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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
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"iow blessings oa the man who first invented sleep," Mfi banco Puzt, "it overs a man all over, thoughts and all, likeaeioek." We have bwo securing Cloaks for thai worn a folk aod have been wide awaka, a tha beautiful array of tbeaa garment will testify. CLOAKS OF ALL SORTS 1 We nriU yonr Inspection, for deacrip tion will Dot aaawar the purpose, aod have not room bar for the inert mention ot the hat. A NOTABLE' COLLECTION Borne of them ars tba 11 ush Short Wraps, with plush ball and cat jet trimming. Fancy Cloth Raglans in checks and I sjtripes. 1'lait.

Tailor Made Newmarkets in blue. Other la Havana brown aod dove, the new shade. Borne are made up with triple eapes. A large lot of plain Tftlor MaJe Jack ete, and a striking array ot Seal Sack. L.

S. AYRES GO. THE FALL BONNET become now the object of Interest and solicitude among the ladise, tonog aod old. It would be arashmanwbo would oBer ad rice on the subject. We are not nab.

But we do ray, and say It boldly, that we have bonnet pins guaranteed to suit diflerent styles of boooets and the style of the wearer. Tbey are exquisite articles in tonret me nots, JCoRliah violets, four leaf elover, panaies, gold kaota, and various other designs. These goods are new, not costly, and of surpassing beauty. You are Invited to examine them. 12 Uasbirtor; Street.

UNDERWEAR. PAUL H. KRATJSS, Shirt Maker and Men's Furnisher, It sad at hurth Pennsylvania Street. FLtfE JEWELRY i AT WHOLESALE 1 PRICES. SOLID GOODS; Han Kinpt, 35o and 50c llhiacstono Stud, $1, I Rhiocstontj liar Drops, $1.50 per pair.

Specfucles, 4, fitted. Gents' told Diamond Initial Ring, six diamonds, $12. I MSTO CK, 23'Kast Washington GLOVES Warm gloves of every description, for men, women and children. TUCKER'S. GLOVE STORE, to East Washington Street.

FOR RAYMOND CITY W.A.RII0DES&C0. i Telephone 705. fi East Market Btreet. JLr S. 4 Button.

48a 5 button. undressed. $1 to VL'St. buttoii. embtolderyd, hooks, embroidered.

I1.2i. 5 button, embroidered, Real KldN J1.35. S1.75 6 Dutton lentemerl. i All (lores fitted and war tamed. We clean, color aud repair gloves.

E. VANCE 34 East Washington 1NDIANAF0LLS WATER No. S3 South Pennsylvania Street, Is prepared to furnish excellent water for drinking, laundry, cooking bathing, hydraulic elevators, motors and steam boil era, water lifters and fire protection, at a cost very trifling tor such a necessity, convenience and luxury. THOMAS A. MORRIS, President.

i i E. P. Sroes sew book. THE EARTH TREMBLED. elt.ftO.

By tin receipt of price. CATI1CART, CLELAND CO, X6 fast Washington Street. WOODRUFF PLACE i TWa hew two very One lota in Woodruff Placo that we can seU at a decided bar Iia." 40 lots In Bruce Place, oa easy terms. 9 lots east of Woodruff Place oa easy payment. su lots southeast, on ten years' time.

Seal estate In all para ot the City. MOORE BARRETT. Ji A. MOORE. HE AX, ESTATE.

Earn rare bargains in Ileal Estate, Buai Beaa Blocks, Inside LoU, I Dwelling Houaes. CHAS. TV.BBOUSE iSs CO. Xeoaaa Jaada Thorpe block. East Market St.

"NTEAV BQOkC XrllTe Battlee Since Waterloo By Thoa Two Ysr tn the Jaagte. Xk u.imai j. Uora leo dsr Cbristtaa Facta aad Voross. bmjUi 10 Ijviua UKhta. F.

Bslder 2 wouldefs Tat Boot Toos. It Wm 5.J0 HrolDiloo In Tsnner's Lao. Mark Rutasc fbrL. 1M UalK ssla TAB aoWfXaff IT.f, CO. CITr Clothing and $23 In money were stolen yesterday from 314 North Noble street.

Toe first concert of the seasoo by the Lyra society will be given to morrow evening. Over 2,000 tickets have beea sold for the police ball to be five's at Tonihnson bail Wednesday sight, and everything indicates a pleasant affair. 1 The first social of the season by St. Paul's congregation will be given next Friday evening at the residence of Thoa. Sullivan, 407 North Teuueasee street, I A lad named living on Oonglas street, is reported lo have been blinded ia one eye Saturday, wbile out buntipg, by tlv aceidentai discharge of his gun.

Abraham Wrigltt and (John Madden, of West Newton, nave beea arrested on warrants charging them with giving false testimony before a justice ot the peace in Wayne township. Patrick C. Leery, arrested in Jtirtiee Jud kins's court, charged with throwing a backet of water on Elizabeth JIarringtou, ot No. 418 West street, has taken a change ot venae to South port. There will be a jubilee meetiog at the A.

M. E. church Wednesday eveuing by the I'orter Denny republicao'club, and addresses are expected from General Harrison, ex Gov eraor i'orter and others. The Hotel Iirotberhood hate arranged for a drruon t.rstion on the evening of the 20th iit. at Tomlinson hall, at wmh" time ad dres will be delivered by Mayor Denny and ilon.

Stanton J. Teelle. Himie KoLinson, aifed twelve, whose parents reside 137 Mouth Illinois street, is reported missing from' home, and there is a belief that she ia stage struck aud has secured an engagement with some traveling combination. There will be a state conference of the onion labor party in! thia city on Tuesday, Iecember 27, and the representation will be limited to one delegate from each county. Plans for the csnrpaign next year will be presented and diussed.

After a loug struggle the Fifth Presby. tefjun church liss cleared itself of its load of debt, and its future begins to appear bright. At present a new furnace ia not paid for, and an entertainment is to be given Wednesday evening at the church to aid in this. Mrs. Kmory Wilson, who attempted the life of Mrs.

Utile llacklernan in Hhelbyville last Friday, was held lor grand jury action by a justice on preliminary examination, and required to furnish bond tor t'H)0. Both Mr. and Mr. Wilson will apply for divorce. Ttie latter has returned home.

Suit has been brought against Albert Gal vio by Catheriue E. Hamlin, manager ot the Emmet hotel, for $1,000 damages. By the terms of bis lease Ualvin, as owner of the property, retained two rooms for bis own use, but is pharged tiiat his conduct is such as to drive other boarders away. The Women's Foreign Missionary society, of Roberta I'ark church baa elected Mrs. 'red ISaggs president, Mrs.

E. G. Cornelius and Mrs. John Wilkens vice presidents, Mrs. Lamb secretary, tS.

A. Hamilton corresponding secretary and Mrs. John Marott treasurer. The peograui eommittee includes Mrs. Conduitt, Mrs.

J. W. Mrs. Iau Winins aud Mrs. Ubiskell.

i The Nfllanit IIanley Fight. Sixty or seventy men and boys, who are iuterested in sporting matters, went to Shelby ville oa a special train Saturday night, to see the live round band glove fight between Ed Neiland, of this city, and Jack Hauley, now of Anderson, but who was formerly a fighter of some re nutation in Colorado and and who, it is said, served three years in the Nebraska state tSrison for fightiug with Jack. Fell. It was the. understanding when the crowd started thattthe fight was tot be "to a finish." It took place in the opera house, and was preceded by several preliminary sparring bouts.

In the meantime the marshal and a couMtablejmt in an appearance, and threatened trouble, which scared Hauler. He received all kinds of assurauces that he would! not be molested, but refuted to fight. He and JS'eiland went ou for three Irieiullv, round, however, with solt gloves. Hanley bad decidedly the best pi the first two, as was the more scientific tighter, but who waa very aggres.ive,went at hilu "hammer and tongs" in the third aud used Liut up. On the wsy buck Neiland wanted to stop in the woods and fight to a finish by.

the light of torches, but Hanley declined. Neiland is tweuty two years old and six feet i gli and weighs 1Mb pounds, llaniey is tour years Weighs 170. old, i feet, 8 iuches tall Uasej Itall Matters. It looks, like the Indianapolis and Cleveland clnbs are playing for the sole purpose of making the sate receipts as large as possible. The Hoodiers were beaten oi Saturday by a' score of 11 to 10 in a game in they made 11 errors and 10 hits to.S errors and 13 hits for their opponents, Healey and Denny (thiok.of it) pitched for Indianapolis; both McGeachy and Seery played third base; Shomberg was in the field and Myers on first.

The game was evideutly thrown away. The Detroit shut out the St. Louis Browns very Cleverly by a score of 4 to 0 at New York, on Saturday. They made 13 hits and 1 error to 5 hits aud 8 errors for the Browns. The batteries were (Jetzeiu and Bennett and I'otitz and Buhonf.

Manager Fogel bac Vv lie says thai on the 20th when (he clubs announce their reserve lists. It will'lbe found that he has not been hustling around iu vain. He declines, however, to say what he has accomplished just now. It would not be surprising if be had obtained Uines, of Washington, and possibly Whitney, although this is doubtful, anJ about three "young bloods." A press dispatch says that Mike Kelly haa signed a contract to go with McNish, Johnson os Slavin'a minstrels this winter. He will act as interlocutor.

Trying to Revive sv nenefieiary Oritsr. i A movement is being made by a number of Catholic gentlemen to revive the Emerald Beneficial and Literary nnion, which was formerly a flourishing institution in this city. The order is 'much like the Y. M. though, somewhat, more comprehensive.

Messrs. James IL.Deery, Richard Butler, Wm. Sheridan and Captain Ed Hart compose a committee oa organization, and have called a meeting to be held at the Grand hotel at 3:30 o'clock, next Sunday afternoon. All young men who are members of the Catholic church are invited. Wbo Are Our Employers? "Who Are Our Employer?" was the question asked and answered by Rev.

E. J. Gantx in bis lecture tolLe young people at the Central Christian church last slight. All that one man can yield to another in his time and hisstrengtb. But there is another class of bondage niorsVhaplese than the enslavement of the physical powers.

It Is made op of those wbo are bound in sin and controlled by vioious habits. No mail or woman in an absolute sense is an employer. All, are am pUyea in some sense and the chief master is i An lwJuneton Granted. The supreme court has granted an Injunction ugaiost the "ot Martin county. The officers decided last July to build a bridge over the east branch of White river! This was opposed by Howard Ferris, who alleged that tne board had been influenced by a promise ot Absalom Trassler to pay eaoh of them (300 to order the work performed.

The FrsukUui Wis, The first of the series of foot ball games for tba championship of the state took place at Athletic park on Saturday. The contest was between the teams of Franklin college and the State university, and was easily von by the former by a score of 10 to 8. Next featurday the DePauw and "Wabash clnbs will play. I Wants It is Uncle. Al Jlobhe, in jail at Greely, CoL, has written to Superintendent Travis, inquiring about an ancle named Wm.

Henry Ilobb, supposed to be here or at Cincinnati. Tba young man waats money to em ploy an attorney, but his relative is not known bar nor at QsHiaiinatt. THE XNDIAITAPOUS ITEWB, MODAT, OCTOBER IT, 1B8T. ALL the first class style in fall hats at Dai ton's Bates boose hat store. Agent for Miller's celebrated bats the best in the world.

I i 'Exctrasioss to California via the B. W. ratlwar. leaving Indianapolis October 13, I 25 and 26. giving passengers choice of many routes.

For full particulars call at the W. ticket office. Xo. las Sooth Illinois street. Indianapolis.

Gio. BiTLxa, General Agent. Insure your property in the leading com pan lex. kDown to be strong and reliable. A.

AESoari, Agent, slid 4 Vinton block. If inconvenient to call, send postal. Smosb De Garcia" Zeuooia ac Sloan's drugstore THE This elegant hotel having been thoronghly refitted, and refurbished, is now the pride ot the cHty. Prices reduced to meet competition. Take car from west end of I ion depnt, wnlch will land you in front of the New Iiemaon.

E. B. MARn.vt.ALE. Owner. do.

O. Propdetors, 'TRCS ESKOBES," ARS E33, prlving gloves, valines, baskets blauketa. f'Whoa. January!" Ad. Ilcretb.

East Washington street. CXiTE D'OR, The pure California grape juice, is for sale by Joe Remele, 151 Indiana avenue, at only SO cents per bottle. Go To John Hart it 75 East Washington street, for boots and shoes. GoLI medal photos from cab. to life size and broeaide enlargements at Potter's, opp.

Bales. BEST ETOVE PLATING At 116 Sooth Pennsylvauia street. Couch is for consumption at Read fc Hobart's, corner Fletcher avenue and Iilllou st. We are now retailing our entire stock of diamonds, watcbes and Jewelry at auction prices, to close business. Maect.

The Jeweler. Otbich feathers aud tins colored a beautiful black. Charles Failles. West Waidangton street (up staira). opposite Dickson Si Co.

GR.VXU EXCURSIONS" TO CUICAGO, VIA StONOJt KOITE, On Tuesdsys. October 11 and 13. Fare only to. 50 round trip; tlcteu good seven days. For tickets, sleeping chair and pttrlor car space, call' at 26 South Illinois street.

Massachusetts avenue or Union depot ticket offices. Ir you want a stove or i urn ace repaired, eve it done now. 8. Davis, tinner, 70 North Delaware street. Ladies' French heel vxjord.

ties at the Batee house shoe store. Johx B. Logan has tasen tap management of the Home Tailoring company, Xo. 9 South 111 nois street. A complete line of fall goods shown.

Call and leave your order. MONEY hAVED OS Stoves, furniture and carpets on payments or cash, fia Wast Washington sC John Ctlen. D. R. Clark will remain and continue business nere until November 1.

as his Chicago gallery is not ready to occupv Fine watch repairing and engraving. Marcy. ''The" Jeweler, beau them alL Monograms a specialty. 35 W. Washington street.

Try us. For diamouds or gold watches or fine jewelry, jro to Marcy. "The? Jeweler: Low prices. THIS WEEK BROSNAN BROS i WILL SELL 300 pairs large Gray Blankets at 50c 200 pairs $5 alt Wool California Blankets at $2.37. 500 pairs extra heavy White Blankets, worth $1.25, for 87 ic; Great lot extra heavy Cotton Flannels for Gc, 8c and 10c; worth from 12rc to 15c.

50 pieces 40o all Wool Medicated Red Flannel ibr 25c a'yard. To morrow, extra quality Oil red Table linen for 2fic. Great sale of MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CRASHES' and TOWELS. See prices to morrow. Big lot of best Calico at 5c per yard.

DRESS GOODS SATYR. 1J yards wide all Wool worth $1, for 50c per yarJL All colors 3C inch Yin Cashmere for 21 Jc. 100 pieces Jamestown Fancy Cloths, worth 25c, for 11 Jc. Double width Cashmeres and Serges for 15c, All Wool Serges, worth 65c, special price, 35o. 100 pieces 75o Colored Velvets, worth 38c.

Bic lot FancviSilk for 29c. 50 pieces extra quality Silk, worth $1.10, for 75c per yard. Great sale of Priestley's Silk Henrietta Cloth, 48 inchefljvery fine quality Henrietta, lor 95c Ladies. ribbedt and plain all Wool Iloee, worth 50c, for 25c Gents' regular made fine Hose, from 12c up. i 1 Full line of Children's Wool Hose, all sizes, Great lot Children's ail Wool Vesta and Pants, 35c.

CLOAKS. 20 canes new style garments opened to day. Most genuine bargains ever offered. Fine Plush Wraps, jet trimmed, for worth $22.50. New style all Wool Newmarket Cloaks for $5.

500 new style Children's Garments at very low prices. All Wool Shawls from 95c to $45. Sale Alt WeekJ BROSNAN BROS. CO 37 and S9 South Illinois St SEAL SKIN CLOAKS. To day we open a big lot of Seal Skin Sacques.

Short Wraps, Jackets and Newmarkets. RAGLANS New styles open to day. II. P.i WASSON CO. 4 DLUSH AND ASTRACIIAN SHORT WRAPS, something new entirely, X.

pan ue iouuu iu laxjje sssuiuuuuii au BOSTOIST CLOAK SELECT mm miuui We show you the most elegant assortment in the OUR PRICES No one Gets left. ORIGINAL EAGLE 5 and 7 West Washington Street REPRESENTING one of the lariret fur manufacturing house in the east, I am prepared to oftr all grades In my line, such as SEAL hKIN SACK: MuHs. Boas. Cap. Gloves, Robes aid Triminliies at manufacturers' prices.

Also, shipper of Kaw urs. Trim ml tigs at manufacturers prices. Also, shipper S. IT. GALLOWAY, 200 OTJE IMPROVEMENTS Have all been made, and.

we are prepared to give tlie LOWEST CARPETS, Wall Papers and Of any house in tnia city. W. II 30, 32, and 38 TUTE WILER I a 1 A Telephone XX. Opea Eastman, Schleicher Lee tThe largest Carpet House in the state, 5, 7 and 9 East Washington Street VISITING 3rt A.T THE INDIANA PAPER COMPANY'S 21 EAST MARYLAND STREET. Mot Buy Until YouSee fhs "Verrtilator This stove takes pure, fresh air wm.

t.kx thm foul air from tne room JV' means of anue eonneotins; wun tho amoke pipe, thus vtmtHaXing Ou root at lie lams time it heat it Tht only MANTELS. OyGHATES and TILE EEABTOS. "HAPPV i We nnair or eoat: n.n wood natural "QUICK MEAL" Gasoline stoves. was KANGES. COOKINQ and HEATI.NG STOVtd at bottom prices.

"WM. H. BKXXKTT 3 South Meridian Street. Write for circulars. Insurance Company of New York.

The most popular company doing business la 1n44.n. t. v. 1 li 1 1 1 rim i iti i fi at office of G. F.


W. Cor. Illinois and Market YOUR state. ARE RIGHT. Visit the great South Fwnnnyl rants Mtrwet.

PRICES on Window Shades Call and be convinced. ROLL, South Illinois Street UNDERTA 6a NORTH PESSflYLV ASIA STREET. day and night H. W. TCTEWILER.

Mao. gar ISTEW Fall and GOODS. We bare just received a full line of Cloaks, Shawls, Klankets ami Bed Comforts, Come sad see our Dress Goods, Fur Trimmings and Mu3s. Cotton Flannels at 5c per yard. One case best Calico at Ac Factory Flannels at 3uc CHAS.

F. METER CO. 248 and 250 East Waahlnstoa Btreet. Corner East and Washington Streets, GOLD FELT PANELS JLN jST 3rl FOR DECORATING IN OIL COLORS; THE LATEST BtjyELTY. H.

LIEBER CO Art Emporium, E2 East Washington Street, i THE MY OF LEG COVERS. Cheap tailors are cutting $3 trousers 18 lncies wide, so the swells are talking: about taking a reef In on the accepted syrle. Wbetner they do or not. Tne Standing Style Is Full. They are beantifuL tao, if full tn the proper way full of men.

A pair of trous en never look so well as when tilled with a pair of legs. i EXQUISITE PATTERNS. We hsre the finest lot of trousers, you understand ever seen in Indiana. We honestly think so. and beliere yon will also, if you see them.

They are both do me tic and Imported fabrics, tasteful aud varied in pattern, and of prime excellence in workmanship. THE INDUCEMENT. Newest styles, perfect Bt, one price lower than an rood else tn this market. lints, too. We can sell you anything In the hat line: latest bluets, "nobbiest" shapes.

Low prices rule. THE WHEN CALICO CARNIVAL Ten thousand different patterns of the best Calicoes, 3c yard. Best indigo Llues, blacks, oil reds, faDcy' colors, darks, All the very best qualities of Calicoes. Imme nse bargains in Bustles. 5c for an excellent Bustle.

10c for the same as usually sells for 85c each. Seize these bargains while they last Open every evening. W. C. VAN ARSDEL 1 109 and 111 South Illinois Street Near new Union Passenger station.


FACTORY; 73 PENDLETON AVE Store: 116 North Delaware St. WEL COM E. That's what you'll find. With a magnificent stock to show. All test iav new and desirable.

Prices, none lower. COME AJNTD SEE. Success is ours, because we please the people. When you have a few minutes leisure come in JUST FOR EXJ1ST. P.

S. Have Just received from New York the latest French style of t.ATiirv but HAia. j. AQT3. Hatters arid Furnishers, OPPOSITE TRANSFER CAR.

"COME AJSD SEE" OPKN 'o NIGHT. 0 ARPETS, WALL PAPER. litest Deaigns. Lowest Prices. gERMAK MARTENS, 4 Bouta it.hi..

stziaet. ilIEAVY UxDERWEAR i f. In plain white, red and fancy colors. GLOVES. GLOVES.

Imported Bcotch, Jersey, Dogskin and fine (Buck Gloves. HATS. HATS. All the leadins stvles. and at prices to please.

jNEVTORK HAT i Cor. Pennsylvania and Washin(rton. Redding and Visiting Cards. CORRECT STYLES. Full line at very reasonable prices.

Printed stenaraved neatly on short II. SiHTH, North Pennsylvania Street WiiJ furnish everything you need for your SUNDAY SCHOOL 4) Northwest side Circle Beat hotel building iu lndlananolia. One the bast kept hotels for the prices eharfed in th country. Uood location, rooms, tare, ele Vatsad all modern oonvenienoea.

Bata for traant, per day. Vary favorable rata fat raaay ansfnmsrsi ETLS, IHTEL ENGLISH MOD li. A FULL Cliincliila Jackets aiul Vests At to $23. Just the thing for railroad men, teamsters, and all others having out door work. New styles of Pants just received.

to 3S inch measure. The largest line of "regular size Pants in the state. Good, strong Working Pants, $1, $150 and $2. Splendid Cassimere Pants, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. First class Cassimere, Worsted and Cheviot Pants, $5, $7 and $8J MODEL; STOVES; Money saved Ask your dealer and at distant "era Me INDIANAPOLIS HTOVK Catalogues furnished to dealers on application.

and 7 ti. Merldlxn 8t CABIIET PHOTOS ACET'S VA ISTCE BLOCK, REDUCED WITHIN fnE PAST WEK FROM TO 70 PER CENT. Full length Cabinets, per, dozen, NOW Sl.50 25 to 40 per cent Reduction on All Large Wort PHOTOGRAPHER Vance Block, Cor. Virgia rTake Elevator. 0 fi! I I long andl extra size Pants to 50 inch waist.

Pants 1 the trouble In getting repairs forStoves made points avouleo by buying ot borne manuiaotur make a full line ofCookine and Heatinc tovec for Indianapoits made Stoves. Take no others, AXiLEEY which until last week were PER DOZEN. Ave. and' Washington St. I ELDEE, Iridian Street.

2 i Auction! Builders' Hardware and Mechanics' Tools. LI Hi la STA'LNAK It 64 East isVasliinerton Street. ijSETS. 1 I have the finest lines ot w41 made and well finished Bed room Sets ever shown in this state. They are all new, elegant patterns, and in the prices jf defy competition.

You can gea nice set from 325 up. Call and see thenj. Tu 43 and .45 South. DIET: PAKKOTT ae TAGGABTU GhEHM CEACKERS "WEDDING PRESENTS. Choice pieces of Ornamental and Table China Ware, Cat Glass, Cameo Glass, Brass and Lanlps, Clocks, Etc New goods arriving daily.

CHARLES MAY'ER 29 and 31 West. Washington Street. TTNDERTAKER KREGELO iias the only inde structible casket; hir tight; will not decay when buried; less price than black cloth draped caskets. PICTURES AT AUCTION! Mirrors at LINE OF I have purchasedrom 'the Boston Collateral Loan Co. the stock of a first class picture and art store.

It comprises. Oil Paintings, Oleographs, Steel Engravings, Imported Plaques, etc, of a high class, but which can be purchased at a low price. This stock is better tlian anything that has ever been placed on this market, either at private or. public gale. Come ani see it.

JT. ejJcTJTTHSTG? 65 North Pennsylvania H. H. GIBBS, Boston Auctioneer..

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