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The Public Advertiser from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

London, Greater London, England
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mvrmtaxac the Company a very large Suin of IVfortejV who has withdrawn from that Factory without giving any Notice to die Directors, or writing any Letters, except to Mr. whom he now continues to corref- Sond Funder fuch weak Circumftances can it be fafc for Men. of Honour to fit in the Direction? Until obtained the Lead, thefe Heats and Contentions were unknown. In 176 3 his whole Lift was carried by Dint of Vio lance; yet fuch was the arbitrary Difpolition 01 the Man, that before the Expiration of that Year, the Court was again divided, and his Meafures prevailed by a Majority of one, but were- "afterwards reverfed by the Proprietors .764 his Conduct appeared fo diametrically oppofite to the Interere of the Company, that that having with Difficulty, obtained a Seat in the Direction, he was rejected from the Chair. Heyerthelefs an Oppofition was again formed, although no one Tnmg can bealledged againft the Gentlemen in the prefent Adminiftration of our Affairs.

Does this indicate a Regard to your Interefts or his own And will fuch a Con duct meet with your Support at the earning Election I have ftated Facts. Judge, Gen tlemen, for yourfelvcs. If any Perforf doubts the Truth of here aflerted, I appeal to the Gentlemen in the prefent Direction. A PROPRIETOR. To the Printer of the Public Advertifer.

SIR, I Obferve a Paragraph in your Paper relating to Mr. Vanfittart positively contradicted what can be the Motive "for wis I cannot conceive, unlefs to ferve the Views of an expiring Faction. That; Mr. Vanfittart has cxperi- enced- his Error" is evident in the Part he now takes againft Coffim I am fure no Friend of this Gentleman would inundate thai he acts by Compulfion, and not from his own Judgment. And when we reflect upon the MafTacre at Patna, and the Troubles that have followed, the Word fatally will appear not very improperly fubjoined.

As to the latter Part, I take upon myfelf to affirm that Mr. Vanfittart. is refolvcd to continue in the Government till Lord Clive's Arrival." And that he has fignified this Refolution' in his Letters to Mr. at Madrafs, and others and many private Letters from Bengal mention, that Mr. Spencer will not enter on that Government.

A. B. wdthc Gentlchwn were refetted back to the whole Order they had and on whom they lhall now entirely depend for Aid and Affiftancc againft the Violence of private Animofity fupported by the unwarrantable Practice of creating temporary Voters, fh direct Oppofition to the late unanimourRefolu- tion of one of the moll numerous general Courts ever known. A Voluminous Dealer, in Scandal, fhameful Mifreprefentation and dark Inuendo, may deferve to be pointed out He occupies two Sides of the Gazetteer of March s8, and. figns himfelf He dates his Letter March 27, and fays it was intended for -the Prefs the 25 th Inft.

but that being adyifed, a Defence coming out, -he deferred it for a Perufal in which feeing nothing to contradict it, but confirm what he had fhall on" ly make a few Obfervations" upon a Book lately publifhed in two Volumes 8vo. containing original Papers relative to the Dffturbances in Bengal 5 every Part of which (he fays) does Honour to Lord Clive." Helmay reft allured that that, the Book was defigned to do Honour to all who deferved it for a fairer Publication I have never feen, and dare fay the Authenticity of the Vouchers cannot be quef- tioned. Mr. may depend upon it that farther Notice lhall be taken of his Productions, fo far as they are intelligible: His expecting a fence to come out to his Attack, which was not yet made, is fome-what extraordinary. He promifes the World to make further Obferva- which, it is hoped, he will be clever; not draw a Veil fo often.

What can be his Meaning, where he fpeaks of the Son. of Jaf- fier Aly Cawn, who was killed by Lightning when he was in Camp? p. 16, 22, 24, 25, of the Bengal Mr. fays, that Jaffier AJy Cawn's Views were blailed in that cruel Cataftrophe that deprived him of his Son, over which ive muft draw Why draw a Veil, Sir It is a notorious Fact that Miran Jaffier Cawn's Son was killed by Lightening. Why muft a Veil be drawn over a Man that was killed by Lightening Confider of your Anfwer, Mr.

s. A Brother Officer and no Proprietor iired of my Bookfeller, who tells me that the Volume was not'publifhed till the fecond Volume was and that Prefents had been made, as it uiual on fuch Occaiionsf to the Friends of the Editor, many of whom might be Friends to Mr. Sulivan, ma ly of them were not; and the greatefl; Part of them were not Proprietors of lama Stock. ExtraS of a Letter of Mr. a Member of the Council at Calcutta in Bengal, dated September 28, 1764.

will hear from others and from Mr. Vanfittart himfelf, that he has had his Health furprifing well this laft Year; it will be no unwelcome News to They write frctftt Leghorn, that had Advice from Algiers, that a Jew Merchant had. receired proper encouragement to dig up QL old Town now covered with Sand, about Days Journey to the South of Algiers, from which they expect great Go. vernment is to have a Share. On Thurfday laft about Noon the Rt.

Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire arrived from tht Court of Pruffia, at his Houfe in Charles-ftreet, Berkeley-fquare. They advife from Hanover, that the Lord Bentinck, and another Englifh Nobleman fed through there on the 18 th Inft. on the our of Berlin, Drefden, Vienna, and Italy. The Court of Common Council having Ui Saturday rcfolved to prefent the Freedom of you to hear the fame repeated.

His Conftitution feems fo much improved, that the Month of Auguft has no more Effect upon him than December. This happy Clt Duke of Gloucefter, the Lord- Change the Doctors afcribe to the medicinal Ma or waited on his Royal High- Regimen which he has obferved but I am per- is dcine woald be pleafed to honua, To the Printer of the Public Advertifer. SIR, HE following falfe and feandalous Paragraph was pubTrihed fome fince in order to ftrve a Party; Wc hear Mr. 'f Perfon runced his Ejrror in The Point fworn to, is, that it is the Pro- ing fully convinced the in the in vernment tittiht nuhaktiaf ixpecTedin Bengal when left (be Coajf, To the frmter oj the Public Advertifer. SIR, A Mr.

Cato Cenfor thinks lit to continue to take up every Day fo much of your Paper, I defire I may find a Place every Day until Wednefday next for the following Remarks on the Oath taken by the Proprietors, firft inserting the Wdrds of the Oath, which are A. that the Sum of 500 1. "India Stock, on account of which I now vote, is my Property and not in Trull for any the Perfon fo fwearing': and can- the cpnfcientious Man alive doubt whether that is really his Property, for which he has -given a valuable Connderation and which he he when the Books open, transfer, This was the Day give away to any Perfon he fwered by a Point of Wit, bfVpuV''' "that, if he dies; the Law confiders rt as Part of Readers did not comprehend: It 1 his Eftate, and it isiifpofed of as oeffary-therefore, to good Word in "that Paragraph- is. the -and Mr. Rous in -Words We hear.

The indeed hayjnB had any Share hear fuch a Storyi to fay, the confufed Prelimmary Arti-. that he did not heluvt for is 1 ablblufely cle bf the whole Body of Propne- but the OaginalPapers lately guh- tors, iche.jafe Leader's Party divided fo much lilhed, and confult the Accounts: baought by the laft Ship from India, and-you will fee' that Mr. Vanfittart's Conduct has been always' Uniform and Confident. had ever the Company's Intereft in View, and though he WAS forced into a War by the Violence of a Party yet that Very Party at'the End of the end-of the troubles faw the" of hjs Conduct, confelled and adopted his Planj by which is again reftdred. What then are thefe P-feople difpleafed at Is It no more.Blood.*s,to.

tie fpilr, or becaufe. the.Watis- at an End-without Company Ikrtber. Expenoe? 1 This I Jhould glad to be Informed of. And iirrlSir, Your moftiBedient Servant. Stocjc in, the.

following Month, and the molt honeft and able of thejpirectbrs'were Voted out of the Laft year the fame Practice was followed by bbth Parties, and is again this Year, as any Body may be convinced who knows the Traniact-iohs of the Transfer- Office. A I CAT 0. fuaded it is principally owing to the FreeSom which he has lately enjoyed from the unhappy Difputes in which he was fo long engaged, and which could hardly have failed 'to overfet him entirely, had they continued much longer. I thank God the Times are very much altered; indeed the Company have approved of every Part of Mr. Vanfittart's Conduct, diftinguilhed him with unbounded Marks of their Confidence and Regard, and Ihewn a proper Re- fentment of the Malice of his Enemies, by difmiffing them from their Service and what will add yet more to his Character, every Regulation which he formerly made with Meer Coffim, and which his Opponents fo loudly veighed againft, has by Degrees been adopted by the unanimous AiTent of his prefent Council, though compofed of the fame Perfons who were formerly linked in the Faction againft him: You will fee that he has made no kind of tTfe of the particular Powers with which the Court of Directors did him the Honour to in veil him by the laft Ships.

Whatever has been done, has been with the unanimous Confentof the Council." N. On Thurfday laft the Rt. Hon. the Houfe of Peers fat till near Ten o'clock at Night on great Debates the Grocers Company by accepting the Freedom thereof, previous to his being free of the City, which meeting with his Royal Highnefs'j Approbation, there was laft Night a Court of Aiuftants, when it was unanimouily agreed to prefent the laid Freedom in a Gold Box of the Valse of One Hundred Guineas. It is faid Informations are lodged againft eight or nine of the Foreftallers of Sheep and Carcafe Butchers; and alio that the Dealers in Coals will be brought to a ftrict Account how the Price of Coals are kept up.

We are inform-the Public, that Jofeph Godfrey, Elqj who was taken ill in his Chariotand died on Tuefday laft, had not been the Waters of as in a Paragraph on l'hurlday, 'Waters of that Place not being yerxjpetted-br 'the prefent Seafdn. The Hnvke, Wilfon, from the Gnmadocs, is arrived at her Moorings in the River. Letters from the Granades. by the Hawkc mention the fpotted Fever, which had carritd off fuch vaft Numbers of the Englilh Settlers, is now abated, and they enjoy their Ilealtns perfectly. And alio that feveral Attempts have been made to make Rum, theugh with little Succefs but it is thought, when cultivated, it will be equal to that made in.

any of the Lee-- Iflands. They advife from Leghorn, that two Veileis It is confidently faid a Perfonage of the frorri thence, one of which with a rich Cargo, Diftinction will foon apper in an eminent pub- had been plundered by Barbary Rovers, which lie Character at the Weft end of the Town, greatly inieft the Archipelago. Yefterday Difpatches were received from Sir- They write from the Sound of the 9th Inft. John Goodrick, his Majefty's Mihifter at the fjratfeven Ships paffed-there that Day, bound Court of Stockholm. Lpi the and that as they had daily Some Perfonages, who have met with Dif- mild Weather, they expected foon a appointments in their Expectations of -Penfions more to arrive.

for their Services, now pleafe themfelves One of the Frigates of War appointed for the 'the hopes of the Refignation of Penfacola we hear, is to toucjx at Su- cine, they report will be-made m. a with lomc Diipatches for the Dutch manner that will Hoaoor'-on fo governor of that Settlement, difinterefted a. Piece of Self-denial; We hear the. Man of War, The Lord. Chancellor has appointed 'Saturday vriow locking at* will Sail in a few next to hold Gift Seal alter -Hillary Says-with Xrn llttactions to Admiral at his Honfe in sTyrrel, on the wJuttdvgard Station in the Weft- It Is.

now, affetted, that the not to Reiign the A Dutch Ship," GhriHian Tadfen Mafter, Poil'bf Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, this Year, from Riga for Was lately loft near It is-laid forae Difcoveries of a very-extraor- 1. will foon appear in an. Affait-of The Captains and Thomfon, from Confequence, which will foon be difpute4 between, a foreign gentleman and k' NobTe of the Jfirft Diftinction, relative to fonie violent Methods made ufe of to obtain fome private the former's Apartments while in England. "Gentleman, who left EaftFlorida in February laft, we are informed, thatGovernor Grant hai'tfijucd a Proclamation for the Sale of feveral Lands in the Province, at Ten Shil Genoa, and Captains Bartley and Martin, from London, are arrived at Hamburg. The Inconveniences which the Workmen at new invented -Water-pump complain of, 1 board the Princefs Mary at Woolwich, proceed from the Want of a fufficient Height to play the Handles between Decks; but as this is -a Bufinefs of the laft Importance, both to the-Navy and Merchant Service, a noble Lord has De 'en pleafed to give Orders, that the Car- hngs the fifty Acres, and One Penny per Acre lings of the upper Deck may be raifed to On it-Ron navah tha I 1 TT W.

To the Proprietors of INDIA-STOCK. R. Sulivan having thought proper to declare in the public Papers, that no Part jf.bis Conduct harhad. any Tendency tpjpb- the Meafures enYereq into, laft Year, by General Court xif proprietors, refpectingt 'tqrd Clive, ajid the Expedition he has under- Ijiakm I take upon me to fay, that he did oppofe. the Meafuresr neceffary for carrying into Exe- Meafure of the General Court, re- Jfoecting the Difpatch of his Lordfhip that he to fign the General Letter for that Pur- pofei and nirther, that he has not figned one Qult-llcnt, payable after the.

firft two Years; that feveral had purchafed already and that Dennis Efq; was. clearing and improving a large Tract of Ground on the River St. Ivan or St. John's, and that they talked of making great improvements and Alterations on the Harbour of St. Auguftine, all the Coaft, Shoals and Banks, having been founded; and exact Charts making of them.

The which has been many Years depending between the City of London and the Diilenters, relating to their Refufal of ferv- ing the Office of Sheriff, will not be heard before the Houfe of Lords till next Seffions of Parliament It is reported that the feveral Agents who have any Prize-Money in their Hands un- To the Printer of4he SIR, i OR an Anfwer to. an -thflarhf- ot l. to his Majefty's Land Forces, to India. will fhortly be obfiged to account for the fame; Stock, you dej Bcfe who anVPerfon lhall make the leaftDoubt of and that after a fixed Time, the Balance re- maining in any of Agents Hands will be -the Gentlemen in the prefent Direction. A PROPRIETOR.

Original Papers lately pabJHhejlifi twSr where the "whole: difcufled in order to ferve but fair4y and-tandidly laid before fhs the, Original Voutchers. Yoar ft W. Proprietors of STOCK. Frem the ComBnitce'itihc FitauietJ Tavern, March zg, 17.6, 5 GENTLEMEN and LADIES, VERY Overture has been made toi prevent the Inconveriiencies j4rifo; frorn "Want of Harmohy tivesy the Directors of "cbi5pany. If was hoped that thefe wijuld have been ally Sides a Tendency to Unioni and that Spirit of Faction would have gone forth to -i ous Diftinctions, or to fet a-Mark Gehtlemah whom the Proprietors- had at Period of Time diftinguiflied by their Confidence, or who had been foliated by therij tataJte Charge' of their Affairs.

this thjfView Mr. Sulivah and his Friends, accord'- Jng to their Duty, and conformable to the Re- queft of the Committee of Proprietors, voured to prevent any Oppofition at the enfu- ing Election, by offering on themoftjeafdnabie Plan, to take away all caufe of Difpute, but that Which the Courfe of the Year neceffarily occafioned: ByRotation andRefignation, there happened to be four It waspropofed by Mr. Sulivan and Ws Friends in the Direction to nip: thofe Vacancies with new Names, and tp eave the old Lift in other Refoects on its for. mer Footing; but this was ablolutely rejected no Terms were accepted, no Lift was declared A GENTLEMAN who figns himfelf a Pro- has taken great Umbrage at a -Table of Contents prefixed to a Book lately pub- Hihed. The Defign of prefixing to the Book is-manifeftly to connect the Papers, to fettle the and every where to make the Referents tor the Original, which may be confulted by thofe or may be read without them.

Jt Prefice 'indeiW jn.ight have been added, to fhewii Gentlemen how the Book fhould reaii there A is none, I hope the PublUher Wfll one for him, which ftall bclnihe-Stile in which Prefaces ufed to te. a Stile now laid alide iince the Time.that Readers-have ceafed to: be Form I would recommend fhould be this" jGentle Reader, Jf thou likeft riot our Table of Contents, intended merely to ielp the Memory and aflift thine Enqtrines, Gentle Reader, do as as thou; the Table Contents. is but oae into the Houft it irthe afe 'richly furnifhed for jhine Entertainriient Iofe'not the Pleafure of the Apattme'rits becaufe thou likeft. not the Hall there, is, another Way into them, thou needeft not pafs.through,the Hall to them. The'Gendeman fays, that the firft Volume of this been lately publifhed and fent Gratis to feveral Proprietors of Eaft-India Stock, whoare-fuppofed to be Friends of Mr.

Sulivan, and he fays the Book is entitled Original Papers to the Diflurbaneu in Bengal. I have cn- apprppriated for the Benefit of the faid Land Forces. Letters from Paris mention, that the Sieur De La Harpe, well-known by being the Author of the Tragedy of The Earl of Warwick, was fent to the Baftile, for Writing fome Ver- fes reflecting on the Comptroller of the Finances. Private Letters from Leghorn mention, that the prefitnt inactivity of the French Troops in Cornea, has been attributed to the Influence of two resectable Powers; in Confequence of which it was expected thefe Auxiliaries will foon receive orders to evacuate the Ifland. They write from Hamburgh, that the Court of Vienna, no longer able to behold, with Indifference, the great Warlike Preparations of the Turks, hath appointed General Laudohn to command an Army of Obfervation on.the' Frontiers of Hungary, to confift of 54 Battalions and.

48 Squadrons while a Second will be with all Expedition, to join him if neceflary. They write from the Hague, that Colonel Faucet, of the Englifh Foot Guards, who had refided at Hanover two Years, fettling" the Debts which were contracted for the Englifh Army during the laft War, paffed through that Place on the 10th Inftant going to Mentz, to meet the French Commiffaries there, in order to liquidate fqme Debts that are ftill unfettled. Letters from Hanover of the 19ft Inftant vife, that they Account from Brunfwick, that the Pr'uffian' Troops at Madgeburg and Places adjacent have received Orders to keep themfelves ready to march. Height fufficient for working the Machine ta the belt Advantage. Yefterday there was a thinnifh Market at Smithfield, and Cattle fold as on Monday, A Diamond Necklace, we hear, is making for a Lady of Faihion, which will come to 50, 0001.

The Report that a-celebrated Beauty" of ftinction would be created a Marchionefs, and fet out for Aix-la-Chapelle, is totally without Foundation. A new Lying-in Hofpital for married Women is going to be erected in or near Weftminfter, to which the Right Hon. Warkworth ge- neroufty fubferibed ico Guineas on Tuefday laft. Laft Week William Grant, Gent, was appointed an Infpector of the Cuftoms, in the room of John HafTel, Efq; deceafed. A Gentleman of Fortune has laid a confi- derable Wager, that he rides to Coventry, before an Eel, which has been fkinned for that Purpofe, fhall be allowed to be fairly dead by a Fifhmonger.

On Friday the 26th of April will be per- form'd, at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden, the Comedy of The Rclapfe or, Virtue Danger: To which will be added a Comic Opera of Two Acts, (never perforjn'd before) call'd The London 'Prentice tor the Benefit of. Mrs. and Mifs Vincent. On Saturday the 27th of April will be per- form'd, at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, the Tragedy of Hamlet, for the Benefit of Mr. Slingfby.

On Thurfday laft, the Meeting of the Nobility and Gentry, Subferibers to the Society in Soho Square, was uncommonly magnificent and numerous; owing (it is fuppofed) to the opening of the Supper Room for Tea, and to the Other additional Conveniences, which, in order to prevent the exceflive Heat and Want of Air (fo generally complained of oh the preceding Meetings) took place, for the firft Time, on that Night. The Nobility and Gentry expreffed the higheft Satisfaction at the feveral new Regulations; and maiyy of them were pleafed per- fonally to compliment Mrs. Cornely's on the Excellence of her Genius and Tafte, and her readinefs to exert them for the Accommodation and Entertainment of the Subferibers, on every Occafion that offered. On Wednefday laft, at a public Auction of a Wine-Merchant's Effefts, in Southwark, a Sharper came in very genteely drefTed, and iat down at the Table where the Plate ar.d China were placed, and artfully put his Hin-ksrohief.

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