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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AMtJ SEUENTB. Hletavteal Matter nf Jh Iuagarattw mt Bar Wasted in Iowa. Prietef Labor. MORNING EXPRESS. or Turn MvrV-kf.

Is. Cowrasv (W Bttwalo, lTlh, The Trustees, in conformity to the Charter, Correspondence of the Morning Express. l- 'Vi- Aabajtt, March As the hundred days of the present seamen Conistock'a KcwUtyle of GENTLE5IENS' DRESS IIAT tor spbixo 1887, Osanioste. fSyThere are 112,000 square miles in Xjasaa. In Illinois 61,000.

I-Bev. Dr. Spring of ew York has recovered his eyesight, and resumed preaching fiom his tnannscript. t' The Chicago Times acknowledges a box of Under and delicious spring lettuce from the southern part of Illinois. I the Presidents.

The New York Herald thinks-the occasion of th3 inauguration of a new President renders ap propriate the following sketch, which we have prepared, of the various inaugurations since the organization of the government. We omit the icond inaugurations of the fire Presidents who were re elected, as they were but matters of form of little interest. We preeede the notices by a list of the Presidents and Vice Presidents who have been elected PRESIDENTS ASD VICE PRESIDENTS Ot TH rMTID STATES, TBOITTHK ADOPTI0 OW THS COX8TITU- TION TO Tf PRE3EST TIME. Term Pi-tndents. 1 Ceng Washington dot 2 John Ad an) 8 8 Thomas Jefferson do.

i 4 James 6 James Monro do. I 6 John Quincy Adams. Andrew Jackson do. i 8 Martin Vt Baren William It Vice PrtfAdMU.

began. Jofan 1789 do 178 Thomas JefTerson .1797 Aaron Burr 1801 George Clinton 1805 do. 1809 Elbridge Gerry 1818 Daniel D.Tomldni .1817 do. 1831 JohnO. Calhoun 1825 182 Martin Tan Burea 18J Richard M.

Jihnson 1387 John Tyler 1841 1S41 10 JohnTyteit 11 James folic George M. Dallas 1845 12 Zachary Tnylor Millard Ullmore 1849 1850 13 Millard i illmore 14 Franklin Pierce Wm. Bates King 1858 15 James BQehsnu) John C. 1857 Died in office and succeeded by the Vice President. AGES OP THE; RSPKCTITe PRESIDENTS AT TH TIME jor THEIR IXAUOURATIOK.

1 Inaugurated. Age. 80, 1789 67 4, 1797 6i 4, 1801.1 67 4, 1809 57 4, 1817 57 4, 1825 57 4,1829 62 4, 1887 54 4, 1841 63 4, 1845 49 5,1849 64 4, 1858 49 4, 1859 5 1 George WssUington 3 John Adams 8 Thorn an Jefterson. 4 Jiimea Madison 5 Jatues Monroe John Quincy Adams. 7 Andrew Jackson 8 Martin Van fiuren 9 William Henry Harrison 10 James Knox Polk 11 Taylor 12 Franklin iPierce James Buchanan N.

B. Vice President John Tyler was 51, and Millard Fillmore 6o yean of age at the period of succeeding to the Presidency by the death of the Presidents, Harrison and Taylor. There have been twenty Presidential elections, of which five were re-elections of the President, and fifteen persons have held the office of President, including Hon. James Bpchasam. Fourteen persons have been elected Vice Presidents, of whom ihree Clinton, Gerry and Kiko died in office.

Three of the persons who have been elected Vice President have been elevated (by election) to the Presidency, viz John Adaxs, Jefferson and Van Bdren. Kallxoad i front Lake Superior to the dolt of The Chicago railroad king, Wm. B. Ooden, writes to the" Janesviile Free Press, thus A railroad from Lake Superior by way of Fond du Lac, Watertown, Janesville, Lioloit, Rocki'ord, Byron, Oregon City, Daysviile and Dixon, and thence via the Illinois Central and Mobile and Ohio Railroads, to Mobile and New Orleans, is wliat 1 am alter, and such an unbroken line of railroads from the Gulf of Mexico to Lake Superior, over 1000 miles long, and of the same guage from end to end, is much nearer completion than most people dream of. By New! Year's day about 800 miles of the two roads i'tom Mobile and from New Orleans to Cairo, will be completed, and 150 miles more, or thereabouts, all of which is advanced in grading, will complete the line, from the Gulf of Mexico to Cairo, apd Via the Illinois Central to Dixon and Dubuque.

A great North and South Mississippi Valley Railway, frcm Mobile, and New Orleans to Lake Superior, such as this line "is soon to be need not run so fast or be so straight as an east and west road, but should be built with more reference to the accommodation of the very great local traf-fio to be done upon it. Within eighteen months a continuous line of road from both Mobile and New Orleans will, in all probability, be completed via Cairo to Dixon, and in less time than that, the Chicago, St. Taul and Fond du Lac Railroad will be completed from Janesville via Fort Atchison, Jefferson and Watertown to Fond du Lac to Qshkosh, probably to Neenah, Menasha and Appleton, its way to Lake Superior, provided the liberal and proper aid necessary and exp ct-ed from the people and towns along the line shall be granted and next week the entire line from Janesville north is to be thoroughly canvassed for aid in he way of subscription. All that will then remain to be done, will be to complete the link between Janesville and Dixon, and you have before you a road from the Gulf of Mexico, to Oshkosh or Appleton, and within a hundred and fifty miles of Lake Superior. 15o much of the road once completed, the very fact will enforpe its extension through the valuable mineral region beyond to Ontonagon, on Lake Superior, iji ultimate destination.

Reniemtor this i3 the talk of a- man who means what he says, and expects to keep his word good. Think of "Two days ride from the ever chilly waters of Lake Superior to the ever tepid waters of the Gulf. XJie Rat Story Verified. The extraordinary rumor published in the Tri bune on Saturday last of the poisoning of Mr. Buchanan, Mr.

J. Glanoy Jones and others at Washington, a few days since, has boen verified. The Lancaster Express says that Mr. Buchanan had a narrjow escape from the occurrence. The following additional particulars are from the Express "About the time Mr.

Buchanan returned from his late viit to Washinglon we heard whispers of a singular and mysterious nature iu regard to his ilhuess and sudden return home. In prosecuting our inquiries we ascertained that Mr. Humes Porter, pf this city, came home from Washington wh Mrt Buchanan, also sick, and was obliged to take his! bed, where he has been ever since. "At Jibe same time we were satisfied of the truth of the statements, but as extraordinary efforts webe made here well as at Washington to keep the matter hushed up, we yielded to the solicitation Of friend3 and withheld the facts in our possession. As they are now coming out through other channels it is due to our readers to give them a history of this extraordinary case of a narrow escape from wholesale poisoning.

Twenty or thirty of the guests were suddenly, and some of them severely affected from the uso of tho; water impregnated with the poison. Mr. Buchanan left suddenly for Wheatland, where ha arrive suffering severely from diarrhea. He was, however, less severely affected than the others, and in a short time recovered sufficiently to receive visitors, but the fatigue incident to entertaining two or three hundred persons made it absolutely necessary for him to husband his strength by refusing to see any but his most intimate personal friends a rule which was rigidly observed up to the hour of his departure this morning. Dr.

J. Glancy Jones, of Berks, was more severely affected, and has been lying in a critical condition ever since and a doubt about bis recovery has left his appointment to a plaee in the Cabinet ah open question up to the present time. "Among the others most severely affected was the John L. Dawson audit has been rumored that ho has since died. The report, however, needs confirmation.

Porter of this city was also severely affected ahd though confined to his room ever since, we believe he is out of danger." Preaching." The presses of the Administration have ren dered themselves' hoarse with their cries against political preaching," and none have been more loud than the Union. That delectable printnQW indulges the following paragraph with a7 gusto rarely equalled. The performance throughout is worthy oj note THK PRESIDENT'S LAST SABBATH IN WASHINGTON. President Pierce has, during the term of office, been: a regular attendant at the Four and a-hilf street Presbyterian Church. Last Sabbath was a remarkably fine day.

The crowd in the city attended church with our citizens. The Four and-a half street church was verv much crowded jj all the pews in the church were filled at an early hour, except the One occupied bv the President He came in as the service began. the Kev. Mr. bunderland, the pastor, in the eourse of his sermon, took occasion to address the President, He alluded to the great dignity to which he had been called as President ef this great nation of the success of his- Administra tion, of the cessation of popular clamor, and of ic pTospertiy oj in nation oj wntcn tie iad been the head; and alluding, feelingly, with tears, to the sorrow of that church and the people at at the departure of the President from among us.

-a. soiemu Buunesr ana many tears bore Wit ness to the trutnlnl statement. The Tribune exclaims very pertinently Was there ever anything under the rule of the or even in the lowest debasement of the Lower Empire more servile and out of place in a place of divine worship than this Where sleep the thunders of indignant Democracy against political preaching nnielpal Election sit Chicago Serious Klot, Ae. Chicago; March 4. 1887.

John Wentwerth was yesterday elected Mayor of this place by eleven hundred majority. The whole oft the Republican ticket was elected by large majority. was considerable fighting in the Tenth Ward, and two men were killed. Geo. Armour of the firm of Munger Armour, who was injured in the fight in the Seventh Ward yesterday, died this morning, i The messenger of the Marine Bank of this eity, while settling a balance at the Exchange Bank yesterday, was robbed of a bag containing six thousand dollars.

No clue to the robber has been djscoTered. 1 Thoe. Meredith of Cass oonnry, Iowa, says farm laborers are greatly wanted there at 20 per month and board. Some paid 26 las slimmer, and he paid fl SO a day for men to husk corn, which gella now for $1 25 a bushel. Grain nulla are wanted.

Mr.M.saya: "lloaej invested in a flour-miH by some rood go-bead Yankee would pay cent for cent. Corn crop were not good in this part last summer.o wing to the suture of tne first planting, which threw the second too late; the early frosts spoiled a great part of the crop, but if help can be had at any price, greater efforts will be made next season to raise sufficient for the country and for lhe demand made npon it by the heavv emigration westward. A team of fire yoke can average two acres breaking a day. Corn planted tinder the sed from the middle of May to the middle of June will generally yield 25 bushels per acre, sometimes much more, and occasionally only valuable for feeding to stock late in the Fall." A Row Almost The Obgan Squatter Sov ereignty. The Tribune's correspondent details ai follows: Serious disturbances ia the whole political pro gramme nearly occurredjast night.

It had been arranged that Mr. Appleton would take charge of me Linton to aay, ana nis salutatory, with the valedictory of Mr. Nicholson, would appear this morning. Last night Mr. Buchanan's views to be promulgated in the Inaugural, concerning the rights oi the people in the Territories on the Slavery question, becoming known, Mr.

Appleton was discovered as differing from the sentiments of the Cincinnati platform, and hence no formal announcement of change in the organ was made as anticipated. Gen. Cass took exception to the intended an nouncement as differing entirely from his Squtter sovereignty, ana threatened to throw un his place in the Cabinet unless a change was made. This ana tne Cabinet complication have exercised Mr: Buchanan greatly, and foreshadow more serious troubles. The Inaugural ia not satisfactory except to ex tremists.

Its squinting at filibustering is unmis-takeable, which will do much to excite apprehensions as to our foreign relations, taken in connec tion witn ben. Casa appointment. Emigration to the West. Ohio, like New York and Pennsylvania, is now suffering under the Western fever. Great numbers have already begun their migration to the West chiefly to Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota.

There is something inviting in the adventures of a removal to the West of struggles with the forest and the prairie, wh the growth of a new society, and with a family striving to rise to the surface ef the rising waves. But, notwithstanding these attrac tions, there is a much greater one in land specu lations. Lands are as much a matter of trade as dry goods or horses; when an Ohio farmer can sell one acre and buy ten with it, he will risk the inconveniences and hardships ot the frontier to accomplish this speculation. Notwithstanding all this, Ohio is still rapidly increasing in population, strength and resources. Her cities and towns.

especially, are growing with great rapidity. Cin cinnati uazette. $ST The Greatest Discovert ot the Age. It seldom occurs, that we notice, under any circumstan ces, patent medicinei, restoratives, or any thing of the kiod, for we have a prejadice against most of tbem. But candor compels us to invite attention to the advertise ment ot Prof.

WOOD'S HAIRBESTORATIVK in the last column at the bottom of the third page of this paper. We are too juvenile to require anything of the kind, but Borne instances of its use have com to knowledge which al most assure us that it i a sovereign remedy against the hair becoming prematurely gray. It is not a "Hair Dye; but upon its application as directed, the eHe is produced on the skin, which brings out the original, native co'ored bair, without stiffness, and gives it a glossy and natural appearance. We have seen persons who have used it, and they are mech pleased with it Missouri Be- putlican. For sale here by all Druggists.

COMMERCIAL. MORNING EXPRESS OFFICE, BcrraLO. March 7, 18t7. The exports of BreadsttuTj this season to Great Britain and Ireland are as follows 1856. 1835.

Flour, bids. 660,182 674,161 ileal, bbls 184 6,619 Wheat, 8,518,714 Corn, bush, 2,977,140 2,968,812 To the Continent Flour, 808,278 1535,628 Wheat, 2,350,176 Corn, 271,98 .170,451 Rye, 157,264 1,110,999 separate earnings of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Road for 1856, were Freight, Passengers, Hails, Ac .11,116,579 2S 467,614 -69 21,755 67 ..1,625,949 98 ..1,096,174 6-i Gross earnings, Increase, 680,776 80 Gross Earnings for 1866, 1,625 949 98 Operating Expenses, 760,011 75 Net $365,988 23 NEW VESSEL FOR LIVERPOOL. Captain D. O. Pierce, of Clayton, N.

with Qaayle A Martin, of u' an hermaphrodite ot sm. -measurement, to be ready in July, to take oargo for Liverpool direct. Captain Pierce, it will be recollected, owned half tbe schooner Dean Richmond and her cargo, and sailed her from Chicago to Liverpool last season. The experience of that voyage satisfied bim that ine men wno Duilt Her a vessel that challenged admiration in the largest port of the Old World -were tbe pro per ones to build another for the sam: route, and he has inererore engaged them. Cleveland Herald.

HEW YORK MARKET March 6-7 P. M. for the Morning Express. Flock Flour market is a moderate demand for export and home ase. Sales 7500 bbls at $6 S06 40 for common to good superfine State 86 65 6 70 for extra do $6 806 50 for superOne western $6 60 7 90 for extra including round hoop Okie at (6 7C 6 90 closing firm and buoyant.

The market for Cans dian flour firm. Sales 1100 bbls at 6 SSf40 for super- fine, and 8 60(2)7 56 for eitra. Gbaih Wheat market irregular and scarcely so buoy ant. Sales 20,000 bush common red Indiana at 146X 152 154c for "red St. Louis 164c for very handsome red southern, and 178a for fair do.

Rye firm at 9095c 2000 bush common sold at 92c. Barley is held at 120 145. Corner firmer. Sales 80,000 bosh mixed western at 74c in store. Oats steady at 4953 for State and wes'ern.

Paevisiosa Pork market firmer. Sales 650 bbls at $28 25 for. old mess; $28 75 for new mess, and $18 60 18 75 for prime. Beef a shade firmer. Sales 800 bbls at $10 11 00 for prime $11 50 18 00 for new country mess; $1516 00 for repacked western, and $16 25 17 00 for extra do.

Beef hams are held at 212S 00. Prime mess beef buoyant at $2327. 600 tierces Cleve land sold, to arrive on private terms. Dressed hogs have again advanced at 9X9J. Bacon scarce and wanted at full prices.

Lard firmer. Sales 600 bbls at 14 100 bbls to arrive in May. Whbxit Heay. Ohio and Prison sold at 27027.34. Closing at inside price.

Sioczs Better, and moderately active. Money and ex change unchanged. Illinois Central 138. Reading S2U. Erie 68Jf.

Michigan Central 96. Missouri sinking funds 80. Goshen Branch New York Central 90. Wisconsin aad Lake Shore SSJ'. Hudson 80 Jf.

Michigan cuu'h. ern and Northern Indiana 16)4. Panama 97 b. SO. Milwaukee and Mississippi 72X- Advertisement, BurraLo, March 5, 1S56, Hr.

Editor Dear Sir I wish to addiess Mr. Fobert Brown, Superintendent of the Lake Shore Railroad, tarougb )our valuable paper. Mr. Brown Dear Sir: In the last eieht months I have shipped from twsnty-fire hundred to three thousand head or cattle From Kentucky over your Road to this place. I also filled six cars of cattle at Cleveland last night.

1 get a Railroad Pass en the Freight train, and I lesrned that you had changed your time from 8 o'jiock in tns anernoon to ox at n'gnt. I wanted to come on tne Passenger train to Buffalo to make arrange ments to ship on to Mew York on Friday morning. The Uonductor passed me from uitveland to Erie on my Freight Pass. When the Conddctor from Erie to Buffalo eal el for my tick ft, I presented the one I had, and he aid it wasjiot good on this train. I told him that -the Conductor on the ilere'and and Erie Division had passed me.

lie said as could not help that. 1 must ei her pay or he would put me off the ear. I told him could do so, that I would not pay. When be got ta the next station he put his hand on my sho llder, and to dine to get off. I got off, bat being about o'clock at night and quite cold.

and at a little, one-hors town, in tbe woods, between Eri and Dunkirk, when tbe cars started I eeald net tbiak of being left there at that boor of the night, I lamped on the cars and paid my far. The Conductor said that was his orders. I lay no fault on him. 1 expect to shin as maaycatUe the next eight months as I have tbe last eight. Neither do I care about the rare, $3 5.

But if I hae no more privileges under such cirenmstarcee, you must excuse me when I tell yoa that I will ship en tbe Boats from Sandasky to Buffalo at least until next when the Lakes will close, aad if I ship through tb winter, I will be then eosnpelled to came back and ship on your Road. I called twice to-day at your office to se you, but could not find yon. As I would leave tn the morning for New York, I could not leave without letting you hear from me la some way. Yoars respectfally, B.B. RICH ARcSON Midway, Woodford rUBsLIC LECTURE.

ELIHU BURRITT Will deliver a Lecture in the KREMLIN HALL, Oat Headsy Evening, HsLreJa 9, IS57. Subject --A Plan of Brotherly Copartnership ef the North and loath, for the Peaceful Extinction of tr- The Leetnre wlU evens ne at IX o'clock. rj)r- Admissien 15 eenta, paid at the door. sahT-tt Ship Brokers aad Shipping Office Bixxjures dickiksoh, Having made their arrangements to continue their business of SHIP BROKERS AUI SHIPPING OFFICE, having improved facilities for carrying oa the easiness, woald sea lea re to inform their frienasaad patrons that thy are prepared so charter, sell aad bay vessels likewise ship Seamen, and carry en a general Ship Broker Easiness, Bunalo, January 1,1667. r.

r. anxnsaa, a. a. ixosrrsaeM. EW Persons having Lomber to ship to the npper lakes will do well to give as a call.

jal5-6sa J. DKSH1JCR, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND FORWARD EEVOV PRODUCE, Wot. 14 IB Central Wharf, Sufaio. Prodaeeperebased erfotwasdedto order. ssaatfwj H.

eBi.KiKHAtehlteet, NO. 6 TO HALL, smB-Iw T. T. C. BE1BUUI, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Ogtot rear rjjvm Utto Etatm sqri HETBCPOIslTAN TIWATRE.

AJT MAKA6IE. B. 6. loons. 8tag Maas i 0.

0.IfatsT..i........i..s.. 1 I CHANGE OF TIME. Deorajopea at ctock Cnrtaia Kites at T. FOURTH NIGHT Ot MR. HENRY LA CITE." this trxsisa, march iot.

Will be presented SPEED THE PLOUGH. Sir Abel Handy Mr. H. Placid. Eanacr Mr.

B. G. Eager. Dancing Misses Cook aad Hogh. Dane j.

La Petit Barak. "Te eessehtd with wss.i I TBI OLD GUARD. Ha versa Melon: Miss Bray, i DR-W1ETINQ, This Evening; at 1 1-3 o'clock. AT AMERICAN HALL. Gires his celebrated "lecture en tbe ftnmrm Tmsaiius.

the Caoeas or Dvsjranu. and the Mbajsj Cms, Eva. Ksnom or tsjuocx), unmraiee wita km very large eoileetion ef Frenca Manikins, ikwetens, Moeels, PsiBbDgs, As. i 3s7 Admtestee eaiy 10 ceuis. mrT ST.

JAMES HALL. This beautiful Hall is now finished, end in style a. etegaaee will eesepare with any tn the eeaatry. It Oapable of CoBafc.rta.Wjr Bcatlmsr SSOO It can be rented for Balls, Leo tares, Oaaeerta, Ae-, by applying ta THUS. CARE, mhiu soi ymee et sseweaetiiaa Taeaire.

ST. JAMES DELANO and MARTIN'S CARNIVAL FESTIVITY. Last of the Season. Messrs. DELANO and MARTIN, at the re- euest of saany who have attended their Drevieoa foveas parties, have leased tbe above named building, and wttl give a eRANDTERPSlCHORIAN ENTERIA1KMEBT aa4 happy sajofauat, en TwetMlav 10th, 187.

Tickets ef admisaioB With Fancy Persons wishing to furnish their own certs aw, tickets 1 M. Spectators' tickets, admlttinf a Lady aad OeaUesaae, tl 00. Both ladles and gentlemen win be leoeirwd so to the eossmittee before entering the ball. Good sanaie will be foraiehed by Oo'lins' fa I Band, tf Baoner aad refreahmenm via be rerelaaedev Mr. Tan Alien, at the St.

James, in his samel elegant etyte. taw- Tickets can oe sma at sage's Masse Btere aad of Meaare. Mar lis and Delano. Carriages will be in attendance to eonvwy partiei-pants to and trom the baH. feSTtd I JPly, Plmri, riajra.

The Standard and Minor Drama and all other published Flay tor sale by S-FRENCH, 111 Naesaa street New Terk. Price UH cents each, tea for fl Oe. Bswad vols, tl 00. A ae Play pabusaed every week. tJfcVComplete lisar seat by mail, whenfreqses- tea.

I Til esS-im A. B.BA WES, Pest OCee, I BUsUUn. Maasiea Moose, 1857s Per Green Bay. 1857. a THE FINE LOW PRESSURE immSSE steamer QUEEN CITY, will oa tbe opea-ing of jaavigatien, leave' Buffalo lor MACKINAv.

and AREEH BAT, and continue on the route during the season, making tea day trips due notice ef which sailing isytaui oe given nereaner. fcaf" JTreigbt reoeived In store without charge. Apply fetetf J. O. HARRISON, Agent Vessels for Sale.

THE. SCHOONER WESTCHESTER, carrying 10, life Com. Also, the schooner FOREST, carrying SOO bethels Cera, are offered for sale. Both vessels ere well foaad with Bails, Rigging aad Taekie. Thrj will be sold cheap if applied for seen.

Apply to ll.Lir a IJicnlKboa, rs26-Tm Ship Brokers, Buffalo, N. T. For pale. A NEW VESSEL NOW ON THE stocks, aad will be ready for boalneai by the middle ef April Burden 870 Ions, Custom House meas-ara, A No. 1.

For further particulars enquire ef I lULLlNttH A DICKINSON, nm5 ttn Shin Brokers. Buflaio. TO RENT FROM MAY 1st 1 1-4 STORY frame cottage. No. 168 south Ii vision street.

Rent ftloe. story brick bouse, Vo. 191 Booth Division at 4250. i stone hoese on West Hnrea at Rent ittO. Iwo Sstory brick hoasea on Oak street tlOO each.

1 story frame boose (104. 'brick $54. 1 house en Blereth street 1104. 1. Fifth street $78.

South street Elm street Ate. 1 1 Is. 1 story freme hoeseon Seventh street tS00. 13t- CkodeU street taSS. brick house on Clinton street Chicago street )0.

frame noose $180. Carolina Eagle streei $180. Pearl street $104. AUen street $140. Sixth It, No (6 (160.

brick double hoase en Sixth street, Kos. 13 an MUl V. 1JK 1 brick house on North street $860. 9 Eagle street $600. ti-.

Beneea street J8W0. Threeisnits of rooms corner of Klticett and Baron sta. Pours story brick stores en Erie street, fronting oa Oual t-tOO For further particulars enquire at GEO. A. IHERMAJrg Lead Office, mh No.

Brown's Baudinf. Oak Plank for Sale. The undersigned win sell Two Hstarfresl Thotaaand Tect or Wb-lte Oak I Plank, THREE INCHES THICK AND EIGHT FEET long, deliverable soon after the opening ef navigation. The plan have been laid en a plank road for a short twae and are a little worn, but will answer for street piling, (socking, and many other purposes. WELLS D.

W1LH RIDGE, Corner Swan and Main streets. Wttrthsntc to Let. '1 HJl CHEQUERED WAREHOUSE ON BUF- a fal Creek, earner Prime street and Canal, to let from April 1st, 1867. One of the best locations ft the transaction of a Lake and Canal Transportation business on ttaOeloOreek. Rent SlOue.

Enquire i PETER CURTIS, or mhttf A. A. HOWARD, tT Mala street, EemovaX EH0LLIOGE, GENERAL PRODUCE FOR-e warding aad Cemmiselon Merchant, has removed from tfawS Custom Bouse to the large and commodious fear story building No. tl Lloyd street, running threarh to the Canal, where he will be able to aceoaasaodato with Storage at all Uoaes. Having a frontage ea the Canal boats can us load with despatch.

sahS Victor. He sLrSMt 5 BewttFtl. LOST, IN COMING OUT OF the Theatre at the time oftheareon the SI or oa Washington street, a PITCH TIOTORLNK. Any one having foaad the same, will be wellrewarded by leaving it at the Counting aoom ot tn is paper. mat-at v.

wuvuisi. Isoet ON THE 25th OF FEBRUARY, BETWEEN Black Rock and this citv. a calf skin covered PASS BOOK, ef aa vahse to any ooe except tbe owner. Who ever wOl leave the same at 183 West Huron street wlU be liberally rewarded. mhs-lW T7TLLIAM KXNKEDT rpii RANGERS AND REGULATORS OF JL the Tanaha, or Lits among the Law I its A tola of toe aepooueoi xeaaa, ey una net ajtuwsnerneid.

lass Jadee ef the Rio Grande District, anther of Ek stress la the Booth West. For sale by as ha L. DANFORTH, ISO Mala street. THB POETICAL WORKS OF HORACE -A. Smith and James Smith, authors of the Reieetad Ad.

dresses, with portraits and a biograimteal aketta. Edited by Epes Sargent. For sale by mno aiAnrusga, see Hale at. fPHE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OP TTTE J. Sea By M.

T. Maorv. L. L. D-C.

S. SoDeHnUa- dent ef tee Matieaal Observatory. Aa entirely new edt-tioo. For sale by mh L. DANFORTH, SSO Mala-et.

THE BOOK THAT WILL SUIT YOU, OR A Word for Every Oee-Bj the Rev. James Ssatth. su- thsr of the Believer's Daily Bemembraneer. For sale by i no tfanrusuji, vm stsin-st. JOR SALE.

OR EXCHANGE BRICK dwelling hoase. No 1M Swan street, a coed hoase and ia good order. It will be ae 4 cheap and ea eery teraai payment. Lot 46 by lie to paved alley. Will esehanae for a cheap hoase aad lot.

nature ot v. w. ii.uastw, fesS No. 38 Main street. Farm for Sale.

THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE ROBERT Watts, deceased, containing a boat sixty aoree ef land, a tuated fa the town ef Cheektetraew, 4 asBee from toe Court Howse, Genesee street running threexh the middle, end bounded en tbe seats by Betetia street and the Central aaiiroae. There Is est aaM (arm a coed brick boose, with wood beaae. hern. veil, orchard. Ae.

For particulars eaeuire ef PHILIP WATTS, adjainlsf said farm, or ef WM. N. BENNETT, Ezeea or. tmeeatewags, marca ea, lol. Rinf sLit.

IX THIS CITY WITHIN A WEEK, A HFAVY GOLD RING with a BLOODSTONE set ta same; tbe initials R- M. s. eat ia ths StoM. Aay ooe who will leave Um asm with H. M.

CLAPP at this tfbtx, will he ally aewarded. feiStf FOR'SALE THE STEAM AND WATER fewer saw mill at Black Sack, knows as the Gtlstoa MilL Price $10,000, easy terms. mh4 JaB-BlLlT. Ns.4 HoOister Bsalding. EL OR NE EXICO and hr People By W.W.

Davis, tate sited States Attorney, tee aa by mho PAHFOBTH, nt) Mala at. OCAMPAVIAS FROM GIBEL, VhWBLi Tn Raebo By Harry Gringo, (Lieaa. Whs, U. A.N) saMboref 1 sGringweand Tales for the Mariners. HAJtrtatTtA.

see Mesa i BUSINESS PAPER WANTED rHE 8UB-sermereaa plaee frees MOMto 000gesd baslnses paper at eosaething leaf than tbe eeiagratea, Meae bat stoetly baa rni is paper need be eawred. -r- B. A. MAitCBaarrKn- mb4-lw BIB and Stock Broker. rpH BRIDAL FLOWER POLKA COM- I POSED by JuBos'Meta, and reeetved by triK j.BaeaawitssswmOTstswes.

r. 4 AAA STOCK IN IHJ5 WESTERN 1 0.UUU Tnawpertatiea Co. foraaie, aa. pHrt'" B. A.

MAKCHaSTES. fpaalding's Exchange. leou Tho McGregor Coal Stove, FOR. PARLORS, OFFICES, Ae en at: eesetr utu. at.

wsu ii as stain CIDEB A FEW BARRELS OF CIDER FOR sale at tl lird at. seed. M. HOmPGR. OA A BUSHELS HICKORY NUTS FOR eU)J sale at He.

BS Uoyd street. stBOLUDGX. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ABOUT I TONS store of that flae Buckwheat Floor tot tecefved at Ltoyd street. mb4 B. HOUADGB.

-fXTATSR LIME A FEW BARRELS OR ytTCREAT VARIETY: OT GEX ECK. TIES jaat reeetved ami for sale by VS2XV bULUAwIVA sutw sw a swwaa, anhmit fellnvlnr rfalmut ot the aCailS mtttmOnsk- yasyeath 84 day ebrsary, 135T. Unearned TO PremiunM received for the 85 i Total S5 56 Amoont received for Marine Riati 97 Asiwnt received for fire Elaks 83 asTMftetjS f. forth year SO Paid as follows: Earned Marine losses, ratnsnrances, and HODS 54" DS i Fire losses. InclodiDr those not du li.lst 48 spBSes.J..u.., lifiii $11,911 66 Deduct not dn and naoM.

less aal- vmges. 10,950 set et Interest Total prefils for the year. AfAtna. Cash on hand and ia Bank 09 Loans on bonds and mortgages and other .....164,381 (9 Steam Tug, pomps, and other pro .....7... ii Bills receivable 69 Balance due from Agents and others 1880 Total assets sr The Trustees hav declared a eask dividend of sevta per cent (7) on the outstanding scrip of the Company, out of the acenmutatod interest, payable on and after the first day of March at the offioe of the Oompazr.

A. xusrarauts, secretary. TRUSTEES: James Evans, Dean Richmond, Septimus Latbrop, Silas II Pish, Gibson 'Warns, Chester Hittheock, A A ustaphiere, Sidney Shepard, Jason Psrker, Henry Kinne, Samn Pratt, francis Tows, Walker, Tattle, Wells Walbridge, Gyrus Clarke, 8 8 Jewett, Geo 8 Basard, JQDeehler, 1C Bps aiding, 8 Johoson, Ratas Palmer, Hiram Mies, Schuyler Core. JAMES C. EVANS, President.

SILAS. H.flflU, Vice Pi est. Capt P. Poaa, Marin Inspector. fel8-2m-3tlm TAYLOR JEWETT.

No. 4 and 5 Marine Block, Ohio street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Ship Chandler and Grocers, DEALERS IN PATENT CORDAGE, ENGLISH CHAINS AND ANCHORS, CANVAS, BLOCKS, Oakum. Naval Stores.

Pain ta. Qila.Ac. Ac VESSKLS furnished with complete fit-out of Rigging, Sails, Chains, Blocks, Capstans, Winches, Windlasses, Patent Steering Wheels, Patent Ship Logs, Compasses, Telescopes, furniture, and Mores. AND III (i4.IJI a LOFTS. Complete suits of Sails aad Ganjrs of RisviDg, of the best materials and on favorable terms The work don br experienced Riggers and Sail Makers.

Constantly en hand tbe most approved styles of Duck, Russia Bolt Bape, AO. VKSSKL, STEAMER SIGHAL LIGHTS Sole Agent for "Gilliiand's Dioptric Lens Steamer and TesselSignals," in relation to which, at a late Convention of Underwriters held in this city, the following rale was adopted "That all Vessels navigating the Lakes be provided with a set of Dioptric Lens Sigoal Lamps, one of rod and one of green stained glass, and the other ef bright or clear glass, or sumcient sise," ao jaio-iy Electro-Chemical Baths, BT DOCT. G. V. POOTE, Ho.

6 ERIE Opposite St. Paul's Church Buffalo, K. T. These baths extract promptly from the human body, all mineral substances, and removes au the super abundant or oeccant matter which engenders or entails disease, thereby leaving the system peculiarly susceptible to the curative effects of medicine judiciously adminis- terea. Nearly all forms of chronic ailments, especially when there has been much medication, are greatly benefitted br tbes Baths.

Neuralgia, rheumatism, diseases ef tbe joints or spine, and other painlui attrcuona, receive unmeuiate reuei. aple-tf I E. IIOLXIDGE, GENERAL PRODUCE FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, I DBS LEU IS FLOUR, GRAIN, SEBDS, 8kLT, PROVISIONS, Ac. No. 22 lJoyd street, liulTalo- Liberal advance made on consignments.

Large Rooms for Storage. Befe's to John (i Deshler, Buffal Geo. W.TIfft, president oi tbe international Bens, uunalo; wm. Moore. Esq Buffalo; John N.

Gardner, Buffalo; 8 W. Carpenter, Buffalo; MilUngton A New York. jav-iy MACiILL, A PICKERISG, CENTRAL WHARF, STORAGE, FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jfbs. 170 to ITS South Water Street, cor. of Weils, CHICAGO.

III. Dealers in SALT, COALS, FLOUR and every kind of fKUUUDK. iinersi advances madeon an consignments. 1 VESSEL. IS.

Charters for the season or single freights obtained Purchases made in this market for EASTERN HOUSES. Reference Messrs John R. Lee A Bankers, C. 8. Magux, mr4-ly Thomas Picxaaiso.

EDDY BINGHAM, Manufacturers of IRON FENCE, STAIRS and RAILING BANK DOORS, IRON SHUTTERS, die. Also, Castings for Gas Factories, Piano Forte Factories. Machinery Castings, Window Weights, Sleigh Shoes, Traps, and Job Castings generally, Corner of Church and Jackson Streets felS NEAR THE OAS WORKS, BUFFALO. Jno. J.

Lwin" Dentiat. i So. 278 Main Street. ja9-lj PLUMBING. wwxen Water Pipe Thawed out by Steam.

We would respectfully inform our friends who have their water pipe frozen up, that we are prepared to thaw ont Water Pipes on short notice. We have got up a steam apparatus for that especial purpose, which does ths work effectually, in much lss time, aad at about half the ordinary expeuse. Persons having work to do ia the above line, will be promptly attended to by leaving their orders at our place, or through the Post Office. JST" iAII jobs in Plumbing and Gas Fitting, or Copper, Tin and eneet iron work, promptly attended to. ZOOK A BROTHERS, Commercial street, ja27-3m Adjoining Spaulding's Exchange CL.AIlIiE, GUTHRIE Ot STUIXGKS, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jvo.

11 Central Wharf, Buffalo, K. Y. Liberal advances made on all kinds of Produce for sale this and Eastern Markets. ty Particular attention paid to purchasing Produce on orders. Otbcs li lib of the late firm of Walker Clarke S.

S. Gothsii Buckingham A Guthrie E. Ja of MansGeld, Ohio Jno. It. Lewis Demist, Pfo.

37 8 in al ii Street. a8-ly 1834:. WASHINGTON DOCK. 1854 S. ALPORT, 8TORAGE, 10R WARDING AND COMMISSION, asaaaw rci.

ncai asiuHguin square, Oppositethe Ship Yard of BidwcU, Banta A Buffalo, I STORAGE FOR 10.000 BBLS FLOUR. i50 feet Dock for Steamers, Propellers and Sailing Vessels. Also, pockage for Railroad Iron, Lumber, Bait, Coal, I J. FLEERARTT PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND ruanAiuiuus, Noj 21 Central Wharf. Bsitalo, N.

Y. Jobx Flkshartt, Jobs FLemnajrrr, Ja. Liberal advances made on all kinds of Produce for sals in Buffalo, Albany, New York and Boston. Particular attention paid to purchasing Produce for East era Martlet. apotf i illCHMOM Ot CO.

STORAGE, FORWARDING 4 COMMISSION I BUSUtBSB CSOCAeO.lLLU OH, They will'make advances on property for shipment aad sale East. Thomas Richwohd will give special attention to Teseel Agenctes wiilbuy and procure cargoes. Orders tor tne purchase oi wheator other Property receire pruiupiatieuuuu. tay-Ottice on the Dock, foot of state st. mylOtf i TUTOR SULKS, (aSiareros saiuboss a xesssst, auabt,) I nSALKRS IS STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, COP- rt.n, etc.

Office and Sample Rooms,, next door north of the Western Hotel, BUFFALO, N. wuxiaK vnroa. Jmrl7-lyl emm o. sin WACD fc HAIUHT, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 28 CENTRAL WHARF.

Particular attention Riven to the purchase and sale of ill kinds of Produce. a. u. waud, Jyltf e. s.

siian. Joint I. TnJcott Isaac W. Thompson ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS, 1 No. 802 Main street, Bufalo.N.

Are to be found at their office, and will give prempt atten tion to any business committed to them in toe City, in this State, or in the unitedctates Uistiietand UircuitCourt. tr CCRTI8S BROTHER, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 2 A da ns' Buildings, near Galena Freight asewt, jju irnw Mreea. ncano.

mil. Particular and prompt attention said to the ourchaae of western produce for tbe supply of eastern mills, and of iu lira i in ivi cuicru uiwrsHHB, raooe s. ctrtibs oclo-ly oaklos o. otnmsn 7 BVKLL WILLARD. PRODUCE, FORWARDING AND CO MM IS- SION MERCHANTS, A'iso Dealers in Salt, Water Lime and Plaster.

Near footof Lloyd street, opposite BuReto City Bank. J.8-BcllJ I feStf J. M. Willard BUFFALO, B. Y.

TH OMA WHIIiHT, I Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LACES, SILKS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, I Millinery Goods snd MantiUae. 188 Main Street, Qe98 Buffalo. cn5in laachiuiets' Tools. ENGINE LATHES, IRON PLANERS. VER- tieal Drills andfother machinery, all lisee and patterns.

tor sate apA Buuii einjAim.M Wainsfc. HomoepaotliY. DOCT. KO. K.

FOOTE I Resumes the Practice of Medicine. Omcef and residence SO Chippewa Street. Srd doer rrom asm. oeiltl CEO. Mt.

COCllUAS ate FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rieer Street. Cleveland. Ohio. Prompt and faitaf alatteation wUlbe given to allbastneas ntraatae oar care. mriett JASEs C.EVAHS A PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND FORWARDER, 1 Water the Ship CanaL, ap8 BCKFALO TEPHEI B.

BTJTTI. sMieaiaa.MAJtCTaeTCan a Wswcsal DALsa or DAGUERREOTYPE, PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTTFI GOODS, ape) 16T Main Street ly BUFFALO CITY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT 1 Court Btreet, Between Mala aad Pearl streets, eppoatto the Park. trer Afl orders promptly attestdea to. aatMAely iOHSI BCHaTRX 6EORSE iimsox. JUSTICE OF THE Ia the office formerly occupied by H.

B. Bear, Esq lal av, lAaMwa at, BUFFALO, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1657. Equalization ot Toll. V- A pjrson unobservant of the times would ima-; in that a city so directly benefitted by the Erie (Janil as the city of New-York, Would be the last to opposo a measure which tends to increase the venues of the canal. We do not understand that the people of that city or a majority of them pjiose the equalization bill, but in or two of f1' he papers, consider their position mis tt'ated if he did not call them leading and inflaen-lal journals, the measure is opposed with much flippant remark and apparent zeal.

Instead of his wise sliak-ng of the bead, we wish for an that shall overthrow the logic of the advocates of this measure We are not at all alarm- by Hie belligerent attitude of these journale, und shall, with all respect to their metropolitan j'Ogition, and their assumed, superiority over ua 2 oor rustics, as they pleasantly call lis, venture say that nothing has said by them yet, and we do not imjgiue that anything will or can In; said by them hereafter, that will throw a i-traw'a bulk in the way of the success of the it' the State Legislature has determined to do its duty. New-York once had a predomi-iiMtinir influence iu the State, but that influent 5t has not now, and never will have sgain. Its jhcn and its papers are estimated at their real worth, their intrinsic- value, ana the presumption, instead of being in favor of anything coming Jrom that. city is against it. We take New York assertions and Now York plans, with many grains of allowanco, when advocated by certain of their urcala.

Certainly we regret to see that any urnal in that city should oppose a measure of 5 1 jch justice and such benefit to the State, but it by no nicous.aii unfavorable sign of the justice iintl policy of the measure, that this opposition (lines from interested quarter. The adjectives absurd," "preposterous," "unjust," are all Ftrong a ijrciivea, but not arguments, and nothing limn these parts of speech has yet ap-7 tared in the columns of the New York papers, ho assume to give reasons against 'the equaliza-j on of tolls. We incline to think that this lii.d of talk is properly appreciated by the people ir. whom it is addressed. At aft events no public i.trasare is to be despaired of, because certain uvt York journals are found in opposition to its juisage.

iswego'is the commercial rival of Buf-I and hence the Slate 1 reaaury must be Impoverished i ml thi laxeil heavily lest that city might suffer by ii-crimiiiaiioii. It is an ad-nt-wion on the part of Oswego, wnlntit trie opportunity of robbir.g the Canal reveries, it would sink into decay and go to ruin. Buffalo The graceless impudence which charges the jx-ople of Oswego wiih "robbing the Canal reve-i ues," is charaetei istie of Buffalo. Oswego paid 1 -t vein- upwards of 400,000 in tolls on the t-jwego canal, which outside of Buffalo, is sup- used to be a State "institution," entitled to all Lie rights, privileges and immunities of any other airil. Oswego sent all her receipts by Lake.

iiougn me canaia to the Hudson. On the con-t ai liuil'alo is ''robbing the canal revenues" by s.iippiug her pioduco by flie Railroads. Let Buf 1 lo deny these facts if it can. We have the to prove whereof we affirm. Oswego tnea We are disposed to allow the Timet cart Intnc for aVmsing Buffalo and the Express.

It is nhappy it is expected to defend" a bad cause --it few and less patience, and ncnce it must tight or spile." We advise it to fiitch in," for, whom the gods would ey first make mad We trust that the limes vdl use all the arguments and figures within its i.ich to sustain its position. If that print and the people of Oswego are right, wa are clearly roug and on the other hand, if discrimination 5s right they arc all wrorg. Now, if we are in i tor on this question we desire to be convinced "I it, for wo never were better satisfied of the justice oi a cause that we espoused than we are this instance. If discrimination is to damage )sr, ego that is a pity, but its sufferings afford no giinieiit against the adoption of a policy on the art of the Statu which will secure its revenues ia their rights. The great difficulty in all this 5.

miter is that the people of Oswego counfound ihemselves with the State and in their selfiishnesi he, seem to fancy that the State government the finances are instituted only for their pe- uliar advantage. They do not appear to enjoy a ingo of vision that can reach beyond the limits i( their own nourishing town, in considering the ecesnfliee, responsibilities and duties of the State, until this short sight edness can be reached imd cured we have but little hope of a change in I.eir habit of thought or course of conduct. The Time charges us with "graceless impu--ih-nuc," beeanse we insist that Oswego is robbing -i he dual revenues of their just receipts. Let us look at the Auditor's report on this subject, and two what the figures say on that patntp-' That Hicer lias collected and arranged in tabular form valuable statistics touching this question, and we lefor to them for a full justification of all we have aid or shall say in favor of "discrimination" and i gaiusttho present system of wrong that is practised" upon the Canal revenues. The Auditor rays The increase of tolls which would have been on the shipments by the way of Os -w ego, had all such property passed through the whole Im of the Erie Canal, would have been 1,177,757 during the last five years, and an siverage of $235,651 40 each year.

So it appears that the State Treasury has been jobbed of $1,177,757 during the last five years, which have gone to build up the business of Oswe-J o. If this sum was now in the Treasury, it would i respectively relieve' the people of so much taxa-on. We trust now that our Oswego cotem-p rary will trausfer the charge of "gr aoeless im-Ijulence" from our head to that ot the State -Auditor, who has spread before the State the evidence of the truth of all we have declared in his behalf, and established beyond a question me justice of discrimination. Tile Right of Snfl-rage. A resolution to amend the Constitution so as allow colored men to vote without property ualifieation, engaged the attention of the Senate on Wednesday.

It was discussed and em- mbairassed by amendments, and finally adopted a -) follows (Republicans in Roman, Americans in small vps, Democrats in Italic AYEsJIeasrs. Bellinger, Bradford, Cuyler' D.uhng Iskdos, Habcourt, Hotchkiss, Hunt-i gton, Loe, Madden, Noxon, Paterson, Ramsey, J.iohardson, Rider, C. P. Smith, Spencer. Swibt iownc, Lphain 21 'ays Messrs.

Brooks. Hilli. a Smith, WaJtworth 5. The Journal says "Mr. Wadsworth spoke in Jrvor of the ainendmsnt and voted againtt it." Cur worthy Senator appears to have parted company wiih much of that devotion to the colored race, which he evinced in his Vine street letter, when a candidate for Mayor.

Mobe Legislative ConRUPTioii. In the Pennsylvania Legislature last week, considerable ex citement was produced by a disclosure made by the Speaker, who stated that three private bills had boon objected to, (single objection throws u. private bill off the calendar,) which were of i to bis constituents; that a friend of his who was interested in their passage, was by a reporter, and told that if he would pay $300; ho (the reporter) would have the objections removed, at the same time stating that tue objections were made by his friends, who would withdraw them at his request. The gen- eman refused to pay the mm demanded, and i iscloscd the matter to the A eommit-ee was appointed to investigate the matter. Tue Burdkll Will Cask Tuesday wag o0.

r.ipied in hearing the testimony of Rev. Mr Hahvix, who was positive as' to the identity of Dr. Buroell as the man whom he married. Dr. J'j.

called on him in the morning, fixed the hour, called at the designated time, was married, de- ni ed that it should not be published, and next 1 1 called for the certificate of marriage. After a severe cross examination, the case was adjourned to Thursday, next week. IglsiLtl're. lTre only matters of interest in this part ef the ate, thiT' engaged the attention of the Legiahi-t ore on Thura was a report of the Interna- tif.nal Rrirlr Hill the SnnittA and tha t- i Ot a Bill, in the House, tn the Charter of I lhe Erie County Savings Bank, I draw near their close, hosts of anxious pereora are tkrongiog the Capitol, each pressing ftvoriie schemes of more Or leas important! to localities, and the, State at large. Buffalo, interests are a ly represented by a number of your worthy citizenaJ Bishop Timor- made his appearance this morning in the third hou, aid seemed to feel the of responsibility testing upon him in regard to your so called unjust Orphan Ajylum project.

It is suggested that he may be able to explain to the Legislatutje tie whereabouts of the 5000 tax payers who tave petitioned for thjB repeal of the charter of said institution. Discrimination of canal tolls has cause-1 a great fluttering among those who have, long enjoyed the benefits of the diversion of trade by the way of OiWego, and the consequent diminution of the revenue of the State Speaker Liitli-j0H-is the leader of this class, ana some ef his own friendsTisve been surprised that be should far forget the dignity of the office to which he has been elevated by the suffrages of the taxpayers of fiia State, as to oppose, jin an excited manner in public rooms of the hotels, a measure so important for the protection and increase of our revenue. One of these interested parties more frank, than the Speaker, declared "that when the argument was presented! on this ques tion he always run." This subject is going to be a difficult one to dispose of, but legislators must expect to hare one of two things, protection of the revenues, ot to make up the deficiency by taxation. Mr. Richardson, fiomr the Committee on Roads and Bridges, made this, morning a very lengthy and elaborate report upon the charter of International Bridge Company, which does great credit to the Committee, as coveririg the whole of tue legal objections to this project.

The report is entirely favorable. I notice the introduction this morning in poth Houses, of petitions of many townships in Canada, praying the passage of the act. The CanalJBoard have' taken another week to consider thi subject of discrimination. You have doubtless seen the remarks made in the Senate npon the resolutions in reference to the death of the lamented Dr. Kane.

You Buffalo have certainly reason to be proud of your noble Senator. Upon this occasion he made one of his happiest efforts, well fitted and adapted to tho occasion. The clerk of the weather made his appearance here a day or two 'since, and announced that it was going to be warmer of eourse, it is. I More Anon. Correspondence of the Buffalo Mornicg Express.

a snjj gton, March 2, 1357. The subscriber arrived with other big and lit tie bugs this after a tedious ride of nearly three hours from Baltimore, amid a furious storm of wind. Much is said of the windy cities on tho Lakes having had some experience in most of them, can. say that never was the undersigned infc.wbrse place for wind, and such dust. It is a pl(fect siroco.

There are constant accessions! to; the already great throng in the eitj. Tho hotels are crowd ed, and, really, it seems as if tho plan of Xix-Nax would have to be followed. There is hardly a place to even haisg up. I succedd by the advice of a' friend in getfng quarters at a private boarding house, midway between the President's house and the Capitol. The two Houses are in active session, much confusion occurring, particularly in the Ilouseof Representatives.

jWhun on a visit this morning several were calling Mr. Speaker during the lealiug of bills. The President elect arrived this afternoon at 5, escorted by the Lancaster and Auburn Willard Guards, (the latter company appear remarkably well on parade.) Guus were fired at the Depot. Mi-. Buchanan was escorted to: the National in an open carriage with lcs3 parade thanvrouldbe expected, but it must bo accounted for by the cold bleak wind which freezes up all enthusiasm, as well as the penetrating dust.

As I write, bands of music are parading the streets followed by companies arriving. The papers are-filled with the examination of D. C. Lee for the shooting of David IIcme, and much feeling is manifested, pickpockets are around one was arrested in front of the National, plying his- trade. From Ituo number of "seeds around, there is promise of a rich har vest for them.

This city of Washington, seems principally occupied in drinking rum and legislating, the former ahead. The preparations for tho Ball are on a largo scale the price of tJen dollars being cbnsi Jored cheap for seeing old liluck and getting squeezed. Of one thing you may rest assured, it will be the largest concourse ever gathered in the Capitol. In conversation with a gentleman who has been a resident for sixteen years, he remark ed that never had such numbers gathered so long before the time for the ceremony. If this city could be shook together a little it would be better lor the country people who don't like such magnificent distances, the consequences in case is, a great degree of fWOguc, In consequence of whiek, for the present, I am Yours Truly, Liston.

Resignation. Telegraph announces the resignation Judge Mullett, of this Judicial District. This creates a vacancy that should be promptly filled by tho Govornor. We learn that the bar of this eity have united in recommending the Hon. J.

G. Horr for the place. Such a selection would restore: to the Judiciary of this District much of its lost energy and use fulness, and secure a more prompt discharge of the business before it. Suoh a remedy shouid be applied at once. Give Us a capable Judge without delay.

Ofeicial Salaries in RuoJe Island. The salaries' of several Of the ofJScerd of Rhode Island have just been regulated by the Legislature of that State. The salaries of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court were fixed at $1,500 the present salary notwithstanding several attempts to increase them. The salary of the Lieutenant Governor was reduced from $500 to $200. The salary of the General Treasurer was increased $750 to $800.

gr- There were In the port Of New York on Wednesday, 661 vessels, including 32 steam era, 135 ships, 92 barks, 107 brigs, and 295 schooners. Slatekt and the Slave-Tade in Cuba. The New York Tribunt has been favored with the following extract from a prjvate letter, writ ten by a gentleman traveling jin the Island of vuuu, 111 v. ii suvna; tue tuuuilltiu ill WUICII not only the slaves who are imported from the African coast, but also the whites living on the Island, are placed by the perpetuation of the peculiar institution" and the continuance of the Slave trade "Among the fresh arrivals on one estate where I have been, I was informed that the owner had lost some thirty negroes, just newly imported. This was owing to a man having informed upon him.

A few days afterward the same man who had informed was found on the read with his ears cut off, his tongue cut out, his throat 'cut, and fifteen stabs in his body this having been done by subscription for the purpose of frightening others from telling tales about negroes. While at one point in my travels, and that very recently, two cargoes of negroes arrived, each with about 650 of all ages, and the Spanish authorities winking at it, thus blindfolding the poor, simple and easily gulled English." Asrest or Burglars. A small -yacht was driven ashore at Keyport, daring the storm of Monday. It was manned by five young men and who were nearly frozen. They had suffered intensely from the cold, and must have perished had they remained much longer at sea.

When driven ashore tney leit tneir roai- at tne aock, and immediately repaired to a grocery store in th neighborhood to warm themselves. While there, Mr. Eider, a citizen of Keyport, saw the yacht, and went aboard of heir. As there were no signs life, he concluded that the hands had au perumw mtu, storm, and seeing a quantity Of Silk gOOda, put them nn wWUurnir snrl took them home for safe keeping until an owner uvuiu mypwn A further search on board tt yacht diseorer-ed some burglars tools, when the navigators were arrested. The goods found jin the boat have been identified aa stolen.

They amy their condition at sea was so desperate they would hare been glad to exchange it for a prison, which th nave i vouog, tie oldest not prisoners were being oyer twenty or TH1 FIRST SATURDAY IN MARCH. Orders received ia the sneanUm, and ttted tne head with tb Ooatorsaateer. At tne same lim will isoaed tk SPMUfO 8TY1M Of CAPS FOR YOUSQ MHT, M. L. OOHbTOC-, A (Late Ktehos Cosstock, CsM et Main street.

Desirable Residence for Sale. Tbeboas and lot owned and oca pied by tkesssV aabacriber, is ooVred for sale. Tb bona is new and eompWt ia all respects, kari beea baltt wHk great ear, and with partiealai refer darability and perma? aeaoe. It has all the modern rraprorssaents. Bathing Room, Water Closet, Bet and Cold Water stairs.

In the kitchen and cellar. Gas ta every room, Maibt Mantles, Comic and Centre Pieors, a fine ttsktrd Cellar, with ctsunndtMn ssssr sola sss back part. Ass, on of Chilsons best Hot Air puraaeas. with six Rewbaers and vsatiiiaiors wniea cs cesnptes asuotsaia So a tn saost complete en erer pat This i a rare pprtaaMy ta pwrehss a tfcoroax-hly and substantially built Hoas. for aria and terms enquire ef M.

TOCK, fe tl Eva stain strset. DWELLINGS FOR SALE. THE HOCSR aJTD LOT Owned and lately oocopicd bv Hon. Judge Greene, sonta aat earner of rraaUia and Alton streets rtret Class House, tn complete order, aad largo lot. TUB we Large First Class Dwelling', Now completin.

on the west side ef Delaware street, and north earner of Allen street. To a daisbad aad raadr for occupancy by April 1st next, with Maxbt Manilas, Cornices, Hot Air, Gas, Water, and all the modern im- proveavente ajompietc. For pnee ana terms et payment appif ur feltapl K. J. BALDWIN, NEW PAPER HANGINGS.

First Instalment for 1857. FOURTEEN CASES OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PAPER HANGINGS This day, received, from two of the most CELEBRATED MANUFACTORIES IN THE UNITED STATES, At the PAPER-HANGINGS WAEEHOUFX ef ja H. H. maGE, 1T4 stain street. Gentlemen's furnishing Goods.

MILLXSiGTON et BHOTHE Havinir recently purchased a new and large Stock of eaNTS' FCKNISHINO eOODS, are prepared oser to inose in wans ei seen sacanruciee, THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT 15 BUEEALO, At prices that cannot fall to suit. The largest assortment of Gloves, Seek; Ties, Ssslrts sum! Under Ctetking To be found west of New Terk City. AH kinds ef UM- BKKLLAS, at wholesale or retail, at 1ULLIN6T0N A BROTHERS, tof Maia-rt dot 8m Opposite th Churches. tiEUUOE 1. ASSORTMENT OP COOKING! ITOTEg, FABU)BITOTES, 0- OITICE STOVES, HALE.

8TOVK8, eke. FOR WOOD OR COAL, Is considered the most complete in the city dive bim a call. oextr 4 Main biuit. WILUAH H. KIKG, PROVISION, FLOUR, GRAIN ASD GENERAL MERCHANDISE BROKER, Oor.

Lloyd and 2d floor, 3T Cash advanceel en all Consignments when required. Rejer to Philo Durfee, Gee. W. Tifft, Ksq Miles Jones, luackssar a UUDert, UagnaU A atobbina. Jal-ly MJm SlMUtt.

JA) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, a a a jto. ie main i jcmmt. Over WhiU's Bank. feo-ly Jno. Ji.

L.ewis--lentist, No. 278 ITlain Street. jag-ly SKLMsKR A RObSMAK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers in FLOmt, Gxint, Mill Srtrrrs, Codstsv Psor coi, Ao. All orders promptly attended to. Corner Hanover, Canal and Main Sire a.

r. BsuatiKa, 1 BU AI T. t. r. aossMAa, Choice Family Flour constant! on hand.

mylOtf CAJ1KB.UN it WIKO, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. 8 EAST SENECA STREET. Pest Office Buildings, Buffalo, N. Y. Dealers in all kinds of Uncurrent Money.

Sold, Silve and Drafts on New York bought and (old. Collection promptly attended to. Ajrecs CAMsaow. mySl-Aly ran. js.

wnn. ComiHission Lumber Yard. JOHI GAB. KICK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Consignments solicited of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, to sell either afloat or from Tard.

JOHN OAR SICK. OOlce 94 South Water street; Yard, Grove street, south of St. Charles Lumber Depot. iirimimi: O. M.

Higginsen, 8. F. Sutherland, G. C. Morton, M.

T. 0reen, L. P.Hilliard.Esq., T. M. Avery, Esq.

myW PAtXKINSOS fc SMITH, CIVIL LAND SURVEYORS, Off.ce over M. C. Haight's JeseeUry Store, Mo. 5t3U Main Street, au. D.

rABKuisaa, I BUFFALO, T. T. WM. (. SMITH.

I tST Particular attention caid to Survevs ef Real Es tate, Estimates of Earth-work, Masonry, and all kinds of fuiuroaa engineering. anso-Iy ALKIiSDEH HtKAY, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY AKD PAPER a ia inn. isr a DE-nniTCD No. 125 Main Street, Mansion House Block, Buffalo, A general assortment ot Carpets, Kugs, Drue- gets, India Mattings and Floor Oil Cloths, Feather Beds si at! asses and uusnions, Paper Hangings and Borders, Window Shades, Cords and Tassels of all colors, Bilk and Worsted Damasks, Moreens, Laces. Frinres.

Gimoe. and amDroiaerea stusuns, ac, eoneianiiy on nana. its HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. JAJhTES W. DI7HBTK Ce No.

49 East Beneea Street, lorrosm thi "mni. Inform their friends and the public generally that they have opened the above store with the choicest collection or STOVES, of ALL, KINDS and PATTKRITg Also, Cutlery, Plated Ware and reneral House Furnish ing uoods. And we are prepared to do AU Kinds of Jobbtng, In Copper, Tin and Sheetlron on the shortest notice. 1. W.

Dcsaa, vmlO W. at Ciu Mr Lis Removal. DR. B. T.

WHITNEY DENTIST, (For the last four years associated with Dr. Harvey Has removed his office and residence to the CLARENDON BLOCK, No. 10 Sooth Division street, a few aoors iron sisin sa. vmetf SIDSET SHEPARD, MajroTAOTCSKB OF JAPANNED AND STAMPED TINWARE CO! ICR AND SHEET IRON WORK, AMO DSALKB IV HARDWARE, TINMEN'S STOCK. TOOLS.

STOVES. FCRN1SH1NG GOODS, Ae apo ate jts airs aasws ISAAC HOLLOIVATi Hiisa is MEDINA AND LOCKPORT 8 AND STONE, sijAuuinu, LiLinmAtr, rLATruKHH, Door and Window Coos and Bills, htens. Aha. ty Office and Yard corner Michicaa street and the nam ana namourgn uanai. mySl-dtx Wssa.

FOOT aS FORWARDING at COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN HOPS, And Agents for Binghampton aad Buffalo Line. No. 1 Central Wharf, fiuffuie. ww. roor.

apiuvi DITTOS A RAYM65D8. FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers in PRODUCE, BAIT, LIME-WATER COAL, etc nonet jsnage tier, Maesne, wte. yazof CJIAUlalS I. SORTOA, A 0 11 17 AT LAW, BTe. S88 SlAlflT STREET.

laS- UE.HT1MTH.Y ISAAC H. I I mwit AT. tST Main Warehtote fS CORNER OF DOCK AND WATER ST. to let. Bb7-la CHAS.

D. NORTON. For Sale. THAT NEW BRICK DWELLING NO. tfil, with lot S3 and 116W toot Franklia acar Tupper street, at present occupied by Prof.

Syces; has ail lhe sae- aern improvements incioaing nisgara weoer, net ana eoM, gas, bathing room, shewsr both, Ac, aad will be sold SSOO less than cost aad oa easy sums. Also, hoase and lot No. le Franklin street, with lot 44 try 1 IX left. i Also, that new Brick Hoase, Its. 9S, lot 6M7)X feet, Franklin street, tbe residence of Wet's Brooks.

Esa Also, story brick hense No. West Mohawk street, lot soxv ices. Also, a lease for yean from May 1. 1S6T. ef boose No.

Chareh street, now occupied by Netsea Little, wiO he sold low lor easb; ground rent at fie a year eaiy. Apply to ALONSO TANNER, rnrT-Sw tee Main street. THE C3PAR1NERSHIP OF P. L. STERN HERS A BeA-ale, N.

RICE, CLAP? A uu new lor, eipurieoy luBBauea aaaary sua arsis were eompeeea 01 PIARLL. STERItBERO, I GEO. H. BRTANT.1 VBuffale. LETT H.

RCMEILL, I RTERETT CLAPpT) i ADDISON RICE, I T- As aesae of the patroas of the Oid Western an Troy Line" msy be mislead circulars lately stewed by a arm called Rice, Ctspp A New Terk, the nsMtorsigned giro Botiee that they are Interested aad pareally engaged ia "The Wettem Transportation cTtiHsawa." and have ao eonnaetloa with that arm or rttaL u. rrtissue GEO. M. BRTAHT, LSVf H. RCMtlLL, tnbT-tw ETERBTT CLAPP.

ter- The Chkaee Tribaae srd Milwaukee Seatlnel slll cotl one week and send MR to this offioe out. DISSOLUTION THI" CO-PARTSERSaiP heretofore eztstlar between the ande reined ass been dlssotv. by limiutioa and the retlremeat ef CHARLES RIBBEL and bisk KUBiitn rrosa the os. cent. The basinets of the bate Arm af WM.

A. 4XMra A CO. win be closed up by Mr COOTS, who aloae as tnss estedl tnereln. Detca stsrea em, itKj. W.

A. COOTS, at. IDIa BIBBEU 1 Drapers and Tailari." The nndereiiraed- in connection with WrLLTiit eVrrraar of New Tork CUy, will aseusae the ktMUnesa of alLORS and DsLaPaJtSaad esHTUtMKM'a FCKIUSB. ta Mw Tesa eity to tbateapactty. esrMesMataaateoisMmettoaT serre the tasbieae 1- the seat reasthie taato a.

dstyte nUiTtf W. AWCW, No. t3TThe Pennsylvania State Convention on Monday nominated Hon. Mr. Packer for Uovemor, on the 25th ballot.

E3fWashington continues to be much excited in reference to the late homicide perpetrated by Mr. D. C. Lee, of the Pension Bureau. wife of Joshaa Miller' was beaten to death in a drunken fight with her hnsband en Monday night at their groggery in Madison street, i.

3FAt the municipal election in New Bedford, on Monday, George H. Dunbar, Republican, was chosen Mayor, with a large RepabUcan .1. rr. ri Eiy-Two young rogues hare been arrested In New York for practicing the new art of swindling hotel keepers by means of bogus telegraphic aespaicnes. annual election in New Hampshire takes place on Tuesday, the 10th inst.

A Governor, Legislature, members of Congress and town oiucers are to oe cnosen. CJTMr. Chaa. Hendrie, of Burlington, Iowa, an enterprising mechanic, has donated $15,000 to found a Professorship of Civil Engineering and ir. duuuiuuc juecuawcB ill AOWa VOUege.

Louisville Democrat says that a duel is on the tapis between two well known ladies in that city. A formal challenge has been passed and accepted. A gentleman" is "at the bottom of the mystery of the man of the iron mask is to be a mystery no longer. A. Florence journal states that the manuscripts have been found within the walls of the fortress of Pigneral, where he was for eleven years a prisoner, which will soive me prooiem oi nis identity.

E3r? it is said there is a smart citv in Ohio." where the proprietors of the daily newspapers are so enterprising mat tney publish their morn ing papers the previous evening, and their evening papers in the forenoon. Give early news" mat way, yeu see. the great painter, left by his will 1000 for a monument tn hio momn. at rPauls. It is to be a Statue, anr! the chosen to execute it is Mr.

M'Dowail, B. A. All the sculptors resident in London who are royal acaueimcians sent in competing designs. ESTA collision occurred on Monday at Wal- iingiora, on tne iiarttora and JNew Haven Rail road, between two fieieht trains, sliehtlv dama? ing three engines and a few freight cars, and caicuing a uraKeman Detween two cars, tearing on one ot nis legs ana injuring his remaining foot, CifAlex. Stuart.

of New Yni-lr hna nur. chased the Baptist Church in Midison street, near Gouverneur street price $10.000 and trivan it to the Presbyterian (O. Church for the use of the Germans who desire to worship in that part oi tne city. Three or four cargoes of negroes have been recently landed at Cuba. A Peruvian ship had also landed 295 coolies, the remainder of boo embarked in China havmc uerishedof dvsen tery while on the passage a terrible mortality, truly.

First Arrival or the Season. The schooner Norma, Capt. Long, of Sheboygan, arrived here last evening, says the Milwaukee Sentinel of eD. 26, having left yesterday at 7 P. M.

She returns again this morning. There is no ice in the lake, though some still lingers about the snore. BP All the bogus coin and counterfeiting ma terials taken from counterfeiters and deposited at the United States Marshal's Office in New-York during the past four years were burned on Wed nesday. The whole amount was $1,300. This ourning takes place at the inauguration of each irresiaentiai term.

extension of the Chenango Canal, from Binghamton, to connect with the North Branch of Pennsylvania at Athens, is being agi- i uc uiobauuo it tun ty eigm mues, tne ousqueuannnn river connects the two points, and mere are no neavy grades. The cost of the con nection is estimated at $600,000. are fortv-eisrht steam encinrs em ployed in the Lake Superior copper mines, representing the power of 1804 horses. These move pestles, which crush 592 tons of vein mat ter per diem, and produce 814 tons of copper per day. These engines cost $308,700.

They require corus oi wooa per aay, which cost $860. A Wealthy Client. By the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, we perceive that Gov ernment nas Drought 1200 suits during the pre sent century, against defaulters! to recover 213,000. In all these cases, the conclusion of tne suit nas been that the defaulter has not been found, or has been dead or insolvent, and Gov ernment nas had to pay the costs. tSf-Thc N.

Y. Mirror presents a blausibla the ory of the recent shooting of Emma Green, at an assignation house as turning that the mysterious luruerer was ner nusDand, in disguise, who, having heard of his wile's mode of life while he was in California, returned, met her in. the street, induced her by giving her money to ooompany mm to tne bouse, tbera obtained convincing proo of her wan and then shot her and fled. Rascals Caught -in a Stor. On Sundav night a number of burglars broke into the bonded warehouse on Cunard wharf, Jersey city, and stole therefrom a large quantity of silk goods.

They then sailed in a yacht with their stolen goods for Philadelphia, but were compelled to seek retuge from the storm at Keyport, where an officer fortunately happened to be. He arrested the chaps and conveyed them and their booty to New York. Latk and Int resting mom Liberia. Let tors were received yesterday from Monrovia, via England, of the 12th of January, from which we regret to learn that a serious difficulty had occur red at Cape Palmas, between the colonists and natives. Of the causes of the outbreak we are not informed, but the letter states that considerable property had been destroyed, including two large native villages situated on the verge of the Cape, and several dwelling-houses belonging to the colonists.

Of the colonists only one death is mentioned. The natives lost several. It is also stated that Mount Vaughn Mission station, with it3 school houses, was destroyed. These belonged to the Protestant Episcopal mission, under Bishop Payne. We hope that this report is incorrect or exaggerated.

The Cape Palmas colony, from its foundation in 1834, has been singularly exempt from all vio lence from the natives, or difficulty with them of any kind. It is to be hoped that the present dis turbance is but local and will be only temporary. Cape Palmas Colony was founded by Dr. James Hall of Baltimore, and that gentleman sailed for Africa a few weeks since, in the new packet ship Mary Caroline Stevens. Dr.

Hall is very popular in Cape Palmas, and his arrival will be most opportune. We have also files of the Liberia Herald to Dec. 18. The Herald of Dec. 17th, publishes in full the text of the treaty of commerce and navigation recently signed and ratified between France and Liberia.

Another number contains a description of a tour in the interior by the editor, in company with the Rev. Mr. Seys, from which we hope to make extracts. JVr. Y.

C'jm. Adv. Texas and Arkansas. The emigration to these States from the. older Slave States is re markably large, and it seems, constantly on tho "Increase.

A recent number of the Memphis Bul letin says itWe have never before observed so large a number of emigrants going westward as are crossing the river at this point daily, the two ferry boats (sometimes three) going crowded from early morn until the boats cease making their trips at night. It is no uncommon sight to see from twenty to forty wagons encamped on the bluff for the night, notwithstanding there has been a steady stream going across the river all day; and yet the cry is still they come. The emigration is from the older estates, mostly Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mis sissippi and this State, all going to settle in Ar kansas and Texas. Judging from these indica tions, the influx of population into these states will be larger this season than ever before, and or good substantial citizens. Kansas not Free tet.

In a letter just receiv ed from a prominent citizen of Kansas, is the following item A decided movement is now being made to get claims npon the Shawnee lands. ParkviHe, Weston and Platte City are all alive sending over emigrants to Shawnee. The determination to make a Slave State is not abated not at all; only different tactics are to be used. They are all going to take some kind of a claim, and vote according to law. A bill is before the Bogus Legislature to provide for the calling of a Convention to form a State Constitution.

A registry oi voters to re made upon tne nrst ot March, and the election held in June but none allowed to vote except those registered in March. Gover nor Geary is troubled. If tney can carry out the programme, they are sure of a State Constitution." Boabd or Supervisors Cattaragus Co The Board of Supervisors of tkia county stand 19 Republican, 6 Irish-American, (elected bv a union of Irish and Hindoos,) 6 Looofoeos, and 2 Fusion Hindoo. We hare no doubt, from the DoCtical character of the minority of the Board, that the "eldest democratic editor west ef Cayuga Bridge" will be retained aa tate Printer for Cattaraugus This should be done. A faction that win abandon iu only one-idea principle, and "Play Bear" with the d-Ml should be allowed to have its organ print $50 worth of laws.


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