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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 4

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUFFALO EXTJtES, FEBRUARY 3. 1870. IKftVatAVCK. Bkab, Coon, Fax and BafCalo Robes at a for tha Bevaaty-Foarth 'Regimental Ball are requested to meet at tha Armory en Saturday evening, Pebrnary ft, 1870, at 7 JO o'clock. A full attendance to desired.

Tha World's Text Book." Tha book to a very valuable one, and judging from the table of contents, will meet with a ready sal. CHARITABLE. Patchia for bis arrest, and placed it in tha hands of Detective Myers who found tha man and brought him to tha eity. Ha will be examined apsedily aaxi tha police have sufficient avidenoe to prove his guilt beyond aS question. A NIOHT REXCONTBM.

worth, of Lockport Her. D. H. Mailer, of Buffalo. Liymm.

A- Palmer, Brockport F. 1L Root, Beffalo. Eist Cent see Conference Bar. J. E.

Letiaoer, PanaYan Ear. W. H. Goodwin, Rash vill. Laymen, J.

A. Ogden, Peon Yaa; H. B. Moore, Geneva. THIEVES OF TUB ROBE.

BUFFALO ACADEMY OF MUSIC f. H. A a. L. Meeoh, Laser and Manaswr MR.

FRANK MAYO At TOM BADGER, FOR TBII MOST ONLY, (Tan-ecUy, Fab. ad), la BoueioauH'a aansatloa p'ay, the STREETS OP HEW YORK. As played by hlta with treat raeeaas over (00 lime. FBIOAT, BENEFIT OF FRANK MaYO, wfcta will be preMnted jor th I rat tba aar, FORMOSA, Or, THE RAILROAD TO RUIN. A0 M4TIKES 05 BATURbAY AT I P.

at, la active preparation, tha FLASH OF UOHTN1NO. xmcmm meat warn am. slaughtered, bat hare beet removed, the owner giving bond not to them in this market. Y.THBumau, February 2. Arrangements ere being mad for avoiding national conventions early- in March for th parpoee of securing amendments to the CoMtttatioii recognising Clod aol tha Holy Scripture.

Moxtoomeby, Alabama, Febrnary- 2. Tha 8nata passed a resolution to adjourn on Saturday nest. A bill ws paaaed by tha banate yesterday which alloira Senators to retain their aeata until 1875. Colombo, South Carolina, January 2. There were two colored candidates.

Senator J. J. Wright and Representative W. J. Whipper, to fill tha vacancy on tha bench of the Supreme Court caused by the resignation of Congressman lioge.

Wright wa elected by the General Assembly yesterday. Ha waa formerly a Pennsylvenian. Nashville, February 2. In the State Senate yesterday a resolution was adopted calling on the Committee on Federal Hela-ttona to report on the XVth Amendment to the Federal Constitution. In the Constitution al Convention a resolution was adopted that all Judges, Chancellors, and other judiciary officers should resign on the ratification of the amendments made to the Constitution of the State.

Albany February 1. Tha State Medical Society met here to. day. Papers on technical subjects were presented by iJrs. Cordon Bush, George 11.

Hubbard, Frederick Hyde, U. O. Vanderpoel, Hiram Cor I is and L)r. Fetors. Drs.

Caleb Greene of Homer, William Manlius Smith, of Manlius, and Edward S. Squibb, of Brooklyn, were appointed delegates to tha National Convention to revise the United Siatee Fharma-crepia. Ztffcfcrt, February 2 T)r. Darbs of thi eity has been chosen President of the SwUs Confederation. Los now, February 2.

A letter baa been reoeived here from Captain Cochrane of the CITY AND VICINITY. CITT NOTES. The Bless family are recovering. Allen Aid rich, of this city, is in Chicago. D.

S. Pobrifer, of Buffalo to ia New York. Tha Can-Can of death tha Naptha can. St. Patrick's falls on Thnrday this year.

Erie, Pennsylvania to afflicted with burglars. Inseparable companions rum and bra. tality. Oily Gammon excuses for explosive pa-trolesm. Getting wind of thing losing your hat in gala.

Judge Lamp-man to named to try tha explosive oil eases. Tha police report tan arrests and eight lodgers for Tuesday. Vagrante' paradise the polioe court daring tha morning trials. E. Bristol Jt furniture sale begins at 10 o'clock A.

M. to-day. Simonds Brothers lost $500 in tha fire Monday night. No insurance. The Canadians are trying to get np a Eiel good thing they propose to hang him.

A good portrait of tha late T. T. Bloomer ia in Dodge Benson's show window. Some men wet-nurse their troubles with si hiaky, and their troubles thrive wonderfully. Temperance to increasing in this city all tha societies are receiving large numbers of converts.

A nuiaasee in tha familiar form of a dead dog offends tha olfactories of the residents of No. 175 Swan street. (Teat bargain. 3Ut rSEBOTOLD DXO. CLXaaara sals ci Boots aad Shoes at ef Boota aad Shoes at of Boot, aad Shoes at of Boots aad Shoos at.

Cost. Clearing sale Cost. Cloarixur sala Cost. Clearing sale uos. 406 Main street, American Block, Jajcbb IL Jewbtt.

FOTTJTD Stopping at the Closing Out Iur 8 tore, purchased a $100 Mink Set for $50. b3 30t Bibatold Bro. Caw orr CuoTijros. If. Boas berg Spaulding's Kxohanfo, pays tha highest cash price for ladle1 and gents' east' off clothing.

Call at ejre, or. addrsai bos 2882 Poatoffioa. Tyee sNraaetry and rRnrrXRS' WAR JHOTJbI furnishes even article irquusd ia tha aiming Mm to any u. tat derired, on rmotbl uma aa any rounar? is thta eoontry. Alan KCTKOTYP1NO ta all tta wlaty.

Alao, type adaaTad tor Irick a Malllns Ma-bine H. 1.1 HAM. Olaaa, Gim. Olaes. (000 Boxaa Window 01 assorted alaaa.

PLATI 8 LASS FOB STORKS A'D DWELLINGS at turn than Kaatera Prloaa. fi.MO fta. WHJTB LEAD, 100 bhls. LIS 8Xei OIL for aate by A. RE TN OLDS 4 00., 191 sbta at.

aad 4 Uord Buffalo. H.T. NOTICES. THE FIRM OF J. LITTLEFIELD ol this city, ka tM dT di a ltd by Dv-tual consent LIlTLi MELD.

Kuffalo, Jan 6, 1870. bS IV N. BAPLEB. TFVOUR TEA DOES NOT SUIT GO Jl to th? First and Chios Tra Store, al-tb)9B 7J Ma st. TflK FIRM CHURCHILL A CO.

was dlMoIre I on th first of January, Ilia hu in ba deducted formerly b. P. CHlMUMIi.L. bl 6t LKCl lON NO, ICE WESTERN IN 'Ihe recu'ir annua Moat-no- of tha 'tckho'd'rt for tha puriose of ebe-iuf lilna Dlrart'irs and two Impact of Klertion for tba eniui terra will be held a- tla Compan'a nfli-, on Tu idaj FeHruar 8th. 1H70, a- 10 clock A Tha poll, will re gain oun from 10 A.

to p. M. EDWARD B. till IU, Secret r. Buffalo.

Jan. 18 1870. ai8 tl LECTION NOTICE OFFICE BUFFALO QKRMAK 1XS. CO Janui SI 1870. I Knt'oe b'reby glren that tba annual aire-ion for five Director, and the In'pecon of Election, will be hel a 'be orbor of raid Uomponr, on Thure-liav, ebruv j-J, 187a Polls open frum 10 o'clock A lI Cluck r.

a2J-'b4 MARTIN, Smt tary. JLACK DIAMOND COAL. JOSEPH FORKER A MINERS ASD SHIPPERS OP BLACK DIAMOND COAL ai8-S0t SHARWLLE, Me--r Pa. Q.ENCINE LACKAWANNA COAL Manufacturing and Domestic la ml and only by THE DELAWARE AO HUDSON CANAL CO. The undersigned are aow prepared to receive or-jara for the aiiove aupe rior Quality of ooal.

which will he and Uol-vered In good oouuitioo in luantitlea U. lu.l purob.eore. Prtoe for the preMnt, per ton of 2t0 Iba, tfallvered within the old dt) limlu, are aa Von. I Tor. Ton.

Cra (4 40 4 30 i 1' aVj 0) 4 40 Stove i 1h 4 7S Cbeetnut 75 4 to SO Alan. Bloaahors, I hk'h Lamp and prepared ooal, Scotch and AmerWan Pig- Iron, Fire Bnck, etc, whnlewle and ratal). I Alan, AffentafortheaJeofprireCONNELLSTILLE COKE, manufactured by the FttiaLuryb A Connelle- vtlle Cok Company. Dec. 1, 1860 O.

R. WILSON Ml hio eorncr aliaeUaii'pl. TJ-NION COAL WOOD Foot i i Court at, A larire quantity of HARD AND SOFT COAL For, 8LE. And 1000 COKTS if CANADA -WOOD (Beach and Alap in at or or lit. JjelivereJ in ay rt of the city.

Liberal deductions nr. to fle.lvra 11-tf IjaKI INO A MONTAGUE. 1869. V0AU THE ANTHRACITE I860 COAL GEN EE AX OFFICE, JTO. 221 MAIN STREET ALSO, FOOT GENESEE wlU Ml until further notice theae oelebrmtad ooai.

at the following price p. ton of 8000 Iba, delivered in asy part of the old citr llmite, outald of whleh email charge will be mad. for oartaa: Ton JToo ITor Lump ts to 4 SO- 76 Craw 40 4 SO 7( 9 00 4 0 4i Hove 8 25 4 75 46 Chntiiut 7 4(0 St Term itrictly wh whsa ordered. GCORGE DAI IN, Af.nt. ilTalo, Ttfc.


Pitta- ton, and other hard Mto, (ie and Cleve land heat aoft Blot nut and for Htnam liurpoiei at th' lowest market prloe. which W'il be ncri-ened and deti in food condition, in quantities to auit purch, ra. Branch offic No. 9 nr. naan at.

ai, diiuie, Agent. KlLltl wr.HMlKK, r. kkkkkkjk. QOAL, COAL. DkFORFS A COYE.

OFFICE '9T34 QENP.SK-s ST J-KI1 ri T1H OAS WORKS, Ran nn ti.nrl mi) I i bvt quail tiea of BITUM, NOL'S, AN IURACITE and ELOSSBCfati COALd. DiFOREdT COTE Buffalo. ilT 14 lxrto. DUDLEY Wholesale and Retail Daemon la SUGAR L0iF. LEHIGH.

SFRINOHROC FRANKLIN, PHOT, LiCKAffA3iJA, BMSSBUKH, RIf and Principal Offlo CORNER ERIE 4ND TERRACE 8T8. YARD, TOCh OT EJUE St Buffalo, April lues QUEEN CITYOM-L YARD, r.rvior, DBinn AVr. rtii I Office 29S Geneve at. Buffalo. N.

T. For u'e rood aasortraei of ail I It of HARD AND 8 rT COAL, whole al and i it Constantly on hand a eurwrtor qualhf of HARD AND SOFT (X)D foraaie. aw ai rnlit. or in the atiek. da.

Ilvt-red in any part of be citr. ielere wai.tinw i jut. or 'JT m.Mm vill ao call before purchaatDjr here. well to yive ti. 8.

I'ARLINO. iOAL. FOR SAl E. TiTIKTY TONS ol Lehurn chenut W. wa-ranted lar auoericr to any othe' kind, to but In hv, Lurnina; atovee.

For aa. cheap t-y A. OKI t'FUi, la William J. T. HOC LE DEALERS IN HARD AND SOFT COAL.

OFFICE i T. HOOLE. .4 V. Di rial on Buffalo, V. E.

L. HErrSTTlOMl QOAL, COAL. FARNIIAM ALLEN, CORNER ERIE AV-p RIT EH jeT BEETS Rave on head, and for-vaJ. at all tima aodith-r hard coOa lan. Krie aoft eoal.

BLOSdBrmoH, LEUIOr-, BLACK and NUT. at to leweat market price. FA RNHAaf a ALLC1T. OYKJEKS. PLATT 0YSTKR COMPANY.




HE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, CHARTERED, IN Mil THI OLDEST COMPANT IN TJXt MATE OF NEW TORE. Has an experience ot TWENTT-ltlOITT YEAR, a paid a l-Wldonrl to Poll-jr Holder, for twauty otueoutle reara baa an auciuuulatad Capital of 0fr Ha laauedovrr SIXTY THOCglXD FOLIC E8 In-0'iritx upa da ef $100 000,1,00 hat paid titer 40u0. 00 t. Kami ie of Demand haa paid or. In Mvlrlenda to Polio H.

Mara haa apnaantd ttajile fcterly Bt.OOO.non- haa a Dividend for tha rear 180S belnir over TH 1HT PEH CET.vl ia entire tnooma frtn JT IS POREIT M0TD41, THI POLICY HOLDERS EIJ0TIN8 ALL THE PISFMS AID IEREMTS. It orl(lr ated the non-forfeiture avrtera of eaur-ance ai haa Ix-conie dveervd pnpi lar with tha eopla, and It offer, a. I the adv egaa In ae mnoa that have been relojied bjr aa apcrleuoe ol saure than a quart ml ic ntury. SOLICITING AGENTS WANTED In all the Iowa. In the Countie.

of frln, Niagara, Chautauqua, Cat-tarrauiriia, A loirany and Wyoming-, to whom the tuoat liberal tonne will be made. One or two GLRMAN CANVASSERS WANTED for thie city. Addreea or apply to F. F. FARGO, General Ageot for etrn New York, tf No.

0 Main Buffalo. HOI SF II OUSE FURNISHING GOODS. IN greatest var.ety, at V. E. WALBRIDOK-S, alT I7i 1 A A A.

AT 0 PSON 3 tare chamically purify It. and render it oloar a. cryital. bold by C. E.

WALBRIDUK alT 1-7 1 Main. JU I'LhiKY IVORY and p. art hanOled table knlvev earven. Ac imported at preaent rate, of fold, and for tale at jorruaponauigiy iuw pr c. ny C.

E. WALBPinOK, a17 t71 Ha'y 1)1. A TED FORKS A Mi Kogera Brolher'a oelebrated are (,. fc. WAi.

K'OOE, 171 Main. I I KIJ UAUE3 Ar l-O AS-sOR PMENT XJ at low prion. C. E. WALBMOOE, 71 Main.

rilHb AMfcHllJAN COOK HTOVE A. Orea ly rod vetr oi -lv br C. WALIlfclDOK, 171 Main. "PORCELAIN LINED TEA AND OOF- Ie Pota, (ilver plat lad planned tin. 0 WALBHIOOE, 17 1171 Main THE LEGISLATOR COOKING STOVE.

OVER Three Thousand In re IN THIS CITY. For aale on by JNO. C- JEWETT A80N, 110 MAIN 8T. HOLIDAY GOODS HANDSOME, USEFUL. And at Prices.


Tba Larg-eet eaaurtment of SILVER PLATED WARE TO BX FOUND IN THS CITY. whole Stock ef FIXTURES AT COST w. H. LENNY SOU t04 and tOSMaml THE ARTS. B.

OLVKR, ITS Sueneaeor to THOMAS BRIrVll No. Oeneaee Oetveee Hons Block. PORTRAIT, PICTURE AND LOOKINQ CLAM HAM "Jl MAUK TO ORDER. A Taiirty of rianiaa asd GhiMM. ru hard.

Konae and Birn Paintln la tka ni.l... at th ttwrr. tUOTOCiKAPHa 1 1 KEMBEANDT PH0T0CRAPH3 ill the Tatioue atylea. at "on half th "tuual prlova, expnaaly lor th at B. L.

BLISS' PHOTOORAPH OALLEXY, 170 Mala rt. JUPLEX MIRROR AGENCY. Owv Cltisaaa'wantlna; LOOKING CLASJC9, Picture and 'Portrait A'ameg, CHROMO? tngravings, cripr ure Texts. anything clae paalnlnj hv aaiUna HOWELL, He. It S- DivW, fuoa Fraaa Maker.

jSi.i.C HOLLO WAY, Dealer MDrXA ATTD LOCKPORT SAKD. UTONE, LAGGING, CURBING. FLATTORJiJ, Doom AH7 WIWDOW Oar. AJTD aiku, Biat-S, avTv. OMe and Tard sninar at MfeaJaaa aod Hamhorg Canal.

WOOPBBI WABI. fprKPXllAGX. F.K. PLTJMBLY, new saw I Si AitUSEifltfTS. academt or aTUSIC The audiences are being steadily increased in am'ier by tha capital acting of Mr.

Majc. Laat evening "Tha Duke's Motto" waa played for tha Last time, to be succeeded to-night by "Tha Streets of New York," with Frank Mayo as Tom Badger. To-morrow night Mr. Mayo's benefit takes place. Formosa, or tha Railroad to Rqin" will be produced.

US TICE IS PES A 7. TESTE aBAT'S SESSIONS or THE rOLICE COURT. The ease of Charles Harmer and Joseph Baxtlett, for burglary and larceny, was examined yesterday, and so great was tha interest manifested in it that the court room was completely filled with attentive spectators. The prisoners were arraigned and through their counsel, Mr. F.

B. Perkins plead not guilty to the! charge. The examination tended to show that Harmer had been seen to leave Anna Bartlett's house early Friday morning, the time of tha robbery, go to Mr. Dudley's houre on West Eagle street and disappear in the doorway of the basement. These facts were sworn to by Patrolman Soule, of the First Precinct.

They came on account of the finding and recovery of the property npon Mrs. Bartlett's premises. The evidence against Harmer waa pretty conclusive, and Justice Vanderpoel committed him to jail to await triaL The lad, Joseph Bartlett was discharged. Charles King, who, it will be remembered, ran away with Mr. James S.

Lyon's horse and chtter, and attempted to sell the lap robe to Mr. James Murphy one day last week, waa brought np to answer a charge of grand larceny. He plead guilty, and was fully committed for trial. A striking proof of the explosivener of feminine temper occurred Tuesday night in the case of Lena Howard and Mary Grose as against Jennie Chambers. The latter received a positive demonstration of the ability of her companions to change th color of the human eye from blue to black The case will come up for further examina tion.

Here's the afternoon's do'ngs "Ring the bell, Jake," said the magis tate. But nary Jake was there to ring. So another man stepped up right straight, aud in loud accents out did sing, "Silencs in the Co-o-o-rt." "Hats off, you lubbers," was loudly cried and then the throng outside the rail, just settled themselves their time to bide, expectant of fun, without fail, Willing In tha Co-o-o rt. Here the machine broke down it will grind equal to tho best hand organ that ever adorned the front of The Churches, when the ordinary metro stops are pulled out. but when John undertook to make it go through with such a metre as two nines and two eights to a verse with a tail piece, it wouldn't work.

And so they brought in Chi-ca go Bil-ly, who is a ve-ry bad boy. Chi ca-go Bd-ly'i name is not Chi-ca go Bil-ly, it is Mor-ri son, but they call him Chi ca go Bil-ly for short: and as I said be-fore, he is a bad boy. He was up for "dead beat-ing." is "on the dead beat." He got twen-ty seven dol lars and board (that isacrub, not lum-ber) from Ma ry A. Mor-gan, un-der false pre-ten-ses. They will send Chi-ca-go Bil-ly up.

Not make an au-gel him; not by no man-ner of means, rath-er tho otb-er thing, you know. He will be at the Po lice Court a -gain for cx-am-i-na- tion. And then the Court stop-ped try -ing and went off to be tried its-self be-fore Judge Whe-lan's throne of jus tice. That's all. COURTS OF LA W.


Ju.tic.'-i:. arid A. T. l'aichin ui i.

ii. li jyt, Jm.i.ei of the Peaca fur Lu alo. The People vs. Thomas Dasties. Kob b-iry.

Tho jury after being out two hours uld not agree, and were discharged by the Court. stme vs. Daniel Drummond. ltape, The Court directs a verdict of not cnilty BUPBEME COURT ERIE COUNTY CIRCUIT. lion.

Chirk I Djnie't, Just ce. Joseph Kiefer vs. Frederick Brenizen. Verdict for defendant. Plaintiff allowed thirty uays to make a case and bill of exceptions; proceedings to be delayed in the meantime.

Kichard Boorman vs. John Ditman Jury out. David D. Colley vs. Lhha Phnney.

Ac tion for damages for negligence in not properly building and constructing certain nouses on awan street. Un triaL Installation. Ine toilowiag persons were publicly installed on Tuesdsy even ir(r, February 1, 1870, officers of Seneca Lodge No. 4G1 I. 0.

G. for the ensuing term: W- C. T. Rev. Henry Ward.

W. V. T. Martha C. Labram.

W. S. George Broad. W. F.

S. Thomas Shaw. W. T. Eugene Moisinack.

W. M. James L. Lees. W.

I. O. Jennie Brush. W. O.

G. Andrew l. Lees. W. Chap.

Merritt Brooks. W. A. S. Sarah Shaw.

W. V. M. Lizzie M. Leven.

W. It. If. S. Carrie G.

Marshall. W. L. II. S.

Frankie Richardson. Labor Strieb. We were informed yes terday that the employes of Pratt's Coiling Mill at Black Rock were out on a strike in resistance to a proposition for the reduction of wages. Greatest Excitement ever known is to tend the great sale of Hats. Caps and Furs.

li'JI Main st. 13 30t Bergtold 4t Bro. Bkavxr Robb A mazn'ficent Bearer Robe, unplucked, sixteen skins, is for sale at a bargain at H. Wzber Sc. L3 357 Main st.

No TTcmbcq Ve will ell the entire stock to close out, regardless to cost or Talae. Sign of the large upright bear. b3-3Jt Beegtold Bbo. Wood and Kixdlincs. Brown TwitchelL coal dealer, at No.

20 Seneca street, receive orders for Stove Wood and very superior article of kindlinirs. WAS 4w Great Caps. U30t Slavohtzs of Fan, Hats and 291 Main st. Otivtbr. Wholesale and retail, Eaoajt 251 Main strsei.

$500 Bnssiaa Sable Collar and MmiT to eloaed oat st a great sacrifice. b3-30t Br. (to told jt. Bro. Sn Dr.

DeCajil's ia another column. Facts Great bargains offered in nrs ef all kinds, l30t At 291 Mam st. Star Stote Cotes. No ebjeetioras; fall pleased; excitement moreasing; 1000 sold one moath; all want them: aare fnel; amy Starr' 25 stai; prvwea anekina; aad warpisf. Oall astd mm it ia nTaiTarisei Oatlyfl wOaadfS 00prrpair.

CONCERT AND CKAJtATIC PEKrOElf A3TCK. A charitable entertainment to announced to come off at St. James Hall this evening for tba benefit of tha poor under tha care of St. Vincent da Paul Society. Tha claims of this society on tBe public are worthy of approval; it is composed of gentlemen who not only visit personally tha homes of poverty, bat are constantly relieving its wants from their own private means.

The present Winter has developed a deal of destitution and distress, and the applicants for alms have been greater than any previous year; hence this appeaL But aside from the consciousness of doings charitable act every purchaser of a ticket must prepare himself for a rich treat. Soma of the best amateur talent of the city will assist in the concert and dramatis representation, Mr. Joseph Mischka will preside at ths piano, and the whole will be under the supervision of that moat affable gentleman, Dr. Crony n. That favorite of all theatre goers, Ben.

O. Rogers, has volunteered, and will sustain the character of Felix O'Catlagha in the farce "On His Last Legs." We have no doubt the bouse will be filled, and would advise all to go early and secure seats. The tickets have been placed at the low price of twenty-five cents; reserved seats fifty cents. The following is the programme, will be seen that it is a capital one DouLIj quartette Lltdur M. Duett Sweet Z'vhyr see Keljin er atiu Crur ru.

and it 3 lo It Charming Gitl 1 Love. "per I of KllUrnry Dr. Willouvhbr. Cuett Swa'lows Karrwill KucWl: Jdisserf Fe afnuar and CronTn. Trio Ts Tell M- Masiinghl amateur.

PKT II. his Lasi Lias. Felix O'Callsghtn B. Q. Roger THE KRsX'SSKOrF CONCERT.

A very large audience assembled at Dr. Lord's Church last even mg on the occasion of the concert given in aid of the widow of the late Pro fesser William Krausskopf. The body of the chnrch was filled, and quite a handsome amount mnst have been realized. The en tertainment was carried out as announced in the programme published yesterday, ami consisted of a varied selection of solos quartettes, The different parts were taken by leading home musicians, and were quite up to the standard. Space will not permit of a specific mention each; and to particularize one, and not another would be gross injustice.

All san well, and it was an entertainment whit- one fond of music could not but enjoy. We must take, however, exception to the cold neBS which seemed to pervade the audience. From the beginning to the end of the pro gramme not one burst of applause or encore was given to those si richly deserving it. Perhaps the idea of being in a church re strained the enthusiastic irom expressing their feelings; but inasmuch as it was dt voted to secular purposos there could be no impropriety in applauding those who did their parts so well. ACUTE OBSERVATIONS ON MEN, If OMEN AS THINGS.

SO. 1, BT JL'STITIA. HE TAKES A WALK. Yesterday being one of thoao smiling days of Winter, which a resident of this clime seldom sees, it occurred to Justitia that a walk around town would not be ilia agreeable. Ha had not gone far, however, when he found out his mistake.

If there ever was a pcriouVwhen was a discount and when the euj yments of gay turn out cainj to tho mind in most vivid forms, it was yesterday. They whore business compelled them to walk any dis tance on tho slippery, icy, slide around streets, such as Buffalo presented them have the sincerest sympathies of the afore said J. Well, ho started out. Now he has al ways considered himsclt quite a wa.aist He has in a quiet way, on every appearance of the famous Weston, in this city, contest ed quite a number of miles with him. He has always managed to keep np with him in these tramp, but whether by walking cr otherwibe he will not now state.

He pro ceeded ou his way en several different streets, and, although he has always been noted as a very moral young man, yester lay proved him doubly so. "Sinueis stand on slippery places." Not so Justitia. several occasions during the voyage he, just for fun, thought he would make an obstr vation as to how much of tho sidewalk bis body could cover. It is perhaps needless to say that he is fully satisfied with the re suits of his observations and will not repeat them voluntarily. Habits of observation were fastened npon J.

in his early youth. They were not ex actly such habits as are fastened to youngsters with pins and other similar attach ments, but became a part and parcel of his gigantic intellect. He always kept his eyes cpen, and after making a few observations such as described in the foregoing paragraph, ho gazed around upon the beauties of nature and art presented to him in the streets of Buffalo. In one place he actually found a Iligf;) keeping store. And Las it come to this Oh my countrymen, thought what an age ot lmprovtmeiit we live in In our halls of legislation the dusky son of Africa holds forth, wh Je here even a Hog(g) is admitted to fellowship.

With these thoughts he passed on, but had not proceed far when a reat Lip(p) was presented to view. What next At any rate there is a good deal of Lip(p) to that man, soliloquized J. Reflecting on the oddities of human na ture, and the miseries of mankind in general, be trudged along. Street after street was passed full of busy scenes. Suddenly he was startled.

Rigtt before him had been erected a pedestal, surmounted by a small section of pine lumber, on which was inscribed, This bous and lott for sale." Well, said if that bouse and lot needs as much improving as the sign does, it certainly must be in a very bad condition. Just then a friendly greeting was wafted to the walkist from a passing conveyance, and the train of thoughts which were pass, ing through the mind of Justitia were inter rupted, and he bid adieu to the subjects which formed such interesting topics for reverie. Mill TART. ELECTION. At the regular meeting of the Second Veteran Corps (Company Sixty-fifth Regiment.) held at their rooms in ths State Arsenal last crening, the following drU offioers were elected for the ensuing term: President Joseph VL Gavin.

Vioe President Eugene Lewis. Secretary Park. Patterson. Treasurer John J. Walsh.

An election was also held to fill the rav eavney caused by the resignation of Lyman Sweet, fourth sergeant. Corporal Alomso Parker waa elected. Joseph VL Qsvif elected fourth, Pattfawa be in fit DESFMUTB As-ACLT OJT AM OFTICE. Officer Samuel B. Bancroft, of tha Third Precinct, was tha hero of a lively rencontre during tha early hoars yseterday morning.

While perambulating his beat shortly after threeo'clock sounds of great commotion were heard issuing from a aalooa oa Michigan street known as Wilson's Homestead, and oa repairing to that institution he found one William Kane, a drover, ia a glorious state of inebriety, smashing tumblers, pitchers and other personal property indiscriminately, with accompanying yells of "murder," "fire," "polioe," etc. Officer Bancroft at once took charge of Kane and started for the stationhonse with him, but had scarcely got outside when ha was set npon by three other men, also known to be cattle drivers, who made a rush at him, knocked him over, wrenched his clnh away, and beat and kicked him unmercifully, at tha same time shooting to tha prisoner, git, Bill, git." Bill profited by their fraternal ad vice, and got" to the best of his ability, but the ruffians soon fonnd they bad tackled a man of invincible intrepidity. At Fort Harrison, according to Genera! Butler's report. Lieutenant Samuel Ban croft displayed the most undaunted bravery; ahot desperately through the hips, he crawled along on hands and knees, waring hia sword and cheering on his company, of which seventy-nine out of eighty-seven men were shot down. Thinking only of securing his prisoner, he forced himself away from his assailants and made after Kane, np Michigan street; with shouts and ourses the three made toward him again, when he stopped, drew his revolver and fired; the middle man clapped his hands to bis side and staggered, when the other two immediately helped him away, and Bancroft saw nothing more of them.

Continuing after his escaping prisoner he overtook him and again started him to the station, but after progressing favorably a little way Kane again broke away and ran. Bancroft ung out to him to stop or he would fire; Mr. Kane preferred to keep on and Mr. Bancroft fired toward him; Mr. Kane did not relish the whistling of bullets and immediately came to a stand still when the officer again laid hold of him.

Officer Bancroft, during the melee, made repeated calls and signals for assistance, but, from some unexplained cause none offered. At the corner of Elm and Batavia streets a reinforcement was found in the person of Officer Morrow, and between them Kane was at last brought to Station No. 3, the transit from Michigan street having occupied upwards of an hour. Yesterday morning he was tried at the Watchhouse Court and fined fifteen dollars for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The scoundrels who made the murderous arsault on the officer have not yet been captured.

Bancroft feels pretty sore vet, but still holds himself a match for all tho rascals who may wish to pile on him. If ho is to be considered a fair sample of Captain Reinhardt's battalion, the peace and welfare of the Third Precinct is entrusted to able and willing men. A DUO STORY. A CANINE AS AN ADVLHTI3INO MEDIUMr Among the numerous tales of canine sagacity, now afloat in the newspapertorial xphere, the following, as being both true and novel, is entitled to prominent consid eration Mr. of this city is an ardent admirer of the intelligent species of quadrupeds and he has, as the especial pets of his household, two very fine spaniels.

About two weeks ago he took both of them out of town and coming back on the cars at night one of the animals enaconsed itself upon the seat and went to sleep while the other took a rambling tour of the car. When the train stopped in the depot the owner picked up the sleepy spaniel, and, whistling for the other, without looking around, stepped off the platform and started for home, supposing, of course, that "Brownie" was following him. But such he soon ascertained was not the case. "Brownie" waa not following him, neither was the little fellow in sight. Mr.

whistled again and again but to no effect, fie retraced his steps and went back to the lepot but could find nothing of the missing dog, and wi therefore obliged to go home without it. The next morning he sat down in his study to write an advertisement for the papers; "Brownie's" mate "Veloc," as he is called, walked disconsolately about tho room evidently at a loss to ao- count for ths other's absence. Mr. framed several formulas before he got an advertisement that suited him, and then brushing the scraps into his waste basket, put the other in bis hat and left the room. When he again entered the apartment he found the waste basket overturned and "Veloc" gone.

Not thinking any thing of the circumstance he put on hia -ii and, "man-like" as the ladies say, forget all about his advertisement. At no he made an engagement to go to Lockport, and af-warda found it necessary to remain in that city over night. He took the forenoon train back and arrived here at about half-past ten o'clock and the very first objects thsfceaoght his eye as he alighted from the cars were his two spaniels standing contentedly there in the depot gazing at the passengers, each one with a small bit of paper banging from be tween his lips. Both sprang eagerly to meet their master, and stooping down he took tha paper from their months and found tha bits to be tha two halves of one -f bis scrap advertisements. When he got t-o his hoasa he learned that Veloc had hot been about the premises since tho pre vious morning, consequently tha only infer ence that can be drawn to that the sagacious little fellow having full faith in the potency of advertising armed himself with one of tho documents from the waste bas ket and started out for his lost mate Where he found birn nobody knows, but the advertisement evidently did tha business.

CoNTDmow or thb M. E. CaracH. A delegated Convention of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, for tha State of New York, will meet in tha city of Syracuse, New York, on tha 221 day of February next, at 2 o'clock P. ia Shakespeare Hall, and will continue until Thursday vaning, the 24th.

Twenty delegates, ten ministers, and ten laymen will be appointed from each Presiding Elder's district in tha State, and for fractional districts ia tha 3 fate, ia tha same proportion. Presiding Eiders are requested to call a meeting of tba district stewards and pastors for tha election of such delegates. Each Presiding Elder to expected to have a list of tha delegates appointed mads out and signed by himself and tha Secretary of tha meet tag, aad forward tha same to Bar. J. B.

Secretary of tha Ex-neativa Committee, at their earliest eoaTe-Blenoa. Thus a eoapJete list of delegates aia be made aad ready for roll call at tha opening of tha ConventiosL. A Coassaitara ef Arrsngasar its has baa itmiatad ay aaa aaaisrsnos ia tha State. Tha taiWag tka Cassis aasl Xast imfobtast arbestj ajo ktcotkbt or VALUABLE PEOPERTT. Impecunious gentlemen of leisure have been busily occupying themselves of lata in making a collection of lap robes, and so dilligently have they pursued their Vocation that business men find it quite impracticable to leave their cutters or sleighs standing in tha street alone for even five minutes.

Duryig the last month about a dozen complaints have been made at the Police Headquarters and stationhouses to ths effect that "a valuable fur robe was stolen from Mr. So and So's sleigh while standing in front of his office (or house) yesterday." In consideration of these repeated complaints the police in general have for some time been keeping a sharp look out for the thieves, and on Tuesday afternoon officers Frawley and Wolf, of the First Precinct, got upon the track of a man who had been teen carrying a fnr Lap-robe under hia arm, on Peacock street. They followed up their clue and found enough to warrant the arrest of Michael lease and Alexander McGuire. It was discovered that these two men had from time to time sold four robes worth from twenty-five to fifty dollars apiece to a man named bimonds, who lives at the corner ef Peacock and Evans streets The fact that they took seventy-five cents for a robe worth $50, twelve shillings for another, a dollar for another, and so on, indicates at once that they had stolen the articles. The officers conveyed the prison- era and also the property to the statioc-honss Tuesday evening.

The men were locked up and the robes are exposed for i Jen tifi cation. A 11 sons who are lost su ch articles are requested to call and examine them. There are two or three other valuable skins which have been stolen lately that the officers are still in search of. One prominent citizeo lost a sleigh robe worth $150 a few days since, but nothing has yet transpired to either make known the thief or reveal the whereabouts of the property. The arrests Tuesday night, however, may possibly lead to further discoveries.

'Tig a consummation devoutly to be wished." TUP. KEHOSEXJS TRAQEDT. ISyUEST ON THE BODY OF LOUISA BLESS. Coroner C. R.

Morrow yosterday after no3n commenced the inquest on the body of the child Louisa Bless, burned to death Monday morning last. City Attorney Ben jamin H. Williams was present, and asaist- in the examination of the The following gentlemen were sworn as jurors John Lronin, J. it. Wilson, John Schimka, Fred.

Niehl, J. A. Dunckol, A. C. Toust-y.

The Coroner read to the jury an affidavit of Nicholas Blciis, setting forth the facts as far as he hia bucn able to give them, which was received as testimony. The statement of Mr. Bless is as follows I am a cigar maker, and live with my wife and children at the corner of East Market and Fulton streets; the accident occurred on the morning of the 31st of January, between two and three o'clock; I went to bed at half-past ten o'clock in the room back of the bar-room, leaving the lamp burning on the table aud turned low; at one o'clock I got np again to wait on my child, then turned the lamp down again and went back to bed; was awakened by the explosion; my wife took out the youn-est child and I the eldest, Lomse, two years aud a half old; sho died at saveu o'clock that morning; we buy kerosene oil at Trautmann's; generally half a gallon at a time, fur which we pay twenty cents; the last was bought Saturday iiiyht; 1 have never had ai.y t-lk with Trautmanu in regard to the safety of his oil; the lamp was tided Sunday night, and was full when 1 weut to bed. Dr. Deorge Ayer testified that he was called to attend the burned family soon aftar the aocident; the little girl Liuise was burned from bead to foot; completely skinned; the burns were superficial; not det-p, but just enough to tke the tkin off; the man was burned very badly about the head, neck, arms and hands; but the Doctor thought would with proper care recover; Bless was badly burned, but not so dangeroufcly as her husbaud; the other child was but little hurt.

Katy Backus, who, with her husband, resided with tho Bins family, was the next ltntn had nothing to do with the lamps, aud did not know whether they had been filled and trimmed that night or not; sho put the children to bed at eight o'clock, and soon after retired hernelf, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Bless and ono of the boarders at the table reading; she was wakened by her husband, who told her the house waa on fire; they went down sta rs, but finding the room full of smoke and tire turned back aud went out of the window to a ueighboiing roof, and from thence to the street; her husband went to Trautinann's for the oil Saturday night. Louis A. Orpiner, who lives at the oppo site corner from Bless, was awakened by the cry of fire, and looking over toward the house saw the room apparently hlied with fire.

He immediately ran down to tho street and met Mr. and Mrs. Bless, aud carried ber into the house aud laid her in the bed; the clothes and skta were completely burned from her body; she died at seven o'clock. Andrew M. Johnson, grocer, at No.

72 Main street, testified that on Wednesday Mr. Trautmanu brought him a sample of oil which he said Crass Co. had sold to a neighbor, and asked him to have it tested; it would not stand 90; he thought it contained some foreign substance, naptha, or something of the kind. J. P.

Dudley, oil refiner, at No. 55 Main street, explained the practice of distillation and testing; he considered oil that would not stand a fire test of 9J highly danger- Frank J. Trautmann, grocer on West Market street, was the next witness. He had sold oil to the Bless family ever since they resided in the neighborhood; the last they sent for was Saturday night or Sunday morning; he drew the oil from a sixty gallon can in which he kept it, and put it into a stone jug which Bless always sent to get it in; be did not know if the jug was empty orr not; he received a barrel of oil from Grass Co. January 25tfc; pumped it into his can and sent the barrel back the next day without noticing the inspectors brand was upon it.

Alter the accident he sent the oil nack again to Uress A refinery on William street; a sample ot it was tested by Inspec tor Reicbert on Monday; Tuesday he received another barrel of oil from Grass A ana noticea that me nre teat was marked at 116. Louis P. Reichert, Oil Inspector for the city, was next sworn: He explained the manner of testing, and described the instru ments used: on Monday Mr. Trautmann, with Mr. Yager, of the firm of Grass A brought him a sample of the oil from Trautmann's can and requested him to test It; it took tire at 93 he was in the habit of visiting Grass ft Co.

'a yrisiery once or twice a week for tie purposkrvl testing their oil; he generally tested a sample from the tank and placed his brand on the empty barrels, relying oa the honor of the brm that they woo id fill them with oil of the proper standard; be had never found thetr oil below the lira test, and knew the firm to enjoy a good reputation. After Mr. Reichert's testimony tha in quest was adjourned until one o'clock this afternoon. Policb Charges. Patrolman Philip Warts has boast transferred from the Fifth to tha Third Precinct.

Joseph Shoemaker was sworn in as a mamber ef tha N. F. P. force on Taaaday, aad has been assigned to duty in tha Fifth Preeiact, AaBXta Tha Nattoaml PaUaduag paay, of Hartf oad, Coxmaettomt, 1MK KINK. BEACnfTL ICR.


7lh U70. Olvea ly Meear. EVIL WAHLE and W. 1TKNBKB0EH. With the of Mia.

OKO. A Wcelflekl, W. Mr. J. MISCHKA, Pianl.t, and lbs QUARTETTE OF THE CIIUHUII, canaUUnf of Mlaa JRNNIR NN, Ulu Ki LA V(iU0, aim; M. II. Ail'H, Tenor; Air. A. hllU.NN. Ha jo.

TioVati SO oe-t; sail be had at the Mutio "tore and at th Church on th avculug- of the Comx rt, hi -M 1870. SECOND ANNUAL LECTURE COURSE of the GRAND ARMY OF THE REFUBLIG AT PT. JAMES MALL. MM lv been etatd for lb aaaaon a fellow: TUESDAY, F. b.

8 TTon. J. Tf. WAHWICK, ol Calif bubject, I he New Nation." TUESDAV, a-eb.

1-FORD, of Now York. Can. BTIWABT bulject: "full bl.erl MONDAY, Feb. JOHN O. BAXE.

'French Folka al Home." TUESDAY, March COLL1KK. ol Chicago, the TUESD AY, March ST J. ollnce(l. "V1" gkhthudk KF.I, Houdiijjr, 8'n7'e Ttrkatu, f1 re ft each. Tu be ha' ill-.

TirVati for the fouree. 40 M.ln ue. at Br'eil A ent'' W. M. IVarxxl elartln Tavtor'a.

fi Muln ftiai: Main vtreur a. 811 Main II II iaa. Zss aud of tr Jewntt A allachka'l, MS Main a Ci'fnrulllce. rtlct holding Snaaoi TI-' el all' he adn.1tt.rj II an hour aar ler, l.y the Main at. ent auce, in order to make a i election of tcaia.

Door open at 7.1ft; Iwture onmnience at o'clot k. F. RiXIKRS, Chairman CoiumUl. PEIinY. -tarv.

altl tf JLNK ARTS ACADKM Y. TOCNO MEN'S ABSOCIATIOIf BUTLDIXUM. Tha Gallery will ha eii.n every day, aiooiit But from A. at. till P.

M. Single month, Sf1 eenta. L. O. AUCTION.

Regular diy. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY of eaeh weak. BY CHARLES O. IIUSII, At th City Auction No. 801 WASHINGTON STREET, KataMkhod 18,7.

Peraon deairou of dl. poring or rurrhatinr e-ooda of any dicrl, tion will flii.i it to their ad an'ae ly 0.1 log at tha old entabiltdud Aucilon s. SOS Waal.iugton atrret. CASH ADVANCED on food to be aoM "or alored. C.MUnir, Oil CI tth, Ac.

at -re riwa koiii en, QUPRF.ME CUnT COUNTY OF EKIK -Uwl. Kell agaiut Jobs II. WalUr. II. Walter, You ar h.r b.

aummoned to rnwer Lint ot Lewia II. Kallnr. alnl a. w' niei in tne omuo of ol le County on githof Ja uary 1K70, an" to aa ve a eopy .11 aniiwat on ine auu crioer at Iiclr nie.

your reet. Muff do, N. thin ie' Ma'n a a't'r the vi ii i.i..t i i uay 01 eer day of eel nl airai'i I -hlv vhl rftc 1 oenl-. with Ip' n.iliar. an-l tba lt iA "rp'emoer, lixie, or ire-t ihueon from Jan.

lit. 18(0. 4, I la. A T. Pl.ltilll'a Att rn T.

Nl Y. ii the fendar t. You ar a k. m.

.1. ami ra-iuirro to e'rwrr th. o. mp atr.t UM which lei In un tha olfca ol the Clerk of trie t'otin "lit rt.v At IllMmU. OM 1 TI anew-rou ma 'at my olhc.

In ihe "if Bllff .11 kllhln .4... I niM-eof, racltuive of tha da n.k ou fa I to an.w.r tha im .1 plaintiff will tat )idirmnt aaln.t on lor th. mm aeveniy-aeven ro lar and eeventy ouiU, and In-lrit thuieon from the 1 ith day of S.p'.io- er II 4, WtCOMUK A HDW ICLL r-lff AUf. 7 Main Buffalo N. T.

IH'av DremluT 1, lg19. 13 "T0 SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KRIK N. Y. William Mir, Plaintiff, aira'tiat Louli I.ulHn nn, Chrtallan F. Luhmum, Adol, hin (i Mat.d.l.

Tn.odor. Wllklna, Uai-mon Orove. K. Hmh II, Benjamin W., Ch.rli Hhittetnor, Keniamia 1.

Wh tl-et Lyaiau Oahom. Oha lee A WH-ht, A'nrs Jmy Hrnd-raon, Horace Utley, Wi.lard Hi.a.,' William R. Willournby, John Coptcu.t. Frauci Copeeutt, Defendatita. To the Defendant) ab-v.

named-Yon ar h.hf aurnm med ta ik, m. plaint In thl aotloa arid a eopy of your anawar at my office In th d-y of Buff 10 jtrw York, within twenty daya after the atrvic xcliarir of th day of ucb crrvlo. end if you fa I tnaruwer th ai afore th plaimlff will applr I th io art for th relief item tuned rn aid eomp'iint; which complaint filed In the of. flee of th CU-r of th County of Erie, at la clly the ttlh of Kov.mbar, 1 Dated Buffalo, nv, Ixflf). 1C-1 hw CffARLSw MUETTFB, Pl'ffa Aty.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PURSU-ant to an order ol Horatio be incur. Surrofat of Erie County. N.rtlc I. herelry irlven to ell rvon havhir elalma cainat Abby lleaeock, late of Ue eity of BuaTaJo, In eounty, tMoaaard, that Uicy are raquired to hibrt the aam with vouch theranf to firoav.

W. ideacock. tl F.iarutor ot th will of 1 ha 'r onaaed. at naidano ot th aaid Exaaw aH d- dty of Buffalo, In aa vantf, oa er tu day of Fatiruary, 170. -for th la O.

W. HE' Dated th Wh dav of T.xfraW. Th Buff' CUSTOM HOCSE. I JNthat uT orr! ru' loviowtnf aanxd pnfie ly, li. a niviug oeen wiix-i i.v ine eon or I tor tha trlvtrict of Buffalo ('reek, on th ay of January.

IK70. at buffal lor been il aval', imoo tad and iutrodwed Into th United Stat. In vkilatton ef tn provlaion of th act ent tied, 'An Act further prevent rtnug-llna; and for other approved Jalv sod, and th aam hav ng ba duly pjndwd, ami th value thmof tavl-c ben fount to lee. th ram of Mr hundred virt of th prr vl. urn of th fUtewulh Motion of th act aforesaid, th aald proirty will he at utl auctiwa lath hlifhw Mdder thrf or at tbaCu." Hou In th eitv ef Hi If Jo.

on th I rf Fi b-rnary, 1(70, at 10 o'clock. In tha f'wenaon of that day. AMUEL. HOLLEI. alAtt CoLA I of Cu.towi..

TlfR TOILET. jEWLY ESTABLISHED TURKISH BATHS FOR LADIE1 AKD OEMTLEUEX S. XMOLM IT, swtawan Oak sej EUlo On th Dlaa ef the saeat aoorovd ftahi IbhmeM of Oo-untopl. Fan. Lood- 0k.w ktA4f 8.

BYER, If. WF T. J. SHAVING AND PITHING. Royal Xtavy, commanding tne jetrel, stationed on the African coast.

He reports tht Dr. David Livingstone, the celebrated A li loan traveler, had been burned as a wissrd by a chief in the interior. Viehna, February 1. Arch Duchess Elisabeth, of Austria, has lied to America, having embarked at Hamburg. Paris, Feb.

2. No American newspa pers have been received lit; re of a later date than January II, though letters are at hand to tne 1'Jtn. 1 nere is considerable aissatis-faotion at this state of things, and people are anxious to know if it arises from the recent change made in the system of carrying American traos-oceauio mails. Low DOW, February 2. According to the provisions of the act of Parliament empowering the government to take possession of the telegisph lines of the kingdom, the Treasury Department yesterday paid for the cable connecting England with Germany by way of the island of New York, February 2.

This morning a 6 re in Wooster street destroyed property to the amount of $100,000. The Executive Committee of 'the Alumni of Hamilton College have changed the day for the annual reunion and festival to Thursday, the 17th instant, at the As tor House, instead of the 2-Uh instant, as has been recently announced. Tho change is made in consequence of the 24th being a day of fasting and prayer by the colleges) throughout the country. Path Plat tor tub Erie A correspondent of tha Cincinnati comes to the rescna of the Lne Koad against the army of detractors. He is heartily sick, and 'reasonably an, of the fuss and misrep- resentations of the press concerning this road anil its management, and thinks it has reoeived anything but "fair play." In support of his convictions, ho relates Lis recent experience, which is daily that of i thousands of others, and from which we extract the following: "I have recently returned to Cincinnati from the.

East over this line, and all I to say is. that if the is badly managed. 1 wish all the roads in the country were badly managed too. It is, without any exception, the most comforta ble line I ever traveled ovor. A ere por tion of its track has been recently furnished with new rails: and a railroad superm temlent, whose ability and judgment has been acquired by thirty years experience, assured me that he never in his mhole life rodo over a smoother or safer track than that from New York to Cincinnati by this rout.

Ho is not interested in the line, and would have hardly given so warm commendation unless it were deserved. I certainly never waa in coaches more elegant in adornment, substantial in structure, or easy in motion, while for safety the fact stands out that in the last year but one passenger, out of car ried over the Atlantic and Great Western portion of tha route, lost his life, and be, oonfeasedly, by his own negligence. On the whole way homeward I watched the adver tised time table closely, and have never, in considerable travel, seen ono adhered to so olosely and certainly. In short, I waa never on a better, and I think 1 never was on so good a line of road before." St. Louii Timet.

SiwnrLAK Murder. A day or two be fore the last mail left England a strange affair occurred in a private hotel in Kins- bury, London. The inhabitants of the house were aroused at dead of night by the crashing of glass. The landlady went down stairs, and met the night porter, named Spinas, (a German), at the top of the kitchen stairs. He called out, "Don't go down the devil ia there A policeman was called, and, upon entering i small room in which Spinas slept, a horri bis spectacle presented itself.

Lying on ber back, with her features all beaten in and sashed. tha eyes running into the cheeks and into one another," was the body of a woman I Her dress was tore, bloody and disarranged. She had evidently fought desperately for her life, and in one of her bands a few dark hairs were found, corres ponding to the hair of Spinas. No one could tell at hrat who she was, or whence she came. But the announcement of the discovery ia the newspapers led to her identification.

She waa a girl from the country, young and pretty, who baa taken to a dissolute life. Spinas must have met her, taken her to the room in question, and there beaten her to death with empty champagne bottles. Ho was arrested and it ia a comfort to know that if he ia found guilty of the crime no political influence will suffice to save him from the gallows. A Lady Killed While Sitting in Her Room Sun rounded bt Her Children. A most terrible and diabolical murder occurred on Thurday night of last week in Brunswick County, Virginia, the unfortunate victim being Mrs.

Kawlings, wife of Bassett Rawlings. Tha circumstances of the murder are thus narrated; About seven o'clock on Thursday night, while Mrs. Rawlings was sitting in front of the Are in her room, with soma of her children sitting neir her, a shot was fired from an uuseen band through window in the rear of Mrs Kawlings, the whole load (slugs) taking effect just below the shoulder of the unfortunate victim, killing her almost instantly. The murderer made his eacape without being seen. Mr.

Kawlings arrived at home from court, where he had been attending through the day, little after tha oocur-renae, te find his wife corpse and his motherless children weeping over tba dead. Suspicion rested on one Harrison Hem-maok, a- negro, who had made certain threats because hia wife had recently beenj ouonargea irom tne service ol the family. Noticb Will bo given free of charge, tha right to sell "Raids' 8tar Stove Cover," in any of tha large Eastern or Western cities, to persons having tha means to push it. UBoruiB d. Bull, 331 Main street.

Tab CoierosiTiojr will euro soughs, colds. catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and lone complaints, and deafneas and sore ayes caoaed by catarrh. Preparation of Tar has bean recommended by all tha best physyicians as peculiarly adapted for con sumption, i rice nicy cents. vmae II South Division street. Sold by druggists.

Bottaxo Dnrnra Saloov. B. G. Chapmen A Noa. 193 195 Main street House open when all others are closed.

Parties attending balls or parties will be prosaptly attended to. 12tl Cham as" Co. The concert saloon ou Washington street, near Seneca, has been complained of to the polioe, as a nuisanoe, by. the residents of that vicinity. The trial of Thompson for sailing i "Petroleum Fluid," which was set for yesterday, has been put over till Thursday, 10th instant, at Justice Lampman's.

Key. J. Hazard Hartzell will lecture at Tonawanda this evening on the "Under Curents of thought." llev. Mr. Muller will follow him next Monday upon True Nobility." The examination of Norman Holley on a charge of smuggling, which was to hv taken place yesterday was adjourned til this morning, on aououut of the absenoe his counsel.

Tom Cook's benefit yesterday waa not so largely attended as was expected, but is is fortanate that the audience was no measure of the receipts, as many tickets were sold which did not come in. Extra Engagement. Rev. W. A.

Alger leotnres before Y. M. A. on Friday evening, Feb. 4th.

E. E. Hazard, Chairman Lecture Committee. Jhi Weather. The following are the meteorological observations for February 2, taken at the Young Men's Association Library by the Librarian Time.

Bar. Ther. Wiad: Bay. A.M. ..2911 Ciln, C. 2 V. .211:21 li Light, S. W. Ch.udy.

P. li C.m. 8. W. Cloudy Orasd Anur or the Ripcblig Lec ture.

On Tuesday next Hon, J. M. Warwick, of California, who is spoken of as an instructive lecturer, will open the course in Buffalo. His theme is one to give scopo to the Those purchasing season tickets will have the choice of scats, as will be seen by the advertisement. Accident to a Railroad Mak.

Mr. Frank Hngron, engineer on the New York and Eriu Railway, had his right arm injured so 'badly while coupling cars at Attica, on Tuesday afternoon, that amputation was rendered necessary. He was brought to this city anil taken to his residence, No. 330 Carroll street. Leiturb.

Rev. W. R. Alger is engaged to lecture on Friday evening before the Young Men's Association. After the mag nificent discourse of Tuesdsy evening the learned gentleman will certainly be greeUd on his second appearance with an overflowing house.

Mr. David raj's lecture ia post poned until next week. Fart Dbitino. The court room of Justice Whalen was pretty well filled yesterday afternoon with anxious spectators expecting capital for fun from the trial of five of onr magnates on the charge of fast driving on r-k i i-reiaware street. jvo thing much was done, but the fun begins this morning at mne clock, at which time the jury trials of Messrs.

Darcy and Devlin come off. Query. Ia view of testimony of Inspec tor Raiohert at the inquest yesterday the inquiry is pertinent is there not too much latitude allowed to refiners, when, instead of the contents of each barrel being proved. the test is applied to the oil in ths tank, and the number of barrels estimated to be required to hold it, branded, on the honor of the manufacturer? Lecturb at Tohawardv. Rev.

J. Hes-ard Hartzell, of this city, will deliver the fourth lecture of the Winter course at the Methodist Episcopal church, in Tonawanda, this week Thursday evening. His subject will be "The Currents of Thought," one to which he is fully capable of doing justice. We trust that the Tonawanda people will see that he has an audience worthy of hia merits. Row iif a Concert Saloon.

Last Mon day night John Walsh, special policeman at Charles Baker's concert saloon on Washington street, was attacked by a party of young men and badly beaten while attempting to preserve order in tha saloon. ifficers Mooney and Wursteisen arrested William King, William Shehan, and one or two others Tueaday afternoon on charge of assault and battery, but owing to the severity of Mr. Walsh's inj uries he was unable to appear against them; therefore tha case was postponed. Personal. Samuel L.

Clemens (Mark Twain) was married last evening at Elmira to Miss Olivia daughter of Jarois Lang-don, Esq of that city. Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, assisted by Rev. Mr.

TwitohelL performed tha marriage ceremony, which was simple and impressive. Only tha ii mediate friends of tha bride and bridegroom were present, forming quite a large com' paay, and including many from a distance. Tha bridal party and returning guests are expected to arrive ia Buffalo to night. Mr. Tillinghaat, Superintendent of tha New York Central Railroad, we understand, has placed one of tha magnificent Directors' cars of that road at tha service of Mr.

Langdoa for tha oeeasioa. A TTXMTTrD Octbaob. An inhuman fiend bearing physiological resemblanoe to a man, and claiming for limlf tha dignity of tha name of John Rathgeber, waa arrested at Aurora Tuesdsy afternoon by Detective Frank Myers for placing obstructions npon tha track of tha Buffala and Washington Railroad aboat a quarter of a mile this side of Aurora. It to presumed that ths wretch desired to wrack tha first can that passad for tha purpose of plunder. Tha conductor of tha morning traia, Mr.

J. J. Yeamans, fortunately saw tha tice ia tima to hsariMthat 000 doaaa Damask table napkins at $1 60 per dosen. Other houses are selling tha saaaa goods at K3 00. 100 yards two yards wide tabls Damask, all linen, at 75 cents par yard.

Oar entire stook of dry goods greatly radaaad. Wa will sell goods shsapsr than aay hoasa ia Bnffalo. it i ti max -v Coafaranea Cnsamlrinst iaaaotharoabxmafar to i-n 'im hia fetiaa; fOTOXJft, "alt 179 -d 272 Haia stmt J. E. Warn aatwworkantiUad, "A Key to Xk.

(lMlswM4iaf mM -i i -f.

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