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Council Grove Republican from Council Grove, Kansas • 3

Council Grove, Kansas
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a PAGE THREE COUNCIL GROVE (KANSAS) REPUBLICAN FRIDAY, 'APRIL' 4, 1947 OFFER LONG LEASE Lawrence Industrialists wanting a sprawling plant with ample water supplies will be able to lease the Sunflower ordnance plant at DeSota for 15 years. That is the period over which the government has announced the leases can run. They are cancelable. in case of war. Barley for sale at Hammer Coal and Grain Co.

683c NEW PARKING METHOD Herington- This city, which still permits center parking on its main street will soon fix 60-degree, stalls at the curb. The wide angles will permit easier parking when cars are in the center of the street a and make vision better when backing. NEW QUARRY PRODUCT Junction City A new type of stone building block with a sheared face 1 is to be produced from the Walker quarries. A machine for shearing the building face will have a 60 ton. pressure.

LOST MUCH LUMBER Salina A million feet of lumber was destroyed in the fire which did $75,000 damage to a local planing. mill last week. Machinery which was removed ahead of the flames is operating in a new building today. A new site has been purchased and a new plant will be erected. The Sublette Monitor appreciate spring if it can be squeezed in between winter and summer.

It has been suggested that when the present divorce wave subsides, someone should publish a "Who's Whose?" -Macksville Enterprise. The United States is on the verge of producing more timber than ever before. "Especially the Presidential notes Kenneth Friedel. The Reno Community High School reporter in the Nickerson Argosy gets about as much fun watching the girls at a basketball game as from the game itself. STATE FOLLOWS NEW DEAL? For years while federal taxes were being increased continually, state taxes were held at a low level in Kansas.

Now congress is engaged in an effort to reduce federal taxes. At the same time the state is undertaking new expenditures almost certain to necessitate higher state taxes than Kansans ever have paid before. It appears that the roles of the national and state governments in taxation are about to be reversed, fears Joe Murray. VACATION AT U' Lawrence- -Easter vacation at will start Wednesday noon and continue until morning classes Apr 8th. The city schools will dismiss Thursday evening to allow all teachers to spend Easter at home.

HEARD COEDS SING Topeka--A coed quartet from U. was brought here last week to sing in the various wards of Winter General hospital for disabled veterans under the onage of Mrs Kelvin Hoover of the Red Cross. EIGHT TRAFFIC ARRESTS Salina- Lt. Clifford1 Lucas of Junction City was arrested for reckless driving and released on bond with seven others taken into custody for traffic violations yesterday. OBITUARY Bertha May Tebow was born in Elizabethtown, Ohio, Jan 27, 1870 and passed away from this life Mar 16, 1947 at the age of 77 years, month and 18 days.

When only a few months old, she came with her parents to Valley Falls, Kansas, living there until the summer of 1884, at which time the Tebow family came to Morris Co. locating in the Grandview community near Delavan, where she grew to womanhood. At the age of 16 she accepted Christ and joined with the church at Olive Branch. Later transfering her membership to various churches where she has lived. he was a member of the Wilsey church at the time of her death.

She was one of the charter members of the Helmick WCTU NOTICE OF HEARING Before the State Corporation Com- mission of Kansas In the matter of the application of Parkerville Mutual Telephone Company for authority to Docket make certain changes in No. 32, rates for telephone service at Parkerville, Kansas. 777-U The above-entitled matter has been assigned for hearing before the State Corporation Commission at its offices, 503 Kansas Avenue, Topeka Kansas, on Monday, April 14, 1947, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. (Signed) W.

F. Turrentine, Secretary for the Commission. Doted at Topeka, Kansas March 10, 1947 Parkerville Mutual Telephone Parkerville, Kans V. O. Moore, Pres.

C. W. Beck, Secy. (Published April 4, 1947) RUMSEY WHITE HEADQUARTERS For PROPANE GAS PLANTS and GAS APPLIANCES Another Carload of Propane "'Homegas" plants expected in soon. These plants will be 500 and 1,000 gallon sizes.

Furnaces, Gas Ranges, Gas Refrigerators, and Gas Water Heaters are still very scarce and allocated, so we advise you to BUY NOW. Let GAS De Your Big Jobs Refrigeration Water Heating Home Cooking Home Heating These nationally known Quality Appliances handled exclusivelyCOLEMAN SERVEL ELECTROLUX WARD'S CHAMBERS FAIRBANKS MORSE MAYTAG "DUTCH OVEN" MONARCH FLORENCE A. Y. McDONALD TEMCO We invite you to see these fine appliances in our new Appliance Department. RUMSEY WHITE COUNCIL GROVE which was organized in 1912.

On Feb 25, 1890, she -was married to John Stephenson, to which union was born two daughters, Mrs Mattie Rioth of Council Grove and Mrs Josie Wigle of Wilsey. In the spring of 1892 the Stephensons to Plymouth Co, Iowa, living there until Dec. 1902, except one year spent in South Dakota, then moving to Halespell, Montana. In Aug 1909 they returned to Morris Co, Kansas, locating on a farm 4 miles east of Wilsey where on Sept. 12, 1928 her husband preceded her in death, since which time she has made her home with her daughter, Mattie.

During about 12 years of this time she did prac: tical nursing. Besides her daughters and husband she leaves to mourn her departure five grandchildren, Lawence and Marion Rioth, Ina, Earl and Beulah Wigle, also two great grandchildren, Leonard Rioth and Malonne Rioth. One grandson, Robert Edwin Wigle preceded her in death on Oct 31, 1920. Two brothers, Henry Tebow of Pasadena, and George Tebow of Sherman, Texas. Two sisters, Mrs Flora McCorkill of Elk City, Kan.

and Mrs Ollie Adams of Longmont, and nieces and nephews and a host of friends. She will be sadly missed by all but we cannot wish her back for what is our loss is heavens gain. 67-1p Marlin Constance BROWN BROWN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 1st door South of Farmers Drovers Bank Phone 73 EMPORIA MONUMENT CO. RAY E. RATCH Will call in person on all who write or call us.

405 ELM PHONE 3060 DR. MESS POL A LIQUID PAINT FOR DEHORNING YOUNG CALVES 1. Effectively stops horn growth. A dry eschar forms and sloughs off, taking horn button with it. 2.

Easily applied- clip the hair and brush it on. 3. Dries quickly, forms a tough film, adheres firmly. 4. Unlike caustic sticks and pastes containing hydroxides, POL does not extract fluids from tissues: hence, treated areas do not "ooze" and cause injury to eyes or face of calf.

5. No injury to other calves or to 1 nurse cow's flanks or udder. 6. Neither toxic nor painful to treated animal. One Bottle Treats 10 Calves- Costs 10c Cr Calf MONEY GUARANTEE FERGUSON REXALL DRUGS Cut Rate Prices Read The WANT ADS It PAYS IT'S CRUMBLIZED FOR FASTER START! Tests Show GREATER GAIN AT LESS FEED COST Per Pound of Gain Than Same Feed In Mash or Pellet Form CHICK GRANULES IS CRUMBLIZED.

SKINNER PRODUCE GROCERY 'McGREW'S SINCLAIR' ANNOUNCES HERE IT IS, KIDS FREE ONE STICK OF BUBBLE GUM GIVEN with Each Gallon of Gas Purchased at My Station SATURDAY, APRIL 5th "RED HOT" $4,000.00 DOLLAR CLEARANCE TIRE TUBE SALE For the remainder of this month I have thrown away my price list and am using Montgomery Ward catalogue prices on all Tires and Tubes in stock, plus $1.00 per tire for postage and mounting on vehicle. Present stock includes a good number of six-ply casings, some mud grips. Come in and get these bargains. Let's don't say we can buy cheaper at Montgomery Ward's. McGrew's Sinclair Service Opposite Post Office You are always hearing of new ways to make money and of handling it after you get it--but REMEMBER that old reliable guide book to better days is your BANK BOOK.

The Farmers Drovers Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE. CORR SAFETY NEED YOURS GENUINE! When your tractor was new, it had genuine IH parts throughout. And that's a mighty good way to keep it. Don't replace your IH magneto just because it needs a little work done on it. Bring it in and let us adjust it for you.

And use genuine IH purolators to keep your tractor oil clean. You know, we can supply you with any IH parts for your tractor and implements, if you just give us a little advance notice. Most parts, we keep right here in stock. McCORMICK PARTS AND DEERING SERVICE MACHINES COOLIDGE IMPLEMENT COMPANY NYLONS FROM CORNCOBS Manhattan--The state agricultural college is interested in completion of a million dollar research periment in Oklahoma City by DuPont for producing nylon hose from corncobs. Nylon was origin'ally derived from the components of coal, air and water.

Now petroleum is used along with coal. Experiment shows that corn cobs, cotton seed or oats hulls and rice bran will give an inexhaustible supplemental supply of ingredients needed for nylons. TEXT BOOKS HIGH Manhattan--Text books for I's attending the state agricultural college have cost the government about $180,000 since last September. Veterans on practical training jobs are entitled to a maximum of $100 worth of booys. TEENAGE BALL TEAMS Burlington--A teenage ball team for the summer vacation has been formed among high school boys here with the first game scheduled for Mar 30.

If enough teams can be interested a junior league will be organized. BUTTONS TO MASONS Clay Center -Twenty five year buttons have been presented to Dr. Croson and six other members of the Blue lodge here. The presentation was made by the grand master from Wichita. REFUNDS OF $300,000 Lawrence Natural gas users here will receive $300,000 in refunds from a settlement of rate litigation that has been in progress against Cities Service since 1943.

New and lower rates go into effect in town immediately, but the refunds will cover all gas used in the last three years. FOUND Guernsey milk cow. O. C. McNeal, Route 6, Council Grove.

66-3p MISCELLANEOUS Regular Meeting American War Dads, Monday Night 8 o'clock. 68-2c FARMERS LOOK It is strange but true -We loan you money to get you out of debt. See us at P.C.A. office at Council Grove on Saturday or any day at and we will explain to you how we can do it. NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION, Mott, Secretary-Treasurer.

68-1c Rag rug weaving done at my home, 5 miles of Council Phone 45F9. Mrs. Bryce Bettles. 67-6p Construction Work--Concrete our specialty. Any kind, Anywhere, Anytime.

Don Meath, Phone 356. 66-3p Would butcher some prime steer beef on orders. For locker customers. TI Curtis Dunlap. tf-c $2 A YEAR is what it costs to keep a rat.

Kill your rats quickly with ANTURATE the Dr Hess formulation of antu new rat poison everybody is talking about. More effective than other rat poisons. Safe. Satisfaction guaranteed.FERGUSON'S CUT-RATE REXALL DRUGS. 65-5c NOTICEWe have your good Pioneer Seed Corn on hand now.

For this territory, 300 for bottom and 332 for semi or upland. Phone in any extra orders, we will reserve it for you. W. L. YOUNG.

LET US HELP SAVE YOUR CAR We have expert mechanics, up-to-date tools and equipment and an ample stock of genuine Chevrolet parts. CURED CHEVPOLET Come In Now BERT GRAVEL CHEVROLET 21-10p LOST Strayed or Stolen, 1 Guernsey cow from my pasture. Bob Alexander. 66-3p and most successful company of its kind on earth offers an unusually fine opportunity for an honest and industrious man to get into an independent and profitable business of his own, in south of Morris County. Must have car.

No experience nor capital required. We have helped thousands of men to success. Write co The Republican. 68-1p Part time work- -house cleaning or care of children. Phone 183W.

67-3p Lady to do telephoning from her home, announcing a free service. Box clo this paper. 66-3p Oats, Ear Corn, Milo, Kaffir, good prices. Phone 101, SIGLE IN White City, Kansas. Beef and Horse Hides.

Gilman Locker Service. 21-tt Beef and horse hides; waste fat and grease of any kind. Pullins Zero Lockers. 6-tt Will pay $1.50 per 100 for horses. Call Baker Axe, phone 206W.

Plant your garden from our complete line of Barteldes Bulk Seeds. Skinner Produce and Grocery. 59-9c FOR RENT 60-acre farm, close in on gravelOR might rent house separately. Ph. 174B, Geo.

Crowley. 68-3p FOR SALE 65 HP Cont. J-3 Piper Cub. Exceptional good flyer. Gets in and out of small fields.

$1050.00. Ph. 181. Harry Shepherd. 68-3c IHC tractor mower; fits or M.

Ralph Richards, C. G. 68-3p Electric motors, and horse power. A Gilman, 314 Hockaday. 68-3c Hereford Bulls, from 12 to 15 months old.

Reg. Price reasonable. Pritchard, Dunlap, Phone 16 on 6. 68-5p Used car battery, in good condition. Bill Henry, Phone 428 B.

68-3c Hedge all sizes 6 to ft. Joe Pride and Jack Woods, Dwight phones. 68-3c '34 Ford pickup; Also Jayhawk haystacker; 1 black work mare. Dale Herpich, White City phone. 68-3p Five yr.

old horse; Holstein cow, 4 Primrose separator; Maytag washing machine. J. M. Lentell, Wilsey Ph. 67-3p Lathe, Logan.

10-inch, new this year, with all attachments. R. N. Laher, 100 E. Main, Herington.

67-3p Three steers and a milk cow or will trade steers for heifers. Alfred Campbell, Wilsey. 67-3p Pile of second hand lumber. Bill Henry, Phone 428B. 67-3p FOR SALE IMMEDIATELY 8 lots, ideal building spot.

Phone 343, Mrs Frank Janzen, 323 Preston. 67-3c At Community Sale Saturday, '39 Pick-up, excellent condition, '45 motor. 66-3p 75 lb. size Coolerator, ice box, kitchenette size range, James way brooder 500 size. Zenith Battery console model radio.

See at 27 N. Washington. C. W. Baker, Phone 18X.

66-3p Electric cabinet radio, in good condition. Mrs. N. L. Kern, White City, Ph.

74. 66-3c Good ice refrigerator, 100-lb. capacity. Can be seen at Rumsey White. O.

L. Burnett. 66-3x Dempster 2-row lister, in good condition. Milan Harkness, Delavan, Ks. 66-3p Copper clad cook stove, new grates.

Coal heater in good condition. Ph. 22 6. J. Jorgensen 66-3p International Farmall regular tractor and cultivator in good condition.

Or will trade for livestock. Also 100-lb size Coolerator refrigerator. R. L. Gant, Wilsey.

Everbearing strawberry plants, 10. for $2.50. Grubaugh, miles east. 66-3p SUNFLOWER CHICKS, top quality at a good price, call, write, or see us. Phone 101.

SIGLE GRAIN White City, Kans. 47-tfc For Quick Sale, list your Real Estate with Harry 25-ti We have on hand Funk's Hybrid and K. K. Hybrid seed corn; alSO new crop Barteldes garden seed. BURTON'S FEED STORE.

58-15c New McCormick Deeriing singlerow power-drive corn binder New McCormick-Deering hay loader New Mc Cormick Deering 10 ft. power-drive grain binder Used McCormick-Deering 6-ft. horse mower Used No. 4-A McCormick-Deering tractor stalk cutter Used McCormick Deering electric cream separator COOLIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. "Your McCormick-Deering Dealer' '41 Plymouth 2-door and '41 Old: Torpedo 2-door.

Both extra clean. Call after 6 p. Apartment 18, Cottage Hotel. Geo. Bolton.


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