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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 9

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BUFFALO EXPRESS FRIDAY MOM Jamaa aad AdO Casiabetl LBB COURT CALENDAR. Pmslana Feiee to Church Home of tbs r.wu TODAY 'S RAILROAD NEWS plant have already been moved to the Snow eetnpaay't pUnt (a Buffalo and it is stated on good authority that In a few taociths the molding department, which gives employment to about 71 men, will also go to the Buffalo plant iaia 202 tt RLE A SB IS PART. SCPRKMS cocst srsciAt TR. Rosea IS, City Kan, The Honorable DAXIBL I. ST-ENEFICJC Jwstsre feasidtet- Minnie O.

Haoenrtmrs ta Harry UHunbHti, uunkirt A ss Setty st a. as. sad I s. aa, except ea Betwrday. Caw Trust Caauay te Lanra u.

Tapper. Jameetcvs i se Chicago Directors! Meeting Jin L. it Mary Qalna Oretor Bridita, Sixth street, waet aide, test front. Otert A. BUI JvkS S.

ScUt Breekenrtage atrcet. north Hi feet west Herkimer street, COl' NTT. Kite Messier ts Andrew Laaff Weat Seneca 2Ute M. Messier se Hattie C. MaJtste, Weat Seneca Robert Desttoa et at to WUtxtr 2t Qraadteoa.

Wllanr B. Orandwoa te Nenses) W. Baaiam. liambarg Same to loses ins P. Blake, Hambnrt Sum te ona W.

Sallssury. Hamburg Same te Robert ttentoa. eaaae te Waller Walls. Daid Ruseeli ta Cornelia A. Reed, i i NEWS OF THE LAKES.

Its 1st MM to 1st 1 I 1 1 trrxKsrsi cormT-r akt ss. ctty stall. Tbe KoBorabl HKNRT A. CHILOs, Jasbee vrssMiag. It Cl Call Te4F-.

J-or FrWUy. Mrurr tie. ea trisX AMtakira 1 'n AirtCsUPTS Of DCk tCWTa. next Week may lead to important Rsabaa W. Wright vs.

Eloora L. and Consolidation of packagt freight Klrkovsr vs. lie i ami ill Lev ft LaWIS e. DST1S Ut rtsnoKit. Changes Excursion Dates, Lines may takt place.

Quackenbunh ear siaisuf. M. Supkowsai. vs. Hartfsrd Fire tn-serasee Company.

WUItasa f. t'olgu far defendant 34. Sinner vs. Buffalo Railway Alfred H. Mania tor pJamtia; leortoe, Penney ft Senre tar eeteedant.

Ma reotrtei. etc vs. Ranth. 'Wllttam txst-ley for sjainttg; Sckweadlar ft Leaser isr de wIlMstoa Weed, sa emisttrsor ef Le- XT. MORGAN AND OTHERS, IT IS Bs te ASeja Ximtner, Same te Jasaes B.

tismey, pu in tiff; HfUaus Weed tar Roach vs. Kne Railroad Cosssemy. Leva 4 Uuackeositsk tar plaintiff: Meet. 6AID, ARB IX" TBTK enis Burke sad os ts wilbar a. RATE MEETING TO BE HELD TODAY let Oraadteon- Hamburg 8pragn, Brewawtl Many far dorsadanta.

Mi Genua Bank vs. Trials and one. B. 0. Mansfield tor plaintiff: Robert V.

Srhelllas tor lUsnaa a Aereuih te WUber B. Orandieasv Hamburg fendant. M. KVboras va Buffalo, Betlevwe ft Las-, euur Railway Company. S.

T. Durud te plaintiff; Box, Nor tea ft Bsskaell tor ee-tendnoL aVi. lUssaa et sX vs. New Tark Central ft Hudson Rirar Railroad. Bartiett ft Bakwr tar plaintiff; Pooiey.

twpew ft Spratt lor tnaa B. Weed et si. vpl j-Tmnt A. waca-strons et Jaststows J. Ueievaa Curuea, anoraey.

NIAGARA COUNTY. OsTJCIAL tVlCBMKTfTi FILED TH LOCK-PORT ON FEURVARf ITU. DEEtM. WsUare V. WOllsaas te Alfred TL Brerhon defendant Puma are now developing, according to the best information, for the eoo- Robert lece ta wilbsr B.

4rand- lit. rmaa Bask vs. Wbrts tad oaa Keb- IN a. HamlHirB soiidatfon of all the package-frelgbt ert r. scbellint for plassUff; L.

M. Cam-attars for defendant. Society ef the Caorebss of Christ hi Indiaaa. Mary Brassing te Hoary Slrebmg. Teaswsnda Prank a akk te Utue Rksrdeoe, haadling boat lines on the takes.

This am. AacaateU va Carpenter. WIlHass r. 1 IN seventh district eeaventioa. let plaintiff; Spauldtac ft Beuina tar BprinrrUM wttl era brace seven companies, owning In the aggregate (1 steamers.

Tbs eoly Vietula, March iSa-SMi. WMociai-r S- riaty ef the Churches ef Canst la Indiana, Brat BIORTOAtiRSCITT. exceptions win be those which are' a ceaTsnuoa. State Sumt aa Hutla Keneakl. fi.

gtmsnons-Baker TXenpnay te at U. Barns Osia C. Baker ss tusntnens-Baker Cojapany tank A. Naiassiih te the Base RasJ ty Cnmpaay Mary Hnrtwfek to Louis Olenn. Alfred a.

Humphreys te Pbebe Mace. 1st 2N It to 109 FrsVcaf-raf Meeting. 7" SCPRKMK COIRT Kat ITT TERMtteww St, City Balk The Btmorahle TRCMAN C. WK1TK, Juattr prealdlng. Special tens tor tbe trial of tmram ot tact Re Calettftar Cull Teiar- Calradar for FTidsy.

February WM, at a. se. Ne. U5 oa trtsi. part ot the Canadian railroad systems, says the Cleveland This deal ot Immense proportions developed oat treat near William eueu.

2tt It Alice Kingston ta fhtiena Cheney, For several days, official a of various rare avenue near lorn sxrew. so Orasorts Bcullta ta Irlak-Aanerlraa roads have been In Buffalo working on ot the uncertainty as to who baa bought the boats ot the Northern Savtasa Si AssscmtiaBv Bisik IIS. Mnchowink va Reecber et aL Carlton street LMH MOMTUAOtUt H. whits tor plaintiff; U. Jones tor Steamship Company.

It Is known now freight rates. From day to day. the matter has dragged, but it la expected by all concerned that today's meeting Praok Waaifel ta Hears A. Waaifat Scott for defsndsnts. 1.

MeGurk vs. Rysn. Psashy ft Rvsa Omnany et at Crangle Burke for plaintiff; Clinton ft Clinton and others for defendants. iiik r. iwker aod on.

Rogers. a Wlckkast WHHas If, wroniat near Arllagtos Lsst so that a syndicate backed by the Inter 41. Meld. Krte Fir Inaursnrs ramsa- Ls Oragoiia Mdrts Is Irtah-Amartcaa ests which are behind the grain pool ot will end the business. Among tb roads ay va Keleey, as receiver, etc.

John Cunneae El saewth PnJJee ta Farmers ft Ms- ft M. (or sialnttff; Risaeil. MeteaU ft Riley Barings ft Leas Aaaoi taUao, BlstS street L2W tor piaiaus; Hssbrouck Jobnsoa lor cbaairs tlngs Bank tsw New York. namely, theVanderbllts, J. laternauonat ArSeeua GrarhUe Cam- represented are the Pennsylvania, the; Lake Shore (because of its Dunkirk ft Allegheny Valley division), the Buffalo, Ui McDermott va Lsrkla et at.

Tuttla ft an Trust t-am- saay te (iorth Ajuartraa Morgan, and the Pennsylvania Railroad, has formed syndicate to take Henry T. Baynes snd sue to Albert li. Cbeeiar, na trnetea, Pultaio UM Corneiiua Rlordas to Charles 1. llaet. for defendants.

lit ScisToltne vs. Bdsvollno, Wintssj Colgan lor pUiaUff; Lsnta ft Boar for lendaiH. BMndard OH Oompeny paF Callan (or piatntiff; William P. Mackey tor defendants. over these Northern steamers as soon Poewaa rOare near Senara 1st r4.

Hurd Bros, va Koons. Mr. ghlra ft ATTKL 14OST0A6eS. as possible. ste.

gimon Plelrhmain (or plaintiff, Biasell. Martin Derringer ta v.aehlnetes H. Frank J. wnad te Clara Carl, earner boat and Oeoeeee streets 4M St JoeeBb R. Berniaa Is Harry Paul, Rochester ft Pittsburg and the Pittsburg, Shawmut ft Northern.

C' H. Hammond of Saint P-. the general freight and agent of the Shawmut line, waa accompanied by Jeiilnek snd ethers ter pialnttffa: Moot, Sprague, BrewneU ft Marey and ethers lor defendants. MS sxaaoeei It Is further understood that the same Interests are preparing a merger of the Carey ft Cooke for Setenomnt. Ill, Williams at al.

vs. Hatch, Parser Miller tor puunUffs; 8hlre ft JsUiaek tor i uA.aa Cheater near Ferry straeta 1. TOO ft IM. Meldntm vs. Wrisht nl.

Brnadas-s lake package-freight lines that will be William Kaimback te WllUana P. Rh- Tht uuwuaoanent printed la The Ex- press rwUidty that tbe Rock Island had formed a closer alliance with the Union, and Southern Pacific interests, caused much talk among- railroad-men, a wen as other. 'One man Bald ha expected soma Important more on 'the part of the Chicago ft North-Western to A meeting- of the North-Weirt-ertdlreetors will, be held next Tuesday. Among the thing on the pro-rr-arnme of the meeting Is 'a proposal to Increase stock by several million doljirs, to take up the Free-mont, telkhdrn ft Vlssottrl Valley Railroad, already koowa as a fionh-West-ern line. The Western terminus of that road Is that is.

tpe terminus Is at beyond which is no line and at which bo connections are made. Bo, the only use to North-Western the road jrow. has Is what it brings in front it local business. The North-Western's through trains are turned to the Union Pacific at Omaha, which road parallels the Etkhorn line clear across Nebraska and- almost half way across Wyoming. A road has been surveyed from'1 Casper west by North-Western engineers and Decently it was announced that the were surveying a llt east from -Coos Bay on the Pacific Coast.

That- the North-Western ultimately will push Its tracks through to the coast has often been said. -The only question in that respect is as to when It will bedone. move? mentioned aa iikelyr'to' be Bdward P. Very In fa far et EJestrtt ft Dudley fur plaintiff; Lersy Aadrus for defendant Wright. t.

J. Ren wick, one ot the Shawrout's somewhat startling when it is complet aiana, Puerateta srenne aaar Baa era street LM Cujr Bank lm su for pUtntiff: Slnxm r.iftlimu.a atl frw tl VTUlett vs. Bebmalls al. Charles H. ed.

It Is expected to be (10,000,000 Leulse IWibat at al. la Hviant Fink- traveling freight agent. They reported' an unprecented freight Cutting lor pialnUff; Prank Harding tor de- si. Abbou tor 4iii44Uit. Sfil as.

blfVlat Btbsi Bls. J. H. tu nsassta. er, eorner auetm and Clay tout SB Rottart Leaeaas to Alexander J.

Koaa, Hrnry Rrtakatia vs. Edward F. WUsea It at Middauah. lor vlsiatlff; Charles K. Poaas Bank ef Nertk Collins vs.

Whiting et Black Rock Transfer Elevator. It Is said A new elevator with a ca tor dolendaat sU Kraeet P. Kruae (or olaintiff; Bdwia A Ktley street near Humboldt parkway at COUNTt. corporation and to attempt to have as complete control of the package-freight business ot the lakes aa possible. A few of the details will creep out from time to time and yesterday the Statement was made that it is the intention to have but one set ot officials all over James B.

Gurnet In Robert Dsatea. EDITORS WERE CHAIRMEN. pacity of 60,000 bushels will be built at Haubwrt lot Black Roek next spring by the Michigan I. Louisa Root ta Wesley Williams. TWO Newetead 1.400 OS CONVENTIONS HELD JIORNEtLBVIlXa rtstr Hrnadote et at.

te Msepft Kails, SUPREME OOCRT Ntasara Ceaatr LOCKPORT, The Honorable FREDERICK W. KRUSR, Jaetkw prsstdlag. For Friday, February 102, at 1 a. ta. No.

1 on trial. Calendar for Friday: No, n. 2, t. 22. COCRTT COlTtT EQVITT TEtRkeeni SI, City BalU Tbs Honorable EDWARD K.

EMSRT, Judg. the lakes. There will be but one dock In each of the cities selected as ports of asns Akron Button Comoanv te James 2t Central Railroad. It will be used for transfer purposes only and, therefore, will not be very large. The location has been selected.

It waa at first planned to have the Pere Marquette and the Grand Trunk Join the Michigan Central Pmxan and oaa. aa trustee. LOOI special te The Buffalo Express. call and there will be a regular sched Johanna Tw et al to Rudolnh Troaia. Hproellsvllle, Fvb.

I. Kdltors wert) Tonawanan tw ss ule for the boats of the Una Active soliciting agents win circulate all through Cstendar for Friday. February 1M. at 1 a. at Clear.

chairmen of two conventioni tonight Andrew Lmc et at to Kate M. Nees- SL Roberts, as teelsr. vs. neie ai. vs.

Jerge et sX Leroy Andres in building the elevator. ter. West Seneca Bt tt the territory and will look out for the Editor Oreenhow being chairman of the Democratic city convention and Kdltor (or plaloUff; Strebel ft Carey (or defendant Clark H. Tl merman tor plaintiff; Bertrsad K. Interests of tbe beats as against the en 14.

Roberts, ss rerelrer. vs. Crent et DICnROH OF MoaTCAGCB. rHl n. Tuttle chairman ot the Republican con Locomotive Building Baltimore, Feb.

Manufac ergy of their' railroad competitors. Wlllet R. Haaard Is Tkesaas Wtlluwna, si. Clark H. Tlraervias (or pUtsUff; Bertrsad W.

Nye (or defendeate. wood et al. Blaeell, Carey ft Cooke tor slaia- vention. There will be. "however.

complete un 17. Roberts, aa receiver, vs. Wilson et The Democrats held their convention US; L. H. Jones (sr defendants.

-et corner vs. Kinney, eta, WUlia S. atajr, la. Esat Burials Brewing Company te Wean. Februarr.

UHl. si. Clark H. Tl merman (or plaintiff; M. Flll- derstanding between them and the rail lines as to rates, that there may.

be no tiauoa lor defend aaL Ssre Brows for defendants. ta the dty hall first and nominated Oeorg Q. Wafer for overseer of the poor, turers' Record this week Within the last four years, the demands upon the locomotive capacity of the railroads have increased at an astounding rate. They are being worn out faster than waste of possible resources. WUIiam O.

Tkoaiss te SdwtB Tkesaas, Daoess- ber. J8t4. Fredark-k A. tank tt Asdrww tptess, Deoses- It Is claimed that one of the moat to succeed hlinselt J. W.

Duroham was nominated for assessor and Charles K. taken by. the North-Western directors at next 'week's meeting Is to decide to build west from Casper to Idaho Falls bar. lie! BARKBCPTCT COVMT St Mala street. Krle Oeaaty Distriet Woatera Olstrted Sew TerM.

WILLIAM H. HOTCHKISi, Referee. troublesome questions that has ever Andrew Splsst to joht Bpless, Sr4 Jannary, ever before. In 1890, 2,409 locomotives Bird for iustice of the peace. Then the arisen to vex tbe transportation men of were built at the various works In the Caleadsr for Friday.

February J' Witilim Lstrhwert to Erie testy tavtagti Rcpubllcatit took poetwlon of tht hall this territory will be completely solved In That; move would give connection with the Oregon Short Line at country. In 100, the works produced ll.SC a. BV-Re Cohia. Adjourned tret Beet Bank, November, 1WI, I ana fnaae me louowtng nominauons engines, so that there were K5 Idaho Falls. making a promising route to wuuam a- curraa te Jona spioss, sn, 4a le.

II a. sn.Re Blenemana. Adloorned tret by this new union of Interests. It has long been a question why the railroads should compete with the lake lines for Overseer of the poor, Lewis H. Clark: assessor, Edward U.

Lemonyan; justice uarv. lsst. Ids M. Mastea te Bsymear H. Kses, January, Portland and the coast.

It is said the pass through the Rockies on the route 11 a. Re Amelia Feell. First meeting. II a. m.

He Braoneoatubl. First meeting. 11 a. n. Re Louts Foell.

First meeust. 11 a St. Re McClure. Final meeting, eta. 11 a m.

Re Hurtle ft Terry. Final meeting. 11 a. m. Re Olenn.

Final saeethit. U.a) a. ss. Rs Wsteoa. Adjourned Bret sieetlng and examination, Ha baker.

Dec lei reference. of the peace, 1. H. Stephens. the carrying ot grain out of Chicago ltoi.

Frederick Kubn to Elisabeth Dort May, MM. p. sx. Re Orochowski. Adjourned Irst more engines built in lfrOO than In 1IH, a gain in annual output ot more than fifteen per cent These figures do not Include the engine output of the shops of railroad companies, which, during 1900, built 272 engines.

It is estimated Margaret Jordaa to Homestead tarings ft meeting and examination. Ha Lauin. Adjourned final masting. Loan Aaaaclatioa. January.

MOV. and Duluth when that is essential to the take lines and too low class for the railroads to handle with'prpflt If the of the. line surveyed west from-Casper la much lower thin the pass farther south, used bythe Union Pacific The 4 -meeting flf. February 10th meeting. MANHATTAN 2 p.

m.Rs Power. Adjourned first meeting John Descb. tt Wester barings Bank, 11.30 a. Re stoweixert a ce. A mourn eo irstmeetlng.

April, itit Same te aama. Anrlt. 1IS. present plaas axe carried out there will RECREATION PUATTORM8 AND ihat the total number of engine built Wtllliun Amboeakt Jeha MsJaekt Orte- In the United States during 1902 was be a complete understanding among the companies over this perplexing awaited Dy rauroaa-men generally. improvements at New York, ERIK COCKT tlRROGATE'S COtRT-KMsa 20, City Halt Tbs Honorable LOUIS W.

MARCUS. BunefSts. thirteen engines for each work ber, 19H2. Albert T. Fanchsr to Catharine Stanton, March.

lsM. problem, and the rail which are f'fcC Cslendar for Frtdsy, February 102,. ing day. In 1901 the output was 2.384 -New fork, Feb. 5 (Assoc.

Press). From ths Mew Tors. Freasi owned by the same syndicate, will turn James Parkbllt Contest ludklal settlement Frances A. Laaetot to Oeorg B. Rssa, Sep and 237 of that number were for export While New York is undergoing a com It becawr nw yesterday for the tember, 1HX.

Rams to Oaorn R. Rosa Sentember. UN, over to the lake lines all ot the grain and flour trade out of Chicago during Herbert P. Bleaell snd ens to executors tf first time what tht general features of ths plan (or ths new Hanhattaa bridge Julia Pnrkhlll. Contest judicial sstuauu Mary Barbara Hauaer.

Contaat et will. Barak Kill. Probsts o( wlU. Henry L. Bingham.

Judicial settlement Phoebe Durkes. enow cause. Every builder in the country is rushed with orders and one of the Canadian railways recently placed en order for plete change- in transit conditions for passengers, civil engineers of several of the truck HneS are planning a revolu Elizabeth Bsltx. Probate of wilL Helen A. Ksyner.

frohaleef will. Malcelma McLsrty. Probate ef will. Henry O. Lein.

Probate of will. Louis Smith. Real estate. Heseklab Mosher. Judicial settlement Raymond W.

Buggenhsggen. Ouardlaaahlp. Catherine Besck. Nov em bar. UW.

the summer. They will endeavor to monopolise It also out ot tbe port of over the East River would be. The Bernard O. Pirns to Cornelius Sulllvaa. engines with an establishment In Great tion In the carrying of freight.

Within Duluth and the other places which have Robert Fischer to Bernhardt fluealher, Aa-suat. UH. bridge will have Us Manhattan end at the toot of Pike street and Is known as-. Britain. come to be prominent In the shipment Patrtck J.

Hart to trlsh-Aanerlcaa SaTtngS ft four years, the costly and dangerous method of tarrying 2,090 freight cars on floats la Bast River and around the 1... U.Hnku Manhattan bridge No, 2. of foodstuffs. The rail lines in the tetratlon granted to William S. Johnston, has- Ten percent.

Wage Increase. San Francisco. Feb. (Assoc The engineering plans -hRve-. been meantime will withdraw from this James McKenna to Isabel sbKsnat, Bst- tember, 1897.

Same to adminlstrstrls ot Eether H. abenaaa. nana. Bona filed in penalty or Prank M. Hswloy.

Admlniaustion. Jebt P. known for some time, but since they COU KT RECORD. iVPREMB COt RT tsell Tersa, Tbs Honorable Truman a White, Justice business and devote their attention more exclusively to the movement of Abbott (or petitioner. Letters ef administra Battery will be discontinued.

The New York Central, the Harlem, the New York 4V Newi.HBven;, the Long Island, Press). The California Northwestern Railway Company has granted an increase of ten per' cent to all its en Msrcn, inns. ASSIONMENT Of MORTOAOBS. Frederick B. Robins to Fidelitr Trust wert drawn important archltoutural changes have been made which 111 rnakt tht structure both aa attractive and useful affair.

Conventional lines higher grade freight The deal is one of the most complete that has ever been presiding. February 1103. tion granted te cars llawley, Wlaov. none Bled in penalty ot tW0. Mary Rebeecs Noah.

Administration. SlmeB Fleiecnmaaa for natltioner. Letters ef ad the Baltimore Ohio, the Reading, the Gilsanetn oro. va. ueorgs attempted.

dlecontinuing nctloa. gineers, conductors, firemen and brake-men, Railroad to teach Dancing. Company 0t John A. Ludwlg to John 8. US mlnlitratios-grastBd-te dCrktS-J.

Bend The fleets that are to be combined Jersey -Central and the Pennsylvania railroads wilt be connected a. horseshoe freight road, and the pnly, direct water traffic Wilt be" the freight ferry Caroline Hsrdiksr to Mary st Cbae- tn rs appointment or a eommKw oi ue pe on and estate ot Julia Hiokaer, etc. Order directing committee to turn over property, ate. Bled tn penalty of ZM. Sarah E.

Kinney. Administration. Fred Jn building of bridges wilt be departed from tn the plans for the towers, snd instead ot- such towers aa are on. the contain the following boats: TJias foot Dancing lessons are to become a part Anchor Line Indiav China, Japan, Emit Bsifert tt Jacob Vebelhoer got Jackson for petitioner. Lettars ef admlnietrs-tisa granted te Asbaf Cutler.

Bend filed la of the training of the men employed by from a terminal at Bay. Ridge-: to the In re tbe appointment ot commmae me person and eelaU ol Leatar Burke Morgan, sa sllegad Incompetent person, Order ap nans oi Buffalo to Henry it. Laaetot, Alaska, Wisaahickon. Delaware, Junia msi to sams new 000,000 freight yards, station and new Williamsburg- bridge, the Manhattan one will have Iron columns, ef which there will be four In each tower." ta. Conestoga, Lycoming, Conemaugh, the Santa Fe.

At the clubhouses which the company has established along its lines, dancing teachers are to be em pointing A. Hurt Armstrong committee, etc. Bond M.WO. Lehigh, Clarion, Susquehanna Codoruaj rtoerv-x j. nuaeu tny guartiaai to Frederick J.

Rudell Same to same storage-houses now- building- for the Pennsylvania road at on the New Jersey side of New York Bay, close Cbsrles W. rimrnam, as saminiirmor, Schuylkill and Mahoning. ployed to teach the young brakemen and VaehO R. Swift to Mary H. Swift tuO Ot Tht advantage ot this Is that instead of providing for expansion and eon- The Northern Steamship Company- Chris Hoffmsa to trustee ef Oeorse F.

penalty ef Cornelius V. If. Klttredge, Administration, Adelaide M. Baldwin, petitioner, ta pereon. Letters of administration granted to Adelaide M.

Baldwin. Bood filed penalty of 2W0. Henry K. Weber (mother). Administration.

Magdalena Weber snd petitioner In pereon. Letters ef administration granted to Magdalena Weber. Bond tiled In penalty of II. to. William P.

O'Rourke. Administration. Roberts, Messrs, Becker ft Groat (or petitioner, Letters of sdmlotetrstlon granted to Barak M. va. Buffalo Railway Company.

Order amending judgment Thomas Leoerlrnq, ss administrator, va. Erie Railroad Com nan y. Order making the Northern King, Northern Queen, North May 200 traction oy carrying ins cames over to States island. Excursion Rates and Dales, apprentices In the shops. It Is the duty of 8.

E. Busser, general superintendent of the club and reading-rooms, to look after this branch of the amusement and Wind, Northern Wave, Northern' Light, -T we CM ATTEl;" Nellls Sharer tad ens ta Buffalo Se North Star, Judgment of Court of Appeals the Judgment ot this court A'WiertrngrlirbeTield hi the' rooms ssvddles in ths top ot the towers, the cables will be fixed at the top of the towers and the entire tower will swing on tht pivot near ths bast when the Rutland Transit Company The L. Elmer B. Rows va Arcnioaia b. nnite.

ur. curity Company It Ot of the Buffalo passenger committee In der substituting Floyd Clarke as attorney instruction work of these places. Notes. RENEWALS. Frost W.

A. Haskell, W. J. Averlll, Governor Smith, J. R.

Langdon, A. Mc- O'Rourke, widow. Real property, per- Square on Wednesday, Feb lor defenasnt. Joeepb Trlbsretnen va city oi nma xona- Vlttie, F. H.

Prince, H. R. James. sonsi property, gt.we. Bona Bled tn penalty John Ward.

Administration. Ernest Weds ruary 18th, to fix the dates and rates for Western New York excursions during action of tht elements makes change In tht measurements ot tht steet The movement ot the) towers will wanda. Order discontinuing action. Nora Drtsrell to Albert 100 Ot W. Vhlsnbesker to Erie County Loss Company fit Ot To John Q.

Seegeri John R. Zahm. iJO.adj Union Steamboat Line Starrucca, Samuel McDonald va city et pona Tia- klndt petitioner, creditor, in parson. Letters the coming summer. Notice to that cf W.

E. Weafer of the Lackawanna ticket office is to speak next Sunday afternoon at the German Y. M. A. on No.

Sidetracked, dealing mainly with Ramapo, Chemung, Owego, Tioga, H. wanda. Like order. wiuiam H. klade va Gertrude A Hals, eta.

of admin tat ration granted to Petitioner. Per J. Jewett feet was received by the concerned railroad officials yesterday. At the same Tht four columns wtll bt held togeth Order directing defendant to amend Judgment sonal property left, l. Bond filed la penalty et no.

sisry cimmer, aw.41. JCDUMKMTS. Thomas Dark in (Svor ef Msrv V. Rale Union Transit Company J. M.

Nlcoi. the ins and outs of railroad life. roil. er by steel frames, to that tht entire Chrtetlan" Tfntnes. Admmistrstloa.

"Atlee time, many of the local officials were in Eber Ward. Portage, Rochester, New M. B. Casey and J. B.

Keefe of Scran- Haines, petitioner, la person. Letters ef ad tot) tM SUPREME) COl RT Part The Honorable Henry A. Chllds, JuaUoe prs- York. ministration granted te Alice Hal oat. Bead ton, respectively, superintendent of car service and division freight agent ot the a.mrjs( i.

wsostar in rnvor ot ueorge K. Fullagu- IW, P. Smith, atty.) I.KSt 12 Died la penalty ef 160. Wester. Transit Company Arabia, formed of the special round-trip rates which will be made from all points in the territory of the Central Passenger Association, extending from Chicago sldlng.

February 6. W02. fabric of the tower Will hav ample strength. Whert) the towere nwt the roadways there wtll balconies to a(-, ford space tor recreation In tht timmer' time. Tbe base ot tht tower will have -an ornamental cornice that wtll give art wasisy u.

ana tyscy u. Tsai-Ber IS Lackawanna, were In the city yester Dbxsetuaia vs. wooas motor imwi, ww-psny. Jury diugreee and Is discharged. Auburn, Boston.

Buffalo, Chicago, Com. modore, Mohawk, Montana, Rome, Syr laver of Homer J. Oraat 1 William L. Jones, sttr.) tat 11 day, and Saint Louis to Pittsburg and But Cnrtstmsn vs. ttunuo ei iMcapuri.

Motion lor non-suit granted. acuse, Troy. Vanderbllt Yonkers. Tnomss konergaa (sdministrator of Lehigh Valley Transportation Company Mary Anderaoa vs. A men can uiucoee falo, to the following-named places on account of the events named on the WUIiam J.

Louerganl ta favor ef Brie Railroad Comoaar (Moot B. Fred P. Fox, division passenger agent of the Lackawanna, baa been named as chairman of the Shriners entertain appearance of artistic beauty to tlUt portion of ths structure. Mauch Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, Tusca- ft attra.1 7. Atl st dates, given: rora, P.

Wilbur, Saranac, Seneca. jona uurora and Andrew Lebnsr ta ment committee. On tht tides of tht balconies Will bt psny. Judgment lor piainun tor siu. Psopts ex rel.

Walter Milsom vs. East Bo(-falo Live Stork Association. Motion (or sew trial denied. Stay ef tftesa days granted ds tendant favor of Anthony Hofreilsr (A Cl Bloomingtoa, February 24th-2Sth, Farm Topeka, Feb. 6 (Assoc.

Trouble over old Schooner. rrsna jemou Aamininranon. reuuoner Letters of sdmlnlstratloa grsntad te Jacob Jsrnot Bond filed In penalty ef le. Alexander J. Smith.

Administration. Presets J. Smith ef Rochester, petitioner, la persoa. Letters of sdmlnletratlon granted It petitioner. Bond filed la penalty ot ti.

Henry John Klein. Administration. Christopher WUIiam Klein, father and petitioner, la person. Let tars of administration grantee te petitioner. Bond filed la penally ef f4u.

MtKICIPAL OOrttT. The Honorable Louis Brauntetn and tbe Honorable Otto W. Volger, judges. February ISO. Cyrenlns O.

Pickering va. Minnie teeters. Judgment for plaintiff, jjl.72. Anthony Hofreiter vs. Jobs OUToTd and An- McCsll.

stty.) ft tt President Ripley of the Santa Fe de ers' Institute of Illinois; March 2th-27th, con ventlos of Illinois Teachers' Associstibn. Detroit Feb. 5. This morn rrnng saa Margaret Metcait to favor of Lewis H. ttllwsll and ens (Sonne Klrkover va Msmmsrsmitn.

un snak at'FREMG COl'HT Bejstlty Terea, ornamental pinnacles and on, top of tb towers will be great pinnacles that will make the towers rise to ths height of Set feet above ths water Una, These) pinnacles will hold globular lights. ing in the United States District Court, Bloofcungton, April 20th-2Sd. Mission ft attysl 21 before Judge Swan, the case of the But ary Society of the Churches ot Christ in In dtana. The Honorable Daniel J. Ksasflek, Jnstks rsnnie n.

ass jsmst U. it rrsaeis In favor ef Henrv A. Davis IH. A. nies the likelihood of a trafBo alliance between the Santa Fe and.

the Rock Island. Mr. Ripley said: "The report is an error throughout The Santa Ft will go on In the same old way to the falo Dry-dock Company, which hat presldlnc. February 6, wos. Dvls, 2M FT Boston, July 6tfa-10th, National Edu- which will sdd light and beauty to the libeled the schooner Maria Martin for a repair bill amounting to 1156.23, was cationtl Association nyan, vsaany a fiyta Co.

ant Empire Stats Surety Company la (star of Youngstowt Iron ft 8tsel Roofing Stscnowin vs. neecoar m. COCSTT CiOBstT. The Honorable Edward K. Emery, Judge.

Pacific Coast There Is absolutely noth structure. There win bt ornamental archwayt running through tbt masonry anchor-area, to carriages may jlrtve Braxii, April 15th-17th. Missionary Society ef the Churches of Christ in Indiana, heard. Company (Crangle ft attys 2.2M grew Lahner. Judgment lor plaintiff, 13.

Tt Ing In common between the roads of The details of the case are Interest stchth district convention Frank A Wearer va. Charles Sweetine. the kind through Instead of having to go all eianey a. Aiarui in rnvor of eawara JL Waiah (Spsuldlng ft ing, tbe action having occurred last sum Cambridge Springs, February I5th-20th. Judgment for plaintiff, $1122.

tt February 6, Henry W. Gillette va Sarah R. King et at Judgment ot foreclosure sad tale; Raymond Lyon, referee, to sell. Saint Louis, Feb. (Assoc around tht great blocks of stone.

The midwinter convention of Knights of Cotameiu. Ens Distilling company vs. Frank IX. Da mer, when the schooner was being tow BILL Os SALR. vis.

Judgment (or plaintiff, 234.24. Press). The Saint Louis ft Saa Fran anchorages will have elaborate granite Chautauqua Lake, July 24 and 24th, wxcur- ed by an independent tug. In some way City ot Buffalo vs. Franklin Stuart Temnla Western Barings Bans nuuaia an- John ft.

Bealey to Alfred O. Boons, Cisco stockholders today re-elected all lone. cornices of the classic chsei SolomoB et al. Order ot raXerence to Judgment (or plaintiff, 2X146, sot 00 C1rlaaattOvFebrary'th, Tth; KHb, 21st the directors except Messrs. Strauss, Sellgman, Omey and MandllL K.

H. There will be bronse railing around the top of ths airchoragee and an am March th, 7th, JWfl, 21st April 2d, 4th, sym- this tug Injured the bottom of the schooner while towing her and took her Into dry-dock. Bhs lay there for s. few days, when the room tbe occupied was 1 Frsnk W. Standard to compuu.

William H. Daolela T. Carolina 1- JKHes. Order amending summoos, complaint aad Us pendens. -phony concerts; February Z4tb-7itn, golden an Chsektewsgs Charles Butlln to Frank E.

VeUy, Buffale mech asics umn. Aatea Rswalow, owner, to Osergt Ledvla and one, Buffale Porter of Chicago, W. K. Blxby of Saint ple number of publlo comfort stations. Louis, J.

S. Ford of New York and R. Kama va sama uraer rsisreBce soan 1IT2S0 STATES DISTRICT COURT. Ths Honorable John ft Basel, Judge, February lsi. Petitions in bankruptcy: Mlcnal J.

Wslah, Elmlra. LtaklllUes, 27). assets, 21W M. Charles A Curtis. Richmond.

Liabilltiaa. wanted and she was put out Sine then the owners of the tug and the But 42 T. Fulton of Saint Louis were chosen In their places. No other matter came but these wtll be underground. There will be four ornamental staircases leading from tht tops of the anchorages to tht street at four different points, thus Lord O'Brtan to eomputa.

Jobs KJuchs va Francis J. Henry et at Referee's report of sale confirmed. falo Dry-dock Company have joiMd the trust and they are suing CaptsUtt John US PENDENS. before-the meeting. taVattJaJ SSSoU, 2J34.M.

Pster Eckbsrt s. nenry rreaencs can-thein. etc. et al. Order of dlscoatinusnce and Zulu Hants et al.

Erie County Savings ensbllng passengers to reach the road Dorrington for her dockage bill. order eaacallng lis peadena. Captain Dorrington hat filed a cross naua, vooeora-Naeoi, nprague, St. M. Alexander D.

Stevens et al. Percr Lang, TonswandaFrank A. Bell. BUFFALO'S CAIN. bill, claiming damages to his schooner.

The schooner Maria Martin was built Joseph Barrett et si Bllsnbetk Part burst PLANT OF THE HOLLY COMPANY Ueorge U. rtayea vs. wiuiam uapnar at si. Judgment of foreclosure snd sale; Charles C. Psge, referee, to sail.

Lake View Brewing Company va. Peter Kirck et aL Judgment of loreclosure aad sale; William F. wlortiBg. referee, te salt Jamaa D. Hlssina Ta.

banner Steam Lus- In 1864 and for many years back has BEING MOVED HERE. gBuwu-'tf, vv. raranurai. CHA UTAUQUA COUNTY. been out of service.

Last season she was anchored In the, river abreast the dry. Judgment rererssd and new trial ordered. Special to The Buffalo. Express. FTICIAL DOCCMENTS FILED IM atAt- upper ory-aocK.

Lockport, Feb. 5. A further Indica Witt run to Duluth. SlRROQATU't 4301BT. Tbs Honorable Louis W.

arena, Surrajgate, Items of Legal Record DEEDS CITY. Safety Investment ft Loan Company, by reeetrsr, to Emms Wollschlnger, Woodlnwa avenue, north side, 137 feet weat Fillmore avenue, $2,202 Anna Wach et by George Wach snd 6ns. Randls ava- nne, east aide, tSt.U (eat south Oeneaes street 71.12 (est 4M Esatera- Building ft Lean Association to Corporation Liquidating Company northeast corner Bowea aad Sycamore streets, Jd.7x7t I Charles J. Hast to Cornelius Rtordna, Pomona place, west aide. IS (eat convocation, Oblo constatory.

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masons. Degonla. May 4th -6th, Missionary Society of the Churches of Christ In Indians, thirteenth district contention. Baton, April 8th-10th. Missionary Society of the Churches ot Christ in Indiana, sixth district convention.

Elnorn, April 29th-May 1st Mlssionsry Boclety et the Churches o( Christ in Indiana, twelfth district contention. Elyrta, June 25tb-28th. Ohio Christian Endeavor. Union, stats oonventJoa. Indianapolis.

March 24th-2Tth, Sth annual eonrention and reunion. Ancient Scottish Kite Masons ef Indiana; May 11th-13th, May music festival ot Indiana Musical Art Association. Lafayette; February 17th-i8th. Jlstall Grocers' Association of Indiana; March 80th-April 1st. Missionary, Society of the Churches ef Christ in IndJsna, third district convention.

Logshsport Ioi, April lst-M. Missionary Boclety Of the Churches of Christ hi Indiana, i fourth district convention. Los Angeles, May list to June 2d, Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Madison. April Hd-2th, Mlssionsry Society of the Churches of Christ la Indlsna, 'tenth district convention.

Msrkle, April oth-Sth. Mlssionsry 8o-riety of the Churches of Christ la Indians, Duluth, Feb. Further evl- tion of the Intention to remove the Holly Manufacturing Company's plant to Buffalo Is disclosed in the circular Issued to the stockholders by the Inter February 1W2. Ksts Dickey. Show causa.

Jobs Q. Cloak, special guardian (or incompetent person Joes F. MoOee, apacisl guardian for incompetent person; Harry H. Ouentber for Jaook Caooa, dence of the Intention of the Northern Steamship Company to run one or both of Its" passenger steamers, the North West and North Land, on the Lake national Staanv Pump Company, of which the Holly company I a part The ways at these points without having to go to the main entrances of tht bridge. A novel feature of the plan is to have Inside ot each tvnrhoragt big publlo meeting ball, ISO feet long, 20 feet wide and 25 feet high, to be devoted to any public purpose the city officials may desire.

This tt made possible by leaving one end of each anchorage hollow sod devoting tbe other end for the anchorage of the cables. Another innovation be ths doing sway with tht trusses that are used os other bridges for stiffening, and the substitution of link bar cables. The stiffening trusses will be used tt eon-sect two sett ot these. It Is said this will not only give ample strength, but will make ths roadway ss clear at a boulevard snd afford a good visvr ot the entire structure. The tracks of tbe elevated trains will be abovt those ot the trolley cars and the promenade will be on tht Outside 'ot the roadway, while the driveway will be In ths center of tbe RtYAUtV.

Superior route this season Is evidenced by the fact that the company has made official Inquiry concerning, the depth ot circular Is aa follows: "The growth ef the business has se tar si ceeded expectations that it has become aeces nertk Seneca street 2ft feet IN eary sreatlr to enlarn and concentrate Its the channel In the Portage Lake canals. narry raiu joaepa St. Borman, Cheater street east side, 0 last Tbe company evidently contemplates existing plant aad to build new factories to meet the chanced conditions and provide for further extensions. The volume of businees running the boats through that water north Ferry street 26xKW 1 00 for the rear eadlas os October Si. 1IW2.

VILLB ON FEBRUART ITH. DBBDt, Adelbart B. Swstlsnd Oserss H. Nott, Mayvllis Cornells A. Reed to Charlee P.

Street, Dunkirk Andrew J. Sharp, will Ckarla M. Hamlltoa and Jobs M. Wethy to Josspk A McUlnolea, Rip. ley Walter J.

Sweet to Julius O. Ootid, Sbsrldaa 1,1 John Scully et al. to Joka W. an. Florence A.

Ryan. Dunkirk Charles K. Edict to Hoeaer Edict, TU- ienovs I Dsvid A Peterson to Ida O. Petsraoa, Jameetown Ida Peterson et si. to David A.

Sad Adolpb 8. Petarsoa, Jamestown Mary E. Psrks to Oscar Ekhalm, Jamestown I Helen L. Macksnite to Cecil W. Mea- kensis, BuaU fury ts JrsJan4 Dan- ktvk i i Herbert F.

Christy kMwarw C. Hanover Henry Co I burn to Henry Csss, French Creek Peter Asdenwn et by retsrse to Mary S. Pa trie, Buatl MOHTOAGRS. Norman 'W. Ingersea to Chautsoons way and has been advised that there Is double the snseunt of business of the constituent coacerns for the year ended at the for plenty of water.

mary nunsoarger, oy refsree, to receiver of Safety Investment ft Less Company, Briscoe avenue, east side, ttt.t (sat souls Dost street, (est aa executor; u. w. nouras tor en ot ih ea-eoutors. Proceedings adjourned te February lath, disposition of proceedings to be et that time made by sny party making appllcsUoa. Adam Paul.

Probate of will. Mary Paul snd Lacy Psul Bmttfc, ex ecu tore, in parson. Cornelius Paul In persoa; Jess Psul and Elmer Paul, infanta, appear in parson, and Jobs F. MoOee is appointed their eoectal guardian. Proofs complete.

Decree granted probating Christian Blarr. Probate et will. Herman B. Van Peyma for petitioner. A A HarUell appointed special guardian.

Proofs complete. Decree granted probating will. Roger Probate ef HL Joke J. MoOee pJHitar: MfWHaoa Armationg, snenul gsardlui lor Infant; Jelin i. Sullivan, fpecisl guardian for Infant latareeta ot Infanta diverse.

Proofs complete. Decree granted probating wUl. AntAa Fuller. Contest ef will. Wtllard W.

The North West and North Land are mation of tbs company. Os October Si. IMS, front M0t to there were of orders on asad. The each about 268 feet long. Last season net profits for the three years have averaged fifth district eonventios.

pomaa sx. jtasas, sy reieree, te same, Harrison street west side, 204 feat much larger boats in every, respect passed through the Jamais. rohU which Mnhiw Aa February ISth-l-tth, Marat Ores per cent on the common stock -ever snd a lBT-eB eew eeswres sad pWIwi.hii U'sja-iMt at rest 49 draw several feet more ot and -ytT alter sAltfwSss'auinly awary xiuaasernw, oy raiarea, to same, Brtaroa avenue. Wast aid, 4X7 ft which are considerably larger. for depreciation.

A tract land saa ben nurchased aad work becua ea a plant at Har festivities; April 15th-17ta, National Assoeav south Doat street 21 (eet (resit LHQ At least two of the steel trust's ore Imi nt ltfannfartnrera. i From the Boston Transcript carriers, measuring about 460 feet In rison. N. which will be by far the larrest pump works In the world. The works ef the Snow company at Buffalo are changed and nompa is.

nanas, py rersrsa, te ssme, street west side, 230 (eet north WeateoU street 22.21 (eet Barnes My wife Is down with some Saparstoa (or Nk-bolas J. Glauber, executor length, used tbe waterways and had no nlarsed with the view of concent rating l.SMOt trouble whatever. V- Masters danced last Night. large part of tbe waterworks business at that point, and tbs capacity ef the Blake factory. new-fangled complaint I don't know I what they call It; but they say It Is something brand new.

ana petitioner lur prooaia; viara ninnsonq (or Step ban Faaikas and Emeriek Faslkas, eosteatanta, nephews ti. Caw lee Wadswonh (or victoria Fuller Horvsth. and loins la sk- rfseete r. snngernoe: las. r.

Hend-rlcksonv Bailey avenue, east side, feat south Bempster street 20xUt aim belnc increased br tbs erection of fATtnrr aad eoulDmeats alreadr made. and Tar 1 to Howes And your wlfe'g got itt Un County Trust Company. Jameetown. l.tOO 00 Orphs ParUck to George S. Markhsm.

iectlons tied to probate; Lewis ft Lewie (or Henry Strott a legatee; Henry ScbweBdier far Saint Ana's Churek, a legates. TeaUmony of German-American Hal! was crowded last night the occasion being the fourth annual bail of Buffalo Harbor No. 41. Agnes Kasbsrb to ace Heebech, Cherry street south side. 170 feet for which the company has temporarily borrowed 2700,000, the directors have authorised Ripley soo SO won't my wife be mad when she finds that somebody has got ahead ot berl luua 13.M0.0ie debeatarea.

II at tales 4 east Cedar street, Xxl2 IN ilia ana null to Andrew J. McMil raris Crossing. April J7th-2th. Missionary Society of the Churches of Christ In Indiana, slevenfh-dlrtrlct convention. Pensacola, Fla.

February 18th-I4th, Mann tlrss festivities. Rensselaer, March Cth-JWh, Misaton-ary Society of the Churches of Christ la Indies, second district eonveatisn. Richmond, InL, April M-tth, Northern Indian Teachers' Assoclotloa. Balem, May th-th. Missionary gods, ty ef the Churches of Christ la Indians, fourteenth district eeaventioa.

Ban Francisco, May lMh-Bd, National Aaaoclatloa ef Master Plumbers of the United Stales. Sbelhyvma, 111.. February ltth-14th, eonven- American Association of -Masters ft Klcfaolns J. uiauner una. sou paruee rsat pcree granted probating will.

r-m Ompballua. Show eaase. John lan, Elllcott I7e tt Pilots. The ball was decorated with ed to issue not exceeding of these debentures at this Urns aad then only from time to Umi ss the money Is seeded. This amsest ef O.M.

baa bees ssderwrtttsa at nrit ta tbs eosnDany of ear aad interest. WABASH RAILROAD CALIFORNIA mtcHARGK or MORI Hubbeil (or patltlonar; Frad Oreiaar tor exec aonstancya Msisrtd ta vtrtor Lsmpks, Broadway, south side, S4.M (eat east Winalow avenue, 24 to (eet front sad var 1 Annie Raid to Llewellyn A Fsrwo STsnse. esat side. t74a feet utrix. Proceedings adjoerasd te Psora.

flags and bunting. The 74th Regiment orchestra furnished musle. Many grand Oeorsw Cook I ogham Lather A Jsdd. He- ROUND-TRII TltKJETB L2.28. On salt every day, good to return nine officers from other ports were present mter, uwi, Oeorse B.

Eddy to WUIiam J. PrysrASaptota-bar. ot Schuyler L. Pieber. Admiststratioa.

Ftaber, nnamrartk ft Wsnda (or DetlUooer. Lttara lees lhi per cent, commisstoa, subject to the right ot the stockholders to subscribe for their north Hampshire street 28 feet front ttOt of admlniatratiea grsntad to Mary Lyes Fish Man ley Moray to Joka Hearts, February, list proportion ot inese aeoeoiuiw r. months Diverse routes. Stop-over at any point Waet ot tbe Missouri River. Through Pullman service secured In advance.

Full Informntlon. Wabasa ticket amell u. Weill to Seymour It. Knox. Delaware avenue, east aide.

4U 51 Every kind ef book sod job printing er. Bone Siee peaaJty ox se.viw. The rmBghtlng-rootn and several oth (eat asrth I'Uea treat, 10 feat front. 1 done si ine emoe oi i ne express In the ASSIGNMENT OB MOSTfiACKS. Msrv E.

Johnston. Administration. Themss W. Pel bam (or ysUUoasr. Lstisrt of admia- ttoa ef resists Illinois Teaenerr er departments of the Holly company best style at int lowest rates.

Philip Volt, to Henry T. Baynes, I office, 227 Mala street Ellcott Square. Tsa Jsmestowa National SherMaa, Int, April ISth-lith, Mlsslooarj.

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