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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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ECHOES OF LONG AGO. Section Where the Old Songs Are Still Heard. Mill The Darkies' "Quarters" on a Old Hantl Mill at Sonc and Pontry of Shivery Days. 1851.1 Many arc the curious relics of the regime" to be found in the "black districts" of South Carolina. Wherever the whites are in the majority, progress Sias modernized the customs; new ideas sand new discoveries have been adopted, -and the good old fashions are memories But on many of the old cotton rice plantations in the "black since deserted by their iormcr owners, but still occupied by a gjray-headed remnant of ex-slaves, their Children their children's the condition of affairs is very different.

Here there lias been no the opposite, here many of the primitive usages of thirty years ago arc still in vogue. But before speaking further of 'the relics, a word for the old plantations on which they may be found. The old plantations are interesting enough, because of their former beauty and the luxury of their former because of their present dilapidation and the wild picturesqueness that surrounds, them. To begin 7 here is the "big gate" at the entrance of the long avenue, bordered by moss-mantled century teas the gate it is gone like the fencing, for a zig-zag ridge of rotten plank and post winds through the riotcras thicket marks the line of the old fence. The aveaue is knee deep in dead leaves, "the oaks are fettered by grape vines, under tons of moss, and from long neglect look like a company of 'bushy-headed giants drawn up in battle array against the genii of the weird solitudes abcmt them.

The once handsome at the end of the avenue is to the fall; shorn of steps, shutters, window-panes; pillaged of every portable ornament, rotting and ruined. The smoke-house, with its hundred diamond-shaped eyes, through -which clouds of snowy smoke were wont to ooze, after enveloping the freshly-dressed hams hanging from the ceiling inside, and thus helping to "cure" them; the kitchen, wherein three hundred and sixty-five feasts per annum surfaces, almost touching this space may be increased or diminished by- manipulating the nuts already fie- Near the outer edge of the upper stone there is a notch an inch deep and an inch or more in diameter. Into this notch fits the upright pole which is grasped by the hands of the grinders. The top of this pole runs through a hole in a horizontal plank supported by two uprights at a distance of about four feet above the stone. The hole through the plank is much too large for the pole, leaving plenty of room for the "play" which is required.

And now, when all is ready, let it be remembered that the cone tits loosely over the top of the iron rod, the upper mill-stone fits loosely over the cone, and the bar runs loosely through the lower stone. The rest is plain. The men as they stand exert their pushing, the other pulling; the upper stone revolves, slowly at first, for it weighs several hundred pounds; then faster and faster, until it rushes around with a speed that would take it across the country at miles an hour, did it suddenly jump from its position and stgike terra firma at the proper angle. No "prentice hand" can feed the "mill." Only those who are adepts ever venture to try it, for the speed of the rushing stone is never slackened in the least while the mill is being "fed." With the utmost ease and grace the accustomed hand drops the grain into the hole in the center of the upper allowing the rapidly revolving pole to strike his catastrophe to'be dreaded as one would dread the blow of a hammer. And the feeder does his work with one hand, be it remembered, while he helps to turn the stone with the other.

The better to comprehend what becomes of the corn after being -fed" to the mill, lot us imagine 1 the upper millstone a wheel, the "mouth," then, would be at the hub, and the tire, around the rim of the stone. The corn disappears at the hub and flies out, in the shape of grist, at the tire, from between the stones, being showered against the four sides of the mill-frame as sand flies from a rapidly moving wheel. But what of the mill songs? From the long, long ago, there come to me even as I write, that rushin sound which nothing can imitate, an its energetic accompaniment. With th eye of memory I see again the old quar ters and the old mill, and Minda, Mima Pompey and Peter grouped around it As usual, they are singing; as usua Minda leads, and this is what they sing Ir tell so ipy Jesus tell me. Jrn.

ready to go Another that I remember well runs thus: J'm. ga J- tjaat is eerc Knows J'm. gwine to git 1 i j. -to git -Co tyeabV bury by- Something awfully aesthetic, and which is sung by the young bucks in the field or on the hunt, was pathetically as follows: iarae tex eoat-in is-a pledger- I see de I tubs so da-ty. him tuns, tyb baekb' on.

But of all the old plantation song-s that haunt me like an echo of the past, the following boat song is perhaps the most worthy of consideration. Whether the lines rhyme or not, there is poetry in them, and there is religion and pathos in them. I quote several of the lines and give the tune below: ap "Us-tea to de "Keepa'tun-nin- re buri- oiaV "Va-ter rjof" da OLD STONE MILL. prepared in "the good old days;" the that once harbored many a blooded courser; the barns, the dwellings of the house leaning, falling or fallen. Say that a stranger is approaching (which in slavery days meant that long 1 row of negro cabins iar arfield in which the field hands idwelt).

He would see a quaint little tsettlement of diminutive, dilapidated louses, patched and propped in every fashion, and surrounded by little patches of turnips, cabbages and a few fowls and pigs, a host gaunt curs, piles of oyster shells, stacks of fodder, potato banks fenced -in with rails, an occasional peach or pear these, with the inhabitants, he would see at a glance and approaching-. ifot long- since the writer, tnied by a photographer and two burly Slacks to carry the camera and pull the oars, journeyed far into the country, 'over water and over land, for the purpose of obtaining a picture of the only ante-bettiim stone mill within many miles of the city that diligent inquiry could locate. Let us examine it in detail. First, the large square frame over which the two men are standing ports two heavy circular Their surfaces are rough, like coarse sandpaper; the bottom stone is stationary, the top stone movable. In the center of the lower surface of the-upper stone ihereis a "scoop," like the impression of 31 cannon ball on the soft earth, chiseled Tthere to fit loosely over an iron cone.

This cone is attached or fits loosely over top of an iron rod, which runs loose- Jy throng-lithe center of the lower stone, sind on downward through the heavy -wooden crossbar beneath. The iron a-od is "threaded" and both above and beneath the wooden bar, i snaking it possible to lower or raise the for a purpose which will soon ap- The sides of the cone are grooved 4o facilitate the grinding 1 process. In the of the upper stone there is a xxnmd hole which, after passing half way through the entire thickness of widens into the "scoop" be- sxore mentioned, to fit loosely over the cone. Through this hole the corn is "to the mill, a handful at a time, the grain passing 1 through the. grooves in the -sides of the cone, and on between the two stones, to be ground into grist 6S or flonr, and husk.

The two stones are separated by perhaps the thirty-second part of an inch of space, the two rough I MILL SOSG. Now and again Pompey or Peter give vent to a resounding- "whooper," bu with this exception the doleful monotony of the chant is never broken unti the corn sack is empty, or until there a pause to change the tune for another equally as dismal and monotonous. Another chant which comes to mine is one that better suits the mortar anc pestle for "beating" rice. To this tune I can not recall -any fixed, set- of words but as all negro ballads sung to beguile the hours of labor invariably contain some reference to the work of the moment, the following words will come very closely to the The tune however, is a bonn, fide "black district' gem: unt rttunj bum bum lit (o git Some bum urn btfcumbum for bum." MOKTAB AXD PESTLE SONS. I granted that few, if any, of.our Northern friends" have ever seen the n'egroes shout.

Come, I do not mean that a "shout" such as Mr. 'Webster defines may be seen, nor do I refer at all to Mr. Webster's shout. To shout, according to the colored country folk, is to engage in a religious dance, and to this dance alone is reference made. The act of shouting is grotesque enough.

On certain nights of the week and often on Sundays during the day the inhabitants of the plantations in the black districts gather themselves together by generally at one of their for purposes pious. When all is ready and the exercises are about to begin, when aged are seated upon stools and benches against the walls, and the children are snugly packed away between their legs; a "bredder," or brother (i. a church member), raises himself and his voice in prayer, beginning, continuing and ending (with slight variations) much in this wise: "Oh! dow good shoppord (shepherd) whom we wash up (worship) ah, hab massy pun dese outda- dacious (audacious) sinnahs, which is eat of de onforbiddeu fruit when er know say ain -for tetch." (Should not be touched.) "Pun all dese ex- monstrous, ondestunt (indecent) sin- nah-ah," etc. After the prayer the shouting Another "bredder," or perchance a sister, raises a tune afflicted with melancholia; the juveniles and the middle-aged take their, places in the center of the room and in a circle; a back to each breast, a company of soldiers in single file, each hip supporting the hands of the sinner next behind it. In this circle male and female a man, a woman, a boy, a "gal," aud the dancing is clone in perfect time the music, which latter is furnished by the voices and the hand-, clapping of the wall-flowers.

To describe the dance is beyond me, the contortions of body, legs and arms being simply indescribable. I can only furnish some specimens of the shouting hymns, and here they are: JW to leave know, de. out at a' de ip Sus a ife in. Sister (Jo(a you ligf)t aster fet-ria uou light an sister BOAT SONG. In singing the above song the negroes adhere to their general rule of leading part and chorus.

Peter, for example, sings: "Oh! the ship is stops; the others sing: "a sailing," eta In the, second part Peter sings: "Sister the others: "Hole you light." and all: "On Canaan sho'." I have said that in this song there is religion, poetry and pathos. When I explain that the "Sister Katrin," or the "Brudder Thomas," who are asked to "hold their light on Canaan shore," are the' relatives or friends who have recently departed, others will, perhaps, agree with me. And what of the tune? The imagination must assist those who would be pleased with it. At regular intervals it mnst be punctuated with the strokes of the oars; and the manner of singing the be remembered! The pathos in the words, too, and the the night and the moonlight. It is not an imaginary tune, but one which I have known from infancy.

It is as popular to-day as I remember it a quarter of a century, ago, and as presented it is absolutely correct as to iime as well as music. The words are also negro words. Who composed them Heaven knows, but I learned them when I learned the tune. W. B.

SEABEOOK. HE HAD BEEN A MINER. One Experience of For Gold in Sierras Wan All He Wanted. "Yes," observed a young lawyer the other day. "I have been a gold miner in ray time, and I had about all I wanted of it in that one experience, I can assure you.

'You see," he went on, "I was possessed with the idea when I left college, some five years ago that I'd like go nto gold mining as. a business. First the practical part of it, then locate some valuable claim some-, where and take things easy afterward, merely taking out enough gold to pay my running expenses. Sounds well, loesn'tit? "Well, I had a couple of hundred dol- ars saved and with this I bought outfit of rough clothing and a ticket or the West. Without going into' de-' found- myself some two weeks afterward -in Grizzly Hat, a mining amp in El Dorado County, California: tty money was about gone, too, and, as had.

no way of procuring additional unds, I had to set to work whether I to or not. I met a mine boss xxp there who igreed, in consideration of a ten dollar fold last money I five me a job' as helper one of the ower levels of his mine. The next day started out for my new field of labor, was th.e dead of win.ter and bitter eold. The snow was about two feet deep on the level and through this we had to a distance of half a mile to the mine. "Thus far the outlook was not encouraging certainly.

'Here, get in the cage said pointing-to a box-like affair suspended over a hole in the ground. AYith some misgivings I got aboard and then went. "Down, down, until it seemed almost as if we had reached the center-of the earth. It was dark as pitch, too, save for the flickering rays of the candle which I carried. Then I had to crawl on my hands and knees through a narrow, damp passageway xintil we reached the face of the di-ift.

'Here, said the boss, 'here's a new haud for you. Better set him at work holding "I put out my hand and felt a thick, slimy oose against the wall. Small streams of water trickled from above down the back of my neck. There was no gold in sight, either; no Aladdin's treasure place greeted my eyes, as I had fondly hoped to sec. It was an uncanny dismal and altogether horrible to contemplate.

'Here, young feller, git a hold on this drill, will yer? And as I instinctively obeyed Jim prepared to strike. and down came the hammer on the head of the drill. I remember only seeing a thousand stars and then all became a blank. "When I returned to consciousness I found my arm in a sling. The blow had glanced and the hammer had descended on my forearm.

'You're in luck; your arm isn't said mine boss, and then he added, with evident contempt: 'Say, you're no miner. I think school teaching is more in your "He was probably right. At any rate, I worked my way back to the coast and was glad enough to see New York City again, I can, tell you. No, sir! no more gold or any other kind of mining in mine. Not if I can help Y.

Herald. The Trtjmendous Capital ta the Dairy iDilustry, The American Analyst says there are 82,000,500,000 invested in the dairy business in this country. That amount is almost double the money invested in banking and commercial industries. It is estimated that it requires 15,000,000 cows to supply the demand for milk and and its products in the United States. To feed these cows 00,000,000 acres of land are under cultivation.

The agricultural and dairy machinery and implements are worth The men employed io the business number 750,000, and the horses over 1,000,000. There are over 12,000,000 horses all told. The cows and horses consume annually 30,000,000 tons of hay and nearly $0,000,000 bushels of corn meal, about the same amount of oat meal, 275,000,000 bushels of oats, 2,000,000 bushels of bran, and 30,000,000 bushels of corn, to to say nothing of the brewery grains. sprouts and other ques- enable feed of various lands mat are used to a great extent It costs 845,000,000 to feed these cows and horses. The average price paid to tie- laborer necessary in the dairy business: is probably S20 per month, amounting to £180,000,000 ayear.

The averagecow. yields about 450 gallons of milk a year, which gives a total product of 6,750,000,000. Twelve cents' a gallon is a fair price to estimate the value of the milk, at a total return to the dairy farmers of- 5810,000,000, if they sold all their milk as milk. But fifty per cent, of the milk is made into cheese and butter. It takes twenty-seven pounds of milk to make one pound of butter and pounds to make one pound of cheese.

There is the same amount of nutrition albuminoids in eight and one-half pounds of milk that there is in one pound of beef. A fat steer furnishes fifty per cent, of boneless beef, but it would require 24,000,000 to produce the same amount of nutrition as the annual milk product does. JToiidtrfiil Progrcsfl. "Is.Gumboil'progressing in art?" "Tremendously. A year ago he had a studio; but now he has an Puck.


Don't fail to send for our book OB diseases. Mailed free. PAID 31 DOLLARS DOCTORS' BILL. paid 31 dollars for in one and -one bottle of-Bradfield' Female Regulator did her more fjood than all the medicine she had taken before. JAMBS T.

QOWV.Carml, HI Have suffered periodically treated by the physicians re "Female Regulator did me more good than all the other remedies. Mrs. EMZA DAVIS, Charlotte, N. Have used.Bradfield's Female Regulator and can recommend it to all my friends. Miss C.

B. WTJ3MEYER, Denver, Col BRADFIKI.D REGULATOR Atlanta. Ga. Sold by all Druggists. Price, $1.00 per bottle.

Sold by Fisher 4th. street. $3000 I lio ciui rend inniructlorvvll IKMV to cnrn Three M'li ork ImlusirlouiiJ oumuid Uulliiri. the or oiii ploy No money for mis tiulcMh Icfti-nud. 1 but 0110 lutve nlnraily luiipht mi rmmbur, an mnUn niul SUf.II>.

Kul I imi't JE. C. AJ.LJEX. ngu whirl) voiiamcurn tlintntiioiiiil. icccKM'ul HH above.

Kai-ily and quickly orker from nicli district orcoajiiv, I provided With umjilovim-nl Jin-po over Bitch. It's WE at once. Maine, "Wood's e- THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. TJaed for 35 years by thousanilBsuc- uessfully. Guar- mrcer to cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Kmts- Elons, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, of Youthful folly and the excesses of later years.

Gives immediate or. Ajjlcd. Wood's take no One i ucu, A pijuuiuie; and all the nirm-Ln Photo from Life. package, six, $5, bv mull, Wrlto for Address The Wood Chemical 131 Detroit, Midi. pompblet.

Woodwi vard 20000.00 yrnr bciup mmlc by John R. fur iw, yuli iimy make UK we cun tcncli yoo quickly how to uurn from to 1(10 ji tiny ni siftn, nnd mo IT UK you po on. Both all upcf. In nny jmrt of cnn cownivticfi nt £lv- np nil your monientii onlrto lit- work. All in new.

Grunt SUUKfor t'vt-ry stun you. furnishfn? Ovcrj-tldnc. KA61LY. SI'EJiDlLY J'AIfl'ICULAltS Address ftt once, STI.VSUS ti 1'OKTLAND, MAINE. 17 NASSAU STREET, New York, BANKERS, FOR WESTERN STATES, CORPORATIONS, BANKS AND MERCHANTS.

INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS AND LOANS TIA TED. OTOPS ALL unnatural discharges in Adopted by theGcr. manGovernmctttfor Hospital use P.S.C. is put up for American trade in a patent bottle hold- ingsyringc (sec cut) At druggists, $1.00, including ylThe Von Wohl Company, Cincinnati, Chlo, B3 Sola Ameilciui F. KEESLING, Agent, Logansport, Ind.

Gonorrhea in 3 days. No Stricture I No Pain. SURE RDTAGON ROF.DIEFFENBACK'S SURE CURE SEMINAL, NERVOUS URINARY TROUBLES in YOUNQ, MIDDLE-AGED and OLD MEN. NO STOMACH MEDICATION, NO UNCERTAINTY OR DISAPPOINTMENT, iwtposl- lively relieves the worst coses in "i hours, ftad permanently cures la lOOdnvs. 15 £8,73 treatment on trial bv return mall for $1.

Circulurfroc. THE PERU DRUG Sole agts. for the U.S. 189 WIS. MILWAUKEE, WIS, HAVE YOU TRADE? For aoroe tbe choiceet lands in both clear Ineumoered, Improved and unimproved.

prSenu forOur of ertvtnih we wftl JBxchatiKe Tor AM), I IDfcSfCBS, MEKCHAMBISJE fcl VB STUCK. Afldrew A. B. FABKBft. BazUie, Coooty, Kanwu.

TIME TABLE TRAINS CARRYING PASSEMOEF" CT BOUND. New York Express, dally 2:56 am Ft Wayne exept Sunday a Kan Jlty Toledo excpt Sundayll i6 a DC Atlantic Express, dally Ki6 Accommodation excpt Sunday, 9 36 WK8T BOUKP. ttielfle Express, dally 7:62 am Accommodation excpt 12 16 Kan City except Sunday 8:45 Lafayette (Pas.) exept Sunday 3t Louis dally Eel Klvcr WeM Sltlc. Between iiKport aud cliili. EAST BOOKD.

Accornodatlon, Leave, except am" Accomoiliition, Leave 1 4:40 pin Accornodatlon, Ar.rlve, except Sunday, 8:10 a ra Accomo latlon, ArrlvB, 4:10 pm 25e HIRES'- IMPROVED 2St HOOT BEER! Bmn Bpccmo Co-, AtlmU, Ga, CAILONS. V7e a of mannfac- Baby Carriages to direct, BO private You, tberof orer do oetter with us £. than Wo send Car- rlaires to all points within TOOmllea of Chioairo Send for 62-64 nimnom) ENNYROYftL PILLS tor CMOiater'M 'Snallth CoUme Im'iibtw. ether. lu and Ai Drajjiali, Mod M.

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answer ailit no iniclra orotcn down condition, and you willkeep jetting unless TOU can cure your LrVEJR. This important organ out of order and you by promptly using never Dry McUne's Celebrated Liver'Pills, they -willrcstore you and give vigor and health to Wiir system, making, TOU. strong and welL Dnly.j25~cents.a box, and tbe'y-may wvo-your lifa, likyburdniggistforthe genuine o. GELEBRA TED LIVER PILLS HADE BY FLEMING Pittsburgh, Pa. out for ComrrEKFEiTS made in St Lonia.

PEEFCMES THE BREATH. LADIES EERLESS PYES Do Tour Own ttt Home. will dye everything. They sold everywhere. Price JOc.

Tiiey'tavenoequal for Strength, Amount in Packages Color, or no- furling Qualities. They do 41 For sole b7 Ben Kishnr. SIT Fourth Btreet. The Great Eng-Iisli Prescription. A.

successful lietiicine.used 3D years in thousands of Cures Weakness, Emissions. and all diseases caused by Kj indiscretion, or over-exertion. Sir Guaranteed to akothert Fail. Ask your Druggist for TJjc.Ci-e*t£ncn«h Prescription, take DO substitute. One paelcafs $1.

Six $. bv mull. Write for.P«mpHlft. Addrew Burckn Chemical Fer KalP by B. F.

Keesllng. I WANTFO scorns I C.U beantjJ Ji Eleotrlo Corsets. Samplelrce to those coming agents. Ne rislt. quick ulM.

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W. Trains as follows: WASASHB.E- Leave Arrive Peru a.m... L. E. Jt W.

S. R. Leave Pern, North Bound 4:45 p.m lOrJOiLir SontliBonnd 11:50 a. rn WABASH R. R.

ArriveLaPayette. 9:20 a.m L. E. W. R.

R. Leave LaVayette, EastBound West Bound p.m BL C. PARKER. Traffic Manager, C. DALY, fie.n.

Pass. 4 Ticket B. Aeents in JUCIGIOBS AKD PERSISTEVT d'N'ertislng has always proven successful." Beforejpiacinirany Nfews-pnper AclvertisingTconsult' LORD fit THOMAS, ADVKKTISIXO 10 Bl.niioit,;, Siwu" CHICAGO A- JWBW. DIABETES, I KRmtYTA' Correspondence" I toileted, valuable -nfornmtlon free. I OsnH discount to "viseaae.

nix. T. I.rXDL'EY A 18 Salic Street. Chlowo. Ill $5M W.

L. DOUGLAS and. other nwolil- tJos for.Gentlemen;. Ladles, ore warranted, and so stamped Addrem W. L.

DOUGLAS, JUrockion, i.

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