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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Infallible Cure for FJiPTiinatiim. I nine Idward HomesRayaor IHarkurajoan KKRE 13 YOTJIL RESCEDYI UL9T OP LETTEKS, AUCTIOjN ILS BY IILEGIIM MQRNINGr EXPRESS tV FF NOV. 1852. ANSON Q. CHUTES, I.rtcal, Liters and Miscellaneoas, bar, only room to say that tba per for.aances al each tba Theatres last nlf ht passed off taeij, snd that glorious bills sro offered for this evening.

In particular. u. v. tSf4 remember to bay) teen in the local column of the tpuMte tow days siace, a regret that la ties. Think of thai and tben notice Hie Issue of last evening.

Consistency 4 a Jewel. Remember the tribute to Washington, at tba polla to-dajr. Let every man bealow his mite. The poorest csn give something, frff a man baa mo money be can say KJod speed. We expect to bear tbaf Buff.lo baa done Cubty In tbla matter.

Tb name of the new military eompaoe lately orgaaised In tbla city, la to be Riley Guards." They will attach themselves to the 63th regiment. Tbla company la said to be composed of young men of "atal-warl limbs, and heroic Good. lv- I tW It is customary for those who bar pro penally fur betting, and yet wlab to epare tbetr pock-eta, to Mike "a big apple." L. LrrrLtnBLfc, Eq one of oar sfftble Poet Offloe Clerks, baa shown aa a specimen of this fruit which wilt do to bet on or with. It was ralaed to hit orchard at Hamburgh measures Hltf inches In circumference and weighs 18 ounce.

It took like the very patriarch of apples, and would eerre aa a meal for a whole family. like the pattering of rain-drope upon the roof, doea the sound of old memories (ail npea tba The rata ia musical, so It memory and yet Um melody la plaintive, A joy once tasted becomes a thing of bitterness-because ii will not return again. Tba lav possibility of enewal renders past delights pain fill. We cannot pluck the same flower twice. Bat unlike the rain upon the roof the fragrant drops of memory may Irrigate and refresh the bosom on whb they descend, and Inspire It with desires to gala new-joys In the future aa a solace for the bereavement of thuee wbtea are peat.

J3gr Knickeebockie. Th new month and new Hoick have dropped la upon simultaneously and albeit the one is a thade oomy, the other It all fulness and mirth. Knlck earrtee rejoicings wherever goes, because It it made up, just as a good literary maga zine should be. There it "none o'your nonsense" bare nut every line la worthy of perusal. The present la choice number In all respects, clack's new book It to be published Autaator.

it will be worth treble the price demanded. Hawks hat this magazine. tW- Shocking. Accident. We learn that on Bnnday evtning.Just rs the train was starting from the Falls for 'bis cliy, a yoang man named La Rot Babbit, nearly iwenlj-tbree years of age, rod for tome time a clerk in the employ of the Messrs.

Bull of this city, waa In- killed In the following manner: Just previous to the s-arting of the ears he had stepped into a saloon for the purpose of obtaining acigir. While there be heard the train moving oil and hast, nod to reach it. Approaching one of the passenger cars, be seized tbr railing with one band and attempted to Jump aboard. The nratlorm being wul, Dis loot supped, when be was lm mediaie.y precipitated under the wheels which peered directly over bis head, literally crushing it to powder. No blame can be at -ached to the comnany, and this pain ful occurrence must be numbered among the many deatbs by carelessness which are so fn quently happening.

The mother of poor Basmby resides at Chippewa, and he waa Just returning from, a visit to her, when th painful end came upon him. His body waa taken borne immediately. We hope the monition contained In thlt ted event will not be unheeded. No person, under any circumstances should attempt to Jump upon the cars while tbey are un-der-mottoo. The next one wbo doet to may be the next victim.

Jjf We have been favored with the following description of a new feature at the Eagle Street Theatre, which will not fall to be read with interest. Dticairrion or ths hbw Drop Curtain himted st B. Ui-tminu, ruR tbi casli Stbsst TmbaTrB Ibis eleguiil painting represents real, and Is copy from Cats' Voyage of A stream It teen pursuing Its course through a laudst-ape of ample scope and diversified beault Trues of rich growth overshadow ita banks, aud verdant bills form the base of lofty mountains; upon the surface or the water gild, a boat, whose gokleu pruw and sides are acuiptured into figures of the bou. a youth on the verge ot manhood Is at the neim and In an attitude of confidence and eager expectation, gazea on a eloudy pile of architecture, an air bulli castle, that rises dome above dome In tbe far-off blue sky. The guardian Spirit stands upon tne bank of the stream, and wttn serious yet benignant countenance seems to be old-diug tbe iinneiuuu voyawer "fiod speed." Tne beautiful stream flows dlreclly toward the ASrtal palace, for a distance; but at length makes a sudden turn, Is seen in beuealb the trees, until it at last descends with rapid current into a rocky ravine, where the voyager will be found in manhood; over th remote hids wbich awm lo intercept tbe stream and turn it from Ita ttborto direct course, path is dimly seen, lending directly towards that cloudy fabric, which is the object and desire of the voyager.

Tbe scenery Of this picture its clear stream, its lofty trees. Its towering mountains, lis unbounded distance, and transparent atinoapbere figures forth tbe romantic beau- tyol youihiui imagining, when the mind magnifies the mean and common Into the magnificent, before experience teaches What It the real. Tne gorgeous cloud-built palace, whose' most glorious domes seem yet bnt half revealed to tbe eye, growing more lifty as we gaze, la emblematic of the day dreams of youth. Its aaplraltona after glory and fame and the dimly seen palu would inllmatelual youth, in his Impel nous career. Is fbrgellul that be is embarked on tbe stream of Ll'e, aud that ita current sweeps aloug with resistless force, and liicreaaea in swiftness aa II descends toward tbe great ocean of Eternity.

A magnificent frame work of peinting by the same artist endows this sublime picture, consisting of mm rick-if glided malmUiont, In wnich is represented tbe Seven Ages, asdran by the lmmort'l, Shaksiieare. Tbe tpace between each Medallion is occupied by a painting representing interesting and classical scenes. In Baaso-retlevo, from ancient sculptures Tbe picture as a whole la 8 rare combination. of beauty and sublimity, upon which tbe inUliiuenl auditor may ir. I K.

PLIMPTON Acnaa. Sale Damaged Dry Gooda. tri. X. FLIMFTOJfMa, Max Ureal.

Wdnkdas-, Not. 3, at 10 o'clock A. M. i WiH aold, ou seeouul of whom may eoaxorm, a of Dry Goods, damaged on th canal, ooaaislina; a part of -f Print Alapacea SboeUng BluwHsia Shirung Table loth Oaaim Mustta Dafauaw Caatoa Flaaael Ooa Yara Irish Lim Sanke i Mariners' strips 8ospsader Coraet Lace Thread Ticking Buttons WaddiuC Shtila i 1 Case Tank Notion. Basse Baiting.

Tsi sas Cash, curreutuwda. L. K. PLIMPTOH Arjcnom. Bala of Damaged Sugars, ate.

BT L. Krr LIMP TOjrJTe. Jfaia avrset, WKDNE8D4Y, Not. 3, at 9J o'clock A. M.

Will be aoM. oa aoeoaalof whoa it "may eoaosru, a quantity of Sugars, Vc damaged oa th sl, vis a hoi usskra eugar. 3 Powdered do 3 Brawn do 1 Alum. 1 Bal Cassia, 9 Bum rniiw. eomst fuada.

a. hi. WELCH AocTteaaaSL. Assign nea1 Bale of Piano Fertos. Jt O.

a CO IT 4r WELCH, So Main etreek. Thursday, Not. 11, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Will be sold for account of tha saiga sas, to close the ic7 Piano Forte, of the best manufaatare, aew and ia perfect order, made of lb best material, aad of th moat approved stylo ot Balab, in Rosewood and Mahogany cay ea, boom highly aad elaborately antsaeu, and of to octave.

-iv The Piano of this manufacture which have been la ase for two ysaa or more, give ealm aatiaiactloa. i Bike psrsmptory. larma. casn, eurvant tuao or a credit of three moaih. with inter ust, for udor.d bank note, atiafactory to Amtgneea.

l. L. K. PLlMPTtrf-AocTliMiaa. Valoabie City Prop any at Anoou.

BYIT. FLIMP TOM Me. 60 Man. etreet. Tuesday, Not.

23, at 10 a'clock A. M. Will be aold at the rooms of the Auctioneer, a value ble block, consisting of eight Lou of I aa.i, situated oa the soulaeam corner of GaaMeaad Mtnaigaa atresia, all vuluaok for business purpuac. A varv desirable lot of one aad a half acre, oa the noilh ante of North kireet, corner of Vara (treat, haviinr a front Vxi fool en North atreat, watch wtd hwaoM togelh er orinaMs Tbiapiouerty banal if aarjtaitualod, cos msraling a an vtw of the ally aad leaa. makiaa it a de- urable location for geoteat nrtvaa raanlnaiiM Map of theabevedeaortbud pruieri.r may ha sntsnaid al Use of.

Ace of the Auctioneer ten uya nravioua the sale. Ti-Ue perfect. ll" Term 10 per cent on the day of sale: percent on the delivery of deeds; tbebaaacelo tares equal aa nual pay man la, with Interest smu sally, tj secured by bond and mortgage upon th premise. S. M.

WELCH AooTiuaaaa. Al the Stare all Main tar Sum Street. Wednesday Evening, Oe. SOth, at half Bast ana lolloa lag aveuaia Pratt's 15th Annual Sale of Books and Stationary, Encycloposdia and valuable Standard works, erery aeparuwni of utenuis, eoienee and Art. Annuals and Books elegantly Uutrted and Ulamina- led Pictorial and Emoubiabed and beautifuil) bound amily and Pocket BlMei aad Prayer Books, of every de scrip lion Luller auu Cap Paper, Port rolma, Gold Pea avc lo be sow al aucupu.

Tne attention of the p-btic in this city and vicinity is reapeullully invited to this collection of Books, which believed be the most valuable collect an of Stasoard Wo. ka ever oiloreo. at aucuou in tbia place. Tbe but ks are njW aud warranted peneci. Lao tea and gentlemen are respeciiuily iuriied to vail and examine them the day.

The sale will te posi iveanu wtthvul icser.e to Ibe highest bidder, and will be continued every evening until all are sold. UT Terms cash. Purchasers are requested to call ror their books on ihe dy following each sale lxito Auction and ComramioiL Cash advances on all Goods left for Auclien Sale, or Caah will be paid for all Household efr iecla, at no. reari street, uniiea ouuea noiei oioca. Feb.

17, IBM. ieoi7tr Auction Kotice. The subscriber respectlully informs th tizent nf Buffalo and his friends abroad, that he hasjust opened a large and splendid bales Room, lor the ACC riON Anti lajmaiioaiisr. oooinraD, no. uauaays bchaige Block, corner ol sahingtoo aad Uuay slraeta.

l.tbenu advances will be made on all kiads ol goods lo Aucuou or other ways. 1 have the agency ol a larae east. ern Cabinet Factory, and will sell ihoir manufacture at a very amall advance. All tnose wno wiso ouy, sen or exenange Household Furniture, will do well to consult iheii own intereel to remember No. 7 Da ley's Exchange.

S. B. All sale in any part ol the city will be prompt, ly attended to, on the lowest term. Having long expe I euca in the business, he ia confident he. will give hi satisfaction to all who may patronize him.

Storage, the most convenient on the Canal, on th moat moderate terms. E.DWAKU vv. caii in, au271nol9 Auctioneer. Lake bupe lor Luxe. 1852.

Ihe and SUaa mere B. O. dwasT, Master CHa. OjrLSWSLL, Master Will forui a cuntiuuout! Line trom Cleveland through to La Points, Lake Superior, loach. ng at intermediate rotnia.

the NORTHERNER will leave Cleveland every Mo. lay ai 6X o'clock, P. arriving at Detroit on the fol. lowing morning. Ceave Detroit on Tueaoay as i o'clock r.

at touching at Mackinac, and arriving at Saut Ste Marie on Thursday morning. Leaves Saut Ste Marie every Friday at 8 o'clock A. and arrives at Cleveland on Monday morning. The MANHATTAN will leave bautcMe Mart on Friday at o'clock P. for Ontonagou, touching at Grand island, carp suver, vopper naroor, uga naroor, Eaaie diver, and an otner rona wnere ne may nave rreigat and Paasnngera.

Thia Line oonnecla at Cleveland with the Daily Lines of Steamers on LM Erie, and Daily Lanes of Canal Boat to Pittsburgh also, with the Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati ana teveutno et i-iusourgn naiiraaus Tha underaigned Proprietor will give their whole at- entlon to Ihe businna ot th above Une. and hone bv promptness aad despatch to merit a share of public pat. runage. A. TURNER.

as cuts; P. L. Sternberg at Co 1 J. Buffalo. Cleveland.

Harbor. Eagle River. .4. Eagle River. DetrolU Mackinac Mane.

JeSStf iiuasey at C. Brad burn at Co. John Bonier John Benter Simon G. Williams at Michael Doumnan Spalding at Bacon D. B.CaahatCo Uanna at JuneM, 185S.


Master. will run daily between Buffalo sad Niagara Fails, Buausya excepted. Lieaving nunaio r. r. piTrvn li, a irewu, irons tne Central Railroad Dock, belew Dart's Elevator, lor Chippewa and Niagara rail.

Hemming, nave wntppewa at otiuci, r. m. Tbe EMERALD run to connection with steamboats oa Lake Ontario for Montreal, and on Lafc Erie lor Clav. lead, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago, aad with the Easier Railroad. For Freight or Fissure, apply on board, orto KUBbsi cadbauax, Buffalo I8S8.

JyHtf CLKV KLAD, lLt Bl Cl.4 l.N ATI Alts rlTTSHt itUtt It. It. JL.mK. i For Cleveland, Cmriaaatl aa PltubargJ. Tkreugk ClerHeni with -ut landing to Cincinnati rm XX flaws, -Wmm One of the foUowtac splendid Stsamera Sa will leave Buffalo EVERY EVENING.

(ouuo.js eupted) at o'clock, or on me arrival of tne Lake Erie Express Train of Cars Horn Albany, eonnect-ina at Cleveland with the Morning Express Train for Cola abua, CiiKiana island PlusburgU: BI'CKEYE ST Tt sob. Commander. EMPIRE STATE vu Auu. NORTHERN SOUTHERN MICHIGAN A.D. Paaxws, Tbe only Direct Route to lavul, via Railroad from Cleveland to Cincinaaii, and Klrst-Claas Steamer oa tne Ohio uver.

i Passenger can bave their Baggage conveyed lo IB Boat free olchanm bvdehvenng Weir Checks to the Bag. gage Agent for the Line, whs Is ajwaye ta attendance oa uk biu for that purpose. Ticket caa be procured at the Since on board th boat, or at the general office for taw Una, at No. 3 Efner Block, Comroercial Buffalo. auawu rw.

fiiagara an4 Hoaueai. LAbVM jB. 1852i AMEK1CAN UrKtW LINCV. Composed of tho new, large and splendid Lacs Steamer Jenny av. uaapmsa Bar Slate H.

Lrla And the beaatlf ul River Steamer, ii losnyum cape L.Mr. I British Empire Capt D. is. A-l British Uueea- LaAaatmef Exoreaslt adapted le the Naricatioa ot th Rapid, i Will, ia ooanecUoa with thev tuilroadOetweea Caf) Vincent and Albany, at Ogdenaburgb with tha Rsiiro. as through New England to Hoato, aad law River rHeaiaer loBioatreai, torm a cuuiy line, tmummj.

LEWlrffON.TORfrtJfO, CAPE VlNCfcrsj, ALBANY, UUDENbBUKOH Art munmmmimms. WOW TUB M-aa-. Leave Lawiatoa Leave Cap Viacea 4 A.M. 8 -SP. And amv.

at ww" Leave UaToaswoarga vmi mm mrm in IP.Ki Leavacap Viacent oa arrival of Care from a f. Lea rorooto A. Ma Aad arrive at Lewlatou A.M. la time for Bel Kir Hamilloa, sad trains for Ni agara rails sad nanaio. N.

Paaseacer wiahina; more variety going East trom Nukgajw r'klat, taaa at aaVirded by raUraaaa.sad ant kulu ti.aa la aa bv war of MauteeaL will fiad tne nana by tha Aaaerieaa xps Lhua, aad raamsils hetw. Cap Vinoeat and Albany, agreeaM aad eapurtntoas taainif a isgara auaaa it a. mn puj via leasaer for new lora. Both the Called State. Mail aad America Extiiss Line coaaflct, at Ogdeaaburgh, with Ik River us ry dowa the Rapid, to Moo I real, aad car tor Bsman, the Cdeawhurvh Rai road to ttoaaw' Potot; froas laaac) by either tha Vermont Central: or laa Raitand aad Bar liiurM MiliMda IknA thm slM ot tha BSOWa miaa.

Taoaa for Barmou trom Ogdaaaiiai by railraaa. i ar Tram analreal ay railroad, itaaa "-r" Petas for Wkiiataa, troas thaaea by wad Wiahiag BMXataa54lBtluivnF Z-iZ aav. the Caaasplaia boat, al I A NTHRACITE COALJSTO vtA- M.iwvav sttawuKisvrw- -wrJa-v-, OppsutTawa Uoos, IMS Jaiaia Bt Hail Hoaglla August Mama aeoo. ewri Htbtawd rMW li Hummel Jobs Hieke Ueo Marrin HartJofaa Hodye George ilia Henry Harvey i Iriata Henry" '1 f' Jooe Wm Jackson Jtepbeu Jackson Samuel Jooe Pbinuiaer Jobntou Mosrs Hatbewsr Tbe 8 Hall Henry Hezard Harry I '-HiUJoe Ma 1 June JooeaEH I 'I Johntoo i Jooe James JarvlsJ Myron Jeskins Cbarlea Jamea Josenh James at Saukoru 4 is beilTbo: Kelly Anthony King Chat kelz Daniel' Khwer Eranci Kuraat Kelly John Kmg Joan Kernaben no Kennedy Michael LeeJmesW LorUit James Libuea Jerasost Lampmaa Hathaa LiadteyBufiM Linkuitor Lay lord Thomaa Kimball Kendlg KUgotif Wul Lymaa atBitrSLcngerCbarlat x-aadoa Amos Uttuis LaamngAF, Ladd Lopn A Lam Georga Loom's Burritt Looa Lace BP Lynch John LoottrsutCbricto-Leech John poor i Louve Samuel Lloyd John Lloyd Willi: Melaa Bregaa Mead Cspt M'Engleten Bar M'Nell A Miller A Maratin Charles Meclure Charles Moron ty Daniel M'Swane Daniel Mann x.tniel M'Eae niel MicbeU Edward M'Gonaa Hugh MerriU Jamet M'Cahai Michael Mattheh Henrvi alone James Monroe Horatio Meagha Jaxaea Mania Ht I Mitchell Mora John M'Conkey MurDhv John 4' M'Bride James ills John MCiDre Joseph Macshane John M'Colley 8 Magiil Joba vy M'Kimvui John Mabony Joba! M'Elroy A Murray John Wil-M'i ana Lawrence Mttami Mitchell Movan James Mclaughlin Mich-MurtaJame ael Mortr William M'Gnire Stephen Milllgab William Mayers 8 Mulcatry Michael Win Morrison Michael Mead Wm I UZMUrray Tnomat Meglynn Thomaa 1 Mabo ey Thomaa Ryaa MundnbucK yv Mann Moaet Mahn Michael Mayatt Michael at iaugnii ratnck aun reter M'GraU Richard Mu kull Patrick I Nendo Wm Nlcbplwn Dav(d Norton Norton Norton Oariett 1 i Nichol John Nash Nonham RobtR Nlcbolt Hobart Nash Thoa 11 Ovinirton Mr Otto Lewis Osterheld Geo O'Connelt Jeffrey Oakley Jamea Owen Ansel O'Donnell John O'duliivaa Daniel CErien Pafk OConnell Come- O'Nell Rich llus i Orr Samuel i Olaon Gudtchalk Osbord Wra 1 Opper Geo Orrington Peacock Fred Post PayeU Prancis Potter Ruy Dayne Geo Patchen Rich Palmer Geo Pitts Tbos ck Geo Pratt Cap I Wm Powers Geo Pelrce Wm I Patmor John A Peers Joseph Payne Judd Peter John Penner Powers Marevs Paul Plug Mich Palling Nathan Penwell Nathan Phelps Philander Paulua Peter Penny Eber Polsal (ie Patteraon Peterson Henry Perry Wm Ht Penn Henry Pan': August Perch Henry Pallman i Purdy Henry Pilgrim Chas Pentecost John Penny Clinton ParkhtllJohn Peck Chas Parker 'Ira i Robet Andrew RoacnJRichald RamageA'drew Reddln Richard Riner Charles Ri aby Reed Rldler Samuel Root Francis Ruse ll Wm RygersCeoN King Wm Reid Henry Ross Wm Kvan John Reed John Reynold Jotiah Randall Joshua Rice Joseph Rose ReeveyTB Roach Martin Ballerty Owen Rooney Martin Robinson Patt Ryan Patrick Rapin John Reauy John! Hitter jonn nusatii ui Rohan John Rubsell James SouthwickAP Scott EM 1 Scott eimon Bcoy Scott Thot Sum Theron Seal Mm Sloan Wm 't Stetnon I Salt John Sanger John Simmons James Bbaul I orenzo i Smith Sham i Smith Owen i Sloan Oacur HMmui PMlAr Smith at Hunt Scott Messrs Sire, ter Smith Cbariet epard Charles Sheer Charles Storma Seymour Wm Sweetland DavidWSmlih Warren A Sullivan Dennit Smitb A r-barp Slilea 8 SwindemnnGeo 8, xion Francis Stimson Co Ueo Smith Frank Slade Hiir M.icum Giles ii Shaw Hiram I Smitb George Spencer WmchelFShawl George fmtth Edmond Stacy Francis Small Fredertk Tailisby WiUough Tyrrell John fc Taroex John TimettByant Toce John Tyman Timothy Tallman Thomas Thompson Tnos TutnucliffTnos Tbbby Mr Tucker James Tripp Unas iyieyames Taylor Teompson Chas Thompson fcCo J'2Tolles Wdlls Twonev Cc-nelius Tonne I oory Hilars; Thomas Elisha 1 reary micnaet Tiuipaon Wm Trany Geo Tians Eliaa Torxlor catnuel Tueil Samuel i i i Upham 0 Talbot EM Truax Geo Uphem A Usher Silas Vogt Francis Van McCollum Vanderwol James Van Slyke RichardVan Orden Jonath Vary Sum uel Van Slyke Lewis Vaughn 3 Weeks George Welseli George Westinghouse Wowser George Waldo I) Wansey Henry Wbelm Thus Watts hoe Warnuck Tbos Welch Wolf William Wjait William Van Wort Lanson WillUm Mr Wise Mr Watts Cspt Walton Erastus Ward Wlocnell Erank vv hile Geojge Wils- Geoige Warner George Wilcox Minot I Weston ML Wrixht Ms'tin Weuka Nathan Wariham 8 Wallace White iiliamt Clark Warren Chas Wood David Waabbum Hiram Wage John Whitman John Wells John John Watkins John ker James Wynn lyase War rem James Walker Kingsbury Wqlsb Wllbor JAMES OJ PUTNAM, Post Master, Nov. 2, 1852.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ERIE KALAMAZOO RAILROAD. NEW SrAflONJAT TOLEDO. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv-ed at the office of the Cotrtpmy, at Adrianuntil the 15th of November next, at upon, for the proposed Sta-non, embracing about I 1 cubic yaids of earth: work, cubic feet square timber in Docking, 70,000 lineal feel round timber in Docking, Piling, Capping and Planking for wharf, floor and foundation for buildings, Two praw Bridges wood on Piles, 1500 to 2001) cubic yards Hydraulic Stone Masonry in Aqueduct. i I Maps and plans may be examined at the Engineer's trice.

Adrian, mier tne tutn or noremoer nexi. Satisfactory security will be required for tbe faithful performance of work, ill TO oe comp'euxi one year irom me urab oi uue uoii, TheCbmDany reserve the right to accept or reject pro posals, as their interestmay require. iuhb jcaviu, uniei engineer. Adrien, October Si, 1H53. 30inol3 HARDWARE STORE, No.

192 Mai Street, Granite Block, Sixth Store above i Seeca-atrrel, uvjfejo Cy'siGN OF THE BLACK ANVIL.CI THE SUBSCRIBER has returned to bis old location, 108 Main street, where a new Gran-iLa Front Store has been erected for hi a in his abs-nce. and forms as addition to th (Granite Block, making the fouiti store lnthai prominent s. lendid Olock Additilions have been made to his stock and assortment, and he offers to his old eu-tomers and to such others as may see 81 to call upon him, a carefully selected stock and assortment of HARDWARE, AMERICAN TABLE AND POOKET CUTLERY made for use, MUCH A. ICS' TOOLS Good articles of very best quality, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Including the higher and better qualities. HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES, IRON ANn eTEELJ I I (3 Particular attention has bean paid throughout the emiru ttock to good ortic es or real service.

It is cheat er inihitend and very much cheaper too- for.a mechanic to pay ub price for good article, than to have a com mon one given to ntru, anu mis re mar appiy to most every description of goods in the Hardware Trade. EDWARD F. FoLGKR, oc29tnol No.1 192 Main aireet, Granite Block. Engraving on Wood. HEO.

D. WI6HTMAN having estab VJ ll-bed himself In tbe above business, at 156X Main street, Buffalo, N. fully prepared to execu.e all work entrusted to hi care, with promptness and in the best style of the rt. il n. W.arill at all time feel great Dleasure in exhibit ing soecimens of his eaeraviing, tolbose Irien Js and cus tomers no may lavor uiuu ia wj ciuurw.tue iety of llluatrailona for Bodk-s Views of Public and rrt- i Rnl rlinira.

Portraits. L.aBascana. nHcninerv.stovea, Societv Bills, Hill newspaper fieaoa, Label for one, two, three-or more colors, fcc aicj 3P" Orders from a dialaace. accompanied by the ne cessary Drawings or Daguerreo.ypes, will receive Imme diate attention.

i i 'pi G. D. W. received a Premium for the beet specimen of Ihe art exhibited, at the late Fain oe' GREENHOUSE URAFE Black Hamburgh, ChasaelaadeFontainbleu, White do, Black r-t retera, Uutriln.viV hl'k iln. 8wt Waier.

Golden Chasselas, i Muscat of Alexandria, A tin. i i Tottenham Hall lusc', new Tha aulMrribers wohld call tne attention of those who are about establishing to their stock of Grape vine. Wa have about, sou noe. atrong, neaun anu larae rooted plants, which are particularly adapted for eitherj cold or beatea houses. Orders left our tireennouse, erry sireet, or our store, will meet wiib prompt i I I MASON at LOVERING, ocSStnoS? No's 11 fc 13 Wast neneca st.

F. G. HEINRICH, CO. I i A. 938 Mum elreet.

Bfale, HAVE on1' hand their near full supply of goods for wholeaale aud retail fall trade. I consisting principally of about i lb fcapnyr lapimerie anu anauej wurewju aii rvr or which are manufactured. piece Patterns, rujining from a cenu to to par piece. I r.wyarus oiia, vvoraieu, Kioxmu anu juiueu vu tw inn tha assorted colors mbroiderv. Floss snd Saddlers 8ilk, worsted needle, perforated paper, frames, ate.

In quanll'iea to suit merchant. Fancy Articles Work boxes. Port Monnaie, Mock Jewelry, Shell and Horn Combs of every description, tm. ported periumee, aoapsyjc aii lor wnoieaaie aui traue. 1 1 Tor at cost price to close that article.

Tin Toy in endles variety, wholeaale and-rttail. Baskets, U7.nAa artf. i ft We exrect In few- days for wholesale trade. bout SCTdoxen, which we will ssll at nearly maauuvctur- plete and well selected ajortmeatof India RubberGooda. wi.i mu a a low aaaov nauwiiiiiL mwuiinuiu.

thia city, and Invl dealer to general to call at our store i neiore purchasing eisewnere. ii ctmi-uji i r. G. utlJiiiiVM ax'-wr ocS6tf I. I 3 door below Patchin Bank, glass wass, -i A tha Baatoai Crockery Store.

OF! EVERT DESCRIPHON, embracing tbe best styles of Cut, Envraved and Pressed, of both foreign (French and Bohemian,) sad domestic BiwuaiHiiai oimvfvrj antcasca BRTJCGISirs WARES. at prices which will aatontsh thoss wbo have made tbeh purchase, eaat ar weas. The leader ia invited to give Ibem a call, ii ra wana, i as. V. llaO SH at CO.

Buaaloi, uct.ia, ibj- oclManl MOB. SALE. aS5L THE SANDUSKt a good lu mber veaaei, earrying about 89 M. feet Lum-k aii found in every Bardeuiar. and wiU, be aoki at a I and liberal term for rood seen ri it.

or will taka I auuu nurvvuEDa I Lamber. Jipp'j w. V. T' I (CI IILLMORE AT THE MAMMOTH I Store of ALLEN at OOOifB A large and An to and 206 by to THE SUBSCRIBER ha the pkarara of annoanci ng to the public that he has In hia aca- sbIiib and BisnnfsrtTrm. i CUBE FOB BHEUlsJxTISJth Ithsslirsa tried iknauasaresBi eaae a pvevwd snnmias fuL The Medmem tone takee internally, and ia pev-setlyaale.

rM -i Aay person endoaag to th add eas of U. D. Moobb, Buffalo, N. wiU receive bottle of the Medicine, and i warranted or tbe ssowey will be refunded. Depot oorsar of Niagara and Mohawk streeia.

Forsaie by Dr. M. W. iiiil, BoUnic Physician, 245 Main street Abo, SS3 Main street, up stairs, comer of rJwaa and Mate atreetai iy Price per Bottle. ocllUplO HBW WHOLBaALB AMD RETAIL French Kolliaery and Fancy Good.

i ,4 PABIS STORK, JVV. 903 JkVust Street, aaz dear to Mr. rTkiWe FrnOr H-areksMS. THE SUBSCRIBER wul open thia day tne Ibllewing HEW GOODS, embracing one of tbe beat assortment went of Mew York. Genoa Voiveta, la all the fashionable color r.

Geo de Afrie and Corded Bilk. Rich French Saline, ia every rhade of color. 80 Cartoons French Bonnet and Saab Ribbons, (from Velvet Ribboaa aaS Dre Maraing. of every de- eriptiaa French Embroideries a splendid assortment. Genoa Velvet Cloak and Mantilla.

10 Case French Bonneu, direct from Payone, Pari, i Frmch Plume and Flower. Bay State, Scotch and Caahmers Shawls with a Ken- eral asaonmstit of Gloves, Meeiery and Fancy Gooda, which will be oU at tbe lowest New York price. JAMES1 Pari Store, ocStf No. 03 Main street. I WILLIAM ST.

G00DALL, OF, BUFFAL.O, State of New York, ha purchased from N. Newman the Right for hi Newly Invented, i Deable Aeslnj; IJft and Force Pump, Patented May 8, 1851, for aix Oountiee'in the State of New York. Thia Pump fat far superior to any thing of the kind heretofore in aae. It la calculated to draw or Force Water from Wulls or Spring to Dwellings, I FROM ANY DEPTH OR DISTANCE. Farmers or other (no matter how their water ia situa ted) may, by mean of these Pumps, have water in any quantity in their dwellings for domestic purposes for Bathing, Watering Garden, fcc, likewise at Ibeir Barns, Yards, for watering Catlie, Swine, fcc These Pump may be made a protection against Fire, by having hose and branch pipe, by means of which Water may be thrown by one person with the smallest Pump, OVER A THREE STORY BUILDING, And etehty-flve feet horizontal.

For waterinc Gardens. Shrubbery, etcl these Pumps are invaluable likewise Pumrs of larger sizes for suDDlvins Steam Enirinea. Slaughter Houses, Factories, Brick Yarda, Breweriea, Distilleries, for drawing or forcing water from the River, for Railroad Stations, ate fee These Pumps are manufactured at Mr. Farnam's Hy draulic Manufactory, Cincinnati, wbo has at present over my worxmen employed in manufacturing inem. Persons can be supplied a.

No. 6 Water street, on rea sonable term. There are thirteen different sizes. We will supply pipe and put up Pumps for anv pur pose required, at very low prices compared with the advantages of having a plentiful supply cf good soft water. punaio, August itox.

aniainoia A. B. BID WELL, MERCHANT TAILOR', 313 Main Buffalo. VV. MONT, FOREMAN.

THE Subscriber takes this method of inform 'ng Ihe public generally, that be has removed establishment for the manufacture and sale of iENTL.EMGN'S WEARING APPAREL. No. 213 Main street, next door below S. O. Barnum's Great Variety Store; He pledgw himself trhit no effort be spared to render this all that may be desirable a GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT.

In addition to arrangements for the regular receipts of tbe Paris and London style for Gentlemen's Gar-menta, be will keep his stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. complete, by careful selections from the most recent importations. He takes pleasure In announcing that he has Becured valuable services of A 1 MR. W.

DUMONT. Foreman, gentleman, who ia his department of bust-nea, has no superior. i MILITARY AND NAVY UNIFORMS. Military and Navy Gentlemen are advised that I am prepared to execute orders for Military llnilorma, in accordance with General Orders, issued in 1831, for Uniform and Dress of the S. Army, or any description of military areas aeairea.

A. B. bid r-uu, no. z'3 Main st ocStf Next door below S. Barnum' CLOTHING HALL, AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, earner unnuKul ana Water streete.

G. STAMBACH, thankful for past favor, would most respectfully invite his custom the citizen of Buaalo and vicinity, ami tbe public generally, to call and examine the splendid stock of roods rec-ived direct from the importers and manufactur consisting in part oi mack, oiue. Drown, green, olive, and all other fancy colored English, French, Belgian American vesting, and is prepared to manufacture them toorderin tbe neatest moat faahionaule atyle, and prices guaranteed lower any other establishment In the city, and no mistake. lso, i i KiiAUK MAUci ULUrtllJNlji every description and in short, a complete assort, ment of all goods belonging to a gentleman's furnishing ttore. I jj N.

B. Professor J. Grebnshield still continues overseer ihe Culling and Manufacturing department; and is prepared to give our customer the extras. Wholesale dealers will And it to their advantage D7 giv us a call before purchasing elsewhere. European ami American iashlons received monthly.

June 10, 1854. elutdelu B. T. HARRIS, Merchant Tailor 199 MAIN STREET, Three TJodrs iboutt of Shermans' BUFFALO. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING MAD.

EXCLUSIVELY TO ORDER, AND WARRANTED TO 8UITI Has constantly on hand a choice as- ment of i FRENCH ENGLISH CLOTHS, 0ASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, or TBI LATEST STYLES! Selected Bxprfssly for the Custom Trade. Gentlemen leaving their orders will bave their wishes consulted and complied with, as all work is done under supervision of. i MR. GEORGE FOLTS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, of aU kinds eonatantlv on hand.

YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING made to or in the neateat manner and latest style. jev4tf MERCHANT TAILOR 137 Mansion House Block, has received and is opening extensive and well selected assortment of FALL WINTER GOODS, for Gentlemen's wear, which he prepared to nuke up to order in the latest style, at the lowest casn price. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. A vervfuD suddIv of Gloves. Shirts.

Collars, Suspen ders, Cravats, Scarfs, Silk, Merino, Cotton and Gause Un- oniria, aim every anicie iu ills tme oi uusiueoa, wo lowest prices possiDte lor caah. I A dPLJSNDID ASSORTMENT Ready Made GARMENTS, for WINTER wear, com prising every article requisite to utility and comfort, at ow once. sen I AN EVENING SCHOOL, E7OR INSTRUCTION IN PRACTI- JL CAL Arithmetic. Book keeDinu. Penmanship, Al gebra, Surveying, Chemistry, and other Englisn branches, also, the German, French, Latin and Gret-k tAilgua- eea.

will Deooenoy r. n. liku- ai niaiiew rooms ou earl street, rear oi ur. inompaon's onurcn, wiaun. DAY EVENING.

Oct. 251 at 7 o'clock. Able Teachers are employeti to assist. A native Ger man will teach the modern languages. An acc implisb Penman will take chanre of the writins: classes, ac Courses or Lectures on Chemistry, An.tomy and Physiology and Astronomy, will be given during the winter kach Lecture will be.

illustrated by experiments. Tbe instruction of the School will be thorough, and designed to It ft member for any department ot ousiness, or For length of Tern. Tuition, and other particulars, en- nuira at the School Rooms, between tbe hours of l'J and tacuoay, or oetween dc ana ipk in meeveuwg, uunug tbje present week, when circutara may be bad. Circular will be forwarded on application through tbe Poit- (jmee. wow To tha Pnrjlic.

'PHE UNDERSIGNED have recently JL opened a LUMBER YARD, corner of Ohio and Mackinaw streets, extending through to Chicago street, near the Central rlailroad Freight Depot, and offer for sale at wholesale and retail, a general assortment of seasoned Lumber consisting ol Pine, Whitewood, Ash, Walnut, Cherry and Hemlock. auov rianea noonnganu celling. Having had long experience in tbe business, they have selected their stock in reference to tbe wants of the market, and which thy at fair price. The patronage of builder; nd others- is respectfully solicted. I BLOSSOM at SKINNER.

Buffalo, 'topi. 1 1858. sel6utol5 Marbl? Mantles, Monuments. 1 HE subscriber, at 406 Main iat.haaon hand and offers for sale. Mantle la iroared to furnish to order.

Mar- Die wrougni lo ay paiven. or utmgu, 01 uvn quality aud workuwuhip. ne areps a larwe supp. oi awua an varieties, suitable for useful aud ornamental ar- ttictes. Tbe public are respectfully requested examine bis work, and ascertain his prices, be- to call sad fore purchasing elsewhere.

BU3U-IV A. BACHMANH. Fire Insnraiice IN the Niagara! and Grocers' Fire Insurance Companies of tbe city of New York. JOHN F. LOCK WOOD, GEORGE DAVIS, Ihsubascb Aaaars, I.

Merchaau' Exchange, Buffalo. INVINCIBLE Allen Cook having lost received a full and splendid stock of Dry Goods at the largest at re west of Iiw York, and do wnotiy re- fnaa to enter into any alliance wna outers in mjv for the purpose ef retaining oW fashion Buffalo high i i For Sale- i ONE 'OF THE LARGEST SIZE UA MERA and txtore for sain, st auUT 1 -I r.M- Kinaiuil wivim n. i 1 eeea TUST RECEIVED on consignment, I U. 300 bbls SEED VHEAT. Bibertan and White runt, grown on vpaiuiav maw -K tiv' 1 vrr va -aranr tra eacmw i i Boilers for Sale.

nnilE SUBSCRIBER haa for sale, ii JL. STEAM SOILFR, awt long sad 40 inches In di ameter. Also, two men nearly new, waxu Wiu aoM leonoia wrma.rppiy -i i onn 11 r.iiE.B, a)e9atao19'' Oorv of lUwia aad ElHonq as. BUTTER, BUTTER! -Y FIRKINS, good Chantanqne JLM- OsoBty. asm ansa goqa ubjo rina, jas MtataWISI ui WJB.

mMn mm. ww, i i CymCWiMaAwlUodB. CtrTa, 'Zl fWJw- on or Of Kemalnlng te tkty Feat Offica oa the Tor. rasBaining nnealled for iaaay Poet Omoe in any city, towa or village wham a aownpapersfaall be printed, ahall bere-after be punkabed osoe only abs- aamrapapera Which being laaued weekly, or ottener, tkmU km the ltrgUi r-emJmlitm antara (As rmxf eaWMerweassd The Post Master General baa adopted the following tnJea and Rfwulaitont ander the above prevrntona: L. Wbea tea groat receipts of the Post Omcat for tba thea next preceding auartor shall not have exceeded gSOO, the Poat Master shall advertite tueb uncalled hp letters once six weeks only.

"1. When aucb groat reoelptt shall have exceeded B500, and have not exceeded 1UU0, tbe P. M. ahaU advertise once a month eniy. i When aocbgroaa receipts shall have exceeded flow and shall not have exceeded the P.M.

thall advertise twice a month. And bea aueb groat receipts ahaU have exeeeded 97,900 lbs P. M. shall advertiaa ewcsa.isaa. ry Pertoaa calling for letters advertised below, will dleaae aay Umj are advertised.

jLavdUea Norember 2. ABea iana Abbott BeD Pheba Byrne Mary Benedict Mary Benson Mary tfeuamy Mary Bums Margaret or Ana Byrnes Margaret Hurt Mary -aae Burke I.ucy Untioa Lucirjda tleriboionusw Urn tea Addlngtoa Mr. BoormmMrsJB Bartow Mrs. Barker Haaaah Bohaer Elizabeth Burns Hatty Barry Brbiget Blair Mia Bark Anna Baxter Anna Bnaoa Arena C' Com ton Jane Cornell Jane Conden John Mrs 1 Crawford Mrt Craig Una Carlisle Margaret Carr Mary Clark Mary Cbarlea Mary Com slock stuby CUrk pbla Calllgan Thorns Mn liemereet Jane Doggin Mary Itoyie Mary Dorr 8lly Ann Donovan Tilly Eanho Mary Ann Ptnly Isabel Fox Mary Gaiigan Margaret Goodyear Fanny Orena Sarah II HannKaa Ellen Henderson Hawkloa 0 Howvu Cor Hall CTTWlia A Hurtdlap Harriet Hunter Isabella Cnnran Mrs Oorrin Mrs Connolly Mrt i Coouort Ana I (hotter Mrt Cougblen Oatbariaa Corrigaa Catkarina Coodal Donthy Clark Eliza A Collins Eliza i Elmira OonantJsneW I Davyt Mrt Donovan Bridget iMinn nnnnison Dodge Jane Bail Mary Emerson A Pbrritbw Mrt Wm Pith Abi 1 Gil man Mrt Garret Hellea A Uuueeil ha Howard Mary Clift ilulburt Margaret Hogan Margaret Hean.y Margaret yes Lue.y Ann iwklns Mrt Henry Homsn Mrs 0 Hull Mrt A Ingrabam Maria JJ Johnson Mary Jennings Hannah Johnson Flora Kendall Ann Lynn Mr l.yn Mary Mathewsoa Markut Mary Ml ler Maria MeCaoe Mary Merrick Margaret McLongbtoa Margaret Morvan Minerva McNaily Kote NoonatAnne (jTionnell Eltza Otis Hannah Otis Sylvia Phillips Mrs Pierce Ellen Jotlvu Mrt VksneyC aobneon Nancy I maty Ann Kearr Manraret alnowlton Mrs A Llgbton Mrr John a Kllzabetb Moloney Bridget Malta Bridget May lot Cainarlne Muc Cainarlne Mi Milks Harriet Mctwen Justus Mrt Moylsn Julia Norton Mary Noble Helena O'Neill Ca harlne armor a Cainarlne U'Eeefe Ellen Putnam Mary a Pratt nalista Provist Mary Quails Adalina Ripley Mary Richards Maria A Riley Mary Root Sarah Bombard Tryphany Buddy Anna ppley fcilza KobinsJane Ku sel Kale Kochell Ljy.t Rivera Marina Spanish Janca Smith Josaphine ChiU Stanley Catharine Sweeny Bridgets Shsud Amelia Spalding gues Sample A A Scoit Almira -Thomaa Catitta Thorp Elizibelh Thurston Eliza Townsend Fanny Tnomas Julia Ann eblelds Jane. Una 1 1 Haute Siuilh Fannv Shehor Elizabeth sharkey Cainarlne Tigb Mary Ann Tinker Minerva Tobin Margaret Townsend Sarah Tyler Alppa Underwood Mary Van Honten Ann Amelia Vreelaad Davis Mrs Waterman Catharine Weller Electa Wallace Ellen Warren Eliza Ann Williams Elizabeth Weaver Geo Mrs Wood ord Harriett A Wright Jane Whue Josephine Vlrch Lizzie Vandenburgb Mary Wanmaker Lucy Wellmau Louisa Welah Margaret 8 Woodruff Mary A Woxxl Phebe Woodruff Ruby Williams Susan Walter 8 Wood Barah Jane, Ueutlonian'a Lint.

i Allen Afleak Geo Austin Chas Alfred Eugene 8 Allen Francis Aier- Allen Joseph A tklna Joel Ax tell Thorns Andrews 8 8 Addlngton Saul Andrews Joseph Allen Horace Harvey Charles Blythe Wm Burehard Beamer Wm Bums Wm Burehard Wm Barnes Wm Beemer Wm Ballard Brian Wm Boothby Rlcbrad Barry James I Bunnell A Beuion John Biain Jacob Barnes John Beardsley Burk John Bnnton John Bond John Hoien John Burdelt James Burrows Jebez I BuUuinJvhu I Belsnap James Bearn John .1 Brown John Bourn John Bail Joseph Barr John Byrne ohn Bennett James Beardsley Josiah Baldwin cnanes Bennett A Benj Barker B5 Blancbard Ben) Harrett Michael Brown A' Beuoelt Edward Bak-r Stephen Barrett Edward gx nooon Danli Bod Tnomat Booth Tbomaa Bain Tbomaa ready Thomaa Bebn Marsaall Bosw rlh BuellOG Buly Pat Bruion Seth Burt Dennis Brings rut Edward BardO Benuell -eo Brian Henry Beach Horace Butiers Jama A Button John; Chandler James Ooataworth Wm Cooper Willis Cable Ferdinand Curti Capt Coon Henry Curti j.Henry Carey Geo Cms Horace Cunningham Corlieu Henry Chowlog Henry Cocher Chamberhiin Danl Carrol Dennis Chamberlain Cameren Franklin Crnaa Daniel Cummin Jme Camu II Jaiuiea Colic Oliver Caail' Ii-auc Clark John Colgiu Peier Cbap John Campbell reter Jinmpaio ira Ijarr roi.wi CaDro.i James CoUmry Patrick Caiain Jomes Cannon Patrick Calder Jobni Cook Peler Chorruons John Cong ban a Patrick Cutter Jamea Uniting Callamore John Clark Thos Cavanah John Chapbam Wm Connor Jobv uoe n. John i Canthy Wm Cook Upt June Cooper Wm Carlisle James VnX) Wm Clifford Daniel Connery Daniel Coffin Cbumbry Mr Col lint Char le Conly CM I Curtis Asa I Crosier Ambrose Curti Cyrenus Curtis CL Cross A Craig Uobt Calbihan Cornelia CanfleldCF Clark Cbarlea A lofflnCbailea Chavel Cbarlea Chamberlain Call Alex CoasidineTho Camerom Thos Coh. man Richard Chamber laia Isaac artieu ur in Cbamberlaia John Carney wm Cameron James opp vvm dinner Joseph Caap Henry Coleman Joseph Colly Henry Cook JobnC vv Crous James Coaly Chabot John Cardall Johr. Copeian Solomon Cannon Toot Caifabert John Couly John Case Samuel CnrtiaLevli Castle Samuel Caldwell Mew Cone Caaeck Martin Comslock Henry Comttack Geo Campbell Geo Cumming Cowlet Geo A CuppGeo Clark Tho DarklnThos Davis Thos Douglas Byron DamereatT DealyTho Dibble Wm Daulels Daisy Wm Donovan Wm' nmahirVa coe Mortimer i Cain tin Urns Zobt Cariol Thos ChilcoU Root camerou Bobt Douglass John Dickinson A Davis Cbarlea Douglas Alex Dreber Frederick Dixon Capt 11 Daroy Rob't Dennis Henry Jr Devere 8 Drews llenery Day Henry Dtvia Jarvi Dawson Joshua Doyle John DumseyJohn Dauagh John' Dana Jacob Drake laaac Drappers John Delano jAmes Dodge John Doasertfoam Dunne Jamea -D)gertJaeob Downa woon TtiirBS JoseDb DiKr Michael Dayton Wm Donougber Mlehl DjckaMUt Wm uaaton Moran aaa Dailv John Duffill Wat uuiii reter Davt O.iver Dua Wa Tluik A Drew Nathaa Do lea Barnard Dodge John Delboia Nelaou Degenhard Oh aria Davis Edward DuuonOstus' Uoog A1VIU ureaauu Duncan Theodora Donabu Mr UUHH OCU Donohue Fraucia Emery 1 Eageri Aaron Eaton Joha Everaon John Eastman RIchaidH Eckert Joha ciarear Edwaros Kidiard Eraat John Emery Geo FdmondsGeo Evana Kooert Eekarsom Tceod Easton Stepbeo Edtc. Solomon Eerl John Edward John English Jamea Eart Henry Cvan John Foster Geo Flanagan Joha Foster Lake Faulkner John Fox at Wlllard Fredcnek John FellowsO Friendly Che 9 Farkei Martin Fna-IB FiugeraM MauriceFaiTt isalah -rowlerPGS' FlebartyJoha Freeman Geo Fol eo Fnahw Henry Irs.

Fuller Stephen Fletcher ft Foteom Wm 3 Ford Joha i Falkoer John FelihamU Graner Valentine CmAH fill ndaa Botit Gibaon Joha Goth John A OonslrrT AleX Gndley Norman I Galbrath Jao Glloen I Ueraghty ratncK lirtmng Gridley CHnloa fcmsssi inoa uraigar mumey Green Jidwb irtOrtuMuProf i 8 Gray James Ggle T-JI'Zln Gilmaauw wiam fwinm aaoa a wranam aoaa aa 9, GonM Waterman Seiee George Grate wm uanuaar uaaery Hawk Asshraa Hoamer SUaa Hatehln John ar. Aat Hastings Hick John hvr in AD ui Solomon Ho.roea banxmaaBeekm'nHosjr TO 9 Hams Jams unUioa Wm Henry Joba Hall Oorydc Bora Wm Bogaa Joha HardhHO Hruaphray Wm BateJoha 1 Hull Da HiU iWallae Hofmeir Lewi 1 nawainsChaunesyUickmaa Wnx- Haaaigaa PaU HamtMua Wm 8 Haiaaa Na haa HvaeaUornelia Hardlk-r Wm Hiiiv. Joha Holt Caleb Haaaasar Philip HolaaaaJdaaB HorraaDanial Haaseu Riebard Hds Joha 8 it Wa I WHO ARE DESIROUS of, making money at home, ortotravel, chb and a nv DreU' DnMW (IT UIMWimil MVO" EU OP DRESS) CUTTING. leech from oae to ten puptla at a time trom tu i imt Hour ape iu hbcdi papua, mm whl the teaebar reeel-OB in roe soims sor eeea pnpu. ZzT.

"ST "TlLrum that can be cot ia a few minute, aba n.itatwentv-lve cents. Tba plan need no puffins; IlTflrTbeT thTa to suu, that more than 10,009 mmilie aro mine the P'an, and Mr. Fowler, In teveator, ha been DiSZS. fro- Amertau lnatitui. for its "wbfhtearn ent for tbemselvea or othl ers.or wish Wawt Pattern, would weU to call STTirr ant, at ber reaideuco, 1 Buek atraoLY Buffalo.

Oct. 86. i859. i ocSTtnoW To Dry Oooda Assiatanti T7ANTEDTwo Salesmen 'PaiM-v TJrv Goods trade. for the WM.

JAMES, Louden and Paris Store, oc3St30 -w" TO MILLINERS- i YI7 ANTED "Ihree eood Milliners. TT Apply at the London and Pari Btre, No. t0 Muasueau i I DYE TO LIVE. I A DIES and Geatlmea examine your JL-J Wardrobe, and be prepared to bring out your old Car meats ia the moat style of color. Thia you can do by aending them to Chester's City Detng Es- tablisbment, where you can nave inem peaaea, roaovar ted or dyed and hot pressed, to look lijte new.

I keep none bql experienced workmenmy aaachinery for llu-ubiog is new and of the moat approved kind. I pledge my uaremiaing attention and exertion to give teliauief uon. Families going Into mourning will have their gi promptly auenass to. Ladies' Craps, Silk, Brocba, Caabmera, Merino, Laioe, and Plaid saswis, cieaneo ana preeeea, la a aa manner I 1 'i Silk Dresses colored and watered every shade: Crane Shawls and Lace Veile dressed in superior style. Ladiesf Hats colored and preasea.

i Plumes all colors. Merinos, Cashmere, Bombazine, Alpaccna, De Lai nee. raramatoes, ropiins, ana every aesenpuoa or riix ana Woolen Koods done np in first rate Damask and Moreen Curtains colored, hot printed and watered. I I Particular attention paid to coloring and cleaning gen tlemen wearing apparel or every aeaenpuon. ana wa-ranted to give suilafaction, and not to rub off.

N. He particular iu your direc'lopa, aa work cannot be done any where weal of Hew York equal to that aone nere. i jj. CH ESTER, City Dyeing Establishment, se99tnol0 1 18 Batavia near the new Bell Tower. 1 i PEUIL SOTItE.

The Grand Display of Rich Dress Goods, FOR THE FALL TRADE OF 1852, i WILL be exhibited at John Murrat's, 310 Main street, ccftnmeneDg on Monday, 13th September, wben over 90 eaaea, from manufacturer and importers direct, of the newest and most approved style and fabrics, in Ladles' Dress PoodiL will be laid open for the inspection or my customers ana tne traae generally. No effort has been spared to render the stock peculiarly attractive to tbe purchaser, ana particularly so lor tne following reason: that my facilities and experience enable me to buy cheaper, better, and sell lower than airy other establishment in the city. i ju tuesu grounuB-i coiuiauj invito au hi cuuiui taj stock of Rich colored Die Silks, rich black do, All wool De Lainea and Cashmeres, 1 ranch Merinoa and Paramattas, Black and colored Mohair and Alpacca Lustre. Silk Plaid and Poplin, French, English cad American Calicoes, ibbons and Flowers. Drees Trimmincs.

Long at Caahmers white and col'd centres. Square do do do do do. Printed do do do Long and Square Plaid Shawls, do I do, rrencn Mantles ana visutee, Flannels and Blanke's, bite Goods of all description. Laos-s and Embroideries. Hosiery, Glove, ate, atd I refuse to quote prices, for the reason that many do So, frequently lyers are disappointed in thera.

I unqualifiedly disapprove of puffing, under all cireuu consequently my representations may be relied on. examin ation will prove the truth. sel3l( JOHN MURRAY, 210 Main street. Pitkin's Jewelry Store. Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, poa TBI I FAIL TRADE.

Having recently visited the Eastern Markets, I am prepared to offer superior Inducement to purchasers of Jl FIJVB ARTICLE OF O0LD WA TCHES, FALL FASHIONS OF RICH JEWELRY, 6TKBI.IXG TABLB SILVER WARE, My facilities for obtaining Goods from Importeraiaad Manufacturers are unsurpassed by any, a I am disposed prove to all who wish to purchase, at PITKIN'S JEWELRY STORE, i i vn jnain oireci. i J. F. PITKfW. Roflalo, September 1st, 1853.

teBlf WATCHES H. B. MYER would resbect-Crtv fuly Inform his friends and the cltixens of akWiXaV uuquio, mat ne nas returned to tne city resumed tne repairing ef WATCHES, at No. 83 Main street, the Connecticut Clock Factory. Duplex, Lepine, Patent Lever, Chronometer and plain Watches carefully repaired warranted.

It is unnecessary for htm to state his qualifications for repairing all kinds of Watches, as a long experience in this place will testify of that besidb ha-viug completed his trade with the celebrated PettriField, Greenwich street, New York, the muker of the Edmonson Cbrono eter, wh'ch. varied the least Of any Watch ever made only varying 3 seconds from New-York to Liverpool, while the Harrison Chronometer varied 40 seconds, both regulated and adjusted in the best manner t3T All orders thankfully received, and personally at- enaea to. i i Iyl9tf i i H. B. MYER.

VtVR. SAT.U OAA M. FIRST QUALITY SHAVED rJyJKJ SHINGLES ooraer of Ohio and MaekUlaw ala. 8el6tnol5 BLOBaOM at SKINNER. Meisa Pork ''Extra Heavy" OAA BBLS MESS PORK-4Extna, for jLiJJ tale by WM.

B. MANN COi, Buffalo City Ware House, Se29tf Corner Canal and Lloyd aireet. WANTED. A GOOD STEADY BOY, to learn the art and mystery of Glass Staining and Ornamental Painting. None need apply unless of good stead habits.

3c7tuo6 GEO. L. BURNS. 108 Mam street. Scrap Iron Wanted.

SUBSCRIBERS will THE SUBSCRIBERS will bujr any amount of good heavy Wrought Scrap Iron para-bio in goods and cash, as desired. i seuitnoxu fit ah uu, rerrac su, nnnaio. Dissolution. XTOTICE is hereby given that the firm of HUNTINGTON tt ROGERS, is this dav dissolved -uutual consent. The business will nereafler be (conducted by the undersigned wbo will settle all outstanding ao- eonnta against salu nrm.

uatea ouaaio, auk. auloXf J. G. HUNTINGTON. SILK AND SATIN BONNETS Made to order at WOODWARD'S Bonnet Warerooma, se30 Under Concert Hall.

T7XTRA FAMILY FLOUR Uraharn ur made from the best white Michigan Wheat. Bolted Heal. -Ground orn and Oat. 1 Cracked Com. Corn.

Oata. Mill Feed. Ctc. All of which be is prepa'ed to sell cheap for cash, at Seneca street Steam Mill. i e23 R.

W. RATH BON IS. Flagging, Flagging I XTO is the time to lay your sidewalks 11 cneao. The undersitmed have on hand the largest assortment of flrst quality Flagging Stone, ever brought this market, at their Stone Vvrd, on Michigan street, near tne canal onage, meet to sun me umeK fetittfr-y HOUIXIWAy at CO. i FRUIT TKEES, TOGETHER WITH ORNjfVMEN-TAL Trees, ehrubs and Plants of every desirable variety, can be had at the Buffalo Nursery slj reasonable pries and for either caah or approved credit.

The proprietors feel confident in their ability to furnish not only what may be desired in planting Ornamental Mounds or fruit Garde but also in recommending t.e character of their Trees, and PlanU for caasttta-uen kraltk, and Local aptitude. These are Important considerations to those pluming, and weaak merely that those rlt-nirinc to cnrchae In the Hae of our trade, visit our Nursery before ordering from abroad. I I 8pt. 28, aeSddm D. s.

MAHUKX m. wiuiticti. Copartnership, i T'HE SUBSCRIBERS having purchas- JL, ed the NIAGARA PAPER MILL, and stock of Brad lev Brothers, have formed a copartnership under the firm of B. BRADLEY a. for the manutactur and sal of Paper In all It branches.

I I LAUREN a WOODRUFFY uffalfs May 15th, 18S2. jegtf Stop, and Bead This-i HPHE SUBSCRIBER would rtespectfnl JL lv inform tbe cliiaens of Buffalo and the pnbli generally, thai be has locatod hi Intelligence and Hoosi nmra on Tarraca adloinin the United States HoteL, where be Is prepared to furnish Doknestica of all kinds at short notice, and furnish situations for all iu want of employment. He will also take building to rent on the moat reasonable term. AU order addressed to blm through tbe Poat Office, strictly st leaded to. auJ4lf 8TBPHENF.

WILLIAMS. I NOTICE. I Csiw DKSIRlINijr to ooen at his new In Brown's Building's, with Blew Gooda on- lv, if poeaiole, the aobccrttier wm oner very uvoraom for the disposal Oi toe oaiance oi atosa new at Mwn filrsal. Cash customer will And, beside tbi goods ia the trade, watches at the louoiiar pnjea: 8 i -l. mm 1 bOKllilllJSWiuiDU cwim ao.uuis,vdvH.

do do do Extra Sue, (HO tat Ofi. I do do English Levers, $38tellK). do do UuntUiC do, t5tol40. do do Lepine, 23 to 88. i I do do Independent Seconds, 9 lp0.

Silver Levers, Swiss and English, lO tu; 3ft. ii do Lepinea, 8 to 10. Armntina GUI Hooters, solendid movement; fuR Jew elled and a capital article for peculation." Sold pla ted Lepineeand juevere, wgetner witua quaninyoi se WatCI OS, a.C, CC. A Elinor, wiu m.iiu CCStUOxt jf in.c.ei'j, Fruit Ornamental Trees, ''T'flE Transplanting season! having "ar a rivMl. tna BUOcnora arv wnanar vhww auj orders entrusted lo them with accuracy aud depsici, tor the following trees, Apples, rears, i Peaches, Apricots, Nectarine, Quiocea, Raspberry, Gooehorry aad Currant Bushes.

i Hardy Grape Vines, Rhubarb and Asparagus Boob rrinuuuaital Trees and Shrubs. Hard Garden Re) Dahlia and Punmy atoota. Herbaceous Roota, and avy Any of the above caa be packed logo with perfect safety to an Dart of the counlry. Orders respectfully solicited. Agricultural Warebonas, I at 13 Wet Seneca st.

Fi MLLLIinBY. jnSS HOPKINS, irji retoro-iM aSm 'mm thanks to the Ladies of Buffalo tor their past liberal patronage, beg leave to mnta i- .4. FRENCH Ltj.i-oA from flew York, consisting of RibSwaj and rinwrn. toffetner wivn a spieaaia asaomuiean o. uvuiw, LJk.

Fall and VV inter stvlea. sil of which wul -n. iu i Hh. astoction of SltJwS and VELVETS, lowhich especial attentlo. is invited, at So Mai.

Uaet, at Sua Mas eel I AT Over Sage's Home Store. YOU. HEAR THAT Several caass of very rlaat DstaUaea, Ud morwrag received east fat aa aassp. uemi niisswa. mvuiimy or his to will in all the a bow er, ust ers, and now and than Of of ing the der an and is uer of 1 i Reported for tiu Bufalo Morning Stprtk.

JKORSfTS JtMtLfUCAM- TK LEORjtPH wU aii Lkspremrmieitwo emd fmuenm taw tfteriaaUWatas A. 9 xckmg rOi Let eAv SlUm SSVS. s. AftentooM Report. i I ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP PACIFIC! FOUB DATS LATER FROM EUROPE.

Nw Towc' Novj 1. Tbe steamer Paeijie, with four day later bows, arrived at 8 o'clock. I Cotton without material change. Trade at Manchester satisfactory. Flour witboot material chacge-leaa dernand.

Supply of wheat good, market acarcely so firm. I Corn unchanged. i A decree has been issued in France, convoking the Senate for the 4th November. ij Abd el Eader, the Arab chief, has been liberated, and is to receive a pension from the French Government i I Tbe reduction of tbe army and Ministry is talked of. jj i The Sultan of Turkey has refused to ratify the Turkish loan.

i A change has occurred in tbe Turkish Cabinet, which is now quite Austrian and Prussian in its character 1 The Africa arrived out on Sunday, jj The funeral services of Wellington were celebrated at Verona oil tbe 12 th. Louis Napoleon has returned to Paris. If after the deliberations of the Senate the form of gov ernraent shall be changed, the result will be sub mitted to the people, and tbe body will be appointed to ascertain tbe regularity of the vote and to declare the, result. I he resitrnatioo of M. De Pereisnv.

as Minister of the Interior of France ia rumored. It is said that be will be appointed to a high post in the tuiure imperial ttouaebold. The entry of Louis Napoleon into Paris, oh tbe to tu, was celebrated with great eclat. The Paris correspondent of the Globe a.ys Louis Napoleon's marriage with the Princess Yaaa is a settled fact, and will be aoWumized previous iaj uie coruuauon. i England The Queen held a Court and privy Council at Windsor, at which Parliament was prorogued to the 4th Nov.

Then to assemble for despatch of business. Tbe funeral of Wellington will take place on tbe 17th. Hon. J. R.

Ingersoll had an audience with lb Queen; Saturday 16th Oct, and presented his credentials as Minister of tbe U. S. Italt. By a decree dated the 16th ulL vessels from the United States are subject for the present to a quarantine of observation, at Leghorn, of 6 days. I ill The late political executions at Sinigalina will be followed up with similar butcheries at Urbaro and Ancaua.

I Washington, No 1. The Intelligencer announces the appointment of Hon. Edward Everett as Secretary of State, in place of Daniel Webster, deceased. i New OaLEANs, Oct. $1.

The Picayune learns that tbe steamship Black Warrior from New York via Havana, arrived at Mobile, this evening in 48 hours from Havana Tbe U. S. steamer Poichattan, from New York, having on board Judge Cooklin, the newly ap pointed Minister to Mexico, bad arrived at Hit-vana. I After bis arrival be bad an interview with tbe Captain General in relation to tbe recent troubles between the two governments, when tbe difficul ties were so arranged that the Creaeent City will hereafter be allowed to land ber mails and pas aengers, but Mr. Smith, the Purser, will not be permitted to come ashore.

1 be (Japlaio General bad also acknowledged to Commodore Newton, of the Powhaltan, thit he had acted too hastily and was willing to make a suitable appoiogy to the American Government, but in no ease could be allow Mr. Smith to land the Island. Last Evening's Report. i Boston, Nov. 1.

Hod Edward Everett has decliued delivering the eulogy on the late DaDiel Webster, and Hon. Kulus uboase baa been chosen iu bis stead. (By O'Reilly's Ba Lino Boston, Nov, 1. Hon. Rufus Choate publishes a letter in tbe Atlas tbts morning in favor of Gen.

Scott Dd Graham. Washington, Oct 15. Hon. Elward Everett has accepted appoint-. ment oi secretary of btate.

I 1 he Jiepublic. of this morning contains another letter from Mr. Conrad, the acting Secretary of; Stoto, to George Law. relailvo llie wut Oi-cent City aflfair, declining to give any information! advice until after tbe receipt of oihcial intelli gence from Havana. 1 he edition of tbe Jiepublic re-aninris that the, government have taken high and firm ground in regard to the conduct of the Cuban authorities.

i COAL. COAL. COAL! rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiv-j -0 ins and will Keep constantly on hand, a ml! Supply Clover Hill and Ormsby Coals, from Cleveland and Erie the very beat article for Hourebold, Steam or Blacksmith ing purposes. Alt orders left at our ard, Erie street and (Ship Canal, will be promptly attended to. ael7it MASifi sl quAnriiin.

Gooley and Holt SUCCF.SSORS TO P. BLjUVCjIjY, JV. 158 Main Sti TJ A VE on hand at the old Stand an exi tensive assortment of genuine imported Wines. IA qucrs and Began, consisting of the following most apt proved brands, all of which are warranted, at wholesale and retail. Maderia, berry, Hck, Claret, Champagne, Malaga, Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Moraschine, Absinthe, Kirecb, Imported Havana and Principe Cigars.

Buffalo Aug. 5, 18SS. Port, Sauterne, Muscat, Gin, Curacoa, Porter. aug6-tf PORTABLE FURNACES We ar0 agents for A. T.

Dunham at Co's celebrated furnace for warming dwelling and public buildings. Those want of a good article will And il at UtlABCS HILL'S, agTtnovf Opposite Town Clock, 289 Main st. i LEE BROTHER, 2k. ARE NOW RECEIVING ancl opening a large and splendid stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, Diamond Work, Silver and Plated Goods of all kinds, which they are offering to the public at the lowest cash I Li I II 1 1. prices 1M Main street, Buffalo.

apit9tf Dissolution of Copartnership. THE COPARTNERHIP existiog bd-tween the subscriber, under the name and firm of E. B. BAKER at is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe business will be continued by E.

B. Baker, to whom all debts due the hue Arm must be paid, and who will settle all liabilities against tbe same. i E.B.BAKER, E. G. WALDRON.

i August 24th, 1S58. BelStf LIGHT, LIGHT! I PATENT ROSIN-OIL. 1 ENTIRELY free from Grease or Smoke gives a steady brilliant light, without danger of explosion. Tbis is the cheapest and best light now in uao can be burned in any common oil or flnld lamp, with a slight alteration in the tube, costing but sixpence per tube. i Sole Agent to the Patent Rosin Co.

in Buffalo, i i I THOS. 1. TURLAY, 6 South Division oclSldeell 3 doors from Main. Ta7TBBLS NEW CLOVER SEfcD As Just received and for sale by ocSOtf JASOS PARKER. 500 250 BBLS FLAX SEED For skle bv oc'29tf JASON PARKEH.

BUSH sale by HICKORY NUTcv For In o9tf JASON PARKER. UTENCIL i PLATES Cut to Order, at Maui atreet, Buffalo, up stairs. ocStftf GEO. D. WANTED Two first rate FINISHERS, to whom good wage will be promptly paid in Cash, by I ISAAC O.

WHITE, i ocv.r ail maia) atree. NOTICE Ia hereby given that the report of the Commla Inner In themstter ef laying out an Alley from Clinton to William sueet, oetween Hickorvand Walnut street, will be confirmed by ihe mmon council of the city of Buffalo, on Tuesday, the S.h dav of November next, at 7 o'clock P. a lees ob jection thereto be Bled with the City Clerk. Dated BunV uci. ioax.1 I oc29tno9 R.

L. BURROWS. City Clerk- Seal Estate Agency. T'HE UNDERSIGNED takes thia rile JL thod of Info rva ing the public that he has removed his office Into use uin mock, over fninoey st io-s Bookstore, where be may be found: readyOk attend to all bUHioeesenirusien to mm. Particular atlontiou will be paid to tne renting or bou- m.

coiiectloa of rents. Davasent of taxes, nesrotialinc notea, bonds and morgagea, snd buying aad selling of real estate. inurnce No. IMX mat street. oelStf J.

BEARDSDEz. BONNET SILKS, Satins and Mil- ArW linery Goods, of every description, for sale at whole sale at yuuviraairopuoim nwnwiin: ae3U under tMicert van. NEW BOOKS AT BU I LER'S llie Uvea of Wmneid Scott aad Andrew Jacksonby J.T.Headley. I Archibald Cameron, of Heart Truu. Ostlinesof Moral Science by A.

Alexander, D.D, Kicbncrt Greek Crammer new edition. liommnpathk Domestic Physician hy J. H.Pulte,M new edltioa. Just received and ror saw mw at OC0 m. IfVERY DAY BRINGS SOME- X-J THUIG KW Fresh arrival of Carpets and Oil Clotlnat L- isoui mjeanu namm nrac.

OLD fENS WARRANTED At VjT $1 extension case. Also, rrtratf arhV ckLMaalto i ia, i -i B. CHASE. 18 Maia street, "erno8t Dealer ia Watche aad iewelry. FINE PARLOR PAPER Uat Tl- received and lor sals at whclnsli or retail, at the oeia 9 i a at D.

ty by at is H0LDWA.Y7S OTtNTJi'EiVr. A MOST atrRACTJLOtra CURB OF rMD tfJGoV A. TER 43 VEAJU BUFFUNG zarae ofm Lever from Mf. WilHam Oaifim, fit, Juarfesmet, rvnysisars, aaitm jman aata, IBM, To Prassssor Bouowat. Bia At the age of )6 my wim (wholsaowCl) ewusht a seCUed ia ker legs, and ever sloe ume uej nave Beast asor or lea sore, and great.

lnnameo. tier aamuea vent distracting, aad for stool together waa deprived aatinly if real and steep. Every remedy that medical ass advised ma tried, but without eBect; bar health saatured asverely, and the uh of leg a sao anas reaa your Advartss aiania, uu wiraw asr Ml irj your riU and 'iimuIiwiI and, aa a last resource, aflar ovary other nsaady had pro au uaeiesa, an consentea to uo so. Ba oausancad six wwkago.and.tranim to relate, ia now la aood Uh. Her legs are painless, without Beam or scar, and herateep soauu snd undisturbed.

Could you have wtinosm il the sufferings of my wile-daring the last 43 years, and ooa-traat- tham wiih her present enjoyment of health, you would Indeed feel delighted la saving heea the means of so greatly alieviating the auflbring of a fellow creature. teMgaeaj WILLIAM GALP1N. A PERSON TO TEARS OP AGR CURED OF A BAD ur JU auo BTAMD1NG. Copi a Letter from Mr. HTm.

jUee, Bm Ider of Oat Ooene, ef i- uehclrfe, near MwddtrtfUU, dated Mat 311, KMI. To Professor Holiowav, til. I auffered tor a period of 3s years from a bad lee. Ifce resolt of two or three different aeddenta at Gas Work accompanied, by scrbuuc symptouia. 1 had recourse to a variety oi medical ad vice, without deriving any ben Hi, anl wa even told that the leg must be amputated, et, in opposition to that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, mat lew wno i aa not wiiaesaea it would credit toe fact.

(Signxl) WILLIAN ABBd. The truth of statement can be vertOed by Mr. P. England, Chemist, 13 Market btreet, Hiaddersfieid. A DREADFUL BAD BREAuT COKED IN ONE MONTH.

Extract ef a Letter from Mr. Frederick Twrner, ef Feme- euroi, A car, meuea Mjecemeer lata, IMU. To Professor Hollovat, Dsaa tfia My wire had suhered from Bad Breast for more than six mouths, and during the whole period had the beat medical attendance, but all to ao una. Having before beait an awlul wound in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, 1 determined again to use vow Pills and Ointment, and Uiareiore gave hhem atnaliu her case, and toriunate it was that I did ao, for in leas than month perfect cure was effected, and the bem lit that various otber branches of my family have deiiveu trom their use is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them lo all my friends.

Signed) FREDERICK TURNER. These Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the iollowtna; cases: Bad L-egs, Cancer, Rheumatism, Bad Breasts, Contracted and stUTdcalds. Burns, Joints, Bars Nipples, Bite of MoechetoesElephaatiasis, Bore throala, and Band Flies, risluiaa, Skin disease, Coco bay. Gout, Scurvy, CbtegoWoot, Glandular Swel-Sore heads, Cbildblaina, lings. Tumour, Cnapped hands, Lumbago, Ulcers, Corns (soft,) Pile, Wounds, Taw.

Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 44 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London,) and by all the respectable Druggists and Dealers In Medicines through. 'Ut the British Empire, and of those of the United States, in Pots 37X-, rJ'c, and I SO each. Wholesale by the principal Drug house in the Union, and by Messrs. A. It.

tc Ssnda, New York. fT Tbe Is considerable saving by taking the larger Siles. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in even disorder are affixed to eaca fol.

ocSdtcly AN EARLT CALL IS INVITED BOSTON CROCKERY STORE, ST K. CBhUH No. 175 Maih Strist BorrAlo. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in China and Glass Ware, of every varie and all prices. Tbey respectfully inform their friends and tbe public that they have now and offer for inspec tion and mle, po itively the most extensive anu Deal se-lected Wares, thsir line of trade, they have yet offered Being connected with i be house of Win.

K. Homer St Co- one of tne most extensive establishments ol Ihe kind on the are prepared to announce that our la-cilitiea for mruisning Wa es in our line are not equalled any eatabltsbment out or New or or hob ton. "They ask the attention of purchasers to make them a visit see their goods and learn how cheap ihey are sel ling, before the decide to buy at any other place. 17mr--Kemember Main street, next door to n. not lister st Co's Checkered Store.

OjlIKltcanl STOVE EMPORIUM HOUSE-KEEPERS' FURNISHING STORE, (A. 317 Man, and 3 ot Swan Street, Buffalo.) JKWKTT BROIHER Oh FER FOR SALE A new patent Hoi Air Ventilated Oven Cook S.ove, called the Eagle, which ia a decided improvement upon any stove now in use. It baa a perfectly ventilated oven which is so arranged that a current ol hot air is constantly passing through IU By Ibis arraugmeul there is no commingling or flavors in baking pastry and roast ing meats, and also makes the oven hake equally iu uli i a parts. The design and finish is beautiful awl entirely unlike any otber. The castings are extremely heavy.well finished and aro warranted to stand.

Every stove warranted to uru i th. MntirM aaiiafaction of the Dumhaser. or the money will be refunded. Also a large aseortmeut ul other kinds of Cook stoves such as the Eagle, Baug Up, Praire Flower, May Queen Elevated Oven, New Premium, Parlor cook rtove, New Parlor Oven stove, ate. Always on band the largest assortment In the city of Parlor, plate and coal atovea, comprising all tbe patterns made' tbe Eagle Furnace with a choice selection from the beat Albany.

Troy and otber Eastern furnaces. Our assortment of Kitchen and House furnishing goods complete, including every article of Housekeeping Hardware, Cutlery, Britannia Ware, japanned and Plain Tin Ware, Planished Tin Ware, Wire Work, Parlor Coal Grates, Wooden Wars, Refrigerators, Bathing Appara'ne, Burning I'loid Lamps, Brusbes, avc. Manufactures of Copper, Sheet Iron and Tin Ware of every description. Burning Fluid and Camphene manufactured daily. Having recently made extensive enlargement by with store No 3 East Swan at.

we flatter ourselves that our establishment will compare favorably with any in this country. The Sales room; exumding from Matust. iu the form of an through to Swan at (over two hundred feet deep) gether wllb the four story lofts, over each front, will be kept constantly slocked with the cbaicest and most extensive varie ever kept in one establishment We bave adopted and shall continue to adhere to the low price cash atem. Remember to call before purchasing elsewhere at the extensive Stove Emporium of JEWETT ft. BROTHER, aul7d2taw-ctf 817 Main and 3 East Swan at.

STATE OF MEW IORK. BscaBTaav's Ornci, Albasv, August 14th, US2. TO THE' SHERIFF OF ERIE COUNTY Six Notice is hereby given tbat at tbe General Election to be held in tbia Btate on the Tutadsy succeeding tbe flrst Monday of November next, the following officers are to be chosen, to wit: A Governor, In the place of Washington Hunt A Lieutenant Governor, in the place of Banford E. Church A Canal Commissioner, in tbe place of Frederick Fol ku. and An Inspector of 8tate Prisons, lo the place of Darin Clark.

All whose term of office will expire on the last day of TDece ber next. Tbirty-flve Electors of President snd Vice President of the united Btatea; A Representative in the Thirty-third Congress of the United Btatea, for the Tblny-secood Congressional Dis trict, composed of Ene County. County Officers also to be elected for said County lour Members of Assembly; A riberiff, in the place of Le Roy Farnbam A County Clerk, in the place of Wells Brooks; A Buperiniendent of the Poor, in th place of Lecter rnr' Two Justices of Sessions, in the place of John Treanor and Wm H.Grimes; Two Coroners, ia the place of Uriel Torrey and Joseph Bennett I All whose terms of office will expire oa the last day of Decern ner next. Yours respectfully, HENRY S. RANDALL.

Secretary of Stale. A General Election is to be hetd ia the County of Erie, en tbe Tuesday aucceeding the first Monday of November next, at wnich will be chosen tbe officer mentioned ia the notice from tbe Secretary of Btate, of which a copy is annexed. Laied Buffalo, thia lCth day of the year 18S3L aulodstctnoi Lr.ri I raasnaa enena. STAtli OF NEW 8caiTit's Ornc, I Albany, Oct. I.

1852. TO THE SHERIFF OFTHECOUN. JL. TV OF ERIE Si: Notice Is hereby given, that at the general eclien to be held in thia Slate, on the Tuesday succeeding tbe flrst Monday in November next. a Coroner is ki be elected In the aaid county of Erie, to supply tne vacancy occasioned by the resignation ot John S.

Trowbridge, who was elected la the month of Moveus- ber. 1851. and whose term of omce would have expired on tbe last day ol uecemoer, im. yours, reenecuuiiy, oc4 HENRx B. RAN DALL, Bec'y of State.

A General Election te be held te the County of Erie on the Tuesday succeed ing the flrat Monday ia November next, at whicn wii oe cnoeen toe tnxn mentioned ia the no ice from the Becretary of Btate, of which a copy la annexed. LR ROT FARNHAM, Short. Dated October 2, 182. ocStoorf A GENERAL ELECTION ia to be hld tha Tunadav anMiaxliaa' the first Moaday of NovmhMT iwfl at arhu-h will he Ahnaan the officer BV tioned in the notice from tbe Secretary of state, of which copy Is annexed, of wh ch you will please take notice. IjE.

Asnuaw mmm, STATE OrWEir YORK. Orncs, Auaar, Beptember 8, 18S9L TO THE SHERIFF OFTHE COUN- TV OF ERIE Bir Official Information having been received by me this day of, tbe death of Jass Willis, onLv Jadee tha said Couaiy of Erie, who was elected in NnVMniar. iwi. cvma wavtun oervov Kiven. uu at the General Election to be held oa tne Tuesday sue-eeeding tbe first Monday of November next, a County Judge ia to be elected for the (aid County of Erie, lo sup ply vacancy occastoneu oy tne a eats of tne asM Jets waiser.

iivnrsmuvcuuiiT, selMStg HENRY B. RAN DALL, Secretary of State COLORED BONNETS A good Vwonmem may loniMi WIHII1WAKIM a rsTl II II Ml HIIIIIM e30 UnrW Coaeart all. -t 50 CASES FALL BONN KXS- iSiVcomorisio a ceaeral assortment. Jaet received aad for sale at wholesale and rmaiLat tVV TV flaw 3 mrjaj-- Be39 Under Concert Hatt. JVI Mill tV A 17 ITU aUnruM JaffwjwuBUJ mi uyav 0 AT MEAL A few bbla.

of a aaperior aracle. for Bate at I u.mvjnn, bbSOU Ka At COS IHATS-Gen- -i mmr a faahfonshle Bat are tarlled tocali and examine the aaaortmeoi juat received from tbe above esUWiaaa. THOMAS BASSETT, 154 Maia it. occt BLACK CASSI HERE HATS 1 Th parttcalar Blteottcai ef genUaaaeu Is called to tlmsniasa ali a Timtm, wua mmw artlK ever offered, aad mat a wora faiha mtiea. A aapplylaM recelvad at the tialHtorear THOMAS RABBJCIT, 1M Maau rr ja gaze with delight during tbe In the performance management, and tbe skill of their much admired and thoroughly accomplished scenic artist.

J3f To FOBWVRDKBS, MASTERS OK BOATS, Having heard a rumor this morning that there was a break In ihe Canal at or near Montezuma, I telegraphed for Information and received tbe follow'ng answer: "JVe 'break at MonttiuMboaU droving three feet water pen im frteta I would respectfully reoimmend that ship per and boatmen should only partially load their boats with rain and the balance with rotting freight, hat If neu ssary thft-y loay be hgnted more readily ana assistea over tbe "fontctuma The only detention so far thit teeson baa been caused by low water and not by kreakt AKRtoUN Collector. Bulf.ilb, Nov. 1, '5S. NEW EAGLE -ST. THEATRE.

UKilKUK SiH, Maaagera. i Stage Manager. Second night of the euaagement of the Blt-TERS. this r.rEnriffa, less. Will commence wth L.K DIABLE A QUATRE.

Maznurka M'lle Caroline Rouaset. azourka Jeaa RousseU Dane ng Master Mon. Emtie Maugin. Grand Pas A Deux M'lle Caroline Rouaset. Will nclude with UNCLE TOM'S CABIN.

Unch- Tom -Mr. Worrell. Edward Umot Mr. C. Barton Hill.

The grand AsiaKc Melo-Dramatlc Romance, entitled CHERRY AND FAIR STAR. Will be presented as early as existing circumstances will permit. t3T Dree Circle and 50 cent Upper Boxes 25 cents; Private Boxes B5.U0. Doors open at 7 o'cloak. Curtain rise at hatf-past7 precisely.


THREE BRILLIANT STARS i AND THREE NEW Th popular Tragedian, pop MR. COULDOCK. The distinguished Comedian, MR. C. BuRKE And tba fascinating Daosense, MISS JULIA T0RNBULL.

will appear. i THIS ErEM-UfO, COV EMBER i. 1853. Tne perrormance win commence with tne ADVOCATE. MR.

COULDOCK. Grand Dane JULIA TURN BULL. To be followed by tbe farce of OLE BULL, Ebenexer Calf MR. BURKE. Who will sing I Jdependeuce uav, and play a Solo on the Violin.

vAMMltu1a wltb ikH untinK of FRIGHTENED TO DEATH -Or Married and Buried. Bow mo, Mr. Trimble' Beuedt died I P.iday evening next. Mr. G.

V. Baooxt wiU shortly appear, Paina n. a Box. 95 .00 Orchestra Beats, 7i cents: Dress ClreW and Perquette, 50 cents Kmii M.nut ihinl Tier. 85 centa.

HT Pnnein Kntranee on Main street. Entrance to ThtrdTieroik Vaahlnfl'tonsireeL Kirs open at o'clock. Performance wul com me ce at o'clock. LADIES AND GEHTLEMEBT, Alt And per ail. LLO me "to call your undivided at- tenuon to one of the moat uielul articles of Its hind that ever waa got up for mat us.

It r. locum' improvement on hi own improved Feather Renovating Machine, which I own the exclusive right of tbe city of Buffalo. It 1 now ready lorn at No 7 Ex-change Building, Quay street, where all orCer will he promptIj'U'iMd to, and the moaf satisfactory reference given that there will be no Iocs nor da ge on tne operUonof Feaiher. The-a iaand has been operators under th nam of Ranovatorv, who have destroyed MS Ilia and the worth of the Feathers, -by raaovaiti Fealh era ia U.eir own Vay, add tbea drying them or baking them, which 11 aeuroy all th natural autituea of th Feataera a ooa a lh oil Is extracted from the qu U. Not so ita this Mactan.

It extract the gum from tbe auiil, and leaves tbe fektner in iu mow. natural and vigor ous state. Now all we Vh from tbe most incredulous fat to come and wline tne Wperatlon, nd if thsy will not be satlsded In twenty mtnutht. we will pay aU expense, Mti.i. when ii Deration heretofore bv r.

Hon. -n aatuiaetlaa. IU utilitv and ureal vein haa beau perfectly satisfactory to all who have pat. roaisrd iu and nw this new improvement by Mr. cum htmsatf taa va.vimllad la the United Btatea.

but one word foTau Bvware of those Baking: ana Drying And la eoocludov" any prooerty sent In oar charge, if th work ia not doa. tA u.1 moat aatisfiwrMon. Wa bold ourselves Armly bourn urf holdinx for of In property, tf EDWaRa W. SMITH, Beu'r, Proprietor. HOUSE PLVMBING.

in all iU bran-cbea. P' nmhr4 matertala of e-verv deacrtpUon. AU Kind of Blesm Ahtaralu for Hoailng OwaUinga, IT ffS KKchen Ranger. Austin Baggy Brigga Baker Bell Buss Boyle Bell Call I Carl i l(Ti Uopfciaa HsU Biraisi I I.

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