Council Grove Republican from Council Grove, Kansas • 2
- Publication:
- Council Grove Republicani
- Location:
- Council Grove, Kansas
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- 2
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a a a a a a a a TWO COUNCIL GROVE, KANSAS, REPUBLICAN THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1940 Society CLUB PERSONAL CHURCH Mrs. Aleen Barber Society Reporter Phone In News The society reporter will we.come items about parties. 7.8- tors in your home, or trips you plan making. Phone 78 and give Items to Mrs. Barber.
Items over 48 hours old will not be printed in this column. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday Mrs Lucy Hannum will entertain members of the Fairview Willing Workers club at all day meeting at her home Thursday: A covered dish dinner will be served at the noon hour. Members of the Neighbors club will be entertained at an afternoon meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs Homer May. A seven o'clock dinner will be served to Country club members Thursday night in the club house with Mrs Black as chairman of the dinner. Friday Mrs Charles Wilkerson will entertain the B.
Bridge club at a regular meeting Friday afternoon at 1 her home. West Circle Meeting Members of the West Circle of the Methodist church were entertained at the home of Mrs. Law. rence Parker, with Mrs Ben Foresman, as assisting hostess. Those present were Mrs Charles Strieby, Mrs P.
Smith, Mrs Earl Billett, Mrs James Stenger, Mrs Ray Brown, Mrs Tom Yador, Mrs Orval Young, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Machin, Mrs A Dunn, Mrs Nora Nichols, and the hostesses' Mrs Lawrence Parker, and Mrs Ben Foresman. Women's Division Members of the Evangelistic and Benevolent Division of the Christian Church 7 met yesterday afternoon at 2:30 in the church. The afternoon was spent in working on a comfort. Members present were Mrs Bertha Snider, Msr Carr, Mrs Shay, Mrs O'Bryant, Mrs Leland Colyer, Mrs James Peck, Miss Emily Frances Peck, Mrs Matt Patterson, and Mrs A' Rees. Helmick CT The first meeting of the new year of the Helmick TU, was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs Mabel Wilson, retiring president! The new officers of the organization were installed.
Members present were Mrs Emma Dains, Mrs Eva Bowman, Mrs Alice Bacon, Mrs Ethel Eckstrom, Mrs Cora Bowman, Mrs Lola Albertson, Mrs Mattie Rioth, Mrs Kate Whittington, Mrs Effie Hiskey, Mrs Tillie Rochat, and the hostess Mrs Wilson. Dunlap Social Event Thursday afternoon losers of the Fifth Wheel Circle will entertain winners of a recent contest, at a weiner and marshmallow roast at the home of Mrs. Fred Thomas. White City Social Events The Priscilla Club met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Torgeson.
White City Ladies Aid The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will hold a regular meeting Thursday afternoon in the church. An election of officers will be held. Miss LaVon Wasmund went to Topeka today where she will spend A few days visiting with her aunt, Mrs. R. R.
Zurbuchen and family. Miss Margaret Long will return Friday from visiting in Lecompton, Kansas, with Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
McCarty. Miss Jane Osborne, Eureka, has returned to her home there after visiting 'in Dunlap, as guest of Miss Hazel Woodmansie. RUG TRUCK HERE FRIDAY. Sept 13th. Call Ideal Cleaners.
217 2c New Under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration ARRID 1. Does not rot dresses, does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can beused right after shaving.
Instantly stops perspiration for 1'to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration. Apure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. Atrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American being harmless to fabrics. Institute of.
Laundering for. 25 MILLION jars of Arrid have been sold. Try jartoday! ARRID 896 a Set At all also in stores 10 selling and 50 toilet are goode Congregational Aid Tea Mrs Durland hostess to members and guests of the Congregational Ladies Aid Society yesterday afternoon at her home on North Belfry. She was assisted by the following members of the September calendar, Mrs Duke Brown, A Pullins, Mrs Ethel Corey, Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Hugh Wilson, Mrs A Gilman, Mrs Herbert Wilson and Mrs Will Jaillite. A very interesting program was presented which included talks given by Mrs Herbert Wilson, Mrs I Wagoner, Mrs Mae Cripe.
They told of their travel trips this summer. Miss Marjorie Huffaker told of her trip to the Music Camp at Interlocken, Mich. At the close of the meeting Mrs Herbert Wilson presided at tea, which was served from a very attractively decorated table. In the center of the table was a large bouquet of asters and daisies. Guests present were Mrs Hughes, Clinton, Mo, Mrs Friend, Mrs James Sharpe and Mrs.
A Miller. Members present were Mr: I Huffaker, Miss Marjorie Huffaker, Mrs Van Scholes, Mrs Nelson, Mrs Edwin Jacobs, Mrs George Cleek, Mrs Brueggen, Mrs Jacobs, Mrs Herbert Wilson, Mrs Duke Brown, Mrs A Pullins, Mrs Mae Cripe, Mrs Wagoner, Mrs Ethel Corey, Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Hugh Wilsey, Mrs A Gilman, Mrs Will Jail. lite, Mrs Frank Fleming. Mrs Black, Mrs Eula Metzger, Mrs Matlby, Mrs, A and the hostess, Mrs Durland, Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Sharp entertained as their dinner guests last evening, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gutsch, June Sharp, Miss Virginia a Sharp, Miss Mary Sharp, and Miss Joyce Sharp. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs Dike have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lucille Elzabeth, to Mr.
Lawrence Rioth Osborne, Kansas. He is the son Mr. and Mrs. of John Rioth of Wilsey. The wedding will take place Friday, September 27th.
Dunlap Fifty Wheel Members of the Dunlap Fifth Wheel of the Methodist Ladies Aid were entertained at their regular meeting yesterday at at at at at at at at at the home of Mrs Robert Adams, with Mrs Owen Hughes, acting the assisting hostess. Mrs Normal Boudeman was in charge of the devotions and the president, Mrs Mina Monroe, conducted the business meeting. The new division of the women's departments were discussed and explained. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Guests present were Mrs Hazel Woodmansie, Mrs Jim Adams, Mrs Kate Adams, Mrs Ida Roberts Miss Mattie Roberts, Mrs Ethel Aldredge, Mrs Clayton Girber, Mrs Ola Clark, Mrs Edna Drew, Mrs Mohr, Mrs Esther Foiles, Mrs Lee Henderson, Mrs Rachel Hughes, and Mrs Beatrice Bacon Members present were Mrs Mina Monroe, Mrs John Mrs Charles Haucke, Mrs Shaeffer, Mrs Oleson, Mrs A Perry.
Mrs Herbert Clayton, Mrs Dewey Riggs, Mrs Lee Combs, Mrs Robt Young. Mrs George Viar, Mrs Emma Woods, Mrs Roy Bacon, -Mrs Guy Bacon, Mrs Della Hedgespeth and the hostesses Mrs Robert Adams, and Mrs Owen Hughes. Mrs. B. R.
Moon, Myrna Jo, Mrs. Lawrence Cottrell, Larry Lee, went to Pratt, Kansas, yesterday for a visit there with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Karney.
Miss Carolee Armsby, who is attending Baker University at Baldwin, has pledged the Delta Delta Delta sorority there. Mr. and Mrs Barber. Nada Jean Barber, and Betty Lee McQuin visited in Enterprise yesterday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Max Barber. TI THEATRE TODAY FRIDAY THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE With Joe Penner, Martha Raye, Alan Jones and Rosemary Lane.
Also News, Populay Science and Musical Brevity. Shows Adm, 25c Plus Tax Charles Starrett In DURANGO KID Also Chapter No. 13 "The Shadow' and Cartoon "The Stone Show Adm 20c Always Cool Methodist Church North Circle Meeting Members of the North Circle were entertained at the home of Mrs. A. G.
Alexander with Mrs. O. E. Alexander and Mrs. E.
M. Foresman acting as the hostess. Mrs. J. D.
Long conducted the business meeting and the new division of the Women's organization was discussed. Mrs. Dave Scott was in charge of the devotionals. Those present were Mrs. D.
R. Lidikay, Mrs. J. D. Long, Mrs.
Geo Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Grace Harvey, Mrs. Ernest Foresman, Mrs. L. D.
Kneeland, Mrs. W. J. Ray, Mrs. R.
H. Hardy, Mrs. Ned Axe, Mrs. Vernon Wilkerson, Mrs. Roy Dutton, Mrs.
John Brooks, Mrs. Dave Scott, Mrs. A. G. Campbell, Miss LaVon Wasmund, Miss Margerey Lyn Long, and the hostesses Mrs.
O. E. Alexander and Mrs. E. M.
Foresman. Clayton Edds, Hollywood, was visiting with friends in Council Grove yesterday. Mrs Bernal Johnson, and Darlene. Johnson have returned to their home in Marion after visiting here with Mr and Mrs Russell Owens. East Circle of Methodist Church The East Circle of the Methodist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs.
Harvey Carson Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was opened with the song "Tis Sweet to Trust in Mrs. W. W. Brokate had charge of the devotions.
The business meeting was conducted by the President, Mrs. C. E. Crane. Reverend and Mrs.
Samuelson visited the meeting for a short time. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Members present were Mrs H. P. DeHoff, Mrs.
J. W. Cole, Mrs. W. A.
Miller, Mrs. C. E. Crane, Mrs. H.
P. Wright, Mrs. W. W. Brokate.
Mrs. Homer Blosser, Guy Lyttle, Mrs. C. S. Cline, Mrs.
Evart Dreese, Mrs. P. R. Krich, Mrs. Sue Overton, Nira and Shirley Carson and the hostess, Mrs.
Harvey Carson. Dr Leslie Rutledge, formerly of Chicago, who has been visiting in Dunlap with his parents, Mr and Mrs Elmer Rutledge, has returned to Madison, Wisconsin, where he will teach in the university there. Hammer is here today from Wichita on business. South Circle of Methodist Church Meeting The South Circle of the Methodist Church met yesterday at the home of Mrs. A.
E. Allan. Mrs. J. M.
Norris conducted the devotions. Mrs. A. R. Carpenter was in charge of the business meeting which consisted of a discussion and explanation of the new organization Members present were Mrs.
Ed Jaillite, Mrs. J. W. White, Ross Shippy, Mrs. J.
W. Norris, Mrs. J. Loy, Mrs H. I.
Smith, Miss Euna Berry, and the hostesses Mrs. A. R. Carpenter and Mrs. A.
E. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lowe and Mrs.
Clara Edwards spent yesterday in Topeka. LABOR GAINS BY NEW from Page 1) bor legislation is directed. He emphasized that the right of collective bargaining had come during the last, seven years, and hinted at greater benefits to labor to which he was committed for the future. He review ed the social security and unemployment benefits of the new deal. The President called for pow- Lets show you the town's FOOD VALUES BIGGEST Neighbor You must see the PEOPLES CASH to know why it occupies such an important place in the daily life of this community.
You must see the mammoth displays of quality brands the helpful clerks the many features that make for convenient shopping to know why so many of your neighbors shop here for all food needs. We invite you in with these low, low prices that proclaim the town's biggest food values. BOILING BEEF lb. 10c ROUND STEAK Per Pound BUTTER ROAST Per Baby Pound Beef First Slab Grade BACON Per Pound BACON Per Sliced Pound OLEOMARGARINE Tasty Wilson's 3 lbs. 28c lb.
Digestable FLOUR CRISCO, 3 45c White Goose -All Purpose Flour 3 No. 2 Cans Blackberries 24 LB. 48 LB. $1.29 2 8-oz. Pkgs.
Best lb. NOODLES SUGAR Granulated 25 Bag $1.23 4 Tall Cans COFFEE Folgers Mountain Grown lb. 004 MILK SOAP and 8 Cakes 2 14-cz. CATSUP Bottles 15c OATS Large Quakers Size Fresh Grape Juice, Qt. Pure 19c COOKIES Assortment lb.
No. can SYRUP No. Staleys 5 can Golden 25c; No. 10 can PUMPKIN 9c Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes 8 lbs. APPLES No.
Jonathan 1 6 lbs. 25p Fancy Tokay TURNIPS NEW Large lbs. 10g CAULIFLOWER Ball Snow Head 128 GRAPES Medium EGG PLANT Size 2 For Sweet 3 lbs. 19c PEPPERS Mangoes 5 For PEOPLES CASHI COUNCIL GROCERY MARKET PHONE GROVE 207 WhErE Quality and. Daily four Prices Prevail er to draft any industry which tries to rise above its government but declared in the effort for national defense, fine team work 'has been developed in the main.
He promised that no troops or air forces would be sent to foreign lands to fight unless America was attacked, and expressed a hope that after the present emergency was over, the nation would enjoy an internal security transcending anything heretofore known. So frequently was his address interrupted by applause that it ran 151 minutes over the scheduled time. BRITISH SLOW UP BOMB RAIDS (continued from page 1) and Petticoat lane on Piccadilly sustained damage to fashionable shops. Workmen were busy all morning smothering a delayed time bomb which has fallen inside historic old St Paul's cathedral, and which if it explodes may bring the 68,000 ton tower crashing through the edifice. Nearby streets have been evacuated, but curious crowds stand at a distance to await events.
The bomb is the same type which damaged Buckingham palace earlier. Dance! -AtBLUE INN SAT. NITE Music By Gene Block And His 5- Piece Swing Band Dancing 9 To 12 CARLOAD OF ANACONDA Super Phosphate Fertilizer Hammer Coal-Grain Co. DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN NOW BUY A BIG, NEW 1940 (6.2 CU. FT.) GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR FOR ONLY $114.95 Rumsey White Hdw.
General Electric Dealers Our New Wallpapers Are Here Fashionable New XOX: Designs and Shades A To Add Charm Xe A To Your Rooms UNTIL you see them, how wallpaper you lovely can't designs the imagine new are. Smart colors and patterns that are easily cleaned. Inexpensive. too! Come in and see them or phone for our sample books. AS LOW AS 6c ROLL LITKE FURN.
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