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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 7

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BUFFALO EXPRESS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1865. coat ano tnooo. IMscdlaneous. Letters to the Editor.

the gronnd that uld uaatlltn a too eeassrva- lively bKliaed. I rcspacttnllv ask leave to The resolution prasndiat for the com rait ANDREW LAXGDON, RESIDENCE fftEE EXPRESSIONS BY THE PEOPLE Words of Warning aad Comltori. If you are sufetlse treea poo kaaitk at 'kwi: oa bod of ackaex, uka chatt if yoa.resuaplysiBnt, or if you feel ii ii liij w- WESTERN NEW-YORK. .,1 KHa County. Crary Post No.

87 of (jejringvilte wtD hold a grand camp fire at the onerajiousc ua Saturday atalag, the tjrh inst. It a to be a notable ffair. In the hat of invited guests are Cat WaW, MaJ. rasnakar. Gen.

assssrs, li. a Sumhacb, Lerov S. Oatman, and Mai. Stowit af Buffalo the llosj. C.

P. Vedder and Mr. Latd. bwof Erticottnlle the Hoi I. -sain ohoson of Warsaw; Mai.

Frank Bell, Special Pension Examiner of this dfstrte. Cri Vm Hirt FOR SALE. Anthneile and Bituminoas Coil tot was aaajxtacstdly spruag upon the Board bv a coterie ei dhisionists amid the rash of tba closing session and at a lime when one fourth ef the iniulii were abeant. Debate an cut 08 and the question pat and carried, leaving upon the chairman the respoosibilits of isstraWng the As the otter ass to coasist of hat three mem-hats, taa of then tjrani teal one or the JACK SOX AS fXBSIOENT. Eoitoa UvrtAVO ExffJSU I 6a4 tfce fal-rwini? ia the fitrmm gUU.

Caa it be whom dealt, 1 Mas fat- ENTBSPRISE COLLIERY. Wtftts in; why, Hop Bitten will aafahr ear yau. GRASSY ISLAND COLLIERY, lacWasa, HI Reader Wan elected for three other section. The city, having a three fourth of the United Statu If vou iuiaistei, ad haTa oepriased yourself with your pastoral dutie, or a mother, worm eat with can and work, or a man of bostinra or labor, weakened fay the attain of your every day du- or a man oi Utters toning over your mkakjat work, Hop bitter, will nhet wreiy ttrsaethea yoa. Answer Ye Andrew lacksun served three terms.

interest the county pnsnartam, wss given ineintKev. B. Olmsted ef Arcade, Cat Mek majoruy but in rxder to compensate as far as (. been elecied as toast-master. Large dtSga-possible for this numrrtcal advantage, tie town IkMi, flm pt, trr expected to be 11 He elected mine veers 1KM, 18 and 1888.

He was the eedy Pncddestt so favored. Rr.AKUt. HillftMe Coal and Iron (N, e. a w. a a ce.

BTrAW-CMl and bra Excfcaag-. Cmkaoo LMfdos. Hmy ft RicSxardaoa. laerooer, ancr, wss v. pttsenl.

Andrew Jackaoadid not aerwe ihrte terms nor 1 wanw uvm nil MOfflili. or wt I from nnrnitini. or drip any other President. John ymncv Adams aay mdkeretion or dkMlBttioa, or youo. aad IBM cosnmittec.

it a true that sir. arter naa votca against, division, but inasmuch as a majority of the loan members bad voted that way, and that, too, after the question had been made an issue at Ml Cruwins too last, as is often the oise, mm elected Frcudaat ia 184 by the House of Renreseiftitive. laslraoa was elected in tfas Pennsylvania Coal Co. xTM a HATCH. aad re elected ia i3.

Van Bur en was elected Cvxr raaka. ae lag. Sarasaa then town meetings (so that tnerr constituents oao practically instructed then), it must be assumed that this appointrnent it fair representation of the deliberate trishof the towns' people. ANTHRACITE COAL. Or if you are la the woAsaoo, oa tka farnt, at the desk, anywhere, wd feel thai your jystem needs deansih taa- urst-ruuiatinj, without lntcKical- if vou are old, Hood thin and Imoure.

Duke ia 1836. -Ed. arr rs. county. In antxainttag the city inuaihtrs ef tan commit Niagara County.

The Holly Manufacturing Company en Moeday evrvoirrs; made a reduction la wagee ef about five per eaat. on the average, some being redttced snore aad others leas than that aaaount. The annual meeting of the hoard of trustees of the Famsets' and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Lockport was held at their Banking office on Monday evening. January h. Several vacancies ia the board were tilled, the trustees and officers tat tbe ensuing tear being as follows 1 James season, prrsi ient Freeman II.

Molt, first vice-prttrdeni illiam McRae, ucoad tictv-pmi. deat Isaac H. Ilabcock, secretary and trtlurerl John i. Murray, aitorney. i Mabitim feeble, nerves un.teady, fseahies tee it was remembered that the etty paoplt had Frrr all II IT a eiiim.

waning. Hop Bitten, is what poo nana to 1 uK eS Edito Bt rr ai.o EXTOESs la yoor issue of the tsth (he article eoaied from the SfitngUU era Newt relative to the divisTbn of city aad county reflects very severely on the city. xwKudtO.Culaixi IroBExduoc not thoroughly ventilated at carefully considered the question of division that it had not been entertained in our election of suneryisort and that isoa. No. tii TBOS.

B0DCS0I, festers Superintendent the bitter toted upon it under the general belief that live yon new me, health, and vigor If yon are costive, or dyspeptic or suffer-in horn any other of numerous dis-eaars of the stomach or bowels, it is your owat boh If yon remain IB. If yon are wasting assay with aay form of Kidnev distant awo teatadnc oeath this immediate legislative action would lotto LEHIGH VALLEY COALCO. tins it appeared my plain duty not lo make the Searv taLwa an dfih. cay representation tea radical, aad WK air. Fisher af thaattth.

an advocate oi drmsvon, was claiming that its members are addicted extravagance end a reckless expenditure of the public moneys. Such (acts are not ausuird, for when the extravagance of the Purchasing and Auditing Committee was debated upon in the- Boaru the country members were the gentlemen that sustained them by every use of parliamentary rules known to them to defeat the city members, who pcm-- iioaii iilirt Mr. Beani of the Mtk, a conservativ.e. GOAL WHOLESALE Jit out moment, and toot lot acare to Hop Bitters. If yon are sick with that terrible sickness, Nervous HUME ASANFORD.

Real Estelt Aatettta, iNfl a ness, you will hod a Bala ia CU4d in lies Bit ksrs. If yon are a frequenter, or a resMeot of. at. OFFICE, CORNER MAIM AMD SENECA STS Mk In. who Is disposed lo make haste slowly, aa taw city members, were responsible for the adoption ot the resolutkin, is them, and not from the towns, that I ahtwld have expected to hear complaint of tbe above committee.

there should be nrecipitatt action on such an important question aa the proposed rgvauon. It thoatd irst be carefully considered aad the probabbt retmits thorougblv aadcrstood by the v. ttn to 'O matv msertct.aiTKaas yoiu sys-icainstthescwrieofallci'unthef J. H. HORTOM.

toners! Northern Seles Asset. ii.r.avea. far n'm of ant J- Coodli rnor dwelriruj ud aable; la 1m tot ISOitSO. Superior MaUru. rtuafcrnlc, Rinourand Intermit, tent Feasts by the use of Hop Bitten.

1 brick. with fat TO. J. H. SOURWINE, Dealer were determined to not confirm them.

No. sjr. Their economy only comes in play when it is a city measure, sueh as one mewvtae, repairs 00 a regimental armory sotaethin they are not much interested in, aa there ate no products of the farm urseH to a morgue, and a regiment, though it sight case of riots save Uy its. presence tUou-sands to the county, does not concern them 'mme-ppP, would the gentleman from the Springvilk; cfetrict to examine and read the. official minutes ot Cattaraugua County Couatv Cleric T.

D. Baldwin is a candidate re-election. The aaoaaaj report of tbe llrocks' Locomotive Work has been we pared lor publicatkio, as re-quired bv law. It shows tbe capital stock to be and the existing debt to be $37,944.40. Oeneeee County.

The Batax-ia Gas-Light Company has (or a seek past been putting in the machinery for manufactiiTing gis from erude oti. and vurl week or two have the plant ia readiness tot operation, and will begia serving their patrons, with the new gas, which is said to be superior to that made from coal. This process of manufacturing gas from CTne'petro1en''''lf ftow in use in on city in the I'nited States ri In Canada. Titustille, and London aad Woodstock ia the CJiicen'i liuroinioa are the pieces where tba system has beew trteaS; it been I an nd to 1" Senate suv. T-orv hrick ueopleol both tlt aajrj jnanA-.

me writer If von hare rough, pimply, or ttlM skio. And breath. Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, toe sweetest breath ana health. 1500 will-be paid for ICE, COAL AND WOOD. t' tT.

brick; wtem; 3ftlS0. OFFICE Ma. 496 Mate SMB. ndtr EH Cottar a case they will not cure or help. there aptsrars tnt prtiyect nut uttie gain ana much ions for either section.

Buffalo, in cutting of the towns, would lose one quarter of tbe present source oi county Wt casus), tad could sot rsv Setates Bask. Wood awed aad nib to order. Or- a i via nri.i. denncdndbr rm 1 1 I the expenditure to thai talent, tsestoind theWst Uard, nwi aaybe bis opinion might change as to reckless eapendfttsre of public man. vase SiK lose the trade brought by country people trauma, Oh, how 1 do wish my skin, was as clear and soft as yovn," said a lady to her friend.

YoucutaaV 'ky snake it so." answered the friend. Host" THE HAMILTON COAL CO, eys bv niy supervisors. isoa. i'ng business at the county teat, as well as the TJ. Bunaio, Jan.

ijta. wholesome influence ot toe economical country taotrfred the first 1 vnoie Coal CoM It did for roe as yon and biooniing health. or audit Ihe Board are gen- iih u4 witkoot (oral. act di)M serve. held by city people.

County officials Edi 1 uk Bt ffalo ExftEss In your issue of WaokMlt Ud Retail Dln la Aataiaau, rkttH HUL r' work satislactoriiy. The cost of the new plant to the Batavia Company will be about fS.ouo. 1 without bunchaf green, llops and envptoyees who ape always willing to have their salaries raised five in the 4ty. aad the this saaicning jt MMJUjhJ to quote 1 he on the white latl. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff MORRJ8F.

TANNER A'rns- Yvrt Times in regard to tba position of Mr. rweisure brought to Bear on the tjanssTnwrs with Hop or Hops in their name. LuU OlUe, ll Mala Ktrwt. Evarts thtrty-four years ago, and deem It of sul. Orleane County.

HiramJ'uilis Post No. 114, G. A. bum, has secured Coroorar Tanner of Brooklyn from tbe city is greater than on those from the PROVIDENT WOOD-YARD, Llajmawttiissin rment editorially upon ii comment cyitonsny upon 11. ji s.

who ate generally strangers te the claim- UOQCV fc now tt seems to me that lifter the action of stf nraW rme(y'to liaW to deliver lecture at the court-bouse. Thur day by personal appeals. NIAGARA -i i I MiM.1 imif papers as the TTftwr, SveiuKg- ftst, and Harper's Jra.JM,!afi, dnriag tbe. campttgn ail reliable OKiikUix Uic Much complaint is made by the city people ol bttb; lot 40tl3 NO. 10 COCBT ST.

HDUCTS KJR SOfT kL-N Ui.i.N U. HallCorrk 8.85 Oaarter Cords 1.75 SUBaneh A 1.00 I Republican should have entered into ah the undue nroportioa ef the jury patronage fwk, ferJWlMl BI1 Sonp Elmac. implied compact under no circumstances what joted by the towns, aad also of the unwarranted ai bcuiM fre PUaa. brum Mnr kmki autar aa mm ever to quote anything tnese tnree journals might say politically, bnt to simply ignore them and treat them with tbe in- disparity in the rcnresentatlon ot the two sections in our County conventions, tbe towns having seventy-five delegates to our thirty-nine. These liikSUl Mi HARD-WOOD KINDLING OR STOVE WOOD.

Tta. 7 MuMsr i 8Jtor tri! TT aallM to are matters that can be regulated without division. ditferent contempt they detente. These papers haVt been to the Keptlblican party what $8.60 60 tauter Corda 2.85 oir 1.00 90 John Davis has been to the Union traitors. I hope the Tbe Board of Supervisors are required by law to apportion the grand jurors to the several towns and wards according to their population, and out of the 300 allowed to Erie County, the city is en- 1 Recublican oartv will not so soon forgive and for a a aaCsntV PSaWataa, LYDIA E.

PINKHAM'8 All wood is delivered on rrouod floor without JAMES MOONEY. Real KM ate, SO Arcade Bttlldine. get this treachery and take them uack into toe party counrih again; If iher do, bere one that eharfje, tat not plied. Condocted under the supieea of 'he Chant Ornaitatloo Societ, to furnish em I will leave the Republican party in disgust, aad ployment instead of relief to wortky poor. HManatunt; ttSfer evening, Tanuan aid.

The proceeds are (or the benefit of the family af the late Gen. Murray, to clear ap it mortgage 00 Iheir residence. Thomas Kelly of Shelby Centre, wet brought by United States Deputy Marshal Granville before V. S. Commissioner Mark McDonough (or illegal voting, being under age, Tbe case was set down (or Saturday, January ygtb.

A NAVAL GOVERNOR. H'jsiimgiou arr. ZwiAaarWatM Snxrj. A story about Commodore Cod on of the navy during the war with Mexico, Was told by a comrade the other night. Uedoa took peiuesaiou of the town of Lagaros de Terminos end declared himself its Governor, He governed it wisely and we bnt in a quaintly original style.

One day a poor man came lo him complaining that a richer man in the town, who had long owed him tjaoo, still refused to pay it. 'lbs entanedort ordered both men before him. He soon found that tba poor man's story was true. The rick nun mum-bled something about his inability pay, "Ob," aid the Governor, well, then, my good fellow (going down into bis ow pocket and coming 110 again here is the sum he owes you (handing the $ioo to the creditor and you, sir, now owe that LI titled to about to. Ia 83 a tnatontv of the Committee on Apportionatnt were from the towns tbey made a report allowing the city but 163, and in tbe absence of the etty members, the report was adopted.

Ia 'I4 a majority of the 1 BOUh there ate plenty more witn whom I have discussed who will do the same thing. Therefore, Mr. lUen (now dweSar, So IMT II Editor, treat these papers with the centenip: tbey mZ EM WILLIAMS CO. So. 240 Vermont 11 bum dvcUinci deserve and do not letlhem know that their opin ions hare any weight whatever with Republicans committee were trom the city, ana they repotted in accordance with thajaw but tbe towns, again fc.SU End tr fra lullian.

Maw MuflaJo, an. J3tn. rvpriawctN. having a majoritv of those present, defeated the $Utr So. San COAL report and ordered an aoportHmmeot on the basis Hcorci, 102 Slith it Bj for gk) k) ril Br" tULTO.V'S TITLE DISPUTED.

S3. ith a iail attendance of city members DrsiraMc ontuafs 9l tb cits. So. 202 Mala Street. in the Board ol supervisors, there is generally enough liberal-minded countrymen to concede the city bet rights.

The towspeople would doubtless Gas. Steam aad Domestic Cotb It wholesale aad FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. StaiL The best of faculties for receiving and for submit to such an adjustment of the representation ia our couatv convention! at would give lo warding Coal oa consignment. Yard, 001 Louisnuu No. sat De redroce, sma tubi.

Editor Bvfvaio Exracts A paragraph with bote caption has started upon a tour the length of which will be just as far as newspapers go, end that it Around the earth ia sixty data." When a young man 1 lectured on Steam, tbe Steam Engine, and the various adaptations of the engine for driving machinery and propelling boats aad locomotives." 'llien there was much dispute on I Street Docks 00 Biackwsll Canal, oopoat. Wan Very ete-iralj! are Avtsue. Cwyets i i each section ao equal number of delegates, (or as will mm 1 Klevatet. at1 Cod tad Iron amoant to me." lie then lontiiuied in Very gum tones Do you see that shin out there isahey will take HO advantage ol us in me ie. i preiun URKW LASODSM.

A Yes." said the debtor, t.embling. "Well, sit. Delaware and Hndsoa Canal Co. nominations when they remember that the voles which are to elect must come principally from tbe city. loe or eiehmte Sw srsfcity BsCalo, do you see that gun at that port-hole "Yea," the question, Whom should the world delight to said the debtor, still trembling.

WtjU, rrr Cemc iri' rwu mi a v. ANbREW LA NO DON, Coal ad tna Eamssssft. fhe towns are batter provided (or as one honor so manv claimed to be hrst on the waters terrible voice. if that money at not to me lackaIakmCOAL with a boat propelled by steam. France, Eng lot ssk-liiu fruttiag on I here before noon to-morrow 111 have you tied up quarter ot ttir great County ot trie, and having an equal reprteenutkan fat the management of land, and vootut AtnerJca contended for pMority.

tag turjtoset: eoo- ssitsxle tor ascttdbjrvsiick.ith 1 but the verdict, as I now remember, was in favoi to that gun tad given forty lashes. It is nerd-less lo say that the money ass paid promptly county attain wttn us man tnry couttj possioty tie UREW LANODON. Office, Chapin Block, West. Swan St. Yards, No.

667 Exchange Street Ohio street, comer Louisiaaa. of the Sew World and Robert Fulton. By no said taat Godoa hrst proclamation as Gov in a county by theirtaelves, 1 hev are not geographically located so as to form a compact separate county, and wherever they might locate their court of spoeal can that verdict be itistlv reversed ernor directed all good men and true to wear tight JOHN OTTO. atuanrrt t. naim sad ShiiTatax Agent.

shirts and blouses. I Ins was rendered necessary VEGETABLE COMPOIIHD tSAPOSmVECUHE For aB ef taase Falaial reatplalata nasi Weaknesses aa lia't te our beat FK.Al.r. POFULATION. a a wn-L ecrm wiertBri.y twb mnsT vona sa Fn-X via OostnjttVTs, at-t Orxuat Tnotrsxxs, Is TTJUOIXTltm aVXT. VU EST10.

FaUJSO A0 Ills- acamtsTs. avjro vna s-rvitisT Sptxajt, Wiak-t, ess, Attn it saarric aati-r avDarrsm to tux i iluws Lnra. a a It wrti. artsoLva trra ixerjfc Tcsrons most tux I Tiarsisas-EARLT or tsvrnsmmr. Tm TsaiaurCTTaCaacxnoTs He mors Tuxaaiscaacxsn txst irtxnu-r st irs vta.

a a a It anmTB Fanrrinrss, FiTrxnVrr, raatrmnra iXLCSaTMO KHs.Traraairrs, ajro nxusmsWaaav xaator TaahToitaeav re cnx BLoarma, Baaa-a em, Btawoaa mmMfu9mWm Paail lit. Pxraxtsios avsn IsoioxsstoK. a a That nxusa or Biaaots Down, CAUsnrd Path, Wmatrr aid Eackachx, is Axwars rxssAanrrn-T rrnaD st its esa. aea iTVnt AT ALL TTBSBI aUTB tntDOt AU Cljttt STASCXS ACT IS SAKHOXT WTTH THE LAWS TStAT lijrxaw rax natavta SaTlrs rrnnwi is SOtVRLY rK Trtx isbiTixati xausw or Disr ass ass Tarn atuxr or rara. and that a noes ALLrt cuxxt to i lanijitjit or laws, cah olaolt saattrT.

iBt a a Fob tan cent or Kinsr Coarnjiam nr sxraxa six this axnaarr is vxstraaasxs. a ltdia rarnauri vbget abjje txawaii a I I 1 1 at iron, aa me ax txattas nw tk tJStimJtrmmUlt. a -at by maU. portniro Pdd, 1 ton of TOM or aVsrata oat aasaal osvprteeaaishtis. Kit, TTia 1 "tioka.

to BaaaV mM BaTad tNats mm lasry laattng asssaa UaawasaMaitatlT aataannt though trom the love ot argument were may oe as manv skeptics on this steamboat theme ssupon No. West aaaaoa street. pROFEK'CYihat 1 have fee as can be bought today county eeat oat hall ot their people must paaa through Buffalo to reach it, A division of the county would probably be (allowed by further that of Gen. Jackson and the rampart of bales of by the custom of the rabble oi concealing ugly knives in the folds ef their ample blouses, wTtil which they stabbed many of Godon's men. HOOLE as .1 ies Bgure man they earn St ana Itfrbg.

Res, uuu wi't caanhT sdvsaoi cotton. sub-division, some towns gomg to Cenosee, y- Robert Fulton was born in Pennsylvania A. ayiax to cqtuuuc win ive to sav extra lot oming. Cattaraugus, and Niagara counties. The LTOR li-A taa.

ud my dcasabM natrslly l-M- He died February 24, if 1 5. aged fifty GAUGING PUBLIC SENTIMKfvlT. COAL years. He was a many-aided nun a anta oi A causl pea o( ccooeity, nv wd eteo. m.

uatpusl for ksaa towns complain ot the ratio oi cqualttatton but at the same time adwiit that their county tax is near f-reia Ike Vtk HeraU. FOR ALK- i iro riot lots, oHxU0ech; Nisgar. 'aiianu'simlu a mwintitre painter a stndent of modern languages and the sciences an inven There are some amusing (natures of the Sena lower than It has been for twenty years. By division tbe towns might escape a portion of tbe tax viWQ t. tutnososse usu.

A taJiubie nam lot. Cessnas tstntsd. Ferseerto Ire; I Mi.a tatWsss No. 7 Board of Trade Bnilding, torial canvass. Here is Senator Fassett, who says tor oi machinery ol various kinds, tie suggested methods (or constructing canals for dredging now contributed for the support ol poor.

Hunalo that the sentiment of his section of the State fa) om reKdener of the has Pear A. Porter, at Niagara r.mttod Boor. hav. oaeoetl a Retail Dual fit ana vara is a lake port, a great railroad centre, and a large Channels and making ropes. He was the origin la connection with their wboleMk business, and reapect- largely for Morion tor Senator, and iaaaasdag as, evidence to that effect the fact that the JJmint froondt.

and beautif sIcjotlooiL. and enterprising city, and pauperism gravitates to ator of sub-marine boats, now known i torpe he pesiiv siimirea new frsna ttddeaci No, S0 NU hsuy Ikii share ot trvxsie. e-r it from the ad joining- towns and elsewhere, but the J. If ara at; "ntbe hill." Lan 45x140 fit the raterssr does, aad of other destructive implements which but for hts untimely death would have changed Aeh'frhser, of which he it tbe chief owner, sup. ports Mr.

Morton. Here again is Mr. Haskell, same conditions that attract this pauper rraagemen ot ua boaue very complete; has all of tac reooera improvroeatta, Sad wsaboib without regard to es- tbe whole system of naval warfare at completely tbe member Irom Madison County, who asserts ism enhances the value ot town property and furnishes them a market for pane. Oamtr' to 1 orove hts to- I for telling THOS. LOOMIS GO.

as did the building of Ericssons Monitor A reason wcrpetty. vacant their pioducr. It is not reasonable that they D. tSoa. that there is practically no sentiment in that county for any other candidate than Morton.

It is strange that of several doxen letters from Madi F2R RNT-nflBQM fa taW Hare Block. The tstooer subject of discussion it not who first should participate in both results 1 he sum ot the wnote matter is that the ctlv ANTHRACrT. thought of the application of tbe steam engine to son coumy, received in this oltice, all should TO LET, people ho urge division do so under tbe mistaken COAL tv-a'er cralt. but who achieved that permanent sue warmly urge Mr. Evarts (or the Senator-hip.

and BITUMINOUS, BLOSSBURG th.e utmaknia th. hovMtt. rarA cess since which there lias beta a continued ad several should assert that Mr. Haskell Is almost ranee. As early as 1737 Jonathan Huns ot alone among the Republicans ol that county in CONMELLSVILLE COKE.

An Elegantly Furnished CENTRALLY LOCATED. land described a method ef moving vessels in support ol Mr. Morton. Uae tntng is cert Office, Room 3 4 (first floor White DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S there never was in any Senatorial canvass a more our progress, whereas they are in reality a wholesome check on the extravagant tendencies natural to a rapidly growing city.

The town advocates of tbe project, if not aspirants (or office in the new county or ambitious that their town should hare tbe new county seat art impressed with the calm, or with or against wind and tide." He Obtained a patent for bnt suggestion and nothing remarkable and far-reaching demonstration ii Ptrm ntoa to tablet rooent. Apply te more. Then came the various plans of rench in favor of the selection of particular candidate ventions from 17JQ to 178a, tome of which en than is now making in tbe cause of Mr. Evarts. Howard Winship, flEW COAL OFFICE, K'it A CfMfTII nitllr.irsi nsaan.

NO. belief that it is the city's purpose to obtain a ma Jisted the interest of Dr. rranktin, but none achieved success. The Old World may have Inasmuch as tbe cruel complaint against Mr. Evarts is that he Is not a politician, and fit not sun- 14 SOUTH DIVISION ST.

dreamed of a steamboat," but it was reserved ported bv the politicians, it must bt that this den. castration is the veritable voice of the people. jority in the Board of Supervisors and that they will then be oppressed and, at Mr. Foster says, be made' 'hewers of wood and drawers of water" and be required lo niaae bricks without strae." They look to Mr. Foster as tbe only Metes who caa for the New World to demonstrate the possibility 306 Main Street.

of "self-moving vessels. 1 his by James Rum 11 I. aaangtaaatBSBB licorice Coaklln, ike lion-lamer, aay. k. will have Both.

tor of Virginia on the Potomac Kiver in 1784, an FARMS EAST! FARMS WEST! REMEDY lead thorn out of our land of Egypt. The gospel bv John Fitch of Connecticut on the Delaware i according to St. Foster, estimates the value of LOYAL SOCK 1787. Fitch's first boat was called the Persever inf Ua do wiili runs-eyed uuaata, nor ax any other rotas tdy for btkl eouxka and old. hat Or.

Ball's Couth Syrup. Vnwl.M Cnr. nf Kltl.lftV anil UtW CM" county property (which he teaks to divide) ance, a name which fairly describes the character We kavt lm tale or ssnksssa for city or country pro- 9t, 0OO, 000, These figures are arrived at by in of its builder, who, amid difficulties and discour rnytareuol 100 acre. each ia Kansu, 80 mem in uhues in Michigsa ad etksw lecaBties AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF COAL, at rjriea as low at the lowest. The following are prices ot Loyal Sock per ton of 2,000 pounds, screened and cluding the Broadway Arsenal, which is Stale agement enough to crush tbe stoutest heart, per sisted ia his eSorts until wearied ra mind and im property, and the whole of the City and County delivered anywhere city limits plauats, Coa.tlpauiori, and all dijrd.r.

arWstr from an imporwirUU of MBIH. To women wiva soger rrtaaaay of U8 liar to their an it ia an wafsibit Wfat. All rirswKs. One Doll.r bott', or aalarsM Dr. AHTid Kennedy.

Ronduat M. A THRILLING STORY. Hall one hall ol which belongs to toe city proper poverished in purse he terminated his life of est. We hm hrau eirntngt taraw Nlanis Catla-anpia. U(j other ..1 Toe, Ton.

Ton The Assessors' valuation ol the county property struggle and disappointment in 1708 at the age of ga.45 tor s. or tscBnige city property of aBstaraV1 81.80 1.85 fifty-five yean. Fitch wan aa extraordinary man rs 81, and alter deducting the bonds out standing. $850,050. we have the net amount re .84.75 4.85 6.1.-.

5.40 Success was almost in his hand, yet he could not SSr. The careworn rata af baslaeta. the pain-racked dyspeptic, and the anamic ftk 'woman, whose daya han become a burdea to her, aay enjoy revue aad naiaur-rupt-d health by using NICHOLS' BABK AND OM. Advice to Maathart MRS. WINSLOVV'S SOOTH.

INC, atssaald always be used children art cmttae'asMh, It reflate, use trttte aujlenrr at once; a prodwcM natural, qua sleep by arllarvtraa; rat child iron pwin, and nw little co.rub a. hurst vy ptMawl to tpaat. it aoolhes the ctuU, aralM the nin. altava all rj. n.

relieve, wind. ratnUAM 1.40 L45 duced to $400,040. grasp it. Me died with glorious visions ot in No. 4.

TUCKER VAN DUZEE, If tfce towns wish to split up the grand old Aa a.75 58.65 8.10 wonders which we now beholdin the mighty ship Told by a Merchant in Trtjr, N. Y. A Enrirical Operation Avoided Chestng 615 1.40 1.10 county of Erie, the city will probably let them of iron ploughing the tempestuous ocean, despis smalt tnestnui a.w "depart iA peace," but they, and not we, should ing the mountain waves ana turvotjj Hurricane Laadsnd i.a Brokers. 60 Cbspt 8sma M. MteasJLS.

OFFICE -t06 Vain Street YARD-Corner Hamburg and Erie Railway be the seceders. Should we thrust them out they hitch cud much, out Be aw ot give to Attune. might insist that we give them a transcript of their Newels, aat la the ant kaowa remsdy for durrtie. the steamboat. That honor belongs to Robert Fulton as iustly at Franklin can citntu the honor T.

ft. OABKETT, Jt. records in the county Clerk otticc at a cost ot J. E. FOLlNSBEE, i' i WntawsratSf trow teertrlot tt other SaSSta Twerrry-tlfx cttttt a kajtde, of hiving brought electricity down from the skies about $50,000.

If there is lo be a suit for divorce, let the city be the defendant and net the THE rasiaie Aamut a ta-itsnw 1 he story of ulton struggles and atsappoin The hujod-clewiJra qualhin of Aytr'a iiruri.a rats. SMITHTX. men ta until success rewarded his labors and genius Delaiafe, Laclaianna ft Western X1 Parkway. shaven avs. Kve asw fssaa plaintiff.

K. Buffalo, Jan. tjth. carr it wsahisbw ka all akio disorders. need not be told.

In 1703 he was corretpondm ".21, I brick buiktags mm with the tari ot Stanhope respecting the rnov RAILROAD COMPANY ag of ships by means of steam. in IB03 be was llnu ratner, W.tB Dangbter Escaped aa xv mi Doom. Of the traBdreehofKcoawttsof ram.rkshle esasji wrotitt! by DR. KENNEDY'S FAVORITE RKfflgy. oooe hav.

arpeansl so purely aatont-hmg it -he f.iUwirins The nttsotaaentiotted are among the most hit My rwpeci-d the dry i Troy, and the aeory a. toW by Uastehar will prove atejtia to aB oor laaiacrl. Eo. Dr. Keonedv, Rcmdoot, M.

Yj Drv Bali My daughter was efliseted Wl a strerr rroa-th of Kuneu. reinore It we hsd MtMH to shracut iveryrenuvdy and coesultad taa sjoat prororaesat atrieoo- physicums. Dr. af Trey aahtthu aaagical ooerAlion troxud be ne-eavarv. bnt ieawnw fatal result 1 h5 rated.

Soaw of the phiMslaat cfakand that It rltroorf.TAVORlTl MMD wori.inga.ihor-ooiihly on die blood 1 determined to try it, to see it this rsedicne cou Id do what doctors bad failed to do and -ur-eerjns had hardly dared to undertake. I can say in trut! rKa. taw i at It of this trial was the complete" core of my SeTtha drelr.1 raxtady. Dr. KenaeeV.JKwOR-I TK REMEDY tnsettd it.

We used nothing. ill seU their THE LIST STANDS. ra I-rance constTuctlnc a working model ot NaiTitTOtnBl frat bUh, catBwt Ho ms an (SP ap; brkk kowa. ad large lot. ao.

tvv- aiis i liaaat chaax kmSS' irrmo at wiiSn. (-! boat and endeavoring to secure the iMtcpnage of SGRANTON COAL tbe Great Napoleon. In 1807 the brat steamboat named Clermont, was navigating the Hudson UmHs 'Z 't Jf. WhhatT rW Hownwd Fary, River at a speed of four and one half miles per screened sod delivered anywhere in caty Ton. Ton.

Ton ll 40 70 to US aU "er to toaap aa goon ate amy. PERKINS MENZIES, (rw tog ynrynui, The published Hst of Senators and Assemblymen who are understood lo be for Evtrts as first or seeoed choice, as against Morton, thus far stands unimpeach-d. ft further appears that other names belong to'that list. Through a provoking clerical error the name of Mr, Van Dtutsr did not appear "in the original fist. He has been resolute and outspoken hi bis advocacy of Mr.

Evarts, knows bis own mind, aad has the approval Of his constituents. Near friends of Mr. Wbitmore assure us that bis name also belong 8 75 atelier's Stomach blurts a the article lor yon; it stimulates tbe tilling energies, invigorates the body, end cheers the mind. off the dtbilitat ins ef-leet tl undue fatigue, gives rehaywed vtjor tn the organs Of digestion, arouses the liver when iaactixa, renews the jaded apfyetite, and eacuuis ages healthful repose. Its intredients are safe.

a ai BTJ ao 150 1 60 no 6 90 No. 4 hoar. In isoq the United Slates granted a patent to Rbbert Fulton for "a method of attaching wheels to the engine of Watt." Nineteen yearn after the death of Fitch, aad two years afttr the death of Fulton, this tame question ot the right of title was before the Legislature of New-York, when, by a decision of courtesy, it was decided that "Fulton's invention was in substance that of and Ras.i w.i. a. 2 90 8 00 in 8 35 DJi EW DWELLING Na.

KB yav 1 50 1 85 5 65 455 No. Datad Aurust 1. 1884. uk other things naa cwnptet, -ij day enjoy, vlgorosa Istsjltltoad to r.vor te Remedy abre a thecndmiltiiT My wir.ho wos very poor ora. Ireear rScitliT with whwh she had sslfaaM a lo-u General office at foot of Erie Street.

Branch -SFjr-t at. trta the hst. If we have misrepresented the position time aattl dat became rwy nruch redo at foot of Gen nit Street. tfflra-a 'a the Fitch but the fact remains uncontroverted that Fulton's Clermont with wheels was a complete Western Sales Asent. Of aey man, onr orslamsi are freely open to him (or correction of the error.

har, ga. joyed lot tots. SmWpf and Htrredenilils, ahirty ct it Hi fat hearty ea dorsetnent of persons of It is well to sa that a copy of the Evarts list ccess, while the Perseverance with her paddles ought Fitch disappointment aad loss. What might have been the result had Fitch DrVFf'FA --story frame aad bars; lot tax Boit7.ri.3i was tent to every Republican member of the Leg JrSewlS fO.OOO. NICHOLS JrtSZ im- 7 aaa i For salt by tai druggists Bd deal- islature, and also that the Associated Frets tele lived twenty years later and enjoyed the oppor wasaYaattSaailltitsni tit mt to tea tWaaal.

awtseAaw. tike laatsar. set aaasst taste ion tag graphed the Journal for the list and published it of its own volittoa. We take it that it has therefore escaped no member's attention, sad we again paster. 7.

and Msrer. laaaoxl a. WLB. tunities ana money given to ulton is not tbe question. bat oho deserves the honor of making navigation of vessels by machinery propelled by steam success Without any i nci to ition ttanaWea hero worship, the answer is, Robert Fulton.

VIEW OF THE RAPIDLY GROWING rwv rYl aQI TOtS invite correction ot tt it say can be ansae, ka ta7n. llra.oW taste for beverages made of gin, the parity anc itaaBsaasaf WOLFE'S SC tl DAM AROMAT that u.y ay. a -yr TTTi lot 50,150 k. Alas let MhcWO rV. fsaBsttTA Fjryo, tax the AN ODIOUS POSSIBILITY.

From tkl Siracust StanJtrd. Id a east txwii1aaaa I might here add some juvenile nemintscenccs of tbe steam ferry boat ptynrg between New -York and Brooklyn 00 the Fuiton Ferry. It was a terror to little boys and grown-up folks, who gen If aurvt kaattaats as sat aad I will prove of sta eraents let Twnmu aaatityf auoartoa I Geo. Ws Tifft, Sons Ca, Maji If aanrers of A dvctatorsh'o by Thomat C. Piatt is an odious Dtjwbiiltv to thmk of.

tad its realisation would IC SCHNAPFS sjsAciallr commend secret to tat public. It can be to rtaaary seed ia aay imilgtma. lioa that a wousd lorm aa adnurabht ccja.tiuient oi all mixed or fancy drinks. It as also an mvaiaalale adjunct of the sick room, aad rs very efficacious in hot solutions for coughs, colds, catarrh, etc, beta beak ledativt ami anti-spasroodk. Those who are nt-as-sltateO to use ttimukaRts eaaatvot take a ssiadar or lest hurtful ont than the Senna rape.

In all cases of dys erally preferred the more orderly horse boat ef aaa a xa a. T. Coraer Caaaiaad ava. aawr, be a caUunitv lor tbe party that threatened by it. Of what aassatssi has been the breaking of JACOB VIERGIVER No- Eatrt Swan Baffltlo, I S1EAAT ENGINES and BOILERS Willi Caatbaa, PrpU.r WSetU, ajtc nxachine rule tbis State at great cost, it a little vuinr machiae it te bt tstabtavbed bv one of tbe geMly ttrnXlSm iwttkai tsateriaAly nid tke gtanry umuiating tmalaest of tbe paarsoat who learned politics under HafKRY STRAUB CO.

loose quiet stays, taa name ot that inghtlul boat was the Fulton," and honor of Fatton were the ferry and the street sissnl. V. B. CONCERNING COUNTY DIVISION. EotToa tU-FiALo Extiess In the cLtrrent nuntper ef tie Afarilla XenrfSuptnisat Foster takes the undersigned severely to Usk upon the make-op ef tbe imuiiilHet agisted to take pre- state of nf.w-york.

i lata Cotwrr Clto i Omcs, srratattof digestion JtoaialtJaUcbtl tcMhavmgntenjpi Kpscoe e-on ting t1 TatafasWaalasstBBtSSBWStK troubles it a aaaJaohats spe-iH -fit akdeaf esnertttt a bnaajy (kree. that sa a nau BLANK BOOKS nd Court of Oyer TtaaaAMaxds aas- as, Df. GRAVITS HEART RIO irtATtJg i do. a8W alf aaaatef Baattsaaat Irtaa. aVi toosrvs ofoaa Circuit Com Hat, ts.ta cW Batata, i.

axvd to the Cay and BVaJaM 1 It aal ila aaa Anaaaalae Ilka Mat I aad loot 'ot Riding, Binding and Printing to everrtanaty. ysaat to law me. tl me W. AS aa axoaaay, tat at any at urniraary steps toward division of tl ltevtaa Too 4VatMa 8.1 DCdtt TVJ MUn..

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