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The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 4

The Sentineli
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A game of ball is being played this afternoon beeween the Chainmakers and the Churchtown nine. tT IS ALWAYS AT THE HEAD. The leading Dry Goods estab lishnient in Carlisle maintains its well-earned reputation for cheapest goods, the largest variety an the lowest prices. Every man, woman and child in Cumberland and adjacent counties has heard ot the drj goods establishment of S. B.

KISSELL, 2 East Main street, Carlisle. It lias always enjoyed the highest reputation for the superior quality of its goods, the lowness of its prices and the al, olute fairness of its dealings. To these important features the house owes its success which has placed and kept it at the head of the dry goods trede of the Cumberland valley. Although this season of the year is dull with Tnost merchants we are offering such inducements that customers are never few and far between. Special re-tactions are made in paices that no summer fabrics are carried over.

We make it a rule to clear out each de Mai.Ied Sevees-Rebcck On July 80th, at Leesburg by Rev. W. W. Rhoads, Mr. John Severs and LVssie Rebuck, both of Newton township.

1 Pino r.iilR Agent. Dr. D. F. Royer formerly of Shady Grove, Franklin county, but who has resided in Dakota for seven years past has just been appointed Indian agent at Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota.

partment thoroughly every season so that tne stock may aiwas ue iresn such as deserve the attention of careful buyers, who will fin the largest with many exclusive novelties. An opportunity of this kind should not ana new. ILe bargains just now are and varieties to choose from, be missed by people within fifty miles Good News! Ko one, who is willing to adopt the right course, need be long auiicted witb bolls, carbuncles, pimples, or oilier cutaneous eruptions. Iliese are the results ol Nature's efforts to expel poisonous and effete matter from the blood, and show plainly that the ystem is ridding itself through the skin of Impurities which it was the legitimate work of the liver and kidneys to remove. To restore these organs to their proper functions, AVer's Sarsaparilla is the medicine required.

Ihat no other blood-purifier can compare with it, thousands testily who have gained Freedom from the tyranny of depraved blood by the use of this medicine. For nine years I was afflicted with a skin disease that did not yield to any remedy nntil a friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. With the use of this medicine the complaint disappeared. It is my belief that no other blood medicine could have effected so rapid and complete a cure." Andres D. Garcia, C.

Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, "My face, for years, was covered with pim pies and humors, for which I could find no remedy till I began to take Ayer's Sursapa-rilla. Three bottles of this great blood medicine effected a thorough cure. I confidently recommend it to all suffering from similar troubles." M. Parker, Concord, Vt to au mpc-cwuu ui our bvocn wuctner you purchase or not. S.

B. KISSELL, 2 East Main St. ENGLAND'S FOREIGN POLICY. To Uphold Slavery and Remand Sat intact from I'ortujral. London, Aug.

2. In the house of commons last night Attorney General Webster said that assuming slavery to be lawful according to the laws otfsa country over which a British protectorate was placed, it would be recognized as having a legal status. Sir James Fergusson confirmed the statement made Thursday that -a Portuguese officer had seized a British steamer on the Shire river. The British minister to Portugal had been instructed to remonstrate with Portugal and to demand the punishment of the persona concerned in the seizure. Sir James Fergusson also said that Turkey hud given adhesion to the acts of the recent Brussels conference.

Holland had not yet adhered. No permission had been accorded for Germany to establish a protective tariff on the Zanzibar mainland. The sultan of had bound himself not to allow any trying monopoly. An Unforgiving Parent. Scsqueiianna, Aug.

22. Walter Hobbs, aged 17, and Annie Hobbs, aged 14, children of Jasper Hobbs, of Ararat, took a neighbor's team during their parents' absence and ran away with George Wyman and Myrtie Wyman, aged 18 ami 17 respectively. The two couples drove to Windsor, N. and were married. Legal steps will be taken by Mr.

Hobbs to regain the children. The Washington Club Wabhingtojt, Aug. 2. The members of the Washington iiaseball club, of the Atlantic association, met in the office of Assignee Coleman and practically disbanded. Mr.

Braden, the president of the association, was notified of the fact. The $500 guarantee of the club has been forfeited to the association, although Mr. Coleman, representing Walter Hewitt, still retains the Jiranchis3. The Situation in Buenos Ayres. Buenos Aykes, Ang.

2. The situation is uot improved. The national and other banks arc taking advantage of the law enabling them to postpone cash payments except in the caao of the emalleKt chocks. It is possible that the financial crisis may do what force of arms failed to accomplish and force President Colman to resign. A Small Sized Cycloao.

Providence, Aug. 2. A small sized cyclone struck Warwick Neck yesterday: Trees of good size were broken oil close to the ground and Jimbs were torn from larger ones. A building near the railroail station was moved some distance and crushed. No person waa injured, but the damage to property was considerable.

Escaped from Prison. Columbus, Aug. 2. Charles Kline, a habitual criminal, on his fourth sentence and in for lifo, and Richard Levine, a United States prisoner from Kentucky, received in November, 180, for two years for counterfeiting, escaped from the penitentiary about 9 o'clock last night by scaling the walls. XllC lllCIlt ClUD'S tiiiests.

NEwroRT, R. Aug. 2. Among the guests of the New York yacht club aboard the commodore's yacht yesterday were Secretary Wiudom, Minister Pauncefote, Vice Admiral Watson, of the British squadron, and Commander Ross, of the Canadian troops. Minister Mizner's Strange Silence.

Washington, Aug. 2. Acting Secretary of State Wharton has as yet received no tidings from United States Minister Mizner, at La Libertad. He says he cannot conjecture the minister's apparent delinquency unless a censorship has been established. I.

i.U-H 'ii Gent. 'Fremont's AVill. NeW-Yobk? Aug. 2. The of den.

Freinout waa offered for probate in the surrogate's court yesterday, where it had been deposited according to statute many years before. It was executed Aug. IU. 1851, and leaves the entire estate to his widow. They Favor Lodjre's Bill.

Boston, Ang. 2. A large mass meeting of colored peoplo held in Fan-euil hall last night, when resolutions favoring the passage of tha Lodge elu tiou bill were adopted. Vm. Martin, the auctioneer, residence West Louther street, will go ints the real estate business.

He will pay attontion to the buying and selling of real estate town or country property and his extensive acquaintance over the county will aid him very materially in the business. Any one having property to sell would do well to consult Mr. Martin. Carrier Pigeon a Time' Six Antwerp carrier pigeons owned by the Haehlen brotheia at 124 Walnut street, Eat Harrisburg, flew from Buena Vista, to this city yesterday, a distance of 236 miles, ia 5 hours and 20 minutes. Sinnll Burglary.

On last Tuesday night some one broke into the wagoumaker shop of Mr. Daniel Jacobs, near Sterretfs Gap, and after rummaging through the shop stDle a pair of silver spectacles, a chisel, foot rule, and other small articles. IIST OF LETTERS. The following letters are he'd at the Carlisle, post office, and will be sent to the dead letter office August 19, 1890: GENTS. O.

H. P. Brown Andiew Corfutt, Samuel Cramer, Alfred Johnson, Jno. Robinson. ladies Mrs.

M. Arnold, Miss Annie Hood, Miss Nellie Parker, Mrs. John Wagner. Persons calling for the above letters will please say they; were advertised Aug. 2.

One cent will be charged for each letter advertised. A. A. Thomson r. M.

BIT. MOLLY. By a Special Correspondent, About 80 persons from this place visited Harrisburg on Tuesday and witnessed the Last Days of Pompei A dance was given in the large ing room at Holly Inn on Thurs evening. A ppecial train was ruu from Carlisle, which brought ort about 25 conple. A heavv rain storm visited this place yesterday afternoon about two clock which done much damage to tne corn fields.

The sewers on our streets were blocked up with rubbish and the water soon covered the streets. Miss Kitty Cart, of Harnsbnrg, is visiting Mr. end Mrs. Samuel Swigert, on Pine street. Miss Lottie Wanbaush, of this place, ia visiting relatives in New Kingston.

RELIGIOUS, Services la the Various Churches of Car lisle To-Morrow and During the Week. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. L.

Mapes, liasior. No preaching. Fin nday Pi'hool at a. m. Yonnpr People's Society of Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 7:30 p.

in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at Teachers' meeting Friday evening at 7:30 CIOCK. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. Wm.

West, pnstor pro tern. Rmiday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11a.m. and 7:3 p.

m. by the pator. Teacher's meeting Monday at Lecture on Wednesday evening at 7:.10. ST. JOHN'S Rev.

William Brvce Morrow, rector. Suiubvy school at 9:45, No services. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. W. Evans, pastor.

Preaching at 11 nt. by the pastor, prayer meeting at p. in. Sunday school at in. Class meettngat 6:30 p.m.

Class meeting Tuesday and Fi-iday at 7:30 p. in. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. REFORMED. Rev.

A. H. Kremer, D. T) pastor. Sunday School at 9:15 p.

iu. Preaching at 11 a. in. by the pastor. Only morning sermon during juiy aim August.

ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL. Rev. A. Hwengel Sunday Sdiool at 9:30 a.

m. Preaching at 11 a. in. and at 7:1" p. m.

by the pasinr. Sunday school school society Monday evening ai 7.311. Ladies aid society Tifesdav evenine at 7:80 Prayer meet'iig 011 Wednesday evening at 7MU. Ladies prayer meetine- Thursday at 3 n. Teacher meetingon Thursday Y.

P. S. of C. E. Friday evening at 1:15 FIRST LUTHERAN.

Rev. H. B. Wile paRior. No preaching.

Stindpy school at 9:30. Traf se meeting at p. m. Wednesday evening C. E.

meeting at 7:30. SECOND LUTHERAN. Rev. B. F.

KauU pastor. PATRICK'S T.P Kafferty rector. First Mass at 8:00 a. in.

Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vesper's at 3:30 p. m. 1 JONATHAN WILLIAMS BIDBLE MEM RIAL ML-SION Sabbath School at 3 p.

in. Services at the chapel at. m. Y. M.

C. A. Charles Fought, Socreary protein. Young Men's meeting at 4 o'clock, p. 111.


Anderson, pastor. A. M. E. CHUKCH-Poinh-et J.M.

Taylor, pastor. Preachingat 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. the pastor.

Sunday school at 2 p. m. General class Friday night. Deutsche Si liule. Professor Kirsch has reduced the tution fee to 10.00 for ii coursr; to enable all to patrciizo school: As this ia an -illy rata, persons interested in the German should not fail to avail the selves of this extraordinary opportun ity to join the class 011 Monday, August, 4, at 3 p.

in the parlor of 'the Y. C. A morning class will also De iormea. sugSltd am closing out all that stock, and as it might immediate purchases 1 in Clothing, Hats, 1 5 r. A NATURAL REMEDY FOR Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster ics, -St.

Titus Dance, Kervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, In ebrity, Sleeplessness, Dizziness, Brain and Spinal Weakness. THa morfioina haa direct action unon J.U1D uvuhjimu the neive centers, allaying all irritabil ities ana increasing me now buu power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless nd leaves no unpleasant eiiects. Our Fampale ror suuerera oi nervous ui-eeaaes will be Bent free to any address, and Tw.rr nmipnls can also obtain this medicine tree of charge from ns. Una remedy cas ueen prc-puiou uy 1' i -J rnr, 1nY tVlATltinl ten yearn, and ia cow prepared under big Oureo-tion by the HEStCIKE 50 v7c ittKi, ooi.

Claim St-. CHICAGOi IIX, SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price $1 per Bottle. 6 Rottles for 5. For rhIa hv W.

F. HORN. Chemist 33 Wf 3t Main street. RENTS. FOR RENT.

A small house on Booth Pitt street. Inquire at 12 South Pitt street. Apl 30-tf RENT From April 1st the store room No. 1 Eist Main street. Apply to John "Irvine.

SALE OR RENT A three-story house hav-iiicr hath and all conveniences. Inquire at 85 West Louther RENT The storm room Pelonginf to Hip estate on North Hsnover street, former! occupied tiy Roaeh Millinery, is tor rent. Ap ply to J. w. vvetzel, Attorney at,

manut ENT That desirahle 3-story Swelling IV 41 West Main leet, property of Henry 8. Ritter, deceased. Possession Rivtm April 1st, H. M. Kittkk, muchi4dtf Administrator dt eta.

WANTS. WANTED White woman to cook for students clul). Can choose her as-sistiuit. Must know at once. Address nox 66, Ca-lisle.

TJEBER STAMP AGENTS WANTEfr-IV AOdress A. C. GllSON, 213, Main Mreetf Buffalo, N. Y. jdl312ind iii I IVE CANVASSERS WANTED Local or ti aveling, men and women, hust lers can earn li oj pay weekly, no experience needed, elegant oitifll free, exclusive territory.

J. Eugene WaiTNEr, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED. Fifty freight car, to commence work at once.

Correspond immediately Cab Works. Limited Erie. Pa. julsifldtf 1l BOARDERS WANTED Boarders wanted No. 78, bjuth East street.

WANTED A white girl to do general housework for a family of three. Apply to J. Lll'INGSTON, juUtdtf 12, Pomfret St. SALES. I7IOR SALE A good farm, with good hnild-1 ings, containing S5 acres, on the Harrisburg and Chambersburg pike.

Address B'' Sentinel olace. niayllidJcwtf FOR SALE Five furnaces, one fire place heater, all good es new; suitable for halls or houses. f26tf GROCERY STORE FOR SALE-Central lo cation. Small capital needed. Inquire at this office.

juuetdtf A RARE CHANCE A new Cabinet Singer machine in first class order to be sold at about half price. For particulars inquire ai thisofllce. jlySdtf DI FORCES. Wils iu any Siate. Desertion; all casn.

Blank application free. Robert White, 63 Broadway, N. Y. i Go to Zug Bror for your hats and gents' furnishing goods. REAL ESTATE SALE LIST.

On Saturday, fiert. Sham-baugh and W. H. Paul, agents for the ShutFJ heirs, will sell a nice tract of 29 acres near the Lindsey mill in West Pennsboro township, On Thursday, Sept. 18, Elizabeth Nickey by her agent G.

S. Lepperd, sell on the Bloserville roaH, house and lot of ground, near Eosh'a tannery. Also persona property. "Parmer's Bank, Carlisle, Pa. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the governor of the state of Pennsylvania, by the Farmers Bank, Carlisle, by a petition to be presented on behalf of its board of directors for a renewal and extension of the charter, corporative rights and fiancl ses of said bank, for a period of twenty years, from and after the expiration of its present charter, in accordance with an act of assembly entitled "an act to provide for and regulate the renewal and extension of the charters of state banks." Approved April 2Cth, 1889.

Wm. Barnitz, une20y8m president DOUBLING CAP WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS. The above wen known mountain resor having been refurnished and much improved is now open for the reception of guests. Pure air, pure water, no malaria, no misqr toes. Boating, fishing, good orchestra for ball room New management.

Terms moderate. -nd circular. Q. T. McINTIRE.

Doubling (Jap Springs, Newville Pa. u''173twflw. Meals at all Hours at Noah Pinkney's restaurant No. 83 Wi tit Main street. jlySllmd.

Ladies' bronze slippers and boy's and shoes' kid dancing slippers at Strohm's. Straw hats cheap at Zug Bros june28dtf mi I wmmM bplendid Tonio, and cures Boils, Pimi kira, Dororuia, jviorcunal and all Blood fuuKasBB, doiu cy your Druggist. Sellers Medicine vbur orrifvr for Laundry at Zug I 9 E5i The next moetinc of thu rectors association Of thia n-ill be held in Carlisle in October. A mimhfir lf nwnln ntnnl if -J J'v I VJ nuw t.v Harrisburg to day to gee Pompeii. We predict that tnighl will witness the largest crowd thus far in attendance.

Secretarv J. B. Krfimer. of th TlrvA Commission is sending out larsre umbers of conies of his renort. reach ing all parts of the country.

The mails iroiu Carlisle nave in consequence been very heayy the past week. Eev. Swengel Returned. Rev. Swengel returned home to-day after having spent a week at the bedside of his sick mother who is now slowly improving.

eel lug at Utnfichl. There will be preaching services at Plainfield at ten a. m. and at West llill at three p. m.

Rev Jacob Lehman, of Chambersburg, will preach. Quit in Milton Kuhns, son of Philip Kuhns, ii quite ill at his lather home on S. liealord street, lie is suffering from typhoid malaria, and at times his life is despaired ofj Prof. V7m. Nevin and wife of Lan caster, are spending part of the heated term with their daughter, Mrs.

J. B. Kremer, of West Louther street. Mr, Harry Horner, of Greencastle, is the new assistant in the C. V.

ticket office at this point. Miss Lliz" Miles, who is visiting Chambersburg, was in town for a short time to-day, Miss Grace Waldin, of Johnstown, is visiting at Mr. J. C. Stock's, West High Btreet.

Misses Mollie and Alda Jennie Peffer took the afternoon train for Greencastle, Franklin county, to visit their uncle, John Hemminger aud family. Mr. Wm. Trout and -wife, of Spring Lake, N. at'9 visiting Mrs.

Kate Frederick, of North Pitt street. Ed. E. Bratron, who left Carlisle ten days ago for New York in search of employment, not being successful in finding work, has returned home. SHIPPENijBLKGNEWS.

naif of our ministers are off on their summer vacation, Rev. Stahler, Mc-Carrell, and Ayers 'all being absent. No services will be held in the Luther ail church to-morrow. The pulpit of the Presbyterian church will be filled morning and evening the Rev. Boal, of Newburg, pastor, who is visiting his brother-in-law, C.

The pulpit of the U. B. church will be filled in the morning by the Rev. Henry Mowers and in the evening by Rev. J.

M. Smiley. The smoke 6tack of the large tannery at Strasburg, belonging to Mr. McLean, was blown down yesterday during the storm; it as 85 feet high. Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. Forney, of Mansfield, are spending few days among their many Shippensburg friends, the guest of Mrs. Forneya brother and sister, in Quality Hill.

LIST OF JURORS For the Week of Court Commencing September 18lh, 1890. U. S. G. Bishop, teacher, West Penns.

David Btar, laborer, Ship, two. J. Brooks, millwright, Shiremanstown Chas. Bloser, carpenter, Carlisle. Peter Bloser, laborer, Frankford.

S. Brenneman, mason, Mechanicsburg. VV. C. Baughman, painter, Newton.

Wm. Bachlor, gent, Mt. Holly. D. N.

Riddle, merchant, Mechanicsb'g. H. Carothers, teacher, Penn. Zac. Cornman, laborer, Dickinson.

Geo. Daugherty mason, Upper Allen, C. B. Foreman, gent. Southampton.

N. M. Fissel, merchant, Carlisle. Thos. Tetter, druggist, Shippensburg.

J. W. Fulton, farmer, Newton. M. Greigor, Pennsboro.

Eli Graybill, laborer. M. W. Hackman, coachm'ker, Carlisle S. A.

Jacobs, farmer, Miiid let jx. S. A. Jordon, laborer, Carlisle, John Killiau, farmer, Newton. tV.

J. Kaston, S. Middleton. D. A.

Kama, grocer, Mechanicsburg." John'Kast, gent, Newville. Geo. Longsdorf, agont, Mechanicsb'g. J. B.

Linitiger, miller, Hampden. W. B. Logan, gent, Carlisle. Jacob Lautz, farmer, E.

PennEboro. R. laborer W. Pennsboro. S.

McCullough, farmer. W. Pennsboro. Peter Morris, tinner, Carlisle. T.

S. MoCord, clerk, Silver Spring. A. H. Neidich, merchant, E.

Pennsboro Adam Nell, larmer, Monroe. J. Newcomer, farmer, E. Pennsboro. W.

G. Peffer, gent, Carlisle. G. B. Pretz, puddler, E.

Pennsboro. Saml. Piper, farmer, Penn. W. A.

Rebuck, merchant, Newburg. Robt. Ruoads, laborer, Hopewell. Jos. Ruht, farmer, Middlesex.

Jacob Rife, farmer, E. Pennsboro'. John Stahler, carpenter, Shippensb'g Cyrus Shannon, laborer, Southampton. Jacob Strohm, larmer, JNeWton. Jacob Sheely, farmer, L.

Allen. Jacob N. Strock, farmer, Monroe Henry Shriver, wheel wright, Mchb Reuben Swart, Carlisle. J. Strong, farmev, Silver Springy John Snyder, farmer, MilUin.

Richard Thomson, laborer, CarMsla. J. Vanasdal, mechai ic, Newton. W. D.

Wert, liveryman, Carlisle. Geo. Frankford. Stuart Woodburn, farmer, Newton. Frnnk Walter tirner, Shippensbuig.

D. W. Worst, trucker, Upper Allen. A. J.

Zeiglcr, farmpr, Middlesex. James Alexander, colored, died last night at his home on Locust alley at the age of 51 years. Funeral will take place Monday at 2 p. the funeral will be in charge of colored post. BARGAINS! Mason's fruit jars, all sizes, jelly tumblers, 3 sizes, gum rings, sealing Wax and Birin-rj hand at low Inures.

Also 50 bunches oi cnoice oanannas at Meck's julyBl-lw Zug ffros. of Carlisle. You are cordially lnvueu Clothing for the masses. Good clothing and great variety. Clothing that fits, is well made and well trimmed.

Clothing at prices astonishingly lew. Tliat't our stock. The light weight things for extremely warm weather ai the tolerably light for general si mmer wear. All are here, and were we to say more only be superfluous." For the' goods are right in every particular and the prices are lower than you'd have to pay elsewhere. Fox many year! past we have made study of little boys' clothing and are thoroughly familiar wih all its details.

Furthermore, all that time we have kept the choMest and most elegant things he market produced and that is the reason we are headquarters today in this county. This season is no exception, and we offer you choice clothing for little boys at the same prices you would have to pay for inferior goods to other merchants, and so it is with the larger boys' clothing. Immense selection. Perfect goods. Money-caving prices.

A gentleman called at our store the other day and asked to be shown some clothing. He had looked at a number of suits when his alert eye caught the sight of a beautiful grey "English Homespun." "How much is such a suit?" ce inquired eagerly. "Ten Dollars," we told him. "Why that's funny," he said, "I just saw the same thing at (naming the store) and they wanted Thirteen Dollars." We are accustomed to hear such reports. Almost daily we are told similar instances where our prices are much below our competitors That's the way things run.

Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Low Shos for Men, Ladies, Boys, Misses and Children. All varieties, qualities, sorts and sizes. Prices invariably lower than else where. it. mi i lne sort ot hats that cost you S1.50 elsewhere, here $1.00.

HERMAN BERG, Clothes, Hats Shoes 22 North Hanover. PAIN'S LAST DAYS OF AT ISLAND PARK, HARBISBURG. FINAL PERFORMANCES. August 2d and 5th. Enormous Fireworks Program.

Magical Triple Fountain in Midlale A Pea of Colored Fire. The Grandest Piece Produced. "Pompeii" will soon be ft thingof the pant. Go Saturday and see repre- -seuted lu lire Saturday, Aug. 2, Farmers' Night i uesaay, Aug.

Closing Performance, HALF TARE EXCURSION RATES Admission only 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, 75 Cents, Chairs in Private Boxes, SPECIAL TRAINS RETURNING after each production. Engaged for 10 Performances in liar risburg, at a cost of over 20,000. JOTICE. Piw.iH!ii.rmA,July 21th.lfl-A rnoetingof the st'ii'kholders if the llarrislmrg railroad company will he held on Monday the nth day of August, 18.10, at UM o'ciock p.

at the company's principal; onice, no. Til li Fourth street. Pliiliiuel phia, for the purpose of considering and act ing upon an agreement for the merger and Consolidation of the Harrlsburg Terminal rail mad company and the Hamsburg and flilppcnsbui-tf railroad company. Howard Hancock. Secretary.

OTICE. Pii ii.tKi.niiA. July Slth, A meeting of the stockholders of the Hnrrlsburg Terini-nal Ruilroad coinimiiy will be held vu Monday, th, 111 Ii dy A.uust, 18 Ml, at 18 o'clock principal office, No. txl fc.utu Fourth street, Philadelphia, for tl purpura acting upon r.J company, W. Tavi.ok Secvularfi in.

obi POUPEII to at SO In at An Sarsaparilla, PREP ABED BT ES. J. C. AYEB Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggists.

Plank's. Blazers. "There is a general demand all over the country for Ladies' Blaz ers for fall and winter wear. We received a shipment to-day (Friday) of creams, stripes, plain blue and plain black. These goods will prove very popular The, prices are $2.75, 3.50, $3.75, 4.00 and $4.50.

The early buyer gets the choice of shade and size and style. Zephyr Ginghams We have fixed a SPECIAL PRICE on Zephyr Ginghams. Those which scld at 20' and 25 cents are now marked down to 15 cents. Fall Goods, Fall goods are coming in slowly The first black goods and black silks are opened. Early buyers can be accommodated.

Some new patterns of China Silks. The line which sold at $1.00 heretofore can now be bid at 75 cents. Store is open Saturday nights. JOHN W. PLANK.

12 S. Hanover. Furniture. Office of H.SIERER FURNITURE MAKERS 49, 51, and 53 Queen Chambersburg, July 5, 1S90. We are just in the midst of taking our annual inventory.

We find we have a larger and more varied assortment of beautiful, unique, useful things than we had at last Xmas and we then had the finest display ever made in tins valley up to that date. We now have elegant XVI Century Book Cases, Sideboards, Hall Pieces, Parlor and Library Tables, Chamber suites, secretaries, Ladies' Parlor Desks, Artistic Embossed and Bronzed Solo Leather Chairs and Rockers, Fine ioldine Beds, etc. We have also quite a variety of new designs in the rich "Cremona" finish (after the old Cremona violins) nota bly a very rich Bed Room buite, Moor ish design Chairs and Tables, and very rich Hall Seat Chest. A few very pretty Tables and Chairs in the new Canary, Pink, Malachite and Belgian finishes on Oak. These are rare and beautiful effects not yet attempted by any one else in this sec tion.

i Our line of Upholstered work is very full and rich in covering of all varieties of Silk and Mohair plushes, Tapestries, Wilton Rugs, French Crepe Cretonnes, Chenille Draperies, Etc. Some special barg.ims lJarlor buites and odd A nice assortment of Latvn and Ver andah Chairs and Settees, Rattan Chairs, Splint Rockers and other sum nier goods. A new lot of Baby Coaches iust rC' ceived last week, 6 to -Bicycle or wood nee is At stock-taking we mark dowr many things to make them go. Fine Bank. Store and Ollice Fixtures.

Sfair Hails, Balusters, Newels, to order. 11. SlUKtili CABINET MAKERS. COIL, FLOUR AID. FEED.

LYKENS VALLEY AND WILkES-BARRE Kl.pclaltV. All kinds of FLOUR. PEED and POTATOES, OATS and CORN. Corn and Outs Chop, Rye and Corn Chop, White and R'd Hhorts, Oat Meal and Cracked Com, SiM'eiiiinirH. All orders )(t nt the new yards will receive prompt attention.

IRA GROOVER, Olllre: Eint Main 8tret, adjoining Letort house. Yards, fiorth-East street, orders left with H. U. Carr, No. 71 North I itt street.velll receive prou pt attention.

Kid dancing pumps are more serviceable for boys than patent leather, but you cau find both kinda at very low t'ilct'B at Strohui'g. Ay The great slaughtering sale of watches, clocks, jewelry and silver ware, at 18 East Main street, will only last this week. You have been paying or more for Roger's silver plated table spoons and forks. You can buv tbem the next ten days for 2.23 and 52.50. Roger's triple plated knives at 1.80 and tea spoons at $1.13 and $1.25.

Ladies ilver chatelaine watches for which you have been paying from 69 $12 you can buy at 5.75, 6.50 and 7.25 full jeweled movements. Boss gold filled cases, "hunting stem winding watches, with Elgin, Walt-ham or Ilampdtn movements for which you have paid 30 and 35 you can buy during the next ten days at 21 and 22.50. You can have your eyes tested correctly free of charge. Solid gold spectacles and eye glasses with first class lenses, at 3.00; nickel 1 and 1.25. Don't forget that you can buy solid gold plain band rings at cents a pennyweight; fine engraved rings at 90 cents.

Fine eight day plastic marble and oak wood cased clocks, cathedral gong below cost. C. F. REITLING, Jeweler, 18 East Main street. -Opposite Florence House.

BENJ. FOOTE, Plumber and Gas Rtta Basement of Sentinel Building. ALL WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Please Favor Me with Your Patronage. ALWAYS AHEAD AT G.

T. B. HERMAN'S. We are selling a Man's Shoe reduced from $5.00 to 4.00, and one from 4.00 to 3.00. A Woman's Shoe from 3.00 to 2.50 and one from 2.40 to 2.00 and many others the same way to make room for our spring stock, which is coming in daily.

Also, a full line of TRUNKS AND SATCHELS at the lowest prices. PIeas6 call and examine. G. T. B.

HERMAN, apr8dly 4 East Main Street. NOW IS THE TIME to lay in your winter supply of before the prices raise. It saves you money and less trouble. We carry iu stock the best grades of Lykens Valley Vilkesbarre Coal. Coal delivered to all parts of town free of charge.

HAT, FLOUR and FEED constantly on hand jt.ii urucrs will receive prompt-attention. J. T. HOSLER. Successor to O.

T. McIntirb. Office, North Hanover Street. lO-jn-daw THE RARRISBURQ Steam Heat and Power Company Office No. 128 Rhort.

Harrjsburg, MANUFACTURERS 'OF1' b', j' STEAM HEATING APPARATUSES, STEAM FITTING AND VEN-TILATING GENER- 1 ALLY. 7 Out i Erectors of Dickinson College Steam Healing Plant. Communications by mail given prompt al teution. WM Juljli12taw4wks. JENNINGS, i Secretary.

Gettysburg Harrisburg R. The Management of PINE GROVE PARK have decided to inaugural a weekly riv i open excursions, at very low rates, and have et-ievieu uesuay ui eacil weeK. As has been advertised, great. Improvement has beeu made in everything connected with thepark. The restaurant is In charge of a competent Caterer aud good meals will be furnished at usual priceH.

TheOrchestrathat will furnish tha music romancing on eacli ruesuay )s a favoriteono 'the valley. No charge will be made for dancing. You arelnvltPd to make us a visit on our opening day. We always have good order and we can promise you a nice time. The last train will leave the Park for HAKRISBT'KCl 10:30 P.

M. VRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: am in leave Harrlsburg, 7:15. 12:10 Mechanicsb'g UM 4.2 Carlisle, 8:35 UM Arrive Park, .30 1:40 6:35 7r01 7:50 RBTt'HNING Leave Park, 5:20 and 10.3 Ive Carlisle, Mechanicsb'g 6:38 11.11 Harrisburg, -NOW LOOK AT THE RATES -Prom Harrisburg, 75cts. Craighead's, 40cta Ml. Holly, 30" Carlisle, 40cts.

Hunters Run 30 Wm. II. Woodward, 27maydSmo. Supt. G.

H. R. Carlisle, P. Carlisle, July, 1890. Messrs.

Tom, Dick, Harry GENTLEMEN -I is left of the Summer interest you or your friends to save from 25 to 50 per cent, on your A Xl auuiusa yuu uiese nnes io come ana set a slice of these bargains etc. Yours Respectfully, S. KRONE NBERG The South Hanover Street Clothier..

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