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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 11

Cincinnati, Ohio
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SECTOR Northwest of Toul Is Occupied By Americans on Western Front. Pershing's Men Are Put Closest To Germany Of All Troops That Are Facing Teuton Hordes. Another Surprise Raid By'Foe Is Stopped at Trenches By New Men in Salient. With the American Army In Franc. February 5 (By the Associated Press).

Th sector occupied by me American troops Is northwest of Toul. It Is Inadvisable to mention the num ber of men In line, the length of the sec tor and other details. The location of the sector was kept wcret until it became certain that the memy had discovered It Toul Is the great French fortress In the department of Meurth et Moselle, ib'jut 20 miles to the southeast of Nancy. 'Norihwest of Toul" Is the general Miion of the northwestern tip of French Lorraine. The battle line here forms alient.

turning southeastward along the Lorraine border. a mild almost The American troops are consider ably northward from i 'anal, where It had been presumed they were, on the strength of yester ilay's announcement that they "in Urialne," the Rhlne-Marne Canal har mg previouHiy ngurea in omciai war bulletins in connection with American troops. Nearest Germain SoiL American troops are located where the Western battle line Is closest to German roll, and every shot fired If a knock at the Empire's gates. The northernmost point In the salient. allien Is In the region roughly described I)- the above dispatch, is only 12 and half miles from the great fortress of Nets, in German Lorraine.

Toul Is an important link la the great haln of French Southern fortresses built to ward off a German invasion form the bases, other bulwark Mng Nancy, Epinal and Belfort, and, to the north, of Toul, Verdun, Itself. I'rompt action by the American artll- 1' ry early to-day again prevented an ui tempted German raid. There Is no doubt in the minds of the officers who directed the fire that heavy casualties were inflicted on the- German officer and men who were massed In the ene- ii'V'i front line, for an attack. Warned of Surprise Attack. Information had reached the Ameri cana that the Germane were bout to dHlver a surprise attack shortly after midnight.

The assault was to be launched wituout artillery preparation, me uermans evidently counting upon the previous night's artillery duel hav ing cut the wire entanglements. The artillery laid a heavy barrage, ilong the enemy front Una just a few minutes before the time of the Con-fmplated German attack. Thle took the i-nemy completely by surprise. During the day the Germans shelled ihe roads with gas. (There were no nuiuaUlfs on the American side.

FLOOD CLOSES lONIS. cul Diarirca to ras saQvnsa. Huntington. W. Va, February 4.

Reports received here by Captain Jl H. Land, District Representative of the United States Fuel Administration, how 74 mines are Idle in the Guyan-loito coal field because of the flood which demoralised railway travel In ihat section. A few of th mines will able to resume operation to-mor row or Wednesday, but other will be "lie for several day longer. BOHEMIAN KILLED. Chicago, lit.

February Jan Tupy. publisher of th Slavic, the oldest Bntiemlan paper In the United States. nd for a score of years active In move 'wma to Amerttanls Bohemian, was wiled by a Chicago and Northwestern rain near High Lake, relaUve an nouncrd her to-nlaht. Ha i.nwi path ot on train directly In front of i STEAMER REPORTED SAFE. "iimington.

N. C. February 1-Th "earner city of Wilmington, which 1 "Id to have been disabled Vt a on Jnuary 28. waa reported by her ownera have put Into Bermuda, Satur-- Th vessel waa returning to an At-'antic port from Europe. TWO PASSENGEES HUM.

Foatorl. Ohio, February pas-nier were slightly injured, but none rlously, whew Zlucklng Valley Train No. consisting of 10 coaches, derailed at Culhertson street about o'clock Mis Florence MoOary, of Toledo. one of th Injured. I.

SHIPPING THAT DOES NOT SAIL A the Federal Reserve Mr. Du Brul said that the trade ac-ptance was not only a cleaner and afer instrument of Credit, but permitted of a greater utilisation of capital Invested in business. Difficulties In the way of trade customs In the establishment of the acceptance as the general credit instrument In the lumber industry were pointed out by 8. E. Iff en.

The club referred to the River and Rail Committee, with power to act, the question of urging congressional representatives to support an amendment which Would replace in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Committee the rate-making authority during the Government control of the railroads. A resolution was adopted assessing each member 15 for the soldiers' smile-age book campaign. AGENCY FOR CO-OPERATION Of Teaching; Staff at Columbia Uni versity la Recommended. New York, February 4. Creation of a new "agency for co-operation on the part of the teaching staff" of Columbia University was recommended to-day In a Joint report of two committees of the trustees.

It is proposed to enlarge the advisory power of the university council, which I representative of the entire university by giving It express authority "to consider any question that may arise a tQ the conduct of efficiency of any officer of administration or Instruction, fn 'i I e'i. r. I I Tn lMYaHtmnt, rtu tawi ALLIES To Get, Enough Beef For Needs, They Are Told By American in London. Packer's Representative Says Supply in United States Is Plentiful and Will Be Shipped Across. trcui.roarojiixc or ti siqciKita.

IiOtidon, February 4. Benjamin Russell, of New York and Chicago, says there- Is plenty of meat in the United States to feed the allied armies and the civil population, and that ways will be found to get the supplies here. Mr. Rusitll has Just arrived in London. He represents Morris tt of Chicago, one of the largest of the American meat-packing companies.

Ills visit to England la made to study the actual condition here and to make recommendation a to Juat what can best be done to Improve conditions, which now are by no means satisfactory to the people of Great Britain. I saw him at the Savoy Hotel, where he waa in. conference' with men prominently connected with the food Industry of England. He said he was averse glad to say a few words. is plonty of meat in the world to feed the armies and the civil popu lation everywhere.

A every one knows, the trouble Is to get ships proper ships for the transportation of perishable article. The situation, however. Is Improving and Will continue to improve. We In America hope and expect to ehlp sufficient meat submarines or no submarines, to- meet all the requirements of Europe. "The situation In England lis not cverly bad.

a7 people get beef, but they are en-; and to report thereon to the trustees tHI lo mor' 'nd iht wl" et mor through the President" Th report waa mad after a conference of the Committee on Education and a special committee on the state of teaching la the university with 17 faculty numbers "representing all parts of th university DERAIL OVERTURNS ENGINE Ot Train Entering- East Korwood Crew Leapt To Safety. When moving slowly as It approached East Norwood Btatlon last night I and N. Passenger 'Train 7, south bound, (truck a derail between Hani and Norwood avenue, Norwood, and the engine Jumped the track and overturned. Rodney Williams, engineer, and L. Col lin, conductor, leaped from th engine Just In time to escape being caught un der It The train, which consisted of a baggage car and six coaches, carried shop workers returning to Cincinnati.

TTafflo on the ro hour. was delayed half an LOOK OUT, YOU MENJ New Tork, February Femlnlaa-tton of the postal service came a step nearer her to-day when 1.190 application were returned to 'the Civil Serv ice examiner who conducted a "strict BUILDING PLANS DELATED, Nsw Tork, February .4. Although museum collections valued at nearly 11 000,000 are hidden away In storage vaults because there Is no exhibition space for them In th American Mu-eum of Natural History here, Henry Fairfield Osborne, It President, said in hi annua) report to th Board of Director to-night that It waa deemed unwise to proceed with building plans under present conditions. CHEER SOLDIER New Tork, February 4. Thousands of New Yorkers stood In the cold to-day TJTT meM naw nd end 1.000 of the city sons -who iUl BX CAS.

(now make up the Three Hundred and im. EIntR nd Cutter streets last Eighth Infantry, National Army, Martin O. Ortellah. years ole tloned at Camp Upton, a they paraded euna atreet, wa struck by a yjown Fifth avenue. Th young men, car.

He sustained scalp wound wh were civilian five month ago, were Probably internal Injuries, physl- bronsed and sturdy and they marched "an at Seton Hospital said. Ilk veteran. There ls plenty of beef In Australia and South America, and, as I say, a great plenty, in the States. There has been strike trouble among some of the packers In South America, but that is being overcome. "The supply of beef in America In the( United States, I mean will be greater this year than In many years.

SOLDIER KILLS SELF. Baltlmoie, February 4. Alonso T. Karcher, 21 year old, a private In Company K. One Hundred and Fifteenth Infantry, Camp McCIellan, Alabama, killed himself by hanging her to-night No reason wa given for the act.

AMERICANS BELIEVED DEAD. Ottawa. Ont, February 4. Th following names of Americans appear in to-night's casualty list: Reported died through German sources, J. A.

Murphy, Rldgeway, Penn. Presumed to have W. Albert Wlldrose. N. D.

-COAL TO BE CHEAPER, traoui. enrTc re ras sxomasa. Lexington, February 4. It wa here to-day that' on afnd after March 15, through a reduction it This la view of the great Crerman port at Hamburg crowded with Teasel that have not felt the splash of deep-aea water aince the war began. The port now la paralysed by a great Industrial atrlk and a state of siege proclaimed by the Government.

The workers in the great shipbuilding yards at this port demand Im USE OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE Is Urged on Members of Lumber men's Club By Du Brul. Detail of the trade acceptance meth od of credit extension were explained to the member of tjie Lumbermen' Club at the Hotel Metropole last night by E. F. Du Brul, who was one of the ftrst men In Cincinnati to take up the campaign to supplant open-book ac counts with the trade acceptance. Mr.

Du Brul explained how the Fed eral reserve law was drawn to encourage the use of trade acceptances. He advised each member to Insist on his banker giving him a preferential rate on the trade acceptance, as they were discountable at a preferential rate at mediate peace without annexations or indemnities. TRIBUTE TO WILSON I Paid by Colby at Western Travel- era' Annual Dinner. New York, February 4. Americans spirit In a great national rivalry of service." Balnbrldg Colby, of the United States Shipping Board, told sev eral hundred members bf the Far West ern Travelers' Association at their annual dinner here to-night.

Building ships, Mr. Colby said, was the all-Important of the hour. In a tribute to President Wilson Mr. Colby said: "When you differ' with him you must take into consideration the fact that the greatest man In the world Is of the opposite opinion." Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon. Chairman of the Senate Military Committee, sent a telegram saying he was prevented from attending the dinner by official business.

Senator William E. Borah, referring to tne reported eromonlc break-down CITIES EXCEED QUOTA In Xnlghta of Columbua Campaign for War Funda. Canton, Ohio. February 4. Closing the campaign for funds for the nationwide canvas for $3,000,000 to be used In an extension of the work of Knight of Columbus in army cantonments at home and abroad, the Canton Council to interviewsbut would be lJ'' 11 h1 exceeded its quota with a total of $10,244.76.

Flndlay, Ohio, February 4. To-day ended the campaign made by the Knights of Columbus here to raise 2.000. The sum was oversubscribed. Lorain. Ohio.

February 4. More than IS.0OO was raised here In the week campalia for the Knight of Columbus war fund. WEDDING Of Corporal and Pennsylvania Girl Is Made Possible By Bequest of Bride's ttncle. Petersburg. February Herman' Meyers.

Company Three Hun dred and Nineteenth Infantry, left Camp 1 II. 1S1I11U1B WUIfl VAitlV. I attracted hv th. hi.h for Huntingdon. to-night to 1 prices.

aame ls true of There will be no meat famine." Mr. Russell expect to' remain England for a abort time. Then will go to Parla and very likely Italy before returning to America. elected. PROHIBITION PARTY NEWSPAPER PLANT RAZED.

Anaconda. Mont, February B. Fire early to-day practically, destroyed the plant and building of th Anaconda Standard, entailing a loss which may ly for women" examination In the cue- I W.COO. The fire Is thought to have torn house. Postmaster Patten has tn, pre on, stereotyping been experimenting with about 160 department to the upper floor, which con-women tn place mad vacant by the talned th editorial and composing withdrawal or men for war work, and.

having found them entirely satlsfao tory, wish more. h0gS. irono iriyiur, oi uim city, wno, aald, recently Inherited 1330,000 In on condition that she marry before May he 18, next to I In aaklng for leave, Meyers, who waa a clerk In a Plttaburg bank before be was drafted, told hi Colonel that he and Mlaa Tray lor had been engaged for aome time. hut realised the Impossrolllty of marriage In California Votea For Merger 0n hi army pay. With Nationalist.

Wh'n MM Traylor unci died, leaving 20O.00O and a house In Philadelphia i-resno, February 4. The state on tn, that she marrled7Mey. Prohibition party at a mass meeting here erI nothlng stood In th way lU-Ueagr fuiou ii.vr ea, moiffcr -iiw Qf Cud Inf. th nw National party and adopted al resolution advocating th full use of the party's power to bring about the election of bone-dry Senators and state Representatives at the next election to insure tne prompt rauncauon or tne national Wyahall to-night notified all own-prohibition amendment by the General I eri of pUcei of ftmuiem.nt th.y woud Assembly. Four delegate, at large to the, not be coa, convention of BAN HITS AMUSEMENTS.

Marlon, Ohio, February 4. With the temperature near sero. Fuel Chairman main burst water freeslng to a depth of six Inches over th treet car track from the business part of town -to the Union Station, tying street far FLAGLER ESTATE SHRINKS. New York, February 4. A shrinkage of 1814,000 In the last year In the value of Standard Oil securities, which form the bulk of the estate of Mrs.

Ida A. Flagler, an Incompetent waa shown In the annual accounting filed to-day by the committee of her estate. Stocks valued at a year ago 000. Tne toUl value of the estate Is IM80.I50. EARTHQUAKE IN CANADA.

Rtvelstoke, B. February 4 Several severe earthquakes were felt her to-day, each (hock lasting' about SO seconds. The movement was so marked that many persons experienced a feeling of nausea. No damage wa caused, so far aa la known. MISTAKEN FOR THIEVES.

srscui. DiirATca ro ras sneciaas. In freight ratea, coal In Lexington will Ian adjoining-farm, be 11 cents the ton cheaper. I youth for. thieves.

CAPTIVITY Is Faced like Hen. American Prisoners in Germany Unconquered, Daily Rations Are Far Below Requirements. Y. M. C.

A. Official Pleads For Food Shipments. Touch of Heart Interest in Letters of United States Lads Held in Enemy 1 Camps. SFECUI. SISrtTCH TO TBS IXQUIISB.

New February 4. Unconquered and unafraid the American soldiers and sailor who are held prisoner of war In Copenhagen, Denmark, hi headquarter. bringing letter from theae man. In addition he brought with him the report of the work, of last year. Plead For Supplies.

From another source one letter, which tells of the German prison ration a half pound of bread a day and two plates of weak soup a day-has reached this country. The writer pleads that supplies be serlt and says that the Germans forward them as rapidly and safely as possible; a the man grow too weak for work on prison fare alone. For more than three years the association has been doing what It can to make life more endurable for the prison- ers of war In the various camps scat Germany, said that he did not know how tered throughout Europe and Asia. The much truth there was in the published reports. "I only know," he said, "that if Germany succeeds in eonvtnclng the American people that there is a breakdown it will be equal to a victory the western front" number of prisoners I now estimated at A Oftn lim Hlnna Amvrira ha ntrrf Ihm writes to Mr.

WiUon as follow from Lubeck, Germany: "I was certainly glad to hear from you, receiving any mall and other receive let' ten. "I am 18 year old. It seems very nrl.nn.p 9 hi hut umm not my fault luck. Young' Men Christian Association In Norfolk, Va. "I would Uk to bear from you soon.

"Hoping to be your friend." Robinson Crusoe, rwhen he found his man Friday, had nothing on Joseph Morgan1, prisoner of war No. 8. when he received hi flret letter from the Toung Men Ihrlatlan He wa anything en me until I got your letter, Parcel the Mainatey of Life. flh.wlnv th. anlrit nf th.

man mnA i ending weekly food parcels to the Amer. leans in his camp, he says. In part: "At the present writing we are all waiting patiently for the Red Croas parcels, but we have the T. M. A.

bacon and oatmeal to fall back on, which la much appreciated, I assure you. Bhould we have to wait three days more, why, then it'a the German half pound of bread a day watery aOup twice a day. "Now we know that the British Red Praia 1. aanrilnv tha n.rrela twviil.rlv THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1918 11 to find out why she did not write. Here er'a fears be eet at rest la Walter W.

Is what she wrote and what bar forwarded to Mr. Wilson: 1 have been writing to you since May and cannot understand why you did not receive at least one of the letters. The letters must be held up "If you have not received the letters I sent before I will have to tell you again that a beautiful baby daughter was born to ua April 16. 1917. I had her baptised the name of Mary.

I had her pose for her picture especially to send you. I don't suppose you have received that either. "Mary is a' beautiful baby. I could write a book about all the cute things she does, and can you believe, Tom, he is sitting up by herself and wearing soft shoes and only four months old at present She has black hair and blue eye like myself, but I can see you sticking out all over her In her smile and limb. "She has a head shaped like yours nil har hand.

r. tha vary ahaoe Of fik. 1U tl a nrnnlf ri i toe like you have on your left foot I know you would be wild about her If you could only see the dear she Is such a comfort to me. I love her and kiss her for you." My Name on an Envelop. "Tour letter to me and my name on the envelope gee whl!" write William M.

FiUgerald. American Prisoner No. 10, held at Gustrow, Germany. He says: "Some time ago I wrote you a letter and no doubt the answer Is on the way. Since then I have received a parcel from It was a good, sound, sensible one at that and I appreciated It very much.

After that bacon in the morning I go out to work feeling fit and In a cheerful mood. "Your latter came to me at a time Germany are facing their captivity like when I was well In the dumps, as they men and are making the best of it. Their I am of a cheerful mood as a rule. chief, thought la of the folk back home, and how to assure them that they are safe and cheerful. E.

O. WiUon, Associate Secretary In charge of the Young Men' Christian As- but I waa becoming morose and sullen, owing to the position I was In; no letters, no news of airy kind, no friends. In a strange land of people who talk a language I know nothing of. Then again, the excitement of the thrilling orintinn -v in vrh. capture leaving me different must go to war "In mind and heart and era curope, nas recently returned from cnc.i in uiiicrcui.

w. expert- "Your letter to me and my name on the envelope gee whls! Just think, I had almost forgotten I had a name. Now I am sure. It was No, 10 here and No. 10 there.

I took the letter out 40 time that day to look at my name, and believe me, I as not the only one. At work that day I would see a fellow top, turn his back, look around to see If any one wss looking, and then take out the letter and look at the envelope. Wonderful what a letter will do. "You want to know what I need. Well, here It Is ock.

soap, underwear, also SI, towel, outside shirt and a aweater for the cold weather. "Well. Mr. Wilson, I will now close. Thanking you for your Interest In me, and hoping to hear from you soon.

"William M. Fitsgeraid." Aaka For HI Brother. In another letter Mr. Fitsgeraid asks war the work has Included 10) or more the Young Men's Christian Association Americans. Most of them were captured to locate his brother, Joseph E.

rits-by submarines. Borne of them were taken gerald, who wasformerly a member of to Germany before the war and hare the crew of the flreboat Wlllett foot been held there ever aince. ot Bloomfield street In thi second The American Young Men's Christian (tter he says' Association ha chipped worth of i reson for writing ls to notify supplies in food and clothing to relieve! which will the necessities of American and allied Jou of mjr I prisoners of war. Similar shlpmenta will permanent; that Is, as long as I re-follow month by month. I main In Germany.

I have, been here The drab picture of life in 4he prison camp as drawn by the prisoners In their letters to the Young Men's Christian Association is apietobed- svtth color as they tell of their fight against discouragement and of their anxious thought for the folk at home. Think of HI Mother. Thinking chiefly of hi mother, Henry ft Hendten, a sixteen-year-old lad of since Match 22. 11T. having been cap tured March 10, 1117, In the mid-At lantic.

"Now, Mr. Wilson, there Is something I wish you would do for me. and, that I to try to locate my brother. I have written and received no answer. I think he ha moved away from the addreaa he formerly had.

but you can locate him through the New York City Fire De-nartment Headquarters. BUty-eeventh Norfolk. nrobablv the vounaeat atront. Third and Islington avenues, American held a a prisoner of war, New York City. Me is a mrawr mo department Perhaps he ha reurea now, rr whrn last I saw him was a mem' her nearly ten years, and he could retire I am In need of your assistance very i at th end of the twentietn year or much.

I have written to th Brltleh i active service on halt pay. neiner ne Red Cross several time for bread, but I retired or I still a member, they Jav have not received a reply. hi present eaaress. "I wish you would kindly notify my I "Hi name is Joseph E. Fitsgeraid; last mother of my whereabout.

I have writ. aaaignment to my knowledge, was the ten to her several times, but have not flreboat WUIett foot of Bloomfield street ecelved a reply. The address I 210 That Va three year ago. Kindly let Maple avenue, Berkeley. Norfolk, Va.

h'n now of whereabouU and pre- "I saw In one of my mates letters that 1 dlcament This will be "load off my you were from Charlotte. N. C. I am wt know. The rest I can from Virginia.

I would Ilk to corre- American can who bar red pond with you. as tt la lonely here not I woo i. nd rn ana we ra qunv iuii mat mv ucrmm can 10 let us nut me paretic regu now are estimated to be worth U.101.- larly as possible, because a man can do mor work with a fair meal than with otherwise, such aa men, isn, very often our peace "The dally routine of the day la enough, to unbalance any one'a mind besides waiting, for parcels. The parcels are th mainstay of our life. We know we are prisoners of war and the game Americanism within ua haa asserted Iteelf more than once her.

ar men who look fact straight in th face unflinchingly, so do not think we complain. do not know Flrit American Prisoner. ttarnbv Boyle, an old soldier and me rlne who went through the SltUng Bull 1 i In tha Rnanlah War without a scratch, met with misfor tune when turned sailor. He was captured by the Germane and was the first official American prisoner of war. He was known a American prisoner of war No.

1. In letter he say "Since my last writing I received a pareel that was much appreciated. It give a fellow new life and new hope "d'on tha outside world. Thl. not the held at Gustrow, Germany.

In hi letter be says: received the surprise, the pareel, first Urn that the T. M. C. A. has been a friend to me.

During the Spanish-American War Mr. Dean, of the Port- woras ar inadequate in trying to ex-j mouth (Va) T. M. C. made life home-press my gratitude.

RobTnson Crusoe mke to us marine at that time; also must have been loneaome unUI he met during the- Bitting Bull campaign, when that men Friday. 1 don't think he had, I wa a member of th cavalry, the T. A. of South Dakota came ta our and that letter and also other letters I rescue, and now here In Germany I find expect from you will be my man Friday, they are on the Job. I hope you will I am feeling good, experiencing no 111 have power to continue the good work.

healh, thank God. Tou aay for me to stat what I need. I need underwear. Ise 40. socks, handkerchiefs, soap, towel, comb, sweater, outside shirt "Thanking you for helping me." my last' letter I told you of some thing needed.

Bine then I found, owing to th kind ot work follow here, that raincoat ar much needed. Not the fin kind, but coarse working one. In th other fellow' letter you stated for them to send their alses. the Oocman prisoner-of-war ra- Kow Tu a aend ralncoata my alse tlona. one writer, who nam Is with- 40- 1 hti sent me through held for obvious reasons, managed to got the Adams Express to Camden, N.

J. his letter this country wlthouf having Will you write to them and ask them It pass througll official channels. After to hold It until I can make arrange-elating that the American Red Cross is menta wlttfsome Of my friends to get It for me? "I will now close, hoping to hear from A Cosmopolitan Crowd. Telling of the cosmopolitan make-up ot th camp of Gustrow, Johh Miller, who waa a member of the crew of the steamship Esmeraldaa, writes: "I received your most welcome letter and waa glad to hear from you. I re ceived th parcel you aent the, and I thank you for It "You asked me about a complete list I of Americans In this camp.

All the 1 If you at any time received letter from Nobleavllle. February 4 n.r. what tha word eomdaln means. That men with names are not on your nell Cox and Harry Ale, both 10 year word la not In th dictionary we men first and original list then they ar I old. were brought to th hospital In thl city early to-day seriously wounded, having been shot by Bernard Durbln, It Is alleged.

Durbln live on He mistook the handle." not Americana, but aora other nation- Probably the moat human letter of allty trying to ring la th batch la on from a wlf who live "I wilt now eloae, thanking you for In Eaat Boaton. MaaaH to her huabaad th intereet displayed and hoping you In a prison camp In Germany. asked ar In good health." th Young Men' Christian Association I Another man who asks that hi. moth- Perkins, of Wichita, held at Brandenburg, a. HavsL Germany.

He writes: "I received the food pareel you sent me In good condition, and I am very thank ful for It, and hope you will send me somewhere. I hope you will receive parcels regularly, as I am not getting One of them, at least, this on for parcel from any other source. I shall be very thankful to you If you w(ll please write my mother, whose address I Mr. BetUe Reynolds, 88 Wabash avenue, Wichita. U.

8. A. did not get one of your regular However, I am writing a letter just the same. I would like very much a little soap, please." In explaining the work of his department, Mr. Wilson "I am inclosing a letter from Mr, John T.

Sawyer, who waa one of the American prisoners of war on the picture which I gave you. This letter will explain in detail regarding the two pictures which I gave you. You will note that the three' men on the one picture are as follows: John T. Sawyer, of Dubuque, Iowa; Walter Mayes, of New York, and Raoul Brouiouis, or Connecticut. These men BRITISH AND TURKS The negotiations with pie Turks proved far more satisfactory than the British delegates had expected.

The discussions were conducted in a conciliatory spirit on both sides. A number of supplementary agreement were reached regarding treatment of prisoner hereafter. AS A TJOTT Second Indiana Artillery Kay Be Drafted Into Service, erecut. nitrirca to ts bkqotbs. Indianapolis, February 4.

Word received by Governor Goodrich from the War Department indicated that tha Seo- though It la at war strength. Th regiment ha been recognised by the Government and, will be subject to call at any time. O.h 1 Hmbm HAMILTON MAN ROBBED. When passing a hallway on Fifth FIVE OF FAMILY DIE. Utlca, N.

February 4. Dennis Martin, hi wife and three children Josephine, aged 10, Hector, 9, and Virginia, 2, were burned to death In their kit T. Will-Known Mot We. srsciai, Diararca ro ras txetuaaa. Eenevllleg February 4.

W. C. WehnyeW) years old. one of the best to-day at his home at Rumaey, after a long LUXURY For Hospital Trains First Is Seen in Europe When Uncle Sam Takes Hand. Cars Have Showers, Bathtubs, Refrigerators and Complete) Kitchen Outfit To Feed snciai, coaaasroxsaiica or in anetratas.

London, January 14. It was left to Americana to Introduce Into Europe the were all captured on the steamship Es- first railroad train equipped with such meraldaa. This steamer waa captured in luxuries aa ahnw.r hatha h.thtnh- midoeean on March 10, 1917, and the Americans on board reached Germany on M.nh 1917 Th. firm tnt.r.A 1 at Gustrow, In Mecklenburg, and have been transferred from time to time to various camps. When I left Copenhagen moat of the men were either at Brandenburg on Havel or at Lubeck.

Sent Letter To Each. "A soon as 1 learned that these American prisoner were In Germany I sent a and refrigerators. Six of these trains sent from England to Franc In the course of the next few weeks for hospital service under the Red Cross with the American expeditionary force. "This Is the last word In hospital train," eaid the General Manager of the Midland Railway a he showed. letter to each of them, telling them that the Associated Press representative we had learned of their capture, that we through the first of these, trains, corn-were sending them parcels of food, that I we would be glad to continue to render car-bulldlng them such service as they might need if In the record time of 11 weeks.

they would Inform us regarding their Each compieU traln conBti of needs. I also stated-that we would be glad to communicate with their relative. accommodation for 480 "The-parcel which we sent usually wounded. Each car Is 14 feet long, and consisted of about the following Uema: the whol, tral 0J. two pounds of tiread, two pounds of meat, a pound of cheese, a tin of condensed tender, stretches over 1S feet of track, milk, a package of cocoa or coffee, and The car are painted In the approved ZVZZ while the In.lde the American Red Cross, with headquar- la in mahogany and white enamel.

On ten at Berne, Swltaerland, took over the the end of each train la its number work. and the letters 8." standing out in "Most of the men wrote asking for, brilliant red letter four feet high, some articles of clothing. I purchased. The train Is vestlbuled and fitted as many of these as could be secured in throughout with electric lights, fan Copenhagen, and forwarded sama to nni gtearo heat toofa ar elUptlc. them.

A large number of them sJso re-, wltn hlh alry xh. quested that I write to their parerita and system Insures a complete nv u. "7" change of air every alx minutes. The ur cot, arw three tiers, with ampler tekf VZ I left Copenhagen replies were received tretcher easily. from most of these, which replle were a maae lor forwarded on to the men in the prison jth are of gassed patients, and there camps.

I B18 ls cr uevoiea 10 imecuous In brief, therefore, the services which cases. Each tram will carry four we rendered them were to supply them! doctor and four nurses, who bav prl-good wholesome food, adequate clothing, vate staterooms, dining rooms and serve as a medium of exchange lor tne bathroom. 1 lulvun than. mnA i tneir relatives, ana aoove an, oa a inenu to them in the hour of need." meala for an entire. are open throughout with each car containing 36 folding cots.

Each patient will have his own drinking water, electrla fan, paper rack and writing table. There ls provision for' operations on Come To Terma Begardlng Exchange board, aa well a a pharmacy car. There of War Prisoner. I ar kitchen at each end of the with fanllltlM tA nmvlll, th itMauaVv come, j9w1tav.1a.1u, i an uw i u. (Correspondence of the Associated Press).

British and Turkish delegates, who have been conferring here for some time In regard to a proposed exchange of prisoners, have closed their negotiations after reaching what the British delegates describe as "a satisfactory arrangement" The negotiations provide not only for the exchange of prisoners, but also for a complete Inspection of prison camps. Turkey has about 10,000 British prisoners, mostly Indians, while Oreat Britain ha 10.000 Turk. It I expected that the agreement will be immediately ratified and within a few week the first exchange will be made on Swiss soil. 1,000 British invalid prisoners being exchanged for 1.800 Turks. After this exchange there will be.

an examination of all prisoners under a low schedule of disability by a mixed commission of Turkish and British doctors, this arrangement doing away with the delay Incident to the employment of neutral doctors. tratnload of wounded soldiers. "We have been building hospital trains for three years now," said the Midland's General Manager, "and venture to say that the American army; Is the best equipped In thi respect of any army in the world. "We made some mistake In our earlier efforts, and hav learned by experience. The American had aU thi experience at their disposal whet they put In the order for their trains.

"For example, you Will notice the care that I taken throughout the train to make It easy to keep th ear clean, There are no crevice, no square cor-, ners, no place for dirt and microbe to collect "There ls abundant water and air, both priceless boon to the wounded man. Each car ha a 'wide double door, ao that men may he moved in and out with th minimum of Jolting. "These train coat about $200,000 apiece, and they are worth' it The only costlier train we have ever built, waa a hospital train which we aent a few weeks ago to Palestine, hut In this, ease tho extra cost was du to the apeclal provision which had to be mado against the hot climate, auch as a double Insulated roof and special ant)-, glare shutters." DEMURRERS FILED le To Complaint of Brewer To Test Indiana Prohibition Law. sracut. tuariTC to ts snyciaaa.

EvansTille, February 4. Demurrers to the complaints In the suits of the F. W. Cook Brewing Company, the ond Indiana Artillery Regiment recently Bvanavllle Brewing Association and Hen- organised by Gavin Payne, of Indian-ry Gergenrath, of this city, to test the spoils, will net be called Into service, al-; validity of th stata-wld prohibition law that is scheduled to go into on April 2 ot thl year were argued before Judge Fred M. Hostetter, of th Vender-burg County Superior Court to-day.

Th demurrer were filed by Lane B. w. 'Osborn. Prosecuting Attorney of Vender nounced that all members of national ourg County a.f,noant u.ui. th suits, who set out that th Court of the war will be eubject to the jhas no right to enjoin him from enforcing uon im seiocurw a mki ui.i..

alien time a th regiment may be drafted as a unit. Thl mean that the recent action bf tlllery, will be appealed by the Government. Adjutant General Smith, of Indiana, expressed the opinion to-night that members of th Second Artillery are not subject to draft PATH VF.WAT.TY U71TW T.TTT! aracuL DiariTca to ras snqoissb. Lafayette, February' thermometers registered 2S below aero here last week. William Miller went across th atreet to a nelghbor'a house In hia bedroom slippers.

His feet were frosen and were amputated. Complications set In and he died to-day. BATTLE SHIP BREAKS ICE. Baltimore, February 4. Zero weather la aggravating th Ice condition In th Patapsco River and Chesapeake Bay, An lee-breaklng battle (hip la successfully breaking through the barriers, however.

I wish you would and, while local navigation of the bay the following necessities If and treauunea continue almost at a Boaaibla! Boris, underwear, alse ML eianamm. mcn-mut poatal officials are doing what they handkerchiefs, soap, towel and outside ertlng. Prosecutor Osborn argued that the State Legislature of Indiana has the power to regulate, limit or prohibit the mn- the Indiana Appeal Board, in exempting ufacture and sal of intoxicating liquor, member of th Second Indiana Field Ar-; and that th Court of thl state have decided more than once. He also cited certain decisions to show that a saloon license has no property rights, tut merely la a permit and at all time I under the control ot the State Legislature. The matter waa taken under advisement by-Judge Hostetter.

CARRIERS DTD THEIR ifSCliU DUFATC TO TSS SXCIBS. Indianapolis, February 4. Below ser weather complicated th work of the Fuel Administrators to-day, but tne situation was not serious here to-night A general Improvement was reported by most ot the Industrial cities. Chalnnntt Lewis, of the Public Service Commission, Issued a statement to-night showing that th Indiana operator requested ltf.100 car last week. Th railroad furnished 11,100, but only l.tll were loaded.

TO INVESTIGATE PLAINTS. srsctaL BiaraTca ro ras ssquiasa. Washington, February 4.Senator New, of Indiana, to-day announced hi Intention of making a thorough In' vestlgatlon of complaint received by him to th effect that Indiana National Guard officer ar being discriminated thl" Utteri atreet. near John atreet laet night Jamea at Hattlesburg. and that delay these Parcels from you atte4 ,0 you gl Cortjln Hamilton.

Ohio, was held up and is being made to oust many ermin" bjr TU MmM cf Wr0U I tW Nation? Our. officer. before the" to on that date ar all that', here. groe. abroad.

"We hav. nearly 100 men here, most ly British, several Portuguese, Spanish. Hollanders and Russians. Every American received his Istter from you dated May it, nearly all of them received their parcels. Those that did not will gat their almost any day now.

So you hav. th complete list It you look over th name you had at first GREB WINS EASILY. rtoiAL. Disrato to ts sxovisa. Lonaeontns.

February 4. Harry diva, tha senmllonal PHtaburs n)nui hort work af Jack Hubbard, of In what waa lo have barn a tl(un-ront noma bout Km ao-nlaht, In th. third round, early to-day. Three other children nshtlnV had Un hol contud were rescued by neighbors. that time.

knocked Hubbard rlrea AH. up I't out tha rins with well-directed rl(ht-han4 Pun Hubbard waa "knork.4 cold." Hubbard, welshfd about 17(1 pounds, started In to tlreb a ud "(hi, tradln pam-h wlih lh PUinburirr. but Ihe tailor's auirb conlttltt anit Ihe ft pare ha rut out put him ton, Ureb haa twe Mlwr Kshta eelMdaM tin. week. On Thuralay nlsht ha tt a thrr- 1.....

Mllnrw. AmA round no. It wnn rrana r.iau. win-ii a known pilots-along aren lver. died ,.,,,,.,.,,,,.1,1 ch.mi.ion.

at tha beni rflt a anldlera1 taeaeea fu. d. and oa r- day nlslit ha mia Qua Ctu-UUa lot l) reiuida al La I rub. Iaa,.

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