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Guardian from London, Greater London, England • Page 26

London, Greater London, England
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THE GUARDIAN, MABCH 22,, 1888. ST. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION NOW READY. I By the Rev. Father DIDON, Of tho Order of St.

Dominic. ENGLISH TRANSLATION, REVISED BY THE AUTHOR. With Maps. Two largo post 12s. TIMES two volumos command admiration by their logical coherence.

The narrativo of a lifo whoso divino purity has stood tho tost of conturies is characterised by wonderful harmony of languago, a striking grandour of imagery, a dazzling amount of colouring." The "Life of Christ" has been received in France with extraordinary enthusiasm, and, noticed in many influential reviews here in its original form, has attracted almost equal atten Hon in England and America. Though a devout Catholic, Father Didon does not dwell on any controverted points in religious matters, and has written a booh not only for his own communion but for the whole Christian world. London: ICEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER, and Paternoster House, Oharing-crofts-road. In handsome crown cloth, gilt lettered, price DID MOSES WRITE THE PENTATEUCH AFTER ALL? AN ANSWER TO PBOFBSSOB DRIVER AND WELLHAUSEN. By E.

E. SPENCER, M.A., Formorly of Queen's Collogo, Oxford, and Vicar of All Saints', Haggorston. I. Tho Tho An Attempt to Moot Some Difficulties by cortain Historical A.phoriHiiiH—•IV. Extended Notos and Criticisms of Various Thoorios.

Fn this work will bo found an attempt to oxamino with sufficient thoroughness tho fundamental institutions of cortain rocont criticisms upon tho Pontatouch proceeding from tho school of WollhauHon, and to traco thoir fallacies, as woll aa recognise thoir merit. "A hook for students, and vory usoful will it ho to The Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. A good numbor of tho arguments of your hook soom to mo to havo a grout deal of cogonoy." Tho Provost of Queen's College, Oxford. Thanks very much for your able hook. Your chapter on tho archaisms in tho Pontatouch ospocially pleases mo.

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