The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 1
- Publication:
- The Sentineli
- Location:
- Carlisle, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
NEWS SUiMMARY. EIGHT HEROES turned at expiration of furlough and took part in the battles of and New Hope Church, where he was badly wounded in both legs by a bursting shell. This wound unfitted him for any further active service and he was ordered on duty at Madison, where he was mustered out at the close of the war. James Moore enlisted in April, 1861, in his brother's (the captain's) comptny. He was badly wounded at Chancellorsville, and again at New Hope Church, Ga.
He was always present for duty except when disabled by wounds. He held the rank of sargeant. IS. F. Moore enlisted in April, 1861, in Captain (afterward general) C.
T. Campbell's Pennsylvania artillery, with the rank of sergeant, but was af terwaids transferred to Knapp's famous Pennsylvania battery, with rank of tirst sergeant. He was again What a strange thought All this restless world is seeking rest. Those who drag their weary bodies home, hight after night, and fall down upon restless beds, worried with the anxieties andcares of business yet seeking rest, rest. It is not found in poverty, perhaps it lurks under the rich man, all the while that he lies groaning upon his couch or stands with wrinkled brow perplexed with care.
Where is rest What is rest It is the divine principle of peace within that comes from God. As well seek roses upon the pallid cheek of death as rest out of God. The needle never rests till it turns to the pole." If a little child is frightened at play, he comes running into the house for mother. She takes him to her bosom, presses kisses upon his brow, and while she sings some lullaby of love, all fear fades from his face and he sleeps in peace. God wants to fill a mother'8 place for the whole world.
If it be misfortune, or poverty, or gloomy foreboding that makes one unhappy, God can give him rest, and breathe a lullaby of love about his tempest-tossed soul that will still its raging. Rest, peace, is a principle that lies within us and not without. Some, possessing it, have found a crowned head uneasy. that every anxious, longing heart would look away to Him who walketh among the golden lamps of heaven "Take my yoke upon you, and ye shall find rest unto your souls." THE POWER OF AFFECTION. Most men are easily led by their wives if affection not harshness is manifested towards them.
They cannot bear the least appearance of slight or- of dictation, but are touched and soothed by the appearance of submission and affection and it is thus that, strong in her weakness, woman literally conquers by stooping. Her strongest hold upon her husband is her love for him, and by its means she may subdue him to her will and pleasure. But.though we thus recommend the reality and the manifestation of affection, though we place it first among the duties of a married woman, and fection cannot be too warmly displayed by a wife, but she must display it to him, not at him. Good breeding and delicacy alone would require that fondness should be'sup- pressed before witnesses and ostentatious tenderness is usually thought to be anything but genuine. It not only causes her who lavishes it to be disliked, but makes him upon whom it is lavished, ridiculous.
A woman ot tact, or a truly modest woman, will never make the mistake of parading her love in public. Deliver us from the man so kid-gloved at the fingers and wearing so shiny a hat that he cannot say a word of welcome to any stranger in the house of God, perhaps to the poor mother wrapped in her old red shawl, and shyly creeping into church, or the young mechanic out of work and inside a threadbare coat. Such gentry need the Gospel, but they do not represent it. Some Feople who need to know of God and abetter life, will readily take to that knowledge when born to them in hands of sympathy and fellowship. It is no wonder that some churches are so empty when their members show to strangers an exterior about as warm and cordial as the north-west side of a barn in December.
Hospitality will do much toward filling up a house and increasing the church membership. Do not roll this duty upon the shoulders of the much-abused sexton. Let some of the father and brothers esteem it a privilege to welcome strangers, show them seats, and make them at home in the house of their Father. To some soul, heaven may bo in a hand-shake. In fact, judging by the dress-parade we meet with in some quarters, there are churches in which even the twelve apostles would be given a back feat or escorted to a lonesome comer in the gallery.
Christian Weekly. In reality, there i3 no limit to the niis takes of life but here are fourteen which are more than ordinarily prominent: It is a great mistake to set up our own standard of right and wrong and judge people accordingly to measure the enjoyment of others by our own; to ex pect uniformity of opinion in this world to look for judgment and experience in youth to attempt to mold all dispositions alike not to yield to immaterial trilles; to look for perfection in our own actions to worry ourselves and othera with what can not be remedied not to alleviate all that needs alleviation a3 far as lies in our power not to make allowance for the infirmities of others; to consider everything inipos3.ble that we cannot perform; to believe only what our finite minds can grasp to be able to understand everything. The greatest of mistakes is to live only for time, when any moment may launch us into eternity. ALL THE TELEGRAMS IN A NUTSHELL Two Snsplcloua Characters Arretted A Supposed Murder Attempted Highway Robbery A Tonnr Mother Sentenced to Be IlDDf-O'Don. nell Indicted Prize Fighter Arrested Elfe at Discount.
Lokdoh, Oct. 17. The grand Jury came into court this morning and returned an indictment charging O'Donnell with the murder of James Carey. Hamilton, Oct. 17.
At the assizes here today Judge Morrison sentenced a young girl named Maria McCabe to be hanged on December 8 for the drowning of her infant child in a cistern. Tnor, N. Oct. 17. E.
Causalbaum, a peddler, was found to-day by the roadside near Griffins, Hamilton county, with his throat cut. He is supposed to have been murdered for his money. Ottawa, Oct. 17. A prize fight took place here to day between John Evans and D.
McCallum for $100 a side. Aftsr fighting twenty rounds the police Interfered and captured the combatants, who were fined twenty dollars each and costs in the police court. FowLin, Oct. 17. The exeitement regarding the murder of Ada Atkinson has subsided everywhere except inside thejail.
Nelling is much frightened and declares that he would never have murdered Ada if he had been in his right mind. The jail is secure and well defended by the sheriff's force. ScRASTos.Oct. Bruno, a laborer, tried to rob and kill John Fox, paymaster of the Erie and Wyoming railroad, near Greenville to-day. Knowing that Fox had a large sura in his possession Bruno awaited hira in a loucly part of the road and when he appeared fired six shots at him, none taking effect.
Bruno then fled to the woods and scouring parties have as yet failed to capture him. Denver, Col. Oct. 17. A dispatch to the Tribune from Las Vegas, N.
says: "A bad state of affairs exists along the advance line of the Mexican railroad. Six men have been murdered during the past two weeks, and Ufa Is at a great discount. A party of railroad men found the skeletons of three Texas cattle thieves, murlered near Ulorietta four years ago. The exact fata of the thieves, was unknown until now." Wheeling, Oct. 17.
Henry Bushman, a well-known character of this city, was shot and killed at Uhricksville, Ohio, last night by his nephew, George Fuhr. Bushman was visiting a married sister at Uhricksville and, getting under the influence of liquor, threatened and abused her. Ue was warned by Young Fuhr to desist, when he turned upon the VolverTrfiUnTetfjTtnf otai feh'fchhg odSiAitdre-KAJtM. and penetrating the brain. Fuhr was not arrested.
Halifax, Oct. 17. we Suspicious strangers, who gave their names as James Holmes and William Brackctt, were arrested here to-day. In Holmes' pockets among other things were found two loaded revolvers, several cartridges, two dozen dynamite cartridges and a copy of the Irish World. A loaded revolver and a lot of dynamito cartridges were found In Brackett's possession.
In their room, at the Farker house were two valises one containing forty and the other sixty pounds of dynamite. Their object is not known, but it is supposed they are dynamite fiends or burglars. It is said that both men were in tills city at the time of the Fenian scare last spring. gHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of certain writs of Levari Facias, Fieri Facias.
Venditioni Kxuonas issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Cumberland county, and to me directed, 1 will expose to puonc saie, at me Court House, in the borough of Carlisle, at 1 o'clock p. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1883, the following property, to wit No. 1. All that certain parcel or lot of ground in the borough of Carlisle, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Walnut street in said borough at corner of a ten foot alley, thence by said Walnut street westwardly two hundred and sixty-eight feet to a lot of Peyton Thompson thence by same south seventy-six feet, more or less, to a road leading from the Walnut Bottom road to the turnmke: thence bv said road to the lot of John Gutsball one hundred and eighty-two feet; thence by lot of said Gutshall in a northeasterly direction seventeen fet't thence by lot of same east ward scventy-nve feet to saia aney, ana thence by said alley one hnndred and sixty feet to the place of beginning. It being the same lot of ground conveyed by said W.
I. woods to said Francis Lerew, having thereon erected a large frame stable. Seized and taken in execution as tile property of Frances Lerew. 'o. 2.
A tract of land situated In South MIddleton township, Cumberland county, Fa bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by O. Ahl; south by Jacob Coulson; east by Baltimore pike; west by Frederick street, containing 6 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a Two-story Frame House and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property ot Benjamin Johnson. No. 3.
A lot of ground situated In the boron gh of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, bounded as follows, to wit: On the south by Allen street; on the- east by Silver Spring street; on the north by Green street on the west by an alley, containing in front, along Allen street, one hundred and sixteen feet and extending back along alley two toindred and thirty-six feet, and twe hundred and thirty feet along Silver Spriug street, more or less, having thereon erected a two-story frame house and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John A. Kim-mel. No. 4.
Also a tract of land situated In Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, bounded as follows, to wit: On the south by East Courtland street; north by an alley; east by Walnut street; west by Kace street; containing ono acre, more or less, seized and taken In execution as the property of John A. Kimmel. No. 5. All that certain messuage or tract of land situated in Miippensburg township, Cumberland county, bounded as follows: Beginning at a walnut tree, thence bv lands of John W.
Deal north, 454 0 east, 61 6-10 perches to a stone on the east side of the Baltimore road thence by land of John Anderson south, iiys east, 62 6-10 perches to a stone; thence by land of John Wingert south, Ua west, 51 6-10 perches to a stone; thence by land of J. W. Craig north, west, 62 6-10 perches to the place ol beginning, containing 20 acres and 29 perches, more or less, having thereon erected a Two-story Brick House and Stable, and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Cyrus Longnecker and Mary A. Longnecker.
No. 6. A tract of land situated in Newton township, Cumberland county. bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Pittsburg pike; east by Woodburn's aud Samuel Beetem south by Leidich west by Jacksonville road, containing 8 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a Two-story Kougn Cast House, Stable and other outbuildings. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of C.
A. Uoodiiart. Conditions. On all sales of o00 or over, $o0 will be required to be paid when the property is stricken off aud on all sales under fSou. GEORGE B.
EYSTER, Sheriff. FIVE PROPERTIES DESTROYED BY FIRE A Hotel Among the number The Work of Vigilantes In Park City, Utah Returns or the Election In Ohio In. teresting to Home Soldiers -The Reduction or Postage-Two Firemen Injured, etc. WORK OF THE FLAXES. New Orleans, Oct.
17. A fire last night on Tricon and North Peters streets destroyed three dwellings and their contents. Loss, $15,000 itsuraDcef or way, Maine, Oct. 17. The pulp mill of the Jackson Mills' company, at Paris, Maine, was destroyed by fire last night.
The cause is unknown. The loss is estimated at insurance, oco. Milford, Pa. 17. The Raymonds-kill hotel, owned by Joseph McDonald, and situated three miles from this place, was destroyed b.
fire last night, with a portion of the contents. The loss is about $8000, on which there is a very light insurance. THE WORK OF THE VltilLAHTES. Sait Lake City, Utah, Oct. 17.
A letter was received by Acting Governor Thomas, of Utah, yesterday, from Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, in relation to the lynching of John Murphy by vigilantes in Park City, Utah, several weeks ago. The senator says that Murphy was a former resident of his county and a good neighbor, and he appeals to the governor to offer a reward for the apprehension of the vigilantes. There are no funds at the command of the governor for this purpose. The sympathy of the people in the section in which the lynching was done is with the vigilantes, and the grand jury, which ad journed on Monday failed to indict any of them, although the case was brought before them. This is thfe case in which the vigilantes compelled a railroad conductor to bike his train at midmsht arcan from Park Uity to Coalville, where they took Murphy from jail, carried him back to Park City and hung him to a telegraph pole for the murder of a miner named Brannen.
INTERESTING TO HOME SOLDIERS. Wilkesbarre, Oct. 17. A case of great interest to the National Guard of Pennsylvania was decided here to day. Sergeant Jame3 Crow, a member of the Ninth regiment, refused to perform duty at the last encampment held at Williams- port.
A court-martial was summoned and Crow placed on trial. He was also charged with losing property belonging to the state. To-day the court-martial found Crow guilty and he was sentenced to return the property or Us equivalent in money within fifteen days, and to pay a fine of ten dollars to the commonwealth or undergo imprisonment in the county jail for ten days and be re duced to the ranks. OHIO RETURNS. Columbus, Oct.
17. Returns from 05 counties have been received, which give Foraker 220,980 out of a total vote of Hoadley, Schumacker; and Jenkins, 1803. The judicial amendment has received 250,912 votes, being a majority of 21,839. It is now thought that its majority will be about 40,000. The second amendment has 218,574, being less than a majority.
Secretary Newman thinks that Hoadley'a majority will be about 12,648. He arrives at this conclusion by estimates placed on the majorities reported to him for each. THE REDUCTION OF POSTAGE RATES. Postmaster General Greshman has made the following ruling The reduction on the 1st instant of the domestic rate of postage from three to two cents reduced also from the same date from six to four cents per half ounce the "double postage" charge, made in pursuance of section 3913, revised statutes, upon letters for delivery in the United States, commonly called "ship letters," which are conveyed to thi3 country by vessels not regularly employed in conveying mails. TWO FIREMEN INJURED.
Philadelphia, Oct. 17. A fire oc curred this morning in a building at the torthwest corner cf Otter am? Leopard streets, occupied by a dealer in flour and feed. The flames spread to the adjoining buildings and did considerable damage before being extinguished. A wall of the feed store fell, carrying with it a ladder on which Wre two firemen.
They were ex tricated from the debris after a time and found to be seriously injured. They were John Gorman and M. U. Asa. AND HOW THEY RESPONDED TO THE Call for Volunteers Oaring: llie Late Rebellion Becord of the Family of Dr.
James Moore, of Xew Grenada, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, Who Had Eight Sons All In the Ser vice at One Time, etc. FIG1ITI9G FAMILIES. And Bow They Responded to the Call for Volunteers. The recent mention ia the Tribune of a case where five brothers, one after the other, responded to the call for volunteers to put down the rebellion, until the whole family was under arms, has drawn out from our subscribers the recoids in a number of similar cases of patriotic devotion, as a perusal of the following letters to the editor will show. To the editor National Tribune I am a reader of Jour paper and I have noticed recently that our comrades are calling attention to families that during the war furnished an unusual number of soldiers for the Union armies.
Five from one family is the greatest number that I have yet seen reported. Believing that the history of all such families sLould be given to the world, I send you the record of the family of Dr. James Moore, of New Grenada, Fulton county, who had eight sons all in the. service at the same time. The oldest, K.
A. Moore, enlisted in lesa than a week after the firing on Fort Sumpter, but owing to the fact that more men offered their services than could be accepted the company to which he belonged was sent home. On October 9, '61, he again enlisted in Company Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania infantry, for three years. After nearly three years' service he re-enlisted as a veteran, and was mustered out in October, 1865. He was with: his company always and always ready for duty.
He took part in the battles of Shi-j lob, Corinth, Stone River, Liberty Gsp, Chickamauga, Eesaca, New Hope Church, "Franklin'NasnvHle, at el all the minor battles in which his regiment was engaged. To write the history of his services would be to write the history of his regiment, and to write that would be to write the history of the army of the Cumberland, He was the oldest man in his company, and his advice and counsel was of ten sought by both oflicers and men. In matters of controversy, his decisions were final, and many a time did the younger soldiers of his company, the writer included, carefully keep from him a knowledge of their acts, for our parents, had given him charge and our behavior before we left our homes. John C. Moore, next hi ae, would gladly have borne a mubket, butwas prevented by physical incapacity.
He seived in the quartermaster's department during the whole time of the war. Dr. C. W. Moore, a physician of fine ability, engaged in a lucrative practice, left it to accept the commission of surgeon of the Thirteenth regimeut of Pennsylvania cavalry.
He faithfully discharged the onerous duties of his responsible position for nearly two years, when failing health compelled him to resign, l'robably no officer ever more reluctantly tendered his resignation, nor is it probable that one was one more reluctantly accepted than that of Surgeon C. "VV. Moore, of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania cavalry. Six days after the surrender of Fort Sumpter third in age of this remarkable family, J. A.
Moore, enlis ed ia Company Fifth regiment of Pennsylvania infantry, for three months. He served fail Is fully his term of enlistment. Oa theTth of August following, he was mustered into the service again, as first lieutenant of Company Twenty-eighth regiment of Pennsylvania infantry, commanded by Colonel John W. Geary, who afterwards became a major- general and commanded the famous White Star division cf the Twelfth Cors and was, after the war, twice elected governor of Pennsylvania. The Twenty-eighth regiment consisted of fifteen companies.
Five of these were transferred to the One Hun dred and Forty seventh regiment of Penn sylvania infantry, in which Lieutenant Moore was commissioned captain, March 1,1883. While in command of a brigade, General Geary detailed Captain Mooie to serve on his staff as brigade commissary, and, after his promotion to the command of a division, Captain Moore was made di vision commissary. At his urgent request was relieved from the latter position to command his company at Chancellcrville. At Antietam he lost one-lhird of his com pany, killed and wounded. He was at Get- and thud days, lie Far ticipated in the battle above the clouds in Lookout Mountain, Mission Eidge and Taylor's Ridge re-enlisted as veteran re transferred to Sixth U.
S. cavalry, and ended his military career as fust lieutenant in a Maryland regiment of infantry, after taking part in nearly all' the great battles of the war. W. II. II.
Moore enlisted, as did the others, and was discharged May 20, 1863. He took part in the battles of Antietam and Chancellorsville. C. E. Moore served in Company Two Hundred and Second regiment of Pennsylvania infantry, from September, 1861," to to August, 1865, in the coal regions of Pennsylvania at Mauk Chunk, assisting to kep down the spirit of rebellion, the possessors of which, unlike their more noble Southern brethern, were too cowardly to face the boys on the battlefield, and also alocg the railroad from Manassas to Fairfax Court House, Va.
These men are all yet living, and all but one (John are active workers in the G. A. II. All but two are prosperous farmers. Captain Moore has been since its organization in 1S65 the principal of one f5f Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphans' schools, and John C.
is his tflicient steward. During this time the captain has sect out into the world from his school 720 of his old comrades' children, and 240 are yet in his c.ire. Pennsylvania feeds, clothes and educates the -liar rLtaji atul iUashLad hnroeS until the age of sixteen years. These schools were organized in 1885. Their work will be done when the last child of the last old soldier of Pennsylvania has been fed, clothed and fully educated by the state.
They are the crowning glory of the great commonwealth. I hone you will also allow me to effer a tribute to the memory of the mother of these eight heroes. When the war broke out she was more than threescore years of age, and in April, 1861, the writer saw her approach five of her stalwart sons (every man of whom afterward 'distinguished himself and came home only when the war ended) as they stood in the ranks ready to leave the home of their childhood for the bloody fray, and giving each a mother's kiss aid a mother's parting blessing, told them to acquit themselves like mon, and that if the charge of cowardice ever attached to any one of them he must never intrude himself upon his mother again. The dear old lady was a most devoted Christian, and thanked God for honoring hereby making her the mother of eight soldiers for the Union. She bad an unwavering faith that God would return her sons to her alive.
In this she was disappointed. Her sons all came home, but when they came the grand old Spartan mother, whose prayers and benedictions had made them strong in the hour of trial, had gone to receive the crown of immortality. M. Hokton, Co. Seventy-seventh Pa.
Inf. Post 58, Ilarrisburg, Pa. National Tribune, of Washington. VAXDEKBILT'S PEBIL. Harrow Escape of the Millionaire at Fleetwood Park.
New York. Oct 17. Mr, William II. Vanderbilt met with what might have been a severa accident, this afternoon, but which happily did not result very seriously. About 4 o'clock he drove out to Fleetwood park, as is his custom, to speed his fast trotters.
His horse Early Rose was put into a single buggy and he drove around the track at a rattling rate. He then turned his horse around taking the pole side, went rap-idJy the other way. Mr. Vanderbilt, who Is known as an expert driver, as he did not notice, one of Robert Bonner's fast teams coming stiaigct toward for him, until it was too late to get out of the way, the result was a collision. A wheel was knocked off Mr.
Vanderbilt 's buggy and he wa3 thrown heavily to the ground. Later in the evening he said to his friends that he wa3 not much hurt, except a pretty bad shaking up. Wasiiixgtok, Oct. 18 The indications for the Middle Atantic etates, fair weather, wind3 generally easterly, falling or stationary barometer, rising temperature. Fair weather is indicated for Erg-land to-morrow, and rains in Tennessee, the Ohio valley and Lake region..
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