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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PARK. The) Aoettlo Taking Definite Fona, VflUi a Prwa lelear Fete re. Tbe matter of securing a race truck for Indianapolis hu bco agitated for some time, Wot not nntil last night did the project take definite form. Dr. Charles E.

Wright and lougbton Fletcher bare Ukea the lead ia the work ol awakening interest and soliciting subscriptions. It proposed to raise $35, 000 bjr getting obeeripliona from those will in to take on bo sAnd dollar' worth of lock. During tbe lest tea da $3,000 hare been raised, among tha subscriber being Alien y. Fletcher, F. M.

Chorchman, Ferd Mayer, Job a F. Miller, George Pfingat George. Rranbatn, W. Coleman, II. G.

McLeia, Job C. V. P. Ijatna, S. UHlard aad tbe twern tierften named.

A rood start baring beea tboa rad a meeting wan bald at the Grand hotel laat night to perfect organisation; Ao Incorporation will be fortoed under the name of tha "Indlenapolia Driving dob," witb a eapital stock ot $75,000. Officer will bo elected bereatler, but tbe director wera cbostfi aa follows J. F. Pratt, C. 8.

Millard and 8. J. Fletcher, for three rear; A. C. Ilarria, Georga F.

Braoham and John C. Kw for two, and Horace Wood, M. O'Con or and A. M. Fletcher for Tbe club lis an option on a track of fifty irrn near Mr.

W. J. Hasselman 's farm, extending from Central avenue to Meridian afreet. ThU ia likely to be chosen and a track eonatructed on improved plan. A club house will be constructed and tba I N.

A. A C. will, if the acberaa ia carried out aa Intended, build thnrt line to tbe grounds. There it a po. aibititr that the new cable company will connect with tbe ground and make Mapletoa its northern suburb.

There ara only two training eonraea In this section, one at Terre Haute and another at Chicago, and tbe location' of Indianapolis makes it a very desirable point for a track. Mayor llenny wpeaae Minel. There was a meeting of tha Torter Dennj club last evening, with tha principal address by Dr. J. T.

Boyd and Mayor Denny. It was recalled by tha former, and proven by official record, that be was tha first to auggest in this city that colored men vote at tba primaries la tha selection of candidates for office, and in 18G.1 be waa particularly con spfcoooa in looking after tha condition and welfare of "contrabands," with the view of bettering their wants and preparing them for tha citizrnsliin which waa to follow. Dr. Boyd is now out of politic, and be explained laat night that he only came from bis retirement because! be considered this "a treat crisis in local government, when every honest man oiightto rise up and aid io strangling tbe viper of, lawlessness and corruption which ia threatening tbe city." Tbe speech by tba mayor was largely given to per Vinal matters. He bad previously indorsed tbia organization of colored believing they had the material for a good permanent society, and that it would be beneficial to themselves and families and would materially aid in putting good men in office and sending bad men to the rear, Tha mayor omnared the sninf animatlne the'orfranizera ot this association with those controlling tha democratic club, which bad adopted resolutions unfair and unmanly, and the statementa of which were unqualifiedly false.

lie referral to the Banks In which lie showed that be bad let the offender off easier than otherwise might have been done bad he not thought another prosecution waa to lollow; and as for the assailant of the latter waa not before him to be either discharged or rosecuted, that being done by the prosecutor, hroughout his talk he was honest aud (rank. aa baa marked bia official career, and bis speech made an excellent impression. The Twenty Flft a Ward Imbroglio. The democracy of tha twenty fifth ward are really in bad form, and tha fact ia demonstrating the old saying that there ia more politics to the square foot ia that section than anywhere else in the state. Tha trouble springe from tba nomination of Fred Gaul for council.

Mr. Gaul ia credited with bav Indr 7 41 tha snlit in tha rock ribbed demne. racy which resulted in tha election of' Herig to council and the defeat of the regular nominee. Men in that ward who ara democrat through thick and thin, in have set up a pronounced bowl against bis selection, which seems to have keen forced upon them, and they are now proposing to compass the success of the republican nominee, as a rebuke not only to 11 r. Gaul, but thoe who forced his nomination upon tbem.

One of tha voters in that 'ward "Tarty nomiueea in this City are apt to te but tha creatures and representatives ot those who put them up, but tbe votes of other men are required at the polls, and these votes, in large umber, will be withheld from a man who ha tlio gall to at tbe support ot eitlzcns whose choioa hehaa for several years lent all his energies to defeat." lis also added that, fortunately, it happened that Mr. Herig had given proof that ha waa "an honest, conscientious ana competent councilman," and for that reason he would be supported by deuiocrate who, but tor Mr. Gaul's nomination, would be found true to their party allegiance. Ieath of Mrs. John M.

llrarawell. Mrs. Mary Dorsey Bramwell, wiia for more than half a century of John M. Bramwell, died unexpectedly yesterday, after an illness ot only a few tours' duration. Congestion of several together with apoplectic symptoms, brought about fatal results.

Tbe deceased was born ia Steuben Tille. July 20. 1SI2. She came to Indiana at at early age, aad in 1532 waa married to Mr. Bramwell at Madison.

Mr. and Mrs. Bramwell came to Indianapolis in 184S, and with tbe exception of eighteen moaths spent in Cincinnati, tbey have lived here continu oasly since. Ten ahUdreo hare been born to tbem, five ot whom Mra. Baker and Mrs.

Hamilton of Ind iaoapolis, Mrs. Allmon of Ueilefontaine, Mrs. t'askey of Brightwood, and Mrs. Davia of Denver are atill living. Old citizen will remember tha aecideot by which two of tbe children, both boys, wera drowned ia White river ia 157.

Mrs. Bramwell was an exceedingly amiable and sweet tempered lady, Since iittJ she has been a sneniber of the Christian church, and tor a great many yeara 'aha has been a. faithful member of tha Third congregation on Home avenue. The funeral will occur on Sunday at 2 p. m.

at tbe the family 164 College ara. Rtr. D. K. Van Buskirk will conduct the services.

i A Sew Oil Field. Is rofeesor McAvoy, of this elty, has" a trot her living in Fremont oonnty, Wyoming, ho ia lute rested in what ara called the Bonanza oil springs, and which are expected to rival Pennsylvania as aooa as a railroad reaches the county. It is claimed that tha oil issues from a subterranean refinery in a condition so pure as to admit of its being burned in ordinary glass lampawithout danger of explosion, giving out a beautiful light of a reddish hue, but almost entirely tree from smoke and accompanied by nodisagree I able odor such aa produced by moat crude oil. Tha outcropping, or seepings, of this oil extends for adistauca of five miles. The Stand ard Oil company will tarn up ia Wyoming text.

KmplojmMl ar News Hoys. There was a preliminary meeting yester day afternoon ia tha interest of tha Newsboy1 and Bootblacks' home, looking to tha extension and amplification of much needed work among tbe homeless youth of the city Bev. Dr. Jenckea presided, and a nucleus was formed for the orsranixation of the In dianapolis Youths' Home and Employment association. A call waa then issued foramasa meeting, to be held Suaday evening, to which all citizens ara invited, and at which time Colonel Uogeland will be present and make aa address.

A Camntsaasbl Spirit, rlisnlaved Kv mi of tha lletho MS J' elist ministers of this eity ia eoroioaadable. Although assigned by conference to another fi.i.i i.k..r fillinr bia atroointmehta at oDsiJerable 'extra expense; to himself, he i remove his family from the city until after the election, owing to his deter I UslilUU iw av av I nM A IwasaS) ma YOM ID IATUf oi mir. any. Thia ia ia airia taa; eoairaa other ministerial gentleman, whose voice baa been heard in favor of law aod order tor many years, but who changed bia residence just tbe other day, moving to another ward and thereby losing hia vote. Clerk 8Ulivaa: aa burety For Stocky.

The trial ef Charles Stocky for selling liquor on the fair grounds was reaumed and concluded thia morning. Isaao Persona was called as a witoeaa for the state, and testified that ha had purchased of Stuckyoo the day mentioned ia tbe affidavit. Attorney Crop aey, appearing for the defendant, Urged that the document "waa not properly prepared. Jle was rather offensive in addressing the court, saying be presumed there waa no need ot aaying much, as tbe case would be decided against him anyhow. Mayor Denny stopped him once or twice, but he persisted in taking the attitude that justice was not 'btainable In the police court.

Tbe evidence against Stocky was pretty conclusive, although be and bia witnesses swore that only the most harmless articles Were for sale at the stand. Stocky waa adjudged guilty aad a fine of tl5, with thirty days ia the work house made the penalty. County Clark Sullivan was quickly forthcoming as the. surety on an appeal bond, and tbe case goee jto tbe criminal court. Mr.L Sullivan's affidavit doesn't show him to have three thousand dollars' worth of unincumbered city property, and executions will be issued at ooce in three other eases wherein he ia responsible lor fines on the city records.

John W. Fisher, a saloon keeper at the end of Virginia avenue, p.eaded guilty to selling after II o'clock and was fined $20 and coata. i Base Ball Matter. The Indianapolis ball club played aa exhibition game with the ehampioDa of the Ottio league at Kalamazoo, yesterday, aad were defeated by a ecore of 5 to 3. Mofict pitched and three home runs were made off" of him by Coliver, one of the Kalamazoo player.

George Myers made a home rua for the llooaiera. The base hits were 11 to 7 in favor of the Micbiganders, and the only error made waa by Indianapolis. The Chicagoea and Pittsburg played two games yesterday and each woo and loet one, by ecore 4 to 0, In liavor of Chicago, aud 6 "to 2 ia favor of Pittsburg. New York beat Boston 6 to 3. St.

Louis beat Cincinnati 8 to 2, and Cleveland again defeated Louis villa 10 to 4. The Chicagoea came In this morning, and tbe borne club ia also back. Tbey will play to day, to morrow and Monday and Tuesday, if the' weather permits. The Datroits close tbe season the last three days of next week. It is to be hoped that the Kokomo bail club wont take it in its head to challenge tbe great league nine from Indianapolis, or that a league ot Indiana club will not be formed to play for the state championship.

I And Kaloraazoo too this is too much. i Notre ot Mtaral aa. your' director in Pittsburg purchased tbe gas wells and leases ot the GutTey syndicate near' Noblesviile?" was asked of one of the officers of tba Indianapolis company. "That ia a leading question." "Have thev.bought pipes?" "I couldn't say." "Bats!" Tbe South Side committees working up the Doxey scheme last night met for conference and found that 300 consumers had made contracts for gas. Kepresentatives of tbe Doxey company say that fully 1,000 subscriptions have now been taken.

East Enders will meet to night at CIS East Washington street to talk gas. Tbe Patterson well, near Xoblesville, on the line 'toward Greenfield, will be in tomorrow. Christ Church Semi Centennial. Tbe seml centannial celebration of Christ Episcopal cliurch will open on Sunday next. At 9:30 there will be morning rarer and holy communion, to be followed by an his torical aermpn by liiahop i uttle, tor twenty years a missionary bisbon in Utah.

At 2:30 o'clock theSunday school reunion wi 1 take place and at night there will be services commemorative ol the work of the church in fifty veara in Iolliana. The exercisea will continue several djays next week including a night service; Mdndav, and day and night service Tuesday aod Wednesday. i 1 Rugby Foot Ball Games. Tbe Indianapols Athletic club has arranged for another series of Rugby games of foot ball for the college choipiouahip of the state. abash.

Hauover. iraaklin. Indiana uni versity. Butler and Del'auw have already entered. The first game of the series will be between franklin and Indiana university, Saturday, October 15, and tbe additional games will be played on tbe ensuing Satur days of tbe month.

The three winners in the first series will play, a seooud serie in November. Ralibt Messina; Ite tliosrn. The Indianapolis Hebrew congregation has re chosen Key. M. Messing to serve aa' raubi for five years.

New officers have been elected as follow: President, Nathan Kahn; vice president. Edward Duces; secretary, B. Feibieman; treasurer, B. Kaufman. The trustees are H.

Bamberger, David Kahn and M. Emden; trustees of Sabbath school: N. Kheimheiner, Joseph Schloas and E. M. iiays.

I. Coal Contracts Awarded. After iwrestling with bids for several days the county board to day allowed the" coal contracts as follows: For the township poor, to Hunt St Pray, court house and iail, A. M. Kubn $2.27: county asylum.

W. A. Khode. 2.03; work house, same dealer, The prioes in each instance are an increase of about 8 cents over last year. Island City ia tbe variety furnished.

Hendriclte Club New Bssner. The Hendricks club this, morning received their new banner, which ia a marvel of beauty and irtistio It ia in white aod purple velvet, with gold letter hand made. and the inscription "The Hendricks Club of Indianapolis." It is trimmed with heavy gold fringe, and. is altogether every gorgeous affair. it was made by Charles Svendeen.

of Cincinnati, and eost 200. The KIkV Entertainment. The brotherhood of Elks are making act ive preparation for their coming benefit. which ia te occur October 27. W.

Pink Hall has charge of til affair and Jerry Denny, Jack Glasscock, Charles Foster. Bobby Johnson, Frank P. Wade, John II. Martin, John Jay Curtis and Joseph 1. Fanning will participate.

Popular musio will be rendered by a The light Artillery Asm! Chicago. The Indianapolis Light Artillery has been Invited te make Ite neadqnartera at tbe ar mory ot Battery Chicago during itit attendance at tbe national encampment. Tie Indianapolis company will atart Sunday night, and haa already entered for two Con tents, for which prizes ol $1,500 and o00 are respectively ottered. A YVwma ta Fear of Her Ufa, Justice "Smock la bearing evidence this afternoon in the surety of peace proceedings brought by Clara KJeiaa againat Greenbnry Walker. She allegea that he haa frequently threatened her life.

Some one fired several hots near ber house on Baltimore avenue Wednesday night, and It ia presumed that the defendant was the aggressor. Mystery Cwacerning Watch. August Bichter while out seeing the vil la: last night became confused, and when he came to himself this tnonriag was out near Crown Hill, minus his watch. At an early hour a mae ran hurriedly into Woer ner's saloon oa avenue, placed the watch en the bar Mod ran ens, teuch to the mystery oi the police. Going to Hartford City.

The people of Hartford City, have given ground tor a location aad free gaa for a term ot year to A. J. Cox A ot thia eity. on oondition that tbe company erect a a 'it i ra large wooa puip mm in mat piece, me offer ia to be accepted, and a large amouat of machinery haa already been orderea iron Sinker, Davis at Co. 1 1 THE HTDIAITAFOIJS HEWS, FKiDAY, SETTK MITER SO, I83T.

irPKCVK COUBT. tract ef Oawatows Reedereal Thurs day. September 29. 1887. 10.

fZ Preston Davidson ct al vs. Henry H. Butcbin at aX Viarioa C. A Bowk, J. Tbe same questions are la this cause as those whlcn.

were considered and decided in Davidson va. Koehler. 76 3 and LYKi oa vs. Bates, 111 Ind. Cpon the authority of those ease tht is affirmed.

(' avxrntxjrr arrrai. bod mmr xor uiii.i EETOSTb riNALTY. 12.996. Frederick Graeter V. Wm.

H. DeWolf et al. Knox Aflirma 1. ZaUars, J. The appellant recovered judament before a Jus tice of the peace against S.

for the of real estate and tl7 for its detention. 8. appead from tbe Judgment to the circuit Court, filing aa appeal bund, with tbe appellees aa sureties, in tbe peuai rua et owo. in which it waa stipulated that g. nou)J pay suca Judmeat aa is bt be rendered against hua oa appeal, the bond should be void, otoerwise in force.

Ou the appeal the appelant recovered Judgment for tlA'L Tbe JuVig ment not having beeu paid, appelant brought, this acuoa on. the appeal bond. Held: That the sureties are not liable beyond the penalty fixed inline bond. aotToici roxioT wore caxcctuiTiox rAVMSMT hiko rao Trao ssrav. 13 11a.

Janua Johnson r. am ue I Moore. Haa UiigtonC.C Aainned. tUiott, i. (Li A note and mortgaae are not the founda tion of a suit to procure tbeir cancellation, and tiiey neeu not Dc niea wicn ids compitiai exhibits.

A complaint the cancellation of a noie and mortgaKO executed by tbe piaiuuif to the defendant which alleges that the defenuant had agreed to take iu lull payment of the note and mortage certain rates, imiiurtice a couniJcr aiton, executed by a third person and held by the dotendantat tns tim of tbe agreement a col laierai seourity, states a cause ot actum. a per containing a calculation iu a cause mic the Judge, which is treated bv him aud fiied as a pae7 in the case, is a memorandum of record authorizing a nunc pro tune entry cor tbe amount oi toe iuugnaent. INTEREST rSMILT BETTLEMEST DECEDENT E9 tates. 12.25. I aura Gale et al.

va. Andrew F. Carey. Marion S. Jtcvenied.

Mitchell. J. In lHtX. In a famllv setUenient and to eqnanra advance ments. the appellee executed cerutiu notes by mortxae to the co heirs wjth blinjwlf of a common ancestor, payable iu one.

two and three year after the ancestor's death. The. notes were to bear interest at 10 per payable annually during the life of the ancestor; but each stipulated that Interest should atop at the latter1 a death, which event occurred iu 1ST i The note in suit, Leln tbe last of the series, was jaj ablo to a sifter, it waa not paid at maturity, lor the reason that she had prbviouMy diel. bhe left a husband and children, omt4 of them minora, but there waa ao adminlstraaon of her estate. In ber husband died, init io 1SW guardian5 was appointed for tbe minofjcbildren.

mere Doing no guaroian previously. in to recover unon the note. The ouesticm is as to the liability of appellee for interest unon the note alter maturity, tie naving oeeu at an tunes since its maturity ready and wiliina to pav it. Held: That the anneilee is liable for in lore at 6 per uotwltnstandina there was no administration of hia sister's estate and no auariibinof ber eniidren, aa there waa do teader of payment prior to lull suit. The fact that there was no auminis tion.

oreuardlan, or Judicial establishment of a riRht of the heirs to receive payment does not relieve appellee, as be might inmself have been the niovlne; party. i Tbe following cases were decided in the supreme court this afternoon: 12.9ia. A coal float vs. the city or Jeirerson Ville. Clara C.

C. Affirmed. Jiiblack. i. 12.H30.

The Home insurance ComtMiiiy vs. ill la hi W. Oilman et al. Ailirmed. Mitchell, J.

u.i.rf. turner nuaicei vs. tne state oi inoianai Huntington C. Affirmed, tlllott, J. 1.1.67a.

John W. Rout va Undlev M. Kinde. Adam C. C.

Certiorari denied. Elliott, J. Real Kstate Trannfera. Herman W. Feoneraan to Frederic M.

Bach man, lo's 1 and ta Morris's aadltiogr to Indianapolis. $5,000. Julia Fitzgerald to uertrnac t. uoiton, part of lot in Butler'a north addlJou to College corner In Indianapolis, Sl.TuO. Nicholas Mc arty et al.

to Thomas FitZKibbons, lot 271 McCarty' Eighth west aide addition to ludlanapolia, 3jO. Fernuudos 31. Slmmonds to sod hie 3L. leg man, lot 117, Spana first oodiawn ad onion to ludlanapolia, il.OOiI John 11. tnguug to uenjnmin aniers, rots a and 4 in square 4.

iu the town of Bridgeport tM X. Slmpon U. Lemmon to Ernest A. Wehrman, lot 7. Herman H.

L'nverzaKt's suodivlsion of biock 7. llBiiUerson's addition, 7CO. Wm. Morris to Win, H. Wood, lot soutn In dianapolis, S100.

Building Permiis. John Harkness, addition to house on Illinois street, between Tenth and JSieventn streets, Pros. Golburn. two story house on Washlneton atreet, at Summit, Same, houae.vame place, H.w), UoLert Denuv. renalrs to frame dwelling on Noble street, between (ieoraia and Meek, streets, Mnrv E.

Ettineet, two story frame nous? on Kentucky aveuue, between Merrill and tbert. l.uou. TII15 MAKKJ3T SEWS. New York Stock Market. Strnvr Yoaa, September 10.

Tbe bear view of tbe marlttt ia tbat tbe public la getting tbe money now bein paid out by tbe government, but aa the public ia not putting any of tbat asoney Into tbe stnea market. Wall street tails to ret much benetit. Tba filling ofTio offering of bonds to tba government hows that tbe floating aupplv is already turned In, and makes It eoubtrul whether or not tbe entire fourteen million have been obtained. Noon. Money ia aaay at Ti.i per rent.

Bar silver ic The stock market remained extremely dull alter 11 clock, and wun nuciuauona ooannea to IU narrowest limits. 1 bs trading waa utterly nevoid of feature of any kind. At noon the market very dull aud aieaJy to nrm generally at small fractions ahov first piicea t'nited States lkmrts Four's 124, da coupon lBH. rsctac or us 123. Adams El iBTorthera Pacflc.

"i Alieaheny Central preferred. 60 Alton, lerr aiautau sa inrweLern preferred "0 preferred .142 American aUpreaa. luC S. Y. antral.

N. ti i 17 H. SS preiWrad 40 Canada Koulheru Central nrvierred A Oeairal PaciC S4 Cblcaao Alton 140 preferred ISO Bur. A yutiicy.iat KLL.AN. as Kiaarlo Western 17 U.

H. A N. Ore. Trans Pacttle Mall ySB (In htn A Mlall'SOSlDS Clavelane Uolnm. Nl IX A 'lS DalawsrtSHiKlias.

iili rumhurg ix; UelawarUo JL Heaalng IiaavarAHioUraude gi.RocK. Island. Ils'a Krle 2' SLUaar. as nnlprrMl Fori Warn taufl 1st oraierrae. Alanolbl tK.Jo Harlem IU Houston 9t Z2 llllnoiK Central 117 it.

ri M. at preferred L.H.. ur rclflc. Kansaa dt Texas t'oton PaoAc. vke rt A WeM'rayl U.

o. Expre iaa bore 4, k. i at r. louiavilie irt praierrao Loaiavllleat New At 41 Walla Farao sr. 1st prat, ad Wt etarn Wnion.

714 k4ulcksllvr 6 ampins 4 Char MKbigae Oaslral s7 Minn. a. li orefrrred 14 prarri P. P. lo4 St.

L. A li prrra X.LI as Mis urt FaoinCw Mobile Uaia. it referred 1X Morris 11a ll V. tahrlil Chatt 7s I preferred. Indlausapwlia tTHol'salA Markets.

Market are gewerally quiet Unfavorable weather exerts a depressing influence upon trade, though prices remain lu most part unchanged. California qnlnrea are la market la fair quan UUea i Utj Qooda Prtnta. Aa artaau a Allao SHo, Arnold to, Barlla faacv color Skc, Cocbece sc. EddyMon faaoy So, Hani faney So, HaunllloD tSO, Padflo fancy So, Waahuirtoa Toraay red 7o, Harmony 4e, Mancsieasar print Sc. brown boa lua Allan uc 7c, Atlantic 1 4Mo.

Avpleton A 7c, Boot A iH, Cooiiasntal a. Clarke A 6c, IWk 1 Anchor ss luchas 7c. Oranitavlli c.UraniiavlUe 1. Pepparall 7c. Pepper 11 it SHe, aaraoso 'C.

eppereil trie Pepper eu 10 4 ue. Dieacnea nmiiin DqnncniKiii i. iv, ae. BarUatt 6ut So. Blarlc aun A A hasioul HiU so.

Ctutomau l'wiabt tr ft ska. Fruit of the Lo Sb luchas nVjc PltrbvlliaT4a. Hiil's aamnar Idaiu MlachasM. Knigbrs eemoric 7So, Lonsisls esm bric lli lxmsdal Inches BSc, Wbutinsvllle ss Inches 7SC, Wamvtrtta St lochs lie. New York mills, lie.

Ctiea 10 4 xTHe. Corsat Jeans Indian Urcaard tc ara aiamss a i in i hub Tl Ttai Irnnrl I'fn Tieairur lm. lACAlKO. ABOftHM X. fiUSCT lU.C.

Caneatoaa sole madal 1 So, ISA. a u. tucket H'sc, Bwlfl Hirer c. allnn baha 1 York SO lacbe UHC OBift aw Inane tie, Oenaburg and cbsvioi Louisiana platds Ho.Auauta Oi tawaSc. AmoMeag strip vs.

eiaMia luo, aiamiiton ita Batea 2 a. Escs villa kite, bcotoa Unlah lose. Padao dre gootis. tbree fourtba popila lusiar accashmar three founha lie. alpaca lnster We, A AostiallaaerapeMH.

broeattea) lake, eaahmar A siHa, aiaatuua nimaaii Tteo. Amosaes Loatllug Orugs Morphine sa.tua.7. quidid ttMoe, opium S.x uoi.25, ehinconldlA UCS2tX3. borax ltnl io. nunaot SsuSSaa.

aioaaol aa 2ft. fbetida ISiaiSuc. alum Sito, chloroform 4iaVM6, coa perae per barrel ss as. ere ru of tartar pure aoiie a. fan all

oil mt ksraamoSoer eewnd aj soda bicarb ic. salts tpnm Bul pbua sal I Deter IikUc, turpentine MXASOo. giycerluelsaaAic, bronilda of posaKh Hitytoa, lard all 4o.a.tAe. Uaaeed oU 4JS 46c. alum SJ kXu, white lead o.

led! do ot potaah SAlua4b, amraoilc acid teeut rei Fraua aad ots Baoana Jam aloes fl ftfiin. Aspinwalis ti7i.ivl.fto. tigs 12tvi6o, crown Loodna Layent Si uacaxe la doable crown. boa. Valencia per pound.

Turklab prune 4K a. carranta 7(se for new. La hora citron ISuSJHc. almonda Tarraraonta 7K0 lvr, 1 vk a 17ic. new Braxll nota ulue hlnerta llilJe, walnuia Naples 17a.

psrsss wesiarn lio raw aaaauu wblva Too as jits t.S7c Vlrninla 4S alas ailee. nine appiee I o.iou par doses. Orocerias users Hard eVS7So. nandard A HftSbSc onRee A While extra ic, extra fhct. aoud.

xailow Uekwic. comma 4 Hi 1J li 10.) 4 ii WH 71 ia xl fatr me. VjlToe Common to onllnary ararlo fair ZHa.a 1 e. rood UV ac. prime 2, Zl atnctl pn tue S'3e chK Jlwc, fancy zvtc.

OolUen Rio lii4 Java Koaatad Coffee A roock Zee. achnnll 4 Kraaj'a suuidard 2sc McCona'a Arahiao xjc. (ratea's Champion Z6c Mola es aad rape Sew Orloeos mola es new crop xvuic mellum slrupa ric. cnoloe sdiie. Htarcb 2S'o.

Kioe Carolina ba'r. Cnal o4i l4c accordiBg lo dec. Lakeaaitleear lota Tinaera atp.iee ttwt orana ccarcoai TO ill 14. 12x12 and Hi3)v'. IX lost, lxliand 14x2 u.

rood nc tin xt 41 1 on. Mock ia pta saocin bars re. Iron 27 in, 27 iroa Juniaiagalvanlsad prr cant, disenant. sheet tin sc. copper bottom ie, planished copper sc solder rvi? de.Tiiow an4 Cirrase Dealer paying prices tireea hid a.

I cured 7Hi" rrn call Ho saltod oalf Sc. rtrv Ami Itc. ealt bliea inc. Pell fthevp Iatnba hide tiYS 1 a low rnme i ttreaas grown ziae. yet low 4c.

white i'i'aAr Iroo and Hardware Bar iron r. Ij axsa, WTonicnt Chareoa. bar a. Horvsooea Buroen'sH Prain sst.c. waitrM as, mule suoes avi.

rui Bails rate for lena iron ateet nans ItN. borsa S4 i per box. Powder ai per poaod kec Ibfaot tLStianacc LJ etner Os It anl rric. nlocK sole ctucso hanteaa 30uv4uc. aktrtiog iex tac.

bla bridle per dnren 'o fair bridie a daizan. ffliy Kip oa. o. French kip ovfi 4 city calf l.l i. French calfskins Si. need CIot Si.7anx 4.oo bushel, tl motor blue grass fancv li.kaL.Ki. common Sue lite stock Market. Receipts Cattle Light Recelpte ot Hogs A boot 2,000 Light, Receipts of Sheep. Cesaog.

UocaaoK, ETC Yardage: Cattle 3V2 per liead. ho 7c sheen Sc. Commission: Caul 40c per head, eal vea itic per Toead, bogs single deca So, double decs $10. soeep single dec so, double deck fie. dead ba weiahitia under Jon pniuidsof do vaiue, uu poanua ana oer ttc per pouoa reg pant ao a are caei 40 pounds each, stairs Ml pounds.

Feed: Corn 1 per bushel, bay L6u per luo pounas fcHiFna Cattle. Receipts of shlnnlnr rattle IIkIu. The market ia rainer ouiai at yewerday'a pricea Fxtra cnolce I a aa 7 tooil to choice 4' C0 i i 4'J Medium to ckki uo Fair to medium 1 OuaJ So Common to lair 1 ikj Cows isii Mixan Vo material ruanrei the butcher trade; icood cows aod teifera in fair demand at fair pricea Commou stuff dulL Lxtra choice heifers S3 2f.faS JO Uood to choice heifers. 3 ir41 a Medium to good uo air to medium Loir i 2 V2 50 4 mamoo to fair 1 8n i2 00 Kxira choice cowa 7 a ew Oood to choice cows M2 40 1 001 7 I OLxccl eO 1 btt SO air to good cows Common to fair cows veal cairea, Bulls, common to Hooa. Receipts of boas llcht Tha marxet opened active at pricea about tbeaameastba roling pricea oi yasiercay.

About all sold: closing steady, straniKTiTiri utxt. Av. Pr. iat. Fr V7.S4 to AA 4 TT 210.

4 70 73 iio. 4 7U 71 70 4 4 70 Ml 4 72'. l'K. 1S7. 4 7 at.

7 4 6 1. X'Jn2. 4 74. .212 4 71 4 1 0 0i. 2 J0.

4 HI 4 i (is. .214. 4 XO BS 1 Kl.j 4 75 4 7 64 233... 4 90 Keccin: ot sheen liznt. Tne market Is steady on all decent grades or sheep and lambs.

Common grsdne dull. F.xtra choice sheep fl 00'4 Oood lo cbolve sheep 3 fio 00 Medium to good 3 Om: 61 ...14 lci.3 OT 1 614,2 50 4 6ntfS 4 SO Fair to medium Common to fair sheen axtracbolte lam tiood to choice iambs Medium to good 7 rairtomiid um 3 7a '1 7ko3 25 1 75 Common to fair lambs Bucks per head Chicago I Jve Stork Market. Caicano. Seoiember 3a Hoira Receints .000 head. Market opeued stronger, but soon waakaned ami receded ic l.iKht ...4 90 Itouu packimr 4 aO Mixed heavy, and packing and shipping.

4 w.iu.1 IU Cattle Uecelula ojluo head. Market slow but steady. eeves. 3 OOfK OT cows i so Blockers. I 7MatW Sheep Receipts Souu head.

Market eteai! Comuion to choice 1 5n d4 10 x.auios 3 40 St. Iximi Live Mock Market. St. Lou l. Seitember 3fl.

Cattle Reoelnts on bead. Markot sit ady at unchanged quotaiioim: air cuuica naiivea. 7, Buichers' 3 Sn il liixsnssna tndians 2 u3 70 lion Keceints 1.000 head. Market slenilv at rdys prfcen; nuicners S4 7iKo4 80 Packers aud Yorkers 4 4.V U.4 75 Pin" I 4o tiheep Heveiplstwu head. Market firm.

ladianapolle urain Market. A liffht local demand for ehiul ml to day a ss met by firui prices br sellers. JOi 1 red wheat waa held al No. 2 mixed corn an 4 'tC. Oals quiet.

Toial Inspections In. wbeat 12 car, oats para, dim cam, hay 1 car. rye Ocars: out. wheat 0 cars, corn 0 oar, rye car, cot 4 car, barley 0 bushels. uity earn.

Total Receipts Flour 125 barrel, nm 17.40U bushels, oats 61.000 ImshalK ousheln, barley s.4uu hnslmls. bay 0 cars. Hhip meiim Flour I.2IS0 barrels, wheat J.two bushels, corn buihols oata 50.0M) bushels, re t) bushels, bariey S.4U0 boahela. bay 1 car. 1 he lolluwlna were bids on 'change to day.

No 2 Med terranean 72c. No. 3 MAliurmnMn ao bid. Ko. red Tic o.

No. 3 red 70c. reiecied o. unmerchaniaoie no bid, Repteniber no bid, October no bid. Wagun Wbeat 70c I Corn No.

2 white 41c. No. wblta no bid. Nn 4 wblte no bid. No.

1 yellow no bid. 2 vellow 4c o. u. No. 3 yellow no bid.

No. 1 mixed 41c o. ro. 4 rpixea no oia. o.

no bid. sauna ear mixed no bi while 41c. September no bid. Oeiober no hid. yellow nobld.

wscon corn on market tixsifc. osw o. wuiie vco. iio. 9 wntle ao Did, o.

I 2BC o. u. iected iXc. mixed uiimr chain able no hid, September no bid, October no bia. nran tiajl Rye No.

No. no bill, rejected no bid. liny Choice timothy tl.50. No. 1 413.KU.

So. 1 no bid. Ullncellaueon rroaute T4alers'relllng Pnces Orapas ConOords WiVio rer pound. Onions, American tL.3 per bushel. per barrel.

Valencia ier bushel. Celery jjdc per dozen. Cabbage tuoo per barrel. Potatoes 75aiaon ler barrel. Bweet potatoes.

Baltimore Jerseys 32at tTi per barrel. Cider per 32 gallnn barrel. Beeswax. 25c per pound. Apples, cooking fl'Oj 17 per barrel.

Peaches OQiLi. per ouanai pox. i.wkj, r.oo per oosuei Da lket. Quinces per barrel. Watermelon 4 lOa Honey 1 pound i ape 20c.

Cranberries. Cane Cods, 21 per bushel S.1.XKJS9 wi perbarreL orancre, 20to 240 size per box. Impenali 44.50 Leiuona, good lo choice (3.50'44.&n. choice to fancy 4.AQ,g, Bean choice navy 4'X7mJ 2.90 per bushel, medium 4i4oKiJo, marrowiat fi lUVd uu, B. Indianapolis fro tsioa nsrcsL Jobbing Prices Sugar ourad bam ll'.

ai3a. cot lag hams Sc. California ham luo. dried bewt 14c bacon clear sides. Iticht or medium lis backa luVc.

bellies none. English cn red clear sides un smoked luc, oeanoork per barrel TV DounoMls.Ju, rump pora per oarrei i.ui. wear pork per barrel 2uo pounds tla.uu.lard, pure kettle rendered In tierce half barrels ko. and 40 pound tub Ha advaneeon ttercea. au pnund palla lac advaooa, bo logna tm etolh 7c ski a 7 He.

Eggs, Hnrter, Poultry ana Feathers. Shippers' Paying Prices Ewgs 16c. Butter Creamerv IsvJOc extra eountrv 11c ooun try good eloc Live Poaltrv niing Chios en Sc. heos tier pound, roosters lsc hen tnraey 7c toma fie. young tnrkeys 7c, geeee ruU feaihere 4.8D per dozen, gosling 4.u, duces 5c a poiin Feathers Prim goose 35 a pound.

Bag tl erlm) pounds, 'v i Indianapolis Floor fllatraet. Jobbina Prior Patent St4iw4.fl6. extra fancy f3.6tt.i.'jn. fancv Ladi1 85. choice 3.tua3.

fsm ly :..115, XXX a5.4li. XX gji5o, tiloz.ii, superOu i.l. nneL7l Marke bt Tsieirapn, BuinwoBM. Rrptember 20. 10o a m.

Wheat Ca and October 779 lie, Xovemoer 80. bid, Ixaember If Corn Cash 43c, October December bid. To bpo, September aa wheat Higher and active: cash and Oct. ber 7fto, ovetuoer 77SO, Ifecember 7oc. May Mo.

Coru Firm and quiet; cash 4dc. May 4i.c Oals Steady; cash ana October 2S3. Mev sue old. Clovers ed Active and higher! otsb and ber aim. November 1.15, Xiecember 2U.

January, February 4 3U Philad lpbia, Heptember 30, 100 a m. Wheat 4'asb Beptemher Mtdblo, October sogania November ntajrjfio, liecember fH (aVia. torn Caab I (52c, October No vemoerMKtstc, Iecmoer oats Cash 3S(Ji i6c, wpumHar 3.V.C. October Jsovemoer Dsornibor 36)f New York, eeptembet aa Wheat A shade atroager, but less active, receipts lmt.nU bushels; aalea 424.0bo bushels No. 1 red October bO'Iclsi 1 jc.

bosbela do Navemner ex4'iss29 ioc zis.sue busneiseo iMmnwr i c. s.uuo tmanets ao Jan. uerv a eu.Oui. bushels do frebruerr SK L. ijL "HHe.

4Ktmu bushels oo May Corn Firm, but very quieU mixed western Sot 62(52so, futures tV 3'o: recelp's iau.lUO buabela; aalea 176MW buabela Oata Firm and quiet; western xaavaic: raceipta bushala; aalea i.JOB boshela. Beef Dull; new extra 7. Pork Doll: new mesa mesa 114 4514.5. Lard steady; stettni rendered so.Hu. Butler Firm, witb satr Inquiry for choice; west ern lJifciic.

Cbee Firm at 4.y. lb latter lor colored, migar girm: crowed ci'etse. now dered euii'e. eranulated So. Molasitea SUsdr and quiet, tjoffee tHeady fislr Mlo ln.o.

good do prime oo. ivc spirits i urpvouM ateaojr aa 3 Wo. aca Western i'a2ic Chicago Grain Market. Reported by T. J.

Hodgen A Broker. Room 27 1 Month Meridian street Blocks, bouds. grala land provisions bought and sold. 1 0 o'clock market report, Dept. 30.

Hlgbeat. Lowest. Closing. Wbeat i Oct 71S 71s TIM 71 ltc 7 74 72 74 Oorn Oct 43 42S May ID 5'i 1 .48 4sH Oata oct an ss MayrL, Jan 12 40t 12 4 UK 12 7 Yer.4 Lard 47 50 40 Jaa 50 S43 42 Ribs Jao 3S 30 Oct Zl 7 75 7 75 1 7 70 I 7 70 Aaked tBld. INomlnal.

tSold. i Itew Terk Cotton Market. Naw Toss. Beptesa oar U. Cotton Quiet: np lands Sc: Orleans ftalea autbalea.

Futures oueued steady; octooex aiyu. DIED. feMYDER OeorreO. Snyder, this room lag at a o'clock, ef eon nmption. ased thirtv ihree years.

His remain wlil bs taken to Frookston. Whit counry. by bia Catbar, to be laid by tbe aid of bis mother. SOOETT MaaTIrlGS. MTTRAT TEMPLW, M.

R. Meettog thUtFri idayj evening at 7:30 o'clock. J. T. Bsrsa, T.

HM nr Beor ler. "Vf A. fI0 brieotal 1'Klit. So. Sou.

F. and A pertl meeihig thia i Friday) evening at 'M orkKik. Work lo third deur w. Visiting brother welco'ne. It.

T. Bat as, W. M. 1L K.lMHll.. Hc ANNOUNCEMENTS.

JJOWEN'S tar and wild cherry. 'Y LTp injSSklJX UrTTSoy ntoa. AZOBS and aciaaors ground at 2 Circle at. DNAMLLKD photos at New lork gallery; flnest work in caiL Al tTi C. P.

in patent case. o. a as Market st. i O. Rl'Bl'fH, contractor and builder, aao Ma acbnsecu i ava BA 11 CA RRl AO on paymenui at Born at WEast Wshiiirt.vt St.

SV) FKK IXjTbest raiaoet ipuotoa New York ga'iary. 4VS ray Wa biriBrton st. MON Lx .1 r.N ee our hxst morlaage secur! ttes. Room as W. ashington.

FATENlT Franklin dt Know Hon. attorneys and patent solicitors, N. Pennsylvania in. A patent sollctu.r. is P.

iiKlDY, pnvata ast Washmzten Cetectlve: offlce over 50 i roryn 1. northwest cor. a K. Bl'CBaSlR, Denttst. room It When a.

oiocic. PHOTOQKAPH's: the best cab i nets In the city I for 2 per dozen. Mrs. Katie Bryant, East askinulon. PHOTOORAf Our cablnel for per doxeo equaled only by the high priced galleries.

New orsi i 1 vj jsioHT there will be a social at tha Fourth, Prestivierian ebnrvh. A Droirram of music and. eadings hss been prepared, and a plesaaut time ia antiaipated. iril. C.

sMOCK. Attorney at Law; otUce 3i it Nortb lie. aware su: proliaie mutters and col lections a specialty; will act as trustee, receiver or as wviiee wnen sir ij I It. CLARK, Mo. 11 Indiana ava, umbrellas and parasols made and repaired to order, also piM mill silver to selec from; re covering a peciRiiv.

Ail work wsrrtntea. il il 7r inss a Aoci iiy or aeillag nothing but nrsi clasa aad wholesome meats fresti. salt and amoked: also pure kettle rendered leaf lard, at East Washington at. Telephone 577. J)CMPKINA On and after October JO.

tbe VanCamp Packing company will pay 5 per tou for souud. ripe pump kins. HCNTF.It'H Down Weight Tea store. 1st W. Wash.

tbs largest aod most select stock ol rolTcea and teas In ihe west part of the cny; also sugar, apices, canned and dried fruits. and in tact everytnmir kept in a nrat cisss tea house. Lverybody invited to Inspect goods and prices. OCT KFTORTS APPRECIATFn Our eon atantlr Increasing business I evidence tbat our mode of selliusr eood auods at low prces Is appre ciated. Remeniber that we carrv a full line of watcbes and Jewelry in every that are the newest and beet, which we otter at great bargains, OiveusacaiL Fd W.

Washington, oppt tlle new Mala bouse. "Ar.L'AHLK legal Information to whom It may concern. Imuortant to all farmers and city real estate riwners and attorneys who mav bav sntts In courts asainn: tbem on fore. losures of mortgsgi a Lega points of law and the decision of a Judge of Ihu Ktstes court will be clven them or ibeir at nrneys througb tbe mail upon the recept often dollars by mail or In person to P. Kirun, Heat wasnmsion inaianspoiis.

inn Reference, by permission, to tbe editor ot this paper. gTCFFED SPaWISH MaNQOES I New crop. Highly spiced and apr.etizlnr: In ten gallon keg. cootauuug a r. perixeg F.

5f. and Preserver. 278 to 3 v'. Washington Iodiaitii'Olui; and. 418 Cherry 1 erre Haute, Ind.

Sold by all wholesale Briwers, ribars, spice men MW. WU1IUI.WH I Notioe. FOR ALDERMAN fourth district vote for W. IL Tucker. JNO.

R. flKKHOM. candidate fur couik I ha Flectiou i iciober 11 rpilK repiibiU ansoT the fourteenth want arte 1 qnesiel to nieetcfirner Blake aud North on npna tictooer 3, rrom 7 to a p. lo noiuHiaie a candidate loroonnciU (iissit T. Baitrsia.

Peretarv. FINAh iAL. UKTOAUI LOANS. JL Cotllu A Co. IJKTGAiK LOANS, svlvanla DH.

lies. 40 N. Pi Penn MOItTOAOEloana John S. Bpann 34 E. Murket st.

I p.Nf.V" to loan on household goodaTKoom 31 aI' Tnnrpe block. and small loans: lowest ratea Held Rroa, 4. N. Delaware, taOflf TO fAi to loan. Herman Hieboldt, 1W FWashinton st.

UNKV toloan. 8 per cent. B. D. Walcott 4 461 K.

Washtnirtnn st. ONJtY to loan: per cent. Horace McKay. loom II. Talhott Newi block.

CfKl V.i'i. tm s. to gi.ouu to loan. 30a Weat iiow iv sxotninon, etmiin. itiV4Trt LOAN on household oixKia and Jew iiiryi n.

soininnn. w.eeinert. OAN on personal iiroi'ertv or real estatel I Aufderbeide it e'J Fast Washington su AJ MALL amounts on persoi al prooariy: notes purchased. Smith. 3b1, W.

Wahtncton, room 5. MO.S U. on 1 nu nis or city property; lori'ns rea ronable Tboa. C. Day A 7S fe.

arketsu (si Xif I ON ClTY or terms: the verr lowesi rate. W. Oorsucb, 15 Virginia ave. itl VAT funds in sums io suit, on I arm or city iirooe rtys lowest lain ress, ten Htanton de ocott. S41 Xnnh fielaware at.

Boston block MONtY IX) LOAN on Jewelry. clothing. bous hold rood, etc. at (Itv loan oaice. 67 West Washington at opposite Rates bouse; formerly North Illinois st Conlen.

BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. "I JOOKi ABE NOW OPEN FORe UBMCRf PTION to stock lo tbe tenth aeries bier Bullaiug and Loan association: snares fcUi; duee 2Tic: no assena nient lor exueusea. First pay nUbt Wednesday. September 2s. Meets every Wi Intsaday nlkhi at 70 Market street, w.

j. awercpeval. reeretary. T'll oh? reliable Inuianaods building and Loaa association are now ready to receive subaurip llor.s lor stock In the iwtlllh aeriea: call earlv aud secure your shares; first payment night October Capital. Sl.0ott.uou arus sau; does, ooo per week; can pay any time from 8 a.

m. to or Saturday tiiirht from 7 to 9. at 11 K. Market n. Hot ter.

President. W. A. Rhodes, secretary. VJIXT l.thUiNAHoLIS hsvtix and Loan asanctarjon will begin a second eenee on Tuee dar evening.

October 4. at which time stock will be Issued. Shares, 2U0; weekly dues, e5 cents. Office of the aaaociation at tbe stock yards hotel, aharee caa be subscribed lor at any time of W. J.

Rhino CJbasle at the fCxcbaoge hotel; John P. eosctaen or Tnoxoas Hadiey at Nnrdyke Marinoe or H. F. wnt.

13 s. Meridian st. W. J. ehiao.

risswnfc osriCT rtooser. tsecreiarv. rf'HK Boutb Meridian toavmg and Loan asHocia 1 lion takes the plce ot the rouib Mer diau, which will expire about November Tbe gentlemen who have conducted the manaaement of tha old aseoclatloB so successfully will also have la cbsnreAne new association, i bs payment or dues will begin aa sooa as au) shares ana signed. Tbe Initiation lee will be 2'o per share aud the weekly dues 56q. Shares 4200.

3)0 have been signed. (Share can be obtained at Borat A Ilahn's drug store, ror ner atoms st ana west inoiaaapoiis: nohi. Kempf, 424 HouUi Meridian and at M. Hof uin'l. 470 Mouth Meridian at.

LU3 It ED SATIN PARASOL euntlay last. Return to ciiy treasqrer. jipssra. SKJ 1KMBKR gentleman' haod eewed shoe. Retnro to 437 N.

IJeiaware at Reward. Si ONEi by not ordering your pictur rrame 'o rang Monnrer. Jl Massachusetts ave. stolen two fpmale pugs. Reward for their re turn to 11.

11. ualea 41 and 33 East Maryland street i TWO letter addressed Mtsa Maude May; tinder will please return to room oho'a blues, aod get reward. SATURDAY NtOIITlaat, on Vermont or Merid lan streets, large, wbiiish Japanese fan. outside sticks ivory inlaid witb gold. Betorn 772 North r.

1 i either at 37 or at 192 East Waa ingtoe at, eootaimng ana note tor siua glyen bv W. Heasoner to Franklin Hovey. Return to 4s. Fast Georgia st. and get reward.

DA It Ptf CA SiftV: very tame: from 144 S. Iilinolast. Friday, Bepteaaber 33. Will go to other birds or eotua into window. Pieaae return to 330 N.

Meridian st and get liberal reward. NUTICiw. fpALBOTTS cheap storage war rooms. 9 South Pennsylvania st H. KlhlHOFF, plumbing and si earn ntung sy VI jgnq luinoa ss.

i AWii.l"SirToVF4onpa mauia. VJt V7 East Waahtmrtoo. Born A Co BICYCLlfFTEH. absolutely safer, aster and easier than a bicycle, al Hearsoy's, 147 North Deia war. fJV Figure witb PurseU dt Metlsk er IU UU, IIUU SHU SMSSl IWUIIs OS SSH SI SMUlUg1 balONEK'SoALE I have been ordered by tbe X.

circuit court to sell at private sale, all ot lue auk or manoer, ouuaing material, aasu, ooor 1 amea. belonging to John B. Emerson, aod assigned to me for the benefit of bis crediiora Call aad secure a bare sin. Me. an West Market st 1 aid alregalo.

Assignee. Z7, 1S7. EDUCATIONAL. LA LAKOCK FRANCAIMK Classes forming to study under Madatuoleelle Orandjeao. ooo suit Mr.

or Mra. James Lyon, 477 North Pennsylvania at IN DI A NA. BOSTON MJUoUL OF ELOCUTPJN Tenth rear fall term tyegioa, private depart ment, eptemoer Z4, proieesiouai ana ciaes instruo ttno Ontooer a. partial ot complete course in physi cal training, egpreasfba reading and oratory de fect ot vocal oraraas a specially.) Boston method nsed and varied ib suit lasllvidnal oeeoa. Apply to Mra li.

A. Prank. iTmr oal, West New York street, Indiatiauuua. lluta atreet cars paae'tbe WANTED FE XAr. at HELP.

EU. 307 Bosu i Team am as. AirXiiBtU. AlD at 13U a. Lnols at.

a 'AMsTtit. vi at N. Delaware at. UOO cot'k; no waahiag. Sat N.

Meridian at. Wo dining room guia at, south Illinois st. 'pttoUIKla for kucoec.1 work at Circle Wui OOf cook immediaieiy. 16 North Delaware. STkX to do general buoaework.

Esst Fr ti su rj Wp good cnambermaids at the Brunswick hoteC YOOD white girl, at ooce. iTFert Wayne avsv OOD girl for general bousework. Jul Jtasa. avaT (K i ook. male or remaie.

177 West Waahlng toa sc. iHAH BELR34A1D aod dialoa room girl at Fyl house. ('0V1 girl lor general housework. 175 Nortb West St. Al'I'titMRx girl Immediately at 44 Nortb Illinois at.

IC RNlTC KK on pay meats at Bora 4 Co 7 t. WashtRg ton. MMKDlATLLY. ooupeteat cook. 477 North A reansy ivania prrDLIT A aD woman; general housework, lit 'l North Tern ee st (iRL.

aeuerai bousswork; no sailing; good wnerea. Home ave. rpA BLE waiter: steady work. Mile' restaurant. A 98 Fast Washington st (ooDUIKL, three In family, permaneut borne.

44 Massachusetts ave. fOOD rlrl fr gen ral hourewock 7 position. 2 Fast permauent Ol'NU airl: assist housework two In lamlly; rood wnges, ss i ion. AUIRi, tor general housework warned immediately. Central ave.

E.N OIKLM lor good pluoes at housework. 13 ance block. Virginia av. SiERlNcEL liy to sell ladles' article E5 Address 11 care New office. SIX good girls Immeitlately; nrst class places; good pay.

75k East Waahlngtnn St. MRLto waitoa table; private biarding house for her board. 7S Eaat New Yora. (si rL wained to do general housework; only two 1 In farolly.Appiy at 441 E. tlairi inLs light housework: small family; uowstii In if: good waifea.

17 Sou I Alaliama At TKONO and experienced woman or girl lor general housework no otoer need apply. 373 N. Alabama. MIDDI.E AUED woman for general housework: must have aood references and be competent to take entire Inquire Jt N. Delaware, between 4 and p.

m. IADIRH tun nr tall and Christmas tra.1. totak llsht pleasant work at their own borne 1 to fS a day can be quietly made. Work sent by mall any distance. lartlculars treet no caovass ing.

Ad dressat once Crescent Art 147 Milk at. Boston, Mass. Box 517a WANTED MALE HELP, pOCK wallert Circle bouse. xtr AITi llb. Ku East Washington st.

L'lKsftEasS finisher. Wm. L. Elder. I VE dialog room help Waddell house.

OY to assist pium Ding. 25 Pennsylvania st iOUU buy in barber ahop, so Nortb Delaware st 1 OOl boy 10 drive wood waon. 17 RockWoud sL 1 RY short's milk shake. Oppoeiteorend hotel. lilt La: good painters at once, vye isoutoEaat at a lllMT CLAtsts wagou Lentucky 17 ave.

and Oeorcia. VrOUNt man learning tOy blay 144 Norm Alabama. cornet or tuba. Ot ill colored man ot bov: kitchen work. J34 Jf North Pennsylvanht IaKPETs 01 air kin.

is on pajrmeuta. iioru a S7 Fast Washington TWo drv with good azperienc. A poly to A Dickson at Co. rpwo arst ofass coat makers: Done other need ap ply. Becker st Hon, East Washlnglou st expneuced meat cutter, as wen aa salesman.

Call at onoa at corner Alabama and Ht Mary sis. ATM AN with seven or eight hundred dollars. In a ood pa ing busioesa. Address 31. care News.

'PWELVE hoys this evening 10 sell Cleveland 1 badges. Call 3t West Maryland street Up stairs. ABTKO.NO MAN to make nimseir generally ueeful about the house; also a good waitor at Circle Park hotel. 1 AN and wife, without children, for house and lu stable work lu country. W.

A. Ketcnam. Zl4 E. Washingion8i. SALEM Five traveling salesmen salary and expenses: no experience necessary.

Address, with stamp. Palmar A La Is. SKGE MaKKR, Immediately, on sewrd ati3 pegged: a good Job to a.good man; no other xit ed ippjy. HaullerAMoNurney, KniKhtstown. fnd.

HO to do cnores and go to lor his board: must be able to milk and take cure or a horse, and come well recommended. Apply at 'Jus Meridian St. WAN TED SITU ATI ON S. OY. age aeventeeu, can glva rolerence.

Addrasa i care News. A WORKING housekeeper, for gentleman or lady. 15 Wood b'IBa CLaisB coiored woman. Cleaning offices, etc, 279 North Illinois. 4 CLERK: have bad live gears' experience: can 'J give reference or security.

Address 21, News oillce. IN au office by thoroughly educated (ady: writes well aud rapidly; lis business experience; beat references. Address 21. cure News. WANTED AGENTS.

VOENTS in dry or country to take orders for tbe beat line of goods elferea by any installment houae In Indiana. G4 E. Market. WANTED I3GKLL.AN EOUS. ty TRUNKS.

1 Ct, News office. jlAHTNER to take office. II all, 67 Vance block. C.TOHAUK lor hoasenoid goods, as Weat Wash. kj logton st 1 Rfe.

Alls ox. Aaunor Soap, omy ao. a wonderfa VJ washer. flVHK tAATDERMUV. W.

A. NfCKOM; 4d4 A llllnoU 1 1AKUB book case or cabinet, with doors. au, i care News. 1 pARTSEk; wltn 7S, la good restaurant Address A si, oareews. TiCfD second band tables or count era Addrsea 20.

ear News r. FOR a full set of teeth at Earhart 10X E. sjt Waanlngton st. OCli U. Ol lusoN, Axooiiect.

Vision block, op a posite ooetomce. IF YoCwani a good custom made boot call at Ed Nolan's. 4o Eeotucky ave. II IU RE sT prices laid for furniture, carpets. a a etc vv vs asningion.

HJ rentan all farm wltn view te boyfng the same. Inquire at room 6, BL Washlneton st T7J LL TK LtctKO PLATlMu at Inataoapoiis Bieam Lj Nickel works. 24 Weet Court OUioe. circle. DKt'u STUHK, centrallv locatxl, having good tradet will pay fair price.

Address jj. this office. JICKEL bundles of kindling: first class; wbole sale ana retail, imym coal ana woodvara. 377 Mass. ave.

CY your G. L. T. remedies of M. rnaiev.

druglst. 44 Virginia ave or borne offloe. North PeonTlvanlat A LOAN of from fx. MX) tS llnou secured by mortgage oa 1 Ml not and Mines sola real estate. Address 21.

Nesrs oflice. "Goilu inveatmeut for person beast having tijooln caab. Real estate, northeast Part of city; pay 13 per sent. A ddreae Z3, News otho. IVERV 01RK ia the Severn een lb ward to vote for B.

F. Metberington for counciltnaa. tlie well known fooodrvman oa 9oatb street I ORN laHKU room by two young men: ooi more I tban four squares Irum corner Washinatou aad linnois street. Adores an, care news unice. VEKsrafNrf FTXT A BAkuAlNT Cut jrhia ant and bring It with you.

ttugars are lower. 17 lbs 80ft A eugar tor tL II lo Oeiigar for SI axso lor nest liour. guaranteed, or money refunded. Special prlco made on large qnantliieaof meat. net pound for lb beat abouluax meat, ZOc a pouad tor rooked bam.

lor a pound SSca pound for lard. My good all guarantee Ke per gal, for new sorghum tne beat, 7c for 1 qt new marrowiat beana 6c for 1 pound new Valencia ralaiaa. 3Sc fori peuod new Turkish prunes. luc for 1 qt cranberries to drat JC for I poand evaporated aorlcota tbe beet Mead my adverUeement on shoes, etc Biggest bankrupt stock in the city. Three hundred thousand palrsof boot aod shoes te sell at Noa tX and 7 W.

ashiurton st I am tbe largest retail merchant la slal ef laqisna. I have seven stores In the state. Bhoi amd lav Ooooe Iibpartmkst. TTery paur of shoes 1 sell Is a genuine barealn. 60c for women's oai shoes: sell everywhere for ft.

irs tor women a button auoea; eu everywhere for S1.74. 75c for genuine kid shoes; sell everywhere far L0O. 1 for men's kip boot; eell everywhere for tX atTt for men' French kip boots; not split Children's scnool shoe almost given away. Look through my stock for bargaina ST.7S for men railroad edge oil arain sli worth tx 1'hls la tbe greatest bargain ever offered. Come aad see for yourself.

1 have more shoes tbao any other four siorea ia thia city. ust call aad see. very word la true. Rkso Baaoaitts Dst Ooooe. SSe for men white sblrta.

ewe for men's fit est moksskln shirts. He per yard for calteot sella everywhere for tc sc per yaro lor soweung. be oer vard for all liueo towellna. Ss? lor men's fancy shirts; set I every where for too. soc 1 or a o.

1 oov sa'aist; seiia every wnere 10x500 35c tor good corset: sell everywhere for AOs, Z5c per yard for all linen table cloth. Sue per yard doable damask, I for men's fine casnimere panta. i. and Usoior men One jeans pant. Orooery and meal market.

I ami 164 W.W an. at Dry good, boots aad shoe, 2. aad 27 W. Wash, at Wabash Trading company. No.

638 Wabash eve. Aerre jiauie. urn. Livery stable: No. 23 and "7 W7.

Peart st. (flRLto do klurhen aod dlulog room 7 Fort Wayne ave. rp WO waiters at FoateFa reauui rant; experienced M. women preferred. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.

TlP ToPmillinerv; hnitom irtces; Tun 0SbB rs cbap.4 Virgiiiteave. RK 1 A iv 1L I ta. icr tes on paymeuui Born (C F. Washjnirton st (AT oFF ClJiTHlNl). tA l.asTK'asoingtoa.

Jlurhe prv peid. JBud weiisa OC ioperty to rent KVst tactlitwst aod low rales. N. iJeianare. TTXx Tin to lake liitei't 1 1 weTI A'l rtal estsie and loan (lie clears Voo yearly: a ili iarautee i per Uioota.

Ad dress Wk box 437. La Crosse. Wis. FOR SALE REAL 3 3 Ciihl'HN SsT.t cheapest propertT in tbecity. i.

A. Wnrgiee. S3 rpwo imih one lot; nTTftheast aart of itvi A I 12 per cent; price l.omer leal ttig iljnod ii News ottice. Ad WANT an rfYer ou Ihe dwelKcg. No.

.5 College ava. souib of Heventh at itsnustbe sold In the next ten days, opaua lCo 4 East Marktst 1 BA In RkaI. fSTaTK ee Welrori dt. Co. list of Improved proi erty at ss1, raat at: apecial pru es before October Call qu ck.

L2 KV LN ROO house, centrally hs ated. all con veniecces, easy terms or wiu nisse spcisl Inducements to ca customers, Inquire Mart T. Ohr. IJf l1ianaava ALABAMA. The owner of tiTl mIO dwelling will gtvestme one arreat bargain.

If purchased ai once. Make us an oil sr. Sjiaou ut. si as ataraei v. cs i Titts WILL buy the vrrv desirable ros aw N.

Meridian at: S7xist leet: worth the mrnev alone: this low pride good until October 1., F. Say lea. 75 Market. I pHtAP" LOTS PuR INVKTMKStmI lu lot 1 on Newmaa at, each f.100 to tayl. lots on Martlndsle 3 to 4 Hst KlolsinOkk lllli.

60 lota in Hrookslde. so leet hirh ground on Kroa4 way st. fl.3 John it. Todd sk 4's East Wa bHigf st. 1 11 ALABAMA MPHKKT, ilwelHiig, ir IB rooms, iiirnacv ai heth renm: any on warning a good buine down town can a a bargain In this property as tbe owner will sell at Ihe Iee4 price he can get itl order to move te California, A 4 Fast Market.

HAN DS neeveii room noiis. all "bean ik fuliy furnished, ready to move Into: larve closets, pantry and cellar; driven wellj cistern and city water: liable, carriazej house, coal shed and a ash house: lot very with fruit itrees; northeast part; Nosh Cook, rooaa 14 ltigalla block, over Model clothtns store. 1 FOR SALE Horses ana Vehicles. OHM El cheap.

1TJ West Washington at. I CKVKKAl. good work horses, cheap. Room .45 k. court nouse.

ralRY WaUO can and three cosvs. Addrea 21. eare Null i VERYTHl.NO for housekeeping en pay li Horn Co Fast sV aahington rmentA Dill VERS. Jrsft. work htirssi so i'diolea.

Oeo. K. rchotlelil. 74 North Dviawareist iHea'P, reliable, sound family horse; top spring noii; eovJ order. st "ooT, voung horse, stde iiar bnrityl andriarues at Wiu.

Tlsng'a stablir. East Stmsb st IROY snrreys at redncrrd prices forla few rlayaT liowlaud Johnsoa. 7 aud 77 W.i Washington ll'K have lust nu new surrey lor sale, two if phaelons andtwo box bugglea, 4 4 EL Wash, at Bohweikle Prangn. Ml be ritseil out: carri ca. surray.

pnaetons and can good notes ir will sell ou psymenia' J. Johr AgenM, to and I N. teridtairst i I 1LD r'KKli lor dairy u.e: ground ear corn. ItX oats and rye; feed ground as wanted. Capital i levator company, corner of Walnut st and Big Four trucks.

1 tl (lilfereni stvlea of fine vehicles shown bv us at the stute fair at decided l.rkim to rwlm stuck. Tbe CM. Black Mauufacturlug Company, 44 Pennsylvania st SCKKKVts, pueetons. side bars and backboards; all work a arranted on yean eaa always us good notes or bnraua in seh ange. Ueorge K.

Hi Fast Market st. I 1UV1N KnUBl.S East Otxtrgla street, build only Uie beat carriage, tingoiea. phaetons and surreys at the very lowest pric4 possible for tb' lr jua ity. Itepaira prompt Kepaluting beau iiiui lasung. 'j'rlB b.ryest stocx1 of fine carrlaATes.

surreys, J. phaetona. end soring and side bar tmgglesshowa oa any one floor In Indiana; every Jen first class; positively no shoddy work lo our rooms guaranteed a represented or no sale; we defy ooru petit ton. at. HSJ gns or i and J4 circle st AFIKoT CLAh 4 iay carriage horse, bve years old.

iierrectly sound and he Is In flrst cla order, a good one: eonie and ce Sim; also, one cut tinder and double fender carriage, two sets. of single buegy harne also, one top platform spring wacon, one gray horse, eight years 01. can at lot Fleicherave. 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 30, uutJ TiTtSo0Bi tANTTFETio.

S8 Ind. ave. RON AN'ri, as' 1 ndiana ave. R1N1, 3 totic 24 Ind. ava.

JOOD HOCEtS. 4c. lnO. aveTj jl'tOWN T'illTi SALE. txH 2ttl SHOE EXCITEMENT.

.10 1 ml. ave. LL WOOL Bi4.N KETst. 'rs'Iud. ave.

lt P. BOiLEiC. 174 South PeDniyivanl Jbob BASE "BURN cheap. 274 Cenual ave. 4 HEAT sale of sboea, Indiana aval s.

jt OR trad No. 8 wood and cool cook stove Arch i i L'mLINm xl'IXEBoLTat whesoieTlnd. ave. rpo lit' a butcher's Tee chess. A'ldn 141 Black A ford st S1.00LS5 5 MeM'B Hue shoes.

64 Indiana ave. I OT ot mpty lara tierce cneao at Bryce 1j bakery. TV DRY BTOBF i TaX ave 1 Brown a. DRY iKjS A.WFUL CUEAP. lud.

ave, Brown's. IAKUE burner; double healer. 7i laaat Msrfcet st 1 1F.AT HKR riding saddle aud bridle; cheap. 4li N. Delaware.

5 INu bona ou paymeola. Dora A Waahlnaumat I FIR. 4T CLABS Cblckaring piano, cheap. 27t A a 1 eon. Of La1IKs hoe dress shoes.

Bros baa's. Indiana ave. 1 iC, 7 fl S' tinol Brosnaa Cincinnati lVJ atore, 68 Indiana aval WO good base burtiers: will aall on account of furp no N. West st UALL wraps aud cioaka; great bargain at A ispndos's, 14a a Meridian. ivLl i aud electrical work x.4 'Ofallkinoa.

ZI iLr.V KLA 11 biwj ur sale or ou commistOoo. west Mary and otwisir AI1IE3 sSawls; large iiM ifkiiiwi at wuuis.s IJ pricos, at tspadea's, 143 A Meridian. A NEW stock of hardware, alii invoice at about 1, 600. Address 19. News office.

LAH'iK, double heating, (iarland1 a btirner wtVe. o. He leointa'ne M. EAv curUiii.a: i uiki stock w.iiiw cijsva uu, si wholesale prices. 14:1 a.

Meridian st IJ'ALL drees goons: ever thing retailed at hoie sie rirvc iat piid' s's. erl.isn. sJr KKAI fine aod beautiful monument low pnea, on aceoont of moving. 43 Suit, boon at SToVESToarpeta. furnTture, eio, oa psvioents at Wnglit Parker's, 179 Weat Washlogton street.

STOV Fj4, carpels, turiittiire, etc, on payments at Wr gh. A Parker's. 17M West Wasblng'on street NV.W fx H'K ERrLre. goo.1 location: good business. W.

11. JiimmoM, le Virginia ave DjR summer tuii. wisjo.atove tenirih. fl cord. Cham.

H. Veaitne, IsT W.Onio, Telephone Sex 0bUlt your auppiy of winter eoal at summer pric a. of isammons at Mueller. 7 Virginia ave. SIKOCF.UY riXTrUKS and sml stock, hurse and wagon; cheap for caan.

Addreaa 2L ew oitice. ET frdan beet in toe raarget at Ponder clean ma A njarket 232 East Waabtngton at Tele phone SELLlNfl OCT lb lots or single, to quit business; lota of Mra. VaaValkeeoerah. atasaachusetta IN car lotv Urst e' bundles ot klndiia cordvrood and nick la Thayera coal aad wood yard, 177 Muaa, ava L'CkMTl'KE, carpe a and atovea: payments at rash prioes; at wholesale fos cash. West Waebtmrtoa st John UV EKKu delivery wagoot five root nickel rase: one ootside Bprlgbt two meaaurtnir lauceta.

nrsnsswp scaie. rc ast. CHOw CAeiEisof all kinds: a lars stock oa aacj at tbe factory, at No. Weet Iswilalana st, posu vb nioajsepot nx. wieeet ('1 LB Ell plane, cheap, on weekly pavmnta; also ten new sUar basburner stoves at actual arat eaab coat Vto East Waahlngloa jteuiiitoa.

ESTaCRANT: doing agood business; town of As, i inoaoitanta. ill sell at Invoice. Terms. uair casn; remainder on lue or trade. Axldn Alva banders, lslnliefd.

Ind. CTAVIS ACTO PLA T. one Chandler Taylor twenty va horse power portable engine, two circular aaa one equalizer, one concave anw. 00a edger.ahafting and tools complete; rhacblnery la only six month old. Address P.

IX ox al, inoianapona. xnq. CHOKM SLA CO HT RL D. Look Tae Eoier t7 prise aboe sccm it si been moved to our store, a Ind ava where It win be sold at cost from day te day until all sold, our store ia crowded, aod we can not anom to noio mem tor pront go tney mnst rvvaniless of cost Among the stork are bora and misers' shoe at aoa, men's shoes sue to 11.2. iadiee' shoe 7 to 1 h0, very fine; robbers Zc, ete.

unn i ran i aireno tnis sale. Hrowi i ind. ave. rOUNii. lAHtiOH MUITE S.

tZi. om V7 g. Wasnlngtoo at. paymasia. Bora sfc A.

i'AKKLK, only practical unv orella maker, 14 Indiana eve. "ltrilMF.LL a MEDKEIt reil wrought steel ranges tor and upward. 4 asn. st 200 PAIRS, all wool. Harris oaasimer pants at oniv

cau sooa sua get rear aiae. west FOR TkAu.l I A to in horse for small family hcrse. ITS A M'uhln nn st 1 IMPROVED FAlsXTor 91 aciit'iijod' building aod fences; pleiaty fruit. Will Wxchatice Mock of goods or Indianapolis property. Value, 2.7uo Addr sa ZZ.

News othce PSRSUHaL, 'KIN, b'ood and nervous diseaae a specialty. Xar i aissake alter, auass aiinngioa. TOR IBENT ROOUS. JCRNlsHEirooraa Indiana ave. fCRSIaHtb tas at S4.

laaa. avy' i fy ct two rotinia, cheap WI N. Ea4i URN IS II ED rooms. adai block. I M'WO I basemeut rooma ll i.

ewJ eKey st prU Vouiu fue ksa TiMasfisou eve. 1CELY lurukbssi front rooni. yXui o. a. 1 AiN LMlEl) front room, lis) fejinstssee'l room for gentleman.

sKtlrM'artVt Am. TnCkN HEDroom, er twe Iil nciisst outurukhed rooms, eo suite. 474 ai nets st Ji'tBNrirD. LaiOM 37.1, West JarkTt ro ni X. U0TM.

foraisbed or' UBlUrnialieX4Us N. Nsaf Jersev at IcFLY ntrU ed ru for reov, 4i S. Tea neseeest i si TLi 'ANTuitof rooma. wlta ooeiil asl Norta A St. UMij liOOM; choice ol isa 14J NorTn llllnoMsu Si ft desiraWe room for light noiiavaeepii.c 4 K.

Pratt st i "i 0 or two Tine, anruraiaued. Drat flUux. ai t.y' New Jersey. KooMS t.s Mam. ave furntabed or uiiiurcisted; nochihlrenJ SIX uiitbr 'ished rooms, iaid N.

MiMTuippi Ji fx per month. KNI single or en suite; jferai. 1 i New Yora si. I I K. 'Mil'lllUAX ST aoitayoruV rtuaueX yJ front rnonia CI lit.

of rooms, very reasonable. North ennsrivanifi st froot rooms; deatraola localioal lis N. Illinois st rpil RKiriJt' FC DsH ED Ironl rouiiia; upaiaa. 1W N. Illinois str VN nice froia rnomi with or wiihoc(.

Board. '3 Ea I Micliitiin St. 5 rpilRFB rmxiis' siiltsble for horeoiiug atle MuenachusettA ave. r. 11 l.

1 1. and unfurnished roiuua. with writ illiv su 'rViyVor tbre.i iinfSimissHl rooms; 'sipg or en J. V'ta WMarget Jy yi S. i I DI 4 N.

very dtsurabie (uoaua, CU. ill' and second Boor. 1 ICF.LT furnished 8mlth block. Norio. I ls ware St.

Room 4 KD room to one or two lajjtea; prTvat family. 24t N. Illinois at, KITCHEN nd other rooms, furuil.or nnfur nisbe 1. 1M N. lsslssljpi.

Hi Tf lurnlshedifron room, 4 4 alcove; location good. SEA Tis on opera Itoiise balciny to see the presl slent Room iirand tlpera. S'UITE deslrsble rooms, first floor, wdlb or aitli Out 2M N. Tennessee st oaRd1i, nirnisinng. fuel and light 1 1 East Ohio, Will varbange retereticea 2(7 N.

FK.t NtsvLVA.N I elegant Aral floor tf 4 room, Witb alcove; also bnant EW "KRSF. Y' 8 si bed room: gralea. closets: wit 'or wlibout kRcben. N. ALABAMA fT Tbeantlhil parlors: lirat door, eii amta.

a aa grata a and board. ,1 RN rHanTTtOfTiis. steam bsatflreforence exchanged: auutlemen reirre care News, it! fPWO uiimmistieil Trout room wijjn alcove; 1 single or enuitc bath, hot aud cola water. VI est Vermont! in 1 1 DO Wf fl ve; located lu bestplaiHT for view. tna presidential oarade.

ui Washlntoii where party will leave train. jjj I7IE.T floor and basement room have high cellinirs: ba vnrsl locituui rem neap, inquire 7s w. Maryland st 1 OIM lu me bi.x a. c.un. ircle and Msrket streets, for living perposns or stores; all mnflfiro flnBiuiliu llv.p jt liucm.n St.

1ARADt fcl ACE Eight 1 arae wioiUi'wa, a con Hoor, on Washington betweeaz Alabag room 10, Baldwin block. FOR 'REPCT fs EW two atory aia room bouse. 47 Arcb st tl CBS LIST, S. Market Joa Bpaaa Co. 1 HOI8K eight) rooms and hum acres laiij.

IL Mlnnethffer. Ren llavia 1 no if JO A LCOTT new i iooioTnonsel, grate and slidlug doora: good cellar. Iaaiureat bns M. Htephen. 1 TsJicE RESIDENCE, tee rooma.

large yard, in as three souarca of Market house. Iianlrs nmm 17 Tbnrpejbloekj 'I'OV KS, furniture and carpets: paymrata at casi prices, at Wholteale prloa for csab. West Washington st I John ciuna. i A MODER.n7 eight room bonse. Willi furnace, batb roomi laondrr.

and olentlfullv nrovided witb closets. Nortb Illinois st 3 1 ill SORtH TLM.Vols: moT 1 to ern. good reialr: oosaeasia I a ply KB N. Meridian, KasT oTRE sr I I 611 Cherrv at 11 North New Jersey at .4.. SOU NORTH It 1 bouse, efeht rooma eellar 11 IsTArn.

Apply first door south, or MovCu Meridian atreet 7 fl 1 N. ALABAMA. room and batlu. 4 1 214 N. New Jersey, 10 jj S7H N.

MlHSisstppl St. 8 1, is oil 10 K. St Joseph, rooms lit 1 1. w. ataryiaud at, 6 rooms J.

a ce W. Marrland A rooms i 7S Dunlan at. 4 ronma else renalr 8 'si fi u.m a 00 aaoimrion at, aecoad and thtra ll.ors. Tf no wvi. ss 3,7 L.

aahlngtonst, three etory building UlTLlB, 75 F. Msrket st FOR RENT Offlea ana; Store. large rodm with power. Appiy Bryce bakery. I HF HT and corner: Madison ave.

and Pnlppe: saloon, drag. 'John Sir utile. 7 IluV nola st 1 ii! "fcJICE storo room, im West Wanhl titton J.X res aon able rent Inuuire Arcau ciothiug cotise. cTRNER Fc4on.1 and Illinois with complete et of krocetv hxtursa. C.

E. Rev no Ida A Co lo Circle st I iU fi OO business room, next door to corner (Seventh, and Illinois: baa been occupied a a grocery tore since of the best lnxtity. HL1LD1NU XI Washlngion ui storeroom and eight Kvlng rooma above: all a wly papered and painted. F. Harles.

7) E. Market at. OoD business room, next door to corner eleventh and llllnoHi; haa been occupied aa a grocers' store since 175; one of tbe beat stands In city. AS. Blew art.

A SUITE of office rooms, second floiir. all front ina Waslilnaton street and oonnactins very desirable location; only reliable and: permanent tenant wanted, Inquire at The News office. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS UPBIOHT blaaoa at Emit Walsottaer'B, 44 and 44 Norih Pennsylvania at or five eligible vnnSows, to set) the cretd dent Room Z4 Mertindal block, t3a North penrsvivanla at 1lA.Mi audiorgan at from 41.40 to per moaib and tbe rent applied on tbe purohase. rssr son's moe.o boose. Ill North Pennsylvania st 1 AliCTIUM avAsil a A JlUNTVaodlooeer.

T4 K. OoeiSj at, N. PERRY, general auctioneer. S. Market xj.

rcsTCTBDY. aaotloeeranrVaei vx sshlngtaa rOR 5 A La. ua TRADE. AT half price, a complete oxygen apparatus, oa pacity 74 gallon, and tbe latest work writiaa on oxygen treatment Keasoa for eel Wng, want of time to give It proper attesulonu aoutsreat oameO Market and Delaware sts. Iir.

Haggur RAILWAT Tlaavx. CA IX I'eansylvenle, Lraesv'ii Asm rorrLA a rASssssks sot ri Twa Xralna lea' asid arrive as I ndiana nob ae rA4 BASLI ROCTB XAaf, Lve. for Ptltsborg, a. etc Hjchai'd mJColDm0uklli4Aru Arc, from N. Pitt, and sham Orae'bua, ftlohl.eto Ifall and ex press (d lly bieepers te a lttaburg aad at.

V. wlliiotrt I ch 1000 Divieioar. "1 Lve. for Cnlcago aod north wet.URam Axr. from Cbioago and aorthwess.

saoaux 4ipn lirjipm riisnge. llontg, sssypta at A x. at at aos st Mi lyre, for Loulavin I' aad tbe south 4 Uam Sdoaca stoaptn AJT. from Loolsvllle aad lb aoq iotaoam Oam tbtspni raopox tottspsa v. Lee.

for Vine Arr. fropt ytV Varnlalla Tt0TX KobTB TO T. aic THBWIWT. Train arrive and lv Indiana Dciltt as lollows: Lve. fore Lout, llm exiepm ll sna OrasscsaJ a Tints Hsat so ou.u 4 ipia Arr.

rroas s.Loals SrsSaaa Sj.pj stous lerre 11 ante aod Orseoraelle 1osmx tiieeping.perlor and reclinibg chair car are rue oa tbrougn train For ratee aee laforaauoe arHy to ticket agent of the company or li. It Daxoae, Assistant (Jer.tral Pagsepper Ag I Hasos ltotite. Loalsvlile, New Albany et Cblca Railway. The abort line to Chicago and iXia north a eat i real utriit. Ha.

li Ctiagd A Michigan clry.ii feat mall. daMy.excent Sunday 11 Sham No. r. Chioag Bight ex press, dally No. u.

Mono a aooommiMiauon. daily. Qepiaususy. iSKrotn Tstisi Asiira No. Clnclnnail night express, dlly.j,.

IXssai Na 11. IadlaaaoOAia last. iuaU, daiiy, axoept Munday 1 No. 17, Indianapolis accommodation, oal.y, except naAse Manx Ticket Orticee a H. Illinois at, Cnloo ospoi, Mas, aveaurt.

TX BLO', a. UcsJoshick, jlen. PaaaeAiger Agent Iji VriTtTRALKJAS ROUTB 11 Lak trie aee Weet era IV B. TAA1SS bIPllf. No.

i Toledo sk ailchlgan Ctiv, oaIU a nt a ta 12, Toledo a Idaior. Ae. 14, Eveaiha gpre I eaaiara aaaiva, )fj No. IS, Toledo express, daily J.vsn a a. la, Blk bigmn Clly saalL list Detroit Toledo express.

eice, Av eouut Ii 111 i.

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