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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VADICD DOCKET. Aa Cn usual of Misdemeanor u4 Gram OfTeases ia Cltjr Coart. Variety' ni ihe of tha police court ibis mornisf. The usual number ef Saturday oigat and Suodajr "drunks" vera dia poee of. aad Cornelius McCarty, tb tvpo graphical litterateur, who iu given a review a few davs ago waa among then.

II tried hia oratorical powara oo tha court and waved aewspaperia hia hand la a manner rarely area except on tha floor ef tha United State senate. Fifteen day will be tha tern of hia hermitage. John Marry, keeper of a saloon in tba fcU Charles hotel, was arrested Saturday eight for selling after hours. His arrest was os It accomplished after row, ia which Patrolmen Fickel sod Laport bad trouble with Joba Stacks sod liu'h Sweeny, who interfered and made themselves very officious. An ex member of tha grand Jury and aeTeral other patriots bovered round tha court room until thine arranged, slurry was fined $2o.

Stack 1 3 and Sweeney $5, costs being added la each instance. Mike Bowler was liberally and seat to tbs work houe for thirty dsys for drawing a rerolTer in Jlollie Bishop's house on Fouth Liberty street. Georjr Butsch's eye waa ia dec moornio? when stepped into tha jboz and aaid be was not guilty ol drunk on ess and peace disturbance at tha corner Illinois and McCarty streets. The mayor asked him how long be bad been out of tba work house and be explained that. The serves at was asked to look up tha turn Ler of past offenses, and Butecb was relegated for another term.

The matutinal meal at the bouse of Mr. W. A. liic, a colored man, was sot prepared in time yesterday and he will an awar to the mayor to morrow for wife whipping. Timothy Hheehan, arrested on aa old charge ot assaulting Kstie Yob, waa discharged for want: of sufficient evidence.

A grand inry indictment is supposed to be hid away la the criminal court on the' same count. For assaulting John M. Jackson, John Banks was fined $5, but after his attorney had cited divers supreme court ruling on a question of taxing fees an. appeal waa taken to the supreme court. Herbert Mens was' fined $15 on a continued chare of selling, liquor after boar.

Sergeant Lowe held (he key and conducted things with a dash and vim that was Inspiring. Sergeant Quigley, arrayed la a silk tile, purchased for Captain Colbert's wedding, shot through tbs ball like a shadow, to keep from being murdered for hia Broadway style. i SLDEWAJLK JOT Xl NGS. Last night at 0 o'clock a man stood In the 1 nf I r.a( I a i rn Wm alitnirtAn reel sear the deal and dumb asylum. Living in another quarter of the city, be was anxious to return home, and stood waiting for a car.

a jn teq tuintiies me welcome green ngni coma Le seen, and in five more minutes be waved bis umUrella wildly and made a dash, but waa too late. With a fiendish smile tba driver fashed bis mules, the bells tinkled then took merrily, and tb green eye looked backed from tha rear of the car on a helpless xnaa, Tar from home, tearing hia hair in impotent rase. They do say such ara rotumoa on tb East Washington street car a A lawar on Washington street was talking In a knot of bis fellow entangier of the law a few days ago, and the subject of his remarks was building associations and their relations to young men. "I am always pleased to bear of any young mad of my acquaintance carrying one or more shares in one of thee organizations," ha sal J. "It not only shows a spirit of thrift, but an aim toward which be ia looking, lia must also have some real iSAiiou vi luo way wuicuj iug iiiMn, ich taken care ot, make much, almost before it seems possible and without an appreciable sacrifice of com tort.

Xly confidence in a Young man's judgment and future prosperity is always much increased when I hear of bis investing in the stock of a sound building association." A lady recently returned from a visit to Ksw Orleans relates th following Incident; BUe, with her little son. was in a street ear in that cityand was passing lb monument to llobert K. Lee, which occupies a prominent position. Tb little boy with ebildisb' curiosity said, "Mamma, what i thai?" "That ia a monument in honor of General Le," was the reply. Not yet satisfied th child asked.

"Who is General Lee?" "General Lee, my boy, was a great rebel general," answered the mother, perhaps giving an unconscious emphasis to At this point a chivalrous who sat opposite, broke in gruffly, "lie was a confederate general, madam a confederal general." "The specters of restless spirits roaming about in the city parks at night constitute an argument in support Of several things," said General Opposition. "There is never a great convention to be held any place that somebody in Indianapolis does not rise np and ask for it. There ar men in town who seem to be reading th papers meraly to fiud out what conventions are unprovided for and may be secured. Tbey are so proud of the city's ad van rages and beauties that they want to spend their whole time in showing them. You know that every national political convention in a decade has been sought bv these men.

Indianapolis could not more suitably entertain a convention of thia sort than it could quarter the Prussian army. Take tb state fair attendance for an illustration of the city 's hotel capacity. Th hotels ar overrun, tha restaurants turn away hundreds, and scores of people are unable to find aiodg lug place at melit. A big national convention would bring a great many more hotel people than a state fair does, and the guests would all expect first rate accommodations. I doubts too, if the city would hold a national convention" of the G.

A. R. and entertain it as tb country's defenders Tba California Fever. Colonel John New returned from California oo Saturday, "liav you got tb California fever so that you are going to settle out there?" a News reporter asked him. "Not was th reply, "Calilornia is a pleasant ptace tv vieit, uut xuuiaua Is good enough for to live ia.

You have no Uea bow many people ar flocking out there, and how high the real estate t'ver is in the southern part of tba state. The exodus from the east is greater than it was in '49, aad the only difference ia that then it was for gold and now it is for real estate. Th fact is, they sell yon a lot of climate with a very little piece ground to it. hardly enough to hold it down. Jo San Diego, a towa of 12.000 or 15,000 inhabitanta, they ar actually Belling lota on the main street at $1,000 a front foot.

Think of that." Tb Fua rsl of Mr. Shields. The burial of Michael F. Shields, lat city cljerk, will be had to morrow at 9:30 a. to aad the services will include a requiem miM at St.

John's church. Members of tb city council and aldermanio board, and th labor societies of which tb deceased was a member, will attend in a body, and on the latter will devolve the duty of providing pall bears. Mr. Shields was a member ot District Assembly 10C, and his death is the first among iu membership since th founding of the: same. Th labor organixatioits to participate; will include the switchmen, telegraphers.

Central Labor anion, Rogers assembly, and others. Friends of the 'family will assemble at, the late residence, 25 South Alabama ireet, at 9 a. m. Not a Very Big Theft. In the cellar ander the state offices ar stored thousands' of old public documents, such as boose and senate journals, acta of congress, documentary Journals, etc, which have been accumulating there for years, and are of so value except as waste paper.

Some ot these books, which bad become mildewed and spoiled, were tbrowa ia the. waste paper pile and told by the janitors, with the consent of the state officers, th gross proceed not amounting to more than or I addition to this, some body has stolen alb number of them and old them to ioak dealers, frons which tbey realised about $20, aad this has given rise to the seasational story, pabliabed ia the Sentinel, that there ha bee Br wholesale stealing going oo, aad that really valuable books, such as the revi ed statutes and supreme court reports. bad been taken and sold to boos: dealers. This is not the case, for such books as these are securely kept. The entire loss lb siste is not over $30 nnd it represents only tb amount tb books would have brought if sold for old paper.

About the wildest statement recently made in a newspaper, is that by the Sentinel to the effect that twentv fire or thirty thousand dollars' wtrth of books bad been stolen and old. Access to the cellar has probably beea obtained through the eoal bole. I KATCB All GAS OX THESOUIH81DE A lee ting of Citizens and Appointment of boliciting Com tultteas. Engine bouse o. 3 1 oo Virginia avenue was crowded Saturday evening by South Side citizens, interested in th Doxey natural gas project.

G. S. Bradley acted as chairman and J. S. Cruse secretary of the meeting, and the former with W.

IL Lester explained what the Doxey coraysvny proposes to do. Major Doxey had intended being present, but was unexpectedly called to Anderson. Mr. his representative, was asked many questions ia regard to the company's proposition and a great deal of interest was manifested. A committee consisting ot Lynn Atkinson, J.

8. Cruse and Thomas Brock was appointed to solicit ooo tracts, and these gentlemen have named the following aub eommtttee to canvass certain territory as follows: U. 8. Bradley and A. W.

Denny, both sides of Pro eel street and south to WUioW street, lying jbetween and Rxitl streets; M. 11. Tooinrjr. both sMcs of Coliu rn street and south of same between Ka. and fcueiby street; Sinks Fersiuon, both sides of Buchanan and Dauitberty streeU, from fcait to Virginia avenue and west si i of Virginia avenue between Buchanan and i eels and cross streets: i.

Cruie, McCarty street, both sloes, to Buchanan street snd crots streets, I rum Kast street to Virxtnla avenue, and vm fide of avenue between MuCarty and Buchansn streets; Ju ius Keiuecke, Virginia avenue to us: street, at South street to Mo Cany street, and cross streets, and west side of VirKiuia svrnue between MeCurty auJ Jkt street: Mr. Hoover, Woodinwn avenue and rieaant streets both sidus, from Held street to Dillon Kit Thompson, Lexington avenue, froth side, from Ktnd to IjiIIou street; lr. W. E. Jeffrie.

Hoy avenue, both side, from Held to Dillon street; A. U. JJeipo, Fletcher venue, both sides, from Kcld to LiiiJon street; T. llsrrlaou and Mr. Burrow, Spann avenue, both (ldei from Keid to Dillon street; Ed.

Hruniln.e. English avenue and Deloss street, both sides, Inmi Held to Dillon ktruet; Dr. Brraut east side VirKiuia avenue, both side. South street bet wren Vlrgiuia avenue and Noble, both sides. Noble streul to Vu Kinm avenne.

school street and cruas streeu; Henry I.sut snd Charles bluclcmeyer. East street' to Dillon street, Harrinon street, both suies, and eross streets to B.g Four tracks and Korkwood street; Lee A. Kulruer, Kugiiih avenue, from street to Dillon street, both sides: NeUon Vole and John McKarland, both sides of avenue trom Noble to Ditlou street; Jos. L. Fisher and Lynn Atkinson, Huron street, trom Noble to Dillon, both side; Georpe lliU.Dtn street, both sides, from Noble to Dillon street, Thomas Brock, llosbruok Mreet.

both sides, from tvdnr to Dillon street; Thomas Brock, Kobett Bmck and Ueorga hchikentajitx. est side Virginia avenue from Nob.e to Dillon street. After the plans and objects of the company had been explained, I about fifty of the perpetual leases were Another meeting will be beid at toe same place Thursday evening to hear the committee' report. Growth of Wet IswlianapoUa. West Indianapolis is speeding along "with a wet sheet and a flowing sea and a wind that follows fast," and, proportionately to size and values, leaves the city far behind.

Over eighty houses have been built there this year. Mr. McCarty has msde two additions, carefully and amply improved with graded and graveled streets and. sidewalks, and a new street Williams from the Yincennes road Aod tba grounds of th cai works has been almost completed, in the best style of street work, to Morris street, ully 100 new residences and HOO residents, or an addition of 25 per will increase the importance ot our western suburb this season. The State Priming Contract.

The contract for the atate printing for the ensuing two years will be let tomorrow, a Clerk Book waiter is busily comparing the different bid. Tha competition seems to be between W. B. Burlord, the Hasaeiman company and A. It.

Baker, with the cbances ia favor of Burlord getting it. liis contract, so far as the estimates hav bean made, is about $2,400 lower" than the others, nd $10,000 lower than his contract. Th printing fr tb ensuing two years wilt probably amount to $60,000. An Indiana Man rardoned. William Dwyer, a former resident of Terr Haute, and a man who is well connected there, who bas been serving a tiveniy one years' sentence in the Texas penitentiary for manslaughter, was last Saturday, after having served ahout five years.

The influence of prominent politicians of this state was used in securing bis pardon. Dwyer was at first given a life sentence, but this was afterward commuted. The Greatest Cbarity of Charities. To ths Editor ot The Indianapolis Newa: The houaeof th Good Shepherd, situated a half mile from the city limns and of easy act stby street cars on fcomh Murl.iiaa street. ha been established since 1873, and commenced operations In tne brick' bouiso ot Henry Wileon, corner of Tenuessee and Maryland streets, where the Board 0 Trade now atuudk.

It seomed at tirat destined to fail, as It a new thiuK and no one seemed to lake au lnfr st In iL The prvaout situUou, with tine sione foundation, wasobtaiubd irum theciiy, to which it bail been donate 1 by e. A. Fletcher lor a house of reform lor girls. The condition of the doua on of the preni iws to sister of the Good was that the house should bo HnUtied by thsm.and ont ball ol'the prisoners teut there by Ihe (ity, should be admitted tree. By great economy, hard work and liberal as lstance from gentlemen of the city, the house was inclosed and operation i com mvueed.

Mayor C'aveu aud S. A. 1 letoher allowed themselves great fr.euds ol the aistrni. The house was completed, and by laundry work the aistcts and iuinates liquidated the debt, which wa very' heavy. This house has been opened and has furnished a borne to hundreds ot cirls, who, oa acoount of their previous bad conduct, couid nnd no suelter xeepl iu bouses of doubtful character aud iu Ihe station house.

There is now seventy them in the hou of the Oood Shepherd wurklug a living and trained iu the love and fear of God. Alter a year or two spent in the house, situations ar4 procured for them with good families or tac toria, and nisiiy of them choo to remaiu in' the UiHJ. for lif How many souls are thus aayed, and what benefit to the city, morally and financially, for all ihese girls wouid be living a bad life and be a continual charge in the station hone or jail. But now the bouse of the Good Shepherd is so full ef inmates that there is no room for any more, and the good sisters deaim to start what ia called a class ot preservation, as well as provide a building lor the agdalenee those rirUwbo. are remaining for life and a chapel tor them all.

lntU now, as a rule, girls were not received under fifteen year of age, as it was not considered good policy to mix young sirls under fitteen with, tboae waoae lite hsa been bad. Theclaaaof pre er at Ion. as the name implies, will embrace glrla from ten to fifteen years ot age, wbo are not bad as yet, or at least very bad, but who show a disposition, to Ler ome such, and whose parents can not con. trot tiu'in. Alao girls ot the same age whose pan nta are entirely unfit to care fur them, and need some one to saT them from ruin and raise them properly Prevention is better than cure, and for them the clas of preservation will be a sure preventive.

By ad milting these stria to the bouse of the Good Shepherd we will make of virtuous women, furnish them a good noma for a time, aud prepare for them an honorable career for lite. This is sufficient to show thst the bouse of the Good Shepherd is the greatest charity of chart ti. and as the new house, on a grand scale, sufficient to accommodate 3U0 Inmates, is now in progress of erection, and funds are required, I will interest myself in behalf of the root listers snd appeal for help to their many friends, who have always been ready in the past to) help tnem. and will no doubt continue to d' so tb thia time of need. Aro.

Bfssomss, V. G. Ingianapolia, September SI. Iss7. A.

As sa aot of charily, city papers will pleas copy. Will Accept tha Nomination. To tb Editor of Ths Indlanaoolls News: Owing to the death of Michael Shields, the present cite elerk. it nece aariir creates a va canry In aaid oaice. which I am Informed must be hll' bv a cial election, and aa my friends, together with mem den of the republican central cututnlttre, have unjed that I make the race to fill the u'vexpired im, aud while I n't ask to be piaced on the ticket to fill aaid Taca.icy.

1 desire to say thia: That if I am nominated and elected to till said unexpired term. 1 will administer said ofllce in au honest snd economical manner, and will rive all the proceeds over and above neceaaary expenses to the widow of Mr. gh eida. which I deem nothing Wore than justice and equity. Joh W. Dadianapolis, September 26, 167 "TIIK MARKET SEWS. THE I27DIA5rAPOUS 2tKWS, MOXDAY, SEPTEMBER Hew York Stock Market. Vrw Tone. September JBL Aaytblag Ilk a boorant barket ta aos ezDaexed for some time vet.

'Tbs eraraew eperater baa mat wlta socti loss as dar laf th 9mM, Uu ae rnocuaa tba bm 1 coarac to work oo Ibe boU sld. while tbe baar party baring been saceemfoi anil strongly eoetet erery sdeaoce, so that a period ef dnl'nesa. with bramclns for small profits la Usely to be a feature rbr some rime. Tbe rumors that tae president aod Secretary Falrrhild were aos ta accord us reaard to tb policy laat1. adopted by the treasery Is Senled ia We bington.

altbougb His true that tee policy ws determined oa daiin the absence or tb secretary. Soon Money easy at Via per cenv Bar llve S6S Tbe aiock markea rasalntd extremely afier 11 o'c ock. aad Utaush a firm ions pre railr tnere was no feature of soy kind developed, and th cbaages fn qootailoos were of do slgmlicancai. Lat Id the hoar, howersr.a frmctlonal decline took place and the lowest fljurea of tbe morning were reached, atnoan the market la doll and heary. V.

a's coupons do coupons 104'i. Pacific Ss Of RS 12a. Loodou after noon prtcea srere practically an changed from oar BetoMay ciosa, and our market opened steady, but sold down snarply oa limited transaction until 11 e'cloca. atnoe wniob time it baa ral.l per cent altbougn It Is very doll. Tbe beaaiiest auflerers from the avcllne were IoaisriUe at vbville, Ijickawanna.

Itlasourt Pacifie and New England. Tbsra has beea no excitement and bat little news to influence the market Gold arrivals to day were maklog, sine July S3, a to'al of U.i60. 3. i Thesutt aealnsttne Belt Telephone company was thrown out of court la Boston to day. President Oreen aays there ia cotrath ta th report that the pool cable will redooe tbe tariff to cents a word.

Tbe market haa again sold off and prices ar now at snoot th lowest point of the day. The total sales to noon were shares. Produce Exchange Wheat opened active and stroiuc. with larga trading Foreign booses are good buyers and private cables firm. Tbe stock ot Ko.

rti Increased laat buahela Export of wheat last (Ml 242.000 bushels; corn 114, OVbosbeUk i Adama Kzpreas. Jf. J. Central al'ea beny Caniral. Pat lBc.

Jkltun. Tirr Haute. preferred preferred Tu iXurthweamra American Epres.106 preferrrd. Hl pral'rrnd Y. Central.

CB.cN In. S. I ISS wouUiero i prererreo. nr i rr Ohio in rat Central FaciHe. C'nicaaa A Alton.

k.Sohio A MinaiasiDpl. Dreferrvd 05 prolerrad Cut. Bur AY uulncy.ll ODiaxio dt Westttra ChL. HL L. A N.

Ire. (Is. Man. A Cleve M4 Pact flc Mail Cleveland Comm. so Dataware A flunaun.

Sn i. A llelaware A Iack iPitubtira. Iieuver AUloUrande US, Keadior. trie. itwir Kand Dreferred too wayoe.

preferred. Uannlbal A He Joe 1st preferred. St Paul Harlem 21 I preterred Houston A 24 M. A 11 lllinoli Outrai IlBa P. A B.

A 16 preferrel Kansas A 'lxa Iaj Pacific. Lake hrie AWeat'rn Pacific. Hhore 4... B. Mli lounVllloA li AV St.

J. A P. Louisville A New AU SB preferred alia ifar. A 1st pret Lwells Fargo Kx 2d preterred. tern 71 MempbisA 4h gulekullver 23 Michigan Central rrsterrdI4i Minn.

A I I II H. P. P. c. UJa prefarrl L.

2 C. St. A X7 tls cmrl preferred Mobile A Ohlo.L II iSt. 1 8 A Morris preferred aabvuie A jci. h.

V. A T. id LITE STOCK MARKET, Receipts Cattle, LieUt Receipts of Hogs Ids'1 Light Receipts of tbeepu Csamk, Docsiiis, Etc Yaraaae: Cattle 3ne per boad, hog Tc. alieep So. Com miuiona: Cattle 6c per baadj calvvs 2Jc per bead, bogs aingle tu, datihle decs flu, sharp single dec it si, double deck flu, dead hgs weighing under Ml pound of no value, lu pounds and over Ho per pound Preg nant sows are decked 41 pounds each, stag Feeot Corn 1 per boabel.

bay Lav per 10 pouncie ssirnvsCtTTLi. Recelou of shipping cattle very ilxbx. The maritet is quiet at aturday a prloes; our advicea rrous New York: fair ceipts, ceiling at lt week's pr ce Buflalo heavy run; dun at a shade lower prices: our rerelpia here i atnmay lisuu Tbe market waa activ ihrouvh out at prices to 'Jc b'gher on the good, well fatted cantla wblla tbe common eradoa a. ere at aiy ai unchangtHi prices. our representative sales given to day are for cattle sold Saturday: aaraKsaTATiva sauu.

No. 21 steers. 1M 9 4 IS au era ft 4 I st ers 31 tps 6 atewraj 'S at Av. Pr. 7f7 ..2 0 2 24 KSS St 3 ou 3 'J5 i S5 iov.

3 40 1 120... 1 40 li7C i so: K4. aw "Ti Av. Ft. 7!!.1 4) 1 aieers 1.7 3 27 ett 2 3 S5 19 i'nl.

ll'lrt 3 bi Kecrtw.lJm su 19 steera 4 04 1 Itnrre. I 4 16 ateers, IM 'H Sleera. ..133. 4 SO sterrs 4 2S Mr.raj.l 3. 4 7 4 M) 31 atera.

1 .14... 4 6o '7 steers 4. 6U Hi aieen 4 7I Cows asd xD Receipts of butcher cattl light. Tha ma rkt Is avuve on good sows and hellers; comnjon stuff duiL KsrasaEMTATivE SA ES. No.

AT. Pr. 2o At. Pr. I oo .1 mi V) 1 Cow UI8 1.

2 SO 1 2 i 1 t'70. 2 im 2 cows 2 60 1 cow ro 2 heifer 2 00 1 3 rowi 7'i6. 2 1 H) 2 fio 1 bull hHu. 00 1 bull lolu. 2 2i 1 2 7 cowa 2 oo 1 euw soo I 1 cow uo 1 cow a ii 00' 2 built 10.

1 00 2 Ciiws 1 a 20 2 cowii tii. 2 Co 1 cow 1 40 1 3 0 1 a 1 1 52 A b. 10 M0 JO) ln. a a 7s li 4 74" 'tbe raaraet Hmj. ltecelpts.of boss llsht.

ta prices to 10 cent lowrr tbnn atunl y. 1'igsand rough boss ar estremeiy dull: almost Itupoasitiietoaell tbrmat anyibmg tory rices. Tne general mraet closing dull. We quote: leavy abippers sa oiMa no Itravy iwickrra 4 to llghland niiw ri 4 borral no Common to tir. llKhl 4 Ui I tocken and craasrrs a 00 SnKtr Keceipts of sheen iljiht.

No nmif rial change in price. All good sheep ao lambs Cud reailv sale at our quouaiions. Common gruaes slow sale, tra choice sheep mx4 tlood to ehoie atitvp 3 00 ieaicm 10 good ang.p 1 A Uha i 61 Fair to medium abeep. 3 Kj.J uu l.ommnn 10 lair aneeDi Kxtra choi lamo 1 SH 41. SO 4 Suva 4 7 i 4 iboH Mood to cho re Mrotmn to rood 7 K04 US Falrtomedism lambv Common to fair Bucks per bead.

7 1 2S 1 tOKSX 74 Cbicago Live Stock, Market. Chicaso. September 2d Hogs Receipts 16,000 hvad. Maraet slow aud weak aud 10c lower. Light tH 90 itouitb 4 na4 HO Mixed heavy, and pack'ng ami shipping.

4 avv4 li Cattie Krceipia U.uuw nt a.l. Ooud to choice uauvas strung 00 Coiiiuton dull. 3 unl 7a i 1 Sou 2 70 1 2 fT2 Weau rn ranged aiower 2 1'h bberp Hroeipts 4.M head. iSArkel strong. Natives 00f(44 14 Western and 8 umv3 70 St.

Lou'S Live otocfa Markru St. Locis, eeptember 2R. Caul Becelpts 2,000 head. Market dul and lower. Burcherft tp KX3 4 CO 3 loa.

Tnaua ana Indiana. 0oia.S lloir Heceipts 3,000 bead. Market dall and 10 rents lower, Butchers 4 90! 10 Packers and Yorkers 4 Guutl 84 Pica buesp Meveipts luu bead. 4 UMijrl as Alar set firm. Indianapolis VTholrssis Marsets.

Tbe wek opens with steady markets in general. Some prices Iu poultry show a slight tailing oft Staple groceries continue strong and unchanged. The regular autumn advance in prices on coal has been msde. Canned ndoa It.Jilia. neans string llnia standard 1 6061.

7u. snaaed twt whurUeberriea aaLX cberriea 2 pounds S1.60, ovatars I ponnd9Ucfl.u0, 2 pounds a.7Uia1.8&, light pound eMATUC 2 pounds Peaches I pounds gX7A.uu, sacooda a oounua S2.ia 10, pie i pouotla ILfluwl Si, pounds pie pine apples Bahama j74.oiard2pouual.6.V9,l.7. aecond plum damsons a pounds 1.20. soaked peas TOieio, ear! June peas ll.iw ISO, raspberries, si raa berries LS0(1 eu, salmon 1 pound fOutrvZo, tomatoea a pounds L10 aoaked 00 rn aj a0c.

sugar corn Sl.luAI.SQ. Pprstn Fruits and Nuts Bananas Jamaicaa 1I.0S (tfz.OkK Aapmwalia tigs I si4c, crow a London Lyers4 0 utlu. Muscatels double crown. Siatl.S4 per box.

Valencia 7 per pound, Turkish prunes currants for new. Leghorn citron 24SJbc, almonda Tarrargonla 7i lar, vlca new Brazil out HuSiue fiiheria 11(9120, walnuts Naplsa 17c. pecans waatern stlls raw 1 a nuts wblta Tsoue aaa SHa)7e. Vlrcinla HaU4 atea si 10c, pipe anoisi. A.ovper dozen Qrocenes ssugars Hard V7Se, standard A SifSc coffee ASS nc, wbiie eitra CiWc, exshscastac good yellow a.VoVic.

common le fair Coffee Common to ordinary grade Pti3 fair 1 sr. good prime 2K 22Sc stnrtly prte choice fancy Uoluen Hlo J.J4 Java 2sSUo. Koasied coflae Arourkiv's Vo Hcbnnll A Krag1 standard say a. Mo) 'ana's Arabian SS'Jc, Uatea'aCbamplon 24Vc Mo'awea aud sirapa New Orleans mntaaaea new crop 0Vic. medium sirups choice avAiSe.

etarrh ZQie. Kice Carolina ic Coal oil aooordingjo dca Lake salt ia car Iota 9.a Lestuer Oag aoie LTkJ6c, Iocs aol 23'S29e harness andjaac, skirting isxxsc, blax bridle per Cozen tje fci. fair bridle i7v per dozen, city kip txtps), French kip city calf aalna SSc French calf sklos SuiS needa CkiT SX.7a av4.oO wr bushel, timothy t0 f12.7S blue graaa fancv si 2t.aa, common Sue, Klsoeliavaeotta fredaea.

Dealers belling Prices orapea concords arSSe per pound. Onion $1.2. per bushel, im2Spernar reL clery ISe per doaea. Cabbage t2.UX'$ 2l per barret. Potatoes 4u(ua0 per barrel, weet Baltimore eeys tX'A A7 per barret.

Cider per 32 gal Ion barret. Baeesias 4Te per pound. Apples, cooking tt aO per barre Peaches Suuffr.u per i t'UshM box. Watermelons giric, lion 1 pound 1 ana ist Jue. Cranberries.

Cane Cods, 00iaa.k per bushel tcs.ii 10 per barret. Orange, 200 to 24J size MieC ISO per bos Imceriala S4 50 Le ioaa, rood to eboiee S4f.t no. choice to fancy S. Beans choice navy par bushel, medium i7ft. marrowiat h4u(n.

tadlaaapoila froniuis atrtsb Jobbing Prices Hucar cored Dams llv.ail3o, est tag bams SW California haoos 10c. dried beet 14c. bacoa eler sidaa, light or medium lie. bacas hjaC, Dauiaa none, z.Bf ilsJt enrsd clear sides a OA' IMS i Wa smokad WS'e, oeaa pork per barrel 2 DoondaSlS Xl, rump pork per barrel, clear, pork per barrel 3 pounds ttt.e.lard.pare el tie rendered la ttercea baJf oarre.s tc and to poond tub 30 advaneeon tierce. pouBd aaila lie advance, bologna la cloth skin ladlaauspolia uraia Marker.

Wheat waa flnn bur oa 'change xo daT, with orl rs. Corn aer.wtiA aabi. demacd. Oa fair active and strong. Total fn peciions 1 u.

wheat cars, oats is ears, corn car, bay 1 car. sye cars, out. neat Pea rs. corn cxra. rye 0 car.

oa cars, barley 0 bnstieia. bay cars. Total Kecefpta Floor I. 50 barrels. wbat lino bnabela.

ot a bo beta. oats. Jutf busheia. SUM Duso ts, barlev U) bnxbela bay ears, meaia Flmir ZJA barrel a. wheat 2.4 boshed torn XL 00 basn oats t.0uo bushels, rye son PunbeU, oar lev l.aal ooah la.

bav 0 cars Tbe f.iiiowinr were oa 'cnanga to day. No 1 um terruuaD VI edtuarraneah Tne, No. 2 red 71c o. No 3 re I tc o. rejected no bid.

nnmerchaotaoie Bo bid. feptember lie, Oetooer 71c Wag. beat 70c. Cwn 5a 2 white 44e. a white no bid.

5o. 4 white no kid. Xa 1 veilow no bid. No. 2 veilow no bid.

No. 1 yellow na bid. No mixed 4eeo. xso. 1 mixed do Dia.

no. 4 bo Did. sonna ear mixed no bl white an bid. tsepiember no btd( October no bid. yellow do bid.

wagon corn on market Oata No. 2 white 2ac O. i No. a white 2nc o. 2S u.

re I acted' 54 e. mixed onmer chaniaQ.e ler, September no bid. October no bid. Bran SI2.40. Rye No.

4acartfc0 8 no hid, rejected no bid. llay Choice tlgTty ilso. No. 1 'o. 1 no bid.

Eggs, Barter, Poultry ana Fea tbera. sthtpper Payme Prieea Ee gs lc loss oft But ter Creamery 1 OiJOc, extra ccuntry 11c. country rood sstuc. from ecore Live Ponltrv bpring emcaena Be. sc per pound, roasters lien ttirseya 71 Vsaaf vonog tnrkeya 7c, geeee ftill featbey rViozen, goslings SAOi, ducss Se spon Prim goose 40c pound; Bags ftods.

Coal saa toss, Antbractta n.7var.Oiper ton. Plttabnrg St OT, Jarxsoa coal si 74APlsdni'ont and 3loaahnnr xOn, Haymond Ctty Hugger lump SXuu, not t' Vi, Kanawha H.U.. Brazil IT. Island City lump t.uu, nut flat, crashed coke Ilea bushel or i So per load, lump coke 13c per basbaior $X24 a 1 Indianapolis Flour Msrkst. j' Jobbing Prices Patent extra fancv at.Vu,.li fancv at wail inj.

choice tS.n.l. family il(Ul4. XXX a XX ri6t), lu( supernne ll.Ju. line tL7w Markets or TaiSgrspn. Tet.KPe.

September ai. Wheat Higher and quiet; cash 7 Sc. tober 76c, November 77c le eember 73c. Vtav Me. Corn Finn and dull: cash V.c, Mar 46c bid.

Oats Meatly: cash L7c Clover Seed Fasy: caUt Hlo asked, December 4.17. asked. Pa baser wra. Pentember 28. 10 0 a.

ra. Wheat tavb Hepiember WJi soc Octo ber ttuic November 1 leceiter lj' 8 t.ori7 oiiilc, eptember so a sic. Octo ber 49' vsnHc, Noveuiber Ueeemner 4VA4KC. t'aia Cash remembet ilJ.3 3c. OetolM Noveuibstr SUlS liecemoer L4c.

1 "aw Yobk. September 2fl. Wheat Very firm and higher, with an increased speculative busine, Keoe pts busbeis; ales No 2 Semrmher wH 4.ouo bushels do October bushels do November e' lC l.4,u0 buabeis do Iwceuiber 11 lto, Siii.lOl bushels do Januarv bushels do May bi)(qW Corn to, bieher snd firm; mixed wesurn spot futures 4oiU'c; receipts 1 bushels; sales 2l.ou0 bnsne.s Oats hiuher but very quiet; western reuelpta bushels: sa et hashela Bt ei Firm: new extra mess 7.4.'vs,oa Pork Steady and quiet: new l.uo, old mess fln.v Lard rendred fo.da Butter rsteaay ana quiet: western U(2s Cht'cse Tbe market is firm latter for lancy colored, totigar Marxet crush 1 powdered fiRc. i l'it jc. Mo las es yulet and Coffee Firnl: fair K10 19'c.

good do. lV'sc. prime do. IjV. i trita Turpeniine ull, Kg Western CItlcacn Grain Market.

Reported by T. J. Hodden A Brokers, Room 1.27!, south Meridian street, stocks, bunds, crain and provisions bought and sold. lw o'clock market repuruj SepCiri. Opemng.

Highest. LuwraL Closing. Wheat i if Corn I Oct I May I Oats I Oct I Ti'i I t) 71 74... UU 42 4iV 42 j40a 44S 4i 2Sls Pi 'i 2S. May.

Pork Year. Lard 12 2 12 37 6 40 6 40 Oct. 6 40 45 Rlbs oct I 8 0J Nov. OS 87 sked tBId. INomlnaL told.

New York Cotton Market. 5tw Ycmit, Sep ember i. I'oTton Qnlet; np btnds tH.c, Orleans wtlea to dny X) haiea fe PU Its superior excellence ve a millions of homes or more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United 8 a es government. Indorsed by tne heads of the Great iversities as the Strongest.

Purest and most Healthful. lr. Price's the ouly Baking Powder that dues not contain Ammonia. Lime or Alum. Sold only In Cans.

PRICK BAKiNG POAbtK KtWVOBK. CHICAGO ST. LOCIS. SAMPLE Mart infant of Charles P. and Kate oaojpl.

tis ptember 2a. DK ARIXOEB David, at 6:10 p. September 3, aged ve yers Funeral at the res ld nceoi bis lather. 437 iorlh Missis ip pi at 2 p. itiesday.

A ROh Robert, at hia residence, 2M Bates st uneral will take place from residence at o'clock Tuesday morulna September 27. tervicea will ids. held at hi. Patrick's cborcn at o'clock. Friends invited.

FUNERAL NOTICE. riHK members of tbe Leonine onion are requested to attend the funeral or Michael F. Sbleldsat John's church to morrow morning at 90 c'clocx. K. A.

liavla. M. Presidrnt. MARRIED. PARSOSS TODD lr.

J. U. Parson and Miss Bailie Todd were quietly married at bt. Paul's cathedral today at II o'clocx. He v.

Dr. Jenckes othciaimg. They left immediately for ban Xilego, in co. pany with Irs. load and Mrs.

Lir. Oliver. SOCIETY UanTIMGS. F.NMK YEAMANS at English's to night, jor Jennie." ee her. K.

fieoege IL Cnaiiman Post. v. wiu meet at Major Abdersou Post hall at 9 sharp night Juiim A. M. Cox.

Past Commander. to night MAsON IC special meeting of cnter lodge. No. 21, F. and A this 1 Monday) evening at T.s.

Work third Visitors welcome. By order. H. A. BAStPSSLL, W.

M. A. IX" a. Secretary. AMON 1C Ancient Landmarks lodge.

No. 319. i'X F. and A. At.

epeclml meetins in Masonic Temple tuts (Monday! evening, Bei tember 2i, at 7 JO o'clock. A. W. Faxn M. Loomts.

Secretary. SPECIAL MKLTIMI Capital City lodtte. No. 312, F. and A.

Tuesday evening, tiepiember 27. at 7 P. ork la third degree. All cordially IuvIumL Wm. KiTZ ii xaa, W.

M. M. Sec. IBlbll AM KKICA CLUB. A special meeting of tn Irish American ciub will be held at the bt.

Charles hotel Mouday rvenlug, beptember 26, at 7.30, to make arrangements to attend th funeral of our late brother, Michael F. llicHAKi. UM'tit, President GA. B. Major Kobert Anderson post.

rsfj. 309. meeting to night at 7 prompt. Ail comrades going to the national encampment at Bt Louis will come prepared to leave the post room lor special train at 'l p. m.

All contraries ar cordia ly invited to CO with ua Tickets will he lor sate at post ball. Bamuel Lamg, Post com. Lewis Nelaon. Adjt. SPEcJaTTm KKTIiO AU railroad men.

you ar requested 10 meet with Ihe switchmen at oilice of rlty clerk, at 7u o'clock this evening, to make arraogements to attend th. funeral ot M. F. femeida. city clerk deceaaed.

tn'a body trom corner of Market ana Delaware auraeta, at SAI na. Xueav day ouoroiog. Wm. BaouaaicK. (aster Lodge, No.

21, S. M. A. A.ofN. A.

13 1 PA I fsHO Betura to 432 B. lUinola and get reward. Y)TD saun par su'L. Betura to city treaaurar'a xv e. itewara.

M1 ON bv not orderi ug your picture frames Frank Zeb ringer. a Maasacnuaeita ave. rvso NIOIir, to morrow, Wednesday maUaaeaDd Jl event tig. at giuh's, Jennie Yeanians, "Oar Jennie. A BLACK parasol, on tt street, between Me Cary and Clair strssrta Return to 403 N.

East st. and set reward. I TWK i uaeum and St. Mary atreet. SZ40 1) gold piece bangle, with F.

U. cub Uuvugh. tc ua ard. stetuia to ara xtrua, oz atare, xtewai AXWOUWCK EWTS. J)KWs'a tar and wild cherry.

i fjsjiLJLPaONB 14. I. Boyntoa. AZOis and "aciaaoxs ground at 29 Circle aL A S. L1 PANS on pcvaonal property or real estate.

Indiana ave. II introducer 01 novelties Jennie Yea man a. "Our Jeouie. IHUSAs. A1ANNA.

attorney at law, lala Nnrta Peppsylvama st. PATtT C. p. Jacooa. attorney in patent cases.

No. 00 fast Marsetst. WO. HCBCmH. contractor and builder.

MaiMarbuaetts ave trOBd Oeli drr aooda. na and aboeaaaw Hwrr Oetael. Cliff 'd' aeeoue. 7HKHK la br equal and wbeisahef Jennie eamana. our Jennie.

A BY CAKKIAGiB on payments at Born 1 Ut's 97 Ea st ashtneto VfTtS. I). W. KINiA has ew auahed her lal.uriug vX and repair shop at Maea. its PKK inj best cabinet pnotoa New York a gal 'ery at gallery, a'; as Wa blnrton C7.1 LN aee our Bnt mortgage securities Room S.

VS aaninton. PATKN la Franalio dt Knowlino, attorneys and patent sohctor. IsS Pennsylvania at. Lf. I'ltiin, pnvAt aat cUve: ofce over 40 tat Washington m.7 room nortnwsat cor.

A K. BCCHANAiC lientlsk room It When il PHirixiOHAPHtK the best cabinets ia the c'tv for Si par doaen. Mrs. Katie Bryant, East Waablnrton. PHOTottKAPH" Our cablneta for S2 per dozen; equaled only by the blgh pnoed galleries.

aw 1 or a oaiiery A KK without doubt making as Cos eabtnets for per dozen aa are made In this city at any price. ion gatierv. Tf C. kMUCK. Attorney at lw; odlce 32 It North lie aware probate matters and col lectlona a specially: will act aa trnatae, receiver or SJad Tiee when desired.

liBACIICALBHoitTliANa JrnnieT. laasooi A practical atenograpber and ex perienced acb er, prepares pupils to do actual work la shorthand and type writing 244 College ave. OV1j F.R maces a specialty of sellloc nothing but fl rsi class and wholesome meats fresh, salt and smoked: also pure kettle rendered leaf lard, at 22 East Washington St. Telephone S77. pcitrKiss.

On and after October H), tbe VanCamp Packing company will pay fa per ton for sound, ripe pumpkins. HUSTERTbown Weight Tea store. 4 W. Wash. has the largest and most' select stock of coffees and teas In th west part of th city; also sugars, spices, canned and dried fruits, and In fact everything sept in a flrst claes.tea house.

Everybody invited to Inspect goods and prices. OCR "EFFORT APPRECIATFD Our constantly Increasing business la evidence tbat our mde of selling good goods at mw prices ia sp predated. Remember tbat we carry a full Hue ot watches and Jeweiry in every description that ar the newest and best, which otter at great bargains. Give ns a cat Ed llucas, 114 W. Washington, oppt sits new slat house.

gTCFFED BPAltlSt MANUOES New crop. Highly spiced' and apoetiiinir: In ten gallon kegs, containing if. per keg, fa. F. M.

ARcrtnr com, pTckierand Preserrer, 278 to 9. W. Waxhli gtnn Indianapolis, and 418 Cherry su, Terre ttaute, iDd. Sold by all wholesale cr.icers. Jobbers, spice man and commission merchants, Poll'lcat Notloe.

FOR ALDF.RMAN lburtn district vote for W. 1L Tucker. JNO R. flKKSON. candidal lection October 11 for com Im rp reptihlicausof th SUth ward are reque led 1 to meet at No Fort Wayi corner t.

Ciarr street. Tuendav evening. September 27, IS7, a' 7:30 o'clock. Important ousineas. Joho W.

Pfatf, Coiiinittteeman. BTJIl DING AsaiOCIATION HE original Inuocent Kid, Jennie Yeamans, Our Jennie" I 15" ARE NOWOPLN KOK.iu BCKIPTlON' to stoca iu the tenth series Hullani and ixan aaaocation: shares gln dues 24c: no assess mem lor exneusea Firs, pay nlbt Wednesday, Meptember Meets everjt Wednesday at 7u Market street. W. J. Kercheval.

secretary. rtMkord reliable luuianapod. Building gnd Loao association ar now ready to receive subscriptions tor stock in tb fwellth series: call eariv and secure your shares: Hrst payment night October I. 4i.uuo.uuu aba es, wu; dues, sue per week; can pa any time from 6 a. to 4 p.

m. or Hat nr. day niKlit trom 7 to at Ti K. Marlceb M. D.

iiui ler. President. W. A. Rhodes, wecretary irj5f I vi'lAN AI'i LI.1 Saving and ixiau assoclallon will begin a second series on Tuesday evening, October 4, at which time stock will be issue 1.

Hharea, tJuu; wees ly dues, 44 cent. Olflce of ttieaeeocetiott at tbe suick yards hotel, ffharee can be subscribed tor at anv time of W. J. Stblnn nr Charles, at the Exebange hotel: Joan P. Henschen or Thomas Hadiey at Nordyke Marmon or H.

F. Witt, 12m. Mend an st W. J. eihlnn, 1'resi'lent.

Charles Rnnxer. ecrwlarv. I El.LfcKON IAIN bT. aud Loan I) aeociaton. Thla aasociatlon la manasetl on the tcood old Oerroan plan, and thereiore cnarcea no week'y preiniutua: the board or directors area gnarautv of good management, having In It aucb men as Theodore Klein.

1). W. linlioway, Henry F. Prange. U.

K. Watson and others Third pavment Monday, rei tember 2 all those wf hing shares are tavited to place of meetlnx. Pranasr'a corner Belietontalne and Eighth ta A. Beldeo sticker, pre ldent. J.

Buck, Secretary. August rstein. Treasurer. rpHK South Meridian Saving and Lonn associa 1 tinn fakes the place bl he South Mer dlan. which will expire about November The gentlemen ho have conducted th management of tbe old assii Utlnii so Miccessfullr will alao have in chanre the new association.

Tbe payment of dues will begin aa anon as 6u0 shares are signed, Tbe Initiation lee will be 2ic per share a. the weekly dues 4oc. Mbares S.MU. 2U0 have neen siened. Sharee ca be obtained at Borst dt llahn's drag store, cor tier Morris st.

and If sdlev West iudiAnapolis: Hobt. Kempf, 424 tsouth Meridian and at AC Uof man's. 47U Mouth Meridian st. 1 FOR xjn.

TRADE. QUKJ EN NIK Jennie Yeamana, AT half price, a complete oxyken apparatus, capacity 74 g.tllons, and the latest work written on oxygen treatment. Reason for seilina. want ot time to give It pn per attention. Southwest curner Market a.l.l Delaware sis.

Dr. Hag. art. SMAI tlou lng mill and Isacresof land and dwell lux. situated in a thrivln.

town on Pan Hand ral'road. Owing to por health of owner, we will sell the above at a sacrifice, or tra le tor stock of merchandise. cly property or small tsru: mill is in nrst clas order, now running doing apaving busineas. Zener, Frledlov A 31 N. Pennsylvania at.

COUNTRY SLAT of 40 area, minutes ride oh railroad nut of city, a wt adjoining depot of oneortne most dellghtlully located suburban villages In the vicmlty of lnmanapolls: a beautiful cut tee of 8 rooms, dry cell re, goo I barn and rar ri ige bouses, poultry bouses, hoe booses and other out bouses, fruits of all kinds: farm divided Into stnal. lots aud convenient fields, and ail Wittered by snrlngs. This Is a beautliul home th flue school and churches' rivht at your door, ai.d tb nelghio hood ev.rv way desirable, and the healthiest location In tbe Will sell or excbi pge for city pronerty. Price 81.000. Hainllu dt Co.

ct Norm Meiaware t. EDUCATIONAL. EVF UYF.ODT Imitates Jennie Yeamana, "Our Jennie." LANGCF3 FRANCA IhK Classes f. rmtng to study under Msdamolselie Graunjean. consult Mr.

or Mrs. James Lyon, 477 North Pennsyi vanla st. tpilK Trafniug Hctiool of Kxpreaaion, room 18 When block, will be open daily from 2 tot p. m. on and aflcr Monday, eeutember to receive pupils an others lut rested, bchonl opens Mon day.

October Lucia Julian Martin. Principal. IN 1 1 1 "A 3t A BOS 1 0 HCHtMJL OFFTlOCUTIO Tenth rear fall term begins, private department, September Si, professional and claas Ins: ruction October 8, partial or complete course In physical training, exores loo reading and oratory defects ot vocal ontans a spo lalt v. Boston method nsea ana varied to anil individual needa Apply to Mrs A. Prune.

Priocpal, 3S Weal New Vora street, Indlanapolla 11 lake atreet cars pass th scnooi. nOlits THERC to but on soubrett, Jennie Yeamans, "Our Jennie." ALBOTTS cbeap slorag war rooms. 78 South Pennsylvania i ingtmrr p1" ant vvstn fitting VI North Illinois at. a A toi.lNE siovtjonpsj tnenu. Born dt Co VJt 97 East Washinrton.

A MERICA'a greatest Uving soubrett, Jannie Yeamana, 'Crnr Jennie" ICYCLETTEti. absblnteiy safer, taster and ea las than a bicycle, at Uaaraay'a, 147 North Dala km Lbtkn Pimra wltb Pur 1I Vedsker Waahicc ror un, iron and slat rooting. 84 FOUNO. ER equal doe not live Jennie Y'eamana, "Our Jennie." BEaT tab. board SA.40 week, as North Illinois.

Amerfoaa Home, pAKLOR 1 riTEs, sa, on payments. Born dt a vi iruniDtKin n. (lUAHLICs A. PARKER, the only practical um orella maker, 14 Indiana ava. FCRsELL A It.

tell wrousht steel ranges for 838 and upward. K. Wash, st. POI'CLAK prices. 4U.H4.t and 18 cetita, at English's to see Jennie Yeamans's Our Jennie 1 PAiKM, an soul Harrta asimere panta 4dJJ at.oniy 81 au.

Call soon and get your atsa, 4 Weet WaahlnKxon. STRAYED OR STOLEN. TH president wt 11 be here but tonr boars. The queen of soabreue will be her Ihrse days, beginning t. tilKb N1UHT OF 19, an old chaataut sorrelmars: rta bi eye out; scar an knee; sore on back, from harness eedl.e.

Any Information will be rewarded. 801 Wast Washington Indian spoils, Ind. PEKsu a. ")KKTTT and amusing Jenm Yeamana, "Our Jennie" 8 TmBHKLLAS MA 1K AND REPAIBElA. KJ H.

Clark. 11 Indiana ave. STN, blood and nervous disassas a apedalty. Dr 1l alter, ka Washington. 20, 188T.

WAWTXD FIUALB UK LP. fi KA.f girL 8SBessav. VI OOD UIJm at W7 North i uaoui at. i im. 1 y.

814 N. Meri tan at. JINING BUJOM glrL 88 W. Waabiagtoa sb, OOD lea sas cook at 177 West Washington st. 7 1KL for hoosew ork.

87 North Nsw Jersey st. A OOuC girl for housework at 14 N. Liberty ss. 1 Uki girl for geueral bouaework. ei tat st.

lUOh tAactuan gurl in ama 1 fa uily. a px u. s. sHL to do general bouaework. Is N.

ax a. IRL. amail Uly, good wages. 847 North r.ast 1 at. a UlRLturgecaral bouaework.

34 N. Alabama GLKx AjS or Iriah girl 84 Central ava KR AN or Irish girl Imraed staly. Si Can nd 1 avs. "tool woman nook tgood wages) at auoa s.

uotet. GOOD white gtrl for general housework. o. 448 Park ave. (v IRL; small wagea 7im N.

Pena aylvanla st. YrCilN ITU Kk oa pajriue ta A Uuta a. 7 a. Waahlngton. MEDIATELY, competent cook.

477 North til 1 VISh nA TnnM. sa oruA 'T'TlE pfeaidept on Saturday; the eamans. io night. ata ru sti 9. fBITKUlKL tor general, housework at Id inmate ah "SdLOREI) woman, general bouseworg, tuitaedf v.

aiviy as. rv OO I girl for eeneraT Louse work. Cad isumedl aielr 1J8 Fast North. Au or vast maker. A.

Camp ben. rraosii.rt. Ana. rlATLoRKSa; wors on coats; also boy to learn. Rear W.

New York. WHITE OIKL for gen ral bouaework, u1 family. 7al North Mississippi. (sIRL warned, fourteen or fltieea years old. in famtlv 01 two.

1W Ftst Washington at. tool ertnau coiia lor raetadraul: ood wee 1 Address Jonn Partner, Rosbvlile, Ind. 11 EAR Jennie Yeamana, "Our Jennie." sing bar famous bird ang at to night. rtswi dramatis young ladies: firs riaas com nauy. Call uesday afternoon, room 24, North Pennsylvania.

A. Leach. AN A No. 1 roast aad(ry cook; must be sober and Indu trlous: none other need apply. Court street entrance.

Bates house MoltE women an I girls crochet: steady em ployment and sitlsfsctory remuneration assured. Inntanapolls Knitting and Novelty rom pai y. 48 H. erldtan npstalrs. IM KblATkLY ten good lady canvassers to take subscriptions for tbe beautlfu ly premlnm pictures "Faet Asleep" and Wide Awake." Call after 4 Herald trice.

3U East Market si. LAOl Hi fori nr tall and Christmas trade, to take llvhl, 1 leasant work at their own home 81 to 13 a day csn be quietly made. Work sent by mall anv distance. Particulars tree: no canvassing. Address at once Crescent Art Cat, 147 Mlik Boston, Mass.

Box 817a e. more good lady canvasser. Every lady to know that tbe success of the National Garment Cutter in every cosntv in the United Btates where It has been Introdnced la one to its merit over a' I other systems naed. eball nse the Buddlnton or any other system used tn lndianano lis lor a leet trial for lit without change ot aeamsv You will save time and labor bv nslngthe National Oarmenl "niter, which will be. tne companion of every sewing machine used.

Sh2 Virginia ave. WANTED MALE HELP. 4 GOOD cook at 148 W. Washington St. RELIABLE young man 26 Last Ohio at.

A UOOl) colored barber at l'J7 W. Wash. St. rjR Bhort's mils shake. Opposite i rand hotel.

about eicbtesn years ld at occidental cigar stand. 1 PHOLSTERERS. Wm. L. Elder.

48 is. Jlerld lan I'll tc aueen of soubreues, Jeuni 1 eamans, "Our Jennie." ANTE1 Restaurant waiter. 44 W. Waahlng ton su tlOdl) wrapper stripper; beat wages paid. 44 Kentucky ave.

to run Nonpareil press. Cau as room is, 89 v. Alary tana su 1 87 i'a Washington su 11 I I am rniunl. Atom dt 001 HOLIT lOK; wiil pay larg commission. 1 1 Address 1, News fries.

AN. Oermaa or colored, to work around the i'l bouse. 12o Woodlawu EAit Jennie Yearaana. "Our Jennie, sing I'aloma at to meht. 1 ex perienced meat cutter, as wen aa saleeman.

Call at one at corner Alabama and Alary sta AT Hoop Worn, corner Blddlo and Be Liu railroad, a first class rip sawyer. Earnabaw A Tae lor. Ab'FkijNCI MAN to maae mmaeir generally naerul about lb bouse: alao a good waiter at Circle Park hotel. YOUNYi man grocery; one who baa sum experience 1 preferred; must have good refer nee Annress, a wsonice. WAlitviSh 1 ve ti aveiin ana xteuft 8: no experience neceaaary.

Addreaa, with stamp. Palmer A La ro win. SHOE MAKER, Immediately, on sew and pe ged: a good Job to a good man: no her need apply. Hauflerdt McNurney, Knlchtstown. Tnd.

Mi S' who nave an csubltsbed irl wub c.iiiu try merchants te sell a side line of goods by illustrated catalogue on commission. Address 11 fviuth su Intelligent man. located outside leading cities, to represent. In b.s locality. respon tbie bouse.

Good salary to right party. Reierancea, Alanafaotnrer. Lock Bex New "York. WANTED SITUATIONS. EE Jennie Yeamans.

"Our Jennie. dance at English to nlcht A tt WoRKINUh. iiusekeeper, lor geutieman or lady. 14 Wood ADI1 4 wanting good German girls for house wnrx can at fc waAUington su OU hsve seen them alt. Now ar tb onlv ulghunrale, Jennie Yeamans, Kir Jennie." L) au experienced short baud and tvpewriter; Jbest reterenCTS given.

Addt 2U. care Nowa. BOOK KEEPER, ofltce work or In store, young man with reference. Address 20, car Nevys. I itAOgiris, seventeen and eighteen years old, I want stesdy place to do houseworx la private family: no washing.

Madison ave. WANTED AGENTS. rpo handle the Raymond baby jumper. 88 E. Ohio st SEE Jennie Yeamat Engl ish'sto nisliU KK Jennie Yeamana' magnlticent costtuus at PElT AL Inducements to axents for nsxt ten dayT uu.

uarnes a tn e.a.t atarxet st "TTrf EtTonTagE.NTS EVEKYWH ERE! New iridescent sigus fbr everv business. Immense sales and profits. Inclose stamp. Sims, Jackson dt Cx, aablngton. U.

1 lAXi I to canvass for rubber stamp: fi to 810 OU worth 1 10 tort Address in ow a handwriting with stamp Morgan Pbemiater, room 4. court house. Indianapolis. Ind. AGENTS 10 every city ana town to introduce a fast selling article of acknowledged merit, to families, hotels, stores.

liberal terms, Addreaa 3t. Mercantile Exchaave, N. Y. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. nOUUllINK.

SM ALL cottage north. Address Cash, News. 1 "I JATT ERN and uiodei making slnaiana ava, BORN souhretie, Jennie Yeami "Our Jaa 1 x. pie. REAT 14 ox, Anchor soap, omy so.

A wouderfu waahar, TORAOK tor boo sanoia gooaa. treat Washington su THE TAXIDERMIST. W. A.JNICKUM, 464 IlllnoUau 1 IfANTKO to rent oottage north. Addreaa care sews.

OOD second hand tables or counter Address Km care News (TOL'UHISE, the pest remady ia Ut world for coughs and lda OL 1 AL Ul Mu.i, Arantteot. laton block, sp site poetomoe. FOR a full set of teeth at Ear hart's, 18. Qij Washington su TiOARtilSu In private family; exchange refer a encss i r. uuiu l.

SMALL family to take part of house and board two. 49s North Illinois. HIULEsT prices paid for furniture, carpets, ate. 138 W. Washington.

FKJOER AToRs and ice boxe on pay mania Born 87 E. Washuigtoa su CAfT oFF LoTH IN O. 2b3 Eaat Waamngtoa Highest prtoe paid. J. Budweitaxy.

UU i MORTGAGE: no commka oamaB to answer. A ad ress ews. A GOO second hand, base burner must be cheap Ad resa 30, care News, YX50 property to ranu Best tacllitiua and low est rates. Held 42 N. Delaware.

Tf0 bt' a good 1 nnd noiae; wast be auund. Earth ave first street west of fehelby au rpLX At REAL ESTATE In exchange for Indiana land. Henry F. Thompson. 00 East Market St.

1" jiLlLCTHO PLATiNU at loaianapons stesm ickel works. 24 West Poor Oihce. 27 Circle. bTORE. centrally located, having goo4 trad: will pay lair price.

Adores ii, tha Ol C. AHOKE for bis board this winter; for good bone will pay small wagea. Address Boom Mt 4 3 N. Uelaware. TiUY your G.

L. T. remedla of AL Htalev. 1) druggist. 44 Virvlnla ara, or tuun oflloa, a North Pennsylvania su Onn OLlTTIAT and rubber goods (wringer.

OuUU a specialty) repaired good as nw at I Pay's Robber DepoU 47 Maasacnosetts are. INVERT VOIKH in Ute aeveoteentb ward to A vote for R. F. HetherlngVHi for eonneilinaa, the well anown roood reman op Bouth street. rH RENT, a nice bousie ol bv nr six rooms for famllv of two and servant; yard and trees desirable; if place salts, will rent permaoenily.

Andres 20, News of o. glaring Dumber of house an4 price. REUOVAL 1 fr 2S. 84 AND 80 CENTS at English's to elgbt, iJ to see Jennie Y'eamana, "Our Jennie. XlEW HOME sewing biacnin olhce removed to as 172 Wasbingioo at just a lew doors aaat ef oourt keuaa, Kaiaar At Phagar.

A IV TKD ISCELL A TsT EOTJS ott uw. oliC 1 prices 1 a.d Liorfwitx. A7 E. LVfYiiUsaTtjELLTa UuJS. Cat this eat and bring It with rusrs eve lower, 17 Tbe cf.

A loesr lor 21 IbsCsusrfjrtl ISas fsr be llnor. cosranieeJ, or money rertlnded. tiecla i prices ms on isrve of msaw a poun 1 for tbe bewi ulutr tuaaw a posind lor coo ad batn. liv a pound irhac 8sca pound for lard. My goo all areitee.L 8.

V5 per raU new sorehnm tne beat. 1 7Sc for 1 qU sew marrowfat beans. 1 tie tor 1 pound new Va ends raiaiua Sc for 1 pound new Turaish prunes. ls ror 1 craoberrtaa he tlrs, 3uc for 1 pimnd evanorated anrnsnts the besk' Bead mv ad verti ement oa shoes, eta. Bta aest bankrupt stock In tbe city.

Three hundred thousand pairs of boots and shoes ta sen at Noa a'id '3 W. Wahintou su I am the largest retail merchant In tne state, ef iu. 11m rt a. I have seven stores in Ihe state. anna a Iisi Gioa hiriSTSKST.

Fvery pair of slioes 1 li isa venutne baraaln. 6 sr for women's esf shoes: sell evervwbere forft. 9. 'c for women's button shoes; sell everywhere for 8i.7Sk 70o lor genuine kid shoe: sell everywhere for 1 for men's kip boors: sell everywhere fbr 82. 1.74 for men's renoo kip boots; not spile Children's scnooi shoe almost given away.

Look tnrougb mv lock for bargaina fl 74 for men's railroad edge oil srao sbnea; worth 'I nls Is tbe greaieat barvain ever nfTered. Come and nee for yonrseif. I bav more shoes than any other four stores in this city. Juat call and see. a.

very word la true. ap Hakaaist. ix DsV Goons. 38e for men while shirts for men's Ah est moleskin shirts. ISC per yard for calico: sells everywhere for 80.

4c per yard ftr toweling per vard Pr all Unco toweling. lor men's fancv shirts; set I everywhere for sue. for a No 1 bov'swaist: set Is everv where for loo tor good oorsct; aeus everywhere fur 8ust X4c per yard for all linen tabi Cloth. Sue per yard donbi damask 81 for men's tine caaatmere pants! i.24 aad t.40 lor men's floe Ans panta. irocwrv and megtmarae.

ltl and 41 ah. at Liry goods, ooota and shoes, aad 227 W. Waab. SU Wabasb frading company. No.

I Wabash avsv. Terre Haute, ind Livery atablec No. 228 and C7 W. Pearl sr. A.

a. Kaiirtny. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LY four opportunities of seeing Jennie Yea mans, imr jennie. i Va TF ARM.

well Improved: No. 1 gardening land, pe ny I in taware t. ff'FN acres choice hih aiui river lioiit. a Marlon ooanur, gioriua. A dor 2U, News ofHce.

Xi OJHCK cheapest property CO t) tJ, in lb city. G. A. Wurgler, 58 AWaan I11 irionst (t REAT BARGAIN; nice resilience propertv; 1 North Illinois su I re at Alex. Merger's, Odd Fellows ball, or Moore A Barrect, es E.

Marseu BA RtiAINS IN REAL EVsTATK tee Waloott A Co 'a list of Improved proi erty at 4TH last Wsshinrton su; special prices befure October Call qu ck. EVEN ROOM house, centrally toc ted. all con vetnences, easy terms or will make special Inducements to cash customers. I Inquire Mart T. Ohr.

1.x Indiana ave, KflN loUs iortioir. low 1, 2, S. 4.8, 6, 7, 8 and In is block IS. fronting on Oscar st, tu Brsden's Riverside addition, maxtng iS by 112S 8et: all for gliio cents a front foou Is tnal ebeap enoughf Willis W. Wright, Fletcher dt cabnrpe's I ock.

(AkllK.N farm. 11 acres, fnnr miias out on tree 1 pike; good house, barn and nice land, 81 A fin a 11 manufacturing business In wood. AM. snd an otllce business well established for 4 it Ite tau ra ta from ffSuV to 81 0. Groceries from "St s) to Sl.taai.

We buv and sell all kinds or established business. Hamlin dt 86 North Delaware su RKALrTATE AT AUCTION We wtfi sell at auction, Tuesday, isepteraber 27, at 2 p. on tbe premises, tbe elegant two story frame residence of Mr. Samuel bannister No. 287 North Tennessee street.

This Is very choice property, containing lu rooms, cellar under whole bouse, ri tern, well, wood and coal sheds, stsble, carriage nous, city water and gascelHu hne condition: lot 87 110. There is only one chance in a thousand te buy a home like this under the hammer. Terms very easv. W. ML Mick dt Co Agents, L.

N. Perry, A urtlisneer. QOt lI. vsIONLR.S' bALK OF REAL ESTATE. Sinckmaii vi Mens Drewe et at.

No Partition ot bl estate. The nndersigncd commisHioner, duly appolnmd to tbe abive etitltied caus. 10 make sale of the real estate in tbecomp.aint memloued and in ibe decree thereunder ordered to sold, will, on the day of October, ls7. sell at public sale the folio wine de crllied real fate In Marlon connty, Indiana, to wit: Lot nnmlier iw ntr 0. In McCariy's subdivision of tbe east part of otitiot number one hundred and twenlv (12 tu the city of Indianapolis.

Also, ttieaoatb half (si) of lot number fori oine f40 in niitloi number one hundred and eurhtaan 1 Inii In ttie city of Indianapolis, tssid sale will not be made lor leas titan two thirds the' appraised value, and each piece above descrtoed will be ortered separaie Iv, will be made at 2 o'clock lathe afternoon o'f tbe day ahov named, at tbe south 4 ior of th Marion oonoly court bouse The terms are ons tnlrd cash in hand, onethird In nine monuis, aud the balance tn eljchteen monlbi from tbe day of aale. tbe purchaser aiving his negotiable notea for ibe deferred pavmenia, provitiius for ft per oenu Inter 1 aad anorney's fees, snd secured by mort eageon ihe premises sild. J. WiXTgaa, Commissioner. Indianapolis.

beptember 2a, Vti7. FOR SALE Horses ana Vehicles. FINE PONY. 218 North East SU 1 TORS No. 4 West Near Vurt su JOKS wagon and harness.

444 West first SU fpilAP, second hand earrings. 24 E. Pearl au mil) latuily horse aud carriage. eO N. Ala bama.

Ear Jennie Yeamans play the piano at English's tn nigbi. II I Ls YTtllNO hir houseseepuig on paymenla. I Rom 6t Co tf7 bA it it Washington au TYRiVERS, draft, work horses and mules. Geo. K.

sscbotleid. 7 North Ieiawarest Tb. have Ju have Just one new aurrey lor sale, two phaeton and two box buaiea, 4 su ben wet ale A Prange THE different styles of fine vehicles shown by at the state fair at decided bargains to reduce stock. Tbe H. Black Manufacturing Company, 44 South Pennsylvania st.

SO KEYS, ptiaeuma. aiuaars and bucwboariia; all work warranted one can always uae good notea or bnrsea In exchange, surge K. is s'inna, sx asrsn at. 1UV1N lUlUBi'N East Georgia street, build only the beet earn ges. buggies, phaetons and surreys at th very lowest price possible for ih ir qua Repairs prompu Repainting beau viiui ana lasting.

TH litrgest stock ot fine carriages, surrevs, pbaetona endeorlng and side bar bugxtesahowa on any one floor In Indiana: every Job nret clees; positively no shoildy work in our rooms: guaranteed aa represented or no sale; we defy out pell on. V. M. Backus A II and 14 Circle su TTdR A FRw TJAY'r), enrl spiing surrey, worth lieu, at 8188: extension top anrrey, 8178, at 8140; llgbu two seated wagon. with surrey top, movable aaaia, flio, phaet at 8C; box burgy, witb top.

84. warranted for one year. Can aa good paper or will sell on payments. A Johr At North Meridian sc. old enUoel building.

FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. HolE trunk. 140 Mass. ave. jROSNAN'B, Indiana eveT JOOTTb se SU East bouth su jiUBEK MEXICAN PUPS.

218 West Court SU JjTtEATsaleof shoes. Cruanaii's. 6 Indiana ava. 1 00 LtiUiiii'H tin shoe. 88 Ind iaaa OCNU.

Kvsn elghths Jersey cow, freahj lei N. 15tot empty lara uercea oneaa at Jlryce's i be It rv. Kil AvA.sG good aa new; very cheap 244 Ash si. ICTO sewlng macblne cheap, good aa new. 78 E.

Washington. "C3Lfl SO neos oa paymeouu Born Oa 87 JL JT Washington su TTE A Jennie Y'eamans's dialect medley at JLa II gliah to nUtht AFINE s4)tiarido, for sal at a bargain. i Baldaln Block. A FIRST CLASS Chicxerlug pUno, cbeap. 278 N.

'1 ennessee st "tTLSTA tKAT, doing good buai la. W. XV Wash. Call atJTT. A LARGE wood tov Apply lot E.

New York su, befc re li o'clock. Ql LAliTFis' fine dreae shoea. Bnianaa'a, Ol tJ I ndiana are. fC, c. 81 school shoes.

Broanan's Cincinnati store. 88 Indiana ave. TJLkcTRlCAL bUPPLtSU X. of ail kinds. 27 Circle rt.

lecuh work trsr Lk YTO HE stoca. and flxluraa. C. T. Morrison.

194 Virginia ava. ANEW axocx of bardwara, will Invoice at about 8L "0. Addreaa ig. News otlicaL ff Wo corner lota oa W. Mu hliran VI on long Tim.

Wm. Gordon. Baldwin Blocg. BV summer milt wood, stove lenrth: 81 cord. naa t.

veaenne. 7 w. onto. Teiepkone S3A. U1 HDEK your sunpiy of winter coal at summer priceo, ot isammons as Mueller, 7 Virginia ava.

fOOD paying restaurant; good location; very Vbeap. W. A. Bradsbaw. Is North FennxyL vala.

BKtoT freau teet tne marcet at Pouder's clean mast market, 2Z2 Eaat Washington au Telephone 477. tj URN ITURK. carps and stoves; parmenta at rash prices; at wholesale fur caeu. a Weet Wsshtngton SU John Clune. 1 IO CASES of airitnda; a lares stock oa band at th factory, at No Wast Louiaiana au.

opposite Cpton dtiKH. Wm.WWBL I8CBLIO bALE. Friday. Keptember su. 'ST.

a my resideoca. 1JS Weet Michigan su, one Bne np rlgbt piano, ct 8 tin parlor set, cost (IJO; on large mirror, cost on large base burner stove, cost on lars wardrobe and otbar. household and kitchen lurnlmr, aucb as bureau and tables, stands, bedroom aeta, chairs, safes and a greeg many otber articles toe numerous to mention, ale at o'clock a. m. Tarats cash In hand.

M. J. lienton. FOR SALE OR RENT. A CREATOR Jenpla" of part Janci Yeamsss.

"Our Tn World's greatest eumedienae, Jennie Teaman's. Our Jennie." DnT onTulVTAYMEN is a new fair morn bouae, northeast, on beventb streeu cellar, woodeiied. well, eta Will be rented If not sold. Irlce. rent, Sio per uonUu Was.

A AL AA. ILa ley, 70 AC laaraat au FOR R6 NT ROOMS. 2IASANT root wj 474 North Mertdtaa su if LKNlaili rooAs, hrst Uoot, TtW.I?ss. UC 1TE of rnUhgd rro 7room 7T6ol NF'rkNl llli a ioun a. Ceil room li.C 0D week.

HT Vir iillnois. TtVl.Y furnished Iroen gentlemen; 7i i Walnut I ELY furaished, rooms log tent, at 4 1 fctltf keeping oor rootu kx tt' VCRMSHF. 1) ROOMS; prtval family. grw ni 1 ora s. 1 i MlcU'lGAN 6T.

suite of nnaralane froot r. onia rts'Wti'br three rjouis, farnUuisd or a furoWiaJ 1 Marseu Tn F. fcU FC RNiaUEB front rootns; ujistalrg N. Illinois St. 1 1 N.

ALA BAMA. rnUhvd Croat, Hrst no A sj ecoinl (loot, fpWn furnisn rookos for light hous ueomii ss? i 'j F'TRMMHKD roomt front; all oonveuieaci; 4 2s Fort Wayne ave. VC stsif Kli" and I uafurniabed rooms. with tioarq. r.

Ohio t. LC K.MsH to and lUu.uinUted. aiugie ana en suite N. Mer all an. IC'J E.

OjIITT bT, very deairabienfurnlshel room forgetitlemaa. fTSHe: somewhat tTerent oomedlenn, Jtfaul Yeamana, "Our Jtania" 77 EArf VkKm(NT: inrnishsd front roam, I. I wltn etec ivt; Pwtatntn gisoQ. i EoVKLi1 suite oflionia. bath and very coo vemepce.

I.M Masaactmsetts ave. or unrurnlshe. rooms; With oi wnnoht board. New Jersey TN FL'RNlitirEll riarior; rnom suskitclira; vj aloKle or not. 2) Fort ave.

1j IT h'aiidsnma; uiif.irafshed first floor tenant to board.t acreeabla. SI N. East su of nxiq.s, on pret floor, with board, ri wo nice. I.rnisbe3 front a so iw( nice, A ri rnished bed ip Mm It.s. Illinois st.

1 iSH or nurtiruistied rooms. or tiaht bouseaeer lng Cts N. 1 en re see at. "VE lKA riLE KTiO tb for I sbi bou ekeenlng. Jt Vicinity of Delaware aud Pratt.

Ku. Seas eiflcet ii rps0 nice rooms ttim aicove: no cojidreti; 00 bouaeaeeping; reiarenc reqalred. 70 tv Ver ont au HO N. ALaBaM A sTTTbeautlrul uofbrntshevT iariors hrst floor, au suite, gas, grates bath and bnard. "KJ ICE.

furnished room lor oneorlso mleiaeaT As biaith Ulnck N. irelaware, rooiU 8, onesar8 from the en tson Hotel. toMln tne Koas block, corner lrt 1 and It Market atreet. for llvinr purposes or store all modern eonveuiencea, Lyer A Baasmao, Zl Circle su 1 I FOR RENT HOUSES, EW twoetory alx room boos. 47 Arch gEE Lib 84 B.

Markau John Spann tCo7 JENNIE YEAMANS will tuak you laujh a "Our Jennie." AblX ROOM cottate on Colig ava. Wiliimal 4k Glover, IS Talbotl bloca. "vbTTAQE. seven rooms; furaished. 1W7 Eit Joe su Inquire si mm Mass.

sve. HOI'SE rooms and nine acres lead, ha II. Mlnnemser, Ben Davis. Ind. Obl CALIFORNIA rooms; a ood erdas mJyJMK.t Ick su furniture and carpets; paymeou at cssf rices, at wholesale price lor cash.

8W.fWt Weshlnirton sU John luue. 'l "A ilDOKRX. eiaht rorBut house wltli fui.acSL bsih room, laundry, and pienilfulir provided with closets. 041 Illinois su FOR RENT Offtcea tnd Stoma. large room Witb power.

ppiy at llrjc oaserv. TOKK 7 kaat Waaluagton au Apply Bank ot 1 Commerce. 1 I KAMASS and a great oompajyll "Our Jennie." at Hnslish's lo ctght. TTtTlLTilNU ttA. jrrrWashTiigiou su; suvrwrooni I and eight living rooms above: all wly pa ered and painted.

F. eav 1 74 E. Market AeL'lTEof orhoe rooms, aocuud Boor, all front lug Washing ton se.eet and oonnacttnc; very desirable locauort; oaly reliable aud pitrnisnenl tenant wanted. IBtjuIr at The Newseftica, ii FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. SPRIGHTLY and Srtvacioua Jenul Yaaaai Our Jennla" j.

TfPKIGHT piano at Emll Wulacbaar's, Ct aal It North Pennsylvania SU 1)lANO and organs at from 81 per lii'onih and the rent applied on tbe purchase. Pear son's mus bonsa. 10 Nortn Pennsrivama su; FINANuIAL JORlXlAGE LOANB. Ooffln A Co. Afoney on real eatat.

C. f. bar lea AA ALL loAua. loatit low rates. 148 Indiauii are TE and original lannl Yamana, "Out Tan nie i onto aqe Loan 4.

b. XL. Wiis. K.l sn Al svivsnla 1 8 slu on pexaouai propertj. a ae IS ket au Tt, I Johna.

Bpana CotTKT IA Market aTOE and small loans; lowest rale. Raid unit, rs. Lieiawara. ji MONEY 10 loatv per cw. B.

IX Wa iittdt Co Washington su MO Si FY LOANED on pianos and hoaMhoT3 goods. W's East Waslunrton. lis MONEY to loan: per cenU Horace tvay. room IL Taibott rt New block. rfvo LOAN Private i funds 00 rat mortage aecu J.

rlty. Q. W. Wooria, lux N. Penn.

st. rt 82M. 8i, t0 to" 8SMW to loan, West OltJU Wasbingunt room Smith. LOANS on personal prooenv or real esuue. Aofderhelde At Ctt gij ast Washington su SMALL amounts On psrsoi ai property; 'poles puTcliaaed.

emllb. mH W. Wawlilngton, rot A. MONEY on farms or eiij propertv; terms res son bla. Thoa 6: Day dt 72 K.

arjtet st. I 1 (( ctY or terms, the Terr Wwest CVrV.sJVVJ rates. W. Uorsuch, 18 Virginia ave. MONEY to loan and upward oo personal property.

WO lt Washington au N. Klng msn. i CO AN 8 negotiaied'oa improved farm and city1 property in lodlaba and Ohio. Joa. A.

koora. 84 East arket au 1KIVATR funds in sums to suit, oo I arm ty propertv: lowest! tnleresU Htantoo at oett, 34s( North Delaware su. Bo ton block. lTiNK.YTOLOAlil on JeweiryT loihing. Kouaei Ail bold sooda, at City loan oOlra.

if Weil Washington au. opnoilte Bates bouaat for wly ut North Illinois su fonlen. AUCTlbf tskLS. j'i! JENNIE YEAMANS, Our Jennls. 1 11UNT, aicooe 74 E.

Court au a N. PERRY, general auctioneer. 68 K. Starke VdTI.V Jt McCCilBV. auctioneer.

1 Washington 1 EVKHS bOXiY will! be at English 'a to "our Jennie" Yeamana i A r' wil XV eli on Wednasday Hejuetnber at lOo'biock a at tbe rvaidente or Mr. hauiuel Banoistay, 167 Nortu Tennessee su, ihe entire furnishing 01 a ten room bouse constating of parlor, bedroom, dining room and kitchen furniture, stoves, and alsn a lot of fine gas Teima cash. L. N. Parry, Auctioneer .1 FORI A s.v A TALENT will tell! and where there Is talent there is success.

Jennie Y'eamana, "Our Jenpla." 17I NK residence anj busineas bouse, in neignbor lng natural gaa city, for Property In Indianapolis. Will pay cash difference. Wildan At uiuver. IU Taibott block. 1 RAILWAY T1UE CARD? Pennsylvania Lines.

tkb praccr awn aureus rtsssirsis Trains leave and arrive a ladlanapolia ai acjt Tc ifuiiewa, rs xi)n iocts gAtr, Lvafir Piltsburg, Ni etc Kicbm'd andCotambualluaun Arr. from N. Pitta ard II 1 am Cola'bua, Mail and press (daily tuaeper to Piusburg aud N. Y. without nrviaroir.

I.v. for Chicago audi north weetlldtanx tJOpot sipat. Chang rvpo opns Arr. irom un cago ana nortn wi 1 w. a Lvo.

for Louisville i and the sooth Arr. from Louisville 1 and th souih Wdbam 1030am T. A a. Lts fbr Vincenne I5tm 8: Sp Arr. from Vincenne.

Yauttalia In. I ii noavicrr bouts to st. uotrra astb wkst. Trains arrtvsand leave Indianaeoils as foiiews: 1 va. tor Loula.

Tjjnam li tm uupm Hruipm Oreen (aailedt Terr Haute accom. tsipm Arr. from Louis stlsam 1 kusoas Terr Haute and Greencaati aocm litaiaa Hieepli g. parlor andrecliamg chair cars ar ma oa thruugo traiua For rates aud Information apply te Ucaet agents of the eompaayee AL AU a ae, Asetant uenerai rs eptr Agenu tiuus jumis. t.

Lnolsvnie, New Albany. China re Railway, The abort line to Chicago and th nor weak TSAINS PKPABT. ij Sol 12. Chicago dt 1 Michigan dry, fast t' mall, dally except tn NO. AU, Chicago night esnraaa, dn No.

1. Monon acoommortation, duy, ajt ppoupni TSAIKS ABB1VK, No. Is a Cincinnati nigbt eg press, dally. aoianaoolia last luaii, daily, exeept bundar kupra 17. llldlSI Inn i.v 1.

except Kn.f 8 ara Tlcaet Otllce Illinois, au, Union Kispo 1 Ms avenue. fiituwii, XX P.A i. llcCoiMlcg, Gen, reeae ger Atenu AT A OAS RiVTE i' Lak Erie and Western LB. 1' SA IMS BBPABT. No.

10, Toledo dt Michigan Cttv, mall Not 13. Toledo at Iwtroiu expree 2l 14 Teiw aaaivat Tsa. oieoo exprns. eauy i 1 if 1 mail. Ie oit A Toieo expi ncsetucawsei ii Ssubajtt ml eotrr tj 40p8 f.

OOp KkiSpm Si ST. 10 ii a. ns a s. aa fi.

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