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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lnl stamlinjr, which ol course adds' to pfrial gctiff. cer bavfDt; extended from tbe root of the palate to tbe teeth, and protrudins; beyond lb em, aad to preventing respiration that his easns for breath were heard across the the interest that surround the case. one window, looking out on the yard, and la well upillel with, chaira, carpet, cupboard, etc. Both rooms are on the Ludlow street sida of tbe vanl, ami to the left when onn eater tbe JaiU Tweed'a food ia to be tkn to him Crora a neighborins; re- BOARD riRSf CLA89. GOOD ACCOM-modatioa for a few gentlemen.

House i Wterroef CeTer Msnnfactory. Kid- street. Attempts are to be made to further well located, vata, no sou wra wior, reduce tbe formation. TTZZf DRESSMAKIHO BT jlAY OR Uv3 week. alias Scboer 1 Sister are prepared la Sol fashlenaole dressmaking by the day, or wonkl take work at home.

Best reference. Terms reasonable. Apply at 144 Pearl street. J- the Ihi ard in which he bas served, jtlis ntahee irltb bi wlnesa Is icb to flit hi admirably for the ftlitlesj of County Cles. Mr.

Oatmaii jisj sow acitive nffjed la lie and is maktn friertifii wlieicver he goies. Ille i suw to secure the rotes of piany In-t llirit Democrats, and wet liok for 978 Pearl street. Friday Horalac, Oct. 27, Ift7. ILL DOBSK iAJ(D WAGOX COTEK8 AT FBICS3.

j. EIPORTED GOODS taaraat. i i I THE HARD TIHES. THE BUFFALO EXPRESS, published at Ne. FOR BENT ONE SOOTH ROOM AND bedroom, well furnished.

Hot and cold water, bath. Term reasonable. 9B Clinton street. i4-t A CURIOUS E3T10 A Dam aay that Does lair Woader- Mala Street. JAS.

JEXIAIJTT, 508 III his position as an oj ponent of ex-rcbel claims Mr. Tlkleti quote from hla statements In his first message a Governor. Fortunately tie people know how much value Mr. Tlldcrf place on his own official declarations. They remember tharhe iirjrcd the passage lof a bill by the state Legislature and signed it naming January 1st.

1879. 14 autrtwaa (treat eon tain tha latest aawa, both at horn aad Abroad. It baa a large air-ulatlou, which la constantly Inereasln, falTbiaz -i I' Mb coinlni Out of the canvassl lMith ithe Poiated Reaaaika br Col. Iagersoll Beapoaslbilltf an the Care for Hard Tiaaea. r' TWO OR THREE BOARDERS WANTED in a private family and ia a very pleasant bouse, surreundings and locality, aad near street car.

West side ot afaia tree. Address this offloe. I ell-tf tie- WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework In a family of two. None AT PRICES FURS but those thoroughly Competent aed apply, at 149 AMea street. i I liT-St I From CoL Spill ftf' thereby wlaila -ewe a tba bast ac vsrtlslng medium la the elty.

nam. AILT Exrazas par annum DartT Express tot tlx 4 bo Daily Exraasa for thraa 1 00 wo largest majonty ever gnren publioan canIiiiate fjr that ftic. Of dur candklotes tor Oroners, are ndw serving In (hat capacity, are1 well known alnd popular. TKD A YOUNG MAN TO WORK as the date' for re miming specie pay nd fms Most under- tint, sars a uemocrat, tneae ar re Very hard COMSTOCK'S stand Clark's Seorin Mhine, ami bo able to Thai Cost of Mi Mr. BSOSt times, want a chanet.

What kind of a bange, Mr. Democrat? A chanee for the ments, and then, when hla party at Louis said that date must be repealed, Mr. Tllden very meekly came down and III WEE EXT EXPRESS la banted every J. C. AlmehuWer If sne of the Thursday moraine, aad furnished to sab- better or for the woref Tiiat the qiies eillcieiit, trusfworthj tlon.

You lay you have trot hard timea. tlob. Tou lay you have rot bard tlmea. and pouilar ttien the bffice in this SPECIALTIES. straw board aad cut the paper With taM shears.

Apply at one by letter, aivf eat rience and references, spJjUT the winter, to C. ALTMAN 89 and 91 Richmond street, Toronto, Oat J24-t NEW said so too. It will only require the' de ecflber at tbe low rata of 1.28 par aanaa, payable invariably la advance. who has ever filled portation mand of the solid South and Mr. Tllden es in the couatry city.

Mr. Bacon se All, BUSINESS LETTERS ihonld ba ad will- forget his. anti-claims professions efneient. Mr. and but Is alike papular dressed to tha "Express Printing Coia ANTED A FARTHER WITH THREB A .1 i 1M a wll atnlillfif.

Ptl Seal Sacqnes, pear," Ma. 14 East Swan street, Buffalo; DEFAUTMENTS. Scott welt-knows citizen and Is fare In half a minute. As Hoses IITglow nkl the rebels: for dependin' on Iheir oath an Commtfnloatlons aad Correspondence to tbe and increasing business; must be a sober, industrious business maa. Address B.

M. Express oftlce. I I fZS-4t Otter to ran up wltfe hU tlcltet. i 0w ng to the fall in Gold and de duced Prices. EXPRESS PRINTING COw Fur Trimmings.

Twunl lil ml 'mm Dior 'n tha ribbln bat. i WM. CULtEK BRYANT'S NEW Work. In rarU, finely illustrated, responsible canvassers and general agents wanted. J.

Bj FORD A New York, i J21-t REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. VERY Bear Robes, Louis 3. Jennings write from London to tbe New York World some facts about maJr, the snlritualist, and compares his operation to those ot tha dummy, an lu-vention on, which Mr. Maskeleyne has madh1s iortnncf j' Mr. Maskefeyne's dummy is dressed Up like a Turk, bas a glass pillar beneath him, and wben you, have walked all round hint and seen that no wire connect himjwith an electrical or any other apparatus, the Turk play a hand in a game of whist three person from the auoience playingthe other hands.

Mr. Maskeleyne merely call out each card as it ia laid upon tbe table. Tbe Turk draw bis card from a little stand where bis thirteen are arranged ia front of him. and Mr. Maskeleyne takes it and puts it on the others.

I went to see this prodigy tbe other day; and a all the scientific men in London hare been there, and Mr. Maskeleyne has afforded them every facility for making a thorough examination of the figure, and a none of them have discovered the secret, I need not tell you that I am quite in the dark respecting it. The figure is completely isolated Iron curtains or machinery, electricity could not be employed, and any ef tbe audience may pass a cane or Umbrella beneath ot- ronnd about it, or exercise it in any way. It is certainly a wonderful piece of mechanism-H for mechanism Mr. Maskeleyne tells you distinctly it Is and he challenges all tbe world to find out how it is made or by what meat, it is worked.

I may add as a curious fact that tbe Spiritualist assert that Mr. Maskeleyne is himself a medium of uncommon powers, but that he chooses to denv it- and finds it more profitable to WE HATE JUST OPENED A LARGE ASSORTMEMT OP THE FlWAPrCiAI. ISSUE. Wolverine Robes, Black Cashmeres. The Indication that the- lie publican "Wolf Robes, and Black Alpaca Dress Goods, FOB PRESIDENT, RUTUBItrORD D.

HAYES, Of OHIO. FOB VICE PH EM DENT, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, OW MIW YORK. 1 Btiflalo Robes, Laces, Linens, party Is surely gaining In this state and In the Whole country are numerous and convincing. The Democratic confidence which was raised to such a pitch by the election in Indiana, fsettbsiding before Tf ANTED EVERYBODY TO TRY THE new Common Sense Chltnnev Top and Ventilator, patented June 27, 1878.

Warranted to core smoky chimnies or no pay asked. Pat no on SO days' trial. Full informaUon can be CLOAKS Cloths, Shawls, Blankets, Lap had by calling at 36 Niagara street MORGAN AND Bl; Horse ankets, AULi, ratenieesi i ii-tm Well, I tell you, you can be poorer than to lose all the property vouhave got that is, to lose yoor principle In the bargain. Whenever a maa rCi bo poor that he cannot love bis country, be had; better go into tbe bankrupt court of death. Whenever a man get so bard in want of money that be cannot be In favor of justice, be bad better emigrate.

Now, it makes no difference bow bard the times, am that is that we should hate hard heads that ja bo reason that we should do ah act of injustice; that Is no reason that we should against our country. And when tbe Democrat talk about bant time they don't know wbit they are talking about. Let me tell you, whatever hard time we have got, tbe. Democratic party of the North and Booth brought them upon us: whatever national debt we have got, the Democratic party of the North and South, have piled upon tbe shoulder of American aad the Democratic party of the North did a great deal more in that direction tban tbe Democratic party of the South. Tbe Democratic party of the North prolonged tbe war at least i three year, by holding out to the South the idea that tbey (the Democrats of the North) would in a little while get possession of the country through tbe ballot; and then they would' compromise with the South.

More than that, tbe Democratic party of the North I MAtlGXED OCR CREDIT, slandered our credit to ttaS extent that poM Went iip to 2D0. In other words, the greenback dollar, by reason of Democratic lies, became niy 84 cents. In other words, we bad to. shave ercry dollar no pent. But re wanted the money to buy jiowder, to buy shot, to buy guns, to buy shells to kill the Democrats with.

Laughter. 1 And we wanted tbe money so bad State. for oovanwon, the slow rnovlng wave of' public THOtlSAND WRTNG- KT ANTED OHK ALL AT ASTONISHINGLY, LOW I have a room fitted an A3f yXTAljLaJUtEP OCTBAOB. "There I noxlilng to the political iU toiy of this tsoiintry titat 'rivals In 1 infamy the courWof the Democratic party in South. Cirtoilins exoeptj pferphaRiw, the Democratic ulefljnsa of jit at (the North, party there is not oiily guilty jof an i attempttocarryj th state election by latlmidationi and! force; of arms, jbut jsialsb guilty; ofj the )no6t scandailods, dishin)tabliS and djsre-putable conduct.toward Gov can! be Imagined.

lf there existed one single vallld reason, or eyen excuse for the cours of the Democrats wwiild, dlileis-ent 1 But there Is ho excuse ndr shadjow of excuse for It- It is a well utiderod fact that Soath Carollao, like me of tbe otKpr Sotith-' era! state tfcttefyd- fromlgnorint BETAILINti AT ers to repair. opinion, anu while the closeness of the contest makes it Imperative upon every Itcpubllcan to use. his utmost cffoM 'ior expressly for Suing on new rolls, etc, etc If oat of town send statement and receive a prompt reply. Cab repair any Wringer made. A.

RII, 119 MaiU street. I I ASTONISHINGLY success, there Is no doubt If that effort PRICES. A RITE -lilV LOW PEIOES To which we respectfully request the special attention ot intending purchasers. if We purpose making a great success in these good, and offer them at extremely low price. EDWIN D.

MOBOAN, of New York. FOR Lt KUTK A Jf JOVSJOR, SHE It MAX, 8. of for judos or court or aptrals, I 'EOadB V. DANFOJtTH, of Monroe. FOR CANAL iCOMMiaafONZH, DAN'IKL p.

gPENC'ER, of Livingston. rOR STATR PRISON INSPECTOR, I HAS. TROWBRIDGE, of King. roR jvdqu or run suprkme court, RIOIITII DIBTfllCT, ALBEKT IIAIQIIT, of Buffalo. Is put forth success ill be the result! No Issue now stands forth more prominently than, the financial Issue.

Ufa not merely the assurance of tJie speediest resumption of rpecie payments that Is Wanted, but assur ascribe the wonderful actions bi bJi Tintt: KltKT-THE LABGK 19-STORY frame dwelling bouse 460 Ellioott street. BANCROFT fou a Ami Gas in every room. Cement cellar under the whole house. Niagara waten Apply, to M. L.

e8-tf RITT, 49 WasMnsloa street AD AM, MELDRTJM ance rs wanted that our credit abroad will not be shaken by the acces MIN'S AND BOYS' WtNTiCB tilTS ASP ef it mt--tyltMK tfc ANDERSON, CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY, sion or repudlatlonuts to power, ahJ and corrupt Officials! the lisijuiSiU-ca party WRslirespOiislhle'fgrlhlsl iff- P.y eho" (as tbe figure la feal led) to merely natural causes. Mr. i Maskeleyne Tilmeelf declares tbat he is a sworn foe to Spiritualism, aud that he will never rest until he has eevered all it discinles and prophets With shame and confusion. I In the meantime he has found it necessary to give two performances every day; all the town Sock to them, and it i necessary to secure seats a fortnight beforehand. I declare I am at a loss to know whether It I pore profitable to be a meditim or only an ex poser of mediums.

Both pursuits pay much better than hard rVbrfii AND CHEAP. ruption, so muiH tfj's lorBe.fbi it But FOR 8ALE. TO CURIOSITY SEEKERS. I have a splendid cohesttoo of coins composed of some rare specimens of. tic mney of 7 that business sTiall not Irom this cause suffer paralysis when it Is just beginning to revive.

To-day business enterprise Coaf reisloaal. JfOR MKMBXR OF COXORRM, 260, 263, 264, 266 Vain in the Wiiole qourse Gov. 1iamUr- 10 East Swan Street. 17 and 402 MAIN ST. various countries, which I wish to dispose of.

and the Democrats needed killing so bad that we shaved the paper 60 per cent. Now KLUUIDOE O. SPAULDJNO, of Buffalo. Iain's administration tShere has not been at 48 street The collection can be nanei cL Charles pumhis thirds ttfe J26-8t iwo- on single thlna; of which serjoug Rokn-plaint could be made, nortcdioj; is waning trie result Of this Presidential coil test. A correspondent saya in the little town of Glean.

In our neigh a ALE. I APPLY TO OUR HORSES TO! AMERICAN BLOCK. 'eniocratlc party of the South and when R. OVENS A SONi 151 Ellioott street Coaatr FOR SENATOR, CARLETON BPJtAGUE, corrupt tjovcrnbr, LTiasnbertain et ELECTION. COST OF TILDEN'S of Buffalo boring county of Cattaraugus, ESIB ABLE HOFSEfS fOR SALE 194 REDUCTION about Ife'forrnli thai itate govtrnnieht.

awaU only the election of Hayes jfbr The Burden it Will impose Upon XJ Fargo avenue and 882 Porter avenue. Also, three new IK and lV-storv eOttgs on Corruijjt and JgmorantpfileifilH kere dis- FALL OPENING. ever a Democrat opens his mouth to you about hard times tpll him, Your party made the hard times; your party brought on tliis war; iyour party made it necessary to have all these officers tp these taxes. Your5, party mado it necessary for us and our children to work through this and the next generation to pay the debt Every investment, but If pidon Is elected will Connecticut Street, between Fifteenth and Six misacu irom orncsHSiKi intelligent anu a I I npt oe invested at ail. There are simi teenth streets.

Must be sold, as owner has re-moved from Buffalo. Address or inquire at 881 VOR SHERIFF, WILLIAM W. LAWSON, of Buffalo. FOR COUNT CLERK, DAVID C. ATM AN, of Angola.

FOR SUFEKINTKNDRNT OF POOR, a.SCAR H. SOUI.E, of Hamburg. From tbe Albany Journal. Price of Carriages iw Ttifleral 8. In thelf puiyssf, lar instances in every city and In mahv honest almost, the solid The election of Mri Tilden by jrorter avenue.

sterw street ciose to uiroio. I l. i. i I d4-8w without rafd lo their party BY THE I South means the tiavment of the claims and of the Here In Buffalo we hear urougnt on me country oy me uemocratlc 72 COLORS. Ladles in search of Colored or Black Silk Velvets, will rind our assortment veryr complete and prices low.

We show seventy-two different shades in the col- pollSUc I he laavs were eorean- party of the Koutb fighting for slavery and CaBBIAGE 0W5EIIS OPROTEC- led, legislative and executive expense: demands presented by the solid South. Let the voters Jook at the and answer whether they want to pay the cost'r of leading business men who though Democrats, will quietly Vote for Hayes sympa- tne democratic party oi toe Aortn syi thielhg with them and aiding them all Aortn FOR COKONKHS, TIVE ASSSOCIATIOX." Pi. lthey Furs Cloaks. 7M. M.

BACON, ISAAC SCOTT, could.77 1 I Cheers. I Total Southern claims ai-. Imiiieiwly reduced, official saarics il-nioit ulnlvertaify! jjutl down, alad uccauj iney Knxw mat the certainty of JOHN C. ALMENDIXGER. On and kf fer -thfi data the following prices N'oWTIIKiRE 15 AKOTiiER TlHXG, WILL BUY Al BETTER STOVE AT W.

WOLTGE'S. 819 Main street than reauy prescnusu $20 the lln.s3nl future will be secured by Amount to be paid by ordt and sixteen uualities in gether it saytn thvsfeta'te lot anywhere this town, The Graphic ia in front FOR JUSTICE OF Til 8KAHIOX4, "ia ciecuon, While the Inauguration lof 284,879,400 Xew York to 28 inches of any fetofo. Examine its new grate and you from 18 and it is very strange to me, that any one should say a word at present about tbe bard times. tell you, compare our coun- FREDERICK GUNDLACII, of W.Senec wiif oe cnargeu: FOREST; OO I LIMESTONE 1 3 OO IPINE HILL .1..... 3 OO ALL OTHER OO Amount for every head in.

black, wide. nearly tiyd htulibn dollars jfer yeir. Tblcrown all he Interposed the execju- will not wonder why people bnyjt I J25 a Democratic administration woHld'siir-round the future, with doubt and uln- f65 tne state Assembly. Amount for every voter American base burners, las new Superb Base 100 Daunt 175 AN IMMENSE STOCK OF JTJJRS, CLOAKS tive anu to prevent tbe accession to the niuj bun ukuck uuuuuiuB vi me jiuue. Our hard times here I You talk about hard times 1 In tbe state of Illinois, with soil (estimating voters a' certainty.

Agahlst this danger the AND SHAWLS OFFEtlED BY, berich of notoriously eorrunt! iudinta All orrteta tor ktir hnmberof Canriaares. 330 JitriU JMHrict AASfcCM J. SMITH. Mecond District' JOdEPH W. DENNIS.

ne to a hundred, will be prortiptly 11 fled at the unrwiTOhlng the Communists cry for less Base Burners. "With and without ovens. Double heaters. By special arrangement with manufacturers a reduction of nearly SO per cent on all styles; At RE1D' 119 Main street. FLINT Main and Washington Streets.

DO TOU Voters of New York! above rales if.leftat the office of CALLA Every honest (than in South barellha wa gratified jthel great freforiiis change which forms the Democra(ii five feet. tli iefc, you talk about bard times. Iti the state of Illinois, where nineteen out of every twenty of you are doing better than you were ever doing before on God's COST OF TlLDEN'8 HAN, 829 Main street, opposite Churches, aad WANT TO PAY Third JMstrict KDjtV'L, GALLAGHER, Fourth DiMrict 1VMAX A. PARKER. Fifth District CHARLES A.

ORtt. 832 Washington street or at stable of GEO, stock argument avails nothing, ELECTION! HARRINGTON, West Huron street. effected and I befotfe this 1 polill earth, lou talk about hard times! You A GOOD RECORD 13 WHAT WEJ WANT. We think we have succeeded in convin BARNESy BANCROFT )M-6t Buffalo, Oct. 20, 1876.

change means change for the worse the people do not want it; and tliat what ciu i-ampaign begun hps administration can not go into aHy country on tbe globe and cult together a crowd like this with as cing the citizens of Buffalo that we sell the boot Stoves and ranges In theNmarket. A personal cal Will confirm the truth of the above It amounts to. TO LET, .1: many good clothes as you have got to-day. Laughter, and a voices "We're all Re GRAND OFEMXJ OP 'I he evidence that with a Democratic i i assertion. JEWJK AT awi.

Jin-lOt City FOR AMHKIMOH, John rutLEitTox. VOR JUSTICE OF TIIK PEACE, CHARLES RAUERT. THAT NOTED LIVERY STAND publicans; that's what's the mutter!" You could not call as good-looking a crowd administration no more of our national Fashions FOR Fall and CASH winter ATTENTION 18 i i RESPECTFULLY called to the largo and varied assortment unless you went into a Republican district, In the city of Buffalo, andiknowii as Miller's debt could be funded at a low rate was praised by people ofj all political pariies. Whc4 Jtlie peniocraf Stajte Convention met a few weeks lago tfe leading Dcmicrat1e newspaper and the wisest and, nwsjtji iionorable Dtfmocntjte In the state urged; thatf GoyJ Camle--lain bp the nominee of! the cohventioo. 'lliat policy ws hot fadoptedi Wae oi cioves ami ttanges to on ronni ai ine saies-.

A voice We're lYes, soap is L.I very stable, anu Dounueu on tne soutn ny tne PeWv and Great Tarief Store. At Barnum's rooms ox cc uoou corner or interest Is overwhelming, Against the Erie Canal, and north and east bv the Terrace i ca All their goods have heavy Mississippi streets. a great political Tou man well Washed and he will bes-in to square. The stand is near the Mansion House, the Central, Exchange and Erie-street Depots, word of August Belmont, whose evi Oni futis ami Berlin stvles of Dress and plates. Tl ne castings are durable, jiv-vt t.VIICATINS now arc that the Demo and Is the only well located Livery Stand In At Great Bargains aud ine the Uence is not trustworthy, we have the atly rriitic attempt to irry Mouth Carolina southern part oi tne oily is, large, wen vent tilated and in good condition, i Will be let on A I THING OF WONDER AND A JOY Jl forever.

A visit to the salesrooms of the foundry, corner of Perry and Mississippi Word of tho Secretary of Hie I Reduced Prices. iiangptoin, the most malignant and ui l.y force, and th attinipt to carry NeW if lhe journals of real standing in too much of himself lo vote the Democratic ticket. You talk about hdrd times in Illinois. Illinois) is one Vast banner field of corn. Why, mv friends, in the state of Illinois a man, if he was blessed With a mouth the size of an ordinary Democratic orator, and would lie! upon his back! and.

would easy terms. MWFtf J. 1. 1 111 1 234 tain Street, Buffalo. streets, wiu repay anyone in searcn ot a gooa forgiving rebel ieT thehf all, declared fr Heaw nesting or eooxiog eiove or Cloak Trimmings are now open.

Every, novelty of the season in greater variety than ever before offered, and at prices made before the advance in silk, i .1 Buttons In every new and desirable styles In the market for Ladies and Children's wear. The largest variety in the country. Buttons for Gentlemen' dress and overcoats, latest styles; also lor societies, military, police, liv-ery, etc i Tla 11 BOlnen New York, of the most eminent flnah 117-7t castings. Tllden lost, surely clal journal of and of business HAY! LAYl IN THE BEST CLOAKS MADE TO, ORDER a straigntout uemoc ratio movement, and secured the Democatic nomination foGoveruorl tiflie stiite Itlckei nonii- keep his mouth open, enough corn would fUBBT THE NEW8 TO ALL WHO 1 need a stove to cook or heat that the i A Good Story. Mr.

Dorsheimer says jwiien tJeniocrats get the power negroes shall introduce no more bills in Congress. We commend to our white aristocratic townsman the following story told by Gene al Harrison in his speech in Philadelphia, Monday night: I remember seeing a colored brigade lighting at Nashville. When Hood had extended his army around from' the Tennessee to the Cumberland, and when the gallant Gen. Thomas, Whose memory the American people will always keep fresh stood upon the hills ot Nashville for the defense of the Southwest, I saw a colored brigade go out to tight, and. I never saw a handsomer skirmish line, and never Saw a line go forward in better order, and! never saw rebels run so fast.

Applause. One of the rebels was a little slow in uncovering the skirmish pit, and a colored soldier demanded hi surrender. The rebel saidil 'Jfol I will never surrender to a negro! If I do my father will kill me when I return." Then he made a request, which bas no parallel except in the request of tbe Democracy td be given possession of the government, will never surrender to a negro, but if you will go back to camp and get a white soldier I will surrender to him." It was half a mile to camp, and the bullets were flying thick, as bees, but the colored man was polite, as they always are. He men everywhere. It Is an established MANNER.

A fitly ate letter from a prominent SALE. 66 TONS OF BEST QUALITY fact and cannot be gainsaid. foundry, corner Perry and Mississippi streets, is the place to go and buy. Polite attendance. Republican of North Carolina, to the 1 of upland Timothy, crop of 1876.

pressed liated witli him iwks ccimpoeed ntireljy lau into it to give mm a i respectable support. Loud laughter. And you are. talking about bard times! There! is no more prosperous people beneath the shining stars in 100 pound bales, to be delivered on cars in In a vain efiort to xtem this rising low prices, superior goods, promrit deliveries editor of the ltochcstier Bemocrat says Buffalo, or at Markham's, on lino of Buffalo 4 of ex-rebels. Under tie leadership of anu good workmanship.

axo-lSt tide 'J Ilden annears. to sav that he -hi i- Jamestown Koaa, uatiarangua uouniy. i 1 1 D. SHERMAN. man tne people oi Illinois to-uay ana you these most villainous crA- men Would not agree to the payment of rebel ForestvUle, N.

Oct 21, 1878. j'JS-lOt know it! Why, you say "We have not got enough I Hid ybii eVer see sadoi has been jdjrtecteld again Goif. CONGRATULATION8 ON THE I PUR-chase of a JEWITT Jt ROOT range Or stove are now the order of the day. Call and buy at the. foundry, corner Perry and Missis I we are doing our level bent hero.

Every Itcpubllcan feel that it I Mia or doath wltb iistbiatlme. By the way, do you know that every Southern Republican, black or white, educated or ignnrant, expect this thing to end in war? 1 never met one who claims. This will not do. The peopl anybody that bad Loud laughter. And, ChauiberlainJ From Jbeiitg trie most Ribbofis Every pew and fashionable shade In all breadths; also Velvet Ribbons, Sashes, Belting.

I' Ladles' Belts, Chains, Chatelains, Collars; new arid novel styles. Side Pockets in every mounting. Also the new style Hair Nets. Jewelry In every in Celluloid, Onyx, Amber, Coral, Pearl, Ivory, Rubber and Gold. Silver Filagree, Gold and i Plated Ear Drops, Chains, Crosses, Lockets, complete variety.

I Woolen Knitting Yarns of every description; Germ an town and real Berlin Zephyr Worsteds, honest id weights. can nave miicn better assurance urion 1 after all, there are times when, sense is sippi streets, xne nrm seu no inferior UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES wiliiam wicks; QUANTITY I SURVEYOR and GENERA! 1st Heavy castings only. that point by electing Hayes. And they honored man I iii the Palmetto fstate-4-the savior of tlie eUtefc oki not, wben It canie down to Sard pan worm more man dollars, riant aoout naru times 1 Whenever a man (tomes to you and tells you how poor you are, and how rich STOVES aire going to do It. STINGS ANDBRICK VO iciiiag oi nooaat convicuooa.

I U'- JEWh.TT and ranges manufactured WOOLEN GrQODS, MEASURER; for, BUILDERS and all the trades, in connection with building operational ROOT can only be bad at the foundrv of somebody else is, and want3 TO EXCITE YOUR ENVY, Jewett A Root, corner of. Perry and Mis OUR COUNTY TICKET. QUANTITIES suppUed to, MECHANICS bid sissippi streets, or by ordering through any of the District Telegraph offices in the city. you can just take your ontb that he wants Flannels, Cassimcrii. Cloths, water Pjoofs, I Gov.

Hayes Is not so busy running for Tresldent and promising not to con sent to pay rebl clulru but that he is able to attend to his tlutles as Governor ding in competition for Buildings. Fire Losses adjusted. you to do a dirty trick. Laughter. When I ire uo not suppose any sane man Hand-Knit Zephyr Hoods, Sack) Shawls and everything for Ladles aad Children's wear.

Prettiest styles we have ever displayed; Political Banners, Flags and Streamers of 'Aweeas, cents' iinderwear. Ladles a man anDeals to vour nassions. when he seriously doubts the election of the ct unaerwearn Hosiery, Yam, Skiru. Etc, Etc AssujiMcereaaeTwi Lawyers, in case yn-iot i CRUSHED OUr THE AIM AND WATCHr word of monopolies. Encourage retail dealers, open retail stores and support them.

said I would like to accommodate you. appeals to youij prejudices, look out for him t-he want you to do a mean thing. But where the quantity or quality of Building Ma all sizes and made to order. XArge variety of Badges, Pins, Rosettes, Learned Pig, Paper Lanterns, Roman Candles, Rockets, Colored of Ohio. He was present at the OhloJ but I'se in a very great hurry, ouH have to come' along, sab," and vOe rebel tire Republican county -ticket in this county this year.

A county that went the noble yoclig refornier "-fhe hw become tho best abusfd man pn the whole country, he crrtipt wetcheji. like Moses wliora he cst 0ut cjf office have beeu'wclcoiSed to the Detnocratlc camp and set to Work to abuse arid villii-fy the nian who Would not lei thoni And all tills for jhe rtmef of bel Ing a Republican. This sort oflndecency is what pernor crats at tbe North Jjj" the people at tim thei terials or Buildings is in dispute. FIFTEEN when he appeals to your aspirations; when Give youug men of enterprise! a chance. tiS YEARS' EXPERIENCE: -fl jhj ceieiirntion at i niiaiieipnin yester heats' four i rooms hot ires, etc, eto.

i Barnes, Bancroft He appeals to your houor, when he appeals to your beartj wben he appeals to your wiu Duy a wrapnic rnai W. WOLTGE, 819 Main OtBee hours, 8 A. sr. to 6 r. at 304 Ma thought he had better brav jils father's wrath than carry on tbe "discussion any longer, and became along', the colored man, day and made a modest and appropriate street I 125 Republican by about 3,000 majority last year and that an off-year when Demo 1-1 street, 8d floor, and 10 Erie street, 1st floor TO SAVE MONEY! Speech.

Tho day' having been fixed 360, 962, 96-ns09 MUn street as he brought hira-ln, after telling tbe CHEAP AND FIRST-CLASS. THE FA mous Stoves and iRantrefc made i at the Buffalo. i 321-lm crats usually do their beat Is not likely Drain, listen to wnat ne says. cneers.j 1 A SHARE l. 89,000,000.

upon also for the visit of the commer 1 .4 .4 Gen'l I fotched foundry of Jewett Root corner Perry and 1" to do very much worse ma Presidential bimJ'-Applause. cial bodies of theVonntry; was one of juisissiDPi streets. iseac uie world in fltvia. CHESTNUT TREES FOR SALE. year when Republicans always do the! beauty and durability.

For sale cheap at dry prices. I J17-7t the greatest slnco thU opening of the A Dangbter! aad a Son. of ftiac I I i. HAYING MADE IT AygPEClALTY FOI twentv vears" in growine the Honu MISCELLANEOUS. best! It may be said, of course, that want It ru I 3 exhibition.

Herritt Singei Akingfor an Allow- TMAMOND. A DURABLE Akol ECO- Chestnut I offer to the nvblio a stock of large Erie county Isalways debatable ground i nomical base burner which is, -favorably It was a drunken carpenter who said I-size trees, suitable for streets and lawns, at aid so for that matter; are New York A P0I1TICJIL. BUT yocb I '-I- Engravings, Chromos, Mirrors, i Cornices, Brackets, "at I MUTTER HODDICK'S i i i 831 MAIN STREET. elMy The Courier pretends to have hopes of Pennsylvania, una has a startling known to a host of our citizens who i have used it dtiring the past winter. It is manufactured and for sale only by JEWETT A ROOT.

rair prices. irst cau nrst cnoice. uruprs so licited at 938 Delaware street. Buffalo. WW Sirs.

Fanny filizabeth Archer, the wile SILKS SILKS he could not carry his spirit level. i An exchange remarks that a man's reputation for sobriety often hangs upon a HODGE. I i j7-5w II the Itenublfeab Cahae la state nnu and Maine! Serious errors on the part of Republi- -0t gaining i-erry ana Mississippi streets, i. i jzo-ist Fevelatlonfrom John Hlattery that the of William S. Archer, of Yonkers, formerly Fanny Elizabeth Singer, the second daughter of Mrs.

Mary Ann Foster, the recent contestant of the will of her alleged1 hus Rtrenetn eacb day annearaiicaa nmnw breath. Mollie McGuires def Mated the Demo ly deceptive. N. Y. i Senilis in making nominations miirht toosr DIAMOND A 8ELFVFBEDING PARLOR Stove so constructed as to thoroughly; Frank Leslie's Lady's Journal inclined to flirt, A cynical lady, rather cratic candidate for Governor Inst j-enr.

fCROFT iWhen ColoBel jSararanll wk lnlprnint.i BARNES, BA? sibly endanger the ticket here, as any band. Isaac Merritt Pincrer, i the sewing savs most men are like a cold, very easily ohn Hlattery Is a Democratic politician caught, but very hard to get rid of. machine inventor, anu Isaac Augustus where; but no one pretends that there wrm vii jiour anu aii Liie tower parsoi a Guaranteed to operate successfully, and for sale at low prices by JEWETT Ar-ItOOT, cor. of Perry and Mississippi streets. 18l-15t CUT PAPER PATTERNS 260, 962, 964, 2I ed by a on of hi speecaes tbd other day, he said I have often said, and I mizht here sav it ip-aln.

that a drum al- MAIN STREET. A German writing home concluded his the Mollie breed, and like many of have been any serious errors this year, peared before Hurrogate in White his profession an infamous llav. As ABK SOLD BY 'Ways put me in mind of ai Democratic I AMOND. AN ILL Ajtlckot that headed by siich JMIN ATING 0TOV BUFF Plains, on Monday, and made an application for an allowance of $10,000 eacb, from A LO hamM of nur o.iti- .1 that has shone in letter thus: "If I lift till I dies, tell my friends at home that I snail visit mine fatherland before I leave A little girl, after listening some time the tin gan ail sound i Laughter. Jj to Democratic prospects In I'cnns' ash.

ZenS duriilir tnn TiaAt wintar- anil nraitnrafl rJimlTiUiiig and K. C. Sprague chas; the legacies bequeathed to them by tbe al What a ProUatanti ticket!" kroan S. RILEY, van la they are they are leged last will of Singer, which was ad would not be an error if the offices cheerfulness and comfort wherever introduced. A durable stove.

Buy one at the foundrv. cor. to oer itiioers ibuii-iiouiuk wuu vuo ser mitted to probate on January 10.: The will one of the old-fashioned f- Til-i den descended from Oliver Cromwell, Dor-: helmer deccended irom Martin Luther, and: setts andMinine, and no bet- Colored and Fnoy Silks selling mainly Vint crlrl ATilftmprlt ferry and Mississippi streets, i j26-lfit contested for were Tresldcnt and Vied Stop scolding SCALES Bookseller, Stationer and Newsdealer, 1 i provided for tbe division of the real and If the party rwas not panic Bridget, papa; she ain't yourwife." I'resldcnt Instead of Congressman and j. at wejjBXceeaing. j- personal property in this Country, Valued IAMOND.

AN ILLUMINATING STOVE that has shone in th homaa ofi nnv ih. bow Tammany ilia nominated Calvin for! Surrogate of New. York." j' 1 The following notice is posted con ter, and stricken i there. It would not claim anything at $11,000,000. into sixty portions.

These 313 Main Street, Buffalo. i i i Senator. There has been no error; portions or part were divided in various Low Prices Last Season. sens during the past winter, and produced cheerfulness and comfort wherever introduced. Tb drift toWartl Have Is quiet, "but it Hut it Is especially in reference to the spicuously in a Scotch office: "Shut the door, and when you have done talking on business serve your mouth the same way." Illustrated Catalogues furnished on applica proportions to Dinger's wife, Isabella THE STANDARD tion.

uuruuic is uire, uy one at tne foundry, cor Jry, cor 121 Other Itcpubllcan county candidates. a 'i 4-JO. -'i is steady aiui nnrantakaaie. it 1st plain that the people are realizlna more anl more Kugenle Hlngerl now living in i England. A STOftr was retailed about tho i 4nsviiif iiiu ner ui irerry ana Mississippi streets, i Priest: I "Now.

tell me. Dbolan. truth i 7 newspapers for fessrs. Lawson and Oatman, that we country by Democratic her six children) and among tbe seventeen other males and females whom Singer called his children by various women with the Importance of 'the questions at stake, and are coming to tie conclusion thats while party lines may not be of much importance Black' Telretg, IHramliigrs, Silk It wmA friA t. fully, how often do you go to the chapel II" Pat: "Will now, shurei oi'll MI yerriv'- Wish to speak to-day.

some weeks to tho cITect tliat Governor TJ'OUNDRY PRICES PREVAIL AT THE JL famous retail department of Jewett A Root comer Perry and Mississippi streets. Buy their superior stvles chean initina hn. Genuine I Buy Only the CAN MEASURE whom he professed to have been married or A fight is being made against the In Cuba. Tho rence the trut'. Faix, I go as often I can avoid V' Punch.

1 Morgan owned slaves dental Anally came" In on local questions, when it come to a national question it In wiser to vote with the party which promises the safer administra retail expenses. Smooth finished and heavy Itcpubllcan candidate for Sheriff, Hon such form that A Newport man stopped a runaway Efarnes, Bancroft conaDiteu. To Fanny Elizabeth Singer be gave only one portion, or about $150,000, because she was tbe wile of Mr. Archer, but free from his control or interference. To most of tbe Wm.

TV. Lawson. Among other things BUFFALO SCALE CO. those who spread it were compelled to tion. I- I ,1, i i I SI TIBE BRICK AND CASTISO8 KFrmn It is mado a point against Mr.

Lawson I to repair Stoves andi TtatiffM a jk -The JIerall'sYitVot poasible members retract. Xotwlthstnndl hgjthis Mr. Dor- horse by dashing a pail of water in its face and a woman in the carriage, instead of thanking him for saving her life, grumbled because ber dress was spattered. OY ERS SflO, 202,284, Main street 1 .1 f-- of Governor Hayes cabinet contains just other children of Mrs. Mary Ann Foster be Root's manufacture can be procured oKLVSt the; Foundrv.

corner Perrv Jk Via.iaaini Ms speech the that lie Is not a It is also said that he Is not a brewer, nd does not five name that are I possibilities Curtis, ahetmer announced In other night that if the streets, or bTorderinir thWinirh Jtnv nf th. 1Kb. 822 EXCHANGE STREET, BUFFALO Denjoorata got Tbe old and close-fisted fellow in a F.riitow, Morean, Evarts' aad Judire Hoar. trict Telegraph offices in the city. i 126-tf fave two portions, or about each.

0 Isaac Augustus Singer, the applicative gave two portions. 1 i Tbe applicatioa was made under the stat In the1 same journal's list of possible Biem- have the sympathy of this large class of the power there would be no more bills class-meeting rose up and said Brethren and sisters, for four and forty vears I have .1 1 AST SPRING I BOUGHT LOW. I FOR Introduced In Congress by colored AT bers of Tllden's cubinot, we find tbe names of Hewitt, Hubbard, Morrison, Palmer and Gordon; Which sample of cabinet timber LOWEST PRICES if -I 1 n' I Bas ase cash, the bankrunt stock of imMim our business men. Well, we cannot see that these objections have any force. NATIOtfAU ILLS ute tbat provide! for tbe payment of the income ot the legacies, wben the legatees are Burner, etc which -t nm unin.

been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and I thank God my religion never cost me a cent" I- members virtually stating that the negro would be disfranchised, which is A11 kinds of repairs for the same Stove. does I the Independent and non-partisan Blankets. Blankets in actual need oi it, when tne proper application shall be uiade to the surrogate. If Mr. Lawson is an American citizen, a business man of good repute, AT ituau, ai Main street) 1 i7 voter prefer II if j- $1 i So." Bald a lady, recently to an Aber the amount does Dot exceed the income of the next thing to slavery.

i NOS. S3 TO 220 ERIE STREET. -i I Manufacturers of .1: THORNTON CHESTER'S BEST. XTO FANCY MARGINS ARE ASKED OR Xl exacted at the retail riomrtmam I i deen merchant, your pretty daughter has married a rich husband." Well," slowly member of the Legislature I who, i the legacies, be may grant the application. The surrogate directed the executor, David BAKER BR IT new seems pretty certain that the despite has retained the mm, 1 a gooa eiove ii any description can be had at a mnoh lower price than elsewhere at the foundrv.

aunerof Ppm.nit Li i. Hawley, of Yonkers, to pay to Mrs. Fanny Main Exhibition building nt Philadel replied the father, 1 believe she has married a rich man, but I Understand he is a very poor husband." MrJ iOoldwia Smlith and wife to are confidence and support of ft large and BARNES, BANCROFT 1 I 960.S99, 264, Mala street Jtuzaoetn Archer ana isaac Augustus sixmd the winter in Bacland and ItalvJ intelligent constituency, and who won (AW each. i I phia will be secured in addition to the Memorial Hall and some of the other Tickets, air." said a railroad ticket- Cousin ChriHtlne Missoa bas settled a lU-ly 'PATENT," "WHITE LILY," 646 MAIN STREET. KA)KK REPAIRS Van STOVRA nir his nomination in the itepubiican con AJ JEWETT A ROOT'S manufacture direct handsome annuity on ber aged parents and bas much left.

ij i I 'FRANKLIN, collector, tho other day i to a passenger. My face- is my ticket," replied the other a little vexed. Indeed." said the ticket- OVER 109 CASES dPENING FOB OUI OLT. buildings for a permanent exhibition, irura uiB iounoryor through District Te e- ROGUES FALL 1 1 graph. Prompt attention will be given all Josle Mansfield I said to he In Phila Many of the foreign exhibitors consent THE Democrats ia New The York City FALL IrRADE collector, displaying a most powerful bunch of fives well, my orders are to punch all GRAHAM AND RYE FLOUR.

i men uruers, ana competent workmen detailed to. make any repairs needed, at moderate delphia. 'If that's the case Mr. Stokes lad better avoid thai Centennial and strike vention, in which there were a large number of highly respectable candidates, by the sheer force of his popularity, lie Is In very many respects the very-best man for Sheriff who could be 8plit. 4 1 las-ist I COMMERCIAL AGENCY.

CORN MEAL AND FEE straight for Europe. Hi'- -r- i i inJyT rn "Uotou wantemDiovmentr'inquirea From the A Cincinnati artist has painted a rior- UNUSUALLY AT LOW PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AND AN assortment of Stoves and Ranges unequal ed. Polite and nmmnt ri.ll.. aWt it ha bpen merchant of a dapper-looking an- astit has Deen rumorea I-. ft w.n nlLi PRICES.

or some time pa OF ALL KINDS. trait rf Hayes, wllf-9 or this itepublioan 1 ESTABLISHED 1842, chosen. A business man and man of that tbe breach between Mr. John Kelly. candidate for the Presi-Jency, represent log to the continuance of their displays.

The purpose of the exhibition will be for the pleasure and instruction of the public, and not for the sale of goods, except sueh as are necessary for carrying out such design, and, admission will be fixed at twenty-five cents for five days In the week and ten cents 'for Ultuiiiisj suv vtmmj aavw i mmtrj haughtily replied tbe young Chap, a he twirled a two shilling cane, I can't say AlsoJ tbe leader of Tammany Hall. August Bel Lap. Robe, CrlU BlaekiOoZlOrtrjra, ery of goods.j Come to Uie foundry, corner of Mississippi streeu. 'to buy Stove Ai', Delivered to any part of the City 4 her, witn nistoneai accuracy, as stanuiai bv the cot of a soldier ia the amy hospital JOHN McKILLOP affairs, he is nearly as Well fitted for the duties of the Sheriff office as mont, former en airman or tbe Democratic iea wuuti aiuxt jcta, i that I want employment, but I aw I Mr. Talmage, It is aaid, will! probably national committee, and other leading men Of Tammany Hal, and Mr.

Tilden, which would like aw a good sort I berth some Thornton. Sc Chester. though he had performed them for UTOV1SSAKU RANGES CAN BE BOUGHT at 18 Main street of 1 W. WOLTGE. for 179 Jttfiln Street, Buffalo, Xew Tflrk.

accept the call to; I'lylnoutB Church, Chi where." He didn't get the place. was. first developed at St. Louis, bad not Barnes, less than foundry cago. Tbe climate ot Brooklyn is unfav ices.

1 Convince yourself, by large advertisements. prices. in i ne deceived orable to bis wife'' health, and; her physi prompt attention Given to the Saturdays. an of as. 262, 264, lei Mala areet Use your own judgment DIED.

DebU in anv Dart of the United States or Can- ana buy the Graphic; 1 cian have advised her removal jrom sea air. years. lie would be also as his competitor for the office Is not at liberty to devote himself to the performance of these duties, and not be compelled to pniy vzuioragood size I aua. 1 1 AM AN Oct S3, in this city. Lucy, younges been effectually healed, and that local issues bad revived tbe animosities.

Mr. Tilden, it was reported, bad grown suspicious of the loyalty of Tammany Hall, and in order to guard against any treachery at the polls next month, he Ld organized the move --The Han. Charles raneia Adams: tbe K. P. Pay.

Aessee and Manager. daughter of Christine Aman. Hon. William M. Evarta.

Wendell Pbillins, centennial; 1 PEOPLE'S LIKE ALBANY TO NeV YORK. SEE THEIR OOOna-WHEN IK SEARCH Stoves, do not forget that Jewel A Root. Funeral from St. John's Lutheran Church, on and other dlstiDguished I alumni of the Boa- corner of ferry and Mississippi streets, keep ton Latin School, have signified their lnten rew uprigntnano. lckory street, ints irnnayi arte moon at o'clock.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to I ment in favor of Mr. Green. These rumors There are indications that the ble in the 31st Congressional District will be amicably adjusted. The Lock-port Journal which, has su pported Mr; Flagtef, now hoists the name of Mr. Hoskins, the regular nominee, and he tt largest assortment it 01 neaung of Iieatinr entrust them, as Mr.

Haberstro would to a political worker whom he would name as deputy. There will be tioaof being present atj the centenary dia- Ranges and Cook in Stoves to he fnnnil have been confirmed, and a very serious in the We desire to call attention to an elegant city. Their castings are all heavy. sDlit in tbe local Democratic party exists, IJ17-7t neroi that institution on the Via oi vember. i LACY Oct 28, in this city, Henry Lacy, aged S3 years.

V' 1 Jj I I Funeral will take place from Delaware Avenue -I In distrust of Kelly and Tammany Hall, no doubt who is the responsible Sheriff rTIHOSE WHO BUT THEIR bTOVEB and FIRST-CLASS PASSAGE tl.M DBCK PASSAGE, 60 CTS. -Mr, Tilden atarted the movement a month STEINWAY CABINET GRAND Ccirpets. I Carpets; of Erie county if Mr. Lawson Is elected, as. r.

cnurcn, uiis aiiernoon as o'ciock. The remains will be taken to Detroit A ranges at the foundry, corner ot Perry and Mississippi sweets, will find themselves I lr An Episcopal throni costing $5,000 has been erected in Christ hurch Cathedral, Oxford, as a memorial ot the late Bishop vrivn -i i for interment. ill ccLi rewaraed by tbe satisfactory manner In which ago to make Mr. Green Mayor. The bogus contractors, tax-payers, blind men, and other were organized by his orders, and probably with his money.

Tbe tne goods wui perform Mieir several duties. Wllberroreew Other meftrortals have been, erected ia tbe shape of buildings attached tr- (i FINISHED IN MOTTLED WALNUT, DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, AT 8 o'clock p. or on arrival of all evening BARNES. BANCROFT PI ANOSJ Tilden and Hendricks clubs have been di- reeled to co-operate with tbts movement to Cuddesdora College. Tiiere were 513 subscribers, and altogether these memorial Asairjdemaybe seen at our Warerooms.

160, 982, 284, WMin street. inmiinwinenonii, mi sorest, comfortable and convenient route to the Centennial Exposition, as we land our passengers In New York only two piers from the Philadelphia R.R. Centennial and special tickets via Hi R. R. R.

311 GRAPHIC RANGE HAS THE DOU-. ble sheet fine. Don't be deceived I by rge advertisements. Tbe success of 'the Graphic double sheet flue i is proof tbat It Is the best and hajulMnneat nnve. and thus In the course of a month an organ i i i KN ABE ization, baa grown up the machinery ana 1 the other nlrht at COTTIER DENTON, Theodore Til ton said Grand.

Square and Upright OPENING DAILY NEW GOODS IN OUR, strength ot which make it a formidable tekea for passage and cabin berth. With evert man the Chlckerlag Hall rival of Tammany Hall. A union with tbe W.W tteguiar a. tt, k. k.

xicaets laasn lor MS Mala street Garden ot Eden is home (dropping bis HAINES BBC'S, 1 I' 7 a P. OAKS, Agent 838 Mans street. I THE WAY TO RESUME SPECIE PAY-ments. is to bnv vour sroods where von Voice) even when. with! Inany of us, it la i Wir tciB.

CAEEET DEPAETMENT will probably be generally supported. The Republicans of Niagara are certainly too patriotic and earnest; to permit the election of a Democrat in that district, though they have to sacrifice their feelings and what they sincere) believe to be their rights to prevent It. Such Republicanism as that is worth and is the sort that will save the country from the disasters attendant upon a Democratic victory this fallL I Chicago has just witnessed one of i tho fnost exciting mnrder trials that: i have taken place In a long time. Alexander Sullivan, who ha been on trial, Francis I Ian ford passage ana state room, verth. I COMFORT.

SAFETY. STEAMERS DUETT, UBrmiDi anu will Anu-isuinjuj nuuiu enable it to poll a vote almost, if not quite as large, as that of I Tammany Hall. With HOTEL OPENING PIAWOS All At7leaaiwllrieesu I I can get the beet and cheapest. Do not help inflation by paying enormous profits. JEWETT A ROOT, corner of Perry and Mississippi PIANOS For Rent, and Rant applied towards CAPT.

8. J. ROE, a Republican approval the ticket of the Independents, or Anti-Tammany call it vurchase. I. P.



D. CHRISTOPHER, many Hall by from 30,000 to 60,000 majority. This state of affairs has naturally THE WAY TO RESUME SPECIE iPAY-ment is to bny your goods where you can get the best and cheapest Do not help Infla C. H. UTLET, BUFFALO.

us Grand Centennial Hotel la centrallv CASH AND ONE PRICE Paradise Lost" Tbe audience applaudea and pitied tbe man who wandered about ia sleeping cars with no Garden of Eden near --Jvew York Juepresa. (j j. -i 1 1 There is much talk'jtn New York of the approaching release at Stokes. At the: Kris depot particularly, Haays the Worldi tha turned was canvassed on Monday, and especially by the old emptayees, who form4 erly worked under Fisk. The general aen-tlment seemed to be od! of displeasure at the prospect of Stokes bf icjg agmia at large but when tbe question was askei whether be would probably be the reply alarmed Tammany Hall leaden.

Distrust TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS HI Pearl 8treet. 'near Seneca. eated In the heart of the business part of tha on either side grow dnlly, and demoraliza tion by paying enormous profits. JE WSTT 4t HOOT, corsar of Perry and Mississippi street. Arriving ia New York la time for all city, and nas oeen -i tion is almost certain to ensue.

1 early train South aad Eaat i I )17-7t Oil Cloths. Hogs, MatOnga, Lao, and Notting Befitted and Ke furnished from Cellar itennial Excursion Tickets, $040, ALEXANDER H. BROWN, u.w.u, nRjpj eauiera jomuTmyjOumjm bnades, rpWO LOCOMOTIVE REFLECTORS FOB I suitable for store or large build-iniirs. Also, a Nc 17 Morning Glorv Portable To Philadelphia and return. as there may be if he Is beaten.

In shortl, in electing Mr. Lawson the people will secure a Sheriff who is at once honest, trustworthy, capable, attentive to hls duties, gentlemanly, and obliging in deportment, and who would make friends -of all who did with him. Ho deserves and should receive the vote ot every Republican In the county. Mr; David C. Oatman, the Republican nominee for County Clerk, is a man whose homo reputation marks him as one of the most popular ami trustworthy men who could -have been named for the office.

Living in Angola, he lms six times been -elected Supervisor, two or three times getting majorities over the combined vote of the Democratic and Independent candidates. When the town has been given up by tnany Republicans as hopelessly Democratic, through apathy or division In the Republican ranks, the nomination of Mr. Oatman never failed to bring It into line as a Republican town. He is honest and capable, and his neighbors know It and believe In him. In the Board of Supervisors Mr.

Oatman bas proved himself one of the most efficient members, and Is thoroughly respected, by dl the members of MACHINIST, 1 The Trlusapb of Surgery. Mrom the N. Y. 8un. i toaaa, steps JStn.

Families supplied wltb suites of urnace wim regiscers, soi air ana amose These Steamers have neon a led aeeommo- Brass Founder, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, i For tbe first time fnce 184H, a galvano- Boarders or tne aay or week am fha moa pi pes, as good a new, at a great Ai wu. nnhflrlv wabSa tA awinir fnr" was, -no, uion lor tbe comfort and safew aiaain liter, juguwen- suppuea, eauterv batterr was used In New Bruns piyatonoe. A ir asm street. reasonable terms, Traveiinx ageaia espeeiall' aeeommodated. eSS-tt sra, and In elegance and speed ara surpassed Stokes." wick yesteruay, in tne paniai removal 01 ur do ouw iinfs on ujo umuhb 16, 18 and 20 Elk.

Btiflalo. UNDERSOLD I AM r- pr n. 1 1 Will: kot be selling as man Tickets ean be bad and the cancerous growth -with 'which the baggage checked A 8. B. New Manufacturer of from all station on the R.

WORKS'S CHKISTIA5 ASSOCIATION I mouth of John Stults had been One- Botwith-taading the hard time. I have Ave or Qnarters. From the New Tk Bart. .1 York. Canada and Grand 'frank.

-Trar-and ix kinds, and 1 STOP TAXTES, third of tbe malignant mass, tbat cannot weigh less than a pound, and ia as large as Boston R. Central Vermont R. aad tbe PUMPS, BOSS, RIDKAITg AJTO Main street i 17 BOAKDLNO HOME Wardctt Wilson has fitted trn new nnar- 1 Aaironoaca tt. tt. y.

ty Baggage trannf erred free in Albaov. a 11 kinds of Brass Cocks. Globe' valves, Steam a goad-sized C.t was taken away in seg ter In Ludlow btreet Jail for Tweed. The some sort of quarrel about a statement I Hanford had made, charging Sullivan's wife with" meddling too much in the -1 '1 uianagement of tho city Schools. In the trial there has been ho attempt to deny the shooting, and the defense has been that It was done In a moment of passion, or in acif-defensto, and It ap-I pjiiM that the presiding Judge has al-' lowed ds sympathies with Ithe accused to Influence hU rulings and his charge hi a very marked degree.

The trial ended yesterday In the flnial disagreement of the Jury, and it will have to be Whistles, Ws)T and Steam Ganges. Distillers' i ments by means of a wire, in the lorm of a J. W. ARCOURT. Asrent Barn -TOU HELP TO TAKE THB BREAD OUT es, Bancroft ana Brewers' norK.

i Albany, Sept SO, 1876. eT FOR YOUNG PROTESTANT WOMEN, i WEtrtsgiettjeet, earaer An bing meam Engine Ke pairing. snuaren's moutas a you support Bay tbe Graphic of the retailer loop, wonted witnta momo-screwy aoa heated by the battery to a white heat so that the blood-vessels were cauterized as prom puy attended to. Cash paid for Old Cop Agent for tbe Hantaan Steam at foundry prices, $20, and give your children a chance. W.

WOLTGE, 81Maia street 15 naaia streeui per ana ii lUing-rpom nicely carpeted, and' haa a circular table in the middle, and a small regiment of chair round tbe room. A email table and a sofa complete the furnishing of the apartment Two barred windows With embrasures, and not reaching within four! feet of tbe floor, comtete the-description' of Tweed' future siUing-roem. At- PRICE WIIX FROM S2.7S TO $1M I 8T0YE BEPaISS FOB 1 Gov, '-y ill RENT IN RENT IN Stewart, Hcrldlaii, EYenlng Star, "I soon as tbey were eiit, and hardly an ounce of blood was losi. The patient endured tbe operation without the aid of anaesthetic. The operator was Dr.

Rice, ol Xew Brunswick, who waa assisted by Or. Budd, boue IN YOU HELP TO PAY HIGH THE additional nroOt a ked and reeei ved from Vi-, OR RENT A BRICK RESIDENCE 1 the vicinity of the Tifft House. An I von when tou lit stoves and Atanrea else Or any other stove manufnetured la BuflaJo, Albany, Troy or Rochester, at lowest prices. Send postal ewl or call en i A. MACHWTRTH SON.

olning the sitting-room Tweed's ilcep- iQia or dentutv mirable location for a physic Tbe home has been thoroughly SALE AS JOHNSON PLACRi WITH a t-tory basenvent aad attio brick faouae, in beaotifnl order aad every modern convenience. Lanndry, tornaea, eta. Axit SSxUS. Apply JOHN OTTO, 24 West Senas street, where titan at the foundry, corner of rerry and Misslssioni streets. Come and see the largest repainted and wnicn I snout twenty ieet long II.

IUUUI. TQ 1IAIN STt. surgeon at the Roosevelt Hospital in tm city. The patient is able to close bis mouth Ktt Tn ft ia Mvwl. hljir twwl.

at- I JOHN papered, and is in admirable order. l23-3nt aad iuut benesee street I assortment la the world, gone through wltU again. Both Sullivan and Hanford are men of considerable A AO, wen aeaeca street. ready made ana The wn has tor the tirt tiqe in jmany weeks, the caa I I I V- -V.

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