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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 4

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Imm imim TII3 nAH.H3AC3. Of a aJber aad raee aacam csCboUc 4 aaal.Wa BUFE-AldO laIlESa czAJspioa, and Pooler, a fxapeuai Clevejaad athlete, was woa by the latter ia toe secmnd and third Sotxxjox Covxt of EnrrAXO SrxaAL Txanj ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 'A LBOJBNO. tr i I i 1 in .1 t-f 1 f. S- There went widow wnmea fraea the ontiakirtsaf a etty, Wkoae loady sorrow aaight have moaa the atoaes si rcel to sstY- taooaarh eh Mds, by God aa new; store: Win ansa HatHlay, Aagna 1.

HA A aa en HAVE REFITTED and will 01 pea toead a with! saw wank of vurytkmg' to F1RST-CLA tan bstocaar, have aa many ad say aad aad new ly Pteaee call and eramlne my gnoda. I MONEY SAVED A i 1 1 1 1 -v -1 Wkkh eaa be accomplished bypisrcbnatngyoar Boots land Shoes a ATi. CKAS. LEHIIAN'S, St Oppsii Aeadsay of Maw. TEMPORARY REMOVAL.

Dnt. (V BOXBIE tJoULD1 RESPECTFULLY announce mat from Friday. July sato, aatU May tat, Man kts eaScs aad lusUeaes wUI ba locsdad at kfd si RANK. LIM $1 RBBT.kmwsaa Mohawk and Huron. VT PR.

W. COOK, Aaaiataat. .1 1 ,1 1 rf M. EDWARDS. EDWARD M.

CLARK. rimUC. CLARK, V7 (Succssaor to A. M. atdwards), wJU'cpsaat sW (if No.

315 Maiii Otrect, Diamonds, Metes and Jewelry. GANIS US COLLEGE Waamlmoa St Batralo. This Cohege, being asw greatly eatarged, afford every inty tor a ruu classical sod ooaaMrcial aducattoa. I caa pa aao at tne loneife, REV. M.ipORT, PreskteoL Spanish Gnta ar--Class instruction.

I Address, MISS FRISK, flanofort, and Goltai Teacuerf' Tha Hon. Tames Sheldon Olef Jodge. Jury So, tSSt Joeiah A. Pceneroy vs. 1 ms lo discharge plaintiff fi U.

Tommy. Mo tioa 10 discharge pUinlia front -tha caatoayof the Sheraft Denied with tea dollar costs, Damiel Ar Krnyoa as Asaif aee as. George L. SauieretsX Ordegcoatnedng; acttoa aad tabstitat-' ing new assigneens plaiatiff. t.

Aasalia Spooaley vs. Mary A. Kurtsworth at aL Order of reference to use proofs, etc, in partittea. Granted. DnnjsB I.

McKkOa tVcsm I. Rkavdt Ordev of sahotatatioa of Alt4ey lot defendant. Granted. Francis A. Georger et al as- executors, vs.

Coutaa It. Herger et aL, Older of reference compute, ale, in foreclosure, Granted. THB V1SITINO CHOIR. i i As ha beea previoasly aanwawoKt in these cok ebbs, the choir of Holy Trinity Toronto, will be present a4 assist the choir services at St, Luke's Episcopal charch id this dry lo-Diotrow, The choir coasists of fitWi'. boys iand.

seventeen men. lite former da estpectpsj to arrive lis Buffale this aaotaiag, and the letter jta evening, and all will be eotertainod during their stay in Buffalo by the periehiouers of St, Xake'a church. Mention of the character of the service to" be held will be found elsewhere In this ssornisgs Exfrbss. The asriy choral strrica, al 7:30 o'clock, wiU be entirely by the visiting- choir; at th 11 o'clock service they will sing a Te Densn, and in the evening fine aetbessv is prom wed that one or mora soloa yill be given, there being gome very fine voices ia thai. Toronto choir.

The singing of tbe boys, whkaWala an aHractive ewatoreV is said to show admirable training- fori tbe in view. The names and ages of the4poys Lawrence and Mathew Webo, 11, aad yers respectively; Soonk. W. ShawcW. til 3.

Highberaate. tit Culverwell, 13! F. gerrin, 11; W. Dake, is; Morns, is; u. uonnt jiy, A.

onutt, 14; r. Campbell, is; H. DCocbjr, 13; Lowe, 14; and J. Spunk aad J. Bfaler, who are a little over 14 roars old.

i MUSIO ON TH fiLAKBi Weather permittiag, aaotber Spportunity for con? tinuirig the pies sure of a ride on the lake aad Of a coacett by Prof. PoaTenberg's 63th Regiment Band wiU given neat Monday. The popular stesmcr ft Wright wl leave the: foot of Mala street at a o'clock and go to Pert Colborse, rsturn-ing s( Tha far will be- 30- cents. The following fine programme has been arranged by Prof Poffeaberg for the occasina fj j. I IV nwr4T v' Marah "Elbltion Overture-" Le Sirmnes 5.

a Waldentfel. Grand March Tanhauner Wagaer. Polka" Hand la Strauss. laUrco Battle of tha Wilderness 1 '-vr- SAarSacoaoy Medley-" Turiadilum Muller. Wallai-" Golden Shower i Waldentfel.

Snreoedo "Dreams of GalosM-" Frnhlings fallow. (, 1, to jambstoWn To-morrow. To-morrow aa excursioa to Jamestown aad the vicinity pf Chauliuqtta Lake, now thronged with people' attracted the great Cbao-tauqus meetings, will. aW' tna rls Baffsio -sad Scmthsrestera division of the Erie Railway. Tbe train will leave the depot corner1 of Michigan ajd Exchsnge streets at 8 0 clock 1 A.

ibarp, fast time, arriving at Jamestotrn at, and returning It will leave Jamestown at 7 o'clock p. M. The ex enrasonist Will therefore have-over seven hoars Bad a half In theprefty town, or 1(0 take a delightful steamboat-ride over the fare for tbe round trio will be bnt El, to. Tickets for the trio on th lour-decked steamer Jamestown' to May-ville snd return msy be hsd oa th train for the sd- uona price 01 ooty aj cents. 1 -1 -to'chautauqa LAKE.

J', j' I The Sunday extkirslon vial the Lake Shore sad Michigan Southern Railroad' s'ff old) fin opportunities for visiting the delightful region of Chautauqus 1 The faie) for the ronad trip I only $1.50 To-morrow tb train iesvesj the Exchange-street depot, at: Sc. ind will arrive back at 8.13 'fi tl Ij1- 1 i Additional JJtcol ana oUfr nrwt under tin head ij frdXyiciHity" witt bt fmn4 1m tb First If. SUNDAY EXCURSION Chantaoqua Lake, vis lake soorv, ft.forouac; rrtp. 1 ft: may be reached gi aoefnlly by any woman who will 1 aarv bar Ssirnam eT eki and fraaa, brBlasat oomplexion. Thl.

can uodoubtMly accootpUied by tba nee of CHAMPLI V'S LIQUID PBARL," wfilch ia guaranteed peitecuy Darmiem preparation, assay ttosAayoordrilggifcit. I j. i 11 I 1 Dua Urn's Mackinaw Straw Hat at WiPPEKv! atatostrasc 9 fl i l.ji a- Cura Qti V- Asthma -Cura Ouarnntaatl. i In rov treatment of AsthmS the developments ore so satisfactory that I sen now lens hied, on certain conditions, to guarantee a caret ae urge ex pen-1 en I have attained since BrSkilg a spertalty 01 Asthma and Diseases of the rLnng proves saost ,.,7." awe toe cnrapmty ps loeue see qtseases, Attn. call and saost thor P-u aW f.

oughly invettigat say Hem ctf cuie; every facility given for obtaining information those who have oeeai eorea can 00 aoen ana coavanea witn. 1 coart public investuratioa into) my theory and prao uce.j trresponewnce sonciira, v-, 5 Consaltstidn ree. Term reasonable. Cell or address W. R.

Cbomb, M.D., Sneciaftst in Asthma. Hsv Fever and all Diseases of the Throat and Longs, No. 37S Paarl atrset, m. V. f- a.

7-- 1 At tha Medial Drue Storw. -f losoolSoda and MIMrala. fescription Department saeaa paraooal attaauon proprietor, su a. SaUTHER. oornr Niagara and Jarasy.

1- 1 1 f- -i Proeant Prloaa (of Coal. E. HVBBELU No. West Swan atrent, cnots best nam nauuacii. rnusom, acenawan av sacanwnam vmai at retaih Grata and Xgg, SS-40: Stove, Ba.y 9 j1 and Oassaral News CorioarnlnsT Thm PmmmntfT ami Praixht KatM NetM and Psrsonala, TWCommtmiriaeT srbo have ander usidera-tioa tba change of the routes of the New-York, Lackawanna aad Western Railway ta this city are nearing the end of Obeir labors.

It ht expected that they wdl get throagj. by next Tneaday. Proof has been tendered in two cases and the third is nearly through with. Was. J.

McAlpine, one of the Ccenmratioarrs, is oae of the most premttnemt Civil Eagineers in tbe couulry and ha quite record. He was at oae tins the Chief Engineer of tha Erie Raiway. Ha ooeuracted the Albany and Chicago Weeks. reamstrncoon of lbs Caaal waa also accomplished by hiss. Hei i mi the foar oldest, aenbtn of the Ana Erie Society of Civil- Engineers, and Waa iu Pienideat for maay years.

For a ootnaderable period be Was tbe only American member of the Institution of Crri Engineer of Great Britain, which is composed tonly of the most esaineal engineers in tbe srorld. has been for many years a nwrnber of several BStitatioaa of Fiance, Aastria, aad other European countries, and of almost all the scientific aocvetios of the Stats. He has beea Encineea-u-Chief of tbe United States Navy, aad while holding that, posittoa conatraoted the United States atoae grading dock at Brooklyn, N. one of tbe most difficult engiaeeriag works fas the country. He has been State Eagineer and Surveyor-General of the State of New-York, and Chief Eagineer of many railroads aad of waterworks too aameroas to mention.

He ia the author of the weU-knowa book on Modern Engineer log," together with weeks on railway management, tbe principles aad practice of public water supply rSXlCHT RATXf. --j The treat efforts which have beea made daring the last few snetUhs to TMwreat tbe srest-bouad freight rate from sharing the fate of tbe east-bound are likely to prove abortive. 1 be indications bow are that within a few days west-bound rates wdl be ss low a if' not lower than tbe others. In proof of thia, the following Associated Press despatches were received yesterday from New-York -s i "The railroads centering ia this city are now bringing freight from the West at S3 to 30 per centum below the schedule rates." 1 It is expected the rednctioa of freight rates from Boston to Chicago by tbe Vermont Central aad triaad rrunk railroads anil be followed by a I "on ot rates trom acre to uiicago oy ail tne tranx I nnes, The present rale front Boston to Chicago are First dam, 30 cent second clan, cents third class, so cents fourth class, IJ. Tbe regular tariff rates are First class.

73 cento second class, 50 cents; third class, 43 cents; and fourth class, 30 cents. BBRSOHALS. Mr. J. F.

O'Brien has been made General Superintendent of Ibe Nashville, Chattanooga and ar Loots railway. Mr. Samuel Barker of Hamilton, So licitor to tbe Great Western Railway Company, was in the dty yesterday oa business connected; with the rOSd.1 1 Mr. M. M.

Green has 'been elected President of the Columbus. Hocking Valley aad Toledo Rail road Company. Mr. Green was formerly Super intendent or tne kocsi tsiana roea. 1 Mr.

Tohn B. Kane, an old resident of Chicago. has beea appointed General Freight Agent of the Chicago, St, Louis and New-Orleans Railroad Company, with headquarter in St, Louis, i Mr. K. H.

Wide. Superintendent of-tbe east ern division of the; Wabash, St. Louis snd Pacific food, has resigned bis position, to take effect next month. 'He will accept a responsible position with tbe Chicago, Darlington ana tulncy Kauwny, It is repotted that Gov. Brown has filed bis resignation ss Vice President of the Texas snd Pa cific Railroad, and that it will be accepted in abort time, and that he-will be appointed to the po sition ot tienerai solicitor 01 su toe uouia rasas.

with headquarter at SL Loauv Mr. Lewis William will formally withdraw ftom th maoagement of tha Cincinnati, Hamilton aad Dayton Railroad Company's lines, Aagutt TO, snd oa the same day tbe jurisdiction of General Manager 1 nomas ot tbe Cleveland. Columbus. Cis- cinnati and Inrtisnapolu Railway wul extended over them, with Mr. J.

Barrett, who is at pres ent Superintend ut ot tbe Pittsburgh division of the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati snd St. Louis Railway. a Superintendent of tbe Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton road proper ana toe Hamilton nrancoes. It is understood thst after the Ohio Rsilwar Com nanv comes into official existence Mr.

Barrett be made General Superintendent of the iOllio di vision? of the consolidated lines. i --HOTES. The Warren 'division of the Buffalo, Pitts burgh, aad Western road will be in operation in November, Mr. Joseph Hobson of Hamilton. Chief Engineer of the Gseat Western Railway, was ia the aty yesterday.

The Illinois Central Railroad has declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 I-S per payable beptember nu Mr. I alius Stilwell of New. York City, ssent for the Inland Ttaniportauoa Company, was la the city yesterday morning. An Associated tress desoalch from New-York says that all the trunk lines are now selling tickets to Chicago I or seven qoiiars. Mr.

D. Blackrnan. General Agent of th Union Pacific Railway, ha gone to Omaha. He will return about the middle of next The contract for the construction of -thirt miles of tbe West Shore Railroad, from Newbargl to Kingston, bos been awatded aod work begun. Mr.

Robert Harris, of New-York. Vice-Presi dent and General Manager, and Mr. Chanute, ot New-York, Assistant Superintendent, pf the Erie luniw.r.areiaui.ui;, The 4-IO Mi: train oa the Lake Shore audi Micbigan Southern Railway has 9 through coach running direct to tie Assembly grounds at Cnao- tauqua Cake, airirmg there at 7.30, A of Engineers of -the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have made a preliminary surrey from Wayne Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Conabocken, 'The route is intended for the proposed new road from Philadelphia to Norris- town. I h's- ij ''t Tba Erie Ksiawsy company nave oa sue at tnetr general omcc toe cumci nmn aaa av cr .1 change streets, and also at their depot, tickets to Loag orancn, Asosry rarx, ana tnaer seasiae re-1 sorts st tbe lowest rates. Passengers by this road I are landed in clue proximity to tha Jersey! Central depot and to the steamboat wharf.

-The following.Associated Press despateb from Boston was received yesterdsy: 'The Railroad Commissioners findj th Zoar disaster due tojofget- foloess of Eogtboer Corliss, cenarre conductor Kimball for lack ot wstcbfaloesi, ydnd recommend reliable evitens of sigaalsyon the 1 toy and Greeafield RaUway." Mr. Robert BteilsonvySuperintendent of the Northern Central Railway at Elmirs, who has suc ceeded in remarkable degree in building that load, and ie very popular among railroad aoea aod with tne public, ruuv oeen tenaerea tne general su-Derintendency of 'tbe Philadelphia ft Erie Road, and that portion of the Northern Central system which includes all the Pennsylvania lines north of Hsrrikbnrg, rThe promotion is a welMeserved 1 At a recent meeting -of the directors of the Phasdelphni, Wilmington sod Baltimore Railroad Uie follcng officeffs were elected: General Manager, Frank Thomson; General Superintendent, E. Kennev: General Passenger Agent. James R. Wood; General Ticket Agent, George Dadmna; General Baggage Agent, Rofcrt W.

McWsde; Chief Engineer, W. H. Brownl Superintendent of Transnortation. Jobn Reillr: Engineer of 1 Bridges and Buildings, Joseph N. Wilson; Superintendent of Motive Power.

Theodore N. Ely; General Agent at Philadelphia, Oi McClelund, A prominent railroad man yesterday in coarse of conversation with a repreaentative of THS Ex press on tba subject bf the passenger rate war, said that the present unsatisfactory state- of things wa bronoht about for the Purpose of intimidating in vestors and creatuxg a panic, and then a boom, followed by a funeral of all tbe little fish on the stock markets. He adJed that the rates would never go up permanently ao tar a th trunk lines' from the East to the West, via Buffalo, were concerned, aad aa aoon aa the new roads reached this dty Presi dent Vaaderbilt' power to control rate would be gene. j- 1 la an editorial oa the passenger rate war, the Chitag evening Journal has the following com ments: Th war between tbe through trunk railroad lines from the East has resulted in such a reduction, oisa-t f-York, Boston and nualpbtof''iOe sever bees known before. Tt is stated on ithority that tickets were sold yesterday and the day before irotn New-York to Chicago for by the companies, sad tbe presumption a thst 1 bey were st least 50 cent lower at tbe offices of the toalpera.

Tbe prospect is that the rates will go still lower before tbe end of tb week. Bales a compromise Is effected by tbe competing The Pennsylvania and Grand Trunk lines seem to be tbe aggressors in this quarrel, aad are forcing the fight upon tha New-York Central, whose managers are taking it very coolly. Of camxee that portion of tive public which doe not owe a cent of Mock in aay of these great trunk fine of railroad aad wishes to secure cheap transrxlrtslion. will cry. Lay 00, Macduff, aad damned be be who first cries hold, enough-' Tbey ted the wosaan did whan her husband and the bear were in a death grapple she didat care cent which whipped; but the stockholders ia the companies do not view the rainous war with any degree of satisfaction.

It would seem that railroad manager and their agents sre so dieboaest that thev will not ltoep thcicwr-J with each other fa respect- to published schedule rates, aad keucc every one feels privileged to do tbe eest ne caa in a nee wnere every fellow mast look out for himself and th devil take the btodmost Referring to the aaeasinem beginning to pre- vuu m. angaria uae picamna av apaau in iseagna ve, ui vffftauwi lyaanafif aaiya. f. A petition i being circulated arnong the rati. roads running east from Bt.

Louis, Indianapolis, sail Cuioxgo, rtq ostii.g Commitsioaer Fink to call meeting of the Joint Executive Committee that aa effort asa ho sonde to bring abont a restoration of eastvboaad fredgbt Tbe present Jow fielght rates are leliiag heavily upon some the roacu, sad eapecaally thoa leading seat Irons St, Loans and other semihwevera saMoto. The earn. inn of snaat of tbaaei roads are seaTOwsry falling off. aid nnlaas there is aca a change of sbnation they will had thocsselvea pretty Bad coaoitvon, it is therefore not at all snrprising that they me ta have tb sates ismored to. snore procirabJ fignrea.

Ccamnsssstoaer Fmk vrcejiMl so ttonbt vrilhnerly comply with lb aeapwst and catt a aaee-trng for the enraose of advaniaj the rates if he ws cmrtaid ssytiun could be acoaa- Ij'ooiXd aa tosa 114 tfeeawaei- nt(. xhe psesea. coodi it ha nss no hope that anything coaid I S4r. Tsasanii nciamns sabstll to an drnc of coaujtnoa of aTalrs sneetoto be eaito-toiaiaalory to Mr, Vasart-t, Heevideady inav-urstia the isent war for the very purpose- of sbij ra'roaoane lens p-00 table lauus it baa beea, and to pash ornae of bin ndranas to ta Jl. snaniy af at onsr-witoea o't fa' sestoraMt 1 -t vws that 1 1 ac--- -a a.

tot ft 1 I 1 a 1 At the LoeisvCle sbootinr t. see carried off first snoeey in the shoot, Kentucky second, and Louisiana Including the purses offered for next week eaHinar. aava beea eivea bv the Buffalo Driving Park Association to owamof bosnea dur- 4 Owing ta tne viceatioa of tlto to relative to pool selling aad Sasatoga. the Governor call the attealioa af tbe DbutriotAttarmey to bis recent penrhwnslion fokidiag lattsxisa, ettv A despntch rrxved last aight says that tiki book-anakers at Santoga have been henry nnutwwtaaadtnattwosaerira Yeatexday, however, they had turn of lack, Thia will be rheering hews to the cxambeaatiua backs is. Pievioos to Thursday's Chkavjo-Oeverand gause, aeveraJ beta were uaade fat Chicago at $roo to $45 a favor of tbcnoaae Senna.

The ruling odd ware $100 to $60. Betting oa yesterday's game A lew days ago tba Cleveland paaers some pointed remarks about the announcement that Maud would probably trot at the meeting here. Are yoa satisfied aowthat she will be here? If aot. comi oown A despatch- received last evening says that Krohae the pedeatiiaa. challenges Harrimaa.

0Leary. Faber, and Vsaghan of England, to a six aay neni-ana-toe match to take ptoce either in IX ew-York or Chicago in October aext fog from $500 to $9,500 a stele. Vfrsif Put awsf Trihm Phfl Powers, the to-rsilrd umpire, used to try to play ball, and tbe reports of tbe games generally spoke of Powers' irm or teams ont of joint, etc. Caa tnis sc-for his tome dctnsic as empire? Force, of The Cleveland HtrmU suggests that the Cleve land-Buffalo rxtupoaaed game of Tuesday be played in that city next Monday. We believe the cnacla- sioa arrived at by the dabs when here was that the game Should be played when the Cleveland visit ttunaio in August, Detrrit Pnfmmd Tribitm: "Whitney has not left bis bed since bis attack of cholera morbus Taes- day afternoon, and last night showed symptoms of lever.

JN eeotiations are pending wun several play ers, one of whom will be selected to fill' his place nil he gets well, if he is likely to be sick long." At the Goodwood meeting yesterday, in the Mollecomb stakes for two-year-olds, three-quarters of a mile, Adrastus won," Baliol second. Kerne's rnrMLanai. fan. Naaann ataltea. three-yearlds, ewe Tbebais won, Balgal second, Lorillard's Seneca third.

Pretty Dance also ecathisd. Prettv Dance also The Albany Exprtti thinks the Troy dab managers are two with the tired man. Keefe, and says: Keefe's ability as a pitcher has been universally admitted, and of this fact the Troy City nave often had proof, fat their successful efforts to Wrest victory from their opponents. One good lares should hardly oe neia accoantaoie tor tne m-iffereut playing of eight other men filling less re- sponrible The following, under the beading Rodger (St, Cstharines) to Smith (Buffalo)" appears in the lnni Matt: ,1 Tt tin Stwrtint Editor Ukt Mail: Sir Somk time ago Mr, G. Smith, of Buffalo, issued a challenge to shoot me pigeon match, I replied to him snd made the proposition that he should snoot one match in St Catharines, one in Buffalo, end a final ia Clifton.

To this he objects. snd wants all to come off in Buffalo. If he mean business I will shoot him any day the next week for $soo a side, any rules he likes, any traps Be likes. the match to take place at Ellis's race-track at Clif ton. Hammond has tbe birds on Distance si yards, 30 birds each, loser to pay for the bird.

This is my final answer, ana; if he doesn want to shoot, or to leave borne, let him leave off challenging aae. Yours, etc "St. Catharines. TbIt S3d.Ns88t."' A reooTter of Tkx Exrxsss failed to find Mr. Smith last evening, bat his amnstaat stated that he had only beard of the challenge, bad not seen it.

and of conne had not replied. 8BRIOUS ACCIDENT TO A 8AILO Early yesterday morning an accident, which all probability will result fatally, occurred on board tbe schooner "Annie Vought," which was discharg ing he grain at tha Wells elevator. It appear that between ope and two o'clock Captain Norwood had the crew called to assist ia moving the vessel so a to allow the elevator's leg to be shifted ftom the fore to the main hatch. Among the crew was a fine young aeaman named Chester Kimball, who joined-the vessel at Erie oa her trip up, about three weeks ago. The mate directed two of tbe crew to attend the after lines snd two to a mist him with the head lines.

Kimball was one of tbe men ordered to go aft, and as he did not come the Captain asked the other Sailor where he was, and was told that probably he was holding oa to the line st the capstan, forward. No further remark wss made an til the vessel had beea shifted, -when Kiss- ball was missed sad no one could tell what had become of him. A few minutes later two of tbe crew were ordered down into the forward hold to sweep tt, and on going botow found Kimball on tbe port side, near the kesleoa, apparently lifeless. He was at once brought on deck; and surgical assistance summoned, Dr. C.

I H. Guess answering the call in about twenty minutes. He had tbe injured man removed to the cabin and oa examination iound that be was raftering from con. icassion of tbe brain, having evidently fallen on the left side of bis bead. A little blood was cosing from tha left ear, -which showed that the injury was 1 to tbe bass of tne skull and On that side.

He wss unconscious, -and also pa rallied more or less ia all hi limb: but especially on tbe left side: tbe left arm aad leg being entirely devoid of feeling; See ing that he could do nothing for him there Dr; Guess ordered his removal to the Marine Depart ment of tbe Sjsters of Chsrity, Hospital, where he was at last sccountk still with bat little chance of recovery. Dr. -Guess did not think it possible he could survive more than a day or two, if so long. Kimball was scarcely nineteen year of age, bat unusually at out and large for his years. Captain Norwood say be- was a very exemplary young fellow, a good sailor and well liked by all his, nis latner resides ta JLAstrott, AN OLD LADY'S FATAL PALL.

The particulars of a peculiarly aad accident are I these 1 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ball, old residents of Aurora, catae to Buffalo on Wednesday last on visit to their son, Joseph E. Ball, who reside at No. 55 College street, Mrs.

Ball had been in ill-health for some time, sad it was thought the change of sir might have a beaeficisi effect apon her. In the aiternooa Mr. Ball, the father, went to Grand- Island to- visit friend and returned or the following day to find hi wife, Aim in an unconscious and dying condition, Shortly before, one o'clock Thursday afternoon she Went into the ysrd, where there catraace to the cellar which was uncovered aad un happily tbe old lady fdl into it, striking 00 her head aad fracturing her skull. She wa picked ap in aa unconscious condition aad Dr. Lynde wss sent for.

AH thst tha physician's skill and the con stant a tt cation of her family could could do failed to restore her, and at tne expiration of about twelve boars she ceased to breathe. Tbe theory is thst she wss seixed with a fainting spell, being- subject to similar attacks, and, losing control of herself. met with the accident. Tha deceased was in the I sixty-eighth year of her age; a thorough Christian woman and devoted to her home and family. leaves three MrJ Joseph E.

BaH, Mr. John BaH, of Boston, and Mrs, Maria Ells, of Aurora, who were all at her death-bed. The funeral service will be held st No. SS Col lege street at half -past ten o'clock to-morrow ma ing. after which the remain will bd conveyed to Aurora for interment, TH NBV afASTODONS.

Next 'PuesdaT Snd Wednesday evening Hsverlys New Mastodon Minstrel Will fin the stage of the Academy of Music, presenting an entertainment repletex with original, brilliant, aad Imposing features, and so different aad ahead of th old, time shows that could tbe shade of George Christy sad Sam Sbarpley he given front seats they would be as mach astonished as would the men of a century ago could they see the electric light snd the tele- ibone. The company cumber about fifty. When they i opened tha season at Havatflyfa. Thealre in Cbicago. asewnwaaia --t-.

A hasty glance over tba vast audience would have given a stranger the idea that be was abont to witness a Grand Italian Opera, to' dazzling were the surroundings. As tbe various drops' rose in aucoes- ston ana reveaiea tne tnroog or minstrel in tan evening dress, a buzz of admiration swept from orchestra to gallery. The very first part revealed Br, Haverty's policy. Whether it were solo, duct, trio. Quartette or chores, it was invariably vwAtftf, and, judging from the applause, this reno vation was quite as accepts we to the galleries as to the more tsatuonsoie qsunters of tne noose.

A coarse word would have Bounded ont of place, and would have attracted attention by its very strangeness. As the entertainment prostased it was plainly seen that wealth bad beea- lavished oa every aid. Tbe dresses were rich aad beantifnl, while the si age settings of every degree were of that elab orate natare qaitc new to minstrelsy. We have ao room foe dctaila, bat a more surprised audience never left a theatre than that which crowded eat of Haverty's after witnessing the marvellous entertain- nt last eight," Cbaeoed. with BuxGLAkTOfficer Wheeler, of tbe mounted patrol, arrested a man named Jobs Loomis Thursday evening, on a charge of burglary in breaking into a afore in the Thirteen tb Ward, and stoaling a quantity of cigars.

Oa hh) person wss found a saitcelJaaeons cfJlection of propierty, wliich fa) sapposed to have been stolen, and the fok ma S. towing sSrijcle sre awaiting an Oarner st Folio Headqaarteni 1 A small combination pad Jock, with the letters C. D. E. 0.

1 hnntingam watefa, a lady's aeckhsin, a plated waich-caain, a two-bladed jack-knlla, a gold ring, small breest-ptn, with imitaiion dia moods, a gold maaoaic pin, a silver lead pencil, aa ivory rule, and small engraved pin, Loomis held awaiting farther drvci. WM-nis, ..1.,. a To NuatxA Falls. A cheap and inviting rswa trip to Niagara Fall Wa the Central RaiL. snad wiU made neat Tuesday, the traia starting from the Exchaxwe-rtreet deoot at 10 o'clock A.

st. The jn-ice bf tickets for the round trip and; ad-rM I ston to F--V or poat Vrnd. wU be only I ft a- amrsion to hoth, I a. 1 -an-ssKf- i 1 at toe book-store oa if Lawe Uat, ia raaaad trfp. Leer.

a. at. I etaast S- Eato, Cl the ma" nl Jns' I I quality daane-rev before, nam hi a farBsi3akielit of daWUapiiabed divines, a good musical and trsry cnamnd, and a series est aciratJc lectares by Frof. Rickarda, of Chicago, e-rpenaaea tally iQastratcd. Rev.

E. E. Careers, of Piospect A venae lUpiist Charch, BaBalo, ia to the list, Tk Tutke s.aenn. generally, has' beea rather quiet thus far, owing to the cool arealher. This re mark, by the way, does not apply to the attendance at tbe Chetauqua Asseaably Meetings; I nnder- stand contrary report ha been tociiTulaiioa.

Dr, Vinccut says the-m never were so sunny on the gromnd so early; never so saairy booked to Your Herr Mans made a great hit at Tamestoura the otha t-ugbt, agiuting'the f-aories, I bear tbe profesiionel say. Jamestown people do not rash tnmultuously to higk-chua masical entertainmests usually, aad the ''large and appreciative audience was the more testifying. This place (Chautauqua) is bow! quite a center of musical interest; so many connoi-sKurs aad amateurs -resorting hither that Mr. Leon Vincent (a nephew of the great Doctor) baa been able to improvise half a dozen fine concerts. More and better is to coma, both from the msanciaa and a hope) from aksipnrs.

THE MARINE REbORD. Lak and Cswud Fifsrhtsv Tha Soaroity of Coal Catrtorw Intiaraooa SrscxAi. to The Bdftaxo Exraxss. DxTsorr, July so, Passed down: PropelleTs Arctic. A.

D. Caldwell and consort. City of Con cord aad coaaort, Argyle and consort, A. Young; Tuniata: Meambnrges Kinkardine and cnootrer F. Corvht, Empire, Iron Duke, Oscoda, N.

Mills and barges; schooners F. J. King, Snow Drop, Conrad Reid, Guido Pfister, Alpeaa. Passed, ap: Pro-pellers India. Lehigh, Boston.

New-York; steam barges D. W. Rust aad consort, John B. Lyon and consort and schooner John Foyes, bparta and consort, George King and barges, James P. Donald son and barges, D.

F. Rose and barges, Glasgow aad barges, P. H. Birkbead and Urges; Oakland and barges, Fred Kelly aad consort and -schooner A. B.

Norris, W. Wet more end consort, K. B. Hale1 and consorts and schooners Escanaba and D. Waedoff.

Yosemite and berges, Mineral Rock and beu-ges, Salina and barges; schooners Jessie. Moonlight, Jessie Drammood. Mary Battle, J. Bailey. Fenaaakee, B.

Berwick, Mary Jane: Our Son, Arsbia.lM. L- Higgle, Bavaria: tog Relief and schooner Florida, Havana and He. Fitxh ugh. Arrived: Schooners S. ft J.

Collier, W. H. Osdes. Wind north and light, W. If it were possible for a day to be duller in marine circles than some others recently experi enced, yesterdsy wss that day.

Along Central Wharf it was more like a quiet Sunday than a workday, and the harbor was almost deserted. Only three sailing vessels were' visible from its month to tbe Micbigsn-street bridge, and one of these was a small Lake Erie trader. Tbe weather was fine and warm, with a light northerly breese. Coal freight are in rather demoralised con dition, and coal agents and shippers with long list of order ahead are about tbe most solemn faced members of tbe community at present, la more Instances than one they bsve mad contracts for the delivery of coal to Lake Michigan ports at rates which will not admit of shipment by rail, and now they cannot obtain vessels. Rates are strong at $1.15 to Chicago and Milwaukee, and more than one charter has been made at higher rates, although tbe aigents thought to keep it quiet by reporting them as mad for less than they really were.

The charters reported vesterdav were: Bv CaDt, Thomas Collins-Schconer James C. King, coal from Buf falo to Chicago, at I.I5; barge Jemima, cement from Buffalo to East Saginaw at I a cents per bbU, nd pitch at 15 cents per bbL. f.o.b: The schooners C. Id Nim and E. FiUgerald have beea chartered for iron ore from Escanaba to tbe Fletcher Furnace, Black; 1 Rock, at $1.40 per ton, Tbe schooner Marysbnrgb takes coal from Buffalo to Meeford at $.

The steam-barge Potomac and consort, the schooner James D. Sawyer, for coal from Buffalo to Milwaukee at ft. to, were chartered late Thursday afternoon and before tbe advance wa paid. The teambarge Cbaancey Hnrlbnt and -consort Annie Vouabt were chartered for -coal from Buffalo to klilwaukee at $1. ao, although the rate reported by the agents was fen seats leas.

The barge Mohawk takes railroad iron from Buffalo to Dulnth at $1.75 per ton barge Keystone, same to same, at schooner St, Lawrence, paving stone to "Cleveland at $300 for the cargo; propeller St. Paul, railroad iron from Cleveland to Dulnth, at contract rate. The sebnonets F. A. Georger and G.

S. have been chartered to arrive for coal from Bkffalo to Chicago at There fat a probability that should the present scarcity of vessels continue rates trill run np as bieb as $1.50 to Chicago and Milwaukee. The Union Steamboat Company's propeller Starrucea cleared for Milwaukee-. Thursday night with 1,300 tons of bard coal, for which it ia said sn recieve per ton, Canal freights yesterday were very alack, although rates remained unaltered at 4 1-4 cents on wheat and 3 3-4 cents on-corn to New-York. There were bat few bents loading, but those which did load were taken at the rates quoted.

Lumber very quiet aad rates aachanged at per to New-York, and $3.00 to Albany. The efforts of the canal forwarding booses on Central Wharf, who Thursday signed sn agreement aot to take grain neie-hta for New-York at less than 4 t-a cents on wheat aad 3 3-4 cents on corn, have not as yet been successful in obtaining an aavaace. At Chicago. yesterday rrsiu freights were quiet st 1 3-4 cents on corn to Buffalo sad on oats 1-4 cents to I S-e cents, xtat tew engagements were made. Capacity for 39,000 bushels of corn, bring all the tonnage taken.

Wednesday the following charters to Buffalo were reported 'I i 1 MA Schooner D- A. Vaa VaJkanberg, Praoeller Ruaeia. Schooner C. J. Wei la, Pmoeller Arabia, mixed souooo r.

Etrambarge nernnm, oam. Schooner E. A. Nicholson, corn Scaoooer Nellie Gardner, com Schooner not named, Propeller aot named, SSfOOO SSos Chester's trumpet fog-horn was recent! Dateatted bv Mr. Richard Chester of Chicago.

Yesterday Captain John McKenna, Marine Inspector for tbe Orient Insurance Company, who is trying" to introduce it among vessel-owners and masters at this port, anoraea as an opportunity 01 inspecting a specimen of tbe born, which is very simple in its workings snd very effective. Vesselmasters and other with the experiences of the foggy weather which has beea so prevalent during the present season will no doubt appreciate the value of sn in urnment which can be put on board their vessels With a certainty that mill be heard far enough away to prevent any collision likely to take place for want of warning. Tbe Chester Horn is sn ordinary (hip's fog-horn supported by snd fitting into a cylindrical airchamber( underneath which is a socket or mounting wnica can oe piacea over a belavine-oin. or anything of that nature, on tbe vessels rail, thus supporting, the whole instrument, which may be turned to point in any direction desired. Inside the cy linden- is secured a pivot and air ducts, also ingress valves and puppet valves, similar to those used in aa air-pump.

The trumpet itself is provided srith a conical sound- diipenscr and spoon shaped month-piece projecting into the air chamber and provided with a vibrating reed. By simply palling oat, the piston rod, which has a handle for that purport, a long steady and load blast is given, as far ahead of that of the old mouthbiowa horn, as a tia-wrustia is or a cornet. I Complaints have again been made bf tbe in sufficient attention gitren to duties by the tender of the swing-btidge at tbe foot of Ohio aad Louisiana Streets, and we understand that a cental complaint is about to be made to the Com mon Council. Tbe CktboypM Triitttu of a recent date the follosring account of rough and tumble fight between two vessel officers at that port While the Crew of the schooner F. B.

Stockbridge were moving her np tbe river to load lumber her jib-boom fouled with tbe rigging of the schooner Dreadnauaht. which wa lying at the lumber piles. urtuvm aha had taken oa a cargo of lumber. Tbe men en the Stockbridge commenced abasing Cap-lain DoddL of the Dreadnaoebt. for having bis vessel there.

He claimed he had as good a right there as Ihev bad one word brought 00 another. snd at last tbe second mate of the Stockbridge jumped down on the Dreadnaught to 'cteaa emt' Captain Dodd, bat caught Tartar aad was getting badly worsted wnen anetner ot tne mm oorn. a pike pole and commenced striking tbe Captain of tha Dremdnauaht. compelling him to let the mate up. I TlM valiant Captain of Stockbridge, fear-log that Captain Dodd would clean out tbe whole crew, made nis appearance on sue scene wun at revolver, aad threatened to declare war at once.

Tbe crew of tbe tug Carkin, who bad beea observ-ins tbe affair from tbe opposite side of the river, thoaurhl this waa trains- to make it a little too warm for Captain Dodd, single banded, and volunteered their assistance, when tbe Captain and terwlrer beat aa tnglortoue retreat. Sonne tisae ago a man made application to the Chicago aeamen a union to pecome nsemoer-ana a committee of three wss appointed to examine him. The following is tbe examiners report: The first question propounded was: How many points are there ia the compass? His answer waa: Sixty- two." Thasia not correct, said the committee mea, WelL said he, that is tbe way I learned the cota- Oaestioa bt tbe Cocomittee How would you put tbe wheel if asked to not it a port? Answer We bad ao wheels in tbe vessels I bsve beea in. Question What kiad of vessels have yon been in? Answer A wood scow. Ones tioa If oa board the Higgle Jones yon were sent to get reef earing, what would yon bring? Answer I dont know.

Ouestion If oa a dark night yon were on the lookout bound north oa this lake, wind west, and you saw a red tight, which way would that vessel be eoeungr auan aanioaatnii. Committee's reoort. "no I sitorj which was coa- currcdria and placed oa file. THB OSANDTRUNK EXCURSION. i Hicam wb have tVtt tiiat ssayU they would participate ia the-Grand Trunk excursion to tbe Thousand, Islands, Montreal' aad.

Quebec, saost make np their naiads 'this morning, as the traia tarts from the New-Yeck Central depot at o'clock thj afternoon. Such aa opportunity for a magnificent JxtP should not be miried, as tbe fares "are re-msrksbly low, only to- Montreal and tie is) Quebec, urilh' special rates to 'nuirber, tf bfbef pamlar places of resort, Thia trill nLUy be th last excarsMwef tbe seeeoa by tljs roote. fall particulars can be obtained of T. D. ieri Ja, at the Grand Tmnk of rxenaae and Washington straoU.

CHAUTAPryA I on shears, via Lake Shore lt ArrYre in Ejle En UBCH BROS. Oaly Tuesday end Wedneada nlgnta, Aug. and j. 40 Mastodon Minstrel. J.

H. Havarlr, Proprietor. 1 J. M. Mack.

Kaaager. Ever-thin- new, ortglaal and racmad, noarivcrr eellpelng all pcavto-t I aaata tor aala at Dana Cot tor's etude etorv. MT- Thursday, Friday, eatewday. Amy, 4. la) Horcroaa Comic Opera Company hi The Kaecot.

GARDEN CONCERT AT JLAK8 TIKW, aCMMTKm OAKOEMi Corner Lake Vlaw aad Ponar aveaaaa, ON SATURDAY EVKNINO, July seta. Tkrfceta, 13 ceota. Grand Concert Saturday "ETcnlng, KHixnuinaBK'i TOIVINBERORCHESIRA. fW Almlton 15 teats. OSAUfO EXCVUIOK Jamestown and Ctiantanqna Laic; Vat A If sVaaca N.

E. a GRAND CONCERT Prof. Poppraberfi Fill 63tH Bemeot Bind, Oa the aew Steamer ALB SET J. WRIGHT, whleB wlUnatripto Port Colborne.ea MMdf, Am, sat, Weather psrtoittiBg. BoMMavw ear dock foot at Maja street et a P.

at o'clock. Kara, Sfiy tall. For programme mWt lOCJaT dMlQallaaV NOTE. Tb steamer being chartered for thia occasion trio aad traaon paaaaa will not oa avanaoin. EXCURSION TO NIAGARA FALLS I AND RETURN, TVBBDAT, AV-Ctrr Ml.

SMI. Tickets, I ne hading sdaiseioa ta Goat lalaad or Prospect II. hoik elara. la aaata. ONE THOUSAND ISLANDS Aad MONTREAL EXCURSION, WEDNESDAY, u.t via Brie Railroad ta Sospenatou Horn, and Wet.rt.iwn to Car Vincent thence byeteumer.

TKkau, good until Ane.etb. Roendj trip, to Tlaand Ialinda 1 to Montreal, iMt, Particular aad tidsst at No. SI Mala si. VT Tha trip loclada chcati mat Cor board and lode-tnr at Thowwind lalaada. aad meale and bank oa the route to Montreal, earing Iroa aeveuir-ore etau to OM dollar aad a ball par day.

MAKING THE CHEAPEST RATE OPrERED. and Pleasure Excursion Penetanguishene, GEORGIAN BAT.COUCHlCHtNO. PEN PELDI I MI, lAKKia, Camp at Hnay' Harbor.baat Baa Fishing Granada la Aauirica. Will start froaa Ballalo, la Canada SouUira fhl. trip aoaara jtj ail Cm traral by bo it and rail, and Sa aars' lima.

Tlw aapansa H) onlV n.a, Includloa hoial biila, asa ot Plcaaura and Klanln boata, and allrafl and steamboat faros. Naaoer of cursonisa limited to penona. lUperlaacedmea will accjpan the party, (nlidrea under i years of a accompanied by par en Thia Is tha opportunity for a ry pleasant trip at tha lowest possible price. Par full particulars and tickets apply to J. L.

MOORW, Main street. apply to 1 I' a. Summer Excursions. STEAMER' J. WRIGHT tmT Will make trip dawn tha rWer each pleaaanl afuraoon.

Leavek dock Coot of Main at. atsM and rs turns at Para Fllty Cents. Children haH-rrlce. ROBERT 3S. IeOOHIIS.

Wholesale aad retafl dealer la Mantels Grates, SLATE ROOriNtf. MILTON'S TILES FOR I FLOORS AND DECORATIONS. NO. 304 MAlNv STREET. WE GIVE YOU If yon want Good Clotfalns; while tta rcdnctloni lattcomc and bay then now Bi( rut la Whlta Vasta, Alpaca Coats, aad Liaea Duawrs.

Doa't tall to asa them. Wa offer aor rot Ire stock xA Msn's, Boys aad Children's Suits rsordleas of Tslue. Tba stock la partly broken, yet there la a good assortarant left. While we admit of euataJnlaa; a very treat lose oa these goods, we would thank tha paella rf they would cone and help us out oa them. We will flndly pocket the loss, tha prodt of course goes to the Call aaa oe eoaeincea.

CLOTHIERS) 39a and 394 ItXain 8t THE HENRY F. MILLER PIANOS. Uaad excluelyely at aha Normal Inatitute of iMt at Buffalo. Uaad In more coaorrta la Bo ion durlaa; 'ha aeaana of iim- 1U1 tkaa all other makei of plaaos addad rDuriaa; tha seasoa aaed by atore tha twenty solo p4- anists. 1 Pour df the sis planiate who played at the Nattoaal Ms ec leaeners Aaeociaiioai maeiine as ninwir.

awi I Umm Bf U.IIm rAMM tiraad. Jmm4 at ALL ths Kit Concerts oa the tour of the past seaaoa. EDIAfiD I0ELLES, 18 Cnlppef tSL, Bofalo. gy A (rent for these Celebrated Pianos. i.THK RENOWNEH, OBCXEU nnoTOEiis, HENRY P.

HT1T.T.KW, Aad etbar PI sans, at the eery leasee prlesa, ED MQELIfEirff Chifef a St i' CII4ULES BVrLER, DENTIST. OFFICE. 233 MAIN ST. fOMmelta PJamae Banerott A Co.) Particular atteatloa (ire a to the Insertion of Artlftdat Teeth. Nitrons Gride e9aabia Ittae coaataatly oa Grand Trunk R'y Rlclellen 4 Ont In.

Stetmers. TOURISTS', EXCURSIONS Via Niaaara Palls, aad choice ot acaasat re by either: Nortk or aamtk there of Lake Ontario to The Thousand Islands. Montreal, Ooebee, the-PlTer Saeanay, the White Moaa. tains. Lake Champlsia, Lake George, Portlaad, Boston, aaa New-York, by orer 150 Different Soatct The m.g-TuecOat steamers at thia Una, amanrpassed for eomf ort and siagaaca, are aa foUowsi Capt.Ada.

TrowelL AttMET.Caot. Cssserua. Aad kaiwasa Meat real aad Quebec, the magnHr sat In OUEBBCXapt. Nelsoa. Browa.

rwjsaaamre aaa lease; New York- Central oapot, Buffalo, at time, rim Canada Southern R. lor Kann, or at e. elty tiaae.vta. New York Cam. tral I'y for Lewtstoa.

at jra" aad "C.ty of 1 Clnae uawsanione whick tints the ToroaMo" are takna lor Tw rrmio. Clnae esetoantloaa are there made dally (Sunders oacepted.) arMk lbs orst-emsa suanuaei traai. ii tkremk the Tmm laisad lalmmala a mm tlam atati mi. Lawrease bjr BayUHkt, ua i aai al as Ij. p.

aure, follow Ing neaaaq. a tea real aor I -aebee at ia p. at. A.VANTAa.S PI THIS LINE. "jeaeMtjebf Stssatere liiima Toronto aad Moa "lir- rtee of RaO or Staamars bstwasa Toronto I a4 warneare of eoor actions t- Uiioer nvd Loar St.

i company, on all pint's tna- tans aw 1. man ra. I 1 mvraenaw. lai ar. anas.

Ticket! for tb round trip If. fa. Thia leaves Brl Railway Depot at I a. a. abarp, teat timet returning.

Waves leaaeetawa at r. arriving la Buffalo at fart tlase, allowing boar fnaeetowa. rickets way ba aad oa lb traia lor a ride aver tlM Ian. Jiow to May villa aad ratara, en taa large aad commcdieue lour-Awkad atnaiar JaaaaMwa, tor tb additional pram of only ej, centa. ir Warning L.

The ufCmLa Cstttan at VwZrott-Thm Days Kmo at CfvmtmnO Trvsj BufTaJo MUnm, Etc Sfbctae to The BtrsvALo Express. Detroit, Jary so, Tbe DetroiU to-day paid off the Bafialos for ycxterday'a thrash rag ba grand sxyto, trnttuhg Lynca oat of posxtioa ia the fifth toarnar. aad snakiagfive krta aad one rant of Galvisw Mountaia pitched aa elegant gaase for tbe Detroita. bo Bison batters getting first base after the (bird inning. The only error asade by either dnb was White's muff of a diffumlt fly.

The runs for the IfeJslos.won acared on a siogie hit by CrRcntrke. Bremthers hocnetnn. White's two baser. Petors's and Rove's singles, aad all of them were earnaxl. The Detroita scored im the first inning cm Wood's Knight's base on balls.

Hankie's two-baser aad Powell's snd Bennett's flys to Richardson aad Brou therm. In the fourth inning, singles by Powell, Gerhardt, RieHy aad Wood, Bad Moon-tain's two-bagget, scared three earned nas for the home team. Ia (he fifth inning, Han Ion's home ran, Powell's two-baser and Bennett's singlev added two earned runs. Tha run hi tbe eighth inniag was suede cat White error, Mountain a pat ant end Wood' base bit. Wood waa five time at tbe bat and made five base nits.

The following wsstiia score: BtmVAlOS. AS B. P-O. AV Foley, ib. 1.

1 a a O'Rourka, 4 1 a i Brou there, Li 4 a RJcbaxdson, 4 a 1 a Wbue, ah 4 a a a Peaaea, a. 4 a a 4 kowc, i. a 4 r- Galvin.r.faadp. 4 a Lynch, p. aad tS 1 DaiauttS.

Wooda, l.f Ui a anion. ay to Buffalo Detmit a. i Hunt runs Brontaara. anion. Two-base hita White, anion, unwell, MnmslalB.

A Knacuse arat aass nunaio uetrou ay. vLeft oa baa re Buffalo 5, Detroit Struck outRichardaon Calvm, Lynch, Beaaeti, Gerhardt. First ease oa ai'rors Detroit s. Firm base oa called balls Brou thera. Knight.

Peters to White to Foley. WUd tluuwa Lynch, Gnltrla. Wild pitches Galvia jtoamtaia s. i 1 1 sella Reese s. 1., I Umpire Pradlev.

t'. TBM CLMVEULKD MACES. The circuit races closed at Cleveland yesterday with three important events. The boxes ia the grand stand were filled with hundreds of ladies sad. the adjoining seats accommodated thousands of the sterner sex.

Tbe attendance of ladies this year was marked feature of tbe saeeting, asd they seemed to take the liveliest interest in the sport, heartily applauding the -winner of every heat. Two of the races sn the card yesterday were won in three straight heat, bat the a. 15 class proved more exciting, and was one of decided perplexity to tbe pool-buyers. It was a hard fought battle, aad Ford apparently won on bis merits. The track was in fine condition, The unfinished s.34 race was' first called, Eureka winning the heat and race ia s.33 3-4, Burt Sheldon second, Morristbird, Redwood fourth.

Ia the t.15 das, Charley Ford wan, Midnight second, McGregor third. Hopeful ruled ont; time s.iqi-s, s. 1034, a so 3-4,, i-s, a. 30. The s.

10 class was woa by Trinket in three straight beats, Wedgewood second. rMkxsuider third, Driver fourth; time 8.18 1-4. a. 18 1-4, s.19 i-s. In the s.

as clam Troubadour won," Fannie Witherspoon second, Florence third, CnslaUa foartb; time i-a, 1-4, a.ea. -s 4" ms motmlo tfstnire. The trotting meeting which opens- in this city next Tuesday the third in the Grand Central Trotting Circuit has every promise, from the large number of entries as well as tbe fame achieved by many of tbe trotting celebrities to be present, of being one of the most brilliant held in -this country. At the Driving Park everything has been pat in the best of order; all the buildings have been thoroughly repaired aad the fences and rails have been brightened with whitewash snd paint. Ia the early spring the excellent condition of the track wa noted by all having oceasioa to visit the grounds, and it has been steadily worked ever since, until it is now pronounced by horsemen to be taster than ever before in tbe history of the association.

A list of the horses entered in the several classes has already been published. It embraces all the noted flyers, tbe owners of but few having deemed tt advisable to skip this central point in this year' circuiL The programme for each day is of such a nature that the events cannot fail of proving interesting, considered as whole or singly, and large crowd msy be expected on each of the four days, The fallowing is the programme: 1 First day a. 10 clans, rnsrso eleven entries- a. a class, two-mile heata. puree fme, aagbt entries; elaaa, mtrne Si.aoo.

nine entnen. Second day a.ey class, puree Si, mo, eight entries; free- lot an, puccxa, puiac aawo, majm roil i apucaai puiau oa Sjdo, to trottiok horae srith running mnta that bears a.14, with Saoo added if is stada, one entry Great Bastarn and Monitor. Third day a 1 class, purse tavmn, seven eatries; Maud for a special purse of sgninst time; e.aa claaa, two-mile beats, purse ios, aajbt eatries; s.34 class, purae fiooo, fourteen entriea. rourta aaz ..15 ciaaa, puree seven anuies; ..19 class, purse fire entrieai m.j elaaa, purse Sioo, This makes a grand total of fas.Soo to be offered In purses, for which ninety-eight horses sre nomi nated to contest, T. he horses are all exriected to be on the grounds at the opening of tbe meeting, tbe Cleveland races not interfering here as the Chicago meeting did with Cleveland.

Aa unuasU, degree of toterest is being taken is trotting meetings all over the country this year, -ana tne old sporting spirit seenw to nave pot oa new uie. THE sfUSIC. The following is the fall programme of music to be tarnished for tbe races by Wshle's Bsnd s. March a. Overture Concert f.

Grand Medley-" A Day as 4. Polka JSouaquet Solo for turn ceenets. 3. wiumer i. Medley "The Walts" Firefly," a.

Medu-v Ponolar o. tialop 1 SECOND i 1. March" Odeon," Weiagmrtea a. Overture "Summer Festival," Clsna j. Straus 4.

Cornet Solo Mr. Aatoa tthamif. Walts Grmfensteiner," Mad ly 7. Garotte "So Beautiful Rlxner 5. Overture Fiddler of St- a.

Selectkav" so. March ri' V.i TKIRH DAT. -a. March Overture- "Jolly a. Polka" One Heart, one 4.

j. Medley" Pretty as Picture," Curtb a. waiix Storing riowvra, j. Grand March -11 Tannhao ete seSaSaf i a a B7JGt a. Meoiev e.

Glam 10, March POUBTH SAT, 1, March" a. Sdectioa-' Beatrice," All strom i La Reveil duIJon (Caprtoij! n.oauuu a. Walts" Cornet Solo-- i 1' Mr. Anton ocauarur Si Medley "The "ST? a. Polka--" so.

March-4 MAUD S. In addition to the regular circuit progi Bnffalonians ks less than tha thousands of visitors who are ernectad to be in attendance oa the race. will be afforded tbe pleasure on 1 oursoay os wit nessing the greatest piece of horseflesh America ever Drodnced. This pleasing news was received resterdsrZafternoon by Mr. H.

A. Norris, between whom and Mr. Stone, the manager of Maud negotiations have beea pending for soaae days, aad the mare will sttempt. to best her own record of far parse of $3,300. Tbe event ha been set for Tnursday afternoon, and will no doubt prove the greatest attraction which the snanagement COOia utter.

All tne craca nonica ids yenra paaa have nerformed with distinction on the Buffalo track, and hope are entertained that this year will, eelinse all others for speed, that this one event will ever make the Baffsio BrirW Park mcmorabls in the wmdar annala of 'to, and chat new laurels will her urmn hnra bv the Irntiina? woadns Of the rather, perhaps, of tbe day. for with the nnloobed for development of speed to many of thefjflyers at every race-meeting this year, there is no telling wbat may happen before tne season as over. ae mare win probably arrive here from Philadelphia, where she trotted last Thursday, oa Monday KOTMS. The fnllmrinv were the results of the League games played elsewhere than at Detroit yesterday: At Worcester 'oraestara. a e.

Base hit ia; Carats 7. 0 e- Ar Bans errors f. At Beaton Bane kins, si; errors, an. Troys. eoe i a 0 Bane hhs assess aa, 1 At Chicstgo VnaTagw Bane kits, r.

errors, s-' Clevenads a a a a Nothing bat' leaves. Boston again came ant again on top. Tbe CleveiaDders ere fast nedgiag out, Who wtQ care tor Aasoa's infante now? AB the League clubs play again to-day. Again he Chicago got into the wrong suits. Lmcb again roosts on the mourners' bench.

Wood hit safely every time at Detroit Testes, -7' Tne gallant BrontBers ssnae anenner sans ran Tne Forest Ultys asa coming ooern ua sunen at a rattling gate. Tbe California wonder earned the bouquet at Detroit ytarterday. The Tecumsefa baseball dab ot Mncioa, urn-, has beea reorganised. --f If it were aot for these little- reverses, wast would success asnoeat to? The Bolton. -Worcester aad Clevelnad, were even on base hrto yeatexthry The Worcester not eleven Dese bits yester day, but it didn't save their scalps.

The new York aad BaJUnsore stcjoami cixM pUy a maicfa gaase at NewVotk tovday, Tim Troys ire known ia Albany as Ferneoa' Troy caravan of fanny faauyem a ewUe hjJT, Tba revolts of the M'mia F--t- Amxia, tion. held at Gassopows tin ') very sjc. Tbe Derroiters hryed ystotdcy, and in tLa at 3t tsl rt canary "of Us 1 -a IL 1 eJ a rowan, 4) Bennett, i a 4 a a a a RieUy.e jaounuua, 4 Tetal jt 7S i Detroiu. a a a Saturday Mornlns, July SO, 1631.

CITY AND VICINITY. "CHAUTAUQUA." MORE "SCRIPTUS" LETTERS. Spolaj Attraotlona In MTh Buffalo Zx Aujruat and The saost laaportaat aad halm saline; of all tba gatherings at Cbauuaojua (forassrty Fair Point), aa Cbaa-taaqaa Lake, are crowded lata the aaoatk of August. The Chsutaoqus Soaday-acbool Assembly" will opaa Auxast ad aad close Aogast sad. "Tba Mistical Depart.

eat" win open August sd aad cloas August aad. Tha Bewlr-onraaised Chsutsarpu School of 'Vieology aria opaa August itk aad bold dally Aessmbly. "The Cheataa Cwcle" win hold atassatd during the Aanmhiy. Aad la expected that Ike msstlags this year win parpens' la amai Hi seam, aad ba by ssadl Isry aamben, tkaa those of any pre- la Hrw of tkese evDbabflltias, we take great ptsaaare la aanpuaclng that Taa BvrrAtn Raraass win derote specml atteatloa to "Chat annua" larteg the month of Aaguet, wttk the purpoee o4 msking kaslt thai ease pocmlar daJur reach tha gmaaJs from the ootaide world. werer.

Is not so mack ta reap a ham from the local aeld as to furnlah tha gruatar auilUrade who cannot attend, bot who are deeply latarestcd bt the work at ChautaMqna, with the beat geaenl cosception of the BMetlngs that eaa be farmed from intcUlgsat obserrstiocu) set forth ia graphic description. There an now etjaos members of the I S. partienns of the Clisutsaq Idea," who auks a part of their dally Usee all the yea round. Pair PolaJ Chautauqua" la their Mecca, the culaUnatioa of the yaars work, and eretything relating to It has aWiatarsst, direct aad powerful, to tea persona at home for every eaa who atteads. For this large coeitltaaecy Taa Exnram hopes to labor stoat acceptably during the moath of Aagast.

Wa hare saaoe arraagaaeeata for a new series of tba adsaa-s; Scrlptua" letters, which war pnsaoaaaad by the Assembly onVers the saost accursta, bttanstlng, aad compm-henslre of any correepuaoence erer publieried bt regard to the Chautauqua Idea." The rury capable author will hare such saaietaars that hie lattare will be supplemented by a thorough digeat of the local Incidents, pamoal mfor aution, lake Items, and aa win aae the wires freely se oceasioa may require. "i'V Taa Enraam has al ready a much larger circulation ia Use Chautauqua rcgwa than say other large dairy paper; It will be BHtiled to aew subscribers, poeugs prepaid, dor- log the) months of Aaguat aad September at tba rata of LOCAL EVENTS OP THB WEEK. Satvudav, July evDeeigne already saballtted rejected by the Soldiers Moaameat Committee; aew daslgne to be aouKht. Baae- bal Ii Cterelands Buffalca a. Death of Uaoiel K.

Hamlin. Frederick TMewell Death of John Gannon from sunstrska. Sunday. July sav Deatk of Amos Morgan. Fire at Erie transfer coal trestles.

Beat Edward Stock fell dead. Death of James McFarlaae. Mostdav, July a a. Death of Sam net Jacfcaoa, aged weirs ysars, from lockjaw resulting from aa hi Jury rocolred from a pletol July ik. Tussoat, July Foley fatally injured by oars.

Aa abandoned infant toned oa the doorstep of rastdeece No. ijt.Soatk Diruaoo stresc WstmssDAT. July Vakaowa msa'foaod drowned. Boy earned "eiier aenonaly hurt by maihliimi hi Taa Ex re am eetabliabment. William G.

Phillips appointed Captain of the Third Police Precinct la place of Terence J. Thubsdav, July s(. Mra. Almira Ball, of Aurora, fatally Injured by a fall at her son's residence on College street. Death of William F.

Miller. Base bell, at Detroit i Buffalo, ij, Detrotte Third reunion of reteraas of the sist Regiment) Soar Spring FsidaV, July a Chester Kimball, a sailor on the schooner "Annie aeriously Injured by falling into the bold. Base ball, at Detroit: Buftalos 3, Dsr troiu 9. -v 1 BRIEF MENTION. Tha Shrth aad Seventh redncta tent in blank repoiti yetterdsy morning.

,1 Five impecunious wanderers found shelter at the Stalion-hooiet Tharsdsy night. At Detroit oa Friday tha ball dnb of that city beat the Buffalo by a score of 9 to 3.. Tba CrosveDorLibrary will ba closed for repairs daring tha 6rt two week in Aagast, Thirty-five dollars in fines wera imposed by the Watch-house Justices yesterday morning. Thirty-throe arrests were reported by the Police yesterday morning, inclading eight drunks and five At to-morrow's service tha choir of St, Luke's church will be assisted by the choir of Holy Trinity charcb, Toronto. 1 To-morrow tha Arlon go to Niagara View on th steamer A.

Wright," A pleasant time will doubtless be had. -a A rowing regatta will be conducted by the Celtic Club 00 the Ulackwell Canal this afternoon, beginning at o'clock, Tha Land League meeting at St. Stephen' Hall to-morrow altera oon at four o'clock will be addressed by Mr. R. W.

English. About three hundred and fifty member of the 65th Regiment, ander command of Colonel Wsud, made a street pa reds last evening. The St, Mark' M. E. Church people have an excursion to-day to Gowanda Glen, tha train leaving the Erie Railway depot at 8.30 A.

hU. A vagrant wa the first prisoner with whom tha officer of the new sub-station-house bad to deal. Ha wa given lodging. Thursday night. Every kind of Book and Job printing done at tha office of The Express in tha best style at the lowest prices.

The People' Press." Between four and five handled people, panics-' pated in the Well-street chapel excursion to Sheen-water yesterday, and a very agreeable time was had. Aa excursion will be made by the Young People' Association of Calvary church to Niagara Fall nest Tuesdsy. Tickets including admission to Goat Island, 60 cents. Mr. Kara, eighty-two year of age, fell into an open trench on Ash street yesterday os'siniog a dislocation of the (boulder.

Dr. Walsh rendered surgical aid. Attention I called to the advertisement of the auction sale to be conducted nest Tuesday by Mr. Chailc Mary at lb More of Mr. P.

Walters, No, 4t I South Division street. The sale of teats for the performsnces by the New Mastodon Minstrel -will open this morning at Denton ft Cottier', and for th opera of "La ascot te" next Tuesdsy mornlngr Those who would take advantage of an opportunity to bay clothing while price are clear down should read Messrs. L. Carson ft advertise-meaMtday and then visit their big store. A little girl named Llbbie Wecherd, seven years' of age, wa bitten in th foot by a dog while passing along Broadway yesterday afternoon.

She wa taken to her home. No. Sis; Pine street, The alarm of fire about half -peat four o'clock yesterday morning was caused by a slight blase in a smoke-bouse in tba rear of No, 179 Mulberry street, owned by Edward Heibech. The lose wa about ts. la tba Supreme Court thia -morning, before Judge Daniels, Martin Flanigan's counsel will move lor the issue of a writ of error and a stay of pro-ceedlngsj'taat the case may be carried to tba Coart of Appeal.

-v A laborer named John Schel fell from the second story of Dr. Cary'i new building, corner -of Main and Genesee streets, yesterday afternoon. came down light tide ap, however, and escaped with a few braise. 7 This afternoon the A. J.

Wright srilUrnake aa excursion dfowu the west channel of Niagara river, calling at Black Creek, Canada, where pond Dlie are said to abound. There will be good music on board. Tickets for adult SO cent, aad for children cent. Yesterday 'morning Ibe body of a newly-born maw child was found on the common at tha corner of Massachusetts and Sixth streets. The body was wrapped in some old rags And bad probably beea there bat a short time.

Coroner Scott was notified, and the remain were taken In charge by Undertaker Rodney. About kalpast seven o'clock last evening some one discovered smoke issuing rather freely from a basement room of Brown's building, at the corner of Main and Seneca streets, llnd thinking there mast be a fire, sent aa alarm to chemical engine Ne. I. The smoke, however, iras found to come from a choked ap chimney, and the service of the firemen were therefore not needed. Joeiah A.

Possoroy having refused to pay to his divorced wife the alimony directed by the coart, was on the 8th inst, consigned the jail. Yesterday application in bis behalf was made to Judge Sheldon for bl release, oa the ground that he was not able to pay the money doe. Tha Judge didn't see it, and Joaiah still languishes behind tie grate. Mr. J.

S. Johnston, a deservedly popular grocer, ba removed Into new quarters, namely, the large More No. 038 and 040 Main street, which be will openext Monday with aa entirely new stock ot everything which a fiast-clas grocery esUbliihrnent should The residents of the aeighborhood which Mr. Johnston ba located will find it both pleasant and profitable to deal with him. 'The BmlmwU AVwv says of the anardercr pf John Welker.

who I under seeteace to be banged on the 19th pro. 1 Stock ley still coaliaoes to play the insanity dodge and ha digested himself of every particle of clothing, and' I now treading uVa narrow limit of hi cell ia extreme aaltedaess, His bedr ding has beea taken away from him aa he destroyed everything within reach. His only ornament a pair of ibackles." A aaa ad Frederick Browning, by a kw -key, was at Lock port TirarscUy ander instructions from thia city, and era brought back by Detective Diehl. was arraigned in-the Police Coart on a eff pretamaea In tisdivg a horse to a 1 bavin prevloa.y gtvca tn if' vJ. warred ex-- -rrti'' We" t.

ScUl calling on a tittle child the 1 waea, totnpon a day ssw met 1 Aad brbUy am their goU ChOd Jean led a happy bead of Bmls. With Sowars spraag sad gem of 1 iS-Maykag. r. afl Far from the asst the widew sees, and Ems to deep ber tby Ot aaotherl HtUe mxlhm aatoa, behind the rami For aaa, how heavy with your tears the pitcher I carry, 'If yea bad ceased to weep tor see when Jeauu aMaylr, 1 1 I should have bam mnagst the biest, with Uttle Jean playing." fe. I Mmify rrifftr.

SCRIPTUS. in- 1. -J THE CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY. School cat Lanaisa-Mor Work Trtan Piny Cpnatnnt giontlasilnat of tha Sohamm Trta A assembly Propor Opwna To Day. From StteUi Cmimdent.

ChavtauqoA. July s8. Each year of tba Chau tauqua meetings ha presented a broader platform. This, tba eighth year, premise no breach of Cham. Uuqua's la -of progression.

She ha constantly lifting borwoo. WendcU Phillips once said that th motto of American statesmen ought to be. What next 1" in order to keep it Government tm rappwrl with. Americas growth aad enterprise. Dr.

Vincent has here brought the Yankee spirit to th work oT religious aad secular education. One (eel tempted to pat Wendell Phillip' question to hint every morning. 'THE CBAUTAUQUA Tba wort of religions and aectaUr education. much as includes, does not by far cover the scope of the Chautauqua idea," as already developed. At first begjnaiag with tha comparatively limited purpose of promoting Sunday-school work, tt soon expanded into general religious effort, and now it ba spread into the fiekLof secular education.

To all these departments of didactics and thought it now proposes to Impart enough of the "esthetic tone to make this the borne of lie largest, freest; most versatile culture, until Sans. Johnson's eulogy of Goldsmith may in a present tease be freely translated and applied to ChaRtaaqui. It touches no subject without rename- it," To-day, tbe aesthetics of Chautauqua are its What next Bat we need not anticipate. Tbe programme of tbe seasoa calls for all the attention the saost Industrious has to give, I i I- SCHOOL OP LANriuAGES" AND TEACHERS RETREAT. I said secular education was one tbe enlargements of the original plan.

It Vas probably so to sight only; sutpect it was latent in Dr. Vincent' teeming brajn all tbe time. I think so, because be ha always contended that the highest, most poten tial of all catlings that of the secular teacher. quote hi utterance, as It is not only a bold one for a cietgyman to make, oat tt nas a aireci ocanng on the meetings now current here and the widening vista of the Chautauqua path. The comine? man.

tbe comiaz woman, is th teacher. Theirs is to be tbe prceaaioa of profes sion. be teacher as greater than the preacner. The work of civilisation and reform in America is to be done In the secular schools. For tbe coming teacher life will be devoted to the mission embraced hi this definition.

To teach, is to arouse the mind and set it at It legitimate Work, thinking. Those Chautauqua meetings known as the School of Language and tbe Teacher' Retreat have already beea some week in aeesion, and will overlap the sessiona of be Assembly properi The' facts that more mone is spent for talent in these than in any other of the. departments, and that they last twice as long, sre evidence of Dr. Vincent's sincerity in estimating the value of secular education. Some of your readers may need to be I informed that the CbautauauA School of LanensBe is designed to teach ancient aad modern languages by the' tural method i.

by the ear, experimentally. It is sometimes called the "'Sanvenr though M. Sauveur did not found this method of teach tmr language." It wna first used by the first school-ma'am Eve by StudenU learn Gleek, Anglo-Saxon, French, etc, here as they learned English at borne. Tbe way! to speak I is speak. This school or.

rstber, group schools was organized two years ago, Wnd is already dominant interest here. It has ktteadily grown in attendance and steadily broadened fa scope. This year the nw departments of English Literature, Elocution, aad Phonography, jfcave been added. The management promise to make, the English school a specialty hereafter. As one brsnch of the study of English, I hope to seel them d.tvelop tbe study of rhetoric in a modernized use as si science midway between grammar and logic; a liifferent thing from that hotch-potch of composition, mar, criticism and several other branches taught.

1 The school of language may have a lu" sion in reconstructing the study of rhetoric list of tbe faculty of this School of Languages would present names well known to the philological world, but perbsps not of interest to the general reader. i Of the Teachers' Retreat, I dan say, without be ing technical and prosy, that its original design was tbe old Roman's Ideal, atinm tf-mm dignitalt rest and Improvement: a chance for an intellectual outing to secular teachers. But natter Dr. Vincent's high pressare management it is pow so that if any member of tbe Retreat enjoys test he has to work for It; bss to fight against the' attractions of the programme, jf he does not waati to overdo. The constant tendency here is To enlarge and enrich the programme, and no human being can follow bp all the lectures and Instructions' in any department.

New students her get some severe lessons In abridgement of effort. Nearly! everything in the method. and science of pedagogy is taught here, in clading kindergarten work and clay modeling. But the design is not to make this a rival of the normal school it ia rather to 'give teachers here those things that are not found in any other' institute of pedagogy.1 The science of teaching fat Illustrated by: lectures pa sack advanced themes as Psychology and Pedagogy; aad its practice by illustrated lectures on Industrial Education," by Piof. C.

W. Wesson, who your Buffalo teachers will tell you has made a asation as of an educa tional revolution in the New-York State Teachers' Conventions of this and last year. Dr. Vincen say fie has only Jut began with this Teachers" Retreat aad will uadartake to have $00 school teachers here next year, drawa by tbe loadstar of a programme so iastrectiv and unique that they cao' stay It seemed necestaiy to go thus far Into these par ticulars of the two departments, because they have been some weeks la set tioa unrecorded, aad because their work seems, to me to be tha saost importaat that it or; will be token np at Chautauqua always excepting the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. This is the greatest edscational work, not only of Chautauqua, bat, in my opinion, of tbe United States.

Bat tt mast bare a letter all, to ilaelf. 4 I i CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY. On Saturday, July 30th, begiR tbe general exercises of What is still known aal the "Chautauqua Nalioeal Sunday-echool Assembly," Bat, as before Intimated, the scope of these faseetings has so widened nd their number so Increased that Sab bath-school Assembly 1 now a limited and leading term to apply to them. ladeed, though tt announced that "The AaWbly, begins July 30th, in truth tt does not begin a.til Tuesday eveainir following. The meetings of the "Cbau- Uuoua Foreien Missionary Iastitute coaaa first.

lasting sijt days; the Chautauqua Tanimeraace Day follow, Aagast sd; and tbe department of Sabbath- school work proper opens August aal, GKitBRAL ArrrucnoNE, Perhaps the anaonncensents psost interest to the general public are in the Isnllsnmus which contiaoe all throes Jm technical nrork of the year. s. d' 1 Besides the Reunions, pyrotoAnics, illumiuatioas oa land aad water, a sham navaj ertgageaaeat, children's bonfire, balloons, and the long list of attractions of interest to svoa-iesicnmto aad unstudious spectators. I read fat the rwograatsaf SBch names as these: j. I f.

-r. Lectures by John i B. Gcexgb, Edward Everett Hale, Dr. J. O.

HoUand (editor of Sfrihtr), Gov. St. John: of Kansas, Judge Tourgee (Heme of the TooU" Gen. O. O.

Howard, Hoa. Schuyler CoL fsx. Dr. Barbour (of the University of Kentucky), Dr. -A.

A. WUlets of Brooklya, Dr. Sims (of Syracuse Ualversity), Lectares on Art, by Prof. Cor. ntng, illustrated by several, hundred wiews, aad bmt tbe auogramase would fill several oolasaa of The Exraxss, and one hardly knows how to select titer beginning, i f'j.

These features will be held tap seriatim to your readers' view. In general, it (nSckof tp say thai the eatertaiasnent is more varied and popular than preriowx ewes, and on taa whole win better repay those who stay Ibtpngh the meetings to Aagast sad. Tbe musical feature but swr tioa of that most go over to future Wttcfs, with mock of interest concerning the uaatetial summad-ings. ft is necttaarj to -ray, now, Oiat the anjnge-gaeat of the bote at this point has changed, and titat the chaageamouatstp a revolution, Thebotaj baa also been enlarged, Acccaaunodatfcms at cotr tagea are ample, ranging in price from the financial capacity of a member of the New-York Legilalgr fresh from the king neamon. np ts that of the diretv tor of the Stsndard OU Onwpany, and, I ss a sured, af I airetwrc cTOsite, the a 1 itll'i 'Jk 1 '-sat ion are i i mtpar Death had takaa.

a atotoeamsd traia Mrntsf Belaware Aveaee. Hours and T. Saturdays from a to U0I1TREAL THB DTR AND icbeUeaiOiLNa raiid Ezcarsion I Saiumav. i sf r. OAND ISLANDS asw von IDS OF THE The' Excursion will leave BufTalo.

SATURDAY, lulv to Charlotte, arriving there at jo there taking one i i t- Tt MM t.M VI 1 1 I v. Mviwmii pi vi wm n.bu.itiu insuring comfortable night's real, free from th dust and annoyance of sleeping cars. 1 he Thousand Islsnds wilt be peaaed on the morning of the filt, aod the aft. moon spent in running thai rapids of the ht. Lawrence, arriving ia Montreal at SURE.

Betiraaa Montreal and Ouebeo tourista caahava tbe choice ii taraad Trnnk at, nf stannaars. i 1 -t- Ottawa macl statasrm, 0to Saos tlmmel mwati rsatmm, a ax rnmcl rmtmrm, an trawford Hossam amcl retsjra, ao ascsatoa aad retmrn, av McwVorlx aad rsMwrxt, a -aatavHa Bay attd rwtwra, is The ratara trip from Montreal will be by Orand Trunk ILJt, to Port Hope.ataaaer to Charlotte, aad rail to But. 7' Aaron enable to leave July antbHcan start Aug. sat SfSL Katurn tickeu good till September th BBKTKVS ajoe. 9IBALS 50c.

gy BAOCACB CHECKED THROUOH. Vw Kemember, passengsn en this eacurswa sre aot put-to th exoenee of a sleeDink car to reach Lakn Ontario. nor thev have to return from Mnnueal ihMiiah ih. Canadian eaaala, 1 1 .1. For Tickets and -further information call at thai Brasaal Trssnax Oftlr-a.

awri Kachaaaa SMI Waantnatoss Mta BmnTalo. I D. SHERIDAN, An. AffuTfita 1 ALBX. MILLOT, lan K.

A O. Nar. Gen. Pass. Agt, j.

aisrntnsun, G.t,k', tun Mai Co, MONTREAL AMD BSSTUBSSS, I A QIUEBEC aWo KCTVat'ss BARNUM'S I Gat AMD EXCCRSIOIf, Down the St. Iawrence 'p I Mootrau, Ouebeo, Ottawa, faaataga. White Mouataias IPortlaod. Boaton. aad New-York, will I leave Butaln, I SlpNDAV, Anjntst xty 1881.

sWyi.0, rn'. o-i R. R. to Cap Vincent, and tba American Una of Palace Steamers Iroa Cape Vincent down the at, Laurence, 1 through the Thousand Islands, stopping at Claytan, Aleaaadria Bay, Oaienabnrg, 1 MONTREAL to piaoe within the ranoh of all I have mad tne lot lowing low raws lor lbs round tripi Te Montreal aad return aa To Oueba aad ratara tm a. To Ottawa aad ratara 1.

a. a 1 Te Sanaaora aod v. Te White Moaa lain and a. To Portland and a aw To 1 To New.VorkanA far ress Ticket -02 3, No MM Bxtclaaisare street. Undflh IfsailD House.

law uasDiDfi on scnool i 1 1 IJ FOR GIRLS. islr.jg.; Thia School wUW opened ok THURSD.AT. Seotemeer MostSaatifui.ned bealihlul UimMiStSa baked States, on tba aid Eemae Hone. SSSltr. extent, FsU corns of leackera.

Ibe Rt. (lev. Cjevea4CoseTD. b. PteJU deatBnad of Trw Va.

ClrhToV rtVwm umrr. r. MAcrmukwwt I Etaear. Matwwma, as. w.

HarrieS'i BaHnf hxitet 111 IV. QUEBEC RETURN. a smms ma ani mv Mwaea, mi GRAN 2l 'it 1 -i i mum Small Bcooomical or Loyal Socki Gratot Br, Stove, E5.1 ft No. Stove, Cbatant, ri aj; Sn par tc; dellrrad. RataOl deaiera supplied vantaseoos teams, by boat, cars, ee from yard aa board I A ii .1 DualarrsHataaf asery wrPPERTE, jn i 1" ..1 Phveiciana of a iS endorse TIBBS! SHOULDER BRACES for Ladirv SeAs.

Thfty Icaure com. tort, add grace oi carriage, prevent contraction of tbe ebesM TIBBS' Drag Stare, No. aja Ststa'strsst, oorner Titaiaca, supporvars, alaelie afouo I Rich and Oallot ta whnl tlwosaadHvofStcdart'S Buflaio Mead." the I great health drink arno nave not trvad, nua aeaiunui brverage ar miealng grand treat, I Onlt ij cants sad suld only at STODBARTS Drag Stordj 84 Bast I ft i )- swaiuas be colored, wit WiPFERTS, an Mala street. 'I MaVRRISOJf M' usldknca of tb bride's lather, ajo Michigan areet, by the Rev. Heauy Ward, Tillto Mcllisb u3 Rohrt ii.

AppM- LA. LAMT-July astk, rStr, fat tat "seruhV danghtsr af Magdaleaa Lamy.agcde. years asonths 15 dara, rawa avrnces as ys avcnigaa aunet, aunnay aiternooa aaimwcnma. it, a SHAW- July aajtn, rSSt, this chy, Harold of George and tarisF. Shaw, as roMC aad a rsausxe I.K.H Smmi tha IS, nUut fwaAay allermooa at O'clock.

Tij McGUIRE lulr Mtb, iSSi. at the resMae of bar eon. "Maw, eVifliaa af Sisth aornetJHanaak Me-' Guare, aged 73 years, ii Tdi VI Funeral Sunday moaning at! o'clock from te Chmrcb of tkaHolyAaEels, ij HITCHCOCK-luly sc-a. tSti, at dsssiiteWa. EmOy a a-yonngeea nangTitcf 01 jaa Of jaasss Hitchcock, agd 4 iWsw SaetaW, Mtmawtr aaorn- Funaial nana toe inasaiiiae at soM o'clock.

Fwnda aad aeonalatsinoss are ia I maiMSinoss are ibtoor SUn, you ALLEN lulr to thia ettv. IAS em eaa 01 was. is. aaoc ssasy j.

AUna, aged years Funekal from the fassllv mlcVnce, Mi'lM Ssraatfc stiuot, saaaay aiiernooa at yarcioca. 11 ii Mbujd Wootas Shawls, Posgee Silk. Monewead UacnS a new serpen, lot Wsbwaroof sad rnaaaet A-: -iHr 'k WB OFFER AM ASSOatMaWT' i J-i I TO grocers are ia tb I SUITINGS which Hani Bar i Iasarhiuaakstosed aWawmamm lag stnisrt to sad -j THE FACT thst soma habit of palming oat a very In ferior article as Harries Bak tag Powder, tax andornigncd beg to fnionak the public that la raroaanina- they aruat aators Ihsmsclrto that they are ssnraag the GBNUIN1 hn. been ea ran market tor a-rer thirty vmu-e. Pros.

na says ot a sa oa aayaaai -itac aad heal'hful awradmata, and is ADULTERATIONS now trvqaeatly louad in TOUEIirflxPliIIPTOlI, PROPElETORJk, A CAR-LOAD OF -I I nmnaaa free Ivan ALL n.i JUL.

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