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The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 4

The Sentineli
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rA NC-i? iV 5 A. -V CV. i What is ST: Studying: the Face of ta Ox Waiting Eight Months to Get Her Autumnal Expression Other Carious Anecdotes. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 4, 1896 A Colored Woman cn the Stamp.

The campaign cf the woman suffragists goes merrily on in California. Tha latest feature of the fight of the women in that state for full franchise is an attempt to stir tip the colored women. JJrs. Naomi Anderson has charge of this part of work. She is a matronly looking colored woman who has been for years identified with the suffragists, nud she possesses a natural gift of ora- Castoria is Dr.

Samuel Pitclier's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotic suhstance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso hy Millions of Mothers.

Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's'Friend. ft fc-VCTi Pi Castoria. Castoria is so well adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M.

Ill So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. T. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication.

COPYRIGHT, 1896. In ancient Japan most of the artistic work ordered by the lords of the land was done 6n their own premises, either by artists who lived there continually and formed part of their retinue, or by ppecialist who were called for the purpose and remained in the house of the patron until the order was completed. In either case the artist was supplied with everything he needed house, raiment, servants, pocket money were furnished while he was engaged at his work, and a douceur commensurate with the artistic excellence of the result of his labor when he completed it. All the materials necessary were provided for hiin, and he could arrange his hours to suit himself. It was always mutually understood that his labor was to be a labor of love, and was never to degenerate into an irksome task.

In this great empire where everything else had to be done by set forms and rules, the artist alone was free to follow his mind, untrammeled and unquestioned. Numerous anecdotes illustrate this, and show the high-minded devotion of the artist to the loftiest ideals of his art. The rich and powerful duke of Has-sokana once invited a celebrated bronze-worker to his court and asked him to make a sword-guard of the finest shaku-do (gold-bronze). It was to be ornamented with an autumn landscape and ox in the foreground. It was after the usxial New Year's festival of nine days, when no one does labor of any am -a i "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and fts merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it.

Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria Withia easy Carlos Mahtyn, D. New York City. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to da so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. 125th Street and 7th New York City, IX1VE AT FIRST SIGHT.

Truth. Minnesota's Biff Republican Majority. St. Paul, Nov. 4.

Owing to the city election and three long ballots being counted, the vote of Minneapolis is late. The ratio of gain for the Republicans in the rest of the state indicate one of the largest Republican majorities ever cast in Minnesota. Louisiana Safe for Bryan. NEW BLEAKS, Nov. 3.

Indications point to Bryan carrying the state by 20,000 to 40,000. A Family Affair. This Centaur Cc-Upany, 77 Murray Street, New York City. 3S52 HE STUDIED THE OX FOR AN AUTUMN EXPRESSION. ONE OF BILL NYE'S I ALES.

The True and Touching Story of a Lara kind, that the artist arrived. He went mie Goat in a Frame. Larumie has a seal-browii goat with On SATURDAY 111 MHS. NAOMI AXDEnsON. tory that has mado Lor work particularly effective in the past and valuable in the present.

Mr3. Anderson has been engaged by the California Sta'te Suffrage association to stump the state. Mrs. Anderson is a resident of Sacramento. She was the first colored woman to advocate suffrage for her sex, having spoken at the first woman's rights meet ing that war.

held in the west. iron-gray chin whiskers and a breath to work with a will, mixing his metals, jmade his designs, passed on to theen-igraving and inlaying, and in tljree or four months had his sword-guard near like new-mown hay, wrote Bill Is ye. He has not had as hard a winter as ly completed. In fact, with the except the majority of stock on the Rocky mountains, because he is of a domestic turn of mind and tries to make man tion of the figure of the ox to be inlaid, it was done, to the full satisfaction of his friend. Though social in his nature the duke, who, whenever he inspected he never intrudes himself on people We start a sale ot Ladies' and Children's Camel's Hair Hats in short back Sailors, Turbans, Dress Shapes and Round Hats, all colors At the Unheard of Price of 49 Cents.

These Hats are worth 1,25 and will not last three days We have at this writing 100 doz. in stock. it, was more than pleased. af er they have intimated with a shot gun that they are weary of him. But here all at once tihe artist was seized with a fit of laziness.

Instead of Only When It Halus. One rainy day last year Kosciusko Jones, being in a hurry to get home, took a street car. There was a big crack in the roof of the car, through which the rain fell mid ran down the back of his neck, so lie asked the urbane Yllen the world seems cold and dark to Lim and everybody turns coldly away from him hs does not steal away by himself and die of corroding grief, Scott's Emulsion All others claimiijg to 1 be as just 5 the same and "equal Scott's Emulsion are imitations, without this label. I Get the genuine if you 2 want genuine results! a a 30c. and $1.00 at all druggists A 0 SCOTT BOWNE, New York He just lies down on the sidewalk in with thi car "What's the matter the sun and fills the air with the seduc Does it do this way always tive fragrance of which he is the sole 'Texas proprietor.

"N'o sir; only when it rains. Sifter. ASTBIQH, ae day just as. he had eaten his STRAINED RELATIONS. -Truth.

Btreel. HARRI8BURG, PA. midday meal of bootheels and cold sliced atmosphere and kerosene barrel staves he saw a man going along the 3tretTt with a large looking-glass under Too aiuoh. man will take a cold, cold joke, a drink, a a wife, A rest, a hint, his medicine, en Insult or an ice, warning, poison will, in fact, take anything In life Except that well-meant, hateful thing that people call advice. nay City Chat.

his a.nn. The goat watched the man and saw hir.i the mirror down by agate and go inside the house after some more things that he was moving. Then the goat rtammered with his tail a few times and ent up to see if he could the mirror. completing his task he took his book, his pipe and tobacco and day after day went ou into a green lane leading into the country, and, sitting down in the grass by the roadside, amused himself smoking and reading and looking at the countrymen coming into town with their horses and cattle. Month after month passed by, the artist drawing his allowance with the most praiseworthy regularity, spending his days in idleness and his evenings in drinking wine with his colleagues, as was the custom.

The summer had thus passed by and September was at handwhen at last the duke's patience was slightly ruffled. Ordering the artist into his presence, he asked him why, for nearly five months, he had not even made a pretense of completing the order intrusted to him. "I could not, your highness," was the reply. "And why could you not?" was the query. "Your highness asked me to make an autumn landscape with an ox in the foreground.

I had never made such a combination before. When it came to making the animal I knew not whether the expression of its face in autumn mdght not be different from what it is at other seasons of the year. I have been out where "the herds of cattle come in, watching them through the spring, through summer, and now thata'atumn has begun I am nearly ready, and in a short time will complete your highness order." The answer was deemed fully satisfactory; the artist was not again ques- REWARD. W.y "iJs. When he got pretty close to it he saw a hungry-looking goat apparently com ing toward him, so he backed off a few yards and went for him.

There was a loud crash and when the man came out he saw a full-length portrait of a goat, with a heavy black walnut frame Wc warn the readers of this journal tJiar we do not anthori.e the use of ou 1 name in advertisements of so-called traveling optical specialists. Our advice to all person? who have defective eyesight syu Avoid specialists and pedars of Spectacles QUfcEN The Opticians, IO IO Chestnut Philadelphia. Manufacturers uud Importers of Acturnte ami ItcaiKlful Spectacle, ami Kv-. Our K' Slgf iwm receipt iivi posture Bloodrve food fa Weak and Run-Dcwn People frcm to Age. WHAT FT IS The r'ehretcif Foudtj, because it the fuiu? Ktilitftau.

to the blood and iwrv tbiit are exiiHiisti'd these two life-piviur diaciirtc, high Uvi'JK, oci v. otry, cesiion, abiiaf, etc WHAT IT DOES By the bil pnreand rich, mid Mm uiprtit ion i-erfut, it eruutrx olid flesh, liiuxcia r.nd Bln h. The iirrvr in ta made stronir. tlio brain bcv'tnos active ami tlear. Forrestoring lost vitJiii; mid utoiipin all Masting drains ami weakness bi e.ith.

Hex, it ha fioeaiial and aw fomnl1 rtuijitor it .8 worth it iroiunt in gold. Ouo box lfttn a- week. Price boxen $iU(l. OrnrristH or by niRii. BtaKt'.

THE DR. CHASE CPfslPAN, Chestnut Kt around it, going down the street with Dr. Ballentine hereby offers a reward of gsioo for any case of Catarrh that his No. 38 will not cure. Dr.

Ballentine has never yet in his private practice found a CatarrhT case so stubborn that it did not yield to this prescription. a great deal of apparent relish. Then the man said something derogatory about the goat, and seemed of fended about something. Gats are not timid in their nature, ihrnevs i mmm mum The-Bauvs Comfort, the Mother i hiend and are easily domesticated. There are two kinds of goats the cashmero goat and the plain goat.

The former is worked up into cashmere shawls and cashmere bouquet. The latter is not. -vs Once. tried, always used. Will enre Oilic in If) r.uinti- i-urea car4 orsovir 8tomtu-K, relieves aU forms of ir.rtigestidu, can r-u to bahlea RUPTURE t'ornianpntly cured by Injection method.

IMPERIAL IIIJitPilA CUI5.E. J)r. Ambrose PefTer, of Dillsburpt, Pa physician in charge of York and Cumberland conct.les, will reat patients at 154 West High Carlisle, Wednesday of each week no pay until cured, int-citf LONG Co.7 Contractors ior dri 11 el and dug wells. Manufacturers ol brass and iron lift and force pumps for drilled and dug wells, Repairing and job work done; on SHORT NOTICE. CAP1J5I P.

PA T'motby 00 Kyo, I'lour, t.i 65 Ooro 30 h'lour, Kainlly. 3 40 Oats, new, 18 KyeKlour 3 00 Oats old 20 Wheat, old "5 Clover seed 5 0 Ofticial prices current of the Grocer's Asso- LECTION OF DIRECTOUS The annual election by the stockliolders of the Far Th's offer is made in good 9rt 1 uay oiu. ii itrevent. inoicra inintu tnn an Kerj. in good.

mers lianlv. Oarllslf. for members of the PA rfif 1 ueaiiny couniuou lurouen ine ierioa tts-t ov-i 1ikh dowt Sit-' 110 li arm; nothing injurious in it. -ts. Mode only by DRH, D.

FA'HRKKY M4 faith and will be kept standing of 1). rectors to serve for the ensuing year, will be lie (1 at tlieir banking house, Monday, Nov. 9, 1KHJ. from o'clock, a m. The cashmere bouquet of commerce is not made of the common goat.

It is until all are convinced that to 12 o'clock neon. W. Stuart. 20o2wd Cashier. Catarrh is distinctly curable a good thing that it is not.

A goat that has always been treated with uniform kindness and never be Just an the sun doth eiorlfy tne sltles, Ho Is the face Illuminated by the eyesi THR NEW FRANKLIN by True Homcepathic Speci- And tho tho sun must ct nor the moca trayed may be taught to eat out of the hand. Also out of the flour barrel or Bhln bright, Tho eyes sparkle llxs th (stars shine 1CS. tioned or disturbed, and hks work, when completed, received the praise. Another story of like character also illustrates the artistic feeling that dominated these artists. Shinataro Shosho, duke of Bizen, sent Ilanabnsa Itcho, the celebrated artist of Yeddo.

a request for a picture, the subi ject to be a flight of Hototogisu wlnff-Ing their way across the face of the full moon. The request was accompanied iy a purse of 500 gold rio (dollars). Such a commission at that time was fully equivalent to a Vanderbilt or-an Astor nowadays sending a request for a picture to Messonier or a Munkacsy, accompanied by a preliminary check for $25,000. The duke waited a full year for his picrture, and when no picture and no reply came, as a gentle hint that he was etill waiting he sent the artist another purse of 500 gold rio. This time the answer was not delayed.

It came at once, and with it were returned the duke's 1,000 gold rio. The artist replied that ever since receiving his highness' command he had watched at the period of every full moon for a good opportunity to make the requisite study from nature, but had not. yet succeeded in doing so. It was impossible to say when he would be able to do it; it might tako him five, ten or fifteen years; it might be that he would never see a flight of such birds in euoh a way as to be able to reproduce them correctly, ard he therefore returned the duke's magnificent present. lie would make it his business to diligently watch for such an and if it came would make the drawing at once and send it to the duke, who could then remunerate him as he chose.

MELVILLE BARCLAY. COLOR OF THE EYES. Dark Ones More General Among: Women Than Among Men. Into the realm of sentiment, with heavy footfall, like a bull in a china shop or an elephant among porcelain, the sedate and matter-of-fact statistician obtrudes himself, intent on dealing through percentages with matters which, one might think, would be exempt from such prosaic consideration. The latest subjects of statistical inquiry are light and dark eyes, and as the result of sundry responses to questions propounded in various countries and duly authenticated, it has been discovered (and not merely discovered, but also proved) that, taking the average of Europe and America, 44.6 is the percentage of men having light eyes, including blue and gray.

The proportion girls and women having blue or gray eyes is by the same computation 34.2 per cent. other words, blue eyes are decidedly rarer among women than men, and It is for this reason perhaps that blue eyes, especially in combination with blond hair, are esteemed so highly as a feature of feminine beauty. Men have lighter eyes oftener than women; but in the intermediate grade of color between light and dark the per centage of the two sexes is very nearly, though not quite, the same. In this intermediate category are brown and hazel eyes, neither pure light nor genuine black. The percentage of liesc amoDg men is 43.1, and among women 45.1.

The percentage of dark, or, more properly, black, eyes is larger women, being 20.7 per cent, of tin whole number, while among men it 12.3. Perhaps it is the relative rarity of dark eyes among men which establishes the rule that dark-eyed men are esteemed by women to be more fortunate in the color of their eyes than blue-eyed men. The figures upon which these percen t-ages are based are the result of inquiries not prosecuted in one or more of the countries of Europe or one or more states of the United States, for, as is well known, in southern European countries dark eyes, both among men and women, predominate, while light eyes are to be found in just as high a proportion in northern countries. Headaches from Eye Strain. Dr.

S. Wier Mitchell, in Medical News, says there are many headaches which are due directly to disorders of the refractive or accommodative apparatus of the eyes. In some instances the brain symptom is of ten the most prominent, and sometimes the sole prominent symptom of the eye troubles, so that while there may be no pain or sense of fatigye in the-eye, the strain with which it is used may be interpreted solely by occipital or frontal headaches. The long continuance of eye troubles may the unsuspected source of insomnia, vertigo, nausea and general failure of health. In many eases the eye trouble suddenly becomes mischievous, owing to some failure of the general health, or to increased sensitiveness of the brain from moral or mental causes The Fact That Doctors frequently change of air and climate to those suffering from catarrh is proof that catarrh is a local and climatic diseases.

Therefore, unless you can leave home and business you should use Ely's Cream Balm, A p-plied directly to the seat of the disease, it effects instant relief and a satisfactory cure after short continuance. No raercury nor other injurious drug is contained in the Balm. cigbt." Taic oare of these eye and whan $75.00 Not a Trust Machine. The Ballentine Remedies DeW'itt'. Witch Hazel 3alve Circj Piles.

5calds. Buras The Great Modern Writing Machine. Visible writing, perfect allgnmeot, ev known mechanical device contalne 1 any Typewriter are embodied Id l' Kkanklin. Call on BUSHMAN t3 ciatiuu or uarimie oorrected dally. liuttor LJTp 14 i Unpeared Peaches 6 1(5 1 Onions 26 Shoulders GLOBE ARE FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.

If you can't go and see Doctor Ballentine send for his book; read In It his description of your disease. Tak; the remedy the book tells you to take and get 'veil. i All purchasers of Ballentine Remedies can have free consultation with the great Homoeopath, by addressing DR. A. D.

BALLENTINE, 1124 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. FRONT AND BACK VIEW White 11.08 Potatoes, IS Dried Apples 1 Tallow HeoBwax Hams Kanpberrlos Pa rod Vt CARLISLE 20 10 3 18 TIIi; MAN, V.hliilloii POTATO MARKET. Samuel Wood's quotations: Per busel or till lbs With tirm market. .20 JUST another one of our proud points in Ladies' Coats and Capes, which we think we have a right to stretch out our arms to help you in to show Jwhere beauty abounds, where, nualitv is centered, where stvle is a the ice cream freezer. TJtica Observer.

Farina Custard. Put one cupful of milk in a double boiler. When hot, sprinkle in one heaping teaspoonful of farina. Cook until thick and smooth. Beat one egg with half a cupful of sugar, add to the hot farina.

Cook a few minutes, add a little vahilla and sst aside to cool. with cream. The farina cooked in milk or and served with sugar and cream makes a very nice brejikf act dish. Ladles World. The Aftermath.

Baggs They say that Stagg'e din-ntit was a very swell affair. Gaggs Yes, that's just how it affected -Up-toDp. Unnecessary Precaution. I copyright my poems," said tit severe-looking young lady, as the ageti but truthful editor of the Clarinet glanced through the manuscript, "will it prevent the newspapers stealing them?" The aged but truthful editor of the Clarinet inclined his head. Then he srlaneed into the manuscript again.

"But if I were you," hs kindly suggested, "I don't think I would bother." N. Y. World. Another Testimonial. "Is marriage a replied the spinster; "it has been thus far with me." Bay City Chat.

lILVER-: n.t' 1 feature and above all where the flattened RUSS ruo puurvCLUUVjrv io mv acting Liirvd uuiuidi ilftl and courteous treatment as the bulging ESTABLISHED 1850. FURNITURE FLOWERS. MB ATTENTION. Gold Aluminum Table Ware Given away as premiums by the following Carlisle merchants. Ask for check whenever you buy goods representing the amount of your purchase i FErarick, druggist.

Wm II Marks, clothier. Willarns, confectioner. proud purse We invite your inspection and ask you to .1 i tit. i. 1 I 1O1 ught LIGHT ompare our prices witn any you nave looKea at ana tnen decide for yourself.

"1 COOL Easy to Wear No pressure on CAPES. CAPES. Ladies' capes, in wool beaver, fur tlmming and braided for Retains ft LMblU Severest tiernii with 50 Neyhard, "Globe No understraps. with Comfort, uon. neyer moves.

KA.VUFACTUR0 AT More lasting than nature productions. The odor of freshness which goes with beautiful flowers, is one of their greatest charms. The odor of freshness which is noticeable in our furniture is one of the indications, that it is not shop worn or old stock made over. We keep our furniture fresh and attractive. We sell close and move our stock rapidly.

The buyer gets the benefit and keeps us always busy. If you are look- 290 Main BUFFALO, N. Y. FOR SALE BY B. F.

UMRICK, Druggist, sstore," dry goods. II Lare, boots and shoes. Geo Leas, grocer. (J Speck, milliner. Slonesifer, queensware and ousefurnlshing goods.

Pague. grocer. Morris Uiley, stoves and tinware. (J Keitliug, (Agt.) jewelry store. Shapley'o furniture tton.

Rev. John DeWitt, D.D. of the Theouxjicai. Seminary, New Brunswielc, N. writes: "I ani satisfied that Dr.

Deane's Sweet reader, when you want to Guy The best piano 'neath the sky One that will last you till you die. Try Emerson, Stambaugh Smith, Gents' Fur nishings. Dr. All coupons redeemed at Reit-ling's, Act store. tfdlamw Finely tailbred wool kersey capes, elegantly appliqued and stitched, large rolling collar only 85.Q0 Cloth cape3.

braid and jet trimmed, very stylish, and very catchy at $5.00 Sell plush capes, with jet trimming, all silk lined, and very few of them left at the price of $9 88 CHILDREN'S COATS. We have children's coats, in brown and grey mixed cloth from 4 years to 14 years at $1.50 each. Brown mixed coats, very special, from 6 to 12 years, won't last long at the price for this week $1.75 each. MISSES COATS. In navy blue and black cloth, were bought to retail for 5 00, but we marked them $4.00.

EMERSON Deane's Dyspepsia Pills are ail right. They have mastered my case." Clergy men, college professors, physicians, and lawyers, universally find them, as do all others, the one gTeat remedy for dyspepsia. Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia Pills are scien Dyspepsia, FfMMlPtP? ing lor a Lnamber suit, oiueuoaru, iLxiension 1 able or Chairs, we have them in abundance. We will be pleased to show you through our rooms before you make your pur chase.

Pills, (Established In 18x9.) 1 Finest Tone, Best Work and flaterial. PIANOS. tifically prepared, and cure. That's why they have So large a sale. White wrapper if constipated, yellow if bowels are loose.

Send for a free sampieJ- DR. J. A. DEANE CO Kingston. N.

V. Y'S, 65,000 MADE A3VD USE. livery Ittstruiuent Kully "Warranted. Boucle coats in black and navy, loose front, large pearl buttons, bought to letait at $8.50. We mark them $7 33 CARLISLE.

I'A It will pay anyone to spend the car fare to HarrisburK who wishes to buy a piano or organ, new or second hand, cash or install-uieiils, orfranstl per week; pianos 13 50 per week. 18 different makes. Over 100 pianos and organs to select from and save from to 0 on your purchases. Mieet music and a variety of small Instruments. Tuning promptly attended to.

Write for catalogue, YOHN 307 Market tBstfd Harrisburg, Pa I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy, Mrs. E- B. Worden. For sale at modern pharmacy.

Prices A CARD TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Our higher grade misses' and children's garments are marked in the same proportion. LADIES' COATS. In black cloth, stylish in design, latest sleeve, and in fact up to date in every respect for $2.83 and you would call it a bargain at $3 98 Moderatb Terms PUBLIC SALE -OF valuable EA'L ESTATE. As it is so" fashionable these days to Wool boucle cloth coat, finely tailored, perfect tittiDg, i silk lined, new shield front effects, spleodid value at $10.00.

Our price this week $7 98 Boucles in navy and black, gems to look at, and a pleasure to try them on, and the prices are only $10 and $12 50 liHASONA get your family work done at hteam SPIES. laundrys the TliOY STEAM LAUNDRY is offeriDtr bltr Inducements that coats in black only, handsomely finished. Ladies' beaver, sizes for line all $4 00 SPRINGS, PA. all families can get their entire family wash done at a reasonable price. Lowest prices ever offered for 'family washing; 5 to 8.cts per pound.

After see how it is and nicplv it is WUl stay on your Nose If no sf other style will, and will give you more comfort than any other style made. We have the exclusive sale of this Guard. Rememberthat we are the only Optician that examines your eyes scientifically, grind and fit the bestlenses in Solid Gold Frames for $5.50. Cheaper Lenses, $4, $4.50 and (5. Each pair of Glassesguaran-teed to give entire satisfaction for one year or we will change them free of charge.

Just try buying your spices Our coats in plain cloth and rough boucles at $10.00, $12 50, $13 00, $15.00, $16.00, $17.00 and $18.00, must bs seen and examined to fully appreciate the material and workmanship. Illustrated Cataloicue Free. Em sonrianoCo. 118 Boylston Boston. Wakerooms 92 Fifth New York.

218 Wabash Chicago. at in cioth, loose and large Very heavy frout, large sleeves toes at No morphine or opium In 13r. Miles' Pais Pma.CuRB All Pain. "Onwcent adoso." i. 3 Hours Distressing kidney and bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the New South America Kidney This new remedy is a great surprise on icceunt of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in Uie blivnder.

kidneys, back and every part of th urinary in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pala in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief anl cure thi a li your remedy. Sold at Horn's flruj store Carlisle. Ps.

done up you will never be bothered with the dirt and confusion any locger. Lady employes have charge of all family Each wa-i. J. E. SIPE'S On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21.

18! at half pat ne o'clock p. m. The undersigned, ityents for Miss Mary Leidlg, will sell on the premises, a lot of ground on Front street, ov-t-riooklni; ibepprlng, feet wide, by 143 feet rep Imvinir therfon erectel a PUB- TONE mVELLINO HOLSfe, containing nine rooms, with good worked separately. Dorrt- ovtrlor.k this, but give it prompt attention. DRUG STORE Drop a postal and bur wacon will call Then when you really come to die, for and deliver free of charge; Aa take you goiaen narp on nign.


F. E. Middle sauff, and see how your pickles. they improve icii. ii irun, uu me iou maKing a very desirable home.

Drlvinjr alleys on north-west side and rear of lot. Aiso at the Mim- tjin and place a lot of ground 60 feet by 74 feet immediately In rear the first deciibed lot, with a STABLE, other PutbulHllnfrs ami plenty of FRUir L'Hsy of access bv two alleys. Terms easy, and will to made known on day ot sale by 0 SMEAD, jkSwt t3 A gen for Visa Mary Leldlg. Telephone connection. Manager.

A Handsome Complexion ia one of the greatest charms a woman can possess. Pozzoni's Complexion Powder gives it. To tho Young Face Pozzoni's Completion Powdeb gives fresher charms; to the old, renewed youth. Try it. 807 N.

Third Street. Harrisbrrg, Pa. No. 7 E. Hain St.

One Minute Cough Cure, cures, 'l hut is what it was mada for..

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