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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 30

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IN CHURCH CIRCLES. Headings and Comment on the Collect. swet sabbath chime. Meditations on the Dally and Lesson. Text Some Choice Selections Suitable for Evet-yda-r Reading and Study.

fXK eatr friend we II eave Areouated sure: Oae only love ors That will radar. All ettser friend are He kMTC BOW OWST Wko them far sr rvi friends however fee This Ufa will twit. AmI lacy will fail, US Who know best. loves bowrnr atroag la time may loor Sew lies estrange- Soml of all will eoeae Smm sad oane Mistrust wll hill, and doubt Drive friendship aence- Oh slow of heart to leara What vet w. own One only perfect friend Hath any known! Brief CeUeeS for the day.

lord of all lite and light; source of oar rest and peace. Girt- us to-day tho blesaed- Btm of those whom thou can seat to ap proach onto thys-lf. May thla Sabbath be one of deep, ral-n lor, a foretasle of that rest, that remains beyond th boandariea this troubled life. Lesson for the day. Psalm 1, Medltatl The Roor of the Weary "My heart ore mined within me And the terrors of death are fallen poo.

me. Tearfulness and trembling are route upon me and hor ror hath overwhelmed me and I said. Oh that I had the wing of a dove, for then would I fly away and be at rest." rVilrej It seems to be a law of oar life that they wbosrs privileged to elitnb to the loftiest heights are destined to walk tbrongn the lowliest pains. 11 iavia waiss to-day on the places' of Jacob, high above the roar and din nf rommm life, where he soars into sorb ecstatic delights that befeels as though h- ennld force his "way through a troop of valiant soldiers, or overleap the lofty mountain wall, we may to find him soon nlantrinr ilrrD into the darkness and loom of the valley of humiliation. To-dar men lift high the banners and till the air with toon of hope and triumph; and the next day they rrow tired of life with its common rare aad monotonous round of hard grinding dutr.

and they Ion 7 to be away from it all. Tory rrow aweary of the sua aad all the things that make the strange, sad troubled ana of life. If But la this beautiful pnetle form, still In some earnest way I bey wish they could ret away from it all. aad for rare know the luxury 01 deep sweet, undisturbed rest. "Ob trial I had wlors like a dove, then would I fly away aad be at rest.

Is sorb aery from weary hearts to be regarded as simple row- ardk-e. Many a brave soul who never shirked a dnty. many a bold man. many a valiant woman, with rourijr enough to far martyrdom if need be, have boors weariness) aad unrest, when they woald be deeply thankful to bo away anywhere, any where, only to be at rest! Wot sorb weary ones there Is a belter rest thaa la mere escape from care. In the close aad frequent fellowship with 'the onseea aad holy there is rest and comfort and true recreation.

Christ's word is for the tired so a for toe weary of heart, as well as for sea weary of sia: Com unto me," still harries; "come aato ase all ye that labor aad are heavy laden aad I will rive yon Cotdew Ttsowgbta foe Every Day. Monday Ctm, pore hearts, la sweetest uuaaums Msg at those who spread the treasures la the xHy gospels shrined; Pleas'! tldusre at salvation. IVsc oa earth, their prorlamatloa. Lev from God to tost manxlnd fee the rivers four that gladdea Its thetr streams the better kaiee Pleated fry ear Lord most dear: Cartel the tooatala. these the waters: Isrtak.

Hlou sow aad daughters, Ifrtek aad Bad aaivatioa here. that we thy truth eoafaasts. Aad thy holy word puns a I nr. Jean, may thy love adore: Tato thee oar voices raising. Thee Hit sU thy rsaaoase Cver and for everxsore.

Tuesday That la to say, the perfect life ef God may be repeated la miniature by man, no la made to bear his lavage. This xsakes it poaaible to love one's enemies aad to overcome evil with rood; aad the Hied heart will make as steady la the God-like attitude toward the evils and follies of mankind. the reat. pitying patience heaven toward souls that are ever wandering aad Stumbling, ever presumlnr and denying, ever stoning aad repenting! The standard la never lowered the voice ever bids us -be perfect." ttot the father does not up bra id nor chide. Ilia aua shines as calmly over the horrors of the slam and the hell of the battlefield as over the garden of Eden.

And oar poor, weak, human hearts. If once Used la the love of God, would be fixed also in hia Impartial love of man. We should for rive others, we should for rive ourselves, as he tor i res. CharVcm g. Asms.

Wednesday Jesn. thou Joy of lovinr hearts! Thou fount of life, thou lathi of meal Kr-Q ise best bliss 1 hat sunk imparts We turn una lied te thee agela. Th truth uachanred hath ever stood Thou saves! tkose that oa thee call; To theas that seek thse thou art rood; To them that Bad thee all la all. We taste thee. Otboalivlar bread.

Aad lone to feast upoa the sliU; (risk of thee, the foualaia-head. Aad thirst our souis from thee te fUL Our restless spirits rears for thee. Where er our chaaKetul lot is cast: Clad whea thy rrsciuua smile sre see. Bicat whea our faith caa hold thee fast, Jess, ever with oa stay: Make ail our moaneats calm and brisk Chase the dark aiht of sia away; oiled er the world thy holy U-ht. Aaeaymeus.

Thursday Take a maa or a woman who. ha been accustomed to occupy In positions responsibility, place them in subordinate positions, limit tbelr powers of action to a machine-like routine aad yon place them aa the torture-rack. Aad this is not necessarily because they are not humble or wlU-lar to be directed; it is rather br-caaeethey feci themselves cat off from the freedom to exercise their powers to the fall. Opportunity for the exercise of the powers with which we are endowed la absolutely essential to tbe happiness of any human being-. Of coarse with the exercise of these powers comes responsibility for the eoaseauene sf oar actions.

st th-y are tbe brave, who, ff-elinjr within themselves tbe to accomplish certain end, to briny about eertaia can bi nations and effect rerta.a results the greater the better ebeerfally resolve to make the attempt aad accept the eoaseqacBces. No oae will ever HfiimV ST But be a positive power for rood In this world, who will not make ap his mind to take responsibilities and accept eonseoaeneea. The effort la in the Hoe of the blrbest ex. ereise of human power; It allies as to tbe forces of tbe universe: it Is conscious will act in upon tbe material forces of life aad aad nature, axakinr subservient the laws of the nataral world aad of human life. Much of sach action Is necessarily la the nature of experiment.

Noooe can with any eertaia ty predict tbe consequences of any action or coarse of action. icica kta fetarrcU. naay Akmr the shady thoraojrhfare Each opea mouth may have Its fill. Aad all the people it vine there May ase their momeate as they wUL How men start out with ready fee To reach that hirhway broad and ray A simple task, for Easy street laealy )ust a block a way I "A block Is bat a little space: A little toll will do the thine. Men cry.

and each with cheerful faea. They set to work had, workla. slar- Ws oarer now. bat aooa weU eat: The fruit Is sear la tew." they say. They toil aad tue.

but Easy street Keeps, somehow, sUU a block away. A block is (Tester thaa It seems. Yet still the roal is well la iht No rreeaer rardeas show ia dreams. They muse, aad press from dawa till aifhti And bleed aad bora la cold and beat. Till eyes ache out aad hair la rray StlU smile sad hope, but Easy street la always Just a block away.

And whew the asilllne time denarta. Whea arms Bans' limp aad atreturih Is A rbill comes over mlads and hearts Where patient hope is starred at last. A few brave mea la-nore defeat. Aad sirurrle oa till aome flue day They fall la death, whea Eaay street Is only lust a block away. Jf.

IT. SI, Saturday When my reason Is afloat, my faith rmnnut remain lone in ansnenae. and I believe in (Jod as firmly a ia any other troth whatever; In short, a thousand motives draw me to the consolatory side, and add tbe welrht of hope to tbe equilib rium of reason KovaaroM. WOMAX I Ml M1VIIOTS9. Coarreralloaal Board.

At tbe rerular Friday morning meetlne- of tbe W. U. P. M-, Mrs. Ripley presided.

She read from Psalms drawinratten- tion to tbe daily benefits received from Ood. A letter from Miss Fletcher, who is rest- in? in her sister's home, was read. 8 he tells of improved health, ber thoughts, however, brio? constantly in Micronesia. A letter was read 'rum Miss Shattuck, of Oorfa. tellin? that abe.

with Miss in where they have rone for needed rest durinr the extreme heat. They were eijfUt dava on the journey from thrfa to Karpoot, travellnr at niirbt on account of Mis Mellinrer's eyes. Mrs. Hiuitli remarked that the beat of the past few (lays would draw all Into closer sympathr with the missionaries, who have to work daily in heat more intense than this. Miss t'heips introduced Mrs.

Cratlley from the Boston board. Miss Abbie LUki-r, from Tampa. spoke of the Hpanish-speakinr people aroonr whom she is work-in in that place. They bail leri Catholics, but many had drifted into Infidelity. There is a hopeful work beinr done amonr the children.

Mrs. Pe Forest, of Talladera, Ala whose sister. Mrs. White. I at Mar- sovan.

Turkey, spoke or her pleasure at bein; present at one of these mectinrs. Her daughter is preparing for foreirn luisMion service. Miss Houston, the missionary from Madura, ho has been resting- for some months, came in to speak wordsof farewell, as she starts on her lournev this eveninr for India, ber work beinr for the future in toy Ion. Miss Win rat led in prayer. askinr fr od'a jruidance and blessiniy- upon Miss Houston.

Mrs. Parker, State secretary of Iowa, told of the illness of their president, Mrs. Alaruun. which caused sadness In the hearts of all who knew her. Mrs.

Parker and Mrs. Maroun are pillars ia the Iowa htale work. Mrs. Mills reported from tbe mission exhibit at the World's Fair a croodly number of interested visitors. Many' visitors broorht rreetinirs from sev eral Borieties.

amonr tbt-m tbe Cole from New Uritain. whose brother, Mr. ole. has Just reached his mission station at Adams. South Africa.

Miss Wright, tbe missionary from Marsovan, Turkey, will speak in the assembly-room at the Woman's bnlldlnr Joly 'JUat 11 a. m. In rloslnr Mrs. Kiplev said she thonjrht these rooms were a home for Christian women to. stop ia on their war from all parts of the ronatry, aod as children con-In-r home always have a word to sa aa to their work and doinrs ia their travels, so the ladies la com in here from time to time love to tell of their Father's work.

CATHOLIC CHIRCH MOTES, rartea aad meat. Rev. Dr. Butler has started oa a short trio te t.uropr. The feast of St.

Vincent de Paul win aext Wednesday. Rev. Father CTNelU. of Baltimore, is a visitor at the rectory of it. Cecil La church.

Rev. Father Kelly will preach at hlxb maa day la the Jesuit church at Ht.JU clock. Rev. Father Ryaa. of St.

Cecilia's church, departed for Ireland oa a brief vacation The Third order of St. Francis will meet this aftcrnooa la St- Peter church at I o'clock. The church at Oak Park will be attended by pasiuts from the Servile order till a new pastor la appotaiea. Rev. Father Poaxl lionl.

S. will visit the Bridewell thia moraine- aad celebrate mass for the Inmalr about a ciock. The choir of St. Mary's church to-day will alar Leeeal masa. aad at the oeervorr "Ave Maria.

service lev la at ctork. There will be a aolema hlrh mass at e'rlork to-day la St. Michael a church, aad a special musical iwjuaat rirea ry tas caetr. The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel la b-rved to-day and anil be celebrated ia aa espe cial meaner ia the church of that name ia Laka View. The new parish recently formed west of Dooe- laa park til be in charge of Key.

Father Boo-BekL Maawea for the present will be at aad aj o'clock feoaday moraings. Tbe St. Auras line Benevolent society of St. Monica's parish will hold its annual picnic aext Wednesday, the proceeds to be scoiied to the new chare a for the colored Catholics. The St- Brklret'a conference of the St- Vincent de Paul socle will hold a picnic in Columbia park, aear Willow Sprtnrs.

next WedaesJay. coarse the proceeds will be devoted to the weU-haowa charities of this orranlrslioa. The St Ceclliaa society will hold Ha annual con vent kem this week. I eslsnlnr next Tuesday morn- Inr wtth a prolines! kick mass la St. Francis' hurra, oa West Twelfth street, at 10 clock.

Kt- Rev. Bishop Messmer. of Ureea Bay. offleiat- Imr. Kt.

Her. Bishop Zardettl. of hi. -Cloud. will preach the sermoa.

There will te a sacreJ concert la the church la the eventnir. rtvea by the promlaeet vlsiUnc choirs, saatxted by weu-knowa aome tateau ABBATU BEKTICES. Baptist. Korean and West Monroe streets. The pastor, uev.

William m. uvrmce, it. put la tbe aaoralny at 1UM) o'clock, aad Ia the evenlue at 7 45 o'clock. BapUani lath, evenlur- Muie nrxV-r the directi'm of C. B.

Bhaw. Buaoar scboola aud bible cisaac lilts aod JO p. s. FIRST Corsr south Park avenue and Tbirty-flret sireev. avev.

r. a. ntiuKin. Lt. v.

psstor. Pr-achlne br the paator at 11 a. as. 8utict: "Tbe Lord'a rtail." At p. aubjoct: "Moors Alheaioaa." IH MAJfCEL Mk-hlran avenue.

aear Twenty-third atrvev tw-v. u. r. uisoni. paswr.

services at 11 aud 7:43 p. m. Prwachlne by Kev. Dr. A.

mlos, of Boston, moraine and evenlne. Moody will preach Tnesday. Wednesday, idar and rrloay at n. m. 1 mr ri 1 tne Monday evmtne at 7 o'clock.

BEUB! ATRXCE Be Mea avenue aad Xorth tialsiMi street. Me v. fj. H. Harbour, paster.

Preaentne at 11 a. m. by Rev. C. A.

barbuur. of Kirhrr. S. aad at 7 41 p. m.

by Kev. hssit-m 1 beodofe Moaod of Paris. AVEXCE Weaua-n and Warren ave nues. Kev. nr.

rerreo. reelor. Hev. Justin I. Fuitoa.

D. D. wtll preach at lo .10 a. si. and 7 4 p.

a. Moraine subect: "Rich I Inipulses:" venlne: "Is CbrtsUsaitjr ia Aatcrtca laaperlieu by KouiaaisnrT" LAS A LLE AVEXTTS Between Goethe and IXtI- alon street, inrpuivr, iter. o. Kowiaods, V. will preach la tne moraine on the sub-t: "Triune forces of Human Life.

la the evenlnei "A Maa Equipped tor City Life." FOURTH Ashland boulevard and Monroe street. Kev. Kiuma ma ew-r wui preecb at m. and 7:43 p. si.

Evenlne topic: '8 Weill nc of Jordsa." Susday school aod Kible classes at li li p. m. Christ las. EJJLKWOOf-I1ekey street, eouth of lty- fosrta street. Hev.

M. 9. ttavnes. berv-tces. 10 JO a.

1s.hl Sunday school- 12 it p.m. T. a. C. E-.

7 p. m. Prachlne by tle aonuu -auoeci: uvv aoavea is CFTTItAL Tndtana avenue and Thirty-seventh m-t, rrolessor w. Biaes. pastor.

Psi w-wa 11 a. p. as. Suadjr school, a. m.


Preachtnr by the pastor. Morulnr subject: "The Wisest saylturs of tue Wisest Man" icootlawsli. Eviwlnt sub- leet. -fnaaeaia the Character of Uur bavtor tcoatlnued). rwi'lU or rwo-ier rtsklev svenne and Jack aoa atreet.

hVrv. Curtis Lone, pastor. Serv- frea, 11 a. 7 44 p. m.

Sunday acliool. 10 a V. P. S. PrMcfallitf faf Kev a.

C. Hnanhiw. a llnwaabunr. la the Biomlne. Hubiect: "Tbe Limits Of Kellrloua Jtnowkoiee.

The sastor will nreack la avswlne. aubtect: "The Ministry of the Hand WEST BIDR-laekaon boulevard and Kev. J. W. Allen, pastor.

Service lo a. 7:43 p. m. bunday school. 12 1 p.

m. Y. P. B. c.

B-. 9.XO a. m. fVeachliie by the paator. Moraine aubeet: "The Oos pel Monument.

kreolnr sublet: "sua, itula, aad ine r'Tiriy. BARHELO) PABK-Tomer Monroe and Francisco atreeta. Kev. J. W.

Inrram, paator. Hervlcea at a. m. and p. m.

Huadajr aehool at au a. as. x. r. a.

v. a. at 7 o. m. rrwuina by the pastor Mornlne nubieet: Tbe Old SAd Um Kww Wmv nf tmilnf Hb- -et: "Th Christian missy or COavewUua aad the Catholic Church.

IIORTH SIDE InleeseeUon of khefneld and Von- taoa avenue (near Uneoln avenue). Jtev. twa P. liall. pastor.

Brrvtcea at 1 1 a. m. and a p. si. Sunday acaool at P.4 a.

m. C. M. at d. m.

CLAM ERR No. IS Ballon street, between Korth avenue and Wahansla avenue, services at 11 am. Sunday school UrUt-B. prayer meet- Inffs Tnursiiajrs at a p. m.

fYITilRHru.Hn HI -1 BtrM( tte V. K. M. Uarlla. paator.

service at 11 a. as. and 70 p. si. MiMar arbool at IV p.

aa. RXXrT HTREKT MUtHlOM Lake hail, nearWeutr worth avenue. Husday school at JO p. TAYLOR HTKRKT MIHMION-Mo. West Taylor atnsH.

auudav acaool ats a. as. OuLCMBIAN-herldan avenue, aear laty second atreet, lu-v. A. i.

Wblie, pastor. Bervtree at 11 n. ana an. Uomlar aubtfH: "food's Pur pose ia Calllne Mea by the opel." Evenlne aubeet: The Price of a Msu. Collection st eveulne service for families of the vtctlins of Ihe nrw.

bunday sc boo I at lo a m. Chrlstlaa ar- deavor at 7 p. aa. All invited. CoaRrerattoaaL BiVTXIWnOD-MlMraat boulevard and Cam aiMrlal Mnrl Nnrrlrra at lOSI a.

m. and 7 p. m. kev. Theo.

B. Wilson, of Mollne. will rreseh In tlie Kioto In oa To Every Man His Work." and In th eveuluc on "Studies of Koted Cttlrw-Rome. AUVEXT No. STVO Weotworth Svenne.

Preaeh- Inrsi a. m. and 7 JO p. m. Paator.

lr. aud Mrs. B. B. Mansfield.

PIL6K1M Cbrarr Harvard and Sixty-fourth St-eets, Rev. Albert L. scualley. pastor. Preacb- Inc at lo 45 a.

m. by Kev. K. Hourhtva Hi le arbool at li as. KKW KX; LAND Iit-ar horn avenue and Delaware lace, itie paator.

Kev. jatoee jonnson. 1. will preach mornluir aad evenlne at lo and 7:40 clock. RlMiWU'K STKKRr-Between Schiller and riiarkhawk sirvo-is.

svrvte st lo 4i a. m. Kv. Charlti Humitie Holton. of KiMnort.

will lin-ach. ttub)eet; "t'hrist. Ihe Llrht of the Sunday arnool SI 3 p.m. r. r.

n. K. at :45 p. m. Evenlue ai-rvlce at 7 4j clock CiihiiTl "Cliaracs-r Revealed In tbe river mn Un Thursday at p.

m. PLYMtHiTH Mlehlesn avenue, between Tan-mr crib and Tweuljr-slxin slrwls. Kev. Frank VT Cunsaultis. imittur.

Ht'i vlcew at 11a. m. aod p.m. Pn-aelilue morulnr and eveulnk. Sabbath school at a.

m. KTHASfY Lincoln and West Superior atrreta. nesrt uie so avetitM car line. iuv. w.

u.wna ervclt. uaslur. ifa-s at Itt J(1l m. and n. u.

Mmwu tr tat pastor bulb morulus aud evenlne. WARREN AVESCE-Comer Warren and Altvtny SVf-nmta. Hev. J. Auatris.

pasior. Mornlne s. i ice si iu: ciocs. r.venins service ai elock. Malur D.

W. Wblule win ta the eveoiue. LINCOLN PARK 0rAcM svenne snd Mohawk sin pi. liln ov tue uastor. Hv.

uswi Beaton, st l( o'clock. Suislay school at p. m. Eventnr. at 7:45 o'clock, the auspices of the Yonnr Men lesrue.

It-ports of tlx Y. a. t-- e. oekrestrw irun Montreal rMitmoa wlU be riven. Special music at bulb niMT-)w i vleea st a.

and 745 n. Mr. Joseph Kanotnuwits. a converted aoa eml-nnt Jewish lawyer, of Klshnrf, Kusaia. will sneak In tne fomtaon.

in ti evmiiur Mr Moody will prescb. Hum service at 7 p. m. CHCKCH or THE REDEEMER Evnpston ave nue snd Awilne street. Kev.

harles .1 oryau. pastor. Prcachlne by lite pattor at m. Toile: "Tlie ConiTna- KlturOooi" and ux p. m.

prrjrainf uy Evaueeiiat r-. tv ouas. street and prex'-l boulevard Kev. vTIUard Jfcrotl. pastor.

Kreacidnr ty FrorniMir Jwra iiauleis. ol Olivet. Mien. Moraine service at 10 coca eveulne serV' Ice. 7 43 o'clock.

Topic: "Mural Karuest- ness. rxiiiN PARK-Washlnrton snd AsUlsud botile- vsnls. Key. r. A.

u. oasior. services si a. m. and m.

Prenchma morn lne aud evenlne by Kev. Wallace Nuttlnc. of att. school SI 1 1 D. I meH-ur of Ciirtstiao Eudcavwr Monday eventuir at clock.

CXIVEftsiTY-Profesaor Builer. will preach In tue morninr. wrvice ofema ai rrleuds. FRIENI' MEETIXO -In the Athenamm bulkl- Itur.

3io. IS Vsn llurt-u stree J. Cornell, minister (rum tn stteitdance. street. SI 1II.4& a.

m. Kslumore. will be FRIENle' MEETING. ORTHODOX-On Twenty- siath street, oetween it-uiana sou rrairie ave nues, at o'clock. Bible school at VI o'clock.

Lathe raw. Jfimtt-Jlo. 1U Wentworth avenue tee at 11 a. m. The addreaa will be by the paator.

Kev. W. A. oth-r. CRACK lENULISH Oomer Tv-lden avenue and Uu-raDee aireet.

Kev. M. rteiimsn. u. pastor.

Services si lo 45 a. m. and p. m. Sunday school at a a.

ro. Muniitux suojert- The Kxiaoalilon's iraud Reunion of the Family of Man." Evenlne: "shadow for Heat-wearied Humanity. Methodist. aorTH PARK AVElfCE-rorner of Thirty-third Street, rresarnine nwminv situ evenina- trv tue pnsior. Kev.

J. M. Csldweil. D. V.

Mornlue subvert: Jesus sod the scriptures. etindsy school at MO a.m. Kpwocth Leacue at 4i p.m. ERIE STREET Near Kohey atreet. Kev Thomas VI esleruaie.

pastor, rreactitne a. a. m. ubeet: "Tne Presclilny of Ihe fross;" and at 1 vim -Klresuen. aoa-aested by the aad calamity at Jackson park.

Hunday school at al p. si. and Epwurth La-es-ueais-Ml p. m. PIRST-Ne.

ItM Waahlna-toa street. Rev. William i ii. nuiur. ri scsir.a a a.

as. and 7 JSl p. m. Py tle pastor, babhath arbool at si. A noon mejellne Is held each day dur-ine tl wnat la the ler lure-room, led by prond- sent men OI the city.

SI 31 PSO lew ood avenu. Set ween Prlnce- um snd Wentworth avenues. The pastor. Kev. Itr.

W. R. troodwin. will preaca at Id JO a. as.

and 7 Up. m. sin IV ST ITT Comer Tblrtv-lhlrd eonrt. Kev. lr.

Wlillsm. B. Leach, pastor. Mornlue subject: "The klnC a Hiehway: evenlne. "Our Brsve and Honored Firemen, a sermon ta com- mewiorauon and la honor ol our dead.

Epworth at m. nusuay senooi ai p. m. Fox and Henry Locke, superintendents. TRIXITY-Iodlan avenue near Twenty-fourth street.

Rev. r. Bristol. p. pastor.

Preacb-Ine at a. ax. by Kev. F. J.

Leak, of Hams- burs. and si 7 4a p. aa. by the paator. Bab- bath school at 7 43 p.

m. PARK A YEJTCE Comer Park avenue and Roney street. Rev. W. W.

Painter, pastor. Preacblnr at le go a. m. ana ta p. m.

17 svev. u. o. Wilcox, of St. Paul.

Mlna. Sunday aehool at Up. m. Epworth Leas at SUM p. m.

ENfiLRWtsrI-rner lxtv-fourth street and (Uewsrt svenae Kev. E. Msndevllle, D. I. nuor.

s. 1 met at lo JO a. m. and 7 4 A p. aa.

(lan- baih aehool at IX m. Epworth Lranw at IO p. m. Mid-week meetlne on Wednesday nlcbt. Ft)RTT-EYENTH BTREXT-rorty-seveuth street and Marshneia svenw.

1 nr paator. fiev. A. H. Klstler.

will p-eech at 10 3 a. tu. and 7 SO p. m. Moenlnr sshVeet: "The Fair ta Une with theConaatandmeata." Kveolny subject: "OOe-dienee." s.indav school at -SO a.

oa. Epworth Learue at 6 .30 aa. LEA ITT AMD DM KALB "TRESTT Fourth quarterly meetine. Rev. lr.

W. H. Burns will preach at lu-ati a. m. Aunday aehool at p.

m. I. P. Polnler. superintendent Epworth Learueat 0 4i p.

m. Preacblnr at p. m. Kev. M.

Has sett, paator. HAMLUf AYEJtrE-Hamlln avenue and Huron atreet Kev. John Leek, pastor. Preach I ny at )ii Mia. m.

and 7 43 p. m. Mornlue subject: Buralne oi ine i OHi ioraa-e nuiKiiue. feven- tnr su school subject: 'TUt'lniinoM lmi." Sunday ml at 11:45 a. Junior Leacue at 3 JO p.

m. r. I m. CENTEX ART Monroe street aear Morean street. Kev.

H. W. ilolioo. psstor. Preacblnr by the pastor at II a.

m. and at 7:45 p. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Elmund W.

Burke, superintendent. Enworth Learueat 6 JU p. m. K. E.

psodarvta. peisildmit. 6 A CK Tocner LaSalle avenue and Locust street, preacblnr by the psstor. Kev. K.

s. Martin, theme: 'Customs. Creeds and Civilisation of the Old World. Do We Want Them la the New' o. World 'a Fair Local Conrresa.

Bishop Charles H. Fowler, L. will preach tr his reoeul condition will permit. WESLEY North Hslstel street, near Be idea avenue. Rev.

Ir. hi. H. Axtell, paator. Mornlne topic: "St.

Paul oa Mar a Hill. The Revelation of Christ. Evenlnr: "Th Revelation of bod. BAYEWWOOI-Cocuer Commercial and Sanny-slde avenue. Rev.

J. P. Brushlurham, pastor. Frcachlnc at 10 JO a- m. and 7 p.

m. Aew era salens. XEW-TTirRCH TEMPLE Van Bnren street, eaat of Wsnash avenue. Rev. L.

P. Mercer aad Rev. Tboauaa A. Klnr. pastor.

Services at 11 a. m. and k-JP- m. Mornlne sermon by Kev. Mr.

Klnr. Evenlnr sub wet: "tixleon's Army and tbe Weepo te Aralnal the Modera Median to-s." by Kev. Mr. Mercer. ENOLEWOOO SOCIETY oevenueth street and fttewsrt avenue, art.

ja. eouu iirirv, paator. Mornlne service at 10:43 o'clock. Subject: Tbe Drs'iny of Man." Evenlnr service at 7.43 o'clock. Lecture by Rev.

Thomas A. Klnr; Prsabyteriaa. CHTTRCH OF THE COVEJf AKT Beldea avenue. SrneT Minn riaisteu aim. mwv.

awvm n. reed. pastor. Mornlnr service at clock Evenlnr se at o'clock. Preseh-Inr mornlnr and evenlnr by Kev.

Wat. P. Cralr. Cal. CAMPBELL PA RKLesvltt street, south of Harri- aon street, rtev.

William v. imnr, pwwr, wilt preach at 10 a. m. on "The Fire at the Fair." At 7 :49 p- si. there will be a Christian Endeavor rally.

Reports of tbe Montreal convention will be (Ives by Lincoln Hirrlne. bom as Wsla-vrricht, aod Misses Net 11 Jerauld and Carta Une Scully. POCRTH Comer of Rush snd Superior streets. Services at lo 4a a. m.

and Hp. m. The pastor. Key. TbouuiaC.

Hall, will preach mornlue aud evenlnr. FIRST Twenty-first stieet aad Indiana avenue. Hev. Joha Henry narrows. V.

pastor, win preach at m. oa "Tbe FVrfectioaof the Bible," and at 7:43 p. m. on "Tbe Three Ele-metii of Christian Character. At the evenlnr praise service Clarence Eddy, orranjst, will be cssistad by Mrs.

ChrlsUu JinUsoa iMneier aad Other. IMMANCETa-Tnlrty-nrst street, faclnr Bon field street, rroxesaor a. aenos, v. u. oi Mccormick seminary, will preaca at a.

at. aod 7 44 p. aa. SIXTH Comer of Ylneennea avenue and Thirty- sixth alreeu The pastor. Rev.

Lr. Carlos Msr-tva. will preach at 10 SO a. m. on "Ia the World fcrowlnr Better or Worse Which!" At 7:44 p.m.: "Kllioa Vindicated." FIFTH Indiana avenue and Thirtieth street.

Rev. Le Koy Moo ser, pastor, rrescninr at a. and 7:44 p. m. MOruiuc auoeci; "A Lesson from the Fire and Cyclone.

Evenlnr -subject: "A Transaction In Ulrthrirbts. nnsiian Knuesvor meeuur at P- m. oao- baih school at Jtl a. m. 8E(XlfT-Mlehlraa avenue snd Twentieth street.

Kev. J. Hrrhfmm will nM-Meh at 1 a on "As the btsrs. aud at 7:44 p.m. on "The Fsth rhoodofUad." Y.

P. 8. C. K. at 6 :43 XNDKAVOR Gross hall, corner Wood and Mel' roan eireete.

Kev. Herttert A. Bradford th' newly ordained paator. will preach at 11 a. m.

sou p. til. JEFFERsON PARK Comer Theoon and Adams sleeeta. Rev. FrederleS Camnhell mill nnsc a.

iu.m a. i am uisunruianeu seph Kabtnowlts, from Russia, will speak at i p. ui. FULLERTOW AVENTTE Corner Fuller-ton avenu and Lairrause st. Kev.

Ir. John Huit, psaior, Mornlne service at litis clock. BllOjeet "taod the Possession of Oood Men." Musle, ausrtet: ai ftieavenlv Hiuiiii. ttsvnes: prsno solo, "Abide With Me." Shelly. Evenlnr Meevftea.

7 -aA A'eliM-S s-ilita llulmnonv vs. Chsract-r. Musle. quartet: "Seud (mt Thy Llfni." uounod: tenor solo. "Wner la My dennr Boy To-ntrht." by reonuat.

RAILROAD CHAPEL Dearborn atreet, between Thlrtv-etehth and Tblrtv.nlntb streets. KeV Clutrles M. Morton will speak at p. m. bun- oar aehool at p.

m. THIRD Ashland boulevard and Ordea svenne. Tbe paator, Kev. lr. Wlthrow.

will preach mornlne and evenlne. Toule for evnnliur: "The De mand for antT Difficulty of Livlnf Consistent loniuu uvea in uur iasy." I'alted Prwsbyteriaa. FntST Corner Monroe and Paulina streets. Preacblnr by the paator. Kev.

W. T. Meioy u. 4.. at a.

m. aud D. m. SECOND Slxty-nfth and Honore atreeta, Knrle- woou. rreachinr by tbe pastor, Kev.

a. Duff, at m. and 7:43 D. m. THIRD Service In Dourlaa hall, corner Thlrty- nita atreet aou inaiaia av.

Kev. w. a. auww wui preach at 1 1 a. ai.

aad 7 JU P- m-Proteataat Eplacopal. FT. ALBANS- Prairie svenne. near Forty-fourth atreet. Kev.

tteorre W. Knaon. rector. Holy cooiuunlon at 7 a. m.i Sunday school.

a. matins 10:43 a. m.s evenaonr. clock, ST. MARK'S Cottars Orove avenue and Thirty eixth atreet, Kev.

W. W. Wilson, rector. At 8 a. Ri.

bolr communion. Vrrlcea at 10:43 a. m. and 7 4.1 p. m.

Mornlnr tuple: "Literature aa a Means of Grace." Evenlur topic: "Mul tiplicity of Books. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Lawndala avenua ana 1-wentv-rourth aireet. Kev. J. Wynne Jonea.

prleal In charye. Service at 8 a. m. a. aud 8 p.

m. ORACH Wabash avenue, near Sixteenth street. Hermoaa bv Kev. I Union Lairke. 1.

tor. At II a. Te Itoun and ltenedictua. Gar- ralt In flat: onTerlorv. -0.

savior Hear Me. aoprauo solo, Uluck: anthem. itlon. Bleat City. Hllrs.

Albp. m. Marniocal and None tMmlttls. Ebdon In offertory anthem. "To Thee, Lord." Rossini.

Henry K. Honey. ora-anlst and Choirmaster. CHURCH IF THE TRANSFIGURATION Forty third street uesr Drexel boulevard. Rev.

Iir. Delafleid. rector. Early service at 7 a. full service at a.

ni. sumiay senooi at a p. evemnr service at 7 -w p. m. ALL SAINTS' Wilson avenue and Commercial street.

Ravens wo wl. Rev. C. K. D.

Crtuenton. Low celebration; at 8 a. mornlnr prayer at o'clock, hlrh celebration and ser.non at 1 1 a. Sunday school at 11:13 p. m.

evensnr snd sermon st p. m. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER Was hi net on venue and Flftv-slxlh street. Kev. a.

uua- ham. rector. Services at a. 10 a. and 4 p.

m. minuay school at ix p. m. ni.Vikr-corner Monroe street and Western avenue. AtTtoa.

holy communion: a. moraine prayer aou serroooi at p. hi. choral evenaour. CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR Fnllerton avenue, near iara street.

Kev. j. t-etne. DSstor. Sunday acb 11 o'clock.

bool at Jtj a. ni. Mortdtir service at THE CATHEDRAL S3. PETER AND PAUL ssmurton ismievaru sou t-eon a atreet. Kev (eeora-e b.

WrichL. nrteai charre. Holy corn- munlon at 7 a. matins at tl 4.1 a. hlrh celeoration-tcliorali, m.

8 -rain by KL Hev. Wtllisw McUareti. II. U. Choral evi stinr.

7USI p. ni. CHURCH OF THE EPIPH ANT-Ashlnnd bonle- vsrd and Anams street. Mornlnr service 1U o'clock. Evenlnr service 7'4- o'clock.

Tlie r-etor. Rev. T. M. Morn son.

wui preach at butb REV. A. W. MANX will conduct a set-rice for deaf mutea ai All Ana-em etiurcn. comer oi taie bimi Twentieth atreeta at clock p.

m. Kev. John berlln. of New York, will preach In airn uutruace. tximoilieu service st ctoca TRINITY Twenty -sixth street and Mich Iran ave- Hue.

Tbe Kev. rioiusr l-yucn will lrech at II a. m. and p. ni.

7 4. a. in. and ri.l p. Holy cuaiuiuuuia at ST.

PETER'S 17X7 Helmont avenue, near Evans- ton avenue. Key. Mmuei e. Ktisaii. rector.

At 7:. Oa. tu. holy comniunlon: at II a. mornlnr nrayer.

atilecomniuiilua. and sermon: at 7:43 evenlnr prayer aud arrmon; at 3 JO p. men's Bible class. ST. STEPHEN'S Johnson atreet, between Taylor ana TWelllh atreeta.

Kev. pt. sioetier, orient lu cbanre. Holy eoiuuiunton at 7'la a. m.

Mornlnr prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Eveulur prajrc er aoo aermon st cioca. Kefornaed EptscopaL ST MATTHEW'S Larrabee street, corner Of Kiminrr nlsce. K-v. w.

sneiiey. minister 1 rhsra-e. At 11 clock, mornlnr prayer, with serttion. ST 11 AKK'S Msnlewood. Rev.

Charlea John Millar. B. rector. Mornlnr service 10 JO clock: evenlnr service i juociuci. ST LUKE'S Fairfield and Wabansla avenue.

Huinookll Dart. Kev. nariea aonn Miliar. x. a.

rector. or ulna Bervtce st 10 43 clock. Aft ernoon service at 4 clock. ar. PAUL'-Adams street and Wlnchr-e er av enne.

Service at 1U 43 s. ui. and i :4.i D. m. ltlabop Fallows will preach eujrninr Sod n-lur.

btindav school and BfTtte t-ltosr at JO p. m. Yotirr People'a Society of Endeavor will hold Its weekly prayer meetlnr st 43 p. m. Subject: "Paul lestlfastnesa of Purnos n.


M. Ken- dir It. pastor. me ts in hall van Hurra bU.k. corner Weat Madison street and Cali fornia avenue.

Preacblur at 11 a. m. and 7:30 ST. JOHN'S Thirty-seventh atreet and Lane ley avenue. Kev.

1 orsyibe Mlil'rsa, rector. Service at 11 a- m. Subject: "How a Great Klnr Ovreaa-ie a Perplexity. Good musle. TRINITY Vale avenue and Seventieth street.

Kev. irecierica r. vnanon. Kcctor. peveutn Sunday after Trinity.

Mornlnr prsjrer and ser-moa at 1U 43 o'clock. Tlieme: "What Is in Thv Hand." ho evenlnr service. Sunday school at -i 13 p. m. CHRIST Mlehlran avenue aad Twenty-fourth atreet.

Kt. Kev. -tnaries rai waru tLtieney p. rector. Service at 10 43 a.

at which Bishop Cheney will preach. Sunday aehool at 3 Spiritualist. MRS- ANNA ORVL will sneak for tbe First So ciety or epintuauaia. wssunrton oou levarq and Cbrden avenue, at lo a. m.

and 7 JO p. m. TH NORTH SIDE SPIRITUALIST StLM'IKTY will bold arrvlcea lu Bci-iotnaurea nail, corner ileel anal Oedrwlck streets, at 7:43 p. m. Mrs oM.

S. FU-Mlnr will lecture. Subject: "Prorrcae or Immortal 1.1 Te. A SPIRITUAL EETTNO will be -west st No. 11 Ada street at i jhi n.

mi Mr, asuer. Mrs. gut ter, and others will snesa. THE ILLINOIS SPIRITUAL will i teii. k-ii vr a Peoria street, at Jti aoa p.

m. Kev. u. Cordlnrly will preach. THE FIRST SP1RITUAL1T SOCTETY of tnt Oral street, at 8 JO p.

m. Mrs. T. F. DeWolf niiih Hi4ia win noia servieea aa u.

i i in will speak. Mrs. Parker will speak la the eveln. Caloaj Kvaee-elical. EX WOOD Greenwood avenue and Forty-sixth atreet.

Jtev. jona r. nais issvr. service aa lo a. m.

and 7:43 p. m. LAKE AVENUE Rev. Conrad Haney. pastor.

service at 11 a. m. iaxi avenue ana rony-Bfth street. OA WOODS Cham palrn avenue and Sixty-nflh atreet- Kev. 1 hoinae jvnea.

pastor, eerviceaat 10 JU a. m. aad 7 Jto a. m. raltariaa.

ALL SOULS' Oak wood boil leva rdand Lanrley avenue. Key. a. ti. oa west aevios, Mass, will preach at ll a.

ta. At p. Rev. A. S.

Oarver. of Worcester. will apeak on "What the World Kxpectaol Llberala." CNITY-Dearborn avenue and Walton place. freacniUs aa a. w.

uy act. a nuv mer. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH Mlcb Iran avenue and Twenty-tniru street. art. n.

wlil preach la tbe mornlnr st 11 clock. Fena I'BlVersaallst. CHURCH OF OCR FATHER No. SO Hall street lopeuliir out OI inversey svnuuo, oetween ara and Hals ted si reel si, Kev. L.

J. Dlnsmore. uaalor. Kev. K.

F. Johounol will preach kt UT43 a. m. Sunday acho-l at boob. i JQ CNITT-4Jak Park.

Rev. R. F. Jo on not. paator.

Mornlnr Service st ciw-a. tvmiuD oy Kev. L- Dlnsmore. Sunday school at 12:13 p. m.

Y. P. C. U. at JO p.

m. RYDER MEMORIAISherVlan venue. near elxty-rotlrtn street, nuwiij.n rsrs. eervice at 10:43 a. m.

and 8 p. m. Kev. J. a.

CantwelL fWlofTHJ REDEEMER Warren avenue and Kobey street. Kev. ux. m. a.

narr.a. paator. Mornlne service kt 10:30 O'clock. Sunday school at IS o. m.

ST PAUL'S Prairie avenue and Thirtieth street. The pastor. Rev. A. J- Canfteld.

D. will preach at a. m. ounuar acnoot at Roxaaa Catholic CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY NAME State and Superior atreeta. Masai st o.

a. m.s mass at S-aO exclusively for children: hlrh mas at vesper 7 JO p. m. Kev. M.

1. Fltsslmmon. rector. CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION B. V.

If. (Italian! Illinois street, Between rranaun and Market streets. Mssaes at 6. 8 and 9 s. ni.

hlrh msas at lo JO: vespers at? p. m. Tho. Mores-ehlnl. O.

paator. ST. COLUMBKILL'S CHURCH Indiana and Psu-llna streets. Masses at 7. and 0 a.

hiyh mass at 10 vesper bis p. Key. Thomas burke, pastor. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH Oak wood bonle- vara. near vineennes svenue.

jiev. Lt. A i ljrhe. pastor. Mssses at 7.

8. and II JO a. m. hlb maaa at 10 JO: Sunday school at a. m.i vespers and benediction at 7 ST.

ELIZABETH'S CHURCH Forty-first street ana nsossn svenue. awn a eju, v. and 9 a hlrhmasaat lo JO: vespers at 7:30 p. ni. Rev.

D. J. Klordan. pastor. HOLY FAMILY (JESUITl CHURCH -May and Twelttn au-eeua.

kcv. auwm aeiiy. J.t "Ctor. Masses st 4. 6.

7. 8 and 8 a. hlrh mass at 10 JO; veapers at 7. ST. JAMES CHURCH-Twenty-nlnth street and Waossh avenue.

Kev. Hiurh MoGulre. pas or. Masses at 7. s.

ana iw a. nira maaa at 11; vespers at tew. ST. JARLATH'S CHUECH Jackson street and tiermiiare avenue, k-v. inomaa taaamin, pastor.

Masses at 8. 7 JO and 8 a. m. hlh mass at 11: vespers st 8 :30. ST.

JOHN'S CHURCH-ciark and Elrhteeuth atreeta. very kcv. lnmurin j. uuiirr, u.u.. pastor.

Masses at 7 sod 1U a. m. maaa at 1 1 vesner at S. hlrh FT. JOSEPH'S CHURCH IGERMANV North Market and 111 atreeta.

Masse at 6. 7 JO. and JO a. Bi. hiya maa ai iv: vesper at a.

Kev. vewa- tine Enxtbrecl chu O. 8. MARY'S CH RCH. Wanna avenue and tt a.

Kev. and Eld retire court. Maaseaat d. 7. 8, hlrh maaa at 1 vesper at ijg.

Murphy, pastor. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH. Eurenle street snd Cleveland svenne. Masses at 8 JO.

and a. m. men maaa at jo; vespers st a-ao. jaev. Luette.

C. 8. S. K. ST.

MONICA'S CHURCH (COLORED) hold mass la the basement of St. Msry'a church. Wabash avenue aod Eldredjr-) court, every bunday 11JO a. m. Rev.

A. Tollon. paator. OTRB DA MR DE CHICAGO tFRENCHr-Verooo Park Dlace and blbley aireet. Maanea at 6 and ttJOa.

hlrh mass at 10 JO; vespers at s. Kev. A. la. Berveron, paator.

ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Adams and Deanlalnes stroct. Maaaes aid. 7, and HI. m.

mxn niaae at lfl JO: vesneraat n. m. aervlcea every Thursday at 7 JO p. m. In chapeL Kev.

Thomas F. GalUa-an. Daator. T. PROOOPIUS' CHURCH (BOHEMIA N-Elrht-eenth and Allport atreeta.

Maasea at 8. 7. 8. and a. blyh maaa at 10 a.

with aermon: ves- rr at p. m. Kev. P. Kepomuck Jaerer.

O. pastor. ST. STANISLAU KO TK 8 CHTTRCH (POLISH), Noble an I- rraham atreeta. Ma ses at 6, and 9:30 a.

hleh maas at lo JO a. vns ere at p. m. v. 81m.

a Kobe nskl. C. suDetior. CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF SORROW "West Jackson Street aa 1 Albany avenue. Maaaes a a.uj, -a A v.

in-'ui vespers at 7 JtO p. m. Very Rev. B. Baldl, O.

8., prior. ST. PETER'S CHURCH (GERM ANV dark a Polk stree s. Maaaes at 7 and 8 m.J hlrh mass at 10 a. vespers at p.

m. Kev. Maximilian Meuman, O. 8. paator.

Mlaeellaaeoua. CHRISTA DELPHI AN ECSTT-ESTA meets In New man's hall. No. Uia Sixty-third atreet. at IO JO a.

m. and 8 p. m. Evenlnr lecture by Thomas willisana. Bubjeet: he consianllnisn Kevo- lution: ita Typical Slrniocancer CHRISTIAN SCIENCE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Hall 7X Auditorium bulkllor.

Mrs. Emma Curtis Hopkins, president. Services from 19 to 1 o'clock JOSEPH ADAMS will conduct a relia-ious service at 11 o'clock In room I.VI3 Masonic ttnnple. Subject '-Two Beliefs Contrasted." INDEPENDENT EVANGELICAL (GERMANV-Hlimeld and Martanna avenues. Professor C.

A. Paeth pastor. Communion -ervlce In the mornlnr at lo JO o'clock snd preacblnr in the evenlnr at 8 o'clock oy tbe pastor, also th usual sinetne bv the eholr. Sunday -school at 9 a. Lesson: "Paul at Athena." Christian Endeavor Society meetlne at 7 p.

tn. CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCIENTIST! Recital hall. Auditorium buildlnr. Services st 111:43 a. m.

Bible classes at a. m. Subject: Grace a-d Faith." Kev. J. F.

Xdnacott, C. S. 11., paator. AT ALTTTELD HALL No. 465 State street.

Robert J. Burdette will preach at a. m. and C. W.

Sawyer 11 apeak at 8 o'clock p. m. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST-Audttorium buildlnr. Wabash avenue. Kev.

F.8. Van Kps, paator. Services at 10:43 o'clock. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCIENTIST) will hold services in Kimball ball. No.

1243 Wabash avenue, near Jackson street, at 10:45 a. m. Subject: "True Chit-tlaalty." SALVATION ARMY Brtradler Pleldlnr. Staff Captain til ford, aud others will apeak at Central Music ball. Sunday afternoon at o'clock.

Num ber one bras band will be present. PROFESSOR CH ARRET will preach on the "Astronomy of the Bible" at I p. m. at Ho. 8 Fotith Ada atreet.

FRENCH GOSPEL MISSION. Kd. 51 0 South Hl-Sled street, W. IS-veueau. pastor.

Preacblnr at a. m. and 7 JO p. m. bunday school at 11:43 a.

m. SPECIAL SERVICE foe men In the Expo'ltlon Sundav Scrool buildlnr. Stony Island avenue, near Fifty-seventh sireet. at 4 P. m.

coodneted by the Y. M. C. A. Add res by secretary Sloan.

Solos by Byron A. Robinson. "PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN MEETING, No. 83 East Lake atreet, at JO p. m.

JUSTICE TO OUR GIRLS. Sir Edwla Arnold Telia Eltshawa Their Ideas af Aasertcaa Woaasa Are Aboard. In Enrland men of letters and bnmorom artists are acenstomed to treat tbe American E-it-1 from two widely differing, bat in either case unjust, points of view, says the London Ttiroroph. "Mr. Punch's" artists confess graphic-ally that the American Eirl is often sumptuously beantifnl, bnt they rarely present her to public admiration without puttier in her month utterances which are either grotesquely "outres" or dosmrlg-ht vulrar.

If she is asked to par take of refreshments, she declines on tbe score that she is "pretty well crowded and. if the Chicago exhibition Is alluded to in ber presence, she Incident ally remarks that the World's Fair is "too big- a chnnk to be chewed' withoot diffi culty. As for the English novelist, the American girls they depict are, in most Instances, handsome and more or less un scrupulous younr persons, who complete their education ov tne intense study or Burke and Debrett, and who embark on board the ocean steamship which ia to bring them to Europe with a firm resolution to marry very high op indeed in the Enriisn peers ire. nan never nave a thoroughlyvsrtistie series of studies of the American girl from Enjrllsh pens and pen cils until oar countrymen recofrnlxe the fact that American g-irls differ physically and characteristically amour themselves quite as widely. If not even more widely, then English girls do.

In the Union multitudes of girls may be met with who are al most Overmans or Irish in blood. Half Swedish, naif Spanish South Italian tvpes of femininity are also continually met with; and indeed, there are skilful students of American character who declare that the genuine American girl is onlv to be met with in New England that is to sav. In tbe States of Maine, New HatnDshire. Vermont. Massachusetts.

Rhode Island, and Connecticut. In those States the original English blood has, with scarcely any foreign strain in it, descended from the time of tbe Immigration of the Pilsrim Fathers to our own day. They are tbe true "Yankees;" and vet unobser vant writers are ready to typify, the New York, or the Philadelphian, or the Baltl more, or the Virginian young- lady aa a Yankee' girl. New Y'ork is perhaps one of tbe most cosmopolitan cities in the world, and the French, the German, and tbe Irish types have been freely mingled with tbe Anglo- Saxon ones; while some account most be taken of te Knickerbocker aristocracy that ia to sav, of the descendants of the Old Dutch settlers. Tbe expert in charac ter will at once be able to distinguish be-m vnnne lade from Manhattan and one who halls from Pennsylvania or Mary land: while Journeying- further west an other type of American girlhood makes nerseil manliest in unw ana mcairaiv and so soon as tbe Bocky mountains are crossed and the descent oi "tbe Pacific slope is begun yet another wholly independent type the feminine American makes its appearance.

Nor, finally, would tbe study of tbe American daughter of Eve Be complete by even the minutest observation of the? girls of the Eastern, the Middle, and tbe Western States. There re mains tbe Southern girl to be dealt with and when we approach that charming type of feminine humanity it will be found that the girls of Kentucky, those of the Carolina, and tbe belles of Louisiana, Ala bama, and Oeorgia differ among themselves quite as widely as does a Parisienne from a Provencale. On the whole, if the American girl is to be thoroughly studied, the European stu dent should live long in the States or make mane recurring visits thereto. Tbe exist ing and most current types of the American female are either 'Stupidly conventional or wildly exaggerated, and in most cases are altogether misunderstood. -For The Sunday Inter Ocean.

A. JAPANESE IDYL. ULU. One flush carnation flower la mellow vase; Ia one smsll room before A window's space; Swart walls of smooth veneer A polished floor A beaded screen hung sheer Against the door. Pale glimpses of the sea Red flower alone, like thee In beauty, peerlessly, To' love, adore.

One lily lucent pale In rosy vase Cannot with walls avail As thy bright face. Thine amber eyes are full Of alum lie ro us tire Thy Hps so beautiful Love cannot tire. Rose splendors of tbe sea. pale flower alone, like thee, la beauty, peerlessly, Above desire, 4 Faint winds from o'er the sea, And Daseioned calms: Thick flocks of doves let tree, And sighing palms. The glimme ring heat of noon In copper skies; The romance of tbe mooa.

When davligbt dies. Dim wastes of grayest sea About for thee and me. And charm thee, tenderly To grant tbe boon. TUE HEART Of THE ROCKIES. On the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains.

4 euo feet above sea level, with average mean summer tempjrature of TO degrees; as hours' tide from Chicago, near Helena, Montana, is located tbe Hotel Broadwater and Natatorium. Accommodations first-class: hotel and railroad rates ressonaole. Ticket office 210 S. Clark Chicago. THE AMERICAN CREED.

Golden "Words of Truth Soberness. and BEDROCK REPUBLICANISM Equal Rights and Brotherhood of Man. The Tiu Unit of Society The Great ness of the Republic in Its Families. Chicago. July ia Totks Editor.

After it had been understood and announced that ex-Senator James K. Doolittle would deliver an address at the Fourth of July celebration at the World's Fair at my request be prepared a short address, lt Is American all throturh. from beginning to end. I was delixhted with it. snd I know every American would like to read it.

It was not de livered simply because we were unable to carry out tne programme as originally contemplated. I think it should be published. I nave seea Mr. Doolittle and be has consented to ita pub- licatloa. I send you a typewritten copy.

M. B. MaDDEX. Friends and Fellow Citizens This is American day. We are here to celebrate it with every demonstration of loy.

Be cause it is the birthday of onr republic that great republic of tbe new world which Columbus discovered. In the exuberance of our joy to-day, we not only celebrate the Nation's birth, bnt we do special homage to that old Liberty Bell" now broken and silent which first announced that great event in -history. With an exultation of patriotism akin to religious enthusiasm, as we salute the old flag the first flag of the republic by an electric touch here, in Chicago, we ring tbe "new Liberty Bell' in Troy, a. thou sand miles away. Fellow citizens, tell me why, why is all this Are we in onr senses or are we be side ourselves We ore not beside ottrseieex.

A few words of troth and soberness will- give good reason for all this. Tbe troth is: This republic, th trb born in a day, is tbe outgrowth and the beir of all the ages, and of all that ia good and great in all the civilizations of the old world. There was not sufficient room to establish such a republic anywhere in the old world. God reserved, in the fullness of time, for the new. AaAaserleaav I rejoice at this occasion standing now, and here at Chicago at the very heart of thia republic at the place where, of all others, that heart throb deepest and strongest.

standing, too, in the 'presence of the World's Columbian Exposition, where all nations are represented as a native born American. in whose veins runs the blood of American ancestors for 250 years, I refoice with all my heart to be called, upon to state tbe great American idea and to call upon all other Americans to rejoice and to repeat with me The True Aasertcaa Creed that "creed in which every American, na tive born or foreign born, Just in proportion as he understands it, is a true believer and enthusiastic devotee. For that creed he would live and labor, and. if need be. for it be would dare to die.

On that creed, as upon its bedrock, our republic rests. In that creed it lives and moves and has its bsing. Believing in that creed, in the depths of his soul feeling bis bosom swell at the thought of the present standing of this public among the nations, and still more, at the greatness and manifest destiny which, as sure as God lives, another century must bring an American on this day, and on this occasion would be false to himself, and disloyal to tbe republic if he did not speak out and, in his loudest voice, his whole American tnougni, as to tne piace in human history which God has assigned to this republic, and, as to tbe mission which it has to-fulfill among the nations of the earth. If, in the brief moment I stand here, I shall repeat, and ask every American to repeat with me, the substance of that creed, none of our distinguished friends and honored guests, who may be present, will construe our earnest American words into any disrespect for them, personally, or disrespect for the great countries, and older civilizations they represent: TheAaaerieaa Creed. We believe in God, tbe Almighty, maker ef heaven and earth.

Under Mm and under him alone, we believe in man; male, and female, as he created them. We know no masters we acknowledge no dictators noon earth; we Kneel to none but God and, not even then, unless in our own way. No matter tn what land he may be born'; nor in what language he breathes his adorations to tne Deity wnetner born In a palace, or born in a manger. Catholic and Protestant, Jew and gentile, all, all are children of the same heavenly Father; sons and daughters of the same, ever liv ing Ood. As such, we btlinee.

all have equal righta life, liberty, ahd the pursuit of All have equal rights, in obedience to physical, intellectual, moral. and spiritual laws, to become true kings and queens that la. to be true men. and women God's onlv nobility and. as such.

to reign and have dominion over the earth sea. and air, and every other living tmng sub ice always to tne one higher law: "Tltoa thaU lore thy neighbor as thyatlf." That higher law, to bring peace on earth and good will to men, was proclaimed in Judea, nearlv two tnonsand years ago. by the greatest of law-givers, as well as the great est of socsal ana political reformers, by one "who spate as never man spaxe." The law laid the ax at the root of all monopoly, all caste, and all special priv ilege. It declared for the equal rights and brotherhood of man, just as clearly as did our Declaration or independence, on tne Fourth of July. itto.

But after a long struggle a struggle of sixteen centuries in the old world it was found. I repeat, there waa not sufficient room to apply that great law of peace on earth and good will to men to the affairs of human government, nereiore tnis new continent waa reserved under the prov idence of God. in bis own good time, to be discovered bv Columbus aad to be colo nized for that very purpose; where, upon the grandest scale, in a fertile land, with continental proportions, between the two great oceans, might be fairly tried the holy experiment of man's equality, brother- dooo, ana capacity ox sen-government. Interest aad Policy. We believe in that great experiment.

which is now and here going on. Amer icans, pledged to the great doctrine of hu man brotherhood, we believe our true In terest ana true national policy is peace with all the world. We believe that to be the true interest and policy of all other nations. We believe international disputes can be better settled by arbitration than by arms, and at this very moment an arbitration be-ween us and Great Britain, at the capital of tbe great republic of the old world, is going on. We believe the time will come, and we would gladly hasten its coming' which the prophets have foretold, and for which tbe good men of all ages have longed and prayed when all wars shall cease; when tbe sword shall be beaten into the plowshare, and the spear into the pruning hook, and young men shall learn war no more.

we believe, aiso, mat in toe luiness oi time not by aggression not by war or conquest, but simply by the light of our example, and by the successful results of our great experiment, all civilized countries, with advancing light and experience, will come to see and acknowledge the triumphant success of government, resting upon tlie intelligence, equality, acJ. brotherhood of men and, in their own good time and in their own good way, with no dicta tion from abroad, wlU adopt and follow all that is good in our example. Friends and fellow citizens: I have thus stated, in brief words, the accepted Ameri can creed. For myself personally I ana nreoared to go one step further. in tne iignt ox tne prophecies of tbe Old and New Testament that wonderful book, accepted as divinely Inspired for so many centuries and by so many hundreds of millions of the best, wisest, most learned, and greatest of mankind, as well as in tho light or all history after an earnest and careful study of that subject for more than forty years, I do not hesitate to declare: I believe the Bepublie of the United States of America, was foretold nearly 8.0U0 years ago.

It is that very political power which the God of Heaven, in the fulness of time. a to set np on this earth, wherein the POWer Of government, to num th lanonam of the prophet, shall not be left to other people." in other words, all political power was to I be left to the people themselves. It was to be in the oft quoted language of Lincoln: "A government of the neonle and tn, I people, and for the people." A government to be founded nnon man's intellire equal rights, and common brotherhood. Shall Stand Forever. And I believe that this form of government "shall- never be destroyed." In the language of the prophet, "it shall stand for ever;" because, by every advancing step-i the progress of civilization.

maha ing intelligence, love for rights and sense common brotherhood are made more and more evident, and more and more enduring. I believe, also, in spite of all present warlike appearances in spite of preparations for war on a gigantic scale now going on In Europe in spite of Krnpp's monster can non nowhere at this Exposition, and all the models of steel clad ships of war of many nations, that tbe time is coming, and will not lie long in coming, even if it can not come until after one more terrible war until after that battle of "Armageddon," in in which, it is said, the blood will flow ta the horses' I still believe tbe time is coming when all wars on tbe earth shall cease; and the reign of universal peace an good will to men shall begin. 1 cannot conclude without saving one word more. While we nave done mnch to realize, we have not yet fully realized our great ideal. We are not yet in perfect harmony with our creed.

We have had great evils to contend with. There was the terrible scourge of humas slavery. For more than a century it stood in our way and threatened to destroy us. But, thanks be to God. that evil ia over come at last.

I am not unmindful, too, that other great evils seemingly at war with our ideal still remain. There are false systems of money and false theories of finance. There are many nnjnst and unequal forms of taxation: there are many forms of monopoly and special privilege a species of slavery for the com ro on people, whereby the few. with avaricious hands, grasp the earnings of tbe many, lint believe with tree schools. free speech, a free press, a free pulpit, and a free ballot the majority of onr people have tne intelligence, tne moral character, the courage, and the capacity to correct and to remove them all.

for 'Tie voire an enlightened people tt the voice uf Ood." I be lieve, also, that in due time all land mo nopoly and all other forms of monopoly and special privilege shall cease; I believe that the time will come when poverty will oe oanisnea irom tne eartn, so far. at least. that every honest and industrious man caa well support his family. Tbe Cnit of Society. It is the family, after all.

which is the' true unit of society the God -ordained fam -ily. It is in tbe family that every man may become a perfect man and reach his highest and best estate and it is in the family alone that every man may be prophet, priest and king; and every woman may be a queen. It is not in houses or lands, or gold or jewels, or stocks or bonds and mortgagea that the greatness of tbe republic consists, bat in hundreds of millions of happy, free. -intelligent and independent njtn and women, who, in their own homes, are rearing and training their children to be sont and daughters of God's republic There is land enough and room enough in that republic for a thousand millions nnder just and equal laws. i es, fellow citizens, I believe tbe time will surely come on this earth when not only here in this republic, but among all civilized nations all who are willing to labor may be able to do so, and.

af proper periods of rest from labor, to sit down under their own vine and fig with none to molest or to make afraid. When that higher law, love thy neighbor as thyself shall rule'all nations, and each shall grant to all others the same rights be demands for himself, then and not till then, will our declaration of indcoend-' ence, and the old and the new liberty bells nave done Their perfect work. Then, and not till then, will the mission of this great Republic be fulflUed. When that blessed time shall come, then, our who art tn Heaven, Thy kingdom will come. Aad thy will be done io earth, as it is in Heaven- Then will all nations loin and bring their offerings, their most precious metals and jewels to be melted down together to cast that great millenial bell, whose motto, in large letters of living light around it shall be "Liberty, eoualitv.

fraternity" Peace oa earth is come, with good Will to men." For Tbe Sunday Inter Ocean. bLUMBEU AND DEATH. BV CXCTL w. BJUTH. Kicht had fallen, the glowing sun Sank in tbe West: its labors done.

Whispering breezes soft snd low Over tbe earth commenced to blow: Sad yet sweet Was their soft refrain: Day is ended: Sleep again. On the thirsty meadows brown and dry Tbe sun bad stared iroma brazen sky. North where tbe yellow corn fields spread, Tbe poppy reared its Uatning head. iianowers cros.a Their sleepy eyes: Slumber comcth. When day lWht dies.

From her leafy nest tn the stately trees. Came a bird's sweet song on the evening breeze. From her Ivied nook on a distant heivht The white owl screamed to the gathering night. sighed and snivereo. As if to say Death is near At the close of day.

Ta a mother's arms ere the break of day. Fluttered an infaut's soul away. An aged man with his parting breath Welcomed the great deliverer, veain, Sank to rest. As tbe shadows fell. Where the saints of God Ia glory dwell.

QTJEEX VICTORIA'S BRACELETS. All the worthy women who wear brooches made of the portraits of departed friends set in narrow bands of gold will rejoice to hear that the same -affectionate style of adornment is affected by Queen Victoria. The number of miniatures with which she testifies to ber family affection is no less than thirty-three. They are pictures of grandchildren, taken in infancy or early youth, and mounted in three bracelets. Each picture is set tn a narrow frame of gold, and in one bracelet, set in pearls and coral, the size of the settings varies from one-half to three-quarters of an inch.

These thirty-three royal infants look delightfully like any other thirty-three wcll-cared-for babies. It is pleasing to note tuai caps prevail as headgear instead of crowns, and probably the royal hands which are bidden grasp nothing more awe-inspiring than rattles. They are as harmless and inno cent-looking a set of children as could be gathered togcthsr in a country village. ONLY OS LINE TUUOCUII VIRGINIA To New York Via Washington. Tturmurh trains with Palace alccplng cars.

Chicago to WaNhiuxton. via Big Four and Chess-. pea We and v'nio rouie. nof over grauieu a mountain and seashore resorts. onlv iiireet route to White Sulrhur Natural Brideo, OU Point Comfort.

Lynchburg, Norfolk, ami the Curoliuus. Three te twolva hours qutckosl. U. L. Trultt, special agent, ut liars street..

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