The Escanaba Daily Press from Escanaba, Michigan • Page 12
- Publication:
- The Escanaba Daily Pressi
- Location:
- Escanaba, Michigan
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 12
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
the on SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1937. THE ESCANABA (MICH.) DAILY PRESS PAGE NINE THREE RECORDS ARE SHATTERED Michigan State Noses Out State College by One Point East Lansing, May 15 today Michigan State college Three, records were broken nosed out Michigan Normal point to win the 22nd annual state intercollegiate track and field championship. meet was undecided until the mile relay, last event on the program, was run. Before the race Michigan Normal and Michigan State were tied with 40. points each, while Wayne University of Detroit trailed with 37.
Wayne took the lead in the relay and held the position until the last 100 yards with Western State second. In the home stretch Sherman Ford, ace quarter-miler for the Teachers, passed the Wayne anchor man, with the Spartans third and Michigan Normal fourth, giving the Spartan team two points to one for Normal and the deciding point of the meet. The time was 3:20.2, a new record. Wayne rolled up 40, Western State was third with 34, Kalama-' 200 trailed with 5, Olivet 2, and Grand Rapids Junior college with one. Al Tolmich, Wayne sprint star, broke the state record for the Sunday's Special! ALMOND TOFFEE Super Creamed Ice Cream Also other flavors 29c Qt.
15c Pt. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH FRUT. VEGETABLES. GROCERIES AND BEVERAGES JOSEPH SAYKLLY 1304 LUDINGTON STREET TELEPHONE 9052 220-yard low the hurdles. hurdles Tolmich skipped over to erase the old mark of :23.6 made by Carlton of Kalamazoo in 1934.
Roscoe Washington, the high jump star from Western broke the meet mark with a leap of of six feet three and five-eighths inches to better the old mark of six feet three and one-half inches made by King of Wayne last year. Tolmich was the individual star of the meet. The Wayne sprinter copped first in the 100 and 200 yard dashes and finished first in the 120 high and 220 low hurdles. To top this off he ran off on the mile relay and finished with a five-yard lead over the rest of the field. The summaries: One mile run: Won by Rosenkrantz, Michigan Normal; second, Frey, Michigan State; third, Thomas, Olivet; fourth, Waite, Michigan State.
(equals meet record). 440-Yard Dash: Won by Wiese. Western State: second, Ford, Western State; third, Harkaway, Wayne; fourth, Schwartz, Wayne. Time 50:4. 100-Yard Dash: Won by mich.
Wayne; second, Greer, Michigan State; third. Mueller, Michigan State; fourth. Bryant, Western State. Time-: 9.7. (equals meet record.) Javelin--Won by Burrell, Western State: Cantrell, Michigan State, second; Bremer, Michigan, third; Jones, Wayne, fourth.
Distance, 175 feet, inches. Shot Put Won by Eizak, Wayne; Jenkins, Michigan State, second: Bremer, Michigan State, third; Hathaway, Michigan Normal, fourth. Distance, 44 feet, 8 inches. 120 High Hurdles: Won by Tolmich. Wayne; Matthews.
Michigan Normal, second: Thompson, Western 'State. third; Springer, Michigan State, fourth. Time. 14.8.1 880 Yard Run: Won by Rosenkrantz. Michigan Normal: Gardner, Michigan State, second: Green, Michigan State, third: Chappell, Western State, fourth.
Time, 1:56.8. Broad Jump--Won by Hawthorne, Normal; Matthews, Michigan Normal, second: Schwartz, Wayne, third; Howard, Kalamazoo, fourth. Distance 23 feet six inches. Freshman Two Mile RelayWon by Michigan State (Dohrs, Lautenschlager, Fehr, second, Michigan Normal. Time 8:7.9.
Mile Relay--Won by Western State (Bryant, Wiese, Chappell, Ford) Wayne second: Michigan State, third; Michigan Normal fourth. Time 3:20.2. (New recford). Bargains you want on Classified Page. PREVENT Regular facials at The Delta will assure you of a Summer" ion smooth all summer flattering long.
complex- Let our skin specialists preSkin your scribe the individual treatment needs. to suit PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 AND UP Delta Hotel Beauty Shop Delta Hotel Phone 940 HAVE YOU TASTED BEER Pioneer Beer? The sensational new palate thrill a PANEER per developed Michigan's by the Finest brewers of Beers- UpBEER brewed especially for those who prefer a A NON-ALE BASE LAGER BEER Favorite DELTA BREWING MICHIGAN CO. TRY IT BREWED AND AGED BY DELTA BREWING COMPANY DISTRIBUTED BY CITY BOTTLING WORKS Delta Beers Are Union Made In DE ESCANABA, MICH. BREWED HIAWATHALAND AND AGED MASS tun Col. Gabrielson Will Visit Europe For Three Months Colonel Tom Gabrielsen, head of the Scandinavian department of the Salvation Army in the Central States, will leave Chicago on Monday, May 17, for a three months vacation in Europe.
With Mrs. Gabrielsen, he will visit England, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, his birthplace. At the age of nine, Col. Gabrielsen came to America. He first lived in Boston, where he attended the elementary schools.
In 1899, while on a visit to his old home in Mandal. Norway, he was converted, during a revival conducted by the Salvation Army. Returning to Boston the next year, he joined Corps No. 6 of the Army in that city. In 1904.
he came to Chicago for the first time as assistant divisional commander of this Scandinavian department. He commanded the territorial department since June, 1931." In the meantime, Col. Gabrielsen served as commander of the Scandinavian division of the Pacific the Boston Scandinavian division, as general secretary of the Eastern Scandinavian department, and as commander of the Minneapolis Scandinavian division." (quently While Col. visited Gabrielsen Norway, haweden, England, and was in France ten years ago with the Army's delegation to the American Legion convention, this will be his first trip to Germany and Denmark. Col.
Gabrielsen was in Escanaba a week ago to speak at the dedication of the Salvation Army headquarters. WPA TO Organize Orchestra Here All men registered in WPA band work are requested to meet at the recreational center at 10 o'clock this morning. Anyone not registered who on WPA and who desires to join the orchestra may also attend the meeting. Each member will be paid a salary for playing. The object 1s to give and opportunity for development.
It is necessary to have one rehearsal before the hand can be approved by WPA officials. It is not necessary for band members to live in Escanaba but anyone in the county may join. the present time, Houghton and Dickinson counties are the only ones having such a band. If enough interest is shown here, Delta county will be the third county in the peninsula to have such and organization. Canning Fruits Vegetables At Home An up-to-the minute service booklet ready for The Escanaba Daily Press readers offers more than one hundred tested recipes for home canning and preserving.
Sections 011 fruits, vegetables, meats, and chicken. Tells how to make fine jellies, jams, marmalades, fruit butters, and pickles; how to bottle fruit juices and salt down fresh vegetables. This 48-page booklet outlines the latest methods discovered in scientific kitchens of the Federal and State departments of brome economics. Order your copy of this aid to household economy today. Enclose ten cents to cover cost, postage, and handling.
Use This Coupon The Escanaba Daily Press Information Bureau, Frederic J. Haskin, Director Washington, D. C. I enclose herewith TEN CENTS in coin (carefully wrapped in paper) for a copy of the booklet CANNING AND PRESERVING. State (Mail to Washington, D.
ARE YOU I. C. Insurance Consciousthat's just another way of describing the motorist who doesn't have to worry about the chance of accident. He knows the value of protection against the hazards of Fire, Theft, Public Liability, Property Damage and Collision. You can have that same feeling of security by insuring your car with this Agency at reasonable rates.
JOHN S. BACK All Kinds of Insurance 1101 Sheridan Phone 374 Sanitorium Wing Nears Completion Work on the building project is now about 70 per cent completed. ed there, where a five story wing wing are being built, and the entire the interior walls are now ready expected to be ready for use soon. as soon as completed, according Floors will be finished from the be taken over as soon as possible. double the sanitorium's capacity.
home is also planned, as a larger the new wing of the sanitorium. a part of the rebuilding project, in about 60 days. Bob Feller Back With Cleveland, Arm Still Sore Chicago, May 15 (P)-Bob Feller rejoined the Cleveland Indians today, happy over his graduation from high school, but a little irritated by reports that his strikeout right arm was more than just sore. The sensational youngster, who left his Van Meter, home last night 1 soon after receiving his diploma in the biggest graduation ceremony the little high school ever had, said he could pitch Monday it Manager Steve O'Neill would let him. "My arm is sore, all right," he admitted, "but I can throw with just as much stuff as ever.
It hurts to cut loose, fast ball or curve, but I can do it. A few more days of rest and it will be all right again." Bob said the soreness 1s "around the -he can't put his finger on the exact spot. It is not as painful as it was when he went back to Van Meter last Monday. have rested my arm since last Monday," he explained, "and of course, it doesn't hurt much right now. I'll start throwing again Monday, but Mr.
O'Neill says I'll have to take it easy until there is no more soreness. hope that will be soon because sure love to pitch." The husky young Iowan admitted he felt "a little down" when he first felt the pain, but stopped worrying after O'Neill assured him other pitchers had had the same trouble and recovered from it. Bill Stewart May Be Hawks Manager Chicago, May 15 -The name of Bill Stewart, National Hockey league referee-in-chtef and a member of the National Baseball League umpire staff, was added to the list of reported candidates to succeed Clem Loughlin as manager of the Chicago Black Hawks. Loughlin's resignation was received yesterday by Maj. Frederic McLaughlin, owner of the Hawks.
Others reported as possibilities for the job are Eddie Shore, Boston defense star; Bill Cook, New York Ranger forward, and Emil Iverson, a former manager of the Chicago club, who served as physical supervisor last season. Giants Play Second Game Under Protest New York, May 15 (AP)- Manager Bill Terry of the Giants notitied umpires today that he was playing the second game of a doubleheader with the Phillies under protest. He made the official protest after umpires refused to allow his complaint that tion of Woyne Lamaster, Phils' lefthand rookie, constituted a balk almost every time he threw the ball. His protest and that of Giant players climaxed an afternoon full of complaints at the Polo grounds. In the first game, Manager Jimmy Wilson rowed repeatedly with the umpires, and his pitcher, Bucky Walters, finally was expelled from the game for an argument.
STATE TOUR JUNE 17 Grand Rapids bureau executives and newspapermen will begin a six-day state-wide tour June 17 to publicize Michigan's vacation advantages. The tour will start at Detroit and points to be visited will include: Dearborn, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Mackinac Island, Sault Ste. Marie, Petoskey, Charlevoix, Traverse City, Manistee, Ludington, Grand Haven, Holland, Saugatuck, South Haven, Benton Harbor and St. Joseph. FROST THREAT DISPELLED Benton Harbor, May 15 -Rising temperatures, which forestalled forecasts of a heavy frost, brought cheer Saturday to the heart of the fruit belt.
SIGNS WITH RED SOX Dalals, May 15 (AP) -Bob Finley Southern Methodist university baseball captain and catcher and football ace, said today he had signed a contract with the Boston Red Sox and would report June 4. He batted .350 this season. Accused Murderer Screams and Faints Poughkeepsie, N. May 15. (AP)- Brockelhurst, 23, wanted in three states on murder charges, alternately screamed and fainted when guards passed his cell today as an Illinois sheriff planned to question him concerning a fourth slaying.
The federal government joined day in seeking custody of Illinois, Arkansas and Texas alleged "touring slayer" as Sheriff Paul Johnson of Rockford, said he wanted to question him about the fatal shooting of Herman Luhrsen, gasoline station operator at Rockton, near Rockford, last Feb. 12. Escanaba Trucking Concern Is Cited By PAUL MAY Washington, D. Charges that it is violating the Interstate Commerce Act by cutting shipping rates on shipments between Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan were today levelled against the and Trucking Service, of 511 Ludington Street, Escanaba. The accusations, made direct to the Interstate Commerce Commission, were filed by the Central States Motor Freight Bureau, representing more than 600 motor carriers.
Escanaba firm, named with other trucking companies, was unfair alleged to be engag- by competition making up rate schedules lower than those allowed by federal law. Calling the assailed rates "unjust, unreasonable, and diametrically opposed to declared policy of the complaint said that the charges "produce less revenue than is required to foster sound economic conditions in transportation among motor carriers in the public interest, promote adequate economical and efficient service by motor carriers, and prevent unfair and destructive competitive Revision of the rate schedules is demanded. The Commission now has the complaint under study. Amelia May Start Her Trip Saturday Burbank, May 15 (AP) Amelia Earhart's flying in which she plans to span the world, probably will be ready for test flights next week, Paul Mantz, her technical advisor, said today. "If the tests are satisfactory, there is still the weather to consider." said Mantz.
"It may be a month before Miss Earhart is ready to take off from Oakland, and it may be less." Miss Earhart's plane cracked up in Honolulu several weeks ago as she was taking off on the second leg of a world girdling flight. It was shipped here for repairs. FRATERNAL 0. E. S.
to Meet A regular meeting of R. C. Hathaway Chapter No. 49, 0. E.
will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, May 18, at the Masonie Temple. After the meeting, a practice for the initiation on Friday, May 21, will be held. All officers are especially urged to be present. CONKLIN'S WIFE DIES Hollywlood, May -Margerita Rouse Conklin, 45, who was taken in a wheel chair to her wedding with Comedian Chester Conklin three years ago, died last night. She injured her spine when she fell on a stage during a violin recital 20 years ago.
NAHMA NEWS Farewell Party Nahma, Kenneth Carr was the honor guest at a very pleasant surprise party tendered her by the members of the F. W. Good Parent-Teachers' Association on Thursday evening of this week at the high school. Mr. and Mrs.
Carr and their daughters Ruth and Donna are leavings Nahma for on Green Bay Saturday where of they will establish their residence. Cards furnished the evening's diversions. There were eight tables of five hundred. First and consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Andrew Krutina and Mrs.
William Rauls, respectively. Refreshments folthe card games. The committee in charge of arrangements consisted of Mrs. Homer Beauchamp, chairman, Mrs. Melvin Druding, Mrs.
John Zimmerman, Mrs. George Schwartz, Mrs. Percy Stratton. Bernard Tobin, president, acting for the society, presented Mrs. Carr with lovely gift as a remembrance of the occasion.
FINED FOR HOMICIDE Ionia, May 15 (P)-Raymond Bendenbender, 26, of Pewano, convicted by a jury of negligent homicide in the death of George Burch, 26, was fined $250,1 placed on five years' probation, and had his operator's license revoked for one year. Burch was killed in an automobile accident last January at Portland. WILL SHOW ANTIQUES Detroit, May 15 KAP)- The second annual Detroit antique show will be held May 18 to 22 in the Naval Armory. Antique dealers from 12 states have engaged space. Menominee County MEA Members Urge Measure's Passage a TEL -Daily Press Photo at Pinecrest Sanitorium, Powers, Sixty-eight workmen are employis being added.
Partitions roof has been closed in. Many of for plastering, and the top floor is Each floor will be put into service to Dr. John Towey, superintendent. top down, and the needed space will When completed, the wing Extensive remodeling of the nurses staff will be needed to take care of The superintendent's residence, also is expected to be ready for occupancy Michigan Smothers Illinois At Track Champaign, May 15 (AP)Michigan's powerful track team smothered Illinois 92 to 39, today winning 13 out of 15 events. yard dash, when Ashley took The Illini won only, the 220 first Bob Grieve second, and the high jump when Lowell Spurgeon took first and Bob Riegel, Illinois, and Bob Diefenthaler, llinois, tied for second.
Michigan slammed the mile, half mile, two mile run, and won the relay. Five new field records and three new meet records went by the boards. Bob Watson of Michigan won the shot and the discus for ten points to tie with Bob Osgood, Michigan, who won both hurdle races, for high scoring. NO FOUL PLAY East Lansing, May 14. (AP)The state police retired today from an investigation into the death of N.
O. Brown, 72-year-oid retired farmer from Ithaca, after an autopsy at the University hospital in Ann Arbor revealed he had died of pneumonia rather than as a result of foul play, Lieut. P. L. Hutson of the state police said today.
PRINCETON WINS Philadelphia, May 15 (AP)Princeton won the Historic Childs Cup race by a length over Pennsylvania in the feature event of the combined American Henley and Childs Cup Regatta on the Schuylkill river today. Columbia was third. TEACHERS WIN Kalamazoo, May 15 (AP) -Western State Teachers college's tennis team defeated Loyola University of Chicago today, 9 to 0. The Teachers won all matches in straight sets. YOUTH KILLED Pontiac, (AP) William Chapman, 16, of Fenton, was killed and Joe Eddy, 16, also of Fenton, injured Saturday when the automobile in which they were riding struck a pole on a highway curve.
COLLEGE BASEBALL Army Bucknell 0. Pennsylvania Princeton 3. Boston College 4: Fordham 4. Michigan State 11; Ohio State 2. Armour Tech 16; Michigan Normal 5.
Naval Academy 17; U. of Richmond 0. Notre Dame 15; Purdue 0. Earlham Ball State 1. Holy Cross Yale 5.
Manhattan 12; New York U. 2. Indiana Chicago 3. Columbuis 12; Cornell 3. Duke North Carolina State 0.
Washington College 15; U. of Delaware 1. Illinois Michigan 0. U. of Pennspivania Princeton 3 COLLEGE TRACK Ohio State 78; Notre Dame 53.
Cornell Pennsylvania 52. Michigan Illinois 39. Penn State 126; Syracuse 9. Washington State 76; Washing. ton U.
Michigan State Marquette Kansas State 69; Minnesota 48; Iowa State 45. Marquette 67: Northwestern 59. Wisconsin Iowa Purdue 73; Chicago 58. Harvard 70: Dartmouth 65. Columbia 81; Manhattan 54.
COLLEGE GOLF Princeton Pennsylvania 4. Army Colgate (tie). Northwestern Minnesota Northwestern 13; Ohio State 3. Ohio State Minnasota 6. Yale Williams 0.
Yale Holy Cross 1. Michigan 22; Indiana 2. COLLEGE TENNIS Cornell Noval Academy 4. Western (Mich.) State Teachers 19; Loyola (Chicago) 0. Yale Dortmouth 4.
COLLEGE LACROSSE COLLEGE LACROSSE U. of Maryland Naval Academy 2. Army Johns Hopkins U. 3. Menominee, May 15-Committeemen of the Menominee County Education association, a unit of the Michigan Education association, today their reasons for support MEA-sponsored outlined, bill to increase state aid to Michigan schools now pending in the state senate.
The bill would increase aid for schools from $38.000.000 for the current two-year period to $47,000,000, an increase of 000.000. The money would come from the state general fund. which is chiefly maintained by the three per cent Michigan sales tax. J. C.
Eidt, R. D. West and Ferdie Davis of the local high school faculty composed the Menominee county committee urging passage of the measure to increase state school aid. NEW SPANISH CABINET WILL BE SELECTED (Continued from Page One) ture" near the place where the Hunter was disabled. "The position of the mine," 1t announced, "gives reason to believe it 1s identical with that which caused the destruction of the Hunter." NAMED WOW AUDITOR Racine, May 15.
(P)- Nicholas Galbonyi, of Detroit, was chosen head auditor of the Wisconsin-Michigan district of the Woodmen of the World at their convention here today. Port Huron, was selected for the 1938 convention. You Can't Beat This VALUE! I COST AS MUCH AS $100 LESS I'M BIG AND FULL FAMILY SIZE Ice cubes in 5 minutes foods kept fresh longer low first cost -as much as $100 lower low upkeep- -one filling of ice lasts ordinarily from 4 to 7 days these are a few of the many advantages of the air conditioned Coolerator refrigerator. More than 300,000 families have changed to Ask this lower cost and For more advanced refrigeration. We inOur vite you to try it 1.
Low Prices Coolerator THE Air Conditioned REFRIGERATOR Phone 390 or 391-W for OUR NEW AND BETTER SERVICE S. M. Johnson Ice Co. Name Street City FILL UP TODAY with Koolmotor a ed The by amazing City new Service Bronze! motor technicians fuel develop- especially for summer driving. Koolmotor Bronze is the gasoline from which you can expect to get more mileage, smoother running motor, a zipping get features away in and this IN easy one PRICE starting.
gasoline All with these NO ADVANCE over regular gasolines. Don't forget yours today! Ellingsen and MacLean Oil Co. 1301 Ludington St. Escanaba, Mich. A.
J. POWERS, Escanaba ESCANABA TAXI Escanaba LESLIE CASWELL, Rapid River, Michigan VENA ROBERTS, Northland, Michigan ROY THORBAHN, Gladstone, Michigan KOOLMOTOR is always ready to go when you are.
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