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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

re 1 r- 0 I. I I "1 OltY -GOODS. -r Chabo or -We ace Crittenden Presbrey's Heperled for tks Buffalo Morning Express. .11 Kaix, December FOR SALE TWO HOUSES ON HURON' -J street, No. 148 and ISO, near Niagara street House ar la food 9oessioa will be riven May 1st.

Price of US, SSVOO, of ISO. t26M) ot easy terms; Enquire tarsi umrrmiDtn a fnansuKr, fTlFOR SALE TWO KEW HOUSES ON Ten tb near Mtttarhatrtta ttreet Lot i7xl6S. eriee T60. Possession Way 1st. man CEIT I EITDHf.

A PKXSBXST. Tj TO BENT A FRAME COTTAGE ON j. ludLWainat tret. fessessioa given immediately. mr8 CRITTENDEN A PRfJSBBEY.

FF, OBSALE- 100 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND mile SOOth of Lorknnrt esTTts Transit Raid. 30 acres of heavily timbered land, small farm hoase, with a Qrst rate bara. Has an orchant na Oxt of iiiv I est varieties in fall bearfn. TkTii i. nn.n.n, "eeu exaaosted kv constant 7' "arm toe vtemnv ol a growing Toss uu is a rare onnortnnlr Pr-w tan i acre, cash down, balance to mrrchaser.

Xnqaire of mr28 CR1TTENOE PRKSBRKY. KAltUAXN IS A. JtAKit 326 ACRESrJ XV in Ripley, Chantaaaae eotstv. knawm mm McRIY FARM." There is IS acre under oultivaUonJ wi mmm invMiu iwhwouuj appiv, peacsi pimni, enerrr and other fruit trees. The toil is of a good quality for the production of all kinds of grain.

Thar it a valuable miH site on tbe lot, being from abranch of the Twenty stile Creek HI acre of this land is heavilv timbered with beech, maple, hickory, chertnat and chsrry 6ft cords of hard wood per acre can be cut ma all this wood land, whiob can be told at very remunerative price to the B. AS. A U. Road. It as mile from the State Isae Depot, 4 miles from Lake Erie, and mile from Quincv.

is in the vicinity of school, churches And mills. Enquire of mrm jttii lartiifcM a rKKBtUiBY. MTO RENT 8 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND with a new 1 Jf storv Cottage, barn. weU. Ac.

on Bouck street, near Uanly A Mason's Gardens. torsi uuiTtsvui ss ruaciKs.x. FOR SALE A TWO STORY FRAME Dwelling oa the north aide of Carroll street, neara Vtucago street. House in good repair jot mxuio, Possession given Hay 1st. Price $1800.

Enquire of i mrs CKlTTENDEiv rKKBBiutr. QFOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE ON? Cbestnut street sear Swan. Lot 85 feet frontii House well arranged. Possession May Lit, ISO. Price? fltsoo.

lesd CR1TTKNDEN A FIUiSBRKV-. FOR SALE A CHOICE FARM OF4 ISO acre of land within one mile of Silver Creek, with good house and eat buil dines: 100 acres under a high state of cultivation: an orchard of selected fruit whbrardsc? filled with a great variety shrubs and Sowers. Prieenal. The bruiting ia four stories high, substantially built t6 an acre on easy terms. of brick in modern style, and iirailjr new ami wtlL cidhII I T.

T. I 'TI' Fl I 1 nnfcliiuiu vm.m i .111 uwarui 11(11- A nrinAa i "'itlni! the Canal world be desirable for storage or other CHOICE LOT of Niagara street. 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I Ul rlaaAiaVI St-ICTk, 1- BUTiTALO; WEDNESDAY, APBIL tOCAXi TJTKRAKT AWD, KMCSIXAMTOUI. "Cf Tie weather; that prolific tooree of na-i, -that established subject of fnuuMin; thai wvr nrooerlv eondueted tastttoHon. was yesterday in a mora thaw onaaUnfactorv ceodltion.

In the morning JT.irhure inn a ftw momenta of bright aan-Ught; thortly at commenced to rain and the ion 1 qoite perceptibly. The storm lasted until afternoon, when flietmospher cleared and we had some more ttra-, shine, which, altera. ted with fogt, msde the meteoro-f logical condition! for the rest of, the day. The rain per-tonne one important and uieful offloe it so dissolved and trained away the mow, whieh In Icy puot sun encsnxmer the tuttl. that those pormanent looking, stubborn beast are now rcdoeod to quite respectable and hopeful dimen sion.

There wa a St Gothard up By tne Medical college, Cblmboraso In the rear of the Hospital, and several Manta Blanc lust round the comer, only that they were not a None as before the rains of aome tea days ttnce. Afl these bare been teriously effected by the thtwtrt of yesterday, and the prospect is now good for a removal of the obstruction so long piled in oar street. Ween they shall flnaUy take their departure, what an opportunity will bo afforded to the archssologists, who will then hare lunch the same chance as those antiquarians who are said to hare paddled round in the mod after the subsidence of the deluge, and found quit a snug property eaco. indeed, we saw yesterday, one elderly lady, provided with a long hook, who diligently explored the places left bare by the lMuifaction of the snow, and in whose features we thought we could see traces of an antiquity almost as re mote as that of the enthusiastic explorers Just mentioned. But as we did not know her we could not ask her If she know Noah.

The relics In her basket were clearly rahta-, We, on the presumption held by some philosophers that an article gathers value in exact ratio with it age. She had msrd-anUues In the form of broken green glass bottles ultra marines consisting-of parts of very old sailor's jack ets, and many another piece of ancient ware, so much worn as to render It peculiarly respectable. There was a shoe which might hare been worn by Cornelius Aggrippa, (as there was a hole orer where the grip might have been felt upon the corn a pipe which might hare been one of Fan's, parts of several tin ones, in various stages or oxidation being also observable. This pipe may, however, hare been a portion of Imperial Cmsar dead and turned to clay, as mentioned by that famous Danish antiquarian, LUsnjrr. The old lady was clearly proud of her curioii-ties, as she certainly deserved, all of them having been fortunately rescued from total oblivion and made available to science with a hook.

3g Wasted Corkespokdenck. It is estimated that during the current year and a quarter million of dead Utter will- be opened. Since the 1st of January, 1484 dead letters of value were found by the openers, and banded over to the clerks for entry, and returned to the writers. The amount In good money enclos- ed Is nearly $17,000, and $3Mii spurious bills. A good portion of this money has been returned to its legal owners.

What a record of wasted labor and disappointed hopes does this afford Dead letters emphatically dead, and at last consigned to a tomb of fire an auto dae which singes out the last remaining trace of life and leaves them a mass or ashes oo the plain, to be wafted by the winds in whatsoever direction they may capriciously direct. Uf New Books. Confession or, the mind Heart. By W. G.Siums.

WewTork, Rkoeij. Mr. Brauo gives us, in this the story or a heart mad "blind" by Us own perversity and stubbornness. We need scarcely say that the book is entirely different in character from those of Mr. Bison's, previously issued by the asm publishers, and most of which partake of the chivalrous and stirring element likely to be imparted by the subjects treated.

In the book now before us this is laid aside, and It seems that the author has allowed himself to fhll into a morbid, hypochondriacal vein, not nearly as pleasant as his patriotic or chivalrous one. For sale by Wahzkr, McKim A Co. t2T" The Utopian who could even invent this couplet, deserves the great leather medal offered, we believe, by Panurge for the bigger foot than be who jumped off the Church steeple In a basket, hoping to stop at the eloristory windows. The idea of six editors agreeing! Preposterous: How sweet a thing it is to lee Six editors together, Going to church by two and two, All in the worst of weather. How sweet a thing it is to see Reporters running round, Tilling each other's baskets with Xne "chips' which tney have round." Special Contract with Common Car- feisVs.

Another of those decisions establishing the law in reference to common carriers and their responsibility to passengers for damages done to lire, limb or property through their agency, was rendered in Albany a few days sine. A drover who was provided with a pass over the Central.Rallroad was injured through the cars in which he was traveling being thrown off the track and sued the company. The defence pleaded- the terms of the pass which excepted and barred the recovery of damages. But the Court held that this was not a sufficient contract and could not exonerate the defendants, who were "common carriers," and a verdict or 1 8,000 was rendered for the plaintiff. 3J" Firk asd Loss or Lira at the Falls.

The Jtepublio of last evening says, that at half past ten o'oloek, on Monday evening, a fire broke out in one of, the wooden shanties Just below Niagara Falls and consumed It. It was occupied by a French shoemaker and his family. This morning, says that paper, the bodies of the French man, with those of two women who lived In the Shanty, were taken from the ruins roasted ioa crisp. It is supposed that they were suffocated by the smoke before they knew their danger, and so perished horribly In their beds. A coroner's inquest was held, and a suitable verdict 'The Fruit Trees.

It seems to be the case throughout the country, that the long, cruel winter has been the cause of much damage to the fruit trees. According to the Rochester Union, the mice hare burrowed under the deep snow surrounding the fruit trees, and there hare made themselves mischievously busy by gnawing the bark from the bodies oi the trees. The Union Bays that the loss to Monroe County, from this cause alone, mutt reach $100,000. One nurseryman prevented such damage to hit property by removing the snow, carefully, from around the trees. Gothic Hall.

We would call attention to the card of Messrs. Oakland A Bxuum, to be seen In an- Aer column. These gentlemen are doing a fine business and increasing it eve.y that the old limits of Gothic Hall, liberal as they were, have become too circumscribed for the largely Increased traffic. It is more than wonderful to watch the constant stream of artisans Of both sexes, who visit and depart from this monster tailor- Ing establishment, either taking away materials or retum-" Ing finished work. It is a good thing for the Industrious Germans in our city that such a concern exists here, and on to grand a scale.

3J Or of our contemporaries express ths belief that we have been unjust in taking the Mayor to task in reference to the dog slaying and muz-lliuf ordinances. If we have, we certainly did not Intend and his Honor will, if he feels aggrieved, give us credit for sincerity. If there be any fault attributable to us, it is only that of excessive caution. We understand that many dogs are now muzzled, and if all were, no harm could come of it A dog's head, in a basket, is as innocuous at a carrel ditto in a ditto. 3f Death or Doctor Daniel We are pained to bear, from Lake Superior, of the death of Doctor Dahikl CImreok, brother of Messrs.

Hcoa andj. Asuus Cahbsox, of this city. He departed this life at the Nebraska mine, In March last, at tbe age of 82 No man could be more respected, and few gave greater pro-mite of excellence and usefulness than did. Doctor Cahk-nox. But death has claimed him, most untimely, and his relatives and friends are left to sorrow over hopes blasted and promise unfulfilled, jgjf Theatre.

Mr. Neafw will appear this evening the last but one of his engagement in the excel lent melo-dramatic part art of "Itob Roy," in the Scottish ro- mance of that name i play of "Black Eyed Susan." Miss GaoaousA Hooeoa will alto appear In two favorite parte as inana vemon" and Dolly Mayflower," in both of which she will sing some fhvorlte songs. Altogether, the bill Is one of the best of the season. gf Giobok's Febtital. The usual annl-very festivities of the society of St.

George will take place In thie city on Wednesday evening, 28d instant, at the American Hotel. We have no doubt that the former excellent reputation of the society acquired many yean and at many a well spread board, will still be re. tained and enhanced on this occasion. May mirth and pleasure, good fellowship and gentle, high-toned sentiment be the crowning beauties of the banquet. I 1 i I i iAUCJiOiV HALRS.

Saltf of Landi at Auction IV A lot of Land on Buffalo Creek, SO feet deep, jiear and belo tb tot! -bridge, will be toM at Aootion, oa WKHXK8DAT, tbe ISth at o'clock A. at tbe emce oi tn uunato Bteara Engine worst on wasnisgion street. The Stock of Tbe BaSaio Steam Engine Merka trill be taken at par OB the sale of said lands. Title ported. I ALKT BENNRT, pi4-tt i Seoratary, mo.


ST fLUCPTOZr et WEICBVa Main Street. At the Start of A. CooUf. Saturday, April at 10 o'clock A. Will be soli wrtbotit i tin, for aecovnt of A.

CooJey, do-clining business, bis entire atook of furnitor of hi own tnake for regaJar custom trade, consisting ia part Mahogany, Walaat mm Cherry Bureaus Mahogany Bair Seat, Cats Seat, Rocking, Office and Children's Chairs, French, oottsire and consaon Bedstead. Oerrtro, card, toilet and work Tallies, Quarvrttea, light and Wash Stands, Ottomans, Foot Stool, Masie Stool, Towel Rack, eamatoa Staadt, What aota, Mahogany Wardrobe, Dining Table, Dressing Bursa as and Bnreaa Washstaads, 1 Invalid's Bedstead. Alio A urge sasortment toned, tawed aad bent Chair stuffs, IT Trrras-t-Cash, enrrent funds. L. K.

PLIMPTON Arkmostal. ASSIGNEE'S SALE- OF NOTES AND ACCOUNTS, AO, AO, jf PtlXP TOyjt 1FKL CH, Ko. SO Afrira Street. Thursday, Aprfl 17th, at 8 o'clock, P. will be sold for account of the Assignee of Wibert A He-rlrt all their Notes and Accounts, Book Accounts, Ac.

Also One Grocois Waggon, Oa Harness. Also One new Buggy, Alagatroyd's PattnL fcsf Term Cash, current funds. if.U L. K. PUMPTON Accnosrsa.

VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION 1 1 LIMP TO dt WELCH. Wednksday, April 16th, at 11 o'clock A. Will be sold without reserve to close an estate, on the premises, the propextv known as the Merchant's Hotel, in the cilyof Buffalo, fronting 103 feet on the Erie Canal, 41 feet on Pesrl or Commercial streets. 40 feet and six Inches on Loyd street, snd In depth northerly fron. Ca-osl, about 70 feet.

This property is most located for a Hotel or for any wholesale business rtouirirs dockase on tin- is i expense could be mted tor stores vpon Cnmmercial and 4 1 I. A Auu- V. k. and others is invited to this Jf Terms one quarter on tne day or tale, tne balance. one hair in Ave years and one ball in ten years from day of sale with semi-annual interest, secured by Bond ami Mortgage on the premises, with insurance clause inset ted.

Satisfactory endorsed notes on interest st three snd sis months will be taken for the first payment, if desired. For further particulars enquire of Wtl. MILLKK or CUARUS G. MILLKK, Executors, No. Broan's Buildings, or of the Aoxtioneer, 50 Main st.


April 17th, at 10 o'clock A. will be sold to the trade, a stock of first class fancy and staple Dry (Joods of a large retail House about closing up their business, and to pay advances. This stock consists in part of bilk and Drera Goods in great variety, rich moire antique, brocades, glaci, tatint, walered tnd figurtd tiiks, plain and fancy grade Rhine and pro de Naples, tissues. Foulards china ami chaipcule silks, meriice, lawns, ginghams, rrcuch prints, common prints, mourning goods, Ac Ac. White Goods from the drawers, Swiss, book and jaconet muslins satinets, laces, dotted wiss.

Linen Goods Damask table linen cloths, diapers, huck-abuck, 800 pieces, icotch diaper, doyles, crash, Ac. Hosiery and Gloves in great variety. Haberdashery Pits, needles, buttons, threads, tapis, combs, whalebone linings, lsces, fancy articles, 4 c. Irish Unens, cam bricks, drillings, corset dr.UDgs, mariner's stripes, deiiims. Hollar ds, etc.

Also Cloths, cassimeres, satine's, sheep's grays, heavers, snd woollens of all kinds, flsnnels, linings. Vesting Satins, serges and Tailors trimmings. Shawls, scarfs, cravats, handkerchiefs. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, and other articles too numerous to mention. tprT" The City and Country Trade are particularly Invited to attend this sale.

Terms All sums under $100, cash; over f100, three months credit will be given for endorse notes satisfactory to sellers. ap4 AUCTION SAI.ES. MAURICE VAUGHAN, will sell at Auction, at his Auction and Commission Rooms, adjoining the coj nerof Main and tluay streets, on satiiKD a 1 asu it r--. DAY next, at 9ij o'clock A. a collection Household Furniture, Merchandise, Ac.

tjr IVrms, C'ah. H'AUBICE VAUGHAN, Auctioneer. nhode-' Fever and Agile Csjre. Sweet are the uses of adversity." THIS may be true in some instances, but when it comes ln the shape of Fever and Ague, we mus be permitted to question it utility, and think any nse perfectly justifiable in resorting to the most expeditious mi ar tf relief, and would suggest that for this purpose Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure stands unrivalled. Free frcm hurtful ingredient and prompt in II action, it removes the disorder at.oncc and leaves the system renewed snd invigorated.

Drl James R. Chilton, the eminent chemist of New York, certifies to its inrocwccc. ar.d the people of every section of the country bear witness to its un'ailirg efficacy. Its fuccess, however, is not io wondered at when we reflect upon the nature of its operation. It neutralise all (he malarious vapors which sre the active cause of Fever and Ague, and when this is done, nature's recuperative energies speedily restore the system to its health and Vigor.

Try it, yc pallid victims of Ft-ver and Ague, and your testimony will swell the flood of evidence in favor of this valuable remedy. Pee advertisement- C. B. ANDREWS A General Agents. Rhode Fever and Ague Ctire.

The miserable have no other medicine but only hope." HIS statement may have been correct in the time of the great Dramatist, but now a days there are means of relief offered -to the afflicted, more potent than the whisperings of Hope and almost aa cheaply to be procured. To the thousands whs- are suffering Fever snd Ague and kindred diseases, there is'a "balm in Gilead," iu the well known remedy Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure." This inimitable preiiaration is the result of selen itic invettigation into the harmonious laws which govern nature's operations, and rmtoralkin to health follows its us; as. certainly as da.vl'ght succeeds the night. It msy be relied upon with the rno-rt entire confidence tc perform alt that Is claimed for it, and the extent of its Eeld of usefulness wllf be limited only by the prevalence of the disorders for which -it is especially intended. Fever snd Ague cannot retsin a hold upon the system vbin once this remedy -is brought to bear upin this disorder.

Its operation is speedy its beneficial eti-ct permanent. See advertisement. C. B. ANDRKWS A General Am-nts.

Tlhodts' Fever find Ague 'unA are not accustomed to offer any opinion as to the relative merits of the various preparalMis offered for the cure of Fever snd Ague and kindred diseases, but make an exception in favor of the celebrated remedy known as Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure." From its genuine excellence it is deserving of a grateful welcome from all sufferers from chills and fever, and we recommend it as not only the most efficacious, but also ss the only entirely innocent remedy which hss been iffersd to the public. As a preventive ii may be relied upon with tbe utmost confidence, securing travelers In malarious districts from the injurious effects of miasmatic exhalations. Dr. James R. Chiltnn, tlie eminent New York Chi m-ist, certifies it to be entirely free from the least infrredjent of an injurious nature, and every part of the country fully establishes iu claim of lieing a perfect antidote to malaria.

See advertisement. C. B. ANDREWS A General Agents. I.

O. O. F. IN another eolnma of to-day's paper will be found an advertisement for Rhodes' Fever and Agua Cure." We are not in the habit of puffing medicines, but dtsii to say, that Wm. N.

Rows, merchant, Sharpsburgh, who has it for ssie, informs as he has sold several dosen bottles, and in every cue lt has efTtcUd a cure. This proves tlie medicine to be good, and we take pleasure in bringing it before the public Odd EeUose, Boonsboro, Sept 4. See advertisement. B. ANDREWS A General Agents, mrS8-8m No.

15 Main ttreet, Buffalo. New Spring HAVE JUbT OPENED ONE OF THE ssost complete assortment of A'renrii Clotlin, Oaiimcre and VcMiiicfi In this cily for CUSTOM WORK an examination of oar stock it respectfully and no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to all persons who may favor us with a share of their patronage. We alto keep a ul! assortment of FCRSIS.1ING A READT MADE CLOTlUr-G. Our system is Cash and in consequence oar prices moderate. MASSE A BROTHER, Merchant Tailors, 16 ap-ly First door below the Morn mg Kxpress Office.

i tn THE OLDEST SIGN PAINTING Etablsalam nt In tbe City. No'. WILGUis HAVING DISPOSED OF HIS entire interest in tbe SIGN PAINTING Business to I-VI1. SCOTT, Wh baa been hi principal Sign Painter nearly elevrn years, takes great pk-anre in recocrjaaendiit- him Io the pubtie, a a person every way worthy of eoandenc and In a llasinesa raakiag as mo of tha beat Moehanica in Ibis City. Paint Shop N.

Sooth DivnBon street. i geoiT'J CAE ED LETTEBS FOE FIGNS Are In inesUcr detoand than ever. Every size and stvre got ogat No. 3 South mrl 4s rjriEUNDEBIGSED HAVING JUST RE-JL tnrned from Netr York with a full tnd complete assortment Jlontc Furnishing Embracing one or the largest and moat cow pic te this city of Tea Trays. Tea Sets, Wooden acd Willow Ware, Kitchen and Table CaUery, French and English Cooking Uteasila, Ac, Ac which they will aril as low a the lowest, and warrant as good as the beat.

r- kesuesubcr the place. No. 3 Seneca street, e-tween Webster A Co and Uoo. Usee's well known Fasa-lly Grocery Establishiacnt. A CHAMPLIN.

i RECEIVED AT Tflst AOfSCT, ito 3 SE3KCA STMEET, -L Stewart's COOKING ran supply oi mt the smkr. STOYR, warranted g' irralitcd gvw mm- lundesi. PiCRCB A CUAMPLIK. I very oew styles of C4- gar sod Ossso rw wlf.KMTSImtf. 1S7 Main street.

Brown's Building. Z3 paJNtTymJJ ANT1LLAS OPENINO I Ws-Irul apeaon THIS MORNING, April 10th, at lt slaw straws, a Urge sr baaaUloi aasortaaeal of Spring Style Man una JOHN XORTZ. -i i i it announced, that Mr. 0 swans B. Alias has been appolnt-ed Superintendent of the Consolidated Telegraph from New York to Buffalo.

Ann is an Oneida county man, though he had of late years been called by his busi ness elsewhere. Ha was lor several years manager of the Mors Office at Rochester, and mora -recently hat been nperintendentqf U0'EyIin wstoi Bufflo Mr. are assured, is a competent operator, and wt WjotehavfroeatoceadoBteeeainiend his efficiency and courtesy a Superintendent Single copies of the Express may be bad at hawk News Depot, Post Office. Also at A. P.

Baoox Co.s Newt and Periodical Depot, Clarendon Block. -'-H' By The Vine rtreet Colored School, Mr. P. R.Baow, Principal, hold their Exhibition on Thursday evening, April IT, at Kremlin Hall, vocal music by Fa-pus, under direction of Kcura, Instumentei on Piano by Professor Parsbso. 17 'f tSff" He who lore money more than truth, can easily palm off useless articles.

But their worthless-nets will in doe time be discovered and their Inventor de-tplaed. We are glad to And that time hat 14 our own family and else here the intrlosie excellence of OajJtrua Zytophloriom or Hair Restorative and Urt gorator. Its use cannot be dispensed with among all classes. Sold by O. H.

P. Cuautlt, 290 Main street, ear lier of West Bagle street. I apl5-l tW Nbt Akodtm. We heart of fresh tri umph) every day from the use of Dr. Coawiaos Nerve Anodyne.

People who haverffered days and nights hare instantaneously stopped the pain i by applying the Nerve Anodyne. For sale by druggists generally. apld d2weod SPECIAL NOTICES: We have tested, pretty effectually, a rem edy, in the shape of. and bearing the name of, a Liquid Cathartic," prepared by Dr. L.

B. Wright, 40 Broadway, new mora. we cannot ncip oeoming lain preparation about the beat for habitual constipation of the bowels that has yet been discovered, its tendency being mildly, yet thoroughly, to relieve extreme costlvenets, while, at the same time, it effectually combats the re aetionary effort of the system to establish the old habit. We belie re Dr. W.

to be extremely skilful in the cure of all ailments appertaining to the cause above mentioned! and can. most emphatically, recommend to the reader bis Liquid Cathartic," or Family Medicine." It will be seen on reference to bis advertisement, that Dr. W. la the discoverer of aotber remedy, called the "Scrofulous Antidote," which is said to bo among the most wonderful medicines of the. age.

Portmotdk Transcript. Wot sal oy -i ap COLEMAN, and all Druggists, everywhere. t1f To Nesrrono BnlTervns. A retired Cterev-- man, restored to health In a few days, after many years of great nervous suffering, is anxious to make known the means of cure, win send (tree) the prescription used. Direct to Rev.

JOHN M. DAGNAIX. No. Fnltsn street. Brooklyn, N.

Y. apl-lm tr" A Word about Sickly Seaaona. The lives of thousands of children and grown persons might be saved and restored health by tbe timely use of Dr. McClinlocW's Diarrhea Cordial. By Ha use diarrhea.

cholera morbus, dysentery, cholera Infantum and Summer complaints are instantly relieved and speedily cured. Discovered, and administered to hundred cases in a single day, at the City Cholera Hospital and City Prison, Philadelphia, during the dreadful epidemic of 1832. Sold by O. H. V.

CUAMPLIN, ap4-w rou Main corner West Eagle. While Thousands of Scientific have kept the result of their discoveries a secret, or laid away in musty books of publishers shelves, Dr. James McClintock, late Dean of Philadelphia College of Medicine. brines out it discoveries in medicine in the war of a real scientific remedy for each disease. His Dyspeptic Elixir and his Tonic Alterauve cures dyspepsia and indigestion, and purines the blood, invigorates the system, and prevents disease.

Sold by O. 11. f. CHAMFLIN, ap4-2w 290 Main corner west Eagle. t39 Dr.

Jsus.SacCIlntoek la known wherever profound science and vast experience are appreciated, as the most succesfuPof living physicians in the treatment of pulmonary complaints. His Cold and Cough Mixture removes colds, coughs, hoarseness and all ordinary irritations of the respiratory system, as certainly as water quenches flame; while his Pectoral Syrup is the only reliable cure for consumption, bronchitis and all serious diseases of the Trachea and other portions of the breathing apparatus. Sold by O. 11. UHAMFLdN, apa-Sv S90 Main corner West Eagle.

tf Tbe Pale, Bmnclated, Broken-down victim of Fever and Ague, derives immediate relief from Dr. Jaa McClintock, Fever and Ague Specific. In the first place the chills are broken, and the subsequent effect of the medicine Is to fortify the system against any further attacks of the disease. Scarcely less celebrated are Dr. McClintock's Anti-Biljous Pills, for their extraordinary operations upon the bilious secretions; they impart a healthy tone to the liver when all other remedies fall.

Sold by O. H. P.CHAMP11N, ap-uw 290 Main corner West aagle. t7 Well steed's Chnpsefra Oil Tbe Chanseea Oil is made from an Asiatic Plant, unknown In America. I obtained the seed from Mr.

Wells teed fourteen years ago, aiiu maae some oi me uu my sen, ana nave iouna tt tne best remedy that I could apply in cases of Scalds, Bums, FresK Cuts or insolent Ulcers and fn fact any abrasion of the skin. I can safely recommend it in any of these cases as one of the best and safest remedies, and that there is not nor can there be any quackery about it, for it only needs to be used to be satisfied of its virtues. ROBERT ABERDEEN, M. D. Chippewa, Dec.

21st, 1865. 1 For sale by C. B. ANDREWS A CO mr2S 195 Main street Mercantile Intelligence OAc Messrs Bbyamt A Stkattoh have lately opened, in connection with their Mercantile College, an Intelligence Office," for the convenience of business men and others who may be in want of Accountants, Salesmen, Agents, Cashiers, Collectors, Copyists, etc. Competent and reliable persons for either of the above named positions can always be obtained, and generally those who have had several years experience, if preferred.

Information will also be given to accountants as to the best method of opening and closing books, effecting partnership settlements, changing from single to double entry, etc Address Bar- Airr a ctbattoh, mercantile (Joiiege. i mrxttr MARCH 1st, 1866. SPRING GOODS AT TBI NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE, 164 MAIN STREET. The proprietor of this Establiahnjent begs leave to inform his patrons and tbe public generally, that he has just receired a large and beautiful assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Testings of the latest styles adapted to Gentlemen's wear, and would invite you to call and examine them, as he is confident it would be to your advantage. Also, a large stock of Ready Made Clothing, first quality, manufactured expressly lor the City trade.

A splendid assortment of Boys Clothipg and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, constantly on hand. 11. An early call will secure bargains. mr0-8m JAS. B.

BOGERT, 164 Main street. 53- Bite or a Rattlesnake Cubed in- Five MnroTBSBvnm PAIN KILLER! Rudthi foixowikol St. Loins, August 25tb, 1855. Masaas. Pbbbt Davis A Sox Gents merchant of Linnoens, in this State, informs me that recently one of his sons was severely bitten on the leg by a rattlesnake, from the effects of which he soon suffered most dreadfully.

The family chancing to have some of Perry Davis' Kme' iB the hous Immediately commenced bathing the bitten place, without knowing whether it would or not afford the least relief, but surprising as it may seem, the poison was soon observed to exude from the wound, and In five or ten minutes the young man fell asleep, en-ti rely free from pain, or any effect from the bite, except the flesh wound, which healed very soon, and the young man was able to prosecute his business without further, delay. By giving publicity to this fact in your pamphlet designed for southern and western distribution, and such countries as poisonous reptiles more, or less abound, it may serve the cause of humanity, and be the means of supplying an article, the want of which has long been ex perienced. Yours respectfully, II. BLACKSLET. i Messrs.

Pshkt Davis A Sot Having witnessed the beneficial effects of your celebrated Pain Killer in several cases of the Dysentery and Cholera Morbus within a few months past, and deeming it an act of benevolence to the suffering, promoted by the feeling of common would most cheerfUl'y recommend its use to such as may te suffering from the aforementioned or similar dit- eases as a safe, and at far at my observation goes, ah effectual remedy. Yours very respectfully, EDWARD K. FULLER, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Somerset, Mass. mrS9dAe-eod-4w Oxygenated Bitters. From Oie Boton OUve Branch.

Among the many bbpntitr medicines which hare aoooired a high reputation, we believe none havo been feuod of much benefit for dyspepsia, asthma and similar complaints, till tbe Oxygenated Bittera, by many and va- rj00a trials and exj rious trials and experunenu, nas oeen rounu a sure ana roaicai remeay a wmuflxuim tang acsireu bj puysa-cians. Its ingredients have been shown by chemical ana- I lysis to be harmless and sale and iroin tne tesumoutait of mac of our first citisena who hare been benefitted by it, we feel assured that those indisposed with the above comphvnts can rely upon these Bitters with These celebrated Bitters have received the hlghestAea- tlmomais ever onereo ravor or any medicine. SETH W. FOWLE A Washiogton street, Boston, Fropnetors. bom Dy meir agents every wnere apl4dAweod Just as! Expected The man who keeps the best goods, and sells the cheapest, will have the most customers, and do the largest business, jror enuence can in at YATES' GREAT CLOTHING HALL I And there yon will find a splendid assortment off MES'S AKD BOYS' Clothing: and Fariiishing; Goods, Manufactured expressly for the Spring and Summer Trade, and all will be tolAat lower prices than at any other home in the city.

p'. W.L.YATFS, Ma -j 1 If 11 111 Talaable Property Sale, A first class House on South Division a short distance from Main street, with all the modern improvements and in perfect order will be sold on reasonable Aluo, 4 vacant lots, each SfixlOO feet each, on High street near JeaersooH Kaquiro or i Sail and Rigging IjoUs. Complete emits of Sails and Ganes-af Rieeine furnished of the best material and ion favorable terms. The-work done by experienced Riggers and Sail Maker. 'Constantly on hand tha saost approved Btyles of Suck, Knssia Bolt Sope, Bunting Oordago, Ae.

uj Agents for WALK Kit's PATENT. SHIP LOGS, "im proved from Mwser s. xtiuiKtjiwm- Daip wwiuwrs, una, aHoox. unio tarlO -f- so as i ri-: STORAGE, FOE WARDING k- COMMISSION, r-k for Lumber. Salt and Ooal aa the south Branch, uiUmiM tm.

ake Miea. Southern, Chicago A "Beck Xs- tana, aaa trawna ana tismp nt uepoC -j I a- PvOTtaee of alt fcfaad on Oenwiimio, Vessels a4 sokl, rrsixhu procure. Charters obtained. Ae Ac. O.

8. Maostw arSltf Tuoaus rasuuaa. PRODUCK COMMISSION JiERCHANTS, AND trawkwA-raa o.2i Cestisi Wharf, BinwAta, N. TJ bwubjui. -is 'AU-tr i Ln AIKabh .1 riV "7i ana iioston.

liberal Basts 1856; EARLY SPEINQ1 TRADE! CHEAP GO OJ) SI U. J. 4c R. 1. SIXEKZtULW sos at strejt, btfalo, 2 Jobbers and Are now offering a Splniid aaaortmeat of tHOIfE TIRKSSI mr.RH.

KOHL'S ana Own Iranortationr Of their Entirely' hew styles and designs and not to be tviusa aiso Plain White and Printed Brilliant, PHEBTCH aad EHGLI8II PRIBTS, Ana cnoioe styles or WHITE GOODS. We hare alsr reeeived by reeent amTaui a spienoua tsoes i i- i i DOCSB-WIFE LINENS, HEAVY BODY SHIKTING MEDIUM AND FINE FRONTING PRINTED SHIRTING PILLOW LINENS, all qualities, in ewery width, LINEN SHEETINGS, BAR Y' DAMASK TABLE LINENS, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, all sizes from 1 i to 6 yarda long. SCOTCH AND IRISH i DAMASK NAPKINS AND TOWELS, 'jl I BADEN-BADEN HTJCKS, bleached and un BATH AND FRICTION TOWELS and GLASS LINENS, Compriaing the best makes aqd moat perfect as sortment of FAMILY LINIINS We have ever had and equal to any stocks! the United States, and MUCH CHEAPER than we have ever before sold thein, as we are now offering them at a SMALL ADVANCE on the COST TO IMPORT. AIbo. on hand a large stock of cheap Sightly Linens, especially adapted to A WKERS' and PFD LARS' OF LINEN GOODS, which we Willi in all cases supply to them as low as can be purchased of any importing house in the Eastern mart.

DOMESTIC GOODS, The choicest makes, which we are selling at the MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. mrlB 11. J. Si It. LI.

SHKIUIAS S. To. spRinro stock OF RICH AND FASHIONABLE II GOODS NOW BEING OPENED AT MURRAY ICUMMING'S, Consisting in ptrt of New and Elegant Spring: Silks, FLOUNCED SILK KOBE 8, FRENCH PRINTS JlND BRILLIANTS, The most beautiful assortment ever opened in this City. Delaines and Cashmeres, i New Styles. Rich Embroideries, Laces, We have also received an invoice of Plaid and Striped Silks, Which will be closed out at great bargains.

These goods will be set aside from our other stock. In addition to our stock of Fancy Goods, wo are now receiving a large stock of HOUSE FUIIIVISIIIJVC GOODS, Comprising LINEN SHEETINGS, i PILLOW CASE LINENS, i I LINEN TABLE DAMASK, I TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, TOWELING AND CRABH, TABLE AND iPIANO COVERS. Alio BROWN AND BLEACHED Sheetings a urt Shirtings, Of all widths and qualities, sill or which will be offered to eur customers at prices that Cannot fail to please the closest buyers. MURRAY A CUM MING, 1 rarlil 14 Main ana reari srreeis. A SH DRY GOODS JOBBING HOUSE MURRAY GUMMING ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER WESTERN MERCHANTS AND THOSE OF THE SUItltOUlVDIIVO CQl'NTRY, ALL KINDS OF Imported nnd Domestic DRY GOODS, As low as they can be purchased in any of the Eastern Cities.


MURRAY A CUM MING, mrStf 194 Main and 89 Pearl stmts. B.J.&H D. SHERMAN 05 Buffalo, Importers of ENGLISH VjEIsTET, TAPESTRY, and Brussels Carpeting, Of which they are now receiving a large assortment of NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS RECENTLY LANDED, tome of which have never before been seen in this Country. Also, a large and extensile assortment of THREE PI. INGRAIN and Hemp Carpets, Druggets, Ruggs, Of the best Manufactories, some of which are confined exclusively to us and not to be found elsewhere.

FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Well seasoned, in all the widths and in great variety of styles. LACE; AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, I CORNICES, i WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN TRIMMINGS and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Comprising an assortment of choice house furnishing goods equal to any in the Country, and which will invariably he sold as low as in any Market in ike United Slates. (ST First rate Upholsterers constantly employed. mr26tf R. J.

A R. D. SHERMAN A CO. 1860. Monumental Ice.

1856. I have put op the past winter Fourteen Hundred Tons of Ice 17 A I USE, AND SPARED- NO pains nor expense in getting the best quality that was to be had. Aly ICE was taken from the deepest part of the Niagara River, at a point where the current is rapid, never freeaes while the water 1 rough and rolling, nor until tbe coldest weather, and above where tbe current of tne Creek enters the River and consequ 'ntiy free frosa all the Impurities that flow from the Creek and Canal at all seasons of tbe year. Those wanting ICR, that reaid within a reasonable distance of my Houses, will be supplied by Waving their orders at say Office. I supplied FOUR HUNDRED FAMILIES LAST SEASON, and twenty through the Winter.

My Ice kept well. I have store i the me amount this year, and shall only supply a limited number (900 Families) so that those who take it of me need have ad fears of a failure of supply. Person leaving order will be furnished with a Card showing Rates, whieh will be higher than last year. Office Corner Pearl and Niagara treeb I respectfully ask th attention of the Public to a eoss-parison of tbe locality where my Io ia taken from with that where Ieei usually fathered, vis: Buffalo Creek or Black Rock Harbor, which are the grand receptacle of all the draining of the Stables. Tanneries and General Sewers of th whole city.

heclsk mrrcuausB. Buffalo, April 5th, 1 apn-lm -r- King'sDrug and Medicine Store, AT. MS Halm attract, Comer South Division, Buffalo, OPPOSITE TBI CLARENDON HOTEL, IS AGAIN OPEN THB RECEPTION and patronage of old friends and customers, together with as many new one as desire to have their Family PrescriBtioas aad Medicines prepared carefully and from Kenaine Drugs, (w thout an extra cbargeforthe wruJ patraoaaw, or th sabdlisbmnt of a Store by sateless nndnnnecsattry appendages.) jj. stock comprises an excellent iiwruwwi rar ruw ing, and adapted to tbe want of the commas ity. Mono hot experienced and competent young men are permitted to dispense Medicines or compound Prescriptions, aad oar itintrtatlon tor accuracy and ear ia worthy th attaittoa of every Physician aad Family In this city.

Aad net desiring to aU tn business of BoSalo, a share ofpasron-jr i alone desired, aad merits your eontlanaoeej of past favors, and mora tor the tutors. With a dostr to eUi genuine Good at low prices a call Is repctftilly soticitea. if I v- apiv-tf ARASOLS PARASOLS FOB 186 MIL- LTNOTON A BROTHER, 15 Malii tttaathav a aad ar oattoasly atatarmg.PMrAs Iervoaalitv. Mortotiossnd oolor, whlek far best novo now of beauty, STEAM ENGINES, MILL GEARINGS, BOI len, aad all klndtof Castings', A Ac, made order Fnlca. uoqr ater ted-iy I BARTON A CRLTON.

CELEBRATED PREPAJLA- "JL tieua, Bettser1 Aperient, lair Turkey habard.Rz-traat Cabeb aad Ooparsla, Au, for sale by ji f. i. r. CUAMP1AW. variety and cheap aeos, osa d.

oquaiieu. am ii k.h mma Parasol Manufactory of sane at sa u- BRO lt C. 9 Main at Clarendon BMek. I WANTED ONE HO UK DISK stands sewing bias wor preferred. Apply at COAX 1XTNSA Bindery, Me Main ttreex, saornmg ErpreiS Building.

1 nWlupmotestajst girl to East, efther to eodfc, wash and up- atefr work and plain tewing. None tssed apply without a good eity refctence. App comer oi Huron ar-d Main streetsT aplo-St BONDS AND MORTGAGES WANTED The subscriber will pay cash for from two to three thousand doHars worth, application be made Soon. Bonds asd Mortgages, Business Notes tnd other securities negotiated reasonable terms bj I i i (j- WILLIAM PRE3COTT, Real Estate. Agent i ibb-tv ne.sav i street.

TTTANTED-A SMART INTELLIGENT MAN VV to soU rt orders for anew and popular U3 nitrated publication. To a competent man a liberal salary will be given. Apply, between 9 and 10 o'clock A. fcl8-MATntf 159 Main Room IS. Qmem or Mottal ImcmAaes Co.

or Bvnsto, PebruarrlUth.aase.1 The! Trustees, in eonformitr i to the Charter, submit the following statement or tne aaairt sno uom- any on th 8d of February, Boo: nnarond Dremiuma Feb. gd. 1SAS. 128358 0B Premiums received lor the year. .486,448 41 Total 46 Amount received for Marine Risks $404,294 74 Amount received for Fire S1.15S 6T I- '-f I i 489.448 41 Earned premiums for tbe year.

,929 01 Paid as WarlM re-inaoraneea and commissions 04 Fire 14,681 S2! 18,678 61 82445 87 $107,108 14 Deduct Marine Losses unsettled not 815,000 00 Fire Leases unsettled not due 6,000 00 I 20,060 00 Net profits for the year 887,108 14 Interest 18,348 20 Total profits and interest 84 A9KCT9. Cash on hand and in Bank $87,844 87 Loans on bonds and mortgages and otber securiues i Personal property jteam pumps and salrages 16,16 28 Steam fug 26,884 84 liaianceuueiromagenuanaomers iw BilU receivable 64,160 98 1 5 Total 711 The Trustees have declared a cash dividend of (7) sev en per teat out of the accumulated Interest of thjeCon pa-ny, on all outstanding scrip, payable on and miter the (1st) first day of March next. j- xne rrusiees nave aiso oeciareu a scrip utvunu oi twenty per cent (20) out of the profits of the Company for the year.l Parties Interested can obtain certificates after 1st March. The Trustees, after reserving Tuo Hundred Thousand Dollar, the amount authorized, by the Charter of the Company, have resolved that the certificates of the Company far profits issued In 1850, 1SS1 and 1862, be redeemed in cash on presentation at the office of the Company, and that all interest on the same shall cease after, this date, i A. A EUSTAPHI1CVE, Secretary.

a Dean Richmond, Jason Parker, Gibson Williams, Septimus Lathrop, John Deshler, A A EuBtaphieve, Tutlle, Cyrus Clarke, Geo Hazard, EG Biiasi risn. Chester Hitchcock, Bidpey Shepard, Hetry Kmne, Francis Tows, Hiram Niles, Johnson, Jas Evans, Wells Wallbridge, Walker, Saml Pratt. Kimberly. I Kivtijsuniu, rresiaent. Jas.

C. FrAHS. Vice President. i Capt. P.

Dork, Marine Inspectori. ap9-2m XOOQ Sold 3d Edition Heady April lath. NEW VOLUME BY MADAME OSOLI. AT HOME AND ABROAD; I OR, THINGS AND THOUGHTS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. BY MARGARET FULLER OSSOIX Author of Women of the Nineteenth Century," Papers on auu an, ac, sc.

Edited bt bes Brother, Aetbub B. Fuller. lvol. 12mo. Price $1 it.

i welcome offerintr to the many admirers of tne late uountess Ossoii. in many respects, in- aeea, tnis isay was one oi tne moss remarxaqle women whom our country bat produced." Traveller. Tbe vo.ume. we may venture to predict, will deserve to be classed with the most acceptable books bf travel of any country or age." Jf. Y.

Journal of Commerce, Has all tne beauty, bread tn or vision and- farce of ar gument whieh characterized tbe forner productions of that greatest of female writers since De feet. NEARLY READY, Iir. Gilman's Miscellanies. Contributions to Literature, Descriptive, Critical, iiumorous, mogrspnicai, ruiiosopmcai ana roeticai. i BT REV.

SAMUEL OILMAN, D. p. 1 vol. 12mo. Price $1 60.

I A Collection for whose entertaining and instructive character the name of the author is a sufficientguaranty. rrvivuuuvf ub ru eneuyist, Of pucx, ue adorns whatever subject he i Ur. Iluiitintj-ton's Sernltins. I I A volume of Sermons BY; REV. FREDERICK HUNTINGTON, p.

D. be ready in a few weeks. i CROSBY, NICHOLS A ap2-TTAS-8w Publishers, Boston. bTELLA HHAWLS! 1 A large afisortraent at less prices tha at any other Bouse in town, now opening by BENSON Ac lire JtliAIVO, I 316 MAIN STREET, Together with a rich variety of NEW STYLE SILKS, DE LAINES, Beautiful CHALLIES, i Berage and Muslin ROBES, French BRILLIANTS, Cashmere and Brocha SHAWLS, BONNETS and RIBIieNS. bIi ch Embroideries, Laces, Consisting in part of Beautiful French Wrought COLLARS! BANDS, SLEEVES, i Bich Lace and Muslin DRAPERIES, Hooped, Corded and Marseille SKIRTS, Heavy Embroidered.

House Furnisliiug iioods, Of every description. Prints, Shirtings, Ae. Our Hosiery Department Is full to repletion. Gloves, Trimmings, Ac, Ac. GOLD BORDERED WINDOW SHADES, Plain Bordered, Landscape and other styles SHADES, together with all the necessary Trimmings all of which are offered at much less than the usual prices.

Our stock is full and well assorted, and all who favor us with acall cannot but be pleased with bur styles and prices. BENSON i A BUCKLAND, aptS i 816 Main street, American Block. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. I.i Sir James Clarke's i CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a prescription of Sir James M.

Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This Invaluable Medicine is unfailing in the cure of all thosespainful and dangerous diseases incident to the female constitution, It moderates all excess, removes til obstructions, and brings on the monthly period with regularity. These pills Should be used two or three weeks previous to confinement; they fortify the constitution, and lessen the siiuering during labor, enabling the mother to perform heif duties with safety to herself and child. I These pills should not he taken by females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinal in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness; Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any other mineral.

I Full directions accompanying each package. Price, in the United States and Canada, One Dollar. Sole Agents in the United States, I I i I I. C. BALDWIN A (Late J.

Bryan,) Rochester, N. Y. TUTTLE A' MOSES, Auburn, N. General Agents, 1 N.i B. $1 enclosed to either of the Seaeral Agents will ensure a hot tie of the pills by return mail.

i For tale by all druggists in Buffalo, and druggists gen-eratryj i BLOWEDBP! i XXTILL YOU BE BL0WED UP WHEN Vy 'you can get the NON-EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLIJII) Mannlactured and told Wholesale and fcetail at i I lull No. IT Huron Street, test this Fluid to the satisfaction of all who' will call at the above number. This Fluid is now tn rse in several families in Buffalo. It BURN CLEAR AND TRUE, and longer than the Explosive kind now in use. i Retailed at A.

S. Webster's, 88 Seneca street; B. W. Bkidmore'Srmer EUicett and Eagle and Joha W. A.

Meyer's, Corner Batavia and Walnut streets. aplil-ly I- i C. STILWELLV r-i i FrMdom of Nvss-li. R. FRENCH HAS ARRIVED.

AND IS now at the Clarendon Hotel, where be has treated several caseosmeeossiuuy. 1 He can refer to more than fifty of the eitiseas of Cleveland, -who kaow that radical and permanent cure have been effected by hi treatment. He will CHARGE NOTHING if he fails cure, and will forfeit One Thousand Dollars if any on can Stutter or Stammer acd follow bit direction. I fe26tf LLi Vulcanized Iadia Babber Belting ELTS FOR ELEVATORS, MILLS AND JLP Machinery, of any length and width jfurnished to order. I I t- i i A large atsortment of PACKING and BELTING kept in Itore by 1 SHXiElf SHEPARD, utrcatr am smi, smnaio.

ji PURE AND UNADULTERATED Baking Powder. 's iOHS W. WILLIAMS ANUFACTURE AND HAYS 1 ALWAYS IV far sale at wholesale and retail the very beat arti cle or the kind made, wdiea Is warranted perfectly pore, aaf tnat it doe not contain a particle oi ueiesenoua mas-ter. i It I unrivaUed for raising; Biscuit, Cake or Bread, and never fail. apltf -cV Spring Goods.

TX7K xULVJi JUST RECEIVED A TV fine assortment of eentlemen Fumiahing Goods, onaalstlns in Bart of beantifal Moire Antanaa Neck Tien and Blocks, Striped Lisle Thresd Socks, very neat, Shirts, Drawers, under euina, utovsa. Buspenaera. irrencb woven Shirt Bosom to set into Shirts, aad all other goods in the Gentlemon's Fuiniahing Use. 1 i Hi B. Thooe wHihiog to purchase at a low prie will pleas giro can.

---l I 1 I i JIILUBaTOK A BR4X, apl 85 tla Churches. TTwTTVlUT ft rAtV TaTTlT A tfTTHRTT IVn JtJ English Horn 0retwing Comb A splendid assort ment lor sale oy u. jj. r. vtt jsri.iri.

PS SM Vain corner west Eagle BALSAM OF WILD. CHERRY by M'l H. f. OHAMPUsT, wpa5" pr EHQDP8 PETER AND AGUE CUejX to ail gone. I think there it no medic ae in the world equal to for Ague.

Please tend four dozen, and find enclosed amenta due from me." iELES 8. TIBBITTS. Cambridg, January 8, 1S5. AU that baresold has done very twelU NYCE A MATTHEWS. Saginaw City, Mkh4 January, 1S5C.

The Fever and Ague Cure has give rory general sat- JATtWTTIL. 'i 8.J854. Your medicate has worked like ch4rm cured myself and family, and not one bottle failed at of th fiat tlx dotsen told. 1 JOHN P. GLABDiNG.

I Winchester, January 6, 185. Tour medicine it sold and used with success. HOU0HTON A LOUGHUILLER. I Terra Haute, January 8rI85. Tour medicine hat given good satisfaction.

ill ALBERT PIERCE. Monroe, January 5,1856. Tour Ague pure has given entire Satisfaction to tbe many who have used it. W. W.

CLARKE A CO. -t-1- 'i I Savannah, January 1,1856. Tour gue Cure has overcome 11 prejudices by its mcrror-ano given sausiacuon. a genueman Jam caneu who hat been -fully cured by only one bottle, and desires me to recommend it to everybody. I shall do aU I can in lUtalOi W.

A. HATUS. (I i Plymouth, Ohio, January A permanent curt is thie great thing, and that your medicine has performed oh myself, my son and several of my acquaintance to whom I recommended it. i Rev. A.

C. DUBOIS. Flint, January Tour cure is all told and restored many to health j'- W. J. B.

CLARK. i Oberlin, Ohio, December 81,1855. All I have sold hat given satisfaction. ij H. A.

BUXCK. Tonawanda, New York, ianuaxy 1, 1856. All parties in the place who have used your Cure recommend it very highly. H. B.

STANLEY. Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 81, 1865. All that have used the Cure, speak Very highly in Its praise. JOHNSON A CO. I Oswego, ilichigan, January 185C.

The Ague Cure is all sold but one bottle, and has given satisfaction in jevery ease, i It has gained a reputation for real merit (hat will stand and ensure Its sale. I jj A. RUSSELL. '4. Albian, Illinois, January 1856.

The Ague Cure has proved an exsellet remedy for Fe ver and Ague; and was very effectual In restoring to health those afflicted with prostration and general debility, compla'nU very frequent in the West. It will sell well at it is now introduced and Its good qualities known. J. WILLIAMS. Bath, New Tork, January 12, 1S56.

Tour medicine it a good one, and as the price puts it within the reach of all, I think it must sell wherever Ague prevails. I have great confidence in it, having closely watched its operation, and in every instance it had the desired effect giving entire satisfaction. Please tend a further supply. I A. HESS.

Rockville, Indiana, January 10, 1656. The medicine gave good satisfaction, i I J. G. COFFIN A CO. Sheffield, Illinois, January 12, 1 856.

It is a safe article and will ere long become very popu lar, J. O. NILES. Lapeer, Indiana, January 12, 1356. Your medicine Is fast getting into use, and all who have used it recommend it very highly.

W. VINCENT. Rockport, Indiana, January 1856. I warranted all "no cure, no pay," but it gavs very good satisfaction to all. ISAAC 6ILLETT.

Milroy, Indiana, January 1856. Your medicine has given satisfaction. ALEXANDER CO. Iowa City, Iowa, January 21, 1856. So far as heard from it has given good satisfaction.

EASTMAN A WESCOTT. Bristol, Indiana, January 211356. I was compelled to start the mediciee on the terms "no cure, no but not one bottle came back. The people here now think that your Ague Cure siands the highest of any that ever has been in this place and I fully be lieve that it Is the safest and best family Ague medicine that it now in use. It it now a cash article with me.

A. LOVEJOT. I Baltimore, 12 Mo. 10,1855. Thy medicine has proved to be a good one, and the many we have supplied speak very highly of it.

We know of a case where three in one family were cured by a single bottle. E. II. STABLER A CO. ij The above is only a part of the testimony voluntarily given by Southern and Western merchants who have no interest in speaking anything but the exact truth.

I omit their orders and promises of large sales next season all that Ague Sufferers want to know, is what Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is able to do for them. I can also ay that a great many of my largest customers are those who a year ago were reluctant even to take the Cure on commission. They thought its great claims and pretensions could not be realised now they endorse them all and it will be noticed that the letters of which I publish such immdpse quantities are always new and late dates altogether they would more than fill any newspaper and prove the fact of a greater success and sale than ever attended any other Ague Remedy- iTHE CROWNING GLORY of the Cure It its HARMLESS CHARACTER, which allows Its free use as a preventive. Thus protected by using a bottle or two man, woman during the warm and sickly Season, not a or child in the United States would ever have a single attack of Fever and Ague, Bilious or Yellow Fever, or any form of disease arising from the atmospheric poison Malaria, to which the Cure is a PERFECT ANTI DOTE. ii i -i The certificate of the celebrated Chemist.

J. R. Chilton of New York in proof of its perfect innocence, is attached to every bottle. It is also unequalled for quick and permanent effects as a RESTORATIVE; giving new life and strength to all whose constitutions have been shattered or weakened by Ague or Bilious diseases, night sweats, langour and debil ity of any kind of intemperance or dissipation. JAMES A.

RHODES, Proprietor, B. I. C. B. ANDREWS A General! Wholesale Agents, Main street, Buffalo.

i- PIANOS! PMNOtj! PI1N0S! 100 Pianos for Sale at thf Makers' Prices, or 1 1 to Hire at SHEPPAED'S WHOLESALE AMD BKTAIL PIANO EMPORIUM, Buffalo. Prices from $50 to $1000. Various makers Pianos will lie kept on hand, vis: ClflCKERING AND STODART'S Grands, Parlor Grands, elegantly Carved Louis XlVtht, theSTODART SERPENTINE, with pearl and ivory Leys, round corner and square, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Black Walnut cases, of various pattern forming the largest and most complete assortment of Pianos in'Buffalo. Ketan agency lortnesuie oi i PaUGNCE: CO'S sielodeohs. Second hand Pianos wanted, for which cash will be paid, if made by Stodart or Chickering.

Second hand Pianos taken In exchange for new ones. feiiti PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. dActf 1,00,000 feet Pinel Lumber T70R SALE BY THE FEET of the lot is now stuck up upon Erie Canal, convenient to ship by Lake or Railroads leading from Buffalo. Tnis 14 tue uryest lot or ine in tne city, and any one wanting a large portion of It can have 3, 4, 6 and 8 months time use. After two months, small lots will be sold on les time, in proportion to amounts taken.

Also, A General Assortment bf Hemlock On hand and for sale. Also, a SCOW that will carry 80,000 feet of Lumber. 1 OfH-c Corner Pearl and Niagara Streets. I WHEKLER H0TCHKIS3. KuSalo, April 5th, 1856.

spS-lm -1 x. 1 1 Paper Hangings, Upholstery, jhlDEKSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered Into partnership for the purpose of carrying on a general business in Paper Hangings, Upholstery, Uuder the name and firm of MERRIGAN A WHITEHEAD, at No. 214 Main street, next door to the old establishment of Merrill A McEWen. Dated Buffalo, April 4th, 1856. ii THOMAS MERK1GAN, tpT-lai LEWIS WHITEHEAD.

BUFFAIiO UJM TOBOSTO. Th a Steamer CHIEF JUSTICE ROBPJBON, Cant. Jobs will eoso- mence on Monday, the 21st of January, 1864, to ply regularly every! day, (Sundays excepted,) between Toronto, Niagara and Lewtston, tn eomiection with the New Tork Central and Erie and Ontario Bail Roads. Leave Le wist on at 1 V. and Niagara at P.

and returning will leave Toronto for Niagara and Lewiatan at 8 A. K. Fare from Buffalo to Toronto AS.M Cabin tl.TI Deck. 'it 1 Passengers leaving Buffalo by the A. M.

Train will arrive In Toronto atS o'clock the tame evening, which it mree aowrt ana a quarter aseaa or Ban Road Route. Htmirloh, Jan. 18,1856. the Great Western js3-tf -rt A 8 11 HAS NOW ON HAND LINEN BO6AM8 FOR SHIRTS. i UMBRELLAS, TRAVELING BAGS, I I8 MAIN STREET, TO BALL L0CX tpldtf 1 i i ii -i -jU For Sale.

I I The Schooner J. W. BLAKE, about Jl For paracnlars enquire at 118 Main street. dodtf ENDELSSOHN'S FOUIt-PAKT SONGS oatptet with Snglish aad eersaaa words Tao Kaiiss varssoa by J.C. D.

Parker. Far sale at the Ftaa Fort aad Mrssts Ssloea, Main stroet. 1 1 lift 1 jCOTCH AND jWHIS- srvXVK nnM and svnnine. for mrillrail'imi fT- O. H.

F. CflAMPUN, P9 888 Mln ttcjtrnor West Eagl. "HATCHER'S CHABCOAL AXLVORRIS JL. Tooth Soap 'A esjtebrated article, tsr sale by H. P.

CBAMPUTt, i fHttasU. XT TUX MOBSX LINE. -1 -f Tettertlay Aftemoan' Beport. WaLat Adricea from BermudA to the 3. instant.

The British steamer which hag arrived irom Havana, had yellow fever on board. L.icot. Galloek with amtntant Surgeon Dal and 6 others una aireaaj aiea. In Demermra order waa restored after the jails had been filled with the Angel Gabriel rioters and worm property destroyed. Washington, AprO 14.

Mr. Stoeckle, the Eusaion minister, I am in formed, Las rot himself into difficulty, in engag ing the services of aome eminent surgeons for the Russian army; and now that peace is about to be declared, informing them their services are not The Clay celebration at, the Slash Cottage, was attended oy Attorney ueneral Gushing, LKNigua, Alaaon, and others of the Senate. Col. Hughes, special agent of the Post Office department, this morning arrested D. W.

Town send, who broke the jail at Newcastle while waiting sentence for stealing a letter from WHming- i II 1 wu pw oince. ne naa uiree revoivei-s on nit person, fully loaded. When he escaped from prison he liberated 7 others. Townsend it about 22 years of age. The anti-Nebraska men held an enthusiastic and harmonious caucus this evening.

Stanton, of Ohio, presided. Seward introduced resolutions, congratulating the country on the recent victories as cheering evidence of the cordial union of the opponents of slavery extension. A number of stirring sneeches were made bv Seward, Hale, and others. bteps were also taken to defeat the attemDt of the administration to procure an adjournment before the report of the Kansas Committee shall be received. Boston, April 15.

A State Delegate Republican Convention has been called at Worcester, June 4Ui, to choose delegates to the National Convention at Philadelphia, June 17 th. Portland, April 15. Gov. Wells has removed Judge Davis from the Supreme Court of this State. Geneva, April 15.

The steamer John Arnott waa burned at her doek at Watkins, and a man named Dennis was burned to death, and others on board more or leas iujured. Cincinnati, April 14. Eighteen dwelling houses were burned at Wil- liamstown, Kentucky on Saturday. Loss unknown. The Mahogany saw mill of Henry Albro.

of this city, was partially burned yesterday. Loss $12,000. The premises of the Gazette newspaper were partially destroyed by fire last evening. Last Evening's Report. i Washington, April 15.

Senate. Mr. Russell, from the Post. Office Committtee, to which was referred the memorial of Messrs. Vanderbilt and Livingston, reported a Dili to encourage new steam navigation lines to provide for the transportation of mails and for other purposes.

in consequence of the illness of Mr. Clay, who had the right to the floor, on the question of ad mitting Kansas as a state, the subject was postponed, and the Senate went into Executive Session, Adjourned. House. Tbe House passed the Senate bill, authorizing the payment of Jacob Dobson for ser vices as a volunteer from California in the Mexi can War, being a colored man and the law not permitting nun to enter the army. This special act is necessary for his relief.

The bill amendatory of the act of 1849, regu lating the payment for horses and other property lost in the service of the United states was passed. The bill is intended to facilitate the means of obtaining truth in such cases. The Deficiency Appropriation Bill is under consideration. The House rejected the Senate's amendment, appropriating $300,000 for continuing the Washington Aqueduct, and without action on the bill Adjourned. The bill introduced into the Senate by: Mr.

Rusk authorises the Secretary of the Navy to enter into a contract with Messrs. Vanderbilt Livingston for the conveyance of the mails between Southampton and New York, and such other ports of the U. S. as the public service may" require, in steamers suitable for defensive purpo 80S and which the Government may at any time employ on the payment of a reasonable sum of money, the length of time to which the contiatt may extend without renewal not to exceed years, and the compensation for carrying the mails not to be more than paid the Cuuurd Line by the English Government. the has transmitted to the Senate a voluminous document relative to the D.ivment of the $3,000,000 under the MesUIa Valley Treaty.

The report confirms the statements- heretofore unofficially published on the subject, and says that Messrs. Howland Aspinwall received three several sums amounting to two quarter millions, and Messrs. Haigons Brothers the remainder on the 7 th of February last. rf The Senate to-day ratified two treaties con cerning annuities to Indian tribes in New York and Michigan, besides confirming many Execu tive appointments, including some in tne Marine Court. About 20 delegates to the Cincinnati Democra tic Convention have arrived here for political purposes.

Albany, April 15. The Canal between Lockport and Buffalo is reported in such a condition as not to admit of the opening before May 6th. Sandy Hook, April 15 10 P.M. No signs of the Baltic or George Law. Teknton, N.

Aprii 15. Charter election held here yesterday. Joseph Wood, Democrat, was elected Mayor by 230 majority. New Hat and Can Slorc. Room over the Metropolitan Tlientre.

WM.H. BEDSONi FOR THE LAST THREE years in charge of the Manufactory Department of Ketchum A Comstock, announces to the citisens of ltuffa-lo and vicinity, that he has just opened bis SPRING STYLES or HATS AND CAPS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Aad of the most fashionable and popular styles. At 105 Main Street, up Stain. With his experience as a Hatter, he can safely say, that his manufactures cannot be equulled by any other establishment, aeo-dly WM. H.

HUDSON. Great Western Railway of Canada. To Steam Engine Builders. THE DIRECTORS OF THE GREAT WES-tern Railway are prepared to receive Tenders for a High Pressure Stationary Engine of about 60 horse power, for driving the machinery of the Locomotive Workshop at Hamilton. Drawings and specifications may be inspected and full particulars obtained by application to the Locomotive Soperindent's Office, Hamilton, and Tenders addressed to the Secretary, marked outside Tenders for Engine," will be received up to Monday, the 21st of April, inclusive.

By order, W. C. STEPHENS, Secretary. Great Western Railway Office, I Hamilton, March 81st, 185. ap4-t21 The Greatest Discovery of the Age! PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE This preparation, although less than two years before the public, owing to its wonderful effects open th human hair and scalp, has already obtained a celebrity and aale perfectly unparalleled It bat, without the ordt nary appliance used for such purposes, won Its wsy, tnd been heartily welcomed to most of the cities and towns ia tb United States, the Canadas, and the West India Islands.

Nor is this result surprising, when it is remember-that its popularity is based upon Its merits, solely, as established by actual test. That this preparation will actually RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATO II A I. COLOR, produce a luxuriant growth upon the heads of the bald. prevent tne narr from I ailing on, ano wnicn uaea as a iot-let article, produces a continual flow of the natural fluids, aad thus render the bair soft, glossy and wary, destroy diseases of the scalp, and expel dandruff, the certificates of distinguished gentlemen and ladles, ln every part of the country who havt tried it, and therefore speak what they know, most tally attest. That by a proper use of this Restorative, the hair can be made to attain and retain it natural color to almost any age allotted to humanity, by removing the cause of disease of the scalp no matter of bow long standing the concurrent testimonials of the press jand tbe certificates of numerous respectable individuals of both aexes, leave no doubt.

Circulars containing full particulars relative to th ase of this curative, as well as the recommendations of the editors and certificates before alluded to, can bad of all agents. BsooarraxD, Jsn. 18th, 1S Pan. Wood Dear Sir I Having made foil trial of yonr Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that it ef feets has been excellent ia removing Inflammation, dan-draff and a constant tendency to itching with which I hav been troubled from childhood, aad has also restored my hair which was becoming gray, to its original eolnr. I have ased ao other article, with anything like the pleas- truly, J- BRAGG, Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brokfic)d.

Psor. Woon Dear Sir: My hair commenced falling off bm tare or four years since, ana cocunuea io ao so until I became bald. I tried all lbs popular remedies of the day. bat to no efcet; at las was induced to nse year Hair Restorative and am very happy to say it is doing undis I hav wow a An growth of swung hair, and i In arfilrr reJsBend Its ase to all similarly afflicted. A.

O. WILLIAMSON, 188 Second street. St, Loois, March 1854. Cablvlb, LX, June 2T, 1853. I have ased Prof.

O. J. Wood' Hair Restorative, and have admired Its wonderful effect. My hair was becoming, a I thought, presaatarety gray, bat by the use of his Bestorauv aaa somen tt original color, and I have sw doabt, permaaeotly so. SIDNEY BREEZK, Ex-Sesuaor United State, i iv Dssoovsavorm Aom It aetdeaa ocean that ww nsttre, ader nay elw Ism i.

patent SBeeV-etw, i eats anything of the kisat, far hav prejodtc sraiat so tf tars Bjt candor compel as to hrritc attrah) to the advertisem. nt of Prof. Wood' Hair Reatarativ. ar too juvenias to require any. thing the kind, bnt tease instances otiU ar hav cam oar knowledge which lsat assure as tt I a sovereign smaagsJsmttlssMurhsswilnK prrmtnrry gray.

It fas aot a Hair Dy bml upon iu application aa directed th etTect la produced the atte, which brings awt th riginal nativ colored hair, without stiffness, aad give it a gioawy and aasuraJ appears niw have seen per-mnm wava has suad M. and they are natch pleased with it, Ksattlnr Urt ad vertisement. Missouri JtApubkoinr je U. wuuu rropnours, i Broadway, hew York.1 Vmr gale at saatttifaetssrfJs price in Rnffal by WBHant Kiavg. CharSM Cstesaaa, O.

H. P. Chassplin. Ssntth A WiUiaaaa, C. sVAashww A J.H.Cal.aisa ACo.ard by tdtdrswgsst.

fattf av BUUUI Ul AAUUaXJJA, I txm UVUI UJ, I 183 feet deep, for tale cheap by c'rUTTENDSN A I'EEgliREY. sets FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT No. 40 Ooodell street, between Ellicott and Oak with in lu minutes walk of tbe Post Office and near Main street. The street is paved, sewered and lighted with gas. The walk is flagged.

The lot 50x100, stocked with grapes and choice fruit trees. The house is commodious and in good repair contains 2 Parlors, Dining Room, 4 Chambers, Kitchen and Hood House. Possession given may 1st, o56. Terms Easy. Inquire of jaSO CRITTENDEN A FRESBKFY.

FOR SALE. TWO DWELLING nOUS- es and a Tannery, with i acres of choice land in i 1 1 1 II Will 1... 'I Kamain k' ItUC ,111 UK Ul Ul A. TT 111 nmi i- quu of au2 R1TTKN DKN A PRESURKY. TnXR SALE- THE REFORMED PRESBY- terian Church property, situated on Ninth, near Carolina- street.

Lot 40 by 124 leet, with a good church Well arranged on the ground. Knquire or COTTAGES FOR r-ALE TWO COTTAGES I on east side of Hampshire street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, nearly nnisneo, lorsaie low pan on time. jaI6 CRITTENDEN A PRESBREY. FOR SALE A SMALL COTTAGE ONd Walnut street, near William Terms easy. fei'i CRITTENDEN A PRESBREY.

HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON North street. A desirable 2 story Brick House, now nearly flaished, at the corner of North and Thirteen th-st, main part lbi40, rear 30x86 it; lot so urrontDyan aaerageof about 165 feet deep, will be sold partly on time. decS OR1TTENDKN A PRE3BKKY. FOR SALE. A CHOICE FARM OF 60 acres in the town of Clarkson, Monroe Co- N.

T. here ia a tine orchard, and a general assortment of selec ted fruit on the premises. Dwelling house is nearly new, with good out-buildings. Price $75 per acre, on favorable terms. au28 CRITTENDEN A PRESBREY.

1X7 ANTED TO EXCHANGE 160 ACRES Farming Land near Quincy, Illinois, for City pro- perty. ja5 CHI ITEM UhW fRfcoBKEl. 'OR 3ALE A FRAME DWELLING NO. pevenui-sr. is stories wim gvou ccuw uu 1 II 47x140 It to anaved Alley.

House in good repair. P' session given on May 1, 1866. Price, tijUXI oa very easy terms. Knquire of CRITTENDEN A 70R SALE FIVE ACRES OF LAND IN the old village of Black Rock, will be sold on easy terms. Enquire of jalB CRITTENDEN A PRESBREY.

1856. TENTH YEAR! 1856. The Commercial Advertiser DIRECTORY. The regaiar issue of the BUFFALO DIRECTORY will be made, a Usual, on or about the 1st of Juno next. With the experience of the past nine years, and our increased facilities, we hope to present a Directory acceptable and useful to the citisens.

A change In the form, which was made last year, enables us to make a much more attraetive and convenient volume for refer ence thsnr heretofore. The increased size of the pages, being nearly ilouhle tbe old size, enables us to publish advertisements in sj more showy and attractive style than herotolore. i COPIES OF THE BUFFALO DIRECTORY I Will be placed, at tbe expense of the Publishers, in everjl principal Hotel, Railroad Depot and Express Office iii the Western Cities and Canada and also oo every principal Steamboat navigating the Lakes and Western Waters. Also, in the principal Hotels, Railroad Depots and Express Officar io the Metropolitan Cities of tbe East; thus affording to Advertisers a widely extended field. Our arrangements for ihis circulation are throcgh Uie American and United States Express Companies, and the connecting Expresses, as heretofore.

The Rates for Adverting in the Directory for the suing year, will be as follows For a whole page 6 00 Fora half page 4 00 For a quarter page 2 50 For a Card not exceeding 8 lines 1 60 X'W Advertisers will bear in mind, that in addition to; their advertisements conspicuously displayed, as fore, their names are printed hi the body of the Directory in a larger type than the others, and rerference is there made tojthe page where tbe advertisement is to be found. The names of advertisers are also printed in Capital Letters in the Classified Business Directory, which will greatly en'arged and improved the present year. The price of the Directory will be continued the same as last, and will be furnished Subscribers and Advertisers at One Dollar and Fitty Cents. t3f We shall also add to the forthcoming Directory a GUIDE, or Runner's Vade Alecnm," giv-InsrtheTiumbersoii tha corners of every street in thiscity a table of great and general use in all large cites. pT" Subscribers can hand in their names at the Counting Room of the Commercial Advertiser, or to our Agent; Mr- JES8K CLEMENT.

Persons who have taken resl! dence in the eity since tbe first of May but, will confer a -favor by calling at the office and leaving their names residence. Also, all ersona who contemplate changing; their residences the ensuing Msy, will add much toward ensuing perfect correctness by writing out such changessl and leaving them at our uouniing niom, or uroupiug im the Post Office. THOMAS A LATHROPS, Stationers, Publishers and Printers, mr81 161 Main and 188 IMPORTANT NOTICE Xo tbe People of ISnf falo, SURROUNDING COUNTRY, AND ALSO TBX, PEOFI4C: OF CANADA. 1 On the 16th and 16th of each and every monlh: the well known and justly celebrated. i 4 Indian Ilerb Doctor, R.

J. OF THE ARCADE, ROCHESTER, Will visit Buffalo and can be consulted and his Medicine, Nature's Qarden, obtained atthe LA REND ON HOTEL. Let one and all who are suffering with diseases of tho Lungs, Heart, Liver and throat, aad all diseases otto Blood or any other complicated Chronic complaints ot long standing, by all means avail themselves th is chance without delay. By so doing they will escape theiron grasp of that curse of the human race, Mercury, and other: Mineral poisons. Nsy more, they will become once store in full possesion of that greatest of all earthly blessingsv-health.

TO LADIES OLD AND YOCNS, MARRIED AND CH MARRIED, i-Who are suffering with those various diseases peculiar to their sex are requested by no meant to despair of a permanent cure until tbey have given the lndian-Herb Doctor and hi Medicines a fair and faithful triaL Tbe experiene and success of 15 years practice during tbe Doctor's traveling in all tbe principal part, of the Globe enables him With the utmost confidence, to warrant acure where other eminent Professors or iu other words Calomel doctors hav failed to give relief. r- A Pamphlet containing a short history of Medicines, also a brief sketch of tbe Doctor's life, study and extensive travels can be obtained gratis at hit Room at the Clarendon Hotel. i t2r Consultation and advice given free of charge. The Poor will be liberally considered. Roomsopea from 8 Ai M.

to 19 M. and 8 to 8 P. M. est- Remember that the Indian Herb Doctor's office 1 atKo. and 87, Arcade Hall, over the Post Ofliee, Rochester.

Residence No.l Chesnut street, Sd door from Elm street, west sida Je30-lv; OAitT fc DKOTIIEKS BUFFALO CITY I PLANING MILL, DOOR, SASH, AND BLIND MANUFACTORY. J. Dasr, Jr. W. H.Ovmcroa.

B. Dsit. We have now on hand a larg assortment of seasoned Pine and Ash Lumber, rough and dressed 1 wciudirig Flooring, Ceiling, iding. Paneling, Shelving ZEARDSLET'S PREMIUM MACHINES. Warranted Kiln dried doors, Fash, Blitds, BrsclU, Mouldings ac-, always on.

nana. Gig, Panel and Job Sawiag done to order. e4.vtr DART A BROTHERS, North side Ob-'o Basin 17OR SALE OB TO LEASE FOR LONG term ot years, three Lot on Lower Pier, last bekew the BoMoo and New York Railroad Ferry, comprising a sosvee about luu fact br 50. The above oroocrty will be ld on liberal time or Leased for a term of year, 'htis eligibly situated (or th erection of Store House for Grain with Elevator attached, a it is located In th very centra or that kind of business. Apply to JOHN 8.

SMITH, 8pt Pier, Na.14 Pier at the end of Columbia street Bridge. Albany March lTtb.135. mrl-aw6w JOHIf It. co- i BANKERS, "CROWN'S 181 MAW BT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. I DRAFTS issued and CREDITS negotiated on all the principal cities of UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, FRANCE.

IRELAND, GERMANY, SCOTLAND. Small drafts on Kagiaod. Ireland and Scotland feu-tush. at i ha rat oi fire dollars per pound sterling without EXTRA charge. fT TAPSCOTT tk Line of Liverpool ot London Packet Ships.

mroU Fnraiihing Osodi. JUST RECR1VED AT I A 1 1 I Gloves, Tiea, Grawats, Scarfg, Stocks, Hosiery Rrrrts, Cottars, Spenr, bhaww, irrcu.g Kcsem, Ac. US) JtIsUbs sit. -BSVWSUH rsuwmcl Hall lllaw. ar20 VELVET RIBBONS ALL WIDTHS, ALSO a Sn assortment Barle Trhnmln.

oat received at LKM rUihSHEIM nrT 18T Main-st. Irani fiuUdings. F2 SALE v- 80ME VERT DESIBABL lota for ale Kiarmra and Del war sir sets, wsuc- wiU old at a bar." aad osr emry term i.umm 1 i fgjf A New Aiikasuemknt. The Pittsburgh -Pest says that the basis of an arrangement has been made by parties representing the several companies forming the 'i lin of railroad from Pittsburgh Chisago, via Crestline and Port Wayne, to consolidate these roads into-vm com-. psny, to run in close' connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad from Chicago to Pennsylvania.

Jff. Merchajits' Hotel -This Valuable and well known property wfH be told, on the premises, this morning, at 11 o'clock. We know of no piece of property now in market that can be made to pay better, as an ia-v vestment. The terms are easy, and tale positive. Our readers should attend to It, at there will unquestionably be a bargain in the tale.

The following "notice" is posted np in printing offle out west I Shat the door, as soon as yon ar' dona talking butl: natt, lorr your month in the same manner. s-an. Bores and idle loungers should cut this out and paste it in their halt. y'-: Of-Ootvtstos. Tbre waa a slight yesterday, on the Central Railroad, between a passenger train and a wood train.

The passenger locomotive -ran into tat wood cars, and damage ensued to the engine. The engineer, fireman and brakesman jumped osL tW The Ooujnowoo Line. "We tmiler- Uad that there will be no line of steamers running during the season of 1850, between Coilingwood and Chicago. Ths lino did not. pay the proprietors hut season, though it somewhat injured the business ot Buffalo.

1 A i fc Statb Fair. The people of Watertown bad until Saturday last to give bondt to furntth the vari- irVsj-eattinietares, ana ra mue uit oecnw; fitpw.uim. J. JV. for tkt Annaal Btafa Pair, to bt hoUea there in case such are tS Jk.

ew couege. to be called the Stv Aw- ceace Onivanity, has bees chartered bj the Legislator, il located at Canloo, St, Lawrence Coahtyi N. It is '-Under the tasrnnsaeof thaPatvosssllsIs apt) S90 Milsol, so wm Eagl f. ihfl tr ria.

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