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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 2

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ubo4 Bimmii, Carter H- Hairteoa, T. H. Bwraaam. Bur Viaaru. O.

B. B. Cockbora. Carl arlMkka9Blk the focwa of roar, of the eeater of eat hope, ao kf separata Isavtac aa old aad dear friend. It daty Emtio Kraals.

Walker Fwara. A- Vn Palitexmek. Ibrahim Hey. After Leffler. K.O.

Halle. After th dinner was over aad tB elw and sale aoir and W(ia etrcmlat Herr Wrrattli mom aad speaking with mach rfeellag aald: IMtm ea Herr Wtnulk. Oeollemea As yoa all are aware." the time kM exTtvod whoa I em mIM ipm ta Md farewell to yea. to Uts wonderful eity. to IM pwt w- to depart from a eft which bo.

with a booDtifal hand. of reeoralUoa aad tokeas of conslJece Moo, a city whoae fa kaoaa hospitality I have haea perBvlitod to oa)oy ajraia aad aaraia. a aatH polity Bieaa: whoao ealiated aad thrifty aittaeao haao speat hoar aaat daya of aarer to ho torso lea dallekl. Caa yoa woader. yalleaiea.

that tho avrre thoasht of Mark a parUac to a aoareo of aearUelt paia to aaa la taia hoar of ailaatad foaHaea It aila mm with prtdo to have tao aaUafaeUoa of aantna ai a imiaal waea tho ial oaterpriaa. la tho MUlatn mt which ail of aa aare takea aa active part, ata bo inoililitait aa pert acted, eo I after which that II aow aiay bo beheld by tho adaUrtae; I hla aadiei ooda hi all tta BiaflWnaane aad axaaoear. I (jerataa) that It to rarthiiame a aawrao of pacta I yralid- I tost loaa the daya and aw I ha speat amoaaj yoo wtlT be oae of aadtsalalshed delleht. aad that year aaatre. the bsjbo of will be laaeparaMy taioroaeea grollemra to si tend to aiy oat aad all of yoa, la to theae reml- alseeaeea.

Oae asare oaaaoiatloa I lake la partlac froaa yea, I have the fullest coaBdeaea ta that a ork which thraasjk year a sited art loos has thus far beea serried to a epleadld sun see will achieve greater reaolta la the eod. I seed ao testify to mj fullest eoavlctioa that the able ceatleaaea who have ceea selected by our eoreraaieat to hereafter tooduct the affairs of this comailsatoa apoa the expoailloa groaada. will, a I have eadeavored. eooeentrate ail their enerry aad ability apoa the occesa of the worthy which our nailed eflorta have eretofora. Xaltaer would esperteaco of the past seem to warraat eaiertalaiasT aay doabta aa to your Willi coarteoua asaistaace which you hare heretufuie ao cheerfully aad lavishly besioaed apoa this eeaeaabMtioa aad til of lu breaches, aad I feel aura that the bonds of harmony aad frleodllacaa which op to this have characlertsnd oar relations will be lastlas; beyond tho terailaaUae) of the ea-posilioe- Nor to there aav doabt la aty mlad that the beaefictal ressita of this peaceful coolest be-tweea the wtkas of the earth, will aot be Bmtted by tlase aad wtll spread to the bbss dlstaat pro tares of tho ylobe.

laflaltely closer- aad atroaawr will be the retaitoae bet waea year cowatry aad those which have parUclpated la the eapseiUva: bet area ear countries sad this fl-ullc axrloa af States. OutaUo of the thousands of visitors who. caealas; from all toads of the bis p. are sx-aeclsd lo iinisi the areas with Jaeksoo aark aa their aaal ilestlnaUoa. Clinaiiy.

for oae. will sead with la the aeat aaaaaier sooths larre aambera of an well versed ta all tftKhn of kaau klllaai kasu preductlve- Bess assosar ae yoanar. snnuias, aasvraeue era, tho hope af tho Nathaa. to these shows, le study this coaatry aad Ua people, tta arts. Us sciences.

He Industries aad commercial ceeditioae. lo piueaaiU tho results, of their ebssrvalioa aad than, while ewtonrtaaT the totoUectaol hortaoa of their country an a. streaata frtoadly rets I loaa already en bet Csloa aad the country which 1 have the hoaor lo lo'preseef before ywa, (Joe Kami eewsulaleiy t'tenarha eeis to ase la this hoar mt partlac- It to tho hope that at ewe tlase or another la the fat are I may ha hoaored with a call at aty homo by assay, aay. If possible. by all of yoa rent lessen, yea most heartily, should Ufa lIllll lB llll ill-' the borders of my homo coaatry.

do aot by all areas pasa ate. bat afford me a welcome opportanity to review with yoa the eeiiehtfit daya we apeat toeetber ea caa soil Oodapeed to yoa all. feat to yoa who have ao falthrally iiuasiy soaisted me la our ardnooa work; to to Boaorablo aad worthy repeeseetatlree of this pas aiwni nn I city: nod to yea eapeciaQy who. ao the commlsalonera of tho net loos of the earth, hare each helped oa his part to aiake this exposition that which It la to-day the rreateet woader of our sea. Aeala.

yeatlemea. farewell. Dtreetoe Daft aTsspsnds. At tbo eonelasioo of Ilerr Werm'ath'a apeeeh tho cheers burst oat aaew. The venerable aad honorable Thomas B.

Bryae led hie yeunirr coafrrrea, aad for a moment the jrreateat enthaslasm rrleaed. Then aa aeoa a he could he beard a bo eo the din ilerr Wermath la trod need to the aerie blaew Director General Da via. Aral a the cheers ranyr oat. aad aa soon aa they were tilled the Director General aald: Unruili: Tbo daliea at Jacksoa park. hetasT otstroua alike apoa all.

have aroacht aa closer aad closer torether aatl we feet toward enck ether a brothers. Coosonuently I feci toward Herr Weravith eOBaethiaa more than that be to the imperial rnmail naisu of the Oermaa eatptra. He aaa doao more thaa almpiy iwpeaaeat his rreat coaatry at Jackson park. He has atado all mea with whom bo aaa come la contact h. friends aad brothers, aad feeUne tbi it ta hard for me lo express my Borrow that aa to about to leave aa.

There to one roseola tlo a. however, aad that to the hope that Herr Wer-muta will ret am wtlhia a few weeks, brineine wlth hint his myal aaaster. the Emperor H'U usna. i.itm caeers.) i ne iireeior ueaerhi then referred to Germany a exhibit la all the departments of the exposition. Co where you may.

said he. the exhibit of Cermnay staada out promiaenUy above an late aaa bcooarht into teiae all ths tmitoeasa ratslorce caa refrain from vlsiiltve an and the fruits of hie dominion I cannot comprehend, aad I hope that Herr Weraiuth'a rrtars home will aoxomplish the desired end. (Cheers). From Professor Pctaam'a department, where Both-lne Is of value that is aot 1.0TM yearn old. throw liar edncationai exhibit for which the faiherla.nd expended T0 0J.

dowa to the Ger- kaa hcadqarlera oa the Lake front, your eoua- only hop that you will shortly return to add bow RATFS MAY fiO I OWFR krO. Ik. WA h-W Ut lk a.w exposition. We part with yoa Wermalh. Uk learreA.

Bad we htl that year work hre will naileus lo grew with aa great a Antlers rest. pilot yea yaw If have beia. At too end of tho Director General's speech Charles Ilenrotla aroaa and called for three beers and a tiger for Herr Wermuth. They were given with a will aad whea they bad aajWdcd Coosa 1 Boom area, aad after apologixiag for apeak lay; la Grrmaa, aald: I ao oaly regard Hew Wermuth aa a ansa who to far ahead of the times, bat I think ao to thought aad awiMttps, I eapecmuy 10 ao tamiimi far imbumt in bee wishes aad- ata- I hlrh as kaa admtsljiiered tka German Interests mack ao the wo do I ne It ao though I expoaiuoa teat as 1 acorn per mwu otm. ni aa aaa eauuaj tiu nana 10 iu wita waoen mm aaa maws la contact, aad ao aa a aero wtihla tao etty.

Thae ao I aiad aim a greet child. Part child at tao work ao aaa doao to tao WorU'a Fair, aad tao ether part to tho growth of tora wtthla tho hearta of all who kaow aiaa aad love Bias. Let aa hopa that hla amainry wUI aoaUaao froah taM( aa.evea aa tao wark that ho aaa atartod wUI coatiane I aail for three hears for Tho aiad Horr HUB tec Ia They were given with great Tir rr7-. rzT'zrzi. 7: awai tho Mr.

iuum mmt ae it iii imi he I Thee) Herr Wenaatk theae who are taatCereiaay ataaiBteth preeeat aa tta atatloa Sorely each aad e-rery owe of aa loaa: back apoa the daya aad stable of aardeat. anfflnrklac labor, apoa eiaay aa hoar whea deapalr aeeaasd to be the raitne- aeailaisal. ail of which thehaai was ladlapeaalble. ahoold wo ever to wltaeaa the reaolta of ear earrtBcea aad reap pa had sowed. lavotaoierUy ssy Iheachla tk to-oJchl to tho hoars a are.

whea I bad the hoaor for the Brat Ua see yoa aensiblsd aroaad ao aa sty eweats period of tho year whea frosty wtater la at the brawled waveo of hflchleaa aad a day apeat ha park waa aayikiaa' bat a teasers. Oa aieaiorabie accaaloa 1 eadeaiered to cheer ep HTesif and those who had hooored ao with their reaspaay by hoUlad oat to thesa tho hope that aprtaa- ssiait fellow wtater aad that the wtae sower at la hi fcauly espan to reap tao leaaid of his pal a. Beyoad evwa the buliiset espertatloa thane hopes aad wishes of tho past have beea folAUed. aad there cms be ao doabt bet what ear work has beea a rraad iiiitsii. aad that tho la-saleoUoie bsrulssrs a 111 moll frost the positive le the tatcUectusJ aad aaalcrtat ianai of the race.

Whether another opportaalty win be aSerded aa to the sear alsra to visit the Watte City or aot mast be aa epra qoestloo, for the aweaeiit at least, aad la takiny leave of you aow. It saost bo done otth the aiwlervtaadlDd that we shall hot asret for sa usllmluM llaae. To yoa. eeatle-aaca. therefore, who have so patteatiy.

so ef-Bcacatly. aad smesniully ro-oeerated with ate these aaaay avonths la the fimkeraace of the aohlesyv tuulcrljrtna; this yreat raierpfise, to yoa. thrmtea. hooerahle represeatatlvea of foreta asttoas a so have hoaored ase with yoor are sod couaseL to yoa ail sninnbled heartfelt lhaaka for year vaiaable aid aad aepport. for your asaay exprriwloos of your cood will for aie.

for all wherewith yog have added to IM pleasure of say sokmra taotf yoo, telleve awe raotleaic a. that a sea the beao-tiai of the Watte City, of Chteaco. of these ckirtoaa sited States are past aty rUior. pictarea of the Fatberlaad have surroaoiled ase. the recoi- rrwr- I tora.

aad 1 do ao with the matsrlse faatlse that I am aot a atrsnerr to Germaa exhibitora. jTur the last two year aearly I have beea so seed ex- clualvely la eoaaectloa with expoaitloa atat- IhopoUormaa exhibitors wtll set the eove I MS it ma la ssa taat I power I la lass parable Halaey Ivea. Dr. Iseor. Dr.

Kalea. CI.Kac T. Kovo. Era at Kopp. T.

A Larna. C. B. L. Tea I is.

A. Ton TUXr. till ho left 1 heart i oeaa. thooo of maulers taad there ao baraa La hla broaeht oat a re- aad akad aeoa aa it panel Jadeaa. I oo aiienitoo 01 um eosapaay wduo oo ib-trtbato to tho am ib of tho I trodaeed to them hla aaeeeaaor.

Ilerr rhilo adertakta. apoa which at tho I Elchter. A jraJjl the) cheers naf oat, after it are realered the eyea of tao I which tho aow eoaaailaaioaer eeaoraiaaid: eaUre ctntiaed world, aaa beea oae worthy of I i i.wim aaaa tao hoaT hwrdoa of ai I shell do ail ta my toprussiile their owa ml areata aad. what from It. Um of taia araad ex- postiioa.

Here oa amslioa noil my work aa aa expoaitloa oTVclsl has beea of short duratioa as yet. aad. ewtae; to the osteal af tho fund lone m-vorvlaeT upua ase. I have aa yet aot ta bwromlne aoqualaied lo such a deeree aa I should have desired with the eeattoaaea with whom will be aty honorable aad agreeable duty to co-operate hereafter. Nevertheless, evea at this point it affords ate ieal pleasure and yretlaoa-lion to be a Me lo state that the utmost courtesy aad friend Ural ooaatderaUoe has beea extended to me aaexerptioaaUy oa the part of lorelaa expoaitloa.

I trust will accept my asnoraaee that ft shall be my eadeavor laceaaaaUy to. as far aa Use wit ata am. sustala aad streosthea the amiable relax Ions aow exlstlne betweea the represeaio-tlvea of fore lea aalawia. la taia sense I pro-poae the health of the lorelxa eotiini test raw rn. i Cheers-J lie waa then followed by Edmaad Brn-waert, the French consul, who delivered a friendly speeeh tn bis native tony-ae, eo-lojrizine Ilerr Wermath, aad felicitating Tbo Fair as briny tho means of eauslny; the existinr spirit of fraternity betweea all etTilixed nations.

OProfeaaor WaeUoldt, of the Liberal Arts section, was introduced by Herr 'Wermath aa the mot sal table ren tleman to reply to the friendly rreetine; extended by Coosa 1 BrawaerC The pro feasor also need tho French tonjrmare aa the medium of his response. At the close of his remarks there waa more bee rin sad the orchestra struck ap a French air. After this there were abort speeches express in appreciation of tho services of Herr Wermata fat behalf of The Fair, and re fret at parting; with hint, by Dr. Von Pali tr hex, the Austrian com mlse toner; Coont Glouk boxskoy, tho Baaaiaa Imperial com miss loner; Sir Henry Traeman Wood, secretary of the British royal eoaimlsaioa, and several other representatives of foreign coaatriea. Those present were: JssseeAlUsoa.

TesAakes, Smll Armbras-r. BV C. Aaa- Wax. T. Baker.

lav. mink. A. C. baker.

Too Baerla. Otto Bsamfasr- Beck. Frans Berr. tel. tr.

baeuner. (esonre BlrkaoC. I K- Blum. I Theodore Brea the I teno. ta 1 Bank.

I A I. w. Bcaeae, 1 the same I Count Casein. fa sens CI earn Jnas'ph Oolllaa, K. C.

Cnla. nlaa. Wn. B. Cnrua.

Corrail. Geo. Ce Blast a. Belanch Dah- tatwao. ssa, Ceov B.

Davm. Adolnai VI Otto Dealer. Jonsnn Dm seal. Doltlac. arel.

Kraa. lelehanrt. Ahsssd rahrt A. B. raranhar.

Wall Bey. Btrhard reaea, Ptakarr, Piacaer. Pitssee. Frteke. Carton eallardo.

K. T. Wsnsa. Cowat Olouk-Flits txraber. broniac, bovakoy.

Ountbae. Ed. GnaietlO. Henry fexilaisss. Man irmry Uerden.

L- Tea Halle. Bdward HaUo. Carl Bailor. htcaes p. Handy.

Canac H. Karri- Prof. tLartman, KadlHunier. aoa. Heliiiiiiai.

Chan. Brsratfs, Hasav Dr. ettreeh. Aifrsd Htrsea- AraoMHollnar. B.

C. Hevao'. Hort. Hi raaae. Marauta Una are.

Dr. Victor. William Toeke, Hubert Toss. Theodore Toss, into ehroedar. A.

Maun. WlllardA Jsnlta. Tails Saarth. Caatsv Bpltse. atepbasle.

Mas Blare. Storuse B. a. Earl Schmidt, Thomas Pur n. C.

B- Ptckard. Dr. klcbter. Mori ix. not t'a hteyer.

Twos. B. Bryaa: W. Dr. K.

Basur. IX H. Babow. Dr. Bis rdt.

Oars Slash, Heturtra Blaapw Jaxfa. Hun Kua Kabtleh. Arthar 1. H. Saaruela.

Viator I Bebrtrkeil. ettrteer. r. W. Putnam.

T. Phillip. T. D. Qutnry.

Leixh Beilly. U.W. hnhlnaon. W. saw.

Dr. Blaise. t- Mealtllsa. AOotun h'alhaa. oat ran S.

H- Peaaody. Poinek. lMeafelt, R. Voa Lans, K. It.

Uoyd. Loosen. avowry. A. Masor.

Joseph MedlU. Don Manuel Dr. Antoa voa Lemua. PalKsebea- bteyer. A rthur Ben wtek.

BL tad- relation. Haeo V. Inrto. Alealat. Mas Wtadlse.

6. A. XI Tttertll hMcaard hUchaaua. ictn- I GOVKIUtOH JOXES BCSTAIXETX yoa. I of tho Xiao Caddo, I.

Jaly U. The conference arransred between Gevernor Jonea of the Choctaw Nation and Inspector FeJanoB, of the Interior Departme-nt, took place Friday. Governor Jones speaks very little Eaylish and bia private seeretary acted aa interpreter. None of those present at the conference will aay what took place, bat it can be stated with coo fide nee that on 4, the date to which the exeeation of the death sentence npou the mine waa respited, the exeeation will take plaee. Inspector Falaaon aaya that be la now convinced that the murderers were fairly aad properly tried and condemned.

Governor Jonee Bays the same and adds that the sentence will be carried oat on Anr. 4- Member of the Lieke faction, who were la town to-day, aay that If tho United States fovernment wants to save the Urea of the condemned Scalpers Flooded with bound Tickets. East- CRY OF FRAUD IS RAISED. Charge That Some of the Lines Are Treacherous. Utter Demoralization and Bitter Warfare Between Trunk Line Threatens.

Ntw Yoax, Jaly IS. Special Trlrgram. Devrloptnenta at Chicago last week showed aisle of affairs that threatens total demoralization of poser a ye rates between that city and New York, anless steps are taken at once) to correct the evils cons-plained of. The Chics ro market appears ta bo flooded with return coupons of cheap World's Fair tickets, and. aa they are believed to bo taaaed withoat the sale of the West-bound ticket, the Chicago roads not only lose their proportion of the West-boa nd rate, but hare their East-boend travel seriously'dlsturbed.

A nteei-tnjr of tho trunk-line passenger areata will probabry becalled this week to eonsidrr the altnatioa). Tbo follow inj-dlspateh, signed by the passenger ajrenta of tho West Shore, tho Chicaaro) Md Grand Trunk, the Penaaylranla line, the- Wabash, tho Baltimore aad Ohio, the Mlehlraa Central, aad the New York, Chirajro and bt, Lou la was made pnblie to-day: ''It transpires from recent and frequent teats of the Chicago market including; to-day, that re-tarn portions of World's Fair tickets issued by different lines at New York re-tarn Ing by varices lines from Chicago are purchasable to aay aamber desired, frequently la consecutive numbers and bearing the Bp pea ranee of never haylag been nerd westward The market is practically flooded wfth retarn portions of World's Fair tickets to New York, and unless theae Irregular! ice are Immediately corrected, boron yh aad complete demorali zation must necessarily follow and reduced rates from Chicago east bound be adopted. On behalf of oar re spec tire companies we respeetfally demand that the Initial lines at New York promptly take sack steps as will prevent retarn port lasts ef World's Fair tickets appearing la the Chicago market la each numbers as to dbtnrb rate. Promptly on receipt of this dispatch. IX Roberta, general passenger agent of the tho Krie, tele graphed to F.

Donald, chairman of the passenger department of the Central Traffic association, as follows: "I am Just la receipt of your telegram tn regard to Chicago market. In view of the position taken by aa on the nest ion of round-trip ticket-, the prediction that de moral izatioa would fol-loax-ibe adoption of each form, and far ther. the protest made by our first rice president aonve weeks since, wherein we asked for relief east bound, and. further more, with the fall kaow led ye that tho agreements bare ao a aa we are ronee rped. been faithfully maintained, aad that tbo few tiekrta wo have aald were legitimate, and with tho ronndenee that tbo test yon bare made la Chicago will bear wa oak tn the assertion that we have acted tn jrood faith; we think it bat fair that -yon should una the trunk line wheee lawao of tickets hava beea found la blocks la the Chicago market.

Certainly yoor teste will show this, and) we belarvo It oaly fair that for the Irregularities where it richtlv beloara. Issueai by different tinea at What different lines are responsible for the present eondltion ef affairs! I shea hi be glad to hare vow give as this information by wire." The replv from Mr. Donald shower lea rlv that the Western roads hold to the belief that tbo Delaware. Lackawanna aad Western line is the ealprit. Mr.

Donald telegraphed to Mr. Bobrrts aa follows: -The phraseology of telegram la question was agreed apoa by moetlnjf paasnngt committee. We, however, nee no impropriety in the statement, and (eel no hesitation la assuming responsibility therefor that yonr compear is In no wise Implicated, and the tickets appearing in thla market are largely of Issue of Lackawanna aad Ontario and Western roads. Frequent and exhaustive tests have not disclosed of yoor tickets either locally or from New York. We believe your company baa In letter and spirit observed existing agreements." The exmrsioa trains for the accommodation of visitors to the World's Fair, as provided for at the recent meeting of the trunk line presidents, will begin to ran next week.

The train which the ile will send oat on Monday, July 84, will be made up of new passenger coaches. It will leave New York at 10:13 a. reaching Chicago at 10:10 a. as. the next day.

Tbo New York Central la making extensive arrangements for the trains that will run' oat on that road. They wlU consist entirely of day coaches, bat every convenience. Including lavatories, will be aa polled. Tickets will be good for tea days. These trains are not run for the benefit of tlte people of the eitv alone.

Kegs la stops will be made at ail the Important stations, and inducement will be offered to the people between here and Chicago to avail themselves of thla opportunity to see tbeexpoeitiou. The officials of the different roads which will send oat excursion traiae are much pleased with the proa peels for heavy travel aa noon aa the trlpo begin. They are all of the opinion that their action in reducing the rates) will enable the great maee of the pablie to go to Chicago with aa maeh rase and comfort aa by the hieh-prieed limited trains. rROSTBATlOSS IN C1I1CAGO. aa tho BeeelS ea? taw la- tease Beat, The beat Triday was very oppressive.

notwithstanding tbo thunderstorms of the night before. The storm, which broke at 13:30 o'clock yesterday continued for several boars, I 14-100 lac bee of rain falling darlag- tho night, Considerable damage was done to buildings thrournont tha eity. The storm and rain did not clear the atmosphere to a very great extent aad whea tbe aaa rose la the morning it beat without merry apoa ewelteriur humanity. At 8 o'clock tne mercury had reached tbe 84 notch and steadily climbed, 90 degrees being registered at 1 o'clock. Tbo suffering In- the congested business district waa very great at thla hoar, bnt toward o'clock a breexe sprang np and It chased tbe mer cury down to b4 degrees, but oaly to remain 1 there for a short time, the thermometer marking 89 again at 5 o'clock.

A aamber of prostrations were reported Friday. Charles Urrblager, a brewery ing on the tracks of tbe road at bitty-third street, was overcome by the heat and died Instantly, lie lived at No. (Ma Sixty-third, Street. S. Ballon, a teamster, prostrated while unloading- floor at No.

6S4 'West Twelfth street: He was taken to his horne west lskv street ma win recover, JohuT'Conash, a Bohemian living" at No. 132 West Fifteenth street, was overcome while at work in B. 8. Conway's cedar. post i ntill at the loot ef anllna street.

lie was takea home. EUl Peterson, a Norwegian' eraploVed at Shoemaker Si Htfbee'e lumber prostrated while at work. Physicians at the County hospital he was taken. aay be will recover He lived with' his fsrally at Ne, Union avenue Bernard MrGalre, a "-water departnaeat empiovej-was overtime bv the beat ai Sixtieth and Carpenter street Friday afternoon. He was taken to his borne at Laflia and Forty seventh streets, and may not live.

-r John Ellsworth, a la borer, was overcome at Forty-sixth and Robey streets. lie waa taken to hla home at Aberdeen ann Fifty-fourth streets, and will die. An unknown man who had been proa-, rated by tbo heat was found by the police at the corner 'bf Jefferson and Madison streets aad waa removed to the cownty hoe- where he died, shortly afterward, "he man waa S3 years of age, ft feet 9 laches la height, had red hair, and wore a brown coat and Jeans troasers. While standing on the Woodlawn avenue viaduct, over Midway platoanee, Mias Mary Hist, or Po. 891 Western a venae, was overcome by the heat.

She was removed to the World Fair hospital and wUI Tony Artiere, of No. SV1 Clark atreet, waa prostrated while working for Me Keen ft street pavers, ta front of No. W9 Seminary aveaae. lie was removed to the County hospital and wtll recover. Charlee Tompkins waa overcome by the beat at Seventy -fourth atreet and Western avenue.

He waa taken to hla bowse. No. 60 East Chicago aVeane, where It is thought be will Peter Peterson, a laborer living at No. S3 Keith atreet, waa prostrated at the corner of Fulton and Aaa streets yesterday morning-. He was removed to the County boa pi tat, where the physicians atteadtaar him state that so serious results will follow.

-Annnkaowa boy. 18 rears old. while at work washinx windows in the lie raid baiid-ing Friday morning, was overcome by the beat and fell to the sidewalk. Be waa picked ap ra an' unconscious condition aad removed to the County hospital. He did not regain cowfccjoa sne sa, and ta in a very aeriona condition.

Tho physiclana attending him enteftala little hope of hla recovery. Yesterday niomlng Bndolph Blesa, a teamster, years of age, was prostrated by the beat while at work. He waa takea to his home at No. 1334 Clyboura avenue, where be died last night, II less' wife is now oa her way to this country from Germany, and Is expected to arrive In a few daya. He bad aent for her to come to America after baring apeat two years in Chicago to save raoagh money to tony a home.

Una Anderson, a carpenter, was overcome by the beat while shingling a bonne fur K. T. Hsbuon, at No. 671 North Lincoln street. aad ho fell to tho ground.

Ds a i :i.t.74i ttuford Ht Cairo iv9 WJ Charieaioa p.S I4 Cbevwoae r. Chicaao Cincinnati Cleveland 7 Concordia. t--7 Harem port l-nvee SJUKTVM podaw Uuluth I' Kl Hsao. 74 Krte Galveatoa uraad Hsveau. Uroea Bajr Helena.

'J Huron. .71 lndianaoolls ar son 1 1 hW. I mm Kaa ssa City Knoxvllla.J...hM LaOroaae. Liule Koek I Msnlsuw M. Marque Miles Cltv MIIWlUKMJu- htoorhesd ew Or leana.

Itt New Tork 1H Knrtb Oklahoma Omaha Oawneo t--i'' Pierre Putt Uuroi tl .1 1. I I kil w-lr In uvrv mm ihi uw la 10 WHBarxv I vaviujrt u.v w- pvi. the United Stetea troops aow stationed at I ery, rto. ssa larrtore street, was overcome I Ka aad tbo Locke people will do the POPULIST MILITIA IN KANSAS. anion.

July IS If there has beea any doubt aa to the lnlentloas of the Populist government to reorganise the militia la the interests of the Populists, the follow! na extract from the Marina A'at-ere. fctate Printer Snow 'a paper, should act such doubts at rest. The Bxmrm la speaking of the disbanding of four com panics of militia whlcb took part la the legislative troubles last wtater. and the onraalxatioa of two companies of cavalry says: "We want Arts to go rlht along as he is gotag. uoa i ne caught la last winter's tx.

Have mea who wilt obey orders and will have no Qualms of riddling ths carcasses of those who attempt lo tesr down a leeaily elected overument. The shooting of a fsw score republU-aa st-oondrels last winter would have beea a blesatng to this tste and of Invaluable service to law and order But in the hour of need It was found that the Slate militia was a net of rebels." bv the neat ana feu to we ooor unconscious. The Le bee atreet station patrol waa hastily summoned and ho was removed to tbe A lex la a Brothers' hospital, where he cued an Hour later. J. A.

Simons, an electrician for the West ern Indiana Railroad Company, while walk sdW Ri. St. St. ir0.7 SaU i lxu ut.r'y i i "anla Fe. Mault Hie.

Marie 7l Sdreri tk Wirax trtnrieril. IiCTW.I-. td WM-hlut eo4 74 Kl 7'M e-J 71 MM 7l Ml mi 1M H4 W-' 4 7H h1 at tail 74 SHt i. a ei'Ji a 3C a a an a. His neck was broken, causing instant death.

The re mains were removed to Anderson's home. No. North Lincoln street. He was -unmarried. During the" storm Friday morning lig-htning struck Conrad Romp'a barn at Seven tv-nlnth and State streets, and In tha Hre that followed lb barn was totally destroyed, torether with two horses belonjr-iag to Mr.

The barn was a frame strnctsre and (1,000 will cover the loaa. The Methodist church spire at Sixty-fourth and State streets waa splintered, eauaiag damage to the extent of $JUO. -The boll pavaaed directly to the ground -ana aid not tire the building. The three-story borne at So. 321 West Madison street waa also struck by light- nine.

The boildrng is owned aad onrnpted Mrs. A. Kelly, who keepa boarders. Nearly everyone tn the. place received slight shock, but no one waa seriously Injured, The bolt entered the roof near the chimnev and plowed its way to the second floor.

The dams re doao to tha building Win not exceed $50. A bolt crashed throurb the roof of C. rnliers cottage, at No. 514 Otto street, and continued its way through two floors to the basemeat. It paseed withia a foot of the bed la which TValier and hia wife were sleeping aiad Ignited- "the bed eiothfnr-.

On the first tfoe the plaster waa knocked from the walls by the shock, a stove waa overturned andaome Hot lng- caught fire. In the baarmrnt a rook stove was knocked dowa aad othv-, 'damage done. The building was dawasgVd to the extent of about a 3 I 4 I aBL Fle-rb-- N.W.ic oody HO H. W.ldouilr ex V.W.'Haia I ao. lear a-j k'loudv HO Mtoudjr a.

-ft tear kaia ksir Pv S. IFstr sot. W. (Clear Ht V. Fair tn S.

Fslr an.1. W. lo.idy St w. rw to W. a MMwy a lear W.K'lear Hi- W.

Clear Iclear rW. Clear B.KTear UM 9. VT.iValr Hf S. K.jFsir HB Tn 7, Ml Kl N.W. XX w.

Mil Cmlm (Clear Cl-ar Kalu Clear K. 'Clear K. 'Clear tr.Ciear K'lear loioudy N.W.lFalr tH 9. B. (Clear Hi 1.

E. Cloudy X.W.k'louuy Kale W'-. Cloudy; to; Fair M.S. W.jRala P--' S. i Mr M1W.

Ht ft. W. 7t s.vr. K. PJ Cloudy near Cloudy Fale1 Kloudr tear b.S.

B-Kioudy N.W. Clar HK HH jf. an Cloudy Fair Kain loiidyi Mir icieer lotniy Traee Speakers Pattwat So Appear. .18 V8 .14 Trace- .06 re U4 fTraee Trace ZYi Ji Trace .14 Trace" .01 A maar meetlogbf division. No.

of the labor party, was held last night at-Aurora Turner hall. Henry WewenpeeUi presided aad Mr. Hrttice acted as secretary. Mr. Andrews, of 1 California; JIrv.

Kchirbert. of Brooklyn, and T. J. JJorvaa. of Chiaairo, who were advertised to i speak at the moetimr.

railed to aroear. Mr. Sselrert, a Gei-maa. speaker: who rrappenyd to be tn the hall, wad rulied tipon srrd f-poke about the socialism of tUm rocntrr and- tt growth ta the hut few years. When Mr.

Seifert concluded ais speech the meeting adjourned. SCIENCE IN TENNIS. End of the Northwestern Association Tournament. RESULT OF THE FINALS Sam Chase "Wins the Championship. All Opponents in the) Doubles.

Blaglea Opened by CI Singles Harold and Stanley McCormick Defeat Bam Chase met tho winner of the West ern Lawn Tennis association tournament. Everts Wrena, yesterday at the Country club grounds at vans ton. The contest waa for the championship of the West. Chase taught a lesson to a great many of the onlookers who had pained erroneous ideas from the rest of the tournament aa to what the Ideals in tennis are. He defeated Wrenn in a round lor tha best three sets out of five, 8 80, 4.

Harold and Stanley McCormick won the western championship ta doublesjdefeatlng H. K. Avery aad H. R. El tin by tbo score 1-6, 8-C, ft- a-C The finals la roseola-, tioa were won by B.

Page ays Inst H. Neely, The contest la doubles waa the first on the afternoon's programme. Avery opened, playing a phenomenal fame, although not strictly acientiSe. la making aoeae strokes he went through some eon tort ion 1st feats that would have nattered a prof cantonal aerobat. Ulnar waa Irnaa They took the MoOovmlck brothers unawares aad carried the Brst aot, s-1.

The score was a tie after the fourth game of the second set. It then ran for Avery aad Kiting. S-t. S-a. 4-3.

4-4. a-e. Avery here made some extraordinary shots from rising balls, so that aUtaoua-h the audience had beea lauarhlag at hla peculiar yeila of "I'll take It. That's the staff. etc-.

It roundly applauded all his brilliant Strokes. The MrCormicts tied the score at B-S aad led la the next rame. Six all aad Avery came to serve; he failed to take advantage of hla oppor tunity aad Harold McsTtormlek served a love game, wiaalag lac eepoad set S-a. MeCeewxtekseet Tfcatr Mettle. The MeCormirk toys were now put en their metUe aad made a hard Ss-ht for the new set The Oral run was soon theirs.

Harold McCormick. who was aot la his beat mood for playing, repealed a few of bis faults of the nrst set. knocking the ball Into the net several Umoa. Their opponents then took a love aame and wna two more. Another love game for the Mr Oormicks tied the score- It then ran J-a.

4-3. h-S. s-t. 4-4. Ia the tenth game Harold MiCor-mtck served.

He gave his opponents three points: then he braced away to do his beat. He won three points runnlnar oa is ud hall served balls, neatly placed and cut that his opponents never evea touched them. The next two points were hotly but decided the gan4 ssd set ia favor of the McCormick brothers. Score: a-4. Avery demonstrated the fact Ihst he had a Krone arm la the aexl set.

His insnhrs were of tea driven with such tremendous force that tbe McCormicks were enable evea to dodge from being bit on tho body by the ball. But all was la vain. Tbe McCormick brothers kept stiff upper lip rurht througa. and steadily closed the set. They woe the round la l-o, e-s.

The contestants ta the singles match for championship appeared at Chase opened the game Bervtn-. Neither Wrenn nor Chase played in good form at Mint, Chase's ret being almost life lens. The game went to Wrena. Wrena woe tao Brat to warm up. and took tbe Beeped rame also, la the third game Chase be- gaa to reel hts racket aaa uiea begaa some very caaracteristie shot, oeea- laved all his shots st about tbe same speed, depeadtng upon piscine the ball la difficult parte ef the court, which he succeeded ia doing with enerriog accuracy, lie thna caught Wrenn repeatedly.

By working him Into one corner by a couple of shots to that spot be would take the Srst return and drive it across to tbe opposite side of Wrenn's court. Wrena made some splendid efforts la reaching some of these- balm. but evea his activity waa not sufficient to get the major part of them. Chose began The eeore soon stood 4-J) in hts favor. Continuing his scientifle and strategical pmcine be begaa to enliven his strokes, and gave Wrena but one more game ia the set.

Chase won, 4-X He waa unrelenting tn the next set. taking everr nac 6-a. Wrenn showed that he had I boat heart by failing to reach several fairly easy Socne fSctentlAe Flaying. Chase fell awsv from good form a while In the third sec He kept up hia hard hitting, but It waa aow at the expense of accuracy instead of Included with it. Wrena took the first two games.

Chase recovered and began at his on wins lng pace. One moment he had Wrena chasing a ball into the extreme hack smrlt of one side of the court, and If It was returned Chase would take It by a cross court slam into tho eoreer of the other side aexl I the act. and often before Wrena could get halt way to the Inner-court line. The score sooa r-tood X-I. Here wrena anticipated soma of Chase 'a plays and oft a raa to the part of tbe court where Chase's drives were made before the stroke was actually made.

Thla Old aot hast lone. Chase took two games running, thea cioeed easily on Wrena winning the eighth game and with it tbe set. the round, and the champloashipof the West. Seore of the round for Chase. S-A 6-0.

6-4. Laat evening the Country club gave an informal recepUoa. The presentation -of prises occurred st o'clock. This, of course, completes the tournament. And while very few arwolutely crack tennis players appeared, there were enough very good oaea to make the affair a great success.

Three of the. Wrena- family G. L. Wrenn. P.

Wrenn. and Wrenn were entered. All of them are brothers of K. IX Wrena. the great Eastern rocket.

The winning of the tournament was left to the oldest and the youngest brothel" the elder. Wrenn. flnnlly prevailing. Howard Kiting, a cousin of Victor Eltlng. of the University of Michigan, waa In tbe final con test for the championship in doubles.

Howard and Stanley McCormick. of Princeton. Slaved some very pretty team matches, evea creating Chase and Wrena in the doubles. J. Head, winner ia doubles at Harvard last rear.

and Lvoo and Waldncr. the crack of the North End Tennis dub, all played la the tournament. u. JJ. Meet proved a very atrong singles player.

Ia hla match with Wrenn on Thursday he showed up some wonderful volleying from the in ner court line, u. fage. winner of the con- solatloa singles, has some strong and promla- ing points ia tne way ne travels aoout the courts. The members of the Country club rave aa elaborate reception aad ball in honor of the members of the association last nurht. The clubhouae was decora led and arranged for the Tbe Brst event on the prorramme the presentation of prises in behalf of tbe United states.

National Lawa Tennis association by Beaiamla F. vice president of the Country club. Mr. Adams Is an enthusiast on the tennis question, and his speecnes were iuu of feelma. In sneakine of Chase's career, whea handing him the championship prlxe, a silver raid-lined nunrhbowl.

which be won at River side last year, the audience gave a cheer and the speaker congratulated him ia ths strongest terms. -The majority of the 400 guests preferred promenading to oaacing. RUSSIA IN AM EU IC AN WATERS. taent Fleet of Warahipa to Bo talaed at New York Port. If Yoax, July li It a learned from hig-h Russian aonrees Thursday that the Buss Ian government has decided to maintain a permanent fleet of warships in United States waters, and that the port of New York will be made Russia's Western naval center.

Acting under Instructions from Prtersburg, aboard of Basslaa naval officer has bee new gaged the past weekia making a careful Inspection of the big Erie dry-docks to ascertain tbe exact number of Russian warships the docks will accommodate. Jt was farther announced Thursday that representatives of. the Russian government have made overtures to tbe Erie dry-dorks establishment to-undertake the earn' and overhauling of all warships maintained by Bnaala la American waters. General Dickey, of the Erie, dry-docks 'establishment, intimated yesterday that the facilities of tho Erie basin would en en be at the disposal of the JRnsalan government. "'Already, said Mr.

Dickey, "we havonaderUken to look ont for the Admiral Kochimofr, Dimitri Don ski and Bynda, the three Russian cruisers now in port, ana we are at preeeat ov the machinery bf theae vessels." The opinion waa ventured In' to sally upon exposed Atlav Atla of the United States greatly lessened. Bnssla, desire it. could send Tho Marauders Are Weil Maxagua, Nicaragua, Cabirora at. The outlook dnring tbe evenin 1 so I ions gems which wer. The features ef the match were Avery's tmashes and the McCormick brothers team kdung la a cool, all round.

good player. lie plara unpretentiously, but "saws wood' all tho responsibility I f-wJO. The lomria fnlW-' covered by Insnr- I Use ale-round playine. Wrens a ch shoaid be placed I I pUv was exhibited ia his rapid loaa i Your notice ears: I I sional taafordaand lloba. Chase THK WMTHL'H ItKPORT.

BUghUy C'eolee- Weathee Pra- aMrtod fornihsola. WAsnixcTOS. a Jiily'. lit-r-oUowma- the forecast of to-days s-cather: ladlsna probably fair daring tha. dsy.

followed by local thunderstorms during the evea lag or sight; southerly wisds: cooler ia the northern Tor Lower aUhJirsa Ceserally fair with westerly winds) cooler ia, the northeast aad alightQr warmcf ja. the souxh treat purliona. For Illinois and YT lscons In-incrcasl a clood- laesaaad probably local thuoderstorms during las aitcmoun xuxstiy cooler; rlable t. i 'or pper Mlchixaa Fair; probably followed hy showers durine; the aight; aortaerlj wiada. For Iowa Probably aarexe local thuader-atorma, followed bjr clearing aad cooler weather; variable wiada.

For Mlanesqtar-Falr In southera -and aorthera portions' Bortherly winds; cooler la southera portion. For Kansas sad Nebraaka Local thunder-s terms to-algbt. followed by clearing weather: winds shifUng to aortaerly: aruiet ia Central Nebraska and Western Ksasas; cooler la Northeast Kaatasa aad Southeast For South Dakota Fair, preceded by local showers la the eastern portion; probably severe local thunderstorms ta the extreme south east peetloa: aortaerly wiada; cooler ia the ceatral portion. For North Dakota Local showers to-night, followed by fair weather Sunday; northerly winds; silently warmer. Tbe followine- -are the obsecrations ssade at 7 Chlmra lime: run or ea saavaxioai.

AM Albany Alpena. i-H. Atlanta Jit. Btsmrck i tings, ana tney were cv 9 o'clock. Every effortl baa thus far.

been nn tbe Jewels waa picked' entrance to the Hotel "int waters more than one hundred If Great Britain desires. In vie I Intention of Russia to malntaiy fleet in American waters to of. at all times the naval strengtM States, backed np aa it will hf It will be necessary for til miralty to detail for datyf American station, a fleet ef almost to that of the squadron. It EVOLUTIONISTS Ar i 7 There Is a split between the i and Liberals. A eonferei betweea the leaders, whir all day yesterday and into thi Meantime tbo -revolution IA rapidly.

The rebels have eapv towns of Corinto and Oilnandegat Ortix is lead lag tho revolntiotve' Tho revol tion ixts have bn armed men and the govX number about the same. has about 7,000 rifles anf Krupp guns. 4 Momolombo has bec revolationlsta. Here steamers, while the gov one. It Is reported com mander in eh ief army, has escaped fro meat closed the porV' enthnsiastirally uvJ bnt In Managua tf agement, bat few those are feeble a poex.

jnuj ris oat they. can not STOLE Barak Thieves igaraN. thieves stole a tray en 0U0 worth of diamon store of V. Dlckif periai block here 1 beea several peof the Jewelry store, and two found on the floor of a dark leading Into the same hotel and Jnst before the tray was stolen couple came into tbe store, and "7 cles last evenlagv that la vii likelihood of the Behriag sea against Great Britain, and th. nonneement that England is rt her naval force at Esqnlmaalt, proponed action of Bnssla was of 1 portanee to tho United States! Bosnian fleet eons tan Uy In and a' York, the ability of the power' fleet oa the North A merles are.eome diamond rings.

(Jeneral sn baa fallen on them, bnt they have peared. Tbe bridge are all giiarded, and a general alarm baa been seat out by tbe police. KILLED WHILE- KIGHTLXG. Two Teams; Poeilista Ban Over by a Bail- Nxw BoCbkxlb, JC. Jury 15.

Two young" Irikhmew about -S3 years of -age lost their. Uvea to-day by engaging la a quarrel and coming: to a fight on the np track of the New York, New Bavea aad Hartford rail road at. tho-. time the Spring-field express was doe at Pelhamville. From the testimony of the engineer of the express train it is learned that the mea stood di rectly la the center of tbe up track aa the express train came in fcig-ht.

On seeing them the engineer blew hia whistle inces at the same time trying to reverse his engine, bnt they appeared indifferent as to the whistle and all things else except their quarrel. The engine struck the men, and aa they tell the wheels of the engine and coaches in the train passed over their bodies, literally cutting the same into small pieces. POPCLIST WINS THE DAT. South Carolbaa raraaere Hie aoa ia Politics. Orkkxvuxb, S.

July 15. At a meetlng- of the GreenviHe County alliance Friday Hugh M. Barton, an avowed third party man, waa elected president, defeating M. L. Donaldson, president of the State alliance who was president of the County alliance also.

The dele gate to the State alliance convention from this county, Donaldson's own. Is a atrong personal and political opponent of Donaldson, wno wait one of the men blacklisted by Governor Tillman be cause he supported Cleveland at the Chi cago convention. Thla la an Important al liance countv. aad to-day's result is a eided triumph for the. Populist and Tillman element ef tbe alliance, and the defeat of the more conservative faction.

WYOMING DEMOCRATS TO They WUI Fiptesg Their Views oa tho Silver Qoestloa. CHXlg.iax, wyo Jnly 15. Chairman New, of the Democratic State central committee, has been req a es tedJby a mass meeting of Democrats to call together hia committee for tbe purpose of anmmoning a State convention in order that the views of Wyoming Democrats on the money question may be Impressed upon Congress. Though Mr. New has not yet been heard from, there seems to be no doabt that he will call the convention at once, aa from every political party and every of people come the same sentiments on silver in Wyoming.

IxAST 8AXGERFEST CO.VCERT. Prise Composition. The Srw World, Again Snag at Cleveland. Ohio, July 14.

The last Sanger-fest concert Friday was well attended. "The orchestral parts were well presented, but tbe numbers assigned to the mans chorus suffered from the fact thst nearly half of the singers bad gone to their homes. Mile W. H. Rieger.

the tenor. Mrs. S. C. Ford, the soprano, and Miss Olive Frematandt.

the contralto, appeared tn solo parts aad were warntlv received. The prize composition. "The New World." waa rung asala with Mile Eland! and Gustave Bemeike In the solo parts, snd tbe festival ended with the sina--lagof the -Star Spanglod MEANS JUST WHAT HE SAID. Governor IV al ta Stands the Speech Made at tha SUveM'anveatlon. DxVvs-it.

Colo July 15.: have oeen here askior real import vi uvisnivr nsiw Be EasternSiPers 'rniarir I MU4 sliver speech. In an interview Friday declares that he meant Jnst what he said. and will not withdraw a single word. Shot Hla Wife In the Back. Some time ago Ella aad Olaf Berling sen- aratea.

tne iovmer taaing aer naoy to No. 5130 Atlantie street, aaa was living with rieada. Frequent ouarrela ensued over possession of tbe child, and last night Berling followed his wife to a house on Ftfu--aecood street, near Went worth avenue, and while she was it-tine on the front Btcna talkinir with fHonrt. h- demanded the child. A scuTtle between husnano and wife oocurrod and Berling.

drawing a revolver, shot his wife ia the back. Ha than- and escaped arrest. Mrs. Berling was not seriously injured aad was taken home. Bowtberw Laagae Rssuita, At Memphis New Orleans.

Memphis. S. At ChatunoogaChattanoojra, avajinah, At Atlanta Atlanta. Charleston, 4. At Birmingham Birmincham, 7-8; Montgom ery, 11-.

Cla-einamU. Ilaaaili Mattes a FWrcbaacw DxcaTua, ILL, Jnly Vi. Special Tclrgram. At last the Cincinnati, Hamilton aad Day ton nturosu company, wmca nan long oeea figuring on gaining control of tha old I n-diana polls, Decatur aad Western property, now known as the Indianapolis, Springfield and Western, will soon be in fall charge. The deal was made In Indianapolis.

Tho directors of the Indianapolis, Springfield and Western Railway company, the sue- censors oi tne xnaianapoiis, uecawur ana Western Railway company, met thexw, and the contract by which tho road passes under the control of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton was approved. Tbe price paid for the line Is Of this amount. S0.uu0 waa advanced, and the remainder of the nayment will be made Aug. 1 At this time the property will be formally transferred to the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Davton. Tho new officers of the road are: Thomas D.

Atkins; secretary, John Til-ford treasurer, Walter B. Hatch. The line will be under tbe supreme control of the Cincinnati, Hamilton aad Dayton, the officers doing the bidding of that corporation. The total capital stock is Tbe main office ts In Indianapolis, with a general office In Decatur. The board of directors of the company Is as follows: T.

B. Atkins. New York: Walter T. Hatch. Brooklyn: Frank C.

Holllns. New York: D. W. Hermana, New York: H. B.

Hammond. Uiea Ridge. N. John K. Warren.

W.COullea. HCnry Piwre. John King. Charles Darwin. De catur; Charlee WUvertoa, Tascoia.

-i DRAGGED- TO DEATH. An Unknown Woman the Victim of a Cable Car Aectdeat. A woman whose identity Is not known attempted! to alight from a Madison street cable at Albany avenne Friday she tripped aad fell. At the same moment the train was started and she was dragged thirty feet before It could be stopped. The woman was unconscious when picked up, and was removed to a drug store at No.

1337 West Madison street, where she was attended by Dr. E. A. Halstead, of No. 1323 West Madison She died In a few minutes.

Dr. flalstead aald that, she had received Internal Injuries. There was nothing fonnd on her person by which she could be identified, but the police believe they haven clew in a package of photogTaphs which she had in one of her pockets, and which was marked; "Clark, Streator, Hi. The remains were removed to the county morgue. Tbe woman was dressed In a black satin waist, black skirt trimmed with velvet and wore a black straw hat and buttoned shoes.

MRS. MARGARET MAVTKLL FREE Aheolnto Divorce Granted i mi1 far from Her. Ha Hosboad, the Actor. Nw YORK. July IX, Special THtgrmm.

Mrs. Maiyaret Man tell has beea stjoceaafui in her suit against Robert D. Maateli, the actor, for aa absolute divorce, and the decree was signed by judgeTruax in the Supreme court Friday. The decree was in conformity with the report of John B. i The, who was appointed referee on the case.

Mrs. Mantell charged her husband with being intimate with Charlotte Br arena, the leading woman in his company. Mrs. Mautells suit was begun last September but the trouble betweea her and her husband Is bf much longer standing. Aa arreemeot of separation was made between them in January.

Istrj. Mr. Mantell then gave his wife the house In which they lived and paid her $iW a week for a time. Altera time he discontinued payments and she then brouirht suit -for sbeolute divorce and for the arrears of payments. Mr.

Maateli then made a public statement ia which he denied ail hts tie charges, aaa sal a that ne aaa meae pay- as long as he was acting, but be had iwr woes a i siwa vw tunva- swill l. eanmnad- lhpm At tiitrrr auit was brought Mr. Mantell was playing Vn. XJfsce ia the MoonllKht'-' at Proctor vS-Miss Behrens was the leading woman in 8m''Pny. as she had beea for four years.

Mantell was also a memlx- "v-nufole began Mrs. 'x comiatny. HE AY AS HANGED BY AllOD. Yixcxstjrgs, InA, July 15. Allen Butler, a wealthy colored man of Lawrence county, was found hanging by the neck dead early yesterday morning, and it is believed he was banged' by a mob.

Re had a white girL about .15 years of fos him. Hia 'son became Intimate with ths girl, and it Is alleged that the young negro'a father, Allen Butler, who was a horse doctor, treated her. That he was taken ont and lynched by a mob Thursday night In not doubted at Lawrence.

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