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Buffalo Courier Express du lieu suivant : Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
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but not for such tease as the oaa as no chance for legitimate publicity, in the Buffalo express. of their profits on the one hand and the property-holders ot their security on the tl," Hintoa Rowaa Helper's "Impending ii" shall he appointed to say office under the I sard of Police. Te constitutioaality of this act I me before the court ia Baltimore vs. State, xj 376468. The above daaae was objected to as unconstitBtional, 1 but the Coart held that they raid not take judicial roguixance the meaning these words.

I I iii. i i i i SILVER PI'ATED WARE, i GO TO objectiaei to children ia case ef widowers with families, bow saaay scathe beds, quilts, pillow-el ipe, candidate aaa light ec heavy- build, number of boot worn, and other such funeral inform atioa which the candidate will be only 'too ready to sapply. These bills, wbea filled up, will be forwauued to the editor, who will go through them ail aad classify. Tbey are expected to be ia before the New Year, and the work of classification will then be begun aad finished before March wbea the list wilt be priated in classified form and great numbers of them sent up to the Northwest foe distribution among the wifeless men. On the 1st of April the premier train-load of the ladies will start fox Winnipeg under the personal charge of the editor, assisted by a corps of matron ladies from all parts of Ontario.

4 fc 1 1 HIGH-PRICED BXCHANGB SEATS. i OCX'S, Brie Couaty, being chapter 591 of the law' of iSja, passed April 16th, 185 which rnovidess "Amd when, by tbe judgment of any court in said county, a fiae shall be imposed, tuch court nsny order that the person convicted be coaanuUed to the said WorVbouse. (Work-bouse of Erie County), and thore confined until such fiae shall be paid, aot exceeding rmn day imprisonment foe each, and every dollar so imposed as a I Section 17 of chapter 6a8 of the laws of '857, as amended; provides for-the arrest of pettoos faired intoxicated, ia public and for their punishment en conviction by a fiae of not less than three nor mora than tea dollars, ta the discretion of the magistrate trying hhxr, and costs at the tame rates aa ia courts of special Tfvriims. and imprisonment in the County Jail, Work-house, or Penitentiary until paid, not, however bis than ten Oayt, nor, to exceed tix months. j.

Chapter 443 of the laws of i8t, being tbe new code of criminal procedure, does not provide for any proceedings in cases of intexication in public places, nor for violations of any irity nor for disorderly conduct. i 1 r'l. Sectiott 96a of Said cod provides as follows Sac 6s. To what action and proceeding's thai code applies- This code applies to snaukaal actions and to all ill rr 1 it til i ia naniinl rsm 1 AWrens m. ssaW frost tba lime whea fat taaea effect but all suck DAIL AND WEEKL Y.

OrriCK. 179 WASHINGTON rr. 1 If. I hi LAsoss-f. kit.

amp truxxrtrr tinnicM KIWiPAME IN WISTXaaJ BSW-TOaK. TIIE MORNINO .11 Jl lb. mi rscslvsd frees nay part of dw world en halt nest Hi km 'tack la ika wnk(, aaa I promptly 4. Uvsrsd to subscribers to the elty, or mm kf Btl, pre-MM, le My imln Ms ike sited flaws a Canada, at UM fallowing rates I 1. On i.fO.OO IMa khmimV flO Three month.

3.28 One ssoutk 78 stretM lonss hvm tMrts. THE WEEKLY EXPRESSPublLhed iwr Tknrssay. sostainiag ike best at the original articles that appear la Um Dally. end a choice ssleeuou of literary awtiar snhnnle for faeaily iwiat. weather wit tba laiamt market, sad other tm.

Ian so any pesiomca la Iba Usrtad States or Canada, at ONM DO CAM AKD A QUA TM A TMAK. AH Weeklies stopped wkaa Um time for which they an pal ensues. Aa aatra eon I ree with every ckik of ton, TO IUBK1IBBLAU paTaiaau an la adTmaca. City Mbacrlban aaa nuke Ikair payments tka Collector a ai the C.nnung i 'TO ADV CBTTe.RlS-.TW. aa hsuae darts- advar.

ma maoism nveaio tnaa aaa Momut paper ana Iba Wttktf rssikse a vary kirn claaa of, soeutry BMnhaala, end atkon aa Wasters ll.w-V.ra end P. oner! eaola whs aa ikair trading la ikla city, i TaraM of ad- rttss given lor short Ikaa oaattnsts. t. TO COaKBSPONtmiTTiSbori Lattan ta tha Editor aord tally tavHad apoa all aam auy aaa any Mraauarn tbay plaaaa ana llaa ftvaa (far tka art rata hilniallia of iba B4llor aa a aaarantaa af Ibaar wood faltb. 1 All aoaiaiualoatioat at whatarrf aatan, lotraaa for lhaat pa para, ahol4 ka laJnana to J.

It. MATTHEWS, laitor aaA Praprlator, BuRale, N. T. totmi at aMMrMar mmll mUt mi tit Fmiigln ml Friday Morning, Nov. 18, 1881.

It 1 aald that the phyalclana who attended President Gabpield will preterit no bill, but leave it to the Government to, pay what it pleasea. Such court at that it above critlcitm. I (n a communication printed on tbit page -the luriadiction of watch-houe justlcee in Cuflulo teemt to be pretty thoroughly explained, and in favor of the pretent practice which hat been tomewhat vigoroutly quel tloned and condemned. It It tuggetted that the. dead-lock in the Board of Supervisor! had better be opened by a compromise.

1 And; indeed, that would teem to be the only key to a difficulty as to which there it so much to be laid on the city's as well as the towns' tide. The taxoavera of Buffalo are watch ncr with curiout interett the proceeding! of the advisory committee on tne propotea inter cepting sewer consulting the Covrhr't ever-. reliable City Directory meanwhile aiib reference to the occupations of the several gentlemen referred to. The stories started in Chicago arid elsewhere about there being a conspiracy to kill GARFIELD, of which GVITBAU was the instrument, are denied. But It might be Interesting to have the Western New-York man who prayed for another BOOTH summoned to testify, The Innocent talk of the Buffalo Courier and the ltica Htratd about theprobabllity of Gov.

Cobnell appointing a Democrat to succeed Fol6ek as Chief-Judge is calculated to make a Stalwart laugh all the waf up his sleeves and down hit back. That it not the Governor's lay," and never was. Murat HalsteaO, who visited President Arthur some weeks ago and was satisfied that he' was going to treat all factions alike, una thlnlra ha kaa ArcXAf A tY' IrV full dose of Statwartism on the United States." nsB innviTanif rnnipnut-nre oi in l. nts aai b. will be to make Blaine the nest President.

MVXAT is a (treat propnet, out nia iurc.aaia are about as unreliable as Vennor'sv rhe excitement In Peru over Minister signed; hie personal relation to Graat was- one fhiag, and his eUty to the entire Republican party quite another thing; his aim would be to keep constantly ia view the good of tbe service and of the party as a whole. Thjaisthe right sort of talk, and it is the more likely to beltved. up bj because it -really does not involve any. self-denial oa the President's pert, He has a greater number of legitimate vacancies to fill than any reasonable man, not possessed by a mania for political intrigue, would care to have to 4o with. Besides several new nteaa-bets of the Cabinet and aa Associate Judos of tbe Supreme Coart, he aaust nominate, when Congress meets, six or -seven) Ministers to foreign countries, several important Coo sals, aa Assistant Secretary of State, a Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, a number of Collectors, including one at Oswego, a number of Marshals and District Attorneys, sn Assistant, Treasurer at Cincinnati, a Chief Justice of Dakota, aa Associate Jastice of Wyoming, a Governor for Arizona, a Commissioner of Railroads, and a few Surveyors-General.

Vacancies also exist, ot are about to occur, la the postomoes at Auburn, Brooklyn, Amsterdam, Astoria, Brock port, Cambridge, Carthage, Clinton, East New-York, Fulton, Ithaca, 'Johnstown, Katooah, Kingston, Matteawan, Norwich, New-Brighton, Rondout, Sag Harbor, and Saratoga Springs, ia this State, and at various places in other States. ii 1 A circular signed by the Episcopal Bishop, the Roman Catholic Vicar-General, clergymen of different denominations, teachers, and others of Salt Lake City, Utah, bat been sent to ministers and others throughout lh land, asking attention to tne spread and growing power ol Mormon urn the Western Territories, and the insufficiency of tbe United -States law against polygamy to put an end to its evils. Tbey therefore ask all who receive the circular to bring to the notice of their Members of Congress these facts, to the end that they may be interested in securing for as at the approaching teu tion such legislation at will at once aad forever put! a stop to the farther spread of polygamy." They ask to have the anti-polygamy law of Congress amended that the living together of parties or ethabitation, to use a legal term ahall be the proof of bigamy or polygamy, in stead of the ceremony of marriage, because the lat ter is performed in secret within the walls of' the Endowment House, in the pretence of faithful Mormons only, and no one of these will bear testi mony to the fscts that polygamy shall be a coo tin Uous crime, instead of being allowed (aa now) to expire within thiee years, by a statute of limitation; that the women shall be equally punishable with the men for this offense; that the accessories to thej polygamous marriage shall be equally punishable With the principals; that the jury-list may be increased to aoo: and that adalterv. seduction, lewd and lascivious cohabitation, and kindred offenses msy be punishable as in the States and other Territories of the Union. The law as it now stsnds is practically a dead letter, because of its defectsJonly two persons having been convicted under it la the' eighteen years it bss been on the statute-book.

Mormooism is no longer confined to Utah, but already holds the balance of powefia Idaho; and has gained a strong foothold ia Wyoming, Arizona! and Southern Colorado, The appeal of these men. who are daily thrown into contact with the festering sore of polygamy, and wbo speak from actual observa tion of its evils, should not go unheeded. I I Letters to the Editor. FREE EXPRESSIONS BY THE PEOPLE. i 1 l-afw, yi- (MmMi- Be brief; be brief; aver- amove ke brief.

BDrtoa.1 aldermanic PERSECUTION, Editor BrrrALO Express: Have the Common Council ever granted to an individual the right to build upon and use for his own private purposes a part of a public street? Yes. This privilege bat been granted, or conferred upon C. J. Hamlin, wbo bat accordingly extended his works on Court Street. so ss 10 cover one-third of its width.

1 How much rent does ha pay, do you say? Not much; very nine; in isci not one cent nut perhaps be bad to pay! Aldermen for their ii Now, tbe Common Council bad nomore power to grant this privilege than it would bave to sell me a portion of Main Street and authorize me to build thereon. Tbe Street Commissioner may at any time pull down this building, for tuch an obstruction of a highway in law a public nuisance. Yet Mr. Hamlin is being persecuted." Glvoosb. A WORKIttGMAN ON CONVICT LABOR.

Editor Buffalo Expsiss: A card has recently appeared in some of your contemporaries, from one of oar late unsuccessful aspirants to legislative honors, Mr. Hogan, evincing much patriotic sympathy for the working classes, for tbe alleviation of whose condition be desires to be officially positioned in order to secure legislation favorable to their in terests: Mr, being an obscure member of that vast body of perpetual toilers, I deem it competent to svaU myselt ofthis opportunity to make a few cursory remarke. 1 i In the firstplace, he injudicioutly advocates the expediency of the abolishment of prison labor as far as it conflicts With the interests of monopoly, thereby throwing the responsibility of the maintenance of the criminal classes oa over-burdened honest industry. He also asserts that the organized bodies with whom be bat been associated failed to assist him pecuniarily or otbetwisev but simply, recom mended him to others, that tbey might do for bim that which tbey lelt indisposed to do themselves, Tbeceiore, at aa evidence of hia political rectitude. be accypta the conditions imposed bv that hitherto-mighty potentate, tbe Buffalo Machine, which ia now deposed, thanks to the indefatigable exertions of The Buffalo Exraass in the promotion of the people best interests.

workingman. I. I I CITY AND COUNTY tEDrroa Buffalo Expxxss: By a little per. verting of some facts, suppression of others, and by dodging the gravamen of the question, Mr. Foster appears to think that he has forced a conclusion different from that reached in my former Communi cation.

It is. necessary only to invite Mr. Foster's attention to what I wrote, and when he answers that ape -may be in a condition to take up a new issue. Which he evidently would like to raisej leav ing those on tbe tapis undisposed of. I wtote, "The' representatives from tha country towns, find ing themselves in a msjority, spring upon the Board a resolution adopting a report from a part of the Committee on Equalization, by.

which, the basis of taxation for tbe ordinaryexpeosej of tbe County for 1681 is made 74 per cent, for tbe city and 36 per cent, for tbe towns, thus changing the basis from 70 and 30, whuh have been the proportions for nearly ao rears. 1 i Until Mr. Foster either admits or disproves this statement, all reiteration of words and figures in which he indulges must be regarded as but idle wind' I While I am tempted to contradict several things that Mr. Foster tries to make me say, I must forego doing So, as the subject under consideration Is not so much a matter of personal pride as seeking to establish a principle that appears to be necessary for the future peace and safely lof the whole County of Erie. 1 1 jj Mr.i Foster, in effect, accepts my challenge 'to compare city ana town valuations, as made by tbe assessors, wit a actual sates ot real estate, but only partially fulfills the of the challenge, which was that if be would cite one casewheieia sn actual bargain and sale the property sold for less than the town assessors' valuation, I would furnish five cases ini the city, and if he furnished five cases from tbe country towns would furnish twenty-five from the city.

Mr. F. has failed to mention one, but asserts with hia usual recklessness that he knows of property sold in tbe town of Manila lor two-tnirds ot its attested valuation. I therefore move the formality of naming seller. buyer, 1 date, consideration, valuation, place, and page of record, and beg to append to this letter a schedule made from books in the Clerk's office of Erie County, cootsining a specimen brick from every ward abd town in tbe county.

Evidence of thia kind can be forthcoming to an extant that will justify every statement advanced by me. i -Now, inasmuch as this controversy is arrowed down to two propositions, neither of wbicn Mr, Foster has attempted to answer, and as the facts that sapport them are all matters of record in 4he published proceedings of tbe Board, and as Mr, F. cannot-lie permitted to. dodge the issue, I will briefly stale them, 1. That for nearly -20 years-the rate of equalization as between the cities and towns has been 70 and 30 per cent, respectively, The scale of valuationt by city assessors is maximupt and la tne towns minimum.

And aa Mr. rotter wniajot attempt again to con trovert tbem, I beg to say, before taking leave of him, that whatever my opinion may be of that gentleman aa a Supervisor, that as an honest, square-toed man he is not surpassed within tbe ranee of my ac quaintance in the county; but inside the portals of tbe supervisors" room, wnea me zraaro is in session, the members from tbe city will be acting strictly within the line of dnty by keeping a watchful eve upon tbe Supervisor from Manila. J. 3. V.

J. S. appends to his letter a long! state-meat, taken from the book of Supervisors' Proceedings of 1877, which gives actual transactions in real estate la every ward ia the city and every towa ia the county, every city sale having been made at leas than the assessors' valuation, aad every couaty sale at more. Ed. Expbbss.J JURISDICTION OF WATCH-HOUSE t.

JUSTICES IN. BUFFALO, EDtroa BuFFAto Exraxss: Questions he been raised touching the authority oi the watch-bouse justices in sentencing persons convicted of public intoxication or violations of tbe City Ordin ances to imprisonment in default of the payment ot fines imposed. The City Charter provides that tbe City shall have power by its Common Council from time to i Hurlbut's recent letter In support of the court-room. Whether the moral of ft all is that lawyers should talk less of that other people, should Ulk more, we leave It to that intelligent, that that discriminating jury, the mass of our fellow-citizens, to decide. TAKE', YOUR TIMEf t- la last Monday's Express; after; having promptly and frankly answered several questions toi which the Catholic Union Insisted we should reply at once, without dodging," we suggested thai our more inquisitive than communicative brother should In the same prompt and frank manner make answer to the following very simple though yl-f leading Flnt.

Hat tbe pioat but muscular Christian oi the Union, who would Boycott Tn Exrxxst, subscribed to tha Declaration of ladepeadesce 1 Steomt. Has ba sworn to support the Constitution of the United States, and renounced aUcgiaace to all foreign powers aad potentates, including the Pope of Rome as well as the Qseea of Great Britain and Ireland 7 ll Third. It ba a-j Americas citftea first aad a Roman-Catholic afterward or is it the other way wrtb aiat 7 Ia other words, to' which power does he think he owes primary allegiance the Church or tbe 1 jj 'We suggested, further, that frank (of course we expected prompt answers to these pliin questions might enable the intelligent portion of his readers to Judge as to what right the bigoted pro-Irish editor of a pro-Romish paper bad to catechise any free citizen of these United States on questions involving both his loyalty and his And now, 'after an Interval of three full days, comes ithe 'Catholic Union, whose belligerent though reverend editor is always so fiery red with pious haste to anathematise The Express and all its belongings, bearing this merest apology of a no-answer i "Next treeh the pro-British journal of Buffalo will hear from ut in reply to its worn-out Know-nothing 1 1 "Next "week "i-after three daysjf here is matter indeed for a nine-days' wonder I Here ill "no Htpr long should it take Ian able-bodied impudent Irish-American editor to say yes or no to any question touching his allegiance to the country of bis adoption What remote au thority must this one consult beforehand Wbo is the keeper of his loyalty patriotism as wen as oi nts conscience i 14. However, take) your most excellent good brother, take your time. If it requires nine days to open your eyes to the danger 6f barking up the wrong tree, we can cheerfully wait while others suspect that jtis your nature to.

I Gorham says he is still a candidate for Secretary of tbe Senate. He is also a eandidate for Assistant Secretary of tbe Treasury, ot for any thing ba can get, President Arthur is very secretive ie is said to ba engaged IsT writing his message with bis own hand, and no One, not even bit private tecre- tary, knows aught 6f its contents. 4. So Lambcrton is on Democrat i slate for! Congress! This is conciliation, indeed. But what it may change Into before another year rolls around no living man can tell.

1 I The Rochester Democrat describes The Exrxxst aa "a good fighter and a had hitter, whose blows count," Ii Ths Exfrxss should ever need an epitaph, that would meet onr Ideas exactly. 1 Th Express; will be glad when the names of Filley of St- Louis and ex-Senator Chaffee cease to be meulloned ifor Cabinet Ministers. Every mention of them is, an imputation oa tbe President't good sense or integrity. It The Globe-Democrat says it can no recognise Cbeuacey I. Filley as tha Sovereig i Pontiff of Missouri." This shows that bur very Stalwart contemporary needs harmonising.

It is a kicker," and also, no doubt, a sorehead." Talmage began last Sunday a series of sermons on "Ten Modern Plagues." endj numberless exchanges are urging him to extend the number to II and give tha world something autobiographical. How do they know but be is one of the to? lr The recent discovery of the secret Fenian organization calling itself the Royal Irish Repub lican society raises tbe query at to what tignib- cance mere is in names. Are taese remans royal- ittt Or are they republicans bushwhackers? Or are they simply 4 Stilt the war In Ireland grows in fury, Near Roscommon, a-bandred cattle belonging to a farmer of tba classical name of Flannlgsn have bean deprived of (their tails by tbe Irish forces. Tba only palliation for this outrage ia found in the fact that it was not committed ia fly-time. The Richmond Whig, itself a Readjustef, says its party, now that it has tbe power, is going to readjust.

It will make the Rlddleberger, bill a law. and If the creditors of the Slate do not accent what it offered they will get Tfcls wouli put the Republicans who have helped on the move 1 on the c. N. In a nice position, Local visitors to Asbury Park, N. Will be interested in knowing that high tides bare cut away the sand-bar between the ocean tndYthat curiout, tbeet of fresh water called Great Fond, between Asbury Park and Deal Beach, Out Tuesday morning tbe pond, which usually covert hundreds of acres, was nearly dry.

A Supervisor of the reform kind, in whom we have confidence, assures us that the'aanual din ner of tbe Board St the Alms-house yesterday wis a good but plain meal, and all tha proceedings were decent and orderly. The days of dranken jamborees at the Alms-house and Protectory, he thinks, are over, We hope so. Baldwin, the Ohio crank who took his in gold and has suffered for his pig-besdedness to the tane of about 130,006, consoles himself by saying: I would rsther the thieves would have it (ban tbe damned banks." Tha banks cad return Ithe compliment, and aay that they would rather the thieves bad it than such a damned crank as Baldwin. I -I 1 The Albany correspondent of the New-York Put lately looked up the records and found that the Democratt had had entire control of the State Government'only once in 30 years, That was in 1 870-7 when. Hoffman was Governor and Tweed was That period waa! characterized by the worst corruption the State ever knew.

The writer thinks that tba Jemocrata have bjeeu chastened into better ways eraca that time, and be ia I i I i Good work, work which will result in the saving of thousands of dollars to the County, was done yesterday at the Alms-house, as we are assured by officials who have a right to know. Welt to-do sons and husbands who have unfeelingly left those dependent oa them to. ba public chaigaawill be ferreted o4t aad made to care for their! own, aad sundry other peaks will be stopped. buildings were found to be, very clean aad comfortable, aad the intnates apparently kindly cared for by the pres ent Keeper, We thank the Rochester Herald tor calling onr attention to tha fact that wa did Mr. Astor, the defeated candidate for Congress ia New-York, in justice i by saying that, I as a Senator.

he voted against the New-York Street-cleaning bill. The bill passed tha Senate by unanimous vote, the Machine not having at that time resolved to fight it. Tba fight Waa mads on 8, and it was in tba Mr. AUof was and is a Machine man for all that, and for that he was beaten, and not for his Senatorial vote, I Paul is in hot water all round, id. Her con- cert boam ia a dismal failure through the greed and stupidity of her managers, and sow Max; Marctxek has brought suit against her for an alleged breach ef contract la sing for nun ia Mexico in I861.

Ramor says that Max puts tha turn which WOI ease his feelings and hia- pocket at $40,000 snore than rthe divine Patti, according to nrsseat appearances, likely to stake by her American tour. iThe illus trious song bird will quit distiibating taffy for America to credulous reporters very shortly. I I The wily editor and the eloquent 'stump orator know full well how to' turn blow against the Government into aa argument against, the Mex-kaaiaing of America, but it-, seems, on ithe other band, that there ia such a thing aa American icing Mexico; The Bl NotUioso, a City of Mexico newspaper, in a rcceqt issue gives considerable space to compliments for 'the Brash Electric Light) Company of Cleveland for tba successful introduction of its electric light in saaay ef tho principal streets and parks of tba Mexicaa capital. The fimt sskxessfnl trial waa made, during the recent holidays, wbea inMnense throngs of people admired the beauty, brilliancy, aad softness of the tight. I Mexico is not a country asusily associated with progress, and the above will read ratbec qneerly to many who look aptm it as little better than half-civilised, 1 i I It will be gratifying to every man) who be-Uevas a permanent civil earviee to ha one of thai crying teds of the day.

to-read ia tbe Washington) aw respondent of the AVaa. York Timet the statement that all attempts to have the President rtmqr-a Postmasters on the ground that they were not Grant Republicans have been rebuffed, and that the President has told the visitors ia, each case, in decided tanas, that be did not saw how that made, any difference, and that such considerations would certainly ot en-" I -v cctrs wo-ld be cv-d -w other. suggests With great force that what tbe underwriters' con vention neeos to do is (1) to fix npon a maxi- num rate 01 commnsskM to agents and brokers which all can agree to. Then (2) enter Into articles of agreement, and publish tbem. hot to pay a higher rate.

Then (3) let local board everywhere establish adequate rates of premium. If these tbinos cannot be done. a convention will avail little or nothinsr. A RESERVOIR INRXHA VSTIBLE. It is reported that Mr.

Walter. proprie tor of tht ndm Timet, while in New-York recently, suggested' 'that that city, which ia constantly threatened by aa impending water-famine, should supply itself with water from Lake Erie. i. The suggestion, -chough somewhat start ling at first thought, is received with some favor, and the more as the Important matter It reflected upon. It is allowed, in the first place, that the water which rushes over Niagara Falls is much purer and less liable to change in character at different seasons than that which comes from smaller rivers and, shallow ponds In the second place it is believed to be as practicable to construct a flume to supply any quantity of water it was to construct the Erie Canal, and the fall between, the two points would be sufficient, if equalled, to produce the necessary current.

This however, would be a question of engineering, and New-York Is re minded that it is a city which will soon contain 3,000,000 of human beings. Mr. Walter evidently thinks that the question of cost should not Weigh much with a city of that size, and of wealth, the thing to be surely attained is an Inex haustible supply of pure water. Another suggestion looking to the same result, is. that the water from Lake Erie might be taken to New-York by pipe-lines like those for petroleum, but of a much greater capacity.

This would be vastly less expensive than grading an open flume, and would give the great though somewhat dangerous advantage of a head of over 300 feet to the supply. This pressure would enable it to drive all machinery and extinguish all fires without tbe aid of steam engines, and the filthy streets of the teeming metropolis might be washed and its sewers flushed with the water frequently as a great sanitary measure. I 1 But if this splendid scheme is feasible for New-York, 400 miles from Erie, wily could not Buffalo infinitely better by constructing a great water-pipe line to Lake Choutauqua, a distance of only about 60 miles? That most beautiful body of pure water is oyer 700 feet above the level of Lake Erie, and the force of the fall could probably be so regulated as to furnish the cheapest motive power for all tbe machinery that could be put up in Buffalo, with a never-failing abundance of the cheapest and best waJterl in the world. What rival could this city then have as a centre of manufacturing industry We hope that this subject will attract the attention of our scientific men. We simply throw out the suggestion for what it may be worth, in view of the present high price and low supply of water in Buffalo.

If the plan should be pronounced feasible, there is doubtless idle capital enough here that would be gladly employed at a low rate of Interest in carrying it out. LAW YERS FOR LA W-MAKERS. That rather more ambitious than solid periodical, the Journal of the Agricultural Association, raises again the by no meant new question, "Why is it that to many law yers arid to few other people are elected to our deliberative and law-making' bodies? As the Journal puts It It it one of Iba notl anomakmt condition! of onr political organism, that a population composed iplinly ot iarmeri, mechanics, merchants, and mtnulaclurert, thou Id, at a rale, represented in all its legislative bodies, including Congress, by lawyer. Tha fact that It is to represented is patent, and it it certainly lima that a change in the custom which occasion it should occur. That those who live by litigation' should be privileged to make the laws whose bieaih, annulment, or misconstruction supplies them with the meant of subsistence, is stout at crude an examiple of mismanaged public policy as can well be conceived.

That those a bote Interest it that laws should ba broken should be cboaen to frame them, micht occur among a people in ttale of anarchy. Yet tha nineteenth century sees the leading republic of tka world no farther advaoced titan this in practical Mlf-govetnment. Tba situation. it much tba tame ia England, bat aot to the same extent. There, reprtsentatives of eld county families, and tantiemes expressly educated for par- litmenttry ctrecr.

sra term after term elected, and It Is a well-known fad that soma of the strongest members of tba Ilouta of Lommom are agriculturists. There is no mystery about this genera choice of lawyers for places in the law-mak ing branches of the Government. That those branches would do their work more wisely If a larger share of it were to be allot ted to manufacturers, merchants, farmers, and workmen, the iclasset upon whom the lawa as welt at the lawyers-operate," and who furnish the supplies which keep the legal machinery in motion, probably nobody doubts, Still we go on, year after year, electing almost nobody but lawyers to tbe various Legislatures and to The reason is, simply, that lawyers are trained to public speaking. "Fluency in that tort bl thing the gift of gab," as the vernacular hath it is not only more common in America than almost anywhere else, but also more admired. Why it should be so much admired.

Is another and a harder question. words spoken in a loud tone of voice by a man un should be more impressive and con vincing than words spoken in a conversa tional tone by a man sitting down' is ex plainable plausibly enough in several ways, but none of tbe explanations seems quite to satisfy. A man declaiming to a Crowd uses, and good taste justifies him in using, more exalted and fervid terms 01 ex pression than can be used in conversation without seeming affected and absurd. But high-flown talk' should not affect tbe mind of a man ol good sense unless it clothes ex alted ideas, and such ideas may be as well and as clearly set forth In the terms of ordi nary conversation aa ia sonorous and long drwn periods. A public speaker can be heard by more people at once, and there is a tympathetic contagion in a crowd, but if a nan thinks for himself he need not yield td it.

Sometimes we are in dined to think that the greater in ftuence of oratory is due altogether to its greater noise. A command shouted at a man, or even at an animal, has a vastly dif ferent effect from tbe same Command spoken in an ordinary There is prob ably an instinct, which man shares, with the other animals, that makes mere noise, if there is enough of It, carry conviction to the soul, and li is perhaps only because his reason is educated to struggle against such an influence that any man is enabled to hold out against some of the human foghorns of tbe stump, Nobody pretends that lawyers are more conscientious or more industrious or more patriotic or know more than many merchants and doctors and manufacturers and farmers. On the contrary, the general opinion is that tbey need more watching, because they are up to more tricks and are less scrupulous, than any other class of men. This, tf true. makes them the most expensive and trouble some class of lawmakers.

Yet we atlll go on electing them In great excess over any other class of citiaens. If It is not because they can think and talk on their legs, why is It? If they have any other advantage or merit over the rest of us, what is it? A man who can talk to crowd cannot Hve in this country without constantly ad vertiainfj himselfconstantly keeping In the public eye. The American people have a passion an infatuation -a craze, or being talked to. No matter what the occasion; from canalboat launch to A funeral, from a picnic to a cornerstone, laying, aotnebody must rise oh bis bind legs and address the intel ligent aasemblsge." "Thus a man who can Ulk and will talk has endless Opportunities to talk, and any-lawyer, who snuffs afar off the flesh pots, of politics can make himself known to a great majority of the voters. even If he is so bric' a to tsve little or i taiaeron vravcfnmcni nu vaiicu uui iyj Minister I LP at rick, in 'Chill, tradicting some of Hurlbut's HURLBUT has replied, insisting that he is right and attacking KiLPATRlCK.

It is mom unseemly for two of our Ministers 1 -THB SMALL CHANQB OF POLITICSe l-r -X This' fat the week of prayer for young men. Do you. bear, William ags Astor Boston Thx BtrrrAio Exrxxss says it will hereafter repudiate immoral and nufit men placed on it party ticket. Shake I Detroit Free Press. 1' Mr.

MacVeagh's peremptory resignation as a member of the Cabinet was-avqaestioo of propriety, of which he was entitled to be the judge. -Boston Herald I It is said that the friends of Van Zandt of Rhode Island will bolt Spoooer, who was aaatad tot Coo-crest to succeed AJdnch. The election oceans next -vf It is taid that the ws of New-Yotk very cloaely resemble saussgevi You bave great respect for them until you know how they are made. A7w- YorkHeraU.y 1- The Star-route revebitiona have destroyed Dor-sey's political power ia Arkansas. Powell Clayton is now tbe acknowledged chief of the Republican party is that State, i The only persoas who appear to be getting any solid comfort out of.

the Star-roote prosecutions are the Government attorneys, i They are cheerfuX. Philadelphia Record. 4 Mr. Eversbed was noaaiaaledi for State Engineer to please Mr. Seymour," it has been understood.

Let it be recorded, therefore, that Mr. Seymour was pleased, and Air. Seymour is pleased. Utica Herald. A T'-j Mr.

Wayne MacVeagh doesn't propose to be utilized as a scanegoat. He Isn't that kind of snimab Neither will he aid ini pulling Stalwart chestnuts out of the fire. Hie isn't that kind of an animaL Chicago Times. Th Memphis Appeal believes that but for the ostracism of tbe South, on account of the war and sectional hatreds, Senator 1 Lamar would now be as formidable a candidate for the Presidency as be is for United States Senator." Whew? 1 Henry J. Spooner, the Republican candidate for Congress Rhode Island; though making strong professions in behalf of rivil-tervica reform, is charged with being a hypocrite oa the and also with buying votes to.

secure his nomination I Tbe Richmond State (Funder), in an editorial article on the futute of Maboniam, says: "Henceforth it will be our duly to inform our people of sll the 'methods which party 'will devise for bringing Sbout a system of mixed schools, tha marriage of whites with negroes, and the election of Graat in 1884,," I- Defeated Democratic candidate, Geo. Raines, thus figures out, la published card, his gains over Senstor Puts: Little Orleans did her part nobly in keeping 1 t. -L t.i .1 ir. i nu su ucmuu nts oiaie ticaeiDut me same influences operated to rake the Republican maior- ity on the State ticket, as Monroe, beyond all estimates of any well-informed judges of "off years. One thousand in each coanty wasthe high est estimate made before the election of tbe Repub lican majority on tne Mute ticket, it is, however, Se8l in Monroe end l.isd in Orleans.

The ap parent result of the canvass Upon Senstor ia Monroe County has been the reversal of the Republican majority upon tre State ticket of for Attorney General and Judge of the Court of Appeals, which are tbe fair tests of the party vote and the securing I I pi majoniy U77, maaang low gain oi 3,950. To this must be added not less than 1,300 further gain from tbe Republicans, which was dissipated by 1 ic usual inuitna; 01 votes lur uuicr local canuiuaics This gain of 4,158 divided represents the Republi can vote cast lor me in Monroe v-ounty. 1 1 studieain Modern reucn Art, now In preparation for tha holidays by George Barrie, the Phila-Helphia pablisher, will be one of the moat sumptu ous gitt ooaxt 01 tne teasonj 1 i George Barrie, the Philsdelpbia publisher, an Bounces tbe immediate issue of editions de luxe of the Decameron and Heptameron. They will be printed on specially prepared paper, and illustrated with etchings by Flameng. James R.

Osgood Co. have In press a small book on the Harvard Greek play "CEdipus Tyran- Bus," containing a full and accurate account of the preparations and performances, the characters and written by Henry: Norman, one of the performers, and illustrated with 14 heliotypea. i Elihu Vedder, tbe American artist lately returned from Rome, has designed a Bew cover for the Cen tury Maganne. It will include five designs for tbe different seasons, with appropriate emblems and a female figure. The general color of tbe paper will be preserved, but the ink will be of a deeper tint.

Tbe face of Adelioa Patti is. seen oa the first pace of the Crittc of Nov. 10, and the quality her voice is analyzed in the musical department. Miss G. S.

Godkiri, author of the Life of Victor Emanuel' contributes an interesting sketch of Emondo de Amicit, the most popular and success ful ot living Italian writers. The A tlantit for January promises an attractive list of In tbe department of fiction there will be a short story by the author of Tbe Child ofthe State," and tbe preliminary chapters of two serial novels The House if 4 Merchant Prince," by W. H. Bishop, and "An Echo of Passion," by G. P.

Lathrop. Among the essays will be one on Police Reports by W. DJ Hbwells, a paper on Hindu Humor" by Elizabeth Robins, and the first of Edward Everett Hale tenet of studies on sreient Palestine. J. T.

Trowbridge arid Edith 1 nomas win contribute poems. With the December number ot the Atlantic both Mr. Howells and1 Mr. James bring tbeir serial stories to a close, -and the anxiety of many readers will be relieved as to the disposition of tbe characters. Tbe issue contains an article of special interest in view of the trial of Guiteau, entitled British State Assassins and the Defense of In sanity," by James W.

Clarke. Miss Harriet Preston, one of the most charming of American essayists, has a fascinating! article, "At Canterbury." Mr. Richard L. Dugdale continues his papers on Social Science with one on the Origin of Crime in bociety, which every one will read with profit. Socialists in a German University eivet some valuable information ia 'regard to the prevalence and diffusion of Socialist sentiments ill tbe seats of German culture.

Wells writes an instructive Mrs. Kate Gannett article on Caste fn American Society." The shdrt stetr by S. A. E. entitled "Hester's Dower." will be found entertaining.

Other interesting articles are upon "bhakespeare and Berlioz." bv Theodore Child upon "The Habitant of Lower Canada." by Ed wstd Fsrrer: and a poem by Edith M. Thomas. The number contains the usual book reviews and Contributors' Club. In the bitter a little essay on Old Pewter -shows the skillful touch and-sim plicity which characterize Miss Jewett's New-Eng land sketches, HEALED BY PRAYER. rk Crrr.

Ckitago inttr-Ocean. Wh eaton. 111.. Nov: Oliver B. Wilcox.

an old resident of this towov has been perfectly cured of a disease that baffled the doctor's skill, for he had criven him ud. savins there was no helD for bim. The patient is over to years old, and a mem ber of tbe College Church. Here is bis statement After tbe doctor bad exhausted his skill and said there was no earthly help for tne, I tben knew there were three things left, death In tbe near future, years, perhaps, of suffering. a( I laid on my bed aelolese.

or health restored by mm wbo eave it. was now almost euliiely destitute of power to help myself in any way; could not even raise up in bed without help, and only by baying pillows placed about me could recline in an eoiy chair from two to tours in a nay. It is some twenty years since I was first stricken down with paralysis, from which I partially recov ered, to be again prostrated about one year ago witb what we all tbouebt was my last sickness. have for the last 30 years believed in the power of Irfxl to raise tba sick, tbe same to-day as wnen Christ was on earth. And right hers I wish i to be distinctly understood that I am no Spiritualist, and believe that Spiritualism is ot the- devtl.

1 hen lifted. up my desire to Him wbo said 'The prayer of faith shall save the I gave myself into the hands of tbe Lord with full -faith that He would do all things welL Shortly after (his 1 awoke, as the clock struck two ta tbe morning ot Uctober at, 1881. and I felt tbat Cbrtst spirit was with me. said, Lord, if it shall be more for Thy honor and Thy glory to heal roe, tben I wish to be made well and immediately I felt tbe thrill-of healing as it parsed through my veins ana tissues, passing ana repassing for just one hour, and as the clock struck three I was fully restored to health, but I could not sleep for thinking wbat tne Lord kaa done tor Attbe usual time for breakfast! which had always been served in bed, 1 surptised my attendants by rising and walking through the bouse, and when my case was offered me. took it and beld it aloft over mv head, to shdw I hem bow needless it was, Then, as soon as the weather permitted, I walked to tbe neighbors, arid afterward rode down town.

leaving my carriage and walking into tbe places of business, climbing stairs, and conversing witb friends, telling them what the 1 Lord had done for 4 -i Wv- rr LAND LBAGU8 VILLAINY," :1 I I i From tko Wcattrn AsorcUtod Prom. Dtrsuir. Nov. 15. Tbe following arajthe particulars of tbe attack on tarmer'OatVin at Castle Island.

Kem Saturday uigfat, shortly after 8 five disguised men entered the victim's bouse, and found Galvin, his mother, bis wue, aaa two servants at home. Tbe visitors were armed wiib mnzzie-aandinw nuns, and had white handker chiefs tied across their faces to conceal; their feat ures. One of tbe parties, a tall fellow; advanced into the room and asked Galvin if he had paid his rent Galvin replied ra the affirmative, adding that all his neighbors had done the same. The leader then asked him coolly would ne preier to navu nia ears rot off or be shot. Garvin replied that he had nnlv one life, and would prefer death to-mutilation The unfortunate man was then directed to kneel on- the floor.

The leader cried out: "Take aim; fire. Shoot him about the legs." Five shots were firt and three bullets lodged hi Galvin 's thigh. Ml eat bis face, and several of the attacking nart bevas beatine him with' the butt ef then: guns, Tbe tenor-stricken mother threw herself 'a ft A. upon aer sou 10 save nun. vmc waa broken by the heavy blows.

SURPLUS FEMALE POPULATION, .4. 1 1 i -v Special to OUeato trOmme. ITiiniTon. Ont. Nov.

1 1. A circular is issued by Mr. Pattalo of the Woodstock Sentinel Revieto in ermncctioa with hi project for emigration of the surplus female population ef Ontario to Manitoba. From tbe Circular 11 appears mat iu wws sue Woodstock jnomal goes into the peoject aa well from a sense of dnty aa from nts love ot the rentier x. He baa already obtained me suitresses ot taoa-inda ot nmsr nrocaeu in tbe province aad is col- lectrng ethers.

To nil these tbe circular above referred to fa) sent.las well as a blank which candi-datea- an exDected to fill up. The inferasatiwn sought for in tbe blank is more or less of a formal character, calling for Information regarding age, color of hair and eyes, religion, kind of temper, county wherein residing, married or single, kind ef husband devred. wUower or your-t nuus, aay 1 LITERARY NOTE8. RRiST i i CVU -1- ipecial Bargains BLACK AID COLORED 'SILKS, 1 -I 'i Black aad Colored Surah I'll i SATIM BIKBslYKIJKVBC, BVA.TIM DVCHEHB. Brocaded Sauna, black and colored; black aod all tbe aewcetorsns DllOCADED VELVETS PLUSHEi.

LRfiREND (SocctMair txreadMorgmn), No mo SXaln Street. DRY GO ODS, CARPETS, AND PRAPERY. LA.8H AND KB PRICE. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. We 'haveEJutt received a full and com- olete stock of LADIHS' and CHILDREN'S In all the desirable colors and.

styles, sutt-' able for Pall and "Winter Wear. A comp ete stock of Woolen and Kid Gloves and tens, suitable for the pretent season. Ml HAMILTON McCRACXEN TV oa. 383 Je J85 Btaln St Tbe Colorado Mining and land Co. lining anc I CI: Me- so Bssit Scsteca BaSalo, .1 Incorporated under the laws of New-York.

Capital n. Forty thousand shares, par value fas each; predicated uion fire old and silver mines, located, near Mlnera rami, salt juan L-ounty, t-oioraoo, wnicn win ne accet- bie by railway on ana alter tne arst or June next. .7 Bmck full naid and non-assessable of which over ssjmo snares remain unsold. OFFICERS MATTHEW GEN. WM.

F. ROGBRS, I WM. H. BAKER, THOMAS H. sad Treasurer.

L. Superintendent. in order to avokt the neeeasttv of aaking- additional sates of slock for conducting ita minina operattont. the Company haadecided to kwoo instead three classes ol in vestment secunuca, maeemaois a. an early r.

wutcn foir saiety and profit to tbe purchaser cannot be excelled. Tbe security thus offered Is highly endorsed, and it Is believed that accordiaa- -to tha class selected ao averse. annual profit from tt'A to So per cent, for a period of three years may oe inns secureu. or particulars appiyw a. oyDiiii, a rvjsuuieji TTENRY STRAUB Ii HANUFACTURBRS OF BLANK BOOKS, Ruling-, Binding and Printing la every Variety.

VCsssi. 40 iand Sxcsaanar M. REMOVAL. KKHOVAL. removal; REMOVAL.


PALatESi, Has Removed to MO, imm BtaUm atrmmt. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL, Fourth Swi door above Atlas Reflning Go.

i REFIKERJ OF PETROLEUM AKD ITS PRODUCTS, I i 1 'i axs Wawfalnffton mu, V-purn to THE TRADE, In tank cars ot barrels, at the lowest swrket rales, their saperior brands of Ilmmiaaxlng Oils aad otner proaucts, inouaing Standard ')ee- o(. Prime ijo deg jjo dec. Water seg see sej deg. Hts-UBnt i- car Ohio. Michigan.

Wisconsin. Minnesota, Iadhtaa, snd Dominion legal isst. and deodorized, .74 deg, redistllle4 and daoderized. Partkmlar attenoon is called to onr special brands. BrigMManllmtcr Spray" WhJca we guarantee equal to any special efla ataawfaeeared.

1 1 1 Ouatations uraiabed bf asail or telegraph. mMr M-ai' I Street and Buffalo Crsek, and yfOTMHB Tiuwvilia, Pa. JOBlf rVspriatort of the 1 BUFFALO GALYAI.TZLKG WORKS. Sjmy-Only plsce in tbe city. i Bttahllahwl sSu.

Ml bums 01 usosKt, cvievator n-ocxers, ai nuo. ty All orders done on short notice. JACOB VIERGIVER, Wknlistlt and ratafl dealer ba aints, Oils, Varnishes, Imported and American Missed Plat. Class, Prenck and Americas Window Class, Waa and A rtnrta' asateraus, impsnaa vnn anaocs ax nt aowers, crosses, etc- Light Canada Drab, d-iUAZIKO POKTi TO OBPEH rfONEY 01 rI te se- TERRACE SILKS and SATINS Hosiery and Gloves i i HOSI ERY abroad to be engaged In such a quarrel Why shouldn't both be recalled? 1 lUsWavaJt SMtimt to tko Umctmnosi Gomotie. Nkw-Yosjc, Nov.

IS. The seats af the Produce Exchange to-day were advanced to 3,700. It is aot certain that actual transfers have taken place at that figure, but it is certain that no seat could be had for less. An actual sale took place for $3,600. The Battel; and Cheese Exchange, it may also be stated, bave raised their initiation fee from $40 to $300.

speculative fever that has been devel-oped in all the leading staples Within a few years past has imparted value to the membership ef these exenanges, wnicn, anocr orainary circumstances. would, be looked apon ipoa as prepoateroua. my bed for four months," 1 1 -v "I waseooftned to my bad for four months," aaya Mr. Charles Lowe, aot East Btcktaeum Street, New-York, "with the 1 hum I ism, aad can say that tba use ef tame books of Sc Jacobs Oil made me a sonnd ssan. It la retarded here aa tba greatest remedy ef.

the age." Yon ar aick; welt, there ia just one reaiedy that will core yon beyond possibility oi doatx. it it's uver or Kidney trouble. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debility, WeUs't Health Reoewer" to yew hope. fx. Druggist, Depot, POWS LL at PLIMPTON.

'j Tbe bnportaaoe ef using good, fun soap for the toilet, anrsery, and bath-room cannot be over-rated, inasmuch aa the skin is particularly sensitive to tbe action of at ingredients. Particularly at this the cnaa with Infanta. Let your child be washed with tbe best map you can pro cure: you will ba amply repaid by seeing tbe skin healthy and clear. Procure from your droffgh POND'S AX- TRACT TOILET SOAP. Um It once, you wlU use It always.

j. vi- Tboasanda of ladies to-day cherish BTateful remembrances of tbe help derived from the use of Lyda B. Pink- baa's Vegetable Compound. It positively cures all feasale complaints. Send to Mrs.

Lydst E. Pinkham, 133 western Avenue, Lynn, for rnaaqnlcbU Bill was feel) A boy named Bill was feeling ill. room cherries ne nan eaten. Me took a Podoohvllin Pill. And the naia waa wholly beaten.

hJk.STBVBNS, Main; aad ROUSE A Virginia ttreau t- Uf I 1 i SIR ROBERT CHRISTISON, Physician to Her Majesty tbe Oueen of England, sneaking of tbe Coca plant. "The properties of this wonderful plant are the moat remarkable of any known to the medical world. From repeated personal trials, I am convinced that Its use highly beneficial and tonic." To build up a brokeaMlown system, use tbe Lieblg Coca Bjeer Toole, endorsed and recommended by the foremost physicians of Europe and America. Overwroturht and feeble nerves are ouietad diircstiooi is promoted, and new tone and Vigor hv all of tbe organs of the body follows its use. Beware of worth less tmitatiooa.

That poor, weak man, with Bushed cheeks and shrunken form and backing cough, thought it was only a cold, and so neglected H. Tben Peerless Cough Syrup would have saved him. Now nothing wtlL Fifty cents and Sti' per i 1 1 '1 For tale by W. COULSON, 1S0 Seneca; H. K.

STBV ENS, 147 Main; and ROUSE A 051 Virginia street. Walnut Le-af Hair Reatorer. It Is entirely different frem all others. It ia at clear at water, and, aa he name Indies taa, mi a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will immediately free tne bead frcea dandruff, restore gray hair to ha natural color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off, ft does not in any manner affect the health, which Sulphur, Sugar of Lend, and Nitrate of Stiver preparations nave done.

It will change light or faded hah- In a few days to a neautifu glossy Brown. Ask your druggist for it. Bach souls warranted. POWELL PLIMPTON, Buffalo, and N. CR1TTBNTON.

New-York, wholesale areata. A A A Forlorn Forlorn Hope. Hope. 1. i Forlorn Hope.

I During tlte progress of the great Peninsular huar in Europe it was usual to ask for volunteers to ftorm a post, of extreme danger. Napoleon tne Great was notrd for this style of warfare, and hisFQR-LORN HOPE tva generally successful. hi tlie ige we live in we liave a FORLORN IiOPE ofan entiMy different kind. Health and strength may fail, the bodily powers become prostrated and en feebled, tlte blood becomes stag nknt, and tinged with corrupt matter. When a poor dyspep tic awakens in the morning Mis tongue is coated, the breath is hot, feverish, and fetid, even tlu lungs don't act with healthy 'respiration.

What is the cause priceeas front the BLOOD, THE LIVER, I i Or the KIDNEYS. The 1 seat of life is centered therein and all the Ills that flesh is heir to springs from I this fountain head. When the constitution gets itito this condition small chancfof ultimate recovery remains, it UJ there is a FORLORN HOPE, and after-all else has failed, let the woebegone afflicted one take I- I- I i BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. I st. rsej whi ovvttek They will relieve, They will nourish.

They will cherisif. They will tone up the stom-I ach and the nervous system. They will give sijettgth. 3 They will give vitality. THEY, WILL CURE, Try thent.

Fathers take a sample home to your family. Mathers should use them, Give them to your children. 1 BURDOCK BLOOD BtTTERS. V. do more than the promise.

'fl Sold by Druggists everywhere, FOSTER, i Buffalo. N. Proprietors), .1 TO LET. FURNISHED. A PARTY "ABOUT LEAVE THE -TTV ahm an mi, their hitan on Dciswsre Iiirnsdul Tha ooportsnKy la a rare oetloi (imllr who improvements and at weU farnrtbed.

There a bare rtertrr, The seote contains au um lac preausca, amaii saauiy WNSHIP, No. t4 SomtmZHvUimt St. If 1 If 1111 II H'-'sVJI -1 11 .11 nu 11 zi saaatf AmV hi, "aa AS. I -1 i JtrlUftxctf. M.

llEEniE, i ARCHITECT, fr Cor. Maip aKd Eagle Sts. if Pa WaXU-TJIOaONS, ARCHITECT 5 SUPERINTENDENT, id Block. Southwest in and Swan Streets. Office bourt ts i and s.js in w.

at. tttilllitflgrj Bvvb0. MILLINERY. 'i BQNNEjrS HATS New tylea of Drtf. BoAacit, Becver aiUI Felt Hau added to our Show Rabtt.

daUr. No regular ooaning drt tW LoOff Black 0-tncltf Pluttica at pncea from dollart up. Felt aiidJleaTer liau rffinithed. JohnM. OBnen, Wnoletale aad rtaH tier In Milllneiy Coodt, Corner of Mam.

and Cllntos Streets. fallm: LLINERY OW READY. WM. IWRIGHT BfaUm sStrweit. 'P0ot Rstlt Sljbtftt.

GOOU fcO ODS AXV Immense PSklCBat. Fall land Winter SHOES and: RUBBEHS. nobbiest and list The nobbiest and seat Geft'i Shoe In button, lace and Conarrett In Buffalo for.Si.OB. Ladies' fine Velvei Sllpnart only $1.50. ydbrtnterett to call at CHAS.LEH 244 Main St.

Atademyct repare FOR SlND WEATHER. Keep the leejf warm jnd dry and tbe head cool, and defe tba doctors. 1 1 I ETT an Immense stock of Shoes I VI v. To supply every cotfeeivabtj want In this line. Boots and Shoes in all (fjrades, all varieties, in all siies, tad caaj St andftuit everybody.

1 Rubber oot andboes a Specialty. The largest and cfawcest etJtk of Rubber Goods ever cxhibiied in thjf ciiy, 1AU at very low prices. J.H.JETt404JIuinSt. Imeriosi Block. i piVueforte.

THE BEST I A -a. A. im V4 J. LOWKSt I'RICKS ATma I KNOll tat. ft 'FINE ST PIANO M'erbroighi to this.

city i I N1I78 KATSkNICCA SToSlSlirKAtrt PI 0 s. RMABE) AJXEO, Ut7Kikaa. LARaB ASSORTMENT, I LOWPRICIS. Pianos Rentes afid; rant allowed toward percha 1 CaHsirri tltf 8a Pearl St, Osa. at PIANOSl PIANOS mma I GRAND, SQUARE AN1 UPRIGHT Tha Standard Piana-nf the World.

Alaa Utrri, sbek. Bacon, Fischer ftd Vose Pianos. We offer special -ioducemenu to partia wishing to purchase the best 10a riano id tne maraei. o-rery mnniDtnt luiiy warrantee, Bxamine before purchasing snd save money. Terms easy.

DESTOI C01 No. '269 lain Stoves, Ranges, Farnaces, WALfflklDGE'S. Cff" Sole Agenf of tbe Detroit Stove i I New Jevrjl Base Uumlng afaloi Oteyvew Are perfect Injoperatgin, sautiful la appearance, low in price. RANGES aretupcrior to all others. -I, 317 and 311 Washington Street.

ncr of South Division. HUBBARD, HARDWICKE WARE, 1 OA a9 WaBsalnfftott 8L, ffl i FFALO, M. Gas 'ater Pipe, VALVES, ETC. Ckuarn and Deep Wi Punlps, Steam Pumps, Core rears. i Fans, Rubber and Packing.

WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, SINKS. GENERAL PLU. 'BERS SUPPLIES HfyiTATIOWS jt' son KrGMAYXKnV C. E. BMNKOBp, 243 Main St ay of Mhmc ,3 JVOX VTBEIT nXACl Toeet your TEAS, Great Udtra Tea Has, ss KU fatmi p.l Wholesale aad retail Kb BrRNX, Maaagcr.

Lumbr, tad, SME21S3. recuse --s ft. o. fOOLL XT liOMUiana art. T'HE MERCHjjsNatS HOTEL ct tile weeva asaf- saff Fxe- I r-ot: ef sxi-ium sin, Opera ou win Cnds ts iy Opjottte I I 1 ATi T11 lNOWi II i 1 SUN rfw irut tVMT 11.

LLt vv It fully prepared witli v. Boots an i 1 fi Ml' Haaf the Acad I uercBcioTc coameneed, must oe conancten in tne isf manner as if thr, conn had not keen imid ascent that if in any UemimtmemUcwmtmttl Or UttrrmtUmmr wilUf sr.a Mmmt) ar mitf other than the eay aad coanty of New-York, aay pror iliims is prescribed, in addition to tboae penscribed by this node, and aot Inraiaaslrnt witk it. tba aaase aball remaw nsanected by Tba new code, in ttearJag of proceedings ia courts of special sessioes, provides (section 718) that "A judgment that the defendant pay a fine may also direct that he be imprisoned until the fine be satisfied; specifying tbe extent of the imprisonment, which cannot exceed one day for every one dollar of fine," But as before remarked, the mew code does not provide for proceedings in cases of public intoxication, violations of city ordinances, nor disorderly conduct, and as section of the code provides that the code applies to; criminal actions iand proceedings therein provided for follows that section 718 has no appUcation to proceedings la cases of. public intoxicatioo, violations of city ordinances, or disorderly conduct; which, in this city, are defined by and punishable ander the city ordinances. Hence, it further follows, that proceedings in these cases mast be foverned by the other statutes quoted.

1 A RIDbLB SONG. That which atudea this wtrm sod anr verse. Unheard by sharpest ear, anions' as eliamst eye or amgeat mind, Nor lore nor fame, nor kappineas aor wealth. is-'- Aadyet the pulse ot every and Ufa tbroucnontbe world incsss tntly, Which yon and I and all fhrrsulag ever, aver saka, Open sot still a secret, the real ot ths reaUaaUlnaaon, Coatleas, vmtcksafed to each, and never man tbe owner. Which poeta vainly seek jtt put in rhyme, historians in proas, .1 I i 1.

-Which sculptor never cajsaTd yet, nor painter painted. Which vocalist never tuns', aor orator nor actor never ut ter-it, i I Invoking here, and son I challenge for my Indifferently, 'mid public, private aunts. In aoUtude, Behind the mouotain and the wood. Companion of tba city's husieat streets, through the aaa semblagev I It and Its radiations constantly glide, In looks of fair nnconaciouli babes, rw 1. A j.

Or show of breakina dawn! or start by night, Aa some dtssol vta defceate film of dreams. Hiding yet Two Httle breaths of words compriaina- it. Two wcrils, yet an fnim firu to last comprised in H. HowardenUyforitl 1" 'if How many ships have saOld and sunk for I How many travelers started from their homes and ne'er rcturn'd I i How saoch af genius boldly staked and lost for It -What countless stores ai beamy, love, ventured for How all superheat deeds since Tunc began arc traceable to it and shall be to tbe end I How all heroic nuutyiduam ta it I I How, Jontined by it, the horrors, evils, battles at tbe earth How the bright fascinating lambent namea of it, in every aaa and land, hava drawn mena eyes, -Rich as a sunset on tbe Norway coast, tbe sky, the islands and the cliffs, I Or midnight's silent glowing northern lights unreachable. Haply God's riddle it, so vague and yet so certain, Tbe soul forjt, and all the visible ualverse for it, And heaven at last for it, Watt Gross." PERSONAL.

Whitelaw Reid it expected to arrive from Europe thia week. 1 1 Even the Nihilist journals of Russia denounce Guiteau's crime. The late "John Amory Lowell of Boston left $40,000 to Harvard Colege. Senator Hear of Massachusetts is already mentioned as his own successor in 1883. The will of Mrs.

Harie Carey of Brooklyn makes charitable bequests amounting to $116,000. Dr. Gray of the Utica Insane Asylum is one of the persons watching Guiteau's conduct en the trial. "Marvin, the bigamist and forger, has been placed in the shoe department of the Richmond Penitentiary. I i I Daniel Webster's centennial birthday anniversary, January 18, i8Sa, will be celebrated in the Cincinnati schools.

1 Nearly $3,000 have been subscribed towards tbe fund for the benefit' of the wife! and children of the late Sidney Lanier. An additional embezIemeot in the case; of Capt. Howgate has been found, which, raises the total of hit stealings to $160,000. I Seifert's fiddle has been attached. What now will Emil do to woo the harmonies.

There must be more swearing don at once, Lochport Union. Maxwell, the- Democratic State-Treasurer-elect. is lamiliarly known among bis townsmen as Crazy Horse. his garrulity is said to be Inordinate. Rochester 1 Bishop Simson, in as address before a Methodist meeting in Philadelphia on Monday, said that abroad he had not found a single Protestant on the side 01 toe iana ieagaers.

Tbe Minnesota Legislature- has adopted articles of impeachment against! Judge St. Julien Cox. He is charged with drunkenness spun tbe Bench and frequenting nouses ot bad repute. Thomas Jefferson was the only one of our Presi dents who never bad any receptions at tbe White House. His daughters were with him but twice during bis eigbt years residence tbere.

Tbe Cleveland Herald has waged war on the gamblers until none are left, and Detroit i aldermen will now be compelled to psss on to Buffalo to catch 1 1 L1 r. -r wf tne ciatier 01 poxer chips. istims rrce trrcss. The Rev. Dr.

Henty Phillip Tappan died in Vevay, Switzerland, Tuesday, in bis 77th He was formerly President of the University oi Michi gan, and was author of Several philosophical works. The name of Roscoe Conklfne appears in four- inch black letters on the doors of rooms 24 and 35 in the Bank of Commerce building at Nassau and Cedar Streets, New-Yotk. That is his new IsW office, Ex-Attorney-General Mac Vesgh's summer resi dence at Brookvule farm, near Consobocken, Fenn svlvania. was burned on! Wednesday. Moat of tbe furniture was saved.

The house was insured for $17,000. I There is bitter complaint in Salt Lake of tbe ex travagance of John savior, wbo is the Prophet, Brigham't successor as head Mormon. He has just put from $50,000 to $roo. 000 worth ot imported furniture into the Amelia palace. Gov.

Long of Massachusetts is unequivocally in favor of civil-service reform in onr National and State governments. There is an impression in his own State that the Governor would be a nice man for the highest National office bye-and-bye. Mr. Sam Ward, than whom there is no greater epicure in tbe land, was asked by a broker the other day: your idea of a nice dinner air?" said Mr. Ward Whv belmonico's little room, $10 a plate, without wines-." And then he walked rapidly away.

1: The case against Postmaster Statbam.of Lynchburg. charged withl stabbing one Hicks, has been dismissed, it having been proved that tbe act was done in self defenscL It is said and no rea sonable being will dare to dispute it that the trouble was on account ot a woman. General Grant has a fair mastery of plain Eng lish, but the vocabulary ot bnc-a-brac floors bim, Writing to his agent at Galena the other day, in regard to forwarding things tor New-York, he taid i You will find in the parlor two Clorrini plaques! if you know what that means; I don't. Send tbem with the batance.J--'"t M. P.

Handy of the Philadelphia Press met Col. Tnoeranll the athar dav. 1 I am olad in see Von.M said the journalist, though, of course, 1 1 cannot subscribe to your doctrine, or rather your lack of it your irreligious teachings." "Ah, my young friend," said Ingersolt, benevolently. stop! The Lord forbid that I should deprive yno, or any other young person, of your hope of hell! See here, now." said Guiteaa to hbj brother in court the other day. wbjen the latter bM tried to quietly suppress something tbe assassin had Written for the press, "don't yen try to deceive me If you don't like what I do, tell me so play me no tricks.

I want everybody to deal fair with me, or 1 1 1 Tha wwut a aon i want lacm nnywncre vw w. u- wwu- for-nottung scoundrel deserves a gag. It is within our knowledtre that Guiteaa went to a lawyer in Wall Street, Edgar A. urchins, after leaving tbe Oneida Community, and desired him to sue tne Community for $10,000. r.

nutcnuu examined the case sufficiently to see that! jit was not nood for anvtbine-. Guiteaa then went to Chicago, and from tbere forwarded his papers to Mr. Hutch- ms to examine again. In a few daysue cuumea from the express company $10,000 for the loss of tbe papers. The company called on Mr, Hutchms.

who produced tha papers, and they were! returned to Guiteaa with the blank for value filled out with the word Nothing." AUmety THE GUITBAU JURY. Tl. r.f Ii. ftimmtamd fealttr The jury is in tbe bands of the Marshal aad is quartered at the National Hotel, where it is to be kept during me Uiai. a ssaie os seven connected, have been Secured for the jury, and night and day, when not in court, it Is guarded by two bailiffs whose duties are to prevent the jury from having communication with any person ana from reading newspapers.

The experience of the jurymen already secured ia not over-pleasant, as tbey have beeubat up in their rooms when not in court, and their sole resource has been to talk each other to death, er "saw each others' throats for tea-cent ante, a quarter limit," as one expressed it to-day. Tbey are taken out to their meals by the bailiffs, and eivea a snort stroll apon Pennsylvania Avenue aad then returned to their rooms. The colored man, Ralph Wonnlr, stays a good deal by himself, and when not talking to the bailiff, bis baritone snore bom one of the sofas indicates that he proposes to extract all tne comiprt iron jury duty possible. Marshal to-day sent the jury a lot of books, aad they were thankfully reserved. Disinterested parties are aim in to console tbe jury by telling tbem tbe trial will last about three months, but this statement has no.

foundation. 7 NO BLACK BtPUBLICAM. Tbe public laws of vol p. 315, contain the police act of the City of Baiunmre, passed fat I860. This provides that "no black rorerof the Mr.

John Walter, who recently returned to England after a trip through this country. in a speech 'yesterday urged Englishmen to emigrate to America, saying that any Indus trious man who is a judge of land could alrnake himself wealthy before he was 56 by coming to-this country. This it remarkable, if true. There are good many, Industrious farmers in this country who are good judges of land who have small orosDect of ever be coming wealthy. Mr, Walter ought to be kind enough to give Americana; recipe The ExraiM as if at last ashamed of Its pro-' British ctiamplonahip, as against Ireland declares that it wants jattica done to that aofottuoata coan- try.

CuMtfir Unto. T'he Express Is not ashamed of Anything it really baa said on the Irish question. Perhaps' it would be ashamed If it had given 1 utterance to any such unchristian sentiments ai the bigoted pro-Irish champion of pro-Romish Intolerance iq this free country hat ascribed to It. And certainly we should be ashamed of such Jesuitical bearing of false witness against one's neighbor, as the rev erend if not religious editor of the Union is continually guilty of, with reference to the editor of The Express. We nave always desired that justice should be done to Ireland, even to the relieving of "that unfortu- nate couritrv" from all responsibility for having Involuntarily produced an infant II 1 V.

WHO livcu ucwiuc at riici wwvi.n. And we always desire, moreover, to do Aim justice, though we fall sadly short of the mark, aa he should thankfully acknowledge. It is doubtless to hia present if not his fu- rture advantage that with us, though the spirit it willing, the flesh it weak. .1 George Raines, defeated Democratic candidate for Senator in the Monroe-Orleans district, has published a personal card, thank Ing those who. supported him, blistering those who did n't, and explaining, as well as he can, why he got left." The only really notable thing In the card is its exposure of Mr.

LambeRton, the Stalwart In whose sin cerity the Rockisttr Democrat utterly con fides and on whose head It Is dally pouring sweet As to Lamberton, Mr. Raines saysL I Tha parsoaartoHcitatioa by Mr. Lambcrton of mv accaouoce el tha aamlnatioa and his vcheoieat protestations of aid in tha canvais paiaoaally asada to ma aaa to my inanas py mm, wen lorgotten dj him when his Hall-bned opponents ptomiMd bim a nomination for Consreat. Tba titan nib ha had for tba lima by his position as a Stalwart leader enabled him to deliver to Mr, Pitts a far batter tap- port inaa otberwtM ba eoald nave given aim. I fear Mr.

Lamiistons tha victim of tba delation that treachery 10 both caadidates will win bim the regard of honorable man. Should Mr. LAkmxa-. Tom aura. to tan hit raeord ia iba matter pnatad.

I will faraiah him with names and dates and his lan- This card the Rocketttr Dtmotrmi prints in funout of love for Lambcrton, bo doubt Or perhaps its harmony "Is as hollow as Lamberton'S own. If it lasts long on either tide. It will only be because the parties to It Continue to make believe very hard. The outcome of the fire-insursnco men's national convention, now sitting la New-- York, Is that they want their taxation remit ted. Most people do, but some people have better claim to exemption than the Insurance interest.

Those who would have exemption must show that they deserve It. So long as insurance companies continue tbe present- loos commission syrtera, under which brokers and agents grow rapidly without taking any share of tbe risk, and so long aa they sell insurance below coat, as many certainly do, to long other busioets interestscan aot be expected tq favor immunity from taxation or any other special privilege for Insurance companies. Even aa advance in rates, however, would accom-filth nothing So long as companies are free 'j-y to lars a in of their premiums to -1 tv, co'-'anies time to enact ordinances; among others, to define and prevent disorderly conduct. Under this authority the Common Council has, by ordinance, defined disorderly conduct, and provided for its punishment, (See chapter two. City Ordinances.) "Tba said JmlJcnt (tasticcs la tba police) shall have power to try cases of draaaaamcte, vaaraaey aatf aO ether fTiiim aaainat any of helaws of tbe Statu, er tbe ordia-aaeea ef ia City ef Bunal, whack aaay be triad aammar-lly ana without a tnry, by a Juatice at tba peace or Conn of Special cowmttted by any person ka shall and onaneS in tba atatioa kense, and to sentence ewnry person loaaa antkyaf aav sack offense, pnrsnant wlataatau or ordinaaee creatine; each offense.

Ia all other caeee said toaUeaa to tbe police shall have and primal the none pow-iiimI rarnd ction aa arm preacribed in tie tea of chapter sieof tbe taws of 1S70. entitled "As act to revise tha Charter of the City ot Buffalo and shall proceed ia all respects in the ataaner pre-erf bed ia each title Sec a chap. 4 Aot thelaa-aof i88 (Police law.) "It the Jneuce (lorka of lbs Peace eeaurnatee to at-, tend tbe sution-houses) -shall sentence suck person to pay a Sne, aad if aot paid immediately ba abaO, by warrant, commit each peraoa 10 tha CraKaotiary. there to ba eon6ned lor tba term of raw for each and ooUar of aneh fine, not exceealBa; at months, on teas it shall be sooner paid." St. 6, JuSt lays (CttrCkmrttry.

The ia a W-l I t-y is to.

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