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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MISOETiiiVNllCU iJS. 1)11 GOODS. BY TELEGRAPH. I have received despatches front Vienna which assure me in the most positive manner that the MOBNING EXPRESS. 1 AUCTION SALE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY.

Fkisat Erxsise, Doe. 14th, snd following eve Blnga, at i oVIoek, wW bm BT 1. AAftON, Anmanrsa A I I Mnn Street. 'LL w. Jewelry.

Silver and Plated Ware, od, A rtoot lbe coo-cera a tbe sabscriber is giving ap "rutins. Great (rargains may be expected aa ta tod wOl oe Bold. 1ST" Remember tb Homtier, time and place. dels C. GAGE.

90 Maint tST Military Mietiko The Jfw York Sran Miutabt Asbociatom. A meeting of the officers attached to the Eighth Division, N. Y. B. was held the Armory of the Seventy fourth Regiment on Wednesday evening, tor the purpose of tasking "arrangetaents for the recaption aad accommodation of the New York Military Association, which will meet ia this-city on the tth of nary next.

On motion of" Mj. Gen. KtafBAU, Brig. Oea. Soaooaa was called to the chair, and Capt.

Wk. Axnaa, Jr, appointed Secretary. Gen. Rpau. then rose and addressed the sneetiag in reference to the object for which it was assembled, giving si detailed history of the organization of the State Military Association, which had tor its object the maintenance of a thorough and efficient military organization, which could be depended upon at all times fori any emergency that might arise, and read the following communication from Gen.

Stuakt, of the Monteagie House, inviting the mem Jot the Bvjjalo Morning Etfreet.J by Tire irotSE line Yeaterdajr AnersaMa Report. Arrival of Ike Steamship BaKic. The Baltic arrived off Sandy Hook last night. 1 a aa only feature ot too week, a news is a Taie- tv of raanors, all staling that there it at ieaat a Iospect of peace. One nunor says that Swaa airecuy requested rrassia to malte coacuatory effers to the Western Power.

Prussia ia said to have adopted tiiis niiaaion, and Aaetria aAaeata. The niost definite form of rnmor is that nronodi- tions have beea submitted to Kapoieon on behalf 01 itnssta wtBch can te bonoratory aoeepted, ra That Russia will conclude peace with the Western Powers without the intervention of either Austria or Prussia, according to guaranteed independence of the Dannbian principalities and the freedom of the Black Sea. Both parties continue preparations for war but no active hostilites to be entered upon to an agreed date. All this is positively premature, but hops are strong that peace may The excitement respecting the American affair has almost ceased. The Danish Conference met on the 20th, but took no action.

The King of Prussia, in a speech to the Chambers, announced decidedly the continued neutrality of Prussia. Some unimportant changes had occurred in the English Cabinet. Nothing from the Crimea, Asia or the Baltic. Liverpool ottos Market. Brown, Shipley report fair demand pressure of new arrivals caused decline pf fully 1-8 especially in better kinds.

Week's sales 49,470 bales including 2,900 on speculation 5,800 for export Fair Orleans 6 1-8 middling 6 11-16 fair uplands 6 3-4 middling 5 1-2. Breadstufis quiet. Flour Is lower; corn do; wheat two pence lower. Previsions quiet. Iron steady.

Sugar very dull at 8c decline; no transactions. Money in great demand. Consols 89 14. Bullion decreased 122,000. The Arago arrived at Southampton on Friday morning.

London papers contain details of a battle but they do not differ materially from previous telegraph reports. The official announcement of raising the blockade of the White Sea on and after Oct. bare been made. The overland Indian mails arrived at Marseilles on Thursday. The London Morning Advertiser says of the Russian propositions: They are dishonorable, delusive and unsafe.

They fall short of what the western powers have a right to demand, vand of what will satisfy the expectations of the country. Despatches received at Vienna state the Omar Pasha had entered Kutals, and re-commenced offensive operations, Nov. 9 th. The force of the allies at Kertch and Yenikale had been augmented by reinforcement to 45,000. The King of Sardinia left Paris for Colais, Thursday evening.

He was to embark for England in the Queen's yacht. The admiralty contracts for the navy Provisions have been taken at a much lower rate than were exDected. the averatrei price for beef being 1 Is per tierce and pork 9. American tenders to the extent of 10,000 packages were accepted at 8aJE8. 1 0s per tierce, American stocks naa improved with large sales.

The 3 per cents closed at Paris on Friday at 1 2 per ct. advance. Later. The King of Sardinia arrived at London on Friday where he was received with great enthusiasm. Admiral Brant, commander of the Black Sea fleet had died of cholera.

Count Mole was also dead. The American ship Telegraph with a full cargo of linseed, flax and hemp had sailed from Am sterdam. I The White Cloud with a similar cargo was detained by ice, and would probaiy have to re main. Nw York, Dec. 13.

We have news from Venezuela to the 7th nit. The Assembly met at Carracas on the first and elected Senor Bermudjey by a large majority. The cholera was raging with great violence at Valentia, but at Laguira and Carracas it bad con siderably abated. I The Herald's correspondenlt telegraphs from Washington, on the 12th, as follows The question of the Speakership remains in statu quo. There will be an attempt made to morrow to advance Pennington, and if he fails, the opposition will then call a caucus, and the man who receives the highest vote will be considered the caucus nominee, and as such, should be elected.

This arrangement was proposed to dav. and has. I understand, the concurrence of all other parties. The S. Propeller Niagara, being boilt by contract in New York, is pronounced a failure by the Naval construction.

When completed she is to cary 13 large Paixhan guns on pivots. Thk Bakkb Trial. Mr. wnitney summed up this case in the evidence and Judge Roosevelt charged the jury. The jury retired for consultation early in the evening and up to 2 o'clock this forenoon had not returned a verdict.

No verdict has been rendered in the Baker case up to one o'clock to-day. No prospect of jury agreeing. Mr. Ureeley, ot tne TriDune, teiegrapna uom Washington There are the usual rumors this evening tbat several will fall away from Banks to Pennington to morrow, but I do not credit them. Gov.

Gardner has written here strongly urging adherence to Banks. Washington, Dec. 13. In the Senate yesterday resolutions were offered authorizing the Governor to call out a reei- ment of volunteers to aid in the suppression of difficulties in Kansas. Nothing important in the Senate.

The House is balloting for Speaker. No choice jet, and oo change in the complexion of the votes. Racine, Dec. 12. This evening a German lawyer named Manel was stabbed by a Frenchman named Gill, and killed almost instantly.

The occurrence took place at Gill's house. Gill a printer by trade, and generally regarded as a peaceable and inoffensive man. Gill is now in jail. Nsw OELM.SS, Dec 11 Advices from the city of Mexico, of Dec. 5th, announce a conspiracy to make Uraga President.

The affair caused a great excitement, and several arrests had been made. Col. Rabies had been appointed to succeed Almonte at Washington. It is rumored that Commonfort had retired from the church and was opposed to the government, and affairs were in general confusion. Richmond, Dec.

11. The Committee on Federal Relations in the Legislature of this State, made a report to-day on that portion of the Governor's message relating to his returning the resolutions of the Massachusetts Legislature. The Committee agree with the Governor as to the conduct of Massachusetts, but claim that the Governor should IiAve sent the resolrrtionfl to the legislature for action. T.t Kwenlnffa Report. AOditBD4 BTwwa.

Nrw York, Dec. 13. The tntinnance of easterly winds still keep out shipi -wtt from the States. But this has had no effect on our market, which has become very dull ait only retail transactions of the most limited character have taken place in bread-stuffs. On Tuesday wheat might hate again been bought cheaper t.San on last Friday, but there waa little done.

FUmr was unsaleable at a runner reduction of 6d a Is per bbl. Indian Corn was oBered at 46s per quarter for raided- At to days market there was a poor at ten, of wheat would not submit to any farm er decline, the businesa done was trifling. Flour was doll and nnchanged in price. For Indian Corn there was a speculative feeling, and mixed in some quantity brought 46s per quarter in warehouse. To-days quotations are Wheat, red Ilea llsSd, white 12s a 12s6d; Flour; Philadelphia and Baltimore 43s6d a 44s, Ohio 44e a 44e6d, Western 42s a 426L Corn mixed 45s6d a 42a, Beef the Government contract is understood to have been 6 2 per bbl, to have been taken at 6 13a a 8 per tierce.

These low rates have had a def jparing effect on tbe trade and sales are limited. Holders however do not give way ranch in. priee. Pork The contract rates are 8 a 9 10s per tierce and 5 oaf 6 2s per bbL The for this article ia also depressed, but th light stock keeps prices firm. A large portion of American pork Las been contracted for, whicih is a new feature.

Bacon, aew American at the moment but owing to the moderate rates at which pork baa been contracted for aad the small quantity inquired there is less aanfrtiiue feeling aa to future prieea. Lard has sTighily declined from the very high prices lately aid. Tallow receded 2a a 2s Ad per ewt. Cotto There has beeav a good stead de mand all! the week fiom the trade, and holders of 3: A AGENT WANTED TO THIS ItrforilteCciuoaxiiaef American UUrat-ire. To a suiUWe person a liberal compensation wijfcbe allowed.

A niJr MVtRft'at Apply toC. I deel WANZFJt, kick I a Main st. i mm vvitnica, ar TWO CAP CUTTKBS AND MAKE US. None bat -killiul work mew aecostosned to extra fiat work sel apply ktTX liUM oclS-tf iro-jslaiB-- Wautcd. .1 TWO OR THRtE SMART.

ACTIVE MEN JL can Cud constant employment apoa lb inost liberal and remunerative terms, to canvass tor yiiWFnimons heaaurulry illustrate ing at Vt Main streets, up stairs. JS JrlMf A. AIOI1Etfi AgentJ TdTkvstlEY Ca. rOKWAKDING COM MISSION MEIjCHANTS a wim ana use or boa ts ojffrss I boon in KB, No. II ptntral WiuvJ, 4tfalo; Sams i cua.

psmnain. Jee Iloyt A Co- Adams A Buckinhas.Ktl A Sey mour, ios, tiuitcaa, A David Dow Grant, Sayiei A New York M. H. Ktad A Son, A.Duranl A S. Hale, Grant, Armstrong A Co An; few White, voinme ciai nana, amauy.

myi'f CAHKUON 6t MrftAVVM CARPET, UPHOLSTEBf AN 0 No. 125 Main. Street, MantAo IIovu ELecjr, Buffalo, J. CiKHtw. Aisxs JI'KaT.

A General assortment of Caroeta. liacs, Drue- gets, India Mattings and Floor Oil Cloths, Feather Beds Mattresses and Cushions, Paper Hanging and Borders, Window Shades, Cords and Tassels of all ootor, Bilk aad. Worsted Dainaeka, Moreens, t-aces, sring, tiiuips, asm Embroidered Muslins, Ac constanily oa band. jy2 (aanrrsraa katkboiis a tinwi, Ataaav,) skalsu vt STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET JR0N1 CO PER, Ac. Office and Sample Booms.

Pearl Street, next door north ojithe WtUgrn Butetj BUFFALO, N. If. wrixiiTCT0S. JmrlT-lyj CHisi.ES o. mum 1S54.

WASIHSGTON 1MCK. fi854 E. S. ALPORT; 1 STORAGE, FOlt WARDING AiflM COMMISSION, Ohio Street, near Waahlngrton Square, Oppositethe Ship Yard of Bid well, Ban ta A CowBuflalo. STORAGE FOR 10,000 BBL8 FLOUB, 250 feet Dock for Steamers, Propeller aad Sailing Yeels.

Also, Dockage lior Kailroad Iron, Lumber, Salt, Coal Water ume, etc. i jeiiii GEOKGK GATEJ, (Successor to J. U. Flagg A Co.) WHOLESALE AMD kKTIL DKAL IN HATS, CAPS, FUR TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, GLOVKSj, Umberellas.Cane, Rubber Goods, Fur Overcoat. Plashes, Pur Gauntlets, Fancy Robes, and other Goods adapted to the Trade.

i 1M AAiitt Street, Bufijlfi, N. Y. fW Cah paid for Shipping Fur: jocl4-ly John Tulcott 6i Isaac W. ATT0RNIES AND COUNSELLORS, i No. 803 Main ttreet, Bujlalo, N.

Are to be found at their office, and will give prompt attention to anv business committed to them in the City, in this State, or in the United States District and Ctfcuit Courts. i iiusitAMUs At wui'rrSti. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW And Proctors and Advocates in will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to them, in or out of this State. Ouice No. South Division street, Buffalo, N.

near the Clarendon. I J. tr. MOBBiUB, ocl9tf W. P.


i Curtis. Storra A N. Y. Charles Clearer, ChleaRO. Jolm Weat, J.

Hasains, Milwaukee. AUo.iUunaio. Sam'i wetberell la, Kainry A tuciiariison, pi. louis. Irt-onard, Sturdeman 4 New Orleans.

apiftr SEARS DRAKE Late i of the film of JOHN DRAKE SON, have rented the new and spacious warehouse, No. i4Haao- ver street, for the inspection and sale of Beef, fork, nan, Hams, Shoulders, lard, Ac. Thankml for past favors, we still solicit a share of public patronage. nol I t.Wi DRAKE. BTJDU THAYBRJ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE KR0KERS, DEALISUS IN UNCUBKKNT MONKS', (J0L1, 1 i SILVER.

Ac. Office corner Maid and Exchange streeu. under 0. Lee uo's nana, Bunaior, TH08. A.

SUIiD. i OClTtf ijgi TBATBB. "IroGMKxticA HorWp, Corner of' Randolph and Dearborn NOW OPEN ON THE EPROPEAN STYLE, F1TKMISHHD iKD OKCORATBn THBOUOaoDT IN A STYLE OP MA GNIVICENfiE VNpRPAS8KD 1 tin. Crtivjr. myiou Huijik A Whits, Proprietors, (late of Mo.) Successor to Fox A SHir CHANDLER, GROCER COMMISSION MERCHANT, i i muutKia i- Anchors, Chains, Canvass, Tarred and Manilla Cordage 23 Si 24 Ckhtkal Wharf VKiuy sr.

Agency of the Buffalo White Lead Co. Cah paid for Old Junk. aplS-ly WURM, HATCH CTnr GENERAL i AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERHANTS, HEAL ESTATE AGENTS, FOR TBESAL3 OF Lots, Lands, Goods, Stocks, No. 22 Dearborn irtreet, i i selOtf i ClllOi K50, ILL. A.


uourma. XIIOWAS WltlCllTl LACES, SILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, AKTIFICIAl, FLUWEIU, Millinery Goods and Mantilla, i 2ftS Main Street, se28 Buffalo. ISAAC IIOI.A4VA DKAIJca IN 1 MEDINA AJfD LOCKPORT SAN FLAGGING. CURBING, PLATF0IHWS. Door and Window Cans ami SiWtiShtis, tc.

Office and Yard corner and the Main and Hamburgh Canal. THAIEU'8 PATENT SPERM Factory on IndianaStreet-tSales Room, 84 Main Street. fW Constantly on hand the celebrated lpnt Sperm Candles, superior to the Sperm, and sold ttt much less price. Also on Lard, siaoniBery ana otner Oils. i si delt CLARK BBOWH, 1 RECTIFYING DISTILLERS BUJLALO, Sorner Perry and WathingtMt Street.

Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers- In Hiehwines. Alcohol. Double Refined Pure Spirits, Cologne Spirits, Rec tified Whiskey, Old Rye Whiskey, Domestic Bandies and Gin. Also, a superior article of 99 per cjent Alcohol, fpr Burning Fluid. I Orders promptly uued at tne lowest macvet prices.

rW Dealers in the above articles are inVlted to call and examine ourstock before purchasing elsewhere TI'UNEK BROTIIKJUa. aANorAOTuaxas or TURNER'S SYRUPS, ARSAP ARILL A Ginger, Wine, Ac, at New York, Buffalo; N. and gan I llrt St IV. I. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in i GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, hOIGARS, Also Foreign Fruits, Pickles, Pickled Ousters, Lobsterr rreservea, ac.

Also Receiving in their season, Oyrtef in shell, from New York. .4 tm Store No 89 Main street, BunaioJ 8 i JASON PARKER CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in aljikinjUof COAL, FIRE BRICK AND FfitE CLAY, Office and Yard on Norton jasoh pAaasa. mylu Emwiyp dcdlxt. P.

L. sTERKBKRG i fcOw' FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and proprietors or the TROY AND WESTERN LliiE, Foot of Lloyd st j-eet. COMMISSION MEKCa AJNTS, 1 A nnini VW fiulKxa i' H. Rainet, Flour Inspector Crcsuarjeosr zm Particular attention uald to the sale er nurehaa ofVLOCH, GRAIN, and Produce in general noli BVELL W1LLARD, PRODUCE, FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION Also Dealers in Salt, Water Lime and Plaster. Near Toot of Lloydstreet, opposite Buffalo City Bank.

J. S. BiisXL, i feBtf Jam. M. Willard BUFFALO, N.

T. Mactaiuistai Tools. ENGINE LATHES, IRON PLANERS, VER, lical Drills and other machinery, all sixes and patterns, for sale by i i I 1 I aiKi I- SlUniE.1 1IOVT, WAOsWDKTIIi 1 YUELL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. OffUx No. Kit Main street, Bitfalei jy28U jisus.son.

I jAMts WADBWoarn. jr. W. nuu. jAATKM V.

EVAH3 CO; PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND (UK ARJJEK, Water Street, near (A SUp darned, i i I AffFFAlO UACJSi ALL DOBBIN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS, rtuus rLiuuinus, tT See advertisements ia another column. ap25tf FARMER'S LAND OFFICE, -I Bt Jame Sullv, HoUister Bui tiling. Corner Main and Seneca Streets, Buffalo, N. MtrSKS SMITH, Lumber Dealer, i 63 Washington Street. SPCC8S80A TO J.

8. DOPGl it CO. usiunus aoujsaAi, WRnt.HrtAlJtA!(DKSTAU.nXALKa.I i CANADA PINE LUMBER, SIUNGLS, Ac. vmoeana xarauoo mj jmmeurtm. feattf WM.

Y. BMKHr, Agent. 1 1. JUSTICB OF UK PEACH, Has opened his office at 147 Main street, over the Hasrse Telegraph Office. I ii -jaStfj C.

tTl KS Si to -PC- FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner Skip Canaland Long Wharf, Bufafii mjTU CEO. TEACH ER i TOC At A10 Apply at Wol8y ChnrrAatet.BuJlalo.. ell-8m EO. W. COCHRj IK AH FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS jkot- oh mm, iiwuw, vnun Prompt and faithful attention will be given to altbwataess itrwated to ear care.

nrl4tf U. W. sOIXtBO PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -1 Merchants' EaxMang. r. H.

W. rtXAXB, 1 SBCFTALO. B.M. Aujm. if jco fjpn I sr.

MILLER, LIVER I BTAJJ1JS 'AND SUIINU JiALLERY -i Comer of Evans street and CanU. Th Inest turnouts at all hour. eaBery open day and 11 -i- aaliltr naiaui sj i PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. Prtmi Stmt and pot, afaU, WANTS. MURRAY SCUMMING, 1 ASK tiOW RICJTIKG ANi) Of flK F0 Cs.Lt Prices 33nch HcUw Usual Ua.ts, 1 ,000 PIECES RICH STEirED SILKS, 1 PLAID SILKS.

n.i"i niuir rK fo Itll'll liKoCAIIK SI liS BLACK l.KS.....:........j..... OO Pieces. 1 F.K eant Floancvd Silk, some of which are the Itichest ettroeiud this inartet Cases and 10 do flald, newstyk. 8 caesataD prices. DE LAINIS lScases, from Is, Bp.

Oar Embroidery and Lace Department Has never been so complete in laces and Collars, anions wlikn may be found 1 I LACES Keal Peiat, teal HonUon, Maltese, Tatessdennea, Engtith I hreau, Black tjiuipure, Black Brussels, Ac. COLLARS, la. Beal Point, French Muslin, Preach Cambric, Honiton, MaJtes, Valenciennes, Crape, Ac. Houitoa Lace Collars and Sleeves in Setts. Maltese, Valenciennes, French Muslin, and Cambric do.

FRENCH CAMBRIC COLLARS AND CUFFS, And every article in the Lace and Embroidery Particular attention is called our SilAWL it CLOAK DEPARTMENT. 1 ,000 BR0CHE LONG SHAWLS from $10 totlGO. 5 OO BR0CHE SQUARE SHAWLS from to W-. 500 STELLA SHAWLS, all prices. I.OOO PLAID WOOLEN LONG Shawls from $3 60 to fid.

IOO DO DO SQUARE SHAWS. HfOUKIVIiVO GOODS In all the usual variety. We have also on hand about FIVE HUNDRED CLOAKS And daily adding to the Stock. Which we goarrantee to be the best made in this market and which we wm sell L0WEB TUAN AST HOUSE IN THIS CITY. Hosiery and Glove Department, Is mil and conxpleb, comprising every quality of asd GENTLEMEN'S, SILK, WOOLKJi COTTO.

IIOSIEU ALSO KID, CASHMERE SILK GLOVES. In the Domestic Department Will be found FIFTY Cases Bleached Shirtings, from 6 to la. TWENTY Cases 8-i, 9-4 and 10-4 Sheetings. FORTY Cases Prints from 6d to Is. FIFTY Bales Brown Sheetings, from 6d up.

Also, a full stock of FLANNELS, TICKS, DENIMS, STRIPES, Our stock now embraces every article in the i DllY GOODS LINE, Wlii. li we will sell at prices that cannot fail to please the closest Duyer. MURRAY A CUMMING, oc24tf 194 Main and 89 Pearl street. 8PayCJAIi NOTICE GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. AT THE CASH STOllE OF EVRY MCPHERSON, Ao.

198 Main Street, COME ONE COME ALL! I We have a very large and seasonable stock of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, hich we are bound to sell at such figures that all will be satisfied that there is NO 1IUMBU( In offering the following viz: In our Cloak and Shawl Department, May bo found an Elegant Assortment or the Latest and most desirable styles andpatternaatl of which will be SOLD AT COST. IN OUR Silk Department, May be found great bargains. Indeed we are bound to reduce ourstock, and it will be done. Our i Embroidery Department Teems with rich New Goods, all of which we Intend to offer af EXTRA LOW RATES. Trimmings! Trimmings The best assortment in town, selling at low figures, call early and make selections.

Super French Merinos, A very large stock at from 6 to 10 shillings as low as they can be purchased in New York. PLAIN AND FIGURED Wool Delains, COMMON DELAINS, Plain and Figurt GINGHAMS, French, Scotch and Domestic, PRINTS, jofthe very best Makers', SUPER French Prints. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, And Shirtings of superior makes, and a hoet of very desirable goods too numerous to mention, which we offer at VERY GREAT BARGAINS. BROAD CLOTHS and CASSIMERES LADIES CLOTHS in all shades, PLAID CASSIMERES for Boy's wear, FLANNELS, Red White and Blue, Will be sold very Low FOR CASH. Our Linen Department Is full of desirable goods, All qualities of I TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, DOILIES, TABLE CLOTHS Linen, JVoolcn and Cotton.

LINEN SHIRTINGS AND T0WELINGS of qualities. i Gent's, Furnishing Goods, Of many description? whichlwill be sold at great reductions and well worth the attention of purchasers. To COUNTRY MERCBA.NTS, Who wish to replenish their Retail Stock -we offer many SUBSTANTIAL, INDUCEMENTS, for Cash. A word to onr many FRIENDS AND CUSTOM KRS. The present opportunity is one that reallv ought not to be neglected, for we are REALLY IN EARNEST Knowing very well that there are many ho make the ap parent show of Selling at Low Figures, An opportunity for getting exor itana, prices.

We most respectfully invite the attention of all. Hoping they will favor ns wiU) a call and convince themselves of the HONESTY OF OUR PURPOSE. EV11Y McPHEllSON, 198 Main-street. $200,000 WORTH OF GOODS 2b be Sold at an Immense Sacrifice. chansii 1 if BTJHITTKISS.

GREAT AND IMPORTANT SALE OF Dry Goods, Carpeting Upholstery, At Bishop's Store, fOX MAIN STREET, MAST SIDE. The stock, which consists of about Two Hundred Thousand Dollars WORTH OF GOODS, mast be sold within the next six months. Prices Lower tltua Ever. The assortment is foU and cesxniete. and far surpasses aay in the city.

The proprietor contemplating great and important is- proveaaetilsi in the, ensuing Spring, suast itifp of hu present stock at 1 ANY SACRIFICE. 'Call and secor a portion of the decided barrian now offering. Attention si partirnlailv directed ta the lam and ele rant assortment of Carpets, which for the want of 100m mast be disposed of. W. B.

BISHOP, 811 Main street, sfcasTale, N. T. 30 hales of ENI3LUB CAKPKTS and TAPKHTRY CAKPfcTS of my own importation nt received. 1 ecOtf THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING! BENSON at BIICK. Tj AND, 206 Mada-St-, tsurkas Blade, Having been eminently sncceasBfuI in buaineaa the present season, and wishing a see aH their loss era, and the public generally, make ready lor the Hou-STtt -i Offer their entire stock of FANCY STAPLE JSWt GOODS t.rn ji a 111 LOOK AT OUR PRI0E3.

Rich Broeba long Shawls at $13 00 worth $15 00. Berlin Wool I 1 00. Ladies Cloth, 00 a 00. French Mertnoes, "7s 10. I Plaid 5 6s.

pfcsm Dreaa Silk, 4 "6. Idie White Kid Olovei, 6. Preocai DeLanes, "Is Ssv kferimack Prints, 10c lajfe. Heavy Woolen Blankets, S4 Nice Prints, Be Heavy Bro. Bbeetlac fie- aad ewerw- thinr else in preportiow.

We solicit an exaastaatiaa at tbe Cash amponusB, Up Town. HANBOH ft BUCUAND, del' nMsm.Anserican. AN Xj Ool SATURDAY THE tVtA UfST A Gold Locket, marked oa oolaid "Karv L. Clark," Incite "Birffala lan I 1 BUFFALO, FEIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1855. Arson G.

CHESTER, Edito. LOCAL, LITEHAKY AWD KISCXIXAKSOIT. Hf At the election bad by the members of the Fire Department on Wednesday, for officer of the Benevolent Association, the fallowing ticket wa success ful Y- 1 President E. O. Gisdseb, Hose No.

J. 1st Vlce-Prssidenl Wm A. Dobijuon, Engine No. 1. President Frederick Held, Bovine No.

12. Sseriry Gee. D. Emery, Knjrine No. 11.

Treasurer- Wm. T. Wsrdwell. Hose No. 1.

Collector M. inner, Hook and Ladder No. 2. Directors Engine No. 1, James A.

Cameron; No. Anthony Malone No. 8, Charle Wehaer No. 4, P. Paulas; No.

6. H. N. Lock row No Jesse Randall No 7, Jme Galllgan No. 8, P.

Biponi: No. 9, John Getty No. 10, John Natban; No. 1 1 Joseph Rose No. 12, John Lorenx; lioee No.

1, Wm- Fleming No. 2, John E. Spen cer No. K. B.

Feltbousen No. 4, J. Duks Hook and Ladder No. 1, K. O.

Salisbury No. 2, Lewis Maurer. tW At a meeting of the Board of Trade held at the Merchant' Kxcbang yesterday morning to take into consideration the Invitation extended by the citizens of Toronto to participate in Die celebration of the opening of the Toronto and Hamilton Railroad, the following preara ble and resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas, The Buffalo Board of Trade ha received an Invitation from the citizen of Toronto to be present at the festivities In honor of the opening of the Hamilton and Toronto Kailway," anj Whereat, the event to be conuaeuuMrated i one of commercial importance and a mm ui mieresi io mis uoay, therefore Reeoleed.Tbnt we tender our congratalatioua to the ciuzeiui ch Toronto on ue completion or a work or inter nal improvement which promise increased commercial advantages to thtt city, and placing it In a more direct communication wilb the United States will tend to strengthen the bin. Is of mutual good feelings! preaeut existing between the commercial men of the Mates and those oruanada. fieaolmyl.

That we accent tin polite invitation of the eltlteo of Toronto, and that the secretary is directed to communicate trie fact, together with a copy or the resola tlons to the Committee of Invitation. Mrs. Bostwick. This favorite vocalist announces a Concert at American Hall tiila evening. We presume there will be no slip Between the cop and the lip," thi time, and hope the Concert will attract a good pre sence of worthies." Mr.

Ikwrwici is one of the weetest singers now before the public has a charming voice, a fascinating style, and sings wllh the spirit and the un demanding." She is always welcome here. She will be assisted on this occasion by Prof. Amsitr II. Wood, of Albany, (once of this city,) a pianist of acknowledged excellence, who fingers the instrument a daintily a the wind toy with the blossoms of May by Mr. A.

A hdriws, of this City, a capital singer, and by Mr. C. 0. Dbokbiurd, also ono of our people. The material of the Concetti all that' could be asked.

We hope the Hall will be crowded. 1ST THKAT-REV R8. Annk SENTER.Tliis talented and pleasing will appear to-night a Lady Gay Spanker," in BookcWaih.t's comedy of Iondon Assurance." JUkjkhs plays "Sir llarcourt," Hiu. Dazzle," Rosa "Max," Bll-lBBLBir Mark Meddle," Mrs. 8aluiv tlrace," and so on.

The whole will conclude with "Dark Doings." Mrs. Skntkr has a good stage face, walks gracefully, gestures well, and reads distinctly and taatefully. If she has any fault, is that she acts too much mouths too much makes too much or an effort. Her voice i strong and pieroiug, and when ahe River it it Tull power, It seeuis to ns like too much of a good tiling." However, she ia a wonderful actress, and is bound to succeed. ACCIDENTS ON THK CENTRAL R.

B. -FrOtn (be Annual Report of the N. Y. Central R. R.

we learn' that daring the year ending Kept. 80th, 1355, the total number of persons killed by accidents on the road is twenty-four. The number injured, twenty-six. Of these, ten of the killed and six of the injured were employees. Only one passenger ha been killed, and eleven injured saeveu person nave Deen killed by being run over or truck while walking, standing or lying on the track.

In only one case is the fault believed to have belonged to any person in the employ of the Company. This was the ac cldent at West Albany where the Engineer violated orders ana rosi nis ine ib consequence. tJPBuROLARY. On Wednesday night, Bays the Commercial, after the ettablishment had been closed, some person or persons effected an eotrance into Goulo's Dining Saloon, by breaking into the kitchen, thence Into the saloon itself. A general examination of drawers and cupboards was made in search of whatevever valuables he bad.

The till of the bar Was opened and about ten or twelve dollars in money taken out, after which the party helped It or themselves to a pint bottle of wine and deliberately proceeded to a side room to enjoy it. The empty bottle and a piece of a candle were found iu the morning upon a table where (he repast was hud. At the anniutl election of the Lake Erie, Wabash and SI. Louid Railroad Company, the following Directors were elected Azariah Boody, B. Litchfield, Jas.

B. Varnora, E. Whitehouse, and J. A. Sanford, New Xork Harmon Ptnnpeliy and Lyman Chap in, Albany E.

Holmes, Brockport; J. C. Colton, Lockport Albert H. Tracy, Buffalo Allen Hamilton, Fort Wayne James Spears, Lafayette Russell Sage, Troy. At a subsequent meetins; of the Board, the Hon.

Azajuih Boodv was elected President, and Ldoikh Tiltok, Vice President, and other officers as last year. CSN Central Railroad Annual Election. The following Board of Directors was elected, at Albany, on Wednesday: Erastus Corning, Albany; Dean Richmond, Buffalo; Joseph Field, Rochester; John H. Chcdell, Auburn; Horace White, Syracuse; Alonso C. Paige, Schenectady, Russell Sage, Troy; John L.

Schoolcraft, Albany; Nathaniel Thayer, Boston; Schuyler Livingston, New Vork; Edward O. Faile, New York; John F. Seymour, Utica. For Inspectors of Election, Henry H. Martin, George Dexter, Kufua G.

Beardslee, all of Albany, were chosen. tgg4 Sad Railroad Accident. The Syracuse Journal of Wednesday says: Mr. Gsoaox Baslow, a freight conductor on the Ctica and Syracuse division of the Central Railroad, wa9 run over last evening near the freight depot In this city, by the mail train from the West. The accident occurred a follows: He was standing on the track taking, the number of his cars, when the mail train backing up struck him in the back, knocked him down and passed over right leg, crashing it at the knee.

His leg was amputated above the knee. Mr. Bab-low resides in Utica." The December number of the Genius of the West the Cincinnati monthly, to which we have so often, and so cheerfully, alluded contains, among other good things, a sprightly poem, by D. Caklvlb McClot, Coffee Houses," Characteristics of Coliridoe," etc. Its editor, Wm.

T. Coooshiiall, Is well known as a writer, an editor, an author, and a lecturer, and is possessed of the true gb-ahead spirit. In the hands of almost any other man the Genius would have been swamped long ago. This magazine is an able ally in the cause of Western lite rature, and deserves unlimited patronage. Young Men's Christian The Rev.

Dr. Edwakd Hitchcock will lecture before the Young Mens' Christian Union this evening, at 1)4 o'clock, at Kremlin Hall. Also, on Monday evening cf next week, and on Monday and Wednesday evenings of the following week. The subject of the first lecture will be Principles of Inorganic Geology bearing upon Religion of the second, Principles of Organic Geology bearing upon Religion;" of the third, "Illustrations of Natural Religion from Geology," and of the fourth, Illustrations of Re vealed Religion from Geology." 13?" Books. Burke, corner of Main and Exchange streets, -baa received The Old Forest Ranger, by PaAjK Fobrsstxk, illustrated The Heart of Mabel Wane Balloon Travel and Gilbert Go-a-bead, by Peter Parley Ailieford, a.

Family History; Nipoleon Kemini.icences at St. Helena, by Aaaorr Juno Clifford, a Tale-, by a Lady Kstelle Grant, or the Lost Wife The London Quarterly and Westminster Reviews, for October Peterson's Maga- aine. for January. Boric has, aUo, the latest numbers of the London Illus trated News, Times and Punch. 3f Arrangements are in progress for a rous ing Donation Party to the Rev.

J. E. Roan, of the ChrU-Kan We hope that his cellar, his larder and pocket will overflow in consequence of this affair. Mr. Roam ia a consistent and useful minister and a hard work Ing and successful editor he richly deserves such a By the way, why not serve some of the diters who are not so fortunate as to be ministers, the same pretty trick f3f New Dodge.

A woman, with rags on her person and tears in her eyes, called upon one of our clergymen, on Wednesday, and besought him to attend the. funeral of her child naming the place where the body might be found. Moved by her appearance, he cheerfully consented, and also gave her a suitable donation Upon going to the place designated he found the whole thing was a boar, and that the woman was a vile imposler. Pleasant! An anction sale of watches, silver Ware, will be held at the store of John C. Gagkr, this ieveniug, and following evei ings, until the entire stock ia disposed of.

For particulars, see head of Auction Bale." This assortment is a choice and extensive one, and good bargains may be expected. ggT We Are informed that Mr. Rickords, of the American, Is to assume the proprietorship or the Clarendon on Monday next. Biotoaus is a capital fellow a hott ln more senses than one and we shall be delighted to see htm succeed in bis new capacity. He will do sr, without doubt.

t3S Attention Creditors A meeting of the creditor or the Buffalo, Brantfbrd and Ooderieh Railway' Company, will be held at the Wadsworth House, on Saturday, December 15th, at o'clock, P. M. AD persona having elalsas against said Company will please attend. Mr. Bxsjsob, the Kaglish agent, wiR be present.

Mr. Vandevkntik, one of the officers of the Toung Mens' Association, has shown us a letter which state that Mr. TmAOizaAV wfH lecture in this city on the 88th and 19th instants. He will not go South until he has fulfilled hi Buftalo engagement. This ia good news.

adj aw. avviiun. cl rJROTHERS T6- oommence their Book Bales, at store No. 814 Main street, thi evening, continuing through the holidays. They have a large and picked assortment, and are bound to get rid of IL t2T" The Dancing Classes of Prof.

Jas. Delano Will fc formed to-morrow afternoon and evening, at American Hall. -The will, of coarse, be like a Broadway am-nlbnathatone ha waited for an hour or all ty Th Westfield Transcript. Know No- hiasj paper ha been discontinued. Bo says th Bria Diplomacy of Austria is showing groat signs of cwvay just now.

me writer, a person poostos ig auesaai so vantages tor obtaining uortaataon snd of long experience ia Diploaaaew, predicts kDgthe German powers will address -oaues vim a view ot bringing about peace, tne wirier further twiu that Uu had more hopes of influencing France with umbo propoattions than VpUl Ua ia nnder tbe impression that Russia is unable to hold e.t much longer in the Crimea that the Czar be goes oo to say that the reports froaa Paris are more favorable to Knaaia tnan those from Lon don. Without being able to oonSm any of these from tbe channels emformatstm around me, I am inclined to believe them not devoid of trwth. In a second Edition of th Tone of the 13th. the Paris correspondent of that paper repeats wnu aaainonai confidence toe above report and intimates that propositions have been actually maae io ranee and England. On tha other band a correspondent on the Russian frontier writes to the Cologne Gazette iue suasion government is cnleny engaged in three objectsthe construction of a railway aad steamers and the manufacture of tha Mi uie Adding to these measures the enormous military levies, and tbe rapidly with which the organi zation of the militia proceeds, it becomes evident that we must sot give too much credit to rumors ot negototiation which are constantly heard.

but rather conclude that Russia is preparing? for a long and obstinate i A great many coasting vessels, with valuable cariroes, are waiting in tteckJenburtf and other Prussian ports, ready to start to Russian ports tne moment it is favorable, but are now detained by fear of ice, aim Aa. A despatch from Marseilles states that on the 16th tbe Russian batteries on the north of Sebsstopol commenced firing red hot shot, to which the allies replied. The Hambargh News states that the are reorganizing their Baltic fleet, with the intention of putting to sea in the spring. oeverai oi tne oia cxmmanaers are replaced by young men. The weather in the Gulf ot inland to Nov.

2 ft bad been mild for the season, but in the Gulf of Bothnia it bad been sharp. Another division of the British fleet had left Kiel for England. Admiral Dundee has received orders to return Asia. An English letter from Erieronm, un der date of Nov. 7 th, states that all was well in Kars to OcL 31 st.

The city was closely block aded by the Russian cavalry, but reports do not confirm that tbe garrison was short of provisions. 1 here was a rumor- at Uonstantinopie tout Mouravieff with his force had raised the siege and recrossed the Appatchi into Georgia, but this is doubtful. The moot rftliahla arlvicAA enma via Varna. stating that Omar Pacha has been unable to fol low up his recent victory because tbe Kussians have forwarded their reserves from Tifiis to Ku-tais. He is fortifying Lis position on the -River Ingour.

Denmark and teweden continue to persist in the exportation of breadstnffs: The American ship Robert Paton, Capt. Kelly. which had excited suspicions by remaining at anchor at Sandham, arrived at StocfclKMin hot. 16tb, when ber cargo of revolvers waa found to consist only of cotton and dvc woods. Naples.

A most serious misfortune befell Mesbina oil the 14th ult. by an inundation, occa sioned it is supposed by a water spout. The whole country about Messina was under water. Trees were torn up, houses, gardens, furniture and cattle were destroyed, and many persons drowned. The city was also much damaged.

The total loss is said to exceed 1,250,000. In Palermo the cholera is raging very badly, from 10 to 100 death occurring daily. In Naples from SO to 40 deaths are occuring daily by this fatal malady. Chima The Santala were still in rebellion. Much rain had fallen in the vicinity of Bombay.

Business was suspended on account of the Holli-days. Wo leam that the Imperialists have been de feated by the Patriots near Chean Keang Foo. Exchange at Canton was 4j on ehangfaai 6e 0 l-su. Naw York, Dec 13. The Jury in the Baker case are still out, but with no prospect that they will agree upon a verdict.

Edward Colby to-dav recovered a Verdict of t450 asainst the New York. Harlem and New Haven K. R. for breaking his legs in a collision at White Plains, in November 1864. Mayor Wood this evening sent a message to the brandy Aldermen, denying their right to re move Mr.

Matsell, Chief of the Police, yet expressing a willingness to investigate charges against him. The stevmship Grenada arrived this evening with Havana dates to Dec. 8th. She left in port the steamship Philadelphia to sail the same day for AspinwalL Off Hatteraa she passed the steamer Black Warrior for Havana, and 40miles north of Double Headed Shot Keys passed the steamer Quaker City also bound for Havana. utica, uec.

13. A grand Celebration took place to day in Boonville in the honor of the completion of tbe Black River and Utica R.R. to that place. About 9.fi00 Deraons were present, including: many dis tinguished citizens of Oneida, Jefferson sad Lewis connties. The occcasion wes one of unusual interest.

Great enthusiasm prevails in our city to-night. The cars will commence running regularly on Saturday. Washington, Dec 13. House S2d ballot Banks 104, Richardson 74, Fuller 84, scattering 11. 63d ballot Richardson 74.

Other 64th ballot Fuller 85. Others same. 65th ballot Banks same, Richardson 72, Fuller 88, scattering 7. The Speakership continues to be the aH engrossing topic. There seems to be a fixed determination on the part of the Banks and Richardson men to adhere to their respective candidates.

This being conceded, Mr. Fullers supporters have the balance of power and with them rests the responsibility of making the election. Should tbe three divisions remain firm, a proposition is talked of to end the contest by partitioning the principal officers between them. Dee. 13 Hon.

Charles Jackson, formerly a astice of the Supreme Court, died this morning, sged SO years. A Isrisk snow storm prevails tliis evening. djjfl 1 Xarge Importations MILLINERY GOODS Fr Fall utMl Vater Trass. WA98LEY BBOTHEBb, lUn-iacUimi, toPortera.WboV aad SjtaB Dealers is Bcinn, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers Aad aS kind ot Ld TJJailT inform th Ladica ot BaSalo, th nubile aenerally. that Uiey are nmlAtT'Crm of El, ir v.

'lV? Dd rater MUUsary ever xaimi- ZZZ. ua i. ki hi, tKMnjtclra-Bt designs sf Kastera cities, latest PAKia MILLINSRT, niBSlf '-rj Bilks, Satins, Velvets, Castas Shastfel, Colored and Watt Straw Booaets every sisa and quaJtf and great variety aw ty lea, Immbvibi to IBnlinn. Asm, alar stock of Suks, Satisa, aad Velvet ef, ery shade and quality, by the piece or yard, at xc wdwigl 10 jjt received, a splendid stock sf ri Fall Bsanet B-bons of every number, shade and qoaliy. Also, FRENCH FLOWERS, FLUMES sad Feathers, Straw, Cactus aad aiaaflla Braid, a great variety.

Whalelieoea, KeoU, Boche, Wire, Btoad ai-ing, Tarletona, Crown Lining, Boas FranK, Ac Bluliaeracmn always depend anon finding in tai estab-lioDt a eamnleta stock of MiHiaerv Good, at lowest lao. Patten Boaaeta, latest Pari styles famished. CLOAK AK rMJLfTH.IMn?. 'Mrtaent is eoniptet wttn everyttuaa; new and elegant I Vmi ai aaioUfohair, Vervetand Uk' "cLOhKa AMD TALMAS. W.

anal be coS receirrrthrooroot 0 fall aad -troit of the beautilal rarmenta, Ut and mot fashio whlh uiin nB COafPOTJXD COKFllLCT1 OF ICELAND MOSS' CANDY, FOR COUGHS AND COhJ rpHIS EXCELLEKT PREPARATION "HAS links there havstMea twewty thirty isnslsllsas Bn.wd, somcoi wen ananww; p. tj The peMtear tooUaWe ta think that CaadyBMst bea very simple pre paration, and can de no haras, ksst there may be very Bianry articles Introdaced Into Us eosablnatton that aa.Ha let eeirtne; the eatajh el the psSwrt, wll Si row him into a vistr ar arras- and reader his rfil int an alarm-taf sosisi a few days. Penoa caanot be svaarfal wbat BKdieiBeat'xy aae. Dr. Hinsdale OaaAeetwsi wf fcenmd Mosatsaaed and recoanaended by ear Brat phyaieiaBs, and hiudrrdB mmy be lefciied to who ttnaat It an larrsraaMe prrpmtton.

sooth the coajrh, pi iit'l a artd eipeetoratloBu aaOf rtahealing qaaiitiea ftrew atrenfth to the hrngi aad J-aess to the voice. It has rcaamended by naneroos ad rrecte rtdal have been laboring a loa titae and have foend tastrUt Dr.IUnOBd.le-B Iceland length migtit be tweU'- No. ISO KV; kw nn! xta i i all v. tbrSmi Worst to Parents YATES J- Has now on hand YOUTHS' AND CHIIiDRKS CLOTH F50, ef all dssciiptfoss, sn4 for aH a.T", threa to twenty yean, at S18 sanln st Terov nan bbwvm. TTNDEB SHIRTS AKD DKAWER8 I 1 and (Wm a wwmmt wrto saa BjsasHty.varystwapb TORK FOR mAlitMBBI gTUSSST Xin-riv-andforsaUb, yt ing convinced inai some sacrifices must be made, has employed Aartria with secret mission to sound France and England.

My informant then GREAT BAKGA INS G. Are now ofietiug iicir eutuc SioCfk of rtaL nUsff I5- ifM v5--J i DRY GOODS AT COST, Eelng aiixfouB 'ta k'tlie sjtocK hieforej the 1st Janaary, yoa ean depend grtiiug olt worth of rear money; j'- i SLlkB, Ib their liue you will find a foil aod eompleto assortment horn 4 shBtinga up. Merinos, Of all Styles and Shades at prices tbat cannot fail to pleas the closcit purchaser. Delaines, We hare a large stock of ail Wool; alao Cotton and Wool, ail of which win be sold at cost. Shawls, Cloaks and Mantles, In tbia line we can show you not only the Fine and Rich qualities, bat these of good and substantial ma.

terial, all of which we are SELLING AT COST. LACES AND TEI11MIKGS AJJD K1BB0XS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, Wo hare a full assortment, all of wliicb will be Id as low as at any ather hoase In town. linen Department, In this department you will find every tiling tbat to new and desirable. Flannels and Domestics, Lave a full stock, all of which will be sold at cost. Please call and examine onr stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, and yen will find what we lay is true.

O. A. Vanslin Ac nol4 24 MAIN STREET. 205 MAIN STREET. PREPARATORY TO ENLARGING AND EXTENDING Our Store which will HATE TO BE CLOSED To make the improvement, we are now offering I GREATER INDUCEMENTS, I TO ALL IN WANT 09 DRY GOODS, i Carpet, Oil Cloths and CURTAIN MATERIALS, Than ever before, and will continue to sell until the 15lh of January, at Mach Lea) than the; Ho rue Articles liave ateretofore been ttctalled.

Our stock is very large, comprising Over 200,000 Wor tli i OF THE CHOICEST FAMILY DRY GOODS In tbia part of the Country, which makes this Uie moat favorable opportunity for purchasers lo obtain their FALL and WIXTKIt Supplies Ever offered. We invite especial attention lo our extensive and well selected stork or i Choice Dress Goods, Recently imported and selected with unusual care lo the requirements of this market. i Also, to our large and varied stock of CARPETING HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES Of the newest designs ami choicest makes together with our Immense -Stock of Silks and Win tor Dress Goods, Of the most elerant descriptions Imported, all of which are now complete, and which we offer at retail At Unprecedentedly Low Prices To close them, aa our Store must be closed for a short time, by the middle of January next, to make the enlargement. i Our Domestic Stock is Very Large Ana or tne most desirable makes, which we offer AT THE MILL PRICKS. The Btock is very comprehensive, comprising the BK8T STYLES 09 GOODS in every rrade.

so that all clases of the community now have an opportunity of supplying uieir present ana luture wants at retail, At th Irfsweat Paeltasre Prices. It. JT. Sc. It.

D. SnCRlTIAIf Co 205 Buffalo. vmmf Winter Fashion MOIIY V. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. 107 Main Street, Mansion House Block, Buffalo.

THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD MOST RE-spectfully announce to hi friends and the public generally that he is now prepared to accommodate all who wish superior Clothing with the most elegant and durable winier rasnions. lie has fortunately secured the services of Mil. J. MONTGOMERY, a most accomplished and experienced Cutter, recently from New York, and formerly Cutter for A b. Iliiiwe'l No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to all who will favor him with their patronage.

Children's Clothing constantly on hand and made to order in the best and latest styles, aid warranted to suit. Gentlemen leaving their orders, can depend upon getting the best both in style and quality. Don't mistake the store, 167 Main street, Mansion House Block. deT-tf Dissolution. 'TVHE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE La.

existing between Lyman Kcapp and Henry T. Gillet is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Arm will be settled by either of the parlies. KNAf F. Buffalo, December 10, 1855.

11ENEY T. GILLET. i The business of the above firm will be carried on at the old stand, 18 Uoyd Street, by the subscriber. aeit-aim HENltY T. GILLET.


68 BLLIOOTT STREET, BUFFALO. Examination $1. Examination with prcscrip- tion. A3, succeeding pxaminariona with Prpirrintinn. i9.

When a new patient addresses us fox an Examination and Prescription, the letter must be accompanied with $3, the patients full name, age and residence. In all eases when patients sena their hair, they should state the ptomioent symptom or symptoms. The hair does not always present every feature as dearly as the system. See handbills. Address FINCH A TROWBRIDGE.

de8-lm Box 8848, Buffalo, N. Y. NIAGARA FALLS Paper Mannfactariug' Compauj. Organized November 1, 1866. Camitwl S1SS.OOO.

MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, KEEP hand at the Mill and with INGERSOLL ECKLER, 1 1 84 Pearl Street. lSutulo. A Keneral variety ot Printing Paper. Orders are resoect- fully soUcited. L.

C. WOODKUFt', Pre'U srouGtrros rrmBomt, Treasurer. deel BnlTnlo, Brstntfbrd and Ooderlcla Ballwty NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENj THAT A Meetincof the Shareholder of the above named Company will take place at Stratford, in the County of Perth, on Wednesday the 19th of December next, for th purpose of considering the proposition of Messrs. Heseltine A Powell, on behalf of the Lake Huron and Buffalo Kailroad Company, for the leasing of the Buffalo, Brentford and Scderfeh Railway. By order of the Board, W.

JOHNSTONE, Secretary. Brantford, November 14, 1855. nox2-tde19 Take Sollce. A LL PASTIES HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ii. the Buffalo, Brantford and Ooderieh Railway Company, are hereby aotined to render their accounts to the Secretary at the Company's office, in Brantford, on or before the 15th of December next.

By order of the Board, WBLLKSLKY JOHNSrXINK, Secretary. Brantford, November 14, '65. no22-uiel9 Notice. A MEETING OF; THE STOCKHOLDERS of the American Transportation Company will be held at the office of the aaid Companr. in the citv of Buffalo, on WEDNESDAY, January 1856, for the purpose of electing Thirteen Directors of said Company, and Three Inspectors of Election for the ensuing year.

roils win ae open from 1 o'clock until half past a ciocx P. M. deS-tiaSi WELLS D. ALBKIDGE, Secretary. HOLIDAY (mUSEJiTS.

LEE 1 BOTHER HAVE EECEIVED, IN additioa to their former stock, a food assortment of Watehaa. Jflwelrv and Vancv Good. deurned fur the Hol iday trade, which they will sell at reduced prices. Those in want of good ia our line will do well ta call and see before buying elsewhere. A good stock of.

docks always on band, at wholesale aad retail. The trade sapplied with tools, mtrril and Watch Glasses at New York pri- I t37t Don't saisteke the plaoe at 1S4 Main-st. delO-tf SPABX3XG SUNDAY NIGHT A bumorons aonr, cosapeeed by Chaa. Degenhard. THE SiiAfiUiiAl A comic song by Oark liaaktns.

Parody "Do tbty miss me at Home." A first rate parody and well adapted to good music. The aaove piece nave use neen pnoitsneu ny delO -SAGE A SONS, iS Main St. 1 'HE HOUSE BIX SENECA STREET. hsBw haul a as a boaidlwe howse has been fitted in bbm oeder by the- I nai and fc Brepared to accomsaoaate lamuse. or stngi rrniirsarn wm farnlsbed or nrarnthed, a desired.

oet-81 r-r Sale. Jf-TX The Sciooner J. BLAKS, nboat 21 I'l ton tsarthea. 1 tor particwlaj ewaire at 118 Main street. 1 1.

deotf ON THE I9TH BETWEEN ELK and Scott street. asmaH bundle of rSmhlno ne feng of 1 Overcoat and Jacket and a mrmber of other email article. The index wall be liberally rewanird by lea vine the saineat th corner of Main and Phi streets. oc2g STEWART'S REFINED SYRUP GOLDEN Byrap and other Byrapa aad Molasses fa- uie hv i -A, I JOHN a MJLLEa, oclS cor FTrhsnge A Ws)Slungton-Bts. ALU THOUSAND FLOWERS-A LARGE iavoice, Jwat received at I Bilnra wttxjAMa.

I dec Patent Medicme Depot, tlTX Main st. I tfirf. SOFT HATSI loOD IVcerred thU day by expres a large and el- rant assortment of the above hats, all Oa latest stylesand patterns at 1M Mats street. TES. lERKIXG'S SALAMANDER SAFES FOR- ty rllssas sail issss, raaying la price froca 6d is f5u, for by JOHN WEEKS' vsw-h Ffivialtmt.

i i SJiAW 4c BROTHERS' GREAT BOOk SALE, 1 Re-Opened at SU slain stree, on Friday Even- Inir, Dec. 14th, and will ooatiaao war mtktm aU thrwuk tbe Having jaat opaaed a aaiw Invoioo Ana is and elegantly illaatrated (rift books, tnano Sacat aad aaoateaprn-ive tyl or binding. Also, a eaeral assortawnt of Harper's Publication, Sne Family Biblea, worth bo 15 SSO. tai I a rare otipa saaity to parrhaae ome or the beat and ssoot aipmslve BUpdare aad miscellaDeoo book la the trada, and tlM wVhirf to repienuh their libraries, hAd not tafl to attend, as the sales are con ducted oa tho falroat priDesptea. d14-tf M.

MICnOLAfl. Anetlonevr. L. K. PUMPTON Aueramxui.

GROCERIES AXD HARDWARE AT AUCTION. I SHEXJP-fiaKDWAKJi A BUAItlrr'rirrrOOKoeRtK'ARIKd BY PLIMPTON ts WELCH No. 80 Main stroet. Thttksdat, Dec 18th, at 10 o'clock A. M.J will be sold uader the directive of the Sheriff, the stock ot a retail Oroeer, Boasiatfn; of the waaal variety.

Black and Graaa Teas ia rlrjnal packagts prime Tea and fresli. OoSii. tard, tobaeeo, la packag-ea. Alao 1S barrels aaraVd at Kenned Bafar. To pay advance an invoice of Shelf Hardware, consorting of the.

fol. awing; Table Cutlery, Carvers Forks, Steel Key Ringa, Tape Measures. Q. 8. Tbimblea.

Tea Bell. Cork Screws, four fold box rales. Plated Candlestick, SoaBer anu Trava, renanives, Pcwori, rcnrll Uaaes, Ball anil Ma tard Spoons, Spectacles, Powder Flasks, Steel Fquarr, Bran Candlesticks, c. ac. Terms Cash, on delivery.

del4 i lUJaAMLUUII Awiwubl rERElLPTORY SALE OF DRY GOOD? TO I PAY ALVANCES. BY BIMAM BRCSIr-at feti Main St, eet. I IfoXDiT, HUh, afid following days, at Id A. and 2 P. or ech dar, will be sold to cloea ser- eral consignments of retail removed to Sife MAIN 8TRKET for convenience of sale.

The stock comprises a grart variety, which will be sold in lots to suit purchaaern. Vargains may be expected as tbe whole will be sold without reserve, being desirous to render accounts for all com-risaton goods before tbe first of Sanuary. 1 tar Hemember the Store, 20f Main street. deS-tf AUCTION SALES. MAUBICE VATJGHAN, wUl aeU at Auction, at his Auction and Commiaaion Rooms, adjoining the coiner of Main and Oaay streets, on SATURDAY and TV DAY next, at o'clock A.

a geaeral touectiou I Hoooehold rtrnitnre, Merchandise, Ac. If" Tirma, Cash. MAURI CF VADGBAN, Auctioneer. THE FOLLOWING IS NO IsUAKwJG. The (ireatest Diseofery of (he AgeJ TR0F.

WOOD OFFERS FOR SALE A PERFECT HAIK RESTORATIVE. It will in a short time restore tbe Hair, which has become gray prematurely to its original eolor -bring it out where it is gone, and arrest it where it is falling off clean the head of the dandrua" and itching remove ail cutaneous eruptions, and rendara the scalp perfectly healthy, by restoring the secretive organs to their original vigor and strength, and thus supplying nutriment and coloring matter to it, it doe uot color tha hair but is, in short, auerfect iiair Im igorator and Tunic, To the young, who so much admir the beautiful lock and riartot, no teem that be will be pardoaed, if he offers the advice suggested by long stndy and extensive observation. It 1 UvlUcard all cologne and stimulating oil for the hair, and kep alwara npon th toilet a bottle of the Keatoralive for cceaional nae, and we can safely predict, tbat beneeSnrfeb ailvor lock and bald head will be on. known; for, although the roae may bloaaom upon the downy cheek th dark eye be ever so piercing, aad tho teeth be those of pearl still, if the natural flukla be with-be from the Hair, and In consequence it become first dead and harsh, then gray, or falls off, nature will be robbed of more than half its charmi and although it If a sovereign rBrdy for those who are gray as wen as those who are bald, still all will seethe propriety of makingonly such an application to the hair and calp al Is calculated to preserve both in a perfect healthy state. Vrncaaais, June 15th, 18M.

Paor. Q. J. Wood Dear Sir. As you are about to manufacture extensively and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomever it maycon-cernfthat I have used and known others to use it.

That I have for several years been in the habit ofsuing Ha'r Restoratives, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other I know. It entirely cleansrs the bead of dandruff, and with one month's proper use will restore any person' hair to tbe original jombiul color and texture, giving it a nealthy, soft, and glossy appearance, and all this without discoloring either the hands which apply it, orthsdress on which it ilrops. I would, therefore recommend it use to every one desiroui of having a fine color and texture to hair. WILSON KlNli. Mruoan, Matt Not.

18th, 18M. Paor. O. J. Wood Dear lir.

I take pleasure in bearins voluntary testimony to the magic effect of your wonderlul Hair Renbratire. As far back aa 136 my hair commenced falling off, until the top of my scalp became bald and smoo'b aa glass, aud it has continued to fail for a great many years, notwithstanding I have used many celebrated preparation for it restoration. Seeing your advertise' ment.I waa induced lo give your article a trial, and to uiy utler I louud after a few applications that my hair became firmly set, and assumed a very glossy and beautiful appearance; and, by tbetiine 1 had used auuart bottle, my bald head was covered over witb a young and vigoroan giewthot ha. which is now from one to two uche In length, and growing very last. Your tra HKNKY GOODRICH.

Address O. J. WOOU A Broadway, N.Y., and 114 Man.cttreet,t. Louw. Mincoari.

For ale at manufacturer's price in Baffalo by William King, Jr Charles and O. II. P. Champlln, and by all drarglsts. Prof.

Wood' oriental sanative km linen I and vegetable Magic Liver Pill also warranted to give satisfaction, or money refunded, See clrcolar. auHiactf To Those and Others, THE CKDERS1GNED HAVING BEEV appointed Agents for the celebrated II. K. A K. Hot Air Fnrnaees, acd having a full supply of Use amf all aiae Bailable roe Dwelling, Churehe and Public IUmmiis, they are prepared to put op tbe same under tbe foiUwina; proposition WUl put thein ap ia any place, and after a fair tr al of one month they do not give perfect satisfaction and with a Lceonnmjjtionoi Fuel than any other Heater ra ose, they will take down the name and tnaka no churn whatever either for tbe furnace or for anything oonncctcd with the sanie or the use thereof.

Also, being Agent for one of tbe largest Orate manu factories In the fcast, they will sell the am at manufacturer price, which will be 10 per cent less than they can be bought In thi market. A call is respectfully settclted before purchasing elewhere. I'll ir.HL f. tiunridn ove and Hardware tatabtuniment, Tm'ri lm o. 8 opposite Port Omce.

IMPORTANT NOTICE To tbe IcopIe of lluffal, gTRROCNDIXO COUNTRY, AKD ALSO THK PBUPLI VY On the 15th and lCUi of each and every month the well known and justly celebrated. Indian Herb Doctor, K. J. Lyons, OF THE ARCADE, ROCHESTER, Will visit Buffalo and can comulted and hi Medicine, from Nature's Garden, obtained atthe CLARENDON HOTEL. Let oa and all who are snffaring with disease of tbe Lung, Heart, Liver and throat, aad all aueasetor me Hlood or an other complicated Chronic complaioU of long standing, by all means avail themselves of this chance without delay.

Vjo aoing tney wm escape uic irouprapp of that cura of the baman race, Mercury, snd otlieS Mineral poisons. Nay more, they will beccme one more In fall possesion of that greatest of all earthly blessings-, TOLADiES OLD AND TOPNO, MAEKIED AXD LN-HAKltlKD, Who are suffering with those various disease peculiar to their sex are requested by oo means to despair of a permanent cure on til they have given the Indian Herb ocur and his Medicine a fair and faithful trial. The experience and success of lh oar practice during th Doctor's traveling in all tha principal paxto of tke tulafce nab! him witb Um stomt aoaMeac, I warrant a care wber other fjBeat Protestor or in oLbcr word Calomel doctors have miled Sogtv relief. ray-- a PwjapMe ooatnifi ing a abort history of Medi- a brief ketch of tl.e bactor lite, atady and exwnaiv travel can be uhuumd grati at his Room at tk Clarsadoc Hotel. and advice given freeof chsrge.

Th Poor will bo liberally consuicrtd. Rooms opca from 8 A. It. bo 1 M. and a to P.

M. tpAJ Kemeaaber that the Indian Herb Doctor's office is at No. 14, SO and 87, Arcade Hall, over the Post Office, Bochester. Residence No. 14 Cbenut street, 4d door from Kim (trees, weal ide.

je'O-ly NEW KETHOD POK THE GUITAR Containing elementary rnatrurtions In music, designed lor those who stndy without a man'-er, a incut ana tiupi method for tuning, diagram and directions for holding the guitar together, witn a eoeapiei ruiae niunrasra uy exercise and examples, to enibte the k-arner to become a good accompanht, to which ia added a selection of aiwi nnnular aooirs. Waltzes, polkas, and a set of preludes in the keys mostly ased In th Oaitar, giv-ing the different chords aad of which will enable learners to arrange the ir own C. Converse. For sale at tbe Piano Forte and Music Saloon, K6 Main Hret. lVy7 Dnlrl Anu i I rvta.

JOH71 IX. LEE Sc B4 RS, 'BROWK 11 MAIN BT, BUFFALO, DRAl'Tfe iasned and CBEBITS nprrtrald on all tbe cities of CNITF.D JTAT13, FKAKCK, IKKX4ND, liUlMANY, SCOTLAND. asLaliAMfiaon Enaland. Ireland and Scotland farnish- ad at the rate at five dollars per pound sterling withoat y'TAPSsTT fc jtk Uneof Linerpool nWndo Fmcket Ships. turM riiEPABE TOn TOLiynUTHBE A SHIRTS nnd WlhmiptSS, 7Z UsaeVvrwot, HTWoot.

Rihwed Cotton, nJniVwae. Ttirv'Swnir l', and aW MAIN STREET, T0WNSENV HALL BLOCK 141U AT WWOLESAUI ASS RKTAIL 1 A.T 1T4 MAIN STREET, This HUwe, bavins; been enlarged, is now II MlTia Our awn vmn uiiMJKHRn, iwiMp. rTWrieaa. French, and English Paper Haagmrs, i i 1 reJeti caw do -r from tti. ttrtce.

St. IS. S1M, srapew vy kt aealreo. i.iaislST UOwtti.l A i i rw OavatA, Searfe, fitockn, Hoiiory, I.krves, Tic, nmarMr Kobe, Ac. Mall auaek.

aeUutr Bis Atm Tnnr'ir KUtnr.U.U ABdinanew- K. 0. BROWS a OO ed y. ITS TvfjjClOS. WATCHES, JEWsXEY, PLATED yyroDWAST A GOOD 0OOK bi'OVB I lonl faR to he Kew EbarTeat aTtha Eagta Foraaeo nam bers of the Association to a ball to be given at his new and magnificent-hotel oo the 9th proximo MosrrcAMJt Hocss.

Srarraicsi Bamoa, I December i Major General Naxsoa Rajtdall, President of the New York Bute Military Association GaWExtL The "Niagara Puspension Bridge House Company," having completed their House, it is their intention to give, on the evening of the ih of January, Military and Civic Ball." Will you please to accept for yourself and lady, and extend to all the members of the Association and their ladies, an Invitation to be present on that occasion as invited guests of the "Monteagie." Respectfully yours, CHARLES B. 8TTJART, President and guperintecident N. 8. B. If.

Co. Gen. Rasdaix stated that be had, on the part of the As sociation accepted the invitation. On motion of Col.1 GairrrrH, the American Hotel ws de signaled as the Head-quarter of the Association, and A me rtcau Hall, if it could be procured, as the place of meeting, and Col. Gawrrra, Major Hutrtr and Captain Mum were appointed a committee for that purpose.

On motion of Col. Karmaa, a committee of was appointed as a general committee of arrangement, si fol lows: Maj. Gen. Randall, Gen. Scroggs, Col.

Lansing, Col. Rich, Col. Krcttoer, Col. Griffith, Major Fox, Col. Dann, Major Lathrop; Msj.

Howard, Maj. Harvey, Lt, Col. Fisch er; Col. Ramsey, Maj. Guenther, Col.

Carey, Maj. Yande- venter, Capt. Rogers, Capt. Rochester, Capt. Andre, Capt.

Mixer, Capt. Danner, Capt Bidwell, Capt Pfeiffer, Capt. Bird, Capt. Devenlng, Capt. Drev, Capt.

Cottier, Capt Weld rich, Lieut. Roessell and Lieut. Ketchum. On motion of Gen. a committee of three, con stating of Col.

Lansing, Maj. Harvey and Capt. Mixer, was appointed to make arrangements with the several Railroad companies, to allow' the members of the Association to is over their roads at a reduced rate of fare in coming to and returning from the meeting. The meeting then ad journed. i the committee of arrangements named above are re- 5 nested to meet at the Armory of the Seventy-fourth Regi ment oh Saturday evening neTt.

Buffalo Fihkmkn'k Benevolent Associ- ATioN. The following figures give an exhibit of the condl tion of the funds and the financial transactions of that body or the past years as they appear upon the book of the Treasurer DR. For paid reliefs, including funeral expenses of seveal firemen r.SC 00 For sundry exienses, printing, etc For due bill taken as cash, unpaid. 11 1U 00 1,800 00 ayi ri For loaned on bond and mortgage For balance cash ou hand-. 16 CR By balance as per last report Ills 16 ty revived irom foreign insurance companies 2T, on premiums 46 IT 16 2t -b By received from iuteresc of, mortgages 44 deposits By received from of city ordinan ces tn relation to powder,) etc By received from mortgage of J.

Barthol, expired 150 00 is WM. T. WARDWELLfeasurer. Buffalo, December 12, 1S65. In addition to the above figures it may be proper to.

state that the association has about $10,000 loaned upon bond and mortgage, which shows that its affairs are on1 a firm basi and that it is prepared to meet any emergency. What waa the glory of Absalom? Was it his beautiful countenance Ah, ncf but hi Hair. Those Who lose what proved his ruin, would do well to call at Champun's Drug Store, 290 Main street, and get bis Xyla-plilorium, or NePlus Ultra Hair Restorative and Invigora-tor. Only 25 cents per bottle. dell-lw EST" The Ladies of the East Presbyterian Church, contemplate the holding of a Fair, for the benefit of their Church, commencing on Tuesday of next week.

Due notice of the time and place will be given. i t3S A correspondent of the Bochester Unian, pitches into those jhelfable humbugs, "The of this city, right and left. They are now "spiritualizing'' in Syracuse. Mrs- Macready, the celebrated dramatic reader, and Cauiu-s UmA, the violiniat, will appear in this city 'early next week J5rF We have received a choice sketch, enti tied The Summer our favorite contributor, Carrie Ellerslie," which shall appear in due time. Mr.

Galusua has been appointed paymaster, not receiver, as we stated recently. SPECIAL NOTICES; lisy Vebt Vexatious. To visit a concert or lecture room where one half or the audience are afflicted with The sufferers have an infallible remedy in Devme's Compound fitch Lozenges, which aie sold at 25 cents a box, by deia jutin j. U-iuuuriH, iz main street. If Based on Scientific Principle.

The great remedies for Whooping Cough and Croup, and Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, -Cholera Infantum and Bummer Complaints, are Dr. Jas. McClintock' Whoop ing Cough Remedy and his Diarrhea Cordial. Their pow er to a rest and cure disease nar no equal, luey nave been perfected, by over twenty year auccessful and lav mense practice by the late Dean of Philadelphia College oi meaicine: ooiu ny u. n.

r. utlAMrLin, del-2w 290 Main corner West Eagle, The Greatest andt Most Kelp nts fie Men seldom, if ever, give to the world the result of their researches, which have led them onward, step by step, to the highest pinnacle of fame. But Dr. Jas. McClintock has taken the opposite course.

His Alterative Syrup for puri ty in? the whole system, and Dyspeptic Elixir, for Dyspep sia, Indigestion, and lxss or Appetite, are daily enecting the most rapid and wonderful cures. All appreciate their intrinsic merits. For sale by 0. H. P.

CH AMi'LIN, edl8-2w 290 Main corner west Eagle. To Smoke a Cigar In a Powder Maga iine Would be deemed an act of madness yet thousands of our people risk life In an equally insane manner by neglecting diseases of the throat and lungs. This is astonishing, when we have the fact established beyond con-trove rsy that Dr. McClintock 's Cold and Cough Mixture uniformly cures a Cold or Cough In a very abort space of time; and his Pectoral Syrup is equally efficacious in Bronchitis, Consumption, and other perilous Throat and Lung complaints. Sold by O.

H. P. CHAMPION, del4-3w 290 Main corner West aagle. I Polaon In the Atmosphere and Water, when taken into the system by the stomach, lungs, or skin, is the forerunner of Fever and Ague, and all bilious diseases incident to western and southern latitudes, Dr. Jas.

McClintock's Fever and Ague Specific, and Anti-Bilious Pills, at once break the Chilis, neutral ze the Morbid and Poisonous Matter that produces these diseases, stimulate the Liver and Organ to a healthy action, and speedily restore the sufferer to health-and vivacity. Sold by O. H. P. CHAM PUN, del3-2w 290 Main corner west Eagle.

All that science could do and experience suggest, has been united in Dr. L. B. Wright's Liquid Cathartic" preparation. It is as easily taken as water, as.

sure to eradicate disease as taken, and operates without pain, or leaving the bowel in the least costive. Thi preparation is also purely vegetable, simple and wholesome, perfectly. safe in all cases where a good family physic is needed, an unexceptionable medicine for children as well as adults; cleanse the system of impure humors that engender fevers, and a multitude of other diseases too numerous to mention stimulaie the liver to throw off those impurities, and allow this easily operating medicine to carry Uiein otf through the natural channels of the body, thereby save your annually 'welling doctor's bill, -much sickness, distress, and sometime This Faintly Physic is equally' as good a remedy as preventative. Give it a Price -25 and 60 cents, sail directions accompany each bottle. For sale by decl'2- lw COLEMAN, and all Druggists, everywhere.

Messrs. Kstchunt Si I'osulMk having secured a number of the choicest dark Northern Mink Skins, are now prepared to make to order extra dark and fine Mink Mantillas, Capes, Cape Victoriues Muffs and Cuffs. They are receiving orders for full sets of Furs for Misses appropriate presents fur the coming Holidays. Another complete assortment of the celebrated "Buffalo which withstands the tremendous storms, of wind and sleet so prevalent during the present month Juat received by ii deS-lOt KETCHUM A COMSTOCK, 202 Main-st tr-Genta' Gauntlets or Otter, Seal, Beuver, Mink and Martin, with Muffers to match. deS-lOt KETCHUM a CUMSTUVK, roz Main-st GasxnUete and Mlttenaand Mitta.

deS-lot KTOHUM A COMSTOCK, 202 Main at. fancy 'x)lelgl Robes, comprising Hudson Bay Wolf, tieuett and American Wolr Robes. deS-lOt KETCHUM A COMSTOCK, 202 Main-st I'iT Gents' Fine Kid Gloves, Laiies' sizes aad others. White Kid and all the light colors at present most fashionable, Gents' Heavy Kid Double Seam Gloves, French Calf-skin and Buck Gloves. de8-10t KETCHUM COMSTOCK, 208 Main-st Another large lot of those beautiful hIvIm rtf llHdinausi JVitatti i at rri0Dal at vni24 JAS.

B. BOUERT'3, 1G4 Main Still they come Another lot of those beaM'iful Velvet Veating and Over Coatings of the latest styles, received this day by i vui2 JAS. B. BOSKET, 164 Main street. $20,000 worth: of first quality Beady made Clothing, selling at reduced prices, call and see vm24 JAS.

B. BOGKRT, 164 Main street. Bryant, Ldsk and Stratton's MsbcastilkCol- Laua. The Writing Department of the above named lasti tutien will be open on and after the 12th of June for the instruction of Ladies and Gentlemen in SpaacuuAtf Penmanship, practical and ornamental. Separate room for Ladies, The mot faithful attention will be given by accomplished Penmen and experienced Teachers for the ad vancement ot all wao eBter this department Arrangement hare also been made to give instruction in Mathe matics, and especial attention will be given to that branch inereoi wnicn penains to practical ariuuneueand Ha ap-lilication to Business.

Students can enter at any time, as all receive separate instruction. TEkau: Twenty Lessons in Penmanship $5 H) Biatneaianca, per agreement. SPENCEE, "'o" Penmanship. JjTON rATUAiRox. inc present immense sa'e of this article, 1 almost fabulous ia amount, which shows the public appreciation of a preparation which rests ts elaum entirely npoa its own merits.

The astonishing esalta produced by the Katsuisxm ts preserving the Hair froaa baldness, and restoring It when It ha fallen oat cleansing from dandruff and alt other imparities, and im parting to It a beautiful gloss and silken texture; together with its delightful perfume and perfect cleanness, have made it the moat universally popular toilet article ever aaed. To guard against valueless Imiutions and counter feits, always ask for LYON'S Katsuao. Bold everywhere, In large bottles, for oaty 20 cents. HEATH, WYNKOOP A i dccS-4clu Proprietor, 8 Libtrtj St.s New Tort, lower oaSties of Orleans and Mobile have realized fuB prieea, and the better grades of new cotton bcve been freely offered and are a turn cheap r. In Manchester there is a slight improved feeling.

Middling Orleans 6 11-16. Mobile i vie. The Manchester strike continues, bat has not extent'ted, though seme few additional work-men liavc been thrown out of employment thro' the trike. T1e people oa the strike walked through the streets of the town on Monday and yesterday, to the number of 600 or 800 me and si own, with bks9 at their beads, carrying boxes and books for contribution. Those persons catered shops and houses either wide of the route of the procession and requested siibscriptfons, and appeared to be miner successful in their object, though the amounts given ware gnerafly anaO.

fc Tbe Paris correa poodent of the London News twe miadatare dasjoeiieotvpea. A liberal reward will part Iw Ui hub Uva fi il it vSfc..

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