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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 10

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 I sgesw-wasasi I I xsh -i rurnnnT '''hwaaaawawa- Hi ll fallliTl "tnrun I nni IT i r-r mi mi i r- vui I I i i Is Outlined By Taylor, Wba Enters Ihe. Cdnlest Fr Gorernor riidlan. Favors Law To Batter the Condition of 1 Improve Health UKdifiggs aid l'runotB tie Cause of roiprfaie. racist, ntsramk to rl ksacrkx. Indianapolis, September 90.

Former Attorney-General Wm. 1 Taylor to-night formallr announced for the npuDitrn nomlnjttion for Oovernor'lii the following statement: "There sre Republican voter In Indiana wha neither hni, Tliey know that th factional spirit within rr.r nn-s orient. A a candidate for the nomination of Cmnnur iw with tha multitude In the middle of tha wish the frlend-hlp of ell- 'Tha people of Indiana are vastly more trttersteJ in knowing the views of candidates for Governor on question affecting noma than foreign affair. fob woartiioMBM. "I atiall continue to favor lawa that will reaulf In better conditions for worklngm-n and working-women.

Thar are SO.uoo men In Indiana In the railroad aervlce; 20.000 In mines; men and women In frr. liea andahope and a large irmrif workers on 'srweg and In other puraulta oh llfo. I ahall continue to favor mcuurn that In any rea-oasM war will leaaen the burden th trios who continue to aid in everr way In the areat witrnmot of public health. Including the eradication iiuiim cancer ana other (agues that are sweeping away thousands of men nd women, glrla and boys In Indiana each year. "Tha onward march of temperance should and will hot be stayed.

"I favor tha rleld enforcement of all laws. tub ara'RANs. 1 1 he remnant of Ha mi 111 liiai aved this country and kept our flag In the ce preferred, not only In place of honor, but alio in places of profit. fa en xuwiik juugment tnat taxes lr Indiana can ba and ahould be reduced. Too great a per cent of earning of property and wages of men and Women Is consumed in taxation.

'Tha publlo affairs of Indiana constitute a Vast business. Millions of dollars have been and will be expended in maintaining ths great publlo Institution of our state. What tha publlo wants and will have Is a continuation of business methods In thrse Institution. Ths day has gone by when political methods will tolerated. I should be honored with the nomination and election to the great' office of Governor I will devote my entire time to the duties of tha ojnee." National Chairman New.

Congressman uverstrsei. Mayor Bonkwalter, County Chairman Ruckelsham. District Chairman Enaley aad other local leaders to-night de- clared In favor of Tsylor. COVINGTON. I rvor Nsw-1 Local Option B11L Txlagite to the t'hrlatlaa Convention that was feels in Latonia durtns the past week left yesterday for their e.nee.

The mlnlaters seemed to lie unanimous Ja d.cUrntlonn in. fvor unit bill, which they hoi will ee pained this rail. The reiutnua element mLmlTi m'd- wl" sironsly represented el thenxl aeslon of the stale lesl lature. tmm these nltr)-ts will have te fMrtse tW-niaelea to the local option stated restenlay. before the vote, eon i rolled by th.

inlotatera will be cast one way ar the other. la etwrrfcent feiirt. In Breethlit Count r. the ilotevim.Mid that all tha twwuai. reporta lho- In The fno.ilr.r at to larg extent.

The llnenaed sale of-l onwfiw, is Biamca ior mieit of the Bleodesjed whlea has, ocaunatl. Under the nsms a warrant was issued by Pollen Jtidse. hfvReed yeeterday for twe aesrnes wl saade a jalcloua aa-auli kn n. y7u another KM smb. la t'eairal cA-Inston Ihuralsy sfteriw.n.

Itarreu aiit his eompanlon were' dilrt7 a lrnrh on nh street. Centra, covin ma, wherr th. nm ur -them. One of the ueeivta tenwl a.iroa the n'hT f. ll ISiir'-tt Baked him If he did nnt see the Mgr0 applied sn usly epithet -o Mar and threw a toira on the hrd od Inriictlnc oeiy woun't.

Hnth nesrnes ran. hut' Of)eer rtneliy rha.ed VlTTL several frlng times at them. hall alr.kln, one '2 mrm Thr aiaapwared la the direr ttoa of the "Ueadweods Balsexl Interesting- Point Holnvs Morse, sllss Marlon' Morris. ehred with abtalnlng money under false pretenses, waa arralsned in the rollce Court yeateitiry. "iff a former heartn the Commonwealth Hrh rThr- -wsasiaal rlalma ih.i Vi.

repes-entatlve lh ciIJuiT'. llaullln Onmpany of and If went aaoiner Mme It doee not wag aolzIous To Co. ic Teeterdey momln, Mort.u.-ae.'il was arralsned la the Count, Court ferine theft of soma silverware' helon(ln( to Met ehaM J. Coppin. Norton I.

an Ineor. pornnlllee to reform Hi. Jr. Old not hyed them i.U lh srhool ef Reform. Norton said th-Court he lo out of Jail.

Harry Brink, esed IT Norti'I h'1 10 "-forrtu Oot HI" Attorney. D. T. Moran. an aliased elvll of New Terk.

was arraigned In the Police Court yeater- charxe of drunkenness and disorderly eonduct. Morse elalmed that atnre.hle arrest about a week eire he endeavored to J'Ti'-. In 1.11 hw meaeas, Zt lrrn 'urt wnula "he' nailer. tM.

in. othw band, the aocuaed turnkey claim, ke nollited the office of William, ahout ieran wamm. him to call the j. was sianted a continuance until Tuesday. JCUk DwOeTr rined.

Haarmeyer. datrymsn. we fined $J3 and eoeis by tMunty jMn Htephen. yeter.lay on a rharae of eellins Impure milk. l4-rUrv aiin Chemlat Hach end atal.

Asent Rrherfuae were the PFnaerutlns ewllneeeea. Cn-Jlrfet Hack eiatea that he Bnelveed the sample Tlf milk submitted to him ilV Allen.SS thit he found SMio ecld in It. An. arpr will be takee to the Circuit Onirt. "Rltiev, asalnat whom Me4 coo- Marshal Charg-td With Karier.

Te-marrew the Federal Cowrt will leave for Frankfort. where Court will ecneene Monday Outside of the Internal revenue caaee the vlT" the eae- of luV? Marshal L. Horn f. the e'lrsed klllins of Xrwln Short, an aliased t.iw in Knott County. Horn, it is claimed, wui plead if.

defmse. CoTiagton Brlsfg. Rev. J. R.

Ravasa new pastor of Ihe gentt treet M. B. Church, will induct hla Srlt servieee et that church to-morrow, nreachlne a peinion nien ta the rtreuU Court for divorce yesterdey Kdna McDanlrls rharxes her husband. J. T.

Mrlianlcla. wits abaiiJoament aad failure to provide. She eaau Tte bsTre-atured ta her snaldea name, I'luer. Mrs Martaa Baeuw. asd M.

died Thoreday alsht af dropsy at her late heme, Weat fifteenth a treet She was the mother of Oeorse Eastman. The Interment win take plaoe K-morrow at 8 s'elock at the Linden Orore Cenattery. C. F. gtaaAeld.

et Tut Rakewell street, raster, day In the rederel Court meked as be adJudarsd a bankrupt. I. V. ICraueer. teleeraph operator for the and was operated la the Cllrt.

Porae Moapltai la Vlrstnaa fee appeadkmia. tie la la a ertuoal ceadlUuek Realty' trawafera recorded yeeterday. were? a ni.t ia.1i-. i i SS by I0 feet la the Lodtow Lautoea lewl Coaspaay. 1.

s.t Herndoa to vi. H. Monraa. ahrevee. Enaland.

Uota and 11 en lite west eule ef Joenaua street. II, aVe Joseph Voa Leheaaa sad 4fe to Heresa on If -1. Vo I la QreereBubdlvtatoa. gi, Kataerlas Davis yesterday la the Kentoa'cir-ewtt Court sued PVs Hone a for gl.taio dam eeree. koau.

she aileae, aisds aa Ind.eeat re snark abutat her aesne. H. 'cellehaa ktrtrker. widow of Captala r'nod cbaracter by County Judse Stepnena. yea-arday.

He will take the eaaaalnauoa for ad- The St. Reeedt ctee parade win farm at I e1 el ore te eaurrow artae-nosa laateed cc 10 a'ciock aa previous anaouaoad. John M. fflehaea yeeterday sued Ka'e fh uS.t In the Kernoa Circuit Court for I0T gar aliased man nan ilea farnisksa. Haed tunr MaIiis.

Ths Unl Board of UiK.inw. has ad ties ul te me Boar of Wi esv wh seal i mi ii. wan protecrje la Uh vtcteltr of risks he eft, of Newport. The of the Dorre! weaeaplir of Ud Isaprove. lwi HUM that t-ebad ef mm Umark ium.

Tuner! of Owores rgnzuilL The remains of Ceorse H. iwag wtnhe era. at the ciSMdnaarj Cnv nntary rem pile eas with the smussig wlebes tha deceased. The raaeral will be of a saau. clvat nature in aennsrlaacs eltl the desire ef J'1-' repreeeatautvea of the Kourhta Vtnlt.arnmMV' Odd met I -ove Ledse Feanei rtk Junk PU Xigmgntld.

tceaat Jack Xeahey while elaaamg his deakV aewsHreaner yeeterday saoralag. jkmoag Ul reUes were fowad sewing eejtflta. eoostsua of aeadlea. sdssers. thread, pins, thimbles, rosty CrJiL-ZJ oo and other al ,7 ifr-m tae aei all of the staff was beroed.

Xear.y Kef used Sehcaring-. The Court of Appeals baa refuses a rehearing the ease of William Tartey against Harry Spinas. I which Tartey was tvea a Jadsawat of 2B0 la the ClreaK Court. The actlca was that had wMnuTT iui aaq Dtt ouud T' la a Mod bank la Bel-evuV ZtrSFVI. "rt armA luoeTaent of the Boy Zg Kigglng-.

Wesley rtsher. 12. reatdlce at i wrarf iwi. street, has been mlastng from his some for a parents have Invoked the aid of the relic Departments of three el tie la am ef- hwste him. r.sher le a cripple and Xawport Brisfa.

uHT B2moBl- of Newport. aivlVaoelU Rob-msoo, ef beilevue. wire (ran led a Uoease to WOhelmt for gtate Senator. Realty transfers yesterdsy were; fovlnstos Trust Oompaay to Charles Xellvllle. four lots on Sherman and Sheridan avenue, ft, ThomaaLaad company's subdivision; 1.

uwm rm i ii AHuriiiHiB "ha Wells. Mary Kendrkk, Bam Wells sad The members of the Phoenix Hunting and fish-Ins Club win conclude the camping aeason with a hi barbecue end burs no at their grounds oa the Ohio Klver to-morrow. Buaee will leave Kt. Thomas at :) aa.1 10:30 a. m.

aad 1 p. m. A horse belonsln to A. Bchafstsn took frlrhl on Fourth street, near Tork. yesterday after- uwwa rounn nrwt.

na animal was hitched te a IlKht bu(y. and was cauaht before any one had been hurt. Friends of the late Iteoutv fherlff. Harrv bert, who met en untimely death at Coaey Island, ars arransln a bis benefit for hie widow and children. The time and not as yet been decided upon.

The question of punleb-ln thne. who were reeponslhle for hie death wll oe reierreo to the October Orand Jury. The marrlsf of Miss Mary M. Moore, datnrh-ter of Mia. Mar.

a ret A. Moure, and Mr. Charles II. Keo'tall. wii very quietly celebrated at the home of the brkle.

ftw Kaet Kourth street, Thuraday nibt Rev. Robert B. Nelson, pastor a I. u. The Campbell County Board of Election Com-mtsaloners le et work oa the Hat of nrecln.Tt offl- rere of election for the November electloa The Uoent conalsts of aherirf Nasel.

Oeorse Veith and Uen'iCT Iilaken, William Butea was selected aa necreiary. T.trn waa lorked-. last n'vht bv rrni'-ere Meyers and Cltnkenheard oa a charse of urirrpini. Oyster soap and fried chicken at I Srhabell's, Thornton and Brishton streets. Sunday morn ids.

"Chle" Morton. a prominent young raitroel man end eon of ex-City Enctneer Bruoe R. Mr r-ton. le spending a few days here, the guest of hi. parents.

DAYTON. KY. Mrs. Elisabeth, "trickier, widow of the late fttrlcker. was reported at death's door Isst niht.

Hhe suffered a paralytic airoke a few doys ao ann naa sraauany reen (rowin weaker. A I efforts to locate her eon-tn-law. James John-aion. Insurance Inspector, now In California, have proven, futile. Frank Voselharb, of rifth avenue, has resigned his position aa bookkeeper with a Clnt-tn-natl firm, and ha.

sorie to Waukeeha Bprlnsa. to recuperate. He wlil remain at th. BprLnrs sbout a month and then leave the Pacific Coast, v. here he will spend the winter.

A ftorlal Club has been organized with the following offlcere: President, Huhtiard Benwarta: Prealdent. Robert Grelfe; Secretary. Edith Southall: Treasurer. Robert Mc-Murty. Mrs Carrie Collord waa selertcl Chairman of the Music Committee; Hubbard schnarts.

chairman of the Library Committee; O. F. Barrel. Chalrmnn of the lookout Committee; Mary I.oule. tVenehaw.

Chairman of-the Program Committee; Mra. MrArthur, Chairman of the Arrangement. Committee; and Rev. W. A.

Wrar. "Chalrman of ths Membership Committee. The Board of Education Isst nlcht awarded the contract for moving the Fifth avenue building: to William Klekamp at his bid of S2JO. Chief Ortlieb and Officer Smith vlalted the home of Wllllsm Blttner. above Dayton, yeeterday, end made a thorough search to locate the young man for whom a warrant was Issued lor the theft of a horse and buggy from A C.

Brown, nf Cincinnati. The parents of Blttner stated that he had been at horns only a short time prevloua to the appearance of the officers, hut. could give them no Information as to his subsequent movements. of J. A.

Ffnlon for the street of Wllllsm Terry, driver of the Banner Baking Company's wagon which ran over Kenton son. Terry did nw m.w i rw i nartes l-eters and Mabel "i mi. riir. wnirn wss quietly Celrdirated In Newport. June has lust been mmAm Tm.

III day on Third avenue. FT. THOMAS, KY. War has been declar.4 between Terlr Ta.Ii and Jo. lfogle.

Hoadma.t.r of the Highland 1'iionir llogie and hie aaalatanta, following. Inetrurliona from the Hiehl.nd Truatees, removed the board slilewalk above etor. at tut en a of the car line from the north- to tha aide of th. trt The Bret Ink Hog of trouble was by tii men at cioca raataruay morning, when Lock failed to aonear with the acisaatomed lunch for the dlatrlct employea Lmvmr in mi o.y venieo nie grievance and threatened Hogle with further punishment If sioawaiK i. not returned to Its original peeftron forthwith.

j. fatualn Jullua A. Penn nf tha nnr.l la aesletlng In the arrangeinents tor? trew aeaication of the Orant memorial at I'ikjU fleeistnt. Ohio. October 1 w.a the guest of colonel Bolton and other officers of me poet yesteraay.

lt It HH'ij- 1 1 EELLEVTJE, KY. I. JT'Osm. of Bethel. Ohio, hrethsr of Charles Craisx' Mhe myatertouely disappeared frosa his home on Weahtrurlnfi avenue last Monday was In town jVeterdsy.

He and Chief of police Vlalted CfBothnatl yeetertay, and snada lnqulrte. at po I Ira sr-aeauarters and other places but Bo 1 i i in. niiaaing man could D. tOQna. Mta Craln.

rbe dl.trarte.1 wile. Is still of the opinion that her ttisitesnd has goes ta some hoenttal to be operated eel ior a chronic etomach aftectlcn. Chief Helthrr ha t.lefjloued all bo-pltaia la this vicinity wlthVfit result. or ina w. TJ -i MMKn a.

aivmry a Church next Thursday. The undefeated White Box and the hevrnnrt Monarch, mill nla. i Vi ledemann Park ty-movmw afternoon The gamea will ennclvde the serMs for a purse and a share of the receipt, LATOIHA. KY. Tail May Ptwt Fatal.

While at erork ea a arkjss vestetda. Warwick, axed year, ten to th groand aad dislocated hi left kip. Lee Bird attended hie tnterlee and sent the man to the Ouwtv Inorauarv. his eondltk last ateh. ii LUDLOW, KY.

ft If tw1lwwwra1 Irnenna stela saw gsexseaj rmil 1 1 J. Rnm. in tK tic-tnlty of th Latest of NEARLY LOlST HER LIFE. I II w-f Trying- To Bars Sitting- Hens From In- cineratJon In a Bam. Ia aa atteenpt ta several attttng ban from a burning barn yesterday after-noon, about t.30 o'clock.

Mr- ioha Rees. of Bromlsy, Ky, eecaped with bar 1U. by leaping from tha loft, a dlataaca of about 30 feet IV" Ths fire originated from a spark from a brush fir, aad after the) balldinc. which contained considerable straw aad hay, eras burning briskly. Mrs.

Ree climbed, lata the loft to' ear th chickens. When ah returned to th ladder ah saw aha was hammed la by th Kb was forced to lump about 30 feet. Mrs. Rrea waa daaed for some time, and oa It was found that ah sustained Injuries about the cheat and the arm. The Bromley volunteer Or department responded, and saved th adjoining houaes with great efforts.

Th loss to th bar will a about fcgkX John Chaney. 23. and Lillla Vlartin 9. both Of Madeira. OtllO.

Wrer. raarvlait ta Newport restarts v. THE i it nil-'; i a i i piitfi r-r nti wi ui i i i hiiKf.i i In the Baptist Ranks Xtt Likely F11jr nr. FerrU'a SfBsatieail BeeL Snrpria? Ezpreasei lhat tai Pabliea-tloa Society Would Ia EeligioM HiW.

'nil tmr.icj rax Btram Jfew Tork, Keptemher The Baptists of New Tork do not fear a church split over the-publk-atlon of a jrolara entitled "Tb Forma Uoa of tha Ke Teetament," br Rev. Dr. George Hooper Ferris, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Fbilsdephia. which advocates what is called th new theology.

Dr. Thomas O. Cement, editor of th Baptist organ, th Examiner, said to-day: "I have not read th book ret, but I know Dr. Fsrrts views so wrll that 1 can pretty well guess Its contents. Th only thing bout th matter thgt la a little surprising Is that tha American Baptist Publication Boclsty should have Issued th book.

As for Its appearance being likely to cans a split la th Baptist ranks, this Is Impossible, because la this city there la no governing Baptist body, and each church is free to think and do as it likes. If th congregation want a pastor with advanced views, all they have to do is to select their man a matter which concerns no one but themselves." In conversation with several prominent Baptist pastor this view waa Indorsed, and it wss also learned that ths "new theology" ts not new to New Tork. as already there are Baptist pastors In this city who expound it to their flocks. GREATER GROWTH. Of Sunday- School.

Than of Church "Membership Is Reported. a ran At, sisp.tcs to mi Dayton. Ohio. September Rev. 1.

O. I.uechauer, of 'Cincinnati, conducted the devotional services to-day at th Ohio Ger man 1. B. Conference. Rev.

Dr. Gaby oc cupled tha chair and had charge of the business session. Rev. Dr. Cowden, Gen eral secretary of tha Sunday School Union, brought greetings from the society.

Kev. Duensenweller read a resort on the wdek of the Sunday school of the paj year. eTT Colonel Cowden. who has had charged nunoay school work for nesrly 40 years, and resides In Dayton, stated to tha conference that the Increase tn membership In that7 direction had been greater then the Increase in church membership during the part; year. He reported that since hi Incumbency teachers have been enrolled In th teachers- training course, a recdrd not approached by any other denomination.

The annual report on education was read by Rev. J. Moeller, or Cleveland. Ohio. Rev.

Edgar Knepp. a missionary Juat ar- riven rrom Japsn. gave a talk on hi work. HISTORIC CHURCH, In Which Patrick Henry 8 poke, To Erect Memorial To Whittaker. SrxCflt.

Dl.r.TC TO TPS XXQCtsxa. Richmond. September 30. Old Bt John Si Church, one of the most historic edifices In America, and In which Patrick Henry delivered his Immortal speech, has won ita legal battle with the city. The Trustees therefore will nmmA once to erect a memorial to Rev.

Alexander nittaker. who baptised and married Pocahontas, the famed Indian princess. FUND OF $1,000 liaised By Ohio United Brethren Tor a California Minister, srscut. nrsraTca to ths rvocrasa Upper Sandusky. Ohio, September 20.

At tha Northern District Conference of the United Brethren Church at Srcamora over 1.0 "I was raised for the support of Rev. m. k. urury. 01 California.

Rev. T. J. Incold. of (Lafavette and xt.v G.

C. Wollott, of HuirtsvUla. wera transferred to th Methodist Church. Rev. a.

C. Defoe wss transferred from the Northwestern to the Canada district. Rev. W. Z.

Roberts, of Lima, waa elected Elder of the Lima district, and Rev. J. W. Lily, of Hlcksvllle, Elder of the' Toledo district. PRIVATE DETECTIVE Attempts To Arrest Covington Resident, and a Sow Results.

Detective George E. Bell of th Acme Detective Agency of Cincinnati, went to the home of J. C. Johnson, an agent of th Boreau of National at 733 Greenup street. In Covington, yeeterday.

and attempted to arrest blm on a warrant Issued by Justice C. T. DumonL The warrant waa Issued in Ohio, and tha charge was made that Johnson had mbessled IM. It Is claimed that Bell triad to Indue Johnson to enter an automobile and go le Cincinnati. Tha latter refused, and agreed to go to Covington polic headquarters.

There Detective Bell got into a row with I -leu tenant Meabacher, City Prosecutor Galvln and reporter for th pre. The latter got hold of the warrant, and Bell. It is alleged, snatched It from them, but the police gave i Jt back to th newspaper men. claiming It waa publlo property. Johnson waa turned free by th police, nd left the station with his aged mother Prosecutor Galvtn told Bell that If another attempt waa made to take a man from Covington without proper extradition papers those attempting It would be jailed for HOODOO NUMBER 13 -e Does Hot Interfere With.

This Conple's Hymeneal Tlans Spring-field Nrw. sraciak piaraTca to rss Doras Springfield. Ohio. Sepetnber 2a The old hoodoo number IS bad no terror for-Mis Maud Leonard, of tbia city, who was married on September 18 to. Joseph W.

Schef. fer. a traveling salesman of Cleveland. Mlee Leonard has been employed In a manufacturing concern In Cincinnati. Sh and Mr.

Scheffer met IS month ago. They planned meet at Baranae Lake. X. on tha ISth of the month for their wedding. Now they ar oa a thirteen days vlaf to Wa tort own, N.

the former borne of tae bride. Sam Harris. year old. a pupil at th Lincoln School, who live at 137 Rice street, ought to end hla llf this moral ng by drinking a quantity of ammonia. will recover.

The lad becaase aiigry because his sister wanted to mead hla clothes before be weat to school. HEW TOBACCO FACTORY. Lexington. Ky September 20, J. Clark.

Secretary of the' Fayette County own va iut pwnij aMfuiiy. aaseOTSnce to-day that he haa secured fraov local capitalists backing to tb extent of SSaooo fer a new tobacco factory to operated tn thai city. AM that la necessary bow. said Clark to-night, la tb ro-oparaUow of the tobacco groweia aad the new enterprise will be la opera tloa before January The tobsvroa factory tf established. wtU be coa-ducted oa th sans basis as' that ef tb wheat grower In th Northwest, who hav organ laed and ar eoad acting sveral large now mvus.

ia Kentucky the manu-factorers of tobacco porcaase aaanaitv 1 pounds of tha barley wwes. aad Sec retary trtara aeelres to form the grower Into a operative tasutntloa. aad. tnateaui of eallhuT their tobacco, manufactxir R. He propose puua a ractorr tnat will gJStXiXML EZ-1CAT03.

DIES. Stanford. September 30. L. Grata, traveling Mlearaaa oat af Loakrvina.

died of heart trouble aa a train to-day. The remains wera shipped to KaoxviUa, Tsauk. rhr waa tormerly Maf as. EX QCIBEB. CIKCIXy ATI, SATDKDAYt SEFTEMBEIi 21.

1907. RACING F0RL1 uinitin vv rt a a i i in i i in hi aviiiii, I a I .1 I ATKXZXW GRAVESEKD caaaer. TrL-a a. JL1' ITJJl!" "WTIWI or TFT eeaaxvgxTX ynrrrg-r FLL B. AT CBA EBKNO.

L. TJUlMaT. asPTKMBKB a. te. Westavar nxsT rVar-KVaurraa sn lad ea a.

je p. aa. a r. Ceaaera eea -li-- i- r. areaaa ea tC -l x- Pwteee 7r a Hi 5ei2ArL.TSu U.

'art son. yifYYl BBtXrXD toa tie. raa hla rare IM la4 I Start.ia Welgbta me lagat aurral. 114 7lfV1 THITO 2 I T1 awst Please, a Wsert te pe at 7 54 p. sa.

St. I i Kercheval IU art raV eaetly. faca the nmm neni waa eoe mile and a 1 14 Rtanecs Weigbta. wi Ka ev Temaceo. trt Tswy Boaere.

10 tal Druid, la Kt Lrs Lovait. 1S3 z-een Jew.mi: X4 1 4 I we-ji -ss irm Htansre Wetghta. I Sc i. atvw rtaas; 7e: a is a ITT ZOWI2 nmlllng Ten. Hi a 1 1 HAUGH'S WIDOW Gta Twe Third Insnrancs Policy en Comproznls IHyton Kswa.

sractai. Biararca to tss ssejciaaa. Dayton. Ohio, September 20. The law firm of Van Deman, Burkhart Smith has compromised the claim of fl.Ota) Insurance on the life of the late Dr.

Oliver Crook Haugh, who waa electrocuted for the murder of hla parenta and brother a few months ago. The policy was contested on the ground that there Is no law compelling a company to pay when the decedent Is executed for a crime. Suit waa brought the local law firm In the Common Pleaa Court at and the lnaurance company decided to compromise by giving ths widow two thirds of th face of the policy. County Commissioner Haines to-day complained to the police that he had been touched for ten ten-dollxr notea which he placed In a book, together with a car ticket. In his hip pocket.

He Is certain that he was relieved by a "dip." as the mileage was returned to Its place. Alden mJ Young brought suit this afternoon against William R. Craven, administrator of the estate of the Dr. J. E.

Lowes, for $17,475 37 sstd to be due ss taxes on concealed stock of the Dayton Electric Light Company. Theo. Allison snd his wife, when er rs igned for petit larceny before Judge 8ul llvan to-day, were roundly censured for taking bond wire from the tracks of the L. C. and E.

Traction Lin. Through the value of the wire was small. Its theft greatly Inconvenienced the entire system, and Allison and wife were fined and costs each and1 sentenced to the workhoue. The Board of Supervisors met this afternoon to investigate the alleged Juggling of votes or the stuffing of the bal lot box In Precinct of the Seventh ward. which developed when a number of Demo crats were refused the privilege of voting until they- made affidavit that they did not vote at the prevloua Republican primary.

their names having been checked oft as Republican voters. Police Officer Charles H. Ferris wss found guilty the Police Court to-day of using abusive language to C. J. Bobbins, and was fined 10 and costs.

GAVE HER A REVOLVER Aa an Evidence of Appreciation When Sh Shot at a Prowler. srsrtAL Bisrarca to tbs svqtjixss- Andsrson. September 20. After buy-In a revolver and two boxes of cartridge at a local hardware store James Psyne. farmer, shocked witnesses to th purchase when he calmly handed the weapon to hi daughter.

Mis Louie Payne, and told iter pot to hesitate to use It when she deemed It necessary. -Smiling aa sweetly as tbougn sns naa een presented with diamonds. Miss Payne 00k th gleaming pistol, looked over It carefully and then put It tn her handbag. Mr. Varna explained that at their home last Sunday, while he was absent.

Miss Payne and her mother saw a Strang man ltirkbaaaaaaa- th dooryard- At that time EFewaaBaaaCabout f300 cash In th Payne houae. and it la supposed that he was after this. Miss Psyne asksd th Intruder hi business, but he did not reply, amr sne went Into the bouse and secured a shotgun. Returning she raised the gun to Tire, but th nrowler lumped over a fence and disappeared In a cornfield. Miss Payne fol lowed, firing three times In tb direction of the fleeing man.

but he escaped. When Mr. Payne returned and heard 01 hla daughter's bravery he thought she should hav something better than a shotgun, so he brought her to town to-day and bought th revolver- MILLOREEK VALLEY. Relatlvee and friends nf Perd Stahatake. a fruit eealer of West Lockiaea.

wee hee heea snystertowaly mfsatne for the past several are analoea -to leers whereahawia hatske. It sent, left haniertry after a ewsrrej with ham wire, end hee aot sewn seen or Bear 4 ef etace. He ted friends that fc was grans 10 Rne. Pun te parrhaue arane apeere, but this statement le dtarredlted hy a ramoe of violent euarrela which he baa with Mra Ma-aatske. It le eatd he was yalowa at a certain young naa la the villa, wha waa payln ate tent Mete te tae womsa.

aad before be left e-stniye every duae ia hla wtre'e waxarnbe hy catting the ethe to shrsae with a parr et sevrsors. AutsMsnriee ef the village are reve-tl-gaitng. hut as yet have tosrag ce ciew Be the XtlUCreea iqaiPmr 11 aa Ktavwen Ptsve Tees Hall. Delegates from every precinct tn the i.aalilp were elected last eveala aad SI af theea will be pre erst te noejrtnaf the laenahlp eXes. em.

a. ime 1 College Bill, will act sa Secretary. Owing te the exreeetve heat iaHrar ariee-bms rhlktrea la the pwhtte aihnele ef asanas. St. Bernard and Locklaat were dtoraieMd.

I t-Ill the ef the warm eraataer tae swatla will be ni.ailsasl at aoaa. aectalteta eg STImweee place Wet eneaing met la let. Flail and aemtnalai a tali t1- Vage ticket. beaAea br Jeba Leserd fee atayor. A teesaki UrkH wul aa aaaaad est Friday evealag.

Freak Bet'aar sad atirhaal CrTMe-a. tbe aa D. ttallrae- was) an ar rested Tbur- "ar rbugad with partB-4-rating la a town af aelctft rewawaaeT freaa alterrat'ea ea the Carey Cewinaay a swrtea ta that village, were yeaterday aasd SrS aad cae'S by Mayor Oavav af lesralaad. P0STAL AJTATJL5L WaablasTlaa. D.

epteeabar 2e Ttaral iwt an Us WUI be SS tollews: reejte. tlmaa Cearat) Lewsta lUee asgaia ST. I'aewL asttk ef roate. 21 sal era. fa aai rwifl Flerd Oowetv twgtk mt rvelee.

lr4 aad ll saliea; Bamillee same. II. Ceesetcera. PVer laeasta ag teat a. 4H wukre; feaUew aerve.

leg Reral eameee aad ete t.te: CkB Oeerua rtnell Brae well carrier. Part niiMSaell eaaaurele: Oarreiis.llie, tawis Xv-haieoa ramer. AMrvd i. Paiae swhaenvia. 'Weet iiskBie faaai-w, Lewta A.

gauta ear- rW. JeSa m. t'lwi enretuaie riNfcrtb-daaal Vimt aiBa nienlai See. KeertwcKy ateausaea. Pike Ceaaiy.

WtaaBS ciarasaa 1VA. falam VKl KllllerrarSle. PI 4t je jB a oaage. 1 2- y4 Oetrich. lot 1 4 3M ttam Kire.

Is 1 4' Quagga. 4' CrJ at II 4 a. krlti Paesnsaia HeUrim prssslaai. aa gaa airhas. tmmmT- F.

Carmaa xlaliiaaa 4 L. am i W. Clay F. H. 'Dl le 'L.

Mallisaa faa Vkiona aa la a tm i BchretBer i Ia. etdhe. re. -H orrfeman i 7 A. Pullum Jece-veT I Oa.

a rv a XTter I a g-S 14 uaraaf a-. w-i a K. laesaaw -g g-g Xir t-l 4-1 a- seJ e- aa-i 14-t a-g by W.raa. PtaS Xtrwa. aed: er ag asses; gas sata aad aa egkaa, OST at 2 -ST Owaem.

Op. ex aa s-a rar Warn rea a TROT BACZS. ia! J- at. L. av a wsrts" sti ieer I I la ox n.

k. nriea j. atartrai -l S-l Ta Owt gl asMed: Bar rhi.e. I mm mu aad as a a. St M4.

Weat ssx at 1 p. as- Q4T as Te. Owaera Jeeaeya. 1 O. CV PL Sb.

aaillvaa slUeavf S-SII-a l- 1 T- It. Kllleea. e. r- JL gletei V. A.

WnaSsia Bi nail -1 as 1- T-t a-t u-t -1 a -i at a-s as MeC Fetter. H-wrr at 11 I e-t ii atraoaai a.i hi a. BViiaaaira. a-a aa aa lv.rt.L'.'!rA cht. io4Vi pJrir lme.1 ka.1 21002 pre: glJO added; tnt three- poai ai -i m.

at a Jt I rut BimxlM r. W.lh3 fat i 1 a Hl Str TcaMlaaW. xox 4 aa g4. "WOo Ls4y.

11 T' KeiUBrhr Been. 1. 1 4 4 41 arena seal is Teas, aiaua usappes. Jeckeys. I Oa.

O. PL ghT S-l 4IM II MUlar S-l S-l e-g 1 teaema S-l 14-4 -4 I I Xtartia I U-l 4-1 S-l Nottar at 4-1 4 4-4 Bvatoa 11-1 14-1 a-t S-t walw lC-UO- B-l 14-1 parweri 4-1 l-4 a-g 11 a Brnmoirj. pace eaai.y.. mner. a by Raetlags-BellsSsnaa.

eOeaaiee. iLTLLt'k! mlagcarr-. Te4lova Masarsea. B7ritad M-ra Olid. KJLaio IT.

tewkBsWio 21003 FIFTH RACE-aellmg: ia. a nair. SI. 30 aaVSat: for t-. Went to Pnet at 4 31 p.

Off at 4 7X Jecheya. Patcbngwe arable eif Is- 11-g 1-1 1-4 Henuaole 4 iKeleo sum. U. I Lesaa a. Arthur eiart good.

Won easily, place the same. Wtnaer. br. c. hr SL Sua ay at Taylor.

smllmg Tern was far and away the heat ef his te the ethers. I -ore Badge tired, scratched: 334 rar. suamx Laity. Ind. Btartai a Wei etna Int.

lwi Pr. Povtwnataa 100.1 1" Snzis Al H. Wevli. 10 I 4' Ramml. 10 I 2 1' in 13 4 1V7T4 Pass Him Out.

10. 111 lo4B Watersveed. HO 5 4 OWi Win Un. lu 3XMiAlg1e. lis) i 7 SuaSliAnadne.

in 4 11 Ontuple. 112 is 12 In Jaa Rose 10 ....11 11 12 listtl.Rala rueen. in ..1 11 IS SQ4.V4 Prleoner. 1 i F.I Oner. I 'J.

Berk 1 4-1 4-1 S-g 4-S e.a a i ta knew! 4-1 4-1 1-1 1-1 Bwalnj O-Ilee-1 Kl 14-1 14 1 14 1 al S-l -t 141 4-1 S-l Milker 4-1 41 1 1-1 Harty: SO-i e-i lr g-i tllHeerankla r. toarauiia. Trslsed Sly 21004 RArx-Purse: 1 eoe adseg: fer aaaldea three-year-elds aad saward- aaamfl Went to prt at 4 4 nOBttVlt Jeckeya. I Op. CT PI.

Sh. ri a-i s-i s-i i-g 21 11 4-S 14 W- J1' W. Barns ln-caA BO-1 V1 i- l-l 4Vl 2el IO I i. M- JSetterl S-l 4-1 a- 4-S Netena 1VI -l 1-1 5 rJ'J'l Meare! S-l 1J-1 S-l S-S R- H. McC Patter Uami.i.

1.1 T-t a. V.a ii-- Oarweri A-l BO-1 n-l le I J. A. Palmer Maascjng lon-llno-1 B1 14-1 J. r.

Nelly aliiler1 le I is-l 4 1 t-l rrart goae. woa easily, place ike same, winner, h.k. by Harxleprlna-Moa Drmt mnca orronatua Just uuneo. Al M. wea.

waa eoreleg fast. atamre raa aa race. Bcratched-. Us: 1 Park Row, o4 Pereav eraaeey 20e TlSla. OKI, rpteaaber S.

At the last dav at tae stuunl County Fair S3. 00 people rot te see the raring. The track Summary: The 12 Pace Pursa (40-1 hla- ra. py Mafw Halpla tManeonl 1 Ullle R. b.

KrMeal) 4 fee Q. b. kaaby. ek. g.

(Wheeler) br. a. Layne 4 pme-l uij. 12V The in Trot-purw UWH Charlie Thoeaaa. g.

by Keller Ttiomaa Rhodes) Albert way. ra. a. flag rami vtinnie Might, b. m.

iTewneleyl 3 1 Buth Pphyox. b. av tMcFarlaad) Tre4 Kllae. br. Clark) 4 Ham hoe.

rh. mark) 4 s. g. (Herrori) Sa1le Mark, s. m.

1 Burton) dla Tlree 131,. 2 li. jni. The 2 23 Trot Puree Mlhoa b. br Mil ton (Anltl FJwond E.

b. s. I Scott) 4 Imperial Dottle, r. I Baker) 1 Re Lum. ra.

(Dtrkleexii. Hord b. g. imithl nournon tseiie. er.

m. 4 wren) Ieiay. h. (Ktelnerl Tin I 34. 23V 24H.

I.Z4S. BTTCTRTTrJ RACES. srsctai prsr.Tca to tbs yrmsa agwaa Aaaan AJea Jr. third. i- sale rat thh-4.

Daed Faaksr; HANN0fiS EXCUSE Tvr XUling; Xr. Tlcltsn Xa Trapeirary Inaaaitw WM1 Ztwjlb. Va aWerteeabev XbV Tesa- arty waa tb seas pressaiisg BB tiks Ctrcwit Cowrt here te ewy by the attar- aeya Th 1 1 1 1 1 F. Hsasisa ta feta trial for the ssarder ed Mra Fred Fhrkeu. wtfe af tb unagtr of ta Bloa Taaatar.

tai aisslj of OQ CHy. Peein. The defease) aul tnat ke had beew gtrixtarmg "newrttyl txaat be eras ad a ata-aiy asueas lusxiisrsaiinT aasaaltp. wbea sober, aad that ho aot reeueausilils far ta act. Tbe erMeac.

tended to show that fee tag; bad eaMRed awtwwa Haaaosi aad Mr. Ptcaadt. aad that, while tntvratreaed. aa) Bbet her at tear baaaa tb fraat doar aad saw hew i It 4 1 BucyruB. Ohio, gepteoTher 20.

-Fl flees tbea- sand peoph) attended the last day of the county fair. Knaheexhae-g atrshlp attempesd the anal Bight to-dsjr Twd-attempts were ma4e. hut th eeglne wevhed badly and ao great aW- tone was reaches. The following are the re- The X-ro ciaee TrettlagLparae sen: D.naneet. K.

by Aerial Miaa- and (Ross) Jill Kancy. niot. p. br Dlmatlrk Sterner i lift genstoe tlray. g.

g. 4 it Reuben Reed. b. g. fCnaaorn 4 4 4 4 ana rieorrie Webb eise started.

Beat Tlme-1 14'i. The stake pace-Puree W): Lory eimpeaa. b. by J. C.

Simpson iPrlare) v. e. g. tEiiia) VII Mack. b.

m. tOridy) a a Co jRnhen 4 4 4 i i mw rr-For-AII PmcTun faino: B4-4a krnnpdv. k- Jim Km- ndr tBlaochti till Row-mi w. iv bj Xr.

Hookr i Wllvnn. a BIU Mack, b- m. Lirl till ewsiasasaa, q. irt. Vll4 4 c.

o. iuo suirtwa. Statu Ti i.ii FDTOIAY eRACES, srsctaL oisratra to tb sartaisss. Findlay. Ohio, September go.

Tea thenaaad people attended the third ear of th Hss-cock County pair to-dar. The raeea were among the nneet ever eeaa ea the trar. the 2 30 pace, over from yeeterdav. being sensationally trnlahed and woa by Olenaend B. owned br Teaehnot Rrethera, ef Toledo.

Ohio; The Cannon, of Grove city. Ohla. -e-oad and Ths Major third. The kaet beat was paced by the nve horses, each oae half mile, without a single break The tl me waa 2 IT The 2 14 pass will be gntebed to-ra-rr jw. gummaries: The Class Trotting-Purse gXCO:" Blla C.

b. by Vlneadore tJeka- eton) 1 a IM-. Kddle. b. g.

ICulbertaoa) 8 a Roht. Volens. b. a (Price) 1 Tims 2 j. a The Ml class Pace-Parse g.ra; andnlshed: Marie h.

(Oirryi 1 Tony D. b. g. (Taerhoull 4 4 2 1 Mai THirban. b.

g. (n-ler) I 4 Xles Rigrtna, b. as. irifkee) aaaoei rjeiie. a na.

jonnacew) The tMtqaeet, h. g. Pbvm) Time 2. lli. lexa.

TM. Karyrvlll aaKar B. eb. I Hrrjei Tlme-1 24H. 2 21V Tha I IS Tret p-jree gVl-.

The Hooeter. S- timetnt Mlee Mnrrlav b. SB. "Fta-ihi oeowa Bey. a (Wa.lace)...

Dtsnaoad IHrk. ra iTcaM) 41 Ttae-I BV 1ISV. li. 21V I 444 a i sractai. ptaraTr-a re ra B-verrssa.

Marysville, Ohio, aepteniber an The raeea at Rlchwend this afteraeeai were ItHiri sting and were wltnsraaad by aboaf spectat'STa. Tae rack wae In good condition. Tbe I I pare, slake was captwvd by Lady farr. ewaad by William tVrllwood. uf Bvkatiia.

The society will make eaealderabie Benwei tBIs year afl paring all expeaaea aad Dana The auss-saanes: The Pace-Stake: puree Lady Carr. r. SB. Wellwoodi. 12 12 Leaky 8y.

br. g. 4 a i I L. I a be m. iTMe) ...2 1 a a epooney Boy.

b. iSwIatMrl 14 44 Uole M. an ile(l 4 4 a UV W. 14s The 1 SO Trot Pares $Mt: tdlewlee. a g.

I May I 1 1 Bright Ev. (Pakert 14 1 Bertna Ollv-v. a. i Poetar) aai 'aaeatte. blk- as.

ttcjutl 4 2 4 Utile Marv. b. an I ai i I a 4 Sla Itasauag Pace Mile aa4a-atet as: parss lee; r.baUet. a. av fJenarBasi I flea.

br. sv llrlneli Beneabwa. br. g. tPbaaBSsar) I Tleae lev.

It. Warn Tair. raaai. tw4Tv-a re ra saetiaaa Ft. Wsyaa.

I pusiB.r 2a. Tbe at the Ft- Waywa Pair tl day. Breach waa reeard breaker. setter sad seers beak as are sotd aad an sajahhag has been pear by the peace The Je PaaPwra. garay: atabas Pearw I Mai Steeeaau waaa; (Vau Umt aiaal.

Prawa Allen, third: XlM PweeelL feertb Late EtJae The a It ena: Sweedli Tlrae-g' The 1 Tret Parse XfrKalr. saeaaBd: AabB 1 Tl 2ioc3 rfi- ST 3fetTli5fa tesla a ew WT. in ZZZ I TL if T- aw tea, set eeVwe7 eeT VkT m-t r-aT-Liaf I U. 1 -w- Aaw ll wTXJ. war m- ZZZ iT2TTa Il 'm tNea-ti a te- a -j Heea.Jr 14 i asaii ii i Ve St Bab rw-ew.

i I I I a a- i a IHK ewatb bee, I el 4 fee eea wesae wee. PSh jyjg- 'fSlel tm giriw-e Mmmt IH Wl tv east gas so she ease; oswaa twe- Tlf s.s a Ii a pe--- aw4 m.mmtm -Jj TJ? r'7 TTgTT I laawa '2. 2 1 oc6 slt-" ii t--- ta-rwT-zxitrw--. 111 r-wt Tw tem.lllU.mtt cale eawa a ftwrtasa' Grease! Lady raraL eaaW tke aba MI4 aaaBaBBaaaWS. gVM BS aWCanaw.

murssaa B1W ran I xe bbb, a at as an-a war ar a a a saa a at ssah BBtxeaV xshswBal a apaawL. ar ausxsgeg sajsawsy "as 5-i r-t' jir ftTT thsw. 7 I A ssw fW Caa ree- i IT JT tc rws? i i u-i i I I TT r. stls Sal IS-I Wf- laasrn Las. aje ta gwa PiBHis e.

Ija a a I ts-1 XB I a 1 a 1 I aa WW ay. TaeweJ i I I I gl a.i a wwea ge see saiaag aad aa. aaaky ad the awe sad aaewa, -d ti ln ssiBe e.ixi.7jer4r-r 21 007 THI2L aAfT-Pea. aed a sag I ea" 4rs wsm ga 7 1.4. I Beeaw.

See Agw. MS Psaaaea. 10 F47 B-eree, CBB. KW i ia. sVeal 11 FWW ii taSa.

103 hW-r bbb 21009 nrTH ZZZ aBiti aa i ntsrews eigt Walbtlham Mmwn IWal FW 10 wt Itaaas. Hal lseta aete Tsa. MB Fues Mm Vanaaat. HB FSHk Mrs Joke taaa. I Pataaeel.

UK Clear gaa. KB Xj.Ahjeekw:J0; raartsaed. ea hark irna. raaas Twe belia at the aretrk I Haeaaaigwaddajbi I karlalaa l(B Haai-ivawBy. im i ran aur ice P-w Iiarkea.

ICg xoa. tout Peert Ind Blarleee Weakta X7 Daeas Uvtra. IQf T7 ha--I. 11,4. Boaaw Hag.

i 0 nm ou-a haw 4.111 Jia-el NrartrH. I JO geval Lagaad i 114 Fan Haaeaek. A 107 FW7S. Tb. Care.

4. II PW72 Henaaa ioBnan FW Teitwa. 10T Tim KUmr. 4. 117 Hwkerlv.

X. 11 Far t.leaa MarBnde. a. I OB ya7 CVkrhs Ward. I.

Ytt Trdk. I 3- in I0S 107 Suni I beelaf tkaataara ami sfsar adn. Bean Mas aVbraS ad mm ertrtaa. aisa. as.

sad rlia-lr. 1. Imemm 14 as 4' I 1 1 4' 44 7' 44 10' 10' 7 7 44 II ll ll W. 11' If I2 it ia i FT a a I 1 tf 3T J' 4 Tl a 10 4 41 ia l4 tWraarbad: PASJ7 teat suaeas. 1044 gi gap.

aMfss 9imiTO'Tll atATK Twe aser staaea. ebasa; 1 I ti eaakad Ma trad tae teal awe af sv arid UT tb Be sasrsai deae IS 1 sa ts tke Verke sed ka 1 ajli sf if Cans Vwat 4 Co eaM Cat I as 'eere ca a e- f. kw. i.v I r. tM Ai WI lartsi ths r.

1 If a I rarra JrgCB lev M-laeeaa. Je a. a baagra -Three aeartka af paew 4TS hw a. tea Bie lo Had 4 Waaar 4" c. gg, ant i T' I I tlert-rk ta est aeXiag Taae-dO a wise peat silly VWTS'J C.

a. MX Xnaw KewaWw. a Ma FBSM Pkaaaw. 4. lit paTV hmlt.

CaaUa. 4. 117 FsUBJoke O'tarady. 1 1X7 IK9Q IrBB iairl. a.

147 XOBSl Hsak HalBsiy. A 147 rw AVasa. A 17 P7i.in4ku. 4. le Hkf brfW.

4. IS IfoB aaalr. pava art. t-f ai I 11 rVata lea BMW by fMi al TaMaiw aabek aftae IMe. ia.

4- BIBS tAM.ta, 114 14 ea.B.tkew-ta..B. i 4 4 a i- M) ft a 4' dv. iii iTattWd SWaai Wsaser as heel were af har sense, ea. 4 bwwsj va. dree swav tasrearur tU ptsBts a wd paasty a BBeeaied sy tknk lae sueaek saa .1 aa I tleaeia HI "vewe, T.iwtr.

i tndl 4- H--fa 4 emrak 4 a Maw i Ntm Ua i 4 te aW.J ae -tank Msi.i 6 ft i Xvl I .4 NJ fba. ea I I tdai a 14 I It 14 teal 2 tHaraareJ H-k. 1 Imwa ay fw Cea. i an aaB.1 haaa tae a.l 1 a-a 14 I isiaia aareasB tae aeok res tna B.4. eaa a a I at i i i 4 I I I al I "jcl piod.

pUre dms ana, ba. t. by tlkiftan-OM slBdri4f m-m arrwa. BBS. mm aa ewansr ea us.

Had Bark ar way as aa tha usuli and aad ens araal strew rea: strsaalv slue aaUlag a and tare arte tke ease, strews, hsaa gee Mia-pay Baved take Bar Back, teased eitk Brest sepal af mmmm I- Urn tkak aTaasBl kaaif Lsl aVa.1. a- A BB' a- 21012 yIT, has rwW per- 4r Tiaae 14.ds I A. I 7 44 ai TvTT fhartan- akw. Piaen gvt G. Lee a.

1U JTMiAHsayBk. Ifl Kaukasalks. Iff. I442S Head Msw. 10 Tt Fatabue.

107 7 ''md Trare, 104 XBoF Yaakas goaa. Ml Feeyj 3044. hwaakte. 10 14 1 I I I 4 I I U-l tmmmm ta 24 I TV 1 I a i at Pel SB I I I 24 at 4l Ibt i srue tae atari k-a WBB wss paartewely kah aa Ike poal livanaaa 21010 fjo Pe awesd. sad Id.

I 14. 1 41 preiBi I 4T JTa MlTl 7 I 4 I I 1 I I I I Ul a i at a i at 1 1 i a i I I I I a i al I 7 bt I 4 I a i Pet 44 14 I I r-aMBSSd. a 1 If S3 4-4 PI 4 I 4 1 I SBtg watt ahwaaaa 1 epasd sad wss MHessMd seeaaarbaat ae bdl learned Ibaae sawaa eaaeey eZ7 ZZaZM ewawlB kawg a baa) aaaaas saead s. IwSaw ni lit i. Barn utr Fan rSas gsOa.

17. an lMreaSBB.107... MA2 hWy Car Wllt.bBta.M Fans lMlota. M7 BiaBMU. WI away wna swwtr a i i feet mm, ta a I' avrberm I Idea lie Ha i a Oat 4 I at i i tea see swaark aad akewad weea eat bad baa-tead Saets eea pUael a aai Be usaissl saaaaB wteaar.

aw IB i aad aai aid. islB i Oat 4 a i a a i 4 i a i saawaj. tmm. I I' sua, on 41 tM a 4 iiw rvseaw ai ai 14 11 I 11 li.Tid-. jiK, 4 a 4 4 ac BWdc- r.

iv a 1 II .5 StsSL- it! Hi Sw-jas Koraana. I i' l- I IJ I' I lee. I Ca la I to 4 1 Sea Msts.4 I I I a a a 1, i I Ti Pst dnvbw. aed aad tked tke m-mm 111 u.v- 47 a TMar eeeld mm seea faeas klkl awe euveas i i kad ae aekaa sad vdl aa wss rwst tkeie saiss sad. Ta.etheriwer.wairt.aMd srvurhad 7IMU TORONTO 2KT ru- nrmso.

or THr ovtio 401 kit I wnuit I rAgJi. TOONTO-fRllAV. l-Lr-Tthhl a. 1(07 a.uW el 21 01 1 CI-Tarae bank. aera 431) raKw ta elaaw 4TT4 FrartloBBl Taae 3t.

47. I 11 44 rt te tke 4 ru t. Tra baa. aootaui Ve. ekeva t.

T- A 74 1 gt sVes-as liekjb. PI Ml 4 1 T. I II lf a t-t 4' I I awart kT pl 4 1 XI hies I4d. haaa, I 41 I I I 7' aJa (nkkeaaei 4- pat 4 1 a I w. lrek. I ve I 4 1 I aawal I se 12 4 1 I New 14 1 1 4 IM Ul 4 1 XI li fi? ltrrr I Tee' I sa I a 1 pb 1 2 av I 24 I I 1 4 1 I Pecleal 11 K4 r. rewni nwem a mm t. a a tke kxa ebe-k wae arvw Ik. I I I eeeadad et ef a ea Ike kae ikl aad McCarthy sept Ben G. Leea ea tae rerkad.

ml Ike aanVej si ike war mm. leikaa kw. sad rtnaed wlU Wst sketch raa: Bwerak rw sad eBQ-i. kw aw bai.VK. sa-vasTe.

leegwi a a isd: XiM I a-fttng riactieBBl 14. I l. I-O 14 4A B-at. issm TS led I tHartaas Uiata pwTTlPMar Kaarat. a.

KM. K4 77 Japnae. 4. KM XTBAI Besa. W7.

an74-arekBB. g. 10 FH Jw-w lsep. I Ml 2WM UuLi Beat, vr. I.

10 a X'l a I' I 7 4 I 1 kl. la. a 1 'heeerwvk 4a. 1 IB kaJI rWaeaa (fSwAta a seam I Bl. IVedrw 14 7 AO Baaaae 1 Marrlr A.

Brews la Jt iW-aa. W'it leade-y rae a aweeu sad ban- ae4 bea- aawe 4TB p. I eek. ej si a 11 i Bk Brfaetke1 la SI 11 14 I 4 14 kaeaaa, SB I SB I 14 I I I a I 4 4 Jt I It '-I II I II HI 'kal PI I 4 1 so ai 4 I 41 2 I I I 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 4 krV I 2 I I 4 knk. pt I 24 I i lit It tBv 1, 4" Sept I 1 waa.

ka Ike im 11 teaad Is-e ess BBbi.Ii eel sa 14 HI he betwei sad a -t i-t 7 I I I a 1 SeH -W4, Hsea rnvmuTX: br sWwT. SMa-TT gmlmi re.kaatt.vd sd a Bees -miss- b. B. hnas el tae aad a. le the tkaet a.

sug eg (Ajeeea MS 'r ai 1 li 1 ehe Bars end saaaeia. iWbas ateekek. bet eaaa. asa ekea ewaskl. aleHeiakalrewl Baa-aS mmm 4 I ft I (fe- eJ-aJ III ff Oeaer.

imHT, Ti i'i ij ie tilrj Barray mm 74 7 4 4 a X'J a 1 1 1 II 44 11 ia 4' 4 4- Ilia. a Ii Al 44 4 4 ga g. 4. r. Maebeetls.

IM Jrk.l I I IT i T. Zi2.HT 4 7' tl Ba I. Pare I ae-w tm I SB I 1L I a IV ITr le BWeeae. 4 IV I 4 1 4 Pwpee XB ka I m. BbTIeW IWt-iat.

Traaw TTTEwaW FTZr" bd we esd Wi -ten last as. sJ bb aa- aew sad eas-swas kaa a tbs sea ere-e Tbe an. ess awd mm aaasa g-il. a ja asa a rake at ska shed 1 01 nrTH 4tX -t ItaedkaBK eaa Jt g-BV eah-s. wae gUO k-.

alUIJav ranrW Taae-J4. I AA. dieA a-rt a. rw m-m 41 a TVjTTil led I baree-terka. f.

4 i I imwmmm. Wek I (mi PI aT yesrfwuBsa.tin. a x- CZ-LJ a a 1 13 XX If a ul law u-l li ia iC mW A XeTOfwt BWtkd.4. IXI -e a (a) 44 44 a PW Ayfwwae. le 74 llpkey Baewkwl Tl 41 44 al at 4 3 U- 24 W-BTWlaa 111 4 44 7 74 mr-W ell I 41 if FW hdberrr.

A I Jle ga a ia uZZ, la i Ja I SB I alt lev. I BB .4 a pS lt Ssrl aad aa 1- jJ 1 I rr eyj-dewwwbasag bi 1 1 1 eal aaT eke Bad be) -m4 't a-s sk, SB Bb tera Sats tae has. ataakr and taa-apd ksek. aaasd mLH seL-'aUuTlTa pa aaM. raps Aa -ss swd a Bae-w.

ke paea rsa sa4 sa 1 1 ss. a a mm asJZT-T saadstSBB IssMmUaiMlaBB.,NHeMk S.IUIO tsaalTep 4-4. I A ikeps 122 a 'd 111 led I I I'--a rV Tt iT XreeaW fas. Pa J' tym i rv4 rw.

ii 1 a i m-tZmZ li 11 ll ar-dd7 tm a 1- a- Tw-, iiZ 1 tt ps kva-aa 7. 44 ll Hs" 4141 FsaasssrsB. If if a. r. ailXJ' pti 1 Va.

fB XX J' a. a. 41 a II P-U K-w Baaak Kg 44 4 A pi I I 141 IT Xrs4 i. Hg a 44 4 ft fe Ia-isl gl p.rd tn p. 1 AM e.

g. Skew 1 1 .1 BVb) hi, 1 is. Iflg I ga ll PS" Naa. JJJ JJ I px 11 lam, 14. PBI sa! xa I as FCTaCaepeeal Traa.

11 11 II 1 -mm s-l a I aTl pww-ha-wyswy Ifl it I 4 lb. jT! faaSBwld sr perws, i-skUriU-lbl lTlTmT immtmtt bbb baaaead as asks 1 1 1 sd 4w asa- aake eea) ske ssst aed aw 1 a mm mm mm I I ad a- am. I a a aa se aed 1 1' i saa iBBissaakaaBsgspaaa. isi i il. actl Caa-a aa-H im -we akan saa THREATS OF ARREST TjadpeaBl Tata) raranta rarrnit a Treat Tasnr WradfaJg.

ladL. PepUakbar XeV-Jaha. ta thlrtlas 1 ear all aaa tt Xhirtd I-'riri asuls. ttmtmmm? bla ars yeagee-d-y. Mat sskrwats ara a tbe CVri-raaa gV-tsaeista.

asat tay ifsss to aaapaap a sag leal akd. asplts tn pi se tag ta asgiihii a A. I. Dai tt, th Tsssalilg Tiaaisa. ar-eVred Dr.

XL X. c-aac. th City Meatta bsBcar. aad Town Narwhal eTaytaad naa. aec, ts aeo 4a tt ibsvl tae Bam waa rsp erty as, aad If sassd.

Tareat af ai last daewd ta rral paavBr a aulow aaarglral PHEXOMEKAL ESCAPE Va Taat ta Eaaksta- WVs CaX-laWki Wltk tt g-TTwr. evwraat: Baeear-a Te ewe Baaapj ask. FdBsraJ. Ky, Xa r. jg.

Tewnrklsg. ksaaaaer. ergo, drl.wag "-ar ana wtxa mt at b4T waa apraew by aa I. eetre Irak, tea kaaw fees. Fa I rsb askgwiesd end aed ae- tae ewgaa nseii was -was tkBsa.

be Ji e-rewj at aa tae gi 1 a. I 4-a a tbe ragr bsrs fa Mats ewae Mb Tb sappM a hpywea, aad ta tuj veklcl kard graaed hi beeiy. EKTR2ES AX3 WEJCHTS. em 41 a 4 ad awd 4-ee ea rbe 1 ee.e-i paea XI' ll Lauea dH T'ja Bee ett. a rsa ass I.

It eg wa ea we 1 Keaal SB jaeee lass eta- ja eiaaes PyeeUaa' I p'jB-faal is." 1 Pea Fha 1st awaal OiHia glare- 1 T-XXuroTO. Fws Xsiss I. a hill Waaaaita I Taaa Tesaa a p.aawaewae III. sr 1 i Xl- Aarae PfS be Orr I. BBKuri Pa BS fa Bass' a PM Pay ea 4 a Bv-a i si-i ar .7 nwrnmrnXm Taut a-', a "sib ln'is a T-k Wmmi aaad a bag PM a I awaas Ail 111 raa.

Ivke aeaaa paeaa a as Adaa tBBB area. 4-1 TOBorro. la reap -e Wee pss p-T4 JeauBM 4 PB Tm, pas bsa- aae sa past aa. pa Ve-t Api a ia aea jmm L) PM pew sr pew Lee.

ts r-e pae p. 1 1 Tax HI PSXt Pas- s-S p-art Bed fbae-tss ysg paalUH el s- PW TVs ktaaae IU rriB Bar. -St, Is I se.laae pvsk M-eink ea sej avis le eq 1I1 a. 1-1 BiarB a ee CBae M. 111 ana a- 4-e) Bagb ask le pe4 4 Be al l-aees e4 Iraes Wis.kail paka f.

tapewltl lu IB gsaty 4W aar Ba'. Slease laalle aa ea ae tibkM yl km s. HI Kaew ree HWS bb Ael, BIS ua bb-4 l- pa-1 Pees teaia liaad Ha-r Pn I -a evs S-wt Is P-eyi us tee 1 IB leTlfaii i.l )e? p- ve nil 1 t-i leeakper 1 111 gkvaraa 4-4 l.lleu lie Tair Usee Piaar-e Pwsa. 4rS ead ead apes 4 si s-e sat Te 4 IB-et ke. PWS Marssa PSTT lias I P-es p.M kark b- pees he 1feS la Ta-akae Me l-w pws iisasd.

Ill psn Paskr- gsrrCVas 114 P4 Ts.M BB raetl Aa a. O-tarae XeaSey Oe CW. f-e tbree yeae-Me 4 a ed edBad Ba.S-rap rkar si as r-ll res. CIlMll IS Pes: 1 1 Haa aaai PVV1 Wl'b'lahl Past r-a haa pars wt pasaet ava u-mm liM A r. va rir-b It Vska mt a Be Bla.s p.

1 1 Ma I e-e tare sew i. a ir es ll rtitiM pes ss leiks f-S gaeaapasi I I hs kissel sua aa I a. paiikm laws I peaeS iBilgn lea pees Arse lea a a la lea lb la waiewed psadls-on- I. Tka -be, rail Is X- MPvea s-s Is PsaO Harry -saar IB laMUia I bis lea Sms-A Bsaa Mis aad a adlad. 1wmm r-elilai gad 1 OW1 is Brarri Pi I l.g a PS Bl a kef.

Hi is Is ea Bataa-seva ps Past mt Tr-r lu aae -pwee. pa evael, en a-e. e- rwresge aaa hew ne as lmm fat eve Bl pas rai 2 14a a 1-1 twit Saras He pertsBeiue bm V- ptl laadasr Ill LX. P-ieet Paaa Pli a aad a haa- fstsap, fs? twev -a -1a i.eeaava rea peg a ISI had IIS ng Iwiid 11- a-, -e a le-. Veaiis lewl ea H.M fmm Be P.

Cstel le- liiaria-k itt s-i Meeiieg kd W-e a.p a aSsae r. ael 14 Selb. 1st Bad apaard Ik- I Ill aua. t- Is t-e yskr. fares.

pa Twees B-S la ki es Imb jmi iaPdPt. Wax) tbae. IS a a RaPrdP aM M. raWVrxjk. fpax 4P4jr aagstdj ret sggaesp abprd) bet F-bw-g, ipT 47 e-4i IHv 4iPr a.l teWaa4B4pd4.

Kds aa atd 4, T-ak4f mj PfmmXU. t.t r4M eSdfTd 0IWdt. iW.g4as fjbfka, 'avaiats BsXs 4 eP4a4PBWt P4PrtP-f XA a. Taipp lli---2-l. JLgpt aptT 1swd I a A--.

bS eetaq. ewg a n-ad. be. beaad e'er 4-e Tl-ras, Ins I ee Sbai'ra pel ea. i tesasa.

-edr g4as eaa-ab. mm II- 'P Ba-. a a- a Js. lea. IU Tea.

aB-a a-d pi eW-aresd Pas-LTM- as- saa Tatar, aar-ag-p Uee i wTralV. 1 ee n. i- 1 eras. ifwerrl B4 SI BBdfcSB arjj- Pwp i i rr Waes Ba a- 4asa Ml pns. B.

Tjs- ii r- j-it a BRJOE at Ta rin ar. HiP Attdswg. vr -f Wrtd CL.TJ ee? ILaaa tmr -Fa' hks eaodVsa, gii hs, sd bsTtW BLACK sn MJI Sl BB -i 'Jje -si a. 1 ea- as a 7 -aa TwT TTTiTy. -aT" IV djBBaXJ traps) a I ss JHT al-a a.

sZV" dBiairl-i Siaka IWwa a-e Lat 1 -e v- e. is -mm a 1 B- w. fee r- Wbea. a. gg ''I ta trst Ba agra sksdh.e ed tee tb- larees the -e-.

-a see Own mf 4rea- haew pesd a saag-e tag Is -i 11 p. apsaie sa p. sa oa lb- a-s -e ba reeesi -wtaaj a se ef i tn 1 -t ed tka r.d -ra-ee ad '-Si is ar I p-imnm. 1 the IknaM Bit'. ae.

aed a 2 im --T ef 1- a lse Tb k-e. IB. A. mt a -1 a ea Bf'- 'a Carina e-rB eea sa ed feaae I liimai 0 t-t P--P- I a eg r. tK il 4 k.

Basel MB Xwag .4 'V eta mt i- s-tare i iea b. IK rt -ed (-. Mat sled lie IV b. astabs fet. ea Aaairt a- Kt -at.

Te-h fur a -f gwsaa. asd 1 a 1 pe a a M'ty k.Made a- pas. fm er se a --ae. lie ed Bae-'la- a 1. 'mm 1 ef the Beat- ad eaaane sir.

bp ta Ceavil Plate ef ie kn ta.1 aH -d a- pa. a a i in we 9 a a New ea-1 mi train eat Ve- ed vr pee eei j-- iraw.i) Tree peei de a-e at. raid 4 tb- e.glLee. ill tbaa a ersy be eaavde w- AU Bdde Wiue- -faara'aBH bv 4 af iirp i A 11 btoa eel b. a ,1 rbvl paeeb -V It.

r.e. had t-r mi ea aav ee el: b.d -m- 411 bAe -wiae' -lh -eieie a tWeada Awd't'e Peeie. la bee. feWMIfMI ldl a- sldJap 0awayilwa twy 4d f-s a -rt 4b a tpf pe a d) rw4 It Ifaf eKawF4J bfl sarP gajagpspg aW. -rFaaadP'g7 aa) a--a I lag -raaxs-pfei aVafdaaya) XB egdr sad -eass dt T- eft.

Prxfxtxft- r-A -aglewidj 'pgr 1 tPF7 T-a-X raPaPab is I 4- "ai Msaj MT I 'ad-'a-gi ay- -I, I lira I -v- Ott AwCSJafftdM. fPe.lpab4F djd) 9 sraBadbb fp-sa, -f e-. e- BBkafk sdaW ka raaa a. wrgplwg tW aa- P- fcej Skdf aVas -d f'B-a-s Oae 1 l-t waw P-t 4PV saa. I tX gsapa 4V OS OUfHll I ga? MAwMfaa.

I 7-- a tt, vg-ap? I IP" -dJ ta 4J ess aaadaBf f) Vat r-dl i g.eeFdl a d. mm Cd' dal Ikdf "BWdP wpe- Koxroix zjlctx TFFg4VA, eksa 9miM lajj, T-t W. ffc paslgagagaga, eabgtad fjgj Jrtfga-agxaak, aw --T tp Csa-, Bwd. aJMtMf 1 la tbe east a sa tka taws sea-. bn rba rt Ta l-em-uw aa 4s-e.

ta- eaesrtva, Md kaara m'-mTf. at wee a a 4 be- k-sa mV- mm a -a. Ii ii ti at Ii by ra sn of i wik, mt w. Ps bW wss a- at A'se Is aba mwmm ekas Tb- a-etg imh mm. im ae mw i a Ba el ml kiai w-e as ess lia a -f as a ess a-d a asa.

a. "fbi e- bee us eiaa.a ley tbe a. peia aee a-, eal" eed em par veens p-s-e -f ta a-. es -d Jd Papas, ss i ae Slepa w- TlPeT Ba a gs I I a app app n- aad a Af "bl I ii Meel-g Its Psartll 44 ase- Pirsa- is rvs-w. je T-' ea ea.

a-s at mm ska tea psa.e.. a- arvvarr. BAOt-Fs I a iai ll j. a BSJ fpSM mwmw I tmMa mm r-n Ills Ike CTI Be-, i I a- eausse-Ae-. 'tr W- -9 tm ea.

14 nee- Bi. be.ea. eaiaa ee-l P-ISi'S ke eae eae sl ess pe eae I tin i a 1 1 14 immr a a I 'ea. Sa a a e- I a te be- 'a ee-e Sapee. Ik.

Be a a- Wb. ef el-. aew a mr mm tl I I II 1 pvsias Bine i a pi in. a e-r -C fTT.rn'T-'-' eeseTsa? B- --be "LZ a. a I last i a -m P.iki a aa be 'a.

a -e. '-'Zm 0 pew-s pss A Z. 1 sane, ea.r- e. vTi s'r'i "-e akivWW eesaa e- e- psesrv-a is e- tis.sae BV taat A 1 4 Peeba- BS BBS -e e-d a i sail I mmlZ ps tSa. Is BIS -ee is be e' I- IT SB.

i 4V H'1.

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