

F. Carr. of Memphis. and Miss Marian Soger, of Grand Rapids, wore married In Petoskey last Monday evening. Miss Frances Carr, Robert Carr and Mra E.

R. Carr. of Memphis, and Miss Genevieve Hays, of Indianapolis, were among' the guests flare Angus at her heme. Ker. J.

IX orward afflclatsd. Mrs. C. K. Wallace haa gone ta New Terk to join Mr.

Wallace. Mr. and Mra Edward Shields Goodrich, ef Winchester, have announced ths engagement of their daughter. Mlas Florence Emily Goodrich, and Francis Wesley Dunn, of Marlon, Ind. Miss Ooodrtrk Is a niece ef ex -Governor Jamas P.

a Bishop and lira. Jtsepk M. Francis sjre In Colorado. Tks engagement has been announced of Mlas Catherine Sage, daughter of Mr. and Mra William L.

Cage, and Hubert W. McShay. The wedding wlU take pises September 14. Mr. and Mrs.

Sol Allman. ef Milwaukee. Wis. formerly of Indianapolis hava announced tire engagement ef their daughter. Mies Mildred Allman.

and Gerald Roeenbaum. of Kalamasoo. Mich. Mr. and Mrs Earl W.

Wells are visiting In Deliver. Colo. Mr. aad Mrs. Oeorge A.

Bark ham have announced the engagement of their daugh-. ter, Miss Christine M. Bwrkhsm. and Cllmpeon M. Clspp, son ef Mr.

and Mrs. V. C. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry W. Blair and family, of Blloxl. are visiting with Mrs. 3cerge F. Baas.

The marriage of Mist Mildred Cnder-a-eooV of Santa i Monies, snd James William Costin. of Indlanapolia. was celebrated July at the first Presbyterian Chun.h In Hants lianlcl. Announcement a as been made ef the; of Mra, George Olive, acoompamea oy ner brother. K.

J. Carpenter. Jr. have Bone to visit thenr parents Mr. and Mrs.

K. J. Carpenter. In Rutherfordton, N. C.

Annoincement fas ncsn maae or me Ernest E. L'llrey. wnlcn took place Auruet at the home or the bride parents iiev. Clarence Reldenbocb, pastor of ths Chris-, tlan Church, read the service. After a wedding trip through the West, ths young couple will reside In Ksnsss City, Mo.

Mrs Charlotte elcMurry Perkins, of Han-ford. Is ituest of Albert V. Lehman, prior to her departure for Mus-koge, ts teach In the Bacons Indian Cillere. r- -V ana carl Edrar naaag, ef Canton. Chlo whu-h liik August I st ths koine of 1 of muianaiwiia Indlanapolia ra O.

neshey Is i l.m Huntington. New York. Nr. end Mra P. tvi it J.

IV noenred the eu of tLi? 'P' ter, Miss Helen I a r. UI- Ely. son of Mr. i' Jeanette. Pens The ed.iln.

place in Ihe late fall. Ult The mirriaM nf i. i. Mumferd and Earl i' Mi oi.i Wednesday merninw at in''' Paul Clhdral. jm, dating.

The attend. m. encs Hessermsu. kt'ileaina MeneCee. flower maid: Join, MUmfri 2 man, and John -ng and Turn ushers.

The bride fc' sstln with a breakfast for the famili.a the home ef the bride's Mrs. Arthur Warren rises of hsr daughter. Mi. Mrr a. Nickels and K.nn.'.li nieh place Tuesday at jr 5J ton are now on 'Heir vnuaim tour Mrs.

John N. Mr. Mra Frederick G. Appel and jjrV Psirce have gone for trip i and the Maine Coast. i ar.v t.

the family later. Miss Jessie Goodwin will aii (rom York August 3 on the l.o.huni! for a month's stay in mruirriand tal sill visit Indlanapolia on t.rr rnuro. gagement of Mlas Jane Banta. dsughter HJ1 Cromer auihi Mr. snd Mra Jruce Bants, Monon.

1 Helen,i, er ot Mrs. and J. Masod Olvsns, son of Mr. and ini J. lisson Olvsna 7 inA ura (leorse M.

Olvsns. of Indianapolis. sir. and Mra Ell Lilly. Mr.

and Mra Joseph Lilly and Mra Ray Brown are at Idles, lid. Harbor, alien. The msrrlaire of Miss Msxlns Murphy, dsughter of Mr. ind Mra L. E.

Murphy, snd Schubert C. Johnson took piece July 30. at the home of the bride's parents. Mra Ross Thorn. is returned from Harbor Springs rnd will leave shortly wltk her daushter.

Miss Patricia Thomas, for Vancouver to rpend ths remslnder of the summer. Mr. snd Mra M. P. Ksulfman have an-nouiicrd the engagnrndiit of their daughter.

Mlas Itutn Kaurtiun. ana Aaron tnir. son of Mr. and Mra Merman Unger. The wedding will take place September 11.

Mr. and Mra Clifford Webb have an nounced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Gladys Lucils Webb, snd Henry W. Lit be. of Petersourg, Ind.

The wedding will take place In September. took place August at the home brides motner. j. I'ruier rod eervice. a-ii anil son Ballioa HelKhta.

Hnuania. urv vi.u.aaw.Jl Lewla'e nuut. Mrs. I. I Mies F.eutrlce "riinyer.

i hlfaSL, I gusst of Miss Helen N't Ins h.i lf Invitations for psity her honor, ond also M.ry nbs. marriage will take plwv in feptrmoer Mrs, A. S. WasHon si.e a timilnr pant Thursday in honor of Mra. Hl.n,-h Ueuk of Crawfordavllle.

who le viMttna her ej. ler, sir o. rmi aer. i ne aurfta (. Mrs.

Gould and Mra. I'Srker ere Mra E. Hoover. Mrs. J.

l'rue urid Mrs Hu. vry na.icr. Mra Herbert Condlt snd Mr. iieorrr Weaver entertained luedav with a luncheon ud ahowi-r tht buss OI raro. noiiur I'l Mmt liku Coerper.

hose marriait rn.i Howser will lake plac? 1 R. C. Vail ilolili, a ot llu bride-sler Mra Hairy Neal cntertjinrit lih luncheon Wednesday tor Mi, MwJ Inclnnatt! Ml. A Edna A. Na- 1 mih.

KT1IA. I Hsmllton: Miss Lou Boyd. d.MXner of Mr. and Mra C. M.

Nlles. and of pink and White the ri ih.Ih-k ni. Orsvea. Norwood: Mr. snd Vnim.

Heamon: Lura M. Grant, Miss Sylvia mid Miait l.lh,! Dayton. Ohio, uf Mr Sa. uewis Dauin, Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. an, e. ef tht im. wa, entertained i unJhv en-tuna sits, dance at the Casino ilardena in hunar the birthday ot ibeir Mis, ti Vance.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Vaughan rrlcleai, their golden weddlrtg anruv-raury m'1 reception nuranny 1,1 rnonn n.i The encasement has been announced of at the hnme uf then Ml rtniith. daushter of Mr.

and Charles K. Turner. When You -Are in a Hurry Out of the High Rent District Aug i Reductions Save 50 and More! Everything throughout our store RADICALLY REDUCED. Our usual low prices, which are always 20 to 30 lower than uptown stores, now further reduced, making the bargains, positively Incomparable. Come, and we will PROVE IT to you! Quality Furniture Unexcelled 4 Complete Outfit IRON BED Spring and Mattress Formerly 28.73.

Xow $19.75 This sturdily constructed two-inch continuous post Iron Bed, complete with all-steel Spring and comfortable Mattresj. $30 G0CRTS Genuine Reed. NOW $18.75 uniixiiicr, Srv Mrs. Charles John Smith, and Curtis J. Mrs.

Juliet liardiner McCoy. nounced the engMncnt ef her drturhM i Miss Jennie Smith Is In Peloskey, Mich. I tee Cstlierinc Kofri. and 'hark The marriage iia lieen snnoiinced of I Kail, la. of Cleveland.

Ohm. ihe Miss Elixubelh Bstes, dsughter ot Mr. and take place In Ik-. You have been in a hurry, called a telephone number, and been told that the "line is busy." You waited two or three minutes, called again, and it was still busy. You tried again and got the same result.

You were very much That is just what happens to others when you use your telephone for long' periods. It happens or party lines hundreds of times a day. But if you will carefully confine your talk to five minutes, you will know that others are not suffering from your lack of consideration. The Bell Telephone Company Bedroom Suite Attractive Period Suite, including Bed, Drerser, Chiffor-ette and Toilet Table. Reduced to $10 SPRINGS All Steel.

NOW 37.50 9-Piece William and Mary Dining-room suite Formerly priced at $225.00. Re- 1 CC 7C duced to. in our August Sale 01 Ot)e I Buffet, Table. China Closet. Ave leather-seat Chairs and Armchair.

Save $14 On One of These Kitchen Cabinets Well constructed throughout; has metal top; large and roomy. $42.50 Kitchen Cabinets .0 rFTlaJ IsvotI Others as low ss SI "..10 REFRIGERATORS I $15 Top Icersl $30 Side leers. Now Now I $ft75 $20 $12 MATTRESSES 45-lb. Wool CCQX Fiber. tjU.I; stj.

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