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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 4

Buffalo, New York
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ploded aad quit haary eharga of aho star a any UmA, Thar are no Taxation. Spaeial information mar be) obtained by waa lodged ia tba bead of yonag Warner, "DUFFALO PARKf JgVERY DESCRIPTION OJT A Ocel Chlssss at Feeler Toronto ITathall Ton nto JMoOlaanaa Wetland I Kovca Tordnto rieh Michiyaa addreeeinf tba proprietor, Mr. 3. C. Bry at.

who, it ia fearad, will, ia oonaeqaenoe, loae tba eight of ona of his eyea. Warner live A Bloasota Stncu MlXKB Granite Hat Received this day. SoaBsthiag naw for a Summer hat at alS-lm BsaoTOLP ct Bao. Cast on CLOTHHia. It.

Boas berg Spaulding'B Exchange, para the tugheai sash pnoe for Udiaa' and gents' oaat off olnthing. Call at store, or addreai bo I 2892Pot-offic. a Woodard AUrUJa fTTHE KXCEL8IOS ROOFLKO JL MAIN ST. USE THE PATENT ENGLISH FELT ROOFING! It Is stout and durable, being auaie entirely et Flai All caadil and practical people acknowledge as once ita aaapeTio.liy. Rooflnf aitd repatrlar done pmtap'rv.

at No. 207 and Sboop at 210 Clinton street. THE SPORTSMEN'S CONVENTION. Bart I Boeheeter Sbepard Cbicearo NOTES FROM THE PEOPLE. AJ SEASON TICKETS FOR i870 i.o7tn..l,holderto tW 110 00 TICK FT holdr to all the 'prlel.

BteTde. urter atnxch and Trott par Ao-olMlon for aals at tbe ss.opUose. p. Ice vAe n's Wria-nt New To CITY AND VICINITY. CITY NOTES.

Bsunor says that th) Fenians Era 10,000 ktronc along ka border. Report My that rlook workman Ara ler-jbfl work to join tha moTmnt. ftw MtaJa BMmbui o( ona family tiring mm Parry itraat left with the FenUna for Kama Motvda night The Mb of aaata for Liza Weber'e nighta art tba Aoadam of Muaio will commanoa xt Monday morning. Panona aborting aqairrala at tbia aeaaon 8 Wade Brracue i Eng- ieh Albion WC Mi.lew Now ork i Metcalfe Minneapolis Minn gyle tf IT I Tui Fair Haven Maas iidnev Ward New Yerk SORTIKO CHILDREN. Mete IX Minneapolis riKSt DAY'S SPORT-A eLCCEWrCLOPEEISO.

raea ova ancle eeasasrosssav. RocHBarsn, May 24th. Tha annual Sportsmen's Convention Minnesota JOB PWKOTO Ttt lU dUor of (A kZeprt: A Co-Tie Tltua-rlUe Straw Goops and Ribbon from auction. Cheap. Opening thia morning, at Woodward's, Arcade Building.

Morse Kocheeter 0 Fuller St Unite Tiacher Admits my plan for "sorting WUliaaat Prov deuce It CunnioKhasa and wife opeaed bar fuoceeafully to-day. There JSA-AC HOLLOWAY, Dealer ta MEDINA AND LOCKPORr SAXD STONE, FLAGGIKG, CtJRBINO, PLATFORMS, DOOR AND WIVDOW CAPS AND Jona A aye Chicago Vienna irace nesBpua t'acvuieona nunaua ttann.ia children" good in theory; bnt finda great difficulties ia tha practice. I do not sup tLCutlerSon Wooew ClTdi-ville A W.weter deil.e QRAND INDIAN are a great many people here. Tha weather fina and everything is favorable for a few daya of moat excellent enjoyment. Tha trial of skill at casting tha fly took A Browa Conneaut A B.etchum Uurniof I Pri -e a A Jiaofi P'C A Houston poea that Superintendent, father, mother, SILLS, FUNEitAL CEREMONY in tra, etc.

of Mtcnuraa aa acta oor PearlSt. EXMCCTXD VT Office and Yard comer Maia aas Hamhorr Ci Mr even teacher, will sort out the bad the "tan a tbe child doea it himself by his bad 11 Chapman AwH'ton Mi a Bird Hudson atartin Manama loewbury Albion tl 0 Tenfrue Memphis Risra ftr. fort lass, Ulavaa. Ulaaaaa. tone Boxea WTadow Olaae, aaeorted etaea.

FLATS 9LA88 FOR STORKS AND DWELLINGS as Less than Eastern Prices. 60,000 tie. WHITS LEAD, I to bbla. LINSEED OIL For sale by A. REYNOLDS at 11 Mais at.

and Uovd at. Buflala. h. T. of tba year ara liabla to a fina of from two plaoe this morning near Ely' MilL The contestant were C.

W. Uatchinaon, of Tenoe-e Jehcn liinbamten fca twenty dollars for aaob and eery of fanaa. conduct. Tbe teacher only keeps the record of thi conduct. If the teacher is 1 If Jordan A Proctor PLANIWC MILL.

COURT ST. raOM SEVENTH TO BTAAT8 ST Utica; L. A. Pratt and H. H.

Morse, cf Tirrr sorsa. street organ grinder, in order to take 0 Lcvell Rhode Ialand Force New York at at Hub Birmtu Jewell Harilo advantage of tba prevailing excitement FIKK ALARM. LOCATION OF SIGNAL BOXES. Rochester, and Reuben Wood, of Syracuse Great skill in tha delicate art waa ahowi by these gentlemen. Tbe judgea were arkraak Wearing of tba Ureen." on i Drake Griffin Pboenixrille HoberVion do CluTora Vonke.

a To take p'acs at NIAGARA PALLS 0 SATURPAY THE fOIRTd OF UN t70, When the reaiaf. of at 10 taken yJI.f a i teet aon in they had a for a thound hi ri In a pramldal monument teiallv comtn ou-d the Fatta0 founds LK-kin on the Ths ceremonies will be" of a most highly Ipf-restins-nature, I elll lie on d-ucred by Lillet I u.lck Jf the Tu-carttra Trllie, in tie oi ANCIENT PAOA.V INDIAN BTYL, As pr ctised by the of this cuntlnsut prior to tt. UoT.ry hy rolumtms hief Cttsii wi 1 be set ed hy other Chiefs and a numbtr of the Tuai aror Indiana IN FILL W-lR CDfTUME. Low Buc beater WeaxJ'a Block, cor Mala and Sm at. Main atreet Yeetarday.

THE EXPRB3S THKKXFRBSS M. Clay, of Buffalo; W. H. Bowman anc Khn be r. Bnvllev Milwaukee Polic Station No.

One. Trr-o FURNITURE AT REDUCKmPIUCES. Tbe larfeet, cheapest and bast assortraeot of rood PARLOR, DINIXG ROOM, BED ROOM AND OFFICE FURX1TURS a th dty, ON HAND and. made to order a short notice, by 117.M-W-F ISAAC T. WHITE, UT Main at.

Damping the dredge boat ia dona quit JtC ui-rlibt Boaton Sbeuard Chicane sttreet pot prejudiced, I would yst aa aeon grant bun privilege of keeping the record aa to "flaggeilate" the child. In caae of tht "flaggellation" the child has no chance. In caae the teacher keepa and reports the records, and fifteen mark of demerit expel the child from the hool, be has fif leen chances to repent and retract and be a ood boy. ho more difficulty can grow out of keeping the records of aonduct thai. imnr i vinwa- ol Qf a JUL eft Boston George 3.

Tuckerman, of Rochester. Mr Pratt waa awarded the first prize a fl) too near tba month of the harbor for good (Formerly MarKet Building.) James W. Brown DKA7JER8 IN Al Dsaipti riauW Lnmlw, AND MANUFACTURERS OF DOOllS. MOULDINGS, AND OTHER JOtKERS' WORK, AC KINO BOXKfr' kc lumber pUod tmwed or othrwi woi or der prompUy mmi in (M bvatt manner. Uarir uw oims uf Lobon fc Beldinf! acrol saw, work of thia kind will be done with xWavnrdi-oarr amuothneae and raj.

idity; and havitur alao oi- evetl Cleveland Bemingwa and wile western XTatiSLtortatioo Uompany, tturar n. vans' Kieva'or, fooi of Erani st Newman, Vosburgh baker, foot of Llojd at Hteamer "PerrrV bou-, rry ct rod, made by Judaon Bros, of Rochester, health. The attention of tba proper au thoritiea ia oallad to it. loltdo Btrkb-ad Toledo a' 11. ore a Kentucky a.

Je ett'a Kovt. StoT Work MtBaanlppi st Buh A Howard. Main Street Bridge A a number of Sandav school chil and 11. H. Morse tbe aeoond prize a fl) book and assortment of flies, made bj Mark Penua l'l Brett TituSTille A Mclean do Colliua Cleveland New York A Brand do Gordon do i Ztratrveky do Haeaelt do Grabam Brooklyn 12.

Stamer "Yaw's" houw. iSouth Division 1 PRIKTtNO COMPANY PRINTING COMPANY Th eerrm 'ny II mmnerc al ona aVwI jo grows out of the vain attempt "to at the Muae um Urouuda, anaila a dn. 1 La a'man a oo MiaaCMarkle da Mlae overrKilt do Jelke, Cincinnati M.yenburg st Lou la tti- (teat the denial out of tba child. II th i HtiM AH BArtNFTT. James Ratcliffe, of tbia city.

Mr. Set) Green, one of tha best fly oasters in tb country, did not enter for the prise. eratiua "MoClel.aad pLaniDK machine duster. which teacher ia furnished with a suitable book in dsitbo srarss hotbu. which to record the name of the pupil, tht nature and the date of the disobedience, A drive of about two mile brought 1 Alexander Port Row remove the stiariiupt Irom the machine aa oon made, the planed lumber ia maie much amoothei thacithout this new contrivance.

A long expen CDce iii the busit.ew, and having new machinery the beet kind and with the latent IraprovemenU, warrant an 9wurance that the work of thia mill wil be of a Atht l.vrcter and ctaa in every reaped. VanAntwerp futtonuiile ahow just cause for saying to the ehild piNE ARTS ACEMY. TOUNO MEN'S ASSOCIATION BUILD1N0S. Th Gallery will be open a rery day, Pundava ex-oepted, frotu 9 A M. till P.

M. Admlaau.u, S8 oenu monthly. Season titket, nnu. bit L. a.

fELLHTEDT, Nuerintotnlent. your correspondent to the Fair grounds where the contests for rifle and trap shoot vnu have forfeited all claims to common tmrb Rome 11 williama Home HO. 14 EAST SWAM STREET NO. EAST SWAN STREET I Armstrong Pori Byron school. (superintendent, parent and teachei 1 Caley Oawevo Hiulicotk New York tl Kralt do do Wallace du -t Dewey Rochester II eat Troy A Lawrence Batavla M.jree Koc e.U i Heniierahut Ontario ing took place.

A atrong westerly breea- sprang up, which aaad the trap shooter Ca.e Pbtladeiphia Grevtth England 8 Wade Arcade bU-oderabot Untarto MARBLE WORKS. 8 R. gera A 1 Nottb Java combined caanot by any mean nndo what little poisoner of good order and morala aas done. 1 think we have but very few that would not as soon make inark on paper with a pen aa to make on tbe hand or back of a child with CLtK. PEARL at SWAN STS.

3VIAJKI3L.K WORK 13 Bonnev's Hotel, cor Washington and Carr 11.1 14. City Hotel, cor Exchange and Michijcan 1 4 15. Owwans A Beard'-, cor Perry and Chicagosis. 16 10. Corner Ohio ard Michigan sts 1 6 17.

Mukrridife'a Bakery, cor lk anl lllinoia 7 18. toot or Ma it 1. Niagiu-a Malt House, Ohio, below Chicago. .21 2:. Machine Shop, Chicago st, near Ohio 2 1 3.

Corntr Elk and Louisiana sts 2 3 2. Engine Nine house, JunctinnSwan Seneca. 2 4 25. i'olice Station No. Two, Seneca, below Lrouis- iana st 6 26.

Beck's Brewery, cor N. Division and 8priits.2 27. Steamer "Seneca's bouse, cor Chicago and FoUom sU 47 iS. Haatsetba b's Meat Market, our Michig-an and Swan st 2 8 11. Smith's Drug Store, cor Michigan and Battle.

1 it2. tdi nbacK Davis' Drug Store, cor Batavia ai Michiran sts 32 34. HoecTwo'a House, VV 4 36. Bteuaer hou-e, H-uon st, near Washington st 3 6 Police etai-ion No. Three, cor Pearl and Mohawk 84 37.

Hose oi.e'ai house. Pearl st, near Eagle 3 7 41. How Seven's house, Pine Wil.iam.. .4 1 42. Fink's Grocery, cor Batavia and Walnut 4 2 i'S.

Hook and Laddt Three's house, William st, near Uickorv st 4 3 4A. Bauoigarteii's Saloon, cor Uoodell and A 40. Mrs. Helineei's, corner Oeutsee and Elmst 4 47. Steamer "Genesee's" hou, Genesee st.

near The atteatloB ssf the snjaMe la oallad ta tUs dren and aleo aerernl popUa oi the public aohool, it ia expected will participate in the deooration aerricea next Monday. A pleaaant little party congregated at the reeidtnoa of British Consul Hemana lat evening to enjoy a sociable eelebration of the anniversary of tba Queen's birthday. Edwin Morgan, a peddler, waa arrested last evening by i'atrolman Shields, of th first Precinct, for selling brass jwelry pretending it to be gold. He was locked at Station No. One.

Nothing startling haa occurred in the police oirclea daring the past day or two. Twenty-two arrests were made on Monday, tha majority of whioh, however, were for drunkenness and disorderly conduot. Tba Queen City crew and the Live Oaks will Indulge In a race with their four oared boats tbia week, Friday evening, we understand, between six and seven o'clock. The will nrcbablr be from Genesee to folio In all its Tariety and Superior Workmanship and I Wat.on Hammandaport Jamea Rogers Allen Lt Murray 6l 1 Guelpb Ont Jamee li Jt Ottawa ihoberUurniuioooJa.ille 8 Waile Arcaie Uia, 11 Lawaon Ijondon Moulton Ar ade Mmton Lowell Tatlor8baron Pa look wsll to their barrel. Th bird wen in excellent condition.

Ixng distance rifle (hooting; ten shots muzzle rests; sight, (barring telescope) rifle and amunition unrestricted. Distance. 2M yard. Entrance fee, $5. First prixe, a Maynard rifle; second prise T.

HERS EE 'ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURERS Of CABINET FURNITURE PIER MANTEL GLASSES, Corniees, AndJSLanibrequines, EEEPKON FATTEKN8J FORTHl kB AM.f2ZrCI otvie mt reasa iiaoie pricea. A Inc. any kinds of OReNlTli furnithed on nhort ing, wbiaak are but a few of tbe saasy unsollolted DoUoes of tbe Press ha all parts of tka sosmtry elleitsd a rsosat spoaisoea of our work. ttrao or cowhide. notice, and OKATESof any pattern will be fumishvd The reason why the Savior commanded order at rew nork pncva.

3S Swan atreet ei0-ow those anxious persons to let the "tares" and arheat grow together, waa because tbe a 11 1 mea Areade McL'lp dj fat- Brady Lock port oehweig rl i Tnrim)itbD Toronto balam de fraocia Lmle Pbila Brown do .) Coaa no 8 Day Hamilton Chtrlea Fink 111 Mansfield A.hla'd Man Mra Howard Syracuae John B.rd Lock port laaae Smith Canbar out A liinderehot Ont WC Emorraew York gold medal. Tbe following entered foi DRY GOODS. not remove the tarea without tramp in a down the wheat. 1 see no necessity of trampling down a SATIN STRIPED gHOECRAFT BRCVS-Auotionecr. Lrx and lm-t rtant ml of SUPERIOR ENQ'ISH, PLA1KD WARE AND TABLE tyUTLERT.

Just rec ind (w ateemer Ruaala. OnTUSSDAYand VtF.D!r.8DY at 10 A. M. and a and 7 CM, At the Central Auction ooma, 82 Main atreet BY IHIOTIIKKS. Oootprislng Tta and Coffee 8etiltli Urna to match ot ih ne eat Urns; Entree Dish, Mun-tnd Oyatr Turrana, Large stalvers.

ironi 10 to 10 Inches, lie ltuhe Oohlm. Cake at.d 8t.atit-a, Revolving lluttsr ilts, Iinn ami Break ast- tastors, Wine and Hlokle acda, Card RrcelTsrs ood child in removing a bad one Irom school. the contest: John GiseL. of Buffalo; Fred. Glautz, Buffalo; George Rochevot, of Buffalo George Kelly, of Buffalo; William BiUing karst, of Rochester; R.

J. IUthbun, I Brown Detroit Hcrrr Tiottrata Pa From tho N. T. World, The Express Priuttng Company of Buffalo bar, lasued a Calendar, In colors, whtoh Is aa admirable 'Peclmen of their sapaclties tot oraaaioBtal work el this iseorlptlon. the teacher keepa an unfaithful record II Perry Tioaeta I'a II Wil Urua TlonenU Pa AND CORDED 1IQUES, he is, aa now, accountable to hi employer.

H. P. Bukuicx. Bailey Lockp Plnllipa luijTiUe ooloti Taylor Bllvar Creek aanosiL hotsl. Betnell Lltt falla Schafer Port Byron Auburn; R.

H. Howland, of Auburn, V. Suiuce 4 7 43. ficheu's vtslt House, cor Genesee and Spring.4 8 York street on the canal. Fine Oooda, at 5 cents per yard FLINT KENT, t61 MAIN ST.

61. Perch's Build. ng. cor Terrtsce and Mechanic. 5 1 th '1 arr Jo wray Homer hi.

Eaton's Pianmg Mill, cor Court 2 f3. Dort' Gn ery, tr lNiaara and Huron sts. 5 3 Jonathan Vinoect and Henry Swift, two men who appropriated a horse WESTERN NEW YORK. KRIS COUKTT. The Erie County Sunday School Assooia lion propose to hold aa Institute and Con aad 64.

Carmicijaei Grocery, cor Carolina A ralmer.5 A. Townsend, of Auburn; Cyras Bradley A Mt. Morris; Beth Green, of Rochester 0. M. Spencer, of Hsrtford; J.

J. Bausch if Rochester. The Judges were Messrs. David Wood Oray do FRENCH PRINTED K0BES lf. Pitt Agricultural Works, foot of Can lina st 66 boggy belonging to Dr.

M. VV. Hill one daj ovenos, vtl I lower Vaae-, As bi. rnnce Melodton Manuiacwry, cor bevcrjtn 8 arkty Erie Uiller Albany Ueemer Detroit Jlr A Rapeil Portage Mnepard New Yors Uatol do keilogg LeBoy JC rtnutr New York niUb Elmit a l. Morria Kiedoiiia 8 Oa-tle New London II Durand do fobmeon Hyracnae John Peach Dexur nplete s.

Is nf coinplt vaoire' ases nirco- with Cutlery. last week, were captured in En yesterd aiia Mariand sif 6 7 61. Toriier Delaware aTtd Chip ewa sU 6 1 vsntiun at Eden Corners on Thursday, Junt 'od, commencing at 9 o'olock A. in the A Bancrolt wife Art by Detective Martin Moran, and the pro lr. Fowler and George P.

Gouilling, 62. Hose El vtn's house, Pearl tt, i.ear Tupper.6 2 a ravee Rocberttcr From tks N. T. Soasoa. The Exprses Pruitlog Company, of dffalo, Is be-ooming Svlsbrated fur iu oul printing, a recent sjetoien of rk fiosa thia enterpnaii young con-ern a Calendar lor the new year snows a TriaVy of esquisite color that throes all the old fashions rainbows toio tbs shade.

It ia almost worth while fotng to Buffalo to lira in order to get era's decora-tire typogrhy executed in tula masterly sty Is. nrt Monvarail. The urisonsr we irt Ua ni Dat. port low Cornell nite ual Works, cor Delaware) and Vinrima stn 6 rfaptiat Church. Tha exercises will em uraoe tha discussion of practical and im 11 Maaon Rochester.

The first prise was awarded to C. Bradle 04. Voltz' a Groi-ery, Main at. opposite Allen. ...6 4 i -j brought to this city last night.

Tha schooner Gibson, built during AND PRINTED PERCALES. FLINT KENT. FRENCH LINEX SKIRTS AND FANCY LINENS FOR SUITS FLINT KENT. Kaal Canton and Frerch 71. Erie Coun Penitentiary, Kftn st 7 th O'Connor Conoeautville Edw.rd AibaDy i curke Batavia 8 Mer Rome amea Rogura Alden Wateon tXirtant topica and illustrations of the best of Mount Morris, and the second to Sstl 72 Trjompflon a rtarn, cor i ork and seventh sts 7 ib- methods el teaching.

1' aators and upturn cast winter by Messrs. Hitchcock A ri Wallace I'aiteraon Buzze Putter'a Cornc Creen, of Rochester. tendent of all denominations Jcntuuga Syracuae Dunkirk Thetjtate Trap Shoot wa nxt in order ol Craadail 8an Kraucico Powicr Rochc-ster son, will be ready to sail to-day. She oa of tha 6nest vessels ever turned eut are requested to give notice of this oonven ri It oouthw ck Palmra Weaver Albion Mich in their respective churches. Rev.

Messrs. Robert Newell, of Buffalo, ant. I. O. O.

F. SPECIAL MEKT Buffalo harbor. She is 237 tons, ne W. P. Barker, the County Missionary, Rev.

IG. The mvmbfjrs of Niagara Lod, PONGEE PARASOLS! Nos also mcimors of Mt. Vtrnin hncainpintrii 2t Roberta CrauesTille Dottfon lrvinrton Beamer Detroit Oatea Du Luih bemn naArkwr'ht measurement; length of keel, 120 feet; 1'. Cook, Edward Bristol, f. J.

Ferris. Ltavid K. Brown and other well known Sun 11 Lakin Jamestown UerfKid luaville alra Wbeeier OenevaO ilra Wooiirufl! do i Fie aebman Da roit do P.eble Syracuse No. 8, are i to meet at Odd Feiluw tiall over the ol i Postotticc, this weuv tr feet 2 inches breadth of beam, and 10 fee je' JUST RECEIVED. FLINT KENT A NEW FEATURE.

In order to properly ahow enr Wares, we bare taA-en the Mansion No. 65 i Main atreet, formerly owned by M. B. Sherwood, Fait whrre we intend keeping, ready for delWery. PARLOR, CHAMBER, DININO-hOOM and LIBRARY SI'ITS in sboice atles and of auerior workmanship.

Our UPIIOLSTERT DEPARTMENT will be under the beat akiil that the country affords. Ws are alao prepared to use our unsurpassed facilities in MANUFACTURING and F1NI8H1NO the INTERIOR FITTINGS OF DWELLINGS, (aueh as Mantles, Doors, Wains oatinrs, etc in all the minus kinds of hard wood; warranted to stand furnaee beat. T. HERSEE 891 A 3-J3 MAIN STREET, ettf And 662 MAIN bTKKET. i.

T. Murray, of Niagara Falls, ware ohosei japtains; Msssrs. U. 8. Fowler, A.

1'ritchard, Judgea, anil D. K. Jerault referee. The soore is as fnllows: skill's ami. May at half-v 7 cl 'Ck, to make anai gemen Watera Liitlo Fal nf hold.

Her model is verv ft ne From the New York Lodger The Calendar for IBM. lasusel by tbs publisher of the Buffalo Kipreaa, eaa prtatoJ la ihslr Printing Office, is oa. ot th. usetspeetm.asef ornameitt-ai pnntltig which we aeam. Buffalo Is undoubtedly aheau of hsw York la thu stylo ot iay school men are expected to be presem and participate in the deliberations of the Convention which it is proposed to make to attend tut fancral if our late brother l.oinij Plnn-r aim, Cat vers Ut match with ne ir irv liaiialliti, Simooaand Fork a ii kinn.

Illy, bailrd and pl.lll trn, iih l.rllea to nia ch, all ranteed No-. I qua. I and plated on pure nick 1 Butter Knive, I Kklo Forka Ao. Also A fine assort mcnt nf orket All to he aold at any sacrifice, on account of th leaving for Km, an I Ihl. monlli I his atock la well worthy tho at! mil Inn of linnee-keejiera.

bale positive. Terms h. Auction; r7 Regular 'tale daya WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY of each week. BY CHARLErt O. IRISH, At ths Clt Auction Ucuss, No.

0S WASHINGTON BTREET, Established IHA7. Parsons dsslrous of disposing or purchasing goods of any will dii.1 it to tlioir ailvantwa oallliiir at the eld estabilahed Auction II mao, No. Sua Waahington atreet. CASH ADVANCED on grxsts to he aold "or atored Furniture, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Ac, at manttfactiirt'rs irnn-a s4i ly TTliSl uii her build of the best. We have not FRENCH ZEPHYR CORSETS, ii ce.

W. HAYNErt, IN. G. It II. PPfciFFaR, C.

MA-iaio" norss. Oldflrld New York A Sandusky finer craft in maov a dir. oteresting aa well aa profitable. Ih AUU.NAliO.N WILL bfc GlVE.N meeting of the farmers sno Dra.e do 1 ade Syracuse 1 1 A cabins are very neatly and conveniently a jsVOS to the Pas of Nortn Stieet Mechanics Club, of North Collins, will be A new and beaut1 ful article. FLINT KENT, elS 261 MAIN bTREET.

6 8 1 1 0 II Vswfll 2Mb a ay, at the ranued. Tha Gibson is a fore-and-aft 0 111 1111 1 isld al Good Ismplars 11 ail, at Kerr Cor All frieuda are cor chuTi.ii next i hurstay evening, J'amuntire, '671 Peun y.VAiuast. oially invited. HAfre-hmv-nts. 1 1 0 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 i 11 Mrnil.d do olger do i hi Warren Rochester a na Owattoina A Perry Cauada 1' Wuli taker Auburn Mason larreu Grai.d Rapida 11 hubit-r C.

ciou A A Hamilton Bim on 11 McCrea Auburn Gnu it Neo York aers, on th last Saturdays (afternoon) e2ft i a each month until Uctober. ilading Waterman, of iSpringville, ad I. M. Hllilt.r r'. KUUr 0 .1.

O. Mil mr I W. llfforJ 1 tl Kola I eth Urean. 1 H.aiM.ttJi IMTEO STATE- ASbESK'a Or iCE, i 'Ihirtitth DUtrtctof New York, Buffalo, May 2i, 180. lliKlilVARE.

do fThuibrr do achoener, well proportioned, and fitted on by A. Montgomery. THE FENIANS. TH XCIIT MENT CONTINUES UNABATED. rertises tps wile as having left hia bed and 0 1 1 1 Praona Ogdensburg Laudaterg XTOTICE IS HEKEHY GIVEN THAT A OalorJ it Co.

ton Roc.e.ue toard, and warns all persons against trust Ll the annual 1 st o' a-esmt nt forth Thirties oo do do dj her on his account. The prospect ol 1 litctioti iatiict of the felaicof New York will II rampton A It al.b jr 8amon fruit crop throughout the middle anu 1-U ready tor in pcctiuu at tis tiice of ihe sst-asur ol 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Although nothing as yet transpireo lorthera part of tnis county is now ver t-aio Distii.t, at No. 2u7 Wauli ntou street, buffalo From the Eh ode Island sMeohauster. Our thanks vs duo to tha Buffalo Express Printing uomieiiT for their beautiful Calendar Card for 1M61. Though it had beeuiae aomeabat bruised and wrinkled win passing; through tbe mad.

it Is easy to percelrs thai it was ones as smooth and loraly aa the lace of Spring, 1 1 E. P. FISH e. B. ARMSTRONG, H.

FISH, fx. on 'lint dy of May, 170, and tor ten day in Fenian ciroles of a startling demonstre lavorable. On 1 uesday evening th 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 in erst Literary Association closed its tive still the fever of excitement thereaft and all apKals be then and in re eiveti and dtftermiiiid, rtla ire any enonc or fic HiTe va.utaons, or emim rati IKON WORKS. OHIO STREET, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. i.WM.

S. KING, Viae President and Snp't. H. O. PERRiT.Tioa President.

STEAM ENGINES, BjILERS, STtAM PUMPi, MINING PUMPS. I 1 reuular weekly meetings for the bummer 3d Buwaian A 1 Oanada p' It More Criicago A Judaon Dunkirk o. la a Pim'a tl 8 Prentiaa Worcester i' Amstie Litndon s4ra Anistle Loudon Smith Tol.da 4 urt Benten i Schrl. ey uhio tl Hi LouiHrllle li Ctncinijati Foots do tl 11 Troy Pieice trie eontinues at its hnighth, and the talk it hv the Aheseor or Asaiala- Asessor. rttumeJ lit i.aruiour Mar.

ill C.evelaiid IS niitu oo 11 Hills do lulls do West ake do Hoffmann Wheeling A chradcr nvansvihe II In. If uo Noyea 8t Louia Lawn (relieve Holt ooklyn now even mora Fanianatio in tenor thai the Kai-i luey will be resumed in August. the pupils of the Williamsville Public School iave been transferred into the commodioue 0 1 1 And all appeal! to the Assrsior, as afTesaid, shal 0 1 0 1 aver. The reports received by telegraph Ih; m.f le wntinr, and hetll bpe.ily he particular academy budding. The Driving Park 1 0 1 1 1 II 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 UAUENSTEIN A CO.

HAVE JUbT npiied th COLD SPRINGS GREENHOUSE, A large establishment AT I4rH MAI HTRKET. Reiiajuets wreaths, itnaai and flowers aent to Plant, for aln yesterday, to the effect that several thous 1 fcTEAM FIRE ENOISE3. Association of Springville has decided to FISH ARMSTRONG, GENERAL INSURANCE AGEN'V Office No. 60 Main Buffalo, N. T.




HARTFORD. SEW YOKE LIFE INS. KW YORK ands of tha Brotherhood were coming this caue, matter or tiirg res; net in a dtCHl rcjucHtul, and tshill mereover slate the ground principle of error complained cf MlCHArL WIEDRICH, 21-10t Assessor Stth T. Brass Castlnf-t, Rome aold a Horse air on the loth and loth (In Friday night the 27th, luel 'From th N. T.

Journal of Oommarc. Ths Buffalo Express Printing Company has sent forth a (au -tidsr for 188, wbkak la a rery haatdsums ecimen of deeoratlre art. (I 1 0 -0 -0 0 1 1 0 1 0- 1 Propeller Wheels, Iran and Wrought Iron Works, Ac. Dubois Pougbkeepsio Armstrong Albro Syracuse way, waa eagerly swallowed by the visibly agitated public, and last night men might Williamsville Singing Club will give a riaw- DISSOLUTION OF COPAKT 1 saVOL NfeaKSlilP. The hare been seen at tha depot and upon th Thi Decoration Committee of the Grand HI Ell I .0 I ..1 lrc ciLstir.g bet-weeu iTeiicn Doyla ia thia da Army of the Kepubho, for Memorial Day atreets anxiously enquiring if anything had uissolvtd hv mutual co Bent.

rocal and instrumental couoert under the lirection of Mra. S. M. Payne Spring lllo has began to talk of ooaerving Memo rial Day. The store of Mr.

C. C. itanbro at East Concord waa robbed ol 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Mr. houiss B. French, having pnrchafl'd the In 0- i been aeon of those Feniaos respectfully request the Teachers of the Public Schools to inform such of their WARRED RANGE.

1 1 2 1 u-ret of ald Dvy.e, will continue ihe orocery Trad' 1-. Joka itM. Huilik I. Tbomu, Jr. I.

M. A. Auyur. X. Mallard W.

W. Fuola W. t. Mubcuck II. Lucaa llaaaar lao.

Humar. a. UuJaou J. Evarah'd J. ft.

cattail. 1. B. a. W.

iloaf L. A. fratt I. B. Ualakt J.

U. it. Hochetcr. C. Mora Lovacraft.

U. Frau H. J. TcDiiar a. Hart I llatiu 1 W.tial i.

Ererstied i. Bilker i. r. ud I. Ml.rd (irran Waighcll i.

P. UuDipbraf Jua. Hmltb W. oi Iirupp Thooiaa I. Knapp X.

A. R. Ilurtiank O. liiUk7 Several large squads oame on frem tht at to Matu and wi 1 pay all liabnuUs ol l.iO late uupils aa intend to donate flower for th aevsral pieces of goods, some jewelry and a luantity of chanue a few nights ago. A 30 th instant to bring them to the Centra! 0 i (I- I- 1- I West by the Lake Shore road and dis tributed themselves throughout the oity.

School on Saturday afternoon next, be Arm aU wiil collect all teiU due tu firm. THOMAS FKH.NCH. PftlfcH C. OjUL Buffalo, MayJO, 1870. elft-g TXClftETNOTlCiS man named Charley Haines was sus Tt Is suhfltantlally of the best material compact in form, beautiful indaftlgti, and In all rewpecta lirnt ciati.

EMPLOTINO tareen 3 and 5 o'clock. The committee ected and when acensed of the theft u- 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 ariah to state that the Mabbath School chil while two or three hundred able-bodieu young men took passage on the 6:43 and I 1 Jren will provide all the flowers necessary HEADQUARTERS N. F. 0 ..0 .0 .0 .0 .0 BUFFALO FIRE AM) MARINF INSURANCK COMPANY. Formerly the1 MUTfAL INSURANG COMPANY OF BUFFALO CHARTERED IN 1843.

ASSETS JANUARY 11:10 trains East last night. As upoi ter decorating the graves in rortst Law l-l juiaiiHMoner'a office. in the afternoon, but very many will Monday evening, the depot waa well fillet. 670. 1670.

0 1 Buffalo, May lutb, SOLD AND PUT UP BY J. C. JEWETT SON, 18 '81 MAIN ST. required for like purposes ia the othei All iersona whose Hcait sell I'quort in thia cit (I 1 1 jemetenes in the forenoon, and it is for with the Irish element, males and females It waa reported on the streets last night haa on or aft' tht date, are brreey nmiHcd 0 this the donations of flowers from the pupil lo rei.ew tne game without lurttur relay. The pen 8.

8. Jewett, President. aivea niauc aji4 provtd aviulation ol the xcta that a propeller had left Dunkirk sometimr speedily left town. lie since been missing. CATARAUGL' COC.VTT.

A conspiracy to break out of th county was recently diseoveied by Shenfl Cooper and Deputy Aldrich and put to an tbrnpt termination. Mr. W. A. Eddy, tf Randolph, has returned home after a six weeks' tour Sonth.

The annual list of Internal Revenue taxes for this district, amounts to tho sumof 53. Pile same list last year amounted to $42, of the public schools will be used, unless he donor wish otherwise and make their Pree Wm. liOTerintf, See, Tboa. P. Sears, Aas't Sec.

OFFICE 48 J. M. Richmond, V. MAIN STREET. Law will be atrtctly enforce.

1. By order uf the Cou- niisionent. A I LYMAN, elltf CUrk of th- Board of Kxc'ao SKILLFUL WORKMEN SKILLFUL WORKMEN And oonatantly being receipt of the NEWEST STYLES OF TYPE NEWEST STYLES OF TYPE TOOLS AiD MACIILWY FOR SALE. fchos known. e2o 3c 1 1 .1 1 1 1 CHUKCli OF THE MESSIAH 1 .1 he Committee on l'ews lucur Han St.

James Hall, April 12, 1S70. Dcdlet Rockwell: JIFE, FIRE AND MARIN Is INSURANCE. ETNA INSURANCE aom. tt D. Karweil and A.

Lapham will be in at tendance at th. Church on jnday evettine; of eacl: Gentlemen I have used Beid's Star .0 ..1 .0 ..1 wee aunn(f tne mouth of May Thoan wislnt l(')5 49. Mrs. Chamberlain, wife of annay. Cover eiaht weeks.

In the saving of fuel THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS (Foot of East Twelfth New Tork). 11a for SALE a eumplt'te 'aasortmeDt of LATHES, PLANERS, TOOLS 4c, pews In the C'huieh cn ol. tain them by calling the tjummitwe i7-lw4H Thomas J. Chamberlain, died in East Ran DR. H.

DE CARL'S Medical Itutltuto, No. 2f.3. WaHhinion Ht, BKTWKKN ANJ HVVAN HTH. NRAM THE KOHTOKFICK, HVKTALO, N. Katablihhod fur of hitfhly linportaiit olwM of UitviAdiM tvtthtut ui rcury.

(rrrnnth Buffalo Mirifr. Jul f7, 18(57 DR. UK UAHL'H MMHc INS riTUT. Aiunnf th mnjr Inniltutlans If rl'jr fir the of humAfi ufli-rtnir Varloua chronic (leranru mULA) of the mynvrm with "which many of huth mxm aro altlictwl. nonv ha met with innr miMwi Uian tbe tiwtt tut ton und.

r-tht rh-rifti of ir. II. Carl, owt Kits and ttt anliinKui Thli lna ltiit wi entahll htl tliia 'iy May In, Ikimi, and the pcullr trnattn ngti whtt-h the ai.intii are sutijpciwl, haa, we are cr rlihly info mt hj thone who have leen benc(ll w.rkHJ many w.m.Jmfui ouree. The Doctor oontiplea a tiandenmely furnlhti null of roitna, connUtiMK of bai i dii, -urifery, mj-llon rooinn. Ac, I counrviiu with which liw the onlr Medicaud Vapor iUli in tine city.

Thin vaHr bath, In ooiijunct'on with an appropriate intrnJ treatment, haa afforded rjlif m-tiy tMutf-flic ed with akin and uthtiK dlwiiMtN In one half the time ueually employed hy fticuriaJ iimnt. Ihe rM.m and hatha are arrMtiii ao a paraie aocommodatioiu for nale -nd fuinle paio and the irreateMt ta e'iaJrnd to in-th The mHllcted vapof tAth, rllh the uae of In-nocent tropical roou an' r'e. ffcti an fdy curna in the met atuMtrtt hro.riic cejfi( dtHft- of the hoB'sig and ooniplK-au) aw, where the ooruititu-tlon haa teti iniialrl by rum 1 he rl'fait arraiitrearr of the rwmt ao aa to aea'ure privacy to Miraji-a of both aeica who may feJ dl.ponei t-t kvaii tbrTelVH of the tath and the peculiar trwalmant to which tb, are auhecttd, and the atuco-ai that haa Immu denvnd from Uieir nae ba given In a -hort ilrne to lr la Carl'a inatltute that utrty enMou. obtatittvl but by thoe who have devoted, ear of toll and etuly tu the proftaaiMn. Th Tmtiitmr ftatitrtt that dally rtwirl thetve retniMti ia to be relieved ot riivl adieu thu have ma-le life aurden, fuJI aticmt the -kill of Ir In iftailn cbrotno dlwaMMt Praona thua aftlu te-1 eniM not do Imtu-r tna iftve thta oourae of titnkMit a tf' al at and to thoe who have auch dlrareaMe l-i Hlielr iiiclpient au -a, a rwtrt to the tiwtuacnt wil much pin and ind preservation of tbe stove 1 thick I havo Wilbur.

Taul AN ELKlM'lON MRr.C saved their cot rvery wfrh since 1 got them HAKTFORD, CONN. Incorporated 1U19. Charter Pali op Capital vpetuaL lolph, a few days ago, of consumption. Vt the recent village election in Uleau the icense party elected their ticket by thirty asVS TttUS Or THE NKW VOKK ANU ER MCRRA SID. Yours truly, ell CiiAkLE.i G.

Flint. U.OOO.OOl H.t.Nh, and of thrte Iusp ctora, will be held at a For workintr wnod aid iron, arid smiths. anI -nk on the 28th day Alay, betw en th And tbe moat spprored mechanical appliances the art. We are prepared do all description of fKtilermarer.s' tooN; snttible the manufacture huitra of 10 a i.l 12 A. lavr3 majority.

Olean has a Fbilharmonie ho There will be a Spiritualist meet- ne at Union Hall, in (lowanda, on the 4th printing In tbe it-cam engines, iHtilr aitd Keiifral msw hinery of every description, toother with the drawintcH tT Our Speciality Shawls We keep th. THE MAIL. 1 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 pat erni relating Ut the scue: the eninf largest and best assortment of 1 aisley an I T. Murray, inn. Ilrtz'ar.

A. kclloKr r. (trial I. Walur. H.

II. Mnraa. nd 5th of June. Distinguished speaker tnjilers, cranes, foundry fixtures, -halt tig, pu lej be AILAKRANGEM ENTS. PO.ST OK Ana nem, ine rai a'He lot or (frar alien (he- re expected to be present little son Mr.

Frederick Weicant fell into the mill L. J. END EE, President. J. 0OODN0W, Secretary.

AA8ET9 January 1, lft9, at market Talus. Saab on hand and in bank 120 67 ttal estate Vil 1 Hortrae bonds Bank stock 0 Uaited 8tatos, State and City Stock and other Public 001 Total 5,160,31 7: Claim not doe and unadjusted. Ot Losses paid in 60 ysara 0 during the afternoon, loaded with meaner Buffalo. This, however, waa taken will considerable allowance. A very large number of Hibernians ar now in the city, and we cannot but ad mire the shrewdness with which they mine! their own business and ward off all inquisi tive questions.

They are behaving them aelvea very quietly, and make no boast, more than a determined shake of the.hea aeoompanied by "you jist wait." Whei they do move they promise to let us know Bullock' Confectionkht. Bullook't new store will be opened evening at No. 355 Main street, in the new buildinj just erected below the Y. M. A.

Building, with a fine assortment of Confectionery, Paatry, Ieo Cream and Fruit. Ioes of everj description. Biid'i Star Stovi Cover and Dam fib Tha sale which this Cover is meeting witl in this and other State i most extraordi nary. A good man is wanted to bandh Pennsylvania. This is a chance that scl dom presents itself.

Apply at Dudley A Rockwell's for further information. itner sbawia, at tne lowest prices lo found in the city. Murray, Sons At Innes. elG 2w 404 Main st. injf tne mo complete in tne untr, and tt fixtures taiid (turns the coutruciioii and erec until further notice, the Mulls at thia office will 'ace in the town of Dayton a few daye V.

Jacua 0 cio.Hei an lollows viz: lion of architctu aJ work. Itatavia ai Rochester at am, 1:20 and Also, a Jl Heam Engine, exllnrler tW inches since and was drowned. xtri COCNTT. ny iu feet strike, suitable fir a coatin- or heavi Syracuse, L'tlca, Tfby and Uawgo, at 6 a and m. Boys' Clothing.

Wishing to close out An old woman 'named Mary Martin jamf- Cananilai-ua and Auburn, daily at 6:20 a Kani truer. Terms c.inh or (rood reuritics. benn for Catai-un. d30-MWrira the stock, 1 will sell for one-half the ongi anu 7:30 n. Geneva at 0:20 a m.

and 7:30 m. BEST MANNER BEST MANNER AND AT THI LOWEST RATES LOWEST RATES ual cost. James B. Kooert, Ct 106 Main st. 11.000,001 New York, Al' any and Boston, daily, at 1:20 pm Cash OapHal OPS INSURANCE and One Mail on bunUaya, closing PROVIDENCE, R.

I. at m. Schenectady at 5:05 and 7:30 m. Thirty cases of boys' flt and straw hata Oaah Capital and Surplus A .0 .1 .1 A .1 .1 .0 .1 .0 .1 1 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 1 1 .0 0 to WHEELER WILSON'S ROGER WILLIAMS INSURANCE COMPANY On Sunday only one Mail a-nt eastward, Tia th. Central aupplyim; all 'he olTicca except th.

tinall way offlr es, closing at 12:30 m. All Eastern Maila made upon Sunday close opened this day, prices from 25 cents $4 00, at Bergtold Bro elS lm. PROVIDENCE. R. Cash Capital and Surplus 1301,368 SI H.

Clay I. H. 1. I. Gilford -V.

H. H. I Anuin it I. U. fl.

1. Cola A. II. Johsaos 1. U.

Tavuaand. 4. M. Maynnv '1 B. Chaila I.

H. Sharps I. Backwith t1. Kaatharataua Manning I. eea L.

h. ItcnniaoD. W. I. F.

Laarrcnca. I. Nicho (. Corp-on J. R.

UptuD I. Forcat tf A. Kclacy Uuetxuian. H. Harria D.

Pairs reat anpenne. m. Vv ashinirton at 1:20 and 7:30 m. at. P.

DO Airent, Buffalo, N. Boys' Sailor Straw Hats, from $1 50 to from tne Buffalo Ei, June 6th, lfVIe.j A lis IT. a day or ta) jWo we vietfed tne new ISToiseless SEWING MACHINES Policies Issued at fair rates and losses promptly ad Phila1elphiaand Baltimore daily at 1:20 pm an m. )ated and paid at thia office. 00 at Bkrotold s.

Bro. el8 lm. M.dio Inatltute of lT So Mud trwet. ap etakire. Dr.

De waa formerly of Nov Mails for all places between Buffalo and New York utnee oa tsuuaina, up suaira, mil udi nui. am and connecting routes via the Central Postal York, and la well known ii i la city He haa a il'-e- Cars, at 7:30 m. ed from the third story window of St. Mary's Hospital, and killed herself while temporarily crazy last Thursday night. The following officers were elected by the Rochester Water Works Company a few lights since: Presidont, Hon.

Henry R. Sclden; Vice Presidont, A. J. Wilkin; Secretary and Treasurer, W. H.

McRae; Directors, Edward M. L. Durand, general John Williams, James L. Hathaway, William R. Utley, J.

C. Winslow, Jeorge Shelton, Daniel Marsh. It ia ahl that the Syracuse Common Council ft'ill visit Rochester sometime this week. Mr. Marvin J.

Green, an old and steemed resident of Monroe County, died in Rochester the latter part of laet week vfter a long illness. A woman named Mrs. Robert Stewart was fatally injured bj explosion of gunpowder at Rochester last Saturday morning. Her sufferings are accounted as horrible. The residence of Mr.

Joseph Cochrane in Rochester was destroyed by fire on Monday morning. The 10 i I l-: 1114 1111) 1110011-. 0 1111111 1110 10 11, iioooii 1-: 1110 1110! 111110 1 1 110 0 110 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 i 010111 1 i oiiitiio-; 11110111 i 0000011 6 4 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 it I 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 l-( 0 10 110 10 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 1 1 0-7 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1-1. 0 110 1111-t 0 I 1 0 1 1 4 1 a 1 1 I 0 1 1 0 I oooi looi; 1 0 1 I 1 1 0 a 1111 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 I 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 I 1 0 1 1 0 I 0000111 11 1 1-: 11111110-1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1- 0010100 i 0 8 0 11111-1 0 0 10 10 0 1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-t 0111001i 0 1 1 1 oooo- 0 oooeo i-s 1110 0 10 l- 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-t 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 01 11100104 11110 1 1-f 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 1 04 0 0 0 110 1 04 0 0 0 1 1 0 1- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 010100 0-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-11 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 i- 1 0 1 0 0 tin ly arranged ault of roome, amiprtainc a mmplUm rofatii, bath n-ra, enrKery, tttte i up tn kfttA Will made Mattresses and Lounges KIPOSITION fAKIS .1867 way Mail between Rochester and Syraeuae, old Lloyd streets. UTt INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.

road, at 6:20 a and 7:30 m. Mattresses renewed. Lounges repaired at atyle. Tba Dirtor haa ban) very auowMrtuMn bla Way Mail between Tonawanda and Batarla, at 1:10 BaIIR A Pullman 3, 105 Washington st, treunnt of difficult cmim, fnm of wiitch had (ein eofiald'-red ho by other akillfu) phyeiiana( ai.d haa refreiK3ee from uulte a muler oi well known CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS HANDBILLS, LETTER HFADniOfl LAW. FORMS Aoramulated Capital flS.000,000 (r Annual Incoms 000.000 00 ana 7:30 m.

Way Mail hetween Niagara Falla and Rochester, ai 10:00 a and 7:3 m. Way Mail between Buffalo and Coming, Tia Avon at 6:10 a m. -turpi ua shore Liabilitlee Oti eitlasna who have auffred tonn trutn paimui die and who have, by thm Ioo ora atkUt. bt a ALL POLIC1E8 not- FOWratiTTNr A PTE relieved, a.d are now enjoytruf rood heaJth. The tor can be otmaulted at rooma daily, from 7.

I. SECOND PAYMENT CASH KATES I CASH POLICIEU CASH DiVIItENDSl Way Mail between Atticaan.1 HornellariUe, at 6:10 a m. Mail via Northern Central Railroad through Penn Oysters. Wholesale and retail, Eaqan 2.51 Main street. AWARDED, OVER 82 COMPETITORS.

THF HIGHEST PREMIUM. The OnTy Qold Modal. 81,000 Machines Sold in 1869. THEY COMBINE ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. Wheeler and Wils-m's Machines e- mttine nm- Da.

DSCAHIe ia the onlt lflrrJy e-lu atad. ImrtU Ttlridends mid annually, commeaclnir at the end .1 ..0 ..0 ...0 .1 .0 ..0 .0 ...1 ..0 .0 ..0 .1 .1 1 .0 ..1 I. Keclar I. Shuherl 1. N.

Ltaninir i. F. Freeman. 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 sylvania, at m. mately qu diflnd and KrflfiM ML PhyeicUn In INSURANCE rOLICIE of the FIKHT year.

Huflaio who devotee bis attantlon to dlaeaaa way Mail, fcne Railway, from Homellsville, east 1:20 and 7:30 from Homellsville, west, bmrfenda may he nsed to kkiiuuk tne annual Spring Millinery for the wholesale and of the eexual oivana. AND EVERT.EIND OF 1. Ilrandoa rem I urn. or INCREASE the caah ralue of the 11. Fia, ta naiance oi luastem aiall, 7:30 Sprinjrville, daily (except Sundavn), at lo m.

FACTS ARC FACTS. Oood phystctaiis aoknow etars hat superior skill ENSEAL BUSINESS Smith Ik-y I Applleatjona respectfully solicited E. P. Buffalo and washintrton Railroad and retail trade, now opening, at Woodward's, Arcade Building. Miller loss amounted to about $7500.

datl (except Sundays), at 9:20 am. and unpreoedentivd sttaeeea, at-' eend teleaa ciw.ea him Ptien suftVrlng ft'tmi akin iaea.ios, die- H. F. Clarence, daily (exeppt ijundavs). at 1:30 East GlenwiHsi Colden.

Griffin's Mills of tbe bone, vaiioua'icrrena of Ce'iheaia. and watnb county. Rev. Horatio N. Brown, formerly cf TIIK 4KTS ihing tliat Dan he required in the manufacture ol iwmenta.

Our lri-nds ahroavl may b- avii'at Uat they artil sire entire satis actwn, at that to pur POSTERS, and West Falls, daily (except Sundays), at 1-30 Erie, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicaco, fin tnnati, St Louis, and Milwaukee at 11:05 a and 7:30 m. R.adlry I Vina m. J-far. A Itowua i. Waat A Million rolls of Wall Paper, more or tnose anomalous and eotnp'feiated cai s.

old etend. ing, where tbe eoiieiituUow Isae I of suffered from protracted ntercurtml treatanen, should uot defir, but call on Dr. DeCarl, and to a oourae Lyons, is engaged to till the pastorate of chase ore of thtm ia a rale investment." M. Ubeerrer. less, to be sold at the Cheap Paper btore, Overland to California, at 11:05 a m.

Balance the Presbyterian church at Canandaigua. 361 Main street. New styles of Window 4 his fumiiratlnsi Vapor tuu.a In with tbe estem Mail at 7:30 m. W. Anthanv .0 1 .1 1 .1 0 .0 1 1 .1 0 shades in endless variety, Floor Oil Cloths, way nan between Buffalo and Toledo.

O. at 7:50 PHOTOGKAPIIIC VIEWS! OF MACHINERY, A. A 1 MO rMI'iTo- ADVFIKTMINO CARDS, tae llun tred, at low rates L. BLISS" Ca'Iery. rt 379 fain -treet.

Inter- al treaiuent, or estrar is of Triptravl liar ttoola and Ls.ves. wbasb gr'sF arrthln degrees V. 11. Bowman m. 8.

W. STONE Agta. Office and Salesroom 175 Main street, eomer garaa A Post of the Grand Army of the Re- publio has recently been established at Lyons, with Colonel A. D. Adams Com Held.

DiinMrk. Fredonla. Lake View and to. d9 eod-tf FeBiNSON Korzeliu. d.

E. at. of be equator, and nearly vtwlrr a renioaj PROGRAMMES, COUPONS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, BILLS Ot LADING, Tha Medicated Va or In oontuictlon with Angola, also at 3:15 m. riet. A western Mail is made up on Sundav.

eloeincr ai an appropruoa Intsntat Uwslsn mt, flrvd. Its ap ilica tlon in almost ever form of Straus without risk to Total A1ENT3 AND CANVASSERS WANTBrt sl las i.w mander. The Clyde Times says: The fruit prospect wa never better in this vi LockportMaU. dally (except Sundays), at 1:40 Dress Gonds, Pique' White Goods, and Nwell'a aide, it will be leen, won thf th sstltution, and dtmiiushtw tba duratusn of nr dinary treatment at kaaet oaeMiaJf. It Is particularly Indiasted In tub-ronlair -and chronic pustular unity.

Ihe trees ot all varieties alio I -w III. Buffalo a Lake Huron Railroad. dailTfexivnt Hun. Alpacas, at very low prices, at match by just seven birds. FAMILY SUPPLIES.

JADlt--j AN OhN 1 LtM LN'S HA III WOIIK FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. hang loaded with blossoms. This is days) at 7:30 m. of an saio, in aiseuas Ol traa Donee and MURRAY, SONS 1 USES, 2w 4Ct4MainBt. BY-LAWS periosteum, In many forms of Cecheile, Aa heering for all, aa we will, without loronto, Hamilton, and Railroad, at 10:00 a and 5:40 Montreal at 10:0 a m.

ICE. TO-DAT. The programme for to-day ja as follows: PiiTOt, Bnoonso At oVlee.k A. Joubt. indulge this Summer in the luxury LAKE DR.

DE CRL itetrott, da.iy (except Sundays), at 10:00 a. m. THE UNDERSIONED, eentetnpletlnf miklnf at I' win m. of fruits of all kind. A yonng man named George W.

Barton, who resided near ESTABLISHED HIS 'MEDICAL IN. Mosqurro Hat (came in to-day) at elS-lm Bergtold 4 Bro. Iridic hand; open airh'a. Barel ne. orar 12 India, Uia aaee.

16 tarda. Entrance tea. 6 00. at 7:40 a m. Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridtre at 7:40 a bCFFALO ICE COMPANT.

Office 21 Seneca comer Wa-hlnjton. Ki Prise A revolTer. kaaond Priaa an STREAMERS, an earl day, a trip to Europe, IT -ra fora-le, fo thirty dava, at priet unprecedented)' luw, i is auper or auck ol LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIR WORE. Lyons, accidentally shot himself while working on hi farm a few day aince and, and 5.i0 m. Medal Hums Tair "hoot At 10 o'alnek A.

Tonawanda at i :40 a and 1:10 pm. PoeTAL Car Postal Can are M- We rnarantee to our patrons a full anppl- of Lekr Prttea. lat, td, 1J and 4ih alaaana of abou Oi. Ublished on the Erie and New York Centra! 25 cent Boy' Straw Hats, worth 50 cents, to be had at 23-lOt Berctold 4 Br. as we bear, injured himself A protracted and exciting religions revival in the vicinity of Newark, in this county, was Ice tie aea ihrourh.

Our Ice Iloua betnar It being hia own ra re he can cemAdetitlf and Hudson River Railroads to New York City and the -ca. fo jt of Gerw ae. treet, the ic ia uecHt INVITATIONS, OEDEES or DANCING, 8TKECT BILLS, BILL TICKETS, RoortNo. Job' trial were light comparison to the possession of a leak roof. Tha English Felt Roofing ia thi proper remedy.

It looka as heavy ana tout a sol leather, and i applied by thi Exoelsior Roofing Company, 8t) Main street Sea advertisement in another column. Bitten BT A Doo. Sometime during Monday afternoon, aa an old lady named Barbara Yaw, aged aixty two years, wa. paasing along down Niagara street, she wa attaoked by a dog near Crawford's Marble Works, and severely bitten. The anima waa owned, we understand, by a Mr.

Diokens. Ups ahd Downs in Lira. Wa ara informed npon what may be regarded a reliable authority that a man named "Dock" Dibble, now (topping in the oity, ia malt ing preparation to jump from the top of tha Liberty pole on tha Terraoe upon tht Fourth of July. How ha will acoomplist tba feat without fatal results nobody knowt but himself. Tar Circus.

Large number of peopls attended tbe circa yesterday afternoon and evening, and all bad every reason to be pleased with tha entertainment. There are a number of interesting specimens of tbs untamed brute creation in the menagerie, and tha circus performance possassea quali' Wee to please and amuse both young aid old. Only two more entertainments will be given this afternoon and evening. Personal. Mr.

John H. Meeoh la now in New York negotiating, wa understand, for Summer amusement for thi nnappreci-ative Buffalo public Tbe Messrs. Meech will offer oar people a variety, ao that all tairti may be suited. Ex -Governor Marshall Jewell, of Connect tout, ia stopping at tha Tint Honae. Colonel Henry Stagg waa ia town oa Fenian business bent, Monday evening.

Bcm" Education. Th Bryant A Stratton Buffalo Business Institute, eetab-liahed in 1854, ia th moat thorough practical and beat business school la America. Gradaatea of tbia inatitntioa are ifdamand a all part of tba oonatry ia consequenoe of Ibeix superior bnslaesa qualifications. TJneqaaled advantages ara offered to yoong man Ud IftdiM i awnog useful aid i r. the Lake Shore Rai roa.1 Toledo.

Ohio. Let- ahthout be ai? fl aau-d tbrotb the canal, which en- only Ut mamtieraof oifTuilaed aluba and eounrj dia (atec from this Htate, at 10 each. Bh. limited to ounce. Othcrw aa ia aecordanee wit a tha Rules of the New Tork Stat Sportaniao'a A nodal loe.

rntraneafee, CO. t. ra can be mailed on the for all points East ami reeomroriid It unsurpassed in thia city. A I mi saue choiee raritiee of for the Theatrical Profession. A.

MAJOT, 119 Main atreet. dtl (Over J. Jewett'a I iles ua ut variant tt to be en-lrcly free frvm all brought to a climax on the lota instant by baptism of several persons in Price's cm tne nne or tticse ruaiij up to 0:40 a on las tar. and aeare-ave impuritiea. he Erie Kailwav: 6 20 a ra on the Lake khnrt mill pond at East Newark.

I ua uelitrrr ar'itiit i tnis (f mrai an colored Flrat Priae Ona of Parker Beet Double Barrel Railroad: 11 anl 4:10 am on tha New York 8T1TUTE IN BUFFALO for tbe alleviation of human, differing, by offering to Dtiforturtete pera fta, mk'ttd with Chnm Ihe-aessa and their symptoms, surwand aafr methode of cure, oa th olio basis of eoiyia and aouod j.lillo-aoiby. Itr DeCarl treaU thee romtCainte with the hap. pleat raulu, and be Is eonstsntly rwanvlnc and eur in; hopeless eaane from a aaru of the Union who have h-ew b'Trertly sdvi 4 by ther phyat'ians a a rlernier resort, to avail Uemselvse of bis su parlor treatment. TO THI LADIES. The vartons oompl oated amdvdlsttwsins; dlsitsu taotdanttsi female trestad wfn eminent suoorsa, and speedily, ettred, wlth -uj urrlmou.

dniifa. In-furious or w.palatabl mdi nee of any kind, ffeva a delicacy about ralllnr, matter what your trrrahle mar h. The affltctel A eonliaJly mvitad at It and prominenjy -aTf ICE." J. A P. Coat's beat six cord Spool Cotton.

Only 6 cents a spool, at Murrat, Sons Innen, 2w 404 Main at. fLACAUDS Central Railroad. Breech Lnadinr dhoi Oana. Second Prise A OoM Medal. Third Prise Hilrer Medal.

Fourth Price Ail orders left at tha Company jme- or with thf The Poatoffice opens at 7:30 a and closes at 7: SO ri -era. wtil meet with prmp attentio awt win A Silver Mount, Drlakinf Flask. m. filled al the lowest rates. fains Shoot To take place lairaedla'elv after Trap khool Open ie all rrpreaestailrss SfSi'RA NCE, Sur.daya, open from 9 to 10 a and from tt m- THOMAS BLOSSOM.

P. M. i-VI IF th Preee, In the Stat at Ave aintle birds each. Birds free, and ne entrance free. Flrat Prise A Bh.ele Barrel She Oua and RIBa eeaablned.

Second Priae A Peek-t Pistol. Third Prise A Travellnc Compaauoa. Friaes be (Iran on the (round at aloe of oonteet. MIUROIt AGENCY. Our.Cltizena'wantinf LOOKING CLASSES, Picture and Portrait! Framf CHROMOS.

Engravings, Scripture Texts, BANEINO, STEAMS mr, THEATRICAL, LAW. YOUR Get one of Bergtold's 5 00 Panama Hat for $3 00 291 Main street. el8-lm Best French Cambrics, in the latest styles, only 25 cent a yard, at Murrat, Sons Innes, el6-2w 404 Main at. Keep Cool Hat received to-day, at elft-lm Bergtold at Bro. to tawll and satisfy theanlv.

Dr DeCarl's larre, oomm Adidas and well avntf. leted rneanrttoa roooos lor iadka ar th flnswt la ATTOBJTETS ADD C0DNSELL0RS PolU'K Court. John Smith an4Thom IH PATENT. CAUSK COHCXET LIVlNCgTTN COUKTT. A base ball club haa been formed in the village of Lima, which ha chosen for itaelf the appropriate title of "Shoo All presume, are taken care of.

The wheat crop in thia county exhibits very favorable prospect. -The people of Mt. Morria have called an early meeting to make arrangement to celebrate the Fourth of July. Mr. Thomaa L.

Franklin and wife, of Mt. Morria, were thrown from their earrag while en their way to Nunda, on the 15th and were both severely injured. Hon, B. F. AngeL of Geneaeo, ia to nave charge of the department of fruits.

and flowers at the next State Fair, A bona owned by Mr. L. C. Bingham, and occupied by a Mr. Minneham, situated West of Mt.

Morria, waa burned np one morning about a week siboe. Mr. Minneham lost all he had. iJt anything else pertaiiunf to Smith war arraigned Teeterdar for FLOUR RJteEMNER tha Or. Carl PobUshes bo ear.

Haaaaat to dupe tn unwary, aosl anakas lass rrpr. money be calling oat K. C. 8PRAOCE. W.

H. FORBOSH. JAT HTAT J. R. HOWELL, vagrancy, and both of them were sent to snraa aa mi' wm nu as vs will be faithfully the Workhouse for terms of sixty daya.

etrartleal Oi'tW and Frame Utar. ItWosi Itae in ahhisrtnw TMfan" Noa. 1, and 8 Weed's Block. Mr. Ppraaroa continues the practice of ihe ytlr We.

lt Charles McCoy was fined ten doUara for DOES CACTlOlf TO TBE UNE JRTUN ATE. REMEMBER that Dr. DatCarl will eur any aa. braochea of hia profeawon at No. I Weed's Block.

And committing assault and battery npon Mary al ebront daaaae in etna th time It tak McCarthy. FORBUSH A HYATT, Solicitor! of vUiers, eaa rna UUs to briitf relief to II a satlieted aaad anfoTtonaU All the latest novelties in Hat, Bonnets, Flower. Ribbon and Trimming, now opening, at Woodward's, Arcade Building. WELLS' COLLEGE. ON THE NOT Miobaal assaulting Jeremiah 1st snaefusaon, I wui UI ail who read tnis, and faari tknt tbwy ar la any way diaesaard pleeee ha aw kind ss to writ aoe simple, foil statetDent of yo ir II i ilium, and by rstnra mall yen wil wt a reply.

AMXBICAJf AJTD F0EE1G1T PATEHTS," WeaxTs Block, ear. Main and Swan sta. Jay Hyatt, Attorney and Cotxmnr. rnrhaah. Meehanleal Rtvianr.

BANK OF CAYUGA LAKE, AURORA, NEW TORK. SUIT, Call at tbe Boston One Price Clothing Honae, 2S7 Main street, and see the Album landed by Henry Welle, and Oartrrad by the Legle lH TINTKI. Collar. 20tf wHa every hatt iniallitsi ano none nscimnry. CNin.

assrUUost try tetter, Un Dollar. Do no delay, when a tltb delay naay plaos vou bmfmt) all bono of a ara 1 ona pttasite ana saavl ramedtee by in.1l or Mnraa to any nart of tks armidf Plmsa hand thia yvwrr frtsMads and aefliaaloaaraast, wh may hesi'k; thwehy 7 aa may do much ao mt s-s raluabl asaure oi oew a ova. That Co lara has clesrant aad eornmcdlos btt'Id- TRY Daley, waa fined five dollars. James Mack, for stealing forty oent from Charles C. Sawyer, waa given tba privilege of rusticating for sixty day oa tha bank of th oanal near Pennsylvania strrea.

Aocidbkt. Sometime daring yesterday afternoon aa two little boys named Charles Warner and John Sboop ware handling a loaded pistol ia a certain yard oa Clinton itWe, ta Wttpoa WM accidfBtall ings and apparatus. extent ot ground sua MEECAjrrrLi petnttno MXRCAJfTTLB TTN PROMPTLY DOSE IN THE NEATEST iors istnif aVCTobt njjrsis. n.i nuaui pesseq. ran eorps far ana espe- EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, ricIlfaH Instructors, with ld tty to- tbe sat- OasAT rewards offered for any ease they eaa not ears.

Every lady and gentleman of ordinary intelligence would say humbug. The ingredients oomposiag the Tar Composition are too well known to be doubted, for Catarrh, Asthma, Consumption and all Throat and Long disease. Call or sd-dmaNo. 17 Sonth Division street la. Bagap, Phyttoaa tod Cbemrt, rem, Inamost protQeas or Xddrwm IH.H ME CARL, ostofflt Ryi rr i.

r. tjesueiit of a taorougn ano ajeasoastpiaapesi lernaM in alina BeH ssrntsaTaai for Forolga Laaguaca, By veins; NITROUS OQDI ar suurhtnc) OAS. Boston Steam Carpet Beating Works, northeast corner Washington and Ohio streets. Carpets of all kinds thomnzbly 'eaned and renovate-t oltttf Jess Bro Straw Hat opened to-4y. sa-iot -ate an At. aa LTurtsttaa Culture. THOMAS B. FPU NCH, amousxu OBocxs. nexn. urs oimu CRAUU, UAOt ntjxu Offlo.

Va. SSI WashinsrVoa aarrat, tweea aVnee aad Swaa etrasta, aar PostoAes, Buflala, N. Tfiasji rnanfttrta A few eauaay ias. Tot PmepeOtus a44rasa to ih M. B.

STHAICHT.f DENTIST OFFICE: OVEajr USX bjt beiow jBai Mm MMi tram aaiak AM. to F. at IlllllMl futwuws. rapu rwaiaesji, aUSJ CAlllM. 4tm 'J.

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